The world God had made was lovely and fair.
Yet with all its good, evil was there. The Devil played tricks, deeds that were wrong. And all of his tricks are sneaky and strong.
Almost all of God’s children were selfish and mean.
Hating and fighting soon filled every scene!
It grew so much worse that God looked around.
Was there one place left where good could be found?

But God saw more sin than love in that place. He knew such bad things He must erase. God sadly decided to wipe the world clean. He’d send down more rain than any had seen.

At last, one good man! A wife and three sons. To start the world new, they’d be just the ones. God said to Noah, “Build a big wooden boat. I want you to build a zoo that will float.”

Noah got busy, with no time to train. That ship must get built before comes the rain! His sons cut the boards, to nail one by one. Away they all hammered beneath the hot sun.

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