Zara Marketing Report

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SEARCH Contents page

1 2 Brand analysis 3 Executive summary

Competitor analysis


Consumer analysis


Treatment action plan





SEARCH Executive summary

This is a brand report analysing the successful fast fashion brand Zara, which will be besides a short fashion film that will be made for the brand. In this report, it will explore the brands history, and how Zara has become one of the most successful brands around today, with it’s competitors struggling to keep up. The main part of this report is their brand analysis, as it helps understand the characteristics and main business foundations through an analytical analysis such as SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunity, and threats) and through the brand models which shows the businesses value and the core of the business. It explores their previous videos and analyses what they tend to do so the fashion film can keep to those typical conventions Zara use, especially their zero advertising strategy which has made the company very unique, also analysing whether this is beneficial or not. It also looks at the comparison with it’s sister brands, and why they aren’t as fortunate. Zara have very well known competitors who try their hardest to compete, and this report explores their similarities and differences within film and as a business. This report also looks into their target customer and describes all interests a typical customer would have, as well as primary research that has been conducted on a Zara customer. This analysis will help the production and process behind the making of a fashion film for Zara, to make sure that it sticks to the typical Zara conventions.




Figure 5 Figure 4

SEARCH Zara, global expansion Figure 7

Zara are a Spanish, fast fashion, clothing and accessories brand for men, women and children, with their products being sold at affordable prices. The difference between Zara and other fashion retailers, is that Zara have a vertical integrated operating system and are able to manage their inventory well. They are able to recognize and assimilate the continuous changes in fashion, creating new designs that respond to customers desires almost instantly. New designs are placed in the stores twice a week, hence showing their efficiency at keeping up with trends. Another way Zara stand out is by enabling eco-friendly stores and making sure that their manufacturers are being as energy efficient as possible, especially because most customers nowadays are eco-conscious. Their success is evident ever since their creation; Amancio Ortega, the founder, established a dress-making factory, Inditex, in the year of 1963. After twelve years, the first Zara store opened, based in A Coruña. This is how the world’s favourite fashion brand was born. Ever since then, their stores have been expanding throughout Spain, Portugal, the United States, France and most of Europe. Now, Zara has reached over 2,200 stores across 55 countries (Forbes, 2017). In 2016 alone, Zara made a staggering £535.2m which was an 8% increase compared to the previous year (Wood, 2016). They’re a highly successful brand as they can forecast market and fashion trends efficiently. Figure 6

SEARCH Do Zara advertise?


- They advertise without having to pay TV advertising prices, by using social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and video streaming websites such as YouTube and Vimeo. Social media is used so much more nowadays.

Figure 8

WEAKNESSES - When competitors discover their USP, they’ll already be one step ahead as they’ll have money set aside for advertising and Zara won’t so will find it hard to compete. - Not everyone will know about Zara, only people who can access social media and if they’re on a shopping trip may see the store.


Zara’s main sources of advertising are YouTube, and Instagram. Zara’s Twitter page tends to be replying to their customers feedback, aswell as showing some of their Instagram videos, whilst their Facebook is just reposting what they put on Instagram. Each of these platforms are used to target all of their consumers, as their consumers range massively, and each consumer uses different platforms. This means that every consumer is kept up to date with their current content and the collections they have in store and online.


Zero advertising is part of the reason why Zara are so successful. They only spend 0.3% on advertising, which is less than the industry average as competitors would at least spend 3.5% of their profits on advertising (Payton, 2017). However, Zara focus on investing the money they would normally spend on advertising into opening new stores in urban city environments. Having over 2,200 stores in 93 countries (Forbes, 2017) is something not all businesses have, but due to them not relying on physical advertising, they rely on word of mouth and strategic store locations, attracting new audiences, which increases their sales and profit.

- Zara depends on word of mouth marketing which for them is successful. - Zara have a low spend on advertising. - One step ahead of competitors: H&M, Uniqlo, Topshop, Forever21, who all use a larger advertising expenditure. - reduced advertising costs means money can be diverted elsewhere, e.g opening new stores (which is what they do currently) in strategic city locations.

- If the video streaming websites start charging, then they’re at risk as they use free streaming to show their adverts.

SEARCH What kind of videos do they make?

Zara are clever at adapting their videos in order to fit in with the theme they are trying to follow. Every video tends to vary in the sense of location, style, issue/collection, models used and the production. Due to them not being a brand who use a lot of advertising, they have got to differ their videos in order to appeal to the audience and reach out for their attention. Editorials are the main genre of film they make. Each film varies with their production, some look like they’ve spent a little more money than others, whilst others look like they’ve been filmed with an old video camera. However though, the models within each campaign vary, depending on what kind of look and style they are going for. ‘A new routine’ was filmed with a video camera, to capture the retro/quirkiness of the collection. The models used were chosen carefully as they are people that would suit that type of clothing. Each one of the videos are made with a logical reason behind it, this one encouraging people to change the way they dress, by making dressed up outfits look more casual. It was a winter collection for 2017, inspired by the 70’s disco and funk era, hence why they chose to shoot in that way. A voiceover is placed over the top of the backing music and the film, which suggests that they don’t want you misinterpret what’s going on. However, they have captured one of their unique selling points in a video, which is being eco-friendly, something they don’t normally do. This is something the majority of retailers out there try to pursue and promote as well as having it as their main selling point, whereas, Zara already have that behind them as well as many other values overpowers their competitors. ‘Join life | Kids. Sustainable editorial’, is s a creative film, with split screens to make it exciting, captures a small group of kids singing in a band, about becoming environmentally friendly. They’ve aimed this well, because the new generation (children), are the ones that should become environmentally friendly at a young age as they’re the ones that will be around longer, and can adapt quicker to changes than older people who are stuck in their ways. The creativeness of this video appeals to a younger demographic as it’s busy with the split screens, but fun too. Their most recent video, ‘Vast Lands’ shows a clean cut type of video, professionally shot and money has been spent on the production as it’s been filmed in a desert, a desirable location with upbeat, happy music. Not just this video, but the majority of Zara’s videos tend to be shot in 60 frames per second (fps), so the speed of the clips are reduced showing slow movement, which makes the production look expensive and the shots looking perfect. Even though, in this film, it has clean cut transitions and flows perfectly, they didn’t need to do much in post production because the atmosphere is attractive and busy, already having the customers focused on the film. However, unlike their A/W 2017 film which was shot in a studio, simple and plain. The transitions between each film are creative, so the audience are attracted and don’t look away. Every music also plays in the background, which fits well as it’s for the Autumn/Winter collection, the dull seasons, which were shot in a dark studio. The ‘Zara’ slogan always appears at the end of the videos, whether that’s an overlay or on a blank background. If this was advertised before another random YouTube video, the viewer would have to wait to find out the brand. They’d have to watch the whole film before the reveal; a clever way to entice the audience in.

