Danish Chamber of Commerce Vol.2 No.2 August 1995
Royal Danish Embassy rssN 0859-1229
Op p onn-rNrrrEs
g-uck & tax: 213 1752 trI
, Food products.
Danish trading house with a wide
range of food products want to enter the Thai market. The product range consists among other of: lrozen good such as vegetables,
chips, fish, meat and chicken;
tinned meat; dairy products as well as raw materials for food process-
ing. The company can deliver packs for retail business either with
the companies own brand or with the purchasers trademark. The company is well established and dynamic with sales in more than 50 countries worldwide and with offices in several European countries as well as in China. The company is looking for purchasers and /or a distributor.
Fish and shellfish products.
The company ls a major manufaclurer of a wide range of cold water
fish and shellfish products with Atlantic prawns being the companies single largest product. Most of their raw materials are caught by their own fleet of fishing vessels processing and freezing the catch at sea to preserve the freshness. The produc{ range consist among other of: prawns, halibut, salmon, cod, lrout and plaice as well as a
wide range of easy-to-prepare
dishes. The company sells branded products In attractive retail packs.
The company has offices in several European countrias as well as in USA and Japan. The company is looking for a distributor or agent.
tr 9s.02.o3
Autoclaves for the food lndustry. The company has produced autoclaves for the food industry since 1936 and are loday exportlng their equipment to large
Contlnued on page 12
Standard Flex 3oo ln tuil combat role. The Danish mutti role -series of naval ships are unique ln the way they - much fike the famous LEGOtoy of Denmark - may be changed trom one role into another by simply replacing modules.
olio rr{ f; nd o o t6a:u d'ryzr 6 rouill;o dar rur:o rjiu uJ d su:ilTail
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Denmarkto offer mine cl earing ships Denmark, an expert in versatile offshore partrolvessels, has demonstrated its mine clearing module to the Royal Thai Navy Naval Team Denmark - the Danish export consortium for marine technology visited Thailand in mid-June to present its state-of-the-art mine clearing technol-
- can be mounted on the vessel in only 45
minutes, thereby changing the ship into a mine clearing vessel. Should the ship be needed to solve other tasks, the module may quickly be replaced by any of the
ogy to the Royal Thai Nalry and the Armed Forces Supreme Command. The presenlation coincided with the Royal Thai Naq/s decision to give top prioritytothe purchase of advanced mine
several other available modules - for instance a missile module or a module for fighting oil pollution.
clearing vessels.
small unmanned drones sent out in front
The Danish delegation was led by Rear Admiral Niels Mejdal and the commanding officer from the Standard Flex 30O vessel, "Flyvefiskeq" of which Denmark already has 14 ships in operation. It was the first time that the Danish mine clearing system for the Standard Flex 300-type of ve.sselwas demonstrated outside Denmark. The system, which is already operational in Denmark, is build in a module, which - much like the Danish LEGO-toy
of the vessel, scanning the waters in the
The mine clearing module consists of
area. When a mine is spotted, a small remotely controlled underwater drone is sent out with a video camera to place a detonating charge as close as 1O cm to
the mine to destroy it. The Danish concept is up to 25 pct. cheaper than existing mine clearing vessels, which do not feature the unique versatility developed by the companies behind Naval Team Denmark.
That-&n tth Ttd. N.w t t pu bfi t hod fdr tlmc. a y.ar and ctkHbutcd ln 2o(n coPt I b aclact d aantor axac,ilv.t and govamn ,''rto'lrct t tnThalt nd and5,(nooPic,to
,slu -J df"I y
2ol1 5Sukhumvlt Rd. Soi39 BKK Tel: 261 -9907 F$(: 258-0594
Att:lL. l||onlca Holmgrcn,Erecutive Drector Prealden$ Mt.
