SUBIC BAY METROPOLITAN AUTHORITY Office Telephone Directory (as of December 2010) HOTLINE NUMBER
166 911 for PLDT-SubicTel Landline Subscribers 9111 for Smart & Globe Mobile Subscribers 160 167 161 183
Crime Stop Emergency Hotline Desk Fire Forest Ranger Branch (Bldg. 2157 Naval Mag Area) Medical - Sagip Buhay Telephone Trouble Desk (For SBMA lines only) ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT
Department Manager
Rm. 214 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
Rm. 214 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
Cost Accounting Division (Payroll)
Bldg. 705, Barryman Street
Cost Accounting Division (Payroll)
Bldg. 705, Barryman Street
General Accounting
Rm. 214 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
Rm. 214 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
Receivable Division / Housing Billing
Rm. 214 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
Receivables - Locator Billing
Rm. 214 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
Receivables - Locator (Fax)
Rm. 214 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE Administrator and CEO Chief of Staff Sr. Executive Assistant Staff Receiving section Filing Room Fax BUILDING PERMIT DEPARTMENT Department Manager Secretary/ Receiving Section Telefax BUISINESS AND INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT FOR GENERAL BUSINESS AND INVESTMENTS Department Manager Secretary Services Division Head Trading Division Head TeleFax Front Desk Security Officer BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT FOR ICT Department Manager Secretary/Account Officers/Staff/Telefax
TEL. NUMBER 252-1934 252-1934 252-4009 252-4381 to 83 / 4011 252-4895 252-4599 252-3014
LOCATION Rm. 206 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 206 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 206 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 206 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 206 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Stock Room, Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 206 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road
TEL. NUMBER 252-4100 252-4015 252-4015
LOCATION Rm.226 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm 223 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm 223 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street
252-4634 252-4395 252-4397 252-4753/4515 252-4396 252-4615
Rm. 111 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 111 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 111 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 111 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 111 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Bldg 255 Lobby, Barryman Street
TEL. NUMBER 252-4995
LOCATION Rm. 103 Bldg 662, Taft Street
Rm. 103 Bldg 662, Taft Street
BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT FOR LEISURE Department Manager Secretary Account Officers Account Officers Account Officers TeleFax Front Desk Security Officer
TEL. NUMBER 252-4392 252-4331 252-4066 252-4071 / 4399 252-4395 / 4397 252-4023 252-4615
LOCATION Rm 128. Bldg 225, Dewey Avenue Rm 128. Bldg 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 114 Bldg 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 128 Bldg 255, Dewey Avenue Rm. 128 Bldg 256, Dewey Avenue Rm. 128 Bldg 255, Dewey Avenue Bldg 225 Lobby, Dewey Avenue
BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT FOR LOGISTICS Department Manager Secretary Account Officers Admin Fax Front Desk Security Officer
TEL. NUMBER 252-4055 252-4626 252-4627 / 4354 252-4216 252-4615
LOCATION Rm. 103 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 120 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 120 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 120 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 225 Lobby, Dewey Avenue
BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT FOR MANUFACTURING & MARITIME Department Manager Secretary Account Officers Admin Fax Front Desk Security Officer
252-4791 252-4632 252-4636 / 4486 / 4635 252-4633 252-4615
Rm. 104 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 104 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 104 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 104 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 225 Lobby, Dewey Avenue
Corporate Secretary Board Secretary Staff Staff Admin Telefax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4173 252-4173 252-4172 / 4171 252-4176 / 4359 252-4170