SEARCH Brand key Brand values: Beauty, clarity, functionality and sustainability. The brand personality is confident, beautiful, unpretentious, and stylish. Theses traits make the brand Zara unique and different from it’s competitors.

Benefits: Functional: The brand sells fast fashion clothes that are kept up with the current trends. Every two weeks there will be a new design in the store. The fashion is so fast, that every time they go into the store, they will see new collections and trends. Emotional: The clothes are so stylish and look expensive, but they’re actually affordable for a consumer. This will make them feel better about themselves as they feel they’ve invested in something good.

Brand idea/Essence A successful fast fashion, customer focused and sustainable retailer that makes stylish and classy designs based on current trends.

Reasons to believe: > Every time you go into a Zara, you see new clothing. If you see it once, you should buy it, as they have limited stock on everything unless it’s a really popular item. > The prices are so affordable and good quality. > There are Zara’s all over the country, 34 surrounding the UK’s fashion capital.

Discriminator/USP: Zara have a production strategy that enables them to do fast fashion effectively. They also have a ‘zero advertising’ strategy where the money that would normally go on advertising is put into opening new stores in city centres. As well as this, they respond to their customers needs efficiently

(Consumer) Insight: Stepping foot in a eco store is satisfying - use 20% less energy and 40% less water. Distinctive in store aesthetic which gets carried through onto their online stores.

Competitive environment: Zara offer a very similar range of collections as H&M and Forever 21, however, Zara have the USP of creating affordable fast fashion that comes into the stores within 2 weeks. Something that H&M and Forever 21 aren’t as efficient at.

Target: They’re target market is so broad that they don’t tend to segment them. We do know that they range from 0-40 years old, and are of both genders. Figure 9


- New designs get made and sent into stores, take two weeks. - 70% of Inditex revenue is from Zara. - 0.3% spent on advertising, and those are the ones that are put on Instagram and YouTube. - Instead of focusing on advertising, they put those profits that they would normally spend on it into opening new city stores. - They focus on word of mouth advertising, and that has helped them become successful. - Production strategy (vertical integration). - Strong control over supply chain. - Affordable pricing. - Strategic locations of their stores. - Photographers vary each time for collections but works well for each range they have.


- 0.3% advertising has benefits and drawbacks, but the drawback is that eventually they will need it as social media is the biggest thing. - Not every country is able to buy on their website. - No student discount, even though their main target consumer seems to be students.



Analysing Zara’s brand

- Scope for global expansion. The profits go into opening the new stores. - Ecommerce needs to expand in order to keep up with the current trends in social media. - They don’t advertise already, so if they’re struggling with profits, their new way of reaching out to their audiences can easily be fixed by starting to advertise.


- Fierce competition. - No collaborations with designers whereas their competitor, H&M, collaborate with many big brands and labels. - Changes in current trends may mean they’ll be inexperienced in advertising if they don’t tend to use it.

SEARCH Brand objectives model Consumer profile: The consumer isn’t just focused on one personality and lifestyle, it’s a range of these, suitable for anyone. Overall, stylish individuals that are eco-conscious and are wanting good quality, affordable garments that are on trend. They can either be students or businesswoman, that varied.

Service profile: • Fast fashion garments that are kept up to date with current trends. • Customer focused as they respond rapidly to their customers changing needs. • Eco-friendly stores.

Bold brand essence: A successful fast fashion, customer focused and sustainable retailer that makes stylish and classy designs based on current trends.

Client benefit: • On trend fashion. • Cheaper versions of the designers collections. • Eco friendliness.

Service benefit: • Affordable • Stylish • Current trends

Figure 10

SEARCH Brand identity prism Picture of Recipient

Pe Co rson sty nfide ality un lish, nt, m pre cla ten ss ature tio y, , us .


Relationship Trustworthy, quality, new designs weekly, affordable, reliable, eco-friendly, long term durability.

Culture Spanish, International, good relationship with customers.

