ScaleUp Magazine ISSUE 11

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A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.� - Arthur Ashe We all want to be successful in life. However the path to success is full of ups and downs. Majority of us wish to be successful but quit at the slightest moment of failure, pain or discomfort. However the people who are successful are the ones who keep moving forward and enjoy the journey. Hence for them the success is not the destination but the journey itself. This is what our cover story guest Logan Hall of Rebelhack shares in an exclusive interview with our editorial team. He is the founder and CEO of Revelhack studios which helps companies grow through growth marketing and hacking. He also stresses the need to follow a routine of being an early riser who loves to eat healthy and exercise

daily. You will also enjoy the life changing lessons of Leo Babauta and Steve Pavlina as well as personal success stories of Christopher Connors, Christine Rich and Mike Sturm. We also have some great deals on software and tools for your business growth. We hope that you will like the issue as much as we like it while designing and conceptualizing the Issue.

The Editor

Pete Williams


Editor-in-chief PETE WILLIAMS


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issue 11




All You Need, You Already Have

01 How to create your vision? 07 SUCCESS

Life Hacking

Learn to build life on values with CHRISTOPHER CONNORS PERSONAL GROWTH





Let go of physical and mental things that don’t serve you - Christine Rich

How to be productive by writing? MEET MIKE STURM



All You Need, You Already Have

There is a famous stone water basin (or “tsukubai”) outside of the even more famous Ryoan-ji Temple in Kyoto, with four characters that read: “ware tada shiru taru.” This is a Zen saying that can be translated in a number of ways, all to do with contentment. But my favorite translation is: “All you need, you already have.” I think it’s such a lovely way of looking at life. As you sit here reading this article, pause and take an assessment of your life right now. Chances are, you have enough food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities in your life. You might also have loved ones, people who care about you. You are (mostly) comfortable, without any desperate needs. All you need, you already have. And yet we don’t see life this way … we are dissatisfied, looking for more comfort, more love, more knowledge, more certainty, more possessions, more food, more entertainment, more validation. I do this too — I’m not criticizing anyone. We don’t often embody the idea that we already have enough. If we remember to do so, we can give thanks for what we have. We can appreciate the beauty, the preciousness, of every moment, of being alive. It is a miracle, and we don’t have to take it for granted. So to me the question is: how can we learn to embody this idea? “All you need, you already have.” 01 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

Learning to Embody Enough-ness It’s nice to say that we have all we need, but what does this mean in practice? What actions can we take to help us remember this? I find it helpful to try to remember a few principles in my daily life:



If we have all we need, the problem is that we forget this simple fact. So we can develop the habit of noticing what we already have, being thankful for it, not taking it for granted. We can appreciate the people in our lives (instead of complaining about them), the possessions we already have (instead of thinking we need more), the food we get to eat (which might mitigate our desire for yet more food pleasures), the simple moments that we often take for granted (instead of needing even more entertainment and distraction).



If we appreciate something or someone, we might treat them with respect. In the Zen tradition, bowing to others and even to your meditation cushion are a deep part of practice. It shows a respect for the world around us, which supports us and which we are deeply a part of. You might not want to bow to everyone you meet, but

you can make a mental bow to them, offering respect internally even if you don’t make any sign that you’re bowing. It will show in your other actions.


Turning towards others.

If we already have enough … why worry so much about ourselves? Why not see what we can do for others? There are others who are suffering, perhaps starving or facing violence, or perhaps just sick with anxiety or depression. We can’t solve all of these ills alone, of course, but if we do our best to help others as much as possible, perhaps we can contribute towards the betterment of the lives of all beings. This doesn’t mean you need to spend every waking hour devoted to helping other people, but even considering whether your motivations are other-facing or for yourself is a good practice. So how do we learn to embody these principles? Through habits and rituals.

Rituals to Embody Enough-ness It’s hard to remember to be present and grateful and filled with enough-ness throughout the day, with all that we have going on, with all of our distractions and internal stories. ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 02

So I recommend forming little rituals that help us remember. Here’s a list of ideas for rituals, but I don’t recommend trying to form all of these rituals, and especially not all at once — try one at a time and see what helps you: 1. Wake up and say a little prayer of thanks for what you have in your life. 2. Keep a one-paragraph gratitude journal every evening. 3. When you meet someone, bow to them (in your mind) out of respect. You might touch your heart or offer them a smile if that helps. 4. When you eat, say a little prayer of thanks to everyone who made your meal possible (farmers, cooks, transporters, their families, etc.). Appreciate every bite if you can. 5. Before you start a new activity (a work task, a workout, a meeting), pause and ask yourself what your intention is for this activity. Is it focused on helping others? 6. When you are done with an activity, show respect for others, your environment and your equipment by respectfully and mindfully cleaning up, instead of rushing to the next activity. There are other rituals, of course, but these are a good start. You might also ask yourself, before you buy something … whether you really need more or if you have enough. Ask yourself, before you go to an app on your 03 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

phone or a website on your computer … whether you are doing it to help others or to fulfill a “need” that you don’t need fulfilled. Ask yourself, as you interact with someone else, whether you’re showing them deep respect and appreciation, whether you’re focused on helping them or protecting yourself. Ask yourself, regularly throughout your day, whether you have all you need. I think you’ll find that you do, and by appreciating that fact more often, you can see what a profound miracle that is.

Author Bio Leo Babauta is a simplicity author and creator of Zen Habits (http://zenhabits. net), one of the most-read blogs in the world.


How to create your vision? When you write down your goals, your primary aim is to create a new vision for what you desire to experience next in life, so that you can begin to make that vision a reality. So what do you do when you sit down to write a vision for your life, and you’re coming up with a lot of blanks that you just aren’t sure about? Guess. It really is that simple. Just take a stab at it. Don’t even worry about making your best guess. Just make any guess that seems remotely reasonable. Now take that guess and run with it. Write 1-2 paragraphs to describe the vision that pops into your mind when you think about that possible direction. Make sure your vision is written with positive, present tense statements. Add some emotion to your vision. Include how you expect to feel (“I’m thrilled to be…”, “I’m feeling deeply grateful as I…”). Don’t worry about whether your guess is right or wrong at this point. Truthfully this isn’t a matter of right or wrong. It’s a matter of suitability for you. You’re free to make whatever choices you desire. You just want to identify choices that make sense for you. You want to make choices where you can expect a very positive outcome.


