Thai-Danish Trade News - March 2002

Page 1



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Ulrik Helweg-Larsen


Ambassador of Denmark to Thailand

Dear Readers, ollowing the Parliamentary Elections in November 2001 Denmark has a new Government led by H.E. Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The Danish Government, a minority coalition consisting of the Liberal Party and the Conservative Peoples Party, is focussing on tight fiscal and budgetary discipline aiming at sustainable economic growth, as well as strengthening selected areas of publicly provided welfare services such as health and care for the elderly. Other areas such as Danish International Development Aid have been trimmed. The draft FinancialAct 2002 (Finansloven) reflects these adjusted priorities, and consequently a number of Danish Embassies will be closed or downscaled. In the Asia-Pacific region closure will affect Danish representations in Canberra, Manila and Thimphu. Concerning Thailand, budgetary adjustments have led to a 30% reduction in Danish Environmental support to Thailand. However, the 2002programme still amounts to a respectable 70 mill. DKK, and, to my delight, the special business oriented "Partnership Facility" continues. Under the auspices of the "Mixed Credit Scheme", which in the past has provided transfer of technology f rom Denmark to Thailand in the fields of education and health, funding will also be provided to fulfil the frame agreement signed last year between the Thai and Danish Government on mixed credits amounting to 90 mill. Euro. Compared to most other EU-countries the Danish economy is presently in good shape. Inflation and unemployment are at unprecedented low levels and steady economic growth is expected to continue despite the present global economic concerns. The foreign trade and public expenditure balances are healthy - factors that so far have offset any potential currency/interest uncertainty pertaining to the present Danish non-participation in the Euro-project. Furthermore, Denmark was recently

subject to an interesting and quite favourable review by lMF. At dokumenter/lMF2002AMF2002.pdf a summary hereof can be found. I am pleased to note that many observers also depict Thailand as having overall sound macroeconomic balances, despite recent economic upheavals. Furthermore, the Royal Thai Government seems increasingly conscious of foreign trade and investment as indispensable growth factors of the Thai economy. Though, admittingly, some remaining challenges need urgent resolve, I believe that Thailand by regional standards is well equipped to benefit from the global US-led economic expansion presently foreseen to emerge in late 2002 or early 2003. lt is my sincere hope that these developments will also bring new opportunities of business co-operation between Thailand and Denmark. Finally, on a personal note, please allow me to express my appreciation to the members of the Thai-Danish business community, who have so kindly welcomed my wife Cristina and myself since our arrival to Thailand in mid September 2001. am looking forward to the future co-operation with DTCC - not least during the second half of 2002, where Denmark, and locally the Royal Danlsh Embassy, is shouldering the responsibility of the EU Presidency, durlng whlch Danish priorities will include the enlargement of EU as well as a successfully hoeted ASEM 4 SumI


Ulrik Helweg-Larsen Ambassador of Denmark to Thailand


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Drop in Thai-Danish exports last year Ithough Danish exports declined in the last months of 2001, Denmark has so far managed relatively well to overcome the global recession. Total figures show an expoft growth of 4.7 percent for goods and 14.3 Percent for services in 2001 It was the traditional markets and traditional strong Danish

export performers like food, pharmaceuticals and machinery,

that carried Denmark through the year. Growth in Danish agri-

cultural exports has been high because of a high demand for Danish pigmeat, which follows its own trend sensitive to animal diseases and less dependent on

the general economic development. The total slight growth was a result of a strong performance in the beginning of the year. The

last four months, the export

Australia Japan Hongkong China South Korea Singapore Taiwan lndia Thailand Malaysia lndonesia Australia and Asia in total (incl. Countries not mentioned above)



affected by the decline in lT-businesses than exports from a number of other countries, but at the

same time Denmark will gain tor returns. Danish exports in general suffer from weak competitiveness, the analysis says. For a

exoorts has been better than

number of years wage increases

export groMh for many of Denmark's competitors. According to Danish Trade Council - based on rePorts bY

have been considerably higher in Denmark compared to Dan-



an imorovement of ex-

ports during the second half of 2002is to be expected. The Trade Council warns, however, that his cannot be ex-

plained by improvements


Danish competitiveness, but is ascribed to the composition of Danish expods, as the proPortion of lT-products in Danish ex-

less, when growth in the lT-sec-

ish competitors - especially competitors in the euro-area. lt is

untenable and implies that Denmark will continue to loose market shares to competitors. A higher growth in expods is conditioned on Danish wage increases being brought down in accordance with wage increases in the euro-area, it says.

Danish Export Council ex-

pect especially China, Russia and Poland to be fast expand-

ports is considerably smaller than in Swedish, Finnish and

ing markets for Danish goods in the years to come. On March 8,

German exports for instance.

a conference in Denmark will

Hence, Danish exports are less

brief Danish businessmen on a

2001 2002



124 12.O


2.4 4.2 -2.O 3.3

0.2 1.8 -6.0 2.7



Source: Statistics Denma* and Confedetation of Danish lndustiles



8,8"/" 36'448,25 2,6"/"


recent analysis on the possible effect on Danish export opportunities in China in relation to the entry of China into the WTO. The analysis is part of the ongoing efforts of Danish Export Council to identify new and under-utilized Danish market potentials.

On the domestic market, Danish purchasing power is expected to improve in 2002 due to the easing of income taxes. This will stimulate private consumption, which is expected to go up by 1.6 per cent in 2002. In 2003 private consumption is expected to increase by almost 2 per cent corresponding aPProximately to the growth in disPosable incomes.

In 2001 government consumption exceeded the growth target of 1 per cent announced for every year since 1 993, when the former government came into office. However, actual gov-

ernment consumption growth has averaged around 2.4 Pe( cent during the years 1993


expected to meet the growth taroet from 2003.

