Thai-Danish Trade News - January 2002

Page 1


Thai-Danish Trade News is published and drstributed to selected Thai and Scandinavian business executives and oificials with an interest in Thai-Danish felations by DanishThai Chamber of Commerce, Royal Danish Embassy and Scand-l\,4edia Corp, Lld

Danlsh-TlEl Chanber ol Cmnorce 140212 14Ih Fl , Glas Haus 1 Sukhumvil 25 Foad, Nodh Klongtoey,

Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel : (+66 02) 661 7762 Fax: (+66 02) 661 7764-s Email contact@dancham orth

Tom Sorensen President

presidcnt lVIr Tom Sorensen

DFDS Transpon (Thai) Ltd Tel | (+66 02) 266 2777 Fd: (+66 02) 266 5666 Email: toms@dancham orth

Vice-PGldent lvlr Axel Blom Scandinavian Airlines System (+66 Tel: 02) 260 6252 Fax: (+66 02) 260 6269 Email: axel blom@sas se

Semtary & Legal Adulsor Mr Kamthorn Ounhirunskul Kamthorn, Surachet & Somsak Tel: (+66 02) 440 0288-97 Fax: (+66 02) 440 0298-9 Email: kss@loxinfo co th

lt6urer [/lr Soren Presmann Presmann (Thailand) Co, Ltd (+66 Tel : 02) 962 1151 Faxr (+66 02) 962 1152 Email: soren@presmann co th I

Fmign Chambffi Coordlnatlng Gmmltlee

i/r Pteben Hjortlund Schmidt Scientific (Thailand) Ltd Tel | (+66 02) 643 1330-9 Fax: (+66 02) 643 1340 Emarl: preben @schmidtthailand com Iilâ‚ŹmboFhlp f,dailoN l\,4r Leo Alexandersen Emdal Ltd Tel : (+66 02) 689 0497 Fax: (+66 02) 689 0496 Email: leo@e-mdalcom Publlc Relallotrs

Mr Jorgen lb Hedes Sun Paratech Co, Ltd (035) 221 010-8 Fax: (035) 221 019 Emailr lloorings@access inet co th & Mr Allan Jensen APV (Thailand) Ltd Tel : (+66 02) 367 5341-6 Fax: (+66 02) 367 5019 Email: ajensen@apvco uk Program


lvlr Michael Schulz The Arrivals Company Tel ; (+66 02) 31 9 0396-7 Fa* l+66 02)719 4173-4 Emaili michaels@ksc15 th com & [,4r Peter Linnemann Maersk Bangkok Branch Tel : (+66 02) 752 9000 Fax: (+66 02) 751 9575-8 Email: thamng@maersk com

Dear Carsten, Chiwarat, Ellert, Erik, Jon, Julius, Karsten, Kurt, Palle, Svend Erik, Trolle and our usual Readers, o the first 11 of you, thank you for signing up ir:; now ttrcrrlrr-.ts of the Danish - Thai Chamber of Commerce. You are joining a stron(l olr;rrrlrcr , which now has more than 100 members, the highest ever in its sonro 10 yc:u:; ol cxr:;lcrrr;c. To our new members and to all our readers this is what you will gcl in 2(x);'


Access to our web site www.dancham.or th lo sliry rrr touch with the very latest 24 hours a day, 365 days;r yc;rr Wr: never close.


The Chamber magazine Trade News publishetl livc ltnrcr;

a year. Read articles on what goes on in terms of busirru;:;

between our two countries.


Networking, third Thursday of the month whorc yorr t;;rrr meet other members as well as the Chamber board fi)crnllcr:; Yorrr oppoftunity to get personal advice from fellow menrlrcrs,


Monthly legal updates with a summary o{ ncw or updated laws. This comes compliments of one of Tlurilirrrrl':; legal law firms.


A Chamber board that speaks for you when thoy represent Danish-Thai business interests in rrreelirrcls witlr I lriri ministers and other top officials in lmmigration, Revenuc Department, Thai Customs and also in the Board of Trade, Joint Foreign Chambers and European Chambers of Commerce Thailand.

r Ex


Ms Tine Hylleberg Boyal Danish Embassy Tel ; (+66 02) 21 3 201 2 #17 Fax: (+66 02) 213 1752 Email: tinhyl@bkkamb um dk Extrullve Director lvlr John Svengren Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce Tel : (+66 02) 66'1 4462 Fax: (+66 02) 661 7765 Email: john@dancham orth

'Denmark in Thailand', the directory published every year. lt contains impodant trade and financial statistics and of course details of all members. An excellent place to promote your services.


Various events arranged just for you. Examples of previously held events include cross-cultural management, general accounting principles, factory visits, a real Danish Christmas lunch. And the list just goes on and on


Assistance from our Executive Director and staff at the Chamber office located conveniently in down town Bangkok. fiotal Danlsh Emba$y Commercial Section, 10 Soi Attakarn Prasit Sathorn Tai, Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel : (+66 02) 213 2021-5 Faxi (+66 02)213 1752 Ms line Hylleberg Commercial Counsellor, Head of Section lvlr Jesper Vibe-Hansen, Counsellor ML Altakorn Saropala, Senior Comm Officer Ms Srisuda Vilyalai, Comm Otficer Gmphic

Productlu & Madothg


Tom Sorensen


Corp Lld

4/41 -42 Moo 3, Thanyakarn Village,

Ramintra Soi 14, Bangkok 1 0230 Thailand Tel : (+66 02) 943 7 66-8 Faxr (+66 02) 943 71 69 Email: scandmedia@scandmedia com 1

Despite the odds and gloomy picture that have been painted of 2002, I wish you a Happy New Year and hope that you after irll will be able to create your own success in whatever businesr; you are In.

Annua/ Genera/ Meeting of the Chamber wi// l. tAt' /'/, tr t' tt ) t:t, day 6th March 2002 at the Roya/ Danbh Embassy.








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Beyond Paradise An extensive touring exhibition of Nordic contemPorary adists to Asia will February 16 kick off in

Bangkok and last till the end of

March. The exhibition is ex' pected to be a major Nordic event for the coming Year. The venues in Bangkok will be the NationalArt Gallery' the Aft Center at Chulalongkorn Uni" versity, About Studio/About Cafe and Tadu ContemPorary Aft Gallery. Coinciding with the exhibition will be a Nordic feature film festival at Sala Chalerm Krung Royal Theatre as well as a exDerimental video film week entitled "Right About Now: Nordic Video Arl Today" at the Art Center, Chulalongkorn UniversitY. The exhibition is being Produced by Dr APinan PoshYananda, a Thai curator and Pro-

fessor at the Art Faculty at

Royal Thai-Danish elephants transferred hree young, Thai eleohants were late November transferred f rom Thailand to Denmark. Tonsak is

an almost four Year old male, Pang-ang Kao is a lour Years old female and the Youngest, Pang Suring, is a female of onlY 3 and a half year.

One week before their de-

The transfer of the Young eleohant will be the last time, Thailand will allow elePhants to be sent overseas to a life in a zoological garden. The Thai national symbol is getting rare at home -

despite the imPression to the contrary when elePhants roam the tourist streets of Bangkok with their mahouts - and Thai-

Darture for Denmark, theY met their new "Danish mahouts" Kim Oliver and Jorgen Jensen from Copenhagen Zoo. TheY had come to Thailand to get acquainted with the elePhants and learn the commands of theirThai

land is increasinglY aware of the need to protect the endangered

mahouts, so communication would be easier once theY were in Denmark. To furtherfacilitate the transfer, the Thai mahouts, Boontham

Boonsa-ard, Somchai Malee and Samrit Khosantiak traveled to Denmark with the elePhants and spent the first week there with them. The three elePhants come

from an estate near Surin of a wealthy Thai Person, Somroj Kookijikasem who is the Proud owner of over 90 elephants.



