Thai-Danish Trade News - August 1996

Page 1



Royal Danish Embassy

Danish Chamber of Commerce Vol.3 No. 1 August 1"996

ISSN 0859-1229

Buswess OppoRruNtrtps @-copy, tlck & fax: 213 1752 EI 96.08.01 Tower cranes. Danish company seeking a partner in Thailand for a joint venture (manufacturing, capital venture or technical cooperation. The Danish company offers considerable expertise within design and development of tower cranes as well as a platform in EU/Scandinavia and a well established brand name - especially within healry lifts. A Thai partner could be in the crane- or related business (e.9. steel structures, wire rope, heavy lifting equipment).



OTC-products. Large manufacturer of pharmaceutical products seeking a Thai partner with a wel I establ ished distribution network for OTC-products, vitamins

in particular.



Racks for compact disc.

Manufacturing and marketing of racks for compact disc. The rack system has been designed and developed by a Danish company

which is seeking a partner for contract manufacturing and marketing of plastic and/oraluminium CD-racks.



Hotel software. A market

leader in Scandinavia in the area

of hotel software is seeking a suitable business partner for the distribution, installation and service of its software in Thailand. The product is an advanced and totally integrated booking-, salesand marketing system for hotels.

A partner could be a company dealing with hotel software, restaurant systems, cash registers, POS or hotel video systems.


The slgnlng of the Thal-Danish

health contract was concluded wlth a toast to a successful comptetlon of the prol*t. From teft to rtght: Mr. N-K. Andersen, H.E. J. Reimers, Dr. V.





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Sangsinkeo and the Minister of Public Healtn, Dr. S. Thientong.

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Danish health care to rural Thailand 1.2 Billion Baht contract awarded Danish supplier of medical equipment to expand public health care services in the provinces. of .Public

Already when drafting its proposalto

Health, on 11 June signed a contract with

the cabinet for a budget of 4 Billion Baht to carry out the full project, the Ministry of Public Health worked in close cooperation with companies from Denmark, Sweden and Japan. The Swedish company, Skanska, consequently signed their part of the contract shortly before the Danish contract was awarded. The expansion of the provincial health

Dr. Snoh Thientong, Minister

Mr. Niels Kruger Andersen, Managing Director of the Danish company B&K Ultrasound Systems, to supply medical equipment to expand provincial public hospital services to the value of 1.2 Billion Baht. Other signatories were H.E. Jorgen Reimers, Ambassador of Denmark, and Dr. Vitura Sangsingkeo, Permanent Sec-

retary, Ministry of Public Health. B&K Ultrasound System's winning bid

was composed of equipment sourced among a group of thirteen Danish expert suppliers of equipment for the health care and hospital sector. A preliminary commitment to finance the equipment with an interest free softloan from Danida, the Danish development coopera-

tion agency, was instrumental {or the Danes in securing the contract.

services will take place in all the provinces of Thailand outside Bangkok. This area is about ten times the size of Denmark and with a population about ten times the 5 mill. Danes. Today, these areas are only scarcely facilitated with public hospitals, health care centers and medical clinics. t)enmark has previously given Thai-

land a major grant to establish a rural, dental, health care project in the South of Thailand. Gregers Msller 1



Gregers Msller Editor-in-Chief, Thai-Danish Trade News

Dear Reader, ilateral trade between Denmark and Thailand last year exceeded ten Billion Thai Baht. Total Danish exports to Thailand rose to some 5.7 Billion Baht - an increase of around 15 pct. - while total Danish imports from Thailand went up to some 4.5 Billion Baht - a growth of around 6 pct. This volume makes Thailand the most valuable trading partner for Denmark in all of South East Asia. The most amazing fact is, however, not revealed until you start comparing the volume with the total Danish trade on ASEAN:

o o

More than 30 pct, of all Danish exports to the ASEAN countries last year went to Thailand. More than 28 pct. of all Danish imports from the ASEAN countries came from Thailand.