2.3 6.1 4.O

1,000 persons


of total expons 2001



Percentage volume change Production Export lnvestments Productivity

from 2000

through 2000. According to approved budgets, groMh in local government seruice outlays will almost inevitably lead to government consumption growth above target In 2002. The new government ls

Outlook for the Danish Manufacturing Industry 2000


o,6% 3,5% 0,9% o,9% 0,6% o,4% 0,4% o,3% o,3% o,2% 0,1%

growth was in fact negative. The weak growth in exports is not a distinct Danish phenomenon. lt relates primarily to the weak growth in the international economy. But growth in Danish

the Danish embassies world-

GroMh Share

Growth Share

and Mil.DKK from of total (selected 1999 exoorts countries) 20OO

Australia Asia


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President Tom Sore nsen

r Dedicatedasever Mr

Tom Sorensen heading his new team, from left

Far from being content with his past achievementsn

Mr,Lxel Blom, Mr Jorgen Ib Hedes,

Tom Sorensen, re-elected President of the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce, has a full agenda for his new term.

Soren Presmann,

Mr Peter Linnemann, Mr. Vitoon Lefort, Mr. Preben Hjortlund, Mn Allan Jensen and




messages by the authorities. I hear about members from large

t a brief meeting among the newly elected Board of Directors held immediately after the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, March

corporations to SME's who hesi-

tate to bring in more money to the country. Though we now

past President Mr. Tom Soren-

hear more f requent and positive words from Government spokes

sen was re-elected President of

persons that foreign investors

the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce for another two years term. That was indeed

are most welcome, members

6, at the Royal Danish Embassy,



Mrs. Charlotte Parks,

are still confused by the information that changes might be made

to the Foreign Business Act, something believed to restrict

hoped and expected. Going into his second term, it could also be expected, that he would be less vigilant and look at the coming two years as

opportunities," he says.

"Many members are also calling our office for help with

a less demanding task. Well, for-

get it! Dedicated as when he first took over the Presidency of the

Chamber two years ago, Tom Sorensen seems to have fully maintained his vision and strong determination to improve working conditions for Danish - and

other foreign Thailand.


companies in

"l will continue to fight for the

rights of companies and individuals doing business in Thailand as they have the right to expect transparent and equal treatment according to Thai laws and regulations," he says a statement almost identical to his announcement two years ago,


when he first took the helm of the Chamber. The only difference is the little word "continue to.."

"l will continue to voice


opinion when meeting the many Thai officials that I have the opportunity to talk to. I have always been impressed by the commitment and vision that the leaders of the country are expressing in private talks or when talking to


larger groups." "We can provide these leaders with important and relevant feed back on how the private sector can pafticipate in helping the country, how we can create more jobs for the Thai people," he says. One of Tom Sorenen's most visible achievements over the past two years is the introduction of a website for the Chamber, which has become a benchmark for several other chambers

seeking a similar presence on the lnternet.

"Our website is now being used regularly by our members. Let me here just mention the currency rates of exchange, the SET Index, the on-line connection to check flight arrivals at Bangkok International Airport, the many links to Government web sites and other important links that a businessman needs to be on top," Tom Sorensen says. The visibility and service of the Chamber has also been im-

proved on other fronts. The monthly meetings with the mem-

bers of the Board held every third Thursday of the month after the Board meeting is one very popular improvement. Another is the increased frequency of the Thai-Danish Trade News from a quarterly publication to a bi-monthly magazine except for the July-issue, which is canceled due to the many Danes taking their holiday leave this month. Also the employment of a Scandinavian trainee, currently Danish, at the Chamber's office without costs to the Chamber is another major achievement. So, does it work? "We passed end of last year the 100th membershio of the Chamber, the highest in our history." A focal point for Tom Sorensen has been his interest in improving the general business climate in Thailand, which foreign companies are subject to. "When talking to our mem-

bers I hear frustrations aboul what is perceived as confllctlng

visa and work permits including Permanent Residence permits, which is clearly becoming an increasing problem for many. That BOI is offering a 3 hour one-stop service for work permits is of course fine, but it does not help most of our members of small and medium size enterprises." Sharing secretariat with the Thai-Nonrvegian and Thai Swedish Chamber of Commerce has

been crucial in providing the level of seruice offered to all the Scandinavian members and this is one thing which Tom Sorensen has no intention to change. "The joint Chamber office is giving the Danish-Thai Chamber

an office and staff facilities, which we would not likely have if we were on our own. Also the many joint functions over the years nave proven very popurar and we see it easier to attract top officials when calling on behalf of all three rather than one country. The recent inclusion of a trainee was an idea we took up with the other two chambers and I personally hope that Norway and Sweden will take their

Annual General Meeting Strong Member Backing turn as it was agreed originally when I made this proposal to their oresidents." "Denmark, Sweden and Norway are sharing a common cultural background. Our national airline is probably the best example of what comes out of doing things together. Locally we can also be proud of the Scandinavian Society Siam which for so many years have shown the way for the Chambers." "l see the value of having

three individual Chambers present at the many meetings and contacts we have through our membershio of the Joint For-

eign Chambers, the European Chambers of Commerce Thailand and the Board of Trade. The three voices of each Chamber is an imoortant tool for Scandinavia to stand out strongly with

our views. I shall continue to work and support this idea as shall continue to work for one joint Chamber office as we already have it. lt is simply good business sense that we share a joint back office for an efficient administration." Tom Sorensen's imoressive energy has become his hallmark. To many members, it is a mystery how he manages to keep up the steam and find time for the many hours he is known I

to put into his work as the Cham-

ber President. "You've got to like what you do and I have always answered this questions by quoting this one-liner: "lf you want something

done ask a busy person". As long as you enjoy what you are doing the many hours are not a burden but an interesting addition to your normal working life. The assistance that I receive from our staff at the Chamber office as well as from my fellow Board members are valuable, helpful and make it all possible. am indeed privileged and feel very honoured to represent the Danish-Thai business community in Thailand." I

ended by well over the AGM of the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce elected two new members of the Board of Directors 5O rnembers,

wo new members of the

Board of Directors of the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Prasansak Suwanpotipra (Danfoss) and

Vitoon Lefort (VL Intertrade Co., Ltd. / Like'it), were elected at the Annual General Meeting and Dinner Event on Wed-

nesday, 06 March. The AGM was conducted at the Royal

Sune of the over 50 members the Annwal General Meeting. In the.front royt, Mr. Kamthorn Ounhirunskul, Mr. Jorsen Ib Hedes and Soren Presmann.