Web.r, Tel. 253
31 84, fax 253
lJlrik Helwog ! arson Amba.ssaclor, Hoad of Trade Department Royal Danlsh Ministry o( Foroign Affairs
Dear Reader,
lfi. NLlr llortdrWlntlrcr, Managing Directa,
The EastAsiatic Company Ltd. Tel. 285-667/
ilr. Art.l Bonl ManagerThailand &lndochina,
his year it is exactly 375 years ago that the flrst Danish ship visited Thailand. Since 1620 and until today, Denmark and Thalland have experience a unique blend of friendship and business relationship.
at I
The likemindedness of lhe Danes and the Thais which has formed the basis for the first 375 years of Thai-Danish Cooperation, continues to form the basis of the Thai-Danish relations today, lately reflected in a growing number of Danish and Thai ministers, senior otficials and business delegations visiting each others countries.
kok BranchTel. 312 Oil12, ltr, t-rrc Bo., Dl.thofm & Co., Lld. Trl.z21-1141,lft. Arnc Chrlr|.n .n, Managing Director, NordfabCo.,
Most recenlly a Danish delegation headed by Danish Admiral Niels Mejdal and comprised of a joint-team from the Royal Danish Navy, Naval Team Denmark and Danish industries, held a numbers of seminars at the Royal Thai Navy and Supreme Command Headouarters. The purpose of the visit was to present modern naval lechnology and solutions with a particular focus on the new Danish concept "Standard Fle*'for multi-purpose patrol vessels. SF-300 can for instance be changed from a oil-antipollution ship to full combat role as shown on the front page in about 12 hours.
Mr.Ham Uklch Hanscn, General Manager, Jebsen & Jessen Co., Ltd. Tâ‚Ź1.: 253-129O, llr. Jlm Nrplcr, Executive Vice Presider*, Carlsberg Brewery (fhailand) Co., Ltd. Tel. 237-7700,1*. H.nrk Elorncm, Maersk Bang-
Ltd. Tef. 245-9677,nr. Flcmmlng Mosholl, Managing Director, GMâ‚Źiam I nformalionServicesCo., Ltd.25662132, Mr. OleMadsen, Sctrl
East Co., Ltd. 631-0368-82,
lloller, Scand-MediaCorp.
nr. Gregcre Te[ 9o7-o1 86.
Honorarv Borld M6mber3:
t/}.ChrLtlanw.warmlng, Counsellor, Royal Danish EmbassyTet.
3-2021 ,HE
Phaholyolhln,RoyalThai Embassy, Copenhagen, Tel. (45) 31 62 50 10, Dr. Charodr
MP, Tilleke & Gibbins, Tel.
2S-2640,KhutrTlrrnnroonWanglee, President, ThaiAinvays InternalionatLtd. Tel. 51 3-
ol 21, Khun Chotcsophonpanlch, PresirCent, CS CapitalTel. 2aO-7242-6
Ftowal Danleh
EmbrsvCommercial Sec'tion
Soi, Attakarn Prasil Sathotn Tai Rd. BKK Tef 21 3-2021 -5 F axi 21 g -1 7 52 Att: Mr. Chrlltlan WWrlming, Counsellor, llt. l.ata Frlb JontenrGomrrrercial CounseF 1O
ThomarAndctacn,Ass. Commercial Attache, lJgrlr Prlnyagd, Commercial Offi cer lor, Mr.
Publlshod.nd Edltcd bv: Royal Danish Embasqy, Bangkok Danish Chamber of Commerce
Scand-MediaCorp. Ltd.
In the context of the growing Thai-Danish trade and cooperation, I am happy to see the recent creation of this jointly published publication 'Thai-Danish Trade News" which has become a new busine$s tool for many Thai companies to prosper on the growing volume of Thai-Danish Trade. ln the last two issues 50 Danish companies have been looking for Thai agents, importers or joint venture partners. Also, in this issue, 10 Danish companies are looking for Thai business partners. Both the Danish Chamber of Commerce and the Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok are dedicated to the promotion of the business relalions between our lwo countries; the Embassy's main interest being the Danish Export to Thailand. Should your company be interested in any Danish products or to represent a Danish company as an agent or importer in Thailand, I can warmly recommend you contact either of the two.'They will both do all they can to assisl you. To take part in the growing Thai-Danish trade you don't need to become a member of the Danish Ghamber of Commerce. lf you already do - or plan to do - business with Denmark, I suggest, however, that you seriously consider becoming a member and join the club of major Danish and Thai companies already active in the Thai-Danish trade. The Chamber and its members may assist you in many ways and you will benefit from your new business contacts among companies already doing business with Denmark.