Now re-read that vision statement once or twice per day. As you read it, imagine it as already real. See yourself there. This should only take a minute or two to do the visualization part for a single goal… maybe 30 seconds once you’re accustomed to it. As you imagine your vision as real, notice how you feel about it. Do you feel really, really good about it? Does it appeal to you on an emotional level? Or do you feel neutral or negative about it? Do you feel some hesitation or resistance? Quite often, something will feel a little bit off when you visualize your vision. That’s perfectly fine. If it’s a very vague feeling of unease, just keep renewing this same vision on a daily basis for several more days. Allow your mind to expand and play with the vision a little more each time. Eventually you’ll get a sense of whether the vision is a keeper or if it needs some tweaking. Your vision may be just right to begin with. Maybe it feels great every time you imagine it. You know you want it. You’re practically lusting after it. That’s great. You’ve found a keeper. Hold on to that vision, and keep renewing it each day. This will help to imprint the vision onto your subconscious. Usually within a month or less (sometimes much less), you’ll see evidence that this vision is already becoming real for you.

success Another possibility is that as you imagine your vision, your mind will begin to tweak it in different ways. It will twist it in a slightly different direction or add more details to improve it. Keep renewing that vision until it becomes a keeper, or it becomes clear that the vision just isn’t working. And finally, you may encounter a situation where your vision just doesn’t quite come together in a way that feels good to you. Maybe it’s internally incongruent. Maybe it doesn’t mesh well with some other part of your life. In that case, ask yourself, What is it about this vision that fails to delight me? Take note of the details of the vision that just aren’t working for you. It can be helpful to write them down. This is a time where it’s okay to be negative. Identify the parts of the vision that don’t feel right. Now ask yourself how you can reengineer those broken parts of the vision to create something better. Maybe the problems are minor and you can swap in different details to improve the vision. Or maybe the problems are so deep that you feel it’s best to throw out the whole vision and start over from scratch with a totally different direction. Or maybe you’re somewhere in the middle. However it turns out, that’s perfectly okay. You’re using your imagination to

beta-test your vision, running the vision through your feelings as a filter. If it doesn’t feel right to you, you know that something is off and needs tweaking. If you continue to hold a vision that feels off, your negative feelings will block you from allowing it to become real. So it’s important to get your feelings on board. Holding a vision that doesn’t feel right is a waste of time. Holding a vision that makes you feel nothing special is also a waste of time. Once you update your vision to correct the problems, repeat the process. Write out your new vision. Then visualize it as real on a daily basis for several more days. Notice how you feel about it. Use your feelings to identify problems. Then revise the vision to take a stab at correcting the problems. This is an iterative process. You probably won’t get your vision just right on the first attempt. You probably won’t get it right on the second or third attempts either. But with each pass, you’ll get closer to your true desires. When you eventually have a vision that passes your emotional filters, it tends to manifest very quickly. I’ve seen some amazingly fast transformations occur in my life when I reached that point. Sometimes a new vision shows up the very next day, like it was just waiting for ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 08

success me to become a match for it. Other times This is why it’s rather silly to complain I’ll see breadcrumbs leading me right to it. about your problems. Sometimes people come to our discussion forums and I review my written visions each morning. write really long posts to explain what I have a few paragraphs of vision they’re experiencing in life and why they statements for each area of my life: don’t like it. What they don’t realize is career; finances; health; relationships, that what they’re doing is the exact family, & social life; workflow & order; process necessary to ensure that they’ll personal & spiritual; and lifestyle, travel, experience more of the same. They’re & adventure. You don’t have to use the imagining their past and present as they same categories. I just find it helpful to write about it, and they’re feeling strong make sure I’m creating a vision for each feelings as they do so. They are using the important part of my life. power of vision to create a future that resembles their past and present. If you don’t create a vision for each part of your life, someone else will do it for you. The intentions of others will fill in the blanks. You see… you’re always working to fulfill some vision. Either you’re creating and fulfilling your own vision, or you’re working on someone else’s vision for you. There is no neutral. If you aren’t creating your own vision, then you’re obediently fulfilling a blended vision created by others, such as the vision that you should be a good citizen and taxpayer, that you should relate to people a certain way and live a certain kind of lifestyle, and that you should manage your affairs a certain way until you die. If you’re in love with the vision that society is expecting you to live out, then there’s no point in creating your own vision. But if you’d like to hold the reins of your own destiny and direct your If you want to create something different life path more consciously, then you must than what you’re already getting, do absolutely create a vision for yourself. NOT do what I described in the previous paragraph. It’s stupid. This is the exact By default, you are visualizing the status opposite of an intelligent solution. Only quo. Without a grander vision to occupy do this if you want to be stupid. And if you your thoughts, you will naturally succumb catch someone doing this, please refer to the habit of thinking about what you’re them to this article, so they can hopefully already getting, and you’ll often feel some understand why it cannot possibly work… emotions when you do so. This is exactly and so that they’ll get some motivation how you hold the intention to manifest to start creating a new vision, even if they more of the same. So by default, you are have to guess at first. automatically holding intentions to keep Instead of reviewing and rehashing what getting what you’re getting. you don’t want, create the vision of 09 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

success what you do want. If you feel a need to post something online, post about your dreams and desires. Write a really long, emotional post about what you most want to experience next in life. This way you won’t make the terrible mistake of reinforcing what you’re already getting. I like to do this publicly at least once a year by writing about my primary focus for the upcoming year in advance. What’s really cool about that is that when I share my vision in public, some people will find that my vision appeals to them too, and they offer to help me make it a reality. That help wouldn’t come to me if I didn’t feel so good about what I wanted to create that I was willing to share it publicly. Your willingness to share your desires publicly is a good test of how ready you are to experience them in reality. If you don’t like what you’re already getting, the best thing you can do is to ignore it. Turn your back on it. Stop dwelling on it. Only pay the minimal amount of attention to it that is truly essential. Turn the bulk of your attention (and emotion) to the new vision you’ve created. Spend more time living in the new reality you’re creating as opposed to the old one you wish to leave behind. This will quickly draw that new reality into your life in physical form. Don’t worry about trying to be perfect at this. Just do the best you can. The more you can turn your attention away from the past and towards your new vision, the better. The more you practice this, the easier it gets. “Going with the flow” only makes sense if you’re going with the flow of your own vision. If you don’t have a clear vision and try to live in such a way that you go with the flow, all you’re doing is going with the flow of social conditioning. It just means you’re going with the flow of the

default social vision for you. There will be a flow that you’ll experience in that case, but it can be chaotic at times, and it’s generally very slow moving. But if you love what you’re experiencing and you love the current pacing of your life, then technically there’s nothing wrong with going with the social flow. It’s an option that’s available to you. Personally I’m not a big fan of going with the social flow. I find it tediously slow. With my own clear vision, I can create something in less than a month that would otherwise take years to create if I went at the pacing of the social flow. An individual can greatly outpace a pack that moves at the speed of its slowest member. Keep tweaking your vision as you feel the need to do so. Keep renewing it once or twice per day. Feel the feelings of being there. Eventually you’ll create a vision that feels so good that you’ll find it immensely pleasurable to just sit back and imagine it as real. You may reach the point where you’d rather live in your new imagined reality than in your current physical reality. That’s what creates the shifts that make your vision a reality.

about Author

Steve Pavlina is widely recognized as one of the most successful personal development bloggers in the world, with his work attracting more than 100 million visits to StevePavlina. com. He has written more than 1300 articles and recorded many audio programs on a broad range of self-help topics, including productivity, relationships, and spirituality.


