Thai Sweden Review November 2012

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Magazine for Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce


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Sanuk var 2004 den första skolverksamheten som etablerades i Thailand och vi är idag den skola som kommit att utvecklats mest i landet. Vi har sedan starten haft den stora glädjen att få ta emot 1 000-tals barn och få lära känna deras familjer. Verksamheten bygger på kvalité, gemenskap och personlig utveckling. Vi följer de svenska läroplanerna och arbetar endast med svenska utbildade och erfarna pedagoger i mindre klasser om max ca 10 elever där vi utgår från varje barns unika behov och mål. Tillsammans med våra erfarna och kvalificerade pedagoger ger vi handledning och support för att varje barn ska få utrymme att utvecklas utifrån sina egna förutsättningar. Vi jobbar aktivt med personlig utveckling och därför blir det självklart för oss att ta hänsyn till, och utgå ifrån, varje barns individuella behov, kompetenser, intressen och målsättningar. Våra skolor har anpassade lokaler i Thailändsk miljö nära strand och hav. Vi använder oss givetvis även av den Thailändska miljön, kulturen och språket i vår undervisning. 2012 valde det kvalitetsmedvetna bolaget Apollo oss när de ville etablera ett samarbete med en svensk skola i Thailand. Det tar vi som ett kvitto på att vår målmedvetna fokusering sedan etableringen inom kvalité, gemenskap och personlig utveckling varit rätt!

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Foreword by the President Message by Mr. Kenneth Radencrantz

ARTICLES 10 22 26 30 34 38 42 44 46

Boating Market Sweden to Take Part in Rebuilding Thailand DIAKRIT: Seeing is Believing SAAB Combat System on Thai Navy Ships KTH Wants Asian Students Phuket Business: Swedish ‘Snus’ Production Start-up Electrolux Front-Loading Washing Machines Market Leader Through 11 Years Scania Bus First Thai Ethanol Bus Volvo Trucks and Buses Celebrates 20th Anniversary in Thailand

TSCC DIRECTORY 48 49 50 54 66 69

Chamber Location Map / Embassies and Consulates Board of Governors Honorary Members / Premium Members Corporate Members Individual Members Alphabetic Index on All Members


Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce TSCC Members Value Propositions

70 71

10 30





Boating Market Growing in Thailand

Publisher Scandinavian Publishing Company Limited. 211 Soi Prasert-Manukitch 29, Prasert-Manukitch Road, Chorakaebua Ladprao, Bangkok 10230, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2943 7166 Fax: +66 (0) 2943 7169 E-mail: Thai Swedish Chamber of Commerce

34 C.P. Tower 3, 9th Floor Building A, Phayathai Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2354 5229-31 Fax: +66 (0) 2354 5232 E-mail:

Editorial Committee Håkan Alm, Christer Nilsson, Peter Bjork - Managing Editor Gregers Møller, Advertising Finn Balslev, Graphic Design Supphathada Numamnuay, Printing Advanced Printing Service Co., Ltd., Bangkok


Welcome to the

Thai-Sweden Review Message by Kenneth Radencrantz President Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Dear Members, Thousands of foreign businessmen enter Thailand illegally every day. On Tourist Visa. If you come to Thailand and want to do business, you need a Business Visa with a temporary Work Permit. You may think that you just want to go to an exhibition or talk business with somebody for a few hours. It doesn’t matter, you need a work permit. The definition of “work” causes many problems and “illegal activities”. Let me give you a few odd examples. A number of house owners organized a club to hire people to fix the gardens and the pool. One of them accepted to collect money from the other house owners and pay the workers. She was charged and fined. She didn’t have a work permit. An English woman was a school teacher and had a work permit. One day she distributed leaflets about a school concert. She didn’t have a work permit for distributing leaflets. She was charged and fined. We all realize that this cannot be right. The definition of “work” must definitively be changed and the lack of Work Permits, as above, not used for bribes and corruption. The Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce, with representatives from TSCC, have been advocating Thai Authorities on this subject for a number of years. They are quite aware of the problems and believe that a change must be done. When? In 2015 ASEAN will come into full effect to strengthen and improve economic growth and social progress through joint endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership. Nice and challenging words but we sincerely hope that the existing problems with work permits and visas have found a satisfactory solution by then. TSCC has got a new board of governors with added competence and two new interns in order to meet new challenges and arduous objectives. We plan to improve and upgrade our Website but also make our Newsletters more interesting and informative. Members will experience new exciting events, many of them in cooperation with Nordic and European Chambers. The 2011 Property Guide was favourably received and a new, extended Property Guide will be ready later this year. Same procedure this year as every year. We will continue lobbying Thai Authorities to the benefit of our members. More members, more financial and social resources to meet our objectives! The hottest months of the year are behind us. We wish you a nice summer with some refreshing drizzle rain, at least at nights. Best regards Kenneth Radencrantz



Boating MArket Coinciding with the Phuket International Boat Show 2012 Thai Sweden Review spoke to the Swede Håkan Lange, owner and manager of Derani Yachts (operating as a one stop shop since 2004) to get some valuable insights about boating and its development in Thailand. By Joakim Persson


How would you describe the development during the past five years?

How is the development regarding customers and who are they?

Just before I started, the authorities decided to eliminate boat taxation in Thailand which made it interesting for a number of companies, including me, to start importing boats for a reasonable price and when boats no longer had to leave Thailand every 12 months for another country. Larger boats tend to be registered abroad regardless but there has also been a connection to the residential villa development on the island. At that time a one million US dollar villa was considered large – today that‘s nothing. There is a new category of people having arrived, investing on the island. And thus they want to have their toys – boats and cars – same as in their other places. And that has boosted the demand for larger boats on a larger level than anyone could have anticipated. Consequently this gives problems for the marine industry, regarding berths and various services, competent crews etc. So the development has skyrocketed, also after the financial crisis erupted in 2008, which did not really affect us here.

Those we are selling boats to have already earned their money – their net worth might be half or 60 per cent of what it used to but they can still afford fulfilling this dream of buying a boat in addition to the villa and spend more time on Phuket. One can say that among the category of buyers we have seen here on the boat show during the past two years the demand for small boats is close to nothing. The largest boats on Scandinavian shows are 45-50 foot inside an exhibition hall, but here we start with that size and up.

Is this connecting to the Second Home abroad market? Yes, it’s just that it has grown significantly. In addition to that you have new markets coming in from the emerging economies. There are probably more from different Russian states than anyone could have anticipated. They have tried boating for many years in the Mediterranean, getting accustomed to a certain lifestyle, which includes that.




On the other hand I think Phuket is getting more from eastern Russia – the Vladivostok area - investing in villas here, all of them tending to buy within the same area. Then if one buys a boat the other one must also have one. The trend goes in that direction. Then there are also those foreigners opting for a boat to live on and consequently avoiding any trouble with having control over ownership of the land in Thailand.

And among Thais? Yes, you have a new generation in leading public listed companies, where family members are now the driving force and usually with an education from England, the U.S or Australia, having the opportunities and the means to invest in a boat, but being a bit careful and starting with something smaller yet still being a rather large boat [The smallest boat from Derani Yachts being 21 foot]. They are probably not passionate about maintenance but they have cars and the other luxury items and are curious on boats, which they often also got in touch with it when they studied abroad. We have had such clients for some years and they’ve been very helpful in putting us in contact with other clients that we would otherwise never have found. But it’s also a matter of taking well care of one’s clients and going those extra miles when they need you. It matters a lot just to be there, and not only for technical matters regarding the boat, but also giving them confidence and ensuring they have a good crew with communication between the owner, us and them in a way that give the clients the relaxing time and the sense of freedom they are expecting.



How do you get to experience and know all the ins and outs of all the boat models in order to be able to sell these boats? Constantly updating oneself is needed. Partly, the production of new boat models has come down around 50 per cent globally on all yards regardless of broker or brand, thus requiring less of our time in terms of staying up to date with the changes taking place. But the boatyards have been in business a long time and understands very well that the more information they feed us with the easier we can sell their products. So they publish frequently and a lot of information – technical and differences compared to older models as selling tools, for instance. This requires that


one has been doing this for some years and have the passion, absorbing all things going on. And it’s a matter also of knowing what our competitors are doing, ‘cause a client often visits two to three other brokers as well. Without having good knowledge about the local conditions, your own products and also good understanding of the competitors products you are shooting yourself the in the foot by trying to sell boats.

Are your customers usually knowledgeable? It varies; anything from A to Z really. Scandinavian customers, especially, are very knowledgeable and to a large

extent the most savvy. Often they just want to ensure that we are a company of the right calibre to give them service etc. The connection to Scandinavia and the tendency we have there to trust each other also helps in many ways. And sometimes there are language barriers where they feel more comfortable speaking in their native Scandinavian language.

What kind of questions do they ask, for instance at the boat show? It’s anything from savvy customers knowing the price of the boat, depending how it is equipped, and wanting more information about the


marina, how to get a berth, if we can handle maintenance, supply crew etc., to people saying: ’This is the amount I have, how much boat can I get for it?’ Then one must start from the other side, asking what they have in mind to use the boat for, what period, if they have financing now or need to sell something etc. in order to get an as good picture as possible of the opportunity to sell them something, their genuine interest etc. I often advice the customers to take their time, go and look at different boats and find their favourites. I tell them to visit the neighbours [brokers] and talk to those and see how it feels and decide which one they want to entrust their boat too. I encourage customers to get the big picture. And if they want referrals from our existing customers we are happy to give them that.

How about the boat-loving Scandinavians: if coming over here to Asia and having a successful career enabling to stay for the long term - are they your potential customers and what are the opportunities to get oneself a boat here? You have both – also those who sold their firm and who have enjoyed boating previously and now having cash and wanting to have a boat here for their spare time. And you have a lot of boating experience; in Scandinavia especially sailors more than motor yachts. In general I have the impression that either they want to go fishing and wanting a certain kind of boat or they want to go sailing. We have boats covering those categories pretty well.

Now sailing is probably not so exciting here – compared to Scandinavia where we don’t have much tide water at all and especially even winds: hard or soft winds. Here you have either a lot of wind or too little and often the tide wave current of a couple of knots in the wrong direction most of the time. Then sailing goes at snail’s pace, and on top of that the heat and perhaps with people on board more sensitive to the sun wanting to stay in the shadows. And there you are sitting on a sailing boat and being very exposed, getting your fair share of UV no matter how. So it’s quite usual to see people arriving here with lots of sailing experience but after chartering a boat a few times, they come to realise the advantages of motor yachts: you just go on board and you have air conditioning

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and a fairly comfortable time on board. Phuket is often a day-tour destination; people being out at sea one or two nights, compared to Scandinavia where people often stay on board boats their whole vacation, and where you have natural harbours and access to food and fuel and water every second metre. Many people have the idea of applying their complete boating experience over here with a new boat but come to realise very quickly that things are quite different – but in a quite positive way. And there we are on site with many years of experience, ensuring that things become as good as they possibly can.

What is needed here to be able to drive the boat by one self? I often recommend having a captain during a period in the beginning. It’s one thing being good at manoeuvring a boat, but if not being used to tidal waters and anchoring in unfamiliar waters – where you have no local knowledge about islands, where there to find leeward to anchor and how one should stay over-night in a safe way; then it’s always good to have someone with that knowledge to learn from and rely on as responsible. This also enables you to anchor and disembark for excursions.

And from signing the cheque until I can be out on the water on board my dreamboat – what’s the process involved? We’ve tried to build up a one-stop shop and buying a boat is often the simple part – even if there are many discussions, considerations and meetings. Many customers come to us with a picture in their head how they want to use a boat and if they have not owned one before, there is quite a lot of



correction required to get them back on the right track – the boat might not have the reach or hull form they wish for or fit the type of activity they are thinking of. It‘s a matter of ensuring selling them a boat that fulfils their expectations and which has the characteristics required to enable a good boating experience for them. Our service includes everything from purchase and ensuring the boat’s arrival, handover, any follow-up required connecting to warranties (which often extends beyond the time promised by each manufacturer in order to make sure the client is happy), to assisting with insurance, crew and ongoing maintenance. Many boat owners live here on and off for two to three months and then leave for another country and then want the boat to be maintained to stay in the same good shape and as when they arrived the last time. I try to place myself in that seat of how I would be happy when it comes to how Derani Yachts handle their customers.

How long is the delivery time? It varies immensely; it can be anything from when a boat is already built and one is willing to compromise on things like colours or engines - which can be shipped within a few weeks (from the U.S, China or Europe) - to the latest boat model from a show where delivery time can take between 12 to 14 months. And for new-builds, such as with the Chinese boatyard we are working with, it’s custom-built the whole way, which takes up to 1,5 years.

When wishing to upgrade to a new boat model – how can you assist? If a westerner they have no opportunity here to get any local financing so it is cash payment only most times. It depends on price category too. I have traded in some boats throughout the


years, which have been well maintained and with the right price - enabling me to sell them on quickly - and, in different ways, assisted. Often a trade-in takes place as part of the payment and sometimes we commit to sell the boat within a deadline and for a certain price in relation to their new boat or buy it back. As long as the price is realistic and sums we can handle we try to close deals by taking in the boat but on a caseby-case basis. The boatyard will not release any boat unless it’s fully paid. In many cases, customers buying boats costing 1 million U.S dollar or Pound and up, are often people with good bank relations themselves elsewhere where they can find a financing solution. I am doing such a sale now and will buy back the customer’s boat. We have new boat sales at about 70 per cent and the rest is used boats sales. We have picked boats that we have sold ourselves previously, or boats owned by persons we know or boats we have kept an eye on for a while knowing that things are in order.

