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The Devotional Children´s

BIBLE The Vision behind the Devotional Children’s Bible The purpose of adding a devotional text to the Children’s Bible is to encourage and inspire each child through the personal promises and teachings in God’s Word. The text is simple, summarizing the essence of each Bible story and helping the reader to reflect on its truth and relevance. The Bible verses are related to the devotional text and confirm the promises or the teaching given in the Bible story. This makes the text relevant and personal for each child, which the living Word of God was always intended to be. The devotional text and additional Bible verses can also be used as a catalyst for conversations about God, the Bible, and what He is communicating to each reader through His Word. Our vision for this Devotional Bible is that children and young people would learn to listen to God with an open mind, learning to act according to what God speaks to them about daily. Our prayer is that God’s presence will be with each reader of this Devotional Children’s Bible and that He will draw each of them closer to Himself as they learn more about His love, His mercy, His character, and His faithfulness from generation to generation. March 2017, Denmark The Publisher

The Devotional Children’s Bible 1st edition, 1st print Copyright © Scandinavia Publishing House 2017 Drejervej 15, 3., DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark Text copyright © 1990 Anne de Graaf Illustrations copyright © 1988 José Pérez Montero Conceived, designed and produced by Scandinavia Publishing House Devotional text by Alice Larsen Edited by Vanessa Carroll & Alice Larsen Cover design by Gao Hanyu Book layout by Luo Huawen & Gao Hanyu ISBN 9788772030272 Printed in China All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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The Devotional Children´s

BIBLE Retold by Anne de Graaf Illustrations: José Pérez Montero Devotional text by Alice Larsen

CONTENTS The Old Testament God Makes Everything 4 It Looks Good 5 The First Man and Woman 6 The Garden of Eden 6 All for a Piece of Fruit 8 Out of Eden 8 Two Brothers 10 11 The First Murder Noah Builds a Boat 12 The Voyage of the Ark 12 The Rescue 14 The End of the Storm 15 The City Builders 16 Higher than the Clouds 17 God Chooses Abram 18 The Promise of God 18 On the Way to Sodom 19 Lot Is Rescued 21 Isaac Is Born 22 Abraham and Isaac 22 True Trust 23 Saved in Time 24 Mission Impossible 26 Rebekah 26 Twin Brothers 27 An Expensive Meal 28 Rebekah Is Cunning 29 A Family Is Divided 31 The Wrestling Match and 31 Jacob’s New Name 31 Fighting in the Tent 33 Joseph’s Dream 34 In the Well 36 On the Way to Egypt 38 Joseph Must Work Hard 39 In Prison 40 The Dreams of Two Men 42 The Pharaoh’s Dream 43 Fat and Skinny Cows 44 Joseph Helps Pharaoh 46 The Brothers Learn Their Lesson 48 Benjamin May Go Along 50 The Stolen Cup 52 The Truth Comes Out 54 A Baby in a Boat 57 Saved by a Princess 57 Moses Strikes a Blow for Freedom 58 The Bush Which Caught Fire without a Match 59

A Hundred and One Excuses Pharaoh Says No God Promises Action Terrible Plagues The Last Plague The Jewish Passover God Leads the Way Cross on Dry Land Nothing to Drink Nothing to Eat God on the Mountain The First Ten Commandments God Cares for His People The Golden Calf The Second Ten Commandments Within Sight of the Promised Land We Are Not Strong Enough The Forty-year Punishment The Choice of Life or Death The Song and Last Days of Moses I Spy the Enemy The Spies Escape Saved by a Red Cord On the Edge of the Promised Land Crossing the River Jordan The Battle Won with Trumpets The Wise Woman under the Palm Tree Who Will Kill Sisera? Gideon Begins His Work It Takes Fewer Men to Win the Battle Listening in the Night Trumpets and Torches Fighting with a Lion Samson Tells a Riddle Samson and Delilah The Strongest Man Wins A Bad Time A Woman of Loyalty Ruth Goes to Work The Great-grandmother of a King Waiting for a Baby Peninnah Hurts Hannah A Prayer from the Heart Baby Samuel Hannah Leaves Samuel with Eli Becoming a Prophet Samuel Hears God’s Voice The Lost Donkeys The Big Secret Saul Becomes King God Chooses a New King

60 62 62 64 66 66 68 70 74 75 76 78 78 80 82 84 86 86 88 89 90 92 94 95 96 96 100 100 102 103 104 104 106 108 110 113 114 114 116 117 119 120 122 125 126 128 128 130 132 132 134

