EDT 210 W07 Syllabus

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EDT-210 Technology in Elementary Education Winter 2007 • Course Syllabus • Section 001

Winter 2007 Monday/Wednesday 11:30-12:45 FCS-194 Education Computer Lab School of Education Course Website: https://ctools.umich.edu/portal

Dr. Stein Brunvand School of Education e-mail: sbrunvan@umd.umich.edu Telephone: 313-583-6415 Office: D-7 School of Education Office Hours: Monday/Thursday 4:00-6:00, Wednesday 1:00-2:00 or by appointment

Course Overview EDT 210 provides students with basic knowledge of technology in an educational setting. This includes the operation of various pieces of hardware and software as well as skills for evaluating and integrating technology into the classroom. Course Objectives The following course objectives are taken from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) technology standards for teachers. To learn more about ISTE and these standards visit http://cnets.iste.org/teachers/t_stands.html or go to the Michigan Department of Education website (http://www.michigan.gov/mde). • demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. • demonstrate proficiency in the use of common input and output devices; solve routine hardware and software problems; and make informed choices about technology systems, resources, and services. • use technology tools and information resources to increase productivity, promote creativity, and facilitate academic learning. • use content-specific tools (e.g., software, simulation, environmental probes, graphing calculators, exploratory environments, Web tools) to support learning and research. • use technology resources to facilitate higher order and complex thinking skills, including problem solving, critical thinking, informed decision making, knowledge construction, and creativity. • collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications, and producing other creative works using productivity tools. • use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. • use technology tools to process data and report results. • use technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world. observe and experience the use of technology in their major field of study. • use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating information (e.g., finances, schedules, addresses, purchases, correspondence). • evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on their appropriateness to specific tasks. • use a variety of media and formats, including telecommunications, to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences. • demonstrate an understanding of the legal, ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology. • exhibit positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. • discuss diversity issues related to electronic media. • discuss the health and safety issues related to technology use. Course Schedule • Introduction to Educational Technology • Communicating with Technology (blogs, listservs, e-mail, discussion boards) • Using the Internet (social bookmarking, web searches, website evaluation) • Software applications in Education/Technology Integration • Web page design and development • Teaching with Multimedia • Integrating Technology into the Curriculum

Electronic Portfolios

Assigned Reading (note that assigned chapters aren't always in order) January 10th  NET Teacher Standards from http://cnets.iste.org/teachers/t_stands.html Read through the standards and performance profiles for general preparation of preservice teachers January 17th Chapters 1 & 2 of Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching January 22nd Chapter 4 January 24th Chapter 3 January 29th Chapter 7 January 31st Chapter 5 February 5th Chapter 9 February 7thChapter 8 February 14th  WebQuest Tutorial from http://www.teachersfirst.com/summer/webquest/questa.shtml February 21st  Podcasting 101 for K-12 Librarians from http://www.infotoday.com/cilmag/apr06/Eash.shtml March 5th Technology integration in the classroom from http://712educators.about.com/cs/technology/a/integratetech.htm March 7th Keeping Kids Safe Online from http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/tech119.shtml March 12th Chapter 11 March 14th Chapter 12 March 19th Chapter 15 CTools A course website has been created in the online course management system known as CTools. You are automatically granted access to this site as a result of your enrollment in the course. In order to access the site you need to go to www.ctools.umich.edu and login using your uniquename and Kerberos password. Your uniquename is usually some combination of your first initial and last name. This is assigned to you and can also be referred to as your username or login ID. Your Kerberos password should have been mailed to you when you were initially accepted into the university. It is the password you would use to access your UM-D mail account through the Webmail service or to register for classes online. It may not necessarily be the same password that you use to login into the computers in the labs. If you don’t know your Kerberos password you will need to go to the ITS offices located at 1140 Computing Wing. Their phone number is 313-593-5519 and you will need to go there in person to get your Kerberos password. Blogging Each week there will be a blog that you will need to read and comment on. Blog topics will be based on assigned readings, current issues and topics presented in class. Your responses to the weekly blog entry will need to be posted by midnight each Sunday. These blog comments will be used as part of your overall participation grade for the class. Blog responses submitted during class time will not be read or counted for participation credit. You can access this blog at www.sbrunvan.edublogs.org. Important Dates Monday, February 26 & Wednesday, February 28: No class (Springbreak) Wednesday, March 28: Online class (we will not meet in person in 194 FCS) Wednesday, April 25: Final Exam period (11:30-2:30) in 194 FCS Learning Activities 1. Creating a Word Document (20 pts.) 2. Creating Graphs/Charts in Excel (30 pts.) 3. Web site/Software evaluation (40 pts.) 4. Kidspiration Concept Mapping (20 pts.) 5. Creating a Wikispace (40 pts.) 6. Creating a Webquest (Group 40 pts.) 7. Podcast Lesson (50 pts.) 8. Digital Video Project (50 pts.) 9. e-Portfolio (100 pts.)

