Scania fleet management

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Get connected for better business


“With a total market growth of 15–20% per year, we have to start using our internal resources more efficiently. Scania Order Support increases the opportunity to get the most out of our transport operation and we have already calculated cost savings of 50,000 Norwegian Krone (6,000 euros) per truck per year.” Bjørn-Harald Østbø, MD of Østbø AS, Norway.


A smarter operation with better cost control As a haulier you’ll be well aware that transport logistics and vehicle management are becoming increasingly complex. They are also vital parts of your business that have to be kept under tight control. Modern technology can help and that’s where Scania Fleet Management comes in. Scania Fleet Management is a set of computer-based services that let you connect your vehicles to your office system via wireless links and the Internet. Communication between drivers and office staff is thus greatly improved. You can provide a faster, more efficient service to your customers – and run a smarter operation with better cost control.

Mixed fleets, pan-European operation

Streamline your entire business process

The beauty of Scania Fleet Management services is their scope, modularity and flexibility. You could start with Scania Driver Log, for example, which can be integrated seamlessly with your existing salary administration system to speed up the processing of drivers’ wages. Then add further services as your business needs grow. We offer a range of on-board computers to suit different needs – a basic telematic unit and several interactive units with colour touch screens. The interactive units are called Scania Interactor. We have designed everything with open standards to give wide scope for interaction with other software – we use XML protocols for integration with your office systems, for example, and a standard Microsoft Windows® XPe operating system for our on-board computers. You can even tailor the user menus to better meet your needs.

Scania Fleet Management covers a wide range of transport and vehicle management services. For example: • Scania Order Support – an application that is integrated into your existing transport management system to speed up the allocation and tracking of job orders. • Scania Driver Log – a semi-automatic means of quickly and accurately recording driver activity for salary administration, etc. • Services that allow you to monitor and improve vehicle and driver performance, thus helping you reduce costs. • Tools for the driver to aid navigation, keep track of drive time and phone for assistance.

Scania Fleet Management services can be installed in both Scania and nonScania vehicles, making them ideal not just for all-Scania fleets but for mixed fleets too. They communicate using text messages over existing GSM and GPRS wireless networks throughout Europe. A special Scania Fleet Management Communication subscription is available that makes pan-European data communication reliable and reduces international communication costs.

Full, flexible offerings



Something for everyone Scania Fleet Management provides an excellent range of transport logistics services that meet the normal needs of most haulage companies. There are extra options for owner-drivers who want to take their office with them on their journeys and would like some home comforts to relax with during rest breaks. And it makes a superb alternative for bodybuilders and specialised users (in the forestry and fuel distribution sectors, for example) who want a rugged, reliable on-board computer for their own industry-specific software.

• Cut your costs. Speed up job order handling and eliminate costly errors due to misunderstandings. Reduce communication costs. Monitor and improve vehicle performance and fuel economy. • Boost productivity. Increase your ability to handle more assignments with your present organisation. Make better use of your capacity. Run fewer empty kilometres. Improve driver and back-office efficiency.


• Upgrade customer service. Speed up deliveries. Offer traceability of orders to help you and your customers manage delivery scheduling. • Grow your profitability. Analyse your business in depth. Identify unprofitable routes or assignments. Develop more profitable solutions.


Connecting the office to the drivers Scania Fleet Management enables administrative staff to link their office PCs to special Scania computers in your vehicle fleet. The on-board computers connect to the Internet over a wireless link. Your office staff connect to the Internet from their PCs – either directly by logging onto Scania Fleet Management via a secure web portal, or indirectly via your office transport management system. A two-way channel is thus opened between office and drivers, enabling data to be sent back and forth reliably and cheaply using text messages. You can also track the whereabouts of your vehicles by GPS.

Mobile phone tower

GPS satellite



Scania web server


Scania web portal Office transport planning system




More roadwork, less paperwork, lower costs Scania Fleet Management gives you an invaluable overview of your vehicles – where they are and what they’re doing – from the office! This allows you to quickly solve any immediate logistics problems and “Scania Order Support saves see more clearly what needs to be done to imme 1–2 hours a day – easily,” prove your operation as a says Kitty Johansson, a whole. transport planner at SÅAB,

Sweden. “It makes work fun!” she adds with a broad grin.

