Santa Barbara News-Press: October 22, 2020

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Top of the charts

Big West schedule unveiled

SB artist’s single picked up by Radio Disney - A3

Our 165th Year

UCSB hoops to face UC Irvine in December - A7


T H U R S DAY, O C TOBE R 2 2 , 2 0 2 0

Exploring the sea Families enjoy reopened center on Stearns Wharf

Who is running for Carp City Council? By GRAYCE MCCORMICK NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER

Editor’s note: This is part of a series on local candidates in the Nov. 3 election. Three candidates are battling for two seats on the Carpinteria City Council this election: the incumbent businessman mayor, a nonprofit program manager/ psychotherapist and a teacher/ philosopher. WADE NOMURA Current Mayor Wade Nomura, who has spent 26 years and counting on the town’s Architectural Review Board and city council, said he predicted the economic impact the isolation orders would cause. He created two separate committees to address the pandemic: the Communications Committee to keep Carpinteria updated and transparent, and the Economic Recovery Committee to support businesses and the unemployed.

Sea horses have some fun at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Sea Center.

come back, “she said. She added that the Sea Center is particularly fun for her son, who is interested in its subject matter. The Santa Barbara Museum of “He’s really, really into Natural History Sea Center is open snorkeling, and scuba divers and again, providing families another fish. This is fun for him to get back activity to get kids out of the house out here,” she said. if they feel cooped up from remote Santa Barbara resident and learning. homeschooling teacher Emmy Guests at the Santa Barbara Sea Garlock was accompanied by two Center on Wednesday morning of her students, who she has been were pleased to finally be walking trying to get out of the house as through its rows of tanks filled much as possible. She told the with Santa Barbara Channel News-Press that the Sea Center marine life. reopening its indoor The aquarium areas is a small had closed its To see streaming video indication that things indoor exhibits for GO TO are starting to go seven months due back to the way they to COVID-19 and were. reopened its indoor “It’s really nice to areas to the public be able to experience these kinds Oct. 15. of things safely and kind of get back The past two months, it has into normalcy,” she said. operated only outdoors by moving Dan Crutcher, a Los Olivos some of its touch tanks outside. resident, takes care of his Around 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, granddaughter Colette on guests started rolling into the Sea Wednesdays and is always looking Center from Stearns Wharf. Many out for “exciting adventures” they told the News-Press that it was can go on together. Wednesday was nice to have another place to take his first time at the Sea Center. the kids. “We’d heard that it was Santa Barbara resident Jocelyn reopening so we just said, ‘Let’s Lasala was among the first to head down to the Sea Center,’ and arrive with her son Logan, who she’s very excited about it,” he said. goes to preschool three days a He added that the aquarium week at Our Lady of Mount Carmel reopening does make it feel like School. Ms. Lasala remarked that things are starting to return to COVID-19 restrictions limited the normal, even though there are still things they could do on Logan’s reminders that there is a pandemic non-school days, so she was glad to going on. finally have another option. “It does have that feeling to it. “We were running out of ideas. Of course, we’re all still wearing There was nothing new to do so this is fun for him to be able to Please see sea center on A8

The mayor intends to focus on growth that evaluates parking, traffic, schools, tourism and mansionization of the beach neighborhood, in order to develop the city while protecting natural resources and maintaining Carpinteria’s small town charm. He also wants to hone in on social equity and bilingual community involvement, but his mission remains to help “Carp to stay Carp.” NATALIA ALARCON Natalia Alarcon, a Carpinteria native, said that as a nonprofit program manager and psychotherapist, she values the voices of residents. She’s an active member of Please see race on A8

MORE INSIDE Candidates run for the Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District Board. A6.





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At top, the center on Stearns Wharf offers activities for kids eager to get out of their homes for a break from remote learning. Above, “We’re really excited to be able to give visitors the indoor experience once again,” said Richard Smalldon, the Sea Center director.

Pen finally met paper on Wednesday, making official the 50-year water supply agreement between the city of Santa Barbara and the Montecito Water District. A virtual ceremony was held via Zoom on Wednesday morning, as representatives from both jurisdictions were joined by local elected officials to celebrate what was considered by many as regional planning done right. The event marked the end of five years of negotiations between both parties, and comes three years after the city’s restart of the Charles E. Meyer

desalination facility. Under the terms of the deal, the city will deliver 1,430 acre-feet of water annually to the Montecito Water District. As mentioned by Santa Barbara Mayor Cathy Murillo and MWD General Manager Nick Turner, both public agencies have a long history of working with one another. Both previously partnered in the building of Jameson Reservoir, have been members of the Cachuma Project and have worked collaboratively via the city’s Cater Water Treatment Plant. Both local agencies also take part in the State Water Project. Please see water on A8


ins id e Classified.............. A6 Life.................... A 3-4 Obituaries............. A8



The city of Santa Barbara and Montecito Water District held a virtual ceremony Wednesday morning to celebrate the 50-year water pact between the two local agencies, which will provide Montecito water from the city’s Charles E. Meyer desalination facility.

Soduku................. A5 Sports ................... A7 Weather................ A8

Wednesday’s SUPER LOTTO: 9-10-16-31-46 Meganumber: 27

Wednesday’s DAILY 4: 3-5-5-6

Tuesday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 46-54-57-58-66 Meganumber: 10

Wednesday’s FANTASY 5: 6-11-20-24-27

Wednesday’s DAILY DERBY: 12-10-09 Time: 1:47.90

Wednesday’s POWERBALL: 1-3-13-44-56 Meganumber: 26

Wednesday’s DAILY 3: 0-0-1 / Wednesday’s Midday 1-0-4

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