Thai-Danish Trade News - September 2001

Page 1

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Thai-Danish Trade News is published and distributed to selected Thai and Scandinavian business execulives and otficials with an interest in Thai-Danish relalions by Danish' Thai Chamber of Commer@, Royal Danish Embassy and Scand-Media CorP , Ltd

aaI II llanlEh-Ital Ghambâ‚Źl ol ftmmol@ 140212 14lhFl, Glas Haus 1 Sukhumvit 25 Road, North Klongtoey,

Wattana, Bangkok 10110

Tom Sorensen

Tel: (66 2) 661-7762 Faxr (66 2) 661-77d4-5 Email contact@dancham



PEsldent Mt Tom Sorensen DFDS Transport (Thai) Ltd Tel : 266 2777 Farc 266 5666 Email: toms@dancham otth Vlce-PEsldenl lVI Axel Blom Scandinavian Airlines System fel | 260-6252 Fax: 260-6269 Email: delblom@sas se

Dear Reade[ -l

Semtary & Legal Mftol lvlI Kamthorn Ounhirunskul Kamthorn, Surachet & Somsak Tel : 440-0288-97 Fax: 440'0298-9 Email: kss@loxinfo co th

Ifoasunr Mr Soren Presmann Presmann (Thailand) Co , Lid Tel : 962 1151 Fax: 962 1152 Email: soren@Presmann co th

Frelgn GhanbF Godlnallng Conmltloo

Mr Preben Hjortlund Schmidt Scientific (Thailand) Ltd Tel : 643 1330-9 Fax: 643 1340 Email: preben @schmidtthailand com MmbeFhlD ndallonE

MI Leo Alexandereen Emdal Ltd Tel | 689 0497 Fd: 689 0496 Email: leo@e'mdalcom Publlc Relafons lVr Jorgen lb Hedes Sun Paratech Co , Ltd (035) 221 010-8 Fax: (035) 221 019 Email: floorings@access inet co th & Mr Allan Jensen APV (Thailand) Ltd Tel : 367 5341-6 Fax: 367 5019 Email: ajensen@aPv co uk

PregEn Gonmnoo

Mr lrichael Schulz The Arrivals ComPanY Tel : 319 0396-7 Fax: 719 4173-4 Email michaels@ksc1 5 lh com &

Mr Peter Linnemann Maersk Bangkok Branch Tel : 752 9000 Fax: 751 9575-8 Email: thamng@maersk com



Ms Tine Hylleberg Royal Danish Embassy Tel : 213 2012 #17 Fax 213 1 752 Email: tinhyl@bkkamb um dk Exeqrilvo


Mr John Svengren Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce Tel:661 4462 Fax:661 7765 Email: john@dancham orth

Itisnota I ousiness I soeak to Thaiiand 20-

Gnphlc Productotr &


Scand-MediaCorP Lld


Moo 3, Thanyakarn Village, Ramintra Soi 14, Bangkok 10230 Tel,: 943-7166-8 Fax: 943-7169 Email: scandmedia@ scandmedia com



To keep up-to-date with what goes on in our business community remember to check out our web site The site is updated frequently during the week. Among other interesting things you can find is the latest in chamber activities e.g. the date of the very popular christmas Lunch coming up before you know it, the mini-interviews of new and not-so-new members and information about what the Joint Chambers of Commerce think on the planned revision of the Foreign Busi-

ness Act. You will also find links to other important and relevant web sites in Thailand such as Board of Investment, Bank of Thailand, Thai Customs Department and

many other government web sites. Thank you to the members who are supporting the web site by advertising. lf you have not yet signed up for a small or big ad please contact our chamber office before we run out of space.

It has been mentioned by many. How do we keep ourselves informed about the stream of new laws or updates Of existing laws? lt is with great pleasure that I can announce an agreement recently made with the well-known law firm Dej-Udom & Associates. Every month we will compliments of Dej-Udom & Associates receive a summary of legal updates. Both the most recent but also past updates will be available on our web site obviously a summary cannot be, but a summary. Should you read any information you believe could affect your business or personal situation you are well advised to contact your regular legal adviser or Dej-Udom & Associates for a full brief. Last but not least may I also use this opportunity to welcome the new Danish ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Ulrik Helweg Larsen, who will be in off ice f rom this month. The Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce is looking fonruard to a continued close and excellent co-operation with the Embassy.

President Danish - Thai Chamber of Commerce Email: toms @



a fast developing country. You can be one of the few to get a first hand impression by joining the Danish-Thai Chamber on a mission to Cambodia beginning of Novem'ber. All details are available in this issue of Trade News and on the chamber web site Let me here just mention the meetings with top senior government officials, the International Business Club of Cambodia, the Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce as well as with Cambodian and Scandinavian business people. A unique opportunity that would be hard if not impossible to do on your own.

Tom Sorensen

noyal oarlsh Enbassy Commercial Seclion, 10 Soi Attakarn Prasit Sathorn Tai, Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel,; 21 3-202 -5 Faxi 213'1 752 Ms 'Tine Hylleberg Commercial Counsellor, Head ol Section Mr Jesper V-jbe-Hansen, Counsellor ML Attakorn Saropala, Senior Comm. Olticer Ms Srisuda Vilyalai, Comm Ofiicer

blYalsoh in neighb eloPment moved in



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New Danish Ambassador to Thailand Ulrik Helweg-Larsen, the new Danish Ambassador to Thailand,

Cambodia and Burma, took up his assignment on September 1, 2001. The ambassador comes from a posting in Prague, where he has been based since 1998.

Before this, Mr. Helweg Larsen headed the Foreign Trade Section of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Under-

Secretary for Foreign Trade. In

this capacity, the Ambassador was once guest columnist in Thai-Danish Trade News. Looking back at recent assignments, his posting in Hanoi

1983-85 stands from a ThaiDanish perspective out as especially interesting since it is his so far only assignment in Asia. Still, as a member of numerous business delegations to the region, many long-timers in the Danish


community will have met him several times over the years'

Mr. Ulrik Helweg-Larsen, born on July 20, 1945, graduated in 1972 in Law from University of Copenhagen and has

been a career diplomat ever since. He was employed as secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately after his graduation in 1972 and can as such next year celebrate his 30 years annrversary.

Asia overuiew Dl-course Confederation of Danish Industries offer Danish companies an

introduction course to Asia on October 22-25,2001.

On November 17-25, the pafticipants will then participate in a one week excursion to selected markets in the region. The course aims at providing an overuiew more than detailed information on each single market and is directed towards Danish sourcing as well as ex-

port personnel responsible for Asia. The detailed program forthe

course and the travel program may be requested from Ellis Petersen, email or Bo


Schengen hurts Danish exports anish export activities are suffering under the

new Schengen visa regulations, which the Danish embassies have been enforcing since March 25, 2OO1. According to an article in the Danish daily JydskeVestkysten, local staff in many countries world wide, who previously could have a visa issued within hours or a few days, today often have to wait up to 10-12 weeks because their applications are sent to Denmark for processing. Singapore based export con-

tion and that anything more

Thai busine s smen plannin g

sultant Mr. Jorgen Dirch is one of the businessmen who speak out his dissatisfaction with the

than one week or ten days to

current situation. He recently had to cancel a planned business trip

cess approximately 100.000

trips to Denmark - not to mention the few bold tourists who still want to go - may have to wait over two

to Denmark.

