Linked accessory made from long bugles and a fine chain

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li n k e d acc e s s o ry m a d e f r o m lo n g b u g le s a n d a f i n e c h ai n


Design by Helena Chmelíková


351 27 001; 25 mm (11,1“); 30 mm (13,3“)

PRECIOSA Hill™ 151 01 375; 8 mm

PRECIOSA ORNELA introduces beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech BeadsTM brand.

li n k e d ac c e s s o ry m a d e f r o m lo n g b u g le s a n d a f i n e c h a i n

Tassel Rods of PRECIOSA Bugles are among the lesser used shapes, but for all that they can be used in many ways, in many techniques and with an interesting and surprising result. We have prepared a tutorial for an accessory made using the linking of PRECIOSA Bugles in combination with a chain and PRECIOSA Pressed Beads. Materials and tools: The orange variant PRECIOSA Bugles (BU) 351 27 001; 30 mm (13,3“); 87060 dark yellow; 13x 351 27 001; 25 mm (11,1“); 97000 orange; 13x PRECIOSA Hill™ (H) 151 01 375; 8 mm; 00030/98556 rainbow bronze; 2x

351 27 001; 30 mm (13,3“); 37100 dark blue; 13x PRECIOSA Hill™ (H) 151 01 375; 8 mm; 03000/27203 white-grey; 2x

Assembly Step 8: Snip off 1 piece of chain at a length of 4.5 cm.

- needle-nose pliers; snipping pliers; a 0.20 mm nylon line; a thin needle; scissors; flat nose pliers; a ruler Difficulty: Procedure: The strands with the longer bugles Step 1: Snip off about 13 pieces of chain at a length of 4.5 cm (about 20 links).

PRECIOSA Pressed Beads (BA) 111 19 001; 4 mm; 02010/14497 terracotta; 34x The blue variant PRECIOSA Bugles (BU) 351 32 001; 35 mm (15,6“); 37030 light blue; 13x

Step 4: String the outer link of the chain on the as yet unclosed eye. Close it.

Step 5: Create all 13 strands in this way. Step 6: String the line into a pin. String the free outer links on the chains. Thread the line through them one more time. Tie two knots. Thread the ends of the line through the eyes and cut them off.

Step 2: Link 1x BA. Thread it on a pin. Twist the eye straight away on the 12 mm pin. Shorten any longer protruding pieces of wire to about 8 mm. Grasp the end of the wire between the points of the pliers. Twist the wire around the point. Gently bend the wire at the edge of the hole, so that the eye is located centrally above the BA. Do not close it.

Step 9: Proceed according to Steps 2 to 4.

Step 10: Slightly open the eye of the new long eye pin. Thread the eye of the eye pin through the empty outer link of the chain. Close it.

PRECIOSA Pressed Beads (BA) 111 19 001; 4 mm; 02010/15435 dove; 34x - 40-50 mm eye pins; 12 mm or larger pins; a light chain (10 links, about 1.3 cm; it must be possible to string an eye pin into the outer links); a 6 mm ring; a large carabiner, for example 20 mm

Step 3: String the eye of the long eye pin onto the as yet unclosed eye. Close it. String a BU. Shorten any protruding wire to a length of 8 mm. Make an eye. Do not close it.

The strands with shorter bugles Step 7: Proceed in the same way as when making the strands with the longer BU. From Step 1 to Step 6.

Step 11: String 1x H with the facet downwards.

Step 16: String another 1x BA. Make a double eye. Twist the wire around the point of the needlenose pliers twice. You need the protruding wire of the eye pin to measure 16 – 20 mm.

Step 12: Spread out the tied strands with the longer BU. Six strands to the left, seven to the right. Thread the eye pin through the hole between the chains. Close it.

Step 15: String 1x H on an eye pin with the facet upwards. Step 13: Spread out the tied strands with the shorter BU. Six strands to the left, seven to the right. Thread the eye pin between the chains. Straighten it out.

Step 14: String 6x BA onto the line. Thread it through them one more time. Tie two knots. Pull the ends of the line into the surrounding BA and cut them off. String the circle of beads onto an eye pin.

Step 17: Hang the carabiner in the double eye using a ring.

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