NATIONAL DAY DENMARK 1992 April 16, A SpecialPublicationof thc Bangkok Post
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We extendour sincerestwishesto H.M. QueenMargretheof Denmark on the occasionof Her birthdaY.
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Thailarrd'sleading construction& property developnlerttconlpall)
C H R I S T I A N&I N I E L S E N( T H N I )I T O . 50/6T0SUKHUI'/V|T105(So|LASALLE)'BANGNA.BANGKoK10260THA|LAND T E T E X 8 2 6 7 3C o \ 3 A N T r T E L E P H o N E: 3 9 8 - 4 5 6 23. 9 8 - 0 1 5 8o.1 ' 9 1 2 ' 4 8 oToE L E F A X: 3 9 8 ' 9 8 6 0
QueenMargrelheII of Denmark-
Messagefrom the Ambassador
A highly complexpersonality
t h e 1 6 t ho l A p r i l i s r h c I birrhday of Hcr Majasty ihe Qu€€n ofDcnmark and is celcbraled at homc and abmad a-\the Danish Nalional Day. Birthays are occa.\ionsfor reflecting on the pasl and lhinking about lhe futurc. The bonds between Denmark and Thailand dale back more than 30(l yean. Over ths yeani, cordial ties havebecn wovcn betwecn our Royal Families and the Govcrnments,and coopcmlion ha\ expandedand intcrsified in the agricultuml, industrial and olher secloN in linc with the impressive developmentsthat Thailand har seen in recent yeaN. Today, more and mor€ ThaiDanishjoinl venlure,sare being estahlished- a facl relected hy the ever incrcasingnumber otDanish businessm€nlhal visit Thailand lo explore avenueof mutually hencficial cooperalion wilh the Thai paltneni. In spite of the grear geographicaldjslance separaling our countries,the characlersofthe people\ of Thailand and Denmark sharomany similarili€s. Lik€ the Thais,lhe Dancs apprcciatea good scnseofhumour, have prolbund love ofmusic, dancc and festivitie-s - in tact enjoy everything "sanuk." This may well cxplain why so many Danish lourists now want to gel a filst-hand imprcssion of lhe "llnd of smilc," and more imponanlly, il gives me rea.sonlo be confident lhat thc ycars lo come will s€e a funhcr slrengtheningof lhe warm fcelings of friendship and coolelalion belwcen our two
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Her Maje$r Queen Maryerhe II is a hard working attist. These sii teorks callei "The Six Seasons" which she presenred as a gifr ro the Danishsclercsis society.
ne oflhc mosl incredihle fealuresofbeing a \-./ tourist in Denmark is the chanceofmeeling Her Majesty Queen Margrcthe II doing hershopping in the ceotreof Cop€nhagen,alon€ and unprorec(edby security pplic€. In the very samestreet,bookshopswith several book\ on display, illustraled by her, and books which H€r Majesty has translaledinto Danish. In one inslancc,the Quccn even worked as a designcrofall the decoratioN and costum€sfor a TV play. Ne€dlessto say, Queen Margrelhe ll is at lhe sam€a most majeslic pcrtbrmcrofher official dulies as the conslitutional monarchof Denmark. On lop of this highly complex pcrsonality, Queen Margrelhc II of Denmark is also the mother oftwo handsomesons,Crown Princc Frederik and Princ€ Joachim of Dcnmark, both ofwhom she has wilh exemplary parentalskills encouraged and sometimes publicly reprimanded-as they grew