What could possibly be the reason for this unique position of Thailand in relation

to Denmark? The answer to this question is to be found on almost every single page in the book "A Tale of Two Kingdoms" published recently in a limited number of copies by The East Asiatic ffhailand) Public Company Ltd. in celebration of the 50th Year Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's accession to the Throne. This book should be a must read lor anyone involved in the Thai-Danish trade relations, lt covers the very special relations, established some 377 years ago between our two Kingdoms, which are still very much alive to this very day. From a trade relation point of view, what "A Tale of Two Kingdoms" provides is indirectly the only really credible explanation as to this otherwise inexplicable DanishThai preference for doing business together; - like everybody else, we simply prefer to do business with people we know well! Which is exactly what also the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce is all about! lf you are not yet a Member, just call or fax the Chamber's otfice. Then join our next Member arrangement - and let's talk! We have come a long way together. lf we put our minds lo it, we can kick those trade figures up another ten per cent!

Sincerely Gregers Maller

Founder and Chairman, Population and Community Development Association


The Businessman's Airline CONTACT YOUR TRAVEL AGENT



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Danish Foreign Minister satisfied with the Asia-EU summit in Bangkok "The impact of ASEM would never have been the same, if we had met for instance in Paris," Mr. Niels Helveg Petersen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark, said afterthe ASEM, where he met with other leaders of the turo regions. "This meeting will certainly have an importanl impact on the future relations between

equal partner should to the Asian leaders be a good

Asia and Europe," a satisfied

said, adding that he felt, Bangkok was the perfect

Mr. Niels Helveg Petersen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark told journalists at the conclusion of the AsiaEU meeting, ASEM, in Bang-

kok earlier this year. "Just the simple fact, that this first meeting took place here in Asia is to me of tremendous political, psychological and symbolic importance. That we - the otd colo-

nial powers of the Region came out here to start a new chapter in our relationship as


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omen," Mr. Helveg Petersen

choice for the venue.

"The impact of ASEM would never have been the same, if we had met for instance in Paris." According to Mr. Helveg Petersen, achievin

concrete results were really never on the top of the agenda. lt was the process of getting to know each other. thal was most important. "We sat around in armchairs and had the possibility g

to talk directly about everything. I had good, frank talks with FidelRamos. Goh Chok Chong and other leadersfrom among others Japan, China, Korea and Vietnam." "My Japanese colleague explained for instance how Japan during its periode of growth didn't take care about

their environment. Today, Japan assists many of the countries in this Region in establishing environmental centers in an attempt to help these countries, which are going through similar periods of rapid growth, to avoid doing the same mistake. I

find this perspective

extremely interesting," Mr. Helveg Petersen explained. On the regional security

related aspect of the talks, Mr. Helveg Petersen again emphasized the importance of the format of the ASEM. "China's or Japan's less powerful neighbours may have difficulty in venting their security concerns in bilateral meetings with these powers. Here at ASEM. however. the format allows them to talk

freely about the security threats of the region in more general terms, and still get their message across,"

Danish Dynamite in Thailand The Danish National Team played in Thailand in the Kings Cup

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tou rr in

tournament The Danish National Tean this spring Msited Thailand to play in the Kings Cup. The team is sponsored by MD FOODS of Denmark and the players wore their t-shirts when playing, although MD FOODS has little business in Thailand. During iheir stay in Thailand, the team also met with the local Danish footbalt team, Scandinavian Vikings, playing in the Farang Lea-

gue in Bangkok against the

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teams of other farang nationals.

One month later, the Scandinavian Vikings were hosts at the annual Viking

Cup for some 24O Scandi-

navian expatriates flying in from all of the Asia-Pacific. The games took place in Pattaya and were sponsored

by sixteen of the Danish companies in Thailand.