Personal Growth

Enjoy the journey, n It’s about bein Logan Hall is the co-founder and CEO of Rebelhack Studios, a growth marketing agency working with some of the best young technology businesses in London. He is passionate about helping businesses grow, fine tuning their growth activities and implementing robust data strategies to enable businesses to visualise their sales and product funnels. In an exclusive email interview Logan talked about his life journey and the way he leads his life and business.

Tell us about your professional journey so far? It’s been an interesting journey with experience in a wide-ranging number of industries; from fashion to technology. This has given me a broad range of business experience, which I suppose makes me suited to the flux of building new businesses. I founded an extreme sports and art inspired lifestyle clothing brand called Avalaan when I was 20. We designed the products and manufactured in China, Portugal, and Turkey. It was eventually sold across Europe in 14 countries, and we ended up with our own flagship retail outlet. We secured investment and were in discussions with US distribution. It was a lot of fun, partying around the world with skaters, surfers, skiers, snowboarders, musicians, and artists. Eventually, we were forced out of business in 2008, as access to credit for manufacturing disappeared from banks for small businesses. That was a real learning curve! Then I worked as European Brand Manager for an amazing well known Californian watch brand called Vestal, where I learned to manage an international sales team, logistics, and large-scale wholesale management. I tried to buy the distribution rights from distribution company I worked for but ended up walking away as the price was not right. 11 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 10 11

Personal Growth

not the destination. ng in the now. I then did an MBA and felt the best way to fund this was to set up another business – which I would not say is the normal route. I eventually began a regional sales and distribution hub for a vendor of electric wirelessly controlled heating products, engineered and manufactured in Germany. I ran operations and sales team, selling to consumers and businesses. We scaled this to over £1M turnover in just 16 months. It was a really exciting business and got me really interested in how technology can make a difference in people’s lives. I eventually gave this business to a close friend of mine. I then went to set up a real estate and technology business in London called Movebubble with someone I met on my MBA. This business was really exciting as we were trying to make a real difference to the lives of people looking for rental properties. We secured significant funding and saw some massive early growth. I eventually resigned as I simply fell out with my co-founder about company vision and the business strategy. It was a really great experience and exposed me to technical data-driven marketing like I had never seen before. It was these basic skills and frameworks that I developed in this business that I took into the market to set up my most recent business Rebelhack. Rebelhack is a full stack, modular growth marketing services agency helping some of the most exciting businesses in London find and drive scale. We have only been around for 2 years, but we have seen massive growth and have built an amazing team of the best growth marketers around! I think 2018 is going to be a big year for us.

Tell us about your company. What challenges you faced while growing your company and what you did to fix them. I think one of the biggest challenges was that none of the founders of Rebelhack had ever worked in an agency, so we were somewhat naive. ISSUE 10 11 | SCALEUP | 12

It was a real challenge to learn that business model, and add our own twist without any external funding as we had no buffer. We had to learn to be lean, and drive for profitability fast! I actually think that mentality has been great for the business generally and makes us incredibly competitive. Our initial niche market entry was into seed funded technology startups in London, where we offered affordable growth marketing services. We soon learned this was not the most appropriate strategy as seedfunded startups don’t really have the cash to hire a team of worldclass growth marketers, and many of them were pre-productmarket fit. Therefore, we began the long and arduous tasks of

repositioning the business to appeal to larger, more established venture-backed startups. We now work with some of the most exciting venturebacked businesses in the space, and are now also beginning to work with multi-million 13 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

pound revenue businesses which is really exciting for the business because our work gives a far higher return for that type of business – a 5% gain for a business turning over millions is a huge win!

Your Successes/ failures in life. Jeez, there are so many. I don’t think that successes are that important for your readers, as it’s the failures that forge who you are. The failures that stick out for me are: Not having an appropriate financial strategy for my first business in 2008, meaning we simply ran out of runway when the banks changed their risk profiling. Building a sales and distribution business that had zero access to the IP (Intellectual Property) it was selling. I cannot say this was a mistake as we made a lot of money, but now I would always make sure I was building something that had actual value beyond goodwill and cash.

Relying on investors too heavily and not having control over large

financial decisions. In my first business, we secured c. 100K investment and agreed with our investors that they would own logistics. For whatever reason they ended up air freighting our stock into the UK, costing us 30% of that investment. That was the beginning of the end, on day 1! Hiring people because you needed a bum on a seat, not because they were right for the business. I have learned this the hard way! I have hired people because I needed someone to fill a seat instead of being patient and waiting for the right applicant. Get the right people on the bus, without them you are not going very far at all! Don’t build a revenue stream on a consultant. I made this error where I built an entire revenue stream on a consultant, only to then be given short notice of their departure. If you are giving someone management of a chunk of your revenue stream make sure they are on the payroll and have skin in the game (share options).

What choices did you make in your life which made a significant difference in your life? I chose to do an MBA in order to learn more about business. I know that many VCs say you should devalue a business for every MBA on the team, but I think it actually gave me a really solid grounding in strategic frameworks that has served me really well. I actually did my dissertation on technical growth modeling and how to grow Saas businesses, so this was also really apt for my line of work today. When I was younger I was a commissioned 2nd Lt in the Royal Marines. I had a Cadetship Entry but soon ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 14

realized that I did not agree with the politics of it all. I quit, meaning I could pursue a life that was of my making and not one that was dictated to me. Plus, I did not want to kill people! When I co-founded Movebubble we moved to London to get in the technology ecosystem. It was a really hard choice, and although my journey with Movebubble ended early, getting into the technology and growth scene in London was a great way to learn a craft and forced me to up my game – a lot! I have learned business is all about trust. Therefore choosing your business partner is a huge thing. In my most recent business, I went into business with my brother in law, Duncan McKenna and a close friend Anthony Rose. We’re family, best mates, and business partners. It works so well, I think that is what has gotten us through the hard times at Rebelhack.

