SCCCI Annual Report 2009

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20 09



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20 09



ßžŕźˆ१ู President’s Review


ŕž•ŕĄŽொᇗ߇በŕ´?ߞ‍״ࣅ ×ƒâ€ŹŕľĄf 55th Council of SCCCI


቎ᆜࢺ‍ܚ‏f Organisational Structure


‍״ࣅ ×ƒâ€ŹŕľĄßžáƒ˜â€ŤŰşâ€ŹŰšŕť†áƒźßž 55th Council and Standing Committee


‍״ࣅ ×ƒâ€ŹŕľĄßžâ€ŤŮ…×ƒâ€ŹŐ™Ó?ŕ­•ßžáƒźŐžßžŕĄ‚੫ Minutes of 54th Council’s Second Annual General Meeting


૥ŕśˆÔąáƒ˜â€ŤŰ€â€Źŕś“ŕ —â€ŤÜšâ€Źá‡žá€šá†ˇáƒź Key Staff of Secretariat and Subsidiaries


ßžŕźˆŕ ‹â€Ť ל‏ Chamber’s Activities


â€ŤŰ€â€Źŕś“ŕ —â€ŤÜšâ€Źf SCCCI Subsidiaries


ধáˆšâ€ŤÝ˘â€Źŕş›Ö­â€ŤÝ”â€ŹŃ§â€ŤŢŒâ€ŹŮ¨ŕťĄŕšžf Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations


ŕ´?ŕšžßžáƒź Trade Association Members





‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾֭൶္ಱ༈൦ྀሁЯׁ഍ࣀĭำѡ൦ᇗུచ၄ؐ‫ݞ‬ ࣉಽ຺ࠗĭࣘਐॠ‫࠾ࣤڣ‬ජຄఁ෶փধ֭চ଼ĭᆋ൦Я߾ቜແЯׁ ߇഍਽֥ࠗ‫֭ܚ‬൶္‫ތ‬ᇟվᄻಱh ୕൦‫ޛ‬ำඁ֭၊୕hൻಎ౷ࣉಽ຺֭ࠗႝ ཡĭ໩‫ࣤݛ‬৭ਜႽൖၣধቓကᇟ֭ࣤ࠾ཀྵ๐hປᄥྻ ౸֭ࡰചĭႝཡਜ໩‫ۺྣۺݛ‬၄֭ўཋhЯ߾߾ჼњ ҋ‫܅‬഍਽ჟĭ଼૯ൻᆋӎ‫ڌ‬Кѷࠫh ᄍ ಸĭ֚໩ Ь๿࿒ແ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾߾ӑ൐ĭ໩єၱൕ֦ࡢഐ֭ᇟ ಱ٬й࿡Ӑĭဌవ෶૳‫֭؛‬๏ᅦ‫ۿ‬൦ࡣकh fࣘܽೊՖĭ໩യ྘Я߾႓‫ۆ‬ၣ࡜‫ׯ‬Ҋၕ֭྘୙‫ތ‬Ҋ ౦ၦཧচ଼ຐྀ֭ง؏ĭփ਽Я߾߾ჼ‫ه‬ऩᄗҧᄥ‫ݢ‬ ୅ປ֭‫ۺ‬৓഍ࠗĭҔେྀሁᇗུచ၄ධ৮ؐ‫ݞ‬ᆋӎࣉ ಽ຺ࠗh‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ᄥ ᄍ ಸ࿎ൣऄᆷᆵవĭ໩ ૔єၠࣤ଄ಚ‫װ‬৳ਜᆋོପћh

ࢸӼແᇗུచ၄‫ڣ‬༈ f ᄍ෶ऐϿ֭‫ࣅ ׃‬ᇗུྠచ၄վ߾൦Я߾֭ᇟ္ ࠋ‫׶‬ᆵ၊ĭᇃᄥྀሁᇗུచ၄႓‫؛‬ಎ౷ࣉಽ຺ࠗ෶փ ধ֭চ࣪hၣuࣉಽ‫ڌ‬К༷ᇗུచ၄‫ه‬ᅢᆵ֩Ļᇟྕ ‫ׯ‬໒ ࡘჱ๏ᅦvແᇾ฽֭վ߾ĭԣ༤ಮගԿྕۢĭ պ ಮh໩ᄥվ߾ཋӎ၁࿎ҋਜ၊ལ‫཰ނ‬༗ĭ࠯ Я߾ແ߾ჼ๿ԣቁ‫ ࣕࢄص‬ຫჵ֭‫ۺ‬ལ࣋๔ĭЏছ ࡰ૯߾‫ٶ‬ĭແ߾ჼ഍ࡍ૯‫ٶ‬ऐϿվྠ߾ၸ‫ࢋތ‬቞ֱĭ ແ෸૔႓‫ࣉڹ‬ಽ຺ࠗս༷ু‫׏௳֭ܭ‬h


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

તཧᅡྕ֭ৢӹП f ᄍ‫ڂ‬ĭ໩փ਽ਜӐ༈ໆჼ߾֭ᇾ္Ӷჼ‫ڳ‬Т࣑࣠ ྣ٨໡ĭᆋ൦࣊୕‫׃‬၊ՙ֭ԣ٨ࠋ‫׶‬ĭ࣑၊ҌࡎౄЯ ߾‫ތ‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬ᆧᇕ਽֥֭৻༪ი‫ގ‬ቜĭၣࠫᆢ಄‫ۺ‬Ⴝܹࠗ ‫؛ܚ‬Я߾ࢄᄥ਎୕޲ऐϿ֭ᇟվࠋ‫֭׶‬ᆮԃh࣍ࢬ ሪĭЯ߾Ⴣ቎ᆶਜ၊۹ஜվ֭഍၄օў๾ĭవາᇰࢆ ೠࢠᇥ֭ྗᄫׁփĮ݄ᇤgࢆ૒‫ތ‬ᇰ‫॑ྣ࣑ݢ‬һĭ࣑ ၊Ҍਜࢻ݄‫ײ‬uඨሏၕvᅦઃgࢆ૒ĩྕ߾౽‫ތ‬ฃ೾ ൯Ī‫ތ‬ᇰ‫ݢ‬ແЯ߾߾ჼ഍ࡍփধ֭഍ࠗh ᄍ‫ڂ‬ĭЯ ߾‫ۿ‬ᄁ‫ڳ‬٬ᇥվ੬ĭธࣶୌಸ৮࿸֭ঠ‫ۺ‬බ‫଺ތ‬٬֭ ᄇ‫ݱ‬୅බЕ֭‫ه‬ᅢశେh

യ೎ธั഍ࣀॣ฽ f‫ݞ‬ಈ၊୕ĭЯ߾࣑ྣਜ‫ا‬ལᇟ္֭‫נ‬Ҹခࣶ‫ٻތ‬ །ĭЏছᇗུచ၄໡त‫נ‬Ҹ‫ތ‬ປࠩჼ‫ॣ܅‬฽‫נ‬Ҹֱh Ⴖћྕऍᆮԃ֭ᇗུచ၄໡त‫נ‬ҸჇ࣊୕ ᄍᇈ 째 िĭແఁ ᇣ֭‫נ‬Ҹ‫ܓ‬൴֦ ‫ڂ‬Ⴝེߵ‫ڷ‬ĭയ೎ ‫נ‬Ҹᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣ֭ᆚྞ஭า֭ൔࡅེ‫ݜ‬ĭᇗུచ၄ແ႓ ‫ࣉ؛‬ಽ຺ࠗ‫ؿ‬Ҙ಄֭նൈĭၣࠫ౽ჟ‫ތ‬ಎ౷֭഍၄‫ٺ‬ ຾h

ഇࡎ৮Ⴐᆧ‫ڱ‬ሯჿf f ᄍ‫ڂ‬ĭЯ߾஭‫ގ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ແᇗུచ၄֭ሯሁ஭า‫ތ‬ჹ ሁࡁߋĭი ࡍᆧ‫ގ৻ܚࠗڱ‬ऐϿuᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬იᇗུ చ၄Ⴝᄇv༪ਡࠋ‫׶‬ĭ‫ܓ‬๥࿎Զ‫ތ‬๿݄ᆧ‫ڱ‬෶๿ԣ֭ చ၄‫ګ‬ሁࡁߋĭྀሁచ၄฼ാᆤเࣱᆢൔ৷hᆋ٢૳ ֭‫ގ‬ቜ࣑၊ҌઓൔᄥЯ߾֭ᇟվࠋ‫׶‬ᇗh໩૔ᄥ࣊୕ ऐϿ֭਎۹վ߾ഐĭำѡഩ৳ਜuᆧ‫ڱ‬၊ᅧ൜ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬ ༈‫ݒ‬ฃvĭແᇗུచ၄฼‫܊‬၊ᅧ൜֭ಎ٢໒ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬ ༈h

ሯ྘ज़࠷֭༽ಂᆈ fЯ߾‫؛‬ሯ྘ज़࠷֭ಲൕӹ؏‫ތ‬Ҙ଴େ৷၊ᆸ਽༽Ⴧ ᇗུచ၄hແਜЂሁᇗུచ၄฼ാᄖႰ႟ࡹ‫ތ‬೐ࡹ֭ େ৷ĭದచ၄ሧመӶӑĭЯ߾‫ތ‬ҮઃࠌϼႽᆔ‫ׁྦྷ؛‬ ᇍ‫װ‬ਜ‫ۺ‬৓ལପࠫࠋ‫׶‬h ᄍ‫ڂ‬෶ᇾϿ֭‫ࣅ ׃‬ሯ྘ ഍၄վ߾є൦ਾ၊۹٬ӐӶ‫֭܇‬վ߾ĭԣ༤ಮගۢ պ ಮhЯ߾ᇗུచ၄ሯ྘ሯჿᇗྗӶ৳၊୕ၣ ধĭ၁಄֬ਜ‫چ‬ඳ֭Ӷࠣĭә‫ࡍ ݞ‬ᇗུచ၄ൻ ߺჇ‫ۺ‬ᇝሯ྘ज़࠷ĭѱ࿘༥‫ތ‬ᅯ໬ი഍၄Ⴐ๷ཕܹ֭ ል૒ᆱൕh

ᆮԃ໛ߌࢥცൡ၄ fЯ߾იఋ෸഍၄቎ᆶ֭Ҋ๥‫׌‬ᄥჇĭ໩૔ႢႽ๿‫׶‬ იᆮԃ໛ߌ‫ࢥތ‬ცൡ၄֭ౄਣ൘ଉ‫ۓ‬hᆋ၁൦໩૔Ҋ ࡁߵЙĭ‫୕ا‬ၣধҊ‫ؖ‬๯೎࿀‫ྗا‬࿛‫ه‬ᅢ෬ᇗ೾଺ဤ ࡈ୙ܾ֭ჸႁhჃଈ຦౬჻֭ࡈ୙ܾ൦Я߾खႽയॡ ৭ൖၱၴ‫ްچތ‬໛ߌࡖᆼ֭Ӊ၄ĭЯ߾ი‫ࡍݛ‬໛༆ ऍమඏਜਓࢻЩີ੫ĭᄥ ᄍ ಸᆋ၊็ແ຦౬჻௾ ഐྕ֭৭ൖ௑ᅫhࡈ୙ܾࢄᄥ໛༆ऍል၄֭ܽৠ༷ĭ ‫ׯ‬໒Ӷ၊ੈ֭૾࡟৭ൖࡈ୙ܾĭࡎౄఋᄥ‫ࢥ૾ݛ‬ც٢ ૳෶‫ࡷܹ֭߰ه‬ቜႰh‫ؿ‬Я߾ᄽࡇ࿋ࡢ‫ڽ‬గ਽֥g Үઃ݇ߋgၣࠫࢬֈᇟ္٨ॢ֭ᄻಱh ᄍ‫ڂ‬ĭЯ߾ єᄥ຦౬჻ࢬֈਜᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅໆჼ੆င‫ތײ‬օў๾၊ ྣಮh

୨ऒന߾֭৷ਐ f࣊୕ĭЯ߾ᄥ୨ऒന߾٢૳ĭำѡ൦uന౽ҝიࡁ ߋྣ‫׶‬vུ቎֭ࠋ‫ ތ׶‬ᄍӶ৳ॼໆჼ߾֭uၕ૾ ৻༪቎v๯೎‫֭اۿ‬৷ਐhЯ߾ࢄࢸࣘ෶େĭྀሁྕ ၕ૾‫ঁۿ‬ಽ೎Яׁനಝĭ๥൐၁‫ܥ‬৫‫اۿ‬खႽྕၕ૾ Ф֭ࣧል၄ಮ൞‫ތ‬చ၄ࡍࡎ೎Я߾֭վࡍ๞ĭແ໩‫ݛ‬ ന߾‫ه࠾ࣤތ‬ᅢቜԣ‫ܒ‬ཌhҊ࣏ೊՖĭЯ߾၁ာ౰‫ۺ‬ ۹ቊಝ‫ތ‬ປ‫ݛ‬഍߾ҝი໩૔෶ऐϿ֭഍၄॑һ๾g ‫߾ߍ؛‬g߾ၸ‫׶ࠋތ‬ĭࡎౄЯ߾ი෸૔യҲ‫࣍ތ‬૩֭ ৻༪h

ແ࠷େன࿦๯೎ྗ৷ fЯ߾֭ன࿦ᇗྗ ܽৠ࿘ᄅ࣊୕၁Կ༷‫ا‬ལࡌ ࠣhᆧ‫֭ڱ‬u࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁߋv‫ܥ‬৫‫܌‬රυஎ ჼ‫ྣ࣑܅‬ᄥᆷன࿦ĭᄥࣤ࠾ֶૡ൐ఁ฼ാሹ࠵֭

࠷େh࿘ᄅ෶฼‫֭܊‬༪ਡன࿦ॣӹႁՖࠎ֬ಫਣٙ ཡh ᄍ‫ڂ‬ĭ࿘ᄅ‫ތ‬જধ༎࿸ྕ೾ᇗ߇‫܅‬഍ቁ߾మ‫װ‬ ਜЩີ੫ĭׁ֚഍ࡍ๡‫ݞ‬࿘ᄅ‫ތ‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬౪߇վ࿘‫ގ‬Ͽ֭ uᇗ‫ݛ‬๡഍ᆫඈॣӹvĭ‫࣑ۿ‬၊Ҍਜࢻᇗ‫֭ࣤݛ‬഍໛ ߌhՖປĭ࿘ᄅ၁ແ‫׃‬၊௃‫ڣܓ܌‬༈ໆჼ߾ᇗ‫ࢊݛ‬࿘ ࣉ֭ ଈ֬ᇾिϿਜᇗ‫ݛ‬໛ߌინစჯЩϳॣӹĭແ ෸૔వາᇗ‫ݛ‬യᄷቜ‫ނ‬ຫಎሡЩh

ഩဘঃֈ޹࣎ษᇾ༤ fᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ᇾ༤޹࣎ษ۶༷֦໩‫ݛ‬ԣ༤࿸ฆࣤ‫ގ‬቎ᆶ ߾ၸĭЯ߾ი๡഍ᇗ‫ݛ‬ĭၣࠫ ۹Яׁ቎ᆶჇ ᄍ ಸ‫ܓ‬๥ഩဘঃֈ޹ᇾ༤ࠫօў๾၊ྣಮh‫؛‬ჇЯ߾‫ؿ‬ စĭᆋ൦၊ལԔ಼်֭ۢh

ԜЩ‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ fਾ၊ལᆼܹ֬ሇ֭є൦ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾࢔ࢬၖ൜h ᄍ‫ڂ‬ĭ໩‫ݛ‬ປ࢔Ҏӑဟ಼໛ᄥજୌঠऐྣ֭‫ ׃‬ ࣅൟࣀ߇഍վ߾цଦ൜ഐĭօўྕࡎ௩ࡶᆫЯ߾՞٫ ੸ѧࢬ‫ݞ‬վ߾߾ఓĭѱ‫ه‬ўဎࢋhЯ߾ำѡ੫ᇍਜ၊ ۹࿎Զؓ௓‫ތ‬υஎ໛ზࢳପĭᄥЯ߾ࢬ‫ݞ‬վ߾߾ఓ޲ ࣑ྣhӽϿ‫ࣅ ׃‬վ߾൥щແྕࡎ௩ᅁࡎ‫؛‬ಎ౷߇ ಮനಝ֭ႝཡ৷ĭၣࠫ܏‫ܭ‬Я߾ᄥ߇ቊ഍၄ಝเׁ֭ ໒h൶ࣅൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ᄥ ୕ၣྕࡎ௩ແగ‫׌‬ĭ ‫޲୕്م‬ᄤߵ֦ྕࡎ௩ĭ൦၊۹ჽ઩࿣ߵ֭င࿋‫ތ‬၊ ؕᅡྕੲӹ֭ि൛h

ࡎౄი഍๾߾ჼ֭৻༪ f࣊୕ĭЯ߾၁࣑၊Ҍࡎౄი഍๾߾ჼ֭࣍૩৻༪h ໩૔ၣྣ၄‫ٻ‬৓ĭ‫ׯ‬ఁᇾϿ໾Ҝ࢔ੈ߾ĭਜࢻҊ๥ ྣ၄෶ձᄥ֭๏ᅦg‫ٻ‬རࣤယ‫ތ‬൴ࠪ෸૔֭ٙঔၱ ࡶh ᄍĭ໩૔Ӷ‫܇‬ऐϿਜ‫ࣅم׃‬഍๾վ߾h ۹ ഍๾߾ჼ֭ ଈօўԣ༤ਜၣu‫߰ه‬๾‫ؚ‬৷ਐĭ ‫ܓ‬ଜ‫ه‬ᅢҮઃvແᇾ฽֭վ߾ĭແЯ߾࣊୕ऐϿ֭ћ ᇅྦྷࠋ‫ߋ׶‬ഐ၊۹ຣ્֭छ‫׌‬h

ࡢ‫ྕڽ‬ಱ༈gӽ֌ྕ൘ଉ f‫؛‬໩‫ؿ‬စĭ ୕൦၊۹ำඁ౗ѡखၱၴ֭၊ ୕h࣊୕ĭ໩ࡢ‫ڽ‬ਜ਎ལྕ֭൘ଉĭԪਜ֌ಱЯ߾‫׃‬ ࣅ߾ӑၣປĭ໩၁ൻໆແܺໆၸჼĭ՞ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ि൛ ᄥ‫ৢ߾ݛ‬ٙႠచ၄֭ྗഺhᄥՖĭ໩္‫ࣅ ׃ྎۓ‬ ߾ӑқ็З༽഻‫ݞ‬ಈ ୕ແЯ߾߾༈‫ه‬ᅢ෶‫࡜֭ׯו‬ ൔࠖԬĭၣࠫ‫״‬ൡ߾ಎเ‫״‬ൡg‫ۺ‬ໆჼ߾ໆჼ‫ތ‬૥ඈ Աᆷჼ֭໵ය‫ړ‬ཌ‫׭ތ‬৷ཕሁh໩၁္‫ۺྎۓ‬۹഍၄ ቎ᆶgປ࢔൘ࢳgᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒‫ތ‬෶ႽҮઃࠌϼᄥЯ߾ಸ Ӑ߾༈ᇗ෶‫ۻ‬ვ֭վ৷ᆮԃh

߾ӑ ᅮෆഺ




The priority of the 55th Council is to help the local business community, especially the SMEs, tackle this financial crisis, trying our best to assist them in overcoming problems arising from the economic turmoil. As the apex organisation of the Chinese business community, this is the Chamber’s prime mandate and responsibility. 2009 was an exceptional year for the Chamber in many respects. Owing to the global financial meltdown, the Singapore economy experienced one of its worst recessions in recent history. The deterioration in external demand filtered through to all sectors of the Singapore economy, with significant repercussions on our members belonging to every trade and industry. When I was elected as the Chamber’s President for the 55th Council on January 15, I realised the magnitude of the challenging task ahead. However, it brought even more conviction that the Chamber must be in a position of strength to open up every door of business opportunity for our members in Singapore and beyond, and help SMEs cope with the recession. These were the goals we made a priority even before the new 55th Council was formally installed on March 16.

Serving the SMEs At the 11th annual SMEs Conference in May, one of the Chamber’s signature events, the focus was on helping SMEs to cope with the difficulties arising from the global financial meltdown. Aptly named “Navigating the Global Storm”, it was by far the most well-attended SMEs Conference to date, with a total attendance of 1,800 participants. We used this very


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

event to announce the extraordinary effort to tide members through this unprecedented crisis by putting together a subsidy package valued at $1.4 million, consisting of generous discounts for membership dues, conference participation, and complimentary participation in useful seminars.

Conquering new frontiers The agenda of business missions for the year began with a first business mission consisting of key members of the Standing Committee to Beijing in July to reinforce relations with the political leaders in China and to solicit support for major events to be held in 2011. Ensuing this, the Chamber then organised a large business delegation to the heart of the Pearl River Delta – Guangzhou, Jiangmen and Zhuhai. This fruitful mission helped delegates to identify opportunities made possible by Guangdong’s “double transfer” policy, and benefit from special arrangements to visit Jiangmen (Xinhui District and Taishan City) and Zhuhai, western precincts of Guangdong province. In October, the Chamber went further afield to organise a business mission to the far reaches of the African continent, to explore the business potential in Lagos, Nigeria and Johannesburg, South Africa.

Tracking ground sentiments Throughout the year under review, a significant number of research projects and surveys were conducted, including a thorough and definitive SMEs Survey involving 1,046 respondents over a 10-week period from May to July; and a comprehensive survey on foreign worker issues to study the chronic manpower shortage and the dependence on foreign workers in specific sectors. The SMEs Survey, supported by SPRING Singapore, revealed many interesting findings on the effectiveness of government initiatives under the Resilience Package, strategies adopted by SMEs in response to the challenging economic environment, and business sentiments regarding the regional and global economy.

Engaging government resources To complement the government’s suite of grants and assistance schemes for SMEs, the Chamber launched a “Government Engagement Series for the SMEs” in June. Through this initiative, the Chamber took the lead to work with seven government agencies to jointly promote various government grants and schemes, and help enterprises enhance their capabilities through a coordinated approach. This partnership with government agencies was further reinforced with the setting up of government pavilions at the Chamber’s major conferences, providing SMEs with the convenience of a one-stop information and preliminary consultation centre for their queries.

Championing infocomm technology Our Chamber has always been a champion of infocomm awareness among the SMEs, given its targeted programmes with many strategic partners to educate SMEs on the value of building their capabilities through the adoption of relevant hardware and software offerings in their business. The 13th Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC) held in August proved to be another highly successful event and accommodated a record turnout of 2,000 delegates at the Suntec City Convention Centre. The SME Infocomm Resource Centre (SIRC@SCCCI), established to provide an epicentre for infocomm learning, facilitation and adoption for the wider SME community throughout the year, succeeded in bringing aboard some 4,000 SMEs through its outreach programmes and hands-on learning sessions after one year of operation.

Supporting culture and education Deeply-rooted in the mission of the Chamber, and what sets us apart from other business organisations, is the strong mandate to support cultural and educational

activities. This has always been the rationale behind the financial support and resources that have been invested in the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, a property with great historical value and significance which the Chamber has owned and managed over the years. A new milestone was reached on March 11, when the Chamber entered into an MOU with the National Heritage Board to make the Memorial Hall realise its maximum potential as a community heritage institution. Given the professional management of the National Heritage Board, the Memorial Hall will be repositioned as a premier heritage institution and reinforce its pivotal role in national education. However, the Chamber continues to play a key role in the strategic planning and direction for the Memorial Hall, and in the reception of important visitors. In April, a special arrangement was made for Liu Yandong, State Councillor of the People’s Republic of China, to visit the Memorial Hall.

Maintaining social cohesion During the year, the Chamber stepped up on its community involvement efforts, particularly in its work in the Community Engagement Programme, and in forming a new multi-committee task force in December to give new impetus to the Immigrants Liaison Group. This new task force was formed to help new immigrants integrate into the Singapore society, bring in professionals and entrepreneurs into our membership, and tap on their expertise to expand economic opportunities. At the same time, we established even greater linkages with other ethnic and foreign Chambers through involving them in business missions, dialogues and events.

Investing in skills training Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB), the Chamber’s premier training arm, achieved a record performance in 2009 in many areas of excellence. Owing to the introduction of “Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience” (SPUR) funding by the government, there was an overwhelming response from companies which sent their workers for training and seized the opportunity to upgrade during the economic downturn. In February, SCCIOB signed an MOU with the Johor Bahru Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Certificate in China Business Practices Programme, a jointly conducted course with Tsinghua University, an elite university in China. Deserving special mention was the specialised Chinese language and cultural preparatory course SCCIOB conducted for 14 scholars from the Public Service Commission, prior to their departure for studies in China.



Hosting dinner for President Hu Jintao

Shouldering a new responsibility

In conjunction with President Hu Jintao’s state visit to Singapore to attend the APEC CEO Summit, the Chamber and co-host Business China, together with the support of other local business associations, hosted a Gala Dinner on November 12 to welcome President Hu and his delegation to Singapore. This rare honour and privilege was indeed one of the highlights of the year.

I assumed two new appointments in 2009, first as President of the Chamber’s 55th Council, and then as Nominated Member of Parliament in July, to represent the business community. I am thus very thankful to have the unstinting support of my predecessor, Mr Chua Thian Poh, in laying such strong foundations in the Chamber in the past four years, and the cooperation of all council members and the Secretariat staff, in helping me to accomplish my tasks in these important positions. At the same time, I owe a debt of gratitude to counterpart business Chambers and organisations, foreign missions, government agencies, and strategic business partners, for their constant collaboration in every area of the Chamber’s work.

Preparing for the 11th WCEC Another high point in 2009 was the Handover Ceremony at the 10th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Manila in November, which included a promotional video for the 11th WCEC and a performance to showcase Singapore. This handover back to Singapore has a profound significance indeed. In 1991, the Chamber initiated the very first World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, and we will be hosting the Convention once again in October 2011, after 20 years. This is an event which would expand Singapore’s sphere of influence in the world Chinese business community, and strengthen the Chamber’s position in the ethnic Chinese community in every part of the world. We were honoured to have the presence of Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo at the Handover Ceremony to witness the handing over of the flag from the Philippines and to deliver a speech.

Deepening ties with trade associations The rapport established with trade association members was further deepened in 2009, with the continuation of regular luncheon meetings with different groups of trade associations to share ideas and solicit relevant feedback. In December, the 2nd Trade Association Congress was successfully organised under the chosen theme of “To leverage on the power of collaborations and brainstorm on strategies for development”. Attracting a turnout of 400 representatives from 76 trade associations, it was a major event bringing the year to a fruitful close.


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

President Teo Siong Seng

୕ ᄍᇈ ୕ ᄍ March 2009 – March 2011

ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ 55TH COUNCIL OF SCCCI




Я߾‫ۀ‬ඓࠗ‫ܚ‬ :***0 :<):0+0(90,:

߾ჼվ߾ Annual General Meeting

ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ሯӉ྘ຉऍ The Financial Board of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce

‫״‬ൡ߾ Council Ӑ༈‫״‬ൡ߾ Џছ߾ӑgవಱ߾ӑg‫߾ڴ‬ӑࠫၣ༷ ۹ໆჼ߾ᆦg‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ Standing Committee which includes the President, Immediate Past President, Vice-Presidents and Chairmen & Vice-Chairmen of the following 12 committees: ቁ༈ໆჼ߾ General Affairs Committee ҕᆧໆჼ߾ Finance Committee ခࣶიԣϹໆჼ߾ Research & Publications Committee

ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾Ӊ၄යಮႽན‫܌‬ර Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾చ၄‫ه‬ᅢი‫ڣ‬༈ᇗྗ යಮႽན‫܌‬ර EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ܽৠ࿘ᄅ Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ࠖࣉ Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation ෬ᇗ೾଺ဤࡈ୙ܾႽན‫܌‬ර Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

ປൡໆჼ߾ External Relations Committee ഍๾ი߾ჼൡ༈ໆჼ߾ Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

૥ඈԱ :,*9,;(90(;

ज़࠷ໆჼ߾ Technology Committee

૥ඈԱແЯ߾‫״‬ൡ߾ი‫ۀ‬ඓࠗ‫ܚ‬฼‫ܽ܊‬ৠ ٢૳֭ᆮჹh

‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ International Affairs Committee

The Secretariat provides management support to the council and subsidiaries of SCCCI.

഍၄ໆჼ߾ Commerce Committee ‫܅‬၄ໆჼ߾ Industry Committee Ӊ၄ໆჼ߾ Property Management Committee ໛ߌიࢥცໆჼ߾ Culture & Education Committee ന߾ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ Community Affairs Committee


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ი‫ۺ‬۹ໆჼ߾ ଈძ߾ӑ





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ҕᆧໆჼ߾fffff Ļӯߐਧ










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‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾fff Ļᇚഺ࡜





Ӊ၄ໆჼ߾fffff Ļ‫ݚ‬਍‫܃‬

‫܅‬၄ໆჼ߾fffff Ļ੆ค೾ ໛ߌიࢥცໆჼ߾ff Ļ࿀๛١

ҕᆧໆჼ߾ ᇾ༤


















































қ๾‫ ۼ‬

































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ခࣶიԣϹໆჼ߾ff Ļ‫ލ‬ଶಎ ປൡໆჼ߾fffff Ļઍվ૾ ഍๾ი߾ჼൡ༈ໆჼ߾ ĻϪၲϫ ज़࠷ໆჼ߾fffff Ļӹმә ‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾fff Ļߣ೾ᇙ ഍၄ໆჼ߾ffff








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‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ი‫ۺ‬۹ໆჼ߾






































































Ӊ၄ໆჼ߾ ᇾ༤












໣ ᪟













‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ ᇾ༤



ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ














‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ი‫ۺ‬۹ໆჼ߾













































ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ࠖࣉ ᇾ༤


































ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾చ၄‫ه‬ᅢი ‫ڣ‬༈ᇗྗයಮႽན‫܌‬ර ᇾ༤


















෬ᇗ೾଺ဤࡈ୙ܾႽན‫܌‬ර ‫ܬ‬໡















55TH COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEE Honorary Presidents Lim Kee Ming Wee Cho Yaw Tan Keong Choon Tan Eng Joo Tay Beng Chuan Kwek Leng Joo Senior Honorary Council Members Lin Chai Chin Leong Heng Keng Teo Chiang Long Chia Ban Seng Peter Seah Lim Huat Honorary Council Members Ling Lee Hua Ker Sin Tze Lee Fee Hang Teo Woon Tiong Sia Yong Shaw Vee Meng Loh Yew Wai Chok Chai Mun Lau Ing Woon Tan Sin Eng Chng Seng Mok Chua Wee Keng Lee Chin Chuan Chang Jin Aye Tan Seow Meng Chang Ham Chwee Ong Lay Khiam Choo Si Sen Chew Keng Juea Cheng Wai Keung Lun Yue Sheong Tong Djoe Ivan Ho Khiam Seng Chuang Shaw Peng Low Teck Cheng Jack Lim Kueh Chong John Y. Lu Hong Hai Lin Ka Lap Paul Keng Sin Sieng Ong Hian Eng Gan See Khem Lua Cheng Eng Kao Shin Ping Chwee Meng Chong Tan Hak Siang @ Tan Say Siang Alan Chua Gim Siong Lim Fang Chee Chua Thuan Koon Ng Kok Lip Yeo Eng Huat Bobby Chin Yoke Choong


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

Loh Siew Hock Henry Ng Han Whatt Lee Kam Yoon Chong Chong Choong Kwek Theng Swee Council President Teo Siong Seng Immediate Past President Chua Thian Poh Vice-Presidents Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Thomas Chua Kee Seng Tan Cheng Gay Committee Chairmen General Affairs Committee James Kuah Geok Lin Finance Committee Tan Huay Lim Research & Publications Committee Seow Choke Meng External Relations Committee Wan Shung Ming Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Chua Seng Chong Technology Committee Stephen Lim Beng Lin International Affairs Committee Zhong Sheng Jian Commerce Committee Tay Khiam Back Industry Committee Lau Tai San Property Management Committee Kwee Liong Keng Culture & Education Committee Hee Theng Fong Community Affairs Committee Lee Peng Shu

Committee Vice-Chairmen General Affairs Committee Chan Hock Keng Finance Committee Vincent Lien Jown Jing Research & Publications Committee Charles Ho Nai Chuen External Relations Committee David Loh Tai Min Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Thomas Pek Ee Perh Technology Committee Philip Kia Er Chew International Affairs Committee Ng San Tiong Commerce Committee Quek Soo Boon Industry Committee Tan Bock Huat Property Management Committee Willy Shee Ping Yah Culture & Education Committee Wu Hsioh Kwang Community Affairs Committee Francis Phun Teow Kie Council Members Tan Kien Lip Leong Mun Sum Low Chee Meng Sam Goi Seng Hui Tan Meng Kow Claire Chiang See Ngoh Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Wee Ee Cheong Wu Chiaw Ching Lee Choon Giart Lim Cheng Eng Stephen Lee Ching Yen Soon Kong Ann Chia Weng Kaye Lee Sze Leong Lee Boon Cheow Royston Low Hee Tang George Goh Tiong Yong Tan Tock Han Kek Boon Leong


Kho Choon Keng Ong Tze Guan Tan Sze Wee David Tang Sheung Ching Edward Ang Boon Cheow Simon Goh Lian Seah Voo Soon Sang Chua Kee Teang Goh Nam Siang Tony Lim Peng Koon Ng Siew Quan Patrick Ng Tan Kim Seng

Members Leong Mun Sum Lee Choon Giart George Goh Tiong Yong Goh Nam Siang

General Affairs Committee Chairman James Kuah Geok Lin

Members Paul Keng Sin Sieng Low Chee Meng Lim Cheng Eng Soon Kong Ann Lee Boon Cheow Tan Tock Han Voo Soon Sang Allan Tan Soo Seng Chiew Kian Huat Ronald Lim Kim Liang James Ow Chin Seng Francis Peh Chee Keong Tan Eng Lai

Vice-Chairman Chan Hock Keng Members George Goh Tiong Yong Tan Tock Han Tony Lim Peng Koon Tan Kim Seng Finance Committee Chairman Tan Huay Lim Vice-Chairman Vincent Lien Jown Jing Members Lee Sze Leong Ng Siew Quan Patrick Ng Research & Publications Committee Chairman Seow Choke Meng Vice-Chairman Charles Ho Nai Chuen Members Kek Boon Leong Simon Goh Lian Seah Ng Siew Quan Annie Koh Chen Yew Nah Chia Kim Huat Janet Young Tan Khee Giap Gan Kwee Lian Chow Kit Boey External Relations Committee Chairman Wan Shung Ming

Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Chairman Chua Seng Chong Vice-Chairman Thomas Pek Ee Perh

Technology Committee Chairman Stephen Lim Beng Lin Vice-Chairman Philip Kia Er Chew Members Royston Low Hee Tang Ong Tze Guan Tan Sze Wee Andrew Khaw Robert Chew Francis Yeoh Bill Chang Dumas Chin Yena Lim Hua Yen Choy Sauw Kook John Tan Chee Thian International Affairs Committee Chairman Zhong Sheng Jian Vice-Chairman Ng San Tiong Members George Goh Tiong Yong Edward Ang Boon Cheow Patrick Ng Paul Tay Chee Hian Benny Pua Yeow Chuah Raymond Toh

Commerce Committee Chairman Tay Khiam Back Vice-Chairman Quek Soo Boon Members Lim Cheng Eng Lee Sze Leong Lee Boon Cheow Ong Tze Guan David Tang Sheung Ching Woo Keng Chong Tee Ming San Amy Chung Lim Hock Chee Industry Committee Chairman Lau Tai San Vice-Chairman Tan Bock Huat Members Leong Mun Sum Soon Kong Ann Chia Weng Kaye Simon Goh Lian Seah Voo Soon Sang Chua Kee Teang Tan Kim Seng James Ow Chin Seng Paul Tay Chee Hian Liau Beng Chye Lum Swee Loon Nelson Lim Eng Koo Property Management Committee Chairman Kwee Liong Keng Vice-Chairman Willy Shee Ping Yah Members Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Kho Choon Keng Culture & Education Committee Chairman Hee Theng Fong Vice-Chairman Wu Hsioh Kwang Members Kek Boon Leong Ng Siew Quan

Vice-Chairman David Loh Tai Min




Community Affairs Committee Chairman Lee Peng Shu Vice-Chairman Francis Phun Teow Kie Members Leong Mun Sum Chia Weng Kaye Simon Goh Lian Seah Lee Guo Sheng Lily Kuo Chao Chang Adeline Ting Lay Choo David Tang Poh Kheng Tan Hin Teng

SUBSIDIARIES The Financial Board of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Chairman Teo Siong Seng Vice-Chairmen Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Thomas Chua Kee Seng Tan Cheng Gay Treasurer Tan Huay Lim Members Chua Thian Poh James Kuah Geok Lin Wan Shung Ming Chua Seng Chong Kwee Liong Keng Chan Hock Keng Vincent Lien Jown Jing Willy Shee Ping Yah

Secretary Lim Sah Soon EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd Chairman Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Vice-Chairman Thomas Chua Kee Seng Treasurer Vincent Lien Jown Jing Directors Chua Seng Chong Stephen Lim Beng Lin Tay Khiam Back Chan Hock Keng Ng San Tiong Tan Bock Huat Francis Phun Teow Kie Company Secretary/CEO Lim Sah Soon Executive Director Irene Low Kwai Peng Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business Chairman Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Vice-Chairman Thomas Chua Kee Seng

Secretary Lim Sah Soon

Honorary Treasurer Tan Huay Lim

Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited Chairman Teo Siong Seng

Assistant Honorary Treasurer Chan Hock Keng

Vice-Chairman Chua Thian Poh Managing Director Kwee Liong Keng


Directors Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Thomas Chua Kee Seng Tan Cheng Gay Vincent Lien Jown Jing Willy Shee Ping Yah Adrian Peh Nam Chuan

ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

Members Zhong Sheng Jian Lau Tai San Charles Ho Nai Chuen Thomas Pek Ee Perh Philip Kia Er Chew Quek Soo Boon

Honorary Secretary Lim Sah Soon Assistant Honorary Secretary Irene Low Kwai Peng

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation Chairman Teo Siong Seng Vice-Chairmen Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Thomas Chua Kee Seng Members Chua Thian Poh Tan Cheng Gay James Kuah Geok Lin Tan Huay Lim Wan Shung Ming Chua Seng Chong Tay Khiam Back Hee Theng Fong Lee Peng Shu Secretary Lim Sah Soon Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Co Ltd Advisors Teo Siong Seng Chua Thian Poh Chairman Tan Cheng Gay Directors Seow Choke Meng Wan Shung Ming Hee Theng Fong Lee Peng Shu Willy Shee Ping Yah Secretary Lim Sah Soon

‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫م׃‬ՙӐ୕߾ჼվ߾ࡂ੫ ಸఁ

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ٟ৻ࠪ๾ ྕ Ⴝན‫܌‬ර



‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫م׃‬ՙӐ୕߾ჼվ߾ࡂ੫

ਡ༤ᆈ Ļ ਧೠධ ӯྶड ೀ৩‫ ٷ‬،պ્ ࡂ੫ Ļ ਧೠධ ೀ৩‫ ٷ‬،պ્ ༷໾ ൐ ‫ٻ‬ĭԣ༤վ߾ٍ֭‫ׯ‬ಮගၠቈ‫ܜ‬ĭᇾ༤қ็З߾ӑ࿎ҋ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫م׃‬ՙӐ୕߾ჼվ߾ᆦ൜ि൛h ‫ڷ‬ሡჇ ୕ ᄍ ಸᆂि֭‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫׃‬၊ՙӐ୕߾ჼվ߾ࡂ੫ ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫׃‬၊ՙӐ୕߾ჼվ߾ࡂ੫ၠਡჇЯ߾{ ୕؏Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ|ᇗĭ෣๥‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫م׃‬ՙӐ ୕߾ჼվ߾๡ᆱඈ࠿‫ۻه‬ಎเ߾ჼh ߾ၸ‫؛‬Ⴝܹ߾ၸࡂ੫ૈႽၻၸhႶᅮӑᇗ༽഻฼ၸĭқӶሿ༽഻‫ۀ‬ၸĭ߾ၸ၊ᇉ‫ڷ‬ሡ๡‫״ࣅ ׃ݞ‬ൡ߾‫׃‬၊ ՙӐ୕߾ჼվ߾ࡂ੫h ‫ފ‬ሡࢱᇈ ୕ ᄍ ಸ֭ҕᆧЙ۩იᅳପ Я߾ࢱᇈ ୕ ᄍ ಸ֭ҕᆧЙ۩იᅳପၠ෣๥‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫م׃‬ՙӐ୕߾ჼվ߾๡ᆱඈ‫ۻهٻ‬ಎเ߾ ჼh ߾ၸ‫؛‬ቁ഍߾ࠫ‫ۀ‬ඓࠗ‫ࢱܚ‬ᇈ ୕ ᄍ ಸ֭ҕᆧЙ۩იᅳପૈႽၻၸhႶ੆ค೾༽഻฼ၸࠫқࡈ‫༽׍‬഻ ‫ۀ‬ၸĭ߾ၸ၊ᇉ‫ފ‬ሡ‫؏୕ۆ‬ᆵҕᆧЙ۩იᅳପh ໆಱҸᅳ‫܌‬ර վ߾ᄥϪၲϫ༽഻฼ၸࠫ‫ݚ‬໛ੋ༽഻‫ۀ‬ၸ༷ĭ၊ᇉ๥ၱࡇ࿋ࢬൻໆಱυႭ߾ࡁ൅ൡ༈෶֌ಱЯ߾ࠫඓ༷ࠗ‫ܚ‬ ֭Ҹᅳ‫܌‬රh ఋ෸ൡལ ᄥվ߾ࢺ඗వĭᇾ༤қ็З༽഻ࣁՖࠗ߾‫״ྎۓ‬ൡ‫ތ‬૥ඈԱᄥ෸֌ಱ߾ӑఁ࡟‫ۻ‬ვ֭վ৷ᆮԃhқ߾ӑ၁ཧ ಎเ߾ჼў൝ᇛྗྎၱĭ‫ྎۓ‬෸૔‫؛‬ቁ഍߾֭ࠋ‫ۻ׶‬ვᆮԃh෸ტ౰ಎเ߾ჼ‫ۻ‬ვ༷၊ࣅ‫״‬ൡ߾ࡇ࿋֭ᆮԃ ‫ގތ‬ቜh ߾ၸჇ༷໾ ൐ ‫ࢺٻ‬඗ĭѱ‫ྎۓ‬ᇾ༤ᇾԃ߾ၸh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ


: Thursday, March 12 2009


: 3.30 pm


: 2nd Floor, Conference Room, SCCCI Building


: Chua Thian Poh, SCCCI President

Members Present : Leong Mun Sum Tan Keong Choon

Boon Properties Pte Ltd

Pontiac Land Pte Ltd

Association of Singapore Attractions

Chuang Uming Pte Ltd

Premium Funding Singapore Pte Ltd

Diamond Exchange of Singapore

Chuen Cheong Food Industries (Pte) Ltd


Hire Purchase Finance and Leasing Association of Singapore

Daichi Foodmart Pte Ltd

Rockeby Biomed (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Engro Corporation Limited

SembCorp Industries Ltd

Foodtraco Supplies Pte Ltd

Sing Investments & Finance Ltd

Ho Bee Holdings (Pte) Ltd

Sing Lun Holdings Ltd

Ho Bee Investment Ltd

Sing Lun Investments Pte Ltd

Hock Lam (1998) Pte Ltd

Singapore Explorer Pte Ltd

Hoe Leong Co Pte Ltd

Singapore International Jewellery Pte Ltd

Hoe Leong Corporation Pte Ltd

Refuservice Pte Ltd

Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre Association Singapore Chinese Drug Importers & Exporters Guild Singapore Fruits and Vegetables Importers & Exporters Association Singapore Glass Association Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation

HTF Management Pte Ltd c/o M/S KhattarWong

Singapore Nominees (Pte) Ltd

Hupco Pte Ltd

SQL View Pte Ltd

Indocement Singapore Pte Ltd

Tai Hua Food Industries Pte Ltd

Kim Ann Engineering Pte Ltd

Tat Hin Timber (Pte) Ltd

Kim Guan Metals (Pte) Ltd

Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd

Kimann Investments Pte Ltd KPMG LLP

Tee Yih Jia Food Manufacturing Pte Ltd

Leong Huat Hardware (Pte) Ltd

Tin Sing Goldsmiths (Pte) Ltd

Singapore School & Private Hire Bus Owners Association

Lian Keng Enterprises Pte Ltd

Tong Hin Timber Products Pte Ltd

Singapore Shipping Association

Meiban Group Ltd

Waringin (Pte) Ltd

Singapore Timber Association

Min Ghee Auto Pte Ltd

WongPartnership LLP

Mukim Investment Pte Ltd Ocean Navigation Pte Ltd

Woodlands Transport Service Pte Ltd

Singapore Toys & Confectionery Dealers’ Association

On Cheong Co Pte Ltd

Wu Chiaw Ching & Co

Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd

Yanlord Land Pte Ltd

The Medicine Manufacturing Association of Singapore

Pan-United Concrete Pte Ltd

Yat Ming Medicine Co (Pte) Ltd

The Poultry Merchants’ Association

Pan-United Corporation Ltd

Yee Siang Technology Pte Ltd

The Society of Modern Management, Singapore

Peng Kwee Watches and Jewellery Pte Ltd

Southseas Corporation (Pte) Ltd

Singapore Jewellers Association Singapore Metal and Machinery Association Singapore Paper Merchants Association Singapore Sanitary Ware Importers and Exporters Association

Singapore-China Business Association




In Attendance: Lim Sah Soon, Tan Siew Kiang, Lydia Yung, Foo Kat Moy Recorded by:

Lim Sah Soon, Lydia Yung, Foo Kat Moy

As the members present were sufficient to form the quorum, the Chairman Chua Thian Poh called the Meeting to order at 3.30 pm.

1. To approve the minutes of the 54th Council’s First Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on June 11 2008 The minutes of the 54th Council’s first AGM of members of the SCCCI were included in the published SCCCI’s Annual Report 2008, which was sent to all members together with the notice of the AGM on February 18 2009. There was no amendment to the said minutes of meeting at the Meeting. Proposed by Chong Chong Choong and seconded by Chua Seng Chong, the minutes of meeting were unanimously confirmed and passed at the Meeting.

2. To approve the Audited Accounts for the year ended December 31 2008 The SCCCI’s Financial Report and Audited Accounts were sent to members together with the Notice of AGM. Proposed by Lau Tai San and seconded by Chua Kee Teang, the SCCCI’s 2008 Annual Report and Audited Accounts were approved and adopted by the Meeting.

3. To appoint the Auditors Proposed by Thomas Pek Ee Perh and seconded by Kek Boon Leong, the Meeting unanimously approved the re-appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Auditors to the SCCCI for Financial Year 2009.