"My secretary is Thai. For years we used to contact the Danish embassy in Bangkok to apply for visa, but this time the application was sent to Denmark and we have been told it might take uo to ten weeks before we get the visa. lt is completely destructive. We cannot plan anything and stand to loose clients both out here as well as in Denmark," Mr. Dirch complains.

Sources in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Copenhagen confirm the situation, according

obtain a visa is unacceotable.

The Danish embassies provisa applications every year.

The Danish immigration authorities deny that there is a problem with more applications being transferred to them than before the Schengen regulations were implemented. "l am not aware that the embassies have become more cautious since the implementation of the Schengen rules

and refer more cases to us,"

months.for their visa application to be processed.

ing the applications to us instead," he adds. The Confederation of Danish lndustries has received com-

says special consultant Claus Folden to the newspaper.

plaints from members regarding the new visa regulations. "The Schengen regulations

"But I know that some of the

were never intended to be an

embassies - among others the

obstacle for Danish exports. The long processing time must come down," says Mr. Peter Bo Andersen of Dl.

embassy in Bangkok - have ex-

perienced technical problems

to the paper. A source, which remains anonymous, says the min-

with the on-line connection and

istry is concerned with the situa-

consequently have been mail-

Denmark's exports grow double digit he expon figures for Den mark published mid-July confirm a continued high

Still, the highervolumes on the European markets make up

growth in the development of

vidual markets within the EU

Danish exports. Danish exports to Asia in the spring grew more than the average - 12,3 percent - while exports to the EU and other European markets grew less - 8,8 percent and 6,6 percent respectively.

show growth rates easily compatible with Asia, such as Sweden (12 percent growth) and Germany (11 percent growth).

for the lower growth. And indi-

Exports to Japan, which grew 16 percent, is the driving force behind the high overall

figures, as Japan accounts for about half the Danish exports to Asia.

The overall figures for the - May show a

period January

growth of 9,7 percent in exports of goods compared to 2000. But in 2000, the growth rate during the same period was a whooping 15 percent over 1999.


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Homepage :

ECCO gets

Alletiders Rejser is shifting its

environment award


att e nt io n aw aY from P ax aY a -

Jowtien to focus instead on


When the.founder


the tuur agency, the PoPular

Lars l"orsen (third,from right) and his wife afew ye*rs aqo

The ECCO's factory North of

celebrated their 25 years

Bangkok was recently awarded a gold medal by the Ministry of

w eddi

ng anniv ers arY, hi s

personal choice of destination was also Hua Hin.

Public Health for its excellent working environment. The ministry has inaugurated the award as part of its HealthY WorkPlace campaign to ensure a healthier environment for Thai workers.

Being recognized as outstanding is nothing new for

Thailand remains Popular among Danish tourists

ECCO. Earlier this Year the factory was named EnterPrise of

the Year by the Ministry of Labour for its efforts in integrating handicapPed workers in its production.

Danish tourism operators arc oPening up several new destinations in Thailand for Danish tourists during the coming winter season.

Chang Beer to US next year Chang Beer, which is brewed bY the Carlsberg Breweries in Thai-

land, will by next Year be exported to the US to be introduced to the American consum-

ers, writes the news website http://www.j According to the website, the

new Carlsberg and TCC joint venture Carlsberg Asia established last year in its first year of operation reached a turnover of

770 mill. dollars and Produced 17 mill. hekto liter of beer

Thailand warnrng Thailand is - along with SPain,

Cuba, and the PhiliPPines


among the 33 countries which the Danish Ministry for Foreign Affairs for a varietY of reasons

has issued travel warnings

very year, the winter Pro grams of the Danish tour I operators are eagerlY awaited to see, where the steady stream of Danes on vacation to Thailand willthis year be going.

Overall, Krabi seems to be an up-coming destination with one more operator going for Koh Samui as well. Alletiders Rejser has among its new travel Products developed a "Drive Yourself" vacation in Thailand and one new regional destination, HoiAn in Viet-

As f or Thailand,


Ministry's warning is a mild Pre-

caution against crime as compared to the stern warning not to travel to Tjetjenien, Dagestan -

or Ingusjetien. The warnings are Published

in Danish on the ministrY's homepage www. u de n ri g sm

i n i ste ri et. d k

under the keyword 'Rejsevejledninger'.

taya-Jomtien towards Promoting

Hua-Hin instead.

The company exPects this winter to sell 33.000 vacations toThailand, India, Bali, Kina and Kenya in that order. Tjaereborg Reiser, another major Danish tour oPerator, has in its winter program introduced Krabi for the first time as a tour destination. But otherwise the

company concentrates mainlY on consolidating its dominance on its most well known destinations in southern Europe and North Africa.

Spies Bejser has for the coming season added three new

destinations in Thailand to their existing tours. TheY include Kata Beach in Phuket, Krabi and Koh

Samui. Otherwise SPies has surprised its comPetitors with a

tour package to the MalaYsian island of Borneo. Ving Rejser has reduced its overall sales target considerably for the coming season mainlY to avoid having to sell last minute

tickets at drasticallY reduced orices. For Thailand, however,

the number of vacations has been increased. Golf tours to Thailand is another new offerfrom Ving Rejser for the coming season as well

as a tours to Vietnam which were previouslY not offered bY Ving. The new tours Promote Saigon, Nha Trang and Phan Thiet with Packages ranging from DKK 9.500 to DKK 16.500 for 14 days including airfare with Thai Airways and hotel accommodation.

Thai-Danish Exhibition Opens 3 September in Gopenhagen he historical exhibition "Thai-Danish Relations Through Four Centuries"


nam. In other develoPments, the prominent tour oPerator is turning its attention away from Pat-

will open in Copenhagen on Monday September 3, 2001. The exhibition has been set uP in Asia House in the FreePort of Copenhagen, where HRH the Prince Consort will Perform the Grand Opening. Throughout SePtember and October. the exhibition will be open every weekend on Saturdays and SundaYs and every Wednesday evening. Resident

Danes on leave in Denmark or Thai members of DTCC visiting Denmark should visit the exhibition as well as stronglY encourage friends and relatives in Denmark to visit the exhibition, which is the first of its kind ever.

ln Denmark. resident Thais have taken a simi-

lar pride in the exhibition as the Danes

did here in Bangkok

where HM Queen

Margrethe opened the exhibition

during Her State Visit in February. Together with Dr. JesPer Trier. who was also the mastermind behind setting uP the in

Bangkok, and Mr. Carsten Dencker Nielsen of EAC, who has made the exhibition



have added their own strong element of promotion for Thailand to the exhibition in both a cultural, tourism and business sense.

