EDT 502 Survey of Programming, Authoring, Basic Tools Summer Session II 2008 Course Syllabus • Section 001 Time and Place Instructor Summer Session II 2008 Dr. Stein Brunvand Monday-Thursday 12:00-2:40 June 16th-26th School of Education Online via Ctools Through July 25th e-mail: sbrunvan@umd.umich.edu FCS-194 SOE Computer Lab Blog: http://umdedtech.blogspot.com/ Course Website: https://ctools.umich.edu/portal Telephone: 313-583-6415 Ed Tech Wiki: http://umdedtech.wikispaces.com/ Office: D-7 School of Education th th Office Hours: Monday 3:00-6:00 during June 16 -26 & by arrangement for the remainder of the term. Course Overview This course provides students with a general overview of computer systems and various software packages and internet resources that can be used in educational settings. The students will demonstrate knowledge of selection and management of different computer systems and create several projects using various basic tools, programming, and authoring environments to develop interactive multimedia, computer-based instructional products. Course Objectives The course is designed to help students become proficient in the following state of Michigan standards. 1.0 Foundations Professional studies culminating in the educational technology endorsement prepare candidates to use computers and related information technologies in educational settings in an exemplary way in alignment with the “Seventh Standard” of the Entry-Level Standards for Michigan Teachers. All candidates seeking this endorsement would have opportunities to meet these educational technology foundation standards and to surpass the basic requirements of the “Seventh Standard.” 1.1 Educational Technology Operations and Concepts Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of educational technology operations and concepts. 1.1.2 Demonstrate continual growth in educational technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. 2.0 Specialty Content Preparation for Educational Computing and Educational Technology Professional studies in educational computing and educational technology prepare candidates to exhibit leadership in the identification, selection, and management of hardware and software and the uses of computers and related technologies appropriate to the candidate's teaching field(s). 2.2 Productivity Tools Candidates integrate advanced features of educational technology-based productivity tools to support instruction. 2.2.1 Use advanced features of word processing, desktop publishing, graphics programs, and utilities to develop professional products. 2.2.5 Identify, select, and integrate video and digital images in varying formats for use in presentations, publications, and/or other products. 2.3 Telecommunications and Information Access Candidates will use telecommunications and information access resources to support instruction. 2.3.1 Access and use telecommunications tools and resources for information sharing, remote information access and retrieval, and multimedia/hypermedia publishing. 2.3.2 Use electronic mail and web browser applications for communications and for research to support instruction. 2.3.3 Use automated on-line search tools and intelligent agents to identify and index desired
information resources. 2.4 Software/Hardware Selection Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of selection and management of the educational technology infrastructure in a classroom setting. Candidates will identify and implement software in classroom environments. They will investigate issues related to educational technology integration. 2.4.2 Research, evaluate, and develop recommendations for purchasing instructional software to support and enhance the school curriculum. 2.4.3 Research, evaluate, and develop recommendations for purchasing educational technology systems. 2.4.6 Configure a computer system and one or more software packages. 2.4.7 Identify and describe software used in classroom settings, including productivity tools, information access/telecommunications tools, multimedia/ hypermedia tools, evaluation/portfolio tools, and computer-based instruction. 2.4.8 Describe evaluation criteria for software and identify reliable sources of software evaluations. 2.6 Problem Solving, Instructional Design, and Product Development Candidates will use computers and other technologies in research, problem solving, and product development. Candidates use a variety of media, presentation, and authoring packages; plan and participate in team and collaborative projects that require critical analysis and evaluation; and present products developed. Candidates will evaluate authoring and programming environments for use in the classroom. They will apply instructional design principles to develop, implement, and test interactive multimedia instructional products using authoring environments. 2.6.3 Select appropriate tools for communicating concepts, conducting research, and solving problems for an intended audience and purpose. 2.6.4 Participate in collaborative projects and team activities. 2.6.5 Identify examples of emerging, authoring, or problem-solving environments. 2.6.10 Use and apply more than one computer authoring and/or programming environment. 2.6.11 Describe the characteristics and uses of current authoring environments and evaluate their appropriateness for classroom applications. 2.6.12 Describe the characteristics and uses of current programming and scripting environments and evaluate their appropriateness for classroom use. 2.6.13 Apply instructional design principles to the design or screens, text, graphics, audio, and video in instructional products under development. Course Topics • Communicating with Technology (blogs, listservs, e-mail, discussion boards) • Using the Internet (RSS feeds, social bookmarking, web searches, collaborative tools, Web 2.0) • Software applications in Education/Technology Integration • Web page design and development • Teaching with Multimedia (podcasts, digital video) • Digital games/Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) • Electronic Portfolios Learning Activities Students will have the opportunity to customize their learning experience in this course through the selection of a variety of assignments that best suit their interests and teaching position. The assignments are broken into two different categories (Tier 1 and Tier 2) based on the anticipated amount of work required for each assignment. Students need to complete 2 assignments from each category but have the option to pick whichever assignments from within the categories that they want to complete. All students must also complete an electronic portfolio. The assignment options are listed in their respective categories below.