Unfortunately, the Scandinavian Vikings in Malaysia won the Viking Crp, and in the Kings Cup the Danish National Team didnt even make it to the finals.


EAC r Your business Partner Founded in Thailand over a century ago as a trading house, EAC Thailand has evolved into a

major- manufacturing and marketing services coriglomerate with strong distribution- and logistic netiorks providing acCess to wholesalers and consumers nationwide.

EAC Thailand is organized into major streams and joint ventures:


EAC Chemicals as Thailand's leading


markets and distributes a diverse portfolio

of industrial


EAC Graphics markets, distributes and services graphics equipment and consumables from world leading manufacturers offering state-of-the-art technology encompassing the entire process from prepress to printing and finishing.

EAC Technical Marketing markets, distributes and sevices a wide range of automotive parts and accessories, tools, diesel engines, air-compressors, cleaning and packaging equiprncnt.

EAC Health Care markets and distributes a comprehensive range of high quality pharmaceutical and health care products.

EAC Marketing Services (Thailand) Ltd. markets and distributes fast moving consumer products representing intemational brands such as Mars, Pedigree, Lego, and Dumex.

EAC Logistics warehousing and distribution services, sea and airfreight forwarding, customs clearance. Offdock freight station, etc.

EAC Joint Ventures: o ZENECA Agro Asiatic Limited. Leading supplier of pesticide.


ZENECA Pharma Asiatic Limited. Markets a range of high quality pharrraceutical products under ZENECA brand.


Asiatic Chemicals Company Limited.

Manufacturer of chlorinated paraffins.


ICI Paints (Thailand) Limited.

Producer of high

quality paints.

o Santa Fe (Thailand) Company Limited. International household removal.

o M. Consolidated Company Limited. Water & waste water treatment.

o Pacific Seeds (Thai) Limited. Leading plant breeding and seed marketing company.

We are known for our

commitment, integrity, dynamism and mutuality principles in developing sirategic partnerships with suppliers, customers and joint venture partners by employing top quality human resources.


The East Asiatic (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd. 36th Floor Lumpini Tower, 1168192-109, Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10120 Tel:679 -'1444 ,619 - 7555 Fax : 285 - 5031 Telex : 84768 ASIATIC TH

Danish'Waste-to-Energy' plants approved bythe Thai ministry "Waste-to-Energy"plants worth a total of 16,000 million baht closer than any other incineration projects to actually being built. Tn:t nr: to1 [ar1z g.vN a n'l . 16,000 a'luu"t?t m'n:vm:xqod'l14niiil qr.|f

tuoulvila il[ot{n'|la'ln ,tJvv uivr,l4fltoutJlsnr2l1 tu nr:fior:sr'lunr:6'o16o


taudor4'luo?B t

Danish companles within incineration of waste are closer than anyone else to build the first waste incineration plant in Thailand. The companles are acting on a permlsslon obtained by Exsos, a company owned 50 pct. by the Danish government , to bullt five plants

in Samutprakarn province South of Bangkok. According to sources in the Ministry of lndustry, the Danish projects are closer than any other projects in Thailand to obtalnlng the final approval, lf they can limit

themselves to incinerale only

household wastes. ln that case the plants will, according to the written approval of

the ministry of science, tech-

private companias on a commercial basis with no investments from the Royal Thai

Government or any other public authority in Thailand.

nology and the environment, also not be required to provide the ministry with envi-

It is, however, not clear who these private investors will

ronmental impact studies,

The plants will have three sources of income: They will

explaining how they will dispose of their own waste. The value of the combined

orders for lhe five plants are estimated to be in lhe range of 16,000 million Baht. The permissions are given on the explicit condition that the five plants will operate as

will be generating electricity al 7.28 megawatts. And finally - they will produce and sell distilled water. ,,Don't tell too many about this, - apparently nobody else hasthought of this idea,"says Ole Ryan Pedersen, Managing Director for Exsos. ,,ln Scandinavia we use


charge lhe municipality for the collection and disposal of the waste. They will produce electricity and sellthese MW directly to EGAT - the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. Accord-

the excess heat from the plants to heat up the homes near by. In Thailand, where

temperatures are usually

more than high enough, distillation of waterfrom the river into drinking water is an untapped opportunity, " he says.