Before their deParture, the three live gifts from H.M. King

(Copenhagen), Finnish Fund for Arl Exchange (Helsinki) and the Swedish Institute (Stockholm), on Moderna Museet's initiative. A total of 26 artists will Par'

After Bangkok, the exhibition will move to Kuala LumPur, Ho

ehi Minh City and Shanghai. For more information You may access the exhibition web of Bangkok, the elePhants were flown to Luxembourg. From here

site at


they were transPorted bY truck to Hannover Zoo for a stoP over one night, before finallY travel-

were blessed bY H.R.H. Crown


Princess Sirindhorn Mahachakri at the presence of among others Danish Ambassadorto Thailand, Ulrik and Cristina HelwegLarsen. After the blessing, the

mark, the elePhants were greeted by H.M. Queen Margrethe ll, who transferred the

them. "Take it easY," she told the greedy male, Thonsak. "You don't know how well theY will feed you in CoPenhagen!" After the transfer ceremony held some fifty kilometers north

(Oslo), Danish Council for Art

several of the works will be Produced on site.

ing the rest of the way to CoPen-

ies, like sugar cane and sweet bananas, while chatting with

seum of ContemPorarY Arl

ticipate in the exhibition - and

Bhumibol to Queen Margrethe ll

Princess gave them some good-

Chulalongkorn UniversitY' in cooperation with Moderna Museet (Stockholm), The National Mu-

On November 30, a few days after their arrival in Den-

Royal gift to CoPenhagen Zoo. Today, the three elePhants have completed their initial three weeks ouarantine in Denmark and are now free to mingle with the other elephants at Copenhagen Zoo. WhY not stop bY on your next trip to Copenhagen to see, if they still understand the Thai word "Khanom"?

Transfer of Ambassadors December 1, 2001, the Danish Ministry for Foreign Affairs rotated a few of their top Personnel. Mr. Henrik Wohlk, Ambassa"

dor in Vienna, was recalled to serve at the Ministry in CoPen' hagen. In his Place, Mr. Torben Mailand Christensen was Pro' moted to serve as Ambassador

in Vienna. And Ambassador Klaus Otto KapPel, who served at the Ministry in CoPenhagen, retired.

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Tulip gaining in market presence Tulip canned meat products from Denmark has carued out a niche for itself in the Thai market. ulip, a Danish brand name famous for its canned meat products, is gaining in popularity in Thai-

shoulder of pork, sliced meats, sausages and pate. Tulip's importing agent, Sri Chock Chai Suoermarket is one of Thailand's major and most successful distributors of consumer goods representing apart from Tulip also a range of other world brand names. "lt has taken quite some time for us to get Tulip brand name into the Thai market and create a level of customer preference for the brand," says Mr. Kulavat Sundravorakul, Sri Chock Chai Suoermarket's Director of Sales & Marketing. The company aims to increase the market share of Tu-

one of its products, is already today the market leader among

other brands within this category. Sri Chock Chai Supermarket

Limited Partnership has annual sales of $ 10,000,000 and employs 178 people. The company currently impofts from USA, Japan, UK, Germany, ltaly, Spain,

South Korea, Denmark and

permarket promotions and

lip products every year with 5 %.

France. Part of its market - 15 % - is within hotel and catering business, 257" are restaurants and the retail supermarkets. The Royal Thai Household, Thai International Ainruays Catering Service, LSG Catering Services, Gate Gourmet Catering Services and The Oriental Ho-

through introduction into the ca-

To achieve this, the company will

tel are among its top clients.

tering market in an etfort to make Thai consumers accept its can-

focus sales on several ways as well as concentrate on further influencing consumer behavior in the Thai market. Pate de Foie.


Since the Thai importer, Sri Chock Chai Supermarket, started importing the Tulip products in 1989, Thai consumers' eating behavior has changed consider-

ably. Tulip has actively supported this change through su-

ned meat taste. The oroduct

range includes bacon, ham

Over 30 local sales representa-

tives in Thailand helo market and distribute the products. Ubonwan Phunoboon

Still learning to rock The band are no strangers to the

Bangkok, having played here several times since 1993. This was, however, their first world tour since they have been out of the spotlight and kept a

low profile for the past three year. Michael Learn To Rock is the so far greatest international pop success to come out of Den-

mark with global sales figures exceeding eight million copies. Formed in 1987 in the Danish town of Arhus, the group ut out a debut single in 1991 "The Ac-

he Danish pop group

seats had been booked by

Michael Learns To Rock recently took their World Tour 2001 to Bangkok when they performed with songs from their

MLTR fans ranging from teenagers to old couoles.

so far five albums and introduced a new album "Blue Night"

in front of some'10,000 Thai fans at a live concert at Brew Pavilion Pub.

The concert on November 14 was a full house conceft including dinner and drinks. All


MLTR demonstrated, that they still know how to make their

Thai audience go crazy over memorable hits like Sleeping Child, 25 Minutes, Out of the

Scandinavia and -

in to their big

surprise - also became a number t hit in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore. Since then the band have been immensely popular in Asia and have toured the Far East extensively in order to follow up the


Blue, That's Why (you go away)


and You Took My Heart Away.

the numerous gold awards.

These songs have given MLTR their position at the top of the chart lists and several awards.

and will

to/' which hit the top spot

their albums and

Ubonwan Phungboon


to it's DISAs in Bangkok developed he regional technicr to new partners. (Thailand) head office activities

Den m ark threaten i ng Thai

exporters of rubber wood Danish law passed in June 2001 has placed a bomb under exports of a wide range of Thai wood based

oroducts. lf the law is implemented, it will change public Danish pur-

chase oolicies to ensure that governmental and semi-governmental institutions in the future may only purchase wood and wooden products "legally pro-

duced from sustainable resources". The law even goes as

far as to exemplify, that wood carrying the brand of one specific environmental organization, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a guarantee that this wood is produced in an environmentally sustainable way. Probably unintentionally, the new law shows a lack of knowledge of the reality of tropical forest industry in countries like

Thailand, where the most environmentally sustainable form of wood is rubber wood grown in

plantations owned typically by smaller plot owners. Instead of supporting these plantations, the

Historically, the current techniques developed twenty years

ago to treat rubber wood in a way to make it possible to utilize the wood commercially was in itself a breaKhrough in tropi-

law imposes on the owners the cost of having to pay the fees demanded by certification com-

cal forest preservation. According to forestry expens, environ-

panies like SGS and Smart-

like Denmark should rather support and encourage the use of rubber wood as a substitution for some of the rainforest wood instead of hampering replanting of the existing plantations.

Wood and other bodies, which the Forest Stewardship Council has authorized to sell the ceftification papers required. Declining profitability of rubber wood plantations may eventually force the owners to grow better yielding cash crops when the plantations reach maturity and are felled, quite contrary to the intentions of the law which is to preserve the remaining forests of the world, the majority of

which are in the developing world.

mentally concerned countries


takes about f ive years f rom

the time a rubber olantation is

tation. The income from the felled wood makes up for the lack of income during the next five years while the young rubber trees reach the productive srze.