6?il0+urroi.corp.Ltd. NepParkgg/95 Soi Maiyalap, Raminthra Road
Tet: 9o7O186-8 Att: Grag.r. lloltGr, Editor-in-Chief
Ulrik Helweg-Larsen Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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The Businessman's Airline SAS, BANGKOK: 260-0444
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A tkatch ol onc ot the scvcral aypcs of homas to be build by thc Thal-Danlsh tatl ctt te aomPany.
Danish Government partner in huge Thai real estate proiect Exsos - owned SOo/o by the Danish government - has signed an MoU regarding an 8 billion baht loan for a Thai real estate project uslng Danlsh building technology. the project has been
A Thai-Danish consortlum is ready later this year to start building the flrst of 60OO private homes in six different locations in Thailand for a Housing Commlttee related to the Royal Thai Air force,
ing, Horby Trading in
eral expected ,coming con-
iracts to build similar projects for the National Housing Authority ail over Thailand. Backed by Et<sos, even an MoU to built a Danish
The building contract itself will be worth over 5 billion baht and the total Project
'.-.,)- .
' {/t
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plant to burn waste and cogenerate electricity has been
signed for Chiang Mai. The housing project has
The contract was signed
ln Aprll between Exsos, a
applied for BOI-support, as it
companyowned5O% bythe Danish Mlnlstry of Social Welfare, and ACM Prachang
Bunnag on behalf of the
Houslng Gommittee. Exsos has committed itself to arrange for.llte financ-
ments for the project will initlally be imported from Denmark, until several planned
factories can be set up in Thailand.
o/o interest
Upon completion, the houses they will be trans-
The conslruction will be undertaken by the relatively unknown Danlsh company,
ferred to a private real estate company set up by key plaYers in the project - including Exsos - responsible for ac-
ing wlth
Euro System Byg. This company wlll - together with Thai
partners - set upaThai com-
pany to be responsible for construcrtlng lhe houses in six dlfferent locatlons in Thai-
- at a rate of 3O completed houslng unlls Per daY. The speclal bullding eleland
also obtained the first of sev-
owned by a Thai national residing in Sweden. Based on the attractive 6,5 o/o financ-
chaired by AGM Prachern
is the largest single Danish contract ever obtained in
Trading (Thailand)
quiring the necessary land, prepare
for construction and
sell the homes to air force
to service the needs of air force and army personnel of both high and low rank. The interior of the homes will be designed according to Thai requiremenls with no special elements of Danish
welfare and completed Thai subcontractors.
The special Danish "sandwich element" building technology is largely unknown in
Thailand and most other Asian countries. The eleents consist of a steel fram e
personnel as part of a Pension scheme. The homes will be both
single homes, double homes,
on the outside and the inside.
iown houses and apartments
upon which fibre reinforced gypsum plates arefixed both
The driMng force behind
will initially be necessary to import these elements from Denmark, until the factories in Thailand can starl uP the local production. lf granted, the BO|-support will enable the company to imPort the first elements and the Production m achinery lorthefactories with no or a low rate of import duty.
Later on, it is Planned to export sandwich elements from Thailand will then be exported to the Philippines and Malaysia, where similar projects of several thousand homes have alreadY been initiated. Gregers Moller 5
u:lTa rtsu rd a 3N sl.t $ifi ,itt',t"u. u dngr umrtJtvifi ar an idrr r.tt'tt'itt n do n o.tt, ou*hr",rq:6oriru $acdAur,"uu'tio'[urJ:vrrno"[rnu T:'r
Captain H.N.Andersen and Thailand'sfirst Danish real estate Proiect Thai-Danish cooperation in the real estate and construction sector goes back 111 years. n.n. Andercen - the founder of The East Asiatic Public Company, Limited - was the first enterprising Dane to enter the market ln 1884 - one hundred and eleven years ago - one of
Thailand's very first real estate projects was initiated bY an only 30 Year old Dane, Captain H.N. Andersen, the
founder of The East Asiatic Company. H.N. Andersen, who on$ seven years before had first come to Bangkok to work as an ordinary shiPmate on King Chulalongkorn's bark Thoon Kramom, had in 1982 advanced to be caPtain of the bark and earned his first fortune by successtullY taking Thoon Kramom with a cargo of teak all the waY to Liverpool and back with a cargo of
coal. The profit was over one hundred percent. Back in Bangkok, H.N. Andersen in 1884 started his
first real estate Project with
the purchase of the old,
wooden Oriental Hotel together with a wholesale and retail store on the Premises as well as a soda water factory. Business was brisk, and H.N, Andersen soon set out to expand the old hotel with a new brick building. This building opened uP in 1887 and still silands as the oldest Part of the present Oriental Hotel, which will next Yoar celebrate
its 120 year iubilee.