For the PIMEX boat show, are you depending more here on having access to owned boats? Most brokers in Europe have acquired a stock in order to have products for the season. And in the case of Fairline and the shows in England, the yard provides most boats on the show and then the brokers provide as well, so all contribute in order to get the best possible exposure during the show. Here we have a mix of one to two year old boats but they are still current models and some owners want to use the opportunity to sell their boat during the show. And we get to show current products in the water and if prospective clients want to buy a new boat they can inspect and see for themselves and discuss on board with their families and

friends, rather than just buying from a catalogue, which is otherwise the case.

To become boat captain oneself in Thailand, is there any certification/training? Unfortunately regarding boats registered in Thailand the regulations are obsolete


and based entirely on commercial shipping, for example relating the engine size to the size of the anchor! Nobody is enforcing the rules but there is no such thing as leisure boat registration adapted to the development of the pleasure boat market. What you apply for a sailor captain certificate under Thai regulations you can only get up to I think 300 horsepower. Then one must wait

for a year to apply again. An engineer is supposedly also required on board. But for sailing you can avoid that, as the engines are so small. There is a big need for regulations to be adapted.

So one must have a Thai crew to get started? Yes.

What is the importance of the PIMEX boat show for the sales compared to the rest of the efforts? All agree that PIMEX with a later date this year was much more suitable in order to haver more access to boats that could be on the water. And those genuinely interested in buying a boat



took time to come and take a look what was on offer from us and all the others selling during PIMEX. But it is just one piece in a bigger picture – you have web sites, newsletters, however you choose to get maximum exposure. It’s of course an important part but not all. This year the difference was that tourists who don’t necessarily have a genuine intention but just finding it to be an interesting activity were filtered out, so we could spend more on the real customers. So it was great in all ways!


Many boat owners live here on and off for two to three months and then leave for another country and then want the boat to be maintained to stay in the same good shape and as when they arrived the last time.

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to Take Part in


Thailand A In the aftermath of the floods that paralyzed parts of central Thailand and Bangkok last year, the Swedish Embassy took action and hosted the seminar “Reconstruction and Future Development”. Top Thai and Swedish officials along with environment experts joined forces to inspire and learn from each other. By Dennis Krog


huge area in central Thailand and several districts of Bangkok was under water for months during last year’s devastating floods that cost the lives of over 800 people. The disaster made it clear to everybody that the Thai infrastructure needs further development. The Swedish Embassy reacted, and on the back of the disaster the embassy hosted a Swedish – Thai Forum “Reconstruction and Future Development”, held at The Sukhothai Hotel in Bangkok. The seminar attracted around 140 delegates from both Thailand and Sweden. The aim for the Swedish Embassy, with the Ambassador, Klas Molin in the front line, was to reach out to the Thai Government, offering expertise and maybe see a contract or two going to Swedish companies. “Sweden has expertise in some of the areas, we think might be relevant for Thailand in the future, so the main purpose of this seminar is really to offer some thoughts and points. Of course we will be happy to come back and be concrete in certain areas, but that is entirely up to the Thai Government and Thai officials to discuss in detail,” said

the Swedish Ambassador, Klas Molin, to ScandAsia during the seminar. The Ambassador stressed that the seminar was originally planned to take place before the floods put a stop to many activities in Bangkok. The original topic was “Future Development”, which is an umbrella that fits many different topics such as global warming, waste management, sustainable urban development, road pricing and much more. The broad theme was kept, in spite of the floods last year. “The seminar has a very broad view, but of course we are now focusing on the areas highlighted by the devastating floods last year, knowing full well that the Thai Government is busy in trying to prevent a recurrent, and trying to come up with ways to preventing floods in the future,” said the Swedish Ambassador.

Top Thai Official Talk Future The Seminar started with three Thai officials taking stage, showing an impressive amount of slides outlining the future steps for the Thai Government in areas of rebuilding, developing and of course preventing disasters like the flood last year.


“It is important to protect the community. If people cannot go to work, then everything will get much worse,” Mr Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Secretary General, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, said narrowing the many slides into a few words explaining what it is really all about. Mr. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith was then followed by Dr. Kurujit Nakornthap, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy. Mr Nakornthap followed the same trail of presenting many different plans concerning the future development of Thai infrastructure before handing over the microphone with his final statement: “Despite the disaster we Thais are ready to move forward and invest in the future,” he said. When it came to investing in the future the next speaker was without a doubt the person with all the numbers. Miss Ladawan Kumpa, Deputy Secretary General, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, laid out the financial plan for reconstruction and future development of Thailand. The plan has five different focus areas and the total cost of fulfilling

the plan runs up to at staggering 84 billion US dollars. The five focus areas are: Water Resource management, Restructuring of the production & service sectors, Development strategy for new economic areas, Infrastructure development and Insurance system development. The area that takes the biggest chunk of the 84 billion US Dollars is the infrastructure development with 72 billion US dollars. Some of the investments were to be implemented immediately while some were more long term. While the Thai officials presented both the threats and the possible solutions to the many issues that the Thai society faces, the 140 delegates listened carefully, especially the Swedish Ambassador, who was taking notes, sitting right in front of the speakers.

Swedish Experts take center stage

Before lunch it was time for Swedish experts to take the stage. The first speaker was Dr. Tomas Kåberger, Chalmers University of Technology and Chairman of Japan Renewable Energy Foundation. Mr. Kåberger talked about the Swedish Energy policy and

highlighted some of the areas in which Sweden has been successful. Mr. Kåberger also made for a few laughs as he stated that politicians have a tendency only to make ambitious environmental plans for the distant future, which means that someone else will be held responsible for the success or failure of the bold plans. Dr. Hans Lundberg, Swedish Experiences AB, spoke about sustainable urban development. He acknowledged the progress Thailand has seen through the years. However Mr. Lundberg stressed that there is still a long way to go, especially when it comes to waste management. “Waste is a resource,” was the simple statement from Mr. Lundberg, who exemplified the many ways waste can be used to create energy for the community.

Time to be specific

After lunch it was time for workshops, which took place in two different conference rooms. In the first room the theme was “Energy” - in the second it was “Infrastructure and Environment”. The speakers in the workshops spoke on very diverse topics ranging from



Telecom Emergency response to sustainable Transport systems and alternative Energy sources amongst others. From the City of Stockholm, Mr. Gustaf Lindahl, spoke about sustainable transport, using Stockholm as an example. In the Swedish capital, road pricing and paid taxi’s, if public transportation is more than 20 minutes late, have been implemented in the city’s sustainable transport strategy. The Stockholm way may yet be too ambitious for a city like Bangkok, but the Swedish Ambassador still believes that there are things to learn from the different Swedish experiences, even though Thailand and Sweden aren’t comparable in every way. “One thing I have learned in preparing for this seminar – and from the seminar itself – is that there are many smart, innovative, cost effective and down to earth solutions that are low on maintenance and extremely practical,” said the Swedish Ambassador pointing


out solar energy as one of the many solutions more or less tailored for at country like Thailand with its many hours of sun. The day ended with a panel discussion where the topics of the day were debated. The Swedish Ambassador was very pleased with the day stating that the most important part of the seminar was simply the fact that it was taking place and that the ties between Thailand and Sweden were strengthened. And although the Ambassador several times stressed that the seminar wasn’t a sales pitch, Mr. Klaus Molin would be happy to assist further in the development and reconstruction of Thailand. “I think the Royal Thai Government is very, very apt on making its own decisions. And when the Thai Government has made this topic a priority, then Sweden is very glad to be able to discuss the issue with the Royal Thai Government,” said the Ambassador.

Plan for Reconstruction and Future Development 1. Water Resource Management – 10 Billion Dollars 2. Restructuring of the production & service sectors – 317 Million Dollars (shared with the following – number 3) 3. Development Strategy for new Economic areas – 317 Million Dollars (Shared with the above – number 2) 4. Infrastructure development – 72 Billion Dollars 5. Insurance system development – 1,6 Billons Dollars Total future investments rise to 84 Billion Dollars. Source: Office of the National Economic and Social Development board.





Seeing is Believing


rederik Ericson is the General Manager of Diakrit, which is a Swedish company that was established in 2001 in Sweden. The company started out with just four people, and today the Diakrit team had expanded to some 200 people. In just a short period of time the company has become one of Europe's leaders in real estate products and services, and around eight years ago Diakrit established a branch in Bangkok. The company’s products range from floor plan conversions to professional photography for the residential real estate market, to photo-realistic architectural renderings and state-ofthe-art interactive websites for the new construction segment. Around 80 per cent of their clients are either Swedish or Norwegian, although they also have clients from other parts of Europe and beyond. Diakrit operates under the company slogan of ‘Seeing is Believing’, which refers to the state-of-the-art and fully interactive websites that the company creates for new construction projects in Sweden. The company uses a team of skilled photographers, artists and animators to create extremely realistic and detailed plans of the houses and apartments that they plan to build.

What you see is what you get Clients are involved in the design of their future home every step of the way, and are even able to select details such as the materials and the colour scheme that will be used. “With Diakrit, what you see is what you get,” says Frederik Ericson, 40, who hails from the city of Örebro in Sweden. “Clients are able to take a virtual tour of their new home before it is even built and they are able to see exactly what their future home will look like.” Frederik goes on to explain that; “This kind of virtual tour has never been seen in Sweden before. We are the market leader in Sweden because of three factors: high quality, quick turnaround and the variety of packages that we offer.” In fact, Diakrit commits itself to creating floor plans for its new homes in just 24 hours. In 2012 Diakrit aims to produce more than 180,000 floor plans as well as more than 915,000 photo edited images for the real estate market. Frederik confesses that the success Diakrit has enjoyed in Thailand would not have been possible without the hard working Thai people employed. “We have a lot of skilled people here at Diakrit Thailand, such as 3D artists and 3D animators.”

“People in Thailand are extremely dedicated to their work, and we have been lucky to find a lot of skilled people in Thailand.” According to Frederik Ericson, this was among the reasons behind the company’s recent decision to move its headquarters to Bangkok. “We are proud to be in Thailand and I am proud to be working with Diakrit here,” he says

Charity work Diakrit has become involved with local charities such as the Kids Ark Foundation in Chiang Mai. The charity aims at helping disadvantaged children to break from the cycle of poverty, and Diakrit has been active in making regular contributions to the charity and generating support from people in Scandinavia. Frederik also reveals that in the near future there are plans for Diakrit to establish a new project aimed at helping handicapped people in Bangkok.

The right move Frederik Ericson has been in Bangkok since May 2011 and feels that coming to Thailand was the right move. His passion for travel has led him to live and work in a wide range of different places in the past. He originally moved from his home in Örebro to live and work in Plymouth



in England for a year. He has also lived in places such as Cyprus, Germany and Bulgaria and Australia. Last year Frederik came to Bangkok in search of a new life and career. He says that when choosing his new country of residence he has two main objectives. It had to be a friendly country and it needed to feature a tropical climate. Fortunately for Frederik and Diakrit, Thailand met the requirements perfectly. Frederik says that he admires the carefree attitude of the Thai people, which was particularly evident during the floods that took place at the end of 2011. “Even during the floods, Thai people were still smiling. This gives you some perspective in life about what is important.” Frederik goes on to add that during this time of crisis and uncertainty; “Thailand and Bangkok gave evidence to the slogan ‘the land with happy smiles’.”

Helped staff during flooding Although Diakrit is committed to


providing its clients with a fast and efficient service, they also make sure that their employees were provided for by offering temporary accommodation in hotels located close to the office and providing certain types of compensation to employees whose homes were damaged by the floods. “We took great social responsibility during the flooding. Nobody was prepared for the outcome and it was difficult to know what would happen. We held daily meetings to assess the situation and to make sure that we were always one step ahead,” he says. Although he has spent much of his life travelling the globe, Frederik confesses that he may have found his new home in Thailand. He says that he feels very comfortable in Thailand and can imagine retiring here like many of his Swedish counterparts. “My aim for this year is to travel more in Thailand and find new friends. I feel that I will probably be in Thailand for a long time, so I can relax a little now.”

People in Thailand are extremely dedicated to their work, and we have been lucky to find a lot of skilled people in Thailand.

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The command and control system on HTMS Chakri Naruebet is being upgraded by SAAB. Included in this package is data-link which enables seamless communication between the aircraft carrier and Royal Thai Air Force Gripen and SAAB 340 AEW aircraft.



SAAB Combat System

on Thai Navy Ships One of the two Thai frigates being equipped with SAAB 9LV Mk4 command and control systems and data-link for communication with Gripen and SAAB 340 AEW aircraft.

Thailand buys Swedish combat command and control system for the Royal Thai Navy worth 800 mill THB for seamless communication with the new Gripen fighters and the Erieye surveillance aircraft purchased by the Royal Thai Air Force.


he Swedish defence and security company Saab received in April 2012 an order from the Royal Thai Navy for the upgrading of the command and control system on the aircraft carrier H.T.M.S. Chakri Naruebet. The order amounts to 180 mill SEK – or 800 million THB. The contract involves upgrading the aircraft carrier with the latest generation of command and control system, 9LV Mk4. Saab will also supply data-link equipment to the ship, which will allow communication between the ship and the Royal Thai Air Force’s Gripen fighter aircraft and the airborne radar system Erieye, carried by the Saab 340 AEW. “Saab will further strengthen its position as supplier to the Royal Thai Navy through the upgrade of the command and control system on the Navy’s flagship. Saab is now on the Navy’s three major vessels and with

links to the Royal Thai Air Force’s Gripen and Erieye, capabilities and resources can be used more efficiently,” says Gunilla Fransson, Head of Saab’s Business Area Security and Defence Solutions. Saab’s tasks under the new contract will include the procurement of thirdparty systems and responsibility for integration of all existing and new systems. “This is the second 9LV Mk4 contract signed between the Royal Thai Navy and Saab. It further strengthens Saab’s position in the country, which we are proud of,” says Gunilla Fransson. The contract mainly concerns the Security and Defence Solutions business area as the supplier of the command and control system. The Electronic Defence Systems business area will supply the Sea Giraffe AMB surveillance radar system as well as data-link equipment for communication with Gripen and the



Six Gripen fighter jets, missiles and a SAAB 340 AEW plus ground systems from SAAB are operational in the Royal Thai Air Force since delivery early 2011. This number will be doubled during 2013 when another six Gripen and one SAAB 340 AEW on order are delivered to Thailand.