LOCATION Rm. 113 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 113 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 113 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 113 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 113 Bldg 229, Waterfront Road
CHAIRMAN'S OFFICE Chairman / Head of Agency Chief of Staff Executive Assistant Private Secretary Admin Telefax Front Desk Security Officer
252-7009 525-4153 252-4422 / 7009 252-4888 / 4427 252-4228 252-4899
Rm 201. Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm 201. Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm 201. Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm 201. Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm 201. Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Rm 201. Bldg 229, Waterfront Road
COMMISSION ON AUDIT (COA) COA Resident Auditor Staff Admin Telefax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4407 252-4138 252-4408
LOCATION Rm. 209, Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 209, Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 209, Bldg. 255, Barryman Street
TEL. NUMBER 252-4058 252-4802 252-4057 252-4805 / 4756 / 4276 252-4250 252-4302 252-4056 / 4312 252-4111 / 4876 252-4421 252-4854 252-4461 252-4072 252-4175 / 4163 252-4058 / 4302 252-4632 252-4137 252-4802 252-4802 252-4309
LOCATION Transpo Compound Canal Road Transpo Compound Canal Road Bldg. 275, Aguinaldo Street Transpo Compound, Canal Road Road 2, Boton Tank Farm Office Bldg. 275, Aguinaldo Street Bldg. 275, Aguinaldo Street Bldg. 275, Aguinaldo Street Transpo Compound, Canal Road Transpo Compound, Canal Road Transpo Compound, Canal Road Bldg. 275, Aguinaldo Street Bldg. 275, Aguinaldo Street
CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Department Manager Secretary Admin Maintenance Personnel Hotline Admin Staff Boton Maintenance Dispatcher (for transportation requests) Green Brigade Job Order Hotline Heavy Shop/Public Works Licensing Light Shop Maintenance Admin Fax Maintenance Staff Tool Room Transportation Admin Fax Transportation Division Head Transportation Division Staff Solid Waste DISASTER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (SDMC) Staff ECOLOGY DEPARTMENT
TEL. NUMBER 252-4991 / 4992 TEL. NUMBER
Transpo Compound, Canal Road Transpo Compound, Canal Road Transpo Compound, Canal Road Transpo Compound, Canal Road Transpo Compound, Canal Road LOCATION Bldg 657, Burgos Street LOCATION
Department Manager Ecology Admin Fax Department Staff Receiving Section Regulatory Permitting Division Environmental Protection & Community Development Division Policy Monitoring Division
252-4435 252-4157 252-4435 252-4155 252-4059 252-4656 252-4416
Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue
ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Department Manager Admin Staff Budget Control Section Division Chief Budget Control Section Staff Financial Evaluation (for Locators) Financial Planning Section (for SBMA Departments' Accounts) Project Development Division Chief Project Development Division Staff Technical Services Division (TSD) Chief Technical Services Division Staff Utilities Division Chief Utilitied Division Secretary Utilities Division Fax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4100 252-4713 252-4631 252-4414/4512 252-4126 252-4531 252-4095 252-4191 252-4485 252-4483 / 4526 252-4590 252-4577 252-4589
LOCATION Rm. 228 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 228 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 124 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 124 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 124 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 124 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 223 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 223 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 230 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Rm. 230 Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road
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SBMA DIRECTORY as of Dec2010.xls
FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief' Alarm Room Fire Prevention Office Station 1 Upper Cubi Station 2 Naval Mag Station 3 Crash Fire Station 4 Boton Station 5 Binictican Station 6 Kalayaan Telefax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4227 252-4657 / 4830 252-4061 252-5967 252-5117 252-5356 / 5047 252-4740 252-4319 252-4883 252-4227