Walk us through your workday? 05:30 – Wake up when my son wakes up, normally about 0530 and bring him to his mum! 06:05 – Get out of bed (i do not check my phone!) 06:15 – Do some exercise (run, swim, gym, box) 07:15 – Healthy breakfast, put the news on whilst I eat (still no email checking) 07:45 – Commute, where I read every day. This is the best reading time for me. 08:45 – Get into the office, make a cup of green tea and then prepare my day, do first skim on emails 21 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 10 15 15

09:30 – Stand up with the team 09:30 – My day is about ensuring all projects are progressing as planned, and that any support the team needs is provided. I only check emails once in the morning. 13:00 – Lunch, every day get out and go eat some great food. Don’t eat at my desk, that is for suckers. 14:00- Afternoon work, I try and push meetings to the afternoon if possible. But again, my day is about management of growth projects and ensuring we’re asking the right questions of the data to inform our work. 18:30 – Most of the time I go home as I want to get back to see my son before he goes to bed 20:00 – Eat dinner with my wife, we don’t talk about work! 21:00 – Play the piano (I’m learning!), listen to music, maybe watch Netflix 22:00 – Wash the dishes and clean the kitchen, I find this so therapeutic 22:30 – Mediation for about 15 mins to relax 23:00 – Bed and sleep for 7 hours with a little non-business related reading before lights out

How do you keep yourself productive and motivated? I find that without exercise I go mad, almost literally. I get really itchy feet and grumpy. So for me, pushing my physical limits 5 days a week is my aim. It’s not always possible, but I try and keep to this if possible. Turning off is also really important, so finding time to hang with the family and not look at screens is a must. Otherwise, you get saturated. I hear so many entrepreneurs talk about working long hours, almost wearing it like a badge. In my book that’s not cool. This is a marathon, not a sprint so I always take the long-term view wherever possible. If it does not work for you and your family personally it will never work professionally. I love skating and surfing, and so I try, in the summer to get on my board as regularly as possible with my mates at the skatepark. Again, this takes discipline but I find myself more productive and far happier when I do this.

What do you do to keep yourself on the growth path? I love reading. This is how I develop my thinking and it’s important to read things you are not necessarily going to agree with. This is personal development. If you’re not learning and expanding your worldview you’re sitting still and that won’t get you anywhere – fast. Once a year I sit down and ask myself what I want to achieve this year in 10 areas of my life, from professional to love, from culture to money. I then score my life in those areas and focus on the things I want to achieve in those areas that are lacking. Recently I have taken up the piano as I wanted to learn something new, and I love that it takes me away from anything but learning. ISSUE 10 11 | SCALEUP | 22 16

What tools/apps do you use for managing work and life?

People who have inspired you and made a difference in your life. for all growth-related project management and data visualization Pivotal Tracker for all development related project management Wunderlist for all personal projects and tasks There are many others, but these are the main ones that run my life…. That and Google Calendar!

My wife, Anna. She has been my rock in the dark times and the one person that will tell me when I am off course. Without her, I would be a very small man indeed.

Your favorite books? I have read so many that I am not sure I have favorites. But here are some I have read over the last 12 months that have been really inspirational in a variety of ways. • The Conquest Of Happiness by Bertrand Russell • Man’s Search For Meaning: The classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust by Viktor Frankl • The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani • Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness by Frederic Laloux • Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman • Blue Ocean Strategy: How To Create Uncontested Market Space And Make The Competition Irrelevant by W Chan Kim • Fermat’s Enigma: The Epic Quest To Solve The World’s Greatest Mathematical Problem by Simon Singh 17 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

Jonathan Klineberg, an ex-business partner who passed away due to mental health issues. He was a big inspiration to me, and someone that I cherish having had time with. He taught me how to run real businesses that make real money! Steve Keane, an old Outdoor Pursuits instructor who was ex-special forces. He taught me you can push yourself as hard as you want, it’s your mind that breaks first. This has served me well over the years! Alan Watts is a western philosopher who I love to listen to. He has taken eastern philosophies and ‘westernised’ them. I love his view of the world and find myself being challenged by him every time I listen to one of his lectures. I read the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferris a few years ago, and this really changed my approach to running businesses. It made me realize that you can free yourself from the tyranny of your own business by letting go and trusting people to make decisions. I have built a team of about 5 remote freelancers that help me build business and get my life in order. Leslie, my executive PA has even paid my electricity bills for me in the past!

How do you hire your team? What traits do you look for while hiring?

What advice did you get which changed your life?

Enjoy the journey, not the destination. It’s about being in the now. I hire for aptitude, not experience! As an entrepreneur if you are myopic I focus on getting the right people on about making money, getting an IPO, the bus. They have to be great at what raising a bigger round than your friends they do, but also willing and able to fit you’re going to be really unhappy. in with the culture of the team. I want Life is about finding something to know they are determined to make you’re happy to do, be it personal or something of their lives, both personally professional and becoming a master and professionally. If I cannot help them at it. If you can learn to live in the get there, then I won’t hire them. moment, then you might just learn to love the journey and forget about the Ultimately, I am looking for someone I destination. That is how you find balance can be in business with for a long time, in your work and personal life, which is someone I can trust to make the right what it’s all about. decision with the information to hand and someone already on their way to greatness. If I get that right, everything else is easy!

What advice would you give to people looking for success and growth in personal and professional life? Life is a gradual release from ignorance, so focus on what you can achieve in 10 years and don’t blow yourself out trying to get there in 1 year!




So Good They Can’t Ignore You Book Description: In this eye-opening account, Cal Newport debunks the long-held belief that “follow your passion” is good advice. Not only is the cliché flawed-preexisting passions are rare and have little to do with how most people end up loving their work-but it can also be dangerous, leading to anxiety and chronic job hopping. After making his case against passion, Newport sets out on a quest to discover the reality of how people end up loving what they do. Spending time with organic farmers, venture capitalists, screenwriters, freelance computer programmers, and others who admitted to deriving great satisfaction from their work, Newport uncovers the strategies they used and the pitfalls they avoided in developing their compelling careers. Matching your job to a preexisting passion does not matter, he reveals. Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it. With a title taken from the comedian Steve Martin, who once said his advice for aspiring entertainers was to “be so good they can’t ignore you,” Cal Newport’s clearly written manifesto is mandatory reading for anyone fretting about what to do with their life, or frustrated by their current job situation and eager to find a fresh new way to take control of their livelihood. He provides an evidence-based blueprint for creating work you love. SO GOOD THEY CAN’T IGNORE YOU will change the way we think about our careers, happiness, and the crafting of a remarkable life. 21 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

About Author: Cal Newport is a writer and a professor of computer science at Georgetown University. He is the author of five books and runs the popular advice blog, Study Hacks, which attempts to decode “patterns of success� in both school and the working world. His contrarian ideas on building a successful, meaningful life have been featured on TV, radio, and in many major publications, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and New York Post. ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 22

Let go of physical and mental things that don’t serve you

- Christine Rich


Christine Rich is a master teacher and multientrepreneur for over 30 years. Christine is an author, inventor, patent holder, speaker, successful business owner, dance teacher, awardwinning choreographer, certified coach in multiple platforms, spokesperson, former actress, model, and dancer. She is a thought leader in motivations for reducing fearful anxiety to create your best self to accomplish your need of the moment. Christine also creates digital courses.