Erieye airborne early warning systems. The contract will run between 2012 and 2015.

Two frigates also

Last year, Saab received two orders from the Royal Thai Navy for the upgrading of combat management and fire control systems on two frigates of the Naresuan class. The total amount is 454 MSEK. Those contracts involve upgrading the frigates with the latest generation of combat management and fire control systems, 9LV Mk4 and CEROS 200. Saab will also supply data-link equipment to the ships, which will allow communication between the frigates and Thailand’s existing Gripen aircraft and Saab 340s, the latter fitted with the airborne early warning system Saab 340


Erieye AEW. Another related contract during 2011 was for an extension of Thailand´s Air Command and Control System, TACS. “We are delivering an advanced air command and control system, which forms a vital part of the Thai air defence system,” said Gunilla Fransson who at the time called the order yet another milestone in the cooperation between Thailand and Saab. That contract is worth 104 MSEK and runs between 2011 and 2013. Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs.

We are delivering an advanced air command and control system, which forms a vital part of the Thai air defence system.

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AsiaN Students

The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) is the oldest, largest and highest ranked technical university in Sweden. 34


ccording to its President, Professor Peter Gudmundson, it has helped develop Sweden’s competitiveness and creativity by producing some of the country’s top scholars. “Sweden has a strong tradition of world-class engineering and technical innovation. As the largest technical university in Sweden, KTH has helped make this possible.”

The Institute is also the most international university in Sweden, having twice the number of overseas students than the next ranking educational institute, Lund. It has reached this by focusing on three main areas: innovation, entrepreneurship and globalisation. To further solidify its success, KTH is now seeking out new students in China, India, Southeast Asia, the USA, and Brazil.


We are already moving our classrooms abroad to interesting growth regions in which KTH wants to be an active player in the rapid developments in education.

Educational Development in Asia As the Director of International Affairs Southeast Asia, Professor Anders Hult is responsible for creating strategic alliances with the best universities in the region. The main goals are to form student exchange programmes, scholarship agreements and dual degrees. Travelling to Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia, Anders can source the best and

brightest to study at KTH. This is in part to fulfil the goals found in the university’s mission statement, Vision 2027, the year when KTH becomes 200 years old. In this document, Anders himself predicts that the institute will become a global university far extending the borders of Stockholm. “We will be teaching in many other countries in cooperation with our partner universities,” he says.

“We are already moving our classrooms abroad to interesting growth regions in which KTH wants to be an active player in the rapid developments in education.”

Sourcing Students and Financial Support

In Vietnam and Indonesia, Anders’ main focus is recruitment for the university’s English-language Master’s Programmes in fields such as architecture, mechanical



engineering and information systems. This makes studying at KTH very appealing, although Anders admits that there are several hurdles to overcome when it comes to sourcing new students. One obstacle is that, apart from the Erasmus Mundus Programme, KTH does not offer any full scholarships which cover the tuition fees, living expenses and transportation costs required of international students. Networking around Southeast Asia has offered Anders an alternative solution however. For example in Vietnam, students can receive US$20,000 per year from the provincial or national government. KTH then adds up to US$7,000 through their Partial Tuition Waiver Scholarship. This decreases the overall tuition fee and provides assistance with finding oncampus work, locating a place to stay, and learning the Swedish language.

Seeking Out Corporate Aid in Thailand

Anders has also travelled around Thailand looking for industrial scholarships. This has had some success with the oil and gas company, PTT, already sponsoring a student to study at KTH. In order to seek out similar opportunities, the institute has recently become a member of the Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce. Anders hopes this network will provide the Institute with further scholarship arrangements in the future. Another Thai project aided by Anders and KTH is the commissioned education offered by the optics and electro-mechanical company, Fabrinet. Here, employees are enrolled into a


Master’s programme which is recorded or broadcast live by professors located at KTH. A correspondence course such as this is highly flexible, and provides universities and corporations in Southeast Asia with the unique opportunity to have a lecturer from KTH educate their students or staff in spite of the distance. Anders has also dealt with the Thai universities directly, seeking out both paying and exchange students from Chulalongkorn University, Kasetsart University, the Asian Institute of Technology, and Khon Kaen University.

National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technical University (NTU). Here, students receive the Partial Tuition Waiver Scholarship while studying at KTH for a short period of time. Anders is also involved in an entrepreneurship program between Singapore and Sweden. Selected students can travel to either Singapore or Sweden and work at a local start-up while studying at KTH or a Singaporean business school.

New Agreements in Singapore

Student exchange agreements offer more than just an opportunity for students, Anders says. They also allow the Programme Directors at the two partner universities to collaborate and hopefully move into a future research

Singapore also holds numerous opportunities for educational collaboration, and exchange programs have already been set up with the

Creating Future Research Partnerships

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arrangement together. “The students open the gate for research collaboration between the universities.” With Master’s agreements in place, Anders hopes to conduct PhD and faculty exchanges in the future, further pooling resources between Sweden and Southeast Asia. KTH itself will also need to make some major changes in order to remain competitive, Anders adds. Currently, only the Master’s programmes are taught in English. In the future, this should be expanded to include Bachelor’s programmes as well. For most paying parents in countries like Vietnam, there is more appeal in a child studying abroad for four years, rather than just for a two year Master’s degree.

Branding Approaches for KTH

When it comes to further education, the vast majority of Southeast Asian students think about the USA, the UK or Australia. In this environment, Anders has the added responsibility of making Sweden and KTH the more attractive study option. He fulfils this task through road-shows; the most recent of which was held in 2011. For this, Anders visited eight universities in Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam providing branding for the Institute while seeking out new Master’s students. Anders also draws upon the history of KTH, noting that world-renowned items, such as the refrigerator and Styrofoam, were developed there. He also says that the campus is clean and safe, an important factor when it comes to convincing the parents. To assist with this, the university is setting up websites in Thai, Vietnamese and Bahasa Indonesia where parents can learn more about KTH on their own.

Burma: Future Research Possibilities

Anders says that the university also has its eyes on Burma when it comes to further collaboration in the Southeast Asian region. As a “rich country with poor people,” it has great potential, especially through institutions such as Yangon Technological University. There is also the prospect of conducting future faculty exchanges, allowing Burmese professors to visit Sweden in order to bring their knowledge and skills up to the proper international standards.

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Phuket Business:



Production Start-up Swedes are increasingly starting new businesses on Phuket, many assisted by Among these are the new success story Nitro Sweden producing and selling the Swedish ‘snus’ (smokeless tobacco) product. By Joakim Persson



örgen Sandström and his family on Phuket not only runs the restaurant Trädgården (The Garden) in Rawai but offers consultant services catering primarily to Swedish businesses on Phuket, under the Alltomthai umbrella. Jörgen and accountant Patcharaporn Utoksen assist start-ups and now takes care of administrative matters for some 30 companies on the island. They have seen a change in the pattern of clients during the last 2-3 years, going away from the usual bar/ restaurant owner clientele to a much more diverse client base, such as a Swedish school, handicap assistance and this producer of snus. “Many people are coming to Thailand wanting to start a business which is different from before. Now it’s changing where they want to do various things – and they need the legal advice and help we can give them,” says Jörgen. “It just keeps on expanding. It’s not just single men anymore; families and young women are looking for investments. They are often entrepreneurs wanting to create a life here for the long term and need help getting started. If they look for the right advice there are no problems, but many go about things the wrong way, and ask for advice far too late. In our opinion we do it the right way to create the possibility for them to concentrate on their business and not on taking care of




the paperwork. If a client needs a lawyer we can recommend several we know and trust.” “We only help businesses on Phuket, we find the rules and laws change in different parts of Thailand. The problem is that our clients don’t always think before they act – they prioritise differently. They get too lazy and don’t do their visa runs on time, so sometimes Alltomthai must do the visa/work permit process all over again.” “It gives us a lot of more work, our accountant Patcharaporn asks me frequently: ‘Why are we doing this again when we have done it once for the client already?’ If you do things correctly from the start this is a very good and easy country to be in!” “Many people do the wrong thing when they start and decline any help. After six months they understand the advice they declined was what they should have taken. They rather spend the first four to five months doing things on their own and basically ticking off all the usual mistakes. Then they come to us and we try to help them. Sometimes we can, but often the mistakes made cannot be repaired. Many think that they know more than us, sometimes they come here and think they know everything about Thailand after four months, wanting to give me advice!!”


Jörgen also says that after a TV programme by the investigative Swedish show Uppdrag Granskning about problems buying property the floodgates have opened a bit on Phuket. “People turn to us and feel they have been cheated in many different ways, and after that programme the requests have doubled for us regarding sorting out issues with improper Chanots [land title deeds]. In our case people have already signed papers and realise too late there is a problem, coming to us with no concept of what they have done and not knowing what to do next.” In the case of the production start-up of a certain tobacco stemming from Scandinavia - moist powder tobacco – called ‘snus’, Jörgen however encouraged its owner Mik Wadström to get started and do what he ought to do by becoming the first customer. “Mik had a good product from his grandfather’s recipe which he had developed for himself. And I told him that I could become the first customer. I know the market because I sell tobacco. And when it turned to be easy to sell it he started to produce bigger batches. And he makes quite good quality that the customers are very satisfied with it. In my opinion he has scored.” “Snus had been my hobby since fifteen years back and it was more

a coincidence I could start selling,” explains Mik who is grateful to Jörgen. Mik had restarted snus production on a hobby basis when running out of stock after a few months living in Thailand in 2006. When learning the details about this start-up it is easy to see that things can in fact sometimes be much easier in Thailand compared to Sweden. The way this business could be started and the sort of licences and costs that came with it would be nearly impossible in Sweden! “It’s completely different; you have less to do with the authorities here which is a large part when you are a small start-up, cause it costs a lot for somebody starting from scratch. One must have cash here too but not to the same extent as in Sweden,” says the producer. “It’s very difficult there unless you are the only one on the market with a product demand and without interference from the authorities.” “Here you don’t have the restrictions like in the west, so this is still entrepreneurial territory. You can start as test market, and that has gone well for me.” So far the production is classified as local and not industrial. Snus – in Sweden registered as a food product but banned to be sold within the rest of the EU – is consumed


instead of cigarettes (and often as a replacement), mainly due to its high level of nicotine. Especially persons from Norway and Sweden using it are customers no matter where they are in the world. And obviously Thailand then constitutes a significant market given the high number of Scandinavians there are here. Trädgården used to sell a brand produced in Laos (due to its supreme quality over other locally produced moist powder tobacco. And with Jörgen himself being a devoted consumer he noticed last year that the new Rawai resident Mik Wadström was consuming some unfamiliar product. It turned out that this was Mik’s own snus that he had been producing and fine-tuning on and off for the past fifteen years! “I spent a couple of hundred hours each year for ten years,” says Mik who inherited the recipe from his grandfather fifteen years ago. When Jörgen got to taste it, he surprisedly asked Mik - nodding his approval of its quality - why he was not producing to sell. And that started it all with Nitro Sweden Co.,Ltd. The most complicated part for Mik was to source the right ingredients in Thailand and increase the production volume fast.

“And you cannot buy powder tobacco here so one must find tobacco in its raw form and find out how to most effectively grind it. All ingredients come from Thailand. That is important for me because first: I don’t get any problems with authorities, two it’s already taxed here so I avoid adding tax a second time. Three, I contribute to the Thai economy, my new home country.” “The baking of the batch is what makes the difference for the recipe,” he discloses. “The tricky part is the mixing process and when to add flavours, moisture preservatives and the acidity regulator. It’s a lot about taste and textures.” So far Nitro Dynamit has been in high demand, with high turnover directly since the launch during the low season in 2011. “Now I’m getting more and more retailers, whom are selling directly to consumers. I only want to be the producer and distributor.” There are loose snus and portion snus where this moist powder is prepackaged in small teabag-like sachets, of which the latter has about 75 per cent of the market in Thailand, according to estimates by Mik. And in order to be able to sell Nitro Dynamit and Nitro Gustaf also as portion snus he will need to invest in an expensive machine which does this packaging into bags – which he cannot

do before having an established market. So sourcing more retailers around Thailand is now the priority. Long-term Mik also eyes Asia as growth market. “It’s all about quantity; if only I can build the market for loose snus I will know there is a market for snus in bags as well!” Snus could be on the verge of a break-through also among Thais with a high number of mainly male smokers who, Mik believes, could be interested in improving their health while not giving up on their nicotine addiction. “All those I talk to here, even the authorities, ask if this can replace smoking. However since they are not used to keep it under the lip they would swallow it and feel ill. But then the portion snus would open up this market.” Mik is also looking for an active, very reliable investor who would be willing to learn the production from A to Z and thus be initiated into the secrets of the recipe, in addition to having the right skills needed for expanding on the Asian market. “I have looked into exporting, eyeing for example China. Singapore is the most difficult market, as you cannot do any marketing whatsoever even for wet, smokeless tobacco. To my knowledge one is still allowed to sell though. The main obstacle there is really the high excise duty.”