4. Any Other Matters Before the end of the meeting, the Chairman Chua Thian Poh took the opportunity to thank the council members and Secretariat for their support and service rendered to the Chamber during his term of Presidency. He also thanked the members for their support in Chamber’s activities. He urged members to give their continued support and cooperation to the 55th Council. The meeting ended at 3.40 pm with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

૥ŕśˆÔąáƒ˜â€ŤŰ€â€Źŕś“ŕ —â€ŤÜšâ€Źá‡žá€šá†ˇáƒź KEY STAFF OF SECRETARIAT AND SUBSIDIARIES ૥ŕśˆÓ‘ ਧೠධ

Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon

ŕ´?ßžáˆŻáƒżáƒ˜നߞâ€ŤÚŁâ€ŹŕźˆŇŽŕŤ’ ӯྶड Ű˘ŕ ąá‡žÜ˝ ިྶ௸ Ň•ŕźˆࣤৠŕŞ?‍ Ţ…Ý›â€ŹáˆŻŕż§ŕĽ›ŕ ˇŕŁ¤ŕ§ á€ľá ?ਡ ྣᆧიำѡལପࣤৠ਋ߺá†? Ű˘ŕ ąßžŕĄ ŕľ… ೀ৊‍ ١â€Źá†ťŕžŁŕŤĽŕśˆ áˆ”ŕżšथ Ó‰á „áˆ ৠࣤৠনâ€ŤÝ›â€ŹÓŒ നߞâ€ŤÚŁâ€Źŕźˆáˆ ৠࣤৠá‡ŁŕŚŠŕľŠ നߞâ€ŤÚŁâ€ŹŕźˆŰ˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ӯਣá‚? Ň•ŕźˆŰ˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź á…›਺ᆏ ßžáƒźŕľĄŕźˆŰ˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ÓŻá‚•á‚• ßžáƒźŕľĄŕźˆŰ˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ŕžżâ€ŤÝ˘â€ŹŕŞ† ßžáƒźŕľĄŕźˆŰ˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ਧ࿸ŕŠ‹ ྣá†§á†ťŕžŁáƒźÄŞ ßŁĎ ŕ¨˛ Ň•ŕźˆá†ťŕžŁáƒź

Corporate Resources & Community Services Tan Siew Kiang (Senior Director) Janice Ang (Manager, Finance) Andy Loh (Manager, IT) Elaine Yeow (Manager, Administration & Special Projects) Neo Hwee Tin (Senior Accountant) Lydia Yung (Executive Secretary) Cynthia Chng (Assistant Manager, Property) Lai Kuo Cheong (Assistant Manager, Community Services) Nancy Chew (Senior Executive, Community Services) Tan Liat Eng (Senior Executive, Finance) Chiam Ling Zi (Senior Executive, Membership Services) Tan Ying Ying (Senior Executive, Membership Services) Chui Hai Loon (Senior Executive, Membership Services) Lim Ah Leng (Executive, Administration & Special Projects) Wong Oi Ling (Executive, Finance)

ŕ°šá „â€ŤŮ‡â€Źá…˘ŇŽŕŤ’ ŕŠ†â€ŤÝ‘â€ŹŕŻŁ Ű˘ŕ ąá‡žÜ˝ ઢઆᅏ ᇞܽ ਧպŕŹ„ Ű˘ŕ ąŕŁ¤ŕ§ ŕĄ­ß¸ŕąŠ ሠৠࣤৠ‍Ú?‏á ?௣ Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ӯ࣊á – Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ಹá„?န áƒ¸Ó‰× ŕ°Žá†ŤŇŽŕŤ’ಲᆍज़ৠáƒź

Industry & Enterprise Development Irene Low (Senior Director) Mak Yuen Chong (Director) Daniel Lim (Senior Manager) Kan Wai Heng (Assistant Manager) Junie Pang (Senior Executive) Tan Jin Yi (Senior Executive) Yam Yit Ngan (Certification Supervisor)

áˆŻŕż§áƒ˜á€ ࣜԣϚŇŽŕŤ’ ŢšĎ ŕŚŻ Ű˘ŕ ąá‡žÜ˝ Պ‍ ލײâ€Źáˆ ৠᇞܽ ÓŻŕžšá ? Ű˘ŕ ąŕŁ¤ŕ§ ŕż€ŃŁŃŁ ሠৠࣤৠ‍ŕŤ?Ţ?â€Źá – ŕ°šá „áˆŻŕż§áƒ˜ŇŽŕŞƒ৻༪á†ťŕžŁáƒź ਋‍ ß‡Ý›â€Źá†ťŕžŁáƒź ౶ྶৼ ŕŤ€á ŚŕşąŕŞ–á†ťŕžŁáƒź

Communications, Research & Publications Fiona Hu (Senior Director) Cui Dong Hong (Assistant Director) Chin Sin Yee (Senior Manager) Khaw Ping Ping (Assistant Manager) Queenie Ho (Executive, Corporate Communications & Strategic Relations) Andrew Leong (Executive) Nicol Khoo (TradeNet Officer)

ܽৠŕż˜á„… ৥ŕś†â€Ť ١‏በࣤৠӯŕ°ƒŕŤ? ßžŕĄ Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business Josephine Lee (General Manager) Jenny Tan (Senior Accounts Executive)

ŕť›ßŒáƒœá€…á‡—ŕž— ᇣ๹߹ Ű˘ŕ ąŕŁ¤ŕ§ ŕˇ’ŃŻßą Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ৥áž– á†ťŕžŁáƒź ŕťšŕŤ?ਲ á†ťŕžŁáƒź

Business Studies Centre Ivan Hoo (Senior Manager) Tan Chan Haur (Executive) Chen Pei (Executive)

ŕ´?ŕż˜á‡—ŕž— â€ŤŕžśŢ?‏ŕŠ? Ű˘ŕ ąŕŁ¤ŕ§ ÓŻá„Šâ€Ť Ýżâ€Źá†ťŕžŁáƒź ӯமf á†ťŕžŁáƒź

Language Studies Centre Chew Kheng Fui (Senior Manager) Mark Soh (Senior Executive) Michelle Li (Executive) Cleo Goh (Executive)

â€ŤŕĄ…Ý›â€ŹŕŽŠŕżŚá‡—ŕž— Ţšŕť‡᪹ Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ള߸ག Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź

International Training Centre Lynn Po (Senior Executive) Shanny Shen (Senior Executive)

༣Ӛá‚—á„– ŕŠ†ཱི৊ ሠৠࣤৠŕŽ”৊ऴ Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź

Academic Operations Liu Xiao Li (Assistant Manager) Phua Lee Koon (Senior Executive)

ŕ°šá „â€ŤŮ‡â€Źá…˘áƒ˜â€ŤÚŁâ€Źŕźˆá‡—ŕž—යಮá‚˝ŕ˝“â€ŤÜŒâ€Źŕśť ਧŕťƒá¨’ በࣤৠá …ŕžśá„‘ ྣá†§áƒ˜Ň•ŕźˆŰ˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ŢšáƒŞŃ¤ Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź â€ŤŕžśÝšâ€Źá‚ƒ Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź ႋპá†? Ű˘ŕ ąá†ťŕžŁáƒź

EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd Lim Wee Khee (General Manager) Grace Yap (Senior Executive, Finance & Admin) David Hu (Senior Executive) Victoria Kuek (Senior Executive) Wun Yoke Chan (Senior Executive)



20 09

ßžŕźˆŕ ‹â€Ť×śâ€Ź


á‰ ŕźˆŕť†áƒźßž General Affairs Committee


ဠࣜáƒ˜ÔŁĎšŕť†áƒźßž Research & Publications Committee


ŕş›ྥŕť†áƒźßž External Relations Committee


ŕ´?ŕšžáƒ˜ßžáƒźŕľĄŕźˆŕť†áƒźßž Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee


ŕĽ›ŕ ˇŕť†áƒźßž Technology Committee


â€ŤŕĄ…Ý›â€ŹŕľĄŕźˆŕť†áƒźßž International Affairs Committee


ŕ´?á „ŕť†áƒźßž Commerce Committee


â€ŤÜ…â€Źá „ŕť†áƒźßž Industry Committee


Ó‰á „ŕť†áƒźßž Property Management Committee


ŕť›ßŒáƒ˜ࢼáƒŞŕť†áƒźßž Culture & Education Committee


നߞྥŕźˆŕť†áƒźßž Community Affairs Committee




ቁ༈ໆჼ߾ ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫ڷ‬࿒ Я߾Ⴧ ୕ ᄍ ಸࡔЯ߾վ༸‫م‬੔߾ၸ๗࣑ ྣ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫ڷ‬࿒ĭ՞ ໒‫ޱ‬࿒‫״‬ൡᇗ࿒ԣਜ߾ ӑg ໒‫߾ڴ‬ӑၣࠫ ۹‫ۺ‬ໆჼ߾֭ᆦg‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ĭ๥ ൐၁ಚಲଈძ߾ӑg಼ძ‫״‬ൡࠫଈძ‫״‬ൡ֭ଈ֎h ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡᅮෆഺࠎ֬๿࿒ĭ֌ಱ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ᆦ ߾ӑĭ਽֥Я߾h

‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾వಱ߾ӑ၊ᆷႶ‫߾ࣅ ׃‬ӑқ็З ֌ಱhৡ‫ࠖݛ‬gқఋ഻gӯ࣢ၲᄽ֌ಱ‫߾ڴ‬ӑ֭ᆷ ໒hЯࣅ֭ྕಱ‫״‬ൡЏছĻᇚഺ࡜g৽ሿᆦgઍվ ૾gϪၲϫgӹმәgߣ೾ᇙg‫෕ݚ‬ᵰgӯଫ‫ه‬g໣ ᪟g໹ਿഺg፸ධ೾gқࡈ‫ ׍‬g໹଺ཞgਧѯগg ໹ഝरgߣࡺ߇gӯࣉӴh ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ଈძ߾ӑg಼ძ‫״‬ൡgଈძ‫״‬ൡg Ӑ༈‫״‬ൡࠫ‫״‬ൡଈ֎౰ҝᄏ‫ ׃‬၂ᇈ‫ ׃‬၂h

‫ࣅ ׃‬Ӑ༈߾቎ᆶࠫᆷ༈ ‫ࣅ ׃‬Ӑ༈߾቎ᆶࢺ‫ܚ‬ೊ༷Ļ ߾ӑ

‫߾ڴ‬ӑ қఋ഻

‫߾ڴ‬ӑ ӯ࣢ၲ

‫߾ڴ‬ӑ ৡ‫ ࠖݛ‬








ခࣶიԣϹ ໆჼ߾

໛ߌიࢥც ໆჼ߾

‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ ໆჼ߾

഍๾ი߾ჼ ൡ༈ໆჼ߾


ന߾ൡ༈ ໆჼ߾


ྕࡎ௩ ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ሯӉ྘ຉऍ

ྕࡎ௩ ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ࠖࣉ


ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ Ӊ၄යಮ Ⴝན‫܌‬ර

෬ᇗ೾଺ဤ ࡈ୙ܾႽན‫܌‬ර ຦౬჻

చ၄‫ه‬ᅢი ‫ڣ‬༈ᇗྗ යಮႽན‫܌‬ර

ྕࡎ௩ ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ܽৠ࿘ᄅ


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ


ᄥߣ‫ۼ‬Ӷ‫ڴ‬ቁৠ֭ࡶᆫ༷ĭЯ߾ྕಱ ߾ӑᅮෆഺ ቘ ՞қ็Зవಱ߾ӑ൵ ᇗࢬ‫ݞ‬Я߾ႎ྘h

‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾Ϥ‫֭ࣅ ׃‬uປൡიҮઃໆჼ߾v ‫ۿ‬ଈແuປൡໆჼ߾vĭၣ‫ׁނۿ‬ٙႠՖໆჼ߾ᇟ‫׌‬ ໃԃЯ߾ი‫ۺ‬ཕܹ‫ݛ‬୅ປᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬g഍၄๾เg‫ݛۺ‬ ሉ໩‫ݛ‬վ൘ܾၣࠫԶ૊‫ތ‬Үઃࠌϼ֭Ⴞ‫৻ނ‬༪ი‫ގ‬ቜ ܹ༪֭ᆷ༈h

‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ࠪඹ႗ ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ ଈ‫״‬ൡ‫ ތ‬໒૥ඈԱᆷჼჇ ᄍ ಸᄥϗ૒ືୌබಮ؏ࡔࣽ‫ד‬ҝࡎೠ็਎၈֭ࠪඹ႗h ၣ฽ແuᄤԿۢ‫ڊ‬v֭ࠪඹ႗ᇃᄥ଄ಚ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ ൡ߾֭‫܅‬ቜପћg‫ׯ‬໒ၣࠫແ‫ۺ‬ໆჼ߾֭ྣ‫׶‬٢ϋ฼ ‫ࢁ܊‬ၸh ࠪඹ႗Ԝໆᇾ༤қఋ഻‫߾ڴ‬ӑແࠋ‫׶‬ᇉिଦՕĭ ૥ඈӑਧೠධᄽແ‫״‬ൡቜ࡭֎֭߾༈ࣂഝĭದྕഐಱ ֭‫״‬ൡ‫ތ‬ཋႽ‫״‬ൡ‫؛‬ჇЯ߾֭ᄖቜႽ‫࣑ۿ‬၊Ҍ֭ਜ ࢻh ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾Ӷჼᄥవ਎ࣅ‫״‬ൡ߾ഩ‫֭ׯ‬ᄃࣧ ༷ĭ༘ິᄥࢬ༷ধ֭਎୕ಱఁৢĭࡎౄ‫ۺ‬٢૳֭ᆻྣ ৷؏ĭࡇ࿋‫߰ه‬Я߾֭ࢠ೬ĭփ਽߾ჼቄԣࣤ࠾ֶ ‫ܩ‬h Ֆປĭัઊ߾၁ಚ‫ׯ‬ਜ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾֭ਾ਎ལಱ ༈ĭ࠯ԜЩࢄჇ ୕ԜϿ֭‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ ࠫྔ‫ݤ‬۲ଉ ᇣ୕ࡈ୙ࠋ‫׶‬h

‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ऄᆷ‫׍‬৤ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥЯ߾ࡉ‫܀‬พऐྣ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ऄ ᆷ‫׍‬৤h

‫هࡍݛ‬ᅢҎۢ࠱ᆧ༈Ҏӑ‫ݢڸ‬ထgቁৠ‫܌‬ඏᆧ༈ Ҏӑຮᇅ‫ݿ‬gી‫܅‬Ҏᆧ༈Ҏӑৡᒿགg‫ݛۺ‬ປ࢔൘ ࢳgۢ࠱ᆧ‫ܺڱ‬ჼg഍๾օўი഍ࣀ‫ތ‬໛ࢥࣀ਽ྷֱ ಮԣ༤ਜ‫׍‬৤h ߣ‫ۼ‬Ӷ‫ڴ‬ቁৠᄥᇉՕ൐ಲແĭЯ߾႓‫ۆ‬ਾ࿡४ ࡟ĭಚДԶ๬໛ߌ֭Զӽĭ‫״ؿ‬ൡ߾္Ⴝེ਽֥߇ ഍ĭЯമщ྾ࡇ࿋༓ႌႽҔ‫ތی‬Ⴝࣤယ֭ಮধ਽֥ĭ ҔҊᇈჇ౥ߣҊࢬĭ቎ᆶ٢֬ၣࡇ࿋ໃԃ༷ಈhߣ‫ڴ‬ ቁৠౄ‫נ‬ĭପవ֭൐ऍĭ‫ڶ‬ვЯ߾ྕಱ‫״‬ൡ߾֭ᇟ္ ൘ଉє൦փ਽Яׁ߇഍ؐ‫֚ݞ‬వ຺֭ࠗh෸޳ტЯ߾ ಎเ߾ჼ‫ۻ‬ვ‫״‬ൡ߾ಎ৷ᆮԃh෸၁༘ິ‫״‬ൡ߾იᆧ ‫ڱ‬gᆷቁ‫ྂࣀۺތ‬൵‫ގ‬ቜĭ‫߰ه‬਽֥େ৷ĭЂሁ߇഍ ؐ‫ݞ‬ᆋՙ຺ࠗh ߣ‫ۼ‬Ӷ඲ĭ‫״‬ൡ߾फ़ၣЂሁ‫܌‬රᇟ቎ĭѱᄥ‫ݢ‬୅ ປԿᄷ‫ތ‬Ϥ໬ྕ഍ࠗh෸ᆿԣĭቁ഍߾႓ແପవᄥᇗ ‫هݛ‬ᅢ‫໋ߖތ‬սिᇗ‫ݛ‬൯ӎ֭ቁ഍߾߾ჼᇍᄷ഍ࠗĭ ࡢ‫ڽ‬గ߇഍ቓۢ਽֥ࠗ‫֭ܚ‬൘ଉĭЂሁЯׁ഍ࣀĭำ ѡ൦ᇗུྠచ၄႓‫࠾ࣤ؛‬ජຄh ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᄥᇉՕ൐ў൝ĭЯ߾ྕ၊ࣅ‫״‬ൡ߾֭ ൶္ಱ༈൦ྀሁЯׁ഍ࡍĭำѡ൦ᇗུచ၄ĭЂሁ෸ ૔ؐ‫ࣉݞ‬ಽ຺ࠗhЯ߾ࢄ‫ތ‬ཕܹᆧ‫࣍ܚࠗڱ‬૩஭‫ގ‬ĭ վ৷๿‫׶‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣ֭‫ۺ‬ལ‫ګ‬ሁնൈ‫ތ‬ჹሁࡁߋĭࠫ൐ ൴ࠪ഍ࣀ‫֭࡟૾ތ‬ٙঔĭϺဎ‫ނ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ი഍ࣀొ਋֭ࢠ ೬ĭൔཋ߾ჼ֭ྗᄃhᄥ‫࠾ࣤࡅݛ‬ऍ൥ֶૡ֭౮ঋ ༷ĭЯ߾ܽৠ࿘ᄅ‫ތ‬చ‫ه‬ᇗྗࢄಎ৷ྀሁ߾ჼ഍ࡍĭ ำѡ൦ᇗུచ၄ĭ฼ാܽৠ෕ᇑĭজᅢ၄༈਽ჟh๡ ‫ݞ‬ऐϿ‫ا‬ᇝྡ൜֭ࠋ‫׶‬ĭࡎౄЯׁచ၄ᆵ࡟֭߂‫׶‬ĭ ၣࠫ‫ݢތ‬ປ഍ࡍᆵ࡟֭૩ౕ‫ܖ‬๡ი৻༪h ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ऄᆷ‫׍‬৤֚็‫ܓ‬Ⴝ ଈ‫״‬ൡ࿎ൣ ऄᆷh

ᄥ‫׍‬৤ᇾѧ໩‫ڴݛ‬ቁৠࡡ୅ᆧҎӑߣ‫ۼ‬Ӷ֭ࡶᆫ ༷ĭऄಱ߾ӑ၊ᆷ֭ᅮෆഺ՞ྉಱ߾ӑқ็З൵ᇗࢬ ‫ݞ‬഍߾ႎ྘ĭ੹਽‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ಎเӶჼ࿎؈ൣᄇĭ ᆦ൜ऄᆷh‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ಱఁႶ ୕ ᄍᇈ ୕ ᄍĭແఁ਎୕h




ቘగĻЯ߾ӯ࣢ၲ‫߾ڴ‬ӑgৡ‫ڴࠖݛ‬ ߾ӑgᅮෆഺ߾ӑgӯߺ߇ Ҏ ӑ g қ็Зవಱ߾ӑgқఋ഻‫߾ڴ‬ӑ‫ތ‬ቁ ༈ໆჼ߾ॗቼḐᇾ༤ఒഺለ‫ࡎྕޗ‬௩ ࢁ‫ ݛ‬ᇣ୕ߓ౱h

ఋ෸ ᆷჼࠟ৫႗ࠋ‫׶‬ ቁ༈ໆჼ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸᄥϠ֖֣යಮ؏ࡔ঑ ੎ऐྣᆷჼࠟ৫႗h ᆷჼࠟ৫႗൦ૌࣅቁ༈ໆჼ߾щϿ֭ࠋ‫׶‬ᆵ၊ĭ ᇃᄥࡎౄᆷჼ૔֭୨ऒ৷‫߰هތ‬ቓվ֭๾ࢺ࣢ലĭѱ ದᆷჼ‫״ࣅ ׃؛‬ൡ߾෶ഩ‫܅֭ׯ‬ቜପћი٢ᆔႽ෶ ਜࢻ‫ۻތ‬ვۢ؏஭‫ގ‬h ԣ༤ࠋ‫״֭׶‬ൡЏছᅮෆഺ߾ӑgқఋ഻‫߾ڴ‬ ӑgቁ༈ໆჼ߾ॗቼḐᇾ༤ࠫᅃ‫ڦ‬౱‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤h

ቁৠౄ‫נ‬ĭᆧ‫ތڱ‬ಮ૾g‫ܮ‬ᇾ‫ܮތ‬ჼ‫؃‬Ⴝщ္߂ ཕ஭‫ގ‬იᆮԃhૌ຺֚ࠗԣཋ൐ĭྕࡎ௩ಮ‫؃‬େ๥ྗ ྀ৷ĭ൘‫ࡍݛ‬၊ᄤ௤ໟׁቄԣচ࣪ĭДԃ಼ٖӌുh ᅮෆഺ߾ӑౄ‫נ‬ĭᄥ֚֭࣊‫ތࡅݛ‬౽ჟྡ൥༷ĭ ໩‫ݛ‬େႽ࣊็֭ӶऄĭႽনჇᆧ‫ڱ‬਽֥Ⴝ٢ĭ‫૾ݛ‬ॡ ॵ౟‫ځ‬ĭ‫ا‬ჵᇝቊᆵ࡟๾ࢺ྘ಱĭ‫྆ތ‬ཕԱĭীሯᆧ ܹ༪ໟ‫ތׯ‬ಽధh

ቁ༈ໆჼ߾ॗቼḐᇾ༤ᇉՕ൐ў൝ĭᇾϿࠟ৫႗ ࠋ‫׶‬൦༘ິᆷჼ૔๡‫֭׶ࠋݞ‬Үߋ‫ތ‬ԜЩĭ฼ാ๾‫ؚ‬ ࣢ലg౪ԫਜࢻ୵৷֭ପћĭ၁ࠚࠦ஭‫״ގ‬ൡ߾္֭ ౸ĭದЯ߾ࡇ࿋ແЯׁ֭ᇗུྠచ၄ቜԣ‫ܒ‬ཌĭѱࢄ Я߾‫ه‬ᅢӶ൶࿒֭഍߾ࠫൟࣀ߇഍֭ࠀׁࠪh

ᅮ߾ӑў൝ĭૌ၊ՙ֭ࣤ࠾ֶ‫ܩ‬ĭ‫߾؃‬๿‫׶‬ಮ૔ ࿡ᅻྕ֭ԣ੦hྕࡎ௩ᅃࣤ‫ا‬ՙ૳‫؛‬౽ჟ‫ތ‬ಎ౷ྦྷ֭ ࣤ࠾຺ࠗĭቓ޲ĭ‫֭૾ݛ॔؃‬୨ऒ৷‫ތ‬ীሯᆧ֭࣍૩ ‫ގ‬ቜυಞؐ‫ݞ‬h


෸඲ĭແࠚࠦդ࣑໩‫܅ݛ‬഍၄‫ه‬ᅢ‫಼ٖ࠾ࣤތ‬ĭ Я߾၁቎ᆶօў๾٨໡ਜᇗ‫֭ݛ‬Т࣠g݄‫ֱׁײ‬౽ĭ იׁ֚֭ܺჼ‫ތ‬഍ࡍ࢔ੈ‫ܖ‬๡hԪਜࡇ࿋ࡎౄიᇗ ‫ݛ‬gႎ؏gᇗ‫ތײ‬࿸༭υ‫৻֭ݛۺ‬༪ᆵປĭЯ߾၁቎ ᆶօў๾ԣ٨٬ᇥĭธ෴ྕ֭ࣤ࠾۴ऍh

ແߓ౱໩‫ݛ‬؇৳ ୕ᇅ౱ĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸࡔྕպ Ӵ߾ၸიᅢ঳ᇗྗऐྣ‫ݛ‬౱຦ဘh ຦ဘᇾѧ൦ቁৠ‫܌‬ඏҎӑࡡҕᆧҎࠫ࢔๡Ҏ‫م׃‬ Ҏӑӯߺ߇hఋ෸‫ݔ‬ѧЏছ‫ݛۺ‬ປ࢔൘ࢳgᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒ ٍࠫ‫္ܚࠗׯ‬ჼg‫܅‬഍ࣀ਽ྷ‫ތ‬໛ࢥࣀօўֱh࣊୕ ֭‫ݛ‬౱຦ဘ‫׃‬၊ՙာ౰୷ྦྷҎӑԣ༤ĭ‫ؿ‬຦ဘ݇଎ᄽ йາ୕վ၊Чh ຦ဘሏѴਜߣ‫ۼ‬Ӷ‫ڴ‬ቁৠօৡཉੋቁৠ࿎؈‫ݛ‬౱ ཌՕhৡቁৠў൝ĭ ୕ԑ઩ѷᆄ‫ތ‬๏ᅦĭྕࡎ ௩္ธัೊ‫ۇލ‬ѕࣤ࠾଎൜ĭࠗଁѕ๡ĭϤ໬൐ࠗ‫ތ‬ िԿ഍ࠗhߔ౷ࣉಽ຺ࠗ൘໩‫؛૳ݛ‬৭ধቓကᇟ֭ࣤ ࠾‫ڌ‬Кĭಎเಮ૾႓၊గ႓‫຺ࠗڹ‬ĭਾ࿡‫ه‬ᅢ‫ތ‬Կᄷ ҕ‫ྕ֭ھ‬๷࣭h


ᆧ‫ڱ‬Ӷ৳֭ࣤ࠾ᅦઃໆჼ߾ऄ൦္ธัೊ‫ލ‬಄֬ ԃ࿋௤‫֭ޡ‬ᅁӑ‫ތ‬ॠ‫ڣ‬ऍནh၊֒ປҎߔ࣪‫ۇ‬ഇĭᆋ ོ‫؛‬Үࢄ‫߰ه‬ቜႰĭ൘ྕࡎ௩ᄤՙຊ႞‫ؿ‬ԣh

ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

಼ᙎ ‫ݛ‬౱ࢊᅫ֭‫״‬ൡ ਎ଈ‫״‬ൡແ໩‫ݛ‬ന߾ቜԣࢵԣ‫ܒ‬ཌĭ಼ࠎ໩‫ݛ‬ቁ ๬෶Ϸ՘‫ڣܓ܌‬༈ࢊᅫĻ • ࠎϷ‫ڣܓ܌‬༈ྚᅫ ))4 Ļᇣࣧ೔ଈძ‫״‬ൡ • ࠎϷ‫ڣܓ܌‬༈ࢊᅫ 7)4 Ļ਋໛ᡄ‫״‬ൡ




୕؏Я߾ۢ‫ڗق‬౷Ⴞၹ೟Ⴧ ᄍ ಸྕࡎ௩ ֣კཛྷհच৉Ҏ֭:PTL *V\YZLऐྣĭ‫ܓ‬Ⴝ ᆮ౷‫ؚ‬ ଈ౷ჼҝ೟h

ᆧ‫߾ݛڱ‬ҕᆧიી‫܅‬ໆჼ߾Ӷ৳ਜ၊۹ሯჿུ ቎ĭል૒൴ࠪ‫܅‬഍ࣀօўᄥҕᆧჯ෠јઊవ֭ၱࡶh ུ቎ૌ୕ࢄᄥҕᆧჯ෠јઊవ‫޲ތ‬ᆂि‫م‬ᇈೠՙ֭߾ ၸh߾ၸॣ฽ࢄᆔ‫؛‬ჯ෠ϋјઊ࣑ྣ௱།ĭѱቛԣٙ ঔĭແᆧ‫ڱ‬ᇍ‫ׯ‬ᆧҮ฼‫܊‬ҝ॑ၱࡶh Ԫ୅Ҏ߾ၸປĭ቎ჼ၁ྻԣ༤იћྕऍ‫ތ‬Ⴝܹᆧ ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒ऐྣ֭ཕܹॣ฽߾ၸh

౷೟ᇾѧቁৠ‫܌‬ඏҎӑਧ೓഻ᄥᅮෆഺ߾ӑgқ ็Зవಱ߾ӑࠫ࿀ѯဈԜໆᇾ༤ֱಮ֭஬๥༷ԣ༤h ࣊୕౷೟Ԝໆ߾֭‫ܬ‬໡൦ॗቼḐ‫ތ‬ᅃ‫ڦ‬౱ļ৻‫ގ‬ ᇾ༤൦࿀ѯဈ‫ތ‬໹ᇗႦļໆჼᄽ൦ৡඹ਒gӯᱳ‫ތݹ‬ ޹࣑ൃhf

қఋ഻‫߾ڴ‬ӑ႓ာ֌ಱՖུ቎֭቎ჼᆵ၊ĭಱఁ ແ਎୕h

֚຦၁Ϸ‫ه‬ਜ ‫ࢊތࣉࢊڂ‬௞‫ۻ‬ԣ༤຦ဘ֭ಮ ൞h

ћྕऍվ࿘р၄഻ऄ၄ன࿦ࡁߋ ћྕऍიྕࡎ௩‫ݛ‬৳վ࿘g଺ဤৠ‫܅‬վ࿘‫ࡎྕތ‬ ௩ܽৠվ࿘৻‫ގ‬๿ԣվ࿘р၄഻ऄ၄ன࿦ࡁߋĭ༘ິ ᄥࣤ࠾Ҋࣧĭऄ၄ࠗ߾ؓಔ֭࣊็ĭແЯׁೠ෶վ࿘ ᄥࣅр၄഻฼‫܊‬ᄥᆷൻ࿦֭ࠗ߾hЯ߾૥ඈԱიܽৠ ࿘ᄅ၁ҝიਜᆋལࡁߋh ແఁ ۹ᄍ֭ன࿦ࡁߋĭႶҝიࠗ‫ܚ‬฼‫܊‬ᄥᆷன ࿦ࠗ߾gћྕऍሯሁૌಮૌᄍ బྕჵ֭࣋๔ĭ‫ۺ‬վ ል࿘‫ڱ‬ᄽ฼‫܊‬ҝიࡁߋ֭р၄഻ ็ߵྲྀ჻ன࿦֭ॣ ӹh ᄍ‫ڂ‬ि൛ĭ૥ඈԱ‫ތ‬࿘ᄅ‫ۺ‬Ⴝ ଈ࿘഻ҝიແఁ ୕֭ᄥᆷൻ࿦ĭ૥ඈԱ֭ன࿦഻ᇾ္‫ڽ‬ᄻࠋ‫׶‬ᆻྣ ‫܅‬ቜļܽৠ࿘ᄅன࿦഻ᄽҝი႗཯gྣᆧࠏ႗ᄖ֭‫܅‬ ቜh

Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐྣ ୕؏ۢ‫ڗق‬౷Ⴞၹ ೟hᇾѧቁৠ‫܌‬ඏҎӑਧ೓഻ ቘ໼ ი ቘᇈႿ Я߾‫״‬ൡࡡ౷೟Ԝໆ߾ໆჼৡඹ਒g‫܅‬၄ໆჼ ߾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ӯଫ‫ه‬gቁ༈ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ࡡ౷೟Ԝໆ ߾‫ܬ‬໡ॗቼḐgқ็Зవಱ߾ӑgᅮෆഺ߾ ӑgӉ၄ໆჼ߾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ࡡ౷೟Ԝໆ߾৻‫ގ‬ᇾ༤ ࿀ѯဈg‫״‬ൡࡡԜໆ߾৻‫ގ‬ᇾ༤໹ᇗႦᄥ౷೟ ि൛వႝh



ခࣶიԣϹໆჼ߾ ခࣶ ୕؏ҕᆧჯ෠ϋ ᄍ ಸĭҕᆧҎӑ഑պફ࿎ҋਜቁᆼ ၩྕჵ ֭ҕᆧჯ෠ϋĭ฼ԣ၊༪ਡᆚྞࣤ࠾gДሆ‫܅‬ቜ֭ն ൈĭЯ߾֚็࠯ॡ‫ه‬ҋྕໜ‫۩܌‬h Я߾ў൝ĭᆋ൦၊۹ದ഍ࣀႌࣨఁ஗ĭ࿚ᇗ්บ ֭ҕᆧჯ෠ϋhᄥ ୕ĭ෶Ⴝ਽ჟ֭഍ࡍ‫؃‬ᄭൻ ߔ౷ࣉಽ຺֭ࠗԒࠔĻ႗၄‫ص‬ൻշgԣ९‫֎װ‬೔ࡰg ಽሯიሯࣉᇣሏচ଼ĭ࿀‫ا‬చ၄ࢭӽൻҊሆ໩‫ݛ‬ԃ࿋ ᧈᅰ֭ࣤ഍ӶЯh ୕ ᄍ ಸĭЯ߾‫ه‬ҋ{ቁ഍߾ҕᆧჯ෠ϋ ఁິਡў|ĭўպ഍ࣀ֭ၱᄃიྗഺĭఁິᆧ‫ڱ‬ᄥ٬ Ӑ൐ఁ๿ԣ٬й࿡Ӑ֭႓‫؛‬նൈh ᆧ‫ڱ‬ԑ‫ٻ‬ਜࢻĭ഍ࣀ֚వኀྻ๡‫ࡰཬݞ‬ӶЯၣ Дሆ‫ܮ‬ჼ֭‫܅‬ቜĭЯ߾‫؛‬ᆧ‫ߵ֭ڱ‬႓ў൝ྒྷ໖hᄥ ୕؏ҕᆧჯ෠ϋᇗĭᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣቁᆼ ၩྕჵ֭ ᆚྞ஭าĭઓൔਜЯ߾ᄥҕᆧჯ෠ϋఁິਡўᇗ฼ԣ ֭‫ا‬ལ္౸ĭೊĻཬࡰხ঻ࠪ๾იࢁ໴ऍቇࣉgࢄ‫܌‬ ර෶֬ත֭ѐࡅත੹‫ֶנ‬ᇈ gӉ၄තߵ॰ĭၣࠫ ࢎֶ࢔๡ӶЯֱhԪՖᆵປĭᆧ‫ڱ‬၁๿ԣ၊༪ਡཉᇿ იൔᇑ֭նൈĭྀሁచ၄ؐ‫຺ࠗݞ‬ĭЏছĻ‫ܮ‬Ⴐ҈๔ ࡁߋg฼ۢીၦಽሯ֭‫ڌ‬ཊ‫֌ٻ‬йৰgࡎౄ‫ྦྷؐݞ‬ֆ ঃࡁߋĭྀሁచ၄ߌࢻཋࣉᇣሏ֭ಟૉᆵࠬh ᄥҕᆧჯ෠ϋᇗĭᆧ‫ڱ‬၁௭ৰ‫׶‬ႰԭЩࣉĭЯ߾ ў൝Ⴖᇛ‫ࠟۓ‬h

ᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣ၊༪ਡྀሁచ၄ཬࡰӶЯ֭նൈĭೊĻ ࢁ໴ऍࠫხ঻ࠪ๾ቇࣉߵ॰gӉ၄තߵ॰gࢎֶ‫א‬ሸ ‫܌‬੦൴‫ٶ‬ĭЯ߾‫؛‬Ֆയў‫ࠟۓ‬h๥൐ĭЯ߾၁ఁິᆧ ‫ڱ‬ᇟྕࡧัࠫࡰചᆧ‫ڱ‬තࠫఋ෸൴‫ٶ‬ĭྀሁᇗུచ၄ ؐ‫଼ܹ࠾ࣤݞ‬hՖປĭයಮ၄ᇾ၁႓ၣᆧ‫ڱ‬ແЄဪĭ ๡‫ֶࢎݞ‬ቇࣉĭඅߗ਴ൺ഍ࡍ‫֭ۢݞ‬഍၄ӶЯh ෣ሪൔࡅ‫܅‬ሯ֭ᅁӑ‫৽؏ڞ‬࿋ශ୕әᄈ഻Ӊ৷ණ ௤ĭЯ߾ტ౰చ၄ረ౮७ᇍࡎྐ‫؏ڞ‬ĭ๡‫ܮݞ‬ᇾიჼ ‫ྀ֭܅‬৷‫ގ‬ቜĭ࿡౸Կྕ٢൜฼഻ۢӉ৷gໃԃӶЯ Ⴒ൥ĭࡇ࿋Дԃ໩‫֭࠾ࣤݛ‬ӑఁࣱᆢ৷h

ཧࣤ࠾ᅦઃໆჼ߾฼ӷϞվࢁၸ ᄍ ಸĭЯ߾႓ᆧ‫֭ڱ‬ာ౰ĭཧࣤ࠾ᅦઃໆჼ ߾฼ӷࢁၸඈhᄥuࢄྕࡎ௩‫ه‬ᅢӶ࿸ᇥ‫ߔ֭࡝׬‬౷ ‫߾؃‬vၣࠫuனცӜటஷѹ֭ᇗུచ၄v֭վవ฼ ༷ĭЯ߾ཧࣤ࠾ᅦઃໆჼ߾฼ԣϞվࢁၸĭᇉ৷ྀሁ ᇗུచ၄ࢻभಽሯg๺ׁ‫ތ‬ჼ‫܅‬໡฽Ļ ࡇ࿋႗ᄷ౜഍ߔ࣪ĭѱ฼‫܊‬ቈ‫֭ܜ‬๺ׁიሯࣉĭ ‫ه‬ᅢЯׁచ၄ĭၣࠫແЯׁ‫ۺ‬Զ๬ྣ၄ഩ৳ ུ൐႗ ᄖ֭഍၄ᇗྗĭդӶЯׁ၄ᆈӶແᆋྣ၄֭౽ჟ਽๰ ဣh

Я߾฼ԣuࢄ཰‫ٶ‬තཬࡰᇈ v္֭౸෡ಞ໵ٍ ೊᄃၣӒĭ֔ᆧ‫ڱ‬ಗದࡍ๞རႽඨЧ֭཰‫ٶ‬ත҈๔ ‫ص‬ĭၣࠫ฼‫ ܊‬ᇈ ۹ᄍ֭‫ڣ‬༈იܽৠ‫ߵٶ‬॰h

ແ഍๾฼‫اۿ܊‬ᆧ‫࣋ڱ‬๔ĭ฼ാ૥ඈԱ֭ል၄‫ڣ‬ ༈ი‫ه‬ᅢ‫ྣۺ‬၄֭࠷େĭѱ‫ܥ‬৫ᆷჼҝࡎቁ഍߾ܽৠ ࿘ᄅिϿ֭഍๾ܽৠன࿦ॣӹĭၣࠫ࡭ߌཋႽ֭uЯ ׁచ၄იྀ߾‫ه‬ᅢࡁߋvഫ౰๐݇h

Я߾‫ࠟۓ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬Ⴐྗ਍ॵĭԪਜྀሁచ၄౸ձᆵ ປĭ၁ᇉ৷઩ቈ໩‫ݛ‬ӑఁࣤ࠾‫ه‬ᅢ֭ྻ౸ĭ܏‫ܭ‬໩‫ݛ‬ ቜແ౥୕ಮg୕ӑಮ൞ྗପᇗ֭ၚऊ‫ࡍݛ‬ĭၣࠫగҌ ‫܌‬රgປሯచ၄ৠའᇍᄷ၄ᇗྗׁ֭໒hՖປĭᆧ‫ڱ‬ ၁ሇᇟಮ৷ሯЯgԿྕgခ‫ه‬იࠖԬࢁഩ֭๯ሯĭແ ໩‫ිڷ࠾֭ࣤݛ‬ቛ‫ނ‬࿁൥ֈ‫֭ه‬ሡЩh

ቁ഍߾Ⴝၱᄥᇗ‫֭ݛ‬ᇾ္Ӵ൯ĩТ࣠gഐ‫ݢ‬g݄ ᇤĪഩ৳ϿൡԱĭ‫߰ه‬uᇗ‫ݛ‬๡vႲ൥ĭӶແЯׁᇗ ུచ၄࣑ळ‫ݢ‬ປ֭৻ખᅧĭѱᄥࡎౄඨѐ֭ࣤીი໛ ࢥ৻༪gྀሁྕၕ૾ಽ೎Яׁന߾gႌ࣑‫اۿ‬ಮҔი చ၄ࡍֱ٢૳‫߰ه‬ቜႰh

୕؏ಎ‫܅ݛ‬ሯৠൡ߾ᆿ֥ჸᄽ ಎ‫܅ݛ‬ሯৠൡ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ‫܌‬ҋਜ ୕؏ྐ ࣉᆿ֥ჸᄽ‫ࢁތ‬ၸhЯ߾֚็࠯ཧ૊เٙঔĭಲ๥ৠ ൡ߾֭ࢁၸĭդ౰ൻ֦ࣤ࠾຺ࠗԒࠔ֭చ၄ᄥሮ࿠‫܅‬ ߾ࠫჼ‫޲܅‬ĭҘ಄‫ࠏࣉྐࢺ׺‬ఋ෸ཬࡰӶЯ֭նൈh Я߾ౄ‫נ‬ĭܽৠҲიჼщ྾ໃԃि٪֭‫ܖ‬๡ܽ֩ĭၣ ࠫཧჼ‫܅‬૔ДᆫĭҘ಄ഐඕնൈ֭ሿᇃ൦ແਜДሆ‫܅‬ ቜh ๥൐ĭЯ߾ტ౰‫ܮ‬ᇾഇࡎ৮Ⴐᆧ‫࣋ڱ‬๔ࡁߋĭ ೊĻ‫ܮ‬Ⴐ҈๔ࡁߋg࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁߋĭ‫ܥ‬৫ჼ‫܅‬ ҝࡎன࿦ĭֿ཰Ҏ‫܅֭ٻ‬ሯӶЯĭэ૯చ၄ҒჼhЯ ߾၁޳ტచ၄Ҙ଴ྕԣฃ֭ীሯᆧᆿ֥ჸᄽĭ๡‫ݞ‬ෲ ؓ‫܅‬ቜᇣgᄨ൐షೣჼ‫܅‬g໵ྐࡔఁĭ਺ࠋ֭‫܅‬ቜυ எი਺ࠋ‫܅‬ሯᇍ؏ֱĭ႓‫؛‬ಮ৷ሯჿ‫֭ൂݞ‬๏ᅦhೊ ‫ݜ‬໵फ़э૯ׁщ྾Ҙ಄ࡰྐնൈĭܽৠҲ႓՞फ़ѕ‫׶‬ ྐࣉҎ‫ٻ‬ሪ൵h


ᆧ‫ڱ‬იᆷ‫܅‬ቁ߾๿ԣ၊༪ਡնൈĭྀሁ‫܌‬රᄥࣤ ࠾ֶૡ൐ఁДሆ‫ܮ‬ჼ‫܅‬ቜĭЯ߾‫؛‬Ֆў൝ᆮԃhᇗུ చ၄֚వ૳ਪ֭ቓվ๏ᅦ൦ྻ౸༷‫ס‬ၣࠫҊ‫ؖ‬ഐᅰ֭ ࣤ഍ӶЯĭЯ߾༘ິᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣ‫اۿ‬ᆚྞնൈၣ๿‫׶‬୅ ྻh

ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

ᆧ‫ڱ‬႓ࡇ࿋ሯሁᇗུྠచ၄֦‫ݢ‬ປ‫ࡍݛ‬ቜൔׁ॑ һი࿘༥ĭ༓಄Ⴒྶ๥၄֭Ӷ‫ࣤ܇‬ယh ᆧ‫ڱ‬႓ረ౮٪ং‫؛‬௟౰ধሹ٬Զ๬ধჿׁ֭ປࠩ ী‫֭ܽ܅‬ᇍĭၣ઩ቈ‫ۺ‬Ⴝܹྣ၄֭ำѡী‫ྻ܅‬౸ĭѱ ແԿᄷ၊۹ߔ౷վ‫ࢁ߾؃‬৳၊ᆮধሹ‫ׁۺ‬g‫ا‬ჵߌФ ֭ࣧౄվী‫ؚ׶‬ༀh ᆧ‫ڱ‬႓࡭ߌӹ࿅ĭѱ๡‫ݞ‬቎ᆶࡺಎ֭഍๾ᆸࢬѵ ঃ‫ۻ‬చ၄࣑ྣခ‫܅ه‬ӹĭၣࠫᄕ࿀‫܌‬ර࣑ྣሹᇾခ‫ه‬ ࠏ਺ࠋ࿒ᄼ‫ގ‬ቜࠌϼh Ⴖᆧ‫ڱ‬ಲ‫֭ׯ‬၊ࡍٍ‫ܚࠗׯ‬ಎಋແచ၄֭‫ه‬ᅢ฼ ‫܊‬၊ᅧ൜‫ڣ‬༈ĭѱ࡭ߌೂӑٖෳ֭ӹ࿅ĭࡰചచ၄ uශԱிыv֭ࠗ߾h ᄥᆧ‫֭ڱ‬վ৷ᆮԃიྀሁ༷ĭቁ഍߾फ़ԑ‫ٻ‬৮Ⴐ ୕֭‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ቜແ࿎Զ௤ฃĭཧი ߾ᆈᅢ൝໩‫ݛ‬ᄥۢज़࠷gҕ‫ܽھ‬ৠgࢥცgႲ࿶഻ࠋ ֱ਽ჟ֭Ⴒ൥h


‫ݛݪ‬օў๾ᑉ٨ ᄍ ಸĭ‫࣠ݛݪ‬ᠡခࣶ෶ᇾܽ2PT ,\U 2`\UNg ‫܅ݛݪ‬၄৻૘ඏৠ૥ඈӑ/^HUN 0UOHRg࣠ᠡࣤ࠾቎ ᆶ৻૘၄༈‫ه‬ᅢࣤৠ*OVP /`\U +LVRᑉ٨Я߾hօ ў๾ཧЯ߾ਜࢻ໩‫ݛ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬෶๿ԣ֭ᆚྞ஭าg฼ാ໩ ‫ࣱ࠾ࣤݛ‬ᆢ৷֭նൈĭၣࠫᅹ഍ႌሯ֭ႲߺᆧҮhօ ў๾‫؛‬ীሯᆧᄥࡣ଼൐ॡպӶ‫ܓ‬ൕĭ๥ᇢ‫࠾ܓ‬ĭҘ଴ ಎ‫܅ݛ‬ሯৠൡ߾֭ᆿ֥ჸᄽĭ੅༷യॡႎཨhЯ߾ი ‫ݛݪ‬օў๾၁‫؛‬uЯ‫ݛ‬ი౽ჟࣤ࠾‫ލ‬൐ቄԣֶ‫ܩ‬vॣ ฽࣑ྣ݄ٟ࢔ੈh

֦ ‫ڂ‬Ⴝེߵ‫ڷ‬ĩ ߵ൴੹Īĭ‫ۺ‬഍๾߾ჼඓ༷ ߾ჼ‫܌‬ර֭ቁ‫ތ‬ә‫ࡍ ݞ‬h ໡त‫נ‬ҸЏছ໼۹Ҏ‫ٻ‬Ļ‫؏୕ ؛‬ҕᆧჯ෠ϋ ֭ٙঔg഍๾߾ჼუ֦֭চ଼g༘ິЯ߾฼‫܊‬ଯོ‫ڣ‬ ༈‫ྀތ‬ሁg‫؛‬Я߾ऐϿ഍๾ܽৠॣӹ֭ࢁၸĭၣࠫ‫ۿ‬ ྕ഍๾߾ჼሯਠh‫נ‬Ҹཉ൝Ļ ቓൻߓႚ֭ᆧ‫ڱ‬ҕᆧჯ෠ϋնൈແ‫ܮ‬Ⴃ҈๔ࡁ ߋgӉ၄තߵ॰gཬࡰ‫܌‬ර෶֬තg‫ֶנ‬Ӕ٤‫דތ‬໴ ቇࣉh


഍๾߾ჼପవუ֦ቓվ֭চ଼൦൯ӎྻ౸ࡰചĭ ఋՙ൦႗၄ӶЯ‫ۢݞ‬gಽሯচ଼h

ᄍ ಸĭฃພࣤ࠾ခࣶᄅ‫ڴ‬ခࣶჼ౶պ഻Ѹ൞g ᅽ‫ݼ‬Ѹ൞gሁৠခࣶჼߣൊ ᑉ٨Я߾ĭऄ‫଺ײ‬࿸֭ ๯ሯߔ࣑࣪ྣัઊĭਜࢻ໩‫ݛ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ᄥᅹ഍ႌሯ٢૳֭ ᆧҮიႲߺࡁߋĭၣࠫ໩‫ݛ‬చ၄֦‫଺ײ‬࿸ຑᅢ၄༈൐ ෶૳ਪ֭๏ᅦh

഍๾߾ჼ༘ິЯ߾቎ᆶ‫اۿ‬იᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒֭‫߾ߍ؛‬ ࠏခั߾ĭϺဎ‫߾ނ‬ჼიᆧ‫ڱ‬ᆵ࡟ొ਋֭ࢠ೬ĭ๥൐ ແ߾ჼ‫܌‬රഫ౰ᆧ‫ڱ‬ሯሁ฼‫܊‬ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈h