Danish Embassywith HE Ulrik

Helweg-Larsen elected Chairman of the meeting. A probably record breaking number of members - well over 50 - attended the meeting, where President Tom Sorensen in his annual report of activities summarized the extraordinary many activities and the policies pursued by

the Board during the past term. Next followed the financial statement presented by the Treasurer, Mr. Soren Pres-

mann, which showed that the increased activity level had in fact paid also in terms of revenue: From a loss of around 200.000 Baht last year, the result was this year a profit of nearly 60,000 Baht. In the light of the composition of the revenue - with too much depending on functions and other income, which might easily fluctuate the Board,


however, for the first time in four years proposed to increase membershio fees from 9,000 Baht to 10,000 Baht for corporate members and from 3,000 Baht to 3,500 Baht for

individual membership. This proposal was passed unanimously by the members. The election of new Board members for the coming year

was conducted in a similar fashion without need for secret

ballot voting. Three of the

eleven members of the former Board had to retire according to

the by-laws of the Chamber. They were Mr. Tom Sorensen, Mr. Jorgen lb Hedes, and Mr. Michael Schulz. A fourth member, Mr. Kamthorn Ounhirunskul

had wished to resign for personal reasons ahead of his normal full tenure. The first two of

these retiring members were willing to stand for re-election, and instead of the lasttwo mem-

eign Service, which affected Thailand. Most surprising was the cut in environmental assistance to Thailand with 30 per-

cent and the closure of the Royal Danish Embassy in the

Philippines, Bhutan and Australia. After the meeting, while dinner was served on the terrace ol the residence of the Royal Danish Embassy - with wine donated by the Admiral

bers, Mr. Prasansak Suwanpotipra, General Manager of Danfoss (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and Vitoon Lefort , Managing

Pub & Restaurant - Mr. Michael Ascot and Mr. Poul We-

Director of Like'lt i VL lnteftrade

Copenhagen, explaining the tourism and investment virtues of the Danish capital. As

Co., Ltd. were proposed. No more candidates were pro-

ber gave a presentation as Goodwill Ambassadors for

Larsen briefed the members

part of the presentation, a one-way ticket to Copenhagen - or a return ticket to Singapore - was drawn among the respondents of a

about the latest political developments in Denmark, not least

quiz relating to Copenhagen. The SAS ticket was won bv

the develooments within the For-

Mr. Soren Presmann.

posed, and the four candidates were elected with acclamation. In his closing remarks of the

meeting, HE Ulrik Helweg-

The lucky draw of the SAS ticket won by Mr, Presmann (second.from left) together with Mr. Michael Ascot , Mr. Axel Blom and Mr. Poul Weber.

The modiJied Mitsubishr vehicles boundfor Afghanistan e quipp e d with Lennart Avnby's l2 meter Herkule,s cranes capable oJ lifting 15 ton/meter

Photo: Jan Mouritsen

Danish Cranes from Thailand to Afghanistan Mr. Lennart Avnby

only by their tested design but also by their various components. The steel for the hydrau-

intends to build cranes the rest of his Itf". " l guess they will have to carry me out

ofhere," he

lic system and the arm has been


Photo: Jan Mouritsen umanitarian supplies in Afghanistan will soon be hauled on Japanese

trucks equipped with Danish Herkules cranes built in Thailand. The order was placed with the Danish crane expert Mr. Lennart Avnby - resident in Thailand since 1992 - by Mitsubishi

who was given the assignment

owner and manager of the stc factory in Chonburi started when

in Frederiksverk. Only


taught him the technique in-

counter weights are locally pro-

volved in crane construction. ln 1974 he established his own production company in Sweden, which he built up until finally the Swedish economic crash in the beginning of the 19900s forced him to close down. At that time, he had developed a close relationship with

duced, sourced from a Thai

mounted on two of the vehicles. The order is a welcome oppoftunity for Lennart Avnby to promote his speciality in the international community. A civil


engineer of education, Mr. Avnby has worked with crane construction all his adult life including the past ten years in Thailand.

people operating it. The quality of the components is the last place to compromise if cost savings are needed," LennartAvnby says.

"A crane must work perfectly at all times and keeo well within

the minimum soecifications


order not to be dangerous for the

In achieving the order, Mr.

United Nations refugee organization UNHCR. Outside Mr. Avnby's factory, Scan Tech (Thailand) Co., Ltd., ten large Mitsubishi trucks are

Avnby's Danish background

With quality certifications

played no part. The main contract lo supply the trucks were won by the Danish company,

from DNV - Det norske Veritas and the American ABS he has managed to secure also other

Hans Christian Bukkehave, but subcontracted Mitsubishi in Japan to provide the trucks. As the


manual work needed for the modifications was substantial,

white in the bright sunlight with the logo of UNHCR painted on the side. soon to be out to the test in the tough terrain of the Afghanistan countryside. Mr. Avnby has equipped the trucks with special platforms for easy conversion from watertank

carriers to container haulers. The 12 meter long hydraulic Herkules cranes with a liftinq


Mitsubishi in turn asked its Thai subsidiary to search for a subcontractor in Thailand to provide the adaptation and the cranes and this was when Mr. Avnby first heard of the order.

The top quality of the Herkules cranes are ensured not

Lennart Avnby's winding road to his current state as

imported from Sweden while

to supply the trucks by the

lined up for delivery, shining

industrial design engineer.

other steel comoonents are imported from the Danish steel mill

capacity of 15 ton/meter are


in Auto Cad, assisted by a Thai

his former Danish father-in-law

one of his major customers in

Thailand. Encouraged by this businessman, he decided to pack his bags and move the whole production to Thailand, where he purchased a newly

built factory in Latlungkaew


north of Bangkok. The company

Among his recently signed orders is a specially designed

was formed as a joint venture between himself and the Thai-

sideloader with a lifting capacity of 65 tons for a French company assigned to transport radioactive materials.