Electrolux front-loading

washing machines Market Leader

Through 11 Years


lectrolux recently celebrated 11 consecutive years as market leader of front-loading washing machines and global leader in household appliances and appliances for professional use. To reinforce its preeminent industry position, the company has now launched its new “More Than One” campaign which features an 11year warranty for motors and tubs. Commenting on the new warranty offer, Khun Sutti Manokitjarunman, General Manager of Electrolux Thailand, revealed that the company had achieved the highest growth rate in the frontloading washing machine market in Thailand in seven years, resulting in a 40% market share. “Last year Thailand faced many


problems, including the worst flood the nation had experienced in 50 years,” said Khun Sutti. “Notwithstanding the challenging market conditions, the latest research from independent research company GFK to Dec 2011 showed that Electrolux was able to move through the year and still achieve an outstanding result. Electrolux’s ‘Vapour Action’ washer, launched last year to give spa-like treatment to clothes, has also been a great success helping Electrolux maintain its position as market leader for the 11th consecutive year.”

First 11 year warrant

“Electrolux is the first brand to offer an 11-year warranty for the front-loading washing machine’s motors and tubs.

The ‘More Than One’ campaign offer is the longest warranty available in the market.” “Our aim is to strengthen our customers’ trust in the endurance of our products. We know how strong our washing machines are, and we have backed our confidence with this outstanding offer which highlights our leadership and will increase the company’s growth again this year.” Khun Sutti added that sales figures of other laundry products, such as tumble dryers and toploading washing machines, had increased in 2011 to their highest level. This was also complemented by steady growth in other categories including air conditioners and kitchen appliances.


Launch of new products

Electrolux will this year emphasize its leadership by launching a number of new products. Leading these are Electrolux Silence Hood, the cooker hood innovation with the powerful suction, yet the lowest noise level in the market (46 decibel), and Brio Hob to help you save time.” In addition, a new “Reallife Dishwasher” is a dish washer with increased capacity and an unbeatable cleaning performance. Electrolux Condensing Dryer 8 kg is another new product - the first dryer that comes with the efficient inverter system certified throughout the world by Woolmark Gold Certificate as a reassuring symbol of a high quality mark proving the dryer gentleness in clothes care. Other products drawing on Electrolux’s design excellence include small appliances such as the new Ergorapido Green 2 in 1, the cordless and rechargeable multi-purpose vacuum cleaner made of 70% recycled plastic. It is always within reach when it is time for a quick clean-up. This newly-designed vacuum cleaner features a pop out handheld unit with practical accessories for cleaning purposes above floor. Electrolux has also released the latest innovation in air-conditioners with classic European design, the Viva Grande. An inverter air-conditioner provides low noise operation together with instant coolness and the best energy-savings in the current market. It also offers the Duo Plasma System works together with the Active Plasma System, which keeps the home safe from harmful allergens.

Charity during the flooding Khun Sutti Manokitjarunman says that Electrolux conducted several charity campaigns to show support for those adversely affected by the great flood

last year. These included hosting blood donation events during the time when blood supplies were severely limited, and distributing 500 survival bags and 100 packs of drinking water, together with uncooked rice and dried food to the Flood Relief Operation Centre at the Chaeng Wattana Government Complex. In addition, the company donated and installed 20 washing machines at Thammasat University Rangsit Campus’s evacuation centre. “We also provided free-of-charge appliance check-ups and repairs for any Electrolux products damaged by the flood, and offered 50% reduction for spare parts fee,” Khun Sutti says. “This campaign was well received reaching a record of 5,000 customers and was able to relieve a great deal of difficulties flood victims had to endure.”

Supported employee flood victims

“We granted 5,000 baht to each affected employee and provided office space for temporary dormitory. Electrolux was probably the first company to establish a permanent fund entitled 3E (Extra Employee Enterprise) in order to help our people during this calamity as well as for the future. All types of natural disasters, accidents, and serious illness of the staff members and their families were also covered under this fund.” “These campaigns express our earnest desire to help our customers, and our determination to be a part of the society and relieve any problems and difficulties. Taken together, it appears that many people noticed our response, both at a practical helpful level, as well as doing what we could to help society in general. This might be the reason why during the last month of last year, our sales rose 50% and this trend still continues to today. During crisis, consumers will choose the brand they trust most,” Khun Sutti said

About Electrolux Electrolux is a global leader in household appliances and appliances for professional use, selling more than 40 million products to customers in more than 150 markets every year. The company focuses on innovative products that are thoughtfully designed, based on extensive consumer insight, to meet the real needs of consumers and professionals. Electrolux products include refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, cookers, air-conditioners and small appliances such as vacuum cleaners sold under esteemed brands like Electrolux, AEG, Eureka and Frigidaire. In 2010 Electrolux had sales of SEK 106 billion and 52,000 employees.

For more information go to, electrolux-insiders, and thelittlewhitebook



Scania Bus

First Thai Ethanol Bus Sweden’s Scania Group has - via Scania Siam Co., Ltd. - lent a bus to “Demonstration Project of Thailand’s First Ethanol Bus.” The project is parts of a Thai government formulate plans for promoting the use of so-called ED95 ethanol (a blend of 95 percent bio-ethanol and 5 percent additives) as an alternative fuel for city buses in the transportation sector.



cania has various model of buses, designed for different conditions. Scania’s parts can be assembled like modules and large parts – such as engines, transmissions, rear axle, suspensions and brake systems – are interchangeable. The Scania K UB4x2 model was chosen for the “Demonstration Project of Thailand’s First Ethanol Bus” because it is ideal for use as a city bus. Scania used a computer program to choose the model based on the performance and work requirements such as: • Moderate horse-power

• Low –emissions and environmentally friendly engine

• Frequent stop and go driving to pick up and drop off passengers

Ease of driving and convenient controls

The model chosen for the Bangkok test is equipped with a 270 horsepower engine, a six-speed automatic transmission and disc brakes. It also has a low-floor structure which makes it easy for passengers to enter and leave the bus. The bus features a special “kneeling” function that allows it to


either lower or raise its floor when driving on steep inclines and bridges. The bus is also wheelchair accessible, incorporating a ramp and a stop button at wheelchair level for passenger to signal the driver when he or she wants disembark from or enter the bus. Designed to comply with the European “tilting test” the aluminum body is low weight, solid, durable, rust resistant and uses less fuel than a steel body bus.

Ethanol buses in other countries

Scania started to experiment with and testing ethanol buses in 1985, leading to continues development and improvements. The current engine model which runs on ED95 ethanol is a third-generation engine, which complies with the Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle emission standard, which is between the Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards. The ED95’s emission of CO2 is 90 percent less than a typical

diesel bus. A number of countries has experimented with ED95 buses, including Poland, Belgium, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Brazil, South Africa and Australia. Sweden, where Scania is headquartered, has thrown its weight behind renewable energy with a prime focus on cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Thailand is the third country behind Brazil and South Africa to which Scania has lent its ED95 bus for trial use. These three countries have similar climates and an abundance of ethanol feedstock which makes them suitable for using the biofuel. By allowing Thailand to use its bus in real-road conditions in Bangkok, Scania hopes to show the country’s policymakers the advantages of using ED95-fueled buses. “Thailand is an agriculture base country and we have plenty of rice, sugar cane, cassava …etc. Therefore, the production of ethanol from

molasses, and tapioca will be additional added value apart from sugar and animal feed. Replacement of diesel (fossil fuel) with ethanol as renewable energy will assist Thailand to have energy security, less reliable on fossil import. In addition, it is environmentally friendly with much less carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. With those benefits to Thailand, we decided to join this project,” says Vichai Jirathiyut, Project Director, Scania Siam Co., Ltd.

Ministerial project

The “Demonstration Project of Thailand’s First Ethanol Bus” is a project run by the Ministry Industry’s Industrial Promotion Department, in cooperation with 10 other public and private agencies. The project is receiving funding from the Energy Conservation Fund through the Energy Policy and Planning Office, the latter of which will follow up to ensure the project is being implemented in accordance with objectives.

Stay in touch with Sweden – SVT World SVT World, the international channel of the Swedish public service TV company, Sveriges Television, offers mainly Swedish-produced programmes worldwide. News. Music, sport & nature. Children’s programmes. Drama, debate and culture. Plus teletext and two radio channels: Radio Sweden and SR P4, 24 hours a day. SVT World is distributed via the Thaicom 5 satellite’s global beam coverage (78,5o East, 3.640 6G, H) and encrypted in Viaccess 2.6.

Contact SVT World Customer Services at: ConNova phone: +46 141 20 39 10 e-mail:



Volvo Trucks and Buses celebrates 20th anniversary

in Thailand


olvo Group (Thailand) Company Limited, the sole assembler and distributor of Volvo Trucks and Buses in Thailand celebrates the 20th Anniversary, as well as announces the success of exceeding sales target in 2011 by delivered 1,027 Volvo trucks and 132 Volvo buses in Thailand and its neighboring countries. In


the cerebration event, Volvo Trucks and Buses confirm its 4-billion-baht investment in Thailand. Half of which will be for expanding its assembly capacity to serve the upcoming AEC scheme (ASEAN Economic Community) starting in 2015 while the rest 2,000 million baht will be injected into network expansion from current six branches to 15 branches.

Mr. Jacques Michel, President of Volvo Group (Thailand), is pouring Champaign to celebrate its 20th anniversary in Thailand together with Mrs. Annika Viberud (1st from left), Honorable representative of Volvo Trucks Corporation, Mr. Christoffer Berg (center), Sweden Minister Counselor to Thailand, and Mr. Nat Nivattanon , Managing Director of N.E. (1992) Co.,Ltd, the first Volvo Truck customer in Thailand.

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Chamber Location Map THE THAI-SWEDISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 34 C.P. Tower 3, 9th Floor Building A, Phayathai Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2354 5229-31 Fax: +66 (0) 2354 5232 E-mail:

Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Embassy and Consulates Embassy of Sweden, Bangkok 20th Floor, One Pacific Place, 140 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok Tel: +66 (0) 2263 7200 Fax: +66 (0) 2263 7260 E-mail: ambassaden.bangkok Web:


Consulate of Sweden, Pattaya Honorary Consul Dr. Sunya Viravaydia 391/69 Moo 10, Tabphya Road, Pattaya City 20260 Tel: +66 (0) 38 364 485 Fax: +66 (0) 38 364 485 E-mail:

Consulate General of Sweden, Phuket Consul General Alf Karlsson Pearl Village Hotel, Nai Yang Beach and National Park, Phuket 83110 Tel: +66 (0) 76 380 000 Fax: +66 (0) 76 380 019 E-mail: Web:


Board of Governors

Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

President Mr. Kenneth Radencrantz Q-Matic Technologies Asia Co.,Ltd.

Vice President & Marketing & PR Ms. Chantana Vatanaromya Volvo Car (Thailand) Ltd.

Vice President & Treasury Mr. Jan Eriksson Spica Co., Ltd.

Eentrepreneurship Mr. Vichai Jirathiyut Scania Siam Co., Ltd.

Education Prof. Said Irandoust Asian Institute of Technology

Legal & Government Relations Mr. Worachai Bhicharnchitr Vickery & Worachai Ltd.

Property Mr. Supakorn Kijkanakorn Aleenta Company Limited

Property Mr. Patima Jeerapaet Colliers International Thailand

Marketing & PR Mr. Sutti Manokitjarunman Electrolux Thailand Co.,Ltd.

Member & Events Mr. Bjorn Richardsson Oakwood Residence Sukhumvit 24 Bangkok

Media Mr. Niels Henrik Hansen Director and General Manager Southeast Asia, SAS, Scandinavian Airlines

Advisor Mr. Bjรถrn Tarras-Wahlberg Advisor / Taxation

Member & Events Mr. Hakan Alm Vision House Limited

Media Mr. Christer Nilsson Media Partner Co., Ltd.

Member & Events Mr. Eric Hallin Rembrandt Hotel & Towers Bangkok

Member & Events Mr. Oscar Rolfsson Diakrit (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Executive Director Mr. Peter Bjork Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce



Honorary Members Embassy of Sweden 20th Fl., One Pacific Place 140 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2263 7200-1 Fax: +66 (0) 2263 7260

H.E. Klas Molin Ambassador

Premium Members

Alfa Laval (Thailand) Ltd. 222 Krungthep Kreetha Road Huamark, Bangkapi 10240 Bangkok Postal address: P.O. Box 226, Klongchan Post Office 10240 Bangkok Tel: +66 (0) 2379 4660 Fax: +66 (0) 2379 4661-2 E-mail: Web:

Bangkok Bank Pcl. 333 Silom Road, Bangkok 10500 Tel: +66 (0) 2231 4333 Fax: +66 (0) 2231 4742

Mr. Roby Janssens Regional General Manager Mr. Koray Chong

Mrs. Vongthip Chumpani Advisor

Keywords: Alfa Laval manufactures and provides special products and world class technical solutions helping our customers optimize the performance of their processes. Time and time again. Our equipment, systems and services create solutions for heating cooling, separation and fluid handling of oil, chemicals, water, beverages, foodstuffs, starch, etc. We have close co-operation with customers all over the world to help them stay ahead.

Astra Zeneca (Thailand) Ltd. 19th Floor, Asia Center Building 173/20 South Sathorn Road, Thungmahamek, Bangkok, 10120 Tel: +66 (0) 2 739 7400 Fax: +66 (0) 2 739 7499 E-mail :

Mr. Reginald Seeto President Keywords: As one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, our business is focused on turning good ideas into innovative, effective medicines that makes a real difference in important areas of healthcare.


Atlas Copco (Thailand) Limited 125 Moo 9 Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Bangna-Trad Road Km.36 Bangwua, Bangpakong, Chachoengsao 24180 Tel: +66 (0) 38 562 919 +66 (0) 38 562 911 Fax: +66 (0) 38 562 901 E-mail: Web:

Keywords: Atlas Copco (Thailand) Limited operates in three business area, Compressors Technique, Construction and Mining Technique and Industrial Technique.