LOCATION Station 7 Bldg. 71, Sampson Street Station 7 Bldg. 71, Sampson Street Station 7 Bldg. 71, Sampson Street Bldg. 8252, Upper Cubi Area Bldg. 2542, Naval Mag, Cubi Area Bldg. 8051, Upper Cubi Area Bldg. 1430, Boton Road Bldg. 6643, Binictican Drive Bldg. 1548, Kalayaan Road Station 7 Bldg. 71, Sampson Street
HUMAN RESOURCE & MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT (HRMD) Department Manager Secretary Admin Fax Appointment / Discipline Section Benefits Section Freeport Recreation Committee Moral Welfare Section Payroll Section Recruitment Division San Roque (SBMA) Chapel Taxation and Child Allowance Section Training Section
TEL. NUMBER 252-4232 252-4294 252-4294 252-4252 252-4135 252-4054 / 4135 252-4297 252-4110 252-4054 252-4539 252-4711 252-4709
LOCATION G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street San Roque Chapel, Dewey Avenue G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. 255, Barryman Street
INTERNAL AUDIT SERVICE Department Manager Secretary Fax Financial Division Management Division
TEL. NUMBER 252-4267 252-4267 252-4266 252-4031 252-4030
LOCATION Rm. 115 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 115 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 115 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 115 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 115 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street
INTELLIGENCE OFFICE (IO) Department Manager Admin Intelligence Section Evidence Room Intelligence Operations Telefax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4139 252-4506 252-4510 252-4509 252-4246
LABOR DEPARTMENT Department Manager Secretary Admin Staff Admin Telefax Concillation and Employee Welfare Division Evaluation Section Working Permit and Alien Employment Division Recruitment Division Service Contracting Office Work Force Development Division Work Force Development Division Telefax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4254 252-4254 252-4074 252-4494 252-4253 / 4554 / 4828 252-4101 252-4073 252-4346 252-4542 / 4861 252-4067 / 4496 252-4092
LAND ASSET MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT (LAMD) Department Manager Secretary Admin Telefax Estate Division Chief Estate Division Staff Land Division Chief Land Division Staff
TEL. NUMBER 252-4470 252-4479 252-4715 252-4409 252-4147 252-4198 252-4529 / 4148
LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT (LED) Department Manager Secretary Staff Fax Admin Branch Airport Branch Binictican Detachment Bldg. 229 Front Desk Security Officer Communications Branch Desk Sergeant
TEL. NUMBER 252-4664 252-4505 / 4665 252-4505 252-4667 252-4855 252-5184 / 5185 252-5347 252-4492 / 4668 252-4144 / 4145 252-4550 / 4650 252-5413 252-4247 252-4143 252-5027 252-4271 252-5217 / 5277 252-4146 252-4766 252-4142 252-4363 252-4247 252-5500 252-5346 252-4272 252-4141 252-4212 252-4481 252-4641 252-4423 252-4268 252-4143 252-4121 252-4707 252-4042
Cubi Detachment Division Chief for Investigation Division Chief for Patrol Emergency Reaction Team Follow-up Section Forest Ranger Branch General Assignment Services Branch General Crimes Investigation Office Harbor Patrol Internal Affairs Branch Investigation Division K-9 Branch Kalayaan Detachment Law Enforcement Academy LED Armory Logistics Branch Admin and Auxillary Division Office of LED Division Chiefs Operations Division Port Sentinel Branch SOG Main Gate Special Reaction Division Traffic Branch Traffic Investigation Branch Women and Children's Desk LEGAL DEPARTMENT
2/F Bldg. 657, Burgos Street 2/F Bldg. 657, Burgos Street 2/F Bldg. 657, Burgos Street 2/F Bldg. 657, Burgos Street 2/F Bldg. 657, Burgos Street LOCATION Rm. 116 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 116 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 116 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 116 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Bldg. 662, Taft Street Rm. 125 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 125 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 125 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 210 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Bldg. 662, Taft Street Bldg. 662, Taft Street LOCATION Bldg. 156, Quezon Street Bldg. 156, Quezon Street Bldg. 156, Quezon Street Bldg. 156, Quezon Street Bldg. 156, Quezon Street Bldg. 156, Quezon Street Bldg. 156, Quezon Street LOCATION Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 8050, Cubi Area 23-A Binictican Drive Bldg. 229 Lobby, Waterfront Road Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 8375, Cubi Area Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 8450, Coregidor St. Zambales Highway Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 2157 (Naval Mag Area) Bldg. 639, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 639, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 8500, Cubi Area 82-B Kalayaan Road Bldg. 501, Causeway Road Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street SOG Pedestrian, Main Gate Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street Bldg. 657, Burgos Street
