Thai-Danish Trade News - December 1995

Page 1


Royal Danish Embassy

Danish Chamber of Commerce December 1995 Vol.2 No.3

ISSN 0859-1229

Busness OpponrrixInss gitlck

& fax: 213 1752

tr 95.O2.O1

Food products. Well-known Danish trading house with a wide range of food products want to enter the Thai market. The Product range consists among other of: frozen good such as vegetables, chips, fish, meat and chicken;

tinned meat; dairy products as well as raw materials for food processing. The company can deliver packs for retail business either with the companies own brand orwith the purchasers trademark. The company is well estab-

lished and dynamic with sales in more than 50 countries worldwide and with offices in several European countries aswell as in China.

The Flexliner is easily recognised by its flat front. As each trainset has its

own traction, onq long train could for instance be spllt up into small, Iocal trains, as tne:main train moves along towards its end destination.

ndla ru a{ r{Ju: alv'ld tu rur, tiu anrrt fl 'r:o rJu'r orJzartr4a"[u{loor.iur{lua eil{tJ'l fl ,l - " + Xa i 4 t,e mfl [u nil ra:o{fl u9t1l6f'l lJ']50?JU to a ou to tl r4r"Lri'nr : #u uJ d u ufl u? u: atv'l dl"[d'$r er To Er lil sios ur v tzTr rur d anr fi i otrl il? eirTv{.l t: rry,l a

The company is looking for

purchasers and /or a distributor.

tr 95.03.01

Parket Flooring. A Danish

company producing do-it-yourself parket floors is looking for a suitable distributor in Thailand already marketing various other building materials.



Hydraullc Presses. A Danish anufacturer of hydraulic presses for various industrial applications is looking for a distributor or agent in Thailandm



Ueed' agro-lndustrlal machlnery. A company selling used Danish abattoir and dairy machinery is looking for prospective clients in Thailand. The company

has the know how te supply the machinery on a turnkey installation basis to its customers.

tr 9s.03.04 Slaughter houses. A Danish manufacturer of turnkey slaughter houses for pigs is looking for prospective clients in Thailand. Continued on page 18

Flexi:ble Danish train

excellent for Thailand The Flexliner is a typical Danish innovation. No locomotives are neededn as each single passenger carriage has its own diesel engine and may in minutes be combined to one single train. A proposal to implement the Danish train concept known as the f lexliner will shortly be formally presente$ to the State Railway of Thailand. Danish ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Jorgen Reimers, recently invited Thailand's Minister for Transport and Communications, Mr. Wanmuhamadnoor Matha, to visit Denmark to experience for himself the functionality of the train. The Flexliner-concept is unique in several ways. First of all, each trainset is self driven in both directions with a small drivers cabin in each end. Secondly, each of these trainsets can be coupled together in minutes to become one single train - or broken down to small, local trains. And thirdly, the modern facilities of the train with telephone and fax facilities, electric

today drive their own cars or take a domestic flight. The Flexliner seems in many ways to be almost tailor made for Thailand, as it would solve some of the country's major traffic problems. Trains from all provinces could be appr:oaching Bangkok from different directions but would not have to go all the way to the central train station. Instead the train would be broken down to single trainsets, whereby passengers going north

or south could save time by continuing

plugs for computers and adaptors for

directly to their end destinations. The remaining trainsets could then be combined to smaller trains going into the city, which would minimize the interruption of traffic at intersections. To f inance the purchase of the Flexliner and its implementation, the Danish devel-

mobile phones would make it an attractive alternative for the type of passengers who

initial approval of a softloan.

opment agency, Danida has given its


Jan Trolborg Minister for Transportation


Dear Reader, lpil36d is known all over the World for its golden temples, unique culture and its smiling and friendly population, and Thailand and Denmark has for centuries enjoyed a close and business like relation.

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In that spirit, lhe State Railways of Thailand has recently taken an interest in the

Danish developed Flexliner train, which has for some years already been successfully implemented in Denmark. With the Flexliner, the State Railway of Thailand would be able to bring more people faster and more comfortable to more destinations than evâ‚Źr before - even before the various planned expansions of the Thai railroad network are completed.

The amazing fact is, that already 65 years ago, when Thailand was one of the first counlries in all of Asia to pioneer into diesel locomotives, the State Railway of Thailand likewise turned to Denmark for a reliable, state-of-the-art technology supplier. And indeed found this very same companyr which - after a number of mergers and acquisi'tts typically tions over the years - is now offering Thailand the Flexliner-concept with Danish approach to efficiency.