Re Su flec t fin itabl ion din e f g t or e ren ve ds ryo ins ne tan , tly.


e en ag nfid m o i lf , c dy. Se ique tren Un lish, sty Picture of sender Figure 11


e , ag tion m c i n, lf ea ty, Se ick r xibili tatio n Qu h fle orie e. t g i h rke rom h ma noc o m

SEARCH Why don’t their sisters do as well as Zara? Inditex is the parent company of Zara, Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home, and, Uterque. The company is present in 94 markets, with more than 7000 stores in all five continents (Inditex, 2018). 70% of Inditex’s revenue comes from Zara, whilst the other 30% comes from the sister companies (Tungate, 2012). This figure knocks down to the fact that they were the original and first Inditex store, a lot longer than their sister companies. They’ve had a lot more experience and now know how to target their consumer successfully, possibly due to the fact that they are now customer focused and always listening to their consumers feedback. Now, Pull & Bear, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho have made themselves known by having their collections being sold on Asos, which is one of the biggest ecommerce retailers today, after a 30% rise in retail sales in four months in 2017 (Davey, 2018). However, Zara are successful without having to be on Asos, due to how popular they are and the fact that they invest their profits into opening city stores in centres and not on advertising. With all of their films, they seem to be similar to Zara in the sense that they don’t advertise that much. If anything, it will be 3 or 4 videos a month, advertising their newest collections.

Company Zara Pull and Bear Massimo Dutti Bershka Stradivarius Oysho Zara Home Uterque

NO. of stores

Year of creation

2,266 986 781 1,102 1,024 672 587 86

1975 1991 1991 1998 1999 2001 2003 2008

Target audience Any age, any gender. 15-30 years old. Men and women. Any age, any gender. 18-34 years old. Men and women. 18-34 years old. Men and women. 17-30 years old. Women. 22-50 years old. Men and women, 25-35 years old. Women.

Figure 12


Zara - Attractive and responsible fashion, and improve the quality of customer service. Pull&Bear - Aims to dress dynamic people and fashion lovers who are young at heart. Massimo Dutti - Epitomises a natural elegance that appeals to urbane, independent and cosmopolitan men and women. Bershka - Fashion reflects the most recent developments in music, social networking and new technologies. Stradivarius - Captures the essence of youthful creativity. Oysho - Adapts the styles of the moment to the eternal principles of feminine elegance within their lingerie, gymwear, beachwear and homeware. Zara Home - Incorporates the latest ideas and designs into everyday living. Uterque - Specialises in high-quality accessories, leatherwear and clothing.




Figure 14

Figure 13

SEARCH High price

What’s their competitive situation?

Zara have many competitors they have to compete with, but their main competitors are H&M and Uniqlo.

Low quality

Figure 15

Low price

High quality

SEARCH Who are H&M?

H&M are a fast fashion brand that offer clothing to men, women, teenagers and children also offering a homeware department too. Their target market is very similar to Zara’s, ranging from 0-40 years old, so each clothing range has a different audience, but they are kept up to date with the current trends within the industry. Their aim is to “deliver our business concept - fashion and quality at the best price - to everyone, and we do so in a sustainable way today, tomorrow and in the future� (H&M, 2017). They are a brand that are customer focused, very similar to Zara.

Figure 17 Figure 16

SEARCH Do their competitor, H&M, have a chance?

Social media is one of the main platforms used by H&M to reach out to their diverse audience, especially their YouTube channel as they create videos every couple of weeks. These vary from collection previews, final collection videos, collaborations to interviews and hi-lighting brand awareness, all appealing to H&M’s target customer. Looking at their channel, they tend to upload two videos per day, one being a collaboration and the other being a 11 second collection preview. This collaboration is an interview about Chinese New Year with two Chinese movie stars, Yang Mi and Mark Chao, which straight away opens to a wider target audience to fans of the stars. Also, they’ve recently collaborated with Zara Larsson, who has brung out a collection for streetwear and on trend looks, which is something the younger, fashion conscious, H&M customer would want to buy. Especially because Zara Larsson is a style icon and many people adore her style. Competing with Zara is a key focus, but collaboration is something that Zara doesn’t offer, which makes a unique selling point for them. Collaborating with celebrities for these videos will be something they budget for, but they’ll make that back in profits due to the celebrities’ fan base watching and then potentially viewing and buying that collection. H&M have many subscribers, 293,391 on their YouTube channel, showing how often they upload in comparison to Zara who have a limited subscriber base of 43,950. A lot of H&M’s videos show brand awareness, some highlight sustainability which is one of their brand values, also something Zara are passionate about. However, Zara have limited advertising and don’t show that they’re an Eco conscious brand. H&M are one step ahead by creating brand videos, it puts their audience in touch with the brand and everything they do. They use a lot of large scale production with their models differing in each video as well as their locations. ‘Bring it on’ is one of their brand awareness type of videos, it’s showing that the brand now recycle their audiences clothing and give the garments another life. This video was shot in a number of locations, over 16 in fact. It’s very busy and there’s a lot going on, the constant cutting of scenes show this, but it fits in with the type of video and excites an audience.

Figure 18


- Consistent branding on their website and on their social media’s. - On their website, they have a ‘H&M gallery’ which involves their customers and allows them to post pictures of themselves in H&M’s clothing in order to possibly be chosen to be within their gallery. - Collaborations with big brands/ people in order to reach out to a widespread audience. - H&M magazine which is on their website and easy to use, which is very similar to a blog, but a magazine form for them. - The members ‘club’, offers discounts, free delivery and points in which you can spend on their website. - Visual Merchandising and store design are consistent across stores.


- Student discount is only offered at certain times. - Dependent on third party suppliers for their merchandise. - Price of the clothing is affordable but it isn’t necessarily the best quality.



Analysing their competitor, H&M

- They have the opportunity to keep collaborate with more successful brands to make the brand known. - Offer student discount as part of their target audience are students. - To develop more online content as their current content is successful and then they will be able to reach a larger audience. - Focus on expansion to improve profitability.