A lJ

delegation of members

from the Danish-Thai

f I Chamber of Commerce will leave Bangkok Sunday 4th November for a memorable four

days visit to Cambodia. ln Cambodia the delegation from Thailand will team up with members of the Nordic Chambers of Commerce in Hanoi and Saigon for high-level business meetings as well as some exclusive sight-seeing. The group will return to Thailand on Wednesday the 7th.


The program will include meetings with the Secretary General and members of the

the river, visiting Angkor Wat

business time. On board an

both by helicopter and bicYcle,

Council for the Development of Cambodia. There will be brietings on the current political and economic situation including investment opportunities. And the members are also scheduled to meet with the local Cambodian Chamber of Commerce.

mate and meeting with Nordic business people living in Cam-

Aerospatiale helicopter flown bY New Zealand pilot Andrew Ashley, the delegates will first get an aerial impression of the huge complex, which even its creators never had a chance to see. The

Other highlights include a planned dinner with senior government officials, a visit to the Royal Palace and a boat tour on

and a lecture on the business cli-


Angkor Wat Leaving Bangkok on a SundaY gives the delegates the opPortunity of a unique full day of spectacular sight-seeing around - and above - the historical sight

of Angkor Wat in Seam RieP without missing any valuable

fifteen minutes ride will cover the main ruins of Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom and the Bayon.

Back on the ground, delegates will jump on bicycle for a guided ride along tree-lined alleys of the ancient city before a relaxing bath in the spa of the

Tuesday morning stafts with

a presentation by the International Business Club of Cambodia followed by a session led by

Phnom Penh Chambers of Commerce where the delegates have a chance to branch out for

special interest session before a lunch with local private sector representatives.

Winding down

The afternoon offers a grim glimpse into Cambodia's recent past with a visit to the infamous Tong Sleng prison and museum for the Pol Pot regime. Then ends off on a more pleasant note with a sundowner at the Sunway

Danish managed luxury hotel Royal Angkor Sofitel. In the evening, a flight will bring the delegates to Phnom Penh where

they will team up for a dinner with local Nordic businessmen and their spouses at the Foreign Corresoondents Club of Cambodia.

The FCCC has become the

meeting place in Phnom Penh for expatriates since Cambodia stafted to open up. The restaurant and bar is located on the river front at Sisowat Boulevard

and overviews the river front from the open balconies. The place is full of press photos from the turbulent past of Cambodia and serves excellent food, wine and cold beer.

bar before an informal farewell dinner at the riverfront. In the spirit of the charming Business days Monday starts early with a briefing by president of Danish Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Tom Sorensen on the business orogram for the coming two days. Then senior government officials take over to give a briefing on the business and investment climate of Cambodia. This session

the oool side while the formal dinner is set in the Restaurant Le Royal where senior Cambodian government officials as well has leaders of the local business

community will join the delegates.

Khmer capital, the delegates are

this night host to all fellow Scandinavians in Phnom Penh and

their spouses together with some of the Cambodian business and government officials

ner at the famous Hotel Le Royal

interests in order to allow net-

acquainted during the visit. The dinner offers a brilliant opponunity to unwind after a couple of productive days enjoying the good company and the excellent fresh sea food. Next morning, Wednesday the 7th of November the delegates from Thailand will leave early for their flight back, arriving Bangkok 10.50, while the delegatesfrom Vietnam will stay a few more hours before flying

in Phnom Penh. The dinner will stan with a welcome cocktail at

working and an interesting conversation to take olace.

early lunch.

continues over the lunch until deoafture for visits to some of the Nordic comoanies in Phnom Penh. The afternoon also gives an opportunity for a special visit to the Royal Palace. In the evening, the delegates are the guests at an official din-

Built in 1929 in a unique blend of Khmer, Art decor and French colonial architecture the classic "Hotel Le Royal" is an experience in itself. The hotel was recently restored in the spirit of a tropical palatial building by The

Raffles Group of Singapore.

At the dinner, the participants will be seated in accordance with sector and business

back to Saigon or Hanoi after an


EAC sells joint venture in Thailand AC has sold 49% of its shares in Zeneca Agro Asiatic Limited (ZAA) in Thailand to the joint venture partner Syngenta. The sale yields a

orofit of about DKK 43 million (about 215 million THB), which will be recorded in EAC's Interim

Report for 2001. The payment of the cash purchase price will be effected over a oeriod of five years through a mutually benefi-

cial payment structure.

The sale of the shares will

not cause any decrease


EAC's turnover since ZAA has been registered in the books as an associated company. How-

duces agrochemicals such as

tween Zeneca Agrochemicals

ment of the ZAA shares will not influence the productivity of

Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok. He replaces Pernille Fenger as Head of Danced section at the Embassy. Danced's new country pro-

EAC's own distribution business. EAC was one of the original in-

finalized and it constitutes a con-

and the agribusiness of Novartis AG in November 2000. Following the merger, Syngenta wished to consoli-

date its activities in Thailand in order to realize positive synergies. Making an offer for EAC's

weed control, EAC Industrial Ingredients concentrates on the distribution of specialized chemi-

cals. Consequently, the divest-

vestors in Zeneca Agro Asiatic

in creating and managing a sustainable environment. This summer, the program tor 2002-2006 was finalized at a meeting on June 11 in Odense by members of Danced's Thai Danish Joint Coordinating Com-

when the oroduction and sales

supplier of weed control in Thailand. ln 2000 ZAA had a turnover of DKK 362 million and a

1981. The company has now reached the position of leading

EAC's share of the profit was 49"/" or about DKK 4.5 million.

wood activities to Dalhoff Larsen & Horneman A'lS only Southland

similar initiatives within EAC's market-leading Nutrition Busi-

shares in CIMC - China lnternational Marine Containers (Group) Co. Ltd. at a price of HKD 75 million (about DKK 80 million). EAC was in fact one of the founders of CIMC. The company was established around 1980 and is now among the world's leading container manufacturers. EAC, however, explains as reason for the sale that CIMC's activities did not fall within EAC's strategic focus. The sale of the shares was therefore in accordance with the Group's strategy

Veneers remained unsold. The sale of the last timber activity is explained as a further step towards streamlining the pofifolio of EAC and focussing on the four

ness which during the past year

to streamline the portfolio and fo-

20% minority holding for MYR

cus on the four market leading core businesses, which are

72.6 million (about DKK 160 million), contingent on the approval

market leading core businesses.

In Malaysia, EAC has increased its shareholding in Dumex Malaysia from 60% to 80%. This follows EAC's announcement already in May last

year that the Company had reached an agreement with the Malaysian company Hap Seng

Consolidated Berhad (Hap Seng) to purchase Hap Seng's

has secured EAC's 100% ownershio of Dumex China,97'h ot Dumex Thailand and now 80% of Dumex Malaysia.