From the very beginning, H. N.
Andersen had, however,
set his eyes on the swamP land south of the Oriental Hotel, which belonged to the Foreign Minister, Chao Bhanuwong. He rePeatedlY suggested to the minister, that - if develoPed - the area could be an attractive residential area. The minister - being short of cash - initiallY hesitated, but then finally gave in to the plan - if H.N. Andersen could raise the money. Andersen could. With a loan from the Borneo CompanY he first build the 30O meter long Oriental
Avenue or Charoen Krung Soi 40. Then he build a row of exclusive brick Mllas on each side of the road leading from
the main road down to his own hotel, the welltrafficked pier on the bank of the Chao
Phaya River - and his own stores, of course. Alltogether, 7- 800 Euro-
peans were at that time living
in Bangkok, which H.N. Andersen estimated to be a suf-
ficien! market for his Project. Eighty of them were Danes, second only to the 250 British nationals; Villa No. 1 stillstands' lt is the charming old building
The latest Thai-Danish
construction company Danish Thai Progress Co. Ltd. is the latest Thai-Danish jdint venture set uP to prosper on the continuing Thai construction boom.
The Danes behind the company are Mr. Joergen Lundbaeck and Mr. Thorkild
Lykke Soerensen,
Conmar Ltd. The Thai Partner is Bored Piles Prommitr Co. Ltd. - a comPanY in the 6
Prommitr GrouP. Together they have an imPressive list of refferences - including DK
Conmar's comPletion of Kamala Terrace Hotel in Phuket as shown in the Pic-
ture to the left. The new ioint venture re-
cently submitted a tender for a 400 mill. baht subcontractto a Christiani &Nielsen project.
More Danish money to finance Thai proiects Denmark has granted yet another softloan of 375 million bahtto support Thai companies who needs cheap financing of tfreir prcijects. Pssst!
Would you like
-4. _t*.""ir?
to borrow for instance 20 mill. baht at only 1,6 - 5,2 percent interest rate for a period of up to 1O years without having to pay anything during the first two years.
Well, - what are the
right opposite to the Oriental
Hotel, until only two years ago stillthe Thai head ofiice of
The East Asiatic Gom pany,
which H.N. Andersen set up in 1897.
Having successfully developed the Oriental Hotel and the residential project between Gharoen Krung and
the hotel, H.N. Andersen some five to six years later togelher with his older friend,
Andreas de Rlchelleu, the "nestor" of all the Danes in Thailand at that tlme - actually build one more hotel in Thailand which, however, never achieved the legendary fame of The Oriental Hotel.
That was in the early
1890's, when wealthy Thai and forelgn famllies - includ-
ing H.N. Andersen and - started building
"summer resldences" on the island of Koh Sl Chang, where the Klng had bullt a seaside resort to sustaln his health.
Following a somewhat similar strategy as with the
Oriental Avenue-project,
H.N. Andersen not only built
the Koh Sl Chang potel, but also secured for himself the concesslon to run the boat route, ferrylng all vlsltors and their suppllcg back and forth
betwâ&#x201A;Źen Bangkok and the island.