ing to the proposal, each unit

Danes offer newshipping setvices Danish businessmen in Thailand and Thoresen Thai Agencies invest jointly in a new company offering to maintain and repair ships while they are loading or discharging cargo Mermaid Marltlme - a company establlshed by Danish

experts wlthln diving and ship repair and the Thoresen Thai Agencles Plc. has completed the building of a 50 million Qaht ship repair workshop facility in the

Laem Chabang area.

Approved by Lloyd's Register of Shipping and the American Bureau of

Shipping, the company is now ready to provide general ship repair services for floating steel vessels of 500 tons or more while they are loading or discharging cargo at the Eastern Seaboard.

The new facility will enable Thailand to compete di-

rectly with similar facilities being offered in Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong.


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Thoresen &



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Jumbo Shipping Ltd. We Provide WORLDWIDE Transport Solutions -lmport /Export By Sea & Air Call Your SCANDINAVIAN Partner OUR SERVICES:

. FCL (Full Container Load) + LCL (Less Than Container Load) Door To Door . Conventional Cargo Door To Door . Project Cargo Handling

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I In co-operation with our worldwide offices,/ aSents, we have developed an extensive

international transportation network to ensure optimal efficient handling of your shipments. All the way we are in control, and this makes you in control, too... door to door..

WE LOOK FORWARD TO BE'NG OF SERY'CE TO YOU, SO CAtt US NOW AN Jumbo Shipping Ltd., 403 Sathaporn Bldg., 70 Pan Road, Bangkok 10500 Contact : STEEN MORCH-PETERSEN & OLE SCHEWING-CHRISTENSEN



-9450 Faxt 236'4024, 238-3155 rr rt


Minister for Transport interested in Danish Flex-train and tunnels



Thailand's Minister for Transportation, Mr. Wan Muhamadnoor Matha visited Denmark in the spring to study the Danlsh Flefiner concept and Danish expertise in building tunnels. The cold and a healy snowfall had to some extend hampered the visit in February of Thailand's M inister for Transportation, Mr. Wan Muhamadnoor. But back in Bangkok, seated warm and com-

fortably in the VIP room of Don Muang Alrport, the Minister was however satisfied with the outcome of his trip. Mr. Wanmuhamadnoor Matha had been invited to see for himself lhe functionality of the special Danish

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fl?{q q [u [rJ 0{ -J' amanu rfiI a 6nr*rtarr{n1: e ./ S na6f5'l{A til.:Fl

Flexliner train concept, marketed in Thailand by ABB. "l only tested the Flexliner concept on a local stretch of railroad close to Copenhagen," Mr. Matha said. "lt was very convenient. But we need to coordinate with Singapore and Malaysia, if the train is going to be implemented as a regional

tunnel underthe Chao Phaya river as an alternative to an extremely tall bridge downstream from the harbour.

"These talks were very

costs seem ed attractive com -

Minister was also to discuss

of building a bridge." According to the Minister, the present government was able to take decisions faster

the feasibility of building a

than the previous one, be-

solulion," he added.

While in Denmark, the

it had a convenient majority and was more expe-


rienced. lf a tunnel was indeed the solution, a decision could be reached fast.

Purchasing the Danish

useful," Mr. Matha said.

"The construction time was competitive and the pared to that

Danish Dairy now controlled by Nestle Thailand


Flexlinertrain was a different matter. To implement the train only in Thailand would be a waste of the trains many special features, which were

specifically designed for longertrain rides, so any purchases had to be discussed with Malaysia and Singapore.