഍๾߾ჼ༘ິЯ߾฼‫܊‬૥ඈԱል၄ன࿦ॣӹĭၣ ࠫिϿၣႏნࢥ࿘֭ॣӹĭದҊ๥ნစФ֭ࣧಮ൞େ ‫ܜ‬ൻߺh



ࡳჇࣤ࠾౮ঋԃ࿋‫ߌظ‬ĭЯ߾Ⴧ ୕ ᄍᇈ ୕ ᄍ࡟ĭ‫߾؛‬ჼ഍ࡍ࣑ྣ഍၄ᅢິၱࡶ‫נ‬Ҹĭ ธัచ၄൦‫ږ‬ၠࣤሡЩऄ࿊ĭԑ‫ٻ‬ᄖႰࣕఁԣฃ֭၊ ༪ਡࡁߋი࣋๔նൈĭѱࣁՖਜࢻ߾ჼ഍ࡍԱৠ຺ࠗ ֭Үઃĭၣࠫ‫؛‬Ⴧ ୕ҕᆧჯ෠ϋ֭ఁິh

Я߾Ⴧ ᄍᇈ ᄍ࡟ĭᅢिແఁ ᇣ֭u ୕؏ ᇗུచ၄໡त‫נ‬Ҹvĭᇃᄥയ೎ਜࢻࣉಽ຺ࠗ‫؛‬ᇗུ చ၄֭ႝཡĭЏছచ၄૳‫֭؛‬ᇾ္চ଼gሹമҘ಄ਜ ଯོ႓‫؛‬նൈgᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣ֭ᆚྞ஭า֭ൔࡅེ‫ݜ‬gచ ၄‫؛‬िຑ‫ݢ‬ປ൯ӎ֭ྞಇĭၣࠫ഍ࣀ‫࠾ࣤ؛‬వ֭ࣧᅢ ິhћྕऍ൦໡त‫נ‬Ҹ֭ᆮԃࠗ‫ܚ‬h

Я߾‫ه‬ཋ߾ჼ഍ࡍ႓‫ࣉ؛‬ಽ຺֭ࠗҮઃ၏࿅ແĻ ᇟ቎၄༈ĩ Īgෲུ၄༈݇଎ĩ Īgࡰྐg Ғჼgࢄ၄༈ሏၕ֦‫ݢ‬ປĭၣࠫࢺ඗႗၄h Я߾၁๡‫ݞ‬Я‫נ‬Ҹĭ෎ࠪ߾ჼ૔‫؛‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ҕ༈ჹሁ ࡁߋიன࿦࣋๔֭ٙঔh ൻ٨֭഍‫߾ބ‬ჼў൝Ⴝ ྘ྗ՞ࡎౄಽሯ஭าᇗൻߺĭ ֭഍ࡍᄽў൝‫ࡁ؛‬ ߋ஭า୅ೀҊඋ༙ĭࠏᆈಲແЯമ໵ٍ՞ᇗࠎၵh ֭ൻ٨഍ࡍႽၱᄖႰᆧ‫ڱ‬ன࿦࣋๔ĭυஎჼ ‫܅‬ҝࡎன࿦hఋჍ ᄽಲແĭܽৠҲ֭֚వࠬ༈൦ ᅁౄ‫܌‬ර၄ࠣĭၣໃԃ‫܌‬ර഻֭ձh ൻ٨഍‫߾ބ‬ჼఁິᆧ‫ڱ‬ᄥ ҕᆧჯ෠ϋᇗĭࡎ ౄᇗུచ၄ҕ༈ಽሯ஭าĭৰೊĻࢄֆঃ‫׬‬ན՞ ຫᅁࡎ֦ ຫྕჵgငӑֆঃӒߖ֭ఁནgದཋႽ ֆঃᆈ՞‫֭޲ۢנ‬ֆঃ‫׬‬ནᇗൻߺĭၣࠫᇍ‫װ‬ᆿ֥ჸ ᄽĭࡰֶႇྣ฼వ൴ߵֆঃ֭࠳੹h Ֆປĭ߾ჼ૔၁ఁິᆧ‫ڱ‬େҘ಄նൈĭྀሁచ၄ ࢎֶ႗ᄖӶЯიि཯ĭৰೊĻ‫ֶנ‬ხ঻ᆛܽৠऍიࢁ ໴‫ه‬ᅢऍ֭‫܅‬၄Ӊ٤İ഍Ⴐ֎໒ቇࣉgࢎֶᄖඃӶ ЯgແӔ٤ი഍Ⴐվ੔฼‫܊‬ණ‫࣋ٶא‬๔gࢎֶ‫܌‬ර෶ ֬තიປࠩী‫܅‬තg‫ٶ཰ֶנ‬තĭၣࠫྱ‫ۇ‬იӉ၄Ⴝ ܹ֭ႲߺᆧҮh๥൐ĭ߾ჼ૔၁ტ౰ᆧ‫ڱ‬জվ࠷େ฼ ാࡁߋ֭‫૳ۊڵ‬ĭದᆱଈ഍߾g഍๾ᇾϿ֭࿘ᄅӶ ແu࠷େ฼ാࡁߋன࿦ᇗྗvh

ᄥ ‫ڂ‬Ⴝེߵ‫ڷ‬ᇗĭә‫ݞ‬Ͼග֭చ၄ಲແĭ൯ ӎྻ౸ࡰച൦෸૔෶૳ਪቓကव֭๏ᅦĭఋՙແ൯ӎ ࣱᆢࡎञg႗၄ӶЯ‫ۢݞ‬ĭᇂႽചග֭చ၄૳‫؛‬ಽሯ ଼฽h ᄥᆚྞ஭า‫ا‬ལᆧ‫ڱ‬ჹሁࡁߋ֚ᇗĭቓൻచ၄ߓ ႚ֭൦‫ܮ‬Ⴐ҈๔ࡁߋĩ Īhఋ෸݄ൻచ၄ߓႚ֭ նൈЏছཬࡰ‫܌‬ර෶֬තgӉ၄තߵ॰ĭၣࠫᆧ‫࣋ڱ‬ ๔֭ன࿦ࡁߋh ຺ࠗ‫ه‬഻޲ĭ࿀‫ا‬ᇗུచ၄ࠚࠦҘ಄ሹ໩ᆥࣿն ൈh ֭ߵ‫ڷ‬ᆈў൝ĭచ၄ၠࣤᇟྕᆤ‫ؠ‬၄༈ĭ ਾປ ֭‫܌‬රᄽ๡‫ۇݞ‬ѕࣤ႗଎൜ĭ႓‫؛‬ဌవ๏ ᅦhՖປĭ ֭ᇗུచ၄࣑ळ‫ݢ‬ປ൯ӎĭজվॢ߄ ಝh ֭ߵ‫ڷ‬ᆈၱൕ֦చ၄щ྾ი൐ѱ࣑ĭ๿ԣྕ Ӊ௞ი‫ڣ‬༈ĭধႚ‫߄ॢގ‬ಝ֭Ҋ๥ྻ౸h ֭ൻ٨చ၄ಲແĭ࿸ᇥࣤ࠾Ⴝິᄥ ୕ࠏ‫ؓۿ‬ ൐࡟୅಄֬‫ිڷ‬hཕйᆵ༷ĭᇂႽ ֭ߵ‫ڷ‬ᆈಲ ແĭಎ౷ࣤ࠾େ‫ܜ‬ᄥ ୕ࠏ‫ؓۿ‬൐࡟୅ߵ֘h՞‫נ‬Ҹ ࢺ‫ݜ‬फ़ၣॉԣĭᇗ‫ݛ‬൦ପవᇗུచ၄ቓಫ૒֭๯ሯׁ ‫׌‬ĩ Īĭఋՙແજধ༎࿸ĩ Īĭၣࠫఋ෸࿸ ༭υӶჼ‫ݛ‬ĭЏছႎୌgᄈ଺ၣࠫค‫ݛ‬hႶՖफ़ࡶĭ చ၄‫؛‬࿸༭υ֭ࣤ࠾వࣧი๯ሯశେയख྘ྗh

‫ݢ‬ປ๯ሯၱࡶ‫נ‬Ҹ ഍๾ၱࡶ‫נ‬ҸĻҕᆧჯ෠ϋٙঔg߾ჼሯਠ‫ྕۿ‬ ແਜയ೎ਜࢻ഍๾߾ჼࠫඓ༷‫܌‬ර‫؏୕ ؛‬ҕ ᆧჯ෠ϋ֭ٙঔgࣤ࠾ජຄఁ࡟഍๾߾ჼܹሇ֭ᇟ‫׌‬ ॣ฽ĭၣ༘ࠫິЯ߾ᄥଯོ٢૳ვၣྀሁĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍᇈ ᄍ࡟ĭ‫ࡍ ؛‬഍๾߾ჼᅢि໡त‫נ‬Ҹĭ‫ܓ‬൴

ແਜࢻᇗུచ၄࣑ळ‫ݢ‬ປ֭ᆤเሙงĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ᇈ ᄍ࡟ᅢि‫ݢ‬ປ๯ሯ਽ჟ֭໡त‫נ‬Ҹhᄥ ࡍൻ ٨చ၄ᇗĭၠࣤࠏႽၱᄥ‫ݢ‬ປ൯ӎिᅢ၄༈֭చ၄Ⴝ ࡍĭᅥቁග֭ ĭў଄ਜᇗུచ၄ᇟ൲‫ݢ‬ປ൯ ӎhఋᇗĭቓൻ౥ᩲ֭๯ሯׁ‫׌‬၏࿅ແĻજধ༎࿸g




ᇗ‫ݛ‬gႎୌgᄈ଺იค‫ݛ‬hᇗུచ၄࣑ळᇗ‫ݛ‬ĭվ‫ا‬ ࠪᇗᄥࣤ࠾йࢨ‫ه‬պׁ֭౽ĭЏছĻᇰೠࢠׁ౽gӑ ೠࢠׁ౽gམ۞gߔ҂‫ׁݢ‬౽იᇗ༎Ҏׁ౽ĭᆋོ‫؃‬ ൦ᇗ‫ݛ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ᄥᆧҮ٢૳ვၣౄ৷ᆮԃ֭ࣤ࠾ঁූ‫ه‬ᅢ ׁ౽h ᄥൻ‫נ‬Ҹ֭చ၄֚ᇗĭ ֭చ၄ў൝िຑ‫ݢ‬ປ ၄༈֭ᇾ္ჸႁ൦Яׁ൯ӎ݇଎ฆུĭఋ෸ჸႁЏ ছĻಔً‫ގ‬ቜࠌϼgሯࣉҊቈgಮ৷ؓಔgࣤ࠾ሏ ྠĭၣࠫӔ٤ቇࣉฆۢh ֭ᇗུచ၄ಲແ֦‫ݢ‬ປ‫ه‬ᅢେिຑྕ഍ࠗĭ ఋ෸֭൴ࠎЏছແᇾ္ॢ߄฼‫֭ނۿ܊‬ᆮჹი‫ڣ‬༈g ࢁ৳‫ݢ‬ປϿൡԱࢄ၄༈ಎ౷ߌg‫ۿ‬ೀၦ಄֬ჸਠĭၣ ࠫརႽ‫ݢ‬ປᆧ‫ۻڱ‬ვ֭๯ሯႲߺიࢊ৫h ࢬൻ‫נ‬Ҹ֭చ၄ў൝ĭཧປ‫ه‬ᅢ֭ቓվ଼฽൦Ҋ උ༙‫ݢ‬ປ֭ᆧҮიٍ݇ĭၣࠫࣤ഍໛ߌ֭ҽၻĭ૳ ‫؛‬ഐඕ๏ᅦ֭చ၄‫ٻ‬ѡᅥ ࠫ ļఋ෸֭চ଼Џ ছĻ଼ၣ࿡ᅻ‫ގ‬൩֭഍၄ࠌϼgࠟਣ֭൯ӎࣱᆢg଼ ၣܽৠ‫ݢ‬ປჼ‫܅‬gҊਜࢻॢ߄ྻ౸gಽሯচ଼g႗၄ ӶЯഐᅰgႽҔ‫֭ی‬Яׁჼ‫܅‬Ҋᄃ֦‫ݢ‬ປ‫܅‬ቜĭၣࠫ Ҋၦᅹ௟‫ގ‬൩֭‫ݢ‬ປჼ‫܅‬h

ປࠩჼ‫ॣ܅‬฽‫נ‬Ҹ ෣ሪ໩‫࠾ࣤݛ‬ᇷࡾ՞ࣉಽ຺֭ࠗ‫׀ܩ‬બબि൛࣑ ೎‫ؕࢰිڷ‬ĭЯׁ‫܌‬රĭำѡ൦ᇗུచ၄෶૳ਪ֭ჼ ‫ؓ܅‬ಔ໡฽ಸၵကᇟhᄥЯ߾‫ׯ‬ఁऐྣ֭u഍๾߾ჼ ໾Ҝ߾vഐĭҊ๥ྣ၄֭഍๾਽ྷ‫ټټ‬ٙ႓ĭඓ༷‫܌‬ රႁಔًಮ൵Ҋେχ൐ຣӶ‫֎ׯ‬ĭ၊ོᆷ໒෡ಞࣤ‫ݞ‬ ‫ا‬٢୵৷၊ᆸᅻҊ֦‫ގ‬൩֭ჼ‫܅‬h ແՖĭЯ߾ᄥ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ำ࣑ྣuປࠩჼ‫ॣ܅‬฽‫נ‬ Ҹvĭၣєಎ૳ਜࢻЯׁ‫܌‬ර֭ჼ‫܅‬ཋሙĭธั‫܌‬ර ԣཋჼ‫ؓ܅‬ಔ֭ჸႁĭ๥൐ĭ‫נ‬Ҹ‫ܮ‬ᇾᄥ௟Ⴐgܽ ৠgன࿦ປࠩჼ‫܅‬٢૳֭๏ᅦ‫ތ‬෶Ҙ಄֭նൈĭำѡ ൦‫؛‬ཋႽ֭ປীᆧҮ֭ၱࡶhࣤ‫ݞ‬ශ۹ྚఁ֭಄ဪĭ ‫ܓ‬൴֦Ⴝེߵ‫ڂ ڷ‬hቀ‫߾ގ‬ჼ‫܌‬ර֭ٙঔĭफ़ၣ ݊଴੊ལᇟ‫׌‬Ļ ປࠩჼ‫܅‬൦ী‫ؚ܅‬ༀ֭ᇟ္Ҏ‫ٻ‬Ļᇍᄷ၄g௃‫ه‬ ი਴ൺgࢁህ၄෶௟Ⴐ֭ປࠩჼ‫܅‬йৰࢨۢĭ౗ ձᄥվਐᆷ໒४ಔh‫ܮ‬ᇾ๡‫اݞ‬ᇝಃ֩௟౰ჼ ‫܅‬ĭ֔၏ऀ૳ਪu౰Ҋ֦ಮv֭ཋཨh վ‫ا‬ග‫ܮ‬ᇾ‫؛‬ປࠩჼ‫֭܅‬ўཋ‫֦ۓ‬઩ၱĻᄥ࠷ඔ ණ௤g‫܅‬ቜง؏gიЯׁჼ‫܅‬ཕԱg൦‫ږ‬ೀၦܽ ৠ٢૳ĭࣕࣼӶ‫ܮ‬ᇾ઩ၱປࠩჼ‫֭܅‬ўཋĭҊ઩ ၱ֭Ҋ֦ Ħĭйৰ‫ུޛ‬h֔൦ĭᄥიॢ߄‫ܖ‬๡ ‫ތ‬ნစେ৷٢૳ĭҊ઩ၱ֭йৰᅥਜೠ‫ٻ‬ᆵ၊ቘ Ⴟh ௟౰ປࠩჼ‫֭܅‬ჸႁ൦଼ၣᅻ֦Яׁಮ႓௟Ļྻ ္௟౰ປࠩჼ‫֭܅‬ᆷ໒վ‫ا‬ග‫܅‬ቜࡣॵĭ‫ٶރ‬เ৷ĭ ๥൐ĭປࠩჼ‫֭܅‬৞ᆷ੹ֶĭ‫܌‬රী‫ؚ܅‬ༀཕ‫؛‬йࢨ ໟ‫ׯ‬hЯׁჼ‫܅؛܅‬ቜ൐࡟ӑgྐණ௒ֶg‫܅‬ቜߔ࣪ ‫׌ׁތ‬Ҋࡌ֭ᆷ໒Ҋ‫ྞۓ‬ಇh վ‫ا‬ග‫ܮ‬ᇾᇟ൲ປࠩჼ‫֭܅‬ன࿦Ļվ‫ا‬ග௟౰ປ ࠩჼ‫܌֭܅‬ර‫؃‬٬Ӑሇᇟჼ‫܅‬ன࿦ĭ ֭ൻ‫נ‬Ҹ‫܌‬ රर๡‫ۺݞ‬ᇝྡ൜ແჼ‫܅‬฼‫࠷܊‬େ‫ܽތ‬ৠன࿦ĭཕй ᆵ༷ĭნစன࿦ཕ‫ࢨ؛‬ചĩ Īh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

‫ܮ‬ᇾ‫؛‬ཋྣ֭ປীᆧҮАђҊ၊Ļ‫؛‬ປࠩী‫܅‬஭ ‫ތص‬ປࠩჼ‫܅‬ත‫֦ۓ‬u઩ၱv‫ތ‬uҊ઩ၱv֭‫܌‬රй ৰཕࣕĭ‫؃‬ᄥ ቘႿhҊ‫ݞ‬ĭ੊Ӷၣഐ‫ܮ‬ᇾ‫؛‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ Ҏ૒‫ڣ‬༈෕ᇑ‫֦ۓ‬઩ၱh ࢁၸᆧ‫נڱ‬ᆤำඁྣ၄֭ປী஭‫ص‬Ļ၊ོำඁྣ ၄ĭೊᇍᄷ၄gࢁህ၄ֱĭ‫؛‬ປী֭၏নྦྷ‫ޛ‬ౄĭᄥ ໩‫֚࠾ࣤݛ‬ᇗ֭ࢠ೬ࢨᇟĭಮ൵ؓಔ໡฽॔Яׁჼ‫܅‬ ໵ٍߗࢻĭႁՖࢁၸᆧ‫נڱ‬ᆤำඁྣ၄֭ປী஭‫ص‬h ᄍ ಸĭᅮෆഺ߾ӑჇu‫ࣅم׃‬഍๾վ߾v‫ߍ؛‬ ߾޲ĭࢄ{ປࠩჼ‫ॣ܅‬฽‫נ‬ҸЙ۩|ᆸࢬӷ࢔‫ۻ‬ಮ৷ ҎӑဆࣉႯĭ‫܊‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒ҝ॑h

ԣϹॄ༆ { ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ| Я߾ခࣶიԣϹҎ‫ڽ‬ᄻ෎ࠪgᆤৠgёࠨӐ୕Й ۩ඈᇗ෶Ⴝ֭ሯਠĭၣྀࠫ‫נ‬ᆤ۹ԣϹ‫܅‬ቜh { ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈᆵ߾༈ࠋ‫ ܓ|׶‬ႎඟ Яĭ‫ؿ‬ҕᆧЙ۩ᄽႎඟਜ ЯĭჇ ᄍ ಸԣϹĭ ѱᄥ ᄍ ಸ֭Ӑ୕߾ჼվ߾ᆂिవĭ࠿‫ۻه‬Я߾߾ ჼh

{‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡଈҰ| Я߾‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᆦ൜࿎ҋऄᆷĭᅮෆ ഺ֚࿒ແ߾ӑh ᄍ ಸԣϹ֭‫״‬ൡଈҰЏছਜ‫ྕۿ‬ ޲֭‫״‬ൡሯਠhѱࣂഝྕࡎ೎‫״‬ൡ߾֭ྕ‫״‬ൡh

{߇഍| ቜແЯ߾֭ެഡॄ༆ĭ{߇഍|Ҋ࣏ࡢ‫ڽ‬Й֩Я ߾ࠋ‫֭׶‬ᇟಱĭ๥൐၁ܹሇ໩‫ݛ‬g౽ჟࠫಎ౷ऍ൥‫ه‬ ᅢh{߇഍|ၣᇗႏඨნgඨᄍॄ֭ྡ൜‫ྣه‬ĭࢁ৳ ਜ‫߾ۊݬ‬ჼၣࠫ഍ࣀಮ൞֭ᇙൔ؈ᆈಝhЯ߾ѭԃሹ ໩฼ാ֭࣢ലĭ๡‫ݞ‬؇֦ࡶࢻĭ‫ߔ؛‬౷ࣤ࠾࣑ྣ௱། ი௧ઊh ୕{߇഍|‫ܓ‬ԣϹਜ੊ఁĭᇾ္୅ೀЏছĻ • ‫׃‬၊ఁĻ იৡ်݃ሯᆧ‫߾ߍ؛‬Ļᇗ‫ۇݛ‬۲ि٪ೠ ്୕ߵ‫ܬ‬g ୕ࣤ࠾వࣧᅢິgЯ߾ ‫؛‬ҕᆧჯ෠ϋ֭ٙঔიఁິਡў • ‫م׃‬ఁĻ ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾ऄᆷ‫׍‬৤gᅮෆഺ߾ӑል ٨g௱། ୕؏ҕᆧჯ෠ϋᆚྞ஭า • ‫׃‬ೠఁĻ Я߾๿ԣ ຫྕჵሯሁ஭าĭྀሁᇗ ུచ၄؏‫଼ܹݞ‬gҘ٨‫ࣅ ׃‬ᇗུྠచ ၄վ߾ᇾࢋᆈ • ‫׃‬ශఁĻ Я߾቎ᆶօў๾٨໡Т࣠ი݄‫ײ‬ീg‫്׃‬ ೠࣅሯ྘഍၄վ߾ᆿ‫ׯ‬࿎Զॄ༆ • ‫׃‬໼ఁĻ Я߾቎ᆶօў๾٨໡٬ᇥg ୕؏ᇗ ུచ၄໡त‫נ‬Ҹ • ‫੊׃‬ఁĻ ᇗ߇ಮ૾‫ݛތܓ‬ᇾ༤޹࣎ษ۶༷ߓႚ຦ ဘg‫ࣅ്׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾g‫ࣅم׃‬഍๾ վ߾


Я߾֭ެഡॄ༆{߇഍|ĭၣᇗႏඨნg ඨᄍॄ֭ྡ൜‫ྣه‬ĭࡢ‫ڽ‬Й֩Я߾ࠋ‫׶‬ ֭ᇟಱĭ၁ܹሇ໩‫ݛ‬g౽ჟࠫಎ౷ऍ൥ ‫ه‬ᅢh



ခࣶიԣϹҎ‫ڽ‬ᄻໃ߁იि‫ه‬Я߾֭ೠ۹ᇾ္ ັᅧĭЏছЯ߾ັᅧ ^^^ ZJJJP VYN ZN gൟࣀ߇ ഍ັખ ^^^ ^JIU JVT ZN ĭၣࠫచ၄๡ᇗ໛ັᅧ ^^^ ZJJJP VYN ZN LU[LYWYPZLVUL h

Я߾ັᅧ ^^^ ZJJJP VYN ZN Я߾ັᅧ֭ഩࡁ࡭ࢹੈӖĭၦჇᛚ঳ĭແ߾ჼ‫ތ‬ ‫܌‬ᇡಮ൞฼‫܊‬ಎ૳‫֭ھچؿ‬഍၄ሯ࿧hັᅧഐॄְਜ Я߾Яമĭၣࠫი഍၄‫ގ‬ቜࠌϼ৻Ͽ‫ۺ‬ལࠋ‫׶‬ሯ࿧h Ⴐ߄फ़๡‫ݞ‬Я߾ັᅧ༷ᄣခั߾໛ሻғਠgဎࢋۨ ࡹgྕໜۨgЙଈҝࡎ‫ۺ‬ལࠋ‫׶‬ĭၣࠫਅࢬ֦ఋ෸ൔ Ⴐັᅧh࣊୕ำѡिഩਜ၊۹‫۩݄܊‬഍࿎ԶӉ௞‫ڣތ‬ ༈֭ফପh

ћྕऍიЯ߾‫ގ‬ቜि‫ه‬uచ၄๡vᇗ໛ັᅧĭᇃ ᄥྀሁЯׁᇗུచ၄࿩ූਜࢻ‫ތ‬Ϥ໬഍༈ሯ࿧ĭজվ ‫܌‬ර၄༈hЯ߾‫ڽ‬ᄻْၺႏ໛Ϲ,U[LYWYPZL6ULັᅧ ୅ೀĭѱໃԃ߇໛ັᅧ֭ಸӐܽৠიໃ߁h చ၄๡฼‫܊‬၊ᅧ൜֭‫ڣ‬༈ĭࠀࠪҊ๥ᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒฼ ‫ا֭܊‬ᇝჹሁࡁߋĭၣࠫᄥ໩‫ࣤݛ‬഍Ҋफ़ࠏಔ֭ᇟ္ ሯ࿧hແਜྀሁЯׁచ၄؏‫຺ࠗ࠾ࣤݞ‬ĭᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣ၊ ༪ਡྕࡁߋĭѱࡎౄཋႽ஭าĭ࣑‫ؿ‬փ‫ັ׶‬ᅧᛚ঳੹ ஓാhuచ၄๡vັᅧ൦၊۹ದ߇໛ࢥცФࣧ഍ࣀಮ ൞ਜࢻᆧ‫ڱ‬ჹሁ஭า֭Ⴝེ௤ฃh

ࣤ࠾ઊฎgࢋ቞‫׶ࠋތ‬ იಮ৷Ҏgী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍ৻Ͽ඲଄߾

ൟࣀ߇഍ັખ ^^^ ^JIU JVT ZN ൟࣀ߇഍ັખࠀࠪਜњࠫൟࣀ‫߇ׁ֭ۺ‬ಮచ၄ĭ ൦Я߾‫۾‬ᄐ‫֭୕ا‬Ӷ‫ݜ‬hቜແ၊ལᅁᆼ‫ڣ‬༈ĭЯ߾ი ‫ۺ‬۹చ၄ཕ߂ྀ‫נ‬ĭᄥັᅧᇗਡԣਜచ၄ቁҎი‫ݢ‬ປ ‫܌ٻ‬රgሸ‫܌‬ර֭྘༗hൟࣀ߇഍ັખ୅֭‫܌‬රሯਠ ၠә‫ݞ‬ਜ ຫ ۹ĭ‫ۊݬ‬ഐ൯‫܌‬රgվྠයಮࠗ ‫ܚ‬ĭၣࠫᇗུచ၄h ັᅧᇗ൴੫վਐ֭ᇗ‫܌ݛ‬රሯਠĭ‫݄؛‬վႰ߄ĭ Ⴕఋ൦Ⴝၱ٪ဌᇗ‫ݛ‬൯ӎ֭ಮ൞ᯅၵശ‫ا‬h Я߾Ⴧ ୕ԿϿ֭uൟࣀ߇഍վ߾v֭৭ൖი ሯਠ၁ॄᄣჇൟࣀ߇഍ັખᇗh

Я߾ັᅧແ߾ჼ‫܌ތ‬ᇡಮ൞฼‫܊‬ಎ૳‫֭ھچؿ‬ ഍၄იࠋ‫׶‬ሯ࿧h

ቜແ഍๾g഍ࡍიᆧ‫ڱ‬ᆵ࡟֭Ⴝེ‫ܖ‬๡ొ਋ĭЯ ߾იಮ৷Ҏgী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍᄥ ᄍg ᄍg ᄍ‫৻ڂ‬Ͽ ೠӎ඲଄߾ĭ‫ܓ‬༓ႌ ଈ഍๾gచ၄օўԣ༤hЯ ߾చ၄‫ه‬ᅢი‫ڣ‬༈ᇗྗgܽৠ࿘ᄅ൦ࠋ‫ྀ֭׶‬Ͽࠗ ‫ܚ‬h ᄥ ᄍ ಸऐϿ֭uীሯᆧԱৠಮ৷‫ൂݞ‬ᆿ֥ჸᄽ ი࠷େ฼ാ‫ތ‬႓ѕࡁߋvႏნ඲଄߾ഐĭಮ৷Ҏۢ࠱ ሁৠᇾܽ੆Ⴍॊ޳ტ‫ܮ‬ᇾҘ଴uীሯᆧԱৠಮ৷‫ൂݞ‬ ᆿ֥ჸᄽvĭ‫ܥ‬৫‫܌‬රஒషჼ‫ࢬ܅‬ൻன࿦gᇟྕഩࡁ ‫܅‬ቜgൔൈ਺ࠋ‫܅‬ቜᇍgൔൈ਺ࠋ‫܅‬ሯᇍ؏h

ൟࣀ߇഍ັખ൴੫ਜә‫ ݞ‬ຫ బ۹ಎ౷߇ಮ చ၄֭ሯਠh

ႶЯ߾‫ڽ‬ᄻْၺ‫ތ‬ໃ߁֭uచ၄๡vັᅧᇉ৷ ྀሁЯׁᇗུచ၄ਜࢻᆧ‫ڱ‬ჹሁ஭า֭ཟ౮ĭ ࠫ൐ᅯ໬഍၄ሯ࿧h




ĩቘగĪಮ৷Ҏඏӑຮဈ‫ޒ‬gЯ߾૥ඈӑਧೠධgী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍӐ༈ࣤ ৠӯᇅ໇ĭതჇ ᄍ ಸऐϿ֭uᆚྞ஭าĻ‫ܮ‬ᇾೊ‫ލ‬ൻၵŀv߇ნ඲ ଄߾hਧೠධ૥ඈӑ‫ܥ‬৫഍ࡍ૔ԑ‫ٻ‬ᄖႰЯ߾చ၄‫ه‬ᅢი‫ڣ‬༈ᇗྗ֭ሮ ࿠‫ڣ‬༈ĭਜࢻᆧ‫ڱ‬ჹሁ஭าཟ౮იႇྣಽሯӹ࿅ĭၣࠫҝࡎЯ߾ܽৠ࿘ ᄅ෶िϿ֭ன࿦ॣӹh

ী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍۢ࠱ࣤৠӯႭಎĭ‫ܥ‬৫చ၄ԑ‫ٻ‬ᄖ Ⴐ࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁߋĭದჼ‫ࢬ܅‬ൻன࿦ĭѱࠎ֬ᆧ ‫ڱ‬฼‫܊‬࿘‫࣋ٶ‬๔იಔ౟҈ሁhࡁߋᇃᄥྀሁჼ‫܅‬฼ാ ࠷େĭѱߗࢻ‫܌‬රᄥᆮ‫ڹ‬ჼ‫ࣉྐ܅‬٢૳֭࿪৷h ᄍ ಸऐϿ֭uᆚྞ஭าĻ‫ܮ‬ᇾೊ‫ލ‬ൻၵŀv߇ ნ඲଄߾ĭ‫ܓ‬༓ႌ ࡍ഍๾ĭЏছĻྕࡎ௩౲़్‫٭‬ ࣽҜ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ᇗးԣ೎९഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ᇗ၌ ൅‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩‫ڦ‬ᇤ़‫ࣽ٭‬Ҝ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ࡍख഍ ߾gྕࡎ௩ࡍख‫܅‬၄ৠൡ߾gྕࡎ௩Ѳ৸‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ ௩߅߹჻ၤቁ߾gྕࡎ௩๕Ӕ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ࣉ቏ᇰ З‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩໼ࣉࠗྈ‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩֚഍‫߾܌‬gྕ ࡎ௩ሕྱ๥၄഍৻߾gྕࡎ௩଩ғӔ഍ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩ ຟखย‫ݜ‬഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ᇗ‫ݛ‬഍߾gྕࡎ௩ฃТ‫܅‬഍ ྀ߾ĭၣࠫచ၄օў૔ԣ༤h ಮ৷Ҏօўߣρਲ‫ܬ‬໡gী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍ໹ूਸ਼ࣤ ৠແᇾ༤ᆈཟࣘࢋࢻ‫ܮ‬Ⴐ҈๔ࡁߋg਺ࠋ‫܅‬ቜᇍg਺ ࠋ‫܅‬ሯᇍ؏ĭ‫ܥ‬৫‫܌‬රஒష‫ܮ‬ჼҝი࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕ ࡁߋhಮ৷Ҏඏӑຮဈ‫ޒ‬gী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍӐ༈ࣤৠӯ ᇅ໇ĭၣࠫЯ߾ਧೠධ૥ඈӑᇾԃ໡ջ൐ؕĭࢻջԣ ༤ᆈ֭࿠໡h ᄥ ᄍ ಸऐϿ֭u฼ാჼ‫܅‬ൔ৷ĭ႓‫࠾ࣤ؛‬ජ ຄvႏნ඲଄߾ഐĭಮ৷Ҏਧ๥֫ᇾಱg၅शީᇾ ಱgী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍ੆ສ௣ۢ࠱ࣤৠ֭ࢋࢻĭದ഍ࡍ‫ۿ‬ ࡎਜࢻীሯᆧԱৠಮ৷‫ൂݞ‬ᆿ֥ჸᄽgಎ‫܅ݛ‬ሯৠൡ ߾ྐࣉᆿ֥ჸᄽgྱ‫ܮ֭޲װ‬Ⴃٍਿĭၣࠫॣӹٛ຾ জվ޲࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁߋh ᄥᇾԃ໡ջ൐ؕ൐ĭਧೠධ૥ඈӑ޳ტచ၄ᄖႰ ᆧ‫ۺ֭ڱ‬ལᆚྞ஭าնൈĭҘ଴uীሯᆧԱৠಮ৷‫ݞ‬ ൂᆿ֥ჸᄽvᇗ‫ۺ‬ལДሆ‫܅‬ቜ֭ࢁၸĭၣࠫ৮Ⴐu࠷ େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁߋv֭ॣӹ࣋๔იಔ౟҈ሁĭᄥ٬Ҋ ֬ၠ൐ҔොᇵҒჼh෸၁‫ܥ‬৫഍ࡍ૔ԑ‫ٻ‬ᄖႰЯ߾చ ၄‫ه‬ᅢი‫ڣ‬༈ᇗྗ֭ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈ĭਜࢻᆧ‫ڱ‬ჹሁ஭าཟ ౮იႇྣಽሯӹ࿅ĭၣࠫҝࡎЯ߾ܽৠ࿘ᄅ෶िϿ֭ ன࿦ॣӹh

u ୕ҕᆧჯ෠ϋᅓ္vႏნࢋ቞


ી‫܅‬Ҏი‫ۺ‬഍߾֭‫߾ߍ؛‬ ᄍ ಸĭЯ߾იી‫܅‬ҎӐಱ૥ඈຮ໛߱g‫م׃‬Ӑ ಱ૥ඈ9H]P 4LUVUऐྣ‫߾ߍ؛‬ĭัઊ഍ࣀ૳ਪ֭๏ ᅦიࠗუĭ‫ܓ‬Ⴝধሹ ࡍ഍߾֭ ଈօўԣ༤hЯ ߾֭օў൦ᅮෆഺ߾ӑgৡ‫߾ڴࠖݛ‬ӑh ԣ༤‫֭߾ߍ؛‬ఋ෸ ࡍ഍߾ߖЏছĻྕࡎ௩‫ࡅݛ‬ ഍߾gྕࡎ௩જধ഍߾gྕࡎ௩ႎ؏഍߾gྕࡎ௩ᇍ ᄷ഍৻‫߾ގ‬g્‫ݛ‬഍߾gй৮൐Įਜ਼೮Е഍߾gႏ‫ݛ‬ ഍߾gࡎମվ഍߾gᇗሯచ၄ྀ߾g‫ވ‬য഍߾g஀ᇥ ഍߾gಸЯ‫܅‬഍ቁ߾g୯༎য഍߾g୻ື഍߾g֫‫ݛ‬ ‫܅‬഍ቁ߾g೓൞഍߾h ‫ۺ‬഍߾֭߾ӑg‫߾ڴ‬ӑg‫״‬ൡİৠൡg૥ඈӑᄥ ‫߾ߍ؛‬ഐႨᄉ‫ه‬စĭٙႠ഍ࣀၱࡶĭЏছĻ‫ࡅݛ‬࿘ྲྀ ࿘‫ص‬Ⴝན֭໡฽gປ‫ݛ‬഍ࡍ‫؛‬Яׁ൯ӎࣱᆢ৷֭ॉ ٍg‫؛‬٤ׁӉࣤࡈ‫ڣ‬༈෕ᇑ֭ٙঔgᄥЯ‫ࣤݛ‬഍ӶЯ Ҋ‫ؖ‬ഐᅰ֭࿪৷g္౸ᆧ‫ڱ‬ि٪ପవႶᆧ৻‫܌‬ර෶ੑ ‫֭ؖ‬਽ჟದປሯచ၄ҝიĭၣࠫࢁၸ‫ۺ‬഍߾৻൵࣑ྣ ഍ࣀၱࡶ‫נ‬Ҹĭࠪඹ݄ၵֱ​ֱh ຮ໛߱Ӑಱ૥ඈў൝ĭՖ‫߾ߍ؛‬ᄥࡎౄ‫ۺ‬۹഍߾ ᆵ࡟֭৻༪ĭၣࠫࢁ৳഍߾იી‫܅‬Ҏᆵ࡟ྀ഍ი‫ܖ‬๡ ࠗᇍ٢૳ĭ‫߰ه‬٬Ӑࠚ֭ࠦቜႰh෸ఁֈࢄধେ‫ܜ‬ऐ Ͽ‫اۿ‬৓ස֭‫߾ߍ؛‬h ᅮෆഺ߾ӑ၁ᆿԣĭ෣ሪᇗ‫ݛ‬იႎ؏֭ᗙగĭ‫ۿ‬ ‫ا‬Яׁი‫ݢ‬ປ഍ࡍࢄ֦ᇗgႎ਎‫ݛ‬࿡ᅻ഍ࠗĭЯ߾ი ྕࡎ௩ႎ؏഍߾फ़௥ࣁЯമ֭Ⴒ൥ი഍၄ັખĭྀሁ Ⴝྞಇ֭഍߾ი഍ࡍ࣑ळᇗ‫ݛ‬იႎ؏൯ӎh

߇໛Ϲ{‫܌‬௤ᅹ௟იᆐ࿒ᆿ֥ჸᄽ|๿ࣂ߾ᳪ ቞ณ߾ ᄍ ಸĭЯ߾იীሯᆧ‫܌‬௤‫ܮ‬Ⴃ৻૘৻‫ގ‬ऐϿ߇ ໛Ϲ{‫܌‬௤ᅹ௟იᆐ࿒ᆿ֥ჸᄽ|๿ࣂ߾ᳪuᆱಮ ഇಱ຿Ҕ൦ႰĮచ၄ೊ‫܌ྣ࣑ލ‬௤ᅹ௟቞ณ߾vĭཧ ߾ჼ഍ࡍ࿎֥‫܌‬௤ᅹ௟‫؛‬చ၄֭‫ނ‬Ա‫ތ‬ᇟ္ྦྷĭ༓ႌ ଈ഍ࡍօўԣ༤h

ແਜದ߾ჼ૔‫ࡎۿ‬ਜࢻҕᆧჯ෠ϋ୅ೀĭࠫ൐ԑ ‫ٻ‬ᄖႰ၊༪ਡಽሯიත༈ႲߺĭЯ߾ი௼߇‫ܦ‬ϫ߾ࡁ ൡ༈෶Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕࢋ቞ĭ‫ܓ‬༓ႌ ଈచ၄օ ўԣ༤h

ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᄥᇉՕ൐ᆿԣĭ๿ԣᆋЯ൵Ұ֭ପ ֭ĭ൦uແ‫ܮ‬ᇾᄥᅹ௟იັઍಮҔ൐฼‫܊‬Ⴝེ֭ҝ ॑ĭၣєቜԣ଄ᇎ֭࿒ᄼĭແ‫܌‬ර֭ԃ࿋‫ه‬ᅢս༷ໟ ‫֭ࠖܭ‬Ԭhv

௼߇‫ܦ‬ϫ‫ࠌގ‬ಮৡॗੋg+H]PK 6UNۢ࠱ත༈ࣤ ৠgӯྶ౩ۢ࠱ත༈ࣤৠĭᇟ‫ࣂ׌‬ഝ ୕ҕᆧჯ ෠ϋ֭ᇾ္ත༈նൈიႲߺᆧҮĭၣࠫ‫ٻ‬།ྕ๐ৰ‫؛‬ ഍ࣀ‫ތ‬ന߾֭ႝཡh

ীሯᆧ‫܌‬௤‫ܮ‬Ⴃ৻૘‫ڴ‬ቁࣤৠִ‫ݑ‬ា‫ܥ‬৫‫ܮ‬ᇾ ၣu຿Ҕ൦Ⴐv֭ჸᄽ࣑ྣᅹ௟huূᅃࡂvႽན‫܌‬ රᇾ༤‫ݪ‬ಋჵ၁֦ӎ๥ი߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬ར‫܌ۆ‬ර֭‫܌‬௤‫ܮ‬Ⴃ ࣤယh

ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

໡ջ൐ؕႶЯ߾ਧೠධ૥ඈӑ֌ಱᇾ༤ĭࡉѧແ ಮ৷Ҏඏӑຮဈ‫ݪࠫޒ‬ಋჵᇾ༤hਧೠධ૥ඈӑᆿ


ĩቘగĪĻীሯᆧ‫܌‬௤‫ܮ‬Ⴃ৻૘ቁࣤৠ‫૾ڦڐ‬g ಮ৷Ҏඏӑຮဈ‫ޒ‬gЯ߾߾ӑᅮෆഺgЯ߾ခࣶ იԣϹໆჼ߾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤‫ލ‬ଶಎĭ‫ܓ‬๥๿ࣂ߇໛Ϲ {‫܌‬௤ᅹ௟იᆐ࿒ᆿ֥ჸᄽ|h

ԣĭu‫ܮ‬ᇾ൶༽႓‫ۆ‬ದჼ‫܅‬ૌ็‫ঁ؃‬৉ׁഐϳĭჼ‫܅‬ ‫ঁ֦ۓ‬৉ĭ‫܅‬ቜ֭൐‫ޱ‬Ҕେ‫ۿ‬Ⴝ‫׶‬৷ĭ‫܌؛‬ර၁‫ۿ‬Ⴝ ݊ඓ‫ۓ‬hv߾޲ĭীሯᆧ‫܌‬௤‫ܮ‬Ⴃ৻૘ཧი߾ᆈ‫هٻ‬ ਜඨნϹ{ীሯᆧ‫܌‬௤‫ܮ‬Ⴃ൷ᄽ|ი{‫܌‬௤ᅹ௟იᆐ ࿒ᆿ֥ჸᄽ|൵Ұh

ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾࢔ࢬၖ൜ ୕‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ࢄᄥྕࡎ௩ऐྣĭЯ ߾ແӽϿࠗ‫ܚ‬h߾ఓ࢔ࢬၖ൜ᄥ ᄍ ಸ֭‫ࣅ്׃‬ ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾֭цଦ൜ഐऐྣhЯ߾ߖำѡᇍቜਜ၊ ۹ᅢཋྕࡎ௩֭ำ೬‫ތ‬ᷭ৷֭࿎Զؓ௓‫ތ‬υஎਜ࣢ҙ ֭໛ზўဎĭվ৷࿎Զ‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ĭѱ޳ტ ཋӎধѧ ୕֦ྕࡎ௩ი߾h ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾૥ඈԱĭམ۞ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾қܻയ߾ ӑᄥцଦ൜ഐ࿎ҋ‫്׃‬၊ࣅൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ࢄႶྕࡎ௩ ऐϿhປ࢔Ҏӑဟ಼໛gᅮෆഺ߾ӑօўྕࡎ௩՞٫ ߇഍৻ႭᄁଈძৠൡӑӯႭᄟѸ൞൵ᇗࢬ‫߾ݞ‬ఓh ᅮෆഺ߾ӑ‫ތ‬ဟ಼໛Ҏӑ၁‫ٻ‬ѡᇉՕh ᅮ߾ӑў൝ĭ ୕ĭൟࣀ߇഍վ߾՞ྕࡎ௩ԣ ‫ه‬ĭቄ‫ݞ‬མ۞gค‫ݛ‬gࡎମվgϗᇥgᇗ‫ݛ‬gજধ༎ ࿸g‫ݛݪ‬gಸЯĭধ֦٫੸ѧĭၠࣤӶ‫܇‬ऐϿਜ് ࣅh෹൦ಎ౷߇഍ࡎౄࣤ࠾‫ގ‬ቜgդ࣑ཕ߂ਜࢻ֭ᇟ ္௤ฃhૌ֦၊۹‫ׁތࡍݛ‬౽ĭ‫؃‬൦ׁ֚߇ಮ‫ތ‬഍ࣀ ֭ുൡĭ၁൦ൟࣀ߇഍ߓऒ၊พ֭౱‫׍‬hૌ၊۹ᇾϿ ࠗ‫ܚ‬ĭ‫؃‬ແ෹ᅁ่ਜྕ֭ࠋ৷ĭ‫ڶ‬ვਜ‫֭ھچ‬୅‫ݬ‬h ᆦ൦ႁແ‫߇ׁۺ‬഍๥ྗྀ৷ĭҔ൘ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ᇷҌ ‫ه‬ᅢӶແ‫ׯ‬໒౪༑gႝཡकվ֭‫߾ࡅݛ‬ၸ௞ஏh ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ၣྕࡎ௩ແగ‫׌‬ĭ‫޲୕്م‬ᄤߵ֦ ྕࡎ௩ĭ࠯൦၊۹ჽ઩࿣ߵ֭င࿋ĭ၁൦၊ؕᅡྕੲ ӹ֭ि൛hЯ߾ࢄಎ৷ၣ‫ڳ‬ቜ‫ނ‬ԜЩ‫܅‬ቜh

ሯਠ൱ Я߾ሯਠ൱ࠀࠪ‫ۺ‬৓ҝ॑໛ཌg഍၄ᆿ଺gЯׁ ഍๾୕ॄიำॄĭၣࠫ࿸༭υg‫ײ‬࿸g଺࿸g஀૘‫ݛ‬ ࡍg‫஀ײ‬gТ્g଺્gϗᇥၣࠫ٬ᇥ֭ીၦი๯ሯ ॄ༆h Я߾ሯਠ൱ᆍҧਜ࿀‫ا‬؇ࡍॄ༆hᆍ‫֭ݔ‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬൯ ӎሯਠЏছਜ‫ۺ‬ീ‫ׁۺ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ԣϹ֭๯ሯᆿ଺g๯ሯལ ପ඲଄ඈ‫࠾ࣤތ‬ि‫ه‬౽ᆿ଺ĭఋᇗЏছྕࡎ௩഍ಮࢨ Ҋඋ༙Ӵᆛ֭ሯਠh

ીၦັખ‫ڣ‬༈ ીၦັખ‫ڣ‬༈൦ಎ‫א֭ྦྷݛ‬ሸીၦ໛ࡹԱৠ༪ ๬ĭफ़ၣ࿩ූԱৠીၦ໛ࡹhЯ߾൦ྕࡎ௩ܹතऍ൹ ಋ֭ીၦັખ‫ڣ‬༈ᇗྗᆵ၊ĭແીၦ‫܌‬රమ‫࣑ه‬ԣ९ ሡᆫhЯ߾߾ჼफ़ၣႲߺࡖ۴൘Ⴐᆋལ‫ڣ‬༈h ୕ĭЯ߾‫ܓ‬Աৠ ‫ڂ‬Йܹ໛ࡹh

