EDT 510 F08 Syllabus

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EDT-410/510 Teaching with Technology Fall 2008 • Course Syllabus • Section 001 Fall 2008 Online Course with arranged face-to-face meetings throughout the term Course Website: https://ctools.umich.edu/portal & www.umdedtech.wikispaces.com Virtual Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00-1:00, Thursday 11:00-1:00 or by appointment

Dr. Stein Brunvand School of Education e-mail: sbrunvan@umd.umich.edu Blog: www.umdedtech.blogspot.com Telephone: 313-583-6415 Office: D-7 School of Education

Course Overview EDT 510 is a three credit-hour field-based graduate level educational technology course. The course provides students design, practice, and evaluation of technology integration into the teaching and learning process. Course Objectives • Students will demonstrate sound understanding and continual growth in educational technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies (MI Standards 1.1) • Students will plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by educational technology (MI Standards 1.2) • In alignment with the Michigan Curriculum Framework, students will implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying educational technology to maximize student learning (MI Standards 1.3) • Students will apply educational technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies (MI Standards 1.4) • Students will use educational technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice (MI Standards 1.5) • Students will understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of educational technology in K-12 schools and apply those principles in practice (MI Standards 1.6) • Students will integrate advanced features of educational technology-based productivity tools to support instruction (MI Standards 2.2) • Students will use telecommunications and information access resources to support instruction (MI Standards 2.3) • Students will design, publish, and present online documents that provide information and include links to critical resources (MI Standards 2.6.7; 2.6.8) • Students will develop and teach a series of lessons that apply educational technology resources to support instruction (MI Standards 3.3) Course Schedule This is an online course. However, the class meets face-to-face on Wednesday, September 10th in lab 190 from 6:10-9:00. Additional virtual meetings and optional face-to-face sessions may be scheduled as needed. Learning Activities Students will develop, field-test and reflect on a set of at least five lessons on one topic that meaningfully integrate technology into a specific content area in their classroom. All activities must correlate to the national or state curriculum standards in the appropriate content area and to the national or state technology standards for related grade level. The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for students and teachers can be found at http://www.iste.org/inhouse/nets/cnets/index.html. The Michigan Curriculum Framework and Overview of state Technology Content Standards are available at http://www.michigan.gov/mde. Learning Activities 1. STaR Chart Interactive Assessment & Reflection (20 pts.) 2. Unit and Lesson Plan Proposal (50 pts.) 3. Lesson Plan 1-5 (30 pts. each) 4. Lesson Plan Reflection 1-5 (20 pts. each) 5. Final Presentation (50 points) 6. e-Portfolio (50 pts.)