- Zara are the most successful fast fashion business in the world. H&M have a lot to compete with. - E-commerce allows new entrants that H&M will have to compete with.

SEARCH Who are Uniqlo?

Uniqlo are a women’s, men’s, kids and babies brand, catering for people from 0-50 years old. Their main selling point is that they make clothes for everyday wear which are wardrobe essentials, for example; t-shirts, jeans and turtle-necks. They have a very similar marketing factor to both Zara and H&M, which is to offer, high quality, fashionable everyday clothing at prices that everyone can afford. Therefore, they’re a competitor of Zara, but have different ways of reaching their audience and their whole strategy is different. Japan is where their manufacturers are based, so all their fabrics they use are high end, especially their denim garments. Japanese denim is the most wearing denim out there, therefore what they say about their products being of a good quality is true. Figure 20

Figure 19

SEARCH Do their competitor, Uniqlo, have a chance?

Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are their main sources of reaching out to their target audience. They rely heavily on this, even TV commercials to reach their audience. They have many different accounts for each of these platforms for each country, but on Instagram their most following is for their country of origin, Japan, with over 1.4 million followers. Therefore, their main consumers are based in Japan, aligning to the fact that they do have over 700 stores there, and only 11 stores in the UK (Parietti, 2015). Uniqlo have a global YouTube account and a country based account. The global account posts a little bit of everything, whereas the specific country accounts tend to show the most important videos that they want their viewer to see, for example, new collections that are out or important video collaborations. On their global account, they post content every couple of days, which shows how active they are and how much they use social media to reach out to their customer base. Even though, most of their videos tend to be interviews or behind the scenes footage, but this is still a way of always being in a customer’s mind, making them want to look on their website. Their videos tend to be less than a minute long, which is ideal for a customer as it’s quick to view. Normally, after about 30 seconds, people tend to look away, so they’ve cleverly done it so their customer watches the whole video and understands the point instantly. For example, their ‘Uniqlo and JW Anderson SS18’ collaboration is only 37 seconds long, but because it’s a collaboration and editorial, there isn’t much to see apart from the clothes. Their general videos on both accounts seem to consist of quite low production, but having the number of videos they create, they must use a lot of their profits to fund them. The music that gets used tends to have a soft rhythm, no lyrics used, implying that the focus is on the video itself, whether that’s an editorial or interview. However, some of their videos do have voice-overs, so the audience can understand their point. An example of this is their ‘Science of LifeWear’ collection of videos, as it has a simple beat but with a woman speaking over the top explaining about their life long items, good quality items they sell. This can be seen as a brand awareness video, however, it isn’t as successful as H&M’s, as it’s very slow with the cutting of the shots and isn’t very upbeat.

Figure 21


- Japanese denim is meant to be a really good quality denim. It shows that they care about the quality they sell to their customers. - Strong presence in international market. - Japans leading fashion retail in terms of profits and sales. - No language barriers as they have Instagram/Twitter/YouTube accounts for each country, to suit the audience. - They use a lot of advertising, even TV commercials in order to reach a wider audience. - Over 30,000 employees to make the brand look good. - Website is very easy to use.


- They only have 40 stores in Europe. - Due to there not being many stores in Europe, people won’t know much about the brand. - Product variety and launching tends to be based on the four seasons. - Main focus on winter wear with their fleeces and wind proof coats.



Analysing their competitors, Uniqlo

- Expand more into Europe. - Their high quality clothing is what people want, so expanding will allow them to reach a larger audience.


- Zara are currently the biggest and best retailer in the world, so they’ve got to do a lot to overtake them. - If they invest too much in advertising, they made end up with no

SEARCH Overall review of competitors

COMPETITIVE MATRIX STRUCTURE SOCIAL MEDIA How successful is the brand at promoting itself through its Facebook, Instagram and Twitter?














PRICE Is the brands products priced reasonably as well as being appropriate for their target market?




AESTHETIC Is the branding and identity of the brand appropriate for their target audience?







PLACE Is the brand located nearby? Is it easily accessible?




ADVERTISING Do their films show the brand in a true light?




TARGET AUDIENCE Is the target market of the brand made clear through the use of their marketing and branding? PRODUCT Does the brand have a wide range of products to suit their audience? Are they up to date with current trends?

PROMOTION Does the brand have promotional sales to draw consumers in? Encouraging customers to buy from this brand rather than competitors.

Figure 22

SEARCH Overall review of their competitors

H&M are a brand that use a lot of advertising to keep their customers constantly aware and up to date. They know their target audience are customers that use social media on a daily basis. This is their way of targeting them and ensuring the customers are always familiar with the brand. Uniqlo are very similar to this, but they are yet to expand globally. They are at the first stages of expansion, so not many people know about them in the UK. Due to them being a brand that only have a store in some cities in the UK, they use e-commerce in order to reach out to a wider audience, which works well for them as they constantly upload. H&M’s videos are something Zara can admire, and progress to creating in the future when this needs to happen. Their brand awareness videos are strong and capture the target audience in an exciting way. However, Uniqlo are a good brand they can look at currently as they use low production to create these brand awareness and editorial films, but they are so frequent, it allows the audience to always stay updated which would suit Zara and wouldn’t go against their zero advertising strategy.




Figure 24

Figure 23

SEARCH Who is the consumer?

