Thai Danish Trade News - January 2005

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Thai-D€nish TradeNewsis published and disrribur€d ro ssl€credThaiandScandinavian busin€ss ex€cutiv€s andoflicials wilh an inl€r€stin Thai-Oanish relalionsby Danish.Thai Chamb€rof RoyalDanishEmbassy Comm6lc6, a.d Scand-Medja Colp.,Lid-



Dinbh-Thl Chemb€rol Commorce slh ioor PhayathaiBuildingB 34 PhayalhalBoad Bangkok i0400,Thaibnd Tel.r+6623545220 Far:+6623545221 E-maiir Ex€cdlv€Dir€clor:MichaelM€llbelgNilsson

Tom Sorensen President Danish-ThaiChamber ol Commerce

Presldent Mr TomSo€nsen Ex€cuiivoRocruilmontDif€ctor GlantThomton T€l: +662 6543330Fd : +662654 3339 Emajl: presid6n@dancham.odh



LegalAdvisor llr Sanlhapai P€d6ra Tlllek€& Cibbinslnlema{onal Ltd. -relr+66 22637700 Fat +662263n10 Tfersurer Mr.Sof6nPresmann Managing Di€ctor P€smann(Ihalland) Co.,Ltd. T€l.r+6629621151Faxr+6629621152 Fo$lgn Chambsrs' CoordlndlngCornhltl€o Ex€culiveVic€ft€sidsni Ba lJuokerPlblicCo.,hd. T s l r + 6 6 2 3 6 7 1 1F1a1x + : € 52 3 6 7 1 0 0 0 E.mall:bj€@b€dljucl€ 1116mbors Mr. l'/lchsl Delsuran ManaglngDlrcclor MaerskBanqkok Banch T6l.:+ 6627529000,2752 9999 Fax:+ 66?752978G1 M.dlt Mr.JoE€n lb H6d6s (commltss challpaleon) SentorExscullvs Vic6P€sld€nl SunPalalschCo.,Lid. T€l:+6635??1010-8,2?1 66&4 Faxt+6635 221666,221019€i-co.lh Mr.AllanJ6ns6n T6l.:+6529638838 Mob:+6619050880 Mr.B€nlB. Hane€n G€nsralArca I'Ianager &onCard lnl€natlonalfihalland) Ltd. Tol:6626367890 Fax:662€€66699 Enailrb€h@lh.xponcard.oorn Ev6nla Mr.H€nrikFiis (Commlil66ChakpoFon) Managing Olr€ctor DISA(Tllalland)Co..Ltd Tel:+6627143989 Faxr+6627143983 Mr MonenA. J€nsen Depr,tyManagingDir€crof ECCO0hailand)Co.,Lld. T s l .+: 6 63 5 7 1 6 9 0 1F a x : + 6 0 3751 66 1 5 . 6 Mansglng Dlr€clor Tslr+66254160€-7 Fax:+6625415786

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Hoyalo.nl8h Emb$8y Comm€rclal Secllon, 10SoiAtlakam P|asil SalhomTai,Banqkok 10500Thalland (66)0 23431100Faxt166)022131752 T€1.; Mr.PoulSkov.Pet€Bon Commsrclal Counsellor Gr.phlc Pfoducdon& lralksllng Scand-Madia Cotp.Lld. 4/41-42 Moo3, RamlitaSol14, Bangkok 10230 Tel.:(66)0 2€437166{ Fax:(66)0 29437169 E-malllscandm6dla@scandm€dia.corn

lf you wantto help... ...bookyourselfa ticketto Thailandl This mustbe the messagethatwe all haveto spreadto foreignrelatives andfriends,to business travellers, touristsand to overseasinvestors. Weeksof international mediacoverage of the Tsunamidisasterhas leftthe outsideworldwiththe impression of Phukethavingbeenmoreor lesswipedout.Tragically, KhaoLak in the province northof Phuketand the islandof Phi Phiwerejustthat.But beingin Phuketwhenit happened, I can personally assureyou thatthe realitythereis - and was throughout the disaster- that of a picture.Roads,bridges,electricity, completely different water,hospitals and airportwerefunctioning, l\,4ore than 80% of the hotel roomsremainedopen and it was businessas usualexceptfor a few percentagesof restaurants,shops and attractions.Few placessutfereddamagemore than 100metersfromihe beachandtherewas no shortage of drinking waterandfood. Whatever reporting thatwasdoneon the areasin Phuketnothitor on the etticient cleanup thatin days restoredthe beautyof the islandwas too littleand too lateto restorethe darnagedone. Falseimpressions and information are hurtingthe chancesof the localThai'sand foreigners io pickup theirlivesagainandwilljuslmakethesepeople'slivesandbusinesses evenmoredifficult for muchlonger.The needfor domestic andinternational tourismto pickup as soonas possible is todayas important for lhe majorityof the peoplein the areaas it is for the fishermen to be given new nets and boals. On our ocal sceneit was reportedthat the governrnent did not want financialaid from EU but ratherpfeferred a restoration of the Generalised Systemof Preferences for marineexportsto EU. ThatJapan'sotierof grantaidwasturneddownand insteadJapanwas requested to alloweasier accessfor cookedchickenfrom Thailandto Japan.And that US was askedto lowertariffson shrimpexportsin exchange forfinancial aidinthewakeofthetsunami.As thoughbeingvictimsof the disaster was not enough. I havetalkedwith manyof our memberswho havesupported the ideaol establishing a DanishThai DisasterReliefNetworkcomprising of Danishresidents, businessand privatepeoplewho live in Thailand,who have knowledge ol the Thai language, who irom theirprofessional backgroundknowof counselling and who understands boththe Thaiand Danishvalues.A groupof peoplewho can be calledintoactionshouldmajordisastershappenin the future.Government pleasetakenote.Thereis a willingness ofiicials, touragencies andtravelinsurance companies to nerp. To draw attentionto Phuket,and Thailandin general,the 25 Presidents of the variousforeign - havedecidedto chambersin Bangkok- knownas the JointForeignChambersof Commerce movelheirFebruary Presidents' Councilmeetingto Phuket.As a staft. Whydon'tyoudo thesame?Youcouldholdyournextshareholders' meetingin Phuket.Or whynot arrangea management seminarwithyourstaffon a resortin the area?Thatway,yourfinancial supportwouldalsobe sureto go in the rightpockeis. SeeyoudowntherelSoonerratherthanlater...

Failure was not an optioh.. By GrcgercMo er ot a singleDanein need of assistanceamongthe more than one hundred Danishvictimsof the tsunamicatastrophe,who were evacuated to Bangkok, are likely to have slippedthroughthe tight human net whicha dozenDanishvolunteersmanagedto put in placeat BangkokInternational Airport, Bangkok DomesticAirport,the NorthernBangkokBus Terminal and Bangkok'sCentralTrainStation trom Tuesday28 December and the rest ot that week. Aroundthe clock these volunteersworked with extr€me dedicationto ensure that no flight,no train and no bus could arrivefrom the disasterstricken areawithoutany Daneon board being met by one of their memb€rs and otlered assistanceon the soot. The impossibleoDeralion was organizedand executedby ConsulGeneralof D€nmarkand Chairmanof EAoThailand Anders N o r m a n nt o g e t h e rw i t h S i l l e Usiergaard and at the height of the operationwiththe assistance of somstwentyotherDanishvoluntsers who had come "simply out ofthe woodworks"as Andsrs Normannputs it. "They w€re people I have never heardabout.They turned up completelyspontaneouslyat their own initiativeeither at the embassyor in the airportand "reportedlor duty".lt wastrulyamazing and perhapswhat I still lind mostgratifyingand h€artwarming w h e n r e c a l l i n gt h o s e d a y s , ' AndersNormannsays. We are sittingon the balcony 4

of his is Sundayeveningand the job is not completelyover,but enough undercontrolforAndersNormann to be able to returnto his home and giv€ his accountof a week thal still seemsalmostunreal. AndersNormannwas plunged into the task on Tuesdaymorning as he receivedan urg€ntcall from the wife ol the Danishambassador,Christina HelwegLarsento come and helo at the embassy. 'The embassywas inundated withworkof all typesand nature. Peoplewere calling in and out, lett rightand was clear that th€ embassyneededvolunteers to call for instancehosoi tals. But anotherobviousurgent need was tor peoplein the field to ensurethat all Daneswho arrivedBangkokfrom Phuketwere "captured'and offeredassistance with whateverthey needed." Thatwas whereAndersNormannand Sille@stergaard came into the picture.Tho authorityto handlethe task was swiftlyand unceromoniously d€legated.The restwas up to them. "Sille and I soon dev€loped a frame of operationthat may not stand tho lest of Harvard business schoolbut it was certainly was like a busin€ss plan that we livedout'100percent and ii worked becauseit had the otreme flexibilityd€manded by a situationthat changedevery singleminute." 'We were constantly handed new lists of oeoolewhich were obsoleteas we receivedthem becausea minutelatsr new Danes

"l don't mind talking about ho$ we sobed our task because it was an ettraordinary erpeience thal could be usefiil to etamine, but the nanJ accounts of indiyidual sufferings, I want to put behind nu, " says Andcrs No rmann

had beenidentified.We also had to prioritizebecauseduringthe peak on Tuesday,Wednesday, and most of Thursday as well, therewerecertainperiodsof time when we were five to six volunteers at the domesticand suddenlyhadto sendtwo moreover to the international terminal.But the Thais were fantasticin they jssuingairporttermicooperation, nalpassesjust likethat,"he says. Twentyto thirtyflightsarrived everyday and at all timesof the day. Some at three in the morning,some came in threeat the same time, In betweenthere were militaryflightswhere infor mationof their arrivalcame in withvery shortnoticebutthe vol unteersstillmanagedto be there as well to catch any Dane who mighl be on board. "Everytime a flightcame in, we were there.Sometimesthere could be live Dan€s on board, anotherflight might have fifteen Danes.All had ditferentneeds. Somehad lost eveMhing.Some told us thsy just neededhelp to continuetheir holiday.Then suddenly they cam€ back again they had changedtheir mind: Sorry, we cannol cope with it. Pleasehelp us get on a planeto go homel"


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'Behindthe chaoticscenesit was a disciplinedchaos,because even it was a disasterol unimaginable magnitude,we managed to put a struclure around it. We knewwhatwe neededto do," The centreof mmmand rvas establishedin VIP loungeNo 3 in the domesticairport. "lt was Thai hospitalityand service mindedn€ssat its best. Sandwicheswere served,cottee and soft drinks. Paoer naokin boxes were filled up constantly a n d t e l e p h o n e sa n d i n t e r n e t serviceswerefreelyprovided.ll witha smileand a graceody tE Thais are caoableof." "So first we took th€ DrG to our VIP lounge.Asksd a!r! to sit down, have a crD d oand a sandwich- ag-r ca4 of the airport.Then - vry anlEtantly - we askedth€m a trt ttrl

As things went back to normal, A ders Normann hosted a dinner for the wlunteers in his home. Not all )eerc able to nake it though. At the back Peten A de6, Klavs, Alex, lars. In the Ilont Esben, Sille and l,m.