TEL. NUMBER 252-4784 252-4784 252-4721 252-4785 252-4780 252-4093 / 4686 / 4513 252-4783 / 4783 / 4786 252-4041 / 4367 252-4781
LOCATION Rm. 205 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 205 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 205 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 205 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 205 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 205 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street
TEL. NUMBER 252-4497 252-4471 252-4388 2524482 252-4158 / 4489 / 4487 252-4158 / 4482 252-4487 / 4489 252-4493 252-4387 252-4490 252-4404 252-4355 525-4778 / 4779
LOCATION Rm. 203 Bldg. N, Quezon Street Rm. 203 Bldg. N, Quezon Street RM. 201 Bldg. N, Quezon Street RM. 201 Bldg. N, Quezon Street Rm. 109 Bldg. N, Quezon Street Rm. 101-D Bldg. N, Quezon Street
MEDIA PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT (MPD) Department Manager Secretary Staff Radio Station (DWSB 89.5)
TEL. NUMBER 252-4014 252-4014 252-4279 252-4439
LOCATION Rm. 107 Bldg. 255, Waterfront Road Rm. 107 Bldg. 255, Waterfront Road Rm. 107 Bldg. 255, Waterfront Road G/F Bldg. N, Quezon Street
Department Manager Secretary Collection and Litigation Division Contracts and Documentation Division Legal Admin Fax Legal Officers
Library / Records Section MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) OFFICE Department Manager Secretary Admin Telefax Applications Division Head Applications / IFMS
Data Base Administrator Data Center / Operation Data Center / Operation MIS Help Desk Ortho-GIS / Training Room Technical Support Group / Operation
252-4166 / 4083 252-4164 / 4130 252-4165 TEL. NUMBER 252-4150 252-4149 252-4149 TEL. NUMBER
Rm. 205 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street
Rm. 206 Bldg. N, Quezon Street Rm. 112 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 206 Bldg. N, Quezon Street Rm. 206 Bldg. N, Quezon Street Rm. 110 Bldg. N, Quezon Street Rm. 206 Bldg. N, Quezon Street
Rm. 209 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 209 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 209 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road LOCATION 2/F Subic Bay Exhibition and Convention Center (SBECC), Efficiency Sreet, Subic Gateway Park 2/F SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park LOCATION
252-4999 252-4007/4999 252-4582 / 4583 252-4007
G/F Bldg N, Quezon Street G/F Bldg N, Quezon Street Rm. 109 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. N, Quezon Street
TEL. NUMBER 252-4488 252-4167 252-4168
LOCATION Rm. 211 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 211 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 211 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
Deputy Administrator Staff Telefax
252-4357 252-4356 252-4352
Page 2
Rm. 111 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 111 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 111 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
SBMA DIRECTORY as of Dec2010.xls
TEL. NUMBER 252-4315 252-4468 / 4610 252-4472 / 4834
LOCATION Rm. 229 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 223 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street
TEL. NUMBER 252-4365 252-4365 / 4440 252-4079 252-4351 / 4365 252-4498
OFFICE OF THE SENIOR DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR FOR INTERNAL SERVICES GROUP (ISG) Senior Deputy Administrator Executive Assistant Secretary Staff / TeleFax
OFFICE OF THE SENIOR DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR FOR REGULATORY GROUP Senior Deputy Administrator Executive Assistant Secretary Staff Telefax
252-4885 252-4885 252-4885 252-4040
252-4693 252-4241 252-4241 252-4927 252-4108
252-4426 252-4426 252-4370 252-4370 252-4584