Cut your costs

With Scania Fleet Management, essential business communication between driver and office is by text messages rather than voice. Expensive voice calls are avoided. Delays in making contact are eliminated. Errors due to misunderstandings are reduced to a minimum. And driver and back-office productivity is greatly improved. In addition, data can be obtained on engine performance and fuel consumption, helping you cut down fuel costs and brake wear. Vehicle running costs are thus reduced, as are effects on the environment. The result? Substantial cost savings throughout the business – in communications, administration and operations.

Boost back-office productivity Back-office staff – dispatchers, transport planners, payroll administrators, and the like – can save a lot of time with Scania Fleet Management. It puts overstretched planners back on top of their jobs, which makes them feel better about their work. • Speed up order allocation. With Scania Order Support, planners no longer lose time trying to locate drivers by telephone, talking them through job order details, checking status and whereabouts, etc. Instead, they enter the order details into their office PCs and send them to the driver electronically. Order status is updated by the driver throughout the day and sent back to the office system automatically in real time. • Keep your fleet busy. Planners can monitor vehicle location by GPS, and thus keep track of the whereabouts of each vehicle and its status – whether it’s available for another job and how far it is from the next pick-up point. This helps ensure that the drivers are kept busy, minimising the number of journeys made with spare capacity in the vehicles. • Speed up invoicing and salary administration. Because you can get fast and full notification of order status in real time, invoices can be processed quickly – often before the driver gets back to the office. Logged driver time and activity data from Scania Driver Log can be exported directly to your salary administration system for fast and accurate processing of drivers’ wages.



Boost vehicle productivity

Upgrade customer service

You’ll find that Scania Fleet Management saves your drivers a lot of hassle. It makes their lives simpler and safer, and helps boost vehicle productivity.

Improved driver and back-office efficiency leads to trouble-free pick-ups and faster, more reliable deliveries. Because the transport planners always know the whereabouts and status of their vehicles, you can offer traceability of orders to help you and your customers manage delivery scheduling. Transport planners have more time to talk to customers to keep them abreast of order status and even drum up new business.

• Fewer driving errors. Built-in maps and optional voice navigation with turn-by-turn instructions help drivers sort out their routes and pinpoint their destinations. Best of all, with Scania Order Support mistakes in taking down collection and delivery addresses by phone are virtually eliminated. No more wasted time looking for the wrong pick-up and drop-off points! Also, safety is improved because drivers no longer have to talk on the phone, read a map and write down notes while driving. • Job orders processed at the touch of a button. To obtain a display of job order and customer details, drivers just touch a button on the computer screen. They touch other buttons to accept an order and confirm its status. Again, no need to fumble with phone and paper while driving. • Less paperwork. Drivers can use Scania Driver Log to keep track of their activities. Information about drive time, loading time, rest periods, toll costs, etc. can easily be entered (much of it is captured automatically). • Improved vehicle utilization. Data on engine performance and fuel consumption not only helps reduce running costs. It also enables you to identify exceptional driver and vehicle performance – information that can be used in driver training or as input for driver incentive schemes, for instance. Vehicle utilization can thus be improved.


Grow your profitability Because they no longer need to focus exclusively on immediate operational issues, managers have the time to analyse data from vehicles, drivers and trips to gain business advantage. Are all your routes and assignments profitable? Should you change some of your rates? Can you swap drivers and vehicles to come up with a more profitable solution? Scania Fleet Management helps you find the answers. Scania Driver Log and Scania Order Support are particularly useful in this respect. The two services can be combined seamlessly to enable you to associate vehicle data, driver activities, time and variable costs with specific customer orders. You can thus compare revenue and total cost per order and/or customer to see which assignments are profitable.



A host of services to advance your business Choose the services that make sense for your size of fleet, operating area and volume of traffic. We’ll help you determine what software and on-board computer you need, how to integrate the services with your existing business systems, and what training will be necessary. You obtain the services by taking out appropriate subscriptions to Scania Fleet Management.