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srnhjoJ"tufi"ouorr3gn a t!u 4q ru6fr4rd unu t?ttuttl4{?.1

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Danish Dairy lndustries in Muak Lek - once spurned by a Danish dairy company, MD Foods, as "too smallfor us" - has now been bought by the worlds largest food company.




Danish Dairy Industries, esiablished nine years ago by Mr. Allan Jensen, ls now con-

trolled by Nestle, the largest

food manufacturer in the

Mr. Allan Jensen holds the remaining 4% himself. Compared to elsewhere


July 1st Nestle took over a 60o/o of the shares in the dairy from the Thai-lndian

comes somewhat late in Thailand, where they have so far only been active in UHT-milk and milk powder. Nestle now plans lo expand DDI's production ca-

ni. Mr. Purswanlhad himself

bought the dai'n7 from the Diethelm Group only about a year ago in a move that took most people by surprise. Mr. Purswanl continues to

DeliSwiss was introduced as

a brand name for a series of dairy products. Recently, an

in Asia, Nestle's involvement


businessm an Vashi Purswa-

DDI was controlled by the Diethelm group, the name

hold 36% of the DD|-shares.

production of fresh milk

pacity four times and double

the staff of 70 employees

wilhin the next two years. During the years, where

Mr. Ailan Jensen, who

estabfishect Danlsh Dalry lndustries nine years ago, ls now working lor Nestle, who on July lst took over 60% ot the shares in the datry.

orange juice and a DeliSwiss drinking yoghurt was added, and the line will continue to be expanded. Surprisingly, DDI also delivers chocolate toppings for

icecream and mix for milkshakes to McDonalds in Thailand, who redistributes these products to their restaurants in all 14 countries in Asia.

nri'rifadrdq "A Tale of ) Two Kingdoms" fiuifil BnC arfiodurdora6ru

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adrs6rdur.rounarrloi ?'rruilata{'luiluno'ru t"rt ilnil1u tiln?:ilta'lo

EAC publishes prominent book about Thai-Danish relations "A Tale of Two Kingdoms", published by EAC as the company's contribution to the celebrations of the SOth Anniversary of HM The King's accession to the Throne, is a masterpiece among the books describing the special relationship between Denmark and Thailand and a "must read" for anyone - Thai or "farang" - connected to the Danish-Thai business community

ll of Denmark. Their Majesties have both of them also contributed some previously unpublished photos to grethe

ravat Na Pombejra, Mr. Hans

of the modernization

book may not be available in the first bookshop, you walk into. Try the nex. lf you cannot find it here either, try to call EAC directly.

ess of Thailand.

the book. A long list of prominent

Henrik Melchior, Mr. Vudhiphol Suriyabhivadh and Mr. Jaroondech Janjarussakul, EAC fFhailand). The first chapter of the

more bookshop.

alities have further contributed to the book, whose edi-

You have to be patient. This

lf you did that in the first place already, then try one

Rest assured: Your perseverance will be rewarded. "ATaleof Two Kingdoms" is the ultimate book conveying - in lexl and images - an understanding of the special

relationship, developed through centuries, between Thailand and Denmark. It is published by East Asiatic (Thailand) Public Company Limited in a limited number of copies - one version in Thai language(!), one version in English - and the proceeds from the sale goes directly to support the Chaipattana Foundation under the royal patronage of His Majesty. The forewords are written by no other than HM King Bhumipol Adulyadej of Thailand and HM Queen Mar10

historians and other persontorial committee consisted of H.E. Jorgen Reimers, The Danish Ambassador to Thailand, Mr. Niels Morten Win-

ther, The Danish Consul

General and Managing Director of EAC in Thailand, Mr. Chuer Pavasant, Dr. Dhi-

book proMdes an overview of the historic relations between Denmark and Thailand starting with the arrival of the first Danish merchant ships some 375 years ago. The next chapter "zooms"

in on lhe "Golden Years"

around the turn of the cen-

tury, in which Danes were active in almost any aspect


Third chapter gives a charming insight into the private world of the monarchs of Denmark and Thailand and their many contacts and visits to each others countries over the years. Many of the previously unpublished photos appear in this section. Finally, the last chapter describes EAC's own prominent role in the development of the Thai-Danish relationship through the company's 111 years in the Kingdom.



