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C0ngralulalions lo lhepeople ofDenma* onlheroyalbiilhdayof HerMajesty 0ueenMargrethe.
Werejoice withtheentireOanbh r.h ontheroyalbiilhday of HerMajesty Margrethe. Oueen
Systemsfor olr lechnicot collection of woste ond dusl from wotking processes, Systemsfor the exploiiotion / femovol of biomoss w o s l e b y m e o n s o f c o m b u s t i o no t c o m p o s tn g
231/2 SoutiSarhom noad, Sdtotottotal Cu.lon.ls.dh. : 211-52i3,21r {0m and213{020Tetex : 6265rT.t.tr : 212.3126 l.ryrr CfS0fmoC|(tCD : Tel.39E-01t6 T.tet.I:399.1S12t 4
61/56Taweemit SoigRamatXRoadBangkok.lO3lO Phone: +66-2-2459677, 247Sg2OFax : + 66-2-24618.1s A NORDFABCompany
WishingHrMajesty ofDmma* QwmMARGRETIIE Excellcnt HealthardHappiness Tlu mana&mml andstnffofThaiAiruws hhnM
Fromthe Ambassador
,\ltheturn otthe century,H.N4. King C h u l a l o n g k o r nt r a v e l l e dt o s e v e r a l Europeancountriesand also visiled Denmark.H.M.lhe Kingwas receivedas guestoftheDanishKing,Christian lX,and during the visit a warm friendship blossomed between H.lvl King Chulalongkornand the membersol lhe DanishRoyalFamily.
Norway, AtterH.lvl.KingChulalongkorn relurned home,correspondence followedbetween the two royal families.One ot the young Danishprincesses,PrincessMarie,senta notetotheirMaiesties, the KingandQueen, and encloseda four cloverleaf,which in Denmarkis regarded as bringing good tucK. H.M.KingChulalongkorn repliedmost graciouslylhal"lhelovelyleat,the emblem of goodluck,whlchyouwereso goodaslo enclose...isnow always attachedto my watch-chain." AstheDanishAmbassadorto Thailand, I feel lhat this "emblemof good luck"slill characlerised lheThai-Danish relationship. Our countrieshave interactedfor almost 400 years. lt beganwith trade in various forms,grew into closecooperationabout 120 years ago, when numerous Danes were given the opportuniiyto assist Thailandin shapingherownin{rastructure; lateragainitbranchedoutintodevelopment cooperalion,and now we see it taking a new torm as numeroussuccessJulioint v e n t u r e sb e t w e e nT h a i a n d D a n i s h enterprisesget underway. Ontheoccasion oflhebirthday of H.Nr. Queen Margrethell, it is thereforea pleasurefor me,as a representative ofthe Danishcommunity inThailand, to express -that 'the thewish- andthe conviction emblemol good luck" will conlinueto characterise our relationship. . -
1)i(*".-,"\"1"* -'J t Mogâ‚Źnslsaksen
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Theoriginal ECwasconceived around two commonpolicies:Firstlhe common agricultural policy,and secondthe free trade in industrialgoodscombinedwith a common external tariff protection.The o r g a n l s a l t o nw a s a n a p t m a t c h f o r Denmark'seconomicand commercial struclureand, by enension,an eminenty suitable framework fortheresolution ofthe problems withwhichDenmarkhadso long been conlrontedand whose basic issue wasthe necessityof boostingexporttrade. Later,when the UK decidedto ioin the EuropeanCommunities, Denmarkin a referendum heldin October1972,optedlo t o l l o w s u i t . B o t h c o u n t r i e sb e c a m e membersofthe EC as ol 1 January1973.
Denmatk is a membet ol lhe European Communities.Ptime Ministet poul Schlutet (left) and Forcign Ministet lJfle EltemannJensenarc shownherc al one ol lhe Community'shalf yearly meetings.
The membership ofthe ECturnedout to be extremelyimportantfor both the agriculturaland industrialexportlrade
-A,s ot 1 January 1993,Denmark hastakenovertheECpresidency lrom the UnitedKingdom.