David Cares for Saul The Giant Goliath’s Insults David the Giant-Killer King Saul Is Jealous Friends for Life Jonathan Saves David’s Life Alone in a Cave Everything Is Lost David Loses Saul and Jonathan David Is Crowned The Ark of God Arrives in Jerusalem David Becomes a Murderer A Broken King The Young King Solomon’s Dream The Baby with Two Mothers A Temple for the Lord The Visit of the Queen of Sheba The Contest Fire and Rain The Chariot of Fire A Strange Way to Cross a River The Bottomless Jar of Oil Runaway from God Storm at Sea The Big Fish Jonah Changes His Mind God Is Good Jeremiah Stays Behind A Special School Being Different A Test of Faith Passing the Test The Wizards What Does the King’s Dream Mean? A Never-Ending Kingdom Three Brave Men The Blazing Furnace The King’s Feast Writing on the Wall The Lions’ Den The Proud King Queen Vashti’s Refusal Miss Persia The Jews Must Die Esther Has a Plan Esther Saves Her People Haman Is Hung A Chance to Survive Fighting Back

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The New Testament An Angel Visits a Young Girl A Trip over the Mountains Beside the Well Joseph’s Dream Jesus Is Born The Shepherds The Star That Led to the Baby’s Cradle Gifts for a King He Will Be Called a Nazarene Joseph and Mary Lose Jesus Jesus Is Baptized Jesus and John the Baptist The Enemy of God Tempts Jesus The First Disciples This Is How to Catch Fish There’s No More Wine! The Unholy Temple He Is the Water of Life The Woman at the Well Four Men on the Roof The Tax Collector Says Yes Waiting for a Miracle The Twelve Men Set Apart True Happiness Do You Know How to Be Salt? The Treasure Hunt How to Build a House A Special Act Planting Seeds Planting Seeds in the Right Places The Difference between Wheat and Weeds Mustard Seed and Yeast The Storm The Other Side The Wild Man in the Graveyard More People Are Healed The Weak King To a Quiet Place Teaching Thousands Food for the Hungry The Boy Whose Lunch Fed Thousands Jesus Walks on Water Peter Walks on Water The Faith of a Foreigner A Blind Man Healed at Bethsaida The Rock Man Moses and Elijah The Children Come First Forgive

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The Healed Leper Why Not Say Thank You? A Second Chance The Good Samaritan Martha and Mary The Good Shepherd Lazarus Lives The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin The Loving Father Coming Home Money Lovers The Rich Man and Lazarus More Lessons about Prayer Broken Homes Let the Children Come to Me The Rich Young Man Who Comes First? The Workers in the Vineyard The Little Man in the Tree A Job Well Done Mary’s Act of Love The Big Parade Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Cleaning Out the Temple Healing in the Temple Who Gave the Most? The Five Careless Bridesmaids Judas Preparing the Last Passover Who Is Greatest? The Servant King The Reason Why The Lord’s Supper When the Cock Crows A Home in Heaven Jesus Prays for His Followers Betrayed by a Kiss Peter Fights Back Jesus Is Taken Prisoner Peter’s Great Mistake Jesus and Pilate Jesus and Herod Pilate Tries to Free Jesus The Death Sentence They Make Fun of Jesus The Weeping Woman Jesus on the Cross The Last Moments The Death of Jesus The Temple Curtain Splits in Two

277 279 280 282 285 286 289 290 290 292 294 294 296 296 298 300 301 303 303 305 306 308 308 310 311 312 314 316 316 316 318 320 321 322 324 325 326 328 328 331 331 332 335 336 338 341 343 344 344 346 349

The Burial Guards at the Tomb An Empty Tomb Mary Magdalene Sees Jesus The Disciples See Jesus The Story of Thomas Breakfast by the Sea Do You Really Love Me? Home to the Father A Time of Waiting The Helper Healing and Teaching Peter and John in Trouble An Angel Frees the Apostles The Apostles Are Questioned Stephen Is Not Afraid The Road to Damascus A Sheet Full of Animals Peter Visits an Army Officer Good News for Everyone Peter Escapes from Prison Paul as a Preacher Singing in the Prison Paul Is Warned Paul Speaks to the Mob Paul Must Die! Shipwrecked! Safe in Malta Rome at Last Special Messages God’s New World

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Old Testament The


God Makes Everything Genesis 1:1-19

A long time ago there was nothing but darkness. It is hard to picture just nothing, but that is all there was... except for God. So God made light. That way there could be day and night, instead of only darkness. Then God made the earth and divided parts of it into oceans and seas and other parts into big pieces of land. God made all the plants and trees and made them grow on the land. In the sky God made the stars and planets. He made the sun and moon so there would always be a day after every night.