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,'{an.aroB lerruounurfro A tale of two Kingdom 'Jl' tl'nu'lu taoSrnu t:tila: vJ tono a5:'luYr9ttoutJl:n v rJ:vsiril:vrilo'lYra

Gharming Royal letters EAC,s book, "A Tale of Two Kingdoms" contains an abundance of charming old letters written by members of the Royal families


The King led me by the

hand tonight. It

all the

was fim


guests becausc lrc is

the tallest and



mYsclf am tlrc


Thisletter, written bY HSH Princess Poonpismai Diskul, is just one among the many

published letters written

the members of the





They raised cow,r around Kokkedal Hotuc. I rcally love that kind of country lifc. 6

families, that make EAC's newly published book, "ATale of Two Kingdoms" such a charming reading. Princess PoonPismai's clever observations and livelY descriptions are mY Personal favourites, combined with the

photos of the little girl with the inexhaustible aPPetite on seeing and learning. From her visit to admiral A. de Richelieu's residence, Kokkedal Manor,



shows her almost climbing a

fence. Of course an excerPt from her letter reads:

e I really lovc tfutt kind of country lifc.. (

Actually, the Princess is just accompanying her fa-

ther, HRH Prince Dumrong Rajanubhap, but in every Picture she somehow manages to steel all the attention. Like when driving off from Copenhagen's main train station upon their arrival. There she is, looking out of the win-

dow with a curiositY and a catching appetite for seeing and learning everything on her way.

Or if you take the Photo from the lunch with Prince Valdemar. She apparentlY just made a remark, that has the Prince looklng straight ahead, and a Danish girl next to him looking to the ground, - who wouldn't like to know, what she just said that mo-

ment before?!

Or, finally, when deParting from Denmark, you see

HSH Prince Galavarnadit kiss her father, HRH Prince Dumrong, goodbye and You can almost hear the princess standing next tothem giggle: Why? I never knew you loved fuiddy that much! Greqers Moller


New Directory of the Danish-Thai Chamber

Danish Thai Chamber of Commerce, "Denmark in Thailand" ls now available from the Ghambers office or Scand-Media. Free copies have all ready been distributed to all members as well as to a selected group of other foreign cham-

bers of commerce in Thailand. Major Thai companies and a few selected Scandinavian companies have also received free copies. More copies are offered at a price of 5OO baht + VAT and a slightly higher price for

books if they are conveniently ordered by telephone and paid by credit cards. The directory contains Member profiles on most of


t t t


"t "r

known to the publisher and the Board of Trade of Thailand to be active in the Danish Thaitrade. The publication was made

possible by advertisements generously inserted by the Members. The proceeds of the publication will be shared with the Chamberto the benefit of all Members.

In the beginning of the book, a statistical overview shows a bilateral trade of close to 10 billion baht last year. This makes Thailand the most important trading partner for Denmark and the ASEAN countries.

countries outside Europe and More than 3O pct. of the

total Danish exports to the ASEAN-countries was last year exported to Thailand, and 28 pct. of all Danish im-

4.4 pct. of all Danish goods exported to all the countries in Asia from lsrael to Japan and from North Korea to Sri Lanka.

ports from the ASEAN coun-

Similarly, goods from

tries came from Thailand. In real value, Danish ex-

Thailand last year accounted

portsto Thailand in 1 995 rose to 1,35 Billion Danish Kroner (DKR) - an'increase of 14

pct. or DKR 190 Mill. - while Thailand's exports to Denmark rose to DKR 1,06 Billion - an increase of 5,7 pct or DKR 60 Mill. over 1994. Compared to Denmark's

for O,5 pct of all Danish imports, 2,5 pct of all Danish imports from counlries outside Europe and 5,4 pct of all Danish imports from Asia. Thai-Danish trade consists of a healthy speclre of

goods, making the trade robust to changes in the international market place.