7 t--'"




called home yet. Some had already managedthis down in Phuketbut many had not and immediatelytook the chanceto maketheirfirstcall homeand tell how they were." ''Tearswerellowinglreely.But somehow,whenthatfirstcallwas made to their relatives back home, it was like a burdenwas taken off their shoulders.You could see how they suddenly wereabletoaddresslheircurrent situation.Whatdo we do now?" Mentally,especiallythe first day was tough.Almostall the oeoole who arrived had lived throughhorrilicsituationsol fear anddistrossandthe majorityhad lost someonein the disaster. 'The worst cases were taken directlyfrom the planesinto ambulancesand rushedotf to hospital.Thosewe had to catch up

with at the difierenthospitalsto wherethey were taken." "We met people who had beyond beenthrougha nightmare yourwildestimagination, outotthe impossible." 'Some storieswere so unbelievablyheartbreaking.Standing there, you are tossed into the whirlpoolof their nightmareand you start livingtheir nightmare.I have neverusedso manyhandkerchiefsin so short time in my lite.' 'They talked about the horrendousexperiencethey had livedthrough.Buttheyalsotalked of ihe help they had received from completestrangers,Some Thais had given one of them 2000 baht. An Australianhad given another some Australian dollars.Completestrangers!" Throughoutthe operation,

key words were tlexibilityand Denmarkand in a letterto Miniscompassion,individualattention ter ot ForeignAtfairs,Mr PerStig Mollerhe gave an accuratedeto individualneeds. "Every need was individual. scriDtionot the events in which We didn'ttrytomeasureorquan- he was involved,that could be tify or evaluatethe need they used for futurereterences. Inthe letter,AndersNormann came with. They came with a need. lt was our job to do what assuredthe Ministerof the dediwe couldto helpthem." cation with which everybodyat Mostwereaccommodated at the Embassyas well as among varioushotels bul some were the volunteershad m€t their obligationsduringthe operation.In also accommodatedprivately. " A g a i n ,l a m a m a z e dh o w oarticularhe mentionedthe outs o m e p e o p l e s p o n t a n e o u s l y standingperformanceof Sill€ asked"Whydon'tyou come and @stergaardas a volunteer,and staywithus?l","AndorsNormann Poul Skov-Petersenand Christina Helweg-Larsen at the Dansays "All the best in the definition ish Embassy. 'l am in the lucky situation of a Danishspiritcame to the surtace. Compassion,assis- that I don't need to pleaseanytance, sacrifice.These volun- one so I have writt€nmy reporl teerssacrificedtheirfamiliesand exactly as I experiencedit,' dailytasks completely.They cut Andsrs Normanncommenis. Anders Normannis an old out live days of their lives and gavethemto littthetasktheyhad Asia hand.Havingspenthis entaken upon themselvesto carry tireworkinglife in the Eastand in particularin Thailand,he hasexout. No discussion." "lndividualsas well as com- periencedmilitarycoups and panieslike Jebsen& Jessenof- even personallybeen held up at fered cars that we could lreely gun pointon a dark countryroad use. I had numerouscalls trom in SouthernThailand. peoplein the Danishcommunity "Believe me, I have been offeringtheir own time, cars, there and seen that, but I hope I whatever,itwouldallbe provided will neverhave to live through just for the asking." anythinglikethetragedieswe en"lt is not alwaysthat lam counteredand were drawn into proudto be a Dane.But I must duringthose daysl" "l don't mind talkingabout say that having been through ihese past five days ... I am howwe solvedour task because proudto be Danishl" it was an extraordinaryexperiAsthe operationwas nearing ence that could be usefulto exits completion,AndersNormann amine,butthe manyaccounlsol felt that underthe circumstance individualsufferings,lwant to put it was in place to communicate behindme, - they are beyond his findingsback directlyto the humancomprehension. very top of the foreignministryin

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Palsgaard' PALSGMRD ASIA.PACIFICPTE LTD 3 lnternationalBusinessPark #04-'18NordicEuropeanCentre Singapore609927 Tel +65 6468 6905 Fax +65 6468 0295

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ThaiAmbassador takesup postingin Copenhagen of the "l amwellaware excellent andlongThai Danish relations," saysHE Mr.Chaisiri Anamarn.

" I hopemy stay in DentMrk r,)ill be fruitful and I lookfo ad to Norking with the GovemmentoI Dennark and buiv and maintain strongerrelationship," sars H.E. Mr Chaisiri Ananam.

By Munchuta Suadmalai Ll is ExcellencyMr. chaisiri | | AnamarnarrivedDenmark on January25 to takeup his new postingas Ambassadorof Thailandto Denmark. "lt is good to be back in Europe again.This is my second posting as Ambassador,"says H.E.Mr. Chaisiriwho bringswith himthreedecadesof experience in the diplomaticfield. 'AlthoughI have just arrived in Copenhagen,I am well aware thatThailandand Denmarkhave goodrelationship witheachother over severalcenluries.We have had diplomaticrelationshipfor a longtime and the RoyalFamilies are very close.In termsol political issues,we don't have any problemswith the Danishgovernment, in fact, we are in good termsandwe havegoodprojects andprogrammescollaborated by t h e D a n i s hG o v e r nm e n l a n d Thailand,"he adds. irr. Chaisirihas movedin to the residenceolthe Ambassador of Thailandin Hellerupnorth of Copenhagentogetherwith his wite, while his two grown up daughterspursuetheir careerin Thailand. "l hope my stay in Denmark will be fruitfuland I look forward to workingwith the Government of Denmarkand buildand maintain strongerrelationship," says H.E. Mr. ChaisiriAnamarn. Mr. ChaisiriAnamarnjoined the Ministryof ForeignAfiairsin Thailandin 1975after completlng BachelolsDegreein Political Scienceat the renownedThammasatUniversityin Thailandand a Master'sDegreein lnternational Relationsat the Eastern MexicoUniversityin Mexico.During his careerat the Ministryfor ForeignAtfairs, His Excellency hasbeenpostedto severalcountries. His first overseasassignmentwas in Brussels,Belgium. Sincethen he has been post€d t o t h e P h i l i p p i n e sV , ietnam,


Taipeiand Malaysia. His latestpostingin Kuala Lumpur,Malaysiais considered an importantand challenging post because Malaysiashares the commonborderwithThailand and is a fellowmemberof the ASEAN.ThiswasalsoHis Excel lency'sfirstpostingas Ambassador. D u r i n gh i s t i m e i n K u a l a Lumpur,manythingshad happened particularlyin the southern part ol Thailand,specifically the riotsin the threeprovincesof Narathiwas,Pattaniand Yala. Since Thailand and Malaysia sharethe commonborder,the issuebecomessensitiveand the job challenging. "Our job there is not only strengthening the existingrelationships,"Mr. Chaisirisays. " A l t h o u g hw e c o u l d n ' td o muchabouttheincidentsand we couldn'thelp Thailandcatchthe criminalsif they shouldflee to M a l a y s i a ,w e c o u l d w o r k o n smootheningout feelingsand helpingthe Malaysianauthorities understandthe situation,"he aoos. Regarding the tsunamiincident that hit Asia in late December 2004,His Excellencyhad alreadycompletedhis four year missionas Ambassadorof Thailandto Malaysiaand was residing in Thailandtor the preparation of embarkingthe new posting in Denmark,when the incident occurred.

"However,I had followedlhe incidentvery closely,not only aboutThailandbut otheraflected countriesas well. Talkingabout the tsunami,we appreciatethe cooperationand assistancewe have receivedfrom the Danish governmentin terms of redirectingthe projectspreviouslyundertaken in other provincesin Thailand and relocatingthe funds to the provincesthat have beenaffected by the tsunaminamely Krabi, Phuket and Phanga,"he says. The incidenthas badly affected the tourism industryin Thailandas the countryearnsa lol of income from the industry especially from provinces of Phuket,Krabiand Phanga.H.E. Mr. Chaisirifeelsthat Thailand needslo restorethe leelingsand confidencefor the tourists,especiallyfrom Europeto go back to the countryand the way to build up confidenceis to set up the early warning system so that peoplewho take vacationin the particularregionwill be more comfortable. 'Afterthe incident,we hosted the Ministers'Meetingon the RegionalCooperation of Tsunami Early WarningArrangementon 28-29January2005,"Mr.Chaisiri explains.. "Thailandinvitedall countries concerned,notonlythecountries affectedbut also the countries that losttheirpeoplesuch as the NordiccountriesincludingDen-

mark. We are persuadingthem to join us becauseafterthe incidenttook place,we needto have the systemthat tells us what is goingto happenin the futureand howdo we alertour peopleso as to avoidany moretrag€dies.The Thai governmentwill invitethe Ministers of Foreign Atfairs of countrieswho would like to be part of the arrangement,"adds His Excellency. "l hopethat Thailandwill restore the contidence to the people,who wishto havea good vacationto go backto Thailand. This is becauseThailandis stilla paradisefor the tourists,"Mr. Chaisiriadds. To Mr.Chaisiri,beinga diplomat is a career quite different from any other. When posted overseas,a diplomatrepresents the countryandthe headof state. AstorThailand,the embassyrepresentsHis Majestythe Kingand the head of government,which is PrimeMinisterThaksinShinawatra. Mr. Chaisiribelievesthat nationalinterestsshouldcomefirst, however,in the world of globalizationtoday,we shouldnotthink of othercountriesas competitors, but ratheras partners,wherewe work togetherin cooperationto bringoutthe bestmutualbenefits betweencountries. "Beingin this career,you haveto adjust yourselfto whereveryou go." 'You haveto knowthe backgroundof the country,the issues you haveio dealwith,the culture and environmentof the country, It is not that easy becausewe have to move aroundand if we have our tamilywith us then we haveto putthe childrento school and of coursewe have to be far awayfromhome,'HisExcellency says.

TheChamber'sFirstDan Michael Nilsson bringswith him17yearsof internationaltradingexperience fromtheEACowned wool company, Block& Behrens in Denmark, NewZealand, Australia, France andltaly.