Shortly after, H.N. Andersen, however, decided to leave the hotel business. ln 1893 he soldthe Oriental Hotel to free up the necessary capital to buy two new ships for hls much mors profitable trade route, bringing teak to Europe and goods back for his slores in Bangkok. One of these two new
strings? a You have to borrow at least 20 mill. baht. . At least 70 pct. of the
loan must be used for financing of Danish goods or
services from
o Your loan should
lessthan 85 pct. of the price for lhe machine or service with a down payment of 15 pct. or more.
o Your project
should work out the conditions for the purchase, and the Danish company must submit its offer in writing. The Thai company will then subm
it a
feasibility study
to the IFCT. lf approved by IFCT, the applicalion will be forwarded tothe Danish Fund for txport Financing. The opportunity expires at the end of June 1998 and
approved loans must
drawn no later than 31 . December 1998. Actually the loans are ordinary export credits which may be approved bythe Danish Fund for Export Financ-
ing to finance any Thai-Dan-
ish project. The "soft"
ment is, that for this package of 375 mill. baht Danida has
shlps was named Ragnhild. The other - out of sentimen-
support the development of
agreed to pay mosl of the interests through the repay-
tal reasons? - H.N. Andersen named after hisfirst and most successful Thai real estate
veloped area in Thailand, unless it is an environmental project which you may place anywhere in Thailand. o Your project will have to be approved bolh by the International Finance Corporation of Thailand, IFCT, and the Danish development agency, Danida. . Projects for production of alcoholic beverages, tobacco or military equipment are excluded from ob-
ment period - which also explains why an element of de-
project, The Oriental. By a peculiar twist of fate it was, however, half a century later yet another Danish construction and engineer-
ing company, Christiani &
Nielsen, who was contracted to take over, where H.N. Andersen had left, regarding the
expansion of The Oriental Hotel.
The "new" wing, which also still stands today in a right angle lo Andersen's firsl,
main building, was constructed during the Second World War by Christiani & Nielsen - today by far the largest Danish related construction company in Thailand - and opened up for business in 1945.
Gregers Motter
an economically less de-
taining loans. Aparl from that, all pri-
vately owned or public
owned companies could be
considered for financing
velopment is required for a project to be approved. Larger projects may apply directly to Danida for fF nancing on somewhat similar softloan terms. I n this case
a few more conditions
applied. Among others that the Danish partner has been selected aftsr a public tender and that the project can pass a scrutiny bythe OECD-sec-
retariat in Paris. These projects would typi-
cally be infrastructure projects, health care projects,
water supply projects or en-
through an attractive new
ergy supply projects up coun-
softloan agreement signed recently between Denmark and the IFCT to a total of
try where the costs of implementing the projects would
375 mill. baht. It's all very simple: First the Thai company
and lhe Danish company
typically be higher and where the local population would not be able to pay for the
services on a strictly comgm mercial basis.
u?dmrJuihuuotlu"tms 'luio, ui o.. u rfl uirr qrn oi'n :'luTan q: fi o rJudrlusi^lmu na aoilr d{ovrfi u"toornnr: *" ufo a aorrt fin { u6 rr.r u uif,n tiltn qilt 1,s rdatt u.o.tuc.,,L siT urirds arhoilrnfi.t oo, o o o rYu eiaiuTo s nr:rirrrir rodalin: aocnr4n::N nr: ar6nfi wuoi oT nuifi'l
rr{.uuu. afimJ.irrio
5ln Saraburl Bangkok la one ol the World's two largeEt productlon llnes ln operaStam Ctty Cementb kiln
tlon todaY.
World's largest cement plants built in Thailand by F.L. Smidth & GoF.L Smidth & Co. delivered Thailands first cement factory with a rotary kiln in 1915. Today, the total capacity of the industry stands at 34 mill. tons of cement per year. Two third of it is produced on plants supplied bY F.L Smidth & Co. Cement manufacturers in
two of its
Thailand have for manYYears been setting the trend within the World of cement Produc-
M ega-Planls with a production caPacities of 7.5O0 and 10.O00 tons Per
day respectivelY.
tion, and the Danish com-
pany, F.L. Smidth & Co., the
worlds biggest suPPlier of cement manufacturing equiPment has played a maior role In thls develoPment.
The world's two largest
cement plants were started up in 1992, each with a capacity of 10.O0Otons Per daY,
with F.L. Smidth & Go. as supplier of the kiln sYstems. ln fact, for several decades, each and every cement plant in Thailand was supplied by F.L. Smidth & Co.