In an exclusive interview with ScaleUp Magazine, she talked about her life and how she grew herself despite all odds and making difference in the lives of people around the world.


Christine, tell us about your life journey.

As a grade-school aged child, I daydreamed about inventing and having my own businesses. The seeds of entrepreneurship were already there and about to take root. But first, in a bid to accommodate societal expectations, I took a “regular job” twice for two months each, at age 19, and knew then and there I could never work for anyone else. I became a serial entrepreneur. It felt right. I’ve found direction by letting inner wisdom guide me for my next play and by saying “okay” to new directions. I started with what I knew, which was teaching dance classes. After a divorce, I got an urge to visit a girlfriend in Houston. She took me with her to pick up her headshot pictures from a photographer. The photographer insisted on taking modeling shots of me. I said no, “I’m not a model,” but he reassured me that I could pull it off. That became my first “okay” that changed my course. The day I picked up my pictures, the photographer had put them in a vinyl portfolio cautioning me not to leave it in the heat of my car. I carried the portfolio with me as I walked through the mall. There, a talent manager from New York walked up and asked to see my portfolio. He suggested I go to NYC to explore modeling. I said “okay.” Within one week I was signed at Ford Modeling in NY. Suddenly I was a print model and actress. Note: I consider modeling, acting, waitressing and the such as pseudoentrepreneurship. Technically there is a boss, but you have a wide berth to be creative and set your course. 25| SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

By the second week in NYC, I was cast in a major movie. I said, “okay” not knowing how to act and I was flown to Atlantic City for the filming. A month later, I booked my first TV show and commercial because I went to the wrong auditions due to agent’s incorrect directions. Instead of going home, I had the inner wisdom to ask to audition since I was there (even though I wasn’t dressed for the part or had the physical type the client was looking for). The director said I could audition. I winged it. I booked both gigs. The more I kept my focus on the adventure of it all and having fun with a new experience and continuing to say “okay”– the more careers came to me. Jumping ahead, I moved to L.A. I started thinking of inventing. I followed that energy to invent a fitness product, researching how to get a prototype manufactured. I got patents on the product and exercise movement. Out of all the fitness manufacturers, it came to me to call an international one, Tunturi, who flew me to Seattle to pitch it. I said “okay” and winged the pitch despite not having any experience. They licensed it and filmed me in an infomercial. I thought that was it and returned to L.A. to await my royalty checks, but Tunturi soon called.

success They got my product placed on a QVC television (a home shopping network) airing, but the QVC’s execs wanted me to do the live TV selling after rejecting five Tunturi fitness execs. I had no idea how to live-sell but I said, “okay.” It will be helpful for you to know, I wasn’t clueless, or arrogant, I trusted that the skill set would be there when I needed it. Also, taking an improv class helped. I went on-air at QVC television as the second non-celeb spokesperson, right after Joy Mangano and her mops. We sold out. QVC asked me to be their inhouse fitness spokesperson for their own line of exercise products. I said, “okay.”

imagination. The lows are the times I resist connecting within and stubbornly or ignorantly delve into fear. But I say, “Every fear is there to heal by reaffirming truth.”

I returned to the Midwest to resume the dance studio business, write a book and spokesperson on QVC. After outgrowing three dance rental locations, I built a mammoth state-of-the-art facility and started developing professional dancers. I became an award-winning choreographer. I just followed inner energy and said okay to it.

What one advice did you get in life which transformed you into what you are today?

I’d always had a passion for helping women when it comes to men. I got my certification for coaching relationships. My two favorite relationships to coach are women dating or couples, as well as individuals needing to develop their relationship with themselves in order to pursue their dreams. I’ve done that with many of my dancers.

Tell us about your high and low points in life and what did you learn from them? Got a week to listen? The highs are anytime I’m plugged into inner wisdom feeling that loving the warmth and marveling at the serendipitous ways that the universe provides beyond my

Society conditions us to become, unlike our true self. The more I slow down mentally and stay tuned to within, the drummed-up fears fall away. Society often wants us to work excessively hard, dangling the carrot of retirement, to only then partake of pleasurable activities. For me, quality of life experience must be a daily event because we’re not promised our days on Earth.

It was one word from my father, “ENJOY.” That word can be taken many ways, but the net result is the same; enjoy life, enjoy yourself, enjoy moments, enjoy your passions, enjoy taking care of yourself, and choose the thought or thing that brings the most enjoyment. In a world of five senses, be guided by invisible inner wisdom. Said another way, enjoy the freedom to be uniquely you instead of contorting to please others.

How does your day looks like with respect to work and personal life? I stay tuned in. I go with what I’m guided to do. The second I get frustrated or feeling like I’m having to do something or please someone, I stop and recharge. Recharge is to go for a walk outside, quick exercise, ride a bike, meditate, or do something silly. I reframe “work” day to the “day’s adventure.” I have a “day-starter” ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 26

success routine, which I liken to Legos. There are blocks of things that prepare me for the day and longevity, but each day I do them in the order that feels right that day. My “Legos”: back stretches, water intake, walking outside, nitric oxide dump exercise, lymphatic release bounce on mini-trampoline, basic calisthenics including 100 abs crunches and squats. Next, spiritual reading and journaling, meditation, and cold shower. Afterwards, I begin the day’s adventure. I let intuition guide me with what needs to happen first. I follow that lead. If I take on a task that I don’t feel connected to, I end up frustrated and stall progress.

What tools and systems make you productive? Having a purpose in what I do. Having joy and adventure in what I do—or I won’t do it. I get energized from a clean and ordered environment. If every belonging has a spot (its home in my house or business) that saves time from searching.

Walking away from problems (even though I’m a problem solver by nature). I fix what I can and drop mentally and physically what I can’t. I don’t engage in time wasters like video games, watching the news, other people’s opinions of what I should be doing, or engaging with toxic people. I limit social media. Exercising early and walking in nature gives me energy for the day and sets the stage for instant creativity that would have taken weeks to mind map into place. I meditate and follow spiritual principles. Stay in joy; heal notions of fear. I set a timer and work for 50-minutes uninterrupted and then take a break. Repeat. 27 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

I avoid diving into email until I’ve had the opportunity to produce high-value long-range content first. That includes business ideas and exercise. There’s nothing worse than neglecting your physical fitness. That mistake will eventually cost you.

How to achieve confidence, selfawareness, selfesteem?