EAC's 60% shareholding in EAC

Holdings (Malaysia). However, Hap Seng has informed EAC that it has been unable to obtain the necessary approval from the authorities to buy the shares on acceptable terms. EAC is therefore now working on other op-

This approval came earlier this

year, and the acquisition has


now been completed.

(Malaysia) as the company's

EAC's continued effort to reduce

the last remaining activity of EAC's long engagement in the

timber trade. After the sale in 1999 of allthe other EAC hard-


the minority interests in its core businesses and thereby increase EAC's share of the Group result. The purchase marks the latest of a number of

Bazaar organized by Margrethe

Klubben, which is the Danish Women's Network in Thailand, will this year take place on November 25,2001.

The event which has besocial events in the Danish com-

ing for a government approval of Hap Seng's acquisition of

of the Malaysian authorities.

sold the veneer plant Southland Veneers, Ltd. The company was

The annual Danish Christmas

laysia deal, EAC had been hop-

EAC Nutrition, EAC Industrial In-

The purchase is part of

Christmas Bazaar

come one of the most popular

gredients, EAC Moving and Relocation Services and EAC has


Along with the Dumex Ma-

portunities to secure the future ownership structure of this profitable company. The aim of EAC remains unchanged: to sell its shareholding in EAC Holdings

ln New Zealand, EAC


net result of DKK 9 million.

Regional EAC news EAC has recently sold its

tinued commitment from Denmark towards assisting Thailand

paft of EAC Industrial Ingredients, one of EAC's core businesses and the leading indepen-

gram for Thailand was recently

lCl group (later Zeneca PLC) company was first established in

dent distributor of industrial ingredients in South East Asia. However, whereas ZAA pro-

vironmental Counsellor at the

Limited together with the British

shares in ZAA was a natural step in that direction. The joint venture project was

dustrial Ingredients will be affected, as EAC's share of the

lsewhere in the region,

Karsten Gasseholm is new En-

afterthe transaction. This will be effective per 1 April 2001. Syngenta is a world leading agribusiness company. lt was formed through a merger be-

ever, the profit margin of EAC In-

orofit in ZAA will of course cease

Gasseholm New Danced Counsellor

activities are outside the Group's

strategic focus.

munity, will once again take place in the charming garden of the Royal Danish Embassy, Soi Attakarn Prasit, South Sathorn Road near the Rama 4 intersection. The organizers appeal to all comoanies and individuals in the

community to support the event either with donations of money or items for sale or to be won in the lottery. For oractical details how to support, please contact Ms. Mette Maggio, 01 327 90 79 or Jeanet Nemmoe,02 705 19 39. Last year, the bazaar made a orofit of 300.000 Baht which has all been donated to a wide

range of projects carefully selected, personally visited and subsequently supervised following the donation.

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Hans Jorgen Nielsen travels 150 days per year trying to follow up on his successful invention within the cement industry. Here he is caught in a rare moment back in hrs Bangkok-office. But he is not pleased with the business climate in cash strapped Thailand.

Successful Danish Inventor Hans Jorgen Nielsen, veteran Danish businessman in Thailand, is the man behind the most significant renewal to take place within the cement industry for the past ten yeans. He has designed a new concept for grinding of raw materials, which increases production of cement with 2O percent while at the same time lowers consumption of electricity with about 5 pencent, By Gregers Moller

ahead with his proposed new design for the grinding unit although they were not pleased with being the testing ground for

lars per year. And they got their production increase for free.

any new concept. Hans Jorgen Nielsen had to promise them to restore it to the old concept if it didn't work at his own personal expense. The new conceot in the design was the construction of

proached the owners of the ce-

pockets of air in the grinding chamber, allowing for the heavier particles among the raw

material to fall back to more grinding while only the finest particles would be carried by the airflow into the cement oven for

burning into cement. When the refurnishing was complete and production tests were run, the owners were of

course pleased to see an inans Jorgen Nielsen got his chance of a lifetime when the political crisis in Indonesia in 1998 was at its highest and most foreigners de-

cided to temporary leave the country as a safety precaution. He was at the time engaged in renovating a cement factory in Padang in West Sumatra and decided to stay. That left the owners with little

choice than allow him to go


crease in production volume of 20 percent. However, what neither the owners nor Hans Jorgen Nielsen had expected to find was also a decrease in electric-

ity consumption of 3,3 kWh per

tons, generally equivalent to 5 percent of a cement factory's total consumption. The overhaul of the cement oven had cost 150,000 US dollars. The electricity savings were in the size of 300,000 US dol-

With this result in hand, Hans Jorgen Nielsen apment factories in Thailand, whom he knew well from the time in the late 80's and early 90's when he served them as regional sales manager for the Danish company F.L. Smidth. The first one to allow him to rebuild a second cement mill according to his new concept was Siam Cement. By the end of 1999 the test results of this factory confirmed his earlier findings and they let him renovate

yet another. When that confirmed the savings Siam Cement

simply ordered all their eleven cement production units to be equipped with his new design. "The rest is history," Hans Jorgen Nielsen says. During the two and a half year, which has passed since then, his company L.V. Technology has signed orders to renovate 82 cement factories world wide. To cope with the success, he has increased staff in the company from 4 to 20 employees. This year, he established a new company in India, which already has 12 employees. And in

the spring of 2000 he entered an

exclusive contract with his former employer F.L. Smidth to include his design in all new con-

structions of cement ovens and refurnish existing plants in Europe and America according to the concept. L.V. Technology was established five years ago mainly as

the legal entity to manage his personal assignments as consultant within the cement industry. The letters L and V stands

forthe initials

in the names of his

two daughters Laerke and Vibe, who today study back in Denmark to become engineers like their dad. At the time he had no idea, that only few years later, the small company would be undertaking jobs in ten countries in the region. lf Hans Jorgen Nielsen could have foreseen the business cliContinued on p.16

Attracti t 1

The exceptionally high interest rates in lceland make investment in lcelandic Government issued T-bonds very attractive. The annual yield of an A/M-rated T-bond, 2003, is now I I o/0.

government has had a budget surplus on the Government finances. This, together with the fact that lceland is one of the least indebted countries in Europe, makes an investment there attractive.

Recently, lceland's economy was evaluated by Swiss lMB, as the lOth most competitive economy

in the world. For three successive years, the

Interested in an attractive yield? Then contact our Danish team in Luxembourg.



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Koupthing Bonk is quoted on the lcelondic stock exhonge, the mojority of shores is held by the tcelondic sovings bonks. The subisidiory in Luxemboug hos 60 employees, of which l0 ore Donish. At the moment, the copinl odministrotion in Luxembourg corresponds to DKK 6.5 billion.