This is one of the truly fascinating things aboul the present day relationship between Denmark and Thailand: A century ago, when Denmark and Danes were one of the most active nations in Thailand and a driving force behind the management of the modernization process in practically all the public and private sectors of the Kingdom of Thailand, no-one could possibly imagine the dramatic changes which has taken Place since. Still today, however, these old Thai-Danish relations remain very much alive, like an unaffected friendship, creating new and profitable business opportunities almost daily. Both the Danish Chamber of Ccnmerce and the Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok assist wery day Danish and Thai companies in creating new business relations and indeed in establishing new personal ties for future historians to look into and be amazed. To expand these relations between Thai and Danish businessmen, the Danish Chamber of Commerce throughout the year hosts a variety of events and meetings, where members meet and new business opportunities arise. To join this club of major Danish and Thai companies already active in the Thai-Danish trade seems - for personal and professional reasons alike - to be a good idea .

Jan Trojborg Minister for Transportation Denmark



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Affairs, SAS Bangkok

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The Businessman's Airline

EAC r Your strategic partner Founded in Thailand over a century ago as a trading housc, EAC Thailand has evolved into a major manufacturing and marketing services conglomerate witlr strong distribution and logistic networks providing access to wholesalers and consumers nationwide.

EAC Thailand is organized into major business streams and joint ventures:

EAC Graphics markets, distributes and services graphics equipment and consumables from world leading manufacturers offering state-of-the-art technology encompassing the entire process from prepress to printing and finishing. EAC Technical markets, distributes and services a wide range of automotive parts and accessories, tools, diesel engines, air-compressors, cleaning and packaging equipment.

EAC Chemicals markets and distributes


Thailand's leading importer a diverse portfolio of industrial chemicals.

EAC Healthcare markets and distributes a comprehensive range of pharmaceuticals and health care products.

EAC Warehousing and Distribution Services provides assistance to importers, wholesalers and marketing organisations in Thailand.

EAC Joint Ventures:

. ZENECA Agro Asiatic Limited.


supplier of herbicides.

. ICI Asiatic

Chemicals Company Limited.

Manufacturer of chlorinated paraffins.

o ICI Paints (Thaitand) Limited. Producer of high quality paints.

o United Asiatic Company Limited. Sea and air-freight forwarding. Customs clearance. Offdock freight station, etc.

o Santa Fe (Thailand) Company Limited. International household removal.

. M.

Consolidated Company Limited. Water & waste water treatment. o Pacific Seeds (Thai) Limited. Leading plant breeding and seed marketing company.

We are known for our commitment, integrity, dynamism and mutuality principles in developing strategic partnerships with suppliers, customers

and joint venture partners by employing top quality human resources.


The East Asiatic (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd., 36th Fl. Lumpini Tower, 1168/92-109, Rama IV Road. Banskok 10120 Tel.: 619-7444.679-1555 Fax:285-5031 Telex:84768 ASIATIC


Danish delegation to study Thai land's agricu ltu ral sector Thailand's food and agriculture industries could achieve their ambitious plans with services, equipment and know how from Denmark. deurnuorn nrsm:?{rnus|r

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A Danish fact finding delegation is planning to visit Thailand in late February and early March 1996 to study the Thai agricultural sector.

The delegation will consist of 4-5 persons from the Danish Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricultural Council of Denmark and the Confederation of Danish Industries. They

The Thai agricultural sec-

expansion in the milk process-

tor will expand strongly in the coming years in areas where

ing industry, where Denmark could supply the sector with

Danish equipment and services are traditionally strong. In the dairy sector Thailand is currently increasing the milk production by adding 30.000 cowsthrough the government run "Dairy Extension

to equipment for farming and


dairy industry.