LOCATION Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 225, Dewey Avenue LOCATION G/F Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road G/F Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road G/F Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road G/F Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road LOCATION Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street LOCATION Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue
OFFICE SERVICES DEPARTMENT (OSD) Department Manager Secretary Auxiliary Services Division (ASD) Chief ASD Fax Badging Area Library Library Staff and Researchers Mail Service Main Office Telefax Pass Issuance Evaluators Pass Issuance 14th St. Gate Satellite Office Pass Issuance NSD Satellite Office (for forward users) Pass Window Section
TEL. NUMBER 252-4390 252-4290 252-4188 252-4185 / 4186 / 4187 252-4475 252-4184 252-4107 252-4754 / 4469 252-4291 252-4728 / 4044 / 4217 252-4818 252-4006 252-4310
PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Department Manager Secretary Admin Section Maintenance Section Special Projects Telefax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4077 252-4097 252-4078 252-4335 252-4053 252-4098
2/F Bldg. 662, Taft Street 2/F Bldg. 662, Taft Street 2/F Bldg. 662, Taft Street 2/F Bldg. 662, Taft Street 2/F Bldg. 662, Taft Street 2/F Bldg. 662, Taft Street
TEL. NUMBER 252-4572 252-4574
LOCATION Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road
252-4543 252-4545
Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road
252-4117 252-4578 252-4533 252-4535 252-4545
Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road Bldg. 1800 (former Enron Admin Bldg.), Causeway Road
Admin Officer Fax Subic Bay Freeport Environment Management Project Project Manager Telefax Subic Bay Port Development Project Project Manager Admin-Staff PMO-Support Staff Staff Telefax PROCUREMENT AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT (PPMD) Department Manager Secretary Admin Fax Admin Staff Coordination Section Bids and Awards Committee Inventory Section Issuance Section Procurement Division Chief Procurement Staff Property Division Chief Property Division Saff Property Division Telefax Purchasing Section Receiving Section Record Control Section Technical Group Warehouse PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY DEPARTMENT (PHSD) Department Manager Admin / TeleFax Cubi Dispensary Dental Dispatcher / X-ray / Training Laboratory / Pharmacy Nurse Station / Medical Occupational Health & Safety / Social Hygiene Clinic PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT (PRD) Department Manager Secretary Admin Telefax Community Relations Staff Subic Bay Information Center Subic Bay Information Center Help Desk REGISTRY OF CERTIFICATE OWNERSHIP OF LEASEHOLD RIGHTS Registry Of Certificate Ownership of Leasholds Rights SEAPORT DEPARTMENT General Manager General Manager's Office (TeleFax) Executive Assistant Asset Management Division Head Asset Management Division Staff
Asset Management Division (Telefax) Billing Section Bulk Operations Branch (Terminal Operations Division) Cargo Control Branch Container Control Branch Container Terminal Operations Corporate Division Filing and Documentation Harbor Pilot's Office Int'l Security & Port Facility System (ISPS) Control Room Marine Division Head Marine Division Boarding Inspector Marine Division Staff NSD Checkers (Terminal Operations Division) Policy Division Port Marketing Processing Branch Statistics and Records Branch (Corporate Division) Suppply Room Supply Section Terminal Operations Division Head Terminal Operations Division Staff Trade Automation Facilitiation System (Asycuda Log)
TEL. NUMBER 252-4214 252-4214 252-4284 / 4251 252-4283 / 4214 252-4282 252-4230 / 4281 252-4086 252-4046 252-4270 252-4210 / 4211 252-4219 252-4474 / 4613 252-4339 252-4124 / 4424 252-4432 252-4238 252-4501 252-4085 TEL. NUMBER 252-4106 252-4106 252-5378 / 5851 / 8929 252-4280 252-4169 252-4380 252-4880 252-4502 TEL. NUMBER 252-4368 252-4368 / 4375 252-4338 252-4338 252-4000 to 4002 252-4007 TEL. NUMBER 252-4296 / 4258 TEL. NUMBER 252-4225 / 4541 252-4694 252-4225 / 4541 252-4228 252-4692 / 4844 252-4136 / 4871 252-4060 252-4928 252-4717 / 4140 / 4128 252-4342 252-4323 252-4341 252-4340 252-4371 252-4825 252-7245 252-4683 252-4473 252-4638 252-4244 252-4810 / 4476 252-4644 252-4643 252-4648 252-4240 / 4372 252-4732 252-4612 252-4697 252-4347 252-4620
Page 3