uP. Shortly aller then, Crown Princ€.ssMargrethc marricd Her Royal Consort Princ! Henrik in 1967, il made headline\ whcn Prince Henrik in an intcrvicw slated,lhat he thought bringing ut, children insome ways could he comparedto bringing up puppies - a small slap at the right tim€ would only speedup the processof leaming. Queen MargretheII's line ofanc€sloN goes back to more than one thou,iandye3rsto King Corm and Queen Tyra, the first known membersofthe Danish Royal Family. Through the ibllowing centurier, Danish monarchs have often shown a sincer€senseofduty towards the lmditions oflhc Danish thron€,but at thc samc limc perceiving and accormodaling ncw trends,which have affecled Danish hislory. In this rcsp€ct,Queen Margrclhe slrictly follows lradition. Sincc being proclaimed the Queen in l9?2, Qu€cn Margrelhe ha\ skilltully "product-developed"rhe Danish monarch from a representativerole to a mor€ active panicipant in socicty. One exampl€is the way shc has,al a limc, openly challcngedher counlrymenby speakingout very loud on
mattersthey probably did not wish to hear,like intolerance and allitudqs towards foreigners.These morcpenional comm€ntson current affairs lhe Queen usually puls forward in her annual New Year spe€chon mdio and television. Though the Queen'sofficial influeoce is largely symbolic in a constitutional monarchy, and allhough it could se€ma contradiction, thcrc is no douht rhat thc Dancs considertheir monarch to be a dclendcr ofdcmocracy. As Head of State,the Queen headsnegotiationson the formalion ofa new govcrnment after parliamcntary elecrions,and the Quccn prc,sid{rsin the Council otStale, since all ac|s musl bc sign€d hy the Queen lo bccom€ laws. At the same tim€,lhe Que€n represenlsthe hisloric memory ofthe people, a continuity and slability which emphasisvalues above lhe cut and thrust of everyday political debat€. The relalionship betweenthe Royal Familier of Denmark and Thailand gocs back a long way. In reccnt hisbry, an imponanl milestone was lhe visit of King Bhumibol and Que€n Sirikit ofThailand lo Denrnark in 1961. Shorlly atlcr, Que€n Margrethe'sparenls,Their Maj€,\ties King Fredcrik IX and Queen lngrid, visited Thailand. A few ycars latcr, in 1965, Quecn Margrerhepaid her fiNl visit ro Thailtul h€rs€lf.Her strong interestat that timc being archaeology,several picturq\ from that visil shows hcr injeans and strawhat smilinS though exhaustedby lhe physical ex€valion of a r ( h a e o l o g i c a l s i t ci \n t h e N o n h e r nT h a i l a n d . Sinc€ then, thc Quecn has often indicatcd that ifshe had ever had 1ochoosc her own protcssion,shc \rould have becomean archacologist. In r€ccnt yeari, membcrs of the Royal Family of Denmark have frequcnrly paid unofficial visils to Thailand and during the.\cvisits haveolien callcd on ThcirMaj€,stics th€ King and Quecn. L-a\ryear, His Royal Highn€ss Crown Prrnc€ Maha Vajiralongkorn paid a highly succraslul otlicial visit to Denmark.
Mogcns Isakscn cover: Queen Marsrcnte II with Her lamily, From left: Crown Prince Fretlerik, Het Consort Ptince Henlik, an.l Her secondson, PrinceJoachin.