Bangkok Bank Pcl. 333 Silom Road, Bangkok 10500 Tel: +66 (0) 2231 4333 Fax: +66 (0) 2231 4742

Ms. Wallapa Klipratoom Keywords: Bangkok Bank provides a broad variety of banking products and services catering for the specific needs of our customers.


Black Mountain Golf Club Hua Hin 565 Moo 7, Nonghien Road Tambon Hin Lek Fai Hua Hin 77110 Tel: +66 (0) 32 618 666 Fax: +66 (0) 32 618 628 Web:

Mr. Harald Elisson General Manager Keywords: Golf course development Hotel Real estate Cultural activities

Ericsson (Thailand) Ltd. 20th Fl., Suntowers Building B 123 Vibhavadee Rangsit Rd., Chatuchak Bangkok 10900 Tel: +66 (0) 2299 7000 Fax: +66 (0) 2299 7102

Mr. Joacim Damgard President of Ericsson (Thailand) Ltd. Keywords: Most people communicate through Ericsson’s Mobile Phone Network that is more than 40% of all Mobile Phone Traffic.

Lux Royal (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 523-535 Sukhumvit 71 Road Prakanong Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2391 9532 Fax: +66 (0) 2391 9531

Mr. Hakan Palm Managing Director Keywords: Lux Royal (Thailand) sells household appliances through direct sales from 30 branches all over Thailand. Our routes are from Sweden but today Vorwerk & Co. KG from Germany is our major shareholder.

Saab International (Thailand) AB 17th Floor, Unite 1705 One Pacific Place Bldg. 140 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2653 2650-2 Fax: +66 (0) 2653 2653 E-mail:

Mr. Peter Temander Vice President Asia/Pacific Keywords: Saab AB is one of the world’s leading highTechnology companies, with its main operations Focusing on defence, aviation, and space

Molnlycke Heath Care (Thailand) 160 Moo 17 Bangplee Industrial Estate Bangna-Trad Km.23, Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 Tel: +66 (0) 2705 1677 Fax: +66 (0) 2315 1016 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Wolfgang Peters Director & General Manager

Mr. Attapon Chodchoy Finance & Accounting Director Keywords: Molnlycke Health Care (Thailand) is one of the world’s largest single-use surgical gown and drape & set production facilities, under the brand names of Klinidrape and BARRIER.



Scandinavian Airlines System 8th Floor, Glas Haus 1 Sukhumvit 25, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2645 8200 (Reservations/Ticketing) +66 2645 8210 (Bangkok Town Office) +66 2134 2020 (SAS Bangkok Airport) +66 2137 4731 (Cargo Sales) Fax: +66 (0) 2665 2900 E-mail: Web:

SECO Tools (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 119/46 Moo 8 Bangna-Trad Road (Km 3) Bangna, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 Tel: +66 (0) 2746 7801 ext 101 Fax: +66 (0) 2746 7802 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Chawalit Tongin General Manager

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) 50 Collyer Quay #12-03 OUE Bayfront, Singapore 049321 Tel: +65 6357 0895 Fax: +65 6532 4538 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Bo Carlsson General Manager SEB Merchant Banking Singapore

Mr. Niels Henrik Hansen Director and General Manager Southeast Asia Keywords:

Scandinavian Airlines is the Northern Europe’s largest airline focusing on services, reliability, and simplicity. We fly six weekly flights from Bangkok to Copenhagen. Our extensive network provides convenient connections to Scandinavian and European destinations from Copenhagen Stockholm airports. Onboard SAS’ modern and spacious Airbus A340s, there are a number of specific features, for example, personal entertainment screens across all classes. SAS is also one of few airlines to offer a premium economy product, Economy Extra. In a separate cabin, Economy Extra passengers enjoy wider and more comfortable seats than in Economy, extended meal services, Business class check-in and priority boarding. SAS Business Sleeper offers the highest levels of comfort with lie-flat seats, the popular buffet bar with drinks, snacks and espresso machine, and a spacious restroom with feature windows. From July 1st we simplify our baggage concept and introduce a new baggage concept (piece concept) for all bookings with departure on and after October 1st 2010. The new baggage concept applies on all flights operated by SAS Group, i.e SAS, Blue1 and Widerøe.

Ms. Rojana Chuenkamrai Administration Manager Keywords: Customer satisfaction and good co-operation is our mission. Each year we deliver millions of Cutting Tools to the machining industry around the world.

Mr. Ole Hamre General Manager SEB Private Banking Singapore Keywords: Providing a full range of commercial banking activities with emphasis on trade finance, structured finance and treasury services aimed at the needs of Nordic companies and their counterparts in the Asian region,as well as international offshore private banking services for Nordic individuals.

Tetra Pak (Thailand) Limited 1042 Soi Poonsin (Sukhumvit 66/1) Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel: +66 (0) 2704 3000 Fax: +66 (0) 2704 3010

Mr. Rusty Kekuewa



The Landmark Bangkok 138 Sukhumvit Road Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2254 0404 Fax: +66 (0) 2255 8429 E-mail: Webs:

Mr. Taro Tan Acting Hotel Manager Keywords: The Landmark has reaffirmed its position as one of Bangkok’s most enduringly popular hotels. The impressive hotel offers 31 storeys of elegant and spacious accommodation with 359 rooms and 55 suites. Our accommodation is of the highest standards, as are our restaurants, and our service is, of course, sublimely Thai. Our facilities include a 24-hour business centre with private meeting rooms, 25 newly renovated function rooms with capacities from 10-1,000 delegates, the 2,500 square metre Fitness First health club, an outdoor swimming pool, high-speed internet, wi – fi and a choice of seven gourmet restaurants with two international bars. Our central location of the main business, shopping and entertainment areas, with convenient access to Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Center (BITEC), Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, and IMPACT Convention Center makes us ideal for convention and exhibition delegates.

Vickery & Worachai Ltd. 16th Floor, GPF Witthayu Towers A 93/1 Wireless Road,Lumpini Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Tel: +66 (0) 2256 6311 +66 (0) 2650 9691 Fax: +66 (0) 2256 6317-8 E-mail: Web:

Volvo Truck & Bus (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 42/5 Moo 7, Bangna-Trad Highway Km.26 T.Bangsaothong A.Bangsaothong Samutprakarn 10540 Thailand VTBRT Tel: +66 (0) 2707 1747 Fax: +66 (0) 2707 1734 E-mail: Web: TSA Tel: +66 (0) 2707 1721-8 Fax: +66 (0) 2338 1935 E-mail:

Mr. Worachai Bhicharnchitr Managing Director / Firm Principal Keywords: Established in 1975. Vickery & Worachai Ltd. is a broad-based commercial and business practice acting primarily for multinational corporations conducting operations in Thailand.

Mr. Christophe Martin Managing Director, VTBT

The firm also advises financial institutions and borrowers on project financing and takes an active role in assisting clients in contract and concession negotiations with Thai government entities. Mr. Bo Palmqvist Managing Director, TSA Volvo Car (Thailand) Ltd. 1527 Sukhumvit 71 Rd. Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel: +66 (0) 2319 9820-3 Fax: +66 (0) 2319 9820 Web:

Keywords: Volvo Group companies in Thailand is covered in manufacturing, marketing and sales of Volvo group products & services and it is focused to deliver total transport solutions to the market. VTBT is the marketing and sales company for Volvo Group products and services, incl. Parts, IT and financial service. The company was established in 1990. TSA is a manufacturer of Volvo Group products for Thai domestic as well as export markets. Non group product is also manufactured within the company. The company was established in 1975.

Ms. Chantana Vatanaromya President Keywords: Volvo Car (Thailand) Ltd is a national sales company responsible for the sales and marketing of Volvo Cars in Thailand. VCT is owned by Volvo Car Corporation in Sweden.



Corporate Members AB MunkforsS책gar 34 C.P. Tower 3, 9th Floor Building A, Phayathai Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400 Tel: +66 (0) 2354 5234 Fax: +66 (0) 2354 5235 E-mail: Webs:

Mr. Bengt Fridlund Marketing Manager

Ms. Suparat Sukpradit Sales Manager Thailand Keywords: More than 60 years of successful manufacturing of high-performance sawing,- slicing and raspering blades for most applications within the food and woodworking industries. Munkfors unique manufacturing technology guarantees products of high quality and long life. ABB LIMITED 161/1 SG Tower, Soi Mahadlekluang 3 Rajdamri Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Tel: +66 (0) 2665 1000 Fax: +66 (0) 2665 1030 Web:

Keywords: ABB, a leader in power and automation technologies, provides utility and industry customers with products, services and solutions that makes our customer competitive. Akzo Nobel Paints (Thailand) Limited., Eka Bangkok Branch 283/61-63 Home Place Office Building, 12th Floor, Soi Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor), Sukhumvit Road, Khwaeng Klongtonnur, Khet Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2712 7293 Fax: +66 (0) 2712 7298 Web:

Mr. Suraphol Sanunsilp General Manager

Mr. Dave Lovell Business Manager Asia Pacific Keywords: Performance chemicals for the pulp and paper industry.

Aleenta Company Limited 3 Ram-indra 55/8,Ram-indra Road, Taraeng, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10230 Tel: +66 (0) 2508 5300 Fax: +66 (0) 2508 5332 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Supakorn Kijkanakorn Managing Director

Mr. Lennart Westberg Sales Manager Keywords: Aleenta Resort and Spa: Small luxury hotels in HuaHin/Pranburi and Phuket/Phang-Nga. Aleenta Villa: Beachfront Villa and Condominium Development for sale in Phang-Nga We also involve in construction and real estate industries. We offer a wide range of architectural and engineering services in design and construction of all types of facilities including interior, exterior, landscaping, etc. Asia & Overseas Travel Partner Co., Ltd. T. Shinawatra Building, 3rd Floor, 94 Sukhumvit Soi 23, North Klongtuey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel: +66 2 664 2560 Fax: +66 2 664 2564 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Chaiyot Piyawannarat President & Country Manager

Mr. Martin Rosborg Managing Director

Mr. Anand Gupta Country Chief Financial Officer


Keywords: Travel agency working with Inbound to Thailand from primary the Nordic countries, Domestic sales and in the future even Outbound from Thailand. Have six services single or in package: Accommodation, Golf, Tours around in Thailand, Sightseeing trips, Transportation and Meetings.


Asian Institute of Technology P.O.Box 4, Klong Luang Pathumthani-12120 Tel: +66 (0) 2524 6001 Fax: +66 (0) 2524 6004 E-mail: Web:

ASSAB Steels (Thailand) Ltd. 9/8 Moo4, Soi Theedinthai, Theparak Road, T.Bangpleeyai, A. Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 Tel: +66 (0) 2385 5937, +66 (0) 2757 5017 Fax: +66 (0) 2385 5943, +66 (0) 2385 5936 E-mail: Web:

BaumgartenBrandt (Asia) Ltd. Sathorn Thani Tower 2, Floor 18, 92/50 North Sathorn Rd. Silom, Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Tel: +66 (0) 2636 8666 Fax: +66 (0) 2636 7626 E-mail: Web:

Prof. Said Irandoust President

Mr. Chavalit Meesamanyont President

Dr. Ralf Baumgarten Executive Director

Keywords: International Organization, Higher Education, Continuing Education, Short Courses and Training, Technology, Engineering, Management, Environment, Development, Human Resource Development, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Capacity Development

Keywords: ASSAB is no. 1 in tool steels and solutions for tooling excellence with reliable heat treatment and machining services. We also market & distribute Kanthal heating products and refractory materials throughout Thailand.

Asian Tigers Transpo International Ltd. 3388/74-77 Sirinrat Building, 21st floor, Rama 4 Road, Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2687 7888 Fax: +66 (0) 2687 7999 E-mail: Web:

B & W Premier Properties 9/92 Moo 9, Suite A1, 2nd Floor, Chalong Parkview, Chalong, Muang, Phuket 83130, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 76 282 140 Fax: +66 (0) 76 283 164 E-mail: Web:

Mr. William C. Reinsch Managing Director

Mr. Erik Dahlstrom Regional Accounts Manager Keywords: Thailand’s longest established international move management specialist. Services include international and domestic Household goods moving, comprehensive home search service and extensive orientation packages.

Suyada Intara-Apai Head of Legal Department Keywords: BaumgartenBrandt (Asia) Ltd. is a member of an international network of service firms providing legal, tax, accounting and audit services. In Thailand our team of Thai, German and French lawyers, accountants, auditors and staff will use its knowledge and experience to facilitate your Thai investment and its ongoing operations.

Mr. Mikael Leon Bluhm Executive Director

Ms. Saranlux Wunjina Asst. General Manager Keywords: B & W Premier Properties, a property developer related to the long stay tourism and second home industry. We are specialists in developing, marketing & selling properties on Phuket Island, specializing in premium residential real estate. We offer both whole-and fractional ownership solutions to our customers. B & W additionally offers management & consulting for property projects, all kinds of construction, engineering and architectural design.



Burapha Agroforestry Co., Ltd. Kaysone Phomvihane Av. 46 Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: +00856 021 451 841-2 Fax: +00856 021 451 844 E-mail: Web:

Capaciton Ltd. 492/2 Soi Pattanakarn 38 Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel: +66 (0) 2 369 3113 Fax: +66 (0)2 369 3114 E-mail: Web:

CCM Center for Change Management Ltd. Liberty Place, Suit 824, 42 Sukhumvit Road Soi 22, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 897740118 Fax: +66 (0) 22587733 E-mail: , Web:

Mr. Alexander Otendal Olsen Marketing Manager

Mr. Lars Andersson Director

Mr. Peter Bjork Managing Director

Mr. Petter Svensson Industry Division Manager

Mr. Johan Winroth Technical Director

Keywords: Burapha is the only Swedish company in Lao PDR that produces wood furniture. We are furthermore the only company in the country that is using plantation wood exclusively, including Teak, Eucalyptus and Acacia. No natural species are being processed at our factory; only ! wood from sustainably managed plantations.