The fact finding delegation will further plan for a follow-up visit of a Danish busi-

everything f rom breeding ma-

The pork industry will like-

wise undergo a significant expansion in the years to

billion in the 1996 financial budget for this project. Such programs will lead to

ties for both domestic mar-

will visit the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to

Besides, the Thai government

study specifically the pig and dairysectors and visit Nakhon Pathom and Muak Lek areas and to study the food process-

national school milk program and have asked for baht 2.8

ing industry.

terial and extension service

kets - another area, where Denmark could supply the Thai agroindstry with a wide range of products and serv-

come with a shift from small holders to larger professional farms, with concentration of production in areas with low disease pressure. This will increase the needs for slaughtering and processing facili-

Reconstruction Program". is significantly expanding the

kets and potential expod mar-

ness delegation. This business delegation will probably take place in the fall of 1996 and be headed by the Danish Minister for Agriculture and

Fisheries. Kjeld Hansen Commercial Counsellor

"Smart" road repair cooperation Vejdirektoratet - the Danish "Department of Highways" - recently presented a proposal to deliver simple, yet high tech road repair equipment to Thailand. Typically Danish, you would say. And so it is - a solution to repairing roads, that does

not waste asphalt on parts of the road, that does not need it.

What it takes, is a special weight, whflch at fixed interval is dropped on the road surface, and a specially developed sensitive equipment to monitor the

echo from the underlying layers of asphalt, concrete and sand. A printer will then plot out a "map" of the road surface, indicating where more asphalt should be poured,

it at other places, where it is not

thereby saving needed.

The equipment, worth 1O0 mill. baht, will be offered

with a Danish softloan.


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Thailand made history with Danish diesel train

:alv'hiur{lu fl r

fully demonstrated the superior technology of its newly acouired six Danish diesel locomotives on the long distance route all the way from


to Singapore



Ten years earlier, Thailand had acquired its very first diesel locomotive on a test basis. Even the United States had at that time not even thought of changing their old steam engines to the new technology. Satisfied with the diesel locomotives, Thailand then in 1930 ordered the six new, Danish diesel locomotives for passenger trains and one more especially designed locomotive for freight trains.

When delivered in the autumn of 1931 , they were first put to test on the tough and uphill Bangkok-Chiangmai railroad. Pleased with their performance, the Danish locomotives were then employed on the rails to and from all the othqr major provincial capitals of Thailand. A key person behind the

decision to buy the Danish equipment was the then

Chief Engineer of SRT, a 6


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At a time when the United States had not even thought of changing their old steam engines, the State Railway of Thailand in 1930 set an example to the World by ordering six Danish diesel locomotives. It made headlines from Singapore to Bangkok, when the State Railway of Thailand in May 1932 success-




called H.A.K. Zachariae. Mr. Zachariae had first Dane





dn'rY'rfl'rflturald y&o-&A oilauflu 1 tudiluuu u.i I I Al 9 gl fl ttgl\t O? fl tV{ aU tOA5 lil

come to Thailand in 1907 and - like so many other Danes at that time - soon rose to his prominent position within the administration. Zachariae, however; per-

sonally disagreed with the revolution in 1932 that changed Thailand to its present constitutional monarchy. Consequently, he left Thailand at the end of December that year. But his job was done. No other country in all of Asia had at that time embraced

the new technology


Thailand's neighbours were

watching closely. The request for demonstration of the new train on the route to Singapore in 1932 came from Malaysia.

Of course, Denmark's consul to Thailand was

among the prominent passengers on the very first train. One can only imagine his excitement of being pulled along the track by a Danish supplied locomotive and sleeping in the luxurious 1st Class sleeping carriages build of teak wood, which was likewise delivered from Denmark.

The trip went smoothly until shortly before arriving

back in Bangkok when the locomotive hit a water buffalo on the track and had its stairs up to the drivers cabin slightly bent.

The new train initially shortened the trip down to 32 hours and later further cut

the trip down to only


hours including half an hours

stop at the Thai-Malaysian border at Padang Besar. While the diesel locomotives where delivered by the

company A/S Frichs, the

luxurious sleeping carriages were delivered by the company Scandia in Randers.

big ABB-group of companies

under the name of ABB Scandia. Although ABB earlier this year decided to merge ABB Scandia with AEG (Daimler

Benz) of Germany, it is still very much the same company, which in the 1930'ies delivered the then latest Danish railroad technology to Thailand, that is today once again offering the SRT

to be at the forefront of the international railway technology with its uniquely flexible train concept known as the Flexliner.