LOCATION Bldg. 494 (At the back of SBMA Multi-Purpose Gym) Bldg. 494 (At the back of SBMA Multi-Purpose Gym) Rm. 107 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 107 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Bldg. 494 (At the back of SBMA Multi-Purpose Gym) Rm. 203 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 203 Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 107 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Bldg. 494 (At the back of SBMA Multi-Purpose Gym) Bldg. 494 (At the back of SBMA Multi-Purpose Gym) 14th Street Gate Naval Supply Depot (NSD) Compound, Argonaut Highway Main Gate Sentry LOCATION
LOCATION Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Bldg. 709, Burgos Street Bldg. 709, Burgos Street Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Bldg. 709, Burgos Street Bldg. 709, Burgos Street Bldg. 709, Burgos Street Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Bldg. 709, Burgos Street Bldg. 709, Burgos Street Rm. 201, Bldg. 255, Barryman Road Bldg. 709, Burgos Street LOCATION Bldg. 280, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 280, Dewey Avenue Bldgs. 8050 & 8052, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 280, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 280, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 280, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 280, Dewey Avenue Bldg. 280, Dewey Avenue LOCATION Rm. 105, Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 105, Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 105, Bldg. 255, Barryman Street Rm. 105, Bldg. 255, Barryman Street G/F Bldg. N, Quezon Street G/F Bldg. N, Quezon Street LOCATION Regulatory Building, Labitan Road LOCATION 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street Bldg. 696, Ship Repair Facility (SRF) 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 1/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street Bldg. 1018, Naval Supply Depot (NSD) Bldg 1055, Naval Supply Depot (NSD) Bldg. 1018, Naval Supply Depot (NSD) Bldg. 1018, Naval Supply Depot (NSD) 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 2/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street G/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 3/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner sampson Street 3/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner sampson Street 3/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner sampson Street 3/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner sampson Street Bldg. 1018, Naval Supply Depot (NSD) 1/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 1/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 1/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 1/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street G/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street 1/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street Bldg. 1055 Naval Supply Depot (NSD) Bldg 1055, Naval Supply Depot (NSD) 1/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street
SBMA DIRECTORY as of Dec2010.xls
SUBIC BAY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (SBIA) General Manager General Manager - Fax Admin - Fax Admin Telefax Airfield Services Airport Law Enforcement - Officer-in-Charge Airport Law Enforcement - Desk Sergeant Air Transportation Office (ATO) - Radar Air Transportation Office (ATO) - Tower Air Transportation Office (ATO) - Tower - Fax Crash and Fire Rescue Ground Electronics Maintenance Section Management Services Division Chief PAGASA PAGASA - Fax PAGASA - Weather Office Planning Engineering Division Chief Supply and Records Terminal Operations Terminal Operations Division Chief Terminal Operations (Operations Center)
TEL. NUMBER 252-3131 252-9379 252-7171 252-6450 252-5104 / 5530 252-5185 252-5184 252-5050 / 7035 252-5528 252-6560 252-5356 / 5047 252-5574 / 9124 252-9365 252-9360 252-5485 252-7150 252-5392 252-9361 252-9363 / 9364 252-9362 252-3151 252-5535
LOCATION Bldg. 8015, New Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8015, New Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8015, New Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8015, New Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050,, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8050, Old Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8015, New Terminal, Argonaut Highway Bldg. 8015, New Terminal, Argonaut Highway
TRADE FACILITATION AND COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT Department Manager Import/Export Import/Export-Fax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4384 252-4361 / 4089 252-4360