Final Presentation Showcase At the end of the term we will meet face-to-face to give each student a chance to share his/her unit and reflections teaching with technology. Since this is an online class we don’t have an assigned final exam meeting time so we will need to arrange a time during the week of December 15th that works for everyone. If you are unable to attend this final presentation due to travel constraints, accommodations will be made for you to present virtually to the class. CTools A course website has been created in the online course management system known as CTools. You are automatically granted access to this site as a result of your enrollment in the course. In order to access the site you need to go to www.ctools.umich.edu and login using your uniquename and Kerberos password. Your uniquename is usually some combination of your first initial and last name. This is assigned to you and can also be referred to as your username or login ID. Your Kerberos password should have been mailed to you when you were initially accepted into the university. It is the password you would use to access your UM-D mail account through the Webmail service or to register for classes online. It may not necessarily be the same password that you use to login into the computers in the labs. If you don’t know your Kerberos password you can reset it by going to the ITS offices located at 1140 Computing Wing. Their phone number is 313-593-5519 if you need to contact them. You can also reset your password online through the ITS website at http://www.its.umd.umich.edu/48/ or in many of the computer labs on campus that have designated terminals for password issues. Weekly Modules Each week I will provide a series of materials in the form of a weekly Module in CTools. These modules will contain informational podcasts tied to course topics and readings as well as general information relevant to the given week. Additional information and instructions will be provided in these modules designed to help students complete posted assignments. A variety of technology tools and resources will also be shared through the modules in the form of short video tutorials, hyperlinks and podcasting episodes. Students are expected to review the material presented in each module and are encouraged to post questions through the chat tool in CTools so that everyone has the opportunity to respond to and benefit from these inquiries. Weekly Discussions Students are expected to participate in weekly online discussions on a variety of topics related to educational technology. We will be using the discussion tool in CTools to facilitate these discussions. Discussion topics will always be posted on the Friday before their assigned week so that students have a chance to review topics before responding. Students are expected to respond to the initial topic by midnight on Wednesday of each week. The specific date for a response will be included in each discussion post as a reminder to students. Responses need to be thoughtful and on topic. A response of “I agree” or a restatement of another student’s response is not acceptable. Students are encouraged to read each other’s postings and reply where appropriate. Participation in the weekly online discussion will count towards your overall participation grade. Since this is an online course these weekly discussions will signify the bulk of our interactions as a class and, therefore, the depth of discussion and value of these discussions will depend greatly on your participation. Please don’t view these discussions as a conversation with me as the instructor but with the class as a whole. Virtual Meetings There will be times throughout the course when we will meet virtually in small groups to discuss specific lessons and activities that you all are planning for your students. These groups will be determined by grade level and subject matter so that you can meet with people who are in similar situations as yourself. Dates and times for these meetings will be dependent on the schedules of the group members involved. Virtual Office Hours During my virtual office hours I will be available by phone at (313) 585-6415, e-mail (sbrunvan@umd.umich.edu), the CTools chat room and Skype (username: sbrunvand) if you would like to contact me. During this time I will respond to e-mail, chat or Skype messages within 15 minute or less. If you would like to arrange a virtual or face-to-face meeting outside of posted office hours please don’t hesitate to arrange that with me. MCOATT Students are urged to apply for the Michigan Certificate for Outstanding Teaching with Technology (MCOATT) award. MCOATT provides recognition to teachers who demonstrate excellence in the use of technology to enhance student learning. You can learn more about the MCOATT award program at

http://www.coatt.org/mcoatt/index.html or by talking to me. UMD Ed Tech Blog & Wiki I maintain a blog at www.umdedtech.blogspot.com and a Wiki at www.umdedtech.wikispaces.com. I encourage all students to subscribe to each of these online resources so that they can get regular updates when new posts or content is added to either of these sites. Due Date Policy All assignments must be turned in by the start of class on the day they are due unless otherwise stated by the instructor. Extensions or make-ups for assignments will only be given with proof that a medical/family emergency or other extenuating circumstance prevented the completion of the assignment on time. Late assignments will be accepted no later than a week beyond the original due date unless otherwise authorized by the instructor. Any graded assignment collected after the due date will receive a 20% reduction of the grade. If you know that you will not be able to turn in an assignment on time contact the professor by voice mail, e-mail or in person before the due date and state the reason for the delay. The professor will consider the circumstances and make a decision to accept the assignment without penalty or enforce the penalty policy described above. Evaluation A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF

94-100% of total points 90-93% of total points 88-89% of total points 84-87% of total points 80-83% of total points 78-79% of total points 74-77% of total points 72-73% of total points 70-71% of total points 67-69% of total points 65-66% of total points less than 65% of total points

Students will be expected to take part in class virtual meetings as well as weekly online discussions. Final grades will be determined from the completion of the above assignments, yielding a total of 420 points. An additional 30 points will be awarded for participation during weekly online discussions and class meetings for a total of 450 points. Grades will be assigned based on the percentage of total points earned.

Attendance Policy This is an online and field-based course. Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to be in contact with the instructor. Students are also expected to attend the required face-to-face and virtual meetings. Teaching for Understanding The School of Education at the University of Michigan-Dearborn has adopted the Teaching for Understanding model as a framework for educating future teachers. It is a distinct method of teaching and learning, rooted in a specific way of looking at and explaining the world. Teaching for Understanding begins with the assertion that knowledge is constructed. This means that people shape, form, or “construct” their own worlds. People determine what is “real,” what is “necessary,” and what has meaning. In Teaching for Understanding teachers and students change the ways in which they approach information, each other and the learning experience. No longer “fountains of knowledge and information,” teachers are called on to be learners in their own classrooms. No longer “empty vessels” of passive receiving, students are called on to be teachers of self and of others. Cooperative relations among students and an interactive relationship between students and the instructor are a means for students and the instructor to construct knowledge. Teaching for Understanding includes the following approaches to discourse and social interaction. Classrooms are places where: • Students and teachers acquire and construct knowledge collaboratively • Orthodoxies of pedagogy and “facts” are continually challenged • Conceptual understanding of subject matter is a goal • Teachers function as guides, coaches and facilitators by posing questions, challenging thinking, and leading in the examination of ideas and of relationships between concepts and experience.

