BIG ART BOOK 2015: En Route

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big art

book ISSUE 4

big art book ISSUE 4



Scarborough is a diverse community with a creative pulse. Scarborough Arts has

been serving the Scarborough community by developing, delivering and promoting arts programming and cultural initiatives for almost 40 years. As one of the City of

Toronto’s Local Arts Service Organizations, Scarborough Arts bring artists to the community and community to the arts.

Each year, Scarborough Arts produces its Annual Juried Exhibition, an exhibition

of art created and curated in response to a themed call. This year, to celebrate its

30th anniversary, we have combined the Annual Juried Exhibition with the publication of the BIG ART BOOK. All visual and literary artworks accepted by the jury

are published into the BIG ART BOOK’s anthology with “Juror’s Choice” pieces additionally showcased within the Annual Juried Exhibition. T H E BIG ART BO OK…

• Crosses creative boundaries

• Blurs lines to link people together through original artwork and writing • Opens a broad cultural conversation

• Samples a fresh assortment of creativity

• Is about the power of expression and the celebration of ideas The Big Art Book and other Scarborough Arts projects similar to this are made possible in part through membership and generous donation from people like you.

To learn more about Scarborough Arts, become a member or contribute to your favourite projects, visit our website:

an Ontario government agency un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario


FOREWORD & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Jen D. Fabico, Scarborough Arts Program Director

I can honestly state that I do not recall the first time that I travelled - whether that concept consists of my very first trip home from the hospital or the very first time I

boarded a plane. I can honestly state that I do not recall every footstep or decision I had made to land me where I am today. However, I can honestly state that I know I

am here in this particular place, at this particular time, for a reason, regardless of if those footsteps were deliberate or not or those decisions beneficial or not.

Whether as artists or individuals, within our journey, we move away from comfort -

the places we had come to know and the people with whom we had come to grow. Each time we take a step away from comfort, we step into new challenges and flux; we step closer towards ourselves.

As you view and review this collection reflecting En Route, I hope you are rattled to

your core with change and unease; but at the same time, I hope that that encourages you on your journey to keep moving as artists and as individuals. Regardless of how

much you may stray or how different your adventure looks from the next individual, may you always be en route.

After 30 years of hosting the Annual Juried Exhibition, it still continues to be one of Scarborough Arts’ most beloved and monumental programs. Over time, we con-

tinued to celebrate its milestones and grow its opportunities and in its 30th year, we felt that it was only fitting to continue to grow and expand. Therefore, this year, En

Route joins the Annual Juried Exhibition and the BIG ART BOOK. The program

now includes workshops and opportunities for children, youth, adults and seniors, a visual and literary component with a digital and physical publication, a visual arts

exhibition, and an event which showcases visual arts, literary arts and performances.


With any of our Scarborough Arts programs, there is much love, energy and ef-

forts from a dedicated team of individuals; En Route proves no different. First and

foremost, I would like to acknowledge my colleague, Marianne Rellin, who worked tirelessly within multiple roles; she also designed and created the layout for this beautiful anthology. We were grateful to be assisted by Ivanka Dakaii this year, as

well as Ash Jahromi who facilitated our photography workshop. This year we were

joined by the notable visual artist Andy Fabo and poetry curator Anna Nieminen

who carefully and diligently juried each visual arts and literary submission. Lastly, congratulations to all of our En Route artists on their merits, triumphs and travels. May you continue to growth and excel in your first years, your 30th year and beyond. The Annual Juried Exhibition and BIG ART BOOK gratefully acknowledges the support of the Ontario Arts Council and the City of Toronto.


