Here are six great Bible stories, including puzzle boards and text, for the very young. A fun way to be introduced to the Word of God.
Illustrations by Gustavo Mazali scandinavia
Noah’s big boat
THE BEGINNER’S PUZZLE BIBLE Copyright © 2005 Scandinavia Publishing House Drejervej 15, 3, DK 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark E-mail: Illustrations by Gustavo Mazali Design by Ben Alex Printed in China ISBN 9788772478449 All rights reserved
God told Noah to bring the animals on his boat. When the rain came, the animals were safe. Afterwards, Noah let out the animals and they spread all over the world.
Jacob's dream
Isaac's son, Jacob, had a dream. He saw a stairway from heaven to earth, with angels going up and down it! God told Jacob that He would give him many descendants and the land that he was sleeping on.
The walls of Jericho
God told Joshua He would give the city of Jericho to His people. Joshua and his friends blew their horns and the walls fell down. Then they marched right in. “God gave us the victory!� cried Joshua.
A wise king
King Solomon was very wise. People came from all over the world to listen to what he said. These two women were fighting over a baby. But Solomon helped them.
Jesus is born
Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem. Nearby, shepherds were watching their sheep when an angel came to them. “Don't be afraid!” the angel said. “I bring you good news, that a Saviour has been born.” The shepherds hurried off to see Jesus.
King Jesus on a donkey
Jesus came to save the world. Towards the end of his life, he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People welcomed him as a king. Later on, they hung him on a cross to die. But Jesus came back to life again.
Here are six great Bible stories, including puzzle boards and text, for the very young. A fun way to be introduced to the Word of God.
Illustrations by Gustavo Mazali scandinavia