Due Date Policy All assignments must be turned in by the start of class on the day they are due unless otherwise stated by the instructor. Extensions or make-ups for assignments will only be given with proof that a medical/family emergency or other extenuating circumstance prevented the completion of the assignment on time. Late assignments will be accepted no later than a week beyond the original due date unless otherwise authorized by the instructor. Any graded assignment collected after the due date will receive a 20% reduction of the grade. If you know that you will not be able to turn in an assignment on time contact the professor by voice mail, e-mail or in person before the due date and state the reason for the delay. The professor will consider the circumstances and make a decision to accept the assignment without penalty or enforce the penalty policy described above. Evaluation A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF

94-100% of total points 90-93% of total points 88-89% of total points 84-87% of total points 80-83% of total points 78-79% of total points 74-77% of total points 72-73% of total points 70-71% of total points 67-69% of total points 65-66% of total points less than 65% of total points

Students will be expected to take part in classroom activities and discussions as well as online blogging discussions. Final grades will be determined from the completion of the above assignments, yielding a total of 390 points. An additional 20 points will be awarded for class participation during discussions and other activities for a total of 410 points. Grades will be assigned based on the percentage of total points earned.

Attendance Policy It is expected that students will attend each scheduled class. If you cannot make a class session you will need to inform the instructor of your absence prior to the class session. Any case of absence, other than one that falls within the University's recognized legitimate absence policy will result in a loss of 5 points from your total grade points. If it is necessary for a student to miss a class, the student should arrange to obtain class notes from another student or from the course Web site. The instructor will entertain specific questions in a meeting with the student if requested. However, lecture/demonstrations will not be repeated. It is the student's responsibility to make up missed assignments completed in class. Teaching for Understanding The School of Education at the University of Michigan-Dearborn has adopted the Teaching for Understanding model as a framework for educating future teachers. It is a distinct method of teaching and learning, rooted in a specific way of looking at and explaining the world. Teaching for Understanding begins with the assertion that knowledge is constructed. This means that people shape, form, or “construct” their own worlds. People determine what is “real,” what is “necessary,” and what has meaning. In Teaching for Understanding teachers and students change the ways in which they approach information, each other and the learning experience. No longer “fountains of knowledge and information,” teachers are called on to be learners in their own classrooms. No longer “empty vessels” of passive receiving, students are called on to be teachers of self and of others. Cooperative relations among students and an interactive relationship between students and the instructor are a means for students and the instructor to construct knowledge. Teaching for Understanding includes the following approaches to discourse and social interaction. Classrooms are places where: • Students and teachers acquire and construct knowledge collaboratively • Orthodoxies of pedagogy and “facts” are continually challenged • Conceptual understanding of subject matter is a goal • Teachers function as guides, coaches and facilitators by posing questions, challenging thinking, and leading in the examination of ideas and of relationships between concepts and experience. Based upon the Teaching for Understanding model, courses in the School of Education promote active student learning and the construction and development of knowledge through lectures, readings, small and

large group discussions, small group activities, field based learning, and projects that require the application of knowledge. Academic Integrity The University of Michigan - Dearborn values academic honesty and integrity. Each student has a responsibility to understand, accept, and comply with the university's standards of academic conduct as set forth by the Code of Academic Conduct, as well as policies established by the schools and colleges. Cheating, collusion, misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism are considered serious offenses. Violations will not be tolerated and may result in penalties up to and including expulsion from the University. At the professor's discretion, any or all papers, projects and assignments completed in this course may be submitted to a plagiarism detection service. Disability Resource Services The University will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students need to register with Disability Resource Services (DRS) every semester they are taking classes. DRS is located in Counseling and Support Services, 1060 UM. To be assured of having services when they are needed, students should register no later than three weeks after the first day of classes. Textbook Roblyer, M. D. (2006). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (Fourth ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. Other supplemental readings may be assigned throughout the semester but these readings will either be handed out in class or made available via the cTools website. Required Supplies You will need to purchase either a zip drive or zip disk to store and transfer files throughout the term. Blank CDs are not an acceptable storage option since the computers in the classroom lab do not have CD burners. Checklist for Next Class Please make sure you have done the following things before our next class. 1) Tested your username and Kerberos password by logging into ctools http://www.ctools.umich.edu/. You may need to go the ITS offices in the Computing Wing in order to get your Kerberos password. 2) Create an account with the social bookmarking service Furl at http://www.furl.net/. 3) Create an account with the blogging site edublogs at http://www.edublogs.org/. We will be using these services throughout the term so you will want to get your accounts set-up. Don't worry about learning all the features and tools of each of these since we will do that in class. You can feel free to experiment and check different things out but the main thing is that you have an account that you are able to access when you come to class.

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