Foundation Times - issue 13 - Winter 2014/15

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South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Welcome to the Winter edition of Foundation Times Issue 13 Winter 2015


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015






Meet some of our stars

SCAS welcomes nine new governors



Think before dialling 999

CPR trainers turn olympic rowers into team of life-savers

Issue 13 Winter 2014/15 If you would like to submit an article for Foundation Times please send it to Foundation Times is produced by South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. Editor: Monica Moro Design: Ben Hennessy


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THE YEAR THAT WAS 2014 A message from Chairman Trevor Jones and Chief Executive Will Hancock…… In 2014 we were busier than ever before. You are a member of the most successful ambulance services in the UK and UK ambulance services are amongst the very best in the world In 2014 we took over half a million 999 calls, one million NHS 111 calls and made over four hundred thousand Patient Transport Service journeys. Behind every number is someone needing our help, often the most vulnerable members of our community. We face great challenges over the next few years but we believe that these are challenges that can be overcome. As a result we will save more lives, enhance more people’s quality of life and enable more people than ever to access the care they need whenever and wherever they need it most. Through working smarter, innovation and teamwork we will transform what we do and what we deliver over the next few years. Thank you for your continuous support.

In memoriam We would like to take this opportunity to remember the tragic loss of some of our staff members in 2014. 3

Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015




Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust


Issue 13 Winter 2015


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust


Issue 13 Winter 2015


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust


Issue 13 Winter 2015


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust


Issue 13 Winter 2015


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015



Every year we recognise some of the Trust’s ‘stars’ at a special award ceremony to celebrate staff who go the extra mile for patients and the Trust as a whole. South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) has celebrated the skill and dedication of its staff and volunteers at its annual staff awards ceremony, the AMBIES. Staff from across the organisation gathered for the black tie event in Hampshire on Friday 28 November to celebrate the hard work and commitment that SCAS staff and volunteers demonstrate in their roles every day of the year.

SCAS Chief Executive, Will Hancock, opened the ceremony in front of around 170 nominated staff and their guests, praising the professionalism and care provided by staff and volunteers throughout the area covered by SCAS - Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. He said: “Each year SCAS gets bigger and better and this has been a truly remarkable year thanks to all our staff and volunteers. Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, shortlisted and a special well done to this year’s winners.” SCAS was privileged to have at the ceremony HM Queen’s representative, the LordLieutenant of Hampshire, Mr Nigel Atkinson Esq. to present 44 staff with their Queen’s Long Service and Good Conduct medals and SCAS Long Service Medals which commemorate 20 years of dedicated service.


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015

In addition, the evening recognised staff who were nominated by their peers from across the whole organisation, including frontline ambulance staff (Emergency and Patient Transport), staff from support services, Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), NHS 111, commercial services and our vital volunteers. This year, a record breaking 162 nominations were entered across 11 award categories. SCAS’s special guest for the evening, Falklands War veteran, Mr Simon Weston OBE, shared his praise and admiration for frontline emergency services, before presenting the winners with their awards on stage. One of SCAS’s Governors, Pat Conafray, presented the Governor’s Ambassador Award to Nic Morecroft.


The award recognises a member of staff, volunteer, governor or member who has made significant progress in developing key relationships for the benefit of our patients. Nic was recognised for her work in promoting the benefits of Community First Responders throughout the SCAS network. Nic’s commitment to installing and promoting as many Public Access Defibrillators (PADs) as possible was also praised. SCAS Chairman, Trevor Jones, added: “This is my fourth AMBIES as Chairman of SCAS and I still find it a very moving experience. I continue to be inspired by the many stories of staff and volunteers who have gone beyond expectations in delivering the highest standards of patient care.”