hink about the awesome power of God. He just said a word, and there was the universe, light, and life. Some people don’t believe in God. It is hard for us humans to understand that God can do so much more than we can imagine. He is worthy of our praise. And this awesome God loves you and me! Ps 14:1; 33:6-9; Heb 11:3; Rev 4:11


It Looks Good Genesis 1:20-25; 2:3-6

When God looked at all the water covering the world He made big fish and little fish. Some were too small to see. For the sky He made large birds and small, in many colors. They were bright blue, dark green, brown, purple, red, black and white. When He looked toward the land God saw grass blowing in the breezes and ripe fruit hanging from the trees. He knew it was a good place for animals. He made tiny bees and giant elephants, crocodiles, sheep and lions, all different sorts of animals. But they did not have names yet. There were just the right animals living in just the right places and not too many. And there was plenty of food and water for them all.


od made the Earth into a beautiful and peaceful place where people and animals could live in the very best environment. Like a bird building a safe and cozy nest for its young, He made a garden for the people He would create. This awesome God cares so much for His creation. He cares for you and me. Job 38:39-41; Ps 8:3-4; 1 Pet 5:7


The First Man and Woman

The Garden of Eden

Genesis 1:26-31; 2:1-7, 18-23

Genesis 2:8-17, 24-25

At that time there were no people on the earth. God wanted to make someone who was like Him. God put His hand in the dirt. He picked up a handful of dust, blew on it, then created a life that was the first man. God brought all the different kinds of animals to Adam. “Call them whatever you want,” God said. So Adam called one a hippopotamus, and another a butterfly. Once Adam had finished, God knew that not one of the animals was right for being Adam’s special helper. So while Adam slept, God took a part of Adam and around that part He made someone who was like Adam, but different. She was the first woman. When Adam woke up he was very happy. “Here is someone who can be my friend,” he said. But she had no name. When God finished making Adam and the woman, He was pleased. He rested. He blessed all that He had made.

God chose the prettiest part of the earth and gave it to Adam and the woman. It was a garden called Eden. In Eden all the animals lived peacefully with each other. No one was afraid. Adam and the woman loved God very much. They walked around their garden with no clothes on because they had no reason to feel ashamed. For them there was one thing even better than all the dazzling flowers, tall trees and lovely smells in Eden. It was that they knew God loved them very much. God told Adam and the woman they could do whatever they wanted. There was just one rule they must follow. God said, “You may eat fruit from any of the trees here except one. And that is the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”


od enjoyed watching Adam as he went exploring in the garden. He taught him to care for the plants and the animals. God knew all along that a man would need a wife. So while Adam slept, God created a woman. What a nice surprise for Adam when he woke up. God has good surprises for us too. Prov 31:10; Isa 64:3-4; 1 Cor 2:9



od took time to rest and enjoy His creation. In the evening, He walked in the garden and talked with Adam and Eve. He also wanted them to rest and just enjoy being together with Him and each other. God wanted to be the most important person in their lives. God wants the same for us. Ps 27:4; 37:7; 65:4


All for a Piece of Fruit Genesis 3:1-19

Of all the animals in Eden the serpent was smarter and craftier than the rest. One day the serpent crept toward the woman. He teased her, “You don’t have to listen to God. You can eat from that tree in the middle of the garden. You won’t die!” After this, the woman walked over to the tree. She did not know what she should do. Then she made a choice. She picked a piece of fruit and took a bite. She brought the fruit to Adam and asked him to eat. Once they had both taken a bite they suddenly felt as if a cloud were hanging over them. The sunshine felt cold. For the first time ever, they were afraid. They had done the wrong thing. The Lord was very sad because He must discipline His children. God did this because He cared. He wanted Adam and the woman to know that every choice was their own. Some choices lead to good things while other choices can be painful.



dam and Eve listened to a voice that made them want to have the very thing that God wanted to protect them from. They began to think that perhaps God was preventing them from having the best. They trusted their own feelings more than they trusted God. Do we sometimes think we are wiser than God? Ps 21:2-4; 84:11; Prov 28:26; James 1:13-15