TARGET GROUP The broader customer varies from 0-40 years old, and suits both genders, due to the ranges that are offered: Kids, TRF, Woman and Men. Everyone is eco-conscious and fashion conscious, always aware of the current trends within fashion and wanting to go through their lives feeling stylish. For women, there are two ranges suiting two different age groups, TRF and woman. TRF (knows as Trafaluc) is aimed at teenagers, who will eventually be buyers from the woman’s range. They’re paying attention to this younger age range so they have loyal customers and ensure that they’re always offering something that will appeal to their target audience, no matter what age. Due to the brand having such a wide audience, they don’t tend to segment their audience as the brand is more about a range of lifestyle attitudes. It differs from young students wanting to keep up with current trends, to business women wanting fashionable work-wear. Overall, the brand is suitable for anyone who wants good quality, fast fashion garments manufactured and sold in eco-friendly stores. MY RESEARCH Due to a lack of information online, a primary survey (see Appendix I) was conducted to understand Zara’s target consumer. The survey concluded, 84% of the people that took part were female. Because Zara know their market is predominantly female they aim their collections at two target age ranges. The age variation was, 53% were aged 20-22 years old, whilst 37% were aged 17-19 years old. Many of the consumers were students, 80%, and 15% of the total survey are in employment. Zara’s appeal of lower pricing compared to RTW designers, appeals to their main target market, the student audience. Almost 50% of people answering the survey said that they’ve only heard about Zara by word of mouth. Whilst the other 50% were attracted to the store locations in their locality. Only 0.9% people said that they heard about them through advertising. That shows how successful their strategy is of investing profits into strategic locations and zero advertising. N.B This primary research was conducted online through Twitter and is not representative of every Zara customer as it was conducted on a small scale.

SEARCH What is the typical consumers lifestyle like?

Name: Jessica - Stylish - Fashion conscious, as well as ecoconscious. - Monochrome taste in clothing and interiors. - Goes on walk with her dog Ava. - Creative mind. - Lives in Kensington, London - Eats out for brunch with friends regularly. - Independent, strong minded woman. - Shops in Zara, COS, & Other Stories. - Buys food from Waitrose. - Listens to indie music and sometimes a bit of country music. - Social media addict. They love Instagram to post their new stylish attires.

Zara have a range of consumers but this mood board is for a typical woman customer.




Treatment document refers to product, place, promotion and process of my idea. Figure 25

Figure 26

SEARCH Overview of the film

Zara Brand Awareness Campaign Release date: 23rd February #AnyDayWhereOne AnydayAnywhereAnyone is a one minute (branded content) fashion film, set in the Dorset rural town of Bournemouth. The film features a range of Zara’s products within the film, but isn’t promoting the launch of a specific collection. The purpose of the film is to engage new customers in their target audience that may not be aware of the brand. This will be delivered in a variety of formats: • over 60 second YouTube video which will be posted on their Facebook/Twitter/Website. • a campaign on their website showing the video and photoshoot images. • 1X 20 +/ 10 second preview on their Instagram/Facebook/Twitter teasers. • 3X 10 second teaser clips on their Instagram stories, a few days before the release. • 20-40 second cover photo teasers on Facebook.

Figure 27

SEARCH Social media justifications

This will be delivered across a variety of social media platforms: • YouTube • Facebook • Twitter • Instagram The use of social media will target a Generation Z audience, born 1995-2012 and totals 23 million people. This audience is targeted as high social media users, far more than the Generation Y segment, 1977-1994 totalling 73 million people. Due to Zara having a word of mouth advertising strategy they were not ordinarily advertise on TV, even though this might be seen as a missed opportunity, appealing to the Generation Y segment. The Generation Z segment would be their ideal target audience as they have been brought up with social media, are relatively young and will be potentially loyal buyers at Zara for their lifetime (HGFAA, 2008). Delivery and Format - minimum paid advertising on the release date: • over 60 seconds full cut (Zara website & YouTube). • 1x of 20-30 second teaser clips for their Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. • 3x of 10 second teaser clips for their Instagram story. • 20 - 40 seconds clip for Facebook banner. With Zara’s Instagram, they upload their editorials and campaigns, as well as teasers on the release date. This campaign and film will follow these typical Zara conventions.

SEARCH The film itself

“Anyday, Anywhere, Anyone” focuses on showing Zara in a positive light. The protagonists link to real life as they show two different personalities and lifestyles that will relate to a Zara customer. It is showing that it can be anyone, and Zara will always listen and value a customers feedback, which shows how genuine they are. The brand is real and fits any type of person, whether they’re a busy business woman, or a mother of two. “This brand is for you.” Anyday = wear the clothing whenever one pleases, no matter what day of the week. Anywhere = the clothing is suitable for work or casually to spend time with friends. Anyone = suitable for a range of ages and you will still feel good. From primary research that was gathered, not many customers of Zara knew about the brand, some knew nothing whilst others knew a bit, but the overall verdict was that people didn’t know the brand and it’s unique attributes. The only way they knew about this brand was through word of mouth or by their local store in the city. Those attributes being that they are eco-friendly, keeping up with current trends in order to be a successful fast fashion retailer, and the authenticity of the brand. Therefore, showing them in this way, might help their audience, plus more, understand. For Zara, this is an unusual way of creating a fashion film, as they tend to create look books and editorials’ to show off the brands new collections, but this is a soft alternative. The brand doesn’t have just one customer, they have a variety of customers with different personalities and lifestyles, so appeals to anyone who has an interest in trendy fashion. “You will fit in somewhere.”

Figure 28

SEARCH What’s the message?

ZARA IS ALIVE. Producing fast-fashion, that is unique and affordable. ZARA IS REAL. The fashion is for everyday people, wearing affordable and stylish clothing that is eco-friendly. ZARA IS FOR YOU.

SEARCH How does it link with Zara’s previous films?