Danish companiesto establish Chumberin Thailand
Copenhagen-Malmo-Lu EC's centrein Northern communityin fiarland is anishbusiness
to establish a Danish-Thai Chamber of Crmmerce aimed at expanding trade relatio s between Denmark and Thailand a.swell as lo promote Thai producls and investmenl in Denrark. The de.sicionwas made rccently by a group of Danish businesscommunily in the country because of the slronS prc.\cnccot Danish h[slne-ssinlercsts in Thailand which datfd back to 1884 when lhe [irsl Danish company, lhe East Asialic C-omPanywas €slahlished. The cornpanywhich war founded bY Mr. H.N. Anderien obtainedthe Royal Privilege lo opeftrleits businessundet the Royal Garudaemblem which only a fcw oflocally establishrllc.mpani's have that Privilege. since then, Danish businessInlcrcsls In Thailand have grown steadily in numberover thc years,and loday about 50 compani€'swith Danish interestsare opcraling in Thailand and an ionuinerablenumb€r of Thai comPanie'sare doinS businesswith Danish comPaniqsher€or in Denmark' The proposed Danish-Thai Chatnbcr of Commerce is now awaiting aFproval from lhe authority concemed hefore i( is officially opened' and even before formal recruitment fol the members begi$, between 100 to 150 Danish and Thai companieshave alreadyexPrcssedlheir interesl1o
EC smnit in Copenha$en,1987
joir il. ishmenlofDanish-Thai Wirh rhe e,stabl Chamber of Commerce, it is exp€cted (hat more Danish companie'swill be set uP in Thailand lo produc€ high qualily goods, not only for the local rnarket, but also for markels in othcr countrics, e.lpeciallyCambodia,lros, and Vielnam Denmark is wellknown as a world leader in food proccssingtechnology,sp$ialised machincry and high-tech equipmentfor industry, "clean" t€chnology,bolh for cleaning up pollution as well as prevenling funher Pollution of lhe cnvironmenl, fumiture desiSnand produclioo lechnology' ,nd sophisticalcdequipmentfor the hosPitaland healthsectot With lheseareasand others,il is Sencrally b€lieved lhat more Danish comPaniescould togethcrwith Thai comPanies-suPPly a larger share ofbofi domeslic marksl in Thailand as well as competemorc etfectivcly on thc inlernblional rnarketsfrcm a base in Thailand. This is e-sP€cially rruc whcn lalkinS ahout lhe tasl dcvtloPing hu\inesr opportunitiesin the lndo-China stateofCambodia, l:os, and Vi€tnam. At thesamc lime, Danish-Thai Chamberof Commercescljs an imPonant function in advising Thai compani€swhich plan to cslablishthcmsclves in Denmark. Dennrarkis r€gardcdas an excellent basefor doioS businraswith lhe new enlargcdEC as well a.sthe new democraciqcin East€rnEuroPe Also the Danish bu\inq\s €thnicand mcntality are considcrcdto bc closer to thoseofThais than olher nationalitic.\in Europeancounlri€s.
For further information on the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce now under formation, pleasecontact: Maersk Lines Managing Director, Mr. Peter K. Miller T€l: 2ll-0020
nuu" -Den-ort< anas,n",t"n build an I8-kilomclr€ bridgc snnnninglhc separaungConcnhagcn,thc capitirl 0l and Soulhcrn Swedcn with its induslrial Malmo and Lund aimcd al dcsignalinBih. rhc ccntre of EC's Northcrn EuroPe. The d€cision was bY the Indus(rial Devclopmcnt Board of Cop€nh gcn and lL Chambcr o[ Ormmcrce ofSo thern
Danish-ThaiSocietyhelpsmentally handicappedchildren in Bangkok
agrccd to cooperal€in creating a strong altemative lo thc Noih Gemany becoming the ccnke ofthe region. Combided lhis with lhc dissolulion ofthe former Soviel Unioo and the q\tablishment of new market orient€dcconomiesall abng lhc coast of Baltic Sea from Finland lhrough Russia,Estonia, btvia, Lithuania, Poland, and the formcr East Cermany, lherc is a strong prospcctivc fbr rhe CopenhagenMalmo-Lund arealo become a "magnef ihat will move lhe economic gravity ofNorthem Eurone. Thc objedives ofthe cooperationbcrwccn Copenhagenand Southem Sw€dcn are ro esrabtishrhe area,regardlq\softhe narional boundaries,as the economiccenlre of Northem Europc befor€ th€ end of this decade,and to build lhe arca around CoJ'cnhagcnMalmo-Lund into thc dominanl no,r'erhous€oflhe regron, Conenhagenis lhe mctropolis of rhe Ballic. Il is closer to conlinenlal Europe and, as a membcr oflhe EC, Denmark has long since been involved in the procqssof lhc Europeanint€grarion. Ths\€ days, ciliq\ arc nol measuresin terms ol population.Crpenhag€n-Soulh€rnSwcdcn is tar more imponant than indicarcd by irs poputation. The 3.5 million Danqs and Swedesare nor only colr\umcrs, but one of Europ€'.\Iargelt reservoir\ ofknowledg€ and a qualified workforcc, and thar is far mor€ importantin terms ofmodcrn in[ormarion rechnohgy. In lefrns ofcrcative empbyment, thc area is 5th Iarga\t cenrre in Europe. With Copenhagen'sKa\rrup Airport as the hub, the number ofinternational air passengerslhrough lhe area is Eurone's6lh largesl. Tafting the port around the nanow srraitsbetwccn Denmark and Swedcn inlo accouot, the arca is thc NorthernEuropc's largcsr port, and in t€rms ofland transportand urban concenlration, it is thc lcading region oflhe Nonh. In comparison,Stockholm, Sweden'.scapilal, is smallerand funher away from lhe hean ofEurope. Spccial incenlives for foreign companic,ito esrablishth€mscvleson thc Danish side ofrhe slmit"s have alreadybecn worked out. With the ncw fomation of a tEnsnational cenlrc,lhese incentlves arejlr\t an extm "bonns" lbr any businsssman contemplalingto sol up a businessolcralion in lhe tulure cenlrcof No(hern Eumpc.
