The Comic Book Bible NT2

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THE COMIC BOOK BIBLE JESUS’ LATER MINISTRY Published by Scandinavia Publishing House 2015 Scandinavia Publishing House, Drejervej 15,3, DK-2400 Copenhagen, NV, Denmark Concept by Jose Perez Montero Text copyright © Ben Alex Illustrations copyright © Jose Perez Montero Design by Ben Alex Printed in China Hardcover ISBN 978 87 7132 517 1 Softcover ISBN 978 87 7132 518 8 All rights reserved





Great! it’s time for a break. let’s sail to the other shore and rest.

Jesus is leaving! There he is!

In the meantime the disciples had been preaching the good news about God’s kingdom all over Galilee. Now they returned and reported on all the great things that had happened, how the sick were healed and the demon-possessed were delivered...

Good for you. What about me?

Let’s hurry to the other side!

Look! The crowd is following us on the shore.

They are like sheep without a shepherd.

when they arrived on the other side, Jesus taught the people many things about the kingdom of God, and they were amazed. Now it was already late in the afternoon, and they had not eaten all day. The disciples started to get worried.

Lord, people are getting hungry. There is no food to buy in this remote place. What do we do now? You give them something to eat!

How much food do you have? Are you serious? How do we get food for so many people.


Mark 6:30 – 44

Here’s a boy with five loaves of bread and two fish.


That’s a start. God will provide what’s needed.

Jesus blessed the food...

...and began to hand it out to the disciples who passed it on to the people.

The more they gave out...

...The more the baskets were filled.

When they had all eaten and were full, Jesus told the disciples to gather what was left.


This is a miracle!

Lord, there’s twelve full baskets of leftovers!

Jesus is a true prophet!

Please stay with us! Be our king!

Get in the boat and go to the other side. I’ll follow later.

Jesus had great compassion on them, But he didn’t want to be their king on earth. he was eager to spread the message throughout Israel and beyond. We’d better go home.

Leave me alone now. I need rest.

After sending them off, Jesus went up on a mountain to pray. Later that night, the wind was rising, and Jesus could see how the disciples were struggling at the oars. By now it was four o’clock in the morning...

We’re sinking!

We’re going nowhere! I wish Jesus were here.


Take courage; it’s me. Don’t be afraid!

Look! What’s that?

Master, if it’s really you, tell me to come out to you.

A ghost! No, it’s Jesus!


Lord, save me!

What got into you? Why didn’t you trust me, Peter?

I trust you, Jesus!

As soon as Jesus and Peter got into the boat, the wind died down, and the sea grew calm.

You are certainly the son of God!



Matthew 14:22 – 33

Hey, Jesus is coming!

early in the morning, they landed at Gennesaret on the shore of Galilee.

Let’s spread the news.

Shortly after, people came out to meet him, and they brought all their sick with them.

I’m healed!

Jesus entered the synagogue in capernaum...

Bread from heaven? Has he gone mad? Isn’t he the son of Joseph? He’s not from heaven at all.

He must be on the other shore. Come!

These people are not really looking for me. They want bread and miracles.

Please, let me only touch the edge of your cloak.

Do not seek the food that spoils. Seek the food that endures and gives eternal life.

On the other side, the people were looking for Jesus but couldn’t find him.

How do we do that?

Those who come to me will never go hungry or thirsty, And whoever comes to me I will never turn away. Then he added,

You seek God when you believe the one God sent to you. I am God’s bread from heaven.

The Jews were completely confused. How can this man give us his flesh to eat?

I am the true bread of life that has come down from heaven to give life to the world.

My life is from the heavenly father. He has sent me to you because there’s no life in you. But if you feed on me and my words, you will live because of me.

Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you. But if you do eat and drink, I will raise you up on the last day.


John 6:25 – 59


These were harsh words. Some of Jesus’ followers were upset. This is the last straw. let’s find another teacher.

What about you. Are you leaving too?

Are you offended? What would happen if you saw me ascend to where I came from? That would really throw you off, wouldn’t it?

It’s not easy to follow me. In fact, no one can come to me and be my disciple unless the Father draws him.

Master, to whom would we go? You are from God, and you have the words of eternal life.

At that time many people deserted Jesus and went back to their old ways and the rules of their religious leaders. They were simply unable to understand his teaching about the kingdom of God that overruled the old ways and annulled everything they had learned about being respectable Jews.

One day, Jesus was approached by some of their leaders... Oh, you hypocrites! Isaiah spoke about you when he said, “They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me!”

Why are your disciples violating the rules by eating without washing their hands?

Jesus knew how the Jews were obsessed with the outward appearance instead of inner transformation.

He was simply trying to make them understand that cleansing the outside doesn’t necessarily make the inside clean. It’s the other way around. Later, Jesus arrived at the pagan city of Tyre. There he met a woman whose daughter was possessed by an evil spirit. Who can heal her from this?


There’s a miracle-worker in town! maybe he can help.


Really? Please Take me to him.

John 6:60 – 69; Mark 7:1–23

Jesus was staying in a house where he hoped no one could find him. Now the peace was disturbed by this mother.

Please drive the evil spirit out of my daughter!

Master, please help me!

The woman kept begging for help. Woman, you’re jumping the line.

You’re right. Off you go. The evil spirit has already left your daughter.

Yes, Master, that’s true. But it’s also true that the dogs eat the crumbs that the children drop on the floor under the table.

Wait till it’s your turn. The dogs have to wait until the children are fed.

When the woman returned to the house, she found her daughter completely well and relaxed.

Hi, Mom!