‘Anyday, Anywhere, Anyone’ is an unique approach to a fashion film for Zara, as it’s a brand awareness, clean cut film. It’s not an editorial, even though they are showing Zara’s clothes and focusing on the different clothes, the idea is that its a fast fashion retailer. Designing, manufacturing and shipping isn’t that quick, but it’s showing the idea of how fast Zara are in comparison to competitors. The journey through the rural area is to give it a ‘green’, eco-friendly feel, just to show how friendly the brand actually is at its core. The models used are anonymous real life people, who have two different personalties and lifestyles, just like a customer would have. Due to their zero advertising strategy, the direction in which this film could’ve gone in was open, but from primary research, the audience associates a Zara film with clean cut production.

SEARCH The plot

After Zara keeping their brand to a minimum through their adverts, this film shows how good this brand is. Being a fast fashion retailer can be known as a bad thing as customers would think they waste a lot, in fact, Zara are a brand that don’t waste because of their operating system only producing a small number of garments per design. If those garments aren’t sold, they’ll go into the sale, or if they’re popular they’ll get produced again as well as new designs. Being that eco-friendly is an important aspect of their system. This way, they can listen to their customers’ needs and have a strong relationship with them. Therefore, producing a video purely based on two customers, with two different lifestyles and personalities, showing a journey to their fortnightly coffee date. This is relatable as it’s something that every group of friends tend to do when their lives are busy, and they want to hang out with friends. Whilst the actress that is always organised and on time is waiting outside the coffee shop, the other actress is in a rush and still at home getting ready. She is already 5 minutes late by this point as they were meant to meet at 10:15am. The split screens help show the journey of both characters nicely, showing actress 1’s annoyance and actress 2’s journey. Even though she’s late, she’s still in no rush to be on time. We follow actress two, from her getting ready, to walking past the beach, to even walking through the gardens. Different angles and shots of her journey are shown to entice the audience. Each time the viewer feels like they’re figuring out what’s going on, there’s a subtle outfit change. The outfit changes 4x on actress 2 representing how quick Zara has new designs in store. The film concludes with both of the actresses meeting and having their coffee date that they do regularly in an eco-friendly cafe. You see them walking up the stairs, finding table, drinking coffee and chatting. Looking happy that they’re reunited.

Figure 29

SEARCH General feel

Feel: • Brightness will be high to show the typical Zara aesthetic for their photo-shoots and films. • Split screen throughout to show the journey in a contemporary way. • Focusing on two Zara personalities. • Static shots with the lead actress going in and out of shots, showing that she’s late. • Outfit changing x4. • Running through the gardens on her journey, as greenery represents eco-friendliness. • Actress 1 waiting, showing this in different shots. It will show her annoyance at how late her friend is. Audio: The main focus is the actual film footage itself, so no speaking or exaggerated noises will need to happen. Music will be played in the background instead, which will be upbeat and will fit in with the protagonist being late and in a rush. Plus, the music will be lively which will show how real the brand is. Fitzo will be creating the music and will also be the owner of the music that our brand will use for this film. He’ll be making a beat in order to fit in with the film. “Fitzo has been mixing and producing behind the scenes for the last seven years already. Being influenced by the likes of Flux Pavillion, Doctor P, and Nero he has made a name for himself on the South East circuit for his high energy sets.”

SEARCH Props, crew and locations

Props list: • X1 outfit for actress one. • X4 outfits for actress two. • (All of these outfits will be stylish and will fit in with what a Zara customer would wear.) • Coffee (in the coffee shop). • iPhone (show time). • X2 Female - styling/make-up Crew list: • Female talent X2 - Tizianna Muñoz & Francesca Harvey. • Stylist - Sian Barlow • Producer - Sian Barlow • Camera - Max Mena* • Art director - Sian Barlow • Sound - Ryan Fitzgerald. *Max Mena is a film student who specialises in producing and directing. However, using a camera wasn’t something he was familiar with but was wanting to gain experience. Location list: • Bournemouth Gardens (along the pathways up the top away from people). • Outside Espresso Kitchen (when it’s quiet). It’s an eco-friendly coffee shop so links in well, as a Zara customer would want to go there. • Bournemouth town centre. • House in Winton, Maple Road.


Female actress one Smart, stylish and classy. Ava adores fashion and once they have an outfit sorted, they always feel confident in what they are wearing. A 25-year-old visual merchandiser in London who adores hanging out with friends whenever they’re free. They own a house at that age with their boyfriend who is a successful business man, but rarely sees him as work is his priority. Friends are her saviour especially because her boyfriend is always working. They’re always on time to any event or plan they have made and organise their lifestyles to the maximum possible. No-one is as organised as this person. When it reaches 7am, Ava is up, even on weekends, as early morning dog walks is what her and boyfriend tend to enjoy.

Female actress two Stylish, classy, 70s chic. Susie is an eco-conscious woman who cares about the environment. A 24-year-old e-commerce manager, who lives alone, a man doesn’t fit into that current life. A successful business woman that lives in the centre of a big city, but still manages to run late. Being on time is something they’ll never get right, always more than twenty minutes late to any occasion, but everyone manages to put up with them still. Slow, long and disorganised is how they live their life, but they have the heart of gold deep down.