t *'r t t rr t rf "r t t,r rr t t "r'r * t t'r t t't,t "t t t "r lr t t t t t




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,r ,r

t ,f

Danish goods exported lo

Escupe to

t t t t


Global trade, customers in Thailand last year purchased O.5 pct. of all goods exported from Denmark,2.4 pct. of all

ephone list of all companies

"t ,r

t t t t,r


the Members of the Chamber, and a complete tel-

Danish companies among all

RayalCliff 6rffid Deluxe Room only 8,000 Baht

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racsrr'h4 u ra rutra ruar qlo "Denmark in Thailandt' J4q mavil:'leJactauo rv .l av trav:'luuou5u140f|'l

The recently published "Denmark in Thailand" business directory is a key to all companies known to be active in the Thai-Danish trade. The business directory of the


â‚Źilauno:no?fl,)touil"r:n v!-r-

Executive Suite only 12,000 Baht (includes our special


la carte breakfast)

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& Notes

Tailor of the Year

Exsos. A project Inltlated by the partly Government-owned, Danish company, Exsos, comprising 6OO0 retirement homes

for military personnel, seems now to be moving ahead. A local Thai company has agreed to guarantee for 15 pct of the total project and a Japanese bank has reportedly accepted to finance the rest wlth the land as collateral. The initial Danlsh contractor on the project, which went bankrupt, has also been replaced by a Danish contractor in Thailand, DKC. The company plans to use imported, prefabricated elemenls for the completion of 1O homes per day.



Ameassador ESTD.



Lot [0s L0e

Lro I rr l.12 113

Mlnlster lor Soclat Welfare, Kercn Jatparten, wnn ^lrs. Errsos' locel tcpragentatlve hft. Nlkom Channual and ACnl Prachtng Bunnag



Jebsen & Jessen. Hans Ulrich Hansen, Managing Director of Jebsen & Jessen (Ihailand), has moved to Singapore where he will be the Group's regional director for South East Asia. New Managlng DirectorforJebsen & Jessen in Thalland is now John Jessen - a fourth generation Jessen.

dent representatlve ln Thailand. Royal Greenland ls a brand name for salmon, shrimps and other seafood caught in the cold waters off the coast of Greenland. The S.S.P Co. also imports and sells eggs and egg-products from Denmark in Thailand.

Volund Ecol ogy Syetems. Too few Danish companies

geem lo understand the importance of trans-

latlng their marketing material from English lnto Thai language. Volund Ecology Systems, however, has gone even further and produced a series of four(!) vldeo tapes in Thai language explaining both the Danish policy on waste management and lhe Volund solution to the problem.

Dlstrlbutlon Councll Denmark. Distribution Councit Denmark recently held a seminar in Bangkok financed by the Department of Export Promotion, marketing the special geographlcal position of Denmark in the middle of the "new" Europe, comprising of both the expanded EU, the countries of Eastern Europe, the Baltlc States and Russia.

!l tl

DCD o-rsrnrsuno*


Efflclent Danlsh warehousing makes it for DLNMARK instance attractlve to "pick & pack" orders at a warehouse In Denmark with lhe rlght manuals and the corrects packaglng for each country, the orders are tailored to, before shlpplng the goods off to that particular market. DCD ls an Industry-wide association set up by the Danish transportatlon seclor with support from the Ministry of Industry in Denmark.