Denmark's general European policy The basic feature ot Denmark,sEC policyhas beenconsistent continuity. Ever since1973,Denmarkhasendeavoured to bolsterandassertthe ECandthecommon polciesand activities. At the sametime, Denmark has stuckto the principleof h a v i n gt h e C o m m u n i t ye v o l v ei n t h e d recton oJ continuedintegrationot the European cooperationso that new the proposaland ideasof othermember c c r ce s w o u l d b e a d d e d t o a l r e a d y states We, too, wantedto presentolr :slab shedcommonpolicies. rdeasand proposalson whichthe olher memberstatescouldtaketheirsland.The Danishmemorandum -': of October1990is l a . s h a t t i t u d ei o w a r d sa the clearestexampleof this policy.The 9 : ::-: s : . : - ! i t - e nn g o f t h e E u r o p e a n highlyactive way o{ workingduringthe a : a a a ' aat ' - a : a a € . c o n ss l e n ti n t e r m s n e g o t r a t t o nosn t h e U n i o nw a s m o s t a e a a s :':::_ a-: D e n m a rhka s beneflcial. TheTreatycontains numerous a a a ' a ' ' : a a . a a: : - a ( e l ! e r e a us i t e Danishfingerprints. -'a'a a 'a:a-._a: :.: a!€ ta the : : : - - : -
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Denmark takes over EC
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Duringthe negotat ors o. the Jircn D e n m a r kp l a y e d a v e r y p o s r vl e a n d c o T r s l r u c l r vr o ee. This was possible oecalsewe setour sightson assuminga co-responsibi ity for the future Europe Denmarkrnade it crystai-clear that no longerwouldwe makedo wilhandacton
ChristiansbotgPalace and govenment quader in the heatl of the capital is suftounded by canals.
The governments of the Community's MemberStateseachact asPresident oltheCouncilofMinisters ol six monthsin rotation. The Danish government willbeinchargeduringthe firsthatfof 1993. On 13January1993,Mr.Jacques Delors and membersot the EC Commission visited Copenfi agenlorthe customary discussions withtheincoming Presidency oftheCommunity,s agenda forthenextsixmonths. Afterthe meeting,Primel\riniste. PoulSchluter underlinedthatthe Danish Presidency'swork programme wasqlrile ambitious, encompassing asitdidtasts both enormous and urgent In thjs context,he quotedthe follow-upor'l Council decisions concerning sobsidiary andtransparency, theaimotwhichistc make everythinggoing on in the Community morecomprehensible arc moreaccessible for itscitizens. TheDanishCouncilpresident als. mentioned the comingenlargement :. theCommunjty, wherenegotiations !r".i. Austria, Finland andSweden willstal February. Hehopedthat Norway wou€ rapidly andthatr€ iointhesecountries, newmemberswouldbe ableto 1*e placeat thetable"asot 199S.
In addition to national authorities,,the Agency's clienl have in particular included DANIDA,theDanishlnternational Developmcnt Agency,theMinistryofForeignAtlairs,theWodd Bank,the AsiaticDevelopment Bank,the EECPhareProgramme,the UNDPand the EEC.
.A,s earlyas in 1971, Denmarkrealised that the imooverishment of natureand the environment calledlorspecialetfortstobemade. This is why Denmarktook the lead by country, a establishing, asthefirstindustdalised with ministrywhichwas to deal exclusively nature. environmemal maltersandlhe inlereslsof
Furthermore. the Agencytakes part in the scrutinyandevaluation of existingadministration etlortsandthe Agencypreparesguidelines and standardsfor the environmentalprotectidneffort. i.a.by stipulatingrecommended immissionand emissionstandards-
A numberol institutionsand areasol responsittlity, \4hichhadprs,/iously beenspread oier a numberofminislries,wereamalgamated intolhe DanishMinidryol Environment. The amalgamation intoone bodywas a politicalmanifestation of the Danishsociety's protection wishlor morevigorous otnatureand theenvironment.