In todaY's comPetitive
world other manufacturers have entered the market. Still, around two thirds of Thailand's total annual Production capacitY of 34 mill' tons of cement Per Year is
manufactured on equiPment delivered bY F.L. Smidth & Co. At the Present, the company is supPlYingYet another 8
It all started in 1913, when Siam Gement was established on the initiative of King Vaiirawdh. When looking for the necessary machinery, not
only F.L. Smidth & Co. was asked to bid. Also companies from Britain and Germany were invited,
but F.L. Smidth's bid was accepted as it offered the
best option for future expansions.
UnfortunatelY, when the World War I broke out, the F.L. Smidth equipment
F.L. Smldth klln sYstems
s@ sccc
Tons per day
1O.OOO World's
1O.OO0 largest 5.500
s@ sccc
5.5OO World's
sc@ scc
the day, when a newset of
Siiam Cement Public Co.' Ltd Siiam CiV Cement Public Co.' Ltd.
ACC: Asia Cement Co., Ltd machinery was sent off ) under erection from Denmark, lhe first shipment was released. Suddenly the owner of demand grew and in 1922' equipment for two cement when a new line was added, factories Siam Cement, however, wisely decided simPlY to keep it. As exPecled the
those early daYs. Newcom' panies have been added to the list of cement manufac'
turers and exPerienced
got stuck in .the Pofi of Antwerp and exactlY on
Rlln dellvered to
A@ 1989
they already had the machinery at hand. A lot has haPPened since
rapid growth: Siam CitY Gc. ment Public Co. Ltd. (1 969)' TPI Polene Pubtic Co. Ltd,
(1984, Asia Cement Co. Ltd. (1989) and JalaPrr.
than Gement Public Go. Ltd.
(1956) iust to mention thr largest.
Nowhere else in thr
World has a similar exPan' sion of the cement industry taken place and it seems as if the Thai cement manu' facturers will continue on thlg track in the future in order to serve the booming Thai bulld' ing industry. Gregers Moller
We are proud to participate in the outstanding growth of the cement industry of Thailand
Smfdth & Co. A/S. Vigerslw Alle Tl . DK-210O Valby-Copenhagen, Denmark, Tel.: +45 36 1g 10
Fa(: +4S 36 30 18 20
V-tick & fax... t for new business
Gouldyou use ayoung Dane ? Danish-Thal comPanies do new have the oPPortunhY to have a young business stu'
dent work as an aPPrentice
for 6 to 12 months in their company through FUHU The Danish SocietY for the Advancement of Business Education. It is the first time, this oPporiunitY has been offered
to private comPanies in
Thailand. PreviouslY, most of the socalled volunteers have been emPloYed at the Danish embassies and consulates in the region' The students alreadY have a solid loundation of knowledge in international business from their studies at varlous business colleges and universities in Denmark.
What theY need is
life"-situation where they can
part of the world. The autoclaves are typically used in the
packed internationalfood industry for sterllization of produsts can be equipment The bbttles and plastic containers' ir, ""n", systems' control electronic supplied 'The with company is looking for an agent'
The wages, that a ThaiDanlsh comPany will have to pay for a Young volun'
teers, will be in the attractiva range of onlY aPProxlmately 15.0O0 : baht Pr. month as the students them' selves will finance all their other costs in connection with their staY in Thailand through various loans,
tr 9s.02.04
Equlpment for the Medlcal and Rehabllltatlon Sector' tne fjanbtr company is well-known manufacturer of patient lifts and rollators. The patient lifts have a unique two-in'one tunaion and are, likethe rollators, designed in a compact and easy working way' A new product ls a special operation hoisl' to tr'ansport latients in an easy way, using very little strength'
granls and subsidies.
lnterested coniPanies should contact FUHU's busi-
ness rePresentative in the region, Managinhg Director
Steffen Johansen, at Uni-
bank's SingaPqre branch on
tel. +65 536 6122 or direaly with FUHU
Olof Palmes Gade 8 DK-2100 CoPenhagen O, Att.: Ole Wiberg tel. +45 35 26 53 0O fax +45 35 26 53 24'
practise their skills.