Maersk Logistics opens fi rst own NDC in China aersk Logistics has opened a National Distribution Center in China of about 14,000 square meters and located in the Jiuting economic development zone of Songjiang District, an ideal location for an integrated logistics center in the greater Shanghai

manufacturers and exoorters. The inauguration was performed by Mr. Tom Behrens-So-

rensen, President of Maersk China Shipping Co. Ltd. together with the former Thailand based

Mr. Steffen Schiottz-Christen-

sen, Managing Director of Maersk Logistics (China) Co.

"lt provides our customers with an unmatched seruice level

efficiently managed by our skilled employees and supported by an advanced lT platform." The distribution center is an important leg in the pan-China distribution network of Maersk Logistics China, which is rapidly



The NDC is conveniently linked to Shanghai's outer ex-

"The NDC establishment in Shanghai is an important first

pressway, providing easy access to and from key ports,

step in our fully controlled Pan-

expanding. Maersk Logistics China has its head office in Shanghai with nine branch of-

roads and other distribution

China Distribution Network," states Mr. Steffen Schiottz-

channels for importers, local

fices and five reoresentative offices across the country.


Continued Jrom


mate in Thailand today, he might

have established his company somewhere else. Especially financing the expansion of the company has been a problem.

Even armed with Letters of Credit from respected, big cement manufacturers in the region, Thai banks decline to extend any credit except against other forms of collateral. Instead, Hans Jorgen Nielsen has been

forced to finance the expansion by asking for pre-payments from his clients on the day of contract signing. "There are a total of 800 ce-

ment plants in the world. My guess is that 60 - 70 percent of them will rebuild the plant. Our strong point is, that we are able to work for all the five comoanies in the world which are slowly concentrating all cement production on their hands," Hans

The challenges of providing

logistics in China cannot be compared to anything else

Maersk Logistics to acquire DSL

tics' Managing Director and

ogy Co., Ltd., while the Indian

sition is subject to the negotia-

of the A. P. Moller

tion and execution of a definitive agreement between the parties,

Group, has signed a Letter of Intent to acquire certain activi-

as well as satisfaction of applicable regulatory requirements

ties and certain assets of a major American logistics company

and obtainment of necessary governmental and third party

Distribution Services Limited

consents and approval.

would significantly increase the company's cargo volumes from Asia Pacific to North America in the supply chain management segment, make the company a leading player in transload and warehouse operations in North America and establish a oresence in the ocean transoort intermediary activities segmenl. The completion of the acqui-


Nielsen has employed Mr. Michael Lauritzen, a Dane formerly employed by F.L. Smidth, and Mr. Kenth Fredin, a Swede who

logistics service package to existing and potential clients," says Soren K. Brandt, Maersk Logis-

aersk Logistics, the in-

The proposed acquisition

Apart from his Thai engineering staff , Hans Jorgen

has a background in insurance but has been quick to learn the technical details of cement oroduction. Hans Jorgen Nielsen has also been lucky to attract a Japanese engineer, who has retired early from a job as head of section with Mitsubishi's technical division. As there are no more Thai cement plants to renovate, they all have about 150 travel days per year in particular to Korea, India and China. lf business develops as the prospects are now, this year will end with the achievement of a turnover between 100 and 150 million Thai Baht in L.V. Technol-

tegrated logistics arm



Jorgen Nielsen says. Renovating a plant takes 20 - 30 days. But production only needs to stop for one week. During that time, the grinding unit is disassembled and 25 - 30 tons of steel components changed before it is assembled and the oven started up again. "l expect 2003 to become our most busy year," he adds.

"The acquisition would enable us to further consolidate our market position and increase our

capability to deliver a broader

Chief Executive Officer. For any related post-deadline developments, please refer to the Maersk Logistics web site at www.

company is expected to reach a

turnover of almost twice this amount.



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Asian cruise ship Copenhagen-Oslo The ship will have about 18

"Pearl of Scandinavia" in August sailed its maiden voyage on the Gopenhagen-Oslo route. She replaces the former "Queen of Scandinaviarr, which many Thais have tried.

luxurious suites, which retain the

Asian character. Several of these will have their own jacuzzi, of which some will be indoor and others outdoor with a view to the

front. All the other Commodore cabins are placed at the top and have an oriel window-like glass front with a broad view.

he new DFDS luxuryferry

"Pearl of Scandinavia" used to sail as a luxurious cruise liner in South East Asia. In the ambitious rebuilding program DFDS Seaways has kept the best of the Asian luxury but added a wide range of improvements. The oriental luxury has thus been combined with Scandinavian passengers' demands.

rants plus a cafe with 190 seats. From the a la cane Blue Riband

restaurant approx. 350 guests have a view through a large window at the front of the ship, and like the buffet restaurant with 480

seats this restaurant has also been entirely refurbished with furniture. caroets and colours to suit the taste of Scandinavian guests. In addition there is a special oriental restaurant with 70

Pearl of Scandinavia has a capacity for 2,100 passengers in 720 cabins, all in cabins above the water and with own shower/ toilet The ship is 30 m broad in most of the ship's length of 177 m. She will have space for 365

seats. One of the many other novelties is a champagne bar

cars at the car deck which


otfered, or one of the increas-

about 1 km, and conference facilities for 500 people.

ingly popular wine tastings perhaos combined with a lecture during the sailing. The ship also

The total investment was approximately DKK 1 billion, about DKK 0.2 billion more than

originally planned. The investment in the ship is pad of DFDS Seaways' strategy to bring down the average fleet age, increase capacity and develop product and service concepts. The shio has three restau-

close to the a la cane restaurant

at deck 8.

The pool area enjoyed by the

passengers under the skies of Southeast Asia has been kept. Thus there is a pool on the deck aft and two jacuzzis. In addition the bow will have an indoor pool area with jacuzzis and saunas. The new fitness centre will help passengers work up an appetite for dinner. The conference area at deck 11 with room for approx. 500 guests has a kind of Internet Cafe? with the possibility of webconnection at sea. This means that even ifyou have a quiet con-

Another novelty is the library-

ference without interruptions

style Captain's Lounge where

from outside, it will still be possible to be on line with the rest of the world.

exotic coffees and big cigars are

has a discotheque/bar, night club

with room for 500 guests and an English pub.

In a special Commodore

On deck 7 a play area for children has been established

with among other things the popular balls, and access to all kinds of game machines. While the parents are watching the children they can enjoy coffee

Lounge passengers from the more than 100 Commodore

and fresh pastries from the

suites will have access to newspapers, coffee and special ser-

A large tax-free shopping area has been established on


deck 7 aft.

nearby confectioner's.