Chinese businessman.

The Danish entrepreneur has today a staff of 15 people

time his partner moved to trick him ut of his ownershio of the

whom he has worked with for

company. "He was a swindler and I was too trustful. He cheated me out of all the assets in the company

many years and originally trained himself. The construction design

is, however, all done by himself

When the bubble burst in 1997, the market went completely dead


and at the same

Last call: Propak Asia


*'he commercial section is in the orocess of organising a Danish

chinery, Pharmaceutical Processing and Packaging Equip-

ment, Seafood Processing

ticipate should in their own interest contact Mr. Jesper Vibe-Hansen at the Com-

pavilion at Propack Asia2002 in June. The exhibition is estimated one of the leading in the region for Food Process-

Equipment and Packaging, as well as other related products

mercial Section of the

and seruices. The benefits of participating

ing Equipment, Packaging

jointly are considerable. Al-

explore the cost benefits offered either by email to

Equipment, Packaging Materials, Canmaking, Converting Printing and Labelling Ma-

though the official deadline for joining expired on February 1, companies considering to par-

Royal Danish Embassy to or fax +660 2213 1752 or phone +660 2213 2021.

and I lost over 50 mill. Baht. On top of that, he hired a hitman to scare me out of the country. Well, he didn't succeed," Lennart Avnby drily adds. Though flat broke, a core group of his staff remained loyal to Lennart Avnby and moved with him to his new

factory - a former rice mill for rent at an affordable cost east of Chonburi. Today, Scan Tech (Thailand) Ltd. is back on its feet. With tenders sub-

mitted for several major projects, Lennart Avnby stafis aiming high. lf just some of these prospective orders come true, he plans to move across the road within the next year where he has obtained a larger factory. Especially one contract, a number of cranes for an American oil exploration company operating in the Gulf of Thailand worth 7,5 mill. US-

dollars would indeed be a maior breakthrough. In Denmark, Herkules cranes are

marketed by Herkules International A/S in Osted near Roskilde. LennartAvnby is living proof if the proverb, that when there is a will, there is a way. His mission in life is to build excellent cranes and this he intends to do the rest of his life. "l guess they will have to carry me out of here," he jokes while showing around in the factory. Henrik Houtved


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InWear staging

strong come-back Following a strategic alliance with Central D epartment Store, InWear is now highly visible again on the Bangkok Jashion scene.

Central Department Store's Import


Product Directori Miss Pattlika Nina Artharamas


sees a strong

future for InWear

in Thailand.


nWear, the internationally most well-known Danish brand name within women's

fashion, is making a strong come-back in Thailand following -its strategic alliance with Central Department Store entered two years ago and now reaching for its full ootential. InWear was first introduced in Thailand only a few months before the disastrous meltdown of the Thai economy in 1 997. At that time, InWear had entered the Thai market on its own and the company quickly decided to dismantle most of their shops set up in various shopping centers around the Bangkok Metropolis.

In the beginning of year 2000, the InWear Grouo and the Danish company Carli Gry had

like to be the sole representative of InWear clothes in Thailand is because InWear has a

Praew, and Fashion Preview

very good image. All of the products are of a very good quality, in trend with the fashion and not

market. There is a very strong competition in the market, but we are confident in our products and InWear obviously has a very

too expensive compared to other brand names in Thailand," she says. InWear clothes have steadily become more fashionable and

colourful, although the target group is still the same, focusing on the working woman from 25 to 40 years of age. "The good image of InWear


"Fashion is an interesting

promising future in Thailand," Miss Pattlika says. Central Deoadment Store is currently looking for a matching strong brand name to enter the growing market also for men's fashion. The brand under consideration is Martinique, which is another big Danish brand name.

is maintained by using high qual-

"This is a very interesting

ity material and supported by a very good sales service. We arrange staff training for InWear every time a new collection is introduced to give our customer

market and a good chance for us to expand. I believe it will be a very good opportunity for us to import and sell high quality men's clothes in Thailand." InWear is not the first Danish brand name which is represented in Thailand by the Central Deoartments Store. Evita Peroni, an equally strong Dan-

merged and changed name to lC Companies to become the strongest market leader within

service staff comolete confi-

Danish designed fashion. Looking for a way to re-enter the Thai market, lC Companies in mid-2000 signed a contract with Central Department Store Ltd. to be their sole reore-

InWear clothes are all de-

dence in the product," Miss Pattlika explains.

the official launch of the new partnership took place in April

signed by Danish designers, but most of the InWear oroducts are produced in China while some are produced in the EU underfull quality control of lC Companies. "Our relationship with lC Companies as a supplier is very good. They support us a lot, also

and accessories has been represented in Thailand by the Central Group for 15 years. InWear clothes are currently available at Central Chidlom, Central Lardprao, Central Bang-

when soecial sales discounts

na, Central Pinklao, and Zen De-


are needed, which is good for us

oartment Store.

"We are very particular about our image and the brand names, we represent," says Miss Pat-

and at the same time good for the customers who will get the

sentative in Thailand. After months of careful preparations,

tlika Nina Artharamas, lmport Product Director of Central Department Store. "The reason why we would


same quality at a cheaper price." InWear clothes is now oromoted heavily by advertising in

a range of different women's magazines like Lips, Deechan,

ish brand name within jewelry

The new trend of InWear fashion design will return to the 70s, presenting a more colourful style while still remaining the most stylish choice for the Thai working woman. Patcharee Lae-va

I q

30 Years Balut Anniversary

celebrated in Bangkok The International Balut Federation on 8-9 March, 2OO2 celebrated its 3O years anniversary with a World Championship tournament in Bangkok


The World Tournament of the 30 Year Balut Anniversary took place on board a River Boat on the Chao Phayawith

participants coming from all over the world.

t att starteO in Bangkok and

ing Manager Wyvern Parsson, stating that a local Dane, Knud Tomming, was indeed the world

Bangkok has remained the Mecca of the lnternational

Balut Federation. Over one hun-

Balut chamoion and that

dred participants from the Danish Commonwealth, consisting

Melbourne they had no knowledge of who this Bangkok character claiming the title could be. This lead to the first World Championship being arranged

of Denmark, Norway, Green-

killed per week."