All equipment is produced in high quality materials' The company is looking for a sole importer/distributor in Thailand
tr 95.02.0s
Multl Purpose Pavillon. The company is a manufacturer of a multipurpose tent, produced in a modular system and different sizes. The tent is made of high quality lightweight materials in a very practical and good looking design to ensure ttre bes possible environment for outdoor receptions'
exhibitions or celebrations, etc. The pavilion is a good for companies selling or hiring out tents' opportunity ' 'The company is looking for an lmporter/distributor'
El 95.02.06 tmpoftel of hardwood. A Danish company seeks comp.ni"" interesting in importing hardwood ti;nber to Thailand'
tr 95.02.07
Water-baaed degreasing machlnes' The Danish com'
pany is a manufacturer of environmentally sound and energy-
degreasing machines. The machines replace the use
""uing ot aaiger6us solvents with plain water'- The machines are
useo in-ditterent industries as well as within the defence and aircraft sector for servicing engine and other components' The company is looking for a sole importer/distributor in Thailand.
- your
Furnlture manufacturer. A Danish company is looking for a Thai partner for manufacturing of furniture'
Scandinavian printer in Thailand
tr 95.02.09
UV-filter for water treatment. The Danish company is a manufaclurer of UV-filters for sterilization of water for drinking purpose in condominiums or industrial use with know-hlw regarding recycling of water in healy water con' industries like the food induslry' suming -inJ"otpany seeks a distributor and/or aThai partnerfor production in Thailand-
'V-tick & fax.." is a unlque service provlded by the n
Royaf Danlsh Embassy In Bangkok' Slmply EJ'Ucf tne oox that yo tlnd Interestlng ' then tax the page to the Commerclal Section of the Embassy, lax213 1752'
Your name: Your faxnl.:
Your comPanY:
*SAVIIIN]G ENERGV E SAVING THE ENVIR@NMENT* Thailand's unique choice to Save Energy and Money by preserving Nature Danfoss supplies to practically any Industrial, Public or Commercial plants. All Danfoss products are developed to achieve: * Maximum Saving of Energy * Minimum Damage of the Environment . Ootimum Human Comfort . Optimum Environmental Conditions
Any new product launched by Danfoss in recent years represents the Technologically highest possible level of respect for Nature and Resources! Ask for oroof ! Contact Danfoss Thailand for more information on how to benefit from our technology within Refrigeration, Regulation and Instrumentation.
3ooo sERr ES
iluq-; ;; lYtnY :- "T1-
Danfoss, your partner worldwide
Danfoss (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Ngam Wong Warn Road. Bangkhen, Bangkok 1 0900 Thailand Tel. 561-1 130, 579-1306 4711 1
. Frequency Converters
* Refrigeration Valves & Controls
* lndustrial Valves & Controls for Pressure & Temperature * Electrical Contactors and Relavs - Flowmeters . Hydraulic Components
CouINc EvBNrs EAC - After offlce get-together
31. August The East Asiatic Company inMtes Chamber Members to an afler office get-together. At the same time the new printing section will be demonstrated. Contact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel: 261 9907, Fax 258 O594
Naval Team Denmark will present the latest Danish naval technology. Contact: Royal Danish Embassy, Tel: (662) 213 2021-5 Fax: (662) 213 1752
21. September Jebsen & Jessen: Internet Managing Director Hans Ulrik Hansen, Jebsen & Jessen will give a briefing to Chamber Members on his comPany's new Internet system in connection with an after office get-together. Contact: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Tel: 261 99O7, Fax 258 O594
Industrial exhibition for the electrical components sector with a Danish stand organized by the Rpyal Danish Embassy. Contaet: Royal Danish Embassy, Tel: (662) 213 2021-5 Fax: (662) 213 1752
A Coapoaere M eueeasutp COMPANY
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VIV-Asla'95 Agricultural exhibition wuth fourteen Danish companies participating. Contact: N.C.C. Management & Development Co., Ltd., Bangkok, Tel: (662) 229 30OO, Fax: (662) 229 3193, 229 3191
, March'96
Oil & Gas'96
Industrial exhibition for the oil & gag seclor with a Danish stand organized by the Royal Danish Embassy. Contact: Royal Danish Embassy, Tel: (662) 213 2021-5 Fax: (662) 213 1752
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