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Royal Greenland. Hans Siegfredsen, S.S.P Co., Ltd., active in exporting Thal fruit and vegetables to Denmark for a number of years, has become Royal Greenland's first resi-


103 104 L0s 106

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Mr. Nlels M. Winther (lelt) has been rcplaced as llanaglng Dlrector lor EAC ln Thailand by Mr. Anderc Normann Mr. Poul Weber (rnsert) has replaced ilr. Wlnther as presldent of the Danlsh-That chamber ol commerce.

tlfii 1


New "old" President of the Ghamber Mr. Poul Weber is back again as President of the Danish- Thai Chamber of Commerce since Mr. Niels M. Wnther, who in February succeeded Mr. Weber, has moved on to be head of Heidelberg Marketing in USA. The temptation and challenge to take over the position as Marketing Manager of Heidelberg for all of the USA was more than Managing Director of EAC in Thailand, Mr. Niels Morten Winther could resist when offered the position earlier this year.

Mr.NielsM.Wintherwas President of the DanishThai Chamber of Commerce since last Annual General Meeting in February, where he succeeded Mr. Poul Weber. On the 28th of June, EAC hosted a

Cocktail Partyforthe Members to say goodbye to Mr.

Winther and wish him good luck in his new job. A few days earlier, EAC has introduced M r. Winther's successor. Mr. Anders Normann al a reception at the Hotel Sukholhai. Mr. Normann was previously Managing Director of Dumex in Thailand.

ilr. Brlan Grlffln, Danloss' itranaglng Dlrector, wlth other Chamber Board memberg

Briefing on Danfoss in Thailand Danfoss on 29 May hosted an after-office-get-together

at the Grand Hyatt Erawan

in a development


but we now have some substantial deals on their way,"

foss' Managing Director,

Mr. Brian Griffin, who is on the Board of Directors of the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce, explained. Danfoss is Denmark's

Danfoss in Thailand. "After eight years in Thailand we are still very much

single largest industrial company and in Thailand markels 13 of its products lines. ln Denmark, the company's

for Members of the DanishThai Chamber of Commerce and their customers.

Mr. Brian Griffin, Dan-

briefed the participants on

The Chamber has moved f

Danleh-Thal Chamber of Commerce 191121 Sukhumvlt Sulte, 13th floor Sukhumvlt Sol 13 Bangkok 1O1OO Tel:651 28O5 Fax:651 2652 L4

R&D department recently achieved a major techno-

logical breakthrough in hydraulic power. By making it possible to replace oil with water in hydraulic equipment, the previously closed sector of food industry may now soon be open to the use

of hydraulic power.

Thailand's shield against waste of precious resources



Danlsh supplier of energy-saving, environmental-preseruing products to the wortd's industries)

Thailand's unique choice to Save Energy and Money by preserving Nature Danfoss (Ihalland) Co., Ltd. 47111 Ngam Wong Warn Road

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SAS: After-Offlce-Get-Together September 5

Demonstration for Chamber Members of SAS's new training facilities in Bangkok, covering the South East Asia region. Contact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel.: (662) 651 2805, 651 2652 (+fax)

visit to Thal Glass

September 25

Transpodation for Members of the Chamber to participate in this visit will be arranged courtesy of Maersk Line, putting their boat to use. Contact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel.: (662) 651 2805, 651 2652 (+fax)

wine tastf ng at the Pacific


october 30

Member Evening sponsored by SAS Contact: Danish Chamber'of Commerce, Tel.: (662) 651 2805, 651 2652 (+tax)

Dinner with Guest Speaker November 27 Member Dinner, possibly with Dr. Henry Holmes as Guest Speaker. Venue still to be confirmed. Contact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel.: (662) 651 2805, 651 2652 (+tax)

Scand-Media - your

Scandinavian graphic house in Thailand

Chrfstmas Lunch at The Stable December 20 A usually well attended, annual event. Contact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel.: (662) 651 2805, 651 2652 (+tax) Annual General Meetlng Details to be advised later. Cantact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel.: (662) 651 2805, 651 2652 (+tax)



January 23

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