Business tools with a fast payback The following services increase operational efficiency and cut transport planning and administration costs: • Scania Order Support – an application that gives your transport planners a fast and efficient way of handling job orders. It is designed to be integrated with your existing transport management system and can be tailored to fit in seamlessly with your user interface. If you’d like help with integration, contact Scania to see what assistance is available. • Scania Driver Log – makes it easy for drivers to record their activities and hours and gives a reliable base of accurate data for activity reports, wage calculations and business analysis. Scania Driver Log can be integrated seamlessly with your current salary administration system. Or its data can be viewed in report form on the Scania Fleet Management web portal. • Messaging – allows you to send and receive text messages to and from individual vehicles or groups. • Positioning – gives vehicle positions in text (e.g. 7 km SE of Bremen) and latest vehicle status without contacting or otherwise interrupting the drivers. • Tracking – enables you to track each vehicle and how it has progressed along its route – as well as showing any alarms. Vehicle positions are shown on a map (with Office Map) or in text in a list (without Office Map). Note that Tracking requires Positioning. • Office Map – provides detailed map with positions of vehicles and Scania workshops; includes zoom and search functions. 10

Tools to control vehicle operating costs Services that monitor vehicle and driver performance, enabling you to make improvements that reduce operating costs and improve uptime: • Vehicle Data – automatically collects and presents vehicle information on distance, speed, fuel consumption and odometer readings. Allows you to identify vehicles that deviate from expected performance norms and take corrective measures. • Trip Report – automatically collects and presents more detailed information about individual vehicle, driver and trip performance. Helps drivers improve their performance with regards to fuel consumption, brake use, etc. • Zone Alarm – sends an alert if a vehicle leaves a specified geographical area. The alarm message can be seen on the office PC and sent to a designated mobile telephone or email recipient. • Vehicle Alarm – sends an alert when the theft alarm, alarm button or a connected external alarm is triggered. The alarm message, consisting of the vehicle’s position given in text and on a map, can be viewed on the office PC or a designated mobile telephone.



Tools for the driver Support services designed to increase driver productivity, comfort and convenience:

• Moving Map – a map with GPS vehicle position, route planning and Scania workshop locations; includes zoom and search functions. • Navigation – optional service giving turn-by-turn voice and visual instructions down to street number level. • Camera View – shows view from appropriately mounted camera on vehicle’s computer display. Useful for checking rear of vehicle, viewing close-ups or blind spots, etc. • Phone – GSM mobile phone with text messaging, large digits, hands-free operation and address book that can store hundreds of telephone numbers and addresses. Calls can be restricted if necessary. • Drive Time – current, daily and weekly information about time driven, mandatory rests, etc. (reminders for the driver to comply with EU regulations). • TV – available for off-duty entertainment with the vehicle stationary.


Accessing the services Subscriptions to the Scania Fleet Management services can be purchased separately and independently. This enables you to choose a set of services that most closely matches your needs. To access the services, you log on to Scania Fleet Management from an Internet-connected PC. A web server handles all data administration on the Scania side, including security back-up for vehicle data and messages.

Reliable, cost-efficient GPRS communication All Scania Interactor computers support GPRS communication. Our Scania Fleet Management Communication subscription offers secure, cost-efficient and reliable GPRS communication throughout Europe. The Scania Interactor comes with a SIM-card for data communication already installed. In other words, you don’t have to find an operator yourself – it’s a hassle-free plugand-play service. The GPRS communication is encrypted. We offer roaming agreements all over Europe – a crucial requirement that is often lacking for GPRS. We can also offer a fixed price GPRS agreement (even for international transport operations), which gives you better control over your costs.



Different computers for different needs When you’ve chosen the services you want for your fleet we’ll help you specify the on-board computer that you need to run them. You can add services or activate software later, depending on your requirements. For detailed specifications see the tables at the back of this brochure.

Scania Interactor 300 – for everyday transport logistics Scania Interactor 300 is a tool for the professional user, suitable for the majority of regular transport logistics applications. It includes a robust, small computer with colour touch screen, fitted to the dashboard on a swivel mount. It can be installed in Scania 4-series trucks, Scania P- and R-series trucks with long dashboards, and other truck makes. Scania Fleet Management can obtain vehicle data from any vehicle that complies with the FMS standard, a common protocol for fleet management systems that has been agreed by leading vehicle manufacturers. The special Scania-designed touch screen enables easy interaction. All Scania Fleet Management services are supported except for Phone, Camera View and TV. It is a tamper-proof (and therefore very reliable) system designed specifically for Scania Fleet Management services.