THE 2014 WINNERS WERE: »» A&E Person of the Year: Wendy Mitchem-Lines »» 111 Person of the Year: Maurice McGinlay »» Commercial Services Person of the Year: Anna Clarkson »» Emergency Operations Centre Person of the Year: Paul Rudd »» Support Person of the Year: Georgie Cole »» Volunteer of the Year: Mike Jukes

»» Team of Year: Emergency Care Practitioner Team - South »» Educator of the Year: Karen AinsworthSmith »» Governors Ambassador Award: Nic Morecroft »» Chief Executive Officer’s Commendation for Outstanding Service to the Trust: Chris Jackson »» Chairman’s Special Award: Donna Pearce



Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015

S T L U S E R N O I T C E L E SCAS WELCOMES NINE NEW GOVERNORS The Trust is pleased to announce the appointment of nine new governors to its Council of Governors. 18

RESULTS PUBLIC Berkshire Colin Godbold Martin Shea Buckinghamshire Robert Duggan Hampshire Andy Bartlett Ray Rowsell Paul Carnell Oxfordshire Emily Williams

As a Foundation Trust, South Central Ambulance Service is committed to representing its communities as effectively as possible, promoting public awareness and involvement in health care issues. Having trust members – represented by elected governors – is a key way for the Trust to involve local people in the organisation’s work and ensure that it provides the best possible care and treatment for the people it serves. Trevor Jones, Chairman, said: “The SCAS FT Council of Governors has developed considerably since we started out on our journey in March 2012, and given the contribution they have made I am personally delighted that Bob Duggan, Paul Carnell and David Palmer were all successful in being re-elected for a second term. It is also great that we will be joined by nine new public and staff governors as they will bring some fresh ideas and perspectives to SCAS as we face up to our future challenges.

STAFF 999 Operations – North James Birdseye 999 Operations – South David Palmer Contact centres including NHS 111 and EOC Michele Foote Corporate/support/other Debbie Scott PTS and Logistics Field staff Katharine Naylor

“I would also like to acknowledge those governors who decided not to stand for re-election – they have all made a major contribution, and I look forward to working with them in the final few months of their term of office. I know that they will continue to offer SCAS great support in their role as members”. The new governors will commence their term on the 1st March for a three year term. Should you wish to contact the governor for your constituency please email Read the full Election report on the SCAS website here.


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015


South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) encourages member of the public to Think before dialing 999. We need your help to get to those who really need us most. Before dialing 999 THINK about whether you need an ambulance - many everyday illnesses can be easily treated at home. Before going out, can you get telephone advice from the national 111 (please see section on 111 in this issue of Foundation Times) or your local GP? Alternatively, if that is not an option, you can attend your GP surgery (or if out of hours talk to your out of hours GP service), local walk in center, or speak to a pharmacist. Non life-threatening injury or illness If you are not suffering from a life-threatening emergency but require medical advice or treatment there are several different options available to you. You can: ÙÙ Call 111 (24hrs) ÙÙ Call your Out of Hours GP Service ÙÙ Go to your local Walk-in-Centre or your minor injuries unit ÙÙ Visit NHS choices website. Life-threatening emergency If you are suffering from a life-threatening emergency, such as a heart attack, severe loss of blood, difficulty breathing or a serious accident, dial 999 immediately. REMEMBER If ambulance crews are called out to those people suffering from minor illnesses or injuries, they cannot get to those who really need their help.


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015

MEMBERS OF THE TRUST’S HAMPSHIRE PATIENT FORUM VISIT OUR OTTERBOURNE CONTROL CENTRE SCAS was pleased to welcome our Trust’s Hampshire Patient Forum members on Thursday 13 November, when they visited our Hampshire Control Centre. During the visit members met with Tony Peters, Head of EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) South and were able to observe and appreciate the pressures on our staff as they responded to 999 emergency calls. Members enjoyed the experience and they will be observing NHS 111 and PTS (Patient Transport Service) calls on their next visit.


The patient forums give the opportunity for health professionals, ambulance service users and local people who want to channel their passion for healthcare to come together to address issues that affect health services in their local community.