Figure 30

Figure 31

SEARCH Hashtags

Hashtags for the campaign Ideas: Anydaywhereone Anywhere Anyone Anyday A’s ThreeA’s ThreeAnys YourJourney Final one: ‘AnyDayWhereOne’

SEARCH Hashtag campaign The Zara film will show the brands ethos - fast fashion retailer, who are eco-conscious, and are a genuine brand. Part of Zara’s ethos is how they are customer focused and value their customers feedback, the film will show the brands ethos, whilst their advertising will show how much they value their customers. Due to their zero advertising strategy, this campaign will stick to that, but will put money a side by having competitions for their customers to win products and intern-ships, to show that they appreciate and value their customers. The majority of the Zara customers that took part in the questionnaire that was conducted were students, a years intern-ship would appeal to them, regardless of what degree they are on. Due to Zara being a fast fashion business, the customer is fashion conscious, so the competition prizes will relate to fashion and lifestyle. This competition will be placed at the bottom of receipts - the customer has to like the video on YouTube and share the video in order to be entered into the competition, once they’ve done this, they have to tweet Zara saying so/comment on the Instagram posts relating to the video. The winner of the competition will be announced three weeks post the date of release. Competition • First place - a years supply of vouchers to spend at Zara, as well as personal styling appointments. • Second place - £250 to spend at Zara. • Third place - a months intern-ship at Zara’s head office with flights and accommodation paid for. • Fourth place - be involved in their next promotional video to show that they involve anyone. The hashtag campaign on their website will be placed under their ‘Join Life’ campaign, and will be listed as ‘AnyDayWhereOne’. There will be the full video playing at the top in small, and then the photoshoot photos below, with information describing the brand. There will be a hashtag link that will take you directly to their YouTube video. #AnyDayWhereOne • Placed underneath the Zara logo on the paper bags. • Bottom of receipts (as well as the competition) and the employee circles it. • Cardboard tag to put on the hangers. • Photoshoot pictures will be placed on the billboards within stores. • Video gets played on the wall behind the tills. • Postcard with just the hashtag that will get placed in eco-friendly coffee shops. This is a mock up (to the right) of the campaign on their website. It will contain more photography from the photo-shoot. The information will be spread out across the page, similar to their current and previous campaigns.


BRAND AWARENESS CAMPAIGN No matter your personality, you are a part of us. After keeping our ethos quiet and away from our website, we now want to share with you this campaign celebrating our values. We are a fast fashion, eco-conscious retailer that aim to listen and value you. We are REAL, we aim our brand at you. This campaign shows that a Zara customer can be ANYONE, whether you’re a busy business woman, or a mother of two. We are for you. In this campaign we show what your life will consist of, coffee dates and having that one friend that is always late. Your personality fits in, as well as your friends. Are you eco-conscious and fashion conscious? Do you appreciate real brands that support their customers in every way? Come and shop with us, we are for you.

SEARCH Process

Filming: Saturday 3rd February. Camera used: Canon 5D, with 35mm lens. Camera man: Max Mena (student that specialises in directing and producing films at AUB) Models: Tizianna Muñoz (Media student at BU) and Francesca Harvey (Fashion design student at AUB) The day was going to be a long Saturday, due to all the angles and shots that was needed, in order to have more footage than planned in case other shots didn’t go to plan. Espresso kitchen, our coffee location, was only available for us to use in the early morning, purely because the place had only 6 tables and on Saturdays, it gets really busy. The coffee shop itself is extremely small and cramped, even with our camera equipment we’d take up 2/3 tables. Filming could only take place from 8am-10am, so it meant that the day started at 8:00am and we’d finish filming at 3:30pm. Due to the fact that the coffee scene was the last scene in the film, it had to be filmed first. Due to the fact that the filming could only take place between 8am-10am, it meant that the order of filming had to be backwards, scene 4 first and scene 1 last. At this point, the cameraman wasn’t confident with the camera, so with the coffee scenes, people can see this. As a stressed student the majority of the time, doing the filming as well for quite a complex idea would’ve resulted in such a scary and stressful matter. In industry it would involve teamwork, and reaching out to a film student wasn’t something that was comforting, but team work allowed this filming to happen smoothly on the day. This film was the first time the camera man had filmed anything in years, and wasn’t used to the camera which was something that was really worrying. One thing that was worrying about the day was that it was suppose to rain, but not all day, for only majority of the day. Gathering footage in different weather types would’ve been a challenge because it wouldn’t have been consistent. However, the director was the only person that was happy about it raining. The models used were ideal, as they both represented a Zara customer. One was on time and was outside ready waiting to be picked up, and the other was 20 minutes late. But in reality, this is what any person is like, any Zara customer.

SEARCH Styling inspiration moodboard

Refer to styling booklet for referencing.

SEARCH Campaign and film mood board inspiration

Refer to styling booklet for referencing.

SEARCH Original shotlist

SEARCH Original shotlist

SEARCH Original shotlist

SEARCH Original shotlist

SEARCH Social media mock ups

Figure 32c

Figure 32a

Figure 32b

SEARCH Social media mock ups


Zara Brand Campaign | AnyDayWhereOne 2018

Figure 32d

SEARCH Appendix I - Questionnaire with Zara customers

Q1- What gender are you?

Q2- How old are you?

Q3- Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married?

Figure 33a

Figure 33b

Q4- Do you have any children?

Q5- Which one of these are you?

Figure 33d

Figure 33e

Figure 33c

Q6- Do you shop at Zara?

Figure 33f

SEARCH Appendix I - Questionnaire with Zara customers

Q7- If you shop at Zara, what draws you to the place. If you don’t, why don’t you?

Figure 33g

SEARCH Appendix I - Questionnaire with Zara customers

Q8 - How did you first hear of Zara? Was it word of mouth, local store in your town/city, or an advert.

Figure 33h

SEARCH Appendix I - Questionnaire with Zara customers

Q9- Do you shop at either of Zara’s competitors, Forever 21, H&M or Uniqlo?