Kong, Manila

land, lceland, Trankebar, The West Indies, the Gold Coast,

"Looking back, it is incredible how few of them we saw in the

York, Oslo, Aalborg, Kobe,

The Faeroe lslands, Schleswig-

Patpong/Silom area. Danes, Germans and Britons would

Chicago, Texas, Riyadh, Tokyo, Torronto, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Schweiz, Luxembourg, Hamborg, Nuuk, and Sao Paolo, the games to center stage.

Holstein, Skaane, Halland, Blekinge and the Dietmarsk, gathered on 8-9 March in the City of Angels to compete in the

two day tournament. Being here to compete, few of them, however, had a chance to see any of Bangkok's typical tourist attractions. Instead, they concentrated their energy on the

here promenade with well-to-do Thais and you would know most of them. A far cry from the terrible market, the area has turned


and later in New

Copenhagen, Jeddah, Rome,

Anticipating this rapid spread

into today."

of the popularity of the sport, the

"Bangkok at that time was despite its millions of inhabitants - In a way somewhat provincial.

first Balut organization estab-

You would constantly meet

lished in 1972 was named lnter-

national Balut Federation and

games and related activities

people you knew, and if one ven-

the first tournament was consequently arranged by the "Bang-

which took olace on a River Boat

tured into a washing establish-

kok Branch" of the IBF on

on the Chao Phya river and in

ment you would soon be informed that this-or-that Dane

March1972 at Copenhagen Bar. Many of the participants were later to resume high positions in

the Mariners Club in Klong Toey.

Already by the start of the Balut organization in 1972, lhe Danish colony was prominent in Bangkok. "Life in Bangkok in 1972 was a great deal different from to-

had been there earlier in the day

detailed description of his capacity." - including a

Most of the Danes at that

the organisation



as well as

outside - as it spread across the globe, Ole Loft, Per Kastrup,

Niels Lumholdt, Lai Jensen,


on 15 November 1975 in Melbourne, where the pafticipants comoeted in the first round on the back of a truck while driving from the airport into the city. For a number of years, Finn Koren, the Nonruegian Ambassador to Thailand, worked hard to have Balut included in the Olympic Games. He was almost suc-

cessful at this. However, when the committee suggested, that the participants should be expanded to include also people outside the Danish Commonwealth, Finn Koren of course had to refuse. As the Mecca for Baluteers

world wide, Bangkok was in

Pilebo writes in a description of the yearly Balut years to be

time were employed - on different social levels - in the East Asiatic Company. Other major employers of Danes were Christiani & Nielsen, Kampsax and


Thai Airways International. A

Sejer, Jens Tsnnesen, Per

been the preferred topic of con- 'The overpopulation, the pol-

large number were Danish sea-

Svendsen, Joachim Buttenscho

versation all over the world,

men, who for eight months would sail the Pacifics and for four months would spend their time in Klong Toey, which was at the time the fourth largest

n. Soon to follow were Ole

whereever seasoned baluteers have met. With the elaborate preparations, which has taken place in advance of the current World Balut Championship and 30 Years Balut Jubilee Celebrations in Bangkok this March, it is exoected - when the commotion

day," the Balut historian Jan


ound on the

lution and the ultimate traffic chaos did not yet exist. Neither did the tourism industry. The charterflights with 470 Germans from the Ruhr-district had notyet confused the almost subservient resoect the Thais had for us. The

Americans visited Japan and

slum area in the world, - but also

the home of well-known establishments like Copenhagen Bar, Venus, and Mosquito Bar.

returned in Hongkong. The larg-

Part of the Balut mission

est element of foreigners were

was, according to Jan Pilebo, to organize attractive sports activi-

contractors related to the war in Vietnam and the Gl's on Rest and Recreation. They had five days here before returning to the war where 250 of them were

ties for this mixed group of Danes in Bangkok. Later, as Balut branches were established in Singapore, Melbourne, Hong


997 the obvious location for the

and Jorgen Munk.

25 Years Anniversary Games and Celebrations and for the

Already the same year, other prominent Danes joined in, Leo

viated as BANGBAL'97 has

Steen Nielsen, Peter Nielsen,

Hestetyv, PoulWeber, Per Poul-

sen, Svend Mygind, Jorgen Zacho, Ssren Olesen, Frank, Finn Koren, Pelle, K.K. Voldum, Poul Bjerregaard, Niels Bay, Kalle Ornsgaard. The first World Championship was held in Melbourne in 1975 following an article in the Danish daily, Borsen, in which Niels Lumholdt was announced

probably the world's best baluteer. When this news reached Melbourne, a press release was issued by Thai Airuvays Market-

past five years, the event, abbre-

settles and the fog lifts -that also

this years event will be the stuff

of which myths are made and

that many a baluteer will for years proudly remember his scores from Bangkok 2002. Gregers Moller


Unique Danish product keeps Thai exports dry t'Maybe we can not be lBM, General Electric or ABB in our generation, but we are always optimistic about our future and keep going |onnardr" says Tanapol Vanich Go.., Ltd., which for two years have been sole distributor for Thailand of Dry-Bag from Denmark,


When packs of Dry-

Bag is placed in the container or inside the wrapping (right),

it absorbs moisture. The product is now being introduced in

d consumer versrcn as well (below).

apart from the photoshops," Mr. Nipat explains.

The relationship with the Danish manufacturer of Dry-Bag, Anders Bendt a/s


r I



has developed extremely

from Thailand are protected on their journey to their final destination all over the world by a

well. The Danish company is

currently considering extending its cooperation with Tanapol to include

unique Danish product called Dry-Bag. lmporter and sole distributor in Thailand is the Thai company, Tanapol Vanich Co., Ltd., estab-

lished in October 2000 by Mr. Nipat Ungpakornkaew and Miss Sasinoot Preedawipart. The use

also exclusive representa-

tion in Malaysia. Singapore, tance oi the cost of the desiccant while overlooking the risk of delivering damaged cargo.