Children olSuabah Saeng Sawang and their tcachers wirnessett Ms. Monctutlee Apussorn receiving the cheque Irom bourd nenlrcr PererSontictech ol the Danish-Thai Society in Dennark.
n DenmarkeveryycarinApdl thc Danish-Thai Sociely inviles all its mcmbers to a picnic in onc ofthe beauliful park-like tbftrts norlh of Cop€ihagen. The main pury,oseis ba\ically to havc a splendid time and sharedclicious Thai fbod with old Thai friends and Danish nationalswho ar€ friends of Thailand, but the picnic also has a dual functionr to raise funds for the DanishThai Society\ charity work in Thailand. l,ast autuftrn,a mcmber ofthe sociely's board, Mr. PeterSontidech visilcd Bangkok to penonally hand ovcr a chcqu€ ofUS$3,Um collecredal lhc picnic to the Bangkoft tbundation for mcnlally handicappedchildren, Sataban SaengSawang. Ms. Monchalcc Apussord, a daily carclaker ofthc foundation, reccived lhe chequc on behalfofthe SatabanSacng Sawang.Whilc ar lhe foundarion, Mr. Sontidechwas shown around the school and briefed on the plans ofthe foundation to move to a ncw location near by. The moncy tiom thc Danish tiicnds would he used ro buy turniture for the handicappcdchildren at the $chool. The Danish-Thai Sociely is one of lhe oldcst Thai friendship associations abroad. lrst year, rhe society celebralcd ils 40th anniversary. One ofnany pft,jects in Thailanl, h)hich the Danish developnent ugcncy, Dukla, is proud ro have assistetl ouer.rlrc yeun, is rhe ourstanding work ol Dr. pensakHowitz antl her "Raiwlrop Fouidation,, umong chiklten in Sukon Nukhon.
Denmarkand Thailand partnershipin progress
Denmark'sCup Regatta
enmatkandThailandhaveover the yeslscooperatedon a variety of development projectsaimedat bringingbetterliving conditionlo the Thai people. The DanishDevelopmentAssistanceAgency aclivein (Danida)aswell astheDanishcompanies Thailandareproud to haveb€€nenltustedaslrue parlnerin lhis mutually boneficialtask The succcss of Thailandnow makesil oneof lhe prosPerous countdesin SoutheaslAsia. Thailandis now beliwql in jull one or two moreyears1obe ableto breaklhrough the ceiling of 1,645dolla$ in GNPpercapita,whichis the intemationallytecognisedlevel, whereforeign developmentassistanc€is no longerneeded. Consequently,Danidais now dmwing uPplaff to eventuallystoPinitiating newPntjeclsin Thailand' while graduallytermiMting exisling projectsastheir cu ent Plansexpite Instead,new projectsareconstantlybeinS prepared.Oneof thc lateslProjcclsis the develoDdentof a oew mid_levelcducationin fishiDg anrlfisi procassing,which presenllybeing by theboad of DanidaThis new considered educationpoject, which doe'snot exist in Thailand, with lheUniveNity is beingplannedin cooperation of Songkhla. Anotherprojcct paeparedfor considerationwill providedentalcarefor peoplein lkee districts in the southempartof Thailand. Like manyotherdeveloPedcounldes,Denmalk stoppedinilialing newprojectsafter the military coupin Februarylasl year' Bul, ac@rdinglo th€ Director of lhe Asian Ss:tion of the DanishMinistry of ForeignAffairs Mr. MichaelStemberg,thc to Thailandla\t yeardid nol come Danishassislance lo a complelestop. "Ooly new projeds were not beingapproved Westill hadthepossibilityof aidingprojectswith variousspecialfunds,andthispossibilitywe rnadc well u{e of," hesays. With thc democracticelectionsin Thailand concludcd,Danidais now expectedto succ€,ssfully soonapFove a plan tor lwo yealsof new ptojects, beforegraduallypha.\ingout its develolment to Thailand. assistance The fi$l of lhe newprojects,which in a few weekswill be procrssedby the boanl of Danida'will 'Ihailand providereside s in five river basinsin basedon with early flood-wamingsystefiLs, electronicprocessingof datagathereduPstrc3m.
