Architecture and Urban design| Work sample

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Table of Contents In this array of work exhibits, I showcase a diverse range of skills acquired through both my educational pursuits and professional experiences. Each piece encapsulates my ability to navigate various scales and skill sets, reflecting a comprehensive understanding developed over time

01|Resilience Master Planning-Floasis

02|ReThinking Transportation

03|Urban Placemaking

04|Urban POP-UP BOX

05|Narrativizing Water

06|Tracing Urban Identity Jaipur

07|Generative Forms

08|Urban Activation Dhal ni pol

09|Social Architecture

10|Orchard Pavilion

11|Ahmedabad Airport

12|Central Vista Redevlopment

01|Resilience Master Planning-Floasis Location-Jamaica Bay|New York Category- Academic| Columbia GSAPP Collaborators-Zemin, Yuhan, Yichi Contribution-Architectural Graphics,Research,GIS Mapping Key words-Resilient landscape |Ecological design| Urban greening The project endeavors to establish urban oases consisting of green spaces that promote the seamless movement of water between salt marshes and urban areas. Its primary goal is to cultivate a harmonious relationship between nature and urban development. Through the strategic placement and design of water inlets within Jamaica Bay, the project aims to confront various challenges associated with urbanization. These challenges include issues like sedimentation deficiency, eutrophication, and habitat segregation for both native and migratory species. By addressing these challenges, the Floasis project seeks to create a more sustainable and ecologically balanced urban environment. The project is structured into distinct phases aimed at transforming existing site challenges into opportunities for future solutions. The initial phase involves thorough research into innovative technologies and methodologies. This research serves as the foundation for developing strategies to address the identified issues. One such solution involves the implementation of algae harvesting technology to generate energy for the surrounding community.

+ Masterplan showing the proposed project with all phases

+ Section showing the process of sediment deposition caused due to channeling in the barrier island

+ Diagrammatic axonometric of strategies employed over project timeframe till 2100

+ Section showing the process for algae harvesting and energy generation

+ Diagram showing the process for algae harvesting and energy generation

+ Diagram showing the conditions necessary for marsh regeneration




+ View showing the transformation of the landscape across the project timeline

02| ReThinking Transportation Systems-More MARTA Location-Atlanta |Georgia Category-Academic| Columbia GSAPP Collaborators-Jisoo, Mrunmayi, Robyn Contribution-Data Visualization,3D modeling,Conceptual Design,Site study Key words-TOD|Transit Network Design| Bottom-Up Planning The inefficiency of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) exacerbates already neglected communities. We envision a city where public transportation and their adjacencies are peopleoriented, creating an experience rather than a necessity. Transit stops would serve as places for interaction and activity rather than just transportation infrastructure. These stops would be scattered across the urban fabric of Atlanta, marking new locations for community stewardship and care, representing the unique characters of each neighborhood and its people.

Abandoned, underused outdoor spaces and public buildings are reused and extended as community working spaces, libraries, and other programs. These are connected through circulating shuttles that travel these stations and activate the community. Parking lots and streets occupied by private mobility are replaced by people, making larger community gatherings on the ground level. Also, massive transit is connected to stations and properties for efficient and experiential movements connected to stations and properties for efficient and experiential movements.

+ Timeline of devlopment - MARTA across Atlanta

+ Network diagram of the proposed modes of transportation across Atlanta

+ section showing the new modes of transportation in a typical neighborhood context

+ End-user experience of Marta as a community-driven institution

+ End-user experience of Marta as a community-driven institution

03|Urban Placemaking

Location-Mumbai,Pune|India Category-Academic| Indus University IDEA Collaborators-Individual work Contribution-Architectural Graphics,Site analysis,Research,Data collection Key words-Light Infrastructure|Placemaking| Urban popup

+ Photomontage of visual elements of One Green Mile project in Mumbai

Placemaking is a larger concept that encompasses several aspects of urbanism but at its core, it tries to make cities more liveable for people As the city grows it constantly transforms the built environment accommodating the larger needs of its people some of these transformations lead to negligence towards a particular space thus it becomes unused and neglected by people such voids have the potential for development

The project investigates the literature around peoplecentric design or placemaking and drives framework from various factors of consideration, these frameworks of analysis are then applied to two distinct case studies in India that were urvan voids and have been intervened using placemaking

+ Photomontage of visual elements of 8 to80 Park project in Pune

+ Place Matrix and analysis of various aspects of placemaking in the One Green Mile project in Mumbai

+ Place Matrix and analysis of various aspects of placemaking in the 8 to80 Park project in Pune