The Agency's expertise enables it lo computethe financialaspectsof environmental proteclionelforts,andto a wideenenlthe Agency also sells know-howon economiccontrol measuresas part ot protectionefforts.
Today,lhe Ministry otlheEnvironment and itsfiveagencies employabout3,000menand women whoareengaged invirtually everything. Ha[ the ministry'sstaff work in lhe according to Danishstandards- ralherlarge forestdistricts, whicharewithinthepurview of lheNalionalForest andNatureAgency.
The NationalAgency ot Environmental Protection also has a wide knowledge of emergency measuresfor oil and chenical pollution ol lhe marine environmenl,waste management,includinghazardouswasle, as well as ol the use ol chemicalsubstancesand their impaclon the environment in general.
protectionis underthe Environmental jurisdictionol the NationalAgency of Environmental Protection, whichi.a. is also pollution responsible tor the anti-marine Surveyol Denmark extensiveexoerliseand know-howin measures. TheGeological and the NationalEnvironmental Research envircnmental matters. subsoil, lnstitute buildupknowledgeof theDanish underthe Minister Eacholtheliveagencies TheNationalAgency natureandtheenvironment. thusexportsexpertiseand withouttalling ot the Environment lorPhysical Planning ensuresthat, canhelpothersintheirefions physical planoing isalso know-howwhich foultothe environment, lo orotectourcommonbasisof existence. elfectedwithcreativityandingenlity. National Formorethan tenyears, theDanish Protection has Aqencyof Environmental parlicipated Internationalcooperationin a vastnunberol consultancy importantto Deninark assignments in mostol theworld. Not leastthe reDort'OurCommonFuture' prepared by the World Conmission on Environmentand Developmenl,the so-called Brundtlandreport has drawn attentionto lhe lncreasing internationalisation of lhe environmentalproblems.Thus, ihe increased aclivity level manifests itself not onv in the environmertal cooperationakeady established withinlhe Nordiccountries.the EEC. and the United Nations environmenlalorganisalion. UNEP, but also in new fora for international environmental cooperation.
The speclrumof the Agency'sexport products iswide.TheAgency has,lorexample, padicipated andlormulation in thepreparation andobjectives for Danish ot overallguidelines policies, environmental and international in connection includjng theseningof priorities investments. withenvironmental
established A casein pointisthecooperation betweentheBalticandlhe NodhSea countries it on limitationol marinepollulion.Furthermore, is beyonddoubt that the democraticprocess taking place in Eastern Europe opens new orosoecls of lurther intensilicationof the coooeration. international
Exportof know-how alanearlystage became Because Denmark importance to the awareof the environment's ol Denmark's suNivalof mankind, andbecause early etlortsto conserveand improvethe an we havetodayaccumulated envjronment,
has a high Fidily in De nad<.fr{'
caop'etaliori wilkldnneBtdwwawy &psd
to thbfilE.