Rosendahl design in Thailand - Danish Design has added


Rosendahl A/S applied art products and high quality gift

afticles to its portfolio. Rosendahl is a well-known Danish design house in Europe and USA. The products are so far avail-

able from anyroom, Siam Discovery Center, ISETAN 5th floor, @home, Sukhumvit Soi 31 and

T-Concept, Siam Square. The Grand Cru wine series designed by Erik Bagger and the design classics in the form of salt

and pepper rasps from Rud Thygesen and Johnny Sorensen, exhibited at the Museum of

Modern Art in New York, are

among the more well-known

Having Fun.. Suruounded by DFDS Transport staffers, Danish-

Thai Chamber President Tom Sorensen is having fun on a team building weekend to

Khao Yai, two hours drive North of Bangkok. The cowboy and cowgirl party took place in the evening after the theoretical Business Plan exercise was over


Rosendahl items now available in Bangkok. Scanproducts Co., Ltd., was founded in 1998 after obtaining the exclusive marketing rights of a number of well-known Danish brands within home decoration, design ware and table top articles. These oroducts are now offered through a number of selected retailers and directlv to corporate customers.

Ambassador on tarm visit From the visit to Thai Denmark Swine Breeder Plc, HE Ambassador N.K. Dyrlund is standing at the center next to the Chairman of the company while

Thai Denmark Swine Breeder

Plc ready for new possible joint ventures with Danish partners. mbassador Niels K. Dyr-

lund and Agricultural Councellor Jesper Vibe Hansen this summervisited Thai

Danish Agricultural

Denmark Swine Breeder Public Limited Company to receive first hand impression of the state of affairs on a Thai pig farm. As the name indicates this farm has a close relation to Denmark, since its production is based on genetic material from Denmark. During the visit it was mentioned, thatThai Denmark Swine

Attache J. Vibe Hansen is seen second from right.

Breeder Pcl was now once again

ready to invest in live breeding animals from Denmark. lt was also indicated, that the company

would look positively at opportunities to enter into joint ven-

tures with Danish partners if such possibilities should arise. Processing and slaughtering

was in oarticular mentioned as

Pig farming and sub-sup-

possible areas of cooperation. Denmark has a very good

plies of equipment and live animals to Thai farms is an area that is believed to be growing in the near future, due to increasing meat prices in Thailand and a subsequent renewed interest in investing in high quality subsupplies. The visit to the Thai Den-

reputation in Thailand when it comes to agriculture. This is es-

pecially the case within dairy farming, thanks in large parts to Danish aid supplied to help develop this part of the Thai farming industry.

mark Swine Breeder farm naturally also included an inspection of the production facilities. Since the farm is paying special notice to the production of pigs in an environmentally f riendly manner particular attention was given to

the biogas facilities plant that has been installed at the site.

Something in the air'... Smoke, fumes, dust, grinders and a lot more

Smoke and fumes in the melting area, dust in the sand section and grinders constantly in action are some of the

elements that make it difficult not only to keep working areas clean but that are also harmf ul to the environment in a foundry. All in all, they represent some pretty good reasons for ensuring that your extraction system is well suited to every situation.

For more than 30 years, DISA has enjoyed a close working relationship with the iron foundry industry. The result that fully comply with the regulations governing working conditions, but that are also is several thousand systems installed




buv and run.

intelligent air

DISA (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 23/1 10-1 13 Sorachai Building, 25th Floot Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekamai), Sukhumvit Rd., North Klongton, Wattana, Bangkok 101 10 Tel. +66 2 714 3989 Fax: +66 2 714 3983 E-mail: disath@disa


Danced money for environment proiects Car Bro a/s was recently aP' pointed new subcontractor for Danced to find Thai comPanies interested in develoPing environmentally f riendlY busF ness projects together with a

The 27 year old Peter Christiansen was presented to the press sitting next to

Flemming Quist, a Danish police fficer in Bangkok'

Danish partner - but in need of the money to do so.

Dane arrested in Thailand

anced - the environmental development agency

of the Danish government - is keen on strengthening its cooperation with Private sec-

Companies within the Thai'

Successful Thai-Danish Police cooperation in JulY led to the arrest of a 27 year old Dane, Peter Christiansen, the fifth accomplice in a robbery in Denmark of a money transport ve-

Danish business communiry should pay renewed dttention to the privarc sector

hicle which yielded DKK 42 mill. as well as another robbery which gave only DKK 9 mill.

tor companies in Thailand and Malaysia.

The agency may refund travel costs up to 250,000 Baht during the initial stages ot a Thai-

Danish or a Thai-MalaYsian

"We are looking for Projects within waste handling, renew-

business project if it is found to

able energy, cleaner technology

fall within the environmental

and environmental manage-

scope of the agency's mission. Later Danced may co-finance development costs with an even higher amount. And eventuallY, if deemed viable, Danced may even support the imPlementation of a project with uP to five million Baht. Previously, the initiative for

any such cooperation should first come from a local comPanY.

But with the appointment this summer of Carl Bro a/s - a well

ment. lf a company should be in

doubt whether a Project is eligible for support, give us a call for a quick pre-evaluation," saYs Mrs. Bjorlin Hansen who maY be

contacted on 02 287 3650 or cattis


During his first field triP as manager of the Danced facilitY, Dr. Peter Larsen in late August visited a project established bY the local branch of the Danish


oop e ratio n faciliry oJ'

Danced. The facility is now managed by Carl Bro a/s with Dr Peter Larsen, right, in charge of the program. He is assisted locally by Mrs. Catarina Bjorlin Honsen, left, as well as the commercial seclions of the embassies in Bangkok and Kuala LumPur

nership Facility", the first steP

The project developed

may now also be taken bY a

these to companies is now readY

Danish company asking Danced to search for a suitable Partner

for implementation nationwide. It aims at recovering the vaPour

nology and the partners must show serious long term commitment," Dr. Larsen saYs. As an example of a Project still in the pipeline he mentions a technology to recover the high content of food oil sPills found in

for them in Thailand. "Our job is to be more Proactive than Kampsax, the company who previously held the contract, in identifying and encouraging partners suitable for

of gasoline when PumPed from

the sewage systems of Thailand.

known Danish consultant company - as caretaker of the "Paft-

the facility both in Thailand as well as in Denmark," exPlains Dr. Peter Larsen, who is the Project manager in charge of Carl Bro's handling of the facilitY. To assist him locallY, Dr. Peter Larsen has entered an agree-

ment with the commercial sections of the Danlsh Embassies in Bangkok and Kuala LumPur to continue the existing cooPera-

tion as well as established an independent contact officer, Mrs. Catarina Bjorlin Hansen who is

based here in Bangkok.


company Coolsorption Co., Ltd.

and the Thai comPanY Fuel Pipeline Transport Ltd. bY

the big fuel tanks into fuel trucks and later when pumPing the fuel

Typically, most local footPath

at the gasoline station into the

vate households when having cleaned their cooking utensils

tanks of the cars. The savings are substantial. One Shell filling station should be able to recover 150.000 liters

of gasoline per year, which would otherwise just have disappeared into thin air. In Denmark, all petrol stations are bY law required to have their Pistols equipped with recovering equiPment.