JUROR’S STATEMENT Anna Nieminen, Literary Arts Juror

This year’s theme, En Route, invited writers to reflect on transitioning and travelling. In these poems, journeys and encounters on roads and rivers, and past milestones and markers, lead to shifts in consciousness and experiences of catharsis. In Denise Kemp’s Our Journey, a family on a road trip leaves its conflicts in the past. The narrator observes the present in her rear-view mirror: her children are content in the back seat, and her family is and will be okay. In Sheila Bello’s I Change Lanes, the rear-view mirror reflects unrequited dreams of the past, but this seasoned traveller has her sight focused on the future. Sometimes the journey forward requires accepting the past or returning there for wisdom and inspiration. Other motifs include various winged insects, different types of trees, and references to autumn, reflecting the importance of connecting literally or imaginatively to nature in many of these experiences of being en route. Whether the journey is down the Amazon to the Atlantic, or from Scarborough to Spadina Station, or through a short or longterm relationship, the path tends to lead to a deeper understanding of the Self. This year’s prize winners are a mother and daughter duo. Youth winner Patricia Goudie’s Travels is suggestive of a student glimpsing the mysteries of her own mind as she journeys into the realms of the humanities and the sciences. In Lisa Hazelwood-Goudie’s A Beautiful Plainness, the narrator’s encounter on the subway with a winged seatmate takes her back to her school days when she was a wallflower among other Plain Janes; when the narrator follows her seatmate off at Spadina Station, one senses that she may no longer feel the need to be so manicured. I invite you to take an artistic and philosophical journey through these literary works. You will likely encounter yourself as you were, as you are, or perhaps as you envision yourself, for being en route is the universal human experience. Anna Nieminen is a poetry curator from Scarborough. She led her first Scarborough Poetry Walk in May 2015 as part of the Jane’s Walk festival. She was Guest Curator of Scarborough Arts’ Poetry Came in Search of Me for Ontario Culture Days 2015. Anna is co-facilitating the Scarborough Poetry Club at the Agincourt Library. She plans to publish a collection of her mother Valma Nieminen’s Finnish language poems with English translations using the Toronto Public Library’s Asquith Press Book Printing Service. Anna blogs about walking and poetry at


JUROR’S STATEMENT Andy Fabo, Visual Arts Juror

En Route is an evocative theme and the artists in this show have responded in a diverse manner. This French phrase conjures travel, so vehicles of transportation – planes, boats, cars, buses and vans – would materialize as images. However, far more of the artists creating evocative works for this publication and exhibition offered a vision of a more personal type of journey. This was the inner journey and the visual manifestations of this introspective voyage were places and faces, abstract motifs, or dream-like vistas of the imagination. The two winners took us to different geographic terrains to reveal a little of themselves. Shayne Darling, the winner of the youth award with her small painting, The Wolf, took us to the timberlands of the northern hemisphere with a blue wolf ’s head against a scarlet background. This disarming depiction would have been the envy of any number of iconic artists like Paul Klee, Jean Dubuffet, or Keith Haring who were inspired by the lack of self-consciousness of young artists. It is charming how the predatory wolf morphs into a guileless (self-) portrait of a young girl, inadvertently subverting the fairy tale of the Little Red Riding Hood. Aleena Zaidi takes us to an arid desert landscape that could be anywhere from Morocco to Pakistan, but the complex geometric patterning and Islamic architecture incised into the pale blue, pink and tan sandy colour field evoke a meditative vista. One is alone; you feel a sense of estrangement, but you also feel the calm of the vast, history-pocked terrain. This strong sense of affect led me to choose the work as the adult award winner. Travel is often most rewarding when we get lost and make unexpected discoveries – when we discover charming cul-de-sacs, surprising glades, hidden courtyards or an oasis out of the blue. There are many such gems in this eclectic mix, the geographies of our imaginations. Andy Fabo is a Toronto artist, art critic, curator and art educator. He has exhibited nationally and internationally, with a retrospective at the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art in 2005. He has published essays and reviews in Canadian periodicals (Descant, Parachute, C Magazine, Fuse) as well as numerous exhibition catalogues, and has taught full-time and part-time at various universities, including McMaster, Brock, York, and University of Toronto, and at the Toronto School of Art. His paintings and drawings are in museum collections across Canada and his videos (in collaboration with Michael Balser) have shown globally and are in collections in North America and Europe.



SHAYNE DARLING Nikita Marner Award W inner ( V isual Arts Award - Youth)

PATRICIA GOUDIE Eugenie Shehirien Award W innder (Literar y Arts Award - Youth)

ALEENA ZAIDI Scarborough Arts Award W inner ( V isual Arts Award - Adult)

LISA GOUDIE Monica Ladell Award W inner (Literar y Arts Award - Adult)






MURRYN STEELE { Juror’s Choice }

Next Stop... , 2015

Underdrawing graphite with watercolour on tag board


PATRICIA GOUDIE { Juror’s Choice }

On Top is the World , 2015 Pencil on paper


PATRICIA GOUDIE { Juror’s Choice }


Religion, matter, Mind, travels far and wide to Meet me here today.