Confidence is acquired after mastering a skill. Once you can count on your abilities in the skill, you can become charismatic with your knowledge—a fun state to be in. For example, the first time you must fire an employee, it feels gut-wrenching. But with enough firings, you gain confidence. At that point, you can smile and tell the truth which is the employee is great but it’s the wrong fit for your company. I brainstorm with employees during these firings and suggest a better job that compliments their abilities. I’ve had many write me thank-you letters. Mogul Gary Vaynerchuck says the most difficult thing to learn is selfawareness. Self-awareness is defined as an awareness of one’s own personality or individuality. Personality and individuality are very different. Having an awareness of both is difficult. The personality (ego) of us reacts in habitual ways when triggered. Getting caught in drama, it’s easy to blame another instead of reflecting on our ego’s needs to keep us down. The goal, of course, is not to react when triggered but instead choose a healing action. Individuality is what the self (inner connection or soul) wants so we can expand in joy. There’s nothing worse

success than bulldozing your way into monetary success and being miserably depressed from lack of inner connection. Self-esteem is an ongoing reflection and action of what serves you and your soul. When we choose in favor of an esteemed response, life propels us towards an expansive understanding of our day to day purpose. Life is a journey. Hopefully, we are becoming more enlightened with our days. To prove this point, you can pick up a previously read book from more than two years ago and you will either a) have new insight into the book’s messages because you have experienced more in life, or b) discover you have catapulted past the messages.

Do you have any idol in life?

My dance teacher growing up demonstrated female entrepreneurship coupled with high creativity–before women unabashedly did that. My ultimate inspiration is always from the universe (God). Teachers appear, better practices fall under my nose, direction knocks, and guidance will show up if I stay meditative.

Resources you would suggest for scaling up life, health, wealth and happiness?

When I’m in a restaurant and a waiter says, “Such and so entree is my favorite,” I always think, “who cares?” because, like books, I think we should see what books we feel inspired to read. We’re all unique and here for different purposes. One person’s way is not another person’s.

Books introduce new ways of looking at life, but they won’t change you. Our change comes from the implementation of those seeds. Here are some, but, let your inner wisdom guide you: From years ago: Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway, E-Myth Revisited (for systems in business, not franchising), Tony Robbins Personal Power course, Theatresports improvisational classes Books: The Untethered Soul, Tools of Titans Scaling Up: Health: Wealth: following spiritual principles (and this goes for each of these categories) Happiness: books by Eva Bell Werber; meditation

What advice you would give to readers of ScaleUp Magazine?

Let go of physical and mental things that don’t serve you. That list includes toxic friends, employees, and family. It also includes gossip or getting involved in drama triangles out of habit. Turn away from activities (mental, emotional or physical) that don’t serve you and stay focused on the invisible inner wisdom. I suppose that’s where “Let go and let God” comes from. Keep expanding. Negative events, as traumatic as they are, lead to leveling up. Realize that all of us operate irrationally. Everyone sometimes thinks they aren’t good enough or competent enough. That’s why I try my best to stay with the invisible inner wisdom and keep in that joyful adventure. ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 28

How to be produc MEET MIKE STURM

ctive by writing? Mike Sturm write things on the internet—mostly about productivity, selfimprovement, and life in this digital age. He is the editor-in-chief of Woolgathering, a weekly e-mail newsletter which aims to help its readers think differently and think better. He is the co-founder and erstwhile editor of a wonderful publication called The Junction—where the real editorial work is done by the talented Matt Tomic. He also write for publications like Better Humans, Personal Growth, and The Coffeelicious, among various others. Mike was the first person in his family to go to college, and when he did, he had no idea what to do with the experience or credentials he would receive. He started in the fine arts and quickly changed to an arguably less-valued major- philosophy. Once he did that, his goal was to eventually become a professor. He would spend his life teaching and write about the more fundamental questions of reality and life. Unfortunately, that journey took much longer than he had anticipated. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in the subject, and then went to grad school, where he quickly succumbed to burnout. He took on too much, didn’t rest and recharge like he should have, and it took its toll on his performance and well-being. He took a break for a few years- working a job in retail sales at a health and wellness chain store, and lived very simply during that time. It allowed him to remove himself from the stress and pressure associated with a singular and narrow goal. He spent time working on himself, reflecting, building resilience. He made new friends and discovered spirituality- not in the esoteric and fluffy idealistic sense of that termbut rather a practical spirituality. It’s the kind of view of things that acknowledge that how you feel is at once unique, important, and powerful. That development enabled him to meet the woman who would become his wife and the mother of his children, who remains his trusted confidant, most ardent supporter, and best friend. After that break, he went on to finish his grad school work and get his Master’s degree. He got a salaried job, taught college courses in philosophy on the side, bought a house, had kids, and took on all of the classically “adult” responsibilities. It was at that point that he became interested in productivity and self-improvement. He found all sorts of people writing all sorts of opinions on the topics. Some were helpful, some were vacuous. Being a person comfortable with forming opinions and debates, he decided to jump into that particular water back in 2014. He hasn’t looked back since then. He talked to ScaleUp magazine editorial team and discussed his life journey and lessons learned.

Change Leadership

Tell us about the struggles and achievements in your life and what did you learn from them? My high point in life had to be meeting my wife. I say that because my worst mistakes were the ones I made because I thought that I could go at it alonewhatever it was. I didn’t value the presence or feedback of others, and I certainly didn’t share with them my intimate and personal thoughts. If my wife had not basically knocked me over the head with that realization, I’m not sure I would’ve come to it without irreversibly altering my life path for the worse. Her friendship and partnership are what helped me to decide to do what I’m doing now- something that fulfills me in ways that my previous endeavors never did. She also helped me build the amazing family that I have today. I have two young children who surprise, delight, and test me every day. And those are all things that I absolutely need in my life. My low point in life, well, there’s a tie for that particular honor. That period in grad school where I got burned out and stepped away for a few years. There were a few months where everything was coming to a head for me in the spring semester of my second year in grad school before I left. I have never felt more out of control, stretched thin, hopeless, devoid of purpose and direction, and so on. I think of that complex and terrible feeling from time to time, as a reminder of how things could be if I fail to stay engaged with the things in my life. The other low point in my life happened right before I began writing about productivity and personal development online. I had been teaching philosophy at the college level for a few years, and I convinced myself that the best thing for me to do would be to try 31 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

to obtain my Ph.D. in the subject and try to become a professor at whatever institution of higher learning would take me. I applied to 17 Ph.D. programs across the country, and received 14 rejections. When I looked at what the journey would be at any of the 3 schools that accepted me, it became clear that the journey was less about making a good life for myself, and more about being too proud to admit that I was too narrow in my approach to what I wanted to do with my life. Those 14 rejections stung me quite a bit, but they helped me realize that I needed to reevaluate. I can’t be thankful enough for that. From my low in life—specifically all of that stress and pressure that surrounded my dream of getting a Ph.D. and being a professor—I learned not to be so narrow in my goals, and not to be so attached to them. What I mean by that is that my goal should never have been so narrow as a job. It should not have been “to be a professor in a university, teaching this subject”. My goal should have been about what issue(s) I wanted to tackle and what I wanted to contribute to the world—however small that contribution might be. Had I thought about my goals in that way, I would have seen how many options I had to make the kind of contribution I want to make. That’s where I am now—having learned that lesson—and I am so grateful that I was able to see that when I was still young.