'This project exPlains clearlY, which projects we give high Priority. There must be more than trading in a project. lt must Provide real development value in terms of a locally adaPted tech-

restaurants as well as manY Pri-

and done their dish washing just

throw the waste water into the gutter. The water-oil separators

should be installed at junctions in the sewage systems or at watertreatment stations and the recovered oil could be used for a variety of purposes.

Main point is that there should be a substantial Profit to be made by the Thai as well as the Danish company - if theY just had the money to develop and implement the technologY. Gregers Moller

Thai police stoPPed the Dane while driving his recently bought, second hand BMW 31 8i

on his way back to Pattaya where he - or rather his unusually wealthy girlfriend - had also bought a house.

"l want to go home!" the Dane said when - seated next to local Nordic liaison Police officer Flemming Quist - he was paraded forthe Thai Press in the usual Thai police style.

Thai woman sentenced in Denmark A 38 year old Thai woman, Sirirat

Skovnaes was in June handed a sentence of two and a half Year

in prison by the court in CoPen-


for running five brothels

with sometimes up to 30 Thai women serving the mostlY Danish clients. The couft also ruled that four

million kroner estimated Profit should be confiscated.

The woman pleaded not guilty as prostitution is no crime in Denmark and she onlY rented

out the rooms on a revenue

n +


Lige nu! Vellommen tll en spandende aften med en dansk ltulturpersonllghed den 26. november jyske Bank Private Banking har fornojelsen at indbyde Dem med led.sager til en aften med dansk kulturunderholdning i

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rThere is a gap betvveen the lfe oJ'the Thai elephants as portrayed in shows like the annual elephant round-up in Surin and the reality in the remote areas of Northern Thailand.

"Thai Police pushed me to VAT-scam" A 44 year old Dane, Preben Hollaender Laugesen, was in June sentenced to five years imprisonment in Denmark for VAT-fraud worth DKK 68 million (about THB 350 mill.) the larg-

Thai elephants on TV the British Royal Society for the

nel 2 has aired a series

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. All treatments, advice and medi-

Clausen and his Thai colleague,

cine is provided free of charge to the elephants and their ma-

Dr. Preecha, who has estab-


lished a mobile clinic for sick elephants in the North of Thailand. The work of the Danish vet-

cus their assistance more in the

erinarian and his "Mobile Elephant Clinic" is supported by

The two elephant lovers fo-

appreciation often resulting in drinking and dancing parties for the whole village till the early hours of the morning. The programs also discuss what options there are to preserve the Thai eleohants and what actions should be taken.

remote areas of Thailand than in the tourism-based oarts of the country. The reward is a mutual

The President on inspection DTCC President Tom Sorensen recently

visited DTCC member company Sun Paratech Co., Ltd. in Ayutthaya to see the factory and talk business with fellow board member, Senior Executive Vice President Jorgen lb Hedes. The visit was part of Tom Sorensen' s intention to visit as many member companies as possible during his tenure as President. Sun Paratech manufactures f loorings and laminated wood products based on the utilization of environmentallv sustain-

able rubber wood.

Thai policemen continued to threatened him and his family to

pay a debt, which he had in-

anish Television Chan of five programs about a Danish veterinarian, Bjarne

est ever in Denmark. Mr. Laugesen, who pleaded guilty, claimed he started the VAT-scam because high ranking

curred while trying to establish business in Thailand. His company went bankrupt in 1997 with a debt of two mill. Danish kroner - about ten mill. Thai Baht. This debt was allegedly pura

chased by corrupt Thai policemen and Mr. Laugesen said he only started his desperate VAT fraud in order to be able to pay them off. The Dane had bought consumer electronics from a German supplierwithout paying VAT as it was for exoort to Denmark. He then sold the goods to major

retail chains in Denmark at a cost lower than his cost price, but because he falsified VAT papers he actually made a profit on

the transactions.


donation to handicapped children A cheoue of 3500 US-dollars was in July handed over to the

Thai handicap centre Sataban Saengsawan by Mr. Peter Sonti-

dech on behalf of the Danish Thai Association.

The Association has for many years supported the centre and donations are about to become tax deductible in DenmarK.

Peter Sontidech was presented with a video of Queen Margrethe's visit to the centre in February which will be shown to the members at an evenino later this autumn.


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Coming Events

A young Thomas Darboe elleven years ago when he was sentenced to death.

SEPTEMBER Tuesday 18, a visit is olanned to the ECCO Shoe factory. Thursday 20, after-board meeting drinks and snack at the bar of The Admiral,

Danes ready to go

Sukhumvit Soi 18, will start at 18.30

OCTOBER Wednesday 3, a Nordic lunch at 12.00 will be arranged at the Food Fair held at BITEC, Bang-na Trat.

Thai prison authorities waiting for the Danish police to come and pick up the Danes.

tional department approved their applications for transfer to Denmark. The rest is just red tape,

wo Danes imprisoned for years in Thailand for drug smuggling may now be

expected to last anywhere from three weeks to three months.

The two Danes, Thomas Darboe and Bo Nannestad,

transferred to Denmark where they were in May sentenced to

were for years the victims of slow working Danish diplomats and

each 15 years in prison. In mid-July, the Thai correc-

Thai bureaucrats. Two years

finally reached on the conditions for their transfer. At time of print, the Thai authorities stated that the only remaining obstacle was a date, when it would be convenient for the Danish police escott to come out to Thailand for the handover.

ago, an agreement was however

Released from Thai jail: "Thank God, I was guilty!" New short film about a Danish girl who spent five years in Thai prison

transferred to America after five

years in the women's correc-

tional facility in Klong Prem

their fascination with the American Red Indians. Later, her fa-

back in 1995

in Bangkok's international airport


Aa'me's mother was sentenced to 100 years imprison-

she says in the film - adding that she cannot possibly imagine the anguish it must be to be imprisoned under the conditions in

sules, which they had swallowed. The film prompted a recounting of her case h several Danish media. Convicted to thirty years im-

prisonment, the Danish girl whose father is an American


changed her nationality and was

consequently eligible to being


take place. Thursday 8, members are invited to at Cross Cultural Function. Thursday 15, after-board meeting drinks and snack at the bar of The Admiral,

Sukhumvit Soi 18, will start at 18.30

DECEMBER Tuesday 4, the traditional Christmas Lunch

of the Chamber. Venue to be

Members of all four Nordic Chambers of Commerce are welcome to attend all the above mentioned funct ions.

during her years in the Thai

the United States hidden in cap-

the Cambodia Trade Visit will

no grudge against any of her

rested together with her mother

"Thank God I was guilty!"