It also provides a stronger link between the trust and its members and improves communication by keeping local people informed of any changes and gathering feedback on existing services. Ludlow Johnson, Equality and Diversity Manager for SCAS said: “We are keen to understand the needs of our service users and how we can improve. We believe meaningful stakeholder engagement is key to this process’”

If you would like to join our Patient Forums, please contact Monica Moro at

@ S C AS999


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015

YOU SAID WE DID We are listening: You said, we did – NHS 111 We are continually seeking to improve the care we provide to patients and the welfare of our staff. So, whether things go well or not so well, we actively encourage feedback to help us develop better practices and processes. Here Lynda Lambourne, Assistant Director - 111; Monica Moro, Membership, Engagement and Marketing Support Officer and Stuart Turner, Emergency Operations Centre Educator provide information on actions we have taken from feedback we have received from our 111 Roadshows in shopping centres, colleges, universities and patient groups.


COMMUNICATION You said We felt that when we called 111 many of the questions asked were delivered so quickly that we did not fully understand them first time around. We did We addressed this by including guidelines in the training programme for call takers, covering the following points: èè Questions to callers are asked clearly and with a brief explanation if necessary èè Instructions/advice are delivered clearly so that callers can understand and follow these more easily All takers are now regularly monitored on their mandatory call audits to ensure that they adhere to these guidelines. You said We were confused about what 111 service can deliver and the amount of questions asked. We did We compiled a 10 most frequently asked question list and published it on our website and also disseminated it to the CCGs (Clinical Commissioning Groups) and various other organisations (please see ‘The Essential Guide to 111’ – the answers to the most frequent questions on the following page).

CLINICAL CARE, QUALITY AND PATIENT SAFETY You said We felt that the care advice given at the end of the call was excessive and delivered too quickly to be fully understood. We did Care advice is of vital importance to us and we addressed this by including feedback in the training and update sessions and all takers are now regularly monitored on their mandatory call audits.


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015




How does a 111 call handler diagnose down the phone when they can’t visually see me?

Why are there so many questions?

èè We don’t diagnose, we rule out POTENTIAL diagnoses and once we get to a point where we cannot rule something out, the assessment ends and you are referred to the relevant level of care based on your symptoms. The referral could be either to an ‘in-house’ clinician, for further assessment/advice or to an ambulance response or to an external health care provider e.g. primary care service, a midwife, a dentist and so on.


èè The 111 service uses a nationally recommended NHS Pathways assessment tool. This has been approved by the Royal Colleges and Department of Health for use by 111 services in order to reduce patient risk and reduce life threatening issues first i.e. ABC (Airway, Breathing and Circulation). Some of the questions may not always seem relevant but are needed to provide you with a thorough assessment and the best outcome and care with your presenting symptoms. We then match you with a service in your local area that can deliver the care within the recommended timeframe.



Are there any clinically trained staff in the 111 service?

Can I still contact my GP directly or do I have to use the 111 service?

èè Yes, we have a number of clinically trained staff working in the NHS 111 service they are qualified nurses and paramedics. They support a number of calls following the call handler assessment process, if it requires their skills and experience.

èè You can of course contact your GP during the day, but many symptoms may require an onward referral to another service. During the Out of Hours period the 111 service will signpost you to the right care at the right time, first time.

Call handlers are trained to use an ‘NHS Pathways assessment tool’. This has been approved by the Royal College of Medicine for use by all NHS 111 services. It determines the ongoing care and timescale required to ensure the caller receives safe, effective care.

Q6 Does my GP know if I have called the 111 service?


èè As long as you are registered with a GP, we will electronically send your details to your GP at the end of the assessment.

Is the 111 service free from my telephone? èè Yes, it is free from both landline and mobile networks in the UK.


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015



What do I do if you recommend contact with a GP outside of GP surgery opening times?

If you refer me to a ward for treatment, will I have to wait for ages to get seen?