Turning point in your life?

A co-worker of mine, back when I was working a retail job, once told me that it never pays to compare yourself to others, because all you’re doing is comparing their frontstage to your backstage. All that means is that people who seem to have it all together or

Change Leadership seem happy and successful, you’re just seeing what they’re presenting to the public—not what is going on behind the scenes. In turn, when you compare that one-sided perception to all the stuff you’ve got going on behind the scenes in your life—it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison. And more than likely, the people who appear to have it all together have some level of chaos going on in the minds behind the scenes. They just don’t show it. That helped me quite a bit because I used to compare myself to others constantly. Once I stopped, it was like a whole new world of personal growth opened up for me.

Tell us about your routine

I still struggle with work-life balance. My day job is pretty demanding, and I have the side hustle of writing, creating courses, and doing some client work with my wife for the business she owns. So for me, it’s work-life integration. The spare time I do have is mostly for recharging. The same goes for my wife. We run everything as partners, and we have our eyes fixed upon a future where we have put in the hard work with each other and remained strong partners in the process, but can now just relax and enjoy the fruits of that work.

in relation to those, and just reaffirm that they will guide me through the day. After that, I spend about 15 minutes planning my day. I simply look at my open action items, my calendar, and then think about what projects are most important to get to that day. After all that, it’s email (both work and personal), and either writing or day job work until about 6:30 or 7. After that, I do about 10 minutes of meditationrotating daily between Zazen, Vipassana, and Metta meditation. At some point, I’ll get to longer sessions, but for now, 10 minutes does the trick. After all that, I exercise. If the weather is decent, I run for about 5 miles on the path by my house (or around the hotel if I’m traveling, which is often). Barring that, I do a routine of push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and squats. On the weekends, all bets are off. I sleep in until my daughter or son wakes up, and then we chill out in our pajamas for a while, until my wife gets up and we decide what to do for the day.

I wake up around 4 or 5 am every day- depending on when I go to sleep the night before. I spend 1015 minutes journaling while my coffee is brewing. Then I do a quick review of a little worksheet I made for myself called “core values”. It has the 3 principles I’m working on this year (I adopt 3 new ones each year), along with my other constant principles. I reflect on how I”m doing ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 32

Change Leadership

What makes you productive?

That’s a great question. What keeps me productive is writing. I am really bad at doing things I’m not interested in, and the only way that I can get reinterested in something I have to do if I’ve lost interest is to begin writing about it. I’ve found it to be an excellent trick for getting back on track with lagging projects. I will literally sit down and start writing about how I don’t want to work on this project, then I’ll begin to talk about why. One that happens, I will see that there is work I have to do to further define the project that I hadn’t donewhich is why I wasn’t being productive on it. It’s crazy, but it works. Writing down the status of projects and keeping track of them is also the best way to stay productive. Just recording thoughts and actions in general keeps me focused on how well I am doing, or what more I need to do. The times when I don’t do that- when I rely on gut instincts to drive what I’m engaged in, that’s when I’m much less productive.

What tools do you use?

When I first got into the business world, I read David Allen’s Getting Things Done, and it shaped my entire view of work and life. That is the productivity system I use. I tend to view the world through the lens of projects and next actions. So any software I tend to use folds into that system. I switch from time to time, but the staples are: • WorkFlowy for notes and reference lists. • Instapaper to save and annotate reading for research and my newsletter. • Google Sheets to run my GTD task management. I built a template 33 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

especially for it, and created a course to show others how to use it.

Your source of inspiration and motivation For me, the answer to most questions about motivation and inspiration is writing. I rarely feel more motivated or inspired than when I am a few paragraphs into an exploration of some thought or feeling that I’m putting down on paper. I can’t suggest it highly enough. The writing can be deleted immediately, and never see the light of day. Putting it out there isn’t the point.

The point is to get yourself moving, creating, and thinking all at once. Writing is the simplest and easiest way to do that. It’s motivation and inspiration literally at each of our fingertips. There is no shortage of people in my life who have influenced me and made a difference in my life. My wife has made a huge difference in my life- continuing to get me to see things differently and to constantly improve myself. Prior to that, there were a few professors I had in college that made a huge impact on my way of thinking and learning. One was a philosophy professor I had through undergraduate and graduate classes, who I was sad to learn recently passed away. He taught me a great deal about how to be curious, how to be intellectually humble, how to write, and how to think differently. The other was a professor of Southeast Asian studies, who was my boss for a while. I was flirting with Buddhism and Taoism as a young man, and he had studied Thai Buddhism extensively. He was a great resource for me as I adopted a spiritual path, and remains a friend of mine to this day.

Change Leadership As far as people that I don’t know directly who had a profound impact on me. I cannot speak highly enough of Merlin Mann- who coined the phrase “inbox zero” and wrote so much great stuff online about productivity and selfimprovement. My entire approach to writing about those things was inspired by his work back in the early 2000s. It was a fresh, sincere, and helpful approach devoid of the usual slogans and vacuous advice. The entire reason I got into writing about productivity and selfimprovement has a lot to do with him and his work.

Your sources of learnings?

Books: • The Dhammapada (various translations exist, but I prefer the one by Eknath Easwaran. I first picked up the Dhammapada as a sophomore in college, when I was really starting to explore who I was going to try to be on my own. It’s such a digestible introduction into a way to see experience and • Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes • This book taught me not just that I should question every piece of knowledge I think I have, but also how to do that. • Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown I first read this book at a time when I felt so overwhelmed by my work that I wasn’t sure if I should even keep doing it. It is one of the few books that I re-read every year. It’s that valuable. • Getting Things Done by David Allen I hold a special place in my heart for this book. I can’t recommend it

enough. It’s not even the system that David created that I love so much, but the underlying philosophy of it. It’s so simple, but yet so rich. • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey This is a cliche, for sure, but it is a great book. Covey’s advice is great for growing your business or getting better at whatever work you do. But it’s also about how to be a better person—better for your friends, family, and community. Websites/Blogs: • Farnam Street • Ribbon Farm • Brain Pickings • Podcasts: • The Productivity Podcast • Love Work • After On • The Art of Manliness • Back to Work (the first 75 – 100 episodes specifically) • The GTD podcast

What advice you would give to people looking for success? My advice to anyone looking to transform their lives would be one of the 7 habits from Stephen Covey: seek first to understand. Doing this takes a lot of work, but it also yields benefits in so many other realms. Not only can it make you a better person, and enrich your personal life, but it can also be the gateway to immense progress in your professional life. The more I step back and ask questions, withhold judgment, and really try to understand people and their reasons, the more I learn.