NOVEMBER Sunday 4-Wednesday 7,


21-year old Danish girl Aa'me Nameth who in 1995 was ar-

for trying to smuggle heroin to


ther broke up and moved on and today lives in Sweden. Still, Aa'me says she bears

North of Bangkok. Today, she lives in England, married to a man whom she met in Thailand while stilljust traveling around as a tourist and later continued to correspond with

he Danish short-film festival in Odense in August showed a film about the

Thursday 18, after-board meeting drinks and snack at the bar of The Admiral, Sukhumvit Soi 18, will start at

parents - not even against her mother, who persuaded her to

attempt smuggling the drugs

ment. She was recently released

from the Thai prison on a Royal pardon because of her progressing cancer. She is currently un-

Thai prisons without having

der medical treatment in Den-

committed any crime. A product of the hippie culture, Aa'me recalls how her parents would openly take drugs in the living room back in Copenhagen. Her name is a relic from


The film is produced by Mikala Krog and Sidse Stausholm, a friend who stood by her

through the tough years in the Thai prison.

Part of the Future The GPV Group is a knowledge based technology and outsourcing padner who focus on strategic partnership GPV produces, control and develops anything from simple

products within Mechanics and Electronics to highly complex end-products containing many thousand individual elements including final assembly. The GPV Group includes 6 factories, from which the 5 comoanies is situated in Denmark GPV Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is the headquaders for the GPV Group's activities in Asia and is an important element in the GPV Group "Global Sourcing & Contracting concept" The company specialises in high-quality production of metal components, cabinets and enclosures, wire configuration, electronics or mechanical assembly and complete solutions. GPV Asia is located approximately 30 km south-east of the centre of Bangkok in the Bangpoo Industrial Estate. The process capabilities include: Shearing, CNC punching, CNC Bending, Stamping, Welding, CNC Machining and Turning, Powder painting, Wire configuration, Electronic and Mechanical assembly. GPV Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. supplies both simple solutions in the form of individual pafts that require few processes,and

complex complete systems solutions that include mechanical and electronic sections like precision machined parts, membrane switches, membrane keyboards, fully assembled PCBs with electronic components, and technical plastics.

GPV Group

International GPV International A/S, HAndvarkervej 3-5, DK-6880 Tarm, Denmark.


+45 72 1 9 1 9



Asia Cornpany GPV Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 297 Moo 4, Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Soi 6, Praksa, Muang District., Sukhumvit Road. Samutorakarn 10280 Tel: +66 2 709 2550-1

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More Members on


ww\ I I I


August, the first two mem-

bers of Danish-Thai Cham-

ber of Commerce were introduced to other members on the Danish-Thai chamber website, under a new Mini nterview-concept. I

Mr. Ernst Bliesman of the

Mini Intertiew on the Chamber website with new DTCC- member Ernst Bliesmann

introduced the new series of presentations.

OHSE institute explained that he


had joined the Chamber because he would like to network with other members to promote the conceot of the institute for supporting Asia labour unions, for which he is working, supported by Danced. "There is a need for an institute like this in the labour movement in the Asian Region," Mr. Bliesmann said. Klaus Kummer, owner of his newly established KDT International Co., Ltd. followed with an introduction to his business ser-

vices centered around his exoertise as a furniture designer with

business activities.

eight years of working experi- ensures, that all member news and other announcements published on the website may be retrieved at any later stage. Member may

ence in Thailand.

The member presentations follow a survey conducted by the

Chamber's office which clearly indicated a wish among fellow members to use the website of the chamber to become better acquainted with other members'

A new archive facility on

go here for any news item they

remember having seen with a link, they forgot to note down, and find it there...

Jyske Bank to visit Bangkok Will host a cultural event together with a Private Banking presentation.

people in the region with a relationshio to Denmark a chance to

get to know us," says Mette Kraushaar of Jyske Bank in

yske Bank (Schweiz) is



in Bangkok in the evening on

Private Banking is nothing new to Jyske Bank (Schweiz)

November 26, 2001. Interested Danish exoatriates should take note, as the evening will feature also a cultural event. "We have several reasons for visiting Bangkok. First of all,

who has been serving clients in this segment for more than 30 years. The Bank is pad of the Jyske Bank Group - Denmark's third largest banking corporation. Jyske Bank advisors find the personal contact very important. Clients may take advantage of their knowledge and experience

a seminar

we have ouite a few clients in Asia, whom we would like to meet "on their home turf". Secondly, we would like to give other

Commercial Section 10 Soi Attakarn Prasit Sathorn Tai, Bangkok Tel.: (66 21 213-2021-5 Fax: (66 2) 213-1752 HE Ulrik Helweg Larsen Ambassador Ms. Tine Hylleberg Counsellor, Head of Section Mr. Jesper Vibe-Hansen Counsellor Mr. Attakorn Sarooala Senior Commercial Off icer Ms. Srisuda Vilyalai Commercial Officer

already from an amount of DKK 500.000. The advisors soeak several languages and offerwritten communications in Danish, English

Norgesmindevej 18 DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 Denmark Tel.: 39 62 50 10 Fax: 39 62 50 59 HE Adisak Panupong Ambassador Mr. Prasittidej Vichitsorasatra


Bangkok 1 0501 Tel.: (66 2\ 266-3471 Fax: (66 2\ 266-3472 Mr. Vibeke Lyssand Leirvaag Chairman DANISH-THAI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 140212 14th Fl., Glas Haus 1 Sukhumvit 25 Road, Bangkok 10110 Tel.: (66 2) 661-7762

Fax: (66 2\ 661-7764-5 Email contact@dancham.or th Mr John Svengren Executive Director

and German. During the presen-

tation of the Bank and its services on November 26 the language will be Danish, but at per-

sonal meetings with interested exoatriates the communication may of course be in English. Details of the event will be communicated later. More information on Private Banking with Jyske Bank is available on

BECOME AMEMBER OF THE DANISH.THAI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Fill in this coupon to receive fuilher information and a full application form for membership.

Mail or fax the coupon to: Contact Name: Company name: Address:




Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce 14021214th Fl., Glas Haus 1 Sukhumvit 25 Road, Norlh Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel.: (66 2) 661.-7762 Fax: (66 2\ 661-7164-5 Email


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Thai-Danish Trade News

By placing an order for 23 new Airbus aircraft, we embarked on the biggest expansion in our history. It confirms our commitment to providing customers with the services they expect from a fully-fledged intercontinental airli ne. We have strengthened our intercontinental network with a new American gateway, Washington DC. More new destinations will follow. Our new Airbus A34O and 4330 aircraft successively enter servtce from this autumn, bringing new levels of comfort and convenience for our intercontinental passengers. The benefits include wider seats, better sound comfort in the cabin and an individual choice of inflight entertainment. Business Class passengers can help themselves to food and beverages from a buffet and their meals are served on exquisite new tableware supplied by Royal Scandinavia. We also introduce a new class, Economy Extra, offering flexibility and a higher lever of comfort than Economy Class. Our expansion offers you new planes, new places to fly and new products.

Welcome onboard.

It's Scandinavian A srAR ALLTANcE MEMBER


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