èè If the recommended timeframe falls outside of your GP surgery opening times, we will refer you to the Out of Hours GP service. In Oxfordshire, the call handler can directly book an appointment for the patient while they are still on the call. Please note that South Central Ambulance Service do not run the Out of Hours service.

èè We do not directly refer patients to a hospital ward. This would be the decision of a GP or doctor in the Emergency department. We do not have specific information regarding hospital waiting times.

Q10 Who has designed the system used to assess me?

Q8 Isn’t it better if I just self-present myself to an A&E department instead of using the 111 service? èè No as these departments are for emergencies only and in many cases, we may refer you to a local minor injury unit or other primary care service that may actually have more capacity for you to be treated more quickly in the first instance.

èè The system is wholly owned and designed by the NHS for the NHS. It has been overtly designed with the help of the BMA (British Medical Association) and the Royal College of Medicine, its clinical content is overseen by the National Clinical Governance Group. It has been the subject of a rigorous academic evaluation carried out by three universities (Sheffield, Southampton and Swansea) who declared it safe and appropriate. The system and our operations procedure are constantly reviewed to keep up with any new practices.


For more information please go to


ENERGY SAVING TRUST RRV SOLAR INITIATIVE COMMENDATION... The Trust was shortlisted for an Energy Saving Trust award in Technology and Innovation category on Thursday 27th November. Brian Miller, Green Team Coordinator, represented the SCAS Vehicle Commissioning Unit and Fleet at the awards ceremony in London. Quentin Wilson, motoring journalist and event host, stated that because of the high calibre of entry in this category, it was the first time that a Highly Commended acknowledgment had been made to an applicant.

Mr Wilson said: “South Central Ambulance Service have shown such an innovative and forward thinking approach that the judges should make a special acknowledgement”. Brian Miller was proud to accept that accolade on behalf of SCAS. Brian said: “Well done to Richard Kersley & Fleet! It is also good to see that other emergency trusts are following in the footsteps of SCAS and are taking up this initiative.” 29

Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015

GOVERNOR PROFILE SUE THOMAS [APPOINTED PARTNER GOVERNOR] I have lived in Wokingham, Berkshire for the past 30 years and took early retirement from my career with Hewlett Packard over 10 years ago. My husband Chris still works there, and my daughter Victoria lives just down the road in Spencers Wood. My interest in the Air Ambulance started when I realised that they had no government funding, and that they were not part of the NHS, but relied solely on the support of the people, business and communities of Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. With more time on my hands I was able to volunteer to run their Open Garden scheme with a friend, this was hard but enormous fun, and extremely rewarding to see the funds raised grow each year. After three years we stepped back and were both asked to join the Trustee board, and as for the Open Garden scheme it is growing from strength to strength with more and more gardens opening for such a worthwhile charity. Thames Valley and Chiltern Air Ambulance and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance work very closely together and have entered into many joint enterprises to the benefit of the communities they both serve, and with the formation of SCAS, Barry Lipscomb of HIOW AA took the lead as Appointed Partner Governor on behalf of both charities.


I now have taken this on and am very much looking forward to being part of the bigger picture, and Barry will be a hard act to follow! My previous knowledge of SCAS has been in the tasking of the helicopter and the amazing paramedics which fly on it, their professionalism and dedication is second to none. I am very passionate about keeping them flying and knowing that with all the fantastic support of the communities we were jointly able to recently announce a new helicopter for both charities to enable them to commence with night flying in late 2015. Even from my initial meetings I know that SCAS has many different and complex arms to it, together with many challenges and opportunities to grasp. I look forward very much to understanding how I can play my part in this very exacting and worthwhile Foundation Trust and to representing both Air Ambulances to be best of my abilities.


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015


FIRST AID KIT It’s important to have a well-stocked first aid kit in your home, so you can deal with minor accidents and injuries. Your first aid kit should be locked and kept in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children. Many people also keep a small first aid kit in their car for emergencies - it is recommended that you keep one in your vehicle.