ል၄ْၺ‫ڣ‬༈ ‫ݞ‬ಈ၊୕ĭْၺ‫ڣ‬༈֭ྻ౸ಸࡾഐാĭٛ຾Џছ ᇡ‫ا‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒gഐ൯ࠗ‫ܚ‬gॼ‫܌ݛ‬රgᇗུచ၄ĭѱ ࠎ֬ҊոߵཡhЯ߾෶ຣӶْ֭ၺལପЏছĻ‫܌‬රັ ᅧg‫ݢ‬ປ๯ሯࡁߋඈg‫ގ‬ᄇgᆫඈĭၣࠫ‫܌‬ර࿎Զ൵ Ұhْၺ޲֭࡭เᇗ໛ၺЯĭᇾ္ႰჇᇗ‫ގݛ‬ቜལ ପĭၣࠫቜແӷ࢔‫ۻ‬ᇗ‫֚ݛ‬ऍ֭ᆫ଄໛ࡹh ୕Я߾ӽࢬ֭ᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬ᇾ္ْၺལପЏছĻ {‫܌‬௤ᅹ௟იᆐ࿒ᆿ֥ჸᄽ|gྕࡎ௩ࣱᆢऍ֭༪ਡ ࿎Զ໛ϋֱh

ປ࢔Ҏဟ಼໛Ҏӑ Ⴟೠ ‫ތ‬ᅮෆഺ߾ӑ Ⴟශ օўྕࡎ௩ĭ՞٫߇഍৻ቁ߾ࢬ‫ݞ‬ൟࣀ߇഍ վ߾֭߾ఓĭᆦ൜ࢬ‫്׃ݞ‬၊ࣅൟࣀ߇഍վ ߾֭ᇾϿЇሸh




ᅮෆഺ߾ӑ‫ࡎྕތ‬௩ܽৠվ࿘‫ྲྀڴ‬ӑ ӯᆚᇙࢥ൹ĭᄥྕվແЯ߾෶ഩ֭໾ Ҝ࢔ੈ߾ഐ‫ގ‬ႝh

୕ĭuປൡიҮઃໆჼ߾v‫ۿ‬ଈແuປൡໆ ჼ߾vĭ‫ۿ‬ಎ૳֭ٙႠЯໆჼ߾ᇟ‫׌‬ໃԃЯ߾ი‫ۺ‬ཕ ܹ‫ݛ‬୅ປᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬g഍၄๾เg‫ݛۺ‬ሉ໩‫ݛ‬վ൘ܾၣ ࠫԶ૊‫ތ‬Үઃࠌϼ֭Ⴞ‫৻ނ‬༪ი‫ގ‬ቜܹ༪֭ᆷᄻh

ҝܼྕࡎ௩ܽৠվ࿘ࠫҝࡎ໾Ҝ࢔ੈ߾ ᄍ ಸĭྕࡎ௩ܽৠվ࿘ာ౰Я߾‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡҝ ܼྲྀ჻ĭ‫ྲྀڴ‬ӑӯᆚᇙࢥ൹օўྕࡎ௩ܽৠվ࿘ᄥ໾ Ҝ࢔ੈ߾ഐߓႚྕ၊ࣅ‫״‬ൡhԣ༤࢔ੈ߾֭ྕࡎ௩ܽ ৠվ࿘օўЏছۢ࠱ܽৠᇾܽࠫ༪ᇾಱh Я߾ᅮෆഺ߾ӑgқఋ഻‫߾ڴ‬ӑgӯ࣢ၲ‫߾ڴ‬ ӑgခࣶიԣϹໆჼ߾ཀྵቜଆᇾ༤gປൡໆჼ߾ႋԔ ଄ᇾ༤gခࣶიԣϹໆჼ߾‫ލ‬ଶಎ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤gປൡໆჼ ߾ઍվ૾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤g഍๾ი߾ჼൡ༈ໆჼ߾Ϫၲϫ‫ڴ‬ᇾ ༤g‫܅‬၄ໆჼ߾ӯଫ‫ڴه‬ᇾ༤gന߾ൡ༈ໆჼ߾٢် ఓ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤g਋໛ᡄ‫״‬ൡgྎႭᨒ‫״‬ൡgқࡈ‫״׍‬ൡࠫ ߣࡺ߇‫״‬ൡօўԣ༤࢔ੈ߾h ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᇉՕ൐ࣂഝਜЯ߾u౥୕చ၄ࡍ৻༪ ັvĭ‫ܥ‬৫࿘഻ࡎ೎ࠫҝიུ቎ࠋ‫׶‬hᅮ߾ӑ၁༘ິ Я߾ऐϿ ୕‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾൐ĭେიྕࡎ ௩ܽৠվ࿘‫ގ‬ቜh ਎໒ࠎϷ ୕ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ࠖࣉࢊ ࿘ࣉ֭ྕվ࿘഻ިᇙ௤ ഍၄ܽৠ༪ ୕࠱ gઍႏࢵ ߾ࡁࠫ഍၄ܽৠ༪ ୕࠱ ၁ԣ༤࢔ੈ߾ĭ‫ٻ‬ར࿘༥ ࣤယh

ஶѸന஍തᇗ‫ ݛ‬ᇣ୕‫ݛ‬౱ྕໜࡈ੫௓ ஶѸനແᇗ‫ ݛ‬ᇣ୕‫ݛ‬౱ᇍቜྕໜࡈ੫௓ĭำჇ ᄍ ಸ٨໡Я߾ӯ࣢ၲ‫߾ڴ‬ӑĭҘ٨֭୅ೀიྕᇗ਎ ‫֭ݛ‬Ⴞ‫ނ‬າধࠫᇗ‫ݛ‬ᄥൟࣀഐ֭ႝཡ৷ཕܹhതᇍ቎ ၁஍തਜЯ߾վ༸ĭቜແࡈ੫௓֭௓ؕᆵ၊h


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

ᇱϠ༲ᇗ߇഍߾ ᇣ୕߾౱ ປൡໆჼ߾ႋԔ଄ᇾ༤օўЯ߾ԣ༤ ᇱϠ༲ᇗ ߇഍߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿ ᇣ୕߾౱g߾ჼᙎ࿜ࠫ౥ ഍቎ ᇣ୕ࡈ୙৻ߓဘ߾hࠋ‫׶‬Ⴧ ᇱϠ༲ᇿଈ֭৻ ‫ݢގ‬ဤဘ߾๗ऐྣĭѱာ౰જধ༎࿸ᇗ߇‫܅‬഍৻‫߾ގ‬ ߾ӑ֍බৢᇚ๛೮ᇾԃिଦh

ᇗ߇ಮ૾‫ݛތܓ‬ᇾ༤޹࣎ษ۶༷ߓႚ຦ဘ ᇗ߇ಮ૾‫ݛތܓ‬ᇾ༤޹࣎ษ۶༷Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸᑉ٨ྕࡎ௩ĭԣ༤࿸ฆࣤ‫ގ‬቎ᆶ߾ၸh஭‫޹ގ‬ᇾ༤ ֦֭٨ĭЯ߾ᄥྀϿࠗ‫ܚ‬๡഍ᇗ‫ݛ‬ĭၣࠫྕࡎ௩‫܅‬ ഍৻‫ގ‬ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩ሿཛྷ߾ܾ৻‫ގ‬ቁ߾gᇗሯచ၄ ྕࡎ௩ ྀ߾იྕࡎ௩Įᇗ‫ྕ ݛ‬ᇗ Ⴞ‫֭߾ྀނ‬ᆮԃ ༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸᄥ೓ࠥࣽ‫ד‬ഩߓႚ຦ဘࢬֈ޹ᇾ༤ ၣࠫօў๾၊ྣĭࢾՖ࣑၊ҌࡎౄЯ߾იᇗ‫ݛ‬਽֥Ҳ ܹ֭༪hԣ༤֭ࡉѧߖЏছ໩‫ڴݛ‬ቁৠߣ‫ۼ‬Ӷg໗഻ Ҏӑ࿀໛ᄁgಮ৷ҎӑဆࣉႯĭၣࠫ ଈ‫ݛ‬୅ປধ ѧh ޹࣎ษᇾ༤۶༷ᄥᇉՕ൐ณ֦ĭᇗ‫ݛ‬იྕࡎ௩֭ Ⴞ‫߂ތނ‬৮‫ގ‬ቜܹ༪ĭҊ࣏‫ۻ‬਎‫ݛ‬ಮ૾փধൔᇑ৮ ၵĭ၁դ࣑Яׁ౽֭‫ތ‬௤gໟ‫಼ٖތׯ‬h޹ᇾ༤ў ൝ĭ֚వಎ౷ࣤ࠾ၠࣤԣཋߵໟࠞཨĭ֔ಎ૳‫֭ිڷ‬ వࣧߖҊ଄ঽĭᇗྕ਎‫ݛ‬႓‫ގࠦࠚۿۆ‬ቜĭྂ൵ቄཧ ಼ٖh ޹ᇾ༤඲ĭᄥൟࣀࣤ࠾ᅁӑ૳ਪ๏ᅦ֭౮ঋ༷ĭ ᇗྕ਎‫ݛ‬႓‫هۆ‬ऩశ৷िຑ࣑಄ĭԿᄷྕ֭‫ގ‬ቜࠗ უĭᆢ಄ᄲಸൔཋࣤ࠾‫ිڷ‬ĭѱ‫ྕ؛‬ᇗીၦ‫ގ‬ቜ֭వ ࣧԑ઩྘ྗh ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᄥᇉߓႚՕ൐඲ĭᇗ‫ۇݛ‬۲ि٪ᆵ ޲ĭЯ߾იᇗ‫ݛ‬ᆵ࡟֭৻༪၁ཧಎ٢໒g‫ا‬ჵߌ‫ه‬ ᅢhԪਜҊ‫ؖ‬िъЯׁ഍ࡍĭЏছఋ෸ቊಝ֭഍߾֦ ᇗ‫ׁۺݛ‬๯ሯ֭ಃ֩ĭЯ߾၁ࠚྀࠦሁᇗ‫ۺݛ‬ീg൯ ᆧ‫ތڱ‬చ၄ᄥྕࡎ௩࣑ྣᅹ഍იன࿦ࠋ‫׶‬h


ᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ᇾ༤޹࣎ษ۶༷ߓႚ຦ဘᇾϿࠗ‫ܚ‬g ྀϿࠗ‫ܚ‬gᆮԃࠗ‫֭ܚ‬਽֥ი޹ᇾ༤‫ގ‬ႝh ቘగ ๡഍ᇗ‫ݛ‬ቁҒࡡн೾ĮվϠဳࠪ࿒౽ၸ ჼဟ৥଄gྕࡎ௩ሿཛྷ߾ܾ৻‫ގ‬ቁ߾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ ‫్ލ‬഻gЯ߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑӯ࣢ၲgྕࡎ௩‫܅‬഍৻‫ގ‬ ቁ߾ᇾ༤ᇳ਍ᇅgЯ߾߾ӑᅮෆഺg޹࣎ษᇾ ༤g๡഍ᇗ‫ݛ‬ᇾ༤ࡡЯ߾వಱ߾ӑқ็Зg Я߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑৡ‫ࠖݛ‬gྕࡎ௩Įᇗ‫ྕ ݛ‬ᇗ Ⴞ‫ྀނ‬ ߾߾ӑஔ‫ݛ‬ऋѸ൞gЯ߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑқఋ഻gᇗሯ చ၄ ྕࡎ௩ ྀ߾߾ӑࢃ৳ळh

ᅮ߾ӑ၁ᆿԣĭಎ౷ࣤ࠾ᇟྗᆦࡎූཧ‫ײ‬٢ሏ ၕĭᇗ‫ތݛ‬࿸ᇥ‫ࡍݛ‬Ҋ࣏ᄥ‫ࠪݛ്م‬๾ᇗϺဎ֭ࢠ೬ ᄈধᄈᇟ္ĭᄥ‫ࠒࡅݛ‬уࠖࣉ቎ᆶ‫ތ‬ൟࣀႇྣ֭ߍნ ಋ၁ಸၵ฼ۢhᇗ‫ࢄ಼ٖ֭ݛ‬փ‫׶‬࿸ᇥ֭ี‫ٮ‬ĭແ ൟࣀ߇഍փধਜ‫ۿ‬վg‫߰ه݄֭ۿ‬४࡟h ୕ ᄍĭЯ߾ࢄऐϿ‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ĭიধሹಎ౷‫ۺ‬ ׁ֭߇഍਽ྷĭ‫ܓ‬๥ธัೊ‫ލ‬Ϥ໬ቓࡌ֭৭ൖࢰؕĭ ‫ه‬ᅢመվĭ‫ގ‬ቜ‫ܓ‬ႛĭߓႚᇗ‫ݛ‬చ၄ࡍవধ‫ܓ‬ཚു ऐh

૊เൡ༈ ୕ĭЯໆჼ߾ແ฼ۢЯ߾‫ۀތ‬ඓࠗ‫ܚ‬ऐϿ‫ۺ‬ ৓ࠋ‫֭׶‬௿݃੹ࠫࡎౄྡཨĭࡇ࿋იЯׁ‫ݢތ‬ປ૊เ Дԃ૩ౕ‫ގ‬ቜh Яໆჼ߾ແЯ߾‫ۀތ‬ඓࠗ‫ܚ‬෶ऐϿ֭ᇾ္ࠋ‫׶‬฼ ‫܊‬૊เᆮჹĭာ౰‫ۺ‬վ૊เవধҘ٨Й֩hᆋོࠋ‫׶‬ ЏছྕՅ๾ϰgಸЯᅥ਽൐ఁල଼ಮ૾࠻৤gᇗ౴৻ ߓ຦߾g‫ݛ‬౱຦߾ļܽৠ࿘ᄅ෶िϿ֭ॣӹļ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ ෶ᇾϿ֭ ഍၄ᅢິ߇ნઊฎgЯ߾‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ ߾࿒ऐࠫ ᄍ֭ऄᆷ‫׍‬৤g ᄍऐྣ֭ᇗ߇ಮ૾‫ތܓ‬ ‫ݛ‬ᇾ༤޹࣎ษ۶༷ߓႚ຦ဘࠫ‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ĭ ၣࠫ ᄍᇾϿ֭‫ࣅ ׃‬഍๾վ߾h ႶჇЯ߾ი‫ۺ‬վ૊เДԃ਍‫ܹ֭ނ‬༪ĭႁՖЯ߾ ෶ᇾ֥֭‫ۺ‬ལ‫נ‬ҸgЯ߾‫؛‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬෶๿ԣ֭ჹሁࡁߋ‫ތ‬ Үઃ֭ٙঔĭ݄ࡶჇ‫ۺ‬վ૊เh




ᅮෆഺ߾ӑϷ‫߾ه‬ჼᆫඈ‫ۘۻ‬Ӷແ഍๾ ߾ჼ֭ྕࡎ௩Կ၄ࠫයಮሯЯ๯ሯྀ߾h

഍๾ი߾ჼལପ ഍๾߾ჼ໾Ҝ࢔ੈ߾ ࡎౄი഍๾߾ჼ֭৻༪൦‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾֭၊ལᇟ ‫܅׌‬ቜପћĭ‫״‬ൡ߾Ϥ഍๾߾ჼ‫ۼ‬औྣ၄਽ჟ‫ٻ‬஭Ӷ ۹ྣ၄቎ѡĭႶ഍๾ი߾ჼൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤g഍၄ ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ࠫ‫܅‬၄ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤֌ಱྀ‫נ‬ᇾ༤ĭѱ๡‫ݞ‬ ‫ׯ‬ఁᇾϿ໾Ҝ࢔ੈ߾ĭი഍๾օў࣑ྣ࢔ੈĭਜࢻҊ ๥ྣ၄ᆵ࡟෶ձᄥ֭໡฽ĭၣࠫ‫ٻ‬ར‫ۺ‬۹ྣ၄֭႗ᄖ ࣤယĭ๥൐၁൴ࠪ‫ۺ‬഍๾֭ٙঔၱࡶĭཧᆧ‫ڱ‬ቜԣٙ ঔĭၣఁᆧ‫ܹۿڱ‬ሇᇗུྠచ၄֭ࣤ႗଼฽ĭѱແᇗ ུచ၄฼‫اۿ܊‬ሯሁ‫ތ‬ᆮԃh ୕؏ԣ༤࢔ੈ߾֭഍๾‫ܓ‬Ⴝ ࡍĭЏছĻྕ ࡎ௩ა഍ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩‫ݜ‬Қԣ೎९഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ࠡ ࿭ԣ೎९഍৻‫߾ގ‬gྕࡎ௩ܼഎაԣ९഍‫߾܌‬gϠ༎ ϳದ௃‫ه‬ᇗྗ഍৻߾gྕࡎ௩߅߹჻ၤቁ߾gྕࡎ௩ ࡍख഍߾gྕࡎ௩ఈ၄௃‫ه‬ი਴ൺ഍߾gྕࡎ௩଩ғ Ӕ഍ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩ࢁህғਠ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ቇ‫ࣉࠫܛ‬ ಽ၄‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ཋօచ၄ܽৠྀ߾gྕࡎ௩ฃТ‫܅‬ ഍ྀ߾gྕࡎ௩౲़్‫ࣽ٭‬Ҝ഍‫߾܌‬g஀્ᄞࠒ൒௞ ഍༈ऍgྕࡎ௩૳Џ༎‫ݜ‬഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩‫ڦ‬ᇤ़‫ࣽ٭‬ Ҝ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩൒௞Ӕ഍৻‫߾ގ‬g਴ൺࣽ഍‫܌‬ऍg ྕࡎ௩ຟखย‫ݜ‬഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ඖ࢓‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩Ք ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ҷ၄ԣ೎९഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ԣ೎९഍ ‫߾܌‬gೱীᄈԣ೎९഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ย഍‫߾܌‬Ⴝན‫܌‬ රgྕࡎ௩‫ݢ‬კ࢕‫܌‬෶gྕࡎ௩೴Ϡԣ೎९഍‫߾܌‬g ྕࡎ௩૤೎९഍ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩ᇄ഍‫߾܌‬g֫‫܅ڦ‬၄౽ Ӕ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩໼ࣉ‫܅‬ख‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ෙ࢓‫܅‬၄ቁ ߾gྕࡎ௩໗഻ғਠԣ೎९഍߾gྕࡎ௩Էѿ༆ሯ഍ ߾gྕࡎ௩࣢‫ࠫ܅‬଎खྀ߾gྕࡎ௩ᄞࠒ‫৻ד‬ၹ߾g ྕࡎ௩ૡ୎൯ӎ‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ಎ‫ݛ‬഍৻ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩ Ӊ၄‫ه‬ᅢ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩‫ݼ‬४ࠒᄖօৠྀ߾gྕࡎ௩ Է༈‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩൴ႃࠗࠫ‫א‬ఞ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ࣉ቏ ᇰЗ‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ലਠ๥၄഍߾gྕࡎ௩֚഍‫߾܌‬g ྕࡎ௩ᅄ௞ი৤௞ྀ߾gྕࡎ௩ҋ၄ᇗྗ഍৻߾gྕ ࡎ௩ҋ၄৻ၹ߾gྕࡎ௩ᇗးԣ೎९഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ ᇗး‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ᇗ၌ᇗး৻‫߾ގ‬gྕࡎ௩ᆔࣻ၌࿘ ྀ߾gྕࡎ௩ᇗ၌൅‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩଑‫ا‬༎ऽ഍߾gྕ ࡎ௩തႝ഍߾gྕࡎ௩Ӣ഍‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩ᄖඃ၄‫߾܌‬ ࠫ :WH >LSSULZZ (ZZVJPH[PVU :PUNHWVYL h


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

Ӑᄍ‫״‬ൡ߾Ӷჼი‫ۺ‬ໆჼ߾٬‫״‬ൡໆჼ৻ၹࠋ‫׶‬ Я߾՞ ᄍ‫״ڂ‬ൡ߾ၸಸि൛ĭჇૌ۹ᄍ֭ቓ޲၊ ۹ྚఁ໼ Ӑᄍ‫״‬ൡ߾ၸಸ ༷໾ ‫׌‬ᇈ ‫ٻ ׌‬ĭದ ‫״‬ൡი‫ۺ‬ໆჼ߾ໆჼ࣑ྣ߂‫׶‬ი࢔ੈhՖປĭЯ߾ ၁Ⴧૌᄍ࢔ੈ൐ؕᇗ֭ ‫׌‬ᇈ ‫ٻ ׌‬ĭာ౰ᆧ‫ࠗڱ‬ ‫ܚ‬gచ၄ࣀg഍ࣀ਽ྷࠏӶ‫܇‬ಮ൞‫ٻ‬རࣤ഍ᆵ֩ࠏቓ ྕࣤીሯ࿧h ሹ ᄍగĭЯ߾Ϥ࢔ੈ߾জվແ‫״‬ൡİໆჼიྕ߾ ჼ࡟֭৻ၹࠋ‫׶‬ĭာ౰ྕࡎ೎֭߾ჼҝიࠋ‫׶‬ĭѱႶ ᅮ߾ӑϷ‫߾ه‬ჼᆫඈ‫ۻ‬ვྕࡎ೎֭഍๾߾ჼhЯ߾Ⴧ ࢔ੈ߾ഐແྕ߾ჼࣂഝЯ߾߾༈ĭྀሁ෸૔ਜࢻࡎ೎ Я߾֭‫ނ‬ԱĭЏছ‫ھچ‬ಮથ‫ތ‬഍ࠗĭࡎූ၄༈‫ه‬ᅢh ୕෶቎ᆶ֭࢔ੈ߾ЏছĻ • ᄍ ಸĻྕࡎ௩౥୕ϕᄖ߾቎ໆ߾඲଄౥ϕ߾֭ ԜЩࣕঋg༪ਡ๿݄ࠋ‫ྕࠫ׶‬഍ࠗh • ᄍ ಸĻᅮෆഺ߾ӑᇾࢋĻu՞‫ݼ‬ᄖ၄ॉྕྞ൯ ӎ֭శ৷vh • ᄍ ಸĻҝܼ຦౬჻Į෬ᇗ೾଺ဤࡈ୙ܾh • ᄍ ಸĻ൶ՙuႚྕ࢔ੈ߾vh೓൞྘ֆႇྣ࿸ ᇥ൶༤ࣤ࠾࿘ࡍӯ်࣑ແ ଈԣ༤ᆈᇾࢋĻ u ୕༷Ͼ୕൯ӎიࣤ࠾ᅢິvh • ᄍ ಸĻ‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ĭಭ‫ࠪޢ‬๾ᆻྣᇾ ༤ᇚഺ࡜ᇾࢋĻuᇗ‫ه࠾ࣤݛ‬ᅢიᇗ‫ࣤݛ‬഍ྗ ֬vh • ᄍ ಸĻవӐ༈‫״‬ൡຮౚࢵᇾࢋĻu ഐ‫ݢ‬ ൟѸი୎vh • ᄍ ಸĻ഍၄ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ᆪర଩ᇾࢋĻuൾҚ ණ‫ݜ‬ᆱ‫ا‬ചvh • ᄍ ಸĻಮ৷Ҏীሯܹ༪ඏ֭ᆷ‫߾܅‬ሇҰԱۢ ࠱ሁৠሇҰܺༀ‫໇ݛ‬ᇾࢋĻuന౽ҝიࡁߋᆵ഍ ၄ი‫߾܅‬ಝvh


ᅮෆഺ߾ӑ‫ތ‬ಮ৷ҎӑဆࣉႯიԣ༤‫ࣅم׃‬ ഍๾վ߾֭഍๾օў࣑ྣ‫ߍ؛‬h



Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸࡔྕࡎ௩‫؟ݛ‬๬၊ࣽ‫مד‬੔็ԥҜ ܾऐϿ৻ၹࠋ‫׶‬hЯ߾ଈძ‫״‬ൡ‫྘܃‬഻ၣuભณ௶ฬ ࣽvແᇾ฽ĭփ਽ ໒ԣ༤ᆈಲൕ௶ฬࣽh


ᄍ‫߾ڂ‬ჼ৻ၹࠋ‫׶‬ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸာ౰ྕࡎ௩‫ݛ‬৳վ࿘Ҏ૒ᇾಱဟࡉ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇾࢋuᇗ‫ݛ‬഍༈৤ၖભณvh ෺՞ॉ଄uಮ౮ൟ‫ܫ‬vĭᅻ֦ܺӎ‫ތ‬഍ӎණѷਁ ᜟ୅Ҳ֭uౄܹ༪vļሇᇟ৤ၖᇗ֭༭ࢳĭ୅ౄ෕ ᇑgປෙྡཨgᅁ࣑࢔າࠫ೎ཛྷ෣ුĭѱ‫؛‬uࣽ໛ ߌv‫ތ‬uࣽሥന࢔v࣑ྣ‫ٻ‬།ĭ඲଄ປ഍ೊ္࣑೎ᇗ ‫ݛ‬൯ӎĭԪਜሹമ‫୵ތ׾ځ‬৷ĭߖщ྾‫؛‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬๡഍໛ ߌႽ෶ਜࢻh

‫ࣅم׃‬഍๾վ߾ ၣu‫߰ه‬๾‫ؚ‬৷ਐg‫ܓ‬ଜ‫ه‬ᅢҮઃvແᇾ฽֭‫׃‬ ‫ࣅم‬഍๾վ߾ĭᄥћྕऍgచ‫ه‬ऍgী‫ه‬ऍ‫ތ‬ሯ྘ऍ ֭ᆮԃ༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸࡔЯ߾ࡉ‫܀‬พऐྣhվ߾ᇃᄥ ແЯ߾ඓ༷഍๾਽ྷ฼‫܊‬ᇟ္࢔ੈ௤ฃĭ‫ٻ‬ར߾༈ࣤ ယĭ‫ܓ‬഍‫ه‬ᅢ਍Үĭಮ৷ҎӑဆࣉႯແվ߾ᇾѧh ћྕऍ‫ڴ‬ऍӑӯ֫लgచ‫ه‬ऍඏӑӯ৥ਲgী‫ه‬ ऍሁৠඏӑߣ્​્‫ތ‬ሯ྘ऍሁৠඏӑᅮ‫ڔڔ‬ĭ‫ٻ‬ѡཧ ଈԣ༤ᆈࢻ඲ᆧ‫ڱ‬ແ഍๾ࠫᇗུྠచ၄฼‫֭܊‬ჹ ሁࡁߋh ྕࡎ௩ࡍख‫܅‬၄ৠൡ߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑ਋༹଄gྕࡎ௩࣢ ૩‫܅‬ӹი଎खྀ߾‫״‬ൡ࿀Ӷᇅࠫྕࡎ௩ᇗး๾เ৻‫ގ‬ ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ৡӑ೴ĭ၁‫ٻ‬ར෸૔֭ࣤယh ಮ৷ҎӑဆࣉႯიᅮෆഺ߾ӑᄥ‫߾ߍ؛‬ഐĭແ‫ۺ‬ ഍๾ࢻջ෸૔ᄥ၄༈‫ه‬ᅢ෶૳‫଼֭؛‬฽hᅮ߾ӑ၁ᄥ ‫߾ߍ؛‬ᆵ޲ĭࢄЯ߾෶‫נ‬Ҹ‫ٻތ‬།֭{ປࠩჼ‫ॣ܅‬฽ ‫נ‬ҸЙ۩|ӷ‫ۻ‬Ҏӑĭ‫܊‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒ҝ॑h

ྕ၊ࣅ౥୕చ၄ࡍ৻༪ັႶ഍๾ი߾ჼໆჼ߾‫ڴ‬ ᇾ༤Ϫၲϫ਽֥ĭӶჼແĻ ‫ܬ‬໡Ļ ຮሸჵgӯൟ໇ ᇾ༤Ļ Ϫၲϫ ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤Ļ໹ܺ਩ff ໆჼĻ ຮ่ҕgॗࢁౄgϪᇅౄgි࣫ᠰ ဟഝ஽g‫ݚ‬ඖ‫ؾ‬gਧሤީgᅮ৩ഺ ੆Ӗgਧৱᑿg‫߇ݛڸ‬ ಎྕ֭౥చັၣuࠋ৷౥୕f‫ܓ‬Կచ၄vແఓ ᇋĭၣனც‫ھ‬Ⴝρྗ֭౥୕చ၄ࡍიդ࣑ЯׁగҌ‫܌‬ ර‫ه‬ᅢແᇨྗh౥୕చ၄ࡍࢄ๡‫ݞ‬Я߾֭৻༪ັખ‫ތ‬ ෶ᇾϿ֭ࣤယ‫ٻ‬རი࠷େ฼ാg഍၄࢔ੈgࡍ๞იࡺ ॊၣࠫ‫܌‬ၵࠋ‫׶‬ĭཧ৭ਈ‫֭ھچ‬഍၄౑ԫ಄ࣤĭѱი ᇅཧཕ๥֭ಮ൞‫ܓ‬๥࿘༥g߂ཕ‫ڛ‬ԃh ‫נ‬ᆤ౥୕చ၄ࡍ৻༪ັ߾ჼ୕ਵནᇍ ແজվ݇଎ĭ౥୕చ၄ࡍ৻༪ັჇ ᄍ ಸ֭‫׃‬၊ ՙུ቎߾ၸഐĭभၸࢄ౥୕చ၄ࡍ֭୕ਵഐན՞ჸ༽ ֭ ෧‫ ֦ۢנ‬෧ĭѱၣ߾ჼࡎ೎ུ቎ࠋ‫׶‬൐֭୕ ਵແሡĭ࠯၊ଈᄥ ෧൐ࡎ೎౥చັࠋ‫߾֭׶‬ჼĭѱ Ҋ၊‫္ྻׯ‬ᄥ୕ਵ֦պ ෧޲৞िhࡎ೎౥చັ֭ਾ ၊ལћሡĭ࠯‫܌‬රӶ৳ച‫୕ ݞ‬ᄽໃԃҊѕh ౥చັࣤယ‫ٻ‬ར߾ ౥చັჇ ᄍ ಸࡔЯ߾ᅢ঳൱ऐྣ‫׃‬၊ՙࣤယ‫ٻ‬ ར߾ĭာ౰వ65, ZOVW֎ࡖ৽෵഍‫ד‬ԿϿಮሔႜ ႜი ଈԣ༤ᆈ‫ٻ‬རuिԿൡ၄fຑᅢ၄༈Ļ၊۹చ ၄ĭ്ࣼࣼพॣvh ෺‫ٻ‬རਜ۹ಮ֭Ӷӑࠫ65, ZOVW֭ԿϿg߱ߪ ‫ه‬ᅢ֭৭ӹ‫ތ‬՞‫܌‬ර֢цᇗ෶֦֭֬ఛ‫ه‬gࣤယი‫ۓ‬ ༉h෺૰৫୕౥Կ၄ᆈ္Ҋ౦ၦစడgҊ໎जെϯg ୵৷৉ׁུܼྗ‫۾‬ᄐh





р▒ернХр░ЪсБДрбНрз╗р╝кр║▒сЗ╛р╝д ╧ксБ▓╧л р░╡роОсВ┐ ралр▓Ор╣Ар▒е р░Ър║▒р╗ЖсГ╝тАл▐ОтАмсВЭh

сДер╛ХсЗЧр▒ернХр┤Нр╝И╒╛р╡ШрвФрйИрбБ▀Лр╝╖─н╧Юр╗Тр╛ХсЗЧр▒ернХ ╓Е╤Юралр╛ХрбОрпйтАл▀╛ргЙраЦрбЕ▌ЫтАмр╜грмктАл┌╜тАмсД╗р▓осГНрзйри▓сГЗ сДН р▓╕╓ж┘и╨п▀╛─нргСсБК╥МриЬрв╗риЬ╨п▀╛╓нрзнр╡Ц╨дргзсГШр╖╢р╕╝тАл▄КтАм ╓нтАл┌гтАмр╝И─нсБгралтАлр╛Х╪ЫтАмсЗЧриО╫Бргдр┤Нрал╙┤р╡п▌З▀Л╓▒регр╕╜рвФ▀Ш сБ▒рб╢hр╖╕рлФсББ╥Э▄╝риЬрлер╢И╘▒gр░ЪсБДтАл┘ЗтАмсЕвсГШтАл┌гтАмр╝ИсЗЧр╛Чрал ▄╜рзар┐ШсДЕh

р╡бсБДрн╖р╛зсЙО р▒ер░Ър║▒╨Фри╡р▒╖рвФрйИраЛтАл╫╢тАм р▒ер░Ър║▒сГЗ сДН р▓╕g сДН р▓╕рал сДН р▓╕тАл▄УтАм╧┐риЬ ╙О╨Фри╡р▒╖╙ОрвФрйИраЛтАл╫╢тАм─нр▓жр▒ернХ▀╛сГ╝рлФр╣бтАл▌ЮтАм╒ЦрзУраЛтАл╫╢тАмр▒ж р╖ЖрвФрйИh р▒ер░Ър║▒рвФрйИ▀╛┼Б/LSPWHK р▒ер░Ър║▒сГЗ сДН р▓╕сДереаржаркЪр╣░роЭсЗЧсАЬ╙┤╓н /,307(+рг╜рж╗рдРр╛гргКрнХр╡╢╒ЩрвФрйИраЛтАл╫╢тАм─нр╝УсВМриЬ р╗Т ╘гр╝дсЖИh р▒ер░Ър║▒тАл▄МтАмсБ╡раЛтАл╫╢тАм─╗>6>р╛ЧраНр╜Х╘╢ р▒ер░Ър║▒сГЗ сДН р▓╕рбФр╡Др╕пр│┤6UL┬и 4HYPUH *S\I рдРр╛гр╡╢╒ЩтАл▄МтАмсБ╡раЛтАл╫╢тАм─н╧ЕроОриЬ╓Ор▒ЬрбНр╣ЮтАл┌гтАмр╝ИсЗЧр╛Ч╓н р╗Т ╓Ор▒ЬрбН╙СралтАл▌бтАмр╣и╙╕╒╣сВ╗р╣а╘гтАл▌втАм─н╤▒сДе рмИсБ┤тАл╓н▄ЕтАмсЖ┐╓е р╝╖р┐Шр╝ер╣Ур╗┐тАл▐МтАм╥ЭрбОрг▒ра╖╨╣р│Яh р▒ернХри╜р╛╖рз╗р╝кр║▒─╗u╒╜╓вргдра╛╥КргзvсДЦтАл╫╢тАм р▓ОтАл▌ЫтАмр▒ернХрзар╡б▀╛р╢Ур╝╖р▒ернХри╜р╛╖рз╗р╝кр║▒сГЗ сДН р▓╕рдР ╧┐р┤Рр╢ХраЛтАл╫╢тАмhр┤и▀╛тАл┘ЗтАмсЕвgр▒ернХралр╣АсГк╥ОрббрвФр╣б╥О█в ра▒сЖзр╝И╒Щ╙СсЕор╢╣рзЙ▐│сГвр▒ернХри╜р╛╖рз╗р╝кр║▒╓н▀╛сГ╝g╨п▀╛ тАл█║тАмр┤Нр╣╛сЙОсЖ╢╓Е╤Юр┐Ор╡г─н╙╜рн╛сЖо╘Гр▒ернХри╜р╛╖рз╗р╝кр║▒╓нтАл▐ДтАм сЖВ─нтАл▄етАмрзлсГШраЯтАл▌Ы┘ЗтАмр▓осДергдра╛╓╢рлЯр╡Рр░БраЪражсВУтАл╪ЫтАмр╣ПсЕж─н р╛Вр╡╡сЙД╘гржЪргкhронтАл╫╢раЛ▐ОтАм─нр▒ернХри╜р╛╖рз╗р╝кр║▒сББр┤йрз│сБК █╣тАл▄КтАмр┤НсБДр╣╛р╣АралраЧтАл▀В▄ЪтАмр╣бр┐зр╝Ч╓нрвФрйИрпдр╕Г─нр╗БсВ╜р╛╗сА╣ ╓н█╣р▓ораПр░ЪсБДр╕╝тАл▄КтАмсБ▒рб╢сГШр╛АсИБh ╒ЦраЛтАл╓н╫╢тАмр┐О╘╢р░Бр╗Б █╣сДН─нр▒ер░Ър║▒р╡жраЛтАл╓н╫╢тАмсЖо╘Г╓О р╗ТсЖ╡сБКh

р╛ХсБКргЕр╡бсБДрн╖р╛зсЙОсВ╢тАл┘ЗтАмр░Чр▓осЕор░ТтАл╓М╪╖тАмр▓▒сЗ╛р╝д─н ╙╢сГ╝╨ПржЫ─╗ сЗ╛р╝д─╗ сЕор░ТтАл╪╖тАм тАл┌┤тАмсЗ╛р╝д─╗ тАлр╖Х▌ЪтАмс╡░ сЙОсГ╝─╗ ▐ир╖ХрлДgризрзйсЗ░gтАл▌ЪтАмсЖАсбУgр╕ЫрзйсЗ░g ╙п▀╕ри▓gсАЯрлНрз╖ сДНтАл┌ВтАмр╗╛╥ЬтАл┘╗тАмр╜в▀╛ р╡бсБДрн╖р╛зсЙОтАл▐МтАмр╗Ы▀МсГШрвесГкр╗ЖсГ╝▀╛сГЗ сДН р▓╕сДе╨п▀╛ тАл┘ЕтАмрйФрз╗╧┐р┤Рр╢ХраЛтАл╫╢тАмhсБгр╕╜р╗Бuр╗Ыр┐ШсГШр▓ор┤╗v╓нтАл┘╗тАмр╜в ▀╛─нсАмр▒░риЬрм║рга╒╛р┐Шр╗Ыр┐ШсДЕсЖжgтАл┌┤тАмсДЕ╙СтАлрве┘Р╫итАмр╡╣ралр╛┐ р╛Юр╗╡рвер╡╣─нсГШсДЗ рмИ╘гр╝дсЖИтАл┘╗тАмр╜всЗЧтАл▌ЫтАмр╗Ы▀Мgрв║тАлргв▐М▄ЪтАм р┤▓сБгралсЗЧтАлр╛Х▌ЫтАмр╡Рр░Б╓нр╗Ыр┐ШтАл┘ЗтАмсЕвh сДНтАл┌ВтАмр╗╛╥ЬтАл┘╗тАмр╜в▀╛ р╡бсБДрн╖р╛зсЙОсГЗ сДН р▓╕рдР╧┐uр│КтАл▐НтАмсДергдра╛╓╢рлбр╡Рр░Б тАл▀░┘ЗтАмрне╓нри╜╓ернЗрз╖vтАл┘╗тАмр╜в▀╛hр╝Йр╗Б ╨врга ▄╜рзасИор┐асВ╜ р╜УтАл▄МтАмр╢╗сЙБрбЫ╙прлНсЗ░сГШсДЗ рмИ╘гр╝дсЖИтАл┘╗тАмр╜вр▓ор╡б▄╜рза╓н┘в ┘Н─н╨ПржЫрбОр▒ДсГШсЖ╖сГ╝╓нсВ╜р╜║тАл▄ЦтАмр╣бg╧ЕроОсГ╝тАл╓ж▄ЕтАм╥Кр╣е╓н ╥ОрлТр┐Шр╝ераПр░Лр╖╕тАл▄МтАмр╢╗р┐Шр╝е╓▒h сДНтАл┌ВтАмр╗╛╥ЬтАл┘╗тАмр╜в▀╛ р╡бсБДрн╖р╛зсЙОсГЗ сДН р▓╕сДе╨п▀╛тАл┘ЕтАмрйФрдР╧┐u,[VU/V\ZL ╘┐╧┐р▓о▐╣ргОсЗ░ргдсАЪтАл┘╗тАмр╜в▀╛vhсБРтАлрвербЕ▌Ы╪атАмсГкракр╣╛╘┐╧┐ р▓орббтАл╫┤тАмр╡б╙С▐╣ргОсЗ░сГШ рмИ╘гр╝дсЖИтАл┘╗тАмр╜вр▓ор┤╗ргдсАЪтАл▐МтАм╘┐сБД рзн╙╣h

р╡бсБДрн╖р╛зсЙОсГЗ сДН р▓╕сЙОтАл╪ЪтАм╥Э▄╝ сЕксБЪрн╖сИ╕рбЫсГйh


р╛ХрбОрпйсЗЧ▀ЗсЙБр┤Н▀╛ рнХ╙РрнХ╨Щ█йр╢И


۫ӗϳ࿘ჼതჇuྗ൵ཕనv ဎӗ߾޲h

෺඲ĭᄥᇍ‫ׯ‬ಱ‫ލ‬भҮ൐࡜ԃभ‫ׯ‬щ྾ႽሁჇ‫ݡ‬ ሸ֭ࢥცgႽ৮Ⴧূ൅‫ڦ‬৮‫ތ‬ᄥफ़७ᇍҕ༈ٛ຾୅ ֱh ᅮఒ‫ط‬ᇾ༤ቁࢺਜచ၄ࡍ֭గҌ‫ތ‬ၕ૾൜֭ྗ࣪ იࣤ৭ĭЏছҊໟ‫֭ׯ‬ປᄥߔ࣪g‫ا‬ჵߌࢬ԰ࠫ႓ѕ େ৷‫ނࠦࠚތ‬࿘൦Ҋफ़‫ٻ‬۷֭h ‫ࢳ୷ہࡅݛ‬uૂ݆ಮ഻vል฽ࢋ቞ ᄥൡ၄୷ྦྷ቎ֱ቎ᆶ֭ᆮԃ༷ĭ{৻‫ގ‬ᄲЙ|Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥЙ၄ᇗྗ৤พऐϿഐඕል฽ࢋ቞h ൡ၄୷ྦྷ቎ᇾ༤ᅮఒ‫ط‬gฃТሉྕࡎ௩օўൖ࿸ ௤gవ‫א‬൲ၤಮᆪྶᆍg ୕ྕࡎ௩ൟࣀུࢼᅮ ඹ৩‫ތ‬ၐ৩೴Ϫ၌ᄅྗৠࡺॊ‫ܬ‬໡၌഻ဟྕ‫ه‬ແᇾࢋ ࡉѧh ᅮఒ‫ط‬ᇾ༤ၣuૌ۹ሏᆄ‫؃‬൦఍ࠞvແᇾ฽ĭ ‫ٻ‬ར୷ྦྷೊ‫ލ‬େၣ۹ಮେ৷‫׬‬Ͼѐ็h෺޳ტ୷ྦྷ႓ ಚಲሹ࠵֭ࡖᆼܼĭແሹ࠵ഩ৳‫ގ‬ৠପћĭ‫ؿ‬౗щ྾ uစщྣĭྣщ‫ݜ‬vĭെϯቁ‫ૈݞނ‬Ⴝӏ൳h ҝܼᅪၚ୷ሸ࡛ჩ ແᆮԃߣ඼փࡁߋĭൡ၄୷ྦྷ቎Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ቎‫ؚ‬ҝ ܼᅪၚ୷ሸ࡛ჩĭದ߾ჼ‫࡛؛‬ჩ֭౮ঋႽ࣑၊Ҍ֭ಲ ൕĭธัೊ‫ލ‬৮Ⴐ഍ࡍ֭ሯჿი‫ڣ‬༈ĭЂሁ౹ٝᇟٚ ന߾ĭྀሁచ၄ࢻभಮ൵ؓಔ֭๏ᅦh ‫܅‬ቜ഻ࠋඨႛվ߾

ᅮఒ‫ط‬ᇾ༤ၣ‫ܮ‬ᇾ৻૘ᇾ༤മ‫ڂ‬ᄥվ߾ഐᇾࢋ u๿݄Яׁ֭‫܅‬ቜი഻ࠋඨႛҮઃvhఋ෸ᇾࢋࡉѧ Џছ‫ࠪقݢ‬๾࿸༭υ౽ჟᇾܽৡᆚ߇gᰈड़ࠪ๾཯ൺ იᄖ႗ቁࣤৠᇳྞ߱‫ތ‬պ‫چ‬७‫ࠪܪ‬๾ቁҒĭЯ߾‫ࡅݛ‬ ൡ༈ໆჼ߾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ߣ೾ᇙh

۫ӗϳ u༧టဤဤႚྕ୕v ۫ӗܼ଑߾ ൐օࣉ౿ϳ֭ ଈ࿘ჼჇ ᄍ ಸࡔЯ߾ࡉ‫܀‬พ࣑ ྣܼ଑ဎӗĭᄥഺ৉ᆿ֥੆ུޫ֭ႌ֥༷ĭແ ଈ ԣ༤ᆈဎၾਜ ൶۫౿h ߇ნ൐օࣉ౿ϳ ߇ნ൐օࣉ౿ϳ‫ ׃‬༪ਡᇈ ༪ਡĭૌ༪ਡ ଈ ࿘ჼĭᄥ੆ུޫ֥൅֭ᆿ֥༷ĭ࿘༥ਜ ୕օ‫ ތ‬ ୕օ۞ฃੈྣ౿h࿘ჼᄥ พॣᇗ࿘༥ਜഺ৉g৉ৠ ‫ތ‬ႃ‫֭ۓ‬೎૒ᆱൕh ᇗ‫࣢۫૾ݛ‬౿ϳ ‫ ׃‬ᇈ ༪ਡ֭ พᇗ‫࣢۫૾ݛ‬౿ϳĭૌ༪ਡ༓ႌ ਜ ଈ࿘ჼཧ੆ུޫ֥൅࿘༥଼؏ࢨ֭ۢᇗ‫۫૾ݛ‬h uྗ൵ཕనvဎӗ߾ ແ౱ለ۫ӗϳӶ৳ ᇣ୕ĭ߇ნ૾۫ϳಎเ࿘ჼ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸແә‫ ݞ‬ଈԣ༤ᆈཌӗ ൶ᇗ‫૾֭ݛ‬ ۫࣢౿h

Ⴖীሯᆧ‫܅‬ቜი഻ࠋ‫ه྆ތ‬ᅢҮઃໆჼ߾g‫ܮ‬ᇾ ৻૘g{৻‫ގ‬ᄲЙ|gᇗུྠచ၄഍߾იЯ߾৻Ͽ֭ ഐඕվ߾ĭჇ ᄍ ಸࡔྕպӴ‫߾ࡅݛ‬ၸიᅢ঳ᇗྗ ऐྣhၣ฽ແu‫܅‬ቜ഻ࠋඨႛҮઃĻ฼ۢ‫ེ܇‬ᆵࡁv ֭վ߾ာ౰ਜಮ৷ҎӑဆࣉႯ֌ಱᇾѧh վ߾ᇾ္࿎֥֭ৠ୙ЏছĻచ၄ൔྣ‫܅‬ቜ഻ࠋҮ ઃେ๥൐൘ჼ‫ܮތ܅‬ᇾൻߺļచ၄๡‫ݞ‬ൔൈ਺ࠋ֭‫܅‬ ቜυஎĭ࿒ᄼቓ൩‫ގ‬ᄥЯമ‫܌‬රҮઃൔྣ֭਺ࠋն ൈļჼ‫ڦ֭܅‬৮ൻ֦ᅾ‫ܬ‬ĭሹಞ߾‫ࣘྗࣘࡎۿ‬৷ĭ‫ܮ‬ ᇾ၁๥൐੅ሆਜ‫܌‬ර෶ྻ္֭З‫ݔ‬ჼ‫܅‬ĭ‫ܓ‬Կඨႛh




‫്׃‬ೠࣅሯ྘഍၄վ߾ᇾѧ ໩ ‫ ݛ‬ી ‫܅‬Ҏࡡྕໜg๡࿧ࠫၤඔҎᆧ༈ՙӑ ӯᆚ಍ᄥᅮෆഺ߾ӑ֭஬๥༷ĭҝܼ uࢻभ٢ϋი഍၄Կྕቄ঻vh


• ྣ཯ࠫ൯ӎ‫ه‬ᅢ

ႶЯ߾‫ࡎྕތ‬௩ሯ࿧๡྘‫ه‬ᅢܽৠऍ৻‫ގ‬ᇾϿ֭ ഐඕվ߾ĭჇ ᄍ ಸࡔྕࡎ௩‫߾ࡅݛ‬ၸიᅢ঳ᇗྗ ೠ੔৤พᳪᅢ঳๗ऐྣh

ᇾࢋᆈЏছำ࿀൯ӎ႗཯ྀ߾߾൞+HUPLS 5Ng :[YH[LNP*VT 7[L 3[K൶༤ሮ࿠‫ܬ‬໡1HJR` ;HPgັᇅሹ Ⴖ၄ᆈࠫज़࠷చ၄ࡍ5PJOVSHZ (HYVU 2OVVg‫۫ܩ‬Ӊ ௞൯ӎࣤৠ*H[O` ;HUNĭၣࠫ=PZPVULKNL =LU[\YLZ .YV\Wᆻྣ‫״‬ൡ.VO *OPU ;LJR‫ٻ‬རೊ‫ލ‬৮Ⴐཔഐྕ ૊เ‫׌‬ಟ൯ӎդ཯֭਒‫׌‬h