Based upon the Teaching for Understanding model, courses in the School of Education promote active student learning and the construction and development of knowledge through lectures, readings, small and large group discussions, small group activities, field based learning, and projects that require the application of knowledge. Academic Integrity The University of Michigan - Dearborn values academic honesty and integrity. Each student has a responsibility to understand, accept, and comply with the university's standards of academic conduct as set forth by the Code of Academic Conduct, as well as policies established by the schools and colleges. Cheating, collusion, misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism are considered serious offenses. Violations will not be tolerated and may result in penalties up to and including expulsion from the University. At the professor's discretion, any or all papers, projects and assignments completed in this course may be submitted to a plagiarism detection service. Disability Resource Services The University will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students need to register with Disability Resource Services (DRS) every semester they are taking classes. DRS is located in Counseling and Support Services, 1060 UM. To be assured of having services when they are needed, students should register no later than three weeks after the first day of classes. Recommended Supplies Since this is an online course, each student will need to have access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection. You may also find it necessary to purchase or otherwise obtain various pieces of software and hardware depending on the technology you plan to integrate. There is no required textbook for this course. State of Michigan Standards for Education Technology (NP) Covered in EDT 510 MI Standard Activity 1.0 Foundations Professional studies culminating in the educational technology endorsement prepare candidates to use computers and related information technologies in educational settings in an exemplary way in alignment with the “Seventh Standard” of the Entry-Level Standards for Michigan Teachers. All candidates seeking this endorsement would have opportunities to meet these educational technology foundation standards and to surpass the basic requirements of the “Seventh Standard.” 1.1 Educational Technology Operations and Concepts Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of educational technology operations and concepts. 1.1.1 Demonstrate at least introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to learning and educational technology as required by the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (and reflected in the Michigan Curriculum Framework). Learning Activity Students will develop and field-test at least five lessons that meaningfully integrate technology into a specific content area in their classroom. All lessons must correlate to the national or state curriculum standards in the appropriate content area and to the national or state technology standards for related grade level. 1.1.2 Demonstrate continual growth in educational technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. Learning Activity Students will practice in developing and field-testing technology-based learning activities to promote student learning, exceeding the basic requirements of the “Seventh Standard.” 1.2 Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences Candidates plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by educational technology. 1.2.1 Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply educational technology- enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners Learning Activity Students will design their technology-enhanced lessons based on the technology environment that is available to them and their students and any other relevant factors that affected their classroom (learning environment) to

address the divers needs of students. 1.2.2 Apply current research on teaching and learning with educational technology when planning learning environments and experiences. Learning Activity Students will study the ways in which technology integration enhances the teaching and learning process and apply them in the lessons that they design and teach. 1.2.3 Identify and locate educational technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability Learning Activity Students will implement procedures (consistent with district and school policies) to evaluate the accuracy and suitability of electronic resources they use in their technology-integrated lessons. 1.2.4 Plan for the management of educational technology resources within the context of learning activities. Learning Activity Students will design their technology-enhanced lessons based on surveying the technology resources available for them in the classroom or at the school. 1.2.5 Plan strategies to manage student learning in an educational technology-enhanced environment. Learning Activity Students will design their technology-enhanced lessons based the curriculum that they teach and the readiness of students for technology-enhanced leaning environment. 1.3 Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum In alignment with the Michigan Curriculum Framework, candidates implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying educational technology to maximize student learning. 1.3.1 Use, and foster the use of, educational technology-enhanced experiences to address state content and technology standards set forth in the Michigan Curriculum Framework. Learning Activity All technology-enhanced lessons designed by students must correlate to the national or state curriculum standards in the appropriate content area and to the national or state technology standards for related grade level. 1.3.2 Apply educational technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity, including critical thinking and the learning skills set forth in the Michigan Curriculum Framework. Learning Activity Following the Michigan Curriculum Framework in the appropriate content area, students will design, deliver, and evaluate technology-enhanced learning activities to develop higher order thinking and problem solving skills, and foster creativity. 1.3.4 Use educational technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students, including addressing the individual needs of each student, and fostering collaborative, holistic, and self-directed learning. Learning Activity Students will create their technology-enhanced lessons based on the needs of individual students and promote collaborative, holistic, and self-directed learning. 1.3.5 Manage student-learning activities in an educational technology-enhanced environment. Learning Activity During the implementation of their technology-enhanced lessons, students will experience how to manage learning activities in a technology-enriched setting such as one-computer classrooms, multi-computer classrooms, or computer labs. 1. 4 Assessment and Evaluation Candidates apply educational technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies 1.4.1 Apply educational technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques, including focusing on the assessment of each student.

Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-enhanced lessons, students will use results from assessment measures (e.g., learner profiles, computer-based testing, and electronic portfolios). 1.4.2 Use educational technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning, including focusing on the assessment of each student. Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-enhanced lessons, students will use available technology resources to collect and analyze data (e.g., student performance and other information from district’s databases) interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. 1.4.3 Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of educational technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity, including focusing on the assessment of each student. Learning Activity Students will implement multiple methods of evaluation such as in-class surveys, formal and informal observations, and student portfolios to determine students' appropriate use of educational technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. 1.5 Productivity and Professional Practice Candidates use educational technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. 1.5.1 Use educational technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. Learning Activity Students will learn how to access and use blogs, Wikis and other online resources focused on educational technology. 1.5.2 Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of educational technology in support of student learning. Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will continually evaluate the extent which technology-enhanced learning environment improves student learning. 1.5.3 Apply educational technology to increase productivity Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will use variety of telecommunication and productivity tools (e.g., e-mail, mailing lists, web-based recourses, word processing, and presentation tools) to improve their professional productivity. 1.5.4 Use educational technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. Learning Activity Students will use telecommunication tools such as e-mail, mailing lists, discussion boards, and chat rooms to collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. 1.5.5 Use educational technology to collaborate with other teachers and foster collaboration among other teachers, schools, and districts to share best practices in alignment with the State Board of Education’s Policy Framework on Virtual Schools. Learning Activity Students will create an electronic portfolio to present their achievement teaching with technology and post them either on the University server or on their schools server to share their experiences with peers, parents, and the larger community. 1.6 Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues Candidates understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of educational technology in K-12 schools and apply those principles in practice. 1.6.1 Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to educational technology use Learning Activity

During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will study and follow the policies set by their school and school district for legal and ethical practice related to educational technology use. 1.6.2 Apply educational technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will use educational technology resources (e.g., assistive technology tools) to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. 1.6.3 Identify and use educational technology resources that affirm diversity. Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will identify and use educational technology resources that affirm cultural and social diversity. 1.6.4 Promote safe and healthy use of educational technology resources Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will promote and enforce privacy, security, and online safety, and environmentally safe and healthy practices in the use of technology. 1.6.5 Facilitate equitable access to educational technology resources for all students Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will facilitate equitable access to educational technology resources for all students in their classroom. 2.2 Productivity Tools Candidates integrate advanced features of educational technology-based productivity tools to support instruction. 2.2.1 Use advanced features of word processing, desktop publishing, graphics programs, and utilities to develop professional products. Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will use advanced futures of professional productivity tools such as MS Word, Zoho, Photoshop, and Adobe Acrobat. 2.2.2 Use spreadsheets for analyzing, organizing, and displaying numeric data graphically. Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students may use advanced futures of spreadsheet tools such as MS Excel for analyzing, organizing, and displaying numeric data. 2.2.4 Use teacher utility and classroom management tools to design solutions for a specific purpose. Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will use a variety of software applications (e.g., databases, spreadsheet, and drawing and painting programs) as classroom management tools. 2.2.5 Identify, select, and integrate video and digital images in varying formats for use in presentations, publications, and/or other products Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons, students will use digital editing tools such as Photoshop, online photo editors and digital video software to provide quality presentations, publications, and other products. 2.2.6 Create multimedia presentations using advanced features of a presentation tool and deliver them using computer projection systems Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons and showcasing their final projects, students will regularly use PowerPoint presentations with LCD projectors. 2.2.7 Apply specific-purpose electronic devices (such as a graphing calculator, language translator, scientific