These two companies in 1977 merged into one com-

pany, and in '1988, this single company - combining the ultimate of Danish railway technology - joined the

Research: Pq V Rasmussen Text: Gregers Moller




The success of your business may very well depend on your carrier's abili$ to provide a smooth ride. So when you put your cargo into our hands, we employ the vast, :


the right care at all times, advanced equipment is not encugh. lt also takes insrght, knowledge and personal attention from the people behind. Maersk Line delivers that. Because to providing a fast and




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(-, / he FlexJiner spoils its i/ putt"ng"rs with comfortable seats, a tasteful interior, -,,-1- 3ophisticated inf ormation systems and access to radio, video, telephone and telefax. Vibrations and noiJe are things of the past. The Flexliner concept combining both electrical as well as diesel units meets to future demands: comfort, reliability and performance.

The train modu-les can be removed and replaced within a short time, everything from wall panels to engines.

Up to 5 trainsets can be coupled together forming an adjoining train with free passage through all trainsets and with a speed of more than 180 km/h it is truly flexible. Each trainset can operate independently, and the special design of the front seflffes quick and unproblematic

It is designed with a unique module systerh and is therefore adaptable to


any demands.

Scandinis '4BB a train ahead...

* U

tl Iltl ttI'l,

ABB Scandia A/S DK-8900 Randers

Tel. +45 86 42 53 00 Fax +45 86 41 57 00

WASTE TREATMENT IN DENMARK luil:s rilqrnurur:nfu 557o "-

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The Danish waste incineration

plant, Avedorevaerket, in the middle of Copenhagen, generates power and district heating to the residents.

WASTE EQUALS ENERGY In the Danish capital, Gopenhagen, more than half the waste is recycled and what is left is incinerated at two, clean and odourless incineration plants - generating electric power and district heating for the residents in the process. More than thirty years ago,

Denmark went through its process of industrialisation, realizing somewhat late in the process that rapid industrial and economic progress inevitably comes at an environmental price. Today, Denmark has implemented one of the most comprehensive environmen-

tal protection laws of the

world. Fudhermore. the country has engaged itself in trans-

ferring the know-how and technology accumulated in this process. This way, Denmark can assist Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia in addressing thei r growing environmental problems at an early stage.

The key to this has been Recvcling the successful implementa- Second priority is given to tion of an ambitious waste increasing the percentage of management plan which the total waste generated, aims

o o o


reduce the production of waste, recycle as much as possible and if possible to incinerate whatever waste is left.


To reduce the amount of waste, the authorities have adopted a high-tech strategy,

mainly focused on promoting environmentally sound technology.

The result has been


more efficient industrial production, a better use of raw materials, new ideas in pack-

Waste management In Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, 1.1 million tons of waste every year - or more

than two tonnes per inhabitant - is handled every year causing practically no environmental problems.

aging and the improvement of various other aspects of production. A valuable bi-product has been the development of new advanced production methods, which are currently exported around the world.

that can be recycled. In doing so a key factor has been the establishment and promotion of a popular system for sorting waste at

the source - be it household or industrial waste - and collecting this pre-sorted waste at designated recycling stations, where paper, glass, metal, etc. are further sorted and processed into valuable raw materials for renewed production. Today, the percentage of

total waste recycled has in-

creased lrom 15o/" to 55% since 1988 and the percentage deposited has declined trom 47o/" to 16%. Atthe sametime, the sorting of waste further ensures that each category of waste is treated correctly: a hazardous waste, which must be treated in a special facility;

o recyclable waste,



rated into pure, uniform fractions; and other waste, divided into burnable and non-burnable.

Incineration What is left as "burnable waste" is incinerated in two clean, odourless incineration plants, which at the same time generates electric power and district heating for the surrounding residents.

Surprisingly, "burnable waste" even includes wet sludge from waste water treatment plants, which is sprayed into the incineration chamber much like fuel in a combustion engine. The fact, that these two incineration plants are sufficient to serve all of the Dan-

ish capital, - and that the plants are built in the middle

of "Clean Copenhagen" - is living proof of the efficiency of the Danish solution to modern waste management.


Twentyyears of Danish experience Through twenty years, Denmark has proved that economic growth does not necess3rily come at the expense of the environment. Denmark was one of the first countries to implement a national Environmental Protection Act, in 1973. This legislation is considered to be among the most comprehensive in the world, and pro-

vided the driving force for several Danish companies to develop various advanced technologies to m eet the antipollution requirements it contains. The processes and tech-

nologies developed in this way have been applied in other countries as well. The sector is made up of about

environmental sectors. nor-

mally as main contractors, project developers or consultants, and less commonly as equipment m anufacturers.

