Unveil final

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WHO WHO AM AM I? I? A collection of thoughts, feelings, actions Seeking truths unlabeled Trying to get out from under this table Trapped Trapped behind an image of what others see Is who they see really me? Staring at a mirror blankly I want to find comfort and confidence but frankly I’m lost. I’m tattered and broken and torn at the seams So how can I be myself and truly beam? A mirror. A moment. A new perspective. A sense of freedom so that I can live Happy.

“Some journeys in life can only be traveled alone.” -Ken Poirot

“Oppression can only survive through silence.� - Carmen de Monteflores

“Where masculinity and femininity melt into one androgynous mass of flowers and cars and smiles and gore - that’s where beauty and perfection lie.”- Joana De Ocampo

“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.� - Robin Sharma

“Androgyny is not trying to manage the relationship between two opposites; it is simply flowing between them.� - June Singer

“Identity cannot be found or fabricated but emerges from within when one has the courage to let go.�- Doug Cooper


CREDITS FASHION DIRECTOR Carol D’souza Elsa Lobo Emily Eckkard FASHION PRODUCER Evyn Graefe FASHION STYLIST Angelica Santiago DESIGN DIRECTOR Carol D’souza MODELS Blake Blair Nina Fromal AJ Amelinafrance-s

DESIGN DIRECTOR Carol D’souza PHOTOGRAPHER Elisa Lonergan Trevor Barnett DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Arjun Kale Nikita Tejnani John Rodriguez VIDEO EDITOR Nikita Tejnani EXCERPT WRITTEN BY Angelica Santiago SPECIAL THANKS TO: Oscar Betancur

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