SHAYNE DARLING { Juror’s Choice }

Deer , 2015

Pencil on paper


SHAYNE DARLING { Juror’s Choice }

The Wolf , 2014

Acr ylic on canvas



The Tunnel , 2015

Acr ylic and ink on paper



AF T ER A NIGH T OF MISSI NG ||||||||||||||||Perpetual darkness,|||||||||||||||| a sun-tanned kiss,

disappears when

your eyes see mine,

lifting gravity from bones, like words un d o

t i m e.






MADEHA BATOOL { Juror’s Choice }

Direction , 2015 Mixed media



T WO PAT HS Past and present intersect

as I travel simultaneously along two paths;

one internal and punctuated with memory gaps as I reminisce about landscapes crossed

in the hazy past; the other, on a crowded bus towards my employment place. Facing red lights at a junction,

the bus stops. Jolted from reflection

on how to make the present more pleasant with insights from the past, I readjust my position on the seat.


SHEILA BELLO { Juror’s Choice }

I CHANGE LANES In the autumn of my existence

I change lanes and exit from the highway onto a less busy side road. Growing weary,

and infused with wisps of melancholy I drive slowly, pausing intermittently to abandon by the wayside some unrequited dreams

that have gathered dust and rust. Logic, intuition and instinct

tell me they no longer have merit and should be replaced.

In my rear-view mirror,

fleeting landscapes vanish.

Other sights appear in my radar as I drive along.



T H E ROAD TODAY En route since birth,

time continues to propel me

on my journey through existence. Along the way

I have flicked snowflakes

from my boots, seen bare trees fill up with spring leaves,

gardened in the summer heat,

and frolicked on sandy beaches. The road today

is littered with wilting leaves. A howling wind pushes me in the path of turbulence.

I pause to regain my balance. I do not know

when or where I will exit from existence.

Until then, I will be moving along.


PETAR BOSKOVIC { Juror’s Choice }

Trailer , 2015

Chromogenic print


DAVID BRANDY { Juror’s Choice }

Black Steps , 2015 Photography


DAVID BRANDY { Juror’s Choice }

The Colours of Lives Once Lived , 2015 Photography


CLAIRE BROWNE { Juror’s Choice }

Indian Bay , 2015 Oil paint


CLAIRE BROWNE { Juror’s Choice }

( W hat Was) My Grandmother’s House , 2015 Oil paint



Excursion , 2015

Acr ylic on canvas



Train Station , 2011 Acr ylic on canvas



Bessie’s Treasure (Second Painting from “Sinclair Series”) , 2015 Mixed media on canvas


MARGARET CHOWN { Juror’s Choice }

Woman in Time , 2010 Digital art



FO UND Poetry came in

search of me - I stopped hiding and soon found myself.


PATRICK CONNORS { Juror’s Choice }

T H E WONDER The years which have led me into middle age

unwittingly, unwittingly, have yet been kind.

What I used to hate I now love

what I used to love I now adore What I cannot change I accept

what I can’t accept I try to change. I may be a better man

I am not a different man

just no longer playing, portraying

the one others would have be me. I take a deep breath

exhale, inhale again, slowly appreciate everything

which has brought me here.


TIFFANY DAWE { Juror’s Choice }

Chasing Myster y I , 2010 Acr ylic


MARIO DIMAIN { Juror’s Choice }

The Lone Walker , 2005/2015 Photography


MARIA DRAZILOV { Juror’s Choice }

Rebirth , 2014

Photo composite


MARIA DRAZILOV { Juror’s Choice }

Leaving the City Behind , 2015 Digital media


CHERYL DUGGAN { Juror’s Choice }

Flight Lights , 2015 Print


MARY FITZPATRICK { Juror’s Choice }

Three Swimmers , 2014 Acr ylic


LISA GOUDIE { Juror’s Choice }

UNDER CONST RUCT ION I am putting myself under construction Bring out the bulldozers and backhoes!

Construction workers in steel-toe boots and Orange vest with reflective tape! Set up detours and safety cones! When did I become A one-way street?

Narrow-minded, controlling and rigid? Is my future so important that I forgot my past? I need to stop. I need to tear myself up, Rip myself apart,

Split down the middle

Paint white lines down the centre Of my body, my mind, my heart. I need to start looking back.

I need to remember where I came from‌ So I can go forward.


LISA GOUDIE { Juror’s Choice }

SCENIC RO U T E You are... My beautiful, frightening detour...