Яࣅվ߾ၣuచ၄༷֭၊Ҍ‫؛‬ҮĻၣ‫ۿ‬ചሯჿԿ ᄷ‫ۿ‬վࡖᆼvແᇾ฽ĭልࡍ‫ތ‬഍ࣀ਽ྷი ଈԣ ༤ᆈ‫ٻ‬ར‫ۺ‬ᇝԱৠ‫຺֭ࠗ࠾ࣤݞؐތ‬ႽེϿٍĭແྀ ሁచ၄ਜࢻი௧‫ܡ‬Яമ഍၄֭ࡺॊӹ؏ĭౄߌཋႽ֭ ሯჿ‫ތ‬େ৷ĭ՞഍၄๏ᅦ‫ࣱތ‬ᆢᇗຊ႞‫ؿ‬ԣh Я߾ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᄥᇉߓႚՕ൐ᆿԣĭuቁ഍߾ ᇗུచ၄ሯ྘ሯჿᇗྗv :09*':***0 Ӷ৳၊୕ ၣধ಄֬ਜ‫چ‬ඳӶࠣhЯ߾ࢄ࣑၊Ҍ๡‫ݞ‬:09*' :***0জվѱࡎౄᇗུྠచ၄‫؛‬ሯ྘ज़࠷֭൘ႰhЯ ߾ࣤၠ‫ތ‬ሯ྘ऍ‫ܓ‬๥ธัࢄЯ߾֭:09*฼ാແuቁ Ҏvĭၣቜແი‫ۺ‬۹ሯ྘ज़࠷‫ގ‬ቜ਽ჟᆵ৻༪ᇗྗ‫׌‬ ֭फ़ྣྦྷh ᇾѧ໩‫ݛ‬ી‫܅‬Ҏࡡྕໜg๡࿧ࠫၤඔҎᆧ༈ՙӑ ӯᆚ಍ᄥिଦၖ൜ഐᇉՒĭཧი߾ᆈ࿎ҋਜᆧ‫ࢄ࠯ڱ‬ ๿ԣ൩‫ގ‬ᇗུྠచ၄ഫ౰֭߾ࡁ೐ࡹሯሁࡁߋh ‫ا‬ӎᇾ฽‫ۺ‬ၻ֭ઊฎᄥഐ໾֭िଦၖ൜޲ĭᄥශ ۹Ҋ๥֭߾ၸӎׁ๥ҌऐྣĻ • ል฽ัઊ߾Ļuᄥܹࡷ്ሻ੦९ഐĻ༷၊Ҍ‫؛‬Ү ‫ۆ‬ೊ‫ލ‬ŀv ߾ၸᇾ༤൦Я߾ज़࠷ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ਧ଄ಭļᇾࢋ ࡉѧແྕࡎ௩‫྘א‬၄༈ᆻྣ‫ڴ‬ቁҒᅮ࿘Ҕgሯ྘ ऍӉ၄‫ه‬ᅢࠪ๾ۢ࠱රӑ(UKYL^ 2OH^gߺ௼ྕࡎ ௩‫ڴ‬ቁҒࡡ‫״‬ൡࣤৠӯထထĭၣࠫთਧѡකႽན‫܌‬ර ᇾ༤٢်ఓh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

• ๡‫ݞ‬Ⴝེ֭ᇜ‫׌‬Үઃၣպ֦৮Ⴐ‫ۿ‬ചሯჿধԿᄷ ‫ۿ‬վࡖᆼ֭ପћ Ⴖ೟૒๕ॠᇾԃ֭ัઊ߾ᇃᄥЂሁ۹ಮႰ߄‫ތ‬చ ၄Ⴐ߄Д߁‫ܽތ‬ৠఋ྘༗ൟࣀĭೊ‫ލ‬൘Ⴐ൩֚֭೐ࡹ ‫ڣތ‬༈ᄥ‫׌ؒاۿ‬ቍᇀັખື྅‫ڌ‬ཊh • Яച৮վ൦഍၄Ӷ‫܇‬ᆵ਍Ү :HSLZMVYJL JVT ࿸ฆ౽൯ӎ‫ڴ‬ቁҒ (UKYL^ 2UV[[ ‫ތ‬7\YWSLJSPJR 4LKPH 7[L 3[K ‫״‬ൡࣤৠ 3LVUHYK ;HU ࢋ ඕਜೊ‫ލ‬๡‫࡭ݞ‬ၦ֭௤ฃĭᄥ໵ྻ߅‫ٶ‬վਐሯࣉ‫ތ‬ಮ ৷֭౮ঋ༷ĭܽৠ‫܌ނ‬ර֭ሯ࿧ज़࠷ࠖࢁĭದ‫܌‬රሪ ᇟ഍၄֭Կྕ‫ه‬ᅢh ༷໾൐֭ؕ਎ӎႏნઊฎЏছĻ • ܽৠŁ֘ᆿᆵ࡟ ྕࡎ௩ᇍᄷ‫܅‬ၤခࣶ෶ࡁߋიᄖቜܽৠ቎‫ڴ‬ခ ࣶჼ>PSSPHT 3LLѸ൞g(SJH[LS 3\JLU[ :PUNHWVYL 7[L 3[Kచ၄഍၄቎࠷ඔიᆮჹ‫ڴ‬ቁҒ+PYR +\TVY[PLYg ಸ Я ᇗ Ҏ ࠗ ‫ ܅‬၄ ྀ ߾ ۢ ࠱ ܽ ৠ ‫ ܬ‬໡ 4 H [ Z \ a H R P /PZHa\TPgћྕऍ഍၄იႲᇑ‫ڣ‬༈൶༤௧‫ܡ‬൅9HKOH @VNLUKYHUĭၣࠫࣉ‫ࡅݛפ‬೐ࡹࠪ๾‫܌‬රۢ࠱ࢻभ٢ ϋ‫ܬ‬໡2LUUL[O 3Pയ೎ธࣶሯჿܽৠ‫ތ‬ᅁᆼੈӹ֭ ቓࡌൔࡴĭၣ฼ാచ၄֭ᇍᄷი‫܊‬႓ਅ֭‫܇‬େh


ሯ྘ऍgచ‫ه‬ऍgࣱᆢऍgᆱൕӉಋ ऍgী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍ‫ތ‬ћྕऍ൶ՙऒࠪ ᄥሯ྘഍၄վ߾ഐĭದი߾഍ࡍ࣑၊ ҌಲൕႶ‫ۺ‬۹ᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬ແЯׁచ၄฼ ‫ا֭܊‬ལჹሁი฼ാࡁߋh

• ࣐സৠҕᆵ֩Ļ࣢ս༭෠ +7 0UMVYTH[PVU 5L[^VYR 7[L 3[K ቁࣤৠ 6UN :PL^ 2PTgམ۞ഐ‫چࠀݢ‬ႇྣ‫ߔࡅݛ‬౷ሯࣉܽৠ౽ჟྣ཯ ۢ࠱‫ڴ‬ቁҒ 1LMMYL` 5N\Pg4LSPVYPZ 7[L 3[K ྣᆧቁ࡛ 4HR *OLL >HOĭၣࠫ (SH[\T ‫ڴ‬ቁ࡛ *SLTLU[ 3PT ӊඕਜज़࠷ಸྕᄍၻ֭഍၄ߔ࣪ৢᆦಚ֭ৠҕᆵ֩h • ߇ნज़࠷቞ณ߾ ༷ਡᇾࢋᆈ‫ٻ‬ѡཧ ଈԣ༤ᆈࢋඕਜၣ༷ࢋ฽Ļ ሯ྘ऍሁৠරӑᅮ‫ڔڔ‬Ļuሯ࿧๡྘ೊ‫ྀލ‬ሁ୥ ֭၄༈ᅁӑvļ৻འҮઃࠫӉ௞ྣ཯ᆻྣ‫״‬ൡߣ଄ ᇰĻuೊ‫ލ‬႓ႰߔДज़࠷ĭࢳീ୥֭഍၄ӶЯvļ‫ܩ‬ ۫‫଺ײ‬࿸཯ൺօўဵᡔᇰĻuೊ‫ލ‬ᄥ຺ࠗᇗᅻ࿡഍ ࠗvļࣉ‫ࡅݛפ‬೐ࡹࠪ๾Ⴝན‫܌‬ර࿸ฆ౽‫ڴ‬ቁࣤৠࡡ མ۞ቁࣤৠࡈ౥Ļuచ၄‫ه‬ᅢიܽৠᆵ֩vļྕ‫྘א‬ ۢ࠱ࣤৠઍ೻೻Ļu๡‫ݞ‬ᇎେ࠷ඔ֭႓Ⴐĭ‫ۇ‬ᄷ୥֭ ၄༈g฼ۢ၄༈ེ੹ࠫࢳᄇӶЯvļ7\YWSL*SPJRቁࣤ ৠᆪशౄĻuᇗུచ၄ೊ‫ލ‬ᄥࣤ࠾຺ࠗᇗ৮Ⴐ‫ۿ‬Ⴝེ ႗཯Үઃຑᅢ၄༈vh • ᆧ‫ڱ‬၊ᅧ൜ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈‫ݒ‬ฃ ੊ࡍᇾ္ᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬ĭЏছሯ྘ऍgచ‫ه‬ऍgࣱᆢ ऍgᆱൕӉಋऍgী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍ‫ތ‬ћྕऍ൶ՙऒࠪᄥ ሯ྘഍၄վ߾ഐĭದი߾഍ࡍ࣑၊ҌಲൕႶ‫ۺ‬۹ᆧ‫ڱ‬ ࠗ‫ܚ‬ແЯׁచ၄฼‫ا֭܊‬ལჹሁი฼ാࡁߋh Ֆປĭሯ྘ऍ‫ތ‬9LK /H[‫܌‬ර၁ᄥҊ๥֭߾ၸ൱ऐ Ͽ‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭૌӎ௤रᄇϬಮԣ༤h ә‫ࡍا ݞ‬ҝᅢ഍ᄥuࢻभ٢ϋი഍၄Կྕ ቄ঻vĭᅢ൝ਜሯ྘ज़࠷ൟࣀ֭ቓྕӉ௞ࠫቓࡌࢻभ ٢ϋh Яࣅվ߾၁༓ႌਜજধ༎࿸‫ا‬۹഍߾቎๾వধĭ Џছࠥ੐௩ᳪ࿚যᑆᇗ߇‫܅‬഍ቁ߾gூᵯᇗ߇‫܅‬഍ቁ ߾gྕ೾ᇗ߇‫܅‬഍ቁ߾ࠫ‫ܦ‬ধᇗ߇഍߾h

቞ณ߾İခั߾İ‫܅‬ቜ٠İࢋ቞İ੦ဎ uೊ‫ލ‬ቛ၊۹‫ۿ‬खᇎ߸֭ᇗུྠచ၄ᆈv቞ณ߾ 9LKUHUVᄥЯ߾֭ᆮԃ༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸᄥЯ߾ܽৠ ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱ऐϿഐඕႏნ቞ณ߾ĭྀሁ ໒߾ჼ഍ࡍ ਜࢻ෸૔ೊ‫ލ‬େࢄఋႽན֭ྣ཯ჯ෠಄֬ቓվེࠣĭ ѱഇࡎ৮Ⴐ෎෴ႌ౫ቜແդ཯‫܅‬खၣ಄֬‫ۿ‬վེၵļ ແ‫ލ‬෎෴ႌ౫դ཯൦ᇗུྠచ၄၊ᇝႽེ֭ັഐྣ཯ ‫܅‬खĭၣࠫೊ‫ࣁލ‬ሁັഐդ཯ำ೬ধজվັഐഹ๱ ੹h

uೊ‫ލ‬ᇟྕҮઃߌ୥֭഍၄ѱ๡‫אݞ‬ሸ഍༈಄֬ ӶЯེၵvज़࠷࿘༥‫܅‬ቜ٠ Я߾ࠫྚ‫ތ‬Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ৻‫ގ‬ऐϿഐඕज़࠷࿘༥‫܅‬ቜ ٠ĭཧ ଈԣ༤ᆈԶպЯׁచ၄େ‫ܜ‬ᇟྕҮઃߌఋ ପవ֭Զ๬ࣤ႗٢൜ၣДԃࣱᆢ৷֭྘༗ĭ๥൐၁ั ઊਜచ၄ೊ‫ލ‬ᄥࣤ࠾ජຄ൐ఁ৮Ⴐ߂৻ັຑᅢॢ߄ ಝhL)H`֭ᇾࢋᆈ၁‫ٻ‬རਜೊ‫ލ‬ҘႰ൩֚֭‫א‬ሸ഍ ༈Үઃh

u੻೬۹ಮ‫ିא‬ᅢv޲ఁခั߾ ᄥ Я ߾ ֭ ᆮ ԃ ༷ ĭ ৻ འ ‫ ି א‬Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ ᄥ 9VJOLZ[LY჻ࠋ‫׶‬๗ऐϿഐඕࠋ‫׶‬ĭሿᇃແԶ൹‫܌‬ර ೊ‫ލ‬ᄥණ‫ࠫא‬େჿᅳ֎٢૳ࢳീࣉళĭ๷࣭൦႓Ⴐख Ⴝେჿེၵ֭۹ಮ‫ތିא‬ཉ൝ఞĭၣࠫᄥज़࠷႓Ⴐ਽ ჟ٢૳ܹሇߔД՞‫ؿ‬เཋႲ਍֭చ၄ന߾ᄻಱh

uೊ‫ލ‬ഇࡎ৮Ⴐ6WLU 6MMPJLϿ‫܌‬൱೐ࡹาࡹধࢳ ീ၄༈ӶЯvज़࠷࿘༥‫܅‬ቜ٠ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ‫ିא‬൱ऐϿഐඕज़࠷࿘ ༥‫܅‬ቜ٠h ໒߾ჼ഍ࡍയ೎ׁਜࢻਜ6WLU 6MMPJL ೐ ࡹ ‫ ۺ‬ᇝ ൘ Ⴐ є ৮ ֭ ‫ ܇ ھ چ‬େ ĭ ѱ ಲ ൕ ೊ ‫ ލ‬৮ Ⴐ 6WLU 6MMPJL೐ࡹႽׁེࡰֶ၄༈ӶЯh




uັઍ‫߄ॢاۿ‬Ļ৮Ⴐັᅧᅁࡎ཯ൺਐv ‫ିא‬ൔယ࿘༥ϳ Я߾‫ތ‬7\YWSL*SPJR‫ٻ‬ѡჇ ᄍ ಸg ᄍ ಸg ᄍ ಸg ᄍ ಸĭၣࠫ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ‫ିא‬൱৻ ‫ގ‬ऐϿਜ໼ՙ߇ნ‫ିא‬൳ယ࿘༥ࠋ‫׶‬ĭᇃແᇗུྠచ ၄ᅯ໬ັഐ཯ൺ֭ࠖЯᆱൕgਜࢻ໋ধ౼൥ၣࠫिᅢ იశᄥॢ߄Ⴝེࢬ԰֭ൔࡅࣤယh

uແచ၄ࠗ‫ܚ‬ൔྣ࣢࡭ࡁߋvႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾ำ৻๥:04;LJO‫܌‬රჇ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ቞ ณ߾ĭྀሁ ໒߾ჼ഍ࡍਜࢻᄥ഍၄ᄖቜᇗҘ಄࣢࡭ ܽৠ‫ތ‬ൔࡴ֭ᇟ္ྦྷĭၣࠫ࣢࡭ࡁߋ๵֭ᇍቜ‫ތ‬ೊ‫ލ‬ ൔྣ࣢࡭ࡁߋh

u‫؛‬൩൐ሯ྘ቛԣቓࡌभ‫ׯ‬v‫܅‬ቜ٠ ૌӎ ᇈ ଈ֭࿘ჼ๡‫ିאݞ‬ধ௧‫ܡ‬ሹ࠵‫܌‬ර֭ చ၄ັᅧ൦‫ࣤږ‬ၠखЩັഐդ཯֭๐ࡹĭၣࠫ࿘༥ೊ ‫ލ‬৮Ⴐ෎෴ႌ౫ቜແ಄֬‫ގ‬۴ႌ֥֭Ⴝེ൯ӎդ཯‫܅‬ खh

uࣁሁϬྕັຑᅢ‫ݢ‬ປ၄༈vज़࠷࿘༥‫܅‬ቜ٠ Я߾‫ތ‬చ‫ه‬ऍ‫ٻ‬ѡჇ ᄍ ಸࠫ ᄍ ಸĭᄥܽৠ࿘ ᄅ‫ିא‬൱৻Ͽഐඕ‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭᇃᄥัઊၣྕࡎ௩ແׁࠖ ֭చ၄ೊ‫ލ‬ഇࡎ৮ႰϬྕັ࣑ྣ෎෴ѱი‫ݢ‬ປ഍၄չ ஭ࠏቜ৻༪ࢬ԰h‫ۺ‬Ⴝ ಮԣ༤ਜ‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭ࿘༥ೊ‫ލ‬ ൘ႰϬྕັ֭෎෴g஭‫৻ތ؛‬༪‫܇‬େh

uೊ‫ލ‬ᄥࣤ࠾຺ࠗᇗϤ୎֭၄༈ࣤ႗֬‫ނۿ‬v ज़࠷࿘༥‫܅‬ቜ٠ ໒߾ჼ഍ࡍԣ༤ਜЯ߾‫(ތ‬KVIL :`Z[LTZჇ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱‫ގ‬Ͽ֭‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭ࿘༥ೊ‫ލ‬йࣱ ᆢ‫؛‬൵‫ׁ౎࠷ۿ‬৮Ⴐज़࠷ধࣤ႗഻ၱh

uࣤ࠾চ଼൐ఁ৷ᆢഐႻĻႽེᆤ‫ގ‬ሯ࿧ज़࠷v ቞ณ߾ Я߾ำ৻๥ߺ௼gູ೐ྕࡎ௩ၣࠫྚ‫ތ‬Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ ᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱ऐϿՖ቞ณ߾ĭཧ ໒ი߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬ར ೊ‫ލ‬Ⴝེᆤ‫ގ‬ሯ࿧ज़࠷gॢ߄ܹ༪ܽৠၣࠫ཯ൺӹ࿅ ֭щ္Ҍᇯĭၣࠫೊ‫؛ލ‬കቂ࠯൤֭ࠗ߾ቛԣ࿩ූٙ ႓h

uೊ‫ࣁލ‬ሁϿ‫܌‬೐ࡹ฼ാ഍၄ེ੹v‫܅‬ቜ٠ ଈԣ༤ᆈԣ༤ਜЯ߾৻๥ູ೐ྕࡎ௩Ⴧ ᄍ ಸĭᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱ऐϿՖ‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭ࿘༥ೊ‫ލ‬৮ Ⴐuູ೐Ͽ‫܌‬൱ vि‫ه‬ၣդ཯ແᇗྗ֭ྣ཯ሯ ਠࠫ཯ൺࢁၸĭ৮Ⴐྤପ֭഍၄ӷཌ൵ٍĭದॢ߄֭ ࿎Զࠋ‫ۿ׶‬Ⴝེh

Я߾‫ࡎྕތ‬௩ำ࿀‫ࡁ߾ܓ܌‬൅࿘߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥϞ ੔ܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱ऐϿഐඕႏნ‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭი ଈ߾ჼ ഍ࡍ‫ٻ‬རೊ‫ލ‬႓Ⴐູ೐‫ܓ‬๥೐ࡹၣ಄֬ࠫ൐ሯ࿧h

uྕྞ੻೬ज़࠷v቞ณ߾ Я߾‫ྕތ‬ᄉվ࿘Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱৻Ͽ Ֆႏნ቞ณ߾ĭྀሁ ໒ᇗུྠచ၄ਜࢻ൑ુ൦੻೬ ज़࠷ļҘႰ੻೬ज़࠷‫ྣۺۻ‬၄ᆈփধ֭ӑఁ‫ނ‬Ա‫ࠗތ‬ ߾ĭ๥൐၁ແᇗུྠచ၄฼‫ߌ੻֭ྕ܊‬۲ଉ௤ฃĭແ ‫܌‬රൔཋफ़ԃ࿋‫ه‬ᅢh

0+(ሯ࿧๡྘Łᇗུచ၄ࡁߋĮሯ࿧๡྘ೊ‫ލ‬դ࣑ ୥֭഍၄ᅁӑ Я߾ำऐϿuᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬იᇗུచ၄Ⴝᄇv༪ਡĭ ๡‫ݞ‬იᆧ‫ۺڱ‬۹ࠗ‫৻֭ܚ‬༪ĭದЯׁᇗུచ၄ਜࢻఋ ෶฼‫֭܊‬ቓྕ‫ګ‬ሁࡁߋh ი߾ᆈफ़࣑၊Ҍਜࢻᄥ֚వࣤ࠾຺༷ࠗĭ‫ۺ‬۹ᆧ ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒๿ԣ֭ᆔ‫ྦྷ؛‬ჹሁࡁߋ‫ތ‬஭าĭၣࠫ൩‫ގ‬഍ࡍ Яമྻ౸֭ࢻभ٢ϋhᇗུచ၄၁फ़ၣ๡‫ݞ‬ԣ༤ᆧ‫ڱ‬ ࠗ‫ܚ‬ऐϿ֭၊༪ਡ඲଄߾‫߾ߍ؛ތ‬ĭ৘౪ᆧ‫ګڱ‬ሁࡁ ߋᇗ෶ձᄥ֭ၘ໡h იሯ྘ऍ৻Ͽ֭ࠋ‫׶‬Ⴧ ᄍ ಸࠫ ಸᄥ‫م‬੔߾ၸ ๗ऐྣhሯ྘ऍ֭‫ڽ‬ᄻಮ‫ٻ‬ѡၣႏნ‫߇ތ‬ნĭཧ ଈ ԣ༤਎ӎࠋ‫߾֭׶‬ჼ഍ࡍࢋࢻሯ྘ऍ๿ԣ֭‫ۺ‬ᇝሯ྘ ज़࠷൘Ⴐࡁߋgჹሁ‫ތ‬ᅁ࣑ࡁߋh

u၊sࠗtЋമfᄖԜᖲᖳv‫܅‬ቜ٠ Я߾৻๥ྚ‫ތ‬ၣࠫ୾ࠖ࿸Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ ၸ൱ऐϿഐඕॣ฽‫܅‬ቜ٠h ໒߾ჼ഍ࡍ࣑၊Ҍਜࢻ ೊ‫ލ‬৮Ⴐ‫א‬Ⴗধ࣑ྣ࢔ၦĭၣࠫ൘Ⴐᆦಚ֭྘༗ࢻभ ٢ϋ‫ތ‬൘Ⴐຣഇ֭ᇎେ‫ֱߍא‬h৤ၖ࿘ᄅයಮႽན‫܌‬ රԿϿಮࠫ‫״‬ൡᅮඹ৩၁‫ٻ‬རਜၣ྘ྗ‫ތ‬େ৷ধෙᄷ ሹ࠵֭࠷౎h

uೊ‫ލ‬Ⴝེܽৠచ၄୅Ҏ‫א‬Ⴗ༪๬vႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾৻๥:`THU[LJჇ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱ ऐϿՖ቞ณ߾ĭი ଈԣ༤ᆈ‫ٻ‬རೊ‫ލ‬ၣֶ৿֭ӶЯ ‫ތ‬ᄥࡰച഍၄‫ڌ‬ཊ֭౮ঋ༷ܽৠஜվ֭‫א‬Ⴗሯ࿧ļї ಲԭձႽܹ‫א‬Ⴗ‫אތ‬ሸ֭‫ٶ‬ႰļਜࢻᄥૈႽᆦಚ‫א‬Ⴗ ձ֭֞౮ঋ༷ĭ‫؛‬഍၄෶ᄷӶ֭‫ڌ‬ཊ‫ތ‬ᄻಱֱh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

uೊ‫ׁނۿލ‬Д߁‫܌‬ර֭഍၄ගऔv቞ณ߾ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕॣ฽቞ณ߾ĭᇃᄥ‫ ތ‬໒ ߾ჼ഍ࡍ‫ٻ‬རೊ‫ލ‬ၣቓ࡭֎ࠫखӶЯེၵ֭๷࣭Д߁ ఋ‫܌‬ර֭Д૩ගऔļҊ๥Ӊ௞‫ތ‬ज़࠷खႽ֭శᄥ໡฽ ი‫ނ‬Աļၣࠫೊ‫ލ‬࿒ᄼ‫ގڠ‬ӶЯེၵ֭ࢻभ٢ϋh


uແᇗུచ၄฼‫܊‬ᆱൕӉಋሮ࿠v቞ณ߾ Я߾৻๥ྕࡎ௩ᆱൕӉಋऍჇ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ ऐϿഐඕࠋ‫׶‬h቞ณ߾‫ٻ‬ແ਎۹Ҏ‫ٻ‬ধ࣑ྣĭఋᇗ၊ ۹൦ུ቎‫ߍ؛‬ĭ‫ؿ‬ਾ၊۹ᄽ൦၊‫؛‬၊۹ѡ߾ၸĭᇾ္ ପ֭ແದ ໒ᇗུచ၄օўႽࠗ߾ཧᆱൕӉಋልࡍ࿠ ໡‫܌‬ර෶૳‫؛‬იᆱൕӉಋཕܹ֭‫ۺ‬ᇝॣ฽h

uྕࣤ࠾gྕ଎൜Ļ‫ྣۺ‬၄ൔ༥഍၄ᇎ߸Д߁֭ ᇟ္ྦྷv቞ณ߾ Я߾ი(SH[\TჇ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱ऐϿ ഐඕ቞ณ߾h ໒߾ჼ഍ࡍਜࢻਜЯׁచ၄ೊ‫ލ‬ᄥ u໵ྻ‫ܛ‬ᇊv֭౮ঋ༷ၣࠫᄥࣤ࠾ൔߺ֭‫܌‬ႰࠖԬ ഐuརႰvႽܹज़࠷փধ֭‫ނ‬Աhᆋᇝࣤ႗଎൜ऄ ൦๡‫ݞ‬u‫ڣ‬༈೐ࡹvࠏ:VM[^HYL HZ H ZLY]PJL :HH: ଎൜ĭၣീಗഫ౰೐ࡹᆻᅾ֭ઘ٘h

u‫ࣉࠚ܌‬྾ᆱĻೊ‫ލ‬ၣ‫א‬ሸ٢൜ӷЙ‫ࣉࠚ܌‬v ቞ณ߾ ஭‫ގ‬ႶЯ߾ᇾϿ֭uიᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒Ⴝᄇv༪ਡࠋ ‫׶‬ĭЯ߾იᇗလ‫ࣉࠚ܌‬ऍჇ ᄍ ಸ৻ϿՖ቞ณ߾h ‫ܓ‬Ⴝ ଈ഍ࡍԣ༤ഐඕခั߾h‫ࣉࠚ܌‬ऍօўཧ ଈი߾഍ࡍࢻ൬ਜቓྕ֭‫ࣉࠚ܌‬ᇍ؏႓ሇၱൡལĭၣ ࠫ๡‫אݞ‬ሸ٢൜ࢢ࢔‫֭ࣉࠚ܌‬٢ٍ‫ތ‬Ҍᇯh

uೊ‫ލ‬ഇႰಮ৷ሯჿი‫܅‬ሯັખs‫ڣ‬༈೐ࡹt ࢎֶ၄༈ӶЯv‫܅‬ቜ٠ Я߾৻๥ྕ‫྘א‬Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ‫܅‬ቜ٠hᇾ ࢋᆈཧ ଈచ၄ࡍ൝ٛቓྕ֭ಮ৷ሯჿი‫܅‬ሯ֭ັખ u‫ڣ‬༈೐ࡹvĭѱࢻ൬ೊ‫ލ‬฼ാ‫܌‬රಮ৷ሯჿԱৠ֭ ེ੹h

uັખ‫ڣ‬༈೐ࡹሁ๿చ၄ี‫ٮ‬v቞ณ߾ Я߾ი(SH[\TჇ ᄍ ಸແ ଈԣ༤ᆈࣂഝೊ‫ލ‬ ၣັખu‫ڣ‬༈೐ࡹvແࠖԬĭ৮Ⴐቀ‫נގ‬Ҹ௤ฃႽེ Д߁‫܌‬ර֭ሯਠļࣂഝၕ‫ࢻ׶‬भ٢ϋ֭‫܇‬େļၣࠫ ᇗུచ၄ೊ‫ލ‬৮ႰಮҔ‫ه‬ᅢࢻभ٢ϋၣ฼ۢ၄༈഻Ӊ ৷h

uӷЙ཰‫ٶ‬ත֭Ӑࡶո༊ၣࠫೊ‫ލ‬Ⴝེ൘Ⴐᆦಚ ߾ࡁ೐ࡹၣ‫ۇ‬ഇҕ༈ൔࡴv ႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾৻๥‫ݛ‬୅ත༈ऍ‫ތ‬ሯ྘ऍჇ ᄍ ಸᄥ‫م‬੔߾ ၸ๗ऐϿഐඕ቞ณ߾ĭཧ ଈ഍ࡍ߾ჼࢋඕ཰‫ٶ‬තሇ Ұ‫܌‬රܹ֭ࡷ‫ۈ‬୙იᄻಱļ཰‫ٶ‬තሇҰ‫܌‬රᄥӷЙ཰ ‫ٶ‬ත൐Ӑ֭ٝո༊ၣࠫᆦಚӷ࢔ත༈֭٢ٍļ‫ߌିא‬ ֭߾ࡁᇍ؏ೊ‫ۇލ‬ഇත༈ഫЙӹ࿅ࠫҕ༈ൔࡴļಲൕ ‫ގڠ‬09(:ӷЙᇍ؏္౸֭߾ࡁ೐ࡹ‫܊‬႓഍‫ࡎތ‬യਜ ࢻႶ‫ݛ‬තऍიሯ྘ऍ๿ԣ֭߾ࡁ೐ࡹჹሁࡁߋh

u๡‫ݞ‬ᇎ߸๷࣭‫ۿ‬യׁ݄िຑ൯ӎၣመվ୥֭ ၄༈v቞ณ߾


Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱ऐྣഐඕ ቞ ณ ߾ h ᇾ ࢋ ᆈ ำ ࿀ ൯ ӎ ႗ ཯ ྀ ߾ ߾ ൞ + H U P L S 5Ng:[YH[LNP*VT 7[L 3[K൶༤ሮ࿠‫ܬ‬໡1HJR` ;HP ࠫ=PZPVULKNL =LU[\YLZ .YV\Wᆻ ྣ ‫ ״‬ൡ .VO *OPU ;LJRཧ ଈი߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬རቓྕ֭ज़࠷դ཯਍Үļೊ‫ލ‬ ഇࡎ৮Ⴐັખ‫܅‬खgიന࢔ັખࢺ‫֭ގ‬Զ๬դ཯ႌ౫ ֱধ‫ׁނۿ‬ਜࢻॢ߄֭ྻ္h


uћྕऍሯሁࡁߋvႏნ቞ณ߾ ഐඕ቞ณ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅॣ൱ऐྣĭћྕ ऍ‫ا‬ଈܺჼཧ ଈ഍ࡍ߾ჼӊ൬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ೊ‫ލ‬๡‫ݞ‬ज़࠷Կ ྕࡁߋĭແᇗུచ၄฼‫܊‬ሯሁ࣋๔ĭၣ‫ܥ‬৫Яׁచ၄ ഇࡎᄖႰज़࠷ि‫ه‬hՖࡁߋࢄେྀሁᇗུచ၄ि‫ྕه‬ Ӊ௞gӹ࿅‫ތ‬഍၄଎൜ࠏ൦‫ۇ‬ഇཋႽ֭Ӊ௞gӹ࿅‫ތ‬ ഍၄଎൜h

uഇࡎ৮Ⴐ࣢଄ҕ༈ࢻभ٢ϋၣ૳‫໋؛‬ধ֭ ࡣक๏ᅦv቞ณ߾ Я߾৻๥(SH[\TჇ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ቞ณ߾hᇾࢋ ࡉѧཧ ଈ߾ჼ഍ࡍ‫ٻ‬རచ၄ೊ‫ލ‬๡‫ݞ‬ၣuັખ‫ڣ‬༈ ೐ࡹvࠏ:HH:ແ଎൜֭ቓྕҕ༈೐ࡹĭ฼ۢ‫܌‬ර֭ ႜ৮େ৷ࠫդ൘၄༈ᅁӑh

ແྀሁ߾ჼเယೊ‫ލ‬ᅯ໬ज़࠷ࠫԿྕࣤယĭЯ߾ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸg ᄍ ಸg ᄍ ಸࠫ ᄍ ಸ቎๾వ‫ࡌڳ‬ େ഍၄ࢻभ٢ϋᇗྗҝܼĭѱ๡‫ࡌݞ‬େልࡍ֭൝ٛĭ ಲൕࡌେ‫ۺ‬ᇝቓྕ֭ज़࠷ࢻभ٢ϋhࡌେ֭ሮ࿠ልࡍ ཧ ଈᇈ ଈԣ༤ᆈࢋࢻ‫܌‬රೊ‫ލ‬ॠ‫ڣ‬ᇄᅮࠫගચ ‫܅‬ቜੈӹᆵ࡟֭ᅸπֱॣ฽h

u࣍ሜज़࠷‫ه‬ᅢҌ‫ي‬Ļᄥࣤ࠾Ҋࣧ൐ఁ൦फ़ྣ ᆵҮટŀv቞ณ߾ࡡҝܼၴυৠ‫܅‬࿘ᄅज़࠷ᇗྗ ഐඕࠋ‫׶‬ႶЯ߾იၴυৠ‫܅‬࿘ᄅჇ ᄍ ಸ৻Ͽĭ ѱࠎ֬ћྕऍ֭ᆮԃĭᇃᄥದ ଈი߾ᆈ‫ׁނۿ‬ਜࢻ ၴυৠ‫܅‬࿘ᄅ֭ज़࠷ခࣶେ৷ĭၣࠫ࿘ᄅი‫܅‬഍ࣀ‫ގ‬ ቜिᅢခࣶ‫هތ‬ᅢལପ֭଎൜ᇝ৓h ԣ༤ᆈ๘಄ਜၴυৠ‫܅‬࿘ᄅज़࠷ि‫ه‬ᇾಱ/HUN 2PT @HTࢋඕuज़࠷ि‫ه‬Ł‫܅‬ӹ࿘ᄅࠫ‫ގ‬ቜ଎൜vļ ݃ሸი଴૤ज़࠷Կྕᇗྗಱ*OHU 2^HU @L^ࣂഝ u݃ሸი଴૤ज़࠷Կྕᇗྗvļၴυৠ‫܅‬࿘ᄅ‫܅‬ӹ࿘ ᄅගચ࿧‫ބ‬Աৠᇗྗࣤৠ*O\H )LUN 2VVU‫ٻ‬རu႓ Ⴐခࣶიि‫ྀه‬ቜĮගચႃཡࠫႝས݄Ѵज़࠷vĭ ‫܅‬ӹ࿘ᄅ‫א‬ሸ‫܅‬ӹ༪‫ڴ‬ᇾಱ3LR 3PT .LVR *OVVӖ ณu՞Ӊ௞Կྕ֦഍၄ߌĮࢄӉ௞՞ൔယ൱փ֦൯ ӎvĭၣࠫћྕऍۢ࠱ࣤৠ1L`H 2 4LUVUࢋࢻuᆧ ‫ه؛ڱ‬ᅢიခࣶ֭ሯሁࡁߋvh

ࡌେ഍၄ఛ૖ઊฎ ࡌେᄥЯ߾֭ᆮԃ༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸࠫ ಸᇾϿഐ ඕઊฎĭᇟ‫׌‬ธัЯׁచ၄ೊ‫ލ‬ഇႰቓྕ֭഍၄ज़࠷ ၣࠫ‫ۺ‬ᇝගऔ٢ϋĭແ‫܌‬ර֭ᄖቜቛ‫ނ‬ຫಎሡЩh ‫ ܓ‬ଈ഍ࡍԣ༤h

๾ჼ၁ҝܼਜज़࠷ᇗྗg݃ሸი଴૤ज़࠷Կྕᇗ ྗgගચ࿧‫ބ‬Աৠᇗྗg>H[[‘Z <W',,gฆဥେज़ ࠷ᇗྗĭၣࠫഩࡁიঁූჸྠԱৠᇗྗh




сДе╤Ыр╛ХрдН╓нсЖо╘Гр╝╖─н╨п▀╛сГШсБ┤╧ЕрзатАл▄ЕтАмр┐ШсДЕ╧ЕроОриЬ рмИ▀╛сГ╝р┤НрбНргСсБК╥МриЬрв╗риЬсБ┤╧ЕрзатАл▄ЕтАмр┐ШсДЕ╓нреЫ ра╖сАБрг╢рнЗрз╖─нсБгралр┐ШсДЕсГШтАл▄ЕтАмр┤НргАтАл▐ОтАмсЙЬрд┐сЕвсАБрг╢ тАл┘З▐МтАмсЕвр╜грмк╓нрмОр╡ЬсЗЭрзУ h



╨п▀╛сГЗ сДН р▓╕╓Гри╜ рмИ▀╛сГ╝р┤НрбН╓жр╢╣реЫр╝кр╣мрев▀Д раА╨ЩсЗЧр╛Ч╥Э▄╝h╒Црев▀ДраА╨ЩсЗЧр╛ЧрдЦ╨йсЙУр╝╜ргСтАл▄ЕтАмсБдр╢лрпд ╓нр╣бр╛Шgр╛АсЙЬрал╨Ф╧ЕреЫра╖─нр╣ер╡РсББсЕвр╡ЭриЬр╢╣реЫр╝кр╣мсВУ тАл┌╣тАмр░ЪсБДтАл▄МтАмр╢╗р╛╗р▒╕╓нр┤НсБДрв╗рдн┘в╧ЛсГШреЫра╖h

╨п▀╛сГЗ сДН р▓╕сГШсИпр╛ШрдН╓н╓Е╤Ю╨ПржЫ╓Вр▓╝рзо рдН╙СgтАл▄ЕтАмсБДтАл┘ЗтАмсЕвсЙО(UKYL^ 2OH^█вра▒сЗ╛р▓▒gсЗЧр╜┤р░Ъ сБД:HTHU[OH -VRр╢╗╙СgсИпр╛ШтАл▄ЕтАмсБДтАл┘ЗтАмсЕвризсТ┐ринсИБрзар╢╗ ╙С─нсБгралсЕотАл┌Ф┌ФтАмсИБрзар╢╗╙СрдРр╛гр╗╛╥Ь▀╛сБ╕h

╥Э▄╝р╛ХтАлрв╗р╛Ш╫РтАмрдн┘в╧ЛсЗЧр╛Ч ╨п▀╛сГЗ сДН р▓╕сДд╒ЩсЙОр╣╛╥Э▄╝р╛ХтАлрв╗р╛Ш╫РтАмрдн┘в╧ЛсЗЧ р╛Чh рмИ▀╛сГ╝р┤НрбН╥Э▄╝риЬсЗЧр╛ЧсЕвр╡Э╓нр┤Нр╝И┘в╧Л─нсББр╣Ш р▓ДриЬтАл┌╜тАмсД╗р▓орв╗р╢▓р░ЪсБДр│КтАл▐НтАмр╣бтАл╪Ы▌ЮтАмсИпр╛ШреЫра╖╓нсЖжр▓Ър╡ШсВ░ ржзр╕╝█вр┤╗╙Йрз╖─нсБгралр│КтАл▐НтАмсГШтАл▌втАмр║Ырев▀Д╨Ф╘Грлйр▒ХтАл▄ЕтАмсЙЬ▄╣ р╝ктАл╪┐тАмр╗╡р╛╗сЖотАл┌╣тАм╥К╤ЙсА╣╓нрй▓тАл┘╢тАмрд┐сЖоh

uр▓▓р╡ХсБ┤╧ЕрзатАл▄ЕтАмр┐ШсДЕреЫра╖сЗЧр╛ЧvсЙЮр╕У▀╛рббр╡Ф╫Б ╥Э▄╝ ╨п▀╛сГШсБ┤╧ЕрзатАл▄ЕтАмр┐ШсДЕсДесИпр╛ШрдН╓нсЖо╘Гр╝╖─нсГЗ сДН р▓╕рз╗╧┐р┤Рр╢ХраЛтАл╫╢тАм─нр▓ж рмИ╥ЭрбОсЖИтАл█┐тАмр┤пр│О╫БриЬрв╗сБ┤ ╧ЕрзатАл▄ЕтАмр┐ШсДЕ╓нреЫра╖сАБрг╢рнЗрз╖─нсБгралр┐ШсДЕсГШтАл▄ЕтАмр┤НргАтАл▐ОтАмсЙЬ рд┐сЕвсАБрг╢тАл┘З▐МтАмсЕвр╜грмк╓нрмОр╡ЬсЗЭрзУh сИпр╛ШрдН╓Е╤ЮрвЛр╢ХриЬсЖзтАл╪Ы┌▒тАмреЫра╖тАл┘ЗтАмсЕвтАл▐МтАмсАБрг╢╓нсИпсИБ рбБ▀Л─нтАл▄етАмрзл╨п╫Бр░ЪсБДр┤ЗрбОрзосВ░сИпр┐зр╣бр╛ШреЫра╖ржзр║СсЕвсБД р╝Иh╥ЭрбОсЖИсББ╥Э▄╝риЬ┘иревсИЬсИ╛р╝кр╣мgр┤╗р╝Жр╡Х╤бр╡╡сЕпргй ркер╝кр╣мg█вреЫра╖р╢ЬркЪ▌Д█й╤ЫроП╓▒h

р░Лр╖╕ ╨п▀╛сЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДсИпр╛ШсИпсГ┐сЗЧр╛Ч ╨п▀╛сЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДсИпр╛ШсИпсГ┐сЗЧр╛Ч :09*':***0 сГЗргК рнХрнЕсЗ╛╧┐риЬтАл╪зтАмр╜гр╕╝█всЗЧр╜┤р╛ар░ЪсБДтАл╪ЫтАмсИпр╛ШреЫра╖сВУсВ░сБ▒р╡Х ╓нр╜Х▄╣раЛтАл╫╢тАмhрв▒сЗИ сДН─н╙ЩтАл ▌ЮтАмрмИр┤НрбНр╡╗▀║─н╤▒ раО╓мриЬтАл█║тАмсЗЭсИпр╛ШреЫра╖сБгралсГШр┤НсБДсВ░р╣╖р╜Х▄╣╓нuсИНрлТсЖ▒ р╡ХvhсИпсГ┐сЗЧр╛Ч╒║╓жриЬсИпр╛ШрдНр╖╢р┤йтАлр╜║рагрб╖▄╣╓н╫птАмрмк ╤Ыh


р╛ХрбОрпйсЗЧ▀ЗсЙБр┤Н▀╛ рнХ╙РрнХ╨Щ█йр╢И

сЕор╖Жр┤║▀╛╙СтАлр╛О█УтАмсИпр╛ШрдНтАл╪ЫтАм╨п▀╛сЗЙрз╖р╕╝█всЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБД р╡ШсВ░сИпр╛ШреЫра╖╓нрн╡рз╖р╖╢тАл█╗тАмсГХ╓нр▒ДсВ╜рз╖сЖо╘ГтАлраМ▐МтАм╧╝ргв р┤▓hр╖╕сГвр▒░сИпр╛ШрдНсГШ╨п▀╛рз╗тАл▐ОтАмр╕Шр╕▒рбОр╖ЦсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДр╡ШсВ░ сИпр╛ШреЫра╖рбБ▀Л─н╤▒рвД╒Цр╛Шр╝Ч╘╢╒║тАл█╗тАм╙ЩтАл ▌ЮтАмр║л р░мрбН╨п▀╛ сЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБД▀╛сГ╝роЬ╒╛сЖ╡р┤НсБДр▓Эракh реЫра╖р╗ЖсГ╝▀╛ризрмДр▓нсЗ╛р╝д╥И╘Ср╢▓─н╨п▀╛╘╢р╣мр┤РтАл█┐тАмсИЗ сЗЯ▀╛сГ╝тАл▐МтАмсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДтАл╪ЫтАмсИпр┐зреЫра╖рбБ▀Л╓нр╡ШсВ░тАлрве▐МтАмсГкhр╖г сИк╨п▀╛сЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДсИпр╛ШсИпсГ┐сЗЧр╛Ч╓н╙╢рз│─н╨п▀╛рвДрбОр▒Др░Л ╒дргСсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДрвмрм┤сИпр╛ШреЫра╖╓нрвар│мhсЙЬр╗Б╓Е╤ЮсЗЧр╜┤р░Ъ сБД╓нреЮреФраЧтАл▄ЪтАм─н╨п▀╛сББреЮр╣бтАл▌ЮтАмсЙАтАл▐ОтАмр╡ШсВ░сЖИ╓нргдсАЪрд┐тАл┘ЗтАм тАл▄КтАмсВУр┤Нралрв╗рдн┘в╧Л╓нсАЪсЖлтАлр╛Ш▐МтАмсГлр╝кр╣м─нсБг╤ФсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБД сДе╥ШсВ░сИпр╛ШреЫра╖р╡РтАл█┐тАмрдЦр╛Шр╛ЧтАл▐МтАм╨ФсЕ╕h сИпр╛ШрдН╓Вр▓╝рзордН╙СсДйсГл╨п▀╛сДесЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДр▓ЭсЗЧр╖╢╧║ сАО╓нсВ╜рз╖рвар│мсБгралриНтАл▄╣▐ВтАмр╝кр║▒ркЦhсГЗ╒Ц─н╨п▀╛сВЫ╓мсЙЬ р╗БсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДсИпр╛ШсБДргАсЖ╡рбЯuр╛Шржир▒КриЛv╓нр┤║сГлhр╖╕р▒Д тАл╫атАм─нсИпр╛ШрдНрвДрбЗр┐ЛрпергБр╜ЛсВ╜╓нсЙБр┤Н▀╛сЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДсИпр╛ШсИп сГ┐сЗЧр╛Ч─нрд┐сЕвсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДтАл╪ЫтАмсИпр╛ШреЫра╖╓нр╡ШсВ░gр╜░╘ксЗЧр╜┤ р░ЪсБДсДесИпр╛ШреЫра╖р┐Шр╝е╓йрйжр┤Р╓нтАл▄ЦтАмр╣бсЕ╕╧А─нсБгралр╗БсЗЧр╜┤ р░ЪсБДр╕╝тАл█┐▄КтАм╒╛┘в╤Ф─нрзосВ░сЗЧр╛ЧсЙЬр╗БсГШтАл█║тАм█╣ри╜сГЯ╓н╓ОсБК рвм╘░тАл╫МтАм─н╨ПржЫ─╗сЕпр╗мсИпр╛ШреЫра╖╓нр┐Шр╝еgрпзтАл▄бтАмр╡йсВ░╓нсИп р╛Шрв╗рдн┘в╧ЛтАл┌г▐МтАмр╝ИgтАл█║тАмсЗЭр╜Х▄╣╓нсГ╣сИБ┘в╧ЛтАл▐МтАмреЮр╛гр╛зрвБ сБ╕╓▒h

‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ ᑉ٨Я߾֭‫ݢ‬ປօў๾ ୕ĭ‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾‫ࢬܓ‬ֈ ۹ধሹൟࣀ ‫ׁ֭ۺ‬օў๾იѧॢh٨ॢ֚ᇗĭᇗ‫ݛ‬օў๾버 ĦĭఋჍᄽধሹ஀ᇥg଺Т્ᇥgϗᇥg࿸ᇥg ٬ᇥ‫ތ‬࿸༭υֱ‫ׁތࡍݛ‬౽h๡‫ݞ‬იধ٨֭օў๾࣑ ྣയ೎֭ࢬ԰ი݄ٟ֭࢔ੈĭҊ࣏ႽሁჇЯ߾ਜࢻൟ ࣀ‫ׁ֭ۺ‬൯ӎ‫ه‬ᅢ౮ঋĭ๥൐၁ದЯ߾Ⴝࠗ߾იႽ ܹ‫ࡍݛ‬იׁ౽഍ીֱ቎ᆶࠗ‫ࢁܚ‬৳૩ౕ৻༪‫ࡎތ‬ౄ‫ގ‬ ቜܹ༪ĭѱࢸࣘЯ߾ແ߾ჼ഍ࡍչొ௳੦gԴᆔႌཔ ᆵᄻh՞‫ׁۺ‬օў๾෶಄֭֬๯ሯ྘༗ი഍ીғਠĭ ၁ձ٪ᄥЯ߾ሯਠ൱ĭ‫߾܊‬ჼ഍ࡍҝᄏh

Ϡ༎ൄऽպਧଲᇤ‫܅‬၄๥૘߾օў๾ᑉ٨Я߾ Ⴖൄऽպਧଲᇤ‫܅‬၄๥૘߾߾ӑ (SJHU[HYV *VY̑H ੹਽֭Ϡ༎ൄऽպਧଲᇤ‫܅‬၄๥૘߾ ಮօў๾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇈ ᄍ ಸᑉྕ٨໡ĭѱჇ ᄍ ಸĭᄥϠ༎ሉྕ ࡎ௩վ൘ 7H\SV (SILY[V KH :PS]LPYH :VHYLZ ۶༷‫ۆތ‬ ൘ܾીၦ‫ܬ‬໡ *HYSVZ )YPHU 7OL`ZL` ֭஬๥༷ᑉ߾٨ ໡h օў๾ཧЯ߾օўࣂഝਜൄऽպਧଲᇤପవ֭ ࣤ࠾‫ه‬ᅢ౮ঋĭ๥൐၁ᇟ‫ࣂ׌‬ഝਜ‫א‬ሸ༪๬g‫ݢ‬ ᄖࠫౢ࿆ཕܹྣ၄֭๯ሯ഍ࠗhඨ٢၁࢔ੈਜդ ࣑Ϡ༎იྕࡎ௩࣑֭ԣ९ીၦᆵ‫ۺ‬٢૳ൡၚh๥૘ ߾߾ӑ(SJHU[HYV *VY̑HᄽߓႚЯ߾቎ᆶ഍၄॑һ๾ ֦‫ۆ‬ᇤ॑һh

ᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ປ‫ݛ‬ልࡍऍօў๾ᑉ٨ྕࡎ௩ ၣᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ປ‫ݛ‬ልࡍऍ෬ᅾ߇‫ڴ‬ऍӑແ൶֭ ಮօ ў๾ĭЏছᇗ‫ࡅݛݛ‬ಮҔ࢔ੈྀ߾Ͽ‫܌‬൱ຫࣉ‫ه‬ᇾ ಱgᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ປ‫ݛ‬ልࡍऍϿ‫܌‬൱ຮՅቀ‫ގ‬ԱӑჇ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸᑉྕ࣑ྣႾ‫ނ‬٨໡h օў๾ᄥᇗ‫ࡅݛݛ‬ಮҔ࢔ੈྀ߾ሉྕࡎ௩օўԱ ളࢁ߇ቁօў‫ތ‬ຮࣩօў֭஬๥༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸᑉ٨ Я߾h

ቁ഍߾‫ ׃‬ఁ{߇഍|ॄ༆ᇗĭᇟ‫׌‬Й֩ਜቁ഍߾օ ў๾݄֭‫ײ‬ᆵྣĭѱၣྤପ֭Ϲ૳ࣂഝਜࢆ૒൯֭ࣤ ࠾ൔ৷‫ތ‬๯ሯశ৷ֱĭದЯׁ഍ࡍӸ൥Ϥ໬uඨሏ ၕvᅦઃ෶փধ֭ྕజࠗh ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᆿԣĭࢆ૒൯॑һ๾֦֭٨ࢄແЯׁ ഍ࡍ฼‫܊‬യ೎ਜࢻࢆ૒ĭࢺൕ‫ގ‬ቜࠌϼ֭‫߾ࠗނ‬h෣ ሪ݄‫ײ‬ീࡎූࣤ࠾ࢺ‫ܚ‬ሏྠĭщಞແ഍ࡍփধ‫݄ۿ‬ঞ ֭‫ގ‬ቜ४࡟h ຮ଺ࡺ൯ӑ၁༘ິЯ߾߾ჼ഍ࡍ൩൐Ϥ໬഍ࠗĭ ࠚࠦଜ౸‫ه‬ᅢĭѱာ౰Я߾቎ᆶ‫اۿ‬ՙ֭॑һ๾֦ࢆ ૒‫ׁۺ‬ቜൔׁ॑һh

๯ሯ഍ࠗࠫຑᅢ‫ݢ‬ປ൯ӎ৻༪ࠋ‫׶‬ ᄑ଺ീ๯ሯߔ࣪ࠫᅹ഍ལପ඲଄߾ ᄑ଺ീಮ૾ᆧ‫్ڱ‬༈Ͽ‫܌‬൱‫ڴ‬ᇾಱᅮྕ଄႓Я ߾ာ౰ĭ੹਽u‫׃‬ఆࣅ‫ײ‬૘߇഍๯ሯ༎଺ལପ๿ࣂ ߾v ಮᅹ഍ུ቎Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸᑉྕ٨໡h օў๾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᑉ߾٨໡ѱᄥЯ߾ྀ֭ሁ༷ĭᆂ िഐඕ඲଄߾ĭიЯׁ‫܅‬഍ࣀࢁ৳৻༪ĭѱཧ ଈ഍ ࡍࣂഝᄑ଺ീ֭๯ሯߔ࣪‫ތ‬഍၄ࠗ߾ĭၣࠫჇ ᄍ ಸ ᇈ ಸᄥঘ଄ऐϿ֭u‫׃‬ఆࣅ‫ײ‬૘߇഍๯ሯ༎଺ལପ ๿ࣂ߾vh

uచ‫ه‬ऍሁ୥ຑᅢ‫ݢ‬ປ൯ӎv቞ณ߾ చ‫ه‬ऍᄥЯ߾֭ᆮԃ༷ĭ‫ٻ‬ѡჇ ᄍ ಸ‫ ތ‬ᄍ ಸ ऐϿഐඕ቞ณ߾ĭແచ၄ᇍ‫ݢװ‬ປ‫ه‬ᅢҮઃ฼‫܊‬Ⴝེ ࿧༗ĭ‫ٻ‬ѡದ ଈ‫ ތ‬ଈი߾ᆈਜࢻೊ‫ࣁލ‬ሁచ ‫ه‬ऍ฼‫ۺ֭܊‬ᇝҕ༈ი٬ҕ༈ჹሁࡁߋĭӶ‫࣑܇‬ळ‫ݛ‬ ࡅ൯ӎh

ৡ‫߾ڴࠖݛ‬ӑᄥࢬֈ൐‫ࠟۓ‬ປልऍ‫؛‬Я߾ܽৠ࿘ ᄅᄥ๿ྣྕᇗಮҔ࢔ੈ‫ތ‬னც‫ގ‬ቜལପൡၚ෶‫ۻ‬ვ֭ ᆿ֥‫ྀތ‬ሁh߾ณ‫޲ݞ‬ĭ෬ᅾ߇‫ڴ‬ऍӑҝܼਜЯ߾૥ ඈԱg߾ၸഩൈၣࠫܽৠ࿘ᄅh

చ‫ه‬ऍ‫ا‬۹Ҏ૒֭‫ڽ‬ᄻಮࣂഝਜచ‫ه‬ऍ฼‫ۺ֭܊‬ ᇝӉ௞‫ڣތ‬༈ĭЏছĻል૒ᆿ֥Яׁచ၄िຑ‫ݢ‬ປ൯ ӎ֭చ‫ه‬ऍሮ࿠‫ܬ‬໡ᇗྗg๡ཧൟࣀ૒߄֭uϬྕ ັvgࣁሁԣ९഍‫ه‬ᅢࡁߋ฼ۢԣ९ࣱᆢ৷gཋࣉܽ ৠ֭༈ൔҌᇯgਅࢬಎ౷ልࡍྀሁྕࡎ௩‫܌‬ර࣑ळ‫ݢ‬ ປ֭uPHK]PZVY`vࡁߋgྕજ‫׃‬ೠ‫ݛ‬഍၄ि‫ࣉࠖه‬g ත༈Ⴒߺࡁߋgࠎ಄‫ࡅݛ‬഍ીಽሯߋ๷࣭ĭၣࠫ฼ാ ‫ߌࡅݛ‬େ৷֭‫ا‬ལࡁߋֱh



Ⴖࢆ૒൯ಮ૾ᆧ‫ڱ‬൯ӑຮ଺ࡺ੹਽֭ࢆ૒൯ ಮ ࣤીօў๾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸ٨໡ྕࡎ௩ĭᇃᄥದЯ ׁ഍ࡍ‫ׁނۿ‬ਜࢻࢆ૒൯֭๯ሯߔ࣪ࠫ๯ሯᆧҮ‫׶‬ ཧĭѱऄЯ߾‫ࢆތ‬૒൯ࣤી‫ގ‬ቜ֭‫ه‬ᅢቜ࣑၊Ҍธั ‫ੈ࢔ތ‬h

Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸࡔೠ੔Ӑ༈߾ၸ൱ऐϿ‫׃‬၊۹ࣤယ ‫ٻ‬ར߾ĭᇃᄥ฼‫܊‬၊۹௤ฃದЯ߾߾ჼႽࠗ߾იЯׁ ᆱଈచ၄ࡍ࣑ྣ࢔ੈࠫ‫ٻ‬རఋࣤ഍Ӷ‫܇‬ᆵ֩h

օў๾၊ྣᄥຮ଺ࡺ൯ӑ֭੹਽༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸᑉ ٨Я߾ĭႶᅮෆഺ߾ӑֱಮ‫ڽ‬ᄻࢬֈh ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᇉߓႚՒ൐‫ྎۓ‬ຮ଺ࡺ൯ӑࠫ‫ׁۺ‬਽ ֥‫ތ‬చ၄ࡍ‫؛‬Я߾Ⴧ࣊୕ ᄍ॑һࢆ૒൯൐֭ঃֈh

‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇚഺ࡜ᇾ༤ ಭ‫ࠪޢ‬๾Ⴝན‫܌‬රᆻ ྣᇾ༤ ‫ߣތ‬೾ᇙ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ պ‫چ‬७‫ܪ‬Ⴝན‫܌‬රቁҒ ແ ᇾࢋࡉѧh ᇚഺ࡜ᇾ༤‫ ތ‬ଈ߾ჼ‫ٻ‬རਜಭ‫ࠪޢ‬๾Ⴝན‫܌‬ර ᄥᇗ‫ࣤݛ‬഍֭ྗ֬h෸඲ĭປሯచ၄္ᄥᇗ‫ݛ‬৳ቈĭ ྻ္֭Ҋ࣏​࣏൦ܹ༪gሯࣉĭߖྻ္ᄥӉ௞ი‫ڣ‬༈֭




Я߾਽֥Ҳօўᄥ٨໡Т࣠ఁ࡟ĭ ϰ٨‫ا‬۹ࠗ‫֭ۢܚ‬Ҳ਽֥ĭ࣑၊Ҍ ܏‫ގܭ‬ቜܹ༪h

ഩࡁgԿྕიచ၄֭ܽৠ٢૳༷ቈྗඹĭҔେᅢཋԣ ᆏᆦ֭u႟Я਽vhቜແచ၄֭਽֥ಮĭщ྾खЩং ݄֭൲ဿĭԑ‫ٻ‬ᄖႰྕࡎ௩֭௞ஏიܽৠႲ൥ĭ౅ᅥ ഍ࠗh ߣ೾ᇙ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ࣤ႗֭պ‫چ‬७‫ܪ‬Ⴝན‫܌‬රᄥ࣑ळᇗ ‫ݛ‬Ԣఁĭ௥ఋ೔৮֭഍၄ဌ݃ĭॉ֦ਜ෻൜గᇟࠗቇ ਯ၄༈ᄥᇗ‫֭ݛ‬कվ൯ӎశେhպ‫޲༽چ‬೎‫ܪ‬ගࡍႲ ྶ๥၄‫܌‬රĭ࿩ූজվ൯ӎ‫صڂ‬hպ‫ࣁچ‬ሁཋօज़ ࠷ĭ๡‫ݞ‬ҕ༈࡛ܽ೐ࡹgߔ౷‫ׯ‬໒༪๬ֱĭದभҮಮ େ՞బৢᆵປൔ൐ਜࢻ၄༈֭ᄖቜሙঋĭ࣑ྣuᄁӹ ࡛७vĭѱൔൈu߂ߺ߂৮ĭ਺ࠋԱৠv֭ܽৠ଎ ൜h

ԣ‫॑ݛ‬һ๾İԣ༤ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ Я߾օў๾ԣ٨Т࣠ ၣᅮෆഺ߾ӑແ൶֭ ಮօў๾ĭЏছৡ‫߾ڴࠖݛ‬ ӑgӯ࣢ၲ‫߾ڴ‬ӑgቁ༈ໆჼ߾ॗቼḐᇾ༤gປൡໆ ჼ߾ႋԔ଄ᇾ༤g‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇚഺ࡜ᇾ༤gቁ༈ ໆჼ߾ᅃ‫ڦ‬౱‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ĭၣࠫਧೠධ૥ඈӑჇ ᄍ ಸ ᇈ ಸԣ٨Т࣠ĭ࣑၊ҌࡎౄЯ߾‫ތ‬ᇗ‫اݛ‬۹ࣤીҎ ૒ၣࠫ഍߾቎ᆶ֭৻༪ი‫ގ‬ቜܹ༪h ᄥТ࣠ఁ࡟ĭօў๾ϰ߾ਜᇗ‫ݛ‬ಎ‫ݛ‬ಮ૾օўվ ߾Ӑ༈ໆჼ߾ᇣ๕୲‫ڴ‬ໆჼӑgᇗ‫ݛ‬഍༈Ҏᇚ೾‫ڴ‬Ҏ ӑgᇗ‫ݛ‬ಎ‫ݛ‬ಮվປൡໆჼ߾Ҹனྕ‫ڴ‬ᇾಱໆჼgᇗ ‫ࡅݛݛ‬ીၦդ࣑ໆჼ߾ຫ࠹‫߾ٮ‬ӑgᇗ߇ಎ‫܅ݛ‬഍၄ ৻‫ߣ߾ގ‬૜‫ڷ‬ᇾ༤gᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ປ‫ݛ‬ልࡍऍ෬ᅾ߇‫ڴ‬ऍ ӑĭၣࠫᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅ్༈Ͽ‫܌‬൱࿀Ⴣഺ‫ڴ‬ᇾಱh ഐඕ‫ۺ‬Ⴝܹ቎ᆶ֭਽֥ᇟഫი।‫ׯ‬Я߾ᄥᇗྕࣤ ી‫ه‬ᅢი‫ގ‬ቜ֭‫ܒ‬ཌĭѱ‫؛‬ՖՙႶᅮ߾ӑ౜ሹ੹਽٨ ໡Т࣠ი݄‫֭ײ‬Я߾օў๾ў൝ۢ؏ᇟ൲h ՖປĭЯ߾ࢄჇ ୕ᄥྕࡎ௩ऐϿ‫്׃‬၊ࣅൟ ࣀ߇഍վ߾ࠫྔ‫ݤ‬۲ଉ ᇣ୕ࡈ୙ࠋ‫׶‬ĭЯՙԣ٨ ֭ପ֭ᆵ၊ĭ၁൦ແਜᆢ಄ᇗ٢‫ۺ‬Ⴝܹࠗ‫֭ܚ‬ᆮԃh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

ԣ٨݄ᇤgᇰ‫ࢆࠫݢ‬૒ ႓݄‫ײ‬ീᆧ‫ڱ‬ာ౰ĭྕໜg๡࿧ࠫၤඔҎօҎӑ ੯်֫ചࢄჇ ᄍ ಸ੹਽ۢҲօў๾ԣ٨݄‫ײ‬ീĭ ѱᆂिྕࡎ௩Į݄‫ގײ‬ቜৠൡ߾൶ՙ߾ၸh ஭‫ގ‬ՖྣĭЯ߾ำ቎ᆶ ಮ഍၄օў๾ĭᄥᅮෆ ഺ߾ӑ֭փ਽༷֦݄‫ײ‬ീ݄ᇤgᇰ‫ࢆࠫݢ‬૒॑һhᆋ ၁൦ᅮෆഺ߾ӑࢬಱ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾߾ӑ޲൶ՙփ๾ԣ ٨h॑һׁ‫׌‬࿒‫ׯ‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬ĭ൦ўպЯ߾ӑࣺၣধიᇗ‫ݛ‬ ‫ۺ‬ീ൯ࠫᇗ‫ݛ‬ሉྕࡎ௩վ൘ܾႽሪ਍‫ނ‬Ⴞၹი‫ގ‬ቜܹ ༪h Ֆྣ֭ᇾ္ପ֭ແದօў๾Ӷჼ࣑၊Ҍਜࢻ݄‫ײ‬ ീঁූᅁӑ֭഍၄ߔ࣪ࠫఋࣤ࠾ሏྠ෶փধ֭ྕࠗ უļྀሁЯׁ‫܅‬഍ࣀธ࿡݄‫ײ‬ീ഍ࠗ‫ތ‬శᄥ֭‫ގ‬ቜ਽ ჟļແօў๾Ӷჼ฼‫৻܊‬༪਍ࠗĭი݄‫ײ‬ീ֭๥၄g ປሯभҮᆈࠫႽܹࣤીҎ૒֭ᇾ္ܺჼࢁ৳‫ގ‬ቜܹ ༪ļၣ࣑ࠫ၊ҌজվࠫࡎౄЯ߾იᇗ‫ݛ‬഍߾቎ᆶ֭৻ ༪ັખh օў๾Ӷჼᇗ֭օў‫܌‬ර‫ࡍ ܓܚࠗތ‬ĭধሹ‫ݼ‬ ᄖgࠪሕཙᇍᄷ၄g໼ࣉࠗྈg଩ғgӶၑᇍᄷg٤ ׁӉgࢁህғਠgሯ࿧๡྘ज़࠷gႎඟიЏሕg‫ໍנ‬ ਠࠫ൒௞ᇍᄷg‫א‬ሸӉ௞gԭᄖ༆ੈgႇྣიࣉಽ‫ڣ‬ ༈gٍ੸‫ڣ‬༈g໗წഩൈიӉ௞gࢥც‫ڣ‬༈gᄷԷࠫ Էѿܽৠg‫܅‬၄഻Ӊg๯ሯሮ࿠gࢁህ‫܅‬ӹၣࠫ၊϶ ીၦֱh ᄥ݄ᇤ॑һఁ࡟ĭօў๾Ӷჼԣ༤݄‫ײ‬ീಮ૾ᆧ ‫ڱ‬ᄥ༷ᢾࣽ‫ד‬ᆵᇰࢆ๗ແօў๾෶ഩ֭ߓႚ຦ဘļҝ ܼ݄ᇤ‫๊چ‬ఢӢႽན‫܌‬රgሯ࿧ज़࠷჻݄ࠫᇤ۞଺೴ ۞౽‫م‬ఁ‫܅‬ӹgԣ༤Ⴖ݄ᇤ଺೴ࣤ࠾࠷ඔि‫ه‬౽ܽৠ ໆჼ߾ᄥ଺೴վࣽ‫ד‬ऐྣ֭໾ဘ‫଺ތ‬೴๯ሯߔ࣪๿ࣂ ߾ļҝܼ॑һ‫ڕ‬೾‫ײ‬௤ྕӴѱ๘಄‫ڕ‬೾൯ࣤ࠾ന߾‫ه‬ ᅢၣࠫ‫ײ‬௤ྕӴ֭๯ሯߔ࣪ࣂഝļၣࠫҝࡎਜႶ݄ᇤ ൯ಮ૾ᆧ‫ڱ‬ᄥ߅჻ࣽ‫ד‬ऐྣ֭຦ဘh ֦ᇰ‫ݢ‬൐ĭօў๾ᄽҝࡎЯ߾‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇚ ഺ࡜ᇾ༤֭‫܌‬රಭ‫ޢ‬ᇊׁᄥᇰ‫ܑݢ‬ТࢁᄷӴ൯ׁћࢁ ಭ‫ޢ‬Ѧ‫ݢ‬ᇗྗ֭‫ࠖו‬ၖ൜ļҝࡎਜႶམᇥ౽ ህಝ ಮ૾ᆧ‫ڱ‬෶ഩ֭໾ဘgҝܼᇰ‫࠷ྕۢࡍݛݢ‬ඔӉ၄ि ‫ه‬౽ࣂഝ‫ތ‬ᇰ‫ݢ‬൯ࣤ࠾‫ه‬ᅢࣂഝ߾ѱ‫ތ‬ᇰ‫ݢ‬చ၄࣑ྣ ഍၄৻༪ĭၣࠫԣ༤ਜᇰ‫ݢ‬൯ᇚൟ࡜൯ӑ෶ഩ֭ᅹֈ ຦ဘh


ᅮෆഺ߾ӑࢬಱ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ ߾߾ӑ޲ĭ൶ՙ੹਽վྠ‫ݢ‬ ປօў๾ԣ٨ĭ॑һׁ‫׌‬൦݄ ᇤgᇰ‫ݢ‬gࢆ૒h๵ແЯ߾օ ў๾იࢆ૒൯ᆧ‫ڱ‬օўതჇࣤ ી࢔ੈ߾ഐh

ᄥᇰ‫ݢ‬ఁ࡟ĭօў๾၁ԣ༤ਜᄥ‫ݢ‬಍ພ็ߧྚࣽ ‫ד‬ТѪဤ๗ऐྣ֭ۢফ۞ܽໆ߾቞ณgҝܼۢফ۞֭ ࠖԬഩൈ‫ޠތ‬౞֣h వາࢆ૒൯๷ᇗĭօў๾ҝܼਜࢆ૒൯ۢྕ࠷ඔ ि‫ه‬౽୅֭պ֬ൔࡁ෠ࠗഩЩ‫܌‬රၣࠫᄥஷࢆ౽֭ᇗ ‫ݛ‬ቓվ଑ຉӢᇍᄷచ၄վӑࢆࠪ๾hֿպࢆ૒൯൐є ԣ༤ਜᄥၬ‫߾ࡅݛדࣽݿ‬ၸᇗྗऐྣ֭uࢆ૒൯ಮ૾ ᆧ‫ڱ‬იྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ࣤી࢔ੈ߾vĭѱԣ༤ਜࢆ ૒൯ಮ૾ᆧ‫ڱ‬ऐྣ֭ߓႚ຦ဘh օў๾၁వາि௤൯կ೾޽ྕ౽॑һ๯ሯߔ࣪g ҝܼ݄‫ײ‬ീ຿၊ൟࣀ໛ߌၔӉि௤৳჻gҝܼฃ೾൯ ݄‫ݢ‬ພि‫ه‬౽Т౽ၣࠫ‫߇ھ‬ᇟ‫܅‬gฃ೾൯֭๯ሯߔ࣪ ࠫ๘಄ฃ೾൯‫ۺ‬ལᅹ഍ႌሯႲߺᆧҮࣂഝgҝܼ଺٢ ໵ནࠦgվӌྣྕ߾༆ੈ჻ၣࠫസӌДතࡎ‫܅‬༆ੈ ჻gਜࢻ۞ሯచ၄ᄥྕ߾֭‫ه‬ᅢ౮ঋļԣ༤ྕ߾౽ಮ ૾ᆧ‫ڱ‬ᄥੋ಍ࣽ‫ד‬ऐྣ֭຦ဘࠫ๘಄๿ࣂ‫ۆ‬౽Ⴒ਍๯ ሯߔֱ࣪hՖ॑һࠋ‫׶‬൴ࠎ‫چ‬ඳĭႁແĻ • ݄‫ײ‬uඨሏၕvᅦઃແྕࡎ௩഍ࡍ฼‫܊‬ਜࠗ߾ Ֆՙԣ٨ĭօў๾യ೎ਜࢻਜ݄‫ײ‬uӉ၄ሏၕv ‫ތ‬uী‫׶‬৷ሏၕv֭uඨሏၕvᅦઃĭ՞ᇗॉ֦ਜᄗ ‫֭ݫ‬໵ན഍ࠗh uඨሏၕvᅦઃЏছᇰೠࢠী‫׶‬૩ࠪྠӉ၄ཧ‫ײ‬ ༎਎ၼgᄌТ೾౽ሏၕļ‫ײؿ‬༎਎ၼgᄌТ೾౽ ֭ী‫׶‬৷ĭ၊٢૳ཧׁ֚‫م‬gೠӉ၄ሏၕĭਾ၊ ٢૳ఋᇗ֭၊ོࢨۢ෕ᇑী‫׶‬৷ĭཧ‫ه‬պ֭ᇰೠ ࢠׁ౽ሏၕh݄‫ײ‬ീᆧ‫ߋࡁڱ‬๯೎ ၩჵሯࣉ๿ ‫׶‬uඨሏၕvᅦઃĭ၁ာ౰‫ݢ‬ປ഍ࡍҝიᆋལվྠ֭ Ӊ၄ാ࠱‫܅‬ӹh ၣາĭЯׁ഍ࡍ‫֭ײ݄؛‬ਜࢻվ‫ࠪا‬ᇗᄥᄌ‫ײ‬၊ փĭᆋׁོ٢֭ী‫׶‬ӶЯᇷ୕ഐാĭำѡ൦ᇍᄷ၄ĭ ࣕ୕ধЧ‫ۓ‬࿪৷h ๡‫ݞ‬ᆋՙ֭ಎ૳॑һĭօў๾‫ه‬ཋĭ݄‫ߖײ‬Ⴝ‫ޛ‬ ‫ׁا‬٢Ⴝࠦվ֭‫ه‬ᅢశ৷ĭׁ֚ᆧ‫ڱ‬၁ߓႚྕࡎ௩഍ ࡍవಈ๯ሯഩӔh๥൐ĭ၊ོԶ๬֭ূሻ‫ބ‬ೊৡ࣎ ࡂĭ෣ሪ݄‫֭ײ‬Ӊ၄ࢺ‫נܚ‬ᆤ၊గ‫ߘྕۿ‬օĭచ၄݇ ଎ಸၵজվĭఋࣤယᆼ֬࿀‫ࡎྕا‬௩చ၄ࣁࡳh

• మඏuᆱൕӴvೠ٢‫ގ‬ቜၱཧඈ ഐඕ‫ގ‬ቜၱཧඈ֭మ‫װ‬൦Яՙ॑һࠋ‫׶‬փধ֭၊ ལखൔᇑྦྷ֭Ӷ‫ݜ‬h‫ۼ‬औၱཧඈ֭߂৮ჸᄽĭЯ߾ࢄ ཧ߾ჼ๿ࣂᆱൕӴལପĭ‫ܥ‬৫߾ჼ഍ࡍᄥ‫ا‬۹਽ჟҝ იᆱൕӴ֭ࢁഩh Я߾‫݄ތ‬ᇤि‫ه‬౽ࢄ‫ۺ‬ሹ‫߰ه‬Ⴒ൥ĭ๿‫׶‬਎ׁᆵ ࡟֭ࣤી࢔ੈĭ๥൐ແ‫ގ‬ቜ฼‫ۺ܊‬ᇝє৮hਾ၊٢ ૳ĭЯ߾֭ܽৠ࿘ᄅࢄ‫ׯ‬ఁແᆱൕӴལପ฼‫܊‬ன࿦h • ࠚࠦ๿‫׶‬਎ׁಮჼ࢔ੈი߂٨ ๡‫ݞ‬ൔׁҝܼ‫॑ތ‬һĭօў๾౜മ‫ۓ‬ൻ֦݄‫ײ‬ീ ࣤ࠾‫ه‬ᅢූ؏‫݇ތ‬଎h݄‫ײ‬ᆱൕӴ֭ࢁഩĭၣ฼ാಮ ৷ແЯĭྕࡎ௩഍ࡍҝიᆋ۹ལପĭҊ֔େ‫ࣤ֬ࠎܜ‬ ࠾ེၵĭ‫ۿ‬फ़ၣ࿘֦ᄥ֚օᇗ‫ྣ࣑༷࣪ߔ࠾ࣤݛ‬഍༈ ࠋ‫֭׶‬З‫ࣤݔ‬ယh Ֆປĭᇗ‫ׁ֭ۺݛ‬Ӵ൯‫؃‬ᄥվ৷฼ാᆤเ႟ࡹഩ ൈĭ֔ಗૈႽվ௃࿦ਈႽ෕֭ᇗҲܽৠಮჼಈᆻྣ‫ތ‬ ๿‫׶‬ལପhႁՖĭЯ߾༘ິ๡‫ݞ‬ಮჼன࿦‫ੈ࢔ތ‬ĭփ ‫ࡎྕ׶‬௩‫ײ݄ތ‬ᆵ࡟֭ඨཧ‫ގ‬ቜĭனဩඋ༙਎ׁࣤ഍ ߔ֭࣪ಮҔh

ԣ٨ୌಸ৮࿸ࠫ଺٬ Я߾იచ‫ه‬ऍ৻‫ގ‬቎ᆶ഍၄օў๾ĭᄥી‫܅‬Ҏ ᆧ༈ҎӑৡᒿགgЯ߾߾ӑᅮෆഺĭၣࠫచ‫ه‬ऍऍ ӑᅮ৷ӌ‫ܓ‬๥੹਽༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸ‫଺ڳ‬٬ ࠫୌಸ৮࿸॑һhྕࡎ௩ሉ଺٬ቓۢልჼ)LYUHYK )HRLY۶༷gྕࡎ௩ሉୌಸ৮࿸ቓۢልჼ:OHIIPY / /HZZHUIOHP۶༷ĭၣࠫྕࡎ௩ሉୌಸ৮࿸ଈძቁ਽ ൡ/HYLZO (Z^HUP၁ҝიՖྣࠋ‫׶‬h օў๾ ଈӶჼধሹԷ༈ი‫ݼ‬ᄖgࠪሕཙᇍᄷ ၄gҥԭ༆ੈgႎඟgЏሕgᇟྠࠗྈი਴ࡹg٤ׁ ၄‫ه‬ᅢgำඁࣉඓ‫܊‬႓‫ڣ‬༈gࣉಽgᇍᄷ၄g‫ିא‬ი ໛ख‫܊‬႓gਧ၄ࠫཕܹӉ௞gಟႺი็ಞటࠫ‫ݢ‬ൡ‫܅‬ ၄gණ‫܅‬၄ࠫఋཕܹӉ௞ი‫ڣ‬༈gચ๰ᄖቜgగᇟࠗ ‫ތ‬ᇟྠࠗྈ‫܊‬႓g࢔๡ᄖඃ‫ތ‬ໃྱֱh




Я߾‫ތ‬చ‫ه‬ऍ৻‫ގ‬቎ᆶਜ ಮօў ๾ĭႶৡᒿགҎӑ వஎᇗ gᅮෆഺ ߾ӑ వஎቘೠ gచ‫ه‬ऍऍӑᅮ৷ӌ వஎႿ‫ގ৻ م‬փ਽ĭ٨໡ୌಸ৮࿸ ‫଺ތ‬٬h

Ֆྣແਜ࣑၊Ҍਜࢻ଺٬ࠫୌಸ৮࿸ঁූᅁӑ֭ ഍၄ߔ࣪ࠫఋࣤ࠾ሏྠ෶փধ֭ྕࠗუļྀሁЯׁ‫܅‬ ഍ࣀธ࿡ഐඕ਎‫֭ݛ‬഍၄ࠗ߾ၣࠫశᄥ֭‫ގ‬ቜ਽ჟļ ແօў๾Ӷჼ฼‫৻܊‬༪਍ࠗĭࢁ৳‫ގ‬ቜܹ༪ࠫࡎౄЯ ߾ი٬ᇥ഍߾቎ᆶ֭৻༪ັખh

ྕࡎ௩ሉୌಸ৮࿸಼ძቁ਽ൡ‫ݟ‬ਡබ‫ܥ‬৫ྕࡎ௩ օў๾৮Ⴐၠࣤ৳ቈୌಸ৮࿸֭ྕࡎ௩‫܌‬ර‫ࡎྕތ‬௩ ಮĭজվఋ৻༪ັࠫიᄥୌಸ৮࿸ᇿଈ‫ތ‬फ़֭॔‫܌‬ර ࢁ৳ࠌϼܹ༪h • ଺٬

• ୌಸ৮࿸ օў๾ᄥୌಸ৮࿸֭॑һࠋ‫׶‬ЏছĻԣ༤഍၄๯ ሯࠀЙ߾ļԣ༤ਜྕࡎ௩ฆ௤Է༈Ⴝན‫܌‬ර‫ތ‬/\SS )S`[O *V మඏਓࢻЩີ੫ၖ൜hฆ௤Է༈ࢄᄥϕ‫ܒ‬ ᇤࢁᄷ၊۹ቁ๯ሯ‫ص‬ແ ຫ્ჵ֭ཙᄖચ๰h օў๾၁‫ތ‬ә‫ࡍ ݞ‬ୌಸ৮࿸‫܌‬ර࣑ྣ၊‫؛‬၊഍ ၄չ஭߾ၸg৤િϰ߾ਜᇗ‫ݛ‬ሉୌಸ৮࿸վ൘ܾҝᄩ ಼ငෆࠫ‫ތ‬ୌಸ৮࿸ᆫಒ࢔ၦ෶ቁҒ(SPRV +HUNV[L ऐྣ٬ᆦ൜࢔ੈhՖປĭօў๾Ӷჼ‫ۼ‬औҊ๥ྣ၄ൔ ׁҝܼਜሯ࿧ज़࠷gӉ၄იࠖԬࢁഩgᄖඃი༆ੈg ཰‫ٶ‬௞ၣࠫ၊϶ྣ၄ֱh ୌಸ৮࿸ી‫܅‬Ҏܺჼ၁ᆂࠪਜ၊ՙᯧ๘߾ၸĭ๘ ಄ྕࡎ௩օў๾๾ჼ֭ٙঔၱࡶĭದօў๾‫ࡎۿ‬ਜࢻ ᄥୌಸ৮࿸ࣤ഍֭഍၄ట‫ޱ‬h ᅮෆഺ߾ӑၣฆ௤Է༈‫״‬ൡቁࣤৠ֭മ‫ڂ‬ཧԣ༤ ᆈٙႠĭ෸‫؛‬٬ᇥ൯ӎДԃ৉ܼง؏h෸඲ĭฆ௤Է ༈ᄥ٬ᇥ֭၄༈ၠࣤ႗‫୕ا‬ĭ‫୕ا‬ধࡶᆫਜ٬ᇥࠖԬ ഩൈ֭ӑቈ‫ه‬ᅢი‫ۇ‬ഇh ᅮ߾ӑ၁՞Я߾֭ࢠ؏ᆿԣĭࣘܽ࢔๡Ⴂ࠲‫ތ‬ uॉగধႽ‫ઁࠉ׌‬vĭ٬ᇥಷແྕࡎ௩చ၄ࡍ฼‫ࢁ܊‬ ৳၄༈औ‫֭׌‬഍၄శେიࠗ߾h చ‫ه‬ऍቁҒᅮ৷ӌᆿԣĭ໩‫܌ݛ‬රफ़ၣഇႰୌಸ ৮࿸ ຫಮ९֭ஜվী‫׶‬৷h ৡᒿགᆧ༈Ҏӑᄽᆿԣĭୌಸ৮࿸Ⴝஜվ֭శᄥ ഍ࠗh෸ࢄୌಸ৮࿸ი‫ه‬ᅢᇗ‫ࡍݛ‬ĭೊᄈ଺ཕ฼ѱ ઊĭఋႲྶ֭‫෕૾ݛ‬ᇑ‫ࡎྕ؛‬௩‫܌‬ර࣑ळ‫ۆ‬౽ࠦແႽ ৮h


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

॑һ଺٬ఁ࡟ĭօў๾Ӷჼҝࡎਜ‫ا‬ལࠋ‫׶‬ĭЏ ছĻԣ༤.H\[LUNࣤ࠾‫ه‬ᅢࠗ‫ܚ‬ऐϿ֭໾Ҝࣂഝ߾ࡡ ৻ၹ߾ၸļ߾ࡶ଺٬যำᆫಒႇྣۢҲѱ࢔ੈļԣ༤ ྕࡎ௩ሉ଺٬ቓۢልჼ)LYUHYK )HRLY۶༷෶ഩ֭ߓ ႚဘ߾ļҝࡎ଺٬഍၄դ࣑ᇗྗ֭uᄥ଺٬֭๯ሯი ഍ࠗv඲଄߾ļ‫ތ‬ᇗ‫߾ྀ૾్ݛ‬ᇾ༤߾ณѱ‫଺ތ‬٬‫܌‬ රࠫᇗ‫߾߾ྀ૾్ݛ‬ჼ࣑ྣ৻༪ი࢔ੈhՖປĭօў ๾๾ӑ‫ތ‬ᇾ္๾ჼ၁ҝࡎਜᇗ‫ݛ‬ሉ଺٬ࣤ࠾ࠫ഍၄ҝ ᄩ੯ᄁ֭߾ၸĭი߾օў૔ᆔ‫؛‬ᄥ଺٬ᇥ‫ܓ‬๥เიׁ ౽֭๯ሯశେი഍ࠗ࢔ߘਜၱࡶh ๾ӑৡᒿགᆧ༈Ҏӑў൝ĭྕࡎ௩ᆧ‫ڱ‬ᄥ൴ࠪվ ਐႽܹሯ࿧޲ĭી‫܅‬Ҏ‫ތ‬చ‫ه‬ऍҔେഩ৳ஜվ֭ሯਠ ॷĭແఋ෸ྕࡎ௩‫܌‬රि‫݄ۿه‬ٟႽེ֭u٬ᇥҮ ઃvh ෸޳ტྕࡎ௩‫܌‬රᄥिຑ଺٬gୌಸ৮࿸ი٬ᇥ վ੬֭‫֭֩ߋࡁߌࡅݛ‬੦ഐࡇ࿋იచ‫ه‬ऍДԃ૩ౕ৻ ༪h

ԣ༤‫ࣅ്׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ ၣᅮෆഺ߾ӑແ൶֭ቁ഍߾ ಮօў๾ĭԣ༤ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸᄥ٫੸ѧ൶‫؃‬જୌঠऐྣ֭ഐ ඕվ߾hिଦ৤Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥ٫‫߾ࡅݛ‬ၸᇗྗऐ ྣh ‫ا‬ଈধሹ ۹‫ׁތࡍݛ‬౽֭߇഍օўԣ༤ ਜिଦ൜h օў๾๾ӑᅮෆഺ߾ӑᄥօў๾ଈҰཌՕৢў ൝ĭൟࣀ߇഍վ߾൦ಎ౷߇഍ࡎౄࣤ࠾‫ގ‬ቜgդ࣑ཕ ߂ਜࢻ֭ᇟ္௤ฃhಎ౷ࣤ࠾ᆦԱᄥकѕი‫נ‬ᆤࢰ ؕĭ࿀‫ا‬చ၄‫؃‬ᄥ୵৷࿡ᅻྕ֭൯ӎ‫֭ྕތ‬ᅁӑ‫׌‬h ᄥᆋ࿁൥ֈ‫ه‬ĭᇟᆤఓ‫ࡷܹ֭ܥ‬൐ॡĭၣuࡎౄ߇഍ ৻༪դ࣑ൟࣀ಼ٖvແᇾ฽֭‫ࣅ്׃‬ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ĭ ໵ၘࢄແൟࣀ‫߇ׁ֭ۺ‬ಮచ၄ࡍփধႽེ֭ఛ൝h


໩‫ݛ‬ປ࢔Ҏဟ಼໛Ҏӑᄥ‫ࣅ ׃‬ൟࣀ ߇഍վ߾ഐ‫ه‬ўဎࢋh

օў๾‫ֿک‬٫੸ѧ޲єԣ༤ਜႶЯ߾g٫੸ѧቁ ഍߾g٫੸ѧીၦი‫܅‬၄Ҏ૒ĭၣࠫ7OPSL_WVY[‫ܓ‬๥ ᇾϿ֭഍၄৻༪߾ĭი ଈ٫੸ѧׁ֚చ၄օў࣑ྣ ࢔ੈh վ߾‫ݔ‬ѧࡡᇾࢋಮ٫੸ѧቁ๬εઍᄇ඲ĭႽࢨվ ߇ಮന౽֭‫ࡍݛ‬ĭେ‫֭ঁۿ‬ॠ‫ࣉڣ‬ಽ຺ࠗĭ٫੸ѧऄ ൦ఋᇗᆵ၊hεઍᄇߖ޳ტൟࣀ‫߇ׁۺ‬഍ࡇ࿋Дԃი ‫ࡍݛۺ‬gׁ౽ᆧ‫֭ڱ‬૩ౕ‫ގ‬ቜĭྂ൵Կᄷಎ౷ࣤ࠾֭ ྕ಼ٖh ff ᇗ‫ݛ‬ಎ‫ݛ‬ᆧྀᇾ༤ࡑ౱ਧᄥिଦ൜ഐᇉՒ൐ў ൝ĭൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ແಎൟࣀ߇഍฼‫܊‬ਜᅁ࣑ཕ߂ਜ ࢻgࡎౄ࢔ੈ‫ގ‬ቜ֭ᇟ္௤ฃĭᄥ๿‫׶‬ऐϿ‫ݛ‬gᇗ‫ݛ‬ ၣࠫ߇഍෶ᄥ‫ׁތࡍݛ‬౽֭ࣤ࠾‫ه‬ᅢĭজվ߇్߇ಮ ‫ࡅݛ‬ႝཡֱ٢૳‫߰ه‬ሪᇟ္ቜႰh ࢬ༷ধ਎็֭ࠋ‫׶‬Џছਜᄥ:4?ᇗྗऐྣ֭഍༈ ᅢ঳߾gଈࡍઊฎg٫੸ѧ๯ሯ඲଄߾ֱh ໩‫ݛ‬ປ࢔Ҏဟ಼໛Ҏӑᄥઊฎഐ޳ტൟࣀ߇഍቎ ᆶ‫ܹا‬ሇന߾ॣ฽ĭѱ౗ᄥ࣊޲֭ൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ഐϤ ന߾ॣ฽ი‫ܥ‬৫৉ഇ‫ނ‬ൈ࣢ല֭ัઊਡ೎ၸӹh෸ ၣ٫੸ѧࢵԣచ၄ࡍ ᒿ߱gӯႭᄟ‫ތ‬ൈᇈӶֱಮແ ৰĭᆿԣ๱‫ݞ‬Փഇൡ၄ĭ߇ቊେ‫ܜ‬ದ෶഻ࠋׁ֭٢‫ۿ‬ ࡎ಼ٖ࣑Ҍh෸඲ĭ૳‫؛‬ಎ౷ߌ֭๏ᅦĭҊ๥ቊಝ႓ ‫ތ؛‬ٙ႓֭ූ؏Ⴝѡĭ္ന߾‫྆ތ‬ĭ‫ه‬ᅢщ྾௤‫ޡ‬ĭ ஥ᄥవ๰֭‫؃‬Ⴝၴ༈ྀሁઓᄥ޲๰֭ಮh ෣ሪൟࣀ߇഍቎ᆶ֭ࠋ‫׶‬ٛ຾Ҋ‫ؖ‬জվĭ෸၁ಲ ແཋᄥ൦Ӷ৳၊۹൴ࠪg࢔ߘ‫هތ‬ҋሯਠ֭‫ׯܭ‬௤ฃ ֭൐‫ޱ‬ĭ‫ؿ‬ᆋဪ֭၊۹௤ฃ၁େ‫ܜ‬๡‫ັ৻߂ݞ‬གྷࢬҊ ๥֭ᅧ‫׌‬h෸ў൝ĭྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ၠࣤखЩਜᆋ ٢૳֭େ৷‫ތ‬ሯჿh ᇗ‫ݛ‬ᄁဤᄖඃ ࠪ๾ ቁ‫܌‬රቁҒ໑ࡍ‫ڦ‬g࿸ᇥࣉ ಽࠪ๾‫״‬ൡӑӯႽ౱g‫ࠪݼݢ‬๾Ⴝན‫܌‬ර‫״‬ൡӑӯ ‫ڊ‬g৩ྚႷઅႽན‫܌‬රቁҒқ଄‫ه‬g೓྘‫״‬ൡࣤৠࡡ ࿸ฆ౽‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤‫ౌ઼ۍ‬g࿸ᇥि‫ه‬ႇྣ‫ྣڴ‬ӑᅽཱིმg ᇗ‫܌ັאࡍݛݛ‬රቁࣤ࠾൅،ᇈۘĭၣࠫ‫ࢁڦ‬൅ٛվ

࿘ၦ࿘ခࣶ෶෶ӑᅮഇ໛၁ᄥ ᄍ ಸऐྣ֭ଈࡍ ઊฎഐ‫ه‬ўဎࢋh ࿸ᇥ৻‫ގ‬഍၄ႇྣİ‫ތܓ‬Ѯ‫ی‬Ⴝན‫܌‬රߣსാg ൶‫؃‬ႇྣࠪ๾ᆪॊಋgӯႭᄟ‫܌‬රࠪ๾ᇾ༤ӯႭᄟg ঁ৉‫ډ‬ႊ൒ࠪ๾ᇾ༤ࡡᆻྣӑӯबᇗg:4७‫ࠪܪ‬๾ ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ൈׂ඼ĭၣࠫᇗ߇ಎ‫܅ݛ‬഍၄৻‫ڴ߾ގ‬ᇾ༤࿀ ಼઼၁Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ֭ଈࡍઊฎഐ‫ه‬ўဎࢋh ແఁශ็֭վ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥ:4?߾ၸᇗྗऐྣ цଦၖ൜ĭѱႶൟࣀ߇഍վ߾૥ඈԱ࿎ҋႶྕࡎ௩ᇗ ߇ቁ഍߾Ӷ‫܇‬಄֬u‫്׃‬၊ࣅൟࣀ߇഍վ߾vᇾϿ ಋhᄥ٫੸ѧऐྣ֭Яࣅվ߾цଦ৤࢔ࢬၖ൜ഐĭᅮ ෆഺ߾ӑᄥဟ಼໛ປ࢔Ҏӑ֭ࡶᆫ༷ĭ՞վ߾‫֩ײ‬ ᇾ൵ᇗࢬ‫ݞ‬վ߾ఓᇋĭЯ߾ࢄि൛‫ڽ‬గӽϿჇ ୕ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸᄥ໩‫ݛ‬ऐྣu‫്׃‬၊ࣅൟࣀ߇഍վ ߾v֭ᇟಱh ᆵ޲ĭЯ߾ӷཋำѡແ‫്׃‬၊ࣅൟࣀ߇഍վ߾ᇍ ቜ֭࿎Զؓ௓‫࣢ތ‬ҙўဎĭᅢཋྕࡎ௩୕౥၊օ֭ࠋ ৷იಫӭĭѱߓႚཋӎ֭ࡉѧᄥ ୕వধྕࡎ௩ ԣ༤‫്׃‬၊ࣅվ߾h