Figure 33i

SEARCH Appendix I - Questionnaire with Zara customers

Q10- Who’s clothing do you prefer out of Zara, H&M, Forever 21 or Uniqlo? Say why.

Figure 33j

SEARCH Bibliography

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Tungate, M. (2012). Fashion Brands. London, GBR: Kogan Page, Limited, pp.40-42. Accessed: 22nd January. (2018). H&M group | At a glance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2018]. Davey, J. (2018). ASOS hits fashion sweet spot of rising online demand. [online] U.K. Available at: [Accessed 22 Jan. 2018]. Dexter, J. (2008). Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: portalpdfs/2008_03_04.pdf [Accessed 26 Jan. 2018]. (2017). UNIQLO Business Strategy | FAST RETAILING CO., LTD.. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2018]. (2017). Forbes Most Valuable Brand #51 Zara. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2018]. Hansen, S. (2012). How Zara Grew Into the World’s Largest Fashion Retailer. [online] Available at: http://www.nytimes. com/2012/11/11/magazine/how-zara-grew-into-the-worlds-largest-fashion-retailer.html [Accessed 24 Jan. 2018]. Harbott, A. (2011). Analysing Zara’s business model – Digital CIO. [online] Digital CIO. Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2018]. Hay, A. (2007). Celebrity fashion? No thanks, we’re Zara. [online] U.S. Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2018]. (2018). Our story - [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2018]. Morris, L. (2017). Ever Wondered What TRF In Zara Stand For?. [online] Debrief. Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2018]. PAYTON, S. (2017). How Zara Makes Billions In Sales With Minimal Ad Spend - Word-of-Mouth and Referral Marketing Blog. [online] Wordof-Mouth and Referral Marketing Blog. Available at: [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018]. Roll, M. (2016). The Secret of Zara’s Success: A Culture of Customer Co-creation - Martin Roll. [online] Martin Roll. Available at: [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018]. (2018). Zara Story - Profile, History, Founder, Products, Stores, Locations, Founded, CEO | Clothing Companies | SuccessStory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2018]. Wood, Z. (2016). Zara profits buoyed by UK sales surge. [online] the Guardian. Available at: jun/16/zara-profits-uk-sales-profits [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018]. YouTube. (2018). H&M. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2018]. YouTube. (2018). UNIQLO UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2018]. YouTube. (2018). zara. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2018].

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Figure 1 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 1 - AnyDayWhereOne - Actress two. [image]. Figure 2 - Zara (2018). Figure 2 - Zara Woman Editorial. [image] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. Figure 3 - Zara (2018). Figure 3 - Zara Woman Editorial. [image] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018]. Figure 4 - Zara (2018). Figure 4 - Zara Woman Editorial. [image] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018]. Figure 5 - Zara (2018). Figure 5 - Zara Woman Editorial. [image] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 13 Jan. 2018]. Figure 6 - Zara (2018). Figure 6 - Zara Editorial Woman. [image] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. Figure 7 - Zara (2018). Figure 7 - Zara Woman Editorial. [image] Available at: http:// [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018]. Figure 8 - Zara (2018). Figure 8 - Silhouettes of a Zara model. [image] Available at: https:// [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. Figure 9 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 9 - Zara Brand Key. [image]. Figure 10 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 10 - Zara Brand Model. [image]. Figure 11 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 11 - Zara brand identity prism. [image]. Figure 12 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 12 - Inditex Company Table. [image]. Figure 13 - Cosmopolitan (2018). Figure 13 - Uniqlo X JW Anderson. [image] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018]. Figure 14 - Fashion Mag (2018). Figure 14 - H&M Winter 2017 Editorial. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. Figure 15 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 15 - Zara’s Competitor Map. [image]. Figure 16 - H&M (2018). Figure 16 - H&M Spring Summer. [image] Available at: https:// [Accessed 15 Jan. 2018]. Figure 17 - H&M (2018). Figure 17 - H&M Woman Editorial. [image] Available at: https:// [Accessed 14 Jan. 2018]. Figure 18 - H&M (2018). Figure 18 - H&M Bring It On. [image] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018]. Figure 19 - Uniqlo (2018). Figure 19 - Uniqlo Styling Book. [image] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 13 Jan. 2018]. Figure 20 - Uniqlo (2018). Figure 20 - Uniqlo Styling Book. [image] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 13 Jan. 2018]. Figure 21 - Uniqlo (2018). Figure 21 - Uniqlo X JW Anderson. [image] Available at: https:// [Accessed 15 Feb. 2018]. Figure 22 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 22 - Competitive Matrix Structure. [image]. Figure 23 - Uterque (2018). Figure 23 - Uterque Fall Winter 2015. [image] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2018]. Figure 24 - Yes For Parks (2018). Figure 24 - London Kensington. [image] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2018].Figure 25 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 25 - AnyWhereDayOne Zara Campaign. [image]. Figure 26 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 26 - AnyDayWhereOne Zara Campaign. [image]. Figure 27 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 27 - AnyDayWhereOne Zara Campaign. [image]. Figure 28 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 28 - AnyDayWhereOne Zara Campaign. [image]. Figure 29 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 29 - AnyDayWhereOne Zara Campaign. [image]. Figure 30 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 30 - AnyDayWhereOne Zara Campaign. [image]. Figure 31 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 31 - AnyDayWhereOne Zara Campaign. [image]. Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 32a-d - Zara Social Media Mock Ups. [image]. Figure 33 - Barlow, S. (2018). Figure 32 a-j Questionnaire conducted for a Zara Customer. [image].



Sian Barlow 1601665 Zara Brand Marketing Report

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