As rubber wood is the most environmentally friendly form of tropical wood, forestry expens urge the Danish parliament to make up for their unintentional harm to Thai and other South EastAsian plantation owners by amending the new law to exempt rubberwood from theircertification demand. The law still allows private

planted until it is ready for latex

Danish enterprises to import

production. The plantation is then productive for about 25

non-certified wood and wooden products, but it is understood, that eventually also these companies should comply and act "environmentally responsible".

years. After the trees reach the age of 30 years, the latex production drops and the plantation is felled to - hopefully - make room for planting of a new plan-

Gregers Mo/ler




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Danish Pavilion at coming Propak Asia


ing effort is not bad at all. Most

synergy and increased exposure generated by the joint participa-

work of our embassy and under the official logo of Denmark automatically gives buyers an increased confidence in each individual exhibitor as they are pre-screened and approved of by the embassy." "Secondly, all the practical hassle related to organizing the presence is significantly reduced. Communication is not with the Thai exhibition organizer but with the efficient staff of the Royal Danish Embassy and may even if necessary be conducted in Danish."

tion as well as enjoy the de-

"Participants can concen-

be calculated based on the num-

creased costs derived from sharing joint facilities. "The Propak-exhibition has become one of the main exhibi-

trate on showing their products and services as the national oavilion will provide all the general facilities like telephones, internet access, refrigerator, coffee machine, etc. As a national stand, these facilities will be put up on free square meters provided by the organizer." "The embassy can provide local staff to help manning the stand in your occasional absence and translate papers. The embassy may also assist in arrange special seminars on your topic of interest." "Finally, a reception will be held at the embassy for all the participants where key clients may be invited to join, adding to the perception of your sincerity in doing business with them." The timing for a joint market-

ber of souare meters needed.

Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok to organize a national Danish pavilion at Propak Asia June 12-15,2OO2. anish related companies within food orocessing and packaging

may participate in a national Danish pavilion at the coming Propak Asia exhibition June 12-

15, 2002 and benefit from the

tions within this region," says commercial counselor Mr. Jesoer Vibe-Hansen of the Com-

mercial Section, Royal Danish Embassy, who is organizing the


"Visitors are predominantly trade related and consumers are

few. This makes Propak Asia one of the most efficient regional exhibitions within this field, giv-

ing exhibitors time to concentrate on real potenfial clients." In summing up the benefits by joining the national pavilion, Mr. Vibe-Hansen explains:

"First of all, in Thailand as well as elsewhere in Asia, presenting yourself within the frame

of the food industry in the region

is experiencing growth and an increasing interest in export which translates into an increasing need to invest in new pro-

duction equipment. The evaluation of the Danish embassy is supported by a similar high level of pre-bookings

from companies from other countries and other embassies wishing to establish national pavilions. The cost for participation in the Danish national oavilion will

enmark's Ministry for Foreign Affairs expects Danish exoorts of foodstuff to show a total of 16 oer-

cent growth for the full year 2001 , when allthe figures are re-

ported and processed.

Only eight months into the year, the total volume of food exoofts had reached 53 billion DKK. The increase of 16 percent


haeng Phet started its production on October 1,2001. Construction of the brewery has been managed by J.C Bentzen A/S, a

Danbrew subsidiary established in Thailand for the same purpose,

under the management of Mr. Erik Kirkemann Nielsen, a long time Thai resident. The exact date of October 1, 2001 was stioulated in the contract signed two years ago with

the Carlsberg subsidiary, Danbrew.

Square meter price is 345 USD. In addition, the embassy will charge 6,000 DKK equivalent to ten ours direct service, plus an amount not exoected to exceed 2,000 DKK for each companies share of purchasing materials needed to decorate the joint pavilion. Interested companies may arrange for a personal meeting

The Clock stopped

with Mr. Vibe-Hansen, emai/ who will be in

Bangkok. "Our business idea to pick up local watchmaker work in Thailand failed to live up to our ex-

DenmarkJanuary 16 - 22,2002. Deadline for confirmation of oarticipation is February 1,2002. More info is available at the website of the Danish Embassy, www. de n m a rk- e m b a s sy.

o r.


commercia/ and the official website of the Propak exhibition

Food exports booming Year 2OOl likely to set new record for Danish food exporters

The third huge Carlsberg Brewery in Thailand located in Kamp-

comes on top of an impressive growth of 10 percent in 2000. Breaking down the figures, the ministry points to an especially positive development for meat and seafood, followed by live animals, cheese and sugar based oroducts. About two third of Danish food exporl goes to Germany, UK and Japan. Exports to Germany rose 23 percent during the first eight months of last year,

Germany's preferred supplier. As for Jaoan. food constitutes half of all Danish exoorts to this country. Although Japan has reduced its import of food in total terms, Denmark managed to increase its exporls 10 percent.

reaching 11 billion DKK. Regarding pork meat, Denmark is today

months of 2001. Meat Drrxlttt;lr; alone boomed 56 oorcorrl

Nothing beats, however, exoorts to the UK. where a record growth in Danish food exports of 31 percent was ro

corded after the firsl oirllrl

Friends of the Old Clock, the Danish watchmaker in Bangkok,

owned by Jannik Torp and his father Jan Toro who runs a similar business in Copenhagen, has decided to close down their busi-

ness opened one year ago in

pectations, and my father prefers

to focus on his business


Copenhagen," Mr. Jannik Torp exolains.

The recent paftnership with the Danish RoyalAd Gallery will be unaffected by the closure, but will move the antioue showroom from the oremises of Friends of the Old Clockto another location. Meanwhile, Jannik Torp will return to Phuket, where he was successful in the diving industry both as a shop manager and as a diving instructor.

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lmports of packaging, proces ing on the rise Figures for the first half of 2OOl show Thailand's import of packaging and food processing equipment keeps rising. n analysis of the Thai market for Food Processing and Packaging Equipment was recently produced by the Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok and published

in November by the Danish Trade Council.

The analysis encourages Danish manufacturers of equip-

ment for food processing and packaging equipment to become

more active in the Thai market as the high level of Thai invest-

ments in 2000 of 42 oercent above 1 999 seems to have been sustained in 2001. "Thailand impofted food processing and packaging equipment valued at more than DKK 2 billion in 2000 an increase of o/" trom DKK 1,4 billion in 1999. Figures for the first half of


2001 revealed an import of food

processing and packaging equipment valued at more than DKK 1 billion," it says in the study "Food processing equipment impofted to Thailand is mostly utilized for the processing of meat and poultry products, dairy products, fishery products and

fruit and vegetable products. Other imporlant imported items include food ingredients such as spices and seasonings, starch, syrup and sugar to name a few oroducts." "Packaging equipment used for closing, sealing, filling and la-

beling of cans, bottles or other food containers and equipment for cleaning or drying bottles accounted for almost DKK 714 million in 2000 which is an increase

of about 41 ok trom DKK 507 million in 1999. As of 30 June 2001 the value of imporled packaging equipment stood at almost

DKK 500 million." Thailand's increasing export of food is one of the major driv-

ing forces behind the investmenIS.

"lncreasing demand for processed food oroducts from both domestic and in pafticular expofi

markets has resulted in increased investments and imports on the side of the Thai industry," it says in the study. "Thailand's agricultural and food exports are currently directed mainly towards Japan and the USA but the impoftance of Eurooe have become more

apparent in recent years and months. This increased emphasis on export is forcing Thai exporters to look more carefully at high-end processing technology as to secure a uniform and high quality. Other areas of focus include packaging technology and process optimization." Most of Thailand's 406 large and 1,571 medium sized food

processors use imported machinery and equipment in order to meet a high quality and standards of exoort market.