Tier 1 Assignments Pick 2 (50 points per assignment) 1. Digital Video Project and Lesson Plan 2. Podcast Project and Lesson Plan 3. Wiki and Lesson Plan 4. WebQuest and Lesson Plan Tier 2 Assignments Pick 2 (25 points per assignment) 1. Blog and action plan 2. Student e-mail/e-pal tool and action plan 3. Multi User Virtual Environment/Digital Game and action plan 4. VoiceThread and action plan 5. Class Homepage and action plan Eportfolio (50 points) Required by all students Due Dates for Assignments (all assignments due by midnight on assigned day) • Friday, June 27th First Tier 2 Assignment • Friday, July 11th Second Tier 2 Assignment • Monday, July 14th First Tier 1 Assignment • Monday, July 21st Second Tier 1 Assignment • Friday, July 25th Eportfolio CTools A course website has been created in the online course management system known as CTools. You are automatically granted access to this site as a result of your enrollment in the course. In order to access the site you need to go to www.ctools.umich.edu and login using your uniquename and Kerberos password. Your uniquename is usually some combination of your first initial and last name. This is assigned to you and can also be referred to as your username or login ID. Your Kerberos password should have been mailed to you when you were initially accepted into the university. It is the password you would use to access your UM-D mail account through the Webmail service or to register for classes online. It may not necessarily be the same password that you use to log into the computers in the labs. If you don’t know your Kerberos password you can go to the ITS offices located at 1140 Computing Wing (313-593-5519) for assistance. You can also reset your password online through the ITS website at http://www.its.umd.umich.edu/48/. Note Taking We will be using a tool called Zoho (www.zoho.com) to keep track of daily notes. I will post an outline for each class to Zoho and share it with the group so that everyone has read and write privileges. There will be designated notetakers for each class and these individuals will be expected to add to the outline of notes by the start of class the next day. The purpose of these notes is to create a record of what was discussed and demonstrated as well as create a shared body of knowledge within the group. Due Date Policy All assignments must be turned in to CTools by their assigned due date unless otherwise stated by the instructor. Extensions or make-ups for assignments will only be given with proof that a medical/family emergency or other extenuating circumstance prevented the completion of the assignment on time. Late assignments will be accepted no later than a week beyond the original due date unless otherwise authorized by the instructor. Any graded assignment collected after the due date will receive a 20% reduction of the grade. If you know that you will not be able to turn in an assignment on time contact the professor by voice mail, e-mail or in person before the due date and state the reason for the delay. The professor will consider the circumstances and make a decision to accept the assignment without penalty or enforce the penalty policy described above.
Evaluation 100 - 98% of total points = A+ 97 - 94% of total points = A 93 - 91% of total points = A90 - 88% of total points = B+ 87 - 84% of total points = B 83 – 81% of total points = B80 - 78% of total points = C+ 77 - 74% of total points = C 73 - 71% of total points = C-
Students will be expected to take part in classroom activities and discussions. Final grades will be determined from the completion of required assignments, yielding a total of 200 points. An additional 25 points will be awarded for class participation during discussions and other activities for a total of 225 points. Grades will be assigned based on the percentage of total points earned.
Teaching for Understanding The School of Education at the University of Michigan-Dearborn has adopted the Teaching for Understanding model as a framework for educating future teachers. It is a distinct method of teaching and learning, rooted in a specific way of looking at and explaining the world. Teaching for Understanding begins with the assertion that knowledge is constructed. This means that people shape, form, or “construct” their own worlds. People determine what is “real,” what is “necessary,” and what has meaning. In Teaching for Understanding teachers and students change the ways in which they approach information, each other and the learning experience. No longer “fountains of knowledge and information,” teachers are called on to be learners in their own classrooms. No longer “empty vessels” of passive receiving, students are called on to be teachers of self and of others. Cooperative relations among students and an interactive relationship between students and the instructor are a means for students and the instructor to construct knowledge. Teaching for Understanding includes the following approaches to discourse and social interaction. Classrooms are places where: • Students and teachers acquire and construct knowledge collaboratively • Orthodoxies of pedagogy and “facts” are continually challenged • Conceptual understanding of subject matter is a goal • Teachers function as guides, coaches and facilitators by posing questions, challenging thinking, and leading in the examination of ideas and of relationships between concepts and experience. Based upon the Teaching for Understanding model, courses in the School of Education promote active student learning and the construction and development of knowledge through lectures, readings, small and large group discussions, small group activities, field based learning, and projects that require the application of knowledge. Academic Integrity The University of Michigan - Dearborn values academic honesty and integrity. Each student has a responsibility to understand, accept, and comply with the university's standards of academic conduct as set forth by the Code of Academic Conduct, as well as policies established by the schools and colleges. Cheating, collusion, misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism are considered serious offenses. Violations will not be tolerated and may result in penalties up to and including expulsion from the University. At the professor's discretion, any or all papers, projects and assignments completed in this course may be submitted to a plagiarism detection service. Disability Resource Services The University will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students need to register with Disability Resource Services (DRS) every semester they are taking classes. DRS is located in Counseling and Support Services, 1060 UM. To be assured of having services when they are needed, students should register no later than three weeks after the first day of classes.
Textbooks There is no specific textbook required for this course. Reading assignments will consist of online articles and websites that students can access electronically. Required Supplies • USB Jump Drive storage device: I would strongly recommend a drive with at least 1 gigabyte of storage space. These jump drives can be found at any office supply store ranging in price from $10-$50 depending on the storage capacity and current rebates.