l& l-here is no standardjob description for reigningqueens,the positionis molded and givensubslancebythe personwhois placedin one oJ the nation'smost dilticultpositionsby historictraditionand the constitution.But afier considering lhe way Dennark,s eueen Margrethell has ruledthe nation,most Danes would agreewiththe intormalcomplimentthat the Queenof Denmarkis the world chamDDn amongQueens. Shewasonv 31yearsoldwhenherfather, KingFrederiklX,died.Thetollowing day,January 15,1972,shewasproclaimed eueen,ind inIhe years whichhave followedshe has lirnv and caretullyadaptedtheconstitutional monarchyro makeit moreup{o-date.At the moreoersonal level the Queen has developedas an active artistand highlyrespectedculturalpersonality. who has promoteda lively dialoguewith the peopleof Denmark,and expressedlhe values and attiludeswhichunitethe nation. The dualfolesas headot stateand adist have won the Oueen great respect, ano stimulatedthe specialatlectionaierelationship which exists between the Danes and their monarch,andwhichis asdifficulttoexplajntoan outsideraslhe conceplsbehindGrundtvia's foth high schoolmovement. It demandsbothtalentand intelliqence to betheQueenol a conslitutionalmonarc-hv whrcn has lostmostof its content.Beyonddoubt,and oprnronsurveyshave contirmedthe oojnt repeatedly,the Oueenwouldbe a clearwinner in a presidential election- if itwere decidedto end Europe'soldestmonarchv.The eueen of Denmarkhas inheritedan unbrokentradition builtup over athousandyears,and she is nota mereigurehead.QueenMargretheonce sao
thatmorethananythingshefearedbâ&#x201A;Źcoming,a spectatorto lite{.So shehasdeliberatelyshared n the counlry'severydayliving,almosl olr an equalfootingwith her tellowcitizens. Marg.etheAlexandrineTorhildurIngrid, eldestdaughterotKing FrederiklX (i099-i 972) and OueenIngrid(bornin Swedent91O),was bornonApril16, 1940,preciselyoneweâ&#x201A;Źkafter rne uetman occupalionol Denmark.Her birth was "a ray of hope in a dark time. but the Constilutiongave no indicationthat a luture queen of Denmafk had been born. Female successionin the monarchywasnot inlroduced until 1953 by a referendumon constitutional chanoes.
QueenMar$ethett td< Frt in ereating n settingsandcostumes tor the ballet.Et MKesagn-.(t na Legend),whbh wasdircctedby tE witeot theprtmeMinisbt AnneMatb g Vessel tteLheadot Tt|p-RoyalTheatre'sba et schr{lt,
lro ^A,fter lwo yearsol intensive preparations the DanishChamberof Commercewasformally launched on June 30, 1992. Although the Chamber is slill about two months shy of ils firsl anniversary,Danish,Thai relalions go back over 300 hundredyears with major commercjaniesbegjnningjn the tatterhalf of the 1gthcent!ry. Establishing theChamberwas a "natural step"accordingloits presidentpeler K. Miller. "lls long overduereally.The Daneshave had aslrongbaseInThailandforovera tOOyears. rne economjcoullooktor Thailandis very goooanoweexpectmorecompaniestoinvest here eitherdirecflyand indireclly.And wesee rremendousgrowthtakingplaceinthe pacilic basin in the future_,,
The Chamber,sprimary mission is rne pfomotionof trade whether it be industnat, agricultural,or shipping and transport. Mr. Miller says the Chamber devote! specrar a t t e n t i o nt o a s s i s l j n g s m a l l e r D a n r s n companiesand individualsqet starleo tn Thailand. The Chamberprovid;sinlormauon and guidance on how to acquire all the necessary permils, registrationdocuments and so on. lt also providesinformationlo Thai companreswho wanl lo do business jn Denmark. The Chamberhasadopted an openpolcy lowardmembership.Thereare no restriclions wilh regardto nationality. Companiesand individualstrom any countryare welcometo lorn.funhermore.prospective membersdre not requiredlo resideor have an ofiice in eilherThailandor Denmark. As Denmarkis a memberollhe European Uommunitythe DantshChamberhas becrl accordedmembership inlheiointChamberol
Commerceofthe EC. In addition, the Dantsn Chamber will sponsor and parlicipaleln functionswith other foreiqn - Chambersol Commercein Bangkok. "ln establishinglhe Chamberwe,vehad excellent cooperation from the Danrsn embassy and the Danish business community.' observes Mr. Mrller who is l\.4anaging Directorot Maersh.the shjpping arm ol Denmark'slarqestcompanv Ap: Moller 'The Chamber now has 42 very acttve members, all from well-established companies,whichgivesLrsa strongbaseto wotk lrom. In lhe nexl monthor so we dre gorngto send apackagelistingthe benejitsof membershjp in the Chamber. The Chamberisoffio suchasuccessful starl Mr. l\,4iller expects lhe membershipto double in about a year. The otfices of the Chamberare locatedon Sukhumvil39. For additional information call 261-9907.
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