aod by sponsoring theSongkran_weekend celebrated CupRegatta' participating in lhe "Denmark's CounscllorofDenmark by lhc C-ommercial organised Mr. ClausHermansen, CupR€gattais a ycarly€ventat the Denmark's RoyalVarunaYachtClubwhichis lh€ biSgest' yachlcluhsituated oldestandthc only international Al slakewasthelrophyofthc regalla in Pattaya. anda variely donatedby thc RoyalDanishEmbtussy ototherFizcs donatedby manyoflhe Danish in Thailand doingbusiness companies Thc r€gattais an openrace tbr k€elboats, Hobiq\ Cats,Prindle and Macra catarraransa-\well boals asthesmallerLaser,Fircball,andEnterprise Al thesamelime theregattais a socialoutingfor lhe thcir tamilics,and crewmembers, participating friends. Lasly€ar,60sailorsfrom 15 Dations anda totalnumberof35 boatstookpan participaled in various racss.This year,foff raccstook plac€ Od Satuday,the "RoundtheIsland"racewas in theatlernoon.On Sunday'thc b€ingorganised secondmc€went fot a picnic10Koh Rin,with the third l?cegoingbackto theRoyalVarunaYacbl Clubin thcatlernoon.Finally,lhetbuih laccwas on Mondayasan olympic beingorganised lriangle-racc. rcccivedal lhe slSning-in All lhc narticiPants on SaturdayassAS cool-bagconlainingcarlsberg becN,KjeldsenButlersrokiq\,RiemanlP2o Sun FactorsuI lolion anda DansatT_shifl. On Saturdaynighl,a sPecialDanishhotdog_ heingSleff_ f,anywa.sthrownwith thesponsors Sail Makcrs,Catlsbergand Houlberg/Diamond Danmilk.tatcr, while ihe childrcnwatcheda vidco featuringfairylals\by lh€ famou.\Danishwriter' wcrcgivcna HanI ChrislianAnd€rscn,th€irParcnLs pre\enlalionon how lhc Dansalsatellitcdiscfrom from Jebsen& Js{sencouldbringTv programmcs aroundlhe world into theirhomq\' Mr.Clnus Hennansen slnws his tbilit, k\ ( 'lihr
Below: Hc anturnces he rcsutusoJ 'a .tq and the ptot:mnnc I't nLrI .l4I tat es nsurtr/ by PeterHemin!: ol Etltt Asi.ttit Co., Ltd
Ssnqhohfogt Soecial Publications
€dna slb-Edror
Hndy sbrGdn a A, Farr Alll.d Prl.bF
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G'ese6 Morbr supplknlc. Morrer
(|. Adv.nbh! tner SlFrnnl. S.h. rn0r S.l..9rp.drer
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l!d.!.r atbnasong$ F s wong Sakdnend.Alvaphlersl Ne: