Rough road trip
On top of the world
ShelterBox ambassador hikes 58 Fourteeners and raises almost $100,000 - A3
Our 165th Year
UCSB drops second straight game at UC Irvine - A7
T U E S DAY, DE C E M BE R 29, 2 0 2 0
Rainfall brings some flooding Public agencies issue advice amid winter season
Insurance options bleak in debris flow, fire areas By GERRY FALL NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER
Grace Neumann wishes the insurance news was better for those in debris flow and fire prone areas of Montecito, Santa Barbara and Carpinteria, but it is not. And the long-range forecast isn’t going to bring smiles to too many faces. Ms. Neumann is a vice president for Chivaroli Premier Insurance Services, a Westlake-based insurance company for high-networth individuals. Following the Thomas Fire and debris flow three years ago that ravaged large sections of Montecito and neighboring areas while claiming more than 20 lives, insurance carriers have been running for the hills ever since. “The admitted markets — which include, among others, Chubb, AIG and Pure, the highPlease see INSURANCE on A2
The mountains above Santa Barbara experienced snowfall and icy conditions Monday, prompting the closures of two roads.
Rainfall Monday marked the beginning of wetter months ahead after a dry fall. Santa Barbara County is in a moderate drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, indicating the land could benefit by regular rain. The Santa Barbara Airport experienced 1.9 inches of rain (as of 5:30 Monday), and San Marcos Pass above Santa Barbara tracked 3.52 inches, according to the National Weather Service in Oxnard. Flooding caused the northbound lane of Highway 101 to close near Sheffield Drive in Montecito. The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning for the Santa Barbara County mountains that ended Monday evening. The mountains received snow and small hail Monday. East Camino Cielo closed at Painted Cave Road because of the snow and ice. Gibraltar Road closed at Santa Barbara city limits also because of the icy Please see weather on A6
Grace Neumann is a vice president for Chivaroli Premier Insurance Services.
Cars drive through large puddles as areas in Santa Barbara receive around two inches of rain Sunday night and Monday.
House votes to increase stimulus checks to $2,000 By ANNELISE HANSHAW NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER
Monday, the House of Representatives passed a bill to increase the stimulus checks to $2,000 — the amount President Donald Trump recommended in a video posted on Twitter last Tuesday. Currently, citizens are expected to receive $600 checks. President Trump signed the $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief bill Sunday night after having criticized the bill last Tuesday, citing large expenditures to foreign governments and special projects. He signed a day too late to secure payment for the last week of the year for those on Pandemic Please see stimulus on A8
Above, water from Sunday night and Monday’s rain floods areas of roads around Santa Barbara. At right, stormwater runs into the ocean, which can cause swimmers to get sick up to three days after rainfall.
Classified............... A6 Life.................... A3-4 6
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ins id e Obituaries............. A8 Sudoku................. A5 Weather................ A8
Saturday’s SUPER LOTTO: 4-6-16-19-32 Meganumber: 2
Monday’s DAILY 4: 7-1-6-3
Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 17-23-36-69-70 Meganumber: 19
Monday’s FANTASY 5: 4-8-13-29-32
Monday’s DAILY DERBY: 05-01-09 Time: 1:47.69
Saturday’s POWERBALL: 10-24-27-35-53 Meganumber: 18
Monday’s DAILY 3: 2-4-8 / Sunday’s Midday 5-4-6