By Bharispol Dtdngwibool I I icnaetNilssonhas been new Execulltlappointed l tive Directorof DanishT h a i C h a m b e ro f C o m m e r c e startingotliciallyin his newjob as of 1 January2005. But in reality he hasbeenworkingas caretaker ExecutiveDirectorsinceOctober. MichaelNilssonsucceeds J o h n S v e n g r e nw , ho remains ExecutiveDirectorof the ThaiSwedishChamberof Commerce and the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerceand they will keep on sharingthe same otfice a r e a ,w h e r et h e D a n i s h - T h a i Chamberof Commerceis located togetherwith also the Thai Finnish Chamberof Commerceand the ScandinavianSocietySiam. "My firstobjectiveis to make the chamberas activeand intere s t i n g a s p o s s i b l e , "M i c h a e l Nilssonsays. "l wantthe Chamberto be an attractiveorganisationfor members to join." Since October,Michaelhas they don't feel that they have signedin almost20 new mem- beenleftout.l'lluseeverymeans bersand he will sign in 4 morein to keep them close such as January. email, networking,contactover "The total number will be the tel€phoneand other activiaround130membersby the end ties," Michaelsays. Michaelintendsto projectthe ofJanuary,"the38 yearsold,new phrase"Weare hereforthememExecutiveDirectorpredicts. In spiteof Michael'sSwedish bers"intothepictureof the chamsoundinglastname,Nilsson,he ber. "lvloreevents should tak€ is a Dane,whichmakeshimthe firstDanishExecutiveDirectorof place,likethe Danish-Thai Alumt h e D a n i s hT h a i C h a m b e ro f ni event last year,"he adds. The Alumniwas successfully Commerce. By k€epinga closerpersonal launchedwith more than 100 contactwith all the membersof guests at the embassyto mark the Chamberhe hopes that the the launch.This year, the DanChamberwill eventually be the ish-ThaiAlumnievent will be in central hub for the members' March.And againthe Eventwill businessactivities. be held at the RoyalDanishEm"Keepingcontactswith the bassy. membersis very important.So Michael'sbackgroundand





profiletits his new job. Originally fromOdensein Denmark,he has over17yearsof international trading experiencefrom the EAC ownedwool company,Block & Behrensas a BusinessDevelo p e r , P r o d u c t i o nP l a n e ra n d ProjectManager. Michaelhas a strongconfidenceon leadingthe chamberto its aim. "MyworkwithEAChasmostly beenoverseas,startingin Copenhagen,thenin NewZealand,Australia,Franceand ltaly." "l cameto Thailandin 2003 withmywife,Tracy,whenshewas transferredhere workingfor the SwedishIKEA.My first introduction to the chamberwas the nel workingwith Tom Sorensenand HenrikFriis.Then I startedwork-

ing with the chamberin October 2004." Oneof MichaelNilsson'sfirst lasks has been to improvethe website togetherwith Bent BjsrlinHansen, the Board memberin chargeof the website,BusinessTrainee EsbenGravlevRasmussenand Scand-Media,the Chambeis webmastersincethe beginning, Insteadof havingScand-l\4ediaoperatingand updatingev6rything on the website,the chamber is now able to do it themselves which saves time also makesit easierto quicklycorrect and updatethe webpage.The projectwas fully developedand implemented by the end of January 2005. lvlichael'sintentionis also to

ish Director "The total number of memberswill be around 130 membersby the end of January," the 38 years old, new Executive Director predicts. Since October, Michael Nilsson has already sisned in almost 20 new membersand he eipected to sign in 4 more in Januury.

work togetherwith the Commercial Sectionof the royal Danish Embassyin Bangkokfor the mutualbenefitsof boththe Embassy and the Chamber. 'Working with the Chamber forthreemonthshasbeena chaf lenge for me. To organizethe whole organization takes time. Howeverbeingpro-activeand to come up with new ideas makes it more exciting.I have a good statfwhichis very nice and easy to work with."Michaelsays. In its lully developedstage, MichaelNilssonwouldliketo see

the Chamberbeing able to promoteDenmark,to give members connectionand to provideinlormationtheyneededfortheirbusinesses. "l don't want to put the time frame into it becausethe developmenttakestime. Maybeeven years. But the challengeof trying to developthe DanishThai Chamberof Commerceto its full potentialfascinatesme,"Michael Nilssonsays.














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New DTCCSecretary Qtarting the lst of December t\.rlhe DanishThaiChamberof Commercewas reinforcedwitha new ChambersecretaryKhun JidaradTaveepunsup(Helen). Helenholdsa BA in InternationalBusinessfrom Siam Universityand has recentlyspent 1 year in lvlelbourne,Australiaat DeakinUniversitystudyingBusi-

ness English. Her previouswork experience includesjobs at Yontrakit Co., Ltd as ExecutiveSecretary and Harrison(Thailand)Co., Ltd as Sales Executive Helen can be reached at or by telephoneat the Chamberolfice, 02 354 5220

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Annual General Meeting of DTCC The DanishThai Chamberof I Commercewill hold its AnnualGeneral Meeting on3 March 2005.Againthis year,the Royal Danish Embassyhas kindly offeredto hostthe meeting.Registrationwill startat 17.30and the meetingwillstartat 18.00. This year, current President TomSorensen's secondtermhas come to an end and he has decidednot to standfor reelection. The Presidentis electedaccording to the bylaws of the Chamber by the newly electedBoard of Directorsatterthe election. OtherBoardmemberswhose term has comelo an end are Mr Jorgenlb Hedesand Mr. Vitoon Lefort.Mr. Hedeswill be eligible for reelection, whilelvlr.Leforthas decidednotto seekanotherterm. AnotherBoardmemberMr. MortenB. Jensenwill step down in the middleof histermas he is beingtransferredto China. The AGM will thus needto elect a total of four new people for the Boardof Directors. After the AGM, HE Ulrik Helweg-Larsenand Christina Helweg-Larsenhave agreed to theChamberhostinga dinneron their beautifulgardenterrace. Whileparticjpation in the AGM is free for all members,the cost for participating in the dinnerwillbe communicated to membersin due time.

Rambsllto build7.1 km bridge ff "rOrtt Denmarkto be conI lsultingengineers fora 7.1kilometerbrjdge/tunnel connecting Estoniaand the islandof SaaremaaRambollDenmarkwillbethe consulting engineers fora new7.1 kilometerroad connectionbetween Estoniaand its largestisland,Saaremaa.The connection willbea combination of bridgeand tunnel.Rambsllalso engineered the bridgeconnectingDenmark and Sweden,which it says was similarjn manywaystotheproject in Estonia.

DISA'sAir Division sold to Dantherm "ThetakeoverbyDantherm groupwillonlyhave positive etfectfor DISA Thailand," saysDISA Thailand's Managing Dkector, HenrikFriis.

By Gregers Moller The Air Divisionot DISAhaswith effectfrom January 1st, 2005 beensoldto AJSDanthermHolding.The DISAgroupis ownedby DanskIndustriSyndikatA/S, a companyin the A. P. MoellerMaerskGroup. DanthermHoldinghas taken o v e r t h e D I S A A i r G r o u pf o r aprox. 112,5 millionDKK. lt is expected,thatthe acquisitionwill contributecloseto 900 millionkr. to the turnoverof Danthermin 2005. Danthermalso takes over the debt of the OISAAir Group whichis in the rangeof 120millionDKK. As part of the payment,the A. P Moeller- MaerskGroupreceives shares in A/S Dantherm Holdingat the equivalent value of app.50 millionDKK.Thiswill give the A. P iroeller - Maersk Groupa shareof about8,5 percentin Dantherm Holding. For Dantherm,the purchase of the DISAAir Groupand another purchseof SiemensTechnologyServicesA,/Sfor a notdisclosedamountwillalmostdouble the expectedturnoverin 2005. By combining Dantherm Holding A/S and the DISAAir Division a numberof synergiescan be realisedwithincomfortventilation,processventilation, and serviceon the Danishmarket. And the ventilation business will increasefrom contributing 4 perc e n t o f D a n t h e r m ' sr e s u l tt o expectedly33 percent. The acquisition of the DISA Air Groups is seen also as a move to strengthenDantherm's geographical representation of Danthermworld wide. DISA Air Grouphas activtiesin Danmark, Finland,France,Germany,Poland,USA,UK andThailand. "The take over by Dantherm group will only have positiveef-

"h v,iu be decided later if we shoud develop the Dantherm business in SEA, as Danthetm has no companies in Thailand or tle rcgion," sars Henik F'iis.

fect for DISA Thailand,"says DISAThailand's Managing Dlrector, HenrikFriis. "The businesswill continue as usualand it will be decidedat a laterslage if the presentDISA Companyshould developthe Danthermbusinessin SEA, as Danthermhas no companiesin Thailandor SEA,"he adds. "We believewe will be part of a progressivegroupwith AIR as the core business,that want to developthe businessfurther and we expect many synergies c a n b e u t i l i s e dw i t h t h e n e w group." The DISA Air Divisiontoday employs920 people,and turnover for year 2004 is estimated at DKK850-900mill.The Division assemblesand producesindustrialair filters,focusingon individualsolutionsfor individual customerneeds,utilizingthe experience and expertiseof four internationallyrecognizedsuppliersDISA Airmaster,BMD Garant, C a t t i n a i ra n d N o r d f a b .S i n c e '1975, DISAhassuppliedmorethan 25,000air cleaningsystemsdeliveringunbeatablereliability, low energyconsumptionand compliance with all mandatoryrequirementsfor a wide rangeol applicationsin many differentindustries all overthe world. . DISAAIR servesall industries. Examplesinclude: Metalworkingindustry:DISA

suppliesextraction,air filtration and ven tilationsystemsto all metalworkingprocesses.Weldingfumes,ojl mists,and abrasive g r i n d i n gd u s t a r e t y p i c a le x amples of applicationswhere DISAsuppliessolutionsthat ensuresgoodworkingenvironment and high productqualjty. Fluegascleaning:DlSAsupplies systemsfor reductionof noxiousgasesas wellasordinary dust/smokefiltrationfrom processeslike scrap melting,furnaces,incinerators, crematories, coal-, wood- or oiljired boiler plants.All systemsarecharacterized by low energyconsumption and low residualcontents. Foundryindustry:DISAsuppliescompletefilterplants,based on the vastexperienceof Garant, DISA Airmasterand Nordfab, covering alldemands infoundries all over the world:Moulding Plants,Sand Plants,Charging, lronMelting, Aluminium Smelting, Pouring,Fettlingand Shotblast. Asphaltindustry:DISAls a leadingsupplierof filterplantsto all major suppliersof asphalt plantsin the world. Wood industry:DISA is the leadingsupplierof wood waste extractionsystemsand surface treatmentto the wood industry worldwide.For more than 25 years,DISAhasservedthewood industrywith flexibleindividual solutionsbased on the producf linesCattinairand Nordfab. 11

OleJorgensen newSKFM.D.

Ihe 220 square nvkr Danish owned eallery in Chiang Mai, where the Fairytales and Folhales ethibition will takz place, was opened in March last year

Ole Effective lstJanuary2OO5 l-Joroensen takes over the position;f ManagingDirectorfor SKF Clhailand)Ltd. He replaces David BishoDwho has headed the companyfor the last 5 years and who will be movingto a new SKF positionin South America. OIe Jorgensenis well knownto many old timers in Thailandas he was stationedhere by EAC years and yearsago. In SKF he follows in the foot steps of two otherfamousDanes;LeoAlexandersenwho was the firstManaging Directorwhen SKF set up their own oDerationin Thailand and PelleEriksenwhois currently the head of SKF Australia.SKF is the leadingglobal supplierof products,customersolulionsand services in the rolling bearing, sealsbusinessand relatedbusinesses. More inlo on www.