Thailand buys less Danish value from January till October last year compared to the same period in year 2000. The total amount was only 892,99 mill.

Export of Goods from Denmark to Thailand MiII. DKK

countries grew on the contrary significantly. The big surprise is

Indonesia with an increase in


The expor.ts to Thailand decreased more than expofts to any other country in the region.

Exports to some of the other

ol lot'ul


Jewellery and Burmese antiques The internet company, owned by the

Danish businesswoman Mrs. Charlotte Parks on Saturday, .15

December and Sunday December 16 joined hands with the newly opened TOUCHWOOD, British Colonial Antiques, inviting Danish and other business friends over for a nice cuo of tea... and maybe do a bit of Christmas shopping. specializes in high quality jewellery and fashion jewellery in unusual and unique designs. They don't normally sell locally but where on this special occasion available at very attractive Christmas

from Burma.


Australien Hongkong Indien lndonesien Japan Kina Malaysia Singapore Sydkorea Taiwan Thailand



prices. TOUCHWOOD on 99, Sukhumvit Soi 38, is a specialist in British Colonial Antioues

anrsn compantes' ex-

ports to Thailand declined 12.5 percent in

Mr.r- Churbtte |'urkt' in Dacentber o1te nr:d f itr tw,o

2-573,94 3 911,16

1243,86 447,58 14.563,63 3 368,37 849,12 1.663,65 2 384,84 1 570,13 1 272,19


Growth 14,67" 41,1% 0,6% 30,1% 23,4% 45,4y" 37,3% -30,8% -11 ,8% 9,0% 68,4% 18,2%

Mill. DKK 2.124p4










3 060,18






2 019,81


1.349,22 892,99

6,3% -12,5"k



Euro popular in Denmark Despite Danish voters' rejection of the euro currency in last year's

referendum, a new survey of 4,500 small to medium-sized companies throughout Europe shows that Danish companies

exports of 30 percent. However,

are even more enthusiastic about the joint currency than

the volume of trade was, how-

of 3 bill DKK and an increase of

ernment credits, called mixed

ever, only half that of Thailand.

19,2 percent.

credits or soft loans. lf the performance in thc 1(l

companies in countries where

first months of 2001 r;oulrl lrr-. compared not to thc cxtr;rorrlr

Roughly 80% of the Danish corrp:tnies surveyed said they llclrr-.vcd the euro to be an adviurlilqe to trade and business,

Other winners were Japan, where the volume by the end of the period stood at over 12 bill DKK and the increase in Danish exports were 7,9 percent. Danish exports to China is also doing extremely well with a volume


The drop in Danish exports to Thailand may be explained by

an extra ordinary boom in expofts in 2000 of 68,4 percent in

nary level in 2000 brrl lo llrc I rvcI

the same period, attributed to

of 1999, lhe irtcrc:r:;c irr l);rrrr:;lr

the execution of several huge or-

exports to Thlrikrrrrl wor at 1 5 pcrccnl

ders financed with Danish gov-

rlr | :,1; rr rr


the euro is now introduced.

r:rrrnlrirred ()ilt(),/one.

lo 76%'inside' the

Solutions The GPV Group is a knowledge based technology and outsourcing partner who focus on long term strategic partnerships. GPV produces and develops products within Mechanics and Electronics in a range from simple parts to highly complex assembled end-products containing many thousand individual elemenrs. The GPV Group includes 6 factories, of which the 5 companies is situated in Denmark, where GPV Industri A./S is the parent company and GPV International A"/S is the headouarter.

GPV Asia (Ihailand) Co., Ltd. is the headquarters for the GpV Group's activities rn Asia and is an important part of the GPV Grouo Global Sourcing & Contracting concept. The company is specialised in high-quality production of metal parts, cabinets and enclosures, high precision machined parts, wire configuration, PCB assembly, electronic or mechanical assembly and complete solutiqns GPV Asia is located in Samutprakarn 30 km south-east of the centre of Bangkok in the Bangpoo Industrial Estate and has app 180 employees and 6500 sqm production.

The process capabilities are: Mechanic production: Shearing, CNC punching, CNC bending, Stamping, Welding, CNC Machining, CNC Turning, Powder painting, Silk screening, Electrical wiring and full assembly of products. Electronic productionr Cable & Wire configuration, Automatic SMT and manual PCB assembly, Test, Complete Electronic and Electromechanic assembly. R&D department with mechanic and electronic engineers.

GPV Asia (Ihailand) Co., Ltd. 297 Moo 4, Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Soi 6 Phraksa, Sukhumvit Road, Samutprakarn 10280, Thailand Tel. (+66) 2 7Og 2550 -1 Fax (+66) 2 7Og 2555 / 7Og 2564 E-mail: Homepage:

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MAERSK LtrEt_sTltrS MaerskLogistics(Ihailand)Ltd.6thFl,Banen.IowetrB,2/3Mool4,Bangna-TradKm 5s,Bangplee,samutprakarntos40,Tha'land Phone: (662) 752

9200 Fa*

(662) 312 0390, 312


E-maitr rhaloemkt@maersk-togisrics



Pionee Thai da

,r t

Forty years ago, Denmark and Thailand established their most successful development project ever, the Thai Danish Dairy Farm in Muak Lek, n January 16, 1962, King Frederik Xl of Denmark and H.M.

for an investment or technical

project and Dr. Yod accepted the

aid project, which in August 1960

King Bhumibol together inaugu-

Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ln January 1961, the ministry asked Mr. Sondergaard together with two other experts to go back to Thailand and evaluate the feasibility of the project. Needless to say, they found the

position as Associate Director. This turned out to be an excellent team. Due to the language

rated the Thai-Danish Dairy


Farm in Muak Lek. This project has long been recognized as the starting point for the modern Thai dairy sector, as we know it today.

Before this, it was widely believed that dairy farming was not possible in Thailand. Existing Indian cattle produced too little milk and European cattle would not survive the hot and

was presented to the Danish

plan excellent. On October 20 the same year, the agreement was signed. Denmark would spend 4,33 mill. DKK over eight years on developing and running

the project.

barrier it was in all practical as-

pects Dr. Yod, who was the leader of the theoretical training

facility and the veterinary service, while Mr. Sondergaard took care of the administrative and

financial responsibilities of the project.

First the jungle had to be cleared. Then flooding of the road to Bangkok hampered the project for several weeks. Not

humid climate and the many

The location in Muak Lek

tropical diseases. Mr. Gunnar Sondergaard, a Danish agricultural expert later to become the first Danish Director of the Thai Danish Dairy

twenty kilometers nofth east of

road between Bangkok and the

cowshed, but within a month, the project was completed - several

Farm, knew this. Still, in 1959 he

Cambodian border, had just

days before the Royal inaugu-

wrote a proposal to the Danish Dairy Marketing Board to support establishing a dairy training farm in Thailand. Atthattime, the official Danish agency for development cooperation, Danida, had not yet been established. At this early stage, Mr. San-

been built with American assistance and it passed right by the location - and the nearby mountains would provide clean water even in the dry season Interestingly, the idea of establishing a dairy plant was initially not part of the project. lt was primarily meant to produce a strain of good dairy cattle to prove that dairy farming was indeed feasible in Thailand and

ration. On the big day, January 16,

dergaard also discussed the idea with Dr. Yod Vadhanasindhu, who would later become the first Thai Director of the farm.