Clean air

In air pollution treatment, Danish companies have de-

veloped installations to control emissions from incineration of waste, wood, straw, oil, coal, brown coal and other

materials. A wide choice of technologies are available, including absorption and bag filters, dust filters, separators, blowers, dosing equip-

40O com

ment, ventilation, cyclones,

ized. They are active in all

compensators, and wet dust collectors.

panies, most of them relatively small and special-

In addition lo systems for collection and control of pollutants, several companies

fort has been devoted to solid

waste administration and treatment, ranging across

have developed sophisti-

municipal collection syslems

cated monitoring equipment lo control off-gases from industrial plants.

for collection and trealment

Solld waste treatment A considerable research ef-

of household waste and sub-

sequent disposal through methane gas generation, recycling of waste components,

and treatment of industrial

]IORDFAB (THATLAND) CO., LTD. locAt suPPuEt oF Dust ExTtAcflol{ & Fttftn sYstEts









lrR Frrrr^rrot tEQunEnEtts - 35





6rls6 rAwEEMrr sor s. RAMA e RoAD BANGKOK IO3IO

TEt: (662) 2459677.247 5A2O.247 670'4 FAX: (662)


Denmark has proved, that a high degree of

industrialisation can be achieved while keeping the country clean and green.

District heating - a Danish tradition In the space of the next 1O-15 years, combined heat and power production is to cover more than half the total Danish heat consumption. Combined heat and Dower

as well as a wide range of systems and equipment for collection and treatment of

Danish companies are

network was established in

drinking water plants and water management systems for industrial purposes and public as well as industrial waste water treatment.

In other specialised fields like

In waste water treatment,

hazardous waste. Danish

technologies include biologi-

companies are also capable of providing full planning and project management serv-

cal treatment to remove phosphates and nitrates,

other processes for waste water and sludge treatment,

mark gets his or her heat

able to provide detailed design and complete plants for

Hazardous waste Water expertise

every tenth person in Densupply from combined heat and power production.

drinking water.

waste materials and contaminated soils.

production is one of the most efficient ways of utilizing primary energy better. Today,


The first district heating Denmark already in the 1 92Os

and in the '1 95Os the rate of establishment was stepped up.

During the 1970s, many

of these plants were

converted to incineration of waste for district heating, which be-

a Danish speciality. Likewise, during the 198Os, many district heating plants


that use biomass - especially straw and wood chips - were opened.

Today there are approximately 33O district heating plants in Denmark covering a little more than 37"h of lhe total heat supply for space heating. One third of Denmark's district heating supply comes from small, consumer-owned plants. The effect of Danish dis-

trict heating plants is high, lrom 7O7" to almost 1007" depending on fuel and technology. Transmission loss

has been considerably reduced by using pre-insulated pipes and currently several experiments are being carried out with low-temperature operation. This can further reduce transmission loss and thereby making iteasierto utilize solar healing.

Mdbjuguarhet, Hoktebro, Strue4 Denmark. Waste-to-mtrg) plant.


VOI.,uNp ECOIOGY SYSTEMS AIS A Compony of the Ansoldo Group

Abildager 11


DK-2605 Brondby o Denmark


Tel: +45 4245 2200


Fax: +45 4245 2459

Guardians of the environment Kxp3exfi*frmg *fue e"*ayc&&mg pm&eru*fiaB wf


. . . o . . o .

posseses a

full range of expertise within resource recovery

waste planning

waste-to-energy facilities biogas facilities

comPosting facilities

landfill projects combined heat and power plants n?.tural gas facilities snâ‚Źrgy optimisation



363 . DK-2860 Soborg ' Denmark


*he wraste

+45 39 69 02 22


Fax: +45 39 69 08 06

v Kriiger


DANCED enters second year in Thailand with more new proiects A total of 8 new projects are supported this year by DANCED with almost 450 million Baht (100 mill. Danish Kroner). In some projects, half the project costs are paid by the'Thai side. The Danish Cooperation on Environment and Development (DANCED) has entered its second year with a series

of new projects with the Thai

Government, industries and non-governmental organizations. Earlier this year agreement was reached with the Federation of Thai Industries and Thailand Environment Institute on a project to promote cleaner technologies in small and medium scale food. textiles and electroplating industries.