SHOPPING LIST Here’s a shopping list for a basic first aid kit: èè 2 sterile eyepads èè 1 crepe bandage èè 4 triangular bandages èè 6 medium sterile dressing pads èè 2 large sterile dressing pads èè assorted waterproof plasters èè 2 pairs of sterile gloves èè 1 pair of paramedic scissors èè 6 alcohol-free wipes èè 6 safety pins èè tape


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015

WHEN AND HOW TO USE THEM Waterproof plasters

Qty: Selection available

When: If there is a bleeding wound that is fairly small, an adhesive dressing should be used. If you’re preparing food in the kitchen use a blue plaster so you will be able to see it if it drops in the food.

Sterile eyepads

Crepe bandage

Use: For minor eye injuries

How: Place the pad lightly over the eye and secure with some bandage around the head using a knot or with tape.

Qty: 1

When: It’s mainly used for a sprained or strained ankle or wrist. First treat the injury with an ice pack to reduce swelling. After 10-12 minutes, remove the ice pack for a few minutes then re-apply. If the swelling does not go down, it could be a break and you should seek medical advice as an X-ray may be needed. If you think it’s just a strain, and some of the swelling has gone down as a result of using the ice pack, apply a crepe bandage for support.


How: Minor wounds can be washed with water and padded dry, then the adhesive dressing should be stuck over the top.

Qty: 2

When: If the wound is small, or the casualty has a foreign object in their eye such as dirt or grit, but it’s not embedded, you can apply an eyepad or small dressing. Use an eyepad until you can get medical advice.

Use: For most minor words

Use: For sprain or strain

How: The bandage is generally applied in a figure of eight. For example, on an ankle you would start at the base of the leg (above the heel), make two turns, then take the bandage inside the instep of the foot and begin the figure of eight. The heel stays exposed. If the sprain or strain is to the wrist, you can simply wrap the bandage around the wrist. If the bandage came with clips, secure it with these. Alternatively, you can use tape or safety pins.

Triangular bandages (sling)

Qty: 4

When: You can use a triangular bandage in different ways: as a sling to lift a limb to prevent blood loss, to secure a fractured collarbone or hand, and also for sprains and strains if a crepe bandage isn’t available.

Medium sterile dressing pads

How: If there’s an injury to the lower or upper arm, you can also make an arm sling, tied at the neck. Triangular bandages can also be folded and used as a supporting bandage if a crepe bandage isn’t available.

Qty: 6

When: These pads are wound dressings. When you open them up, there is a roll of bandage attached so you can secure them into place. They’ll cover most common wounds and should be used whenever a plaster is too small. The dressing applies firm pressure on the wound.

Large sterile dressing pads

Use: When a plaster is too small

How: Make sure the pad covers the entire wound. When you wrap the bandage part of the dressing (which is attached to the pad) around the wound, make sure you seal each end of the pad with it to stop infections entering the wound, and stop blood seeping out. The bandage should be secured by tying in a knot, above the wound if possible, which will apply more pressure.

Qty: 2

When: These pads are large wound dressings. When you open them up, there is a roll of bandage attached so you can secure them into place. They’ll cover most common wounds and should be used whenever a plaster or medium dressing pad is too small. It applies firm pressure to the wound.

Sterile gloves

Use: To lift a limb

Use: When a plaster is too small

How: Make sure the pad covers the wound and that the bandage part of the dressing seals each end of the pad. If the wound is severe, put the dressing on and seek medical advice.

Qty: 1 pair

When: To protect the casualty and first aider.

How: These protect the casualty if the first aider’s hands are dirty, and they protect the first aider if the casualty is bleeding.


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015

WHEN AND HOW TO USE THEM Tough cut scissors

When: These are used for cutting clothing to get at a wound or the site of a fracture. They are safety scissors so you can’t jab them into somebody’s leg by accident – there is no danger of cutting the skin.