ChiangMaiGallery celebratesH.C.Andersen "me WiIdSu,ans is a beautifultaleIu of fascinatingctulrackrs, adventure andlo!e,' saysInuise Trusloh,, oneof theparticipating

By GregersMoller I a LunaGalleryin ChiangMai L-is organizinga major artexhibitioncall€d"FaiMales and Folktalos'.ll will open on April2, 2005,and thus the occasionwill at the sametime markthe 200th anniversaryof the birth of Hans ChristianAndersen. Ambassadorol Denmarklo T h a i l a n dH . E . U l r i k H e l w e g Larsenand his wifeChristianwill be the guestsol honourand porform lhe official opsning of the exhibitionwhich promisesto be a unique ev€nt with a special catalogueand a mini-exhibition on the life and work of H.C. Andsrsen The exhibitionwill be unioue in the sense, that it will feature Thaiartistsand foreignartistsliving in Thailand- no Danishartists- who will be interpretingnot only H.C. Andersenmaterialbut fairylalesand lolktalesin a much broadersens€,includingthe tamous Thai Ramakien. La Luna Gallerywas establish€dat 190 CharoenrajdRoad in Chiang Mai as a limitedpartnership by Danish journalist LasseNsrgaardand his partner SommaiLumdualin March2004 togethsr with Ms Joanna MacLean,a NewZealanderpresently living and workingin Yangon, Myanmar. Lasse Norgaardhas lived in Asia for six years and is now living in ChiangMai. His work as a iournalisthas includesthe writing and designof booksand brochures,and ihe productionof documenlaryvideos.

'W€ decidedto establishLa LunaGallerybecausewe all love art and thoughtthis could be a good way to promote art from Asia and the Pacific,and simultaneouslytoencourageand supporl the localcontemporaryand abstractart scene,"Lasse Nsrgaarc says. La LunaGallerypresentsan ever-changing showcaseof contomporary and abstract art from local, nationaland regionalartists. Between 40-50 artists from eight countriesshow their paintings, photographs,pottery and papier mache sculpturss,and new arlists are constantlyadded. Focus is on colourfulpaintings reflectingand commentingon aesthetic,spiritual,social and cultural issues in our rapidly changingsociety.Many are by youngand up-crmingartists,although well-established and internationallyrespectedarlisis are also featured. "Althoughone artist - or a group of artists- might feature

more prominentlyat any one time, our aim is to constantly have a wide variety of artwork trom diiferent artists for sale,' LasseNorgaardexplains. "Occasionally,we organise specialexhibitionsfor a country, an artist,a group ot artistsor a specialtheme with a numberof contributingarlists- The "Fairytales and Folklales"is an exampleof just that." Addinganoiherdimension, thegallerycarriesart photosfrom Thailand-basedphotographers as well as posters,cards, noiebooks,lacquerware and pottery fromfamedartistsandart houses in ChiangRai, Bangkokand further a field. On sale are also a numberof postersby artistslivingin Thailand,includingDanish/ ArmenianpainterElizabethRomhitd. The opening of "Fairytales and Folktales"on 2April2005will be followedby a "FaiMale"dinner at The House R6staurant', which also has a Danishowner, HansB. Christensen. Pendingon sponsorship,which Lasse Nargaard is requestingfrom a few selectedprominentDanishcompaniesin Thailand,some entertainment will also be arranged duringthe dinner La Luna Gallery was accepled as a memberof Danish Thai Chamberof Commercein December2004.


studentsinvent the systemfor mobilephones Three studentsat AalborgUni I versitvin northernJutland have inventeda groundbreaking securitysystem which can prevent computerviruses from infectingmobilephones.The syst€m, Umbrella,ensuresthat no unknown programmessuch as computervrrusescan run on mobileDhonesandlhusremoves the risk of them spreadingto other Dhones. Umbrellahas alreadygained lnternational attentionfromgiants such as Sony, Philipsand lBM. In the ne)dfew weeks, it is expectedthat Panasonicwill enter a contractwith Aalborg University, and the lhree studentswill subsequentlybe employed by the university.Later in January, the new productwill be presented to a numberot companiesin California. Umbrellahas been mad€for the operatingsystem Linux,but can be adaptedto work with Windows and on the most widespreadoperatingsystemfor mobile phones,Symbian.The news is reporledby nationalnewspaper Berlingskelldende.

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Airfreightthe Sc "Distance shouldnotbea barierto a goodbusiness opporlunity!" saysPer Vranso, SASCargo's Regional Manager for Asia.

Vi tilbyder . danskgrundskolemed afsluttende9. og 10.klassespldver, . danskstudentereksamen, .Intemational Baccalaureate(I.8.) i samarbejdemed C.I.S. Vi optagerkostelevetpl alle klassehinfra 6. l4assetil og med 3.g. N.B. Voresto kokke er medlenmer af EURO-TOQUES! Ritrg, fax eller besrlgvoreshjemmesidewww.bagkosfulk Vi gl@deros til at hdrc fta den storcverdenog sendergeme voresmaterial€,ligesomdu og din faloilie altid er velkomnetil eD rundvisritrg og en samtaleom dine Onskerog drommeom ftemtiden...... Med veDlighilsen Helle Thune rektor e-mail: www.bagkosldk Aldeishvilevej 138,2880Bagsv@rd, df. r45 ,f4 98 00 65, fax +45 44 98 03 22


espite a relativelysmall populationof some twenty fivemillioninhabilants, Scandinavia and FinlandreDresentsoms of the strongsstbuyingpowerin lhe world.This is due not onlyto iheir high standardof living,but also because each of these nationsare strongexportersin their own right. "Scandinavia is an interesting market as well as an excellent gatewayto the rapidlygrowing marketsof the Balticsand northeast€rn parls of Europe," Per Varnsgexplains. Per Vranss is SAS Cargo's managerin Asia,atall Danewho previously managed SAS Cargo operationsinJapanandwhonow answersfor all of SAS Cargo's Asian oDerations. "The Scandinavian countries offer many direct intercontinental connections,high efficiencyand fast turnaroundat hub airports such as Copenhagen,Gothenburg and Stockholm,connecting to a well-dovelopedregional transDortinfrastructure." For companiesdoing business with Scandinavia,SAS Cargo'smanydirectconnections to andonwardconnections within fte Nordicregionmakesthe airline the naturalfirst-choiceairfr€ightcarrier.This is especially true for businessesin Asia and China,which have alwaysbeen prioritymarketstor SAS.In 1957, tor example, SAS became the first airlineto fly the shortcutto and trom Asia over the North Pole. Today, SAS Cargo's Asian conneclions are stronger than sver: daily passengerllights serve Beijingand Tokyo.Bangkok,SingaporeandShanghaiare serv€d six days p€r week, each flightoffering16-20tons of cargo space. Direct passengsrflights are complementedby all-cargo links to Hong Kong and Osaka sevsral times a week, enabling shipmentof even largerquanti-

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ties as well as larger,morevoluminousgoods. "As Europeantransporthubs, Copenhagenand Gothenburg representa strongchallengeto theirlargercousinsto the south," Per Vransosays. "Fast,efficienthandlingand excoll€ntonwardtransDortconn€ctions at the regional, European and intercontinenlallevel can oftsn put shipmentsin the consignee'shandsa full24 hours fasterthan the largecentralEuropeantransporthubs such as Frankturtand Amsterdam." Logisticalexpansionbears fruit The recent capacity increase to and trom Shanghaiis a strong indicatorof the region'sgrowing imDorlanceto ScandinavianimPonersand exportsrs. But it does not foretell an eclipseof southernChina'srole in the country'scontinuedeconomicexpansion.Freighterconnectionswith Hong Kong wsre enhancedin November2004, when the MD 1l F freighterwas replac€d by a Boeing 747-F, which can accept more voluminouscargowith a heightof up to 3 meters. Fromthe end of March2005, frequencywill increasefrom 2 to 3 flightsper week.The Chin€se juggernautis now settingthe pace for business, and SAS Cargo is determinedto ensure ihat its customers'needsare satislied.

)andinavian Way SAS Cargo has branded and fnefimed a ratrse of aifreight prodacts that hmtch the exact transportation needs oI differcnt types of shiryEntl SAS Cargo XL E Fess is o timedefinite semice with guaranteed capacity for larye and. heavt shipnante while MS Cargo Coot is a time-dzfnie aifreight for temperat re-sensitive merchandise.

lion, far-sighledplanningand entrepreneurialdiplomacyhave hslped place their representatives in tradingcentersthroughout Asia and aroundthe world. SAS Cargo has long-standing relationships with manyof them, providinga naturaliransporipartner and link trom many partsof the world to the original'home' maftet,

"Manyshippersnow see the logisticalbenefitsof airfreightas a critical competitivetool, and haveexpandedtheiruseof it correspondingly", says Per Vranss. ''Io provide evsn better solutions,we havebrandedand finetuned a rangeof airfreightproducts that match the exact transportationneeds ot differenttypes ofshipments.Theseincluds.9/4S Caeo XL Express, a time-definite servicewith guaranteedcapacityfor large and heavyshipments, as well as SAS Cargo Cao4time-definiteairlreightfor temDerature-sensitive merchandise." "Most importantis lo always have your ears open to the customer'sneeds. Creatinga successfullogisticalsolution meansidentifyingand fulfilling what makes your productthe most suitablefor lhe customer. Our aim is for our oroductDortfolio to anticipateand lully satisfy our customers'needs". The Scandinavianlink With a trading heritage dating back to belore the Vikings,the Nordicregionis one of the most internationalareas in the world. Sweden,for example,generates closeto 50o/o of its GNP through export-boundproduction. Manywell-known multinationals also originatein this regionABB,Ericsson,Kvaerner,MollerMaersk.Nokia.Volvo and Tetra Pak to name but a few. lnnova-

Gettingdown to business Airlreightshortensthe distance between Asia and the Nordicand Balticcountriesto as littleas 'I-2 days of transport, instead ot many weeks at s€a. "ln practicalterms,if you airfreightyour goods to a Scandinavian customer,they can often be 'readyforsale'within48 hours ot dispatch," Per Vranss concludes. 'The same is true for shiDmentsin the otherdirection,We specializein workingcloselywith forwardersand customers,in both Asia and Scandinavia,to buildsmoothflowsthat effectively 'r€move'the geographicallactor from ihe logisticalequation.After all, distanceshouldnot be a barrisrto a goodbusinessopportunityl" SAS Cargo olfers the safest, fastestconneclionsbetweenAsia and Scandinavia.Direct flights ensure speed and reliability, since goods need never spend days at a transitterminalwaiting for an appropriateconn€ction. Customersworldwidecan lrack their shipmentslhrough SAS Cargo's homepage lwww.sascar go.coml. This alsodescribesSAS and SAS Cargo: lo constantly improveyour business,andto offer unbeatabloservice and quality. Simply put, SAS Cargo is Airfreightthe ScandinavianWay.

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Ti me for

"I have set goab and I hare worked towards accomplkhw them", says Tom Sorensen, who believes basicallt all thz goals he has set during his five ,ears as presidcnt of the chamber, lave been reached.

new challenges Havingservedas president at TheThai-Danish Chamber of Commene for five yearc,Tom consecutive Sorensen hasdecided it's timeto stepdown.Not because heis tircdof the but because heaccordiob, ingto theChamber rules hasto resignfromtheboard aftercompleting hissecond electionterm.Apartfrom thathebelieves il is timetor newchallenges in hislite.