Energy conservation in small and medium sized industry facilities is another in-

dustry related project to be carried out in cooperatlon with

the Thdi government in an

Mr. John Carstensen r{Ju Pt 3 qt?nJ - &rtFt5.tfl't5zu aoo{ s inv8 Lo:{n1: fl{[otu[.tu aso #ruurmatn DANCED

effort to implement the Enreforestation and watershed management are the primary objectives of another project with the Royal Forest Department in Upper Nan.

ergy Conservation Act. The capacity to handle urban environmental problems is the theme of two

projects with the Thai government and NOG's. One

Finally, DANCED has agreed with the Thai NGOCOD, an umbrella organiza-

project will provide training in

environmental management

and planning at municipal

tion for Thai grass root or-

level whereas the other aims at enabling urban low income communities to address en-

ganizations,ona3year project to promote people's participation in local natural

vironmental problems.

resource management. With these new projects and the projects that are cur-

In an effort to promote adequate planning and implementation of environmen-

tal management of the Songkhla Lake Basin, DANCED provides assistance to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. Two projects will

support the local communi-

rently being implemented

ties' capacity to manage their

here in Thailand, DANCED is proud to support the growing

natural resources. One aims to protect the biodiversity in some of the last remaining lowland rain forest in Thailand - Khao NorChuchi, while

environmental awareness in ' Thailand. John Carstensen r'

Specialist in woodworking industry Nordfab combines Danish technology with local components to develop Thai enviro-tech solutions for the wood-working industry. local environmental regula-

Fiveyears ago, Nordfab - one of the many specialised Danish envi ronmental technology

tions to offer their customers the most cost effective solu-


tions based on the Thai re-



themselves in Thailand.


The company's specific field of expertise is environmental technology for the wood working industry, - a field of activity, in which Nordfab has already established themselves as a mar-

The company combines direct deliveries of high-tech

ket leader around the World. In Thailand, Nordfab has adapted themselves to the

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equipmentf rom Denmark with locally produced components

from selected suppliers. This

way, the systems can be made with the same quality as systems delivered comolete from Denmark.

The installations include

tion and storage systems and

Mats Co., Ltd., Metro MDF and Furni Royce Co., Ltd. just to mention a few of the

combustion systems for

major Thai companies.

solutions for wood waste extraction, f iltration, transportabiomass fuel.

Customers include Agro

Those who are driven by ambition and success say they've made it with their

choice of the 1996

VOLVO 960. 960'5 distinctive lines and prestigious


make an immediate impression

of impeccable taste and achievement.

Its luxurious interior appointments are constant reminders to the VOLVO 960

owner of prosperity and accomplishment. And there is aEreat sense



of pride knowing you are driving one of the safest cars ever produced.


960 The lmage of Excellence


6l'l d'l:â‚Źu:o 61fi R'l $tT't N'l o o dr J' nla{ [uu?lu'tou 9l'] il a{o"t




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Danish Trade Mission to Myanmar Readers should take this unique chance to start off on the right level, if they plan at one time to do business with Myanmar (Burma). Recent developments in My-

anmar has mada it more a question ol whenlhan if inler-

national companies should stad doing business with Myanmar. Now, a unique chance is coming up, as the Federation of Danish lndustries together with the Danish Chamber of

Chamber President, Mr.

Poul Weber will share his many years of experience with members on the trade mission 1&20 March.

Mr. Poul Weber, has extensive experience in conduct-


ing business.

This way, members will get an excellent chance to start up their business with the necessary connections to people on the right level both

Commerce from March 18-

in the government and the private sector. An attractive package has

20,1996 will lead a trade mission to Rangoon, Myanmar, where Chamber President.

about 20.OOO baht. This price includes air ticket to Ran-

been put together at only

goon, visa fees, reception in Rangoon, briefing materials on the emergi4g markets, and

courtesy gifts.

Even for non-members, who will have to ad the 8.000 baht membership fee to first become a member, it is still an attractive offer. Interested persons should return the coupon below immediately to the Chamber's office, as the number of participants will most likely have to be limited.



Donlsh Chomber of Commerce Trode Mission fo Myonmor E P1"""" send me a registration form the trade mission to Myanmar.


Company name: Name:

E Pl"r". enclose an application form for membership of the Danish Chamber of Commerce. l-l




I am already a member.

Danish Chamber of Commerce 2Ol15 Sukhumvit Soi 39 BKK 101






Fax: 15


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Saving energy r and the environment Danfoss' energy saving products are implemented in many new, Thai building proiects. Danfoss was set up in Denmark in 1893 by a Danish Engineer, Mr. Mads Clausen. Today, this Danish company has become the world's

leading company within its field, saving energy, increas-

ing industrial efficiency and improving the living conditions

of people throughoul



Danfoss has a total of


4,000 employees worldwide

with production facilities on four continents and a global network of subsidiaries and distributors. The company devotes 5o/" ol its annual turnover of 32 billion baht (8 billion Danish Kroner) to research and development.