Scania Interactor 500 – the all-purpose specialist This is a versatile vehicle computer. It can be used for transport logistics, for specialised Windows® applications and as a regular PC. It is being used successfully in the forestry and fuel transport sectors – in applications that require their own special software systems. But it is also ideal for less-specialised uses where extra flexibility is required. Scania Interactor 500 includes a full-function PC with large 10.4 inch colour touch screen fitted to the dashboard on a swivel mount. It can be installed in Scania 4-series trucks, Scania P- and R-series trucks with long dashboards, and other truck makes. The PC comes with the Microsoft Windows® XPe operating system, allowing you to install and run your own Windows-based applications. The full range of Scania Fleet Management services is supported, including Camera View, Phone and TV. Application software running on the Scania Interactor 500 can access the Internet and collect or send information over the web.

“It’s rugged, has a big screen, runs Windows and is easy to connect into the vehicles’ CAN-bus system. It has everything we need!” Joakim Norén, project manager at Preem, explaining why Scania Interactor 500 has been installed in 130 of their suppliers’ oil trucks.



Scania Interactor 600 – tailor-made for your new Scania Scania Interactor 600 offers all of the services and integration capabilities of the Scania Interactor 500 and more. The 10.4 inch colour touch screen is completely integrated in the dashboard of your Scania. There is also a built-in DVD reader. The Scania Interactor 600 is available for Scania P- and R-series.

Scania Communicator – gives you control over your fleet Scania Communicator is a low-cost but high-quality computer with a GPS satellite receiver that sends data automatically from vehicle to office using GSM/SMS telecommunications. It is designed for efficient vehicle monitoring and gives you control over your fleet. It helps you get more out of each vehicle. You can use the Scania Communicator to collect and present vehicle data (fuel consumption, odometer readings and distance travelled, for example). It can also be connected to alarm systems (Zone Alarm and Vehicle Alarm) and supports the basic transport management services (Tracking, Office Map and Positioning). Essentially, it is a passive data collection and reporting system. There is no driver interface, which means that the driver does not need to get involved and there are no driver education expenses.



Scania Fleet Management services and on-board computer compatibility Scania Communicator

Scania Interactor 300



Transport management services Scania Order Support





Scania Driver Log




















OfďŹ ce Map





Vehicle Data





Trip Report





Zone Alarm





Vehicle Alarm1





Moving Map










Camera View2




x x

Vehicle management services

Driver support





Drive Time











Feature compatibility Communications




Computer integrated in dashboard





Screen installation


Mounted on dashboard

Mounted on dashboard

Integrated in dashboard 10.4

Screen size (inches)




WindowsÂŽ access





3rd party software installation and Internet access3





Supports FMS standard





Hardware keyboard





Requires long dashboard in Scania P- and R-series





Installable in other makes






Vehicle must be equipped with Scania alarm system


Requires customer-supplied camera


Requires 3rd-party SIM card; not available with Scania Fleet Management Communication subscription


Requires customer-supplied antenna



It pays to get connected! Scania Fleet Management is a sound investment with a quick payback. Our customers will tell you that. Scania Order Support will make an immediate, sometimes dramatic difference to your transport planning operation. Scania Driver Log will bring order to the confusion that often plagues driver time recording. And there are plenty of other services to back them up – giving you real, tangible savings in time and money. Owner-drivers can benefit not only from the Scania Fleet Management services but also from the ability to use the on-board computer for their Windows® office applications. They can take their office with them in the truck and catch up on administrative work during rest breaks. They’ll also appreciate relaxing in front of TV in their rare moments of leisure. If, like our forestry and fuel transport customers, you’re a specialised user with your own software, it would pay you to take a look at the Scania solution. You’ll find that the rugged and reliable Scania on-board computers make excellent alternatives to a laptop or other available vehicle computers. And perhaps some of our services (Scania Driver Log and Vehicle Data, for instance) can usefully complement your own software. When you do business with Scania you’re backed up by an organisation with an extensive support network and an international reputation for quality, reliability and stability. So why not contact your dealer for an exploratory meeting? You’ll soon discover that it pays to get connected!



Edition 2005.09 enXX1596175 © Scania CV AB, SE-151 87 Södertälje, Sweden.

Scania pursues an active policy of product development and improvement. For this reason the company reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Vehicle data may vary from one market to another.

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