LOCATION G/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street G/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street G/F Seaport Admin Bldg., Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street
TEL. NUMBER 252-4026 252-4024 252-4021
LOCATION G/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street G/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street G/F Seaport Admin Bldg. Waterfront Road corner Sampson Street
TRANSPORTATION & COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT Department Manager Secretary Admin. Assistant Admin Staff Admin-Fax Communications Network Compliance Division Chief Communications Network Compliance Division Staff Electronic Services Division Chief Electronic Services Division Staff Electronic Services Division Staff Electronic Services Division - Fax Electronic Services Division - Lights and Sounds Section Electronic Services Division - Mt. Sta. Rita Communication Facilities (MSR) Electronic Services Division SuBAC Lights & Sounds Control Rm. Telephone Operator Transportation Services Division Chief Transportation Services Division Staff Transportation Services Division Staff
TEL. NUMBER 252-4438 252-4438 252-4298 252-4403 252-4449 252-4569 252-4442 / 4570 252-4444 252-4445 / 4003 252-4495 / 4602 252-447 252-4437 252-4551
LOCATION Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Bldg. 4000, Sta Rita, Hermosa Bataan
252-4581 0 252-4446 252-4568 / 4411 252-4047 / 4443
Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Bldg 229, Waterfront Road Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue
TRANSPORT REGULATORY DIVISION Vehicle Registration Division Chief Vehicle Registration Division Staff Vehicle Registration Division - Fax
TEL. NUMBER 252-4663 252-4287 / 4249 252-4288
LOCATION Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue
TOURISM DEPARTMENT Department Manager Secretary General Services Section Department Admin Special Events Section Recreation Division Chief Conference Support/Division Chief Tourism Reservations (SBECC) Pamulaklakin Reservations Recreation/Reservation/VIP services Recreation Division Subic Gym Mangrove Park Personnel Section VIP Services Quick Fix Convention Center Standards Section Tourism Marketing Section Toirism Nursery Section
TEL. NUMBER 252-4362 252-4809 / 4242 / 4123 252-4429 252-4132 / 4561 252-4655 / 4197 252-4180 252-4229 225-4160 / 4129 252-4151 252-4032 252-4829 252-4193 252-4213 252-8178 252-4195 252-4154 / 4049 252-4393 252-4129 / 4160 252-4196 / 4788 252-4200 / 4123 252-4289
TREASURY DEPARTMENT Department Manager Cash Management Division Chief Cash Management Division Secretary Check Release Division Credit and Collection Section Fax (Outgoing Only) Financial Management Division Investment Management Division VISA PROCESSING AND ACCREDITATION OFFICE Office Head Accreditation Office Visa Processing Office
TEL. NUMBER 252-4050 252-4010 252-4344 252-4595 252-4377 to 79 252-4051 252-4131 / 4376 252-4218 / 4374
LOCATION SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park Pamulaklakin Trail, Binictican Road SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park Remy Field, Burgos Street corner Canal Road Naval Mag Gate, Cubi Area SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park SBECC, Efficiency Street, Subic Bay Gateway Park Bldg 424 Warehouse, Subic Multi-Purpose Gym LOCATION Rm. 213 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 213 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road G/F Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 213 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 213 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 213 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 213 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road Rm. 213 Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road
TEL. NUMBER LOCATION 252-4088 Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue 252-4088 Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue 252-4257 / 4203 / 4029 Regulatory Building, Labitan Street corner Rizal Avenue
OTHER DIRECTORY INFORMATION For OUTGOING CALLS: Dial 9 + Tel. No. For NDD & IDD Calls using AUTHORIZATION CODE (PIN): NDD: Dial 9 + 0 + Area Code + Tel. No. + AUTHORIZATION CODE IDD: Dial 9 + 00 + Country Code + Area Code + Tel. No. + AUTHORIZATION CODE
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SBMA DIRECTORY as of Dec2010.xls