04|Urban Pop-up-BOX it up

Location-Lisbon|Portugal Category-Academic| Fab Lab Lisbon Status-Complete Collaborators-Group of 15 students Contribution-Architectural Graphics,Fabrication,Set design, Community Engagement Key words-Urban furniture|Hands-on| Tactical urbanism

+ Image showing the popup box when all components are put together

+ Construction sequences of the popup box

Urban Pop-up is an innovative popup project aimed at transforming urban spaces. through the creation of sustainable and interactive furniture crafted from recycled materials. The project operates within the dynamic environment of Fab Labs, utilizing upcyclying concepts for materail sourcing and fostering community exchange to redefine how we perceive and interact with urban playscape.

+ Iterations of the popup box showing different configuration

05|Narrativizing Water-Museum of Water Location-Ahmedabad|India Category-Academic Collaborators-Individual work Contribution-Architectural Design, Programming ,Site study, Measure drawing Key words-Water systems|Wet Narratives| Stepwell Revitalization The water museum is an idea to engage people in visualizing and understanding water heritage and culture through the medium of storytelling and narrative. The proposed museum will be celebrating our water wisdom through interdisciplinary learning and awareness of the invaluable resource while representing the past, inspiring the present, and be a source of learning for the future Studies have been carried out to understand the spatial concepts of ancient water structures in the region and interpret them in a contemporary architectural form dedicated to water

+ Sectional axonometric drawing of the Uvarsad stepwell and Dada harir stepwell

+ Plan, section and, sectional axonometric drawings of Panna Meena Kund

+ Sectional axonometric drawing of the Proposed water museum near the stepwell

+ Plan and section of the Proposed water museum near the stepwell

06|Tracing Urban Identity-Beyond Facades Location-Jaipur|India Category-Academic| Indus University IDEA| Intersection Foundation Status-Complete Collaborators- Group of 15 students Contribution-Architectural typology study ,Mapping and data Representation Key words-Walled city study |Altered spaces| Heritage documentation The workshop aimed to broaden the percption of urban forms beyond their superficial appearance. It emphasized the importance of understanding both tangible and intangible changes within urban environments, including shifts in character, size, and function over time. By fostering this deeper comprehension Multiple grid blocks of the historic city of Jaipur were identified for this exercise, the study involved understanding the character of an urban settlement through experiences in each grid block. The workshop also comprised of an in-depth documentation of the streets in relation to facades, heritage value, activities and the social setting of a place. To understand the alterations in spaces, it is essential to develop a perception of an architectural space through time.

+ Images showing landmarks of Jaipur

+ Map showing focus study arae of Jaipur

+ Transect route showing the study area with major landmarks

+ Graph and diagram showing height variations in the streetscape

+ Images and diagrams showing documentation of alterations in traditional dwelling typologies

+ Graph and diagram showing height variations in the streetscape

07|Generative Forms-Pair-a-metric

Location-Ahmedabad|India Category-Academic| Indus University IDEA Status-Complete Collaborators-Group of 25 students Contribution-Genrative graphics,3D model- phyiscal, Material Study, Fabrication Key words-Parametric design|Generative geometry| Pavilion design

+Case study model of the Eden project and form deduction diagrams

The workshop Pair-a-metric delved into the concept of generative architecture, which involves creating architectural forms that are informed by algorithms, computational processes, and parametric modeling. The workshop explored case studies where these generative geometries have been applied to rationalize construction processes

+ Image showing Voronoi geometry in the designed pavilion

08|Urban Activation- Dhal ni pol revitalization

Location-Ahmedabad|India Category-Professional| LxS Foundation Status-Complete Collaborators-Manuel M De Las Heras Contribution-Architectural Graphics,Site supervision, Project management, Community Engagement Key words-Light Infrastructure|Heritage revitalization| Urban fest-event

The project is located at the UNESCO heritage wall city of Ahmedabad, where the central agenda is the holistic development of Pols. Since the project contains several punctual interventions of strategic places, the use of spaces is multiple and flexible, including public infrastructure improvement, community spaces, facade renovation, revitalization of the precinct, installation of vertical green areas, and creation of plazas.

+Axonometric masterplan showing the programming of the Dhal ni pol revitalization project

PLAZA 1 The vacant parcels with the potential to be rejuvenated into vibrant communal spaces. we facilitated the transformation of an erstwhile dump yard into a thriving, habitable plaza, an endeavor that lay at the heart of the community. A participatory design initiative was undertaken, focusing on the restoration of 35 houses and 1579 square meters of building facades and the plaza to be transformed into a public space

+ Images showing transformation of dump yard into public plaza

+ Existing conditions of the old dump yard

+Axonometric showing programming of the space and activities

PLAZA 2 A coalescence of fractured building elements and intimate portraits of the neighborhood’s inhabitants evokes a resurgence of the profound sense of belonging. Through this artistic dialogue, the past intertwines with the present, and the essence of a place is intricately woven “people of Dhal Ni Pol.”