Out of Eden Genesis 3:20-24

God told Adam and the woman that they must leave the garden of Eden. Otherwise, He said, they might disobey again and eat from another forbidden tree, the tree of life. Adam and the woman looked at each other. They were together, but they still felt frightened of all that lay ahead. When they left Eden they would have to work hard to find enough to eat. Adam gave the woman a name then. He called her Eve, which meant “Living.” Adam and Eve bowed their heads. They felt very sad. They knew God would


continue to show His love for them. But the worst part of their punishment was that they would never be as close to God as they had been before they chose to disobey Him.


hoices have consequences. Because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve began to fear. They were afraid of God. But God still loved them. He knew all along that they would disobey, so He had already planned out how to bring them back to Himself. At the right time, He would send the Savior, not just for them, but for us all. Gen 3:14-15; Ex 34:6-7; John 3:17-18; Rom 5:8-10

Two Brothers Genesis 4:1-2

After Adam and Eve left Eden, they took care of each other. Soon their first child was born. They named him Cain. Later they had a second little boy. They named him Abel. Cain and Abel helped their parents live in the world outside Eden. There they had to work hard to make sure they had enough to eat.


Cain’s way of helping the family was to grow crops. He looked forward to the rain which watered the seeds he had planted. The grain he grew could be ground into flour for making bread. He also gathered vegetables and fruit. Abel’s way of helping was to raise sheep and goats. He would milk the goats or sometimes kill them for the meat.


dam and Eve had to work hard to survive. Their children had to help with the daily chores. They missed the good life in Eden and being close to God. Because of their disobedience, they missed out on many blessings. Their sin even had consequences for their descendants. But in His love, God sent Jesus to save us from sin. Prov 21:3; John 3:16; Rom 5:18-19

The First Murder Genesis 4:3-16

One day Cain put together some of the crops he had grown and offered them to say thank you to God. Abel did the same, but he chose the best of the fattest of the lambs to give back to God. God looked at the gifts both boys were offering Him. He liked Abel’s gift better than Cain’s. This made Cain angry. He did not think God was being fair. God told Cain he could choose to do right or wrong. Cain chose to be angry. He came up with a plan. He called Abel out to the fields. There, Cain did something very bad. He killed Abel. God called him, “Cain, where is your brother Abel?” Cain shook his head. God said, “You have done wrong. As your punishment, you will no longer be able to grow your crops. I am sending you away from here.” So Cain had to live in the land of Nod, which meant “Wandering.”


ain was angry at God. It hurt his pride that God didn’t accept his sacrifice. He thought it wasn’t fair that God preferred Abel, his younger brother, to him, the firstborn. So he chose to take his anger out on Abel. Pride and anger are dangerous emotions. God will help us deal with our anger if we ask Him to. Eph 4:26-27; Heb 11:4; James 4:10


Noah Builds a Boat

The Voyage of the Ark

Genesis 6:5-22

Genesis 7:1-16

Many, many years passed. After so much time, most of the people living on the earth chose not to care about God anymore. They no longer taught their children to thank God. Over and over again they chose to hurt and lie and do wrong. God looked at the people and grew very sad. He saw all the pain they caused each other. He wished He had never created people with the rest of the animals on earth. God decided He would take away the lives on earth which He had made. At this time, when so many were bad, one man was different. His name was Noah. Noah often asked God’s help. Noah listened for God’s answers and then obeyed Him. This pleased God. God told Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people. I will cause a huge flood to cover the land and everyone will drown. But I will spare you and those you love. Build a big boat, and build it the way I say to. Then fill it with two of every type of animal. Fill it with food. Then you will be safe.” Noah trusted God. God gave Noah the plans for making the boat which was called an ark.

When the ark was finished Noah’s family climbed in and left the door open. Soon animals and birds and all creeping creatures came crawling their way to Noah’s ark. What a sight it was! And the noise was enough to bring Noah’s neighbors out to watch and shake their heads all over again. There were lions roaring, donkeys braying, dogs barking, birds singing and sheep bleating. Two by two, the animals entered the ark, all different types and shapes and sizes. Tiny worms wiggled, horses pranced and rabbits hopped. After all the animals were inside, God closed the door to the boat, and quickly locked.


t took many, many years for Noah and his sons to build a strange boat that they couldn’t sail and that they built in the middle of a field. But when the flood came, it was ready. Because Noah trusted and obeyed God, his family and all the animals were saved. God will save all who trust and obey Him. Ezek 14:12-20; Rom 10:11; Heb 11:7



od had waited patiently for people to change. But they continued to do wrong right up to the day the rain started. God will punish people who continue to disobey Him. But He would much rather they turn to Him and be forgiven. God loves us and is always ready to save and forgive us. Matt 24:37-39; Rom 10:10; 1 Pet 3:20


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