Danfoss (Thailand) Co., Ltd. was established in 1988 as a 1O07" owned subsidiary after its products had been distributed by local agents for many years. The initial years

Through the use of electron-

fan or pump in their large air conditioning systems. By using these frequency converters, it is estimated that they may reduce their energy consumption by up to 5O%. In Refrigeration, Danfoss (Thailand) this year achieved a major breakthrough in local supermarket technology. At Seacon Square, Bangkok, which is reputed to be the fifth largest shopping complex in the world, Danfoss recently completed the first supermarket in South East Asia which is totally electronically controlled. This system is so flexible that by monitoring the systems performance, any necessary adjustments can be made "remotely" and the

ics it is estimated that be-

tween 15"/" - 4O"/" of conven-

availability of this service gives assurance and peace of mind to the end user.

has been accelerated through

continued recognition of the company's products, which have been selected by several major projects in Thailand. The Government Housing

Bank of Thailand, Olympia-

Thai, Liberty Square and Mahidol University all use Danfoss frequency converters to control the speed of a


ilo{uifil uollilad rirdq rJ:cau orr r.r dr rEo td J . I tug|a1ouutualillttn9l








countries the world over,

saved. For supermarket owners this offers enormous annual financial savings and for Thailand, implementation of this kind of technology could significantly contribute to the energy savings of country as a whole. In yet another field, one of Thailand's large producer of consumer products signed a major contract with Danfoss to supply refrigeration compressors, which use non CFC refrigerant and therefore are

where Danfoss' products are

environmentally safe. To

and to actively contribute and


z?uu:v1,tuoY{d{itlu [oo{ 15% - 40%

sold and serviced it is a revered company policy, that all employees must be well acquainted with the Danfoss Mission - outlined in three main points: Danfoss aims to produce products which f ulf il the needs of their customers through out the world, to ensure that employees have a meaningful working environment with opportunities for personal and

professional development,

Danfoss, this and other simi-

strengthen the society

lar installations indicates a

which they playan active role.

companies, who have direct contact with consumers, to

ll'lO, 0lttUZU'lO vv


tional energy costs can be

growing willingness f rom Thai

were challenging but since then, its growth in Thailand

be aware of their responsibilities toward the environment. ln all of the more than 100



V-tick & fax... - for new business

Annual General Meeting will be a Garden Party

Voltage stablllzer. A well establashed Danish manufacturer of electromechanical equipment is looking for a distributor in Thailand of its automatic voltage stabilizers and netrtral

To combine pleasure with duty, the Annual General Meeting will be held at a Garden ParW at the President's residence on February 14th.


Mr. Poul Weber, outgoing President of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, has

offered to combine the up coming Annual General Meeting of the Chamber with

a Garden Party at his


dence in Soi Somkid.

ing to the bylaws of the Chamber, not be elected for yet another tenure. It is widely expected, that

Vice President, Mr. Niels Morten Winther of EAC (Thailand) Public Company Limited will be selected to be

Ploenchit Road. The party will be a buffet

his successor.

dinner with complimentary beer, generously sponsored

working on the Board should

by Carlsberg Beer.

After four years as the President of the Chamber, Mr. Poul Weber will have to step down and may, accord-

Members interested in contact the outgoing President. Mr. Poul Weber, as a list of candidates for the election of other Board Mem-

bers has yet to be completed.

An evening with the Danish Ambassador Members are invited for 17th of January 1996 The Danish Chamberof Commerce invites all its members to an informal evening on

January 17tn 1996 with the Danish Ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Jorgen Reimers, at

There will be no speeches

or other formalities, just an enjoyable occasion to meet with the ambassador and H.E. Jorgen Reimers, Ambassador of Denmark

Thai-Norwegian Chamber joins the secretariat The Norwegiap business community in Thailand re-


Bakery Ovens. A Danish manufac'turer of rack ovens in

a variety of sizes is looking for clients in Thailand.

The prospective companies should presently be servicing small as well as larger industrial bakeries and supermarket baker-

ies. The Danish company manufactures rack ovens and proving cabinets in a wide field of types to serve the need of these end users and may also supply complete bakeries on a turnkey basis.