Taiwan and China (incl. Hongkong) might be added in the fu-

They cannot see that cost of pre-

TanapolVanich C., Ltd. has a clear strategy as to how it intends to serve its market.

vention is ultimately cheaper


of Dry-Bag is especially important when shipping moisture

than correction when the dam-

sensitive goods like agricultural

age is done. However, as more

"A good company by my defi-

produce, garments and electron-

and more customers focus on

nitions is a company that deliv-


product quality and reliable sup-

ers value in terms of perfor-

Dry-Bag is composed of a special clay available in Den-

ply management, more

mance in a professional way. We want to be a fair player and take

mark, mixed with calcium chloride. Compared to other so-

called desiccants



which are able to pick up moisture from its surroundings - this special, environmentally f riendly mixture is able to pick up more moisture from the air than any other known natural desiccant.

ancl more freight forwarders will start demanding a higher quality des-

iccant like Dry-Bag." While continuing the expansion within the shipping sector, Tanapol Vanich Co., Ltd. is currently looking into a range of new opportunities for the product also in the consumer market.

"We are introducing a safe

Over the past 2 years, Tanapol has held meetings upon

and environmentally friendly special household version of

meetings with freight foruarders,

Dry-Bag for use at home called Moisture Catcher. lt is a small package available in four sizes of 25 gram, 80 gram, 500 gram and 1000 gram." "Particularly photographers have been quick to se the ben-

liner companies, and exporting companies explaining the superb benefit of Dry-Bag. "We discoveredthat many of them are unaware of the risk of condensation and the risk of using synthetic, low-quality desiccants," Khun Nipat says. "Some place more impor-


efit and we are getting shellspace now also with Home Pro, Siam Drug, and many gunsmiths

a firm position in the business, not just being a table and chair company which makes money on commission," Khun Nipat explains. "At present, Tanapol is still a young and small company," he


"lt is, however, a good time to shape the company little by little. Today we are recruiting marketing and sales personnel. In

the future, we will seek for pro-

fessional managers to join our top management team. Maybe we can not be lBM, General Electric or ABB in our generation, but we are always optimistic about our future and keep going fonvard". Patcharee Lae-ya

Solutions The GPV Group is a knowledge based technology and outsourcing partner who focus on long term strategic partnerships. GPV produces and develops products within Mechanics and Electronics in a range from simple parts to highly complex assembled end-products containing many thousand individual elements. The GPV Group includes 6 factories, of which the 5 companies is situated in Denmark, where GPV Industri A,/S is the parent company and GPV International A,/S is the headquarter. GPV Asia (Thailand) Go., Ltd. is the headquaders for the GPV Group's activities in Asia and is an important par.t of the GPV Group Global Sourcing & Contracting concept The company is specialised in high-quality production of metal pads, cabinets and enclosures, high precision machined parts, wire configuration, PCB assembly, electronic or mechanical assembly and complete solutions GPV Asia is located in Samutprakarn 30 km south-east of the centre of Bangkok in the Bangpoo Industrial Estate and has app. 180 employees and 6500 sqm production.

The process capabilities are: Mechanic production: Shearing, CNC punching, CNC bending, Stamping, Welding, CNC Machining, CNC Turning, Powder painting, Silk screening, Electrical wiring and full assembly of products. Electronic production: Cable & Wire configuration, Automatic SMT and manual PCB assembly, Test, Complete Electronic and Electromechanic assembly. R&D department with mechanic and electronic engineers.

GPV Asia (Ihailand) Co., Ltd. 297 Moo 4, Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Soi 6 Phraksa, Sukhumvit Road, Samutprakarn 10280, Thailand -1 Fax (+66) 2 7Og 2555 / 7Og 2564 E-mail: Homepage:

Tel. (+66) 2 7Og 2550

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APV completes Thai mega-proj ect The worlds largest condensed milk plant is situated North of Bangkok, built on a turnkey contract by APV Systems.

PV Systems has just finalized construction of one of its largest projects ever. The olant situated North of Bangkok will be one of the larg-

est processing plants for condensed milkproducts anywhere in the world. APV Systems has on a turnkey basis been in charge of constructing all five production lines

of the Dlant. Three of the lines will oroduce sweetened condensed milk, each with a capacity of up to 10,000 kilos per hour, while the othertwo lines will produce ordinary condensed milk, each with a capacity of 15,000 kilos per hour.

Danish company, Silkeborg Tank

dimensioned from one to 76 cubic meter. The combined length of the steel pipes of the prolect amount to six kilometers with diameters ranging from 18 milimeters to25,4 centimeters. The production flow will be regulated by 1,200 valves. The whole production process is fully automated on a sys-

tem programmed by APV Singapore. Sensors all through the production flow constantly feeds back information to the system which will warn the ooerators if any inaccuracies occur. Site Manager on the project

completion of the project, Kim Nielsen has been re-assigned to

work with APV Thailand where he will be in charge of implementing APV's new regional service center and - together with APV Thailand's Managing Director, Allan Jensen - prepare tenders on future projects. "Thailand seems to be fully back on its feet again, at least within our line of business." savs Kim Nielsen . "There are currently several interesting projects coming up in

the near future, which we would certainly like to build." With a reference list as strong as APV's - including the

The whole project is con-

has been Kim Nielsen from APV's office in Arhus, who has

structed in stainless steel includ-

been based in Thailand over the

chances should indeed be good.

ing 67 tanks delivered by the

past two years. Following the

Henrik Houtved

latest mega-project



Navision Microsoft's First Global Gold Partner avision ais has be

and 1,065 employees in 29

come the first inde-


titled to advanced technical and

has 14 accredited sites in Europe, US, Australia, Southeast Asia and South Africa. "Navision is delighted to be recognized with this certi-

fied Partner for Software

marketing information, elite

fication," says Ren6 Stockner,


event and marketing opportunities and exclusive Web content on the Microsoft Certified Partner restricted Web site. To achieve the new global accreditation from Microsoft, a

oendent software

As a Microsoft Gold Certified

vendor to be accredited as

Partners, Navision is now en-

Microsoft Global Gold Certi-

With its headquarters in Vedbak, Denmark, Navision a/s is a leading global provider of cost-effective and adaptable integrated business solutions that help companies in their quest to grow. The company has more than

30,000 customers worldwide, a global network of more than 2,200 partners, 1


software vendors must be approved as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for Software Products on at least three continents

and in 10 different countries worldwide. Navision currently

Executive Vice President for

Worldwide Operations of Navision a/s. The Microsoft Gold Certi-

fied Partner program has been running since January 2001 and is an extension to its existing certification pro-

grams, of which potential Microsoft partners first have to qualify before entering Gold status.



