Confident and Engaged Effective Leaders Communicate with Authenticity The Stoneleigh-Burnham School 5-day boarding program provides an excellent opportunity for students to be fully engaged with the school community while also gaining the confidence that helps them prepare for what comes next. Our 5-day boarding students grow personally, socially, and academically from the experience of living five days a week away from family. At the same time, the time spent living on campus also allows students to become fully engaged in the athletic, academic, artistic, and social activities that make up residential life each week. We understand that there are students who would thrive immersed in our rigorous curriculum, inclusive community, and transformational environment and who live outside of a commutable radius. Some families want their students to benefit from a boarding experience while also living at home on the weekends. This offering is for any of these families.
The Financial Decision For many families, the financial decision to send their student to boarding school is difficult. The StoneleighBurnham 5-day boarding program can offer additional savings while still providing the benefits of confidence and engagement that comes from a partial boarding experience. For the 2022-2023 school year, the 5-day boarding tuition is $47,150.
Time is Precious Time with family. Time on campus. At Stoneleigh-Burnham School, we recognize that time is a precious resource for students and families. Many busy families find value in the predictability of eliminating the morning and evening commute between home, school, and afternoon sports, and evening activities. We have designed our 5-day boarding program for families living within a roughly 90-minute drive to campus. For some families living within that 90-minute window, 5-day boarding is the perfect way to manage the precious mix of time spent living on campus and time spent with family.
Locations marked in red represent a 90-minute drive from Greenfield, MA.
5-Day Boarding FAQ We encourage you to read our FAQ about five-day boarding at Stoneleigh-Burnham. If you still have questions, please contact us at admissions@sbschool.org
Can you describe the experience of a 5-day boarder? 5-day boarders are on campus from Sunday evening through Friday afternoon. While on campus, their experience will be identical to 7-day boarders, growing in confidence and fully engaged with residential life.
What grade levels are able to participate in 5-day boarding? Both Middle Schoolers (Grades 7-8) and Upper Schoolers (Grades 9-12) are able to participate in 5-day boarding.
How do weekends work? 5-day boarders depart campus each Friday after official school functions have concluded. 5-day boarders who have an official school commitment on Friday night or Saturday may stay on campus Friday night without an additional fee. They are expected to leave as soon as that commitment concludes. On those occasions when 5-day boarders are engaged in certain weekend activities like sports, artistic performances, or community service, they may stay over on Friday or Saturday nights, going home on Sunday morning. Students must be back on campus Sunday evening by 7:30 PM for study hall.
What are the requirements to be a 5-day boarder? 5-day boarding is intended for families living within a 90-minute drive of the Stoneleigh-Burnham campus.
Can students convert? Day students may convert to 5-day boarding and 5-day boarding students may convert to 7-day boarding.