Keeping youth safe
Organization’s teams work to help Santa Barbara County - B1
Our 165th Year
Westmont women’s soccer team to open its season later this month - B4
T U E S DAY, J A N UA RY 19, 2 0 21
Virtual event honors Martin Luther King Jr.
Karen Christensen admires the new footings at the stadium of Earl Warren Showgrounds. Equine Evac has been renovating the equestrian facilities and finished phase one.
Showground rebound Equine Evac finishes phase one of Earl Warren renovations
The Santa Barbara MLK Committee celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday with a virtual tribute to remember the life of the late civil rights leader.
Speakers reflect on civil rights icon’s work in light of recent events
The horse shows that once made Earl Warren Showgrounds a Central Coast destination for equestrian competition are returning after the start of renovations. Equine Evac, a nonprofit that transports livestock to safety in times of natural disaster, is leading a restoration of the facilities. Phase one is complete and includes new fencing and footing in the main arena, new footing in the stadium and the beginning of a rough stock (cattle, pigs, sheep) arena. New restrooms and a speaker system will benefit spectators when they’re allowed again. (Currently during the pandemic, the horse shows are permitted without spectators.) “It was in its day one of the finest facilities in the country, actually,” project director Karen Christensen told the News-Press. “At this point, it fits the bill for a boutique show facility.” Ms. Christensen is involved in many equestrian organizations in the region. When one of her shows got fined for being held on unsafe footings at Earl Warren, she felt responsible to help fix it. She didn’t think Earl Warren’s board could tackle the project. The venue is state property but doesn’t receive government funding. She figured a nonprofit would be the best venue, and she was well acquainted with Equine Evac. So she called Equine Evac to rescue the arena. Equine Evac knew the problems facing the showgrounds. For years, the board had been talking about it. “Our mission is to take care of the large animals. But when the facility has not been kept up, things are falling apart,” said Kathy O’Connor, Equine Evac president. During the Thomas Fire, Equine Evac housed 1,300 animals safely on site — including reindeer from the Santa Barbara Zoo. But it was apparent that the facility needed help. “The evacuation is an absolutely critical need for the community,” Ms. Christensen said. “And preserving this place as self-sustaining is critical to the community.”
To honor the civil rights legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the MLK Committee of Santa Barbara hosted a virtual tribute Monday afternoon. The Martin Luther King Jr. Day event featured online performances, speeches from local officials and readings from students across Santa Barbara. During a typical year, the MLK Committee hosts a number of in-person events to remember the inspiring work of Dr. King, including the annual lighting of the UCSB Eternal Flame and a parade down State Street. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee opted to forego all in-person festivities this year and instead commemorate the holiday via
Some of the horse stalls need leveling and cosmetic upgrades. Equine Evac hopes to raise more money to renovate the barns.
flooded in rain, the organization’s members installed French drains throughout the area. Soon after they finished the arena, five shows scheduled events. Without the renovations,
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Ms. Christensen predicted the venue would only get one show in 2020. “We instantly had five shows come in at the last minute, which Please see showground on A4
U.S. Rep. Salud Carbajal sees President-elect Joe Biden’s proposed economic stimulus plan as an effective way to help families in need and speed up the COVID-19 vaccinations. “We can always do more, but that’s a very comprehensive plan that will help provide relief to the American people that is needed,” the Santa Barbara Democrat told the News-Press Friday outside the Santa Barbara Fraternal Order of Eagles. He was there to present a framed congressional certificate to Isabelle Gullo, cofounder and executive director of C.A.R.E.4Paws, to recognize the Santa Barbara County nonprofit’s work in helping pet owners in need. The News-Press reported on that award in Saturday’s edition. After the award ceremony, Rep. Carbajal told the NewsPress that Mr. Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan will add another $1,400 in stimulus payments to Americans and provide relief for people facing food insecurity and
“We can always do more, but that’s a very comprehensive plan that will help provide relief to the American people that is needed,” U.S. Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Santa Barbara, told the News-Press Friday about President-elect Joe Biden’s proposed economic stimulus plan.
unemployment. Those payments would be in addition to the recent $600 payments sent to Americans. The congressman also noted, Please see carbajal on A2
ins id e Classified............... B4 Life..................... B1-2
Carbajal supports Biden’s stimulus plan
From left to right, Karen Christensen, Kathy O’Connor, Barbara Essex, Ronda Hathaway, Barbara Wolf, Michele Bandinou and Lynne Sherman pose in front of the Equine Evac trailer. The first five are members of Equine Evac’s board. Mr. Bandinou is on the project’s tech team, and Ms. Sherman is a local horse enthusiast.
The team hopes the profits from hosting shows and community events will keep Earl Warren Showgrounds in good financial shape for the community. Private donations funded the $800,000 project alongside generous discounts and volunteer hours from construction companies. Equine Evac plans to spruce up the 12 barns on site in phase two when it receives more donations. “A lot of people in this community have those memories of showing their horses here and coming out here,” Ms. O’Connor said. “And it’s a wonderful opportunity for them to see something they’ve loved and grown up with really taken care of and not abused and not just left to fall to ruin.” When digging two feet of yellow sand out from the stadium, team members discovered old pipes and drainage systems. They also found a busted sewer line beneath the arena. Repairing the plumbing was costly, but Equine Evac wanted to do everything pristinely. Because the stadium frequently
virtual events. E. Onja Brown Lawson, president of the MLK committee, began Monday’s event by highlighting the numerous unprecedented circumstances of the past year and explained that despite various challenges, the committee still found ways to be “inspired.” “2020 was a year like no other,” Ms. Brown Lawson said. “During no year in modern times have we reached such a crisis level in sickness and death. In no other year in modern times have we experienced such widespread division and hostility. For all of (2020’s) challenges, we continued to be inspired and to accomplish things we thought were impossible.” A number of pre-recorded speakers shared personal reflections on the significance of Please see MLK on A4
Obituaries............. A4 Sudoku................. B3 Weather................ A4
Saturday’s SUPER LOTTO: 4-13-15-23-31 Meganumber: 10
Monday’s DAILY 4: 4-4-6-6
Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 3-11-12-38-43 Meganumber: 15
Monday’s FANTASY 5: 2-18-32-34-39
Monday’s DAILY DERBY: 05-09-07 Time: 1:40.07
Saturday’s POWERBALL: 14-20-39-65-67 Meganumber: 2
Monday’s DAILY 3: 2-4-5 / Sunday’s Midday 2-7-9