Alcohol free wipes

How: Only use if you need to expose the site of an injury. If the wound is on the arm or leg, cut along the seam of the trouser leg or shirt, and on a side away from the wound.

How: Wipe the wound once, then dispose of the wipe. Take another one and repeat. Wipe away from the wound, to avoid introducing an infection.

Qty: 6 Use: To secure a bandage or sling

When: Safety pins can be used to secure a crepe bandage, or for securing a sling on the elbow.


Use: To safely cut clothing off

Qty: 6 pack Use: To clean grazes if water is not available

When: These are used to clean grazes and minor wounds when water is not available.

Safety pins

Qty: 1pair

9 TE99 D




SCAS UNVEILS SOS BUS TO HELP TREAT PATIENTS IN OXFORD Last November the Trust launched a pilot scheme to help treat people in Oxford city centre at weekends. The SOS bus has two treatment beds and three portable beds to treat patients with minor injuries in the Cornmarket area on Friday and Saturday evenings from 10.30pm to 5.30am. The bus, which is a purpose built treatment centre loaned from St John Ambulance, is manned by a SCAS paramedic and St John volunteer first aiders who will be on hand to treat wounds associated with alcohol, including lacerations from falls and assaults. SCAS has linked up with Squadron Leader, Charlie Thompson-Edger, who is the lead military nurse at the John Radcliffe Hospital. A member of her team also mans the bus to provide wound assessment and closure skills. Steve West, Operations Director, SCAS, said: “This pilot is a great example of collaborative work between SCAS and other health and social care partners including St John Ambulance and Royal Air Force colleagues at the John Radcliffe Hospital.

The scheme is further supported by Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council and NHS Central Southern Commissioning Support Unit. “The pilot will ensure that patients in Oxford with minor injuries receive prompt, appropriate care in the most appropriate way. The bus will also be a safe haven for those who have been found in the street too intoxicated to stand or speak and who cannot find their way home. As such, the bus will work closely with both Thames Valley Police and the Oxford Safer Community Partnership.” Craig Heigold, District Manager for St John Ambulance, added: “We’re delighted to be able to work with SCAS to support this important initiative. “The bus will reduce the need for people to attend A&E, relieving pressure on health services over the winter months, resulting in people who require urgent care to be seen more quickly.”


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust


Issue 13 Winter 2015

CPR TRAINERS TURN OLYMPIC ROWERS INTO TEAM OF LIFE-SAVERS Members of Team GB rowing team have learned the skills that could save a life in an emergency after attending the Heartstart Swallowfield training programme, funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF). The participants include Olympic Gold Medallist Heather Stanning and Olympic Silver Medallist Richard Chambers. Heartstart is a free BHF training programme that teaches cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), how to help someone that is choking or bleeding seriously, and what to do when someone is having a heart attack. In England, less than one in ten people who suffer a cardiac arrest outside hospital survive, which is significantly lower than other developed countries. Every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces chances of survival by ten per cent. But performing CPR immediately on someone suffering a cardiac arrest can buy time for professional help to arrive and in some cases, can double a person’s survival chances. Within a year of being set up, more than 200 people have undertaken the Heartstart Swallowfield course and equipped themselves with the CPR skills to save a life, including the Team GB rowers. Already, at least one participant has put their training into action by recognising a heart attack and calling 999. Gary Clark, Heartstart Swallowfield Coordinator, said: “We’re delighted to be offering the BHF’s Heartstart programme to the local community. By giving local people the skills to save a life, we’re making Berkshire residents our first line of response in a medical emergency.