My (ad)venture down an empty dirt road Relying on corner store directions From the voices of Babel. My crumpled up map

Tossed out the window

Of your 1986 Trans Am

(With broken passenger door and its Colour more rust than blue.)

I want to be lost always with you... My scenic route.


LISA GOUDIE { Juror’s Choice }

A BEAU T I F UL P LAI NNESS… A beautiful plainness

Rested upon my thigh

On a west-bound train,

Her wings a labyrinth of copper and sand. I thought about sending her on her way

Flicking her off with my French manicure But I didn’t.

As seatmates changed At Warden, Pape

And Broadview,

I wondered why I let her stay. Why she never stirred

Perhaps we recognized each other From another life

Flowers decorating the school gym wall Sitting knee to knee

Waiting for the dance. Perhaps that was why I remained Past my stop At Bloor,

Finally following her off through the doors At Spadina.


MARK GRAHAM { Juror’s Choice }

Becoming , 2015

Watercolour and ink



MOT H ERLESS CH I LD No-one can hear you, no-one can see you, so far away, deep in the wild.

Dust flies in your face mixed with the tear drops,

so many teardrops

fall from your eyes. I’ll shine a light in the window,

thru the darkness. I’ll shine a light

to find you inside.

Now, all the world

can see you and hear you, will love you and heal you

Motherless child. A tribute to all of those who shine a light in the darkness.


TERESA HALL { Juror’s Choice }

NAT URE Because of you my soul has

been sustained. The ugly side of life

pushed away.

Patterned leaves trace against

an indigo sky.

In the distance

white pines rise. River running over rocks, calls out

my name. A simple

Leopard frog proof of

life renewed.

Cicadas belt out summer’s

red-hot refrain.

Iridescent wings

flash by, alight…. Yes, now

the world is good again.



T RANSI T IONS At 33, I left a dead-end relationship and came to Toronto not knowing anyone except my family, then found a large apartment near the Scarborough Bluffs which

would accept my two beloved Chihuahuas. I wrote poetry in between low-paying

jobs and knew that I needed to land a well-paying position at King and Bay Street in order to receive benefits and eventually buy a home. I made it through the challenging interviews and with a mix of trepidation and excitement started my new position with over 100 friendly staff. I was on my way!



Travel , 2014

Abstract Painting


JANICE HARDACRE { Juror’s Choice }

Inner Voice # 1 , 2015

Pen and ink on newsprint


JANICE HARDACRE { Juror’s Choice }

Inner Voice # 2 , 2015

Pen and ink on newsprint



MUMMY I lay there

Tangled in his sheets Feeling so ugly

He was so beautiful I’d conned my way Into this... Picture

He wrapped me up so tight Bound — unfrozen in time As I unravel

Somewhat preserved Time

Not so ugly But

Waking up alone And it’s too late

Even if he found me Wanted me

Fulfilled my fantasies It’s too late

I go back in time Into my dreams

Then wake in such despair

Fighting my way back and forward To meaningful moments


ELIZABETH KEHOE { Juror’s Choice }

TAT TO O ART IST You placed your hand Upon

My cold white skin

Frozen to the sheets

Hot handprints and fingertips Branding touch —

I enjoyed the pain,

You’re burned into me Forever

Multicoloured Body etching

“This trophy is awarded to...” Finally!

I can melt


‘cause you’re my Butterfly Tattoo



SP I DER MAN The spider spins his web Enticing

Game board

Place where fantasies hide

Love you love you love, love You have seen The Light — You live in The Light

Fool’s gold in a darkened room The spider spins his web You feed together

Until he’s finished Playing with you Toying with you

Or you get it! —

Caught between the lines And he eats you.



MY P LACE The moment it happened I knew

Colours spilled around me like pearls freed

from a string

Paths opened to dreams Trees talked to me

I had discovered poetry My place to walk to run to see

to feel

to dream

I could float on a cloud-puffed ocean even fly

Trail coloured ribbons Whirl with butterflies

Explore all my possibilities With the touch of a pen



NIGH T RAI N Awakened in the deep dark of night by the incessant patter of rain on my windows Sounds change as wind joins in Wet swishes and moans reverberate A loud clatter A gentle roar Ebb and flow of sound I open the window just slightly to hear every word Not enough to allow the rain inside I breathe the cool damp air Then the rain becomes a gentle tinkling clitter clatter As wind sudsides the rain ends Brief silence as dawn approaches Suddenly birds begin a cacaphony of songs and chatter No hope for sleep now As dawn breaks the birds watch the sun as it sweeps across the gardens in a warm wide smile 68