"I am not lo$/ering nty activity level! Not at all," Tom Sorensen laughs. " People, who lotow me, would not believe me an way if I told them that

By LarcPinnerup


he thoughtot runninga small hotel is still his dr€am. lt is a drsam lhat ooesnot necessarilyhave to cometrue.The dreamis moreof a fantasythat has been a long lerm goal for Tom Sorensen's personallife for years. "lt is not importantto me, whetherornotihisdreamof min€ is beingfulfilled.Whatis moreimportantis that the dreamcan till me with joy everyday", Tom Sorensenexolains. Drsamsmight be a motivating factorin his personallife,but at the Thai-DanishChamberof Commercehisvisionshavebeen morecleadydefinedgoalsforthe chamberto achieve. 'At the chamberit is ditferent. Thers is no dreamingthere.I set goals and I work towardsaccomplishingthem",saysTom Sorensen,whobelisvesbasicallyallthe goals he has set during his five years as presidentof the cham-


'125 m€mbers,

which by far makes us the biggest Nordic chamber,andwe alsohavemore eventsthansver.The decisionto strengthenthe chambsradministrationby hiringourown Executive Director and Secretary was takento ensurethatour members wouldbe s€rvicedeven betterin the new Nordice House where the fourNordicchambers andthe ScandinavianSociety are togetherunderone root." Tom Sorensenis enthusiastic aboutthe chamber.His body ber, have been reached. ish Trade News has turn€d out languag€becomesexaggerated, 'We have exDerienced an in- to be a fantasticmagazinewith hands manoeuvringthroughthe crease in memberships,the more issuesnow than in the be- air tryingto visualizewhat ho is economy is well balanced,we ginning.We hav€experienced an explaining. have introduceda membership increasein memberships andthe He likes his job. He likes to cardandfor fouryearrunningwe economyis w€ll balanced",Tom be challenged.But challenges have a well working trainee- Sorensensays. are always met by a well pr€programms.We have sstabHe does not want the full paredTomSorensen.That is his lished a v€ry successfulwebsite credit for the achievements.He style and not somethinghe inprobablythe claims most of it has haDDened tends to change., most active of any chamberweb becauseof naturalprogress. "l snter any negotiation,try'We have grownto more site in Thailand.Also Thai-Danthan ing to remembsrwhere I come





from and who I represent. lal waystry to settlefor the bestdeal possible.Butin orderto makethe bestdealpossibleyou mustensurethe scenarioendsin a win/ win situation.The abilityto make c o m p r O m i s eisS i m p o r t a n ti n these situations.I can not recall anYnegotiation scenariowhere one of the sidesof the table has been able to pull a deal through withoutcompromises," saysTom Sorensenbeforerevealing thathe considersgamblingto be a natural ingredienlin any negotiation. "TherisksI take are carefully calculated, but I am willingto go far usingalltricksin ordertocome up with the best resultas possible.Youhaveto comeprepared jf you wantto sit at the tablewith me," Tom Sorensenprovokingly

''I enler an| negotiation renemberitlS nlrcre I cotne fon dnd who I rcprcsenL YouInre n) conrcPrePlrcd if |ou want to sit at the t bl. \.iil e." Tonl Sorenv n proyokitt gly sntes.

businesscareeras well as the experiencegainedfrom working as presidentof the chamberand othersjmilarpositions.

l 1


Lessons welllearned

Apartfrom beingthe presidentof theThai-Danish Chamberof CommerceTom Sorensenis also engagedinotheractivities. Hewillstay in hisposition as Executive Recruitment Directorat GrantThornton andalsomaintainhispositionas a SIAIES, consultant and advisorfor ScandT h e r e i s e x p e r i e n c ea n d Media.A busyman,attempting to know-howto back up that state- Iowerhisactivitylevel? ment.TomSorensenhas negoti"Notat all.lwanttocovernew atingexperiencefrom a life long grounds.lam not loweringmy

activitylevel.Peopleknowingme, wouldnot believeme anywayif I toldthemthatwas the reasonfor leavingas presidentof the chamber. I will probablyget involved with somethingnew in no time anyway,"TomSorensendeclares beforecontinuing, "And let me just add, that I have enjoyedeveryhour,minute and secondof my work at the chamber. Thejobhasgivenmeop-

portunities to representDanish businessinterestsin Thailandat numerous meetings andseminars, I havemetThaiministers andpoliticianssuchas Mr Thaksin,I have metmembersof the RoyalFamily ofThailand. Also,I haveexpanded my own networkfar beyondwhat it was, when I startedworkingat the chamber.And I havegaineda considerable knowledgeon Thailaw, especiallyconcerningbusiness eslablishment, immigration, accounting and otherlawshaving an impacton foreigncompanies," saysTomSorensen. He claimsto havetriedeverything. From sixteenyears ago beingtheChairman of Scandinavian SocietySiamfor two years, overbeinga founding memberof DanishBusinessAssociation in Jakarta,to recentlybeing Chairmanforthe European Chambers of will be interesting to see whereTom Sorensen willpickup his nextchallenge.


Orderbooks call for expansron By LarcPinnerup hangesare on its way at GPV Groupsfactoryin T h a i l a n d .T h e D a n i s h companyis hiringmorestatfand has purchasednew machinery for morethan 70 mio. Baht. GPV group employsaround 350 persons at their factory in Bang Poo outside of Bangkok. They deliverelectronicand mechanicalsolutionsfor products and productionsall over the world. The companyis expanding the work force, primarlywith localsbut competentDanishworkforce is also being broughtin to help the Asian branchgrow further.The ordersbooksfullysupport the decisionto upgradethe effort level ot the companyin SouthEast Asia. 'We are putting all our etfort into Asia. We are not puttingall our moneyon it though.We want this,but not by any means",says JoergenK. Hansen,directorof the GPV Groupin Denmark. JoergenK. Hansenadmits that their actionsto some extent can be labelledas Outsourcing, buthe makesclearthatwhatthey are doing will not be at the expensesof Danishlabour. 'As it is rightnow,two thirds of our labourpoweris placedin Denmarkand the restabroad.ln the futureit is goingto be the opposite. Not because we are outsourcingwork from Denmark to here, but becausewe generate morework abroadthan back home. Well, there will be fewer jobs in Denmark,but we are only talkingaboutafewlessthannow. "Currently,two third of our emplyeeswork in Denmarkwith the remaining staff working abroad,"Joergen Hansen says and coniinues. It is our plan that the Thai branchis to be independentand capableof doing anythingfrom developmentto production.Esti-


"We focus a lot on staff training and we often send employees on courses in Denmark," sals Joryen K. Hansen. GPV recently iwested in new machinery for a total of 70 mio.. BahL

"The efrciencj is higher here tha in Demark. Danes questions every decision. Thais don't," Jorgen K. Hansen explains.

matedtheywillbe capableof that abouta years' time from now. lt is the production thatis doingwell for us out here, The market doesn'tmoveanythingyet. lt will happeneventuallythough,since many of our customersare establishingthemselvesout here. The Developmentpan is on its way too. So far, we have developedfor VolvoandAtletout here, JoergenK. Hansenexplains.

Thailand,Joergen K. Hansen States. On the other hand,cPV Grouphas experiencedthat it is difficultto make employeesstay for longerperiodsat a company in Thailand.JoergenK. Hansen doesn'tnecessarilysee that as a big problem.On the contraryhe sees some positiveaspects relatedto it. " D o n ' tg e t m e w r o n g .W e have a core of employeesthat I Too many questions would not want to be without. Criticsare fast to point out ihat Whenloosingan employeewe even thoughSouthEast Asian quite olten experiencethough, l a b o ur p o w e r i s s i g n i f i c a n t l y thatthe replacement turnsout to cheaperthan in Denmarkit is be better or has better compemost likely not as efficient. tences.I don'tseeitas a bigprobJoergen K. Hansen does not lem",he says. sharethat opinion. A c c o r d i n gt o J o e r g e n K . '"Theefficiencyis higherhere H a n s e na n d c P V G r o u p ,t h e than in Denmark.Danesques- employees'frequentchangesof tionseverydecision.Thaisdon't. jobs has nothingto do with the The regulationsfor work hours employeesnot likingworkingfor andextraworkarealsoa lol more the seemsto flexiblein Thailand.Withinac- be more of a Thai work culture countingand shippingwe have thing. more staffemployedin Thailand "Wefocusa lot on stafftraincomparedto Denmark.That is ing and we otten send employnot due to lower efficiency,but ees on coursesin Denmark.Our becauseol the legislationsin workdaysarealsocontainsmore

varietythan at a similarThaiemployer.We don't produceby vof ume. Thereforethe job assignmentswe offerare morevaried.I think our employeesapproveof that,JoergenK. Hanseremarks. The prosperityin SouthEastAsia is only happeningbecauseGPV Groupis notallowingthemselves to be seducedby their own success. The companyis using a lot of resourcestryingtooptimizeeveMhing from productionto management.The factoryin Thailand becameISO 9001-2000certified in march2004 and in April 2005 they expectto be ISO 140012004 certified. "At the momentthe entire companyis beinganalysedin accordanceto the LEAN Management Productionmethod.When the analysisof our Thai branch is completedwe will implement the changesas fast as possible. It shouldnottakelong.My guess is, that it will take 3-4 months, JoergenK. Hansenexplains.

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to livein for expats

We handle more corporate r e l o c a t i o n st h a n a n y o t h e r company to the Nordic regron so rt makes senseto

camein 6thglobally and3rd in Europein the recent 1\ openhagen Intelligence Ljnit(ElU)surveyol 130 citiesaround \., Economist the world regardingtheir attractiveness to live in for expatriates. Melbournehas retainedits positionas the top city in the worldto call home,followedby Vancouver,Vienna,Perth,Genevaand - all equallygood- Adelaide,Brisbane,Copenhagen, Montreal,Oslo, Sydney,Zurich. Othermajorcitiesin the rankingare: Helsinki,Stockholm and Toronto(all no. 13), Paris (28), London(45), Dublinand New york ( b o t hn o . 5 1 ) . The London-based EIU assessedthe levelof hardshiofor exoatriatesin the 130 cities,using12 tactorsincluding housing,education, recreational activities,health,climateand terrorism.Citieswere ratedoneto five in the 12 categories,with one meaningtherewas no hardshipand five indicatingextremehardship.

y'",, move t., rhe | "r-,, c o m p a n yw , t h r h e m o s r fi. llrll sar'+'ed cu*omers. /t

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for Staff

We are looking for rhe following persons: I . Educatedelectronic engineerwith knowledge of CNC - and PLC control.Thai nadonaliry,Englishspeaking,readingand writing. PC user.Minimum 2-3 years of experience.Knowledge from the machineindustry (woodworking or others) is an advantagebut not a must. Good salary 2. lT person,who can keepup our compurerand home pages full rime or parr rime. 3. Mechanicstaff for renovatingsecond hand woodworking machinesfrom Europeeducatedas car mechanicor other machinemechanic.Thai nationality, Englishspeakingan aovantagesout not a must. 4. Educatedelectrical staff for renovatingwoodworking machines from Europe.Thainationality,Englishspeakingan advantages but not a must. 5. Driver - (with driver license!)Thai narionality, Englishspeaking Scanmach one of the leadingmachinedealersinAsia. We import secondhandandnewwoodworkingmachines from Europe andsellalloverAsia . 50Thaitechnicians supervised byforeigntechnicians areworkingfor us. We have4000m2 work shopand350m2 officeandshowroom located At BangnalradKm. 16,5,Bangchalong, Bangptee, Samutprakarn lO54O

coniactEnk Ddhlrtrom

= -t

(n I

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(9 (9

NyborgGymnasium er en modernexosrskole.Her bor du i dejligeomgivelser midt i Danmarksamtidigmed,at du tageren danskstudenterellerhf-eksamen eller den internationale studentereksamen. International Baccalaureate (lB). Skolenlagger vegt pa gode og tette kontaktermellemelever,lerere og svrigt personale: pa kostafdelingen iform af elevdemokrati,pA skolenbl.a.i lorm af et t@tsamarbejde om den enkelteklasse. - 31.OOO Arligopholdsbetaling 5.OOO kr., afh@ngig af foreldreindkomst og alder. Vi sendergerney@rligereoplysninger og ansogningsskema. Skolebakken l3 5800 Nyborg tlf: +45 6531 0217 lax: +45 63255219 E-mail:

Pleasecontact for further information.