+ Images showing photoshoots for locals taking place in the gallery

+ Images showing the process of exhibition design for the gallery

+Axonometric showing programming of the space and activities

09| Social Architecture-Youth Innovation centers

Location-Ahmedabad|India Category-Professional| LxS Foundation Status-Ongoing Collaborators-Manuel M De Las Heras Contribution-Architectural Graphics,Site supervision, Project management Key words-Adaptive reuse |Social Architecture Heritage revitalization

The proposed project aims to address the critical need for preserving and enhancing the last fullyfunded public high school building located in the walled city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. This school stands as a beacon of hope for underprivileged youth in the city who aspire to pursue higher education without financial constraints. Recognizing the architectural and historical significance of the building, we advocate for its preservation as a heritage site. By proposing noninvasive interventions and keeping the essence of the project intact the project aspires to create a new landmark of mutual aid and improvements for the youth.

+Axonometric of the additive and subtractive elements

+ Model image higligting the the additive elements in white

+ Existing conditions of the old school building

+ Restoration work in progress

+ Proposed views after the Adaptive reuse of the building

10|Orchard Pavilion

Location-Odisha|India Category-Professional| Shubhra Raje – Built Environments Status-Ongoing Collaborators-Manuel M De Las Heras Contribution-Architectural Graphics,3D model- phyiscal Key words-Light Infrastructure|Hands-on| Urban landscaping The Orchard Pavilion is an innovative architectural gesture designed to bring the essence of a lush urban orchard into the heart of the city, creating a captivating and immersive experience for visitors. This project seamlessly integrates metal structures with dynamic lighting elements to evoke the beauty and serenity of an orchard while being situated in an urban environment

+ Roof metal sheets bamboo insulation

+ Structure steel members

+Pavillion enclosure wooden screens concrete floor

+longitudinal section and axonometric assembly of the Orchard Pavillion

+Garden for the city

+ Vegitation on the walls

+Building as a gate

+layout and crosssection of the Orchard Pavillion

+Model image showing the Pavillion surrounded by vegetation

+Model image higligting the the tectonics of the steel truss

11|Ahmedabad Airport Redevelopment Location-Ahmedabad|India Category-Professional| HCP Interior & Architecture Status-Ongoing Collaborators-Design Team of 10 Contribution-Architectural Graphics, Conceptual design,3D model, Strategy Key words-Transit Infrastructure|Terminal Design| Interior architecture

+ Proposed conceptual plan of the waiting loungeat T2 AMD Airport

+ Proposed views of the waiting loungeat T2 AMD Airport

The redevelopment plan for Ahmedabad Airport encompasses a range of enhancements, including the development of a new retail plaza, upgraded lounges, and improved immigration and checkin facilities. These upgrades aim to elevate the overall passenger experience, providing modern amenities and streamlined services. This Transit-oriented development (TOD) seeks to create vibrant, sustainable communities around this new development

+ Proposed conceptual plan of the retail plaza at T2 AMD Airport

+ Proposed views of the retail plaza at T2 AMD Airport

12|Central Vista Redevelopment Project

Location-Delhi - National Capital Region |India Category-Professional| HCP Interior & Architecture Status-Ongoing (Confidential/ Restricted) Collaborators-Part of the core design team working on master planning and architectural design Contribution-Tender documentation, Master planning ,3D model, Research Key words-Architecture of National Significance|Integrating architecture and interior design

+A glimpse from the exterior of the new Parliament building

+proposed master plan for the Central Vista at New Delhi (India)

+ Library and reading room in the new Parliament building

The proposed master plan for the Central Vista stands as a symbol of India’s historical legacy in governance. Through comprehensive refurbishment and expansion, Central Vista will see the creation of new facilities catering to governance and cultural institutions. This ambitious development aims to enhance the accessibility and maintenance of public spaces, while simultaneously restoring and fortifying the Vista’s heritage, thus underscoring India’s steadfast commitment to progress. The master plan involves redesigning several iconic landmarks of national significance, including the new Indian Parliament buildings, the Central Secretariat Complex, galleries, and more.

+ The Lok Sabha (House of the People ) in the new Parliament building

+ Minister’s office in the new Parliament building

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