ఋ෸ ԣ༤u૲‫߇ג‬഍഍߾ ᇣ୕౱‫׶ࠋ׍‬v ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾໛ߌიࢥცໆჼ߾ႋԔ଄ᇾ༤႓૲ ‫߇ג‬഍഍߾ာ౰ĭჇ ୕ ᄍ ಸ੹਽ ಮօў ๾‫ڳ‬ဧ݃ҝࡎഐඕ౱‫׍‬h ֚็຦ഐĭօў๾ԣ༤ਜߓႚ຦ဘĭიধሹམ ۞gϗ૒gಸЯgᇗ‫ ֱݛ‬ଈ߇഍օў‫ތ‬ᇗ‫ݢݛ‬ປ ࢔ੈྀ߾gᇗ‫ֱ৻్ݛ‬օў࢔ੈhf ୕ჵ֒ഐ໾ĭօў๾Ⴛ঳ਜѹ‫ܭ‬൯ĭ೎၈ᄽ ԣ༤u૲‫߇ג‬഍഍߾Ӷ৳Ϭᇣ୕ࡈ୙ಸ౱ለվ߾຦ ဘvhႋԔ଄ᇾ༤Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ຦֭ߓ්຦ဘഐĭཧ૲‫ג‬ ߇഍഍߾নෆ഻߾ӑᇉ්ਜ࣢્֭޹ࠢ߅கĭၣўպ Я߾‫߾ۆ؛‬Ϭ୕౱‫֭׍‬ᇈӼለ‫ޗ‬h





Я߾ਧೠධ૥ඈӑg݄ᇤि‫ه‬౽ܽ ৠໆჼ߾ᇾಱ࿗ཱི‫ྕࡅݛొྚތڊ‬ ࡎ௩Ⴝན‫܌‬රቁҒ࿀౱‫ތ‬ᄥᇾѧ૔ ֭ࡶᆫ༷ĭమඏೠ٢‫ގ‬ቜၱཧඈ h

იచ‫ه‬ऍమ‫ގװ‬ቜЩີ੫ Я߾ਧೠධ૥ඈӑօўЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸĭიచ‫ه‬ऍ ᄥ‫ۆ‬ऍ෶ऐϿ֭൶ࣅచ‫ه‬ऍ഍၄ࠌϼခั߾ഐమඏ ‫ގ‬ቜЩີ੫hແਜ‫࣍ۿ‬૩ׁიЯׁచ၄Ӷ‫܇‬िຑ‫ࡅݛ‬ ൯ӎĭచ‫ه‬ऍ၁იྕࡎ௩‫܅‬഍৻‫ގ‬ቁ߾మඏ‫ގ‬ቜЩີ ੫ĭѱ‫ތ‬ᇗུྠచ၄഍߾gྕࡎ௩ႎ؏഍߾gྕࡎ௩ ‫ࡅݛ‬഍߾gྕࡎ௩જধ഍߾ࠫྕࡎ௩ᇍᄷ഍৻‫ۿ߾ގ‬ ྕՖལ‫ގ‬ቜЩີ੫hЯ߾Ⴧ ୕൶ՙიచ‫ه‬ऍమ ඏ‫ގ‬ቜЩີ੫h చ‫ه‬ऍიఆ۹഍๾֭‫ގ‬ቜٛ຾Џছࢁ৳Яׁచ၄ ᆵ࡟֭ࠌϼܹ༪ĭၣ฼ۢ෹૔ᄥ‫ݢ‬ປӶ‫ࣤ܇‬഍֭ࠗ ߾gიచ၄ৠൡ߾૩ౕ‫ގ‬ቜg৻൵࣑ྣिຑ‫ݢ‬ປ൯ӎ ֭ခࣶი‫נ‬Ҹg߂ཕᆮԃ‫ۺ‬ሹ‫ه‬ᅢಎ౷ߌେ৷֭ࡁߋ იࠋ‫׶‬g฼ാႽܹచ‫ه‬ऍሯሁࡁߋ֭ਜࢻࠫ৻‫ގ‬ऐϿ ‫ݢ‬ປ๿݄ࠋ‫ֱ׶‬h చ‫ه‬ऍӯ֫ल‫ڴ‬ऍӑཧ ଈԣ༤ᆈў൝ĭచ‫ه‬ऍ ೠ୕వიЯ߾ֱ੊۹഍๾మඏᆋལ‫ގ‬ቜЩີ੫ᇈ࣊ĭ ၠࢁ৳‫ۿ‬૩ౕ֭‫ގ‬ቜܹ༪h෸඲ĭచ‫ه‬ऍᆵవᅃແЯ ߾߾ჼ࣑ྣႽܹᄖႰልແᇗུచ၄฼‫܊‬഍֭ࠗϬྕັ ֭ன࿦hӯ֫लў൝ĭచ‫ه‬ऍࢄԃ࿋ი഍๾࣑ྣ‫ߍ؛‬ ၣє‫ۿ‬ਜࢻ෹૔֭ྻ္ĭ՞‫ؿ‬ແ഍๾߾ჼ૔ᇍ‫ގׯ‬൩ ֭ࡁߋh

చ‫ه‬๿ԣuԣ९഍‫ه‬ᅢࡁߋv చ‫ه‬ऍჇ ᄍ ಸႶી‫܅‬Ҏࡡಮ৷Ҏᆧ༈Ҏӑৡᒿ གᇾᆦ൜ఛ‫׶‬ԣ९഍‫ه‬ᅢࡁߋĭՖࡁߋᇃᄥၣႽནࠏ ำ‫֭ׯ‬ԣ९ࣤယধ฼ാखႽశେ֭Яׁచ၄֭ԣ९େ ৷hՖལແఁ ۹ᄍᇈ ۹ᄍ֭ࡁߋЏ‫ݫ‬ೠ۹ౄᇍྦྷҎ ‫ٻ‬ĭ๥൐ࡁߋ၁ልແԣ९഍‫ؿ‬ഩࡁĭᇃᄥ๡‫ݞ‬ԃ࿋ྦྷ ༪๬ߌ֭Ҍᇯĭࡎౄ‫܌‬රഹ๱‫ݢ‬ປ൯ӎh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

చ‫ه‬ऍ๡‫ݞ‬ఋ‫ގ‬ቜࠌϼࠫᆮԃࠗ‫ܚ‬ĭЏছЯ߾g ᇗུྠచ၄‫߾܌‬gྕࡎ௩‫܅‬഍৻‫ގ‬ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩જধ ഍߾gྕࡎ௩ᇍᄷ഍৻‫߾ގ‬gྕࡎ௩ႎ؏഍߾gྕࡎ ௩ࡍख‫܅‬၄ৠൡ߾gྕࡎ௩٩ᆶი‫ڣ‬൭഍߾ၣࠫྕࡎ ௩࣢૩‫܅‬ӹი଎ख‫߾܌‬ĭࢄՖࡁߋ๿ࣂ‫ۻ‬ၣྕࡎ௩ແ ׁ֭ࠖ‫܌‬රҝიhచ‫ه‬ऍ၁ࢄ‫ۻ‬ვႽ๐ࡹ֭‫܌‬ර฼‫܊‬ ۢպ Ħ֭ሯሁ‫࣋ތ‬๔h

ԣ༤u‫׃‬ఆࣅ‫ײ‬૘߇഍๯ሯ༎଺ལପ๿ࣂ߾ᳪ ࿸ฆ߇഍ઊฎv ႓ᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅ్༈Ͽ‫܌‬൱gᄑ଺ീಮ૾ᆧ‫֭ڱ‬ာ ౰ĭၣЯ߾‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇚഺ࡜ᇾ༤ແ൶֭ ಮօ ў๾ԣ༤ਜჇ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸĭᄥᄑ଺ঘ଄‫߾ࡅݛ‬ᅢᇗ ྗऐྣ֭ഐඕઊฎၣࠫu‫്׃‬ఆࣅᇗ‫ݛ‬ঘ଄࣑ԣ९഍ ௞࢔ၦ߾vh ઊฎၣuܹሇᇗ‫ݛ‬༎Ҏ • ‫ܓ‬ଜ‫ގ‬ቜ‫ه‬ᅢvແᇾ฽ĭ ခัᄥಎ౷ࣉಽ຺༷ࠗ࿸ฆ߇഍იᇗ‫ݛ‬ᄥ๯ሯgીၦ ٢૳֭‫ގ‬ቜ഍ֱࠗĭЂሁ ଈი߾ᆈ‫ۿ‬യ೎ׁਜࢻ ಎ౷ࣤ࠾຺ࠗФ༷ࣧᇗ‫ތݛ‬༎଺֭‫ه‬ᅢ݇ߋ‫ތ‬༓ႌປ ሯ֭ቓྕᆧҮh ๾ӑᇚഺ࡜ᇾ༤ᄥࢬൻ{ঘ଄‫؃‬൯൐Й|٨໡൐ ඲ĭᄑ଺ࢄ൦ቁ഍߾߾ჼৠའ֭๯ሯࡌׁh෸ў൝ᄥ ҝ߾ఁ࡟ಲᆏਜࢻਜᄑ଺֭๯ሯߔ࣪ࠫႲ൥ལପĭߵ ྕᆵ޲ĭࢄࣘफ़େׁ݄ٟϤᆋོӶ‫ݜ‬იྕࡎ௩చ၄‫ٻ‬ རh

იచ‫ه‬ऍօўऐྣ໾Ҝ߾ၸ ᅮෆഺ߾ӑჇ ᄍ ಸᄥ৩ࡉְࣽ‫ד‬ሹ‫ٶ‬ഩဘĭი చ‫ه‬ऍᅮ৷ӌቁҒࠫ‫ۆ‬ऍۢ࠱ܺჼ‫࣑ܓ‬໾Ҝh߾ഐĭ ᅮ߾ӑ‫ྎۓ‬ᅮቁҒ‫ތ‬ఋ๾‫ۻؚ‬ვЯ߾֭վ৷ᆮԃh෸ ౄ‫״ࣅ ׃נ‬ൡ߾ࢄࡇ࿋܏‫ܭ‬იࡎౄ਎۹ࠗ‫ܚ‬ᆵ࡟֭ ‫ގ‬ቜܹ༪h


ᄥ໾Ҝ߾ၸഐĭඨ٢օў‫؛‬ၣ༷ॣ฽࣑ྣਜ݄ٟ ัઊĭѱպᇉ‫ܓ‬ൕĻ • ඨ٢๥ၱ৻‫ގ‬቎ᆶ॑һ๾Ⴧ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ԣ٨݄‫ײ‬ീၣࠫ Ⴧ ᄍԣ٨٬ᇥļ • ቁ഍߾ࢄ൴ࠪধሹ഍๾߾ჼ֭ٙঔѱ฼‫܊‬Ⴝܹ྘ ༗ვచ‫ه‬ऍ‫܊‬ҝ॑ļ • Я߾ࢄᄥచ‫ه‬ऍ֭‫ࡅݛ‬഍༈ࢊ࿘ࣉࡁߋ‫ތ‬ԣ९ि ‫༷ߋࡁه‬ஒ්࿘ჼ֦ᇗ‫ࣗݛ‬ᜯļ • ቜແచ‫ه‬ऍಲफ़֭ன࿦ࠗ‫ܚ‬ᆵ၊ĭЯ߾ࢄ฼‫܊‬ၣ ߇ნແ૊ࣂ֭ሹႶીၦྀ‫ॣׯ‬ӹh ᅮ৷ӌቁҒ၁ࢾՖࠗ߾ཧЯ߾օў๘಄ᄥᇗ‫ۺݛ‬ ീ൯ࣤ഍֭ࣤယიٙঔĭѱ๥ၱიЯ߾ࡎౄႽܹჇ֦ ᇗ‫ݛ‬๯ሯ֭྘༗࢔ੈი‫ގ‬ቜh

మඏuᆱൕӴvೠ٢‫ގ‬ቜၱཧඈ ݄ᇤ൯ໆඈࡂᇳུ֍႓‫ݛ‬༈ሯᆧ໹ቜ‫֭׷‬ာ౰ĭ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ੹๾ᑉྕ٨໡ĭᇃແࡎঁ๿࣑ᇗྕᆱൕӴ ལପ‫ގ‬ቜࢁഩh஭‫ގ‬Ֆࠋ‫׶‬ĭ݄ᇤि‫ه‬౽ܽৠໆჼ߾ ‫ތ‬Я߾ĭၣࠫྚొ‫ࡎྕࡅݛ‬௩යಮႽན‫܌‬රĭჇ ᄍ ಸᄥᇥࡅࣽ‫ד‬మඏ‫ܓ‬๥๿‫ײ݄׶‬ᆱൕӴ‫ه‬ᅢ֭‫ގ‬ቜ ၱཧඈh

మ‫ގׯ‬ቜၱཧඈ֭ྕ٢օў൦Я߾ਧೠධ૥ඈӑ ၣࠫྚొ‫ࡎྕࡅݛ‬௩Ⴝན‫܌‬ර࿀౱‫ތ‬ቁҒļᇗ٢օў ൦݄ᇤि‫ه‬౽ܽৠໆჼ߾࿗ཱི‫ڊ‬ᇾಱh

ቄ࣑ТҎພĮ ୕‫ݢ‬ປ߇഍‫ގ‬ቜि‫݄ه‬༎ТҎ ພࣤ࠾౽վ߾ ႓ᇗ‫ݛ‬ಎ‫֭߾ގ৻్߇ݛ‬ာ౰ĭЯ߾ӯࣉӴ‫״‬ൡ ‫ތ‬Я߾߾ჼႏ৮‫ࡅݛ‬ᇊ၄൶༤‫״‬ൡ੯ྤ‫ه‬ҝࡎਜჇ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸᄥ݄༎ऐϿ֭ഐඕվ߾h Яՙࠋ‫׶‬൦Ⴖ݄༎ሹᇕ౽ᆧ‫ڱ‬gᇗ‫ݛ‬ಎ‫߇ݛ݊ݛ‬ ్৻‫ގ৻߾ގ‬ᇾϿĭႶሹᇕ౽్৻gሹᇕ౽ТҎພ Ͽgሹᇕ౽ᅹ഍ऍgሹᇕ౽్Ͽĭ଺୩gТ‫ݢ‬g٥Ӵ ۞gౚᇤgპਧgԔቘ൯ಮ૾ᆧ‫ܓڱ‬๥ӽϿĭᇾ฽ ൦uࠗუ‫ܓ‬རg‫ގ‬ቜ‫ܓ‬ႛvĭ๡‫ݞ‬ಎ٢໒๿ࣂg‫؛‬९ ధณgཋӎ॑һֱྡ൜ĭཧ ‫ا‬۹‫ׁތࡍݛ‬౽֭ ‫ا‬໒‫ݢ‬ປ߇഍‫ތ‬ज़࠷࣢ႏಎ૳ᅢ൝݄༎ТҎພࣤ࠾౽ ࣤ࠾ന߾‫ه‬ᅢ‫ތ‬ીၦࠗ߾ֱh

ᆱൕӴལପ൦ࡇිᇤ‫܅‬၄჻‫࣋็ތ‬഻งӴ޲ĭྕ ࡎ௩იᇗ‫ގݛ‬ቜ֭‫׃‬ೠལվྠལପh࣊୕ ᄍᄥ‫ݛ‬༈ ሯᆧ໹ቜ‫ײ݄ތ׷‬ീໆඈࡂອဤࡶᆫ༷ĭႶࠥЗచ၄ ი݄ᇤि‫ه‬౽ܽৠໆჼ߾మඏिᅢफ़ྣྦྷခྀࣶ֭ ၸh݄ᇤ൯ᆧ‫ࢄڱ‬ᄥઋ‫۝‬౽ߋԣ ௤٢‫֭ৢ܌‬๺ׁ ‫܊‬ᆱൕӴि‫ࢁه‬ഩh ၱཧඈᇟ୅ೀ‫׌‬ЏছĻ • Я߾ࢄࠚࠦཧ߾ჼ‫܌‬ර๿ࣂuᆱൕӴvལପĭ‫ܥ‬ ৫߾ჼ‫܌‬රᄥ‫ا‬۹਽ჟҝიᆱൕӴ֭ࢁഩĭϤ໬‫ۺ‬ལ ๯ሯࠗ߾h • ྚొ‫݄ތࡅݛ‬ᇤि‫ه‬౽ࢄದЯ߾ᆱ֩ᆱൕӴ֭ቓ ྕ‫ه‬ᅢ౮ঋĭແЯ߾ඓ༷߾ჼ‫܌‬ර฼‫܊‬щ္֭ྣ၄ሯ ࿧იሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈ĭྀሁ߾ჼ‫܌‬රຑᅢᄥᆱൕӴ֭၄༈h • ྚొ‫ࡅݛ‬ი݄ᇤि‫ه‬౽फ़‫ۼ‬औ౮ঋҝიЯ߾߾ჼ ᄥᆱൕӴ୅֭ࢁഩལପĭѱიᆵࢁ৳‫ގ‬ቜࠌϼܹ༪h • ೠ٢ࢄ‫ׯ‬ఁ቎ᆶಮჼ٨໡ᆱൕӴĭ‫ܓ‬๥ຑᅢ഍ ࠗh • Я߾၁ࢄແ݄ᇤि‫ه‬౽฼‫܊‬చ၄ܽৠ਽ჟ֭ಮҔ ன࿦‫ڣ‬༈ĭ݄ᇤि‫ه‬౽ࢄແЯ߾቎ᆶ֭‫ۺ‬৓ྣ၄॑һ ๾gಮҔன࿦๾ֱ฼‫ࢥ܊‬࿘๾‫ؚ‬gచ၄ҝܼgᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ ૒ϰ٨ֱྀሁh




ቘగļဆሸ໇g௽Ⴍ᜹g྿Ѫg‫ ׃‬ ࣅ‫״‬ൡ߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑྎຫ೮gӯॎѸ൞ത Ⴧ ಸ ಸЯ߾ᇾϿ֭u ഍၄ᅢິ ߇ნઊฎvഐh



u ୕ ྘ྗ຺ࠗࠏԢ੥ඎ݃ŀv ഍၄ᅢິઊฎ ႏნ

Я߾იྕԶ૊‫א‬ฃ Ӵ൯௜֩Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥࡉ‫܀‬ พऐϿഐඕઊฎĭದ ଈЯׁ഍ࡍ‫ྕ؛‬၊୕֭ࣤ࠾ ᅢິი഍၄ߔ࣪Ⴝйࢨ‫֭ނ‬ৠࢻĭྀሁ഍ࡍ‫ۿ‬଄ᇎ‫ތ‬ ‫ۿ‬Ⴝׁེቛԣ഍၄भҮh

Я߾ࠫ{഍၄൐Й|Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥЯ߾ࡉ‫܀‬พ৻Ͽ ഐඕႏნઊฎĭᇃᄥธัྕࡎ௩‫ތ‬Я౽ᄥধਪ၊୕֭ ഍၄‫࠾ࣤތ‬ᅢິĭದЯׁచ၄भҮᆈແ໋ধᗙగ֭഍ ၄๏ᅦቜ‫ނ‬ሡЩĭᅯ໬ࣤ࠾౼൥ĭ՞‫ؿ‬ແఋ഍၄๯ሯ ቛԣ‫֭ނۿ‬भҮh ᇾࢋࡉѧ*LU[LUUPHS (ZPH (K]PZVYZྕࡎ௩‫״‬ൡࡡ ቁҒ4HU\ )OHZRHYHUၣu՞ߔ౷ࢠ؏იྕࡎ௩ࣤ࠾ ॉ໋ধѕߌv‫ه‬ўဎࢋh෸඲ĭྕࡎ௩იൟࣀࣤ࠾֭ ܹ༪૩Ҋफ़‫ٻ‬h෸ಲແྕࡎ௩ࣤ࠾ᄥ຺ࠗ‫ه‬഻ᆵవ‫ݞ‬ ಫĭᆋၱໍྕࡎ௩ࣤ࠾࣑೎ਜۢӶЯࢺ‫ܚ‬ĭࠦྻൔྣ վ‫؏ڞ‬ᇟ቎նൈধࣷᆦh෸ჯұྕࡎ௩చ၄ࣅ൐ࢄԱ Ⴧቓࡌׁ໒ĭ഍ಮफ़ၣࣁሁႎ؏‫ތ‬ᇗ‫֭ݛ‬ᗙగӶແ౽ ჟࣤ࠾֭ዏዏᆈh ೓൞৻‫ގ‬ႇྣҕ‫ܽھ‬ৠ ྕࡎ௩ Ӊ௞ი‫ڣ‬༈ሮ࿠ ᆻྣ‫״‬ൡ2LS]PU ;H`ಲແĭྕࡎ௩૳‫֭؛‬ᇾ္຺ࠗᆵ ၊൦െ၄h‫ۼ‬औ೓൞৻‫ގ‬ႇྣ֭‫ٻ‬།ĭ࣊୕ࢄെಈ ຫ۹‫܅‬ቜᆷ໒hߔ౷٢૳ĭ෸඲э૯๡ࠒ࣍ෲࢄ൦࣊ ୕૳‫֭؛‬कվ๏ᅦh෸‫)ތ‬OHZRHYHU၁।‫ׯ‬ĭႶჇൔ ྣ՗ࠟࣤ࠾նൈĭ્ჵ༷֭‫נ‬ᇂ൦൐࡟֭໡฽h 0WHJҕ༈Үߋྕࡎ௩යಮႽན‫܌‬රࠖࣉ‫ܬ‬໡ࡡᇾ ܽgҕ༈Үߋൔࡴ‫ܬ‬໡9V` =HYNOLZL඲ĭႶჇሯӉ ֭௞ᇑҊ଄ঽࠫ‫ࡖܡ‬ձႽচ଼ĭᄥᆋᇝߔ༷࣪ĭࢄ๯ ሯ቎‫اގ‬ჵߌࠫԃӑఁ๯ሯ֭Үઃ൦ቓ଄ᇎᆵऐh ઊฎᇾ༤{഍၄൐Й|‫ڴ‬ᇾё=PRYHT 2OHUUHᄥቁ ࢺ൐ཧվᄇ ໒഍ࡍ඲ĭࡳჇಎ౷ࣤ࠾࣊୕૳‫؛‬क ‫຺֭ࠗ߉༷ڞ‬ĭ‫ܫ‬ᄥؓఁ୅ĭ‫ݛ‬ಮ૳‫࣑؛‬၊Ҍ֭๭ԫ ස޴ᄥ෶଼૯h֔൦ĭ՞ᇗఁࠫ‫ۿ‬ӑఁধॉĭಷಞ൦ Ⴝ਍‫ه֭ނ‬ᅢࠗ߾ĭྕࡎ௩൦फ़ၣᅢິѱఁֈౄ֭ࣙ ‫֦ිڷ‬ধh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

ྕࡎ௩଺ဤৠ‫܅‬վ࿘ࣤ࠾༪‫ࢥڴ‬൹ӯॎѸ൞ၣ uࣉಽ‫֭ླྀݢ‬ႝཡ൦൑ુŀvແ฽֭ဎࢋᇗў൝ĭഐ ൯‫܌‬ර‫؃‬Ⴝ֭‫؏ݞ‬gܽৠ࿪֢ሯЯ֭໡฽ཋᄥߖૈႽ ᅻ֦ࢻभ֭Ͽٍĭ෡ಞ൯ӎЬലߌgᆧ‫࡛ܽڱ‬ಔ໒֭ ཋཨफ़ၣ֦֬၊ོࣷᆦĭ֔ॼ‫଼ޛ࡛֭ܽࣀݛ‬಄֬ൔ ᇑྦྷ֭ѕߌh๥൐ĭᄥ‫ࣉࡅݛ‬ಽ൯ӎഐĭ‫ڽ‬ᅗ‫ݛ‬ᅥऔ ᇾ‫׶‬gԭ࿁‫ݛ‬ԱჇЬ‫׶‬ĭᆋ၊ཋཨ၁‫଼ޛ‬Ⴝ෶‫ۇ‬ѕh ೓൞ႇྣҕ‫ܽھ‬ৠခࣶҎ࿸ฆ౽ᇾܽࡡ࿸ฆ౽൶ ༤ࣤ࠾‫ٻ‬།൅௽Ⴍ᜹ၣ฽ແu൚೎၊௓໋ᆱ֭਽‫ݢ‬Ļ ࿸ฆࣤ࠾֭ྕ๏ᅦv൐ᆿԣĭࣤ‫ݞ‬༪ਡ֭‫נ‬ᆤᆵ޲ĭ ࿸ฆ౽‫ܪ‬൯֭‫ܡ‬ᆼཋၠࢬࣕಎ౷ණ௤ĭᆋ඲଄ಎ౷๯ ሯᆈಷࢨ౥ᩲЯ౽ჟh෸၁ў൝ĭ‫܌‬රᅗಒପవ֭ߵ Йၠࣤә‫ݞ‬ਜ෹෶ႍ‫ڌ֭ݫ‬ཊĭ൦၊ལйࢨ༓ႌಮ֭ ๯ሯh‫ܪؿ‬൯๯ሯ٢૳ĭ၌ਗg‫܌‬Ⴐൡ၄ֱྣ၄ᆼ֬ ॑੶h (T-YHZLYᆫಒۢ࠱‫ڴ‬ቁҒဆሸ໇ॉ‫ނ‬იᇗ‫ܥݛ‬৫ ୅ྻཕܹ֭‫ܪ‬௘ĭೊ൒௞৓‫ܪ‬ĭၣࠫიࠖԬഩൈࢁഩ ཕܹ֭ۙ๕gණୋֱվሿ഍௞৓‫ܪ‬h֔൦ĭ‫؏࠹م׃‬ ‫ܪ‬൯֭ቄཧಷಞҊ଄ঽh ୕࿸ᇥࣉಽ຺ࠗ൐၁ ൦ဪဪֶૡĭ֔ᄥ ୕ಗԣཋਜ୬൯ĭ֔৭ൖ‫ޛ‬ ଼ᇟဎĭႁແი ୕йࢨĭ෡ಞ࿸ᇥ‫ࣉ֭ࡍݛ‬ಽ เ༪ԣཋਜ຺ࠗĭ્֔‫ݛ‬ಷಞДԃໟࡺĭ‫ؿ‬ପవ෶૳ ਪ຺֭ࠗᄽ൦ಎ౷ྦྷ֭h ဎࢋᆵ޲ĭӯॎѸ൞g௽Ⴍ᜹ᇾܽࠫဆሸ໇ۢ࠱ ‫ڴ‬ቁҒ‫ތ‬ი߾ধѧ૔ัઊਜ໩‫໋ݛ‬ধ֭ࣤ࠾ቄ൥gೊ ‫؛ލ‬ॎಎ౷ࣤ࠾ජຄ֭ਤ൥g૳‫࣍ྦྷ׶ੈ֭ྕ؛‬ಔ֭ ‫ڌ‬ཊĭၣࠫ૳‫؛‬ԑ઩Ҋಚ‫֭ׯ‬൐ఁࠫಸၵচ଼֭๯ሯ ߔ࣪ĭ഍ࡍ႓ೊ‫ލ‬भ‫ׯ‬ሹ࠵֭๯ሯҮઃֱॣ฽h


uᄥࣤ࠾ජຄᇗДԃࣱᆢ৷Ļࣱᆢٍೊ‫ྀލ‬ሁ Яׁ഍ࡍv቞ณ߾ ແྀሁ഍ࡍ࣑၊Ҍਜࢻࣱᆢٍĭၣࠫೊ‫ࢄލ‬ᆵ‫ڹ‬ ᇵൔྣĭЯ߾৻๥ྕࡎ௩ࣱᆢऍ‫ٻ‬ѡჇ ᄍ ಸ‫ތ‬ ᄍ ಸᇾϿഐඕႏნ቞ณ߾ļၣࠫ‫ٻ‬ѡჇ ᄍ ಸ ‫ ތ‬ᄍ ಸᇾϿၣ߇ნແ૊ࣂნ֭቞ณ߾hශӎࢋ቞ ‫ܓ‬༓ႌਜ ଈ߾ჼ഍ࡍԣ༤h :[YH[LNP*VT 7[L 3[K ൶༤‫ܬ‬໡ 1HJR` ;HPიԣ༤ᆈ‫ٻ‬རࢁ৳ౄ ൥௞ஏ֭ࠗᇍ‫ތ‬ሏߘచ၄௞ஏ ‫ݞ‬ӹᆵవ֭௞ஏಲᆱh

ྕࡎ௩ࣱᆢऍҮઃ݇ߋරӑஔࣱީႌႰ‫ݛ‬୅ປ֭ ৰሸĭ඲଄ࣱᆢٍେᄥ਎٢૳ྀሁ഍ࡍh‫׃‬၊gచ၄ फ़ၣႌႰࣱᆢٍᇍᇀধሹಱ‫ލ‬٢૳ĭቛԣႽπ‫܌‬ර࿡ ౸഍၄ࠗ߾ࣱ֭ٙᆢྣແhఋՙĭ֚෶Ⴝ‫ܮ‬ჼ‫؃‬ቖ൷ ࣱᆢٍĭႽ෭చ၄ഺძ֭‫ڌ‬ཊᄽ߾վվࢎֶh

uచ၄ཋࣉੈਐ֭ܽৠࠫఋᄻಱ‫ڌ‬ཊv቞ณ߾ u຺ࠗ ༘ິᄥ‫ލ‬Աŀv߇ნ቞ณ߾ ᄥ֚వի೘֭վߔ༷࣪ĭແྀሁ๯ሯᆈ‫ׁނۿ‬ᆱ ֩႓‫ލ‬ಈ‫ލ‬՞ĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥЯ߾Ϟ੔ܽৠ࿘ᄅ ߾ၸ൱ऐϿഐඕ቞ณ߾h ࣉႏᆫಒۢ࠱࠷ඔ‫ٻ‬།൅ւᇅ଄‫ ތ‬ଈი߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬ རਜ ୕‫ܪ‬൯ᇗ഻֭ձٍᄽhҝ߾ᆈߖಲൕ֦‫ۿ‬ ‫ܹا‬Ⴧࣉႏҽࡖ‫ގ‬ᄇၣࠫ෹ᄥ֚వ‫ܪ‬൯ᇗ֭႓Ⴐh

uᄥࣤ࠾຺ࠗᇗձࠋᆵҮĻ‫ࢁܚ‬၊۹खЩರྦྷ֭ చ၄vႏნ቞ณ߾ .SV7LYMVYTHUJLۢ࠱‫ڴ‬ቁҒ3LL *OV^-/HUჇ ᄍ ಸᄥഐඕ቞ณ߾ഐĭཧ ଈԣ༤ᆈࢻ൬ೊ‫ލ‬ਜࢻg ї଄‫ٻތ‬།ఋ՞ൡ֭഍၄ᇣఁᆵ෶ᄥԱļ൑ુ൦഍၄ ֭‫ࣱྗފ‬ᆢ৷gೊ‫੅ލ‬ሆಮҔgਜࢻࠫ‫ٻ‬།చ၄֭ҕ ༈൦‫ࡺږ‬ಎĭႵఋ൦ࢁ৳फ़ԃ࿋֭഍၄ӹ࿅ֱॣ฽h

uᇟྕഴ‫ފ‬చ၄ܽৠࡗ‫ܚ‬v߇ნ቞ณ߾ ແྀሁ߾ჼ഍ࡍಲൕᄥࣤ࠾চ଼൐ఁĭᇟྕഴ‫ފ‬ చ၄ܽৠࡗ‫֭ܚ‬ᇟ္ྦྷĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ቞ ณ߾ĭာ౰ልሇჇ৽෵ࣤ႗ܽৠ‫୕്م‬ĭ၁ᅃྀሁॼ ‫ݛ‬చ၄࣑ྣಎ٢໒௞ᇑܽৠ֭ᅮ֫ධĭი ଈი߾ᆈ ‫ٻ‬རೊ‫ލ‬ದచ၄ഐ༷๥ྗ֭ఆ۹Ҍᇯh

uೊ‫ࢄލ‬చ၄ሏߌӶແ௞ஏႲ൥v቞ณ߾ :[YH[LNP*VT 7[L 3[K൶༤‫ܬ‬໡1HJR` ;HPᄥЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇾϿ֭቞ณ߾ഐĭཧ ଈ഍ࡍ߾ჼ‫ٻ‬ར‫ۺ‬۹ ٢૳֭ॣ฽ЏছĻ௞ஏ֭ၱၴŀೊ‫ލ‬Կࢁ௞ஏŀౄ൥ ௞ஏ֭ᇟ္ྦྷgచ၄ແ‫ލ‬྾္ᇍ‫ׯ‬௞ஏҮઃŀԿࢁ௞ ஏ‫܌؛‬රҮઃႽ‫ލ‬ၱၴŀ്ལ྾္ቖ൷֭Կࢁ௞ஏٍ ᄽh ი߾ᆈ՞Яՙࢋ቞ഐಲൕ֦ਜࢁ৳ౄ൥௞ஏ֭ࠗ ᇍ‫ތ‬ሏߘచ၄௞ஏ‫ݞ‬ӹᆵవࠎ༙फ़ྣ֭௞ஏ٢ٍᆱ ൕh

u ୕ᅢິĻ࿸ᇥӉಋ൯ӎ֭๏ᅦიࠗ߾v ႏნ቞ณ߾ ແದ߾ჼ഍ࡍਜࢻପవ࿸ᇥӉಋ൯ӎ֭ቓྕሯ ࿧ĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ቞ณ߾ĭာ౰ਜ೓྘‫״‬ൡ ࣤৠࡡයಮႇྣҎ࿸ฆ౽ခࣶᇾܽٛሤᄑ‫ ތ‬ଈი߾ ᆈ‫ٻ‬ར෺‫ߔ؛‬౷ࠫ࿸ᇥӉಋ൯ӎ֭ᅢິh

ແྀሁ߾ჼ഍ࡍਜࢻచ၄ཋࣉੈਐ֭ܽৠࠫఋᄻ ಱ‫ڌ‬ཊՖ਎٢૳ॣ฽ĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ቞ณ ߾hՖࠋ‫׶‬ದ ଈი߾ᆈਜࢻѕߌ‫׶‬৷֭๥൐ĭ၁ ࣑၊Ҍਜࢻཋࣉੈਐܽৠ֭‫ۺ‬ᇝ္෕h@ / 3PT *V‫ײ‬ᇾ3PT @LU /LUNၣࠫ8),ॣ฽ል၄ࣤৠ+HUPLS 6UNӊඕਜ฼഻ۢӉ৷щྻᅯ໬֭෶Ⴝჵ෕gೊ‫ލ‬Ⴝ ׁེൔྣᄻಱ‫ڌ‬ཊܽৠĭၣದచ၄υಞׁࢄሇၱ৷ࠪ ᇗჇ܏‫ܭ‬഍၄‫ه‬ᅢh

uᄥࣤ࠾‫ڌ‬Кᇗ഻ձიሧመӶӑvႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸာ౰ਜ.SV7LYMVYTHUJLۢ࠱‫ڴ‬ቁ Ғ3LL *OV^-/HUཧ ଈ߾ჼ഍ࡍ඲଄ೊ‫ٻލ‬།‫܌‬ර ପవ֭ሙঋļұ‫܌ׯ‬ර໋ধᅁӑ֭๷࣭ļೊ‫ލ‬ԑ‫ٻ‬ ৮Ⴐ഍၄ᇎ߸ၣྀሁ၄ᆈቜभ‫ׯ‬ļၣࠫೊ‫ࢻލ‬؈‫ܽތ‬ ৠచ၄֭ҕ༈ሙঋၣэ૯ႇྣ‫܌؛‬රቜԣҽ֭྘Ⴐ௧ ࠱h ᆋོ႓‫౎࠷؛‬फ़ၣྀሁచ၄ಚ৳చ၄֭ཋঋѱᇍ ‫༷ׯ‬၊۹ࡁߋgೊ‫ލ‬൘Ⴐ ֦֭ࠪගऔ‫྘ތ‬༗ধᅁࡎ ഍၄ᇎ߸ĭၣࠫྻ္ᆦ൲֭ࣉಽй੹h

u࿸ᇥ੹༽ϭຊࣤ࠾ජຄvႏნ቞ณ߾ ແದ߾ჼ഍ࡍਜࢻପవ࿸ᇥᄥൟࣀࣉಽ຺ࠗᇗ෶ Ϻဎ֭ࢠ೬ĭٍ‫܅ݛ‬഍྘ֆႇྣۢ࠱ࣤ࠾൅=HS˽YPL 7SHNUVSᄥЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿ֭቞ณ߾ᇗĭཧი߾֭ ଈ‫܅‬഍၄ࣀօўӊ൬ਜ෺‫؛‬࿸ᇥࣤ࠾֭৉ܼᅢິh

u‫܌‬රතი ୕ҕᆧჯ෠ϋතᇍ‫ۇ‬ѕ္֭਽v ႏნ඲଄߾ Я߾ำऐϿuᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬იᇗུచ၄Ⴝᄇv༪ਡĭ ๡‫ݞ‬იᆧ‫ۺڱ‬۹ࠗ‫৻֭ܚ‬༪ĭದЯׁᇗུచ၄ਜࢻᆧ ‫ܚࠗڱ‬෶฼‫֭܊‬ቓྕ‫ګ‬ሁࡁߋĭಎ૳ྀሁచ၄฼ാᆤ เࣱᆢൔ৷hᇗུచ၄၁फ़ၣ๡‫ݞ‬ԣ༤ᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬ऐϿ ֭၊༪ਡ඲଄߾‫߾ߍ؛ތ‬ĭ৘౪‫؛‬ᆧ‫ګڱ‬ሁࡁߋ֭‫ۺ‬ ᇝၘ໡h Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸი‫ݛ‬୅ත༈ऍ৻ϿՖ඲଄߾ĭཧ ଈი߾഍ࡍ߾ჼࢋඕਜ‫܌‬රත֭ٛԘĭ၊϶ӷЙ݇‫ׯ‬ ၣࠫ ୕ҕᆧჯ෠ϋᇗი‫܌‬රཕܹ֭ත༈‫ۇ‬ѕh ধሹ‫ݛ‬୅ත༈ऍ֭ೠଈᇾࢋࡉѧ၁‫ތ‬ი߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬ར‫܌‬ර තၣࠫ ୕ҕᆧჯ෠ܹჇතᇍ‫ۇ‬ѕ֭‫ۺ‬ལ္਽h




uࢄ୥֭਴ൺი‫ڣ‬༈၄জᅮᇈ‫ݢ‬ປvႏნ቞ณ߾ ແྀሁ߾ჼ഍ࡍಲൕᄥࣤ࠾চ଼൐ఁĭ࣑ळ‫ݢ‬ປ ֭ቓࡌེၵĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸი቞ณ߾ᇾࢋᆈᅮ֫ධ ‫ ތ‬ଈი߾ᆈัઊਜೊำ࿀ࣤ႗‫ތ‬ᆻᅾֱҮઃॣ฽ĭ ದԣ༤ᆈ଄Ϫࢄ਴ൺი‫ڣ‬༈௞ஏজᅮᇈ‫ݢ‬ປ൐ĭщ྾ ॑੶Үઃൡၚĭৰೊׁ‫׌‬ļ‫ڣ‬༈ႁ෕ೊॢ߄‫ڣ‬༈෕ ᇑļᄖቜൡၚೊӉ௞‫܊‬႓‫ތ‬ձࠒ७ᇍļ௞ஏ॑੶ೊሕ ྱࠫᆷჼᇍ‫ڣ‬ഩࡁֱh

u഍၄૳‫ۓੈ؛‬վੈྣ֭ԃ࿋ᄖቜvႏნ඲଄߾ ແྀሁ഍ࡍ٥Щվٛ຾ੈ‫֭ۓ‬ধ༣ĭЯ߾৻๥ћ ྕऍჇ ᄍ ಸ৻Ͽഐඕ඲଄߾ĭာ౰ਜћྕऍႲᇑ഍ ၄ი‫ڣ‬༈Ҏ૒ࣤৠ@HW 7HV 1\Pཧ Ⴭଈ഍ࡍ߾ჼ඲ ଄൑ુ൦ੈ‫ۓ‬վੈྣļੈ‫ۓ‬վੈྣफ़େփধ֭Ԓࠔļ ਜࢻੈ‫ۓ‬վੈྣҊ๥ࣦ֭ࢽණ௤ĭၣࠫ൑ુࠗ‫ܚ‬फ़ၣ ແ٥ٛੈ‫ۓ‬վੈྣࣘ၊‫ڂ‬৷h

฽ĭ෸ሪᇟธัՖ٢૳֭ॣ฽ĭၣࠫӊ଄ਜచ၄‫؛‬௤ ‫ٻࡁޡ‬ऽgܹࡷེࠣᆿћgӶ‫ࡷܹ܇‬ႁሸ෶Ӊ഻֭༊ ࢻĭၣࠫᆻྣെϯ֭ჸႁh

uธ࿡ำ࿀ࣤ႗ࠗ߾vႏნ቞ณ߾ ແದ߾ჼ഍ࡍ཰Ԫ‫؛‬ำ࿀ࣤ႗֭෶Ⴝၘ໡ĭЯ߾ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸແ ଈ഍ࡍ߾ჼऐϿഐඕॣ฽቞ณ߾ĭธ ัำ࿀ࣤ႗ೊ‫ލ‬ແ၄ᆈփধ഍၄ᅁᆼh ᇾ္ॣ฽Џছ൑ુ൦ำ࿀ࣤ႗ļೊ‫ލ‬՞ᆋᇝ഍၄ ଎൜ᇗࠎၵļ୥֭‫܌‬රၠࣤແำ࿀ࣤ႗ቛ‫ނ‬ሡЩਜ ટļೊ‫ލ‬ि‫ه‬၊าำ࿀ࣤ႗ࡁߋŀӶ‫֭܇‬ำ࿀ࣤ႗ࡁ ߋщ྾खЩ൑ુ๐ࡹļೊ‫ލ‬Ⴝׁེդ཯୥֭ำ࿀ࣤ ႗ŀೊ‫ލ‬๡‫ݞ‬ሇҰ഍ћၣД߁୥֭഍၄ļำ࿀ࣤ႗ࠖ ԬࠫႢႽ၊ࡍำ࿀ࣤ႗ļܹჇำ࿀ࣤ႗‫؛‬՞਴ቛగ֭ ֭ൔࡅৰሸֱh


uД߁୥֭഍၄Ļ഍၄င࿋ྦྷ֭म౔vႏნ ቞ณ߾

Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕॣ฽቞ณ߾ĭྀሁ ଈ߾ ჼ഍ࡍਜࢻ‫ܮ‬ჼ‫ڦ‬৮݇‫ࠫׯ‬ఋܽৠϿٍĭႵఋ൦Дࡺ ٢૳֭ॣ฽ĭᇾ္୅ೀЏছĻ‫ݛ‬୅ත༈ऍ௃ሡ֭ຄྰ ‫ڦ‬৮ࡁߋļ൯ӎ౼ཧļପవ႓ሪ൵֭ಮൡ໡฽ļ‫ܮ‬ჼ ֭ၕ‫ྦྷ׶‬ļၣࠫል฽ခࣶ‫ٻ‬།h

Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕࢋ቞ĭದ ଈచ၄ႢႽ ᆈਜࢻ෣൐ЩႽ‫܌‬ර‫ྗފ‬ᆷჼҮߋİࠏડણྀ‫֭ׯ‬ᇟ ္h‫܌‬රင࿋ࡇӽࡁߋࢄେэ૯ԣཋफ़େႌగ֭ࡇӽ ಮ຺ࠗ‫ތ‬Ӊ഻ಱ‫ލ‬ႌᇉ֭ࣷ‫ࠫټ‬഍၄໡฽h

(*, 0UZ\YHUJLօўཧი߾ᆈӊ൬‫ݛ‬୅ත༈ऍჇቓ ࣕ௃ሡĭᄥ໩‫ݛ‬๿ྣႽ቎ᆶ֭‫ތ‬Ⴝེ֭ຄྰ‫ڦ‬৮ࡁߋ ٢ϋh቞ณ߾၁ธั၊ོཋൔ഻ࠋ֭౮ঋ‫ࣤތ‬ယࠫೊ ‫ލ‬ແ‫ܮ‬ჼഩࡁuࣉ൵᫄vh

uປࠀ൯ӎᆱ‫ا‬ചŀvႏნ቞ณ߾ ແದ߾ჼ഍ࡍ཰Ԫ‫؛‬ປࠀ֭෶Ⴝၘ໡ĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ቞ณ߾h ᄲҜ࢔ੈᆵ޲ĭ೓྘࿸ᇥ౽൶༤ࣤ࠾࿘ࡍ1VZLWO ;HUཧ ଈი߾ࡉѧࢋඕਜ෸‫્؛‬ჵ൯ӎ֭ॉٍļਾ ၊ଈ೓྘‫଺ײ‬࿸౽ປࠀი഍௞Ҏ૒ሮ࿠ი཯ൺ൶༤‫ܬ‬ ໡,TTHU\LS 3PT၁‫ٻ‬རਜ‫؛‬ປࠀҨቜࠗᇍ֭ಲൕĭ ၣࠫೊ‫߰هލ‬Яമశେࠚࠦҝი‫؛‬ປࠀ๯ሯ቎‫֭ܽގ‬ ৠh

;YPUP[` 3H^ *VWVYH[PVU‫״‬ൡ-YLKKP 3PTၣࠫ70(: օў(SHU ;HUNཧҝ߾ᆈӊ൬ਜ഍၄င࿋ࡁߋ‫ތ‬ሯӉ Д߁ལପֱ୅ೀĭЏছಮൡܽৠҲၣࠫડણྀၸg྘ ֆДᅸļࡰചಮൡ֭Дᅸࠫࢁ৳྘নֱh

uቀ‫ގ‬ზ৉Ӵ‫؛‬Яׁచ၄փধ֭഍ࠗ‫ތ‬ႝཡv ႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅ߾ၸ൱ऐϿഐඕࠋ‫׶‬ĭ ᇃແದ߾ჼ഍ࡍਜࢻ࠯ࢄिଦ֭ቀ‫ގ‬ზ৉Ӵ‫؛‬Яׁࣤ ࠾֭ႝཡh వϗ૒ࣉ೴൯ӎդ཯ቁࣤৠ-LSP_ 3PUNი ଈ഍ ࡍ߾ჼธั࠯ࢄष‫֭܅‬ቀ‫ގ‬ზ৉Ӵ‫ࡎྕ؛‬௩ੲႻ၄ၣ ࠫЯׁᇗུྠచ၄෶փধ֭഍ࠗ‫ތ‬ႝཡĭЏছ൴೎ধ ჿgী‫׶‬৷‫ތ‬഍၄ӶЯֱॣ฽h෸ᄥ ୕Ьໆಱ ແϗ૒ੲႻ၄ል၄ྀ߾ᆻྣໆჼ߾‫ܬ‬໡ĭ൦൶໒Ьໆ Ֆᆷ֭ྕࡎ௩ಮh

uࡍቊచ၄ДԃྞുҊජ֭ႁ෕vႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾‫ތ‬೓൞ႇྣჇ ᄍ ಸࡔ<):ҕ‫ܽھ‬ৠ࿘ᄅ৻ Ͽഐඕႏნ቞ณ߾h߾ഐĭ೓൞ႇྣ֭օў‫ ތ‬ଈი ߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬རਜიࡍቊచ၄ཕܹ֭‫ۺ‬ᇝҕ‫ܽھ‬ৠնൈၣࠫ ࡇӽ႓ሇၱ֭ൡལh

u๴௭చ၄ེ֭ࠣ঩๵v߇ნ቞ณ߾ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ߇ნ቞ณ߾ĭྀሁ഍ࡍ߾ ჼਜࢻೊ‫ލ‬๡‫ࠋ਺ݞ‬႓Ⴐచ၄ེࠣ঩๵ĭൔཋԃ࿋Ӷ ӑѱӶແེۢେచ၄֭ᇟ္ྦྷh )=6;,*/ቁᆻྣਧਣᆤ‫ގ‬ਜཋ࣊ග໒‫࡝׬‬഍၄ ܽৠվ൅֭ൔႰৠઊĭཧ ଈი߾ᆈӷཌచ၄ེࠣ ܽৠ঩๵‫ࡗܨ‬෶‫֭ۊݬ‬ශ۹ེࠣҎ‫ٻ‬ĭЏছफ़ྣ֭٢ ٍgჼ‫ࠟ܅‬৫‫ތ‬ಮҔனဩĭၣࠫᅦઃ֭ᆻྣ‫ތ‬చ၄֭ ‫ྕۿ‬hࡳჇuᅦઃ֭ᆻྣv൦၊϶చ၄ࡍӐ૳‫଼֭؛‬