Dr. Yod was fascinated by the idea and while Mr. Sondergaard was promoting the idea back in Denmark, Dr. Yod discussed the project both with the Depanment of Livestock Deoartment in Bangkok and with the FAO. Then he took it up with the Danish Ambassador to Thailand at the time, Mr. Ebbe Munk and together they wrote a proposal


Saraburi was selected due to its

accessibility - the Friendship Highway, a two-lane concrete

until December 1961 could the Danish construction company,

Christiani and Nielsen, start building the 180 meter long

1962, the road from Bangkok was still flooded, but the two

densed milk or sterilized milk or if they had ever given birth. Crossbreeding the imported pure Red Dane cows with various strains of Indian cattle was

also uncharted land. lt took seven years of experiments before eventually, in 1968, crossbreeding the Red Danes with Pakistani imported Red Sindhi cattle turned out to be the most successful formula. When production started, a major surprise was the effort, which had to be put into marketing of the milk. Fresh, pasteurized milk was an unknown oroduct to Thai people. The Foremost Company was at the time already established in Bangkok, but it produced only recombined milk, which was sold mainly to the American Armed Forces and other foreigners in Bangkok. A few small, Indian owned dairies produced sterilized milk, which gave it a burned taste.

Royal families instead took the train to Saraburi and from there proceeded by road to the site, where H.M. King Frederik lX officially opened the project in front of the hastily built cowshed. The silhouette of this first cowshed is still today the trademark of the

train farmers and agricultural

time these plants constantly found new excuses to out off payment. Eventually the milk had to be marketed directly to

Thai-Danish Dairy Farm to be


students in dairy farming. The plans had to be carried out fast if the center were to be inaugurated by H.M. King Bhumiboland H.M. King Frederik lX and H.M Queen Ingrid during their State Visit in Januarv the next year. Mr. Sondergaard was ap-

found on all milk bags and cartons from the dairy. When the festivities were

In 1968 a modern packing machine was purchased, which could pack the milk in plastic bags. One problem was the retail profit offered by Foremost,

pointed the Director of the

over, training started from scratch. Mr. Sondergaard had to milk the first cow by hand himself to show another staff member how it was done. lgnorant visitors would ask if these cows produced sweetened milk, con-

Soon, these few existing dairy plants could not take all the milk produced by the Thai Danish Dairy Farm and at the same

which was much higher than whatthe Thai Danish Dairy Farm

could afford. Consequently, most retailers preferred to sell

the recombined milk with the



Danfoss pays back to handicap center

40 Years King Frederik lX of

Dennnrk on January16, 1962 inaugurating the Thai Danbish Dairy Fann together with

H.M. Bhumibol.

On the day of Danfoss' donation, some of the many handicapped children at Sataban Saeng Sawang were gatheredfor a group photo.

higher margin than the fresh oasteurized Danish milk. The Thai Danish Dairy Farm solved this problem by offering only one supermarket in Bangkok to sell the milk. This attracted a large number of foreign

consumers and suddenly the table was turned. Now, it was the

supermarkets, which humbly asked the Thai Danish Dairy

physical disabilities. Many are

cheque of baht 214,000

mark. Queen Margrethe last February visited and gave a spe-

multiple handicapped. The foun-

Farm if they could please also

was on November 14, 2001 handed over to

be allowed to sell the fresh milk.

Sataban Saeng Sawang Foun-

cial support to the foundation during her State Visit to Thai-

Then rumours were circu-

dation in Bangkok by Mr. Prasansak Sawanpotipa, Danfoss' General Manager in Thailand. The funds will enable the con-


dation, therefore heavily depends on the contributions of businesses, organizations, churches and interested indi-

struction of a new physical

way where Danfoss may pay

therapy section at the foundation

back to the Thai society and Mr. Prasansak would like to encour-

lated that the Thai Danish milk was of bad quality. This was countered with a strict rule, that any bag of milk not sold during its first day in the shop had to be returned to the Dairy Farm the next morning, where it was used to feed the calves. Because of this and a rigorous hygienic control of the production, the quality of the milk from the Thai Danish Dairy Farm was in Mr. Ssn-

dergaard's estimate probably higherthan in any country in the western world at that time. By the time the first agreement between Denmark and

Thailand expired in October 1

971 , the success of the project

was not yet obvious, and the Thai government requested if Denmark could extend the project and enter a second agreement. This extension was entered for another five years.

After the first two years of

for handicapped children. Danfoss (Thailand) Co., Ltd has been a regular supporter of the foundation over quite some time. So has the Danish Women's Network and individuals within the Danish-Thai community here as well as back in Den-

Danfoss has made supporting the handicap center a company tradition and sees it as one

age other companies to do the same.

The Sataban Saeng Sawang foundation provides ser-


"The foundation needs to have more supporters to offset its expenses of about 2 millions Baht a year for taking care of the more than 200 people from 2 to 40 years who live in the center,"

vices to children with mental re-

Chintara Taectha-tugkiyapan, Deptuty Director of Sataban Saeng Sawang Foundation ex-

tardation, emotional distur-


bance, learning disabilities and

Ubonwan Phunoboon

Danfoss continues to grow

this second agreement, the project was in 1973 turned over

to the Thai Government, which changed the name to Dairy Farming Promotion Organization (DPO). At the same time, Dr.

Yod Vadhanasindhu was oromoted to become the first Thai Director of the project, a position he maintained until he retired in 1 976. One of the major impacts of the Thai Danish Dairy Farm on

Thailand's dairy industry today continued on page


ecently President of the Danish-Thai Chamber Tom Sorensen paid a visit to chamber member Danfoss (Thailand)

Co. Ltd. and met with General Manager Prasansak Suwanpotipra. Khun Prasansak joined the company some three years ago from a job as Managing Director at EAC Technical.

Danfoss is a leading producer of precision mechanical and electronic components. Danfoss is working on four continents with representatives and sales companies in more than 100 countries and employ about 17,000 people worldwide. Danfoss Thailand has al-

most tripled the turnover in a ten year period

and Khun Prasansak is expecting continued growth in the years to come.


First the 120 tons oJ'steel telephane towers were loaded onto a convoy of tnrck. Then the convoy was during the night escorted to Bangkok

International Airyort.

continued from page


is the legacy of the rigorous training, which farmers and students went through at the center. Students had as a minimum all completed Thai agricultural schools before entering the center and they had to pass a probation oeriod of three month. For many, the hard training doing all physical jobs needed at the farm came as a surprise. For half the

students, the work was simply

too hard and before the three months were over, they had dropped out.

DFDS on heavy duty t was one of those "impos-

The cargo consisted of tele-

sible" jobs. DFDS Transport fihai) Ltd. was contracted to move 120 tonnes of steel from Rayong in Thailand to Lagos in

phone towers for the Nigerian

I If


Telecom. Two DC-10 cargo olanes were chartered for the task.

The telecom towers were

loaded onto a convoy of trucks in Rayong. During the night the convoy was escorted to Bangkok International Airpoft where the towers were reloaded onto the chartered planes.

Nordic students conduct impact project in Thailand

During the first ten years, only 208 students managed to pass the training. About thirty of the students settled in the area,

establishing their own dairy farms and sold their milk to the Thai-Danish Dairy Farm. These farmers remain today the backbone of the Thai dairy farmers in and around Muak Lek. For university students from Kasetsart, three week training courses were conducted and during the same period, 171 of

these students passed the course.

Some of the best students were also offered Danish scholarships to be trained at agricultural colleges in Denmark or at the Danish agricultural university in Copenhagen. Upon their return to Thailand, they would enter demanding positions either at the Thai Danish Dairy Farm it-

den, Noruay and Denmark, in-

active partners in realizing the

at Kasetsart, the Thai

cluding Greenland and lceland.

potential of the center," Dr. Suree

agricultural university, will

The Center aims to strengthen

Bhumibhamon, acting Director

through three weeks of January this year engage in a project, involving thirty Nordic university

the mutual cooperation among

of Nordic Studies Center ex-

scientists, scholars, researchers students and people of Thailand.


self or in the Thai Ministry for

Tropical Forest Ecology and Silviculture has been the most

Agriculture where many till today

he Nordic Studies Center

students and post-graduates

Every second year Nordic stu-

joining hands with students from Thailand, Cambodian and Laos to builcj up sustainable management of forest resources on the

dents will come to Thailand, while every second year, stu-

active area of cooperation for the

dents from the Center will go to one of the Nordic countries on an exchange basis. "The Andaman Institute at Kasetsart University's Krabi Campus and the Tropical Silviculture Unit at the University of Helsinki are currently the most

Nordics students from the University of Joensuu did their re-

coast of the Andaman See in Southern Thailand.

The project is the latest among a number of activities undertaken by the Nordic Studies Center established two years ago in the presence of ambassadors from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Since its inauguration, NSC has plaid an active role in facilitating and promoting jojnt education between Thailand and the Nordic countries Finland, Swe-

The Nordic Ambassadors at the inauguration of the Nordic Studies Center at Kasetsart University two years ago.


Center. Last year a group of

search for their thesis with NSC and KU Krabi Campus. NSC is supported by all Nordic countries represented by their Embassies in Bangkok. Ubonwan Phungboon

still occupy senior positions. Denmark remained a supporting partner of the DPO until the early 90's where the last agricultural advisor attached to the center was recalled to Denmark.

Controversy su rrounds voting rights for expatriate Danes anes abroad and their political rights have be come an issue in Denmark since the new liberal government took office. At present, Danes who leave Denmark has as a matter of administration kept their Danish voting rights for four years. A new proposal suggests the limit increased to twelve years. The Ministry of Justice has stated, that strictly speaking according to the Danish constitution actually only Danes resident in Denmark can vote. To sound out the ooinion of expatriate Danes to this issue, a Dane living in Brazil, Mr. Flemming Rickfors, in the au-


About half the respondents live in Asia Pacific

Stripped of social right Danes abroad has also been targeted in a proposal by the new liberal government to strip Danish citizens returning to Den-

mark of their current rights to receive public financial support until they have stayed in Den-

mark for seven years.

The organization for Danish expatriates, Danes Abroad has sharply criticized the proposed new law. Danes Abroad ooint to the damaging effect the law would have in keeping Danes from moving abroad. "Nobody disputes how much Danes living outside Denmark contribute to Danish exoorts and

Denmark's image abroad. lt would be devastating if Danes were to stay home for fear of loosing their social rights," the organization states. Danes Abroad recently established Mrs. Hjordis Hansen as local representative for Thailand. Anyone interested in joining the association may contact Mrs. Hansen on 02 276 9940.

tumn made his own survey among 110 Danes reached in a chain letter manner, as nobody knows how many Danes live abroad. Danes abroad are generally estimated to be 6 percent of all Danish nationals. His main findings were: . 92 percent feel that Danish voting rights should be linked to nationality - not to country of residence . T2percent didn't know, they would loose their voting right by leaving Denmark . 95 percent say, they would exercise their voting rights if they were to get it back


72 percent don't feel they have cut out Denmark for the rest of their lives but keeo a career or an education for their off-

spring in Denmark as an option . 85 percent would accept to

be registered and thereby receive mail from political parties and other promotional mails from Denmark


80 percent read daily Dan-

ish newspapers either in hard copy or on the internet


47 percent of the respondents still pay some taxes in Denmark ' 5,4 percent stale that saving

taxation on their assets was a contributing factor in moving abroad


The average respondent

lived 8 years outside Denmark


Many new companies ioin the Danish-Thai Chamber ew members have been pouring into the Danish

Thai Chamber of Commerce over the past few months.

The Chamber now covers a total of ... comoanies and ... indi-

vidual businessmen and


women. Some of the new members are cedainly not new to Thailand, but have previously not found it so interesting to join the Chamber. This goes for instance for Mr. Erik Kirkemann Nielsen, Managing Director of the Danbrew company, J. C. Bentzen A,/ S in Thailand, who has been involved in establishing all the Carlsberg breweries in Thailand. The latest brewery, the huge state of the aft Kamphaeng Phet plant, started production on Oclober 22,2001 exactly on time

as stioulated in the contract

pany, Elkraft Consult Thailand was established in 1997, but only now has Project Manager Svend Erik Jensen decided to join. Among the new companies is also a Thai-lcelandic company, Sea Viking Co. Ltd - which might well be the only lcelandic company in Thailand? The two Vikings are Mr. Jon Kristjansson and Mr. Elled Vigfusson. All the new members are:

Ter-Ma-Lou Ltd. 205/5 NaNai Road 83150 Phuket Tel:098715642

Fax076292382 Mr. Karsten Bo Andersen, Senior partner

signed 2 l12year ago. Another new member com-

J. C. Bentzen A,/S

349 Moo 2, Tambon Maelard Amphur Klong Klung Kamphaeng Phet 62120 Tel: 0 55728403 Fax0 55728404

Mr. Trolle Andersen,

Financial Director tka

Elkraft Consult Thailand l-5 Road Map Ta Phut Indus-

Mr. Erik Kirkemann Nielsen,

11 ,

Managing Director

trial Estate

da nbre w

@ /oxin fo.



New Wave Trailer 8l74Moo 6, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi. Tel 038 427 489 Fax 038 424704 Mr. Kurt H. Jakobsen

Amphur Muang Rayong 21 1 50 Tel 038 687 426 Tel 038 684 789 Mr. Svend Erik Jensen, Project Manager brens ven @ spt. ine t. co. th Sea Viking Co. Ltd

3 Eakachai

Aarsleff Thailand Limited

7612 Moo

3rd Floor Betagro Tower (North

Tambon Nadee, Amphur Muang,

Park) 323 Vibhavadi Rangsit

Samut Sakorn 74000

Rd., Laksi Bangkok 10210 Tel 662 955 0886-7 Fax 662 955 0885

Tel:034 413075-6 Fax:034 413074 Mr. Jon Kristjansson

www.aarsleff Mr. Julius Sturm,

Managing Director


Mr. Ellert Vigfusson


Danish Interpretation System 28413 Soi Yasoob

(Ekkamai soi 18) Klonton-Nua Wattana, Bangkok 10110

fel: 02382-2250 Fax'. Q2382-2249

Mr. Carsten Haack Nielsen Ms. Chiwarat Noojaem

Scandinavian Woodworking Machinery Co. Ltd. 24119-22 Moo 7, Bangna Trad km 16,5

ww\M.dancham.onth ne year after its launch on January 1, 2001, the

number of visitors to the website of the Danish-Thai

Chamber of


Commercially, the website has become a very profitable activity of the chamber as well. Throughout the year, the main

up for a supportive banner on the website for one year instead

of advertising in the Thai-Danish Trade News.

before Christmas, a new record

supported by Europaeiske, DFDS, GPV Group and Ad-

was set with 84 visitors on a

miral's Pub & Restaurant. In

At time of press, an adjustment was undenivay of the current design to create a more esthetical, more functional and faster loading site for the mem-

single day.

