Thai-Danish Trade News - May 2003

Page 1

Danish Thai Chamber of C Vrrl. l0 Ntr. 3 May 2003



Embassy 0859-t229

Thai-Danish Trade News is Dublished and dislributed to selected Thai and Scandinavian buslness executlves and otficials with an interest in Thai-Danish relations by Danish-Thai Chamber ol Commerce, Royal Danish Embassy and Scand-Media Corp., Ltd.

@ Danish-Ihai Chamber ol Commerce

Tom Sorensen

1402/214th Fl , Glas Haus 1 Sukhumvit 25 Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel,: (66) 0 266'1 7762 Fax: (66) 0 2661 7764-5 E-mail: contact@ dancham orth

President Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce

President lvlr Tom Sorensen lvob: +66 (0) 1656 7497 E-mail: president@ dancham orlh

Equal treatment to all of us, please!

legal Aduisor Mr Santhapat Periera


& Gibbins lnternational Ltd Tel: +66 (0) 2263 7700 Fax: +66 (0) 2263 7710 E-mail: santhapat @tillekeandgibbins com

Thailand must grant Most Favoured Nation treatment to all members of WTO by 1st January 2005 according to its commitments with WTO under the General Agreement on Trade in Services. There is however a major problem.

teasurer Mr Soren Presmann Presmann (Thailand) Co, Ltd Tel : +66 (0) 29621151 Fax: +66 (0) 29621152 E-mail: soren@presmann co th

Thailand has given US companies preferential treatment for years and years under The Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations. The United States is the only country with which Thailand has such a treaty. Because of this status given to US companies Thailand has yet to comply with its "equal treatment" commitment. To comply, Thailand must give equal legal treatment to both US firms and other foreign firms in Thailand by the end of next year.

Foreign Chambers'

Goordinating Gommittee l\41 Peter Emil Bomhild Berli Jucker Public Co , Ltd Tel : 166 (0) 2367 '11 11 Fax: 166 (0) 2367 1000 E-mail: bjc@berlijuckerco th

The Treaty of Amity was signed on 29th May 1968 (2509 B.E.) by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Thanat Khoman and the US Ambassador to Thailand Graham Martin. lt was at a time of a Vietnam war and at a time where relations were close between the two countries There are two major benefits of the Treaty:

Members Mr Henrik Friis DISA (Thalland) Ltd Tel : +66 (0) 27143989 Fax: +66 (0) 27143983 E-mail: disath@disa co th

Media Committee l\4r Jorgen lb Hedes (Committee Chairperson) Sun Paratech Co , Ltd Tel : +66 (0) 3522 10 1 0-8 Fax: +66 (0) 3522 1019 E-mail: floorings@access inet co th l\4r Allan Jensen APV (Thailand) Ltd Tel : +66 (0) 2367 5341 -6 Fax: +66 (0) 2367 501 E-mail: ajensen@apvco uk

l\4r Bent Bjorlin Hansen XponCard International (Thailand) Ltd Tel : +66 (0) 2636 7890 Fax: +66 (0) 2636 6699 E-maili beh@th xponcard com

Events Committee Nlr Prasansak Suwanpotipra (Committee Chairperson) Danfoss (Thailand) Co, Ltd

Tel: +66 (0) 2379 9800 Fax: +66 (0) 2379 9801 E-mail: prasansak


dantos com

lvlr Vitoon Lefort VL Intertrade Co , Ltd Tel : (66) 0 2541 6043-7 Fay (66) 0 2541 5786 E-mail: vitoon @ likeitcollection com l\ilr, Kristian Slrand Nokia (Thailand) Lld

rel | +66 (0) 2842 7 020 Fax: +66

(O) 2248 8259 E-mail: kristian strand@nokia com


. The Treaty allows American companies to maintain a majority shareholding or to wholly own its company, branch office or representative office located in Thailand . American companies receive national treatment in Thailand. That is, they may engage in business on the same basis as Thai comoanies. and are exempt from most of the restrictions on foreign investment imposed by the Foreign Business Act. It replaced and terminated the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation signed in Bangkok some 30 years earlier. But the two countries are not unfamiliar with treaties. A Treaty of Amity and Commerce was exchanged as far back as 1833 (1 194 B.E.) and starts like this: "His Majesty the Sovereign and Magnificent King in the City of Sia-Yut'hia, has appointed the Chau Phaya-Phraklang, one of the first Ministers of State, to treat with Edmund Robefis, Minister of the United States of America " Each year, between eighty and one hundred businesses register under the Treaty. Most of

the registrants are in the service industry and law. In order to qualify under the Treaty of Amity, one need only be American and register with the Thai authorities. Some US companies prefer instead to take advantage of the Board of Investment privileges and choose not to register under the Treaty. The Thai government has yet to take an official position on the Treaty's future. Tom Sorensen


Royal Danish Embassy Commercial Section, 10 Soi Attakarn Prasit Sathorn Tai, Bangkok 1 0500 Thailand Tel : (66) 0 2343 1100 Fax: (66) 0 221 3 1 752 Ms Tine Hylleberg Commercial Counsellor

Graphic Production & Marketng Scand-l\/edia Corp Ltd 4/41 -42 l\.4oo 3, Thanyakarn Village,

Baminlra Soi 14, Bangkok 10230 Tel : (66) 0 2943 7166-8 Fax: (66) 0 2943 7169 E-mail: scandmedia @scandmedia com




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Temporary cuts in daily flights to Copenhagen Scandinavian Airlines SAS has

reduced the number of flights between Bangkok and Copenhagen to four departures per week until 9 August.

Flights from Bangkok to Copenhagen will during this pe-

riod depart from Bangkok on Mondays (check-in Sunday night), Tuesdays (check-in Monday night), Thursdays (check-in Wednesday night) and Satur-

days (check-in Friday night). Flights from Copenhagen to Bangkok will during the same period depart from Copenhagen

on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. "lt has been necessary for

economic reasons during this period to adjust the schedule," says Axel Blom, General Manager Thailand & Indochina. The flights between Singapore and Bangkok, which were

temporarily suspended on


May, will be resumed on 21 May

and follow the schedule above with departures from Bangkok to Singapore on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and back later the same dav.

New Maersk MD in Bangkok

Sus anne Tbft e g aard

Hans en,

Project Manager of Green City DenmarkNS led the Danish environmental delegation to Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur

Green City in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur - There was in particular

potential business paftners for

Thai interest in biomass energy solutions, says Susanne Toftegaard Hansen, Project Manager of Green City Denmark A,/S, who led the Danish environmental delegation to Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.

one-on-one contact meetings for

By Gregers Moller The Danish Environmental Days in Thailand in early April was a

major success with 200 Thai guests participating in the two day arrangement in which 20

Peter S. Linnemann, Maersk

Danish companies participated.

Bangkok Branch Managing Director, has after only a few years in Thailand been promoted to a new top job in Europe.

The sector seminars held

the Danish companies during the two days. While most of these were initial meetings, at least one of the Danish oarticipants in the delegation, Sloth Moller A/S seemed to have found a Thai oartner for a future

cooperation. The company, Intercotton Weaving, held a sec-

subjects covered by the exhibition were likewise held here. Both Malaysia and Thailand have experienced growing energy consumption and increased environmental problems in re-

cent years due to economic growth and urbanisation. And both countries are very conscious about the effects. Energy efficiency and renewable energy

ond meeting with Sloth Msller during the days in Bangkok about the Danish company's

chaoters are included

solutions for cleaner technology for textile industry. Also Green City Denmark itself had a successful visit. The organisation has entered an

adopted plans to save energy. The delegation had been very well prepared starting with

agreement with Berli Jucker Public Co., Ltd. to represent

in Malaysia's current S-year plan,

and Thailand has already

an Asian Market Place event during the DanMiljo 2002 environmental exhibition last year. Before the delegations'arrival in

over the two days covered wa-

Green City Denmark in Thailand

April, press releases and promo-

ter and wastewater, waste man-

and Susanne Toftegaard Han-

agement, energy and cleaner

sen says she expects this to give

tion of the events had also resulted in good media attention

His successor, Michel Deleuran comes, straight from a similar job with Maersk in the

technology for industries. "Some of the subjects were

a boost to the efforts of Green City Denmark to promote Dan-

both in Thailand and Malaysia To follow up on the initiative,

obviously of major interest," says

Susanne Toftegaard Hansen of Green City Denmark A/S who

ish environmental technology in Thailand.

selected delegations will nowj

Philippines. After working in his native Denmark, Michel has be-

fore arriving Thailand been

led the delegation of twenty companies, while Tine Hylleberg, Commercial and Economic Counsellor at the Royal

Green City Denmark to Malaysia where a national Danish pavilion was arranged at the inter-

tioned in Rotterdam and

Danish Embassy had been in charge of the successful local

national exhibition Water & Drainage 2003 held at the

Central Europe, among others including the countries Nether-


"After the energy seminar,

PWTC from 28 to 30 April. The exhibition was the first of its kind

on the environmental sector,

posted by A.P. Moller to Egypt, Taiwan and Singapore. Peter Linnemann will be stain charge of all Maersk activities in

lands, Benelux and Germanv.

Ten of the Danish companies in the delegation continued with



invited to visit Denmark. These .'l return delegations will include visits to some of the participating Danish companies, selected demonstration plants, and Danish authorities. The Commercial Section of

the Royal Danish Embassy, Bangkok, has produced a report

many questions were asked re-

and covered typical Danish

which is fully accessible from the

garding biomass solutions as

strong expeitise areas like wa-

well as Danish energy saving solutions," she says.

ter supply, waste water treat-

website of the embassy, http://

The Embassy had selected

Special seminars related to the

ment, sewage and drainage.


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Tfi! SkandiaBank Swltzerland

I believe we have

DISA Thailand


takes over the complete DISA portfolio





SARS is a disease will remain with us

for a long time,"


Dr Bjorn Melgaard who is IeadingWHO's ffice in Bangkok covering the Mekong subregion.

DISA Thailand Co. Ltd. took on 1 May 2003 over the full market

responsibility for the complete portfolio of the DISA Group. The porlfolio includes - in addition to the DISA Filter Technology - the full market responsibility for the Foundry and Shot Blast Products of the DISA Grouo from the former agent Advance Euro Co. Ltd., Bangkok.

Mr. Suttichai Maneeraatpongsuk, Sales Manager Foundry & Metal Industry, who joined DlSAThailand as of May 1, 2003, will serue customers in this segment where he has already previous experience.

Danish computer game firm hits the big time

fighting SARS Danish Dr. Bjorn Melgard, head of WHO's office in Bangkok covering the Mekong subregion, is at the forefront of the fighl against the mysterious respiratory disease, SARS.

Thai teenagers playing computer games on Internet cafe's all over the country may very well be playing Danish developed games. Danish software

firm lo lnteractive has had

Danish WHO doctor


By Lasse Norgaard

Dr. Bjorn Melgaard's


changed dramatically the day the first reports came a new, mysterious disease in Hanoi. I

major success with "Hitman 2: SilentAssassin" released in October last year. This game was a follow-up release to the origi-

World Health Organization's of-

nal "Hitman: Code 47" from

fice in Bangkok, and we had

2000. Since its launch till 1. March this year, lo Interactive has sold 1,84 million copies of the game and lo Interactive expects sales to continue throughout the year. A new game from the company, "Soldiers of Libefty" was introduced in May. lo Interactive's turnover has rocketed from DKK 28.8 million (USD 4.2 million) in 2001 to DKK

had been interviewing him a few

months before about his challenging work as head of the

been talking aboutthe economic

development in Asia and the public health issues related to this development. After the outbreak of SARS, scheduling a follow-up interview seemed almost imoossible. And when we finally met, we were interrupted every ten minutes. His regular daily schedule has changed to a working day of now typically 12 -15 hours. He has

97.6 million (USD 14.2 million) in 2002, the best result in the

held countless meetings with

company's 5 year history. In 2002 lo Interactivp's pre-tax orofit was DKK 39.2 million

cials, teleconferences in the middle of the night with col-

(USD 5.7 million)compared with a somewhat more modest DKK 123,000 (USD 18,000) in 2001 .

and answered up to 20 calls

Government ministers and offi-

leagues from around the world from journalists.

"We simply had no idea, what we were dealing with. lt certainly looked like an infectious disease, but it was difficult to talk about treatment and containment without knowing anything else about the disease." For Bjorn Melgaard, SARS

country's tourism and export industries. In this respect, WHO has only been an obseruer although the organization has put pressure on the authorities to reveal correct and full information to the public. As the virus which causes

became more than a orofes-

the infection was identified

sional challenge when his col-

search for a vaccine could begin but it is still not completely clear how the virus is spreading. 'The containment measures imolemented in most countries seem to work. Therefore I don't believe we will se a world wide pan-epidemic with thousands of deaths. But it is too early to declare that an epidemic has been avoided," Dr. Melgaard warns. "l believe we have to face that SARS is a disease which will remain with us for a long time." Dr. Bjorn Melgaard got the job in Bangkok after five years as Director of the WHO depart-

league from Vietnam died. The Italian doctor had been the first to alert the medical community that the world may face a new serious disease. When he later caught the disease himself and was hospitalized in Bangkok, Dr. Melgaard visited him daily. "lt has been a serious challenge that so many health workers have been infected. In some countries almost half the cases have been doctors and nurses. It

creates anxiety among the pro-

fessional staff and it outs their ethical obligations to the test," Dr. Melgaard explains.

"lt has been encouraging, that most personnel has reacted calmly and continued their du-

ties," he says, adding that he himself has at no time since the outbreak been overly worried but


ment in Geneva which made him one of the highest placed Danes within the UN system. In my first interview, I asked

him why he had applied for the

of course he took his orecau-

job in Bangkok. "The workload in my job in

tions when visiting his dying colreague.

job had been organized and

SARS has also raised other ethical ouestions. Several countries have been in a difficult di-

lemma between protecting their

"At first, the unceftainty of

population by containing the spread of SARS while at the

not knowing what we were facing was the worst," he recalls.

same time trying to avoid any panic which might damage the

Geneva was enormous. But the

what remained was mainly to keep it going. That's typically when I start getting bored. I am an entrepreneur. I need new challenges all the time."

That challenge he has certainly got with the outbreak of SARS.


LV Technology on SET <4

LV Technology will in June to be introduced on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The SET introduction is the latest development of the company, which has experienced an amazing growth since it was established by Hans Jorgen Nielsen less than five years ago based on his own invention first implemented at a cement factory in Indonesia.

"AJ'ew years ago


offered FLS to buy into LV Technology. I was willing to sell half of the shares. The deal was never concluded, but


qt that time FLS had taken up my offer they

would already have had a full return on their investment," Hans Jorgen Nielsen smiles.

By Bjarne Wildau At the height of the Asian crisis,

a German contractor cancelled an assignment to upgrade an

Regional Representative for the

typically produce the technical design on the renovation. The actual implementation will then be caried out by local engineering companies contracted by the cement

Danish cement machinery

plant itself.

Indonesian cement factory. The

company then turned to Mr. Hans Jorgen Nielsen, whom they knew from his past job as

manufacturer FLS. That became the start of LV Technology, which over an impressively short period of time has moved up into the ranks of the largest Danish companies in Thailand. Since 1998, the company has doubled - year on year - both its turnover and its number of employees. When Hans Jorgen Nielsen was asked to take on the job in Indonesia, he was given a free hand to implement his unique design of the separator which is

the last station before the raw material enters the mill. When completed, his calculations proved to hold. The plant not only saved raw material, they also made a substantial savings

on their energy consumption, which is one of the major costs for all cement plants world wide. "We achieved the planned savings in both raw material and energy. Consequently the investment in implernenting this

new design was paid back in less than a year. An improvement in the quality of the manufactured cement turned out to be an unexpected free added benefit.


"The timing was pedect. In

share caoital in the new com-

times of economic recess,

pany was a mere 2 mill. Baht. Today, LV Technology em-

manufacturers start focus on cost saving measures and become more cost conscious. So they were all ready to listen

when we explained what we could do for them." Today, LV Technology has

been contracted to oerform more than 200 similar and other renovations of cement factories in Asia as well as in other parts of the world. LV Technology will

typically produce the technical design on the renovation. The actual imolementation will then be carried out by local engineering companies contracted by the

cement plant itself. When establishing his com-

pany, Hans Jorgen Nielsen chose Bangkok where some of his first major orders for his former employer FLS were obtained. His first registration of

ploys 60 people of whom five are

Scandinavians. Most are em-

ployed on a profit sharing scheme which rewards personal results. "Only five of our people have

left us over the close to five years, we have been established," he adds. "Most of our people are employed on local conditions. That makes us highly competitive on special jobs tailor made to each individual client - jobs which the major players on the world market cannot undertake." "We don't have any unions to hold back our growth either. We just have to ensure that each person is satisfied and functions

well in a meaningful job,"


adds. Recently, LV Technology has

started to diversify into other business sectors. The first designs for a mining company have

been implemented in South Africa with a oositive result. Looking into his calendar,

travel plans for the next few months are scheduled to as diverse countries as lran, Indonesia, Greece, Lebanon and Bra-


The move to introduce LV Technology on the Stock Exchange is intended to finance a continuation of the rapid expansion of the company. "A few years ago I offered FLS to buy into LV Technology.


was willing to sell half of the shares. The deal was never con-

cluded, but if at that time FLS had taken up my offer, they would already have had a full return on their investment," Hans

Jorgon Nielsen smiles.


Mr Ulrik


\rl (J


GPV Asia

Danish Ambassador to Thailand, measure the length of the new longest Lego structure in the world.

- total solutions

and sourcing


Thailand sets new world record for longest Lego structure By Teerapong Yodwanlop

Lego bricks for building the longest Lego millipede were ear-

Thai people joined hands to build a 1,052-metre-long Lego millipede to break the earlier record of 1,014 metres set in Australia. The last segment of the new longest Lego structure was fitted by Danish Ambassador to Thailand H.E. Mr. Ulrik Helweg-Larsen and Thai Justice Minister Pongthep Thepkanjana

on Aoril 27 in lronl of World Trade Center in Bangkok. Jointly initiated by Thai government and private agencies in-

cluding the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) and

Lego distributor in Thailand, Diethelm & Co., Ltd., the attempt was part of the campaign to build

resistance against drug addiction by strengthening family ties. It is also aimed at raising funds for ONCB's drug control activities.

lier distributed to various agencies: schools in Bangkok and its perimeter, government and private agencies, NGOs, and children foundations to build mod-

ules of body parts and feet. These modules were fitted together on the record breaking date before the finishing touch

was made by Mr. HelwegLarsen and Mr. Pongthep. The new longest Lego millipede consisted of more than 2.5 million Lego bricks and was rec-

GPV Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is the headquarters for the GPV Group's activities in Asia and is an important part of the GPV Global Sourcing & Contracting concept. The company is specialised in high-quality production of Metal parts, Cabinets and Enclosures, High precision machined parts, Wire harnish, Electronic and Mechanical assembly Complete customer solutions.

The GPV Group is a knowledge based technology and outsourcing partner who focus on long term strategic partnerships. The GPV Group has headquarters in Denmark and several factories in Denmark and other European countries as well as in Asia.

GPV Asia capabilities: Mechanic production: Shearing, CNC punching, CNC Laser cutting, CNC bending, Stamping, Welding, CNC Machining, CNC Turning, CMM measuring, Powder painting, Printing, Electrical wiring and Full assembly of products.

Electronic production: Cable & Wire configuration, Wire harnish, Electronic assembly with automatic SMT line, Autoinsertion and manual lines, lC and FunctionTest, Complete Electronic and Electro-mechanic assembly. R&D department with mechanic and electronic engineers.

GPVAsia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Moo 4, Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Soi 6 Phraksa, Sukhumvit Road, Samutprakarn 10280, Thailand Tel. (+66) 2 709 2550 -1 Fax (+66) 2'7 09 2555 I 7 09 2564 29'7

E-mail: Homepage:

ognized by Guinness World Records as the world's longest Lego structure. Lego is the world's largest

manufacturer of construction toys. This one-brand company has its origin in Denmark in the 1930s, and its products are sold all over the globe.

Scandinavian week scheduled for Bangkok this November The Shangri-La Hotelwill host a Scandinavian Week in Bangkok


from Monday 24th November

the brainchild of Swedish entrepreneur Hans Wetterberg. lt has been arranged all overthe world since the first event took place 1988 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For more information about

until Saturday 29th November

2003. Danish Executive Chef Lars Kyllesbech will serve the Scandinavian Christmas Table from his own Restaurant "Knude Dyb" in Esbjerg, Denmark. Entertainment will be provided by Helsinki Jazz Phantoms from Finland accompanied by singer Majken Christiansen from Nor-

The Scandinavian Week is

the arrangements, bookings and



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Multi Level Marketing combined with the lnternet By Gregers Moller After 12 years of living and working for a big lT company in Paris it was about time for Bo Kristensen to move on. Half a year ago, the 38 year old Dane moved to Bangkok which he first

discovered while visiting the country as a tourist.

"l came here in 2002 as back-packer together with

a a friend and unexpectedly realized that there is indeed a world out-

side Europe. We travelled around the country for three months and during this time I happened to meet some French expatriates who seemed to have a nice and interesting life here.

Then I started looking for job opportunities - and here I am." 'Here' is in the BB Building on Asoke, where he has joined two Germans who have set up

their companies, SoftControl and WebControl out of the same

office on the 19th floor in the building. In fact, this was the first company he talked to regarding a job in Thailand.

"The chemistry was right, so why look any further?" he asks. Bo Kristensen's title is Busi-

ness Development Manager, and currently he is developing new business together with United Consulting Group, which

is a Danish owned company in Thailand established by Michael Sarfelt in January this year. The company was originally founded in Denmark by his father Allan Sarfelt but is now run by his two

sons. While Michael Sarfelt's older brother Jan is in charge of the company back in Denmark, Michael is busy setting up the company in Thailand. "We are specialized in Multi Level Marketing viathe Internet,"

Bo Kristensen explains. "The products are body and beauty products including nutrition, health care and weight control oroducts. We obtain the active permission of our customers to contact them regarding these products via our website on the internet. They find this website by clicking on our banners placed on some of the most

popular websites in Thailand." The sales force is organized in multi level teams. "We are already 48 people in the organisation. I expect this number to grow to 120 people by December. They are all employed on a strictly commission based salary related to their own sales volume and to the performance of their own teams," Bo Kristensen explains. "The beauty of these products is, that they are basically insensitive to the general business climate," he adds. Bo Kristensen's soecial expertise lies in establishing the web based "oermission centre" where the customers give their consent to be contacted and indicate their interest. This information is then maintained in the CRM (Customer Relations Management) System, which is one

cific needs. My job in WebControl is mainly to create awareness of what our CRM solution can do for a company regardless of which market they are operating in," Bo Kristensen exolains. "ln a sense it is good old fashioned customer care. In the

old days, the grocery store owner would remember that Mrs. Smith bought a new face cream and when he meets her three weeks later he will say "l see the cream is really good for your skin, Mrs. Smith!" And then sell her a new jar." WebOontrol was established in 1997 by Svend Neilson, who

- despite his


sounding name - is a German.

Apart from its CRM solution, WebControl also offers to implement its own content manage-

nesses in Thailand. "lt's an in-house developed system which WebControl modi-

ment system for maintaining websites including an e-commerce solution. Prominent clients include DaimlerChrysler, the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bayer, UN ESCAP

fies for each client to fit their spe-

and the Accor hotel group.

of the cornerstones in what WebControl offers other busi-

<< "My job inWebControl is mainly to create awareness of what our in-house developed CRM solution can do for a c ompany re g ardle s s of which market they are operating in," says Bo Kristensen seen here with some of the programmers of the company.


Internet onboard SAS flights

Frank Hansen enters new business with Thailand

In 2004, Scandinavian Airlines plans to become the first airline to offer Internet connection on board intercontinental flights. "Our home market is the world's most lT-dense region, so it is completely natural that we want to offer travelers the opportunity to use electronic equipment whenever possible," says Ulf Ingnas, head of Product Management In-flight, Scandinavian Airlines. Scandinavian Airlines has also just allowed the use of some mobile phone functions during flight. In the so-called flightsafe mode, the mobile phone is switched on without sending or receiving signals and won't therefore affect flight security.

It is the latest mobile phones, such as

the Sony Ericsson P800, which have this flight-safe mode. With this, the traveler on board a SAS flight can use a mobile phone to update his or her diary, write e-mail and take notes, edit documents, play games, lis-

ten to music and even take photos with a built-in camera - everything except make a phone call. "The objective is to meet the demand of customers to be able to work and communicate while traveling on land or in the air," says Ulf Ingnas.

By Gregers Moller Frank Hansen, Managing Direc-

tor of Ami Asia Grouo until his move back to Denmark last year has together with his wife Hjordis

moved to Ribe in Denmark, where he is involved in a newly established company within solar energy. The company is based initially on three R&D engineers while production will be


outsourced to a subsidiary in Bangkok.

Frank Hansen is Sales & Marketing Manager of the new company officially registered on 1 April 2003 as well in charge also of coordinating the production in Thailand, which will bring

him to Bangkok on business trips more frequently in the future. In the nearby town of Gram, Hjordis Hansen has taken up a position as supervisor within the municipal health care administration.

Kaj Larsen retires atter 43 years in DESMI


From the dii'ersity

Asla emerges

One Company One Vision

15th September 1960 was a special day for Kaj Larsen. lt was the day he started working at DESMI in Aalborg, Denmark. After so many years of work nearly 43 years - he has decided to take early retirement with effect from 1st July 2003. However, his last day at DESMI was 9 May 2003. His new email is kai.larsen @


()ne Commitment Website: E-mail:

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GPV Thailand moves

electronics to new building By Gregers Moller

GPV (Thailand) will June this year move into a new building

<< JackRaunsingand

Suan LaSalle in Sukhumvit Soi

105 where GPV has rented a

Bjorn Fiskers showing

total of seven apartments not too far from the factory.

across from its existing building

Down stairs on the factory

within the ABB compound in Bangpoo Industrial Estate

floor, things are likewise moving

Thai-Danish Trade News the many new machines which after the move of all

fast for GPV. In March, a new turning machine arrived and in

workwill get

May, another turning machine of

more space.

Southeast of Bangkok, bringing its total sq.m. of factory and administrative space up to 11,000 so.m. GPV will re-locate its current

electronic assembly line to the ground floor of the new building, which covers a total of 3,000 sq.m. as well as all the current cabling fitting work and establish one more electronic assembly line.

Come April next year, GPV

will further take over another 3,000 sq.m on the second floor of the new building, and for future expansion, GPV has obtained an ootion to rent an additional 6,000 sq.m within the compound.

"Our current staff of 240 people will by year end have grown to 340 people," says Jack

Raunsing, who together with Factory Manager Bjorn Fiskers

took Thai-Danish Trade News on a tour of the current factory and the almost completed new

a different brand followed. These two new machines make it possible for GPV to offer turning of products up to 52 mm in diameter as well as increases the general capacity. In June, two new grinding machines are scheduled to arrive as well as two new bending machines and currently under customs clearing are eight new welding units.

Two large, fully automatic machines for cutting of holes in metal plates were also recently relocated from GPV's main factory in Denmark to Thailand. Also the quality control section of the factory has been expanded with a new electronic 3D

measuring machine three times the size of the existing. The intake of so many new machines - before the electronic

electronics related

department has been able to move over into the adjacent new

building - gives a rather messy impression of the factory floor.

But Bjorn Fiskers and Jack Raunsing assures that everything will soon resume its usual squeaky clean and tidy state. The expansion of the electronics division moving over into the new building - where also GPV's reception will be relocated, has been approved for special privileges by the BOl. "The tax incentives facilitating duty free import of raw materials is of most importance, but also the easing of the work permit procedures for the expatriate staff is a real benefit," savs


Jack Raunsing. As part of GPV (Thailand)'s rapid development as a preferred outsourcing partner for a range of European manufacturers, an increasing number of Thai staff are given the chance to travel overseas to visit the clients, Jack Raunsing explains. "We want to be involved as early as possible in the plans of our customers. When our technical staff visits them, they are

often able to suggest small changes in the design or function of the product, which makes it easier and thereby cheaper for us out here to produce the parts and at the same time will increase the quality of the clients'

final product."

factory. With the promotion in Aprilof

Hans Danielsen, GPV's C.O.O for the past four years to a new job back in Denmark, a new leader team has now been established. The members of this group


Factory Manager Bjorn

Fiskers, Sales and Adm. Manager Jack Raunsing, Purchasing

Manager Suree Niyomsilp, Johnny Drejer in charge of new prolect development, QA Man-

ager Arnupap Siriphan and Rapeporn Lapayanun in charge of Finance and Accounting. "We have set up this new management team on purpose

to have an equal balance of three Danes and three Thais," explains Bjorn Fiskers, who has been working with GPV (Thailand) for little over a year now.

Like all the Danes working for GPV (Thailand) he lives in Ban


!i ir F-,

Fcco Thailand opens advl warehouse and distri butic By Gregers Moller

Ecco Shoes on Wednesday 9

persuade Ecco and Pan Group

to relocate all their oroduction

ing Director Kitti Chaiwatta-

The expansion of the production line will accommodate

bases to Thailand to make this country the most impofiant global hub for the shoe-making industry world wide. In South East Asia, Ecco's first production facility was established in Indonesia. This factory has likewise been expanding steadily over the years and currently, Ecco plans to continue

natorn and Danish Ambassador

the growing demand expected at

this expansion by installing a

Ulrik Helweg-Larsen. The warehouse is probably the most advanced distribution center in Thailand and the first to receive investment privileges from the Board of Investment. The entire facility is computer controlled by a system which is connected to the customers, allowing them to access the information and placing orders online any time of the day. The shoes

3,6 mill. pairs this year. A new robot for injecting the rubber in a mould for the soles of the shoes is a new advanced ma-

new robot machinery at its plant there similar to the one now installed at the plant in Thailand. Secondly, a special shoe industry college underthe Department of Vocational Education will be built in Ayutthaya province where both Ecco and Pan

April 2003 inaugurated a distribution warehouse and an ex-

pansion of its production line.


It has cost Ecco Shoes 97 mill. Baht to construct the warehouse and installthe distribution system which controls it, but according to Kitti Chaiwattanatorn Ecco will earn21 mill. baht from services of the distribution center already this year, rising to 25

The opening was performed by Mr. Somsak Thepsutin, Minister for Industry and Karl Tuysby, founder of Ecco Shoes together with Ecco (Thailand)'s Manag-

are then picked from the shelves, packed and labeled according to their destination.

mill. baht in 2004 and 26 mill. baht in 2005.

chinery not seen before in Thailand. The latest expansion of the

production facilities of Ecco is the during the past nine irears and has been assisted by additional BOI investment incentives. The increased capacity will

boost weekly production from 65,000 pairs to 85,000 pairs. "ln 2002, Ecco sold 3,2 mill. pairs of shoes of which 57,000 pairs were sold domestically," Kitti Chaiwattanatorn says. By

<< AII the thousands of Ecco workers were lined up to hear the speeches celebrating the opening of the new advanced warehouse facility at Ecco Shoe s'

factorv in Thailand.

the end of the year, a total of six Ecco shops will have opened in Thailand and the total number of outlets will almost double from 29 locations to 53 locations. The opening also marked the start of a new cooperation

have their factories. Ecco and Pan Group will provide some of the financial support and neces-

sary equipment for the training as well as other support like teachers and facilitators to ensure effective training which will begin already this year. "Most of the students will have jobs waiting for them when they have completed the training, said Kitti Chaiwattanatorn.

Celebrating the opening, Ecco Shoes had lined up all its

between Ecco and Thailand's

thousands of employees outside the warehouse, wearing same tshirls to commemorate the 40

largest shoe exporter Pan Group

year anniversary of the found-

to promote the shoe industry and

ing of Ecco.

produce a more competent workforce for the industry.

The first step would be to

Tannery capacity up 40 percent By Teerapong Yodwanlop Ecco Tannery (Thailand) will raise its production capacity by

roughly 40 per cent this year to support the expanding production of Ecco shoes in Thailand.

With an investment of 100 million baht, the manufacturing output of the plant in Ayutthaya will be increased from the current 10.5 million square metres of leather per year to 14.5 mil-

lion, according to Bert van

ilnced )n center

Heesbeen, Managing Director

completion sometime next year. Roughly 75 per cent of the tannery's current leather output of six to seven million square metres a year is used within the group and the remainder is supplied to outside customers, Wil-

Thailand, Ecco has tannery facilities in Portugal and Indone-

son and the Coach group, for making baseball gloves and

suthin said that the ministry had

bags at their factories in China and Vietnam.

Since operations started in late 2000. Mr. van Heesbeen said the tannery had recorded revenue growth of 30 per cent annually. lt is targeting total

sia. Speaking to reporters atthe

opening of the new Ecco distribution center in Ayutthaya, Industry Minister Somsak Thep-

been helping local tanneries find strategic partners to help upgrade their production. Almost all tannery operations in Thailand focused on the

low-end market with very few high-end producers, he said. The ministry recently an-

of Ecco Tannery (Thailand). The expansion will start in

sales this year of $25 million

nounced plans to invest more

(1.075 billion baht).

than 600 million baht in a model

the third quarter this year with

Aside from the factory in

tannery pilot project.

ft Ambassador Ulrik


rsen and KarI by at the opening.

f'. praisedthe

by rts


Khun Kini Chaiwattanatom, Managing Director of Ecco's operation in iland.

r the speeches, the Aguests gwen ct were

guided tour ofthe new di s tribution c ent e r and the production facilitie s. Here Minister for Industry Mr Somsak Thepsutin enters the new center.

q Although



factory has


injection moulding of the for the Ecco shoes,


the skilledworkers are

at the core of Ecco's success.



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Danisco food

ingredients, Fibertex geotextiles, lmacon scanners, Esco-Graphics copy dot scanners, PBN Medicals medical devices and Green City Denmark environmental projects are all represented in Thailand by Berli Jucker Public Company Ltd.


alc House on Sukhumvit Soi 42 in Bangkok.

ft rne

ft BJC President KhunThirasakdi Nathikanchanalab, and Peter E. Romhild, Executive Vice President, discussing the recently published Annual Report for Berli Jucker Public Co., Ltd.

BJC in a Danish perspective By Gregers Moller

tmacon scanners. Two of the managers within the Group are likewise Danish. The highest placed is Peter

Under the new owners it is inte ntion to f u rthe r strengthen the individual businesses and also to add more

"BJC Consumer already ex-


ports a number of our own

E. Romhild, Executive Vice

synergistic products and compa-

of Khun Charoen Sirivadha-

President with responsibilities for the Technical/lndustrial and

nabhakdi of T.C.C. Group, the

Construction/Engi neering

well known whiskey, beer and

Groups. Mr. Romhild is also currently member of the Board of Directors of Danish-Thai Cham-

nies under the BJC umbrella. "BJC was not strategic to the previous owners, but now under Khun Charoen it is the intention to expand in all business segments," adds Khun Thirasakdi Nathicanchanalab, President of

brands of Cellox tissue and Parrot soaps, and expansion of exports and regional establishment of offices are a priority." "BJC is also expanding its

Last year, Berli Jucker Public Co. Ltd. celebrated its 120th anniversary. This was also the first year under the new owners

property tycoon.

Among the many business partners of the highly diversified Group, there are several Danish companies like Danisco food ingredients, Fibeftex geotextiles, Esco-Graphics copy dot scan-

ber of Commerce. The other

logistics and information technology products through BJC Logistics and TCC Technology.

For BJC we expect strong growth in the next coming years both in terms of sales and orofits" says Khun Thirasakdi. "We are a paftnership company and enjoy very much the link also with Danish companies and their technical know-how," Khun Thirasakdi adds.

ners, PBN Medicals medical devices and Green City Denmark environmental projects.

Danish BJC manager is Morten P. Porsild, Managing Director of BJC Specialties. "BJC is indeed a rather diversified company, yet we are focused on individual business segments with very clear strate-

The latest addition to this list is

gies for each," Mr. Romhild says.

. Berli Jucker Public Co. Ltd.

Tasto, and ricecrackers Doso.

ucts under its lmaging Divisions

supplying EGAT for the elec-

is one of the most respected

Rubia Industries oroduces BJC' s personal care products like Parrot soap, and also contract manufacturing for many leading international comoanies. BJC Marketing is a distributor of food services and third party consumer goods. . BJC Trading is a major impofter and distributor of pharmaceuti-

and tableware and stationery products under its Stationery

trification of Thailand and

companies in Thailand, with

a diversity of solid busiNESSES.