JOAN KEHOE { Juror’s Choice }

WI N T ER’S LADY Autumn swirled through her jewelled fingers Through the thrilled trees Bedazzled they shed

Quiet summer green Dressed to dance

In rich brown velvet red Ripping gold Spent

They laid their vivid gowns In supplication

On the cooled land Pied pipered

Stripped again

By Winter’s siren Lady Autumn Danced away

Singing songs and Whirling trails

Of crumpled velvet at her heels To fling

Beneath the feet of Winter


DENISE KEMP { Juror’s Choice }

WAT ERSH ED Like vultures they tore at my skin Forcing me to withdraw within But in a watershed moment, I was empowered

I rest my weary bones beneath an old willow While contemplating this magical furlough There’s no negative energy In this sanguine sanctuary

Sunlight skims across the wide open river In brilliant shades of shimmering silver The bountiful river flows My soul glows

Through unruly bulrushes, The wind wind gushes

Rivers can’t be permanently contained

Nor can my dreams and visions be curtailed I had shed my skin;

Freed the butterfly within

Barriers were transcended,

And all paths led to Watershed!


DENISE KEMP { Juror’s Choice }

O UR JO URNE Y We buried our hatchets

Alongside the ghosts of egos past

Emerged from the rubble of our once mighty walls! We counted our scars

Remembered to thank our lucky stars … And to stop and smell the roses In my rear view mirror

I observe my children’s smiles

And the look of wonder in their eyes The road is long but it’s passable

The journey isn’t always easy, but it’s plausible Disregarding the naysayers, we soldier on

We’re sentient to the shift in consciousness; So complete is our souls’ catharsis

And we’re constantly learning and evolving



ALMOST CANADIAN, EH? We landed at Pearson Airport amidst a downpour of rain. It dampened our spirits, but spring soon perked up. Pavements became sidewalks. We drove on the opposite side of the road. Hockey replaced rugby. Who had we become? What of our South African memories, and those we left behind? Canada was gloriously hot

during the summer. Autumn fell and so did the leaves; formed the most beautiful mosaics we’d ever seen. Soon we were colder than we’d ever been. Oh, Great

White North, your winters make me cry. But I’m happy in my friendly new home; I’m warm inside.


LOUISA LAU { Juror’s Choice }

Soothing Blue , 2014 Acr ylic on canvas


JOYCE LAU { Juror’s Choice }

Eminence , 2012

Hand-cut paper, 4 layers


JOYCE LAU { Juror’s Choice }

Girl , 2009

Hand-cut paper, 3 layers


KWAN LOK LEUNG { Juror’s Choice }

The Great Wall , 2014 Ink on paper


SARAH LEUNG { Juror’s Choice }

The Panda Family , 2014 Ink on paper


GIOVANNI LOMBARDI { Juror’s Choice }

Cr ucif ixion , 2014

Oil paint, charcoal, graphite


GIOVANNI LOMBARDI { Juror’s Choice }

Red Composition , 2014

Oil paint, charcoal, graphite



Sugar Ship , 2015 Mixed media


VERA MALITSKAYA { Juror’s Choice }

W here My Path Goes , 2014 Acr ylic on canvas



{ Juror’s Choice }

Renovating Heaven , 2012

Screen print on BFK paper



{ Juror’s Choice }

The Sweat of its Sentences , 2013 Screen print on BFK paper



{ Juror’s Choice }

Us on the Eve of Clair voyance , 2014 Screen print on BFK paper


TERESA MELLORS { Juror’s Choice }

Soulful Solitude , 2014 Watercolour


MARIA MODOPOULOS { Juror’s Choice }

Pula - Croatia — 2014-02-04 & 2015-01-30 — 18:19:41 , 2015 Oil pastel


MARIA MODOPOULOS { Juror’s Choice }

Vangsnes - Nor way — 14-02-2015 —14:39 , 2015 Oil pastel


ELIZABETH MUDENY0 { Juror’s Choice }

UN T I T LED One day

In the classic 5 or 10 years

We will meet again And by then

You will have outlived my fantasies And be lit by just the sun Instead of emitting