Kostskolen vedbroogbalt

____l L__ Alwayssometh

on everchangin

I t's amazinghow restaurantskeep on im proving.lf you visita placeonly once a I I year you would probablynot recognizeit the next time. Even lhough many of the placeswe havechoosetoleatureare already good they wouldn'teven think of restingon their laurels,A steadyimprovement,some big changes,stillin the neighbourhood of the Sukhumvitresidence,all becauseof the market'sdemand.lsn't it wonderfulto live in Bangkokand being hungry





__-.aE-.Jrar-ior Ir- rh-g rNin"-



Phrompong Station

after a Greek goddess is lruly unique among Bangkoks's eateriesand ambienceis authenticwith plate smashingand Greek dancing after the meal.The walls are decoratedwith numerouspaintings describingbeautiful landscapesfrom the country thal has a TheStableLodgeScandinavian food very rich culturewho hasn't heard about The Slable - or Greek mythology.The food is excellentand 'Stalden'inDanistr- if you are notso surewhatthe dishesconsist seNesScandina- of just talk to the staffand they are happyto vian food like no tellyou. other place in Bangkok.On SatforthatallyearCray Street urdays&Sundays Bourbon 12.00- 15.00we FishParty recommendthat BourbonStreeton WashingtonSquarewith you opt for their gorgeousScandinavian accessbothlrom Sukhumvitand Sukhumvit ('Detstorekoldebord').Can't Soi 22 recentlycelebratedit's 18h anniverSmorgaasbutfet wait for the week end? Don'tworry,you will sary This â‚Źateryis famouslor the crawfish find most eveMhing from the buftet dinner servedall year aroundand not only jn Sepon the a lacarteopensandwichesmenu.And temberoctober as we Scandinaviansare the kitchenis opensfrom 07.00early in the used to and morningto midnight.Duringthe day,you may n o t o nl y a s preferStableLodge'scosyin door restaurant a dish itself. with its originalDanishinterior,but on cool Crawfish is Bangkoknightsyou may want to move outalsothe main side to sit aroundthe pool. ingredientin manydishes such as CreCaf6Buongiorno opposite theScandi- oleBouillabaisse, CrawlishBisoueandCrawfish Etouffeandto ensurea regularlreshsupnavian Church ply the owner has a farm in Kanchanaburi. Cafe Buongiorno, Caiun CreoleCuisinefrom New Orleansis as tne name more howthe food is describedand red beansand than hints at, is a riceas well as file gumbois on the menu.As greatplaceto start the owner Mr Harrisonis born and bread in your day with a New Orleansthere is nobodybetter to get cappuccrnoano a the taste right,just like his mother used to biscotti.At lunchdo. The Andouillesausagesthat appearin time,top-notchltalmanydishesare homemadeand it's hot and ian tood is on the just the way it shouldbe. spicy cardofferingallthe pasta dishes one could dream of - and the same goes for dinnertime.

- a popular placefor Greek Athena foodlovers On Ekkamai,SukhumvitSoi 63 almostat the Phetchburiflyoveris Athenathe creek Restaurantand at this placeyou can savourall the food you probablyrememberfrom your visits to some of the many islands that Greece is well known for. Athena named


Chesa for realSwisscooking whenit is best

It's getting har der and harder forwalkin guest to get a seat at this place. C h e s ai s R o mansch (the o r i g i n a lS w i s s l a n g u a g e )f o r

rg newto find I Sukhumvit house and as the relationsbetweenThailandand Switzerlandals w e e t c r e p e s .T h e ways beengood it's only naturalthatyou find manyThai peopleeatmonthof February inghereand feelat home. haslovein theairand This restaurantcan be describedas somethingin betweenhome this placeis madefor cookingand ahotel restaurantnotto stiffin priceand dresscode. Of Valentine'sDay dincoursewhen you visit a Swiss restaurantthe Racletteand Fondue ner withthe one you disheshasto be on the orderlistand don'tforgetto ordersomewhite love.The stronginfluwine and a schnaoosto it. Swisschocolateis a must as well but it ence from the Medimightbe ditficultto find spacefor it as the menuto choosefrom is terraneanarea with extensiveand everydish is delicious.The owner'shas a lot of expeMoroccan,Greekand rienceand Chesawill be servingfood for many yearsto come. Spanishcuisinewas leaturedas specialpromotionbut has become so popularso it's now a part of the regularmenu.A visitto Crepes& Co is a visitto a placeof many culturesand manytastesand is simplya placementionedin manytouristguidesas a mustvisit resGallery Caf6 creative *,=-taurant. An excellentmeal shouldbe in accompanywith goodwine lnternational andThai and at Crepes& Co the wine list is extensivewithwinesfromall over Cuisine the world. l f y o u h a p p e nt o l i v e i n t h e nejghbourhood of SukhumvitSoi 24 we stronglyrecommenda Beerhouse and visit to The DavisHoteland it's OldGerman GalleryCaf6. The buffet is ex- Hestaurant actlytherightmixofwesternand Old GermanBeerhouseand Restaurantis a Thaidisheswithveryfreshseatood,indeed one of the bestvaluefor placewhereGermanfoodhasbecomean atmoneybuffetin town. The ambienceis modernwith a very tasteful traction.Locatedon SukhumvitSoi 11oooochoice of cutlery,platesand cups not to mentionthe presentation. site GrandPresidentTower3 it'scloseto the The hugeclockon the wall givesthe placean art decofeelingand is hustleand bustleof Sukhumvitbut has been not thereto makeyou hurryup. The DavisHotelalso havegreatlive ableto conservea peacefulambiencedespite music nightlyin Club 88 with a nice afternoon,early eveningdrink the many happyregulars. promotion including snacks. Big screensports programswith of course Germanfootballbut also soon to come the nextFormula1 season.TheGermansarevery proud of their beers and at Old German Tamarind Vegetarian Beerhouseand Restaurantyou can choose Restaurant andGallery betweenmany differentGermanbrands.A is stylishvegetarian cold "dunkel"or wheat beer taste excellent TamarindVegetarianRestauaftera harddaysworkand a beershouldnot onlytastegoodit should rantand Galleryis sophistilookgoodas well.The extendedoutdoorareahasgivenbackthe beer cated and metropolitanwith gardenfeelingthat was a mainattractionwhileon soi 23. By nowthe highwhitewallsanddarkfurnew locationis acceptedand has becomeeven morepopular. niture.Highqualitymonthly paintingsand photoexhibitionshave becomesynony- thenewtotal Livingstone mouswith Tamarindand is startingto draw big audience.A number entertainment onSukhumvit soi33 of publicationshave been writtenabout Luka and Sylvieand they A lodge, boutique steakhouse, sports lounge, positive deserveallthe wordsthat havebeensaid aboutthem. Luka beer gardenand Thai restaurantit's a heavy andSylvieare heallhconsciouswomenandas moreand morepeople bill to live up to but Livingstone's in the beginstartto thinkthe samethe amountof satisfiedcustomersare steadily ning of Sukhumvit Soi 33 has managed to do increasing.MangoLassiand TangerineDreamare two amongmany an all in one complexthatwork.With imported deliciousjuicesthat we can recommend.Tamarindis style in every steaksand authenticThai food the placewas departmentand has been calledthe best steakhousenot serving alreadya winner(it usedto be Timbavatiand meat.. Ton Thong).Addedvalue is the beer garden in truly a gardenand the sport loungesimply trying to showthe evergrowingsportprograms Crepes & Cois theonly market.All underone umbrellahas madethis creperie placeto an easygoingplaceand peoplefrom Crepes& Co is tuckedaway deep all walks of life are welcomedand seemsto into SukhumvitSoi 12 in an old have a good time. Livingstonewas an adventurerand the people housewith a lush's the behindthis huge complexsimplytry to give us an adventurein the onlycreperiein Bangkokandon the heartof Sukhumvit. lt's happeninghere and now go and see the m e n u a r e m o r e t h a n 5 0 u n i q u e prace. savourycrepesand 40 delicious


Danish-Thai Alumni

reception 22 March following last yearssuccess I f u l l a u n c ho f D a n i s h - T h a i Alumnithe Danish-Thai Chamber is now preparingfor the second step and will also this year be sponsoredby EACThailand.On 22 March2005allAlumnias well as ChamberMembersare invited to participatein the AlumniEvent at the RoyalDanishEmbassy. Overthelastcoupleof months the ChamberOffice has beâ‚Źn workingon gettingcontactinfor mationfrom even more DanishThai Alumniwhich has resulted in manyespeciallyyoungerThais Wijittra Keawsamor studied at Fredericia Cjmnasiun i Jutland. Back in Thailann Wijjnra has latery been rrorking joiningthe network. full time at Jfsk Rejsebureau where her kno\|ledge of the Danish language has come as a surprise to many customers. The Chamberis planningto introducetwo or three Danish companieswho will then makea short presentationabout their companiesand what they do in Thailand. Thiswillwithout a doubtbe a great opportunityfor Thais and Danesto networkand a pleasant reminderof the strong relaoffice been workingfull time at Jysk tionship betweenDenmarkand For WijittraKeawsamorthe time at Jysk Rejsebureau's I timeas an exchange student in Bangkok,she also had an in- Rejsebureauwhere her knowl- Thailand. in Denmarkhas provento be the ternshipwith Jysk Rejsebureau edge of Danes and the Danish first step on her careertrack. In trainingfor one of her coursesat languagehascomeas a big sur'1996Wijittra went on a one year the universityand she has for priseto manyof the customers. e x c h a n g et h r o u g h A F S a n d many years been teachingThai In April 2005 Wijjttrawill reendedup studyingat Frederecia to the Danishstaffat Jysk Rejse- turn to Denmarkagain.She has Gymnasium in Jutland.The ex- bureau. been offeredthe opportunityto change expandedover a one After finishingher BBA in work for Jysk Rejsebureauin year periodand duringthis pe- January2003shetooka trainee- A a r h u s , D e n m a r k .T h i s i s a riodWijittratookthe timeto learn ship at Sofitel BrusselTor Son chanceto learnmore Danishas the Danishlanguageas well as D'or Hotelin Belgium.Through well as learningaboutthe variDanishculture. the 6 monthsshe gainedexten- ousaspectsof dailytasksat Jysk Upon returningto Thailand sive knowledgeon how a Euro- Rejsebureau. The lasthurdlethat The Danishdisasterotfice in I Phuketis to becomea new Wijittrastartedstudyingfor her peanhotelis managedas wellas has to be clearedis the visa apbachelorinTourismManagement on howthe Europeanemployees provalfromthe DanishEmbassy, DanishGeneralConsulate. The disasteroffice setup in at RangsitUniversity,duringher handletheir dailytasks. Phuketby the DanishEmbassy studiesshe startedworkingpart Backin ThailandWiijilrahas is now to becomeGeneralConsulate,and will beginnormalope r a t i o n si n a p p r o x i m a t e l1y0 Vi har Danmarksbedsle priser og months,accordingto the Foreign biludvalgtjl dig som udlandsdansker. MinistryCurrsntly,formerConsul Ring,fax eller e-mail og fA et godt at the DanishEmbassyin Bangtilbud pe din teriebil i Danmark. kok Ms ToveWihlborgAndersen i s m a n n i n gt h e c o n s u l a t ei n AviI BeseruationsoenteI Phuket. lelefon:+tt, 33fr 8080 Formalestablishmentof the lelefax:+453326U 8l Consulateawaitsofficialapproval E-n aiI: rcseruation@ayis dk from the Thai government.Until wwwavisdk thenthetemporaryotficewillcontinue to functionas it has beâ‚Źn sinceshortlyafterthe disaster. The most importantwork ol the otficethere is still coordinating etfortsto identitythe remains of Danishvictimsof the tsunami.