Mark 7:24-30


Jesus now left the region of Tyre and went further north to Sidon before he returned to Galilee. While teaching his disciples, he was constantly interrupted by needy people. Master, this man is deaf and can hardly speak. Please heal him!

Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears and put spit on his tongue.

Come with me.

Ephphatha! (which means) open up!

The man opened his mouth and...

I can hear! I can speak!

Jesus healed me!

Jesus healed a man who was both deaf and mute! Jesus told them to keep it quiet, but they did just the opposite...

Jesus is a trickster! he leads our people astray.

The pharisees and the religious leaders were offended-not just because Jesus didn’t seem to respect their authority but also because the people deserted them and flocked around Jesus.

Let’s find out if he can show us a real sign.



Mark 7:31-37

Jesus, show us a sign from heaven so we may believe you.

Oh, you blind pharisees! Haven’t you seen enough already?

You easily interpret the signs in the natural world, but you’re blind when it comes to interpreting the spiritual signs of the times.

Come, Lord, let’s leave.

You wicked people want signs and miracles, But the only sign you’ll get is the sign of Jonah.

food is not the problem. Your thinking is the problem. Don’t you understand?

Be aware of the yeast of the Pharisees and sadducees.

Why did he say that? Is it because we didn’t bring any bread to eat?

Remember the miracle of the loaves and fish? weren’t there many baskets left? so why worry about food?


No, I wasn’t talking about bread. I was talking about their teaching that so easily contaminates your minds.

Matthew 16:1-12


You still don’t get it, do you?

No, They didn’t. They could see his miracles, and they believed he was sent by God. But they didn’t quite understand his teaching that was so opposite of everything they had learned.

In Bethsaida a blind man was brought to Jesus... Come with me.

We know you can heal him.

Please touch this man, Jesus!

Then he put spit on his fingers and touched the man’s eyes.

I see people. they look like trees walking around.


Jesus touched his eyes again...

When they were alone, Jesus stopped...

Open your eyes. Do you see anything?

I can see! I see everything clearly!


Don’t go back to the village.

Mark 8:22-26

One day, as they were walking north towards the town of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus suddenly stopped and faced the disciples...

Tell me, who do people say I am?

Some say John the baptist. others say Elijah. still others say one of the prophets.

God bless you, Simon! You didn’t learn this from books or from a teacher. God himself revealed it to you.

what about you--who do you say that I am?

You are the Christ, son of the living God!

The gates of hell will never prevail against it.

You are Peter, the rock on which I will build my church. To you I give the keys of the kingdom of heaven. What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Jesus warned them against telling others who he was.

A few days later, Jesus called Peter, James, and his brother John aside.

Let’s go up on the hill over there..


Matthew 16:13-20


Once on top of the hill... Leave him alone. He wants to pray.

Suddenly Jesus’ face began to shine, and his clothes became dazzling white..

Look! He’s not alone.

The disciples realized the two strangers were Moses and Elijah.

This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased. Obey his words!!

How wonderful! Let’s build three huts for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Yeah, if we could just stay here forever!

Look! a bright cloud!

The disciples were terrified at this sight and fell to the ground. but Jesus came over and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “don’t be afraid.”



Matthew 17:1-13

When they looked up, they realized Moses and Elijah were gone.

Don’t tell anyone about what you have seen, not until I have been raised from the dead.

Come, let’s join the others.

From then on Jesus spoke more openly about his death and how he would suffer at the hands of the Jews. I told your disciples about him, but they couldn’t heal him.

It’s my son. He is mentally ill and in great trouble.

Bring the boy to me.

Master, please help me!

How long has he been like this?

I do believe. Help me overcome my doubt.

Lord, do you think you can help him?

Since he was little.

You evil spirit, get out of him and never come back!


If I can? Everything is possible for those who believe.

Oh no! He’s dead!

Mark 9:14-27; Matthew 14:17-23


But Jesus lifted the boy to his feet. He was perfectly well. Why couldn’t we heal the boy?

Because of your little faith. If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, nothing would be impossible for you.

After this they went back to Galilee. On the way Jesus told them he would be betrayed and killed. This made them very sad. “But on the third day I will rise again,” he added.

UpOn their arrival in Capernaum, Simon Peter was approached by one of the temple tax officials responsible for collecting the taxes used for the upkeep of the temple. This tax was two drachmas, which equaled two days’ wages, and it was paid annually by every male over 20 years of age.

Hey you! why doesn’t your master pay the temple tax?

He does.

Simon, what do you think? Do kings tend to demand taxes from their own people or those they have conquered?

Those they have conquered.

Right. Their own people usually don’t have to.

But alright, let’s not offend anyone. Go and throw out a line. Take the first fish you catch and open its mouth.

When Peter opened its mouth, a fourdrachma coin fell out.


This should be enough for both Jesus and me.


Matthew 17:24-27

Jesus watched the disciples. he knew they still had lots to learn. Their conduct had improved, but their minds and hearts still needed some changing.

What were you arguing about?

We were discussing who is the greatest in God’s kingdom.

Come, my friend!

What about someone who does us harm? Should we treat him nicely too? Yes, go and settle your disagreement with him. If he listens to you, you have won him over. If he doesn’t, take some witnesses with you.

This child is the greatest. You can’t even get close to God’s kingdom unless you change and become like this child.

If he still refuses to listen, then bring your case to the community.


Don’t look down on anybody, not even the children. they have angels who represent them in heaven. Whoever welcomes a little child welcomes me. And whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in God’s kingdom.

I assure you, whatever two or three agree to ask for here on earth, my Father in heaven will give it to you. For where two or three gather together in my name, there I will be among them.

Matthew 18:1-9, 15-20; Mark 9:33-37


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