. BJC is the largest producer of glass containers in South East Asia through Thai Glass

lndustries Pcl. and also has joint venture in plastic container packaging for the food and personal care industry. . BJC Cellox is the largest producer of tissue paper in Thailand, with significant export regionally. BJC Foods is a major producer and disa

tributor of own brands of amongst others potato chips,


"ln this expansion, BJC will become more of a holding company, driving forward the four core Business Groups: Packaging, Consumer, Industrial/Tech-

nical and Construction/Enoineering."



ing, graphics systems and medi-

BJC Specialties is a leading distributor of industrial and food ingredients, and also the largest distributor of bakery ingredients in Thailand. Berli Asiatic Soda Co. is a joint venture with EAC in marketing of soda ash for the glass container industries. . Thai Scandic Steel is the largest producer in Thailand of galvanized steel towers. The plant

cal and technical imaging prod-

in Rayong is amongst others

cal, health care and hospital supplies in its Medical Divisions; consumer & professional imag-

Laos and also export to many countries in Asia and Africa. . BJC Engineering is a systems-integrator and supplier of materials handling, automation & control and various industrial products. The newly established BJC Environment

is also now entering into consultancy and supply of cleaner technology.

Draught Beer e Thailand to the By Bjarne Wildau

Design", together with his Thai wife, "Mee", which he met on the

Ole Petersen did what many

first day in his first job in Thai-

young people only dream of. At the age ot 24 and with a newly completed business degree behind him he moved to Thailand where his first job paid less than he used to pay for his apartment back in Aarhus, Denmark.

land back in 1994. "Already before my graduation back in Denmark, I starled sending non-solicited applications to comoanies both back in Denmark as well as elsewhere in the world. Some went to companies in the US, others to companies in Europe. An afticle in the Danish newspaper Borsen quoted a Danish furniture manufacturer in Bangkok for hoping a

On the very first day in his new job, he met his wife Mee. Today they have their own

company, Unique De-

. sign



which has been suc-

Danish business graduate would

cessful in manufac-

join him to help him run his company. So he got an application as well," Ole Petersen recalls. Then everything moved fast. The son ofthe ownerasked him for a job interview and suddenly he was told to staft in his new job two weeks later in Bangkok.

turing dispensing machines for the booming draft beer market in Thailand. "The riskwas


minimal. lf it didn't work out I could just

Over the past fwo years we have become recognized as a serious supplier in Thailand as well as among bigger overseas companies like "

hop on the plane and go back to Denmark,"

says Ole Petersen

Carlsberg Denmark. Today, only one major brewerT in Thqiland has not yet become our custome\" says Ole

about his "big step" almost ten years ago. He had recently completed his business degree. Now he wanted to

Petersen and his wife Mee.

change his life drastically.

He quit his job at a small furniture factory as well as his part time job as janitor

and applied for a job in Thailand, which paid less than the rent he had paid for his aoartment back in Aarhus, Denmark. Since then, Ole Petersen has held other jobs in Thailand, which paid 35 times his old rent, but today he is running his own company, "Unique



RinS +45 3.3 17 90 {)0 og

bestil 'Iljem til Danmark'-

Thailand was at the time bustling with activity. Sky-scrapers where shooting up all over town and moving ten kilometers within the city could easily take two hours - Dy car.

"The owner was 71 years

old. He took care of me like I was his second son. At the same time he gave me gradually more re-

sponsibility and within a few months I was involved in all aspects of running the factory. lf I had stayed in Denmark it would have taken me many more years

to reach a similar position," Ole Petersen says.

Then things started to go wrong.

"My Danish boss got bitten by his dog and fell seriously ill.

At the same time, the earthquake in Kobe happened. We exported a lot to Japan and in the wake of the eafthouake we received a lot of cancellations. Then we found out, that our purchase manager had fraudulently stolen millions from the company."

Shorlly after, the owner dis-

appeared overnight. We were told he had suffered a heart attack, but we couldn't find out what hospital he had been admitted to. When we were told a


luipment from world

Herlufsholm Kostskole

- en dansk skole

name, the hospital had no such patient with that

Australia one may be served draught beer


which is in fact tapped on equipment manu-

And things


worse. "The total responsi-

bility for running the company was dumped on me, including negotiating with suppliers, customers, staff and what have you," Ole Petersen recalls,

adding that the,:worst part was, thai the owners oressured him to do things which were on the verge of the downright criminal in order to try to siphon as much cash

factured by Unique Design. A major grief struck

the young


when Mee got pregnant. Everything went fine

up until one week before the expected delivery. Then at the final check, the

doctors discovered that their unborn child had tragically been strangled in its own umbilical cord. "This is the kind of thing you

that time got some Danish friends in Bangkok who mentioned to him, that EAC might

may have read about in the books but never expect may happen to yourself. lt was a tough time for both of us, but there is only one thing to do about it and that's to go on in

have a job opening. Once again

life," says Ole Petersen.

out of the business before it would eventually collapse.

In his social life he had by

he sent an unsolicited application for a job - and once again he got it. With a deep relief he handed

over the keys to the furniture company to the owners and left them to their own fate. Life shifted gear over the next six years. From a young

'MD' on local trainee wages, he now found himself living the Bangkok high-life among other expatriate experts. And the girl he met on his first day at the old furniture factory had by now be-come his wife. The idea to start up his orvn came gradually to Ole Petersen and Mee during these years. They started Looking specifically at dispenserdfor draught beera market which was booming in of the dispensT ver, imported. e "We saw that this equiPment

could in fact be oroduced in Thailand and finally we decided to set up "Unique Design" and go for it," Ole Petersen says. In the beginning their main

customer was Singha Beer. Later most of the other breweries followed. Today they also manufacture for customers over-



even in Denmark and

med international og akademisk atmosftere

are ing out for Ole As things



Unique Design he expects to stay in Thailand. "ln the beginning it was very difficult as a small, newly started supplier, to get the acceptance of the big breweries and we experienced a rather slow start," Ole Petersen says. "But over the past two years we have now become recog-

nized as a serious supplier in Thailand as well as among bigger overseas companies like Carlsberg Denmark. Today, only one major brewery in Thailand has not yet become our customer," he says. To offset the seasonal fluctuations of the beer market, Ole

Herlufsholm Skole er mere end en uddannelsesinstitution. Vi bestreber os pA at vere en skole, der gor en forskel for eleveme



pA alle livets omrAder det akademiske og




bAde nu og i fremtiden


intellektuelle omrAde

det ekstuascolere omrAde det dannelsesmassige omrAde

- det gsr en fotskel!



Petersen has recently diversified

and is now also expanding into trading in computer parts and consumer electronics. "A lot of challenges oodunities lie ahead. E in the export markets

Hr,nurrsuour 1565 Ciudlagt

of the limited'

company for a small like ours," Ole Petersen says.

4700 Neswed

Skolens kontor: Tlf. 55 75 35 00 . Fax 55 75 35 L4

e-mail: rektorkontor@herluf Rektor privat: TlL 5575 35 25 . Fax 55 75 35 26


Welcome to the world of DFDS Transport

Intertec South headquartere By Teerapong Yodwanlop Danish systems solutions com-

pany lntertec A,/S is currently

establishing a new regional headquarters for the Southeast Asian region in Thailand. The company aims primarily at food and beverage processing lines and local airport projects in the DFDS Transport (Ihai) Ltd. 19th Floor Silom Comolex 191 Silom Road

Bangkok '10500 Tel : +66 22662777 Fax: +66 2 266 5666 E-mail : www. dfdstransport. com


Intertec A,/S specializes in technologically advanced systems solutions for installation at airports, processing lines in the food and beverage industries, power generation and distribution plants both from conventional and renewable sources as well as complex mechanical and electrical plants.