November, Maersk also signed

bers. keeps growing steadily. In the week


advertisers have been SAS, Danske Bank and ECCO Shoes,


Sign up for membership lnterested companies and individuals are welcome to ioin the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce.

An easy on-line form is

available on the website


ltl t'lliiirt lt t:i \il:ij :liliii




r )l







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"We do not want to be seen as a group that

carry complaints but as a body that proposes

for improvements and seek dialogue for a common goal," says JFCCT Chairman Peter van Haren.


JFCCT r a strong voice for al I Thai- Foreign Chambers ll foreign chambers of commerce in Thailand are members of the umbrella organisation JFCCT. Behind this acronym hides an active and important forum

for each and every chamber member. ln an interview with the ThaiFinnish Chamber magazine, the JFCCT Chairman, Mr. Peter Van

Haren explained the role of the JFCCT.

"lt stands for Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thai-

land and is the umbrella organization for the 22 foreign chambers of commerce and 3 business associations in Thailand," Mr. Van Haren says. "Allforeign chambers are legal entities, otficial groups, and each chamber oresident is a director to the Board of Trade of Thailand, BOT. Every chamber has an obligation to administer and manage the chamber according to its charter, and it shall also represent the requirements of its members to the govern-

ment and its agencies. The

ness act, customs, immigration

etc. All pafticipants are volunteers, except a secretary, they are dedicated and knowledgeable. We oursue our issues in regular meetings with Thai government agencies, for example the Revenue Depaftment, the Customs Department, the lmmigration Bureau, the Labour Department, the Ministry of Commerce. In addition we arrange JFCCT luncheons and dinners, like the recent one with Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra."

Give us some examples of issues that the JFCCT has dea/l wrth? "l like to begin with the Foreign Business Act, that replaced the

1972 Alien Business Law in March 2000. The old law was quite restrictive. We worked closely and directly with the past government to suggest improvements and measures in the new Foreign Business Act. The out-

come was a much more liberal legislation. The new administration has proposed amendments

JFCCT's role is to pursue issues that are global to all the members of the JFCCT." "We have two regular forms of activities. The monthly President's Council Meeting is our decision making body. Here we discuss and decide what issues we shall pursue. Then we have

to the law, some of which we feel

the FCCCC group which is


that are sometimes slow. The

task oriented forum, here we organize our work in sub committees and sub groups that deal with issues like the foreign busi-

JFCCT has, through talks with the Revenue Depaftment, es-


ing a refund request from a member is the outstanding amount promptly refunded by the Revenue Depaftment." "Customs issues were successfully dealt with during the previous administration and the former Director General of the Customs Department. Although we are currently pursuing continued good relationships with

ing regulation became strictly enforced, aftertalks we had with the lmmigration Bureau the in-

business and foreign direct in-

terpretation of the regulation

vestments. That has caused

eased again."

some frustration in the JFCCT. There has not been a clear government policy on foreign direct investment.

the Customs Department it is currently much more ditficult that it was in the past." "And we continuously bring up visa and work permit matters with the lmmigration Bureau and

the Labour Deoartment. Some time ago the 90 day visa report-

What do you te// members who wonder what use they may have of the JFCCT? "lf they have an issue that affect

their way of doing business in

Thailand there is probably a good chance that the issue is a common matter for all members in the JFCCT. Bring it up with

age foreign direct investment,

your chamber. In some in-

and we are currently having di-

stances the individual chamber can pursue the issue for you, sometimes the JFCCT is more fit to do it. Usually we engage in

ment about these issues."

"Another issue is tax ref

unds, be it VAT or corporate tax,

tablished a routine which means that if the JFCCT endorse in writ-

"l like to stress that we do not

want to be seen as a group that carry complaints but as a body that proposes ideas for improvements and seek dialogue for a common goal. Many of us are here for the long run. We are as eager to see Thailand prosper as any Thai. And we are very committed to Thailand." "Each time we have a new government we have to build new relations and gain new confidence and trust. During the first months into the new administration we got conflicting messages

are detrimental to our members and to Thailand as they discour-

rect discussions with the govern-

support of the largest investors in Thailand like Japan, the US, UK and Germany we carry a lot of weight.

global issues, such that are common for all members, and not in problems that are unique for one company or industry alone. And

as an organisation with almost 8000 members, including the full

regarding its view on foreign

For the first 6 months of 2001

FDI fell 30 oercent and the information we have at hand indicates a similar number for the second half of the year. The present Government recognizes this as a problem and also recognizes the impoftant role that the JFCCT and its members can play. Having said that, I see no major problems in the actual dia-

logue with the present government. When we ask for a meeting it takes place and when we invite speakers they come." Christer Nilsson

Arne L. Christensen 50 years rne L. Christensen, Managing Director of Carnitech Asia Limited, turns 50 years on

of the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Arne has always promoted, sponsored and supported the chamber's activities. This he

December 30, 2001. Arne is one of

has done without consideration for getting

the most wellknown Danes in not

his moneys worth but simply out of his deep feelings of commitment for the Chamber.

onlyThailand but allover South East Asia. He has travelled extensively in the region for among others Nordfab Co., Ltd. - today DISA - and settled

down permanently in Thailand in 1989 as Managing Director for

Arne L. Christensen in a relaxed mood after the succesful Christmas Lunch held at the Admiral Pub & restaurant in the beginning of December

Nordfab's subsidiary in Bangkok. Born in the smalltown of Virklund near Silkeborg in Jutland, Arne left his secondary school in Skave at the age of 17 to study at Odense Technical College on the island of Funen. He later took a degree in engineering from Aalborg in North Jutland, where he stayed on for 17 years. Because of his energy, straight fonivard approach and extraordinary high level of responsibility, Arne has never been out of a job. At one time he worked at a candle manufacturing plant in Mors, he has also tried his hand as a second car dealer. ln Aalborg, he worked for Meckman and later for his present group of companies, Carnitech. When not working, Arne has never missed an opportunity to have a good time with friends, Some claim he is partly responsible for the suc-

cess of the famous enteftainment street in Aalborg, Jomfru Ane Gade, where his depafture was sorely felt not least at the bottom line of some of the bars and restaurants... In Bangkok, one of his favorite olaces remain Check Inn 99 on Sukhumvit. When here or at private gettogethers Arne invariably becomes the center of the party, always cracking jokes and adding to the fun of the party. In his early years he neverforgot to collect the empty liquor bottles - then took them home to his Mom

so she had some proper bottles when making her homemade fruit

juice. His versatility makes him equally at ease at high levelfunctions as well as at raunchy Balut evenings.