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

ఋ෸ {۩૩ᆈ|ႏნႝ௓൶Ⴀᅹֈ߾ ྕࡎ௩ࣱᆢऍჇ ୕ ᄍ ಸĭᄥᙨ‫چ‬Ӵ .VSKLU =PSSHNL༬ᄅऐϿ{۩૩ᆈ| ;OL 0UMVYTHU[ ႏნႝ௓൶Ⴀᅹֈ߾ĭำာЯ߾‫״‬ൡ‫߾ތ‬ჼֱ ಮԣ ༤hᆋ൦၊Ҏࢫ‫ه‬చ၄୅ଦҨ७֭ႝ௓ĭ࿃ඕ્‫ݛ‬վ చ၄ۢܽᆷჼࢫ‫ه‬෸֭ূϸიಎൟࣀᇾ္ࣱᆢᆈ቎Ӷ ੑ‫ࠪؖ‬๾ĭ࣑ྣҨቂࡖ۴֭ႄଜh ྕࡎ௩ࣱᆢऍᇾ༤ࡡປ࢔Ҏ࿣ߵվ൘঩Զ਒‫ތ‬ી ‫܅‬Ҏࡡಮ৷Ҏᆧ༈Ҏӑৡᒿགᄥ‫ۺ‬ѡᇉՕᇗౄ‫נ‬ཋ࣊ ന߾ৢ഍၄ࠗ‫ܚ‬ቖྣࣱᆢٍ֭ᇟ္ྦྷh


ᇗུྠచ၄վ߾ᇾѧ‫ݛ‬٥Ҏᆧ༈Ҏӑ ‫ܬ‬қᨯ‫ࢥڴ‬൹ᄥᅮ߾ӑ֭஬๥༷ҝܼ ᅢԣh

߾ၸİࢋ቞İ቞ณ߾İ‫܅‬ቜ٠ ‫്׃‬၊ࣅᇗུྠచ၄վ߾ ႶЯ߾ࠫ{৻‫ގ‬ᄲЙ|৻Ͽgћྕऍࠫచ‫ه‬ऍᆮ ԃ֭ഐඕվ߾ĭჇ ᄍ ಸࡔྕպྕࡎ௩‫߾ࡅݛ‬ၸი ᅢ঳ᇗྗ‫م‬੔ऐྣĭԣ༤ಮගԿࡂ੫ĭә‫ݞ‬ਜ ଈh ၣuࣉಽ‫ڌ‬К༷ᇗུచ၄‫ه‬ᅢᆵ֩Ļᇟྕ‫ׯ‬໒g ࡘჱ๏ᅦvແᇾ฽֭վ߾ာ౰ਜ‫ݛ‬٥Ҏᆧ༈Ҏӑ‫ܬ‬қ ᨯ‫ࢥڴ‬൹ແᇾѧh ෸ᄥिଦၖ൜ഐᇉՕ൐ў൝ĭ‫܌‬රྻ္๾ࢺ၊ ྗĭഇႰ၊ౕሯჿ‫ތ‬େ৷૳‫؛‬৭ধቓကᇟ֭ࣤ࠾຺ ࠗĭచ၄၁္ଁࢶࠗᇎध಄഍ࠗĭࡇ࿋ࡎౄେ৷‫ތ‬ᅯ ໬щ္֭࠷ඔĭಚД‫ڌ‬К‫޲ݞ‬಄֬‫ۢۿ‬ᅁӑhՖປĭ ྕࡎ௩၁щ྾ࡇ࿋िຑ‫ྞྕاۿ‬൯ӎĭѱ฼ാచ၄‫ފ‬ ྗൔ৷h

ၣາĭվ߾‫؃‬ာ౰ॼ‫܌ݛ‬ර‫ࣉތ‬ಽࠗ‫ܚ‬ᄥ߾ӎປ ແచ၄฼‫ڣ܊‬༈ĭ࣊୕൦‫׃‬၊ՙႶ‫ࡍا‬ᆧ‫ގ৻ܚࠗڱ‬ ഩ৳ሮ࿠ฃĭာ౰ਜћྕऍgచ‫ه‬ऍgሯ྘ऍ‫ތ‬ী‫ه‬ ऍĭᄥվ߾ཋӎ฼‫܊‬၊ᅧ൜ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈ĭແԣ༤ᆈ඲଄ ᆧ‫ګ֭ڱ‬ሁ‫ތ‬ჹሁࡁߋh Ֆປĭᅮ߾ӑ၁࿎ҋĭ՞ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ि൛ĭЯ߾ࢄփ๰ ‫ތ‬ఆࡍᆧ‫ގܚࠗڱ‬ቜĭ၊గ࿎Զ๿݄చ၄‫ګ‬ሁࡁߋĭ ᆔ‫؛‬഍ࡍ֭ྻ౸ĭಎ૳ྀሁచ၄฼ാᆤเࣱᆢൔ৷h ෸ࢾՖ‫ྎۓ‬ಮ৷Ҏgী‫ه‬ऍgచ‫ه‬ऍgћྕऍgሯ྘ ऍgත༈ऍ‫ތ‬ხ঻ࠪ๾֭վ৷ᆮԃ‫ތ‬ҝიh ћྕऍ٢ᅫ໛ऍӑ‫ه‬ўል฽ဎࢋ൐ў൝ĭᇗུచ ၄ྻ္࿡ᅻྕ֭႗၄‫ص‬ধჿĭफ़ၣ๡‫࣑ݞ‬೎ྕ֭൯ ӎg࿡ᅻྕ֭ॢ߄ĭ഻Ӊྕ֭Ӊ௞ĭѱ࣑ྣԿྕպ֦ ᆋ۹ପћhచ‫ه‬ऍ‫ا‬ལ฼ാࡁߋफ़ྀሁచ၄ຑᅢ൯ ӎhћྕऍ๥൐၁‫هࣤތ‬ऍ‫ގ‬ቜĭದЯׁ֭ᇗུྠచ ၄फ़ၣიॼ‫ݛ‬చ၄಄֬၄༈ഐ֭৻༪h

ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᇉՕ൐඲ĭໃ߁߾ჼ৮ၵgྀሁచ၄ Ӷӑ൦Я߾֭ᄻಱhЯ߾ቓվ֭ಱ༈൦ྀሁЯׁ഍ࡍ ؐ‫଼ܹݞ‬hࡳჇପవ֭ࣤ࠾ྡ൥ĭЯ߾भ‫ׯ‬૯‫ٶ‬ि٪ ᆋՙվ߾ĭದ഍ࡍօў‫ܓ‬๥࿡౸༈ൔ֭ࢻभ٢ϋĭၣ ౸υಞؐ‫ࣉݞ‬ಽ຺ࠗh

ᄥᆋ‫֝׶‬൐ఁĭૈႽ၊ࡍచ၄େ؇ഇఋമhႶჇ ‫ܓ‬๥യൻߔ౷ࣤ࠾຺֭ࠗႝཡĭᇗུచ၄຿Ⴝ๾ࢺ၊ ᇉĭ߂ཕ၏ձĭҔफ़՞ᇗ౸ձ౸‫ه‬ᅢhഐ໾ऐྣ֭ል ฽ัઊ߾ഐĭᇾࢋࡉѧ଺ဤৠ‫܅‬վ࿘଺վ഍࿘ᄅ൯ӎ ྣ཯ი‫ࡅݛ‬഍၄༪ᇾಱߣᅺ޿gЯ߾‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ĭպ‫ࠪچ‬๾ቁҒߣ೾ᇙᆔ‫؛‬ഐඕॣ฽‫ه‬ўᆏᆱ ራࡶh

ႁՖĭ࣊୕ແ߾ჼ๿ԣ֭‫ۺ‬ལ࣋๔ቁ‫ ࣕࢄص‬ຫ ჵĭЏছ฼ാࡁߋgॣӹ࣋๔g߾‫ࡰٶ‬૯g‫ۺ‬ᇝᆄ ॰gແ഍ࡍ૯‫ٶ‬ऐϿվྠ߾ၸgࢋ቞‫ڣތ‬༈ֱh෸ў ൝ĭЯ߾൦٬႗৮ࠗ‫ܚ‬ĭ෡ಞᄥሯࣉ٢૳ແ߾ჼ฼‫܊‬ ֭࣋๔Ⴝནĭ֔൦ᄥ݄ٟࢁ৳৻༪ັખĭഫ౰‫ۺ‬৓‫ګ‬ ሁࡁߋĭ฼ۢచ၄ܽৠ࠷େgٙ႓഍ࡍ‫ྗ࡟૾ތ‬ഺֱ ٢૳ĭफ़ၣ‫ۿ߰ه‬վ֭ቜႰh

ᄥ ༷ ໾ ऐ ྣ ֭ ል ฽ ั ઊ ߾ ഐ ĭ : \ W L Y ) L H U 0U[LYUH[PVUHS‫״‬ൡࣤৠࢆன഻gഐ‫ݢ‬З‫ࢁؾ‬ህғਠ ‫״‬ൡӑຮଃ‫ތ‬య޽ა၄ᆻྣᇾ༤ࡡቁҒ၅ࣉ৮ĭ၁‫ٻ‬ རਜೊ‫ލ‬ᄥవࣧҊ଄ঽᇗ႓ѕ౸ձĭၣࠫೊ‫ލ‬ቄԣࣤ ࠾຺ࠗᆵ੦h

Я߾၁ၣu႓‫຺ࠗ࠾ࣤ؛‬vແᇾ฽ĭऐϿ‫ۺ‬ᇝခ ั߾g‫܅‬ቜ٠g‫߾ߍ؛‬gࢋ቞gॣӹֱĭᇟ‫׌‬ခࣶ‫ތ‬ ๿݄ᇗུచ၄୑࣪౸ձ֭ࣤ႗Үઃ‫౎࠷ތ‬ĭౄߌҕ༈ ܽৠg‫ڌ‬ཊܽৠֱ਽ჟ֭େ৷h




ᇗུྠచ၄վ߾൶ՙ๿ԣᆧ‫ࠗڱ‬ ‫ގ৻ܚ‬ഩ৳֭ሮ࿠ฃĭແྻ္ྀ ሁ֭ᇗུచ၄฼‫܊‬ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈h

uೊ‫ލ‬಄֬ቓۢ཯ൺ‫ࠫص‬ቓֶ྘ֆ‫ڌ‬ཊvႏნ ቞ณ߾ ແྀሁ഍ࡍ߾ჼਜࢻೊ‫ލ‬๱‫ࡎݞ‬ౄᆧҮ‫ތ‬ӹ࿅ĭ ၣࠫ๡‫ݞ‬Ⴝེ֭႗ᄖ٢൜ধൔཋ႗၄‫ص‬ቓվߌѱࢎֶ ྘ֆ‫ڌ‬ཊĭЯ߾ი+7 )\YLH\ 7[L 3[KჇ ᄍ ಸ৻Ͽ ഐඕ቞ณ߾h +7 0UMVYTH[PVUۢ࠱ࣤৠ1LUUPMLY 3LL‫ ތ‬ଈი߾ ᆈ‫ٻ‬ར႓Ⴐൔࡴი௧‫܅ܡ‬खĭধྀሁచ၄ᄥ྘ֆ࣍ෲ ֭٬Ӑ൐ఁܽৠ‫྘ނ‬ֆ‫ڌ‬ཊ‫ތ‬ᅁࡎ཯ൺ‫ص‬h

u຺ࠗ൐ॡ֭਽֥Ҕେᇈܹᇟ္vႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾ი/L^P[[ (ZZVJPH[LZჇ ᄍ ಸ৻Ͽഐඕ቞ณ ߾ĭာ౰0UKYHULLS 9V`ࠫ4HUV 9HTHRYPZOUHU‫ٻ‬ѡ ‫ ތ‬ଈი߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬ར‫܌ۆ‬ර֭ခࣶӶ‫ݜ‬ĭၣࠫఋ݄ٟ ॢ߄ಝ֭ቓࡌൔࡴhი߾഍ࡍಲൕ֦ᄥߔ౷ྦྷ‫֝׶‬൐ ॡĭ‫ܚ‬Ӷᆏᆦu൶࿒਽ྷv္֭෕ĭѱ࿘༥ೊ‫ލ‬႓Ⴐ Կྕ֭ಲൕઊh

uࣤ࠾ကव൐ఁྣ཯഻ձᆿ଺Ļ൯ӎྣ཯ၤඔv ႏნ቞ณ߾ ᄥࣤ࠾٪ߗ൐ఁĭ‫܌‬රཬࡰ൯ӎդ཯िᆮଶੴࡶ Ҋ༿ᆵൡĭࢳᄇྣ཯߅‫ٶ‬ѱ٬൦၊ལ਍ҮhᄥՖࣤ࠾ ࡣ଼ᆵࡅĭ9LK /H[ (ZPH 7HJPMPJ֭ྣ཯Ҏᇾܽ+HUPLS 5NᄥЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇾϿ֭ഐඕ቞ณ߾ഐĭი ଈ ߾ჼ഍ࡍ‫ٻ‬རᄥࣤ࠾༷߉൐ఁĭೊ‫ލ‬฼ۢ႗཯֭Ⴝེ ྦྷĭၣࠫᄥ໵ྻվ൵л߅‫ٶ‬ᆵ༷ĭၣᇎ಄ൃh

u ‫ܡ‬ත୕؇ሯచ၄෶֬තӷЙvႏნ඲଄߾ ແྀሁ ଈ߾ჼ഍ࡍਜࢻත༈‫ۇ‬ѕ‫؛‬చ၄ၣࠫሹ ‫ܮ‬ಮ൞֭ႝཡĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸာ౰ਜ‫ݛ‬තऍ۹ಮ෶ ֬ත቎൶༤ත༈ܺ*O\H :PL^ 3H`ᇾࢋĻu ୕ ؏ჯ෠֭ቓྕත༈‫ۇ‬ѕİ॰තvļ۹ಮ෶֬ත቎ۢ࠱ ත༈ܺ:VVJLSHYHQ :\UKHYHZVUᇾࢋĻu ‫ܡ‬ත୕ ؇ሯచ၄෶֬තӷЙvļ۹ಮ෶֬ත቎ۢ࠱ත༈ഴࡁ 2VO 4H` 3PUN (SPJPHᇾࢋĻu ‫ܡ‬ත୕۹ಮ෶֬ත ྾ቖ൷ൡལvh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

ᇾࢋࡉѧ၁ᄥ߾ഐ‫ތ‬ҝ߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬རఋ෸٢૳֭ॣ ฽ĭЏছೊ‫ࣘލ‬଴තಮ֭ၴ༈gࣂഝ‫א‬ሸЙතgӷЙ ෶֬ත֭ቓєࢶϿٍg‫ݛ‬තऍ ୕ࠫ ୕֭ቓ ྕ๐ৰĭѱ൝ٛሹ‫ܮ‬ಮ൞࣑ྣ‫א‬ሸЙත֭Ҍᇯh

u຺ࠗ൐ఁ֭చ၄ࡍ࣢ലvᄲҜࢋ቞߾ ແྀሁ഍ࡍ߾ჼಲൕனცచ၄ࡍ࣢ല֭ᇟ္ྦྷĭ Я߾იԿ၄ྣ‫׶‬നಝჇ ᄍ ಸᇾϿഐඕࠋ‫׶‬ĭ༓ႌ ਜ ଈЯ߾‫״‬ൡࠫ߾ჼ഍ࡍԣ༤h ᇾѧી‫܅‬Ҏᆧ༈Ҏӑࡡಮ৷Ҏᆧ༈Ҏӑৡᒿགў ൝ĭᄈধᄈ‫ࡎྕ֭ا‬௩ಮᄃၱ॑੶ϤԿ၄֚ቜ၊ལൡ ၄ধ࿒ᄼhቓ֭ࣕ၊ལ‫נ‬Ҹ၁ཉ൝Ⴝ Ħ֭గҌ‫܌‬ර ֭ԿϿಮ୕ਵᄥ ෧ၣ༷ĭ‫ؿ‬ә‫ݞ‬ೠ‫ٻ‬ᆵ၊֭Яׁగ Ҍ‫܌‬ර֭ԿϿᆈ൦վ࿘р၄഻h ෸၁ў൝ĭగҌ‫܌‬ර๥ဪൻᆋӎ຺ࠗ෶ѷࠫĭᆧ ‫ڱ‬ቓࣕ๡‫ݞ‬ೠ۹ಃ֩জվ‫؛‬෹૔֭ᆮԃĭЏছ฼‫܊‬႗ ᄖሯЯg‫ܥ‬৫࣑၊Ҍ֭Կྕ๯ሯĭၣࠫແ࿘഻Կ၄ᆈ ฼‫߾֭ࠗاۿ܊‬h ᇾ ࢋ ࡉ ѧ ັ ഐ ခ ࣶ ഻ ࿘ ྲྀ < ಎ ౷ ֭ ࢥ ൹ ࢵ ೮ 1HZVU -P[aZPTTVUZ ў൝ĭൟࣀഐ‫اޛ‬Ⴒྶ֭‫܌‬ර ‫؃‬൦ᄥࣤ࠾ජຄ൐ఁ‫ه‬ᅢగধ֭ĭৰೊ৻Ёঁ‫׆‬ऄ൦ ᄥ ୕֭ൎႺ຺ࠗ൐ఁि൛ᄖ႗֭ĭ‫ؿ‬ໃࠖϬज़ ᄽ൦൛Ⴧ્‫ ݛ‬ൡࡹ޲hࣤ࠾ජຄߖၱໍሪ‫ۇ‬ѕĭ ‫ۇ‬ѕᄽօўࠗ߾h ෸ᆿԣĭగҌ‫܌‬ර૳ਪሪҊചࠗ߾ĭႁՖྻ္ඹ ॑ࣤ࠾຺ࠗᇗ൯ӎྻ္ོ൑ુĭৰೊщྻ௞gࡖ۴ֶ ৿֭แօ௞ĭၣࠫࢥცgᄤன࿦ֱᄥࣤ࠾຺ࠗ൐‫ۿ‬ख ࡖᆼ֭၄༈h

uᄥࣤ࠾ֶૡ൐ఁഇႰಮҔvႏნ቞ณ߾ ଈ഍ࡍ߾ჼԣ༤ਜЯ߾৻๥/L^P[[ (ZZVJPH[LZ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ ऐ Ͽ ֭ ഐ ඕ ॣ ฽ ቞ ณ ߾ ĭ ᯧ ๘ / L ^ P [ [ :PUNHWVYL஫Ӓൔࡴᇾܽ:HTPY )LKP‫ތ‬ಮҔൔࡴۢ ࠱‫ܬ‬໡,PSLLU 2LUNࢋඕൔྣಎ٢໒ࢊ৫‫ތ‬ಮҔܽৠ ֭٢ٍĭၣࠫೊ‫ۼލ‬औࠗ‫ܚ‬Яമ֭ྻ္ਐമ‫װ‬ᇍ၊า Ҋ‫ٍم‬૒ĭዣєᄥՖࣤ࠾ֶૡ൐ఁແ഍၄಄֬ቓࡌེ ၵh


u‫܌‬රතი ୕ҕᆧჯ෠ϋතᇍ‫ۇ‬ѕ္֭਽v ႏნ඲଄߾ ‫ ݛ‬ත ऍ ၊ ϶ ‫ ܌‬ර ත Ҏ ૒ ۢ ࠱ ත ༈ ܺ : H T H U [ O H 3LLg(\KYL` @\L‫ތ‬഍༈ࠪ๾ත༈ልࡍ1V`JL @LVჇ Я߾ᄥ ᄍ ಸऐϿ֭ഐඕॣ฽඲଄߾ഐĭཧ ଈი ߾ᆈࢋඕਜ‫܌‬රත֭ٛԘg၊϶ӷЙ݇‫ׯ‬ၣࠫ ୕ҕᆧჯ෠ϋᇗი‫܌‬රཕܹ֭ත༈‫ۇ‬ѕgჯ෠ϋ‫ۻ‬ვ ‫܌‬ර֭ߵ॰h

• u࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁߋvႏნ඲଄߾ ແྀሁ߾ჼ഍ࡍ࣑၊ҌಲൕഐඕࡁߋĭЯ߾იী ‫ه‬ऍჇ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕࠋ‫׶‬hী‫ه‬ऍܺჼ1VHUUH *OPH‫ތ‬3PT ;HP @V\‫ ތ‬ଈი߾ᆈ‫ٻ‬རਜೊ‫ࣁލ‬ሁՖ ࡁߋࡎౄ‫܌‬රᄥ਽֥ၣࠫಮ৷ሯჿ֭େ৷ĭѱದҝ߾ ᆈ࣑၊Ҍਜࢻ:7<9ೊ‫ྀލ‬ሁ฼ാ۹ಮᄥ਽֥gಮ৷ ሯჿ‫ތ‬ሯ࿧ज़࠷٢૳֭࠷େh

uࢎֶ྘ֆ‫ڌ‬ཊᆵ֩v቞ณ߾ uսᄷౄ൥௞ஏĻແ௞ஏഩ‫ׯ‬ପћvႏნ‫܅‬ቜ٠ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕࠋ‫׶‬ĭာ౰*VUZ\S\ZҮઃ ‫ه‬ᅢᇾܽ3H^YLUJL *OVUNი ଈ߾ჼ഍ࡍ‫ٻ‬རೊ‫ލ‬ ഩ৳၊۹Ⴝପћ਽༽֭௞ஏļೊ‫ލ‬ແ௞ஏඖ৳ପћ֭ ۹ϋခࣶļ๘಄ሮ࿠‫ܬ‬໡ࢋඕඖ৳௞ஏପћ֭۹ಮࣤ ယļႽପћ਽༽֭௞ஏԶѴཕܹൡၚh

uೊ‫ࡎލ‬ౄచ၄ཋࣉܽৠvႏნ቞ณ߾ ແྀሁ߾ჼ഍ࡍಲൕᄥࣤ࠾ࡣ଼൐ఁĭࡎౄచ၄ ཋࣉܽৠ֭ᇟ္ྦྷĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸာ౰ᅇսႇྣᇗུ చ၄ႇྣ֭ۢ࠱ࣤৠ ཋࣉܽৠ .HYL[O :J\SS`ཧი߾ ֭ ଈ߾ჼ഍ࡍӊ൬ࡎౄచ၄ཋࣉܽৠཕܹ֭ॣ฽Ļ Џছ‫֭ྠ׍‬႗၄ᇣఁļफ़େԣཋ֭ཋࣉܽৠಔ९ၣࠫ ܽৠ‫ނ‬ཋࣉ֭ᇟ္ൡལֱh


Я߾৻๥+7 )\YLH\ 7[L 3[KჇ ᄍ ಸĭཧ ଈ ߾ჼ഍ࡍ඲଄ೊ‫ྀލ‬ሁ‫܌‬රᆷჼਜࢻॢ߄྘Ⴐӹ؏ĭ ๥൐ቓվན؏฼ۢఋ഍၄֭཯ൺ‫ص‬h

uᅀဪࢁ৳௞ஏᇙӼv ႏნ‫܅‬ቜ٠ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕႏნ‫܅‬ቜ٠h ଈ߾ჼ഍ ࡍ࿘༥ਜೊ‫ࢁލ‬৳၊ᇝದᇣ຾֭ಮ‫؃‬Ⴂ߁֭௞ஏļ๘ ಄ሮ࿠‫ܬ‬໡‫ٻ‬ར*VUZ\S\Z഻ࠋ٢൜֭۹ಮࣤယļၣ ࠫခࣶೊ‫ލ‬๡‫ݞ‬୅Ҏ‫ܖ‬๡ෙᄷ୅Ҏ໛ߌh

u0:6 ! ᇑਐܽৠเ༪vႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ቞ณ߾ĭದ ଈ߾ჼ഍ ࡍ‫؛‬0:6 ! ᇑਐܽৠเ༪֭ಲᆫႽࠖЯᆵਜ ࢻh቞ณ߾၁฼‫܊‬၊ལu੦ћᆿ଺vĭದი߾ᆈਜࢻ ೊ‫ލ‬େ՞ൔྣ0:6 ! ᇗൻߺh

૳‫ߔ؛‬౷ࣤ࠾༷߉֭ྕ๏ᅦĭᇗུచ၄ৠ႓֦֬ ᆧ‫ۿڱ‬վӹ؏֭ᆮԃĭၣєனცۘగҌ֭౜഍၄ߔ࣪ ѱ๿ԣྕ֭նൈĭ՞‫ྀؿ‬ሁᇗུచ၄಄֬Ⴝܹሯሁg ൯ӎ‫ތ‬഍၄ࠌϼֱႽႰ྘༗‫ތ‬ಃ֩h

ᇾࢋಮ;7 4HUHNLTLU[ *VUZ\S[PUNࣤৠ‫ࠌގ‬ಮ :[L]LU 6UNࢋࢻਜ0:6 ! ћሡ֭ྕᇟ‫׌‬ļ฼ ാ0:6 ! ֭వࣧļၣࠫႲᇑ቎ᆶ੦ћᆿ଺h

Я߾ำऐϿuᆧ‫ܚࠗڱ‬იᇗུచ၄Ⴝᄇv༪ਡĭ ๡‫ݞ‬იᆧ‫ۺڱ‬۹ࠗ‫৻֭ܚ‬༪ĭದЯׁᇗུచ၄ਜࢻఋ ෶฼‫֭܊‬ቓྕ‫ګ‬ሁࡁߋh


ೠལࠋ‫׶‬ЏছĻ • uћྕऍሯሁࡁߋv ႏნ቞ณ߾ ഐඕ቞ณ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐྣĭದЯׁᇗུచ၄၄ᆈ ‫؛‬ћྕऍ฼‫֭܊‬ᇾ္ሯሁࡁߋࣕঋႽ෶ਜࢻhћྕऍ ‫ا‬ଈܺჼཧ ଈ഍ࡍ߾ჼӊ൬ਜᆧ‫ڱ‬ແྀሁЯׁచ ၄֭‫ه‬ᅢიӶӑ‫ؿ‬๿ԣ֭‫ا‬ལჹሁࡁߋ‫ތ‬႓ሇၱ֭ൡ ལĭЏছĻಽሯᅁᆼࡁߋļᇗུచ၄ಽሯ௧‫ߋࡁܡ‬ļ ഩࡁიᆱൕӉಋ֭ܽৠֱh • u࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁߋv ႏნ඲଄߾ ࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁߋ൦Ⴖী‫ه‬ऍि‫֭ه‬చ၄ሯሁ ࡁߋĭྀቜࠌϼ൦ಎ‫ݛ‬ᆷ‫܅‬ቁ߾‫ތ‬ಎ‫ܮݛ‬ᇾ৻‫߾ގ‬h ၣu:7<9ĮԱৠ‫ൂݞ‬ಮ৷ѱࢄᆵ๯ሯჇ഍၄ࣱᆢ ৷vແᇾ฽֭඲଄߾ĭჇ ᄍ ಸऐྣĭದ ଈი߾ ᆈ࣑၊Ҍਜࢻഐඕࡁߋೊ‫ྀލ‬ሁ‫ܮ‬ᇾ‫ܮތ‬ჼ႓‫؛‬ପవ ࣤ࠾༷߉ࠫࡎౄ໋ধ֭႓ѕେ৷h • uћྕऍሯሁࡁߋvႏნ቞ณ߾ ћྕऍܺჼჇ ᄍ ಸཧ ଈი߾ᆈӊ൬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ແྀ ሁЯׁచ၄‫ه‬ᅢიӶӑ‫ؿ‬๿ԣ֭ჹሁࡁߋĭၣࠫ႓ሇ ၱ֭ᇟ္ൡལĭЏছĻగҌచ၄‫ه‬ᅢࡁߋࠫచ၄๯ሯ Ⴒߺࡁߋļࣁሁज़࠷Կྕ฼ാచ၄ࣱᆢେ৷ĭၣࠫແ ഍၄਽ྷ฼‫ܽ܊‬ৠ‫ه‬ᅢ֭ል૒ᆱൕh

ແЂሁ ଈ߾ჼ഍ࡍ࿘༥ೊ‫ލ‬ແ௞ஏսཡᆱଈ ؏ĭЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐϿഐඕ‫܅‬ቜ٠h*VUZ\S\Z *H[V 7HY[ULYZҮઃ‫ه‬ᅢᇾಱ3H^YLUJL *OVUNࢋࢻਜᇟ൲ ‫ނ‬९П֭ࡖᆼļೊ‫ލ‬ແ௞ஏि‫ه‬ᆱଈ؏‫ތ‬؇ำ๐ࡹࠫ ೊ‫ލ‬Կᄷࢵԣნစ֭۹ϋခࣶh

u႓൴ᅳঃߵ൴࠷౎vႏნ቞ณ߾ Я߾৻๥+7 )\YLH\ 7[L 3[KჇ ᄍ ಸཧი߾֭ ଈ഍ࡍ߾ჼӊඕਜӶ‫֭܇‬ժ൴Үઃļሇၱᅗ༈ಮ ӐႰ֭ࣁ९ĭᆢ಄ᅗ༈ಮ֭ߖᅗӽ୾ļธ෴႓‫ڹ‬ᅗ༈ ಮ֭٢ٍĭၣࡇ࿋ໃԃۢණ௤֭ॢ߄ܹ༪ļ࿘༥ೊ‫ލ‬ ๡‫ݞ‬ቓࣤ࠾֭٢ٍ൘ᅳঃᆠ൴಄֬ቓվӶֱེh

ᇗུྠచ၄‫ه‬ᅢ໡त‫נ‬Ҹ ቞ณ߾ Я߾৻๥+7 )\YLH\ 7[L 3[KჇ ᄍ ಸཧ ଈი ߾ᆈӊඕᇗུྠచ၄෶֌ྗ֭ᇟ္ॣ฽ࠫఋ‫ه‬ᅢవࣧ ֭Үઃh +7 0UMVYTH[PVU႗ᄖ‫״‬ൡ*OVUN /VP 4LP‫ތ‬ი߾ᆈ ‫ٻ‬རuᇗུྠచ၄Ӷӑ֭֩੦Ļҕ༈gԿྕი‫ߌࡅݛ‬ ᇗུྠచ၄‫ه‬ᅢ໡त‫נ‬Ҹ v֭ቓྕࢺ‫ݜ‬ĭ ѱ၏औ‫נ‬Ҹࢺ‫ݜ‬ӊ൬࠳ལॣ฽ĭЏছĻᇗུྠచ၄֦ ପవແᇀൻ֦ᅀဪ֭Ԓࠔŀդ൘ᇗུྠచ၄ᄥ໋ধග ᄍ‫ۿ‬खႽࠋ৷֭Ӷӑႁ෕൦൑ુֱh




тАл▄ЕтАмсБДр╗ЖсГ╝▀╛сГЗ сДН р▓╕сЙОсЖ╢ р▓отАл┌│тАм рл╛╓Н╓гтАл▄ЕтАмсБДсГ╗р╡Ф╫БреС╥╗h

р░Лр╖╕ тАлр╡Н╫ГтАмсБКргЕсЗЧр╜┤р╛ар░ЪсБД╒╛▀╛р╗брддтАл╫атАм╥╕ ╨п▀╛сГЗтАлр╡Н╫ГтАмсБКргЕсЗЧр╜┤р╛ар░ЪсБД╒╛▀╛р╜Л╙О─нр╜з╙ЩтАл▌ЮтАм рмИсГШ▀╛рбЙ╤зсЕврд┐р╗брддтАл╫атАм╥╕─нсЖФтАл╪ЫтАм╒╛▀╛рв│рмкрнЕр│А р┐бр▒╕р╖╕рлФ╓н┘ЩржФсБ▒рб╢hсЖЛ╒ЩтАл╫атАм╥╕сЙБтАл▄УтАмр╡┤╓ж тАл┌ВтАмсВ╜р╜║ ┘ЩржФ╤Ю─н▀╡сВУрй╣╒║ ─жh

тАл╫атАм╥╕▀╡сВУсЖИр╖╢╓Е╤Ю╓нр╛гсБД─н╨ПржЫсЗНсД╖сБД ─ж ─╝ рпГтАл┘ЗтАмсГШри┤р╡║ ─ж ─╝сИпр┐зр╣бр╛Ш ─ж ─╝рвесГкg╨Фрб║рал р┤и▀╛тАл▄ЕтАмсЙЬ ─ж ─╝рвБсИЕ ─ж ─╝сИНсБДралреЫра╖раЛтАл ╫╢тАм─ж ─╝ сДЦр╢ГсГШ╥е╘н ─ж ─╝рг╜тАлрал╫УтАм╥Ь▄╛ ─ж ─╝┘д╫Б╙ЙсГШсЙЗрип ─ж ─╝ргЙр▓╜сГШ╨Фр╜К ─ж ─╝р╛гсЖзралтАл┌лтАмсИБтАл┌гтАмр╝И ─ж ─╝ сБдр╢ФgсГЦрзЙсГШр╜░р╜Е ─ж ─╝сБгралр░Лр╖╕ ─ж h

тАл╫атАм╥╕рв║тАл┘╗▌ЬтАмр╝Нр│Кр╝╖─╗ р╜грмк

┘м╙РркйсБ▒ ─ж

ркйсБ▒ ─ж

╥КркйсБ▒ ─ж








сГШсГорж╗ракр╣╛тАл▀╛▀Н╪ЫтАм сДе╥Ыр░Лр┤╗тАл▀╛┌┤тАм╙СсГШ╙пргвсБ▓тАл▀╛┌┤тАм╙С╓нрй╣ри╜р╝╖─н рмИ ╓Е╤Ю╘гр╝дриЬсГЗ сДН р▓╕сДе1;* :\TTP[▀╛сБ╕р╡▒рдРр╛г╓нтАл╪ЫтАм ▀Н▀╛h╒Цр╛гсЗГр▓жсГорж╗ракр╣╛█вра▒▄╜рза╥▓сГШ╒Юр╡бтАл▄ЕтАмсБДр┤╗╙Й ╓нсЙБр┤Н▀╛▀╛сГ╝ргСр╛грл│тАлрйИрвФрл│╪ЫтАм─н╤▒раА╨Щракр╣╛╓нр╛ХсЖз╥о ралсБгрев▀ДрзосБ╡р╗БсЗЯтАл╓н╫МтАм╒╢р╡И╓▒h тАл▀╛▀Н╪ЫтАмсВ╢тАлрак█ЖтАмр╣╛сЙБ╥Тр╗╣тАл┌ФтАмрпгсЗ╛╘Г─н╘гр╝дсЖИ╨ПржЫтАл▐▒тАм р▓▒сЙБ╥Т4HUVOHY 2OPH[HUP─нр┤╗р╝ЖсБМр┐ШсГШ▀Мр┐Шракр▓ЭсЗ╛ р▓▒/LHO :VVU 7VO─нтАл▌╝тАмрекgтАл▌втАмр╡бсГШр▒крв╣ра╖р╢Фракр▓ЭсЗ╛ р▓▒;HUN >HP @LL─нтАл▄ЕтАм╙╣gр╝ЖрйИсГШсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДракр▓ЭсЗ╛р▓▒ ,\UPJL 2VO─нрдКсИЖсГШр╛░р╜Е▀Фргкракр▓ЭсЗ╛р▓▒3LV^ ;OPHT :LUN─╝сБгралракр╣╛сЙБ╥ТсИБрза7OPSPW :\h сГорж╗ракр╣╛╓Е╤ЮсДервФрйИ▀╛рд┐р╡Ыр░╡─нргВр┤ЭриЬтАлрак╪ЫтАмр╣╛╓н тАл┘ЗтАмсЕвралсГ╗р▒╜g╙┤р▒╜▌З▀Лр┤йрбБрзарнЩтАл█Ж▐МтАмрдНсДе рнХ╓н сЗ╛сА╣тАл┘ЗтАмсЕврбБ▀Лh сДе╒╗р╗бр╡Р╪Х─н╨п▀╛╓Е╤Юр╜зсГорж╗ракр╣╛р╕╝╘гтАл█║тАмсИ╣р╖╢рл│ тАл╓н╪ЫтАмр╗бр╕╜─н╨ПржЫ─╗реСрй╢р╗БсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДсЙЗ▀Дрб░╓╢сЙЗргЙрал╙Й


р╛ХрбОрпйсЗЧ▀ЗсЙБр┤Н▀╛ рнХ╙РрнХ╨Щ█йр╢И

сБДр╢н─╝сА╣р▒╕ракр╣╛р╜зсЗЧр╜┤р░ЪсБДтАл┘ЗтАм╥ЛсЙУр╛Х╓нсВ▓▀║сЖз╥о─╝ риЬрв╗ракр╣╛р╡жтАлрй╢реС┌ЦтАмр╗Б рнХсЙЗсДЗ╓н╙Ср░БсЙЗ▀ДтАл╓╢╫атАмсЙЗрй╣─н сБгралракр╣╛тАл▄МтАм╥Лр╣п╤Ыр╗Ырб╣╓нр▓Г╓й╓▒h

реС╥╗рл╛╓НтАл▄ЕтАмсБДсГ╗ сДетАл▄ЕтАмсБДр╗ЖсГ╝▀╛рйЖр╕Др│╛сЗ╛р╝д╓н╓Гри╜р╝╖─нтАл▄ЕтАмсБДр╗ЖсГ╝▀╛ ╙прмлтАл┌┤┘ЗтАмсЗ╛р╝д╓▒сБКр╛г р▓осГЗ сДН р▓╕тАл┌│тАмсВОрнМрл╛╓Н╓гтАл▄ЕтАм сБДсГ╗ргСр╛гр╡Ф╫БреС╥╗h ╒Цр╜греС╥╗раЛтАл╫╢тАмр╡жсВ╢╨п▀╛ралр╡ГреЫсГ╗р▒╜▄╜рзар╢║р▓осВ╜р╜У тАл▄МтАмр╢╗рз╗╧┐─нсЗГр╗Бр╛АсИБ╨п╫Бр┤НсБДтАл▄МтАмр╢╗тАл▄Е▐МтАм╙ФсБДсЗ╛р╕Шрг╢сДе рл╛╓Н╓грвБрз│тАл┌лтАмсИБтАл▄ЕтАм╙Ф╓нреЮр╛гр╛з─нсЛг╤Фр╕╝тАл▐▓▄КтАмр▒ЯсБгсЖосГ╣ сДер╛ХрбОрпйро╖╤╣тАл┘ЗтАмсЕв╓нсБДр╝И╤▒ржЬсЕвр▒╜сГЯр╛зр╡бсБДh реС╥╗р╣╛р╣Шр▓Дрл╛╓НтАл▄ЕтАмсБДсГ╗╓нраА╨ЩтАл▐МтАмрдРр╛г▀╛р╕Ур║Ы─нр╡Г реЫ╓н╓Е╤ЮсББ╓Гри╜р╣╛сГ╝╥Э▄╝риЬрл╛╓Н╓гтАл▄ЕтАмсБДсГ╗╓н╫Б╪ХтАл▐МтАмсВ╜ ▄╣╓нр┤йр╡Ир│К─╗╪Зрз│р╡Ьрал╧╛╪Зрз│р╡ЬректАл▄ЕтАм╙Ф─нсБгралсЖ╗р╛гсГ╝ сИЖр╖Ы╒░╓▒h


ૌ୕୲৭ྕ୕వĭቁ഍߾վ༸ ‫؃‬ᅮ֯ࢺҙĭ༧టႜ૒h

ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾վ༸ ໃྱ Я߾ᄥ ୕ࡇ࿋࣑ྣվ༸ໃྱ‫܅‬ቜĭДԃቁ഍ ߾վ༸୅Ҏࢁህ‫ތ‬ປܼ֭਍‫ނ‬ሙงhᇾ္‫܅‬ӹЏছ‫ۿ‬ ߘվ༸ৗట༪ ֭ೣಫණܽၣࠫࡉ‫܀‬พ֭໿ฃ֯݃h

ቇਯ ୕ĭቁ഍߾վ༸Ͽ‫֎܌‬໒֭ԣቇ੹պ Ħĭ й ୕֭ৠའhಎ୕ቇࣉ൴೎ᅁպ ຫჵĭй ୕ᅁࡎ Ħhࡉ‫܀‬พgӐ༈߾ၸ൱g‫م‬੔߾ၸ ๗‫ތ‬ᅢ঳๗֭ӎׁԣቇ֭ႜ৮պ ຫ బჵĭйవ ၊୕ᅁࡎ Ħhቁ഍߾վ༸๜Ӣӎ֭൴೎၁պ ຫ ჵĭйಈ୕ᅁࡎ h




ྕՅվ๾ϰᇾѧ଴֍ቁ๬gᇗ‫ݛ‬ ሉྕࡎ௩վ൘ᅮུॊgቁ഍߾ܽ ৠҲֱĭჇ ᄍ ಸ֭๾ϰࠋ‫߂׶‬ ለмՖ໋ধ൦ධၱ֭၊୕h

໛ߌལପ ྕՅ๾ϰ


ᄇ ଈࡉѧĭЏছቁ഍߾‫״‬ൡ‫߾ތ‬ჼg‫ݛۺ‬ປ࢔ ൘ࢳg‫܅‬഍ࣀ਽֥g໛ࢥࣀ਽֥gᆧ‫ܚࠗׯٍތڱ‬g ሿཛྷ๾เօўֱҝࡎਜЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸࡔࡉ‫܀‬พऐྣ ֭ ྕՅվ๾ϰh

ᇃᄥުဠ߇ቊԶ๬໛ߌ֭uՅ֦‫ޒ‬஘v༪ਡࠋ‫׶‬ ႶЯ߾gྕࡎ௩ሿཛྷ߾ܾ৻‫ގ‬ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩Й၄७ ‫ܪ‬gྕࡎ௩ੲႻऍĭၣࠫಮ૾ྀ߾৻‫ގ‬ᇾϿh࣊୕֭ ࠋ‫׶‬ჇჇ ᄍ ಸᇈ ᄍ ಸ൶؏ᄥѦ‫ݢ‬ພ‫׶ڤ‬໿ฃഐ ࣑ྣĭѱႶ‫ڴ‬ቁৠࡡ୅ᆧҎӑߣ‫ۼ‬Ӷिଦh

๾ϰᇾѧ଴֍ቁ๬ᄥᇉՕ൐޳ტచ၄ഇࡎ৮Ⴐჯ ෠ϋ‫ۻ‬ვ֭஭าĭແ‫ිڷ‬ቛ‫ނ‬ሡЩh෸඲ ࣊୕֭ჯ ෠ϋĭପћᄥჇྀሁࡰച഍၄ӶЯ‫ࢁތ‬৳ൔ৷h഍߾ ‫܅ތ‬഍቎ᆶщ྾Ҋ‫ؖ‬ཧ߾ჼ૔ౄ‫נ‬ĭ‫ܮ‬ᇾ‫ܮތ‬ჼщ྾ ࣍૩஭‫ގ‬ধࢎֶӶЯ‫ތ‬ᆥࣿ‫܅‬ቜh Ԫਜᇟෙ‫ތ‬ౄߌЯׁ֭၄༈ປĭ଴֍ቁ๬၁‫ܥ‬৫ చ၄Ϥ൲ဿ๯ཧ‫ݛ‬ປh෸඲Ļuቁ഍߾ࢺ‫߾ގ‬ჼᄥᇗ ‫هݛ‬ᅢ֭‫ࣤ୕ا‬ယĭ‫؛‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬൯ӎႽയ೎ಲᆱĭ၁‫ه‬ᅢ ਜ݄ٟ֭ಮથ‫ັތ‬ખĭႁՖϺဎऐቈ౦ᇟ֭ࢠ೬ĭྀ ሁྕࡎ௩చ၄֦ᇗ‫ݛ‬࿡ᅻ‫ތ‬Ϥ໬഍ࠗĭࡇ࿋՞ᇗ‫֭ݛ‬ ౄࣙࣤ࠾ᅁӑᇗࠎ৮hv ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾߾ӑқ็Зᄥဎࢋ൐ᆿԣĭჯ෠ϋ ᄘ୛‫ݞ‬ӹᇗĭቁ഍߾๡‫اݞ‬ལಃ֩ਜࢻ߾ჼྗഺĭࠫ ൐ཧᆧ‫ڱ‬ቜԣٙႠĭ‫ؿ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬၁႓sࢎֶත༈gࡰച഍ ၄ӶЯt֭޳ഺĭቜԣਜ‫֭ؖݜ‬भҮĭ෸༘ິ‫ܮ‬ᇾ૔ ໃԃཋႽ֭‫܅‬ቜ๾‫ؚ‬ĭచ၄‫ތ‬۹ಮ၁္௥ࣁҊϯ֭྘ ୙ი๾ࢺ֭࣢ലĭ฼ۢჼ‫֭܅‬൞టĭ‫ܓ‬๥ॠ‫ڣ‬෶૳‫؛‬ ֭ऍནhf ෸඲ĭЯ߾၁ࠚྀࠦሁ‫ۺ‬۹ᆧ‫ڱ‬Ҏ૒ઓൔ౜഍ᆧ ҮhЯ߾֭చ‫ه‬ᇗྗიћྕऍ૩ౕ‫ގ‬ቜĭ๿݄uҕ༈ դ࣑ࡁߋvĭྀሁᇗུྠచ၄ࢻभಽሯgֆঃֱ໡ ฽hЯ߾ܽৠ࿘ᄅ၁ࢄ๿ԣ‫ܽاۿ‬ৠன࿦ॣӹĭྀሁ ഍ࡍ฼ۢჼ‫࠷֭܅‬େh Я߾၁ᄥ৤พৢಟ٪‫א‬ሸНᇸᅁ่ྕ୕ట‫ٺ‬hࡉ ѧჇᆦ໾ࠥ൐຾Ӷ၊۹վჽಉཕ߂ϰ୕ĭለᄃ໋ধ֭ ၊୕ධ৮્઩h


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

‫ؿ‬Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ෶቎ᆶ֭uྕՅಮಸিగబಮ຦ ဘv၁ာ౰ਜቁৠ‫܌‬ඏҎӑਧ೓഻‫ ތ‬బ‫ا‬ଈ‫܌‬ᇡ၊ గҝიĭᄥྒྷഎ໿ฃഐ{‫ڌ‬഻ණగվ๾ჽ|վࠀဎ֭ ๥൐ĭແྕ֭၊୕ั۹‫ނ‬ҙ๰h ࣊୕ĭЯ߾ѵԣ ຫჵቜແࠋ‫ٶࣤ׶‬h‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ ߾໛ߌიࢥცໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ႋԔ଄൦ԜЩໆჼ߾ໆჼᆵ ၊h

ᇗ౴৻ߓ຦߾ ‫ݛۺ‬൘ࢳgᆧ‫္ܚࠗڱ‬ჼg‫܅‬഍ი໛ࢥࣀօўg ന౽਽ྷg഍߾‫״‬ൡg߾ჼၣࠫࡍणֱә‫ ݞ‬ଈࡉ ѧĭൻာԣ༤Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸࡔ຦౬჻ऐྣ֭ᇗ౴৻ ߓ຦߾h ຦߾ᇾѧࢥცҎӑࡡ‫ݛ‬٥Ҏ‫م׃‬ҎӑߣႭީ၌഻ ᄥᇉՕ൐඲ĭ෣ሪྕࡎ௩ന߾ূਵߌg‫ߌࡅݛ‬ĭၣࠫ ࣤ࠾֭ᇟ቎ĭቁ഍߾ֱࠗ‫ܚ‬෶Ϻဎ֭ࢠ೬߾Ⴝ෶ႝ ཡhແಚД໩‫ݛ‬ඨნᆧҮൔႰჇཋ࣊ന߾ĭࢥცҎщ ྾Ҋ‫ۇؖ‬ഇࢥ࿘٢ٍѱ๥ቁ഍߾ᆋ৓ࠗ‫ގܚ‬ቜĭ‫ܥ‬৫ ࿘഻ࡇ࿋ᄥಸӐ഻ࠋᇗᄖႰଣნh෸ᄩဠቁ഍߾‫ݞ‬ಈ ࠳୕ᄥ฼ۢచ၄ࡍ‫ތ‬Ӷ୕ಮ֭߇໛ණ௤٢૳෶ቜԣ֭ ‫ܒ‬ཌh ߣႭީҎӑўဠቁ഍߾