Some effulgent glow You will have dirt

Beneath your soles Instead of clouds

Laced around your ankles You will have lived

You will have lived longer Down on earth

Than up in my mind

Life will have weathered you Instead of the what-ifs

That work to preserve you You will have long gone Past the cross

Of our intersecting stories


ELIZABETH MUDENY0 { Juror’s Choice }

T H E CI T Y IS A DREAMER The city is a dreamer

Building high-rises to kiss the stars Looking down from the top Wishing on speeding cars

Wish for 3 cherries in your future That, that pot of gold

Comes before the end

That the miracle of life Leaves you blessed

The city is a stranger

Rolling off the side of my bed

And I dare not ask for a number ‘Cause there’s nothing to be said

For the way it hugs then snuffs you All in the same movement Yeah its common courtesy To be cold as a cubicle

Everyone’s wrapped up In themselves



JO URNE YS I feel I have tiptoed While others have travelled


GEORGE NOVOTNY { Juror’s Choice }

Cold Drive Home , 2015 Digital photo print



Going Home I , 2006 Oil pastel



Going Home II , 2006 Oil pastel



Speed , 2015 Acr ylic


ALLAN O’MARRA { Juror’s Choice }

Silas , 2015

Oil on canvas


JOHN C. OLSTHOORN { Juror’s Choice }

Dinner Place , 2014

Mixed media on metal


JOHN C. OLSTHOORN { Juror’s Choice }

In Transit , 2014 Mixed media


CATHERINE RAINE { Juror’s Choice }

Denise’s Heron, 2015 Mixed media


CATHERINE RAINE { Juror’s Choice }

RESPONSE TO T H E TAP I R’S NIGH T JO URNE Y D OWNST REAM Transitions define my body. Look how the current splashes my legs turquoise, the moon silks my chest,

and wild solitude cools my nimbus to blue, white, and lavender. Behold the purple eye that guides my canoe down the Amazon,

riding the night rapids in a dream of passages, openings, and confluence. And see how curving shapes in the dark transport me to waterways that empty into wider and wider rivers

until the open Atlantic receives my vessel at journey’s end.


RITA-ANNE PIQUET { Juror’s Choice }

Path, Bermuda , 2015 Oil on board


NATALIE RAJ { Juror’s Choice }

Queer Metamorphose , 2015 Oil on canvas


FERNANDO RESENDE { Juror’s Choice }

Float Away (Movement Series) , 2013-2014 Photography on maple plywood


FERNANDO RESENDE { Juror’s Choice }

Road Trip (Movement Series) , 2013-2014 Photography on maple plywood



The Wave , 2015

Acr ylic on canvas


BARRY SCHEFFER { Juror’s Choice }

Picnic Table in Reflection , 2015 Photography



A Voyage , 2015

Acr ylic on canvas


ANDRZEJ TARASIUK { Juror’s Choice }

Fluid # 11 , 2015

Watercolour, watercolour pencil, acr ylic on paper with custom stand



Three Clicks , 2015

Ink on watercolour paper


BOB TUNNOCH { Juror’s Choice }

Life Under the Halogen ( Tarsier) , 2015 Oil on panel


JOSIE VAN RYN { Juror’s Choice }

Red Sled , 2015 Oil on canvas


SHERYLL VENZON { Juror’s Choice }

Art is Fashion, 2015

Mixed media on wood panel


BARBARA WILLIAMS { Juror’s Choice }

W hirlpool , 2013 Mixed media


BARBARA WILLIAMS { Juror’s Choice }

My Robot , 2015 Mixed media


RAVI WAGHMARE { Juror’s Choice }

Life in Met ro , 2015 Photograph


JANICE YKEMA { Juror’s Choice }

If Pigs Could Fly (Aviator) , 2015 Acr ylic


ALEENA ZAIDI { Juror’s Choice }

Detached I , 2014

Acr ylic, laser etching


ALEENA ZAIDI { Juror’s Choice }

Detached II , 2014

Acr ylic, laser etching


ALEENA ZAIDI { Juror’s Choice }

Chaos , 2014

Acr ylic, laser etching


XUECHAO ZHU { Juror’s Choice }

Incompleteness Watercolor, oil and pastel on paper. 24 X 30. 2015

Incompleteness , 2015

Mixed media on paper



Scarborough Arts, a non-profit charitable organization, is the only arts organization of its kind specifically serving the Scarborough community through innovative arts and culture programs for citizens of all ages. We bring artists to the community and community to artists.

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