Keywords: We focus on green, efficient industrial battery based energy solutions, using the latest technologies and developing our own products to reduce battery fleet costs. Our product offers include batteries, chargers, battery filling systems, water treatment systems, and battery fleet management systems. Our service offers range from problem solving to full maintenance commitments for batteries, chargers, and battery watering systems.

C.I.T. Property Consultants Co., Ltd. 17/F Ploenchit Center, 2 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2656 7000 Fax: +66 (0) 2656 7111 E-mail: Web:

Keywords: We are a group of International expert’s active in Thailand and Southeast Asia originated from Sweden. We are working both in the Businessand University – Academic sector. We offer professional services in the area of Change- and Career Management. Change Management: We support companies and organisations in projects for strategy- and productivity improvement, leader development and more. Career Management: We support Professionals and Students, Universities and Companies with Career Management tools benefiting the Individual, the University and the Company. Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World 999/99 Rama I Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Tel: +66 (0) 2100 1234 Fax: +66 (0) 2100 1235 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Michel Horn General Manager

Mr. Simon Landy Director Keywords: Valuation & Advisory, Tenant Representation, Strategic Consultancy & Planning, Retail Leasing, Residential Sales & Leasing, Research & Consultancy, Property & Facilities Management, Investment Sales, Industrial Sales & Leasing, Corporate Services, Commercial Leasing, Auction, Asset Management.


Mr. Ferry Tjahjono Director of Sales Convention Centre Keywords: Located in CentralWorld, 5-star hotel combined with Bangkok Convention Centre features 505 Rooms, 8 restaurants & bars and Cenvaree Spa. The Convention Centre offers over 10,000 m2 with 21 function rooms.


Conrad Bangkok All Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Phathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2690 9999 Fax: +66 (0) 2690 9980 E-mail: Web:

Double Realty Co., Ltd. Master License Partner of ENGEL & VOLKERS Asia Pacific Ltd. 57/1-2 Petchkasem Road, A.Hua Hin Prachuabkirikan 77110 Tel: +66 (0) 23251 3202 Fax: +66 (0) 23251 3201 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Vincent Mercurio General Manager Khun Duangjai Kraus

Ms. Linda C. Giebing Director of Business Development

Mr. Garry Irvin

Keywords: Deluxe room accommodation, extensive meeting and banqueting space, spa and fitness center, 4 restaurants, nightclub, bar and deli. Conrad Hotel is committed to creating a “new attitude” in delivering the finest hospitality. Diakrit (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 253 Asoke 14th. Fl. Sukhumvit 21 Rd. Klongtoey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2664 0240 Fax: +66 (0) 2664 0241 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Frederik Ericson Managing Director

Mr. Oscar Rolfsson Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Keywords: Floor plans, home plans, and architectural 3D renderings. Diakrit provides marketing solutions for realtors and property developers.

Electrolux Thailand Co., Ltd. 1910 Electrolux Building, New Petchburi Road Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10320 Tel: +66 (0) 2725 9100 Fax: +66 (0) 2725 9202 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Sutti Manokitjarunman Managing Director & General Manager

Mr. Thomas Klingberg Chief Financial (Officer East Asia) Keywords: Importer and distributor of household electrical appliances. Also manufacturer of washing machines and dryer machines.

Ms. Kritikar “Eric” Thananan Keywords: Real Estate

EQHO Communications Ltd. 2001 Chartered Square Building 152 North Sathorn Road Bangkok 10500 Tel: +66 (0) 2637 8060 Fax: +66 (0) 2637 8422 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Tomas Julin Chairman

Mr. Ross Klinger CEO Keywords: Linguistics and multimedia localization specialists i.e translation of text,software, desktop publishing and voice over recordings.



EU Pension Sverige AB Box 7642 103 94 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 (0) 8 618 53 00 Fax: +46 (0) 8 551 189 12 E-mail: Webs:

Fabrinet Ltd. 5/6 Moo 6, Phaholyothin Rd. Soi Khunpra, Klongnueng, Klongluang, Patumthanee 12120 Tel: +66 (0) 2524 9600 Fax: +66 (0) 2524 9690 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Thomas Soderstrom Managing Director

Dr. Soon Kaewchansilp Director Mr. Per Olov Ragfelt Executive Director

Keywords: Pension fund. Euro-Center (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 10th Floor, Suite 10 A, Evergreen Place 318 Phayathai Road, Ratchathevi Bangkok 10400 Tel: +66 (0) 2696 3626-27 Fax: +66 (0) 2696 3628 E-mail: Web:

Ms. Mai Ellegaard General Manager

Mr. Jan Miklos Kovacs Claims Manager Keywords: Providing travel and medical insurance services in the region since 1989 as the Representative of Europeiska Forsakringsaktiebolaget, Sweden, a.o.

GlenAsia Group The Trendy Plaza, 1st Floor 10/35, Soi Sukhumvit 13, Klong Toey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2168 7090-2 Fax: +66 (0) 2168 7093 E-mail: Web:

Mrs. Jintamai Mitchell Keywords: Providing manufacturing service to the world’s leading OEMs through and unparalleled engineering center of excellence. Finnair PLC 163 Ocean Insurance Bldg., 18th Fl., Unit F, Surawongse Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Tel: +66 (0) 2266 3260-5 Fax: +66 (0) 2266 3266 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Radit Thepawan General Manager Keywords:

GlenAsia Group is a property developer. The company analyses potential acquisition targets and structures, finances, manages and sells mainly residential projects, retiree/holiday homes and resorts.

Hammars Co., Ltd. No.18 Soi Ramkamheng 24 Yag2 (Thavontawat 1), Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 Tel: +66 (0) 2319 9551-3 Fax: +66 (0) 2319 8339 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Kostermaa Petteri Sales Director, Thailand and South East Asia Keywords: ESCAPE THE ORDINARY. Get Away In Style. Get Onboard FINNAIR. Break away from the boredom and jet off with our gorgeous new fleets to Europe.

Ms. Lawan Kulchai Managing Director

Mr. Pirapol Sriutta General Manager Keywords: Rent and sale cabin office, cabin toilet, cabin storage and sea-containers. We manufacture cabins in very strong creation for renting purpose.



Hvidsten Group 11 Floor, 208 Wireless Building Wireless Road (Witthayu), Lumpini Pathumwan 10330, Bangkok Tel: +66 2 651 5130 Fax: +66 2 651 5131 E-mail: Web:

Krusell (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 98 Athakravi Bldg 4th Fl., Soi Sukhumvit 26 Sukhumvit Rd., Klongtan, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10600 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2260 0222 Fax: +66 (0) 2260 0225 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Stefan de Bekassy CEO

Mr. Marcus Krusell CEO


Keywords: Krusell is a Thai-Swedish company producing leather and artificial cases for exporting around the world. Krusell has been in the leather industry for more than 15 years. Besides cases for consumer electronics, Krusell also produce cases of various styles with its own brand name “Krusell” as well as OEM and customer design.


IKEA Trading (Thailand) Ltd. 38 Moo 6 Bangna-Trad, Km.8, Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 Tel: +66 2 108 0500 Fax: +66 2 108 1012

M2M Technology Co., Ltd. Pornpailin Business Point 891 2-4 F., Onnuch Road, Sukhumvit 77, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel: +66 (0) 2742 5001-2 Fax: +66 (0) 2742 6833 E-mail: Web:

Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok 48 Oriental Avenue Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2659 9000 Fax: +66 (0) 2659 0000 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Robert O Kennedy Director of Sales and Marketing Keywords: Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok’s riverside hotel, was established in 1876 and is a city landmark. It has the highest staff ratio of any Bangkok hotel: approximately 3.4 staff members per room. From 1981 to the present day, Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok has been ranked amongst the finest hotels in the world and has received numerous prestigious awards. Modigs Forvaltnings (Asia) Ltd. 1000/58 P.B. Tower 15th Floor Sukhumvit 71 Road, North Klongton Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2381 3129 Fax: +66 (0) 2381 2132

Mr. Alain Gross Managing Director and Material Area Manager Keywords: IKEA Trading Thailand Ltd’s task is to procure IKEA home furnishing products, and secure quality & environment for product of those, at manufactures in Thailand. All products are being exported to IKEA outlets worldwide.

Mr. Rolf Johanes Modig Director Mr. Jan Eriksson President

Mr. Ton J.A. Gerdsen Consultant Mr. Hakan Alm Director

Keywords: Leasing of office spaces in P.B. Tower

Keywords: Wireless Solutions, GPS based Tracking Systems etc.



Montpelier Nordic Ltd. Unit A-13-2 Level 13 Menara UOA Bangsar, 5 Jalan Bangsar 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia Tel: +60322872287 Fax: +60322872284 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Roger Spetz CEO

Mr. Mats Holm Senior Advisor & Partner Keywords: Wealth Management Munters (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 121/107 RS Tower Bldg., 40th Floor Zone B, Ratchadapisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400 Tel: +66 (0) 2642 2670 Fax: +66 (0) 2642 2674

Nordea Bank Singapore Branch 3 Anson Road, #22-01 Springleaf Tower, Singapore 079909 Tel: +65 6317 6523 Fax: +65 6327 5418 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Eric Christian Pedersen Head of Private Banking, Asia Pacific

Mr. Jonas Bergqvist Senior Account Manager, Private Banking Keywords: Nordea is the largest financial services group in the Nordic Region with approximately EUR 311 billion in total assets. Nordea is a leading asset manager in the Nordic financial management. Nordea has a world leading internet-banking and e-commerce operation with 4.1 million customers. Nordic Power Asia Ltd. 25th Fl., Times Square Building 246 Sukhumvit Road Bet.soi 14-14 KLongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2253 9394-7 Fax: +66 (0) 2253 9398

Nordic Travel Co., Ltd 130/2 Sukhumvit Road, Soi 20, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2663 4490 Fax: +66 (0) 2258 9940 E-mail: Web:

Ms. Christina Carlsson Zarlimee Managing Director Keywords: Destination Management Company/ Incoming Tour Operator. Conferences, meetings and incentive arrangements. Hotel reservations all over Asia, Holiday packages in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. Oakwood Residence Sukhumvit 24 Bangkok 15 Sukhumvit Soi 24, Sukhumvit Road Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2612 5777 Fax: +66 (0) 2612 5655 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Bjorn Richardson General Manager

Mr. Jerry Yang Managing Director Keywords: Munters is the world leader in humidity control, with products and services for water and fire damage restoration and dehumidification, humidification and air-cooling.


Mr. Jan Cederwall President Keywords: Nordic Power (Asia) Ltd. provides services to developers, owners and operators in the electronic power industry. Our services cover every phase of power project development, from market analysis to plant operations. Our focus is on renewable energy, especially environmentally friendly hydropower, in emerging markets.

Ms. Kornchanok Patthamadilok Director of Sales Keywords: Modern and fully equipped apartments ranging from studio to two bedroom apartments. Broadband internet connection through wi-fi and LAN. All apartments feature fully appointed and equipped kitchens, washer-dryer machine, 32 inch LCD TV with DVD player, stereo system and international satellite TV channels. Additional facilities include a roof-top swimming pool, fitness centre, residents’ lounge, business centre and Wildwood Grill restaurant. Laundry and dry cleaning services are also available.


Oriflame Management Asia Ltd. No 1. Oriflame Building, Pattanakarn Rd., Suanluang, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2715 1111 Fax: +66 (0) 2715 1199 E-mail: Web:;

Mr. Fredrik Widell Vice President & Head of Asia Pacific

Pacific 2000, International Recruitment Bangkok address: 8th Floor, M. Thai Tower All Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Phathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Siracha address: 6th Fl., Bangkok Bank Building, Pacific Park, 98 Sukhumvit Road, Siracha, Chonburi 20110 Singapore address: 8, Temasek Boulevard #16-03, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988 Tel: +66 (0) 2654 0300 Fax: +66 (0) 2654 299 E-mail: Web:

Keywords: The first international hotel in the heart of Bangkok with direct access to the famous MBK Center and National Stadium sky train terminal. The hotel is geared towards those with an active social life. Quality accommodation, award winning restaurants and dining venues, extensive leisure facilities, Business Center, Multi-lingual staff, Concierge, Limousine Service, Tour & Travel Agent Desk, Corporate Club Lounge, Baby-sitting and Laundry Service. Plan Estate Co., Ltd. 7th Fl.,Glas Haus Bldg.,1 Sukhumvit 25, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0)2 260 6100 Ext 7153 Fax: +66 (0)2 260 6099 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Anders Lundquist President Mr. Pontus Muntzing Regional Financial Controller, Asia

Ms. Jadesarit Ruamphaothai Marketing Executive

Keywords: Oriflame is one of the world’s leading direct selling cosmetics companies, supplying natural Swedish cosmetics to consumers in over 60 countries. Ms. Wiyada Attagowitwong Managing Director, Siracha Keywords: Search and Selection of personnel for international companies with regional operations. Pathumwan Princess Hotel 444 MBK Center, Phayathai Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Tel: +66 (0) 2216 3700 Fax: +66 (0) 2216 3730 E-mail: Webs:

Ms. Jiraporn Boribalburibhand Assistant Managing Director Keywords: Real Estate. Q-Matic Technologies Asia Co., Ltd. 1350/272 Thai Rong Tower, Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2713 7922 Fax: +66 (0) 2713 7928 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Supanit Vimooktanon General Manager Mr. Kenneth Radencrantz CEO Keywords: We market and service Q-Matic Customer flow management system and remote surveillance systems. Major clients within banks, finance, telecom and hospitals. Mr. Marcel Sawyere Resident Manager



Radi Medical Systems Co., Ltd 154/7 Moo 9, Ao Kung-Ao Por Road, T. Paklok, A. Thalang, Phuket 83110 Tel: +66 (0)76 317 300 Fax: +66 (0)76 317 399 E-mail : Web:

Rembrandt Hotel & Towers Bangkok 19 Sukhumvit soi 18, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2261 7100 Fax: +66 (0) 2261 7017 E-mail: Web:

Samitivej Public Company Limited 133 Sukhumvit 49 Klongtan Nua, Vadhana, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2711 8000 Fax: +66 (0) 2391 1290 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Juturong Jongsiri General Manager

Mr. Eric Hallin General Manager

Ms. Porntip Utsahaphan Keywords: Healthcare.