Foi many years he played football with the Scandinavian Vikings, an interest that goes back to his early

years and which was crowned with two years as the coach of Borberg's

Boys Team during his years in

Santa Fe (Thalland) Co., Ltd. 207 Soi Saeng Uthai, Sukhumvit 50 Road, Kwang Prakanong, Khet Klongtoey, Bangkok 10250, Thalland Tel:

(662) 742 989G2 Faxt 16621 741 4089 E-mail: Website: hk Contact Erlk on 01 618 8382 for a Free Quotation E-mail:


Arne married "Noi" Tanasin in 1990 and became the proud father of Susanne later the same year. As one of the founding members















Mr Jimmy

Danish Christmas Service in Thailand


The special Danish service

he Danish community in Thailand on Sunday, De-

was held for the second con-

cember 9, 2001 celebrated a traditional Danish

secutive year and attracted more

Danes this year than in 2000, suggesting the tradition is here to stay. Later, on December 24,the

Christmas service in the tropical

garden of the Scandinavian Church in Bangkok on Sukhumvit soi 33. Flying in to hold the sermon was the Danish Seamen's Priest from Singapore, Mr. Eskild Pedersen who arrived straight from

full Scandinavian community celebrated Christmas together in

Christ Church on Soi Convent, where pan of the scripture was read by the Danish Ambassador to Thailand, Mr. Ulrik HelwegLarsen. Afteruvards, the Scandi-

Jakafta, where he had held a similar service for the Danish community in Indonesia. After the service, the community enjoyed a hot and spicy glass of glogg sponsored by the Royal Danish Embassy and for

.lettsen v,'il.l be re.joirting

the grown-ups, who stayed on for a chat, Danish smorrebrod

navian Society Siam served a glass of wine.

Successfu I Ch ristmas Bazaar Tltc Atnbttssudor openttl the bo:.crar

vith Birgirte Hehriglt (behind).




2002 returned to his roots when he took up his new position as Marketing Manager of DFDS Transport (Thai) Ltd. When Mr. Jensen 7 years ago came to Thailand he was an apprentice of Jumbo Shipping, the company that is now DFDS Transoort.

Jimmy Jensen has throughthe time been working in the freight forwarding industry and upon his return brings with him an impressive experience of the local market. DFDS Transport (Thai) Ltd. is also announcing the appointment of Jacob E. Ferre to the new position of Business Devel-

opment Manager. Jacob Ferre



held various posi-

tions in the company in Thailand for the past 2 years prior to this promotion. Jacob Ferre was formerly with Dan Transport

in Denmark.

n', C lt tr tn.s .t lt t t1 t1 i t 2 ttttd Dttnislt Sttntn Cltttrs.

I ( )

Jimmy Jensen on January


and a glass of beer was serued while the children had cookies and soft drinks.

unday, November 25 November, the Dan ish Women's Network once again ar ranged their traditional Christmas Bazaar in the garden of the Royal Danish Embassy residence. All enjoyed delicious Danish food, bought plenty of lottery tickets and shopped for Christmas gifts. Inqtressitms ofu great dat titlt

Two DFDS promotions


Networking nights The After-Board-Meeting evenings at the balcony of the Admiral Pub & Restaurant on Sukhumvit soi 18, where a number s,l

, i.i

of members join once every month to work through a beer or

two have become a welcome break in a busy week and a nice chance for all members to have

a good time with new and old friends and listen to the latest issues discussed at the preced-

ing board meeting. Next networking evening will

take place on Thursday, January 17, 2002. ln February, it's Vi har Danmarks bedste priser og biludvalg til dig som udlandsdansker. Ring, fax eller e-mail og fA et godt tilbud pA din feriebil i Danmark.

Avis ReservationsOenter Telefon: +45 33 26 80 80 Telefax: +45 33 26 80 81 E-mail:


Thursday the 21st. No signup is reouired in advance.

te r

til falles

Hertz og

Lone Hertz kept her audience captured with her inten,te performance touching on both light and serious sub.iects. When a member oJ the audience dared to cough, he was

immediately offered a Stepsil.

"Visit Our Factory Shop"

Lone Hertz in Thailand Over fifty Danes in Thailand enjoyed a very special evening on November 26,2001listening to an inspiring performance by the multi-talented Danish artist, Lone Hertz at the Sukhothai Hotel. The evening was sponsored by Jyske Bank Private Banking and preceded by an introduction to private banking as otfered by the bank.

LEGO to make TV for children Lego has joined forces with British TV company BBC to launch its debut television series, "Little Robots" for pre school children. Cunently in production, the first 52 ten minute programs will be shown in


Opening Hours for Factory Shop: Monday - Friday 9.00 AM. Saturdav Sundav 9.00 AM.

the US and Australia beginning in January 2003.

It is the first time Billund-based Lego has used television as an enter-

- 6.00 PM. - 4.00 PM.

Tel.: 0-3571-6601 Fax: 0-3571-6615-6

tainment format for children.



UDIES / OENTS (3 sulis)

Laleet & Flnost lhpoded Wool, Sllk & Llnen

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Opsn daily at 8 am-l1 pm, Sundey at 9 sm-l1 ph. 92113 Taw€ewong Rosd rlght ne{ to Baan Thai Hotel TEL: 0-7634-4761-3, o-1919-2533, o-1927-5099


Phuket: 92l15-17 Thaveewong Road, Soi Dr Wattana, Patong Beach, Phuket 831 50 Tel: (076)

345-727-31 Fa: (076) 345-732

lvlobile: 01-919 2533. 01-374 0046


Successful Chamber Christmas Lunch ver 60 merry Members

After thc lunch,

of the Danish Thai

the members moved outside on Ihe terrace for a chnt and an extra beer or two.

Chamberof Commerce on Tuesday December 4 celebrated Christmas with a gorgeous and lively luncheon at the Admiral's Pub & Restaurant in Sukhumvit Soi 18.

During the event, which spilled into the early evening night for quite a number of the participants, a lottery was drawn

for a range of goods and services sponsored by generous members. An SAS business class ticket - one of the main prizes, went to Mrs. Charlotte Donvang Parks.

Photos from the popular event was next morning available on the website of the Cham-

ber, where

they are still available in the news archive section.

to -

Michael Schulz ( standing) evaluating the success of the event with Peter Linnemann. The two had been organizing the Christmas Lunch.

President Tom Sorensen

announcing the winner of the SAS ticket, Charlotte Parks (centre).

Danish-Thai Chamber AGM scheduled for March 6, 2402 The Annual General Meeting of the Danish Thai Chamber

of Commerce will be held early this year. The popular event will take place on March

6, 2002 and in keeping with tradition, the Danish Ambas-

sador Mr. Ulrik Helweg-Larsen and his wife Cristina have offered to host the event in their residence within the Danish Embassy compound. Aoart from the official function of the AGM, the event will

comprise of a dinner and a speech held by a specially invited guest speaker. Not yet a member? Sign in on-line on the website of the Danish-Thai Chamber of Com-


BECOME A MEMBER OF TIIE DANISH.THAI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FiIl in this coupon to receive further information and a full application form for membership.

Mail or fax the coupon to: Contact Name: Company name: Address:




Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce 140212 l4th Fl., Glas Haus 1 Sukhumvit 25 Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel.: (66 2) 66r-7762 Fax: (66 2) 661-7764-5 Email contact@dancham.





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history. lt By placing an order for 23 new Airbus aircraft, we embarked on the biggest expansion in our ledged a f ully-f from expect they services the providing with customers confirms our commitment to

intercontinental airline.

Our new Airbus A34O and A33O aircraft brings new levels of comfort and convenience for our intercontinental passengers. The benefits include wider seats, better sound comfort in the cabin and an and individual choice of inflight entertainment. Business Class passengers can help themselves to food by Royal supplied tableware new beverages from a buffei and their meals are served on exquisite of comfort Scandinavia. We also introduce a new class, Economy Extra, offering flexibility and a higher lever than Economy Class. Every seat The upgraded Economy Class feature designer seats with adjustable neck-rests and foot-rests' popular 9 movies, current showing channels 12 featuring monitor video individual an is equippei with games, a landscape camera and 18 sound channels' our expansion offers you new planes, new places to fly and new products. Welcome onboard.

It's Sean lnav!al"r A srAR ALLTANoE

veveen ,ft-

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