probe ware, or electronic thesaurus) in appropriate content areas. Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons (specifically in math and science content related projects), students will use specific-purpose electronic devices such as a graphing calculator, language translator, scientific probe ware, and electronic thesaurus. 2.2.8 Use features of applications that integrate word processing, database, spreadsheet, communication, and other tools. Learning Activity To present their achievement in teaching with technology, students will create their electronic portfolios that integrate features of a variety of productivity tools such as word processing, database, spreadsheet, communication, and other tools. 2.3 Telecommunications and Information Access Candidates will use telecommunications and information access resources to support instruction 2.3.1 Use telecommunications and information access resources to support instruction access and use telecommunications tools and resources for information sharing, remote information access and retrieval, and multimedia/hypermedia publishing Learning Activity Students will use electronic mail and web browser applications to conduct research required for their project and publish their electronic portfolios online. 2.3.2 Use electronic mail and web browser applications for communication and for research to support to instruction Learning Activity Students will use the library and Internet-based resources to locate and download relevant research related to their technology-enhanced lessons. 2.3.3 Use automated on-line search tools and intelligent agents to identify and index desired information resources. Learning Activity Students will use automated on-line search tools and intelligent agents to conduct research required for their projects. 2.3.4 Identify and use information access and telecommunication tools to support research and instruction throughout the curriculum Learning Activity Students will use the library and Internet-based resources to locate and download relevant research related to their technology-integrated lessons. 2.3.5 use local mass storage devices and media to store and retrieve information and resources Learning Activity Students use CD ROMS and USB Key devices to store, retrieve and deliver project websites and served multimedia materials. Students will use school/district/university server to post their ePortfolios. 2.6 Problem Solving, Instructional Design, and Product Development Candidates will use computers and other technologies in research, problem solving, and product development. Candidates use a variety of media, presentation, and authoring packages; plan and participate in team and collaborative projects that require critical analysis and evaluation; and present products developed. Candidates will evaluate authoring and programming environments for use in the classroom. They will apply instructional design principles to develop, implement, and test interactive multimedia instructional products using authoring environments. 2.6.6 Collaborate in on-line workgroups to build bodies of knowledge around specific topics. Learning Activity Students will participate in online discussion groups that deal directly with their projects. 2.6.7 Use a computer projection device to support and deliver oral presentations

Learning Activity During the design and implementation of their technology-integrated lessons and showcasing their final project, students will regularly use PowerPoint presentations with LCD projectors. 2.6.8 Design and publish simple on-line documents that present information and include links to critical resources. Learning Activity Students will create their web-based electronic portfolios to publish a variety of online documents (e.g., lesson plans, handouts, and student works/project) that present information and include links to critical resources. 3.0 Professional Preparation in Educational Computing and Educational Technology Professional studies in educational computing and educational technology require knowledge about use of computers and related technologies to support teaching and learning. Advanced programs preparing educators for a specialty in educational computing and educational technology require studies of, and experiences with, concepts and skills related to use of educational technology-based systems in K-12 education. 3.1 Instructional Program Development Candidates will develop curricular plans based on local, state, and national standards for the use of computers and other associated technologies. 3.1.2 Identify and use national, state, and local guidelines to develop curriculum plans for integrating educational technology in the K-12 environment. Learning Activity Students will use National Educational Technology Standards for Students and Michigan Curriculum Framework to develop their technology-integrated lessons. 3.2 Teaching Methodology Candidates will effectively plan, deliver, and assess concepts and skills relevant to educational technology across the curriculum. Candidates will apply effective methods and strategies for teaching the use of educational technology tools. 3.2.5 Design and implement integrated educational technology classroom activities that involve teaming and/or small group collaboration. Learning Activity Students will design and implement technology-integrated lessons involving teaming and small group collaboration. 3.3 Field Experiences Candidates will participate in field experiences that allow them to (1) observe the use of educational technology to support instruction, and the evaluation of effectiveness of educational technology resources for teaching and learning; and (2) apply educational technology resources to support instruction in classroom settings. 3.3.1 Observe and compare methods and strategies used in educational technology in a variety of authentic educational settings (i.e., elementary, middle, secondary, adaptive assistive classrooms, labs). Learning Activity Students will participate in virtual observations to compare methods and strategies used in educational technology in a variety of authentic educational settings (i.e., elementary, middle, secondary, adaptive assistive classrooms, labs). 3.3.2 Develop and teach a series of lessons that apply educational technology resources to support instruction. Learning Activity Students will develop and field-test at least five lessons that meaningfully integrate technology into a specific content area in their classroom.

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