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Jan Dam Pedersen of EAC (Thailand) turns 50 Jan Dam Pedersen, Managing Director of The East Asiatic (Thailand) Public Gompany Limited, celebrates his Soth birthday on lst April, 2002.

in South East Asia. Today, EAC

Jan Dam Pedersen's

Industrial Ingredients is active through operations in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, The Philippines, Myanmar and Cambodia, with Malaysia and Singapore expected to fall in place during 2002. Mr. Dam Pedersen was ap-

first overseas posting for EAC was Bangkok in 1974. OnApril I he celebrates his 50 year birthday as Managing Director of EAC Thailand.

pointed Managing Director for

an Dam Pedersen was born on the island of Bornholm on 1st April,

dients and raw materials in Thailand, including acquisition of the

1952. and still considers himself

leading Danish manufacturers. After 9 years in Thailand, Mr. Dam Pedersen was in 1991 ap-

a "Bornholmei'. Danes familiar with the particular Danish accent will notice, that he even still speaks English with a strong "Bomholmeracrent".

distributorship of a number of

pointed Country Manager of EAC Vietnam with base in Ho

Mr. Dam Pedersen joined

Chi Minh City, and was tasked with building up an EAC busi-

EAC in Copenhagen in 1969

ness from scratch in that emerg-

and was at the age of 21 years sent abroad on his first overseas posting -to Thailand -in1974. He was assigned to EAC's Oriental Machinery Stores and became engaged in the distribution

ing market. This turned out to be one of the greater challenges in Mr. Dam Pedersen's career so

far. During the 5 years he spent in Vietnam he managed, how-

of automotive parts. Later

ever, to build an extremely strong team and developed

other EAC company in USA,

leading consumer and chemi-

engaged in timber processing. In the period from 1978 to 1982

cals organization in Vietnam.

he was assigned, as Deputy

within the EAC Group, Mr. Jan Dam Pedersen was in 1996 apoointed International Director of the chemicals business group of EAC and was concurrently appointed General Manager of the business in Indonesia. In Indonesia, Mr. Dam Pedersen rebuilt and revitalized the organization there and established distribution coverage throughout the

in 1974, he was transferred to an-

Manager, to EACJapan's lmport Department in Tokyo.

ln 1982 Mr. Dam Pedersen returned to Thailand and was, until 1991 , a Division Manager of EAC Chemicals in Bangkok. During this period, he contributed in building EAC Chemicals into the largest independent distributor of chemicals, food ingre-

The EastAsiatic (Thailand) Public Company Limited in May 2001, and in June 2001 he joined the EAC Group's Operational Management Team in the position as Sr. Vice President.

country through five offices.

In his younger days Jan Dam

Helped by his significant network within the industry and his international experience, the Indone-

Pedersen was an active soccer player and a regular member of the Scandinavian Vikings team

sian organization was again set on a growth path. Jan Dam Pedersen returned

playing in the international

to EAC in Bangkok again in 1998

Vietnam. Today, his favorite spare-time occupation is golf,

with the aim to spearhead further expansion into other markets in the region in order to establish a true regional business

league in Bangkok from 1982 to 1991 and subsequently also in

taking special pleasure in trying to beat members of the DanishThai Chamber Board.

EAC's business to becoming the

Following reorganizations




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Poul Erik Frey, B-K Medical Co., Ltd. hosted the seminar where Dr Claus Hovendal and Dr lesper Durup showed 61 Thai doctors the use of ultrasound in surgery.

Danish doctors demonstrated the use of ultrasound Over 6O Thai medical doctors attended a workshop held by B-K Medical on the use of laparoscopic ultrasound in surgery

workshop consisted of lectures under five topics; use of ultrasound in surgery, basic ultrasound, ultrasound equipment,

vation room.

The use of ultrasound during surgical procedures can pro-

vide individual and ootimal treat-

the importance of staging of gas-

ment of the patients and make

trointestinal cancer, and endoscopic and laparoscopic ultra-

the doctor's task easier and


sound (LUS) helps the surgeon obtain an accurate staging of the

safer. The laparoscopic ultra-

-K Medical (Thailand) Ltd. on March 2, 2002

forthe afternoon session, there was a presentation of ul-

hosted a workshop under the topic "1st Laparascopic

trasound probes in laparoscopic

garding the choice of immediate

and open surgery, where 20 par-

Ultrasound Workshop" at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital,

ticipants were given the unique

Kasetsart University in Bangkok.

graphic procedures themselves during "hands-on" demonstration. Although the technique is meant for human surgery, the

surgical treatment and adjuvant therapy. B-K Medical established its oresence in Thailand in 1996 with a reoresentative office. The

The workshop was led by two world-wide recognised surgeons

in this field from Denmark, Dr. Claus Hovendal and Dr. Jesper Durup and was attended by 61 Thai doctors . The morning session of the


chance to try the ultrasono-

demonstration was pedormed on two pigs and transmitted live from the operating room to the rest of participants in the obser-

disease. This is important re-

company B-K Medical (Thailand) Ltd. was established four years later, in 2000. B-K Medical has its headquarters in Copenhagen with offices throughout the world.

Vi har Danmarks bedste priser og biludvalg til dig som udlandsdansker. Ring, fax eller e-mail og f& et godt tilbud pt din feriebil i Danmark.