Keywords: Production of medical devices. Headquarter in Sweden, Subsidiaries in 12 countries. Rank P.T. O’Connor’s Co., Ltd. (Wearnes Automotive) 1527 Sukhumvit 71 Road, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel: +66 (0) 2319 9800 Fax: +66 (0) 2318 9909 E-mail:,, Web:

Mr. Seah Moon Hua Executive Director

Mr. Thomas Johansson Automotive Director After sale Keywords: Wearnes Motors belongs to the Wearnes Automotive Group headquartered in Singapore. The group is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wearnes International (1994) Limited (WIL), which is listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange and is a key player in the trading and distribution of worldclass products and state-of the-art technological systems in the Asia-Pacific region. Wearnes Motors is going forward in the Thai market with investment in facilities and employees for exclusive Volvo customers in Thailand.


Mr. Simon Rindlisbacher Resident Manager Keywords: Well-established 4 star hotel with 407 rooms & suites in centre of Bangkok with good reputation for its 5 award-winning restaurants and also home of the SAS crew. Roedl & Partner Ltd. 18th Floor, Empire Tower, Suite 1808-1809 195 South Sathorn Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Tel: +66 (0) 2670 0670-2 Fax: +66 (0) 2670 0673 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Martin Klose Director

Dr. Paul Strunk Of Counsel Keywords: Legal Advice, Tax Advice, Auditing, Accounting, Investment Consultant.

Santa Fe Relocation Services 207 Soi Saeng Uthai, Sukhumvit 50 Road, Kwang Prakanong, Khet Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2742 9890-2, +66 (0) 2742 9894, +66 (0) 2742 9159-61, +66 (0) 2332 3601-4 ext. 116, Mobile: +66 371 6106 Fax: +66 (0) 2741 4089 E-mail:, Web:

Mr. Zoltan Kosa Managing Director Keywords: Products/Services * Home Finding * Temporary Accommodation * Orientation Programmes * School Search * Visa and Immigration Services * VIP Airport Pickup * Cross-Cultural Training * Language Training * Tenancy Management * Pet Importation * International Moving * International Moving


Scania Siam Co., Ltd. 999/19 Moo 9 Bangna Trad Km.19, T. Bangchalong, A. Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 Tel: +66 (0) 2769 9200 Fax: +66 (0) 2769 9204 E-mail: Web:

Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit 250 Sukhumvit Road Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2649 8888 Fax: +66 (0) 2649 8000 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Vichai Jirathiyut Managing Director

Mr. Richard Chapman General Manager

Spica Co., Ltd. Pornpailin Business Point, 897 Sukhumvit 77, near Onnuch 17 Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel:: +66 (0) 2742 5200 Fax : +66 (0) 2742 4418 E-mail : Web:

Mr. Jan Eriksson Managing Director

Keyword: A luxury hotel, located in the heart of the city, provides 10MB High Speed Internet Access, meeting facilities, International restaurants, the Spa and Fitness Center.

Mr. Phuriwat Rak-Intr General Manager Keywords: Sales of Scania Truck, Bus and Aftersales service back-up for our customers. Securitas Security Services Thailand 1/3 Bangna Thani Building Floor 1B, Soi Bangna Trad 34 Bangna Bangkok 10260 Tel: +66 (0) 2361 3700-4, +66 (0) 89 812 4118 Fax: +66 (0) 2361 3705 E-mail: Web:

SKF (Thailand) Ltd. 72/70 Rama III Road, Chongnonsee Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 Tel: +66 (0) 2294 0051 Fax: +66 (0) 2294 6221 Web:

Mr. Pelle Eriksen Managing Director Keywords: All SKF bearings and relate bearing products, maintenance equipment and lubricants, for industrial and automotive applications. Service and maintenance center in Bangkok and Rayong.

Mr. Staffan Anaker Chairman Activities and keywords : Spica Co., Ltd. Is the exclusive importer for Husqvarna in Thailand. Spica is providing the full range of Husqvarna Forest and Garden Products as well as Husqvarna Construction Products with complete after sales service for all products. Husqvarna is the world’s largest producer of outdoor products and world leader in diamond tools and machines for the construction and the stone industries. Sri U-Thong Co.,Ltd. 12th Fl., S.P.Building 388 Phaholyothin Road Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 Tel: +66 (0) 2273 0032 Fax: +66 (0) 2273 0517

Mr. David Viccars Managing Director

Mr. Viravat Cholvanich

Mr. Jarouk Jansom Operations Manager

Keywords: Sri-U-Thong Co.,Ltd. is a long established engineering and construction company with references specialized in power and energy areas.

Keywords: Provision of manpower security services.



StoreGuard Co., Ltd. 181 Rat-u-thit 200 Phee Road, Patong, Kathu, Phuket 83150 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 76 292 909 Fax: +66 (0) 76 292 910 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Robert Akerblom General Manage

Ms. Sukanda Chiaranussati Managing Director Keywords: StoreGuard Co. Ltd Thailand was founded in 2010 and opened its first MY STORAGE Self Storage facility at Jungceylon Shopping Center Patong, Phuket in October the same year. The company aims to specialize in all aspects of the self-storage industry for both private and commercial users. StoreGuard seeks to own and operate self storage facilities that are located in major metropolitan areas along retail and high-traffic corridors


Thaivivat Insurance PCL 71 Thaivivat Insurance Bldg. Dindaeng Rd., Samsen Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 Tel: +66 (0) 2644 6400 , +66 (0) 2695 0800 Fax: +66 (0) 2248 4575 , +66 (0) 2248 4975 Web:

Mr. Lucien Heijstee Executive Vice President Underwriting & Reinsurance

Mr. Suraphong Theravithayangkura Executive Vice President-Sales Keywords: Thaivivat Insurance Pcl, established in 1951, is an independent, single entity, with non-life insurance as its core business. Head-office is located in Bangkok and 16 regional offices service customers throughout the Kingdom. The company’s customer base (250,000 policyholders) consists of both individuals and corporate clients. The company offers a complete range of insurance products and services, including Fire, Motor, Marine cargo, Personal Accident, Travel, Health, Burglary and Liability insurances

TLI Scan Global Logistics Co., Ltd. 17E, 163 The Ocean Insurance Building, Surawong Road, Bangrak 10500, Bangkok, Thailand Tel: +66 2 2382501 Fax: +66 2 2382503 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Pipat Aphicholthikhul Managing Director Keywords: Simple - Independent - Reliable Scan Global Logistics Group is a joining of two strong and experienced actors, Mah Freight A/S and ScanAm Transport A/S of Denmark, into a logistics powerhouse with a global network. Scan Global Logistics Group employs more than 800 people world wide and is operating own offices in 15 countries. More information can be found by visiting our website University of Borås Allegatan 1 501 90 Borås Sweden Tel: +46 7051 76911 Fax: +46 3343 54008 E-mail: Web:

The Cabinet Interior Design Co.,Ltd. 900/88 M.6 Country Villa Sri Nakarin Rd., Nongbon Pravet, Bangkok 10260 Tel: +66 (0) 2322 2202 Fax: +66 (0) 2720 2928 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Roy Andersson PhD, Head of Industrial Engineering

Mr. Janeric K Hogane Managing Director

Prof. Said Irandoust President of AIT

Keywords: Commercial and residential interior design. Turnkey solutions for offices, retail spaces, exhibitions, restaurants and hotels. Apartment and condominium design. Turnkey for kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and restoration work. Available in Bangkok and its surrounding areas.

Keywords: University


Vision House Limited 19/23 Sukhumvit Soi 19 Road Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2712 1298 Fax: +66 (0) 2256 0102 E-mail: Web:

Yenit Company Limited Unit 311, IT Complex Moo 4, Tambon Maret Koh Samui, Surat Thani 84310 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 84 706 3625 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Hakan Alm Managing Director

Mr. Jens Weegar Managing Director

Mr. Jerker (Eric) Helander Chief Technical Officer Keywords: Network and communication Solutions. We design, implement and maintain your networks, training and competence development, IT, Organization and management Training, Web Site production and maintenance.

Mr. Anders Mauritzon Web Editor Keywords: We are a Koh Samui based web development, PR and design company. We focus on developing professional web sites and to make target market advertising campaigns for small and middle size businesses in Thailand. We also develop our own travelling related web sites, including; http://www., that is the most visited web site about the region.



Individual Members

Mr. Rafique U. Ahmed Novoteam Worldwide Ltd. 19th Floor, Pacific Place One, 140 Sukhumvit Bangkok 10110 Tel: + 66 (0) 081 376 1990 Fax: +46 (0)8 449 41 96 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Ferenc Albert Ormbergsvagen 10 S 117 67 Stockholm SWEDEN Tel: +46 (0)8 449 41 95, +46 (0)70 587 36 59 Fax: +46 (0)8 449 41 96 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Christoffer Berg 20th floor, One Pacific Place 140 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2263 7228 Fax: +66 (0) 2263 7260 E-mail:

Mr. P. O. Dofenfalck 126/2, 2nd floor, Park Avenue Soi 12 Ekamai Road, Sukhumvit Soi 63 Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2382 3191-4 Fax: +66 (0) 2382 3190 E-mail:


Mr. Goran Ehren 52/153 Tower Park (33B) Sukhumvit Soi 3, Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2655 1339 Fax: +66 (0) 2655 1339 E-mail:

Mr. Bjorn Ferm 2001 River Place, 8 Sukhumvit soi 41, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (85) 063 3621 Fax: +44 845 280 1519 E-mail:

Mr. Leo Gillholm Sukhumvit Park 27/89 Sukhumvit Soi 10 Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 89 489 75 10 E-mail:

Mr. Mats Holjo Denenchoufu 3-30-8 Ota-ku, Tokyo 145-0071 Japan Tel: +81 3 5778 0781 Fax: +81 3 5431 3573 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Par Hollertz Windsor Tower 26A, 9 Sukhumvit Road, Soi 20 Bangkok 10110 Mobile :+66 (0) 81 831 5537 Tel: +66 (0) 2261 2836 Fax: +66 (0) 2261 0910 E-mail:

Mr. Victor Hornfeldt 9/40 Moo 1, Haat Sairii Koh Tao, Koh Phangan Suratthani 84360 Thailand Tel: +66 87 547 4880 E-mail:

Mr. Stefan Jonasson 878/142 Moo Baan Narasiri Soi 54 Phatanakarn Bangkok 10250 Mobile: +66 (0) 9934 4784 Fax: +66 (0) 2936 1480 E-mail:

Mr. Bengt Juhlin JL & Associates Natural Place Suites, Suite 65 38 Soi Ngam Duplee, Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10120 Mobile: +66 (0) 81 827 0441 Tel&Fax: +66 (0) 2679 9630 E-mail:


Mr. Bjorn Karlsson 162/1 Sukhumvit Soi 20, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0) 2204 1456 E-mail:

Mr. Jan O. Kylve VANRAVI Residence A48, 257/39 Moo 7, Huay Yang, Tapsakae, 771 30 Prachuap Kirikhan Tel: +66 81 949 7705 E-mail:

Mr. Patrik Kellmann 607/170 Lumpini Ville Onnut Rd Suan Luang Bangkok 10250 Tel: +662 331 7983 E-mail:

Mr. Patrik Malmstrom The Parkland Srinakarin Bld. C, Fl. 16, 577/721 Moo 5, Samrongnua, Muang Samutprakran, Bangkok 10270 Mobile: +66 (0) 8 5095 5470 E-mail :

: Mr. Conny Klarqvist Nordic Plastic (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Estern Seaboard Industrial Estate 64/69 Moo 4. Esie 9. T.Pluakdeang Rayong 21140 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 38 955 680-1 Fax: +66 (0) 38 955 682 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Hakan Kolmodin P.O. Box 1, Tha Toom Mills Office Srimahapot, Prachinburi 25140 Tel: +66 (0) 37 208 800-40 Fax: +66 (0) 37 208 851 E-mail:

Mr. Sven Mauleon OpenmindProjects Thailand Co Ltd 856/9 Moo 15, Tanon Prajark, Amphur Muang, NongKhai Thailand 43000 Tel: + 66 (0) 42 41 35 78 Fax: + 66 (0) 42 41 35 78 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Jorgen Moverare Daydream Corporation Limited 24/110 Moo 9 Ramintra 34 Tharand Bangkhen Bangkok 10230 Tel: +6689 768 0706 E-mail:

Mr. Christer Nilsson Media Partner Co., Ltd. 211 Soi Prasert-Manukitch 29 Prasert-Manukitch Road, Chorakaebua Ladprao, Bangkok 10230 Tel: +66 (0) 2943 7225 PCT # 1 Fax: +66 (0) 2943 7169 E-mail:

Mr. Anders Oltorp 25 Soi Sukhumvit 7, North Klongtoey Kameo Court S-9 Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel: 08 4427 7702 E-mail:

Mr. Alexander Stenrud Parry Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square Siam Square Soi 6 Bangkok 10330 Tel: +66 2 209 8888 ext 2002 Fax: +66 2 254 9311 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Joakim Persson 19/23 Soi Sukhumvit 19, Klongtoey-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66 (0)89 761 6701 Fax: +66 (0)2 256 0102 E-mail:



Mr. Prapat Phupinyokul 30/162 Soi 12, Moo Ban Plathong Srinakarin Road, Bangplee Samutprakarn 10540 Tel: +081 818 4118 E-mail: o

Mr. Charn Sophonpanich 27th Floor, 333 Silom Road, Bangkok 10500 Tel: +66 (0) 2230 1881 Fax: +66 (0) 2236 8988 E-mail:

Mr. Robert Rystrom Bangkok Condos & Apartments SBD Trading Co., Ltd. 19/102 Sukhumvit soi 13 Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2253 2663 Fax: +66 (0) 2253 2663 E-mail: Web:

Mr. Christopher Stafford The Lofts Yennakart-Apt 305 366/11 Soi Praram 3, Sub Soi 77 Chong Nonsri, Yannawa Bangkok 10120 Tel: +66 (0) 81 763 4199 E-mail:

Mr. Christian Stenhammar 98/155 DS Tower Condo 1 Sukhumvit soi 33 Klongton Nuea, Wattana Bangkok 10110 E-mail:

Mr. Jan Stenholm Fiorelli Holding AB Hedasgatan 8 S-41253 Gothenburg Sweden E-mail :


Mr. John Svengren European ASEAN Business Centre (EABC) 195 Empire Tower, 25th floor, Sathorn Road, Yannawa, Sathorn Bangkok 10120 E-mail:

Mr. Olof Tranvik The Regent Royal Place One, Apt 2/273 Soi Mahadlek Luang 1 Ratchadamri Road Lumpini, Bangkok 10330 Mobile: +66 (0) 81 8464 033 E-mail:

Real inspiration, from paper mill to lab and back again. A comprehensive approach to innovation has made Eka one of the world’s largest supplier of pulp and paper chemicals. So when doing business with us, you may get more than you bargained for. Patrik Simonson, for instance. Not only has he helped develop and fine-tune the Compozil retention systems in our lab in Sweden, he’s also worked on various new applications where it truly matters – at our customers’ mills.

eyes. Careful preparation and planning is vital, but practical experience of chemicals, processes, machines and people near and far guides the work in the lab and makes Eka’s innovations truly safe to use.