The new Bangkok-based company, to be named Intertec

SEA, will be fully-owned by Intertec A/S. The registration with related Thai authorities is currently under way.

Mr. Dan S. Christensen, a new individual member of the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce since February, is the key

Styrke er bedre. BHF-BANK (Schweir) AG har skiftet navn til ING BHF.BANK (SCHWEIZ) AG: Under dette nye navn forenes det bedste fra to forskellige verdener: en schweizisk bank5 know-how i forbindelse med ING BHF-BANK Frankfurts kompetence, Hertil kommer ING-gruppens internationale styrke Det seruice5pektrum, vi fremover kan tilbyde Dem, udvides betydeligt. som ING BHF-BANK (SCHWEIZ) AG tilbyder vi adgang til alle vesentlige markeder og er i stand til at leve op til vores kunders hoje krav med hensyn til bAde individualitet, kvalitet o9 sikke.hed

Vi .Adgiver Dem gerhe: ING BHF-BANK (SCHWEIZ) AG, Schulhausstrasse 6, 8027 ZLlrich Kontaktperson: Lene J@rgensen, tlf: +41 1 209 75 84 faxl +41 1 281 06 35. E-Mail: lene joergensen@ing.bhf ch





person in this ambitious move. Before coming to Bangkokto set up this company, he was based in Hanoi for four years as the General Manager of Intertec's representative office in Vietnam. He said Thailand was chosen as the regional base mainly because of its geographical location, attractive investment incentives, large number of qualified engineers, and comfortable regulations for expatriates. "ln addition to the strategic location between Europe and the US, applying for the status as a regional headquarters here will entitle us to reduced corporate income tax among other interesting privileges." Under the Board of lnvestment's promotion conditions for

measures awarded by the Rev-

enue Depaftment at the Ministry of Finance. Transferred foreign staff will be assisted in customs clearance of the personal effects and change of visa type for temporary stay in Thailand.

Work Permits for expatriates performing work in the regional otfice will be granted for up to 5 persons.

Thailand also has many qualified engineers for us to select for our specialized works, he

regional operating headquar-


ters, companies establishing regional offices are eligible to re-

engineers trained at our head

ceive BOI non-tax incentives, such as permission to own land and to bring in foreign experts and technicians, as well as an

attractive range of tax-based

"We already have three Thai office in Denmark. They are now on a job commissioning a diesel

power plant in Maldives." Intertec SEA will act as main contractors. sub-contractors and

)ast Asia to be iln Bangkok grain and feed industries, the company offers tailored SCDA (Source Computer Data Application) systems, including project management and design. equip-

ment supply and installation,

testing and commissioning, training and after-sales service. Businesses that can benefit f rom


Intertec's inteorated solutions

are for instance dairies, ice cream and chewing gum plants, breweries. fish feed and oet food industries, bottling lines, and coal and lime conveying systems. The company will also provide high technology systems

solutions for airoorts of all scales, although the main focus in the initial stage is on smaller local airports. The systems supplied by Intertec for integrated control packages range from

navigation, instrument landing, communication, air traffic control, airfield ground lighting, and meteorological through to power distribution systems. lts airpoft management and operation services cover the areas of feasi-

bility study, project financing, design, project management, delivery and installation, tower refurbishment, commissioning, maintenance and training. Intertec's works also include,

through its local partners, lowertechnology projects such as logistics, mechanical installations and servicing. In addition to the

'it Dan S. Christensen has

relocated from Vietnam to

Thailand. Inte rtec chose Thailand because of its attractive ktcation, nt inc ent iv e s, qualified engineers, and c o nlb rt ab le re gul at i ons fo iny

e s

representative office in Vietnam,

the company has a Vietnamese partner, Viet Ky Engineering Co., Ltd., which is working on me-



expatriates, he says.

chanical and electrical installation projects for F.L. Smith and Heineken's Hatay Brewery. lts local works there also include a

drinking water project and a farming equipment project under

Danida mixed credits.

joint-venture partners for projects within the region. The company's clients are typically local authorities ahd international aid organizations, as well as international oroducers and contractors. For modern processing lines of food, beverage, confectionery,

Mr. Christensen has been

working in Southeast Asian countries since 1985, starting with Danida projects in Burma

and Indonesia. He joined lntertec in 1994 at the reoresen-

tative office in Malaysia before being posted to Hanoi four years

ago and now to Bangkok.

Grow maximum, Grow smart 21


Ambassador and Mrs. Ulrik Helweg-l,arsen surrounded by some ofthe foreign

dignitaries and other guests ctt the National Day reception on l0 April 2003.

Danish National Day The Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok celebrated the Danish National Day of Queen Mar-

grethe ll's birthday on April 16

with a reception on April Slt.. ir. ltr..pilotr io 1572, 3 ?riD. Mltrnhr!, I ?riz. nir.err, rnd 3s lri.ces rroE gfro$ S.hool io Enxh,d ^oh.l il6 6e sMe h8h quilry duclriodt *Fdeoc.a! ourddbiffi At Hilra rildDioml s.bml Brskol *. aiE io prciddyouchild JuD dlored to sd'ho0 ro !fu Sc tu!.udcullq *. oer a d@c pmyillm of nd { adivilGs oudd. ihe cbsroon fof youdild lo choose tom, dd d Expdj[o6 W..k*berc you chdd co u.tul @icd erdeN. Vsi! ou ebool aDy ! nnon bd rd'll dGdvr S. nily br.rcsdn! sdr$ ts orr sbdo s D drg pin in Hm* htmilioBlS.ioolBMskolEnowa.qdnsappliilonsforlh.ycr2@3/4rorls&nts.gcdl-LSWdsomcofSourbE*rA,a!6o.neducrforJ60lid*md scrdcmic dafl Hrow lokmnioml $hmL will prcrde you cbl&m ws s. ilden ms. ol,cid[c! to 6,dle ihm b dkcovd dcf brEds .nd d!trG Oul I 50 rai campus near Bangkok Internotioaal Airpoil opens in Seplember 2003 For nore inJornation call : +66(0) 2672 0123, or yisit our website at wwwhatro\|schooloc th


2003. Members of the Danish community in Thailand mixed with foreign dignitaries and Thai

Government officials and enjoyed the speeches, the band and the soft tropical night in the

Garden of Ambassador Ulrik Helweg-Larsen and Cristina's garden while a beautiful ice sculpture of The Little Mermaid slowly melted away.


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Tina Siel's performnnce worked up the Scandinavians for some serious dancing.

Tina Siel in Bangkok Danish singer and entertainer Tina Siel and her backing group Sir Duke entertained members of Scandinavian Society Siam on Saturday 26 April. This event should have been an excellent chance for all Danish related comoanies and individuals to participate in a distinctly Danish evening. However, a disappointing number of Danes in Thailand bought tickets for the night. Most of them were seated around one table, where they


enjoyed the company of the widow of former Danish Ambassador to Thailand Franz Howitz, Mrs. Pensak Howitz, who is today Member of the Thai Senate. The table was booked by Danish consul Stig Vagt-Andersen. Tina Siel and Sir Duke first entertained the audience after the excellent dinner and then came back to play during the

dancing afterwards, going through a rich mix of Danish and international music.

ln Wear's Summer Collection is out lnWear - the Danish world brand within women's fashion - has just introduced its summer collection

2003. With spicy and exotic colours, fabrics and silhouettes, it offers Thai fashion conscious women plenty of oppoftunities to

layer and create the perfect feminine summer look that is both easy and elegant. InWear is among others offered by all Central Department stores in Thailand. The summer 2003 collection is a "sizzle with a burnt palette of coral red and saffron yellow and mixes with gemstone tones of aquamarine, jade green and army green. lt is as rich and varied as the markets of Marrakech," InWear says, adding that off-white has a strong presence this season too. "The collection is a marriage of ethnic ease with nomadic layers, and delivers the ultimate in

luxurious, bohemian chic and casual chic."