Avis ReseruationsCenter Telefon: +45 33 26 80 80 Telefax: +45 33 26 80 81 E-mail:


DTCC Lunch with EAC's Mark Wilson hief Executive Officer of

EAC, Mr. Mark Wilson, will speak to the Danish-

Thai Chamber on the 5th June 2002 12.00 hours. Among other things we can exoect to hear comments to these questions: Why did it go wrong, what did EAC do to stop the fall and turn things around... how are they doing now, what are their business nowadays, are we likely to see EAC as the diversified and global company once again? Mr. Mark Wilson's leadership of the EAC is undisputed. When the Danish weekly magazine @

konomisk Ugebrev asked


number of share analysts about their opinion of 48 of Denmark's leading top bosses, 90 per cent

Therefore, Mark Wilson is olaced as number one as the most imoortant CEO of a Danish company when it comes to the share prices. The analysts

man who can secure development within the Danish company. Without Mark Wilson the share price would quite simply

place Leif Tullberg of DSV, Jess Soderberg of D/S 1912 (A.P. Mo ller), and Lars Rebien Sorensen of Novo Nordisk on the following places on the top ten. Mark Wilson is thus rewarded for his successful turn-around of EAC.

At the end of a catastroohic yearfor Danish business, Ekstra Bladet recently established a list of Danish leaders who in their opinion had managed to do well despite the poor year. One of them is Mark Wilson, EAC, who is described as the British saviour of the Danish company. After years of stagnation, Mark Wilson has reestablished EAC as a money machine by emphasizing many different areas of trade.

Last year Mark Wilson was ranked number four on the list.

Borsens Nyhedsmagasin places Mark Wilson, on its list of persons who got the most positive publicity due to his business achievements. Whereas former CEOs of EAC, Mogens Pagh


And finally, the weekly news-

of the analysts agreed that it would mean a serious drop in

Michael Fiorini only paftly succeeded in regenerating the con-

letter Mandag Morgen points to Mark Wilson as one of the most successful businessmen in terms of communications strat-

EAC's share price if CEO Mark Wilson were to leave EAC.

glomerate, Mark Wilson, accord-


and Henning Sparso, broke down the values in EAC, and

ing to financial analysts, is the

Arne Jacobsen 100 years he world-renowned

and to the USA in 2004. Other

Danish architect and

cities are Berlin, New York,

designer, Arne Jacobsen, would have turned 100 on 11 February 2002, Famous for

and Montreal where the cen-

Paris, Oxford, lstanbul, Rome,

tenary will be marked by exhibitions and a variety of events.

his iconic chairs "The Egg",

A touring exhibition, "Mile-

"The Swan" and "Seven" (the single most sold chair in the world), Arne Jacobsen's centenary is celebrated throughout the year in Denmark and across the world.

stones & Evergreens", produced by the Danish Design

Danish Design Centre commenced the celebrations on 1 1 th of February 2002 - the actual birthday of Arne Jacobsen - with a major exhibition

on Jacobsen's multifaceted design philosophy. The exhibition runs until 2 June, ac-

companied by a website f eaturing film clips, photographs, drawings and texts both in factual and anecdotal form. On 30 August Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in cooperation with the Danish Institute for Architecture opens


its doors for what will be the world's biggest exposition of the Jacobsen phenomenon. The exhibition will explore allthe dimensions of Arne Jacobsen's life and work - from photographs and watercolours of buildings, furniture and textile designs, to garden aft. The exhibition, which runs until 12 January 2003, willtravel to Hamburg, Rotterdam, Oslo and London throughout 2003

Centre assisted by the Danish Centre for Architecture for the Danish Secretariat for International Cultural Relations, will be presented in a dozen cities in cooperation with the Danish Embassies. Arne Jacobsen was one of the Dioneers of functionalism and his buildings helped define not only an architectural movement but an entire era of design. One of his greatest works

is the 1960 Radisson SAS Royal Hotel across from Tivoli. As a tribute to Jacobsen, room 606 remains to this day a

shrine to its designer, featur-

ing the original furniture and fittings he created for it,

Women luxuriating in

fenent daydreams, or audaciously reveling in their sexualiry de riv e the ir v oluptuous forms from vivid strokes of concentrated

color Feverish reds, purples, greens, and blues sweep across each canvas.

"FeveF" - Elizabeth Romhild's ninth exhibition in Bangkok - shows a bold new side to her talent.

Elizabeth Romhild:

Feverishly Erotic n exhibition of paintings

by Danish

Her newfound rough,


even aggressive,

artist Elizabeth Romhild will be on display at the gallery H from April 3rd through April 30th,2002. The exhibition, "FE-

brushwork aecentuates the unfolding passionate drama on canvas as

VER", comprises 30 works in oil on canvas. "Feve/' is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, between 12 noon and 6 PM, or by appointment, from April 3nd through April 30th, 2002. H is located at 201 Sathorn Soi 12 next

well as signals Elizabeth's progress towards greqter rcssianism. After discovering fem.ale

eroticism as her true subject, Elizabeth hns now mastered the art of depicting its bald yet graceful nuances.

to the Bangkok Bible College and Seminary and is within walking distance of the Surasak BTS Sky Train Station. lt can be con-

tactedat0l 3104428.


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By placing an order for 23 new Airbus aircraft, we embarked on the biggest expansion in our history. lt confirms our commitment to providing customers with the services they expect from a fully-fledged intercontinental airline. Our new Airbus A34O and 4330 aircraft brings new levels of comfort and convenience for our intercontinental passengers. The benefits include wider seats, better sound comfort in the cabin and an individual choice of inflight entertainment. Business Class passengers can help themselves to food and beverages from a buffet and their meals are served on exquisite new tableware supplied by Royal Scandinavia. We also introduce a new class, Economy Extra, offering flexibility and a higher lever of comfort than Economy Class. The upgraded Economy Class feature designer seats with adjustable neck-rests and foot-rests. Every seat is equipped with an individual video monltorfeaturing 12 channels showing current movies,9 popular games, a landscape camera and 18 sound channels. Our expansion offers you new planes, new places to fly and new products.

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