This could be the difference between life and death while waiting for the emergency services to arrive. We want to create a community of life-savers and with every person we train we’re taking a further step towards achieving this. “It was an honour to train the Team GB rowing team – athletes that I remember watching on the television as they took gold for Great Britain at London 2012. We hope the training has given them the skills to be elite life-savers as well as well as elite rowers now.” Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive at the BHF, said: “Knowing how to react in a lifethreatening emergency, such as a cardiac arrest, saves lives. Through the BHF’s Heartstart programme over three million people have been taught vital CPR skills, many of whom have gone on to use them in a medical emergency. Gary and his team are making a real contribution to increasing the number of potential life-savers that are walking the streets of Berkshire, including Olympic champions.” If you are interested in learning or teaching lifesaving CPR skills visit to find your nearest Heartstart course. (Please note – this article was originally sent out as a press release from the British Heart Foundation).


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015








What does it mean? Total 999 activity equates to the number of calls which received a SCAS response or were dealt with by our clinical support desks Non conveyance is the number of incidents we responded to where the patient was not taken to hospital. 40

Non conveyance % is the percentage of incidents we responded to where the patient was not taken to hospital. Red 1 - Red 1 calls are the most time critical and cover cardiac arrest patients who are not breathing and do not have a pulse, and other severe conditions. Red 2 - For Red 2 calls, which are serious but less immediately time critical and cover conditions such as stroke and fits.

RED 1 [8 mins]

69.94% RED 2 [8 mins]


RED 1 [19 mins]

96.23% RED 2 [19 mins]





41,700 111 calls answered is the number of calls answered through the non-emergency healthcare service. CFR stands for Community First Responder. PTS stands for Patient Transport Service.

All figures are provisional.


Foundation Times A newsletter for every member of our trust

Issue 13 Winter 2015



public members to date

12,000 8,000

You can make a difference!


For more information, email or phone 01869 365126.



or f u o y nk port a h T up s r you mbers! me

WE ARE COMING TO MEET YOU We actively seek to involve our members, patients and the public (and those who represent them) in our decision making, ensuring that we engage with our local communities and members. Come and talk to us at one of our events. For details of all our upcoming meetings visit:





Thursday 5 February

2015 Careers Fair

Admiral Lord Nelson School, Portsmouth

5pm - 8pm

Friday 27 February

Patient survey Roadshow Basingstoke

The Festival Place, Basingstoke

Friday 6 March

Patient survey / Health Awareness Roadshow OXFORD

Westgate Shopping Centre, Oxford

10am - 4pm

Friday 16 March

Patient survey / Health Awareness Roadshow PORTSMOUTH

Commercial Road Precinct, Southsea

10am - 4pm


10am - 4pm



Get to know your governors Public governors

Berkshire constituency

Ian Hammond

Melanie Hampton


Appointed partner governors

Staff governors

Public governors

Hampshire constituency

Kemi Adenubi

Jeni Bremner

Paul Carnell

Tricia Kelly

Jonathan Cotterell

John Donne

David Palmer

Eddie Cottrell

Christina Fowler


Cllr Allan Glass

David Chilvers

Cllr Keith House

Sue Thomas

Sabrina Chetcuti


Cllr David Burbage

Contact the Membership Office Please get in touch with the membership office if you: Email: »» want more information about what we do or Tel: 01869 365126 »» have a story you want to share with other members »» want us to come along to an event in your local area »» want to change your contact details »» want to get more involved and update your involvement choices »» want membership forms or other literature to distribute »» want to raise an issue with a governor 44

Have your say and support your governors.

Buckinghamshire constituency

Make a difference by helping them shape the future of your local ambulance service. Email them at

Bob Duggan

Dave Johnson

David Ridley

Oxfordshire constituency

Patrick Conafray

Michael Shread

Tim WindsorShaw


999 TED

999 T

Did you spot 999 Ted hiding in this issue?


The Council of Governors meets four times a year and represents the interests of members and stakeholder organisations. Meetings are open to the public. For more information please visit our website at The next COG meeting will be on 16 March 2015 at Shaw House, Newbury (6.30pm 9.00pm). Want to find out who your governors are? Go to


Produced by South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Units 7 and 8 Talisman Business Centre Talisman Road Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 6HR Tel 01869 365000 | Fax 01869 322814 | | Design > Ben Hennessy


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