Cotton, viscose and linen form the foundation of the collection, blended with synthetic fibres for comfort and practical-

signed for InWear by Susanne Rutzou, one of the top Danish designers. lt is a collection that contains a bold mix of colourful

flower prints, milk boy stripes and crochet tops. The feeling conveys is one of cute inno-



"Silhouettes are built up by layering richly ornamented tops and knitwear with casual, but feminine trousers, which are individualised with strings, ties,

cence, highlighted by raw

and an abundance of pockets as

well as embroideries," InWear advises its customers.

"Cropped pants and short

edges and antique finishes. This concept should have a

strong appeal to Thai


As usual, InWear user convenience in

skirts make a strong comeback, but long skirts are a must. Look

terms of mainte- {

for easy blazers, hippy-chic tops, crochet details on knitwear as


well as exotic tops that range from bohemian kaftans, underwear-inspired tops and folklore

InWeur's Summer 2003

details and jella." Within the summer collection

a special look "Signed" is de-


mains focused on quality and elegance as well as

nance of


collection remains focused on quality and elegance. w>


Gorporate profi les now on Chamber website The company profiles from the very popular Chamber Directory,

Denmark in Thailand, is now available on the Chamber web site The web pages are identical to the pages as you know them from the Directory including your logo, photos, contact details and product presentation.

6' ::


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Danish-Thai ch.ilber ol Conmrco

sA5E.c.omyE{6 E

How to do this? Go to and then click Members. Open your own page. At the bottom of the page you willfind a button called "Edit'. Click on "Edit" and the system will ask you to type in the numberfrom your new Member-

ship Card and your personal passworo.

Edit your page instantly Members no longer have to wait forthe yearly Membership Directory to update the information published in the book. On the on-line version of their corporate profile on they can change names, address, telephone, fax, email or correct spelling mistakes themselves directly on the screen and see the result instantlv.

When entering the system for the first time, type 123 as your password. Then change for

security reasons this pre-set password to another password of your own choice. Should you happen to forget your password, the chamber's office staff can easily look it up for you and inform you over the onone.


tt r,a,sound

we sPec altze Decause you 0o B-K Medical (Thaitand) Ltd. Room 2603,26th Floor, Jasmine InternationaI Tower,

200 Moo4, Chaengwattana Road, Pakkret, Nbnthaburi

1 1

120, Thailand

Tel.: (+66 Z) 962 TOT| Fax: (+66 2) 962 7075


Add more pages to your corporate profi le Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce can offer all corporate members to have one or more web pages added to their current f ree company profile on the website

Such an additional page could for instance show more

qt #


, tu R&, E ffitu Ftu

B€b rtke€


fG)Danish-Thai rr- ChambsrofCommrce


.6rrry KrungdhepsophonPcl. k. r85 M@ 1 tutburana tuad, ' 8angLd,1014D r.r I + 66 (o) 2B?t 3191 5 ..' ' + 66 (O) 2421 0964

gangp:kok, tulburan.,

detailed product presentations with descriptions and photos of

their products. lt could also be an active dialogue page, where visitors can reouest brochures or a call from one of the service statf of the company. A page with a mao of the location of the company for easy printout is almost a must when doing business in

Thailand. Many companies

krungftep 9ophon PCL rE an Inveslment holding compa.y Curently we h:vE two businss: the tad nonal burness or u.r€houiing and steveddng through ou slbs'drary K w,c w.r€house co , Ltd , .nd lh€ new bush6ss of docunent stofag€ and m:n69ement through olher subsidisry, Krungdhsp oocument Co , Ltd s-l@ud' Y..r..drhd ' anndrrfu6(..ho I Iodl@by.. t D.nkh $.. in%: eaEnt.ory/D:*h


s4 6 Millon (2002)


would also benefit from a oress

page, where the media can download press releases and high resolution photos. All pages may appear in both

Members may use the ad-

Thai and English or the visitor

dress of their current corporate page on as their official web address or get a new domain name, which would then

may alternatively be asked from the beginning to select his or her

preferred language. The cost for expanding the free page into a mini web site is highly competitive. Adding one more web page to the current free page and link them together with a menu on the first page will cost only 6 - 8,000 baht per year

due to the volume discount agreement signed with ScandMedia Corp., Ltd.

open their web site on the directly.

fr A basic corporate website

on www.dancham.onth can be enhanced with u menu to any number of additional pages with product info, map of ffice location, feed back page, press releases, etc.

Companies interested in adding an additional page or expanding their current page to a regular web site should call the

Chambers' office and ask for a sales representative to visitthem and present the various options.

Bangkok maps on the Internet lf you have been looking for good and detailed maps of Bangkok then look no fufiher. An article archived in April on (http://www.dancham, provides a selection of good links to sites with such Bangkok maps. Bangkok Department of City Planning allows you to download maps (..gif files, -500 kb each) of every district in metro Bangkok. The maps (in Thai, but readable) are very detailed. Go to hllpl /203.1 44.180.217 I oftice/cpd/eng-compre-map-download.html Agency for Real Estate Affairs (AREA) has created a good map book called "Bangkok Map." It's purpose is to identify most of the buildings in metro Bangkok and their contact numbers. Should be available in bookstores, or can be purchased at their office for 550 Baht. See the link http://,th/bar22. htm Another slte which offers street maps of many Asian cities is Type the level=5 URL to go directly to lhe Bangkok page. You can zoom in and download or print out the areas that you

5 39 Sukhumvit Road, Soi 8, Bangkok, Thailand. Tel: +66 (0) 2653 0017 Fax: +66 (0)22535125


Finally, also has many other maps. Download the Bangkok mape from h11pfl203.144.180.217lottice/cpd/eng-compre-map-download.html

E-mail: hotel


Easter Lunch S UCGESS The Danish-Thai Chamber Easter Lunch at The Stable was a very well visited event with a total of 60 members and guests. Among the guests were the or-

the Danced private facility program following Mr. Attakorn's departure from the Embassy.

done. Then a draw was done for a bottle of Gammel Dansk donated by Charlotte Parks - which

A lucky draw on the new membershio card number was

ganizer of the visiting Green City Delegation, Susanne Toftegaard

conducted by President Tom

she also won herself and again a second draw had to be done. The ohotos show the members enjoying the Stable's Dan-

Hansen and the new Senior Commercial Officer at the Royal Danish Embassy, Ms. Siriwalai Vongphate who is in charge of

Sorensen and Khun Nim, Stable Lodge, for a refund of the lunch

price. First winner was Tom

ish lunch delicacies with free Carlsberg Beer sponsored by

Sorensen himself, who refused


the prize and a second draw was


Mail or lax the coupon to:

Company name:

Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce


1402t2 I4th Fl.. Glas Haus Sukhumvit 25 Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel.: (66) 0 2661 1762 Fax: (66) 0 26617'764-5 E-mail






Fill in this coupon to receive further information and a full application form for membership t,


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