My First Handy Bible
by Cecilie Olesen Copyright © 2003, 2011 Scandinavia Publishing House Drejervej 15, 3rd floor DK 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark E-Mail: Text copyright © 2003 Cecilie Olesen Illustration copyright © 2003 Gustavo Mazali Design by Ben Alex Printed in China ISBN 9788772473048 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
BIBLE Text by Cecilie Olesen Illustrations by Gustavo Mazali
God makes the world 4 Noah builds a boat 6 Isaac is born 8 Joseph’s dream 10 Joseph in Egypt 12 Moses becomes prince of Egypt 14 Moses leads the people out of Egypt 16 God’s people in the desert 18 The walls of Jericho 20 God makes Samson strong 22 God helps Ruth 24 David the shepherd boy 26 David kills Goliath 28 Solomon 30 God sends fire 32 Queen Esther 34
God saves Daniel and his friends 36 Daniel and the lions 38 Jonah and the fish 40 Jesus is born 42 Jesus heals people 44 Jesus feeds people 46 Jesus the good shepherd 48 Jesus stills the storm 50 Jesus visits Zacchaeus 52 King Jesus 54 The last meal 56 Jesus is killed 58 Jesus lives 60 Happiness in heaven 61
God makes the world
God made the Sun, the Moon and the stars. He made the land and the oceans and all the plants and animals too. Then God made a man called Adam and a woman called Eve. God was very pleased with everything he had made. Genesis 1:1-31
Noah builds a boat
The people in the world became very wicked. God told Noah to build a big boat and put all the different animals on it to keep them safe. It rained and rained. But when all the water had gone, God made a rainbow. “Never again will I destroy the earth,� God said to Noah. Genesis 6:1-8:22
Isaac is born
Abraham and Sarah were very old and they had no children. God said they would have a baby, but Sarah laughed. She did not believe it. But God gave Abraham and Sarah a son. They named him Isaac. Genesis 21:1-7
Joseph’s dream
Isaac’s son was Jacob. Jacob’s favorite son was Joseph. One night Joseph dreamed that he would become greater than his brothers, and greater even than his father and mother.
This made Joseph’s brothers very angry. So one day they sold Joseph to a merchant. Genesis 37:1-36
Joseph in Egypt
The merchant took Joseph to Egypt to be a slave. God looked after Joseph and showed him how to help the king. Egypt became a great nation and Joseph became Governor. He brought his father and all his brothers to live in Egypt too. Genesis 39:1-47:31
Moses becomes prince of Egypt
Many years later an Egyptian princess found a baby in a basket. The baby was an Israelite called Moses. The princess took Moses to her home and Moses grew up as a prince in Egypt. Exodus 2:1-10
Moses leads the people out of Egypt
God told Moses to leave Egypt and take all the Israelite people with him to a new land.
God promised that the new land would be flowing with milk and honey. Exodus 13:17-14:31
God’s people in the desert
The Israelites lived in the desert for forty years. When Moses died, a brave man called Joshua became leader and he took the people into the promised Land. Joshua 1:1-18
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