Access to all the necessary equipment used by professional papermakers makes our R&D that much stronger, in Patrik’s

Inspiring paper all over the world is our inspiration. Meet us at

And every time he’s on site, more ideas are born. All of them with one purpose: making your whole papermaking process that much more competitive.

Eka Chemicals (Thailand) Limited 283/61-63 Home Place Office Building, 12/Floor, Soi Sukhumvit 55, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtonnue, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel.+66 2 7299299 Fax.+66 2 7127298



INDEX A Ahmed, Rafique U......................................................66 Akerblom, Robert.......................................................64 Albert, Ferenc................................................................66 Alm, Hakan..............................................................59,65 Anaker, Staffan..............................................................63 Andersson, Lars............................................................56 Andersson, Roy............................................................64 Aphicholthikhul, Pipat.............................................64 Attagowitwong, Wiyada.........................................61 B Baumgarten, Ralf, Dr.................................................55 Bekassy, Stefan de......................................................59 Berg, Christoffer...........................................................66 Bergqvist, Jonas...........................................................60 Bhicharnchitr, Worachai..........................................53 Bjork, Peter......................................................................56 Bluhm, Mikael Leon...................................................55 Boribalburibhand, Jiraporn...................................61 C Carlsson, Bo....................................................................51 Cederwall, Jan...............................................................60 Chapman, Richard......................................................63 Chiaranussati, Sukanda...........................................64 Chodchoy, Attapon...................................................51 Cholvanich, Viravat....................................................63 Chong, Koray.................................................................50 Chuenkamrai, Rojana...............................................51 D Dahlstrom, Erik.............................................................55 Damgard, Joacim........................................................51 Dofenfalck, P. O.............................................................66 E Ehren, Goran..................................................................66 Elisson, Harald...............................................................51 Ellegaard, Mai................................................................58 Ericson, Frederik...........................................................57 Eriksen, Pelle..................................................................63 Eriksson, Jan............................................................59,63 F Ferm, Bjorn......................................................................66 Fridlund, Bengt.............................................................53 G Gerdsen, Ton J.A..........................................................59 Giebing, Linda C..........................................................57 Gillholm, Leo..................................................................66 Gross, Alain.....................................................................59 Gupta, Anand................................................................53 H Hallin, Eric........................................................................62 Hamre, Ole......................................................................51 Hansen, Niels Henrik.................................................51 Heijstee, Lucien............................................................64 Helander, Jerker (Eric)...............................................65 Hogane, Janeric K.......................................................64 Holjo, Mats......................................................................66 Hollertz, Par....................................................................66 Holm, Mats......................................................................60 Horn, Michel..................................................................56 Hornfeldt, Victor..........................................................66 Hua, Seah Moon..........................................................62

I Intara-Apai, Suyada....................................................55 Irandoust, Said, Prof............................................55,64 Irvin, Garry.......................................................................57 J Jansom, Jarouk.............................................................63 Janssens, Roby..............................................................50 Jirathiyut, Vichai...........................................................63 Johansson, Thomas...................................................62 Jonasson, Stefan..........................................................66 Jongsiri, Juturong.......................................................62 Juhlin, Bengt..................................................................66 Julin, Tomas....................................................................57 K Kaewchansilp, Soon, Dr..........................................58 Karlsson, Bjorn..............................................................67 Kekuewa, Rusty............................................................52 Kellmann, Patrik...........................................................67 Kennedy, Robert O....................................................59 Kijkanakorn, Supakorn.............................................53 Klarqvist, Conny...........................................................67 Klingberg, Thomas.....................................................57 Klinger, Ross...................................................................57 Klipratoom, Wallapa..................................................50 Klose, Martin..................................................................62 Kolmodin, Hakan........................................................67 Kosa, Zoltan....................................................................62 Kovacs, Jan Miklos......................................................58 Kraus, Duangjai............................................................57 Krusell, Marcus..............................................................59 Kulchai, Lawan..............................................................58 Kylve, Jan O.....................................................................67 L Landy, Simon.................................................................56 Lovell, Dave....................................................................53 Lundquist, Anders......................................................61 M Malmstrom, Patrik......................................................67 Manokitjarunman, Sutti..........................................57 Martin, Christophe.....................................................53 Mauleon, Sven..............................................................67 Mauritzon, Anders......................................................65 Meesamanyont, Chavalit.......................................55 Mercurio, Vincent........................................................57 Mitchell, Jintamai........................................................58 Modig, Rolf Johanes..................................................59 Moverare, Jorgen........................................................67 Muntzing, Pontus.......................................................61 N Nilsson, Christer...........................................................67 O Olsen, Alexander Otendal.....................................56 Oltorp, Anders..............................................................67 P Palm, Hakan...................................................................51 Palmqvist, Bo.................................................................53 Parry, Alexender Stenrud.......................................67 Patthamadilok, Kornchanok.................................60 Pedersen, Eric Christian...........................................60 Persson, Joakim...........................................................67 Peters, Wolfgang.........................................................51

Petteri, Kostermaa......................................................58 Piyawannarat, Chaiyot.............................................53 Phupinyokul, Prapat..................................................68 R Radencrantz, Kenneth.............................................61 Ragfelt, Per Olov..........................................................58 Rak-Intr, Phuriwat........................................................63 Reinsch, William C......................................................55 Richardson, Bjorn........................................................60 Rindlisbacher, Simon................................................62 Rolfsson, Oscar.............................................................57 Rosborg, Martin...........................................................53 Ruamphaothai, Jadesarit.......................................61 Rystrom, Robert...........................................................68 S Sanunsilp, Suraphol...................................................53 Sawyere, Marcel...........................................................61 Seeto, Reginald............................................................50 Soderstrom, Thomas.................................................58 Sophonpanich, Charn..............................................68 Spetz, Roger...................................................................60 Sriutta, Pirapol...............................................................58 Stafford, Christopher.................................................68 Stenhammar, Christian............................................68 Stenholm, Jan...............................................................68 Strunk, Paul, Dr.............................................................62 Sukpradit, Suparat......................................................53 Svengren, John............................................................68 Svensson, Petter..........................................................56 T Tan, Taro............................................................................53 Temander, Peter...........................................................51 Thananan, Kritikar “Eric�...........................................57 Thepawan, Radit.........................................................58 Theravithayangkura, Suraphong.......................64 Tjahjono, Ferry..............................................................56 Tongin, Chawalit..........................................................51 Tranvik, Olof...................................................................68 U Utsahaphan, Porntip.................................................62 V Vatanaromya, Chantana.........................................53 Viccars, David................................................................63 Vimooktanon, Supanit.............................................61 W Weegar, Jens..................................................................65 Westberg, Lennart......................................................53 Widell, Fredrik................................................................61 Winroth, Johan.............................................................56 Wunjina, Saranlux.......................................................55 Y Yang, Jerry.......................................................................60 Z Zarlimee, Christina Carlsson.................................60



Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce Thai Swedish Chamber of Commerce The Chamber conducts an essential role in the Thai Swedish business and through our membership of the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand we identifies businessmen’s problems and opportunities and seeking support in Thai Government policies to address these issues. This includes interaction with for example the Board of Trade, Thai Customs Department, Immigration and Revenue Departments, Board of Investments etc. We also have access to top officials in the Thai administration including the Prime Minister. Through an active Chamber Events Committee, we secure interesting guest speakers from the top of Thai administration and political life. Also foreign guest speakers give our members a constant update on current issues, local as well as global. Through the Chamber members and network you will get access to information, recourses and support in key business areas for your benefit. Support which otherwise can be difficult to access. As a Chamber member you will receive future editions of the ‘Property Guide’ free of charge. The Thai Sweden Review is a combined

twice yearly Magazine and Yearbook Directory distributed free to all members featuring interesting articles about business, trade and life style in both Sweden and Thailand. The Membership Directory provides details of all members and other useful information. The Chamber website is an interactive web site where you read the latest news about Chamber activities and find other useful information. The many useful links provide intelligence within business and trade. We have also a monthly E-News letter sent out to all members.

can also take direct contact with representatives of the Thai Government on different levels, sometimes as high as Ministry level and even the Prime Minister directly.

Objectives for TSCC

Assisting members We assist our members in various ways, mainly giving initial advice, referring to experts in different areas and recommend ‘ways forward’. If necessary we can also organize projects to help in special areas that require more substantial advice.

TSCC is a membership organization Therefore everything we do must be based on this. To understand what the members need and want is crucial. Any Chamber Strategy is based on improving the benefits of the members. Lobbying We have many opportunities for lobbying on behalf our members, the most important through the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand. But sometimes we

Join us – Apply now! Sign up for Membership in TSCC now online at and click ‘Join us’. Submit the form and we will contact you. If you prefer to apply by sending us a fax contact for a fax form. You are of course also welcome to contact us over the phone or drop by at our office at Phayathai BTS station in downtown Bangkok. Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce 34 C.P. Tower 3, 9th Floor Building A Phayathai Road Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400 Tel +66 (0) 2354 5229-31, Fax +66 (0) 2354 5232


TSCC are also Partners in EABC The European Asean Business Center in Bangkok Thailand. EABC is a physical center aimed at facilitating market access for European business in Thailand, to promote Thailand and ASEAN as a high potential trade and investment market for European businesses.

Networking We offer various opportunities for networking several times per month. Sometimes they are organized together with the other Nordic Chambers. The main networking events are: • Breakfast Meetings where we invite interesting speakers. • Huntsman Pub monthly networking, we normally have a sponsor who will cater for the first rounds of beverages • Nordic Chambers Networking, can take place in many forms often sponsored • Young Professionals, this is a Nordic Event where we target young people such as entrepreneurs, trainees, students or other young people coming to Bangkok and Thailand Sincerely Yours Peter Bjork Executive Director Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce


TSCC Members Value Propositions Annual fees: • Premium 24 000 THB • Corporate 12 000 THB • Individual 5000 THB • Property Club 2000 THB • Students 1000 THB • Registration fee for first time applicants 1000 THB (except for Students) All categories will get: • Invitations to seminars, networking events and other functions • An authority voice to the highest level of Thai and Swedish Governments • Membership and influence in Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand (JFCCT) • Membership and influence in European Asean Business Center (EABC) • Legal News Letter and other selected information on a regular basis • Thai Sweden Review Magazine twice yearly (TSR) • Monthly News Letter, access to our interactive website • Welcome package, orientation- and introduction at events

• Offer to buy fast track to Immigration at Bangkok International Airport • Fast track for Business Visa at the Swedish Embassy (to be launched within short) • 2 seats at VIP table at events (on a first come first served basis) • Bringing 2 guests to networking events free (not including costs for lunch, dinners etc) • Offer to promote Products to members in TSR and on the website Corporate Members will also get: • 2 Representatives in TSR and on our website • Offer to buy fast track to Immigration at Bangkok International Airport • Fast track for Business Visa at the Swedish Embassy (to be launched within short) • 3 TSR, 3 email invitations to all events • Bringing 1 guest to networking events free (not including costs for lunch, dinners) • Offer to promote Products to members in TSR and on the website

Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Individual Members will also get: • 1 Representatives in TSR and on our website • 1 TSR, 1 email invitation to all events • Orientation seminar about doing Business in Thailand, culture bridging and more Property Club Members will also get: • 1 Representatives in TSR and on our website • 1 TSR, 1 email invitation to all events • Special service directed towards Property owners with initial advice and invitation to seminars on topics related to owning Property in Thailand and ‘Long stay’. • Offer of a special package with health care, insurance, tax advice, banking, legal advice and more Student Members will also get: • 1 Representatives in TSR and on our website • 1 TSR, 1 email invitation to all events • Invitation to Nordic Young Professionals events, alumni events and more

Premium Members will also get: • 3 Representatives in TSR and on our website • Interview in TSR, 2-3 pages • 5 TSR, 5 email invitations to all events • Logo and company profile prominently featured in TSR and our website


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