ThaiAlumnigoing backto Denmark

NewDanish Consulate at Phuket


Thaisinterested in studying in Denmark Qome 800 Thaisout of a total \15000 visitorsstopped by a Danish booth establishedby Cirius,an independent institution undertheDanishMinistryof Education,duringa recentEU educationfair in Bangkok. The fair took place 20 -2'1 November2004 andthe manyinterestedThais came as a surprise to the staff manningthe Ciriusstand.Businessstudies, engineering,design, environment and sociologywere the most frequentareasof interest. The fairtookplaceon the initiativeof someof the majorinternationalization agenciesin Europe with the supportof the EU Commission. The purposewasto put Europeon the map as an attractivealternativefor Thais going to studyabroad.Today,most Thaisare moreawareof the opp o r t u n i t i e si n A u s t r a l i a ,U S ,

Canadaand New Zealand. On the Danishstand, not a single brochurewas lett by the end of the secondday. Ciriuswasestablishedin July 2000by combiningactivitiespreviouslyundertakenby the Danish Centerlor International EducationalActivities(ACIU),the InformationExchange Center(lCU), the PIU-Centreand The Deans' Secretariat.As ot January this year,Ciriuswill be mergedwith anotherDanishbodywithininternational studies and take over other tasks of an international naturefrom the DanishMinistry of Education. The website of the center also informsof possiblepublic supportfor studyingin D€nmark. F o l l o wt h e l i n k o n w w w . d a n cham.orthto th€ Ministryof Educationand searchfor Cirius.

Internet on Scandinavian Airlines flights

Herlufsholm Kostskole - en dansk skole med international og akademisk atmosftere

Herlufsholm Skoleer mere end en Vi bestraber os pe at vere en skole, der gor en forskel for eleveme - pe ale livets omreder - bade nu og i fiemtiden : I Pe det akademiske og intellektuelle omrade I P:l det eksttascolare omrAde I P:l det dannebesmesgige omtade

- det gor en forskel!


is USD 29.95for an entireflight Scandinavian Airlines or USD 9.95 for 30 minutesplus International, willbethefirst 25 cents for each additional ai/ineto introduce onboard minute. Besidescash, passenwireless broadband internet gers will havethe optionof paying for internetaccessby using onallof theairlines longcredit cards or their EuroBonus haulaircratt. points. By Allan Virbnen Scandinavian AirlinesInternational,the long haul operatorof SAS, carriesabout 1.6 million passengersa year using 11 Airbus 330 and 340 aircraft. Th€possibilitytousethe SAS Net Access service, is already availableon two of Scandinavian Airline'saircraftand will be introduced into all flightsto Asia and Seattlein mid-FebruaryThe cost

Since the connectionis wireless,it requiresthatthe computer enableswirelessconnections (WLAN). 'We want to be able to otfer our customerschoicesfor their journeys.The customermust have the possibilityto use the time on boardtor such activities as working,stay in contactwith friends and family or relaxing," says Lars Lindgren,Head of ScandinavianAirlinesInternational.

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NewDTCCmembers Co., Ltd Corporate Members Hembicon 1867/96CharoenNakornRd. PacificOrientationRelocation ServicesCo., Ltd. Suite1912,One PacificPlace, 140 SukhumvitRoad,Klongtoey B a n g k o 1k 0 1 1 0 Tel:+66 2653 0805 Fax:+66 2653 0807 www.pacif Mr. Leo Alexandersen ClientServicesDirector pors@pacif Ms. Eid Alexandersen ManagingDirector Birkart(Thailand)Co., Ltd. 8th Floor,Vibulthani1 Tower, 3195/13RamalV Road, KlongTon,Bangkok10110 Telephone: +66{0)26615735144 Fax: +66-(0)26615733 Timm Flensborg BusinessDevelopmentManager

TridhosCity LrarinaKlongsan, Bangkok10600 Tel: 078156833 Fax: 028626058 Hans-OleWandt ManagingDirector Poul Erik BundgaardJensen Dept.Man. Director NordeaBank SingaporeBranch PrivateBanking 3 Anson Road #22-01SpringleafTower Singapore079909 Tel: +65 63176500 Fax: +6563275418 www.noroea.tu Lars Alstrup SeniorManager

SheratonGrandeSulhumvit Flux International Ltd. Telephone: (66)02 6498888 ChodtanawatEstate.BlockC5, Fax: (66)02 6498000 41127Moo Bangna-TradRoad,16,5 KM Bangchalong,Bangplee 10540Samutprakran Mr. RichardChapman Tel: +6623370201 GeneralManager Fax: +6623370187 Ms. BannarosSirivejabandhu Directorof Catering MengChongLee GeneralManager NilpeterA,,/SThailandRepresentative Otfice 1550ThanapoomTower,32nd floor NielsOvergaardChristensen New PetchburiRoad,Bangkok10400 ManagingDirector Tel: +662652 8021 Fax: +662652 8750 La Luna Gallery 190 CharoenrajdRoad Kim-Regin Sustmann I WatgateA. Muang Director 50300ChiangMai Tel : 053 306 678i09635 7667 SKF (Thailand)Limited Fax : 053 306 678 72170Ramalll RoadChongnonsee YannawaBangkok10120 SommaiLumdual Tel: 02 2940047 Director Fax: 02 2946222-3, Lasse Norgaard ratchanee.lerdudomwon Partner lvlr.Ole Jorgensen ManagingDirector Mr Pitak Damrongsutisilp AsianTigersTranspoInternational Ltd , GM - IndustrialDistribution and PowerTrans- 134128-32 S'oiAthakravi3, missionProducts RamalV Road, pitak.damron gsutisilp@skf .com Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok10110 Mr. NarongNimitmongkol Tel: +6622590'116-20 GM - OEMand EnduserBusiness Fax : +662258 6555 narong.nimitmongkol@skf .com Mr. DerekCheyne 24

GeneralManager Mr. Erik Dahlstrom RegionalAccountsManager KhaoYai FarmhouseCo., Ltd. 199/16Moo 11,Nongnamdang, Pakchong, NakornRatchasima 30130 rel:044-249662 Fax : 044- 249 660 khaoyai@f MortenLuxhoi Director MadsTranumNielsen Director

Individual Members Mr.Knut-Erik Regnell 22/80 Moo BaanSamakkeePlace, Soi Prasert-lslam, SamakkeeRoad,BangTarad, PaakKerd11120Nonthaburi Thailand Telephone: +66 (0)29604037 MobilePhone: +66 (0)66296040 ThomasF Schmidt CosmoVillaApt.9D 39 Sukhumvit 12, Bangkok10110 fel 02 791 22 87 Faxi 02 937 02 82 AllanJensen PalmSpringCondo,Apt.15-09 Muang,Bangkadee PathumThani 12000 Tel;+66 2 963 8838 Mob:+66 1 814 4959 Christian Olsen HeinzWin ChanceLimited 134Moo 17TeparakRoad BangsaothongSub-District Samuthprakarn10540 Tel: 02-705-6969 Fax: 02-315-1169 ThomasO. Hansen SkovI/S OrkiedViewUnit118, '122 Soi Promchit, Sukhumvit 39, Bangkok Tel | +6622602271 Faxt +6622602271

MogensSonne BaanSirisukhumvit13 62151Soi Sukhumvit 13 Sukhumvit Rd. KlongtoeyNuâ‚Ź, Wattana,Bangkok10110 Tel : 06-1070805 Claus Petersen 244/21 TalingchanBangbuathongRd. Taweewatana, Bangkok10170 Tel : (04)071 8001

BenitaKidmose RoyalDanishEmbassy '10,SathornSoi 1, SouthSathornRoad Bangkok'10'120 Tel:02 343 1'100En. 1138 Fax:02 213 1752 MortenGregersen Royal DanishEmbassy, CommercialSection 10, Soi Sathorn1, SouthSathornRoad, Bangkok10120 Telephone: 02 343 1138 MobilePhone:070601835

MartinF. Olsen Accenture30th Floor, AMulrahim Place 990 Rama4 road 10500 Bangkok Tel: +66 191'13316 SorenStarupNielsen GlobalFreightExchange 68 Soi Wat Suan Plu CharoenkrungRoad 42l1 RiverGarden14 D Bangrak Bangkok10500 Tel : +66 (2) 237 3491 soren,starup@gf PanitaTantiprasut AustrianAirlines WallStreetTower,Level18 33/91SurawongRoad Suriyawong,Bangrak Bangkok10500 Telephone:02-2670873-5 MobilePhone:01-8673552 Fax: 02-2670880


Members TroelsHartung Royal DanishEmbassy, DanidaSection 10,Soi Sathorn1, SouthSathornRoad Bangkok10120 Tel:+66 (0)2 343 1100Elit.1117 Mobile:+66 (0)5 0990618 Fax:+66 (0)2 213 1752


Newlook on www By Gregers Mollel

F J 3 l S

'We can offet you complete, tailormade processing lines as well assinfe machinesfor: . SeafoodProcessing . Meat Processing . Poultry Processing . Freezing& Thawing Pleasecontact us for more information.