Obviously, the more I learn, the better I become, and the hungrier I am for more knowledge, which keeps on yielding benefits for me. ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 34

The One Thing: The

Truth Behind Extra

Discover the powerful concept peop Book Description: YOU WANT LESS. You want fewer distractions and less on your plate. The daily barrage of e-mails, texts, tweets, messages, and meetings distract you and stress you out. The simultaneous demands of work and family are taking a toll. And what’s the cost? Second-rate work, missed deadlines, smaller pay cheques, fewer promotions-and lots of stress. AND YOU WANT MORE. You want more productivity from your work. More income for a better lifestyle. You want more satisfaction from life, and more time for yourself, your family, and your friends. NOW YOU CAN HAVE BOTH-LESS AND MORE. In The ONE Thing, you’ll learn to * cut through the clutter * achieve better results in less time * build momentum toward your goal * dial down the stress * overcome that overwhelmed feeling * revive your energy * stay on track * master what matters to you The ONE Thing is the New York Times bestseller which delivers extraordinary results in every area of your life-work, personal, family, and spiritual. WHAT’S YOUR ONE THING? 35 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

Surprisingly Simple aordinary Results:

ple are using to be more productive About Author: Professionally, Gary’s ONE Thing is teaching. He excelled as a real estate salesperson by teaching clients how to make great home buying-and-selling decisions. As a real estate sales manager, he recruited agents through training and helped them build their careers the same way. As cofounder and chairman of the board, he built Keller Williams Realty International from a single office in Austin, Texas, to the largest real estate franchising company in the United States by using his skills as teacher, trainer, and coach. Gary defines leadership as “teaching people how to think the way they need to think so they can do what they need to do when they need to do it, so they can get what they want when they want it.” An Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and finalist for Inc. Magazine’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Keller is recognized as one of the most influential leaders in the real estate industry. He has also helped many small business owners and entrepreneurs find success through three nationally bestselling books: The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, The Millionaire Real Estate Investor, and SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times. A book, after all, is just another way to teach, but one with an infinitely large classroom. As a business coach and national trainer, Gary has helped countless others realize extraordinary results by narrowing focus to their own ONE Thing. Unsurprising to those who know him, Gary’s single greatest achievement is the life he’s built with his wife Mary and their son John. ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 36


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Christopher Connors


earn to build life on values ith CHRISTOPHER CONNORS Christopher Connors is an author, writer and career coach with a background in management consulting. His passion is helping people blend their natural talents and skills with their passions. He is the father of two amazing boys and happily married to his graduate school sweetheart. He grew up on Long Island, right outside of New York City. His family, job, and writing is the biggest part of his life. He is the author of the book "The Value of You" which is the personal development guide for anyone looking to boldly live life on their own terms. The book is a journey into the powerful values that define our human experience. Each chapter highlights a value that helps to serve as the foundation of our values structure. In the book, Chris discusses what the value is, why it matters and how we can use it to the game plan in our lives to achieve goals, happiness, and peace of mind. Chris talked about his success story with ScaleUp Magazine in an email interview.


PERSONAL GROWTH Adversity always brings with it an Chris, what were some opportunity—as long as we’re willing to of the best and worst stay positive and recognize it. moment in your life and what did you learn from How do you lead your daily life? them? My highs are the moments I’ve felt the most love—witnessing the births of my two children, getting married and countless special memories with my family. Professionally, it’s becoming an Amazon bestseller with my new book. Low points—getting fired from a job, and breaking up with my then-girlfriend and now-wife (prior to getting married). It broke my heart! I’m glad we got back together! One of my favorite quotes in life comes from coaching basketball:

YOU’RE NEVER AS GOOD AS YOU THINK YOU ARE WHEN YOU WIN; YOU’RE NEVER AS BAD AS YOU THINK YOU ARE WHEN YOU LOSE. During the highs, we have to remember that those times won’t always last, no matter how special they are, or no matter how much we’ve achieved. We need to keep things in perspective. During the low times, we have to remember to believe in ourselves and to have a high self-esteem. Bad times define us and lead to great times. What was the turning point in your life? Adversity is your greatest asset. The biggest accomplishments and greatest moments in my life have come from the greatest adversity. 39 | SCALEUP | ISSUE 11

It’s hard, but the only way I’m able to succeed in doing this is through game planning my weeks and days. I have a core mission, a definition of what I consider success to be, and I prioritize the things that matter most to me. My family means more to me than anything. So I always find time for them, despite how much I love pouring my all into my writing, coaching and speaking pursuits. I try to plan my day the night before, while still improvising through planning during each day. I always eat breakfast and try to eat well in the morning, while visualizing exactly what I want to accomplish. I spend time in prayer and meditation at different times of the day. I also always make sure to get up, walk around and keep refreshing my mind with new ideas. When I’m working on a task, I do everything I can to stay immersed in that moment.

PERSONAL GROWTH Can you share some of your productivity mantras? It all starts with my attitude and effort. I always do my best to stay positive and work hard for what I’m doing. I begin with my values and planning. From there, I need to stay positive and keep making adjustments as I work hard. Finding a way to self-inspire and remain selfmotivated is critical to success. I’m a big believer in Microsoft Outlook, but I’m also now using Trello. I still like to write a lot of things down on paper and in a planner. The act of handwriting helps me with memorization and prioritization. But I’m also a very big OneNote user. That said, I’m always open to new ideas and trying out new things that will make me even more productive. I’m always looking.

What are the sources of inspiration? This begins with my mission: To live each moment to the fullest by having a positive attitude, a smile and genuine enjoyment for life while giving everything I have to love and help the people and environment around me and achieve my goals and success on my terms. At my core, I want to help and serve others. This inspires and motivates me because it’s at the forefront of why I’m doing, what I’m doing. My Mom and Dad, my brothers are the biggest sources of inspiration. Definitely starts with my family. I’ve also been very inspired by famous figures of history like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr.,

and Mother Teresa. Athletes like Mariano Rivera and Tim Duncan represent so much of what I believe makes sports and competition so special. People of integrity, faith, and love are at the top of my list.

Books and resources for success? Of course, The Value of You by yours truly! My favorite books include Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill; Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques Philippe; The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey; and Sacred Hoops by Phil Jackson Advice for people looking to transform their lives. Begin by building your life on values. Choose wisely. Then, put together a game plan for our life, knowing that life and everything around you will continue to change. But you have to have a plan if you want to live life on your terms. From there, pursue your passions and do what you love. Do what comes naturally to you and that which you are talented and skilled at. Surround yourself with family, friends and those who love you, and always believe in yourself. ISSUE 11 | SCALEUP | 40



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