El 95.02.0s Multl Purpose Pavilion. The company is a manufacturer of a multipurpose tent, produced in a modular system and different sizes. The tent is made of high quality lightweight materials in a very practical and good looking design to ensure the best possible environment for outdoor receplions,

exhibitions or celebrations, etc. The paMlion is a good opportunity for companies selling or hiring out tents. The company is looking for an importer/distributor.

tr 9s.02.06

lmporter of hardwood. A Danish company seeks companies interesting in importing harchrood timber to Thailand.

tr 9s.02.07

Weter-based degreaslng machlnes. The Danish com-

pany is a manufacturer of environmentally sound and energy-

saving degreasing machines. The machines replace the use of dangerous solvents with plain water. The machines are used in different industries as well as within the defence and aircraft sector for servicing engine and other components. The company is looking for a sole importer/distributor in Thailand.

tr 95.02.09

other members to talk about life in general and business in

compensators. The end user of the products are typically hotels, hospitals and manufac{udng companies who rely on a proper functioning of the electrical equipment.

Furnlture manufacturer. A Danish company is looking for a Thai partner for manufacturing of furniture.



tr 9s.03.05

tr 95.02.08

his residence in Soi Attakarn

Danish Chamber of Commerce and the Thai-Swedish

UV-fllter for water treatment. The Danish company is a manufacturer of UV-filters for sterilization of water for drinking purpose in condominiums or industrial use with know-how regarding recycling of water in healy water consuming industries like the food industry. The company seeks a distributor andlor a Thai partnerfor production in Thailand.

'g'-ack & fax...' ls a unlque sewlce provlded by the

Royaf Danleh Embassy In Bangkok Slmply @-AcX n the box that you tlnd Interestlng - then fax the page to

the Commerclal Sectlon ot the Embassy, iax2131752,

cently established the Thai-

Chamber of Commerce to

Your name:

Norwegian Chamber of Com-

share secretariat f acil ities with Mrs. Monica Holmgren as its Executive Director.

Your farcnr.:

merce and successfully concluded negotiations with the 18


Your comoanv:




Thailand's unique choice to Save Energy and Money by preserving Nature Danfoss supplies to practically any Industrial, Public or Commercial plants. All Danfoss oroducts are develooed to achieve: * Maximum Saving of Energy * Minimum Damage of the Environment . Optimum Human Comfort * Optimum Environmental Conditions

Any new product launched by Danfoss in recent years represents the Technologically highest possible level of respect for Nature and Resources! Ask for proof! Contact Danfoss Thailand for more information on how to benefit from our technology within Refrigeration, Regulation and Instrumentation.













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Danfoss, your partner worldwide Danfoss (Thailand) Co., Ltd.


Wong Warn Road Bangkhen, Bangkok 10900 Thailand Tel. 561 -1 1 30, 579-1 306

& Controls * lndustrial Valves & Controls tor Pressure & Temperature . Electrical Contactors and Relavs . Flowmeters - Hydraulic Components

4711 1 Ngam


Frequency Converters

. Refrigeration Valves

iF*-Comiirg Events Hotef - Restaurant & Gatering

January 7-10

Trade Exhibition.

Contact: Royal Danish Embassy, Tel: (662) 213 2021-5 Fax: (662) 213 1752

January 17 Meet the Ambassador An evening for members to meet informally with H.E. Jorgen Reimers at the Ambassadors residence. Contact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel: (662) 259 3819 Fax: (662) 258 0594 Copenhagen Internat. Travel Trade Exhibition


January 25-28

Contact: Royal Danish Embassy, Tel: (662) 213 2021-5 Fax: (662) 213 1752

Copenhagen fnternat. Fashion Trade Exhibition

Fair February 16-13

Contact: Royal Danish Embassy, Tel: (662) 213 2021-5 Fax: (662) 213 1752

Annual Generat Meeting/ Garden Party Febluary 14 AGM in connection with a Garden Party at the outgoing Chamber President, Mr. Poul Weber's residence. Contact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel: (662) 259 3819 Fax: (662) 258 0594 Agricuftural Delegation to



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,l I

Late February

Danish fact finding mission with experts from the Danish Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Council of Denmark and Confederation of Danish lndustries. Contact: Royal Danish Embassy, Tel: (662) 213 2021-5 Fax: (662) 213 1752



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