.maret "-** o "'g'* ii,f,lilr1.1i;;iif,,,liLl"il*if

Thewebsite of the DanishThai I Chamber of Commerce has been redesigned andboostedwitha lot of featurespreviouslynot availaote. The mostnoticeable development is the color schemewhich has changed from its former dustygreenand olivecoloursto an aggressivered and Bordeaux scheme.The new colorshave been selected by DTCC board memberin chargeof the website BentBjsrlinHansenand International BusinessTraineeat the DTCCoffice Mr. Esbencravlev Rasmussen. They have also renewedthe menu structureand the links on the websiteto providea wide rangeof new links groupedin easy to overlooksub-menus. Notvisibleto the ordinaryvisitor at is a content managementsystem which makes it possiblefor the staff at the office of the Danish Thai Chamberof Commerceto uploadnews and photoson the page, announceevents,set up new memberprofilesand other managementtasks. The very popularquick currencyconverterhas been maintainedjust belowthe main menu line at the top of the opening screen.Many memberscome h e r e s e v e r a lt i m e s a d a y t o

Danish-Thai Chambor01 Comrierce

Is there a future for SAS il

ao h..'





thd. ien

s.r. uP dr

Interview with Morten Lur

d : i r y i . n . r o . r i s r R sf ': d o r y , i t months, Aft.r hb @or.d.nd.d p.rcd, ron(.d foi Dodo. An.r Mon.o tinkh.d thB Job h.. m.keju.ql. in xh:o Y.1. I '.v.r.l !.!R Mo^.n in./ "o*.d o.nd dift.r.nt ounrd.r ru.h.3 t 2oos-or-2.I Fvr iq!


in search

of nee

nP bold netr red colour scheme of the hebsite of Danish-Thai Chambâ‚Źr of Commerce \t w.|'r.dancham.o r.t h 'xas cllosen b\ Bent Bjorlin Hansetl and Esben Crd|le') Rasmussen

me man! uselul lini-l on the website lnve been grouped in a new way to make it easier for vistors tu nsyigate.

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quicklycheckthe valueof a certain amountin anothercurrency at a cerlaindate. Belowthis,the list of coming eventshas been given a prominentplaceat the top of the page betweenthe two side banners. Eventsare amongthe core services of the chamberbecauseit offersthe membersa chanceto meetandbuildbusinesscontacts a n d p e r s o n a lf r i e n d s h i pw i t h other members. Totherighton the screen,the

frequentvisitorwill noticethatthe advertiserbannersareconstantly rotating.Thisis a newfeaturecreatedto ensureequalexposureto all the supportersof the website by givingall bannerssome time at the top of the list beforebeing rotatedfurtherdown on the list. To the right hand side of the s c r e e n ,a l l l i n k s h a v e b e e n groupedand orderedintomenus and sub-menus. An exampleof a menuwhich has been vastly expandedis the menu'Busines




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rhol, Dlrector Kh6o Y.lFlrmhousej r.d r.r rbolt 3 r..r .oo.h.n h. @n.d .' . h. 'm.n k. .f i4!.r t.t, h. rcfi.d r,l.r tq 6 h. {* 6 s.tid rh.o tL, tot . 6 ho,.tl

Yourconsultingpartngttor Innovativeandsustalnable solutions

rid.'l kFr rlt.t h. ,:tuJ to do ro h. btud b )on, h. 9d . @r.c Far4 t .n4 fcr.w, . rob $n b6* hia :'ound 'mv ir, .n't. d, tL16d 6a ^u'rl' ru. ,Or.o Y.t


or owners !dnneE .ner6.n o.nbr.,'' orro,rr.rdd .r rn bd.ts.d.d, rlrty, o..bdt nftohr dr.&' h.i b..n .rba on tit om or rd. .rt 6.t r.tuB .t *6&tdy

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@"utr69 ..arrd'!9 b .r.nh. 6a o6rrbitir.' , 6^4^1 h' dmr t ' t !.

in Thailand'where simply holding the mouse over the button opensthe lirst menu.Fromhere, movingthe mouseto the item of interestopens up the submenu. Belowthe menua dedicated search option has been establ i s h e d , p o w e r e db y G o o g l e , whichgivesa resultot eveMhing with the searchword found only - anyon www.dancham.or,th whereonthesite,includingmemb€r profiles.Search for "shoes' and amongthe resultwill be the memberprofileof ECCO (Thailand)Co., Ltd.


Tho programming ofthe managementsystemandthe renewal of the design has technically been done by Monchai Kotchawang,webmasterai ScandMediaCorp.,Ltd. The Chamber welcomes commentsand suggestionsto any furtherimprovements of th6 lunctionalityof the site. Please emailto Teaming up \,'ith GooBIe, the website noy,, has a powerful search function including kzywords on

Ramboll co, Ltd. Ohailand) 92n14, 12rhFl 5athornThaniBuilding 2 NodhSathorn Road,silom,Bangrak Bangkok 10500Thailand Tel+662'267'1500, Fax+66-2-2671504 E-mail: c(,lh


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27 L

Networking withthe Danish Embassy At th€ monthlynetworking on February 17,2005at 18:30at the AdmiralPub & Restaurant,th€ RoyalDanishEmbassywillgiv€a pressniation on the ditforontactivitiesof th€ variouss€ctionsat the embassy.Th6 pr€s€ntation willbe oponsdbythe Danish ambassador Mr. UlrikHelw€g-Lars€n. 'Following theopening remarksby the Ambassador, presentations will followby And€rsAndersen fromths politicalsection,Kit Claussn fromth€Danida Anja section, Pedersen fromthe administration,UlrikHoltSoronsen fromtheconsularsection and PoulSkov"P€tersen tromthe commsrcial section. Memb€rs ars€ncouraged to marklhis sv€ntand show up to learnmoreaboutwhat go3son at the embassy and howyoul companyandyou as a Dersoncan b€nsfitfrom a closercooperation withthe €mbassy.

DTCCCyclingTeam on Tourde Thailand By Hans HenrikMelchior

The DTCC cyclingteam par I ticipalingin week 3 of this year'scharitybicyclerideTourde Thailandarrivedas plannedin Chumpornin the afternoonof Saturday11 December,having completedthe abt. 550 km ride from Kanchanaburi. The team startedthe Tourin the morningof Sunday5 December headingtor Dan MakhamTia and then southeastto Ratchaburi.The day'sridewas 120km. Monday'sstagewas only 66 km,thefirst32kmvia WatPhleng to Pak Tho againon scenicside roads,butwiththe restof the distanceto Phetchaburi on the busy HW 4. Tuesdaymorningthe Tour continuedalongthe beach road to Cha-Aman on to HuaHin.The teamarrivedattheAdmiralsRestaurant in Hua Hin Tuesdayafternoonatter havingcompleted the first250 km ridein timeto enj o y a s p l e n d i dD a n i s hB u f f e t Lunchsponsoredby Admiral's Pub. The team was still intact, even though Bent Laasholthad to buy his bicycleback from an icecreamvendortowhomHenrik Friis sold the bike at a pit stop Northol Petchaburi. MariottHotelhad sponsored two nightsstay for the group so At the Breakfastm€etingon we took Wednesdayoff in Hua ths gthot NovsmbsrKenneth Hi n . Sanden fromEurocenter Thursdaymorningthe Tour held a presentation on the many proceededalongHW4on the 91 toDicsthat can becomer€l- kmstageto PrachuabKhiriKhan. svantforpeopletravslingand A verygoodtailwindhelpedcomlivingabroad.Ths approxi- pletethis stagein recordtime. Fridaymorningwe decidedto mately30 participants leam€d hor,vtheywill g6tcompen- take a small detour along the satedov€n in the cass ol a beachroad and throughthe milikidnapping. A morealarming tary base, before we headed lact is that95o/o of ths people back to HW 4. Then onwardsto Bang Saphanfor 20 km on side beingsendhomefromski tripswith Europ€iska's own roads.Thedaysridewas 104km. charlsrodllight are Danesl The SaturdaystagetoChumForths lastpartofthoprsssn- porn was the most challenging, tationHgadIntemational along scenic roadswith many Cohillsanda lotaldistanceot 97 km. ordinator Luci€nHsijstee anNot challenging swergdquestionstrom lhs enoughfor the particlpants. tourguide,though,who madea wrongturn,whichtook the entire group, except Bent and Hans Henrik,on another10 km detour. The DTCCteam completed

This Jear was the seco d time Tour de Thailand \ras aorganised - and the parti cipant s are g row ing. Hans Hen k's ordeal on the train back was the onl! ircident on the trip. The team in front of the SAS

facilitatingtransportof luggage, provisions,bikesand riders,who neededa rest alongthe way.

Interesting Euro-Center presentation


the Tourwithoutincidentsand everybodyhad enjoyedthe challenge tremendously. Excellent spiritand fellowshipas we rode along,and we are keen on continuingour cyclingactivityunder the DTCC umbrella.We thank our sponsorsfor their support: EAC,DISA,AdmiralsPub,Khao YaiFarmhouseand,nottheleast, SAS for sponsoringour support vehicle,which was invaluablein

PS Those who did not return to Bangkokby train misseda dramaticclimaxto the Tour.While boardingthe train in Chumporn Hans Henrikfell and brokehis arm andelbow.Onboardthetrain a medicfrom a companyof soldiers on the same train helped makea split,out of newspapers, a pillowcasean some string, whichhelpedHH duringthe 10 hourslrain ride to Bangkok.HH went straightto BNH, where he had surgeryand his arm is now in a cast.

DTCCteam- Tourthe Thailand Msmbersofthe DTTChadestablished ateamot6 Danishriders, who represented the Chamberin the charitybicyclsrid€Tourde Thailandon the leg from Kanchanaburi to Chumporntrom December5 to 11. Tho riderswere Bent Laasholdt.HenrikFriis. MortenLuxhoei,MadsTranumNi€lsen,andHansHenrikM€lchior. Aparl from the ridersthemselvesfollowingcorporat€sponsors supportedthe team;SAS,Kuoni,AdmiralPub,KhaoYai Farmhouse,DISAandEAC.

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BecaLte of the rcco breakine nunber of participants at this learj Danish-Thai Chamber Cishns Ltnch man! of the guests pteferred to enjoy the nore quiet surrcundings and the lovely weather on the tenace of Admiral's Pub and Restauront,



A MerryMerryChristmasLunch This yearsChristmasLunchhad no less than 104 peoplesigned up. Needlessto say, thore was nothingin the way for a greatday withallthetraditionalDanishfood one couldd€sireto satisfyhis or her appetite.To make the day evenmorsfun,manyotihe Members had sponsor€dgifts for a luckydraw.A raffleticketwas put

beneath oachchairandtheoar- backtheirparticipation fee,allowticipantshadthe chancoio win ing them to easily otfer a bottle prizes.M€mbers manygreat who of snapsfor th€ tablel[ 2005-01hadbroughtth€irMembership0 4 1 cardalsohadthechanceto win

Inside the restaurant the at lbsphere wos nore heated as the lunch prcgressedand the ftee flow of beer and akvavit made its impaci

Successful Housewarming at Chamber office On 1 December2004,M€mbers of Danish-Thai Chamberof Commerceas wellas the otherChambers at the "NordicHouse"celebratedjointlythe hous€warming of the new otfice on Phayathai Road. A greatnumberofpeoplehad taken the opportunityto s€e the new Chamberotficewith their

own eyes this madefor a pleasant eveningwith greatfood from Sh€ratonGrande. To make the €vening even moro excitinga lucky draw was held with prizes from various sponsorsincludingmany ol the DanishMemberssuchas ECCO, BNH Hospital,Santa Fe, XPon Card, Rambolland SAS.


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Danish-ThaiChamberof Commerce sth floor PhayathaiBuildingB 34 PhayathaiRoad Bangkok10400 Thailand Tel. +66 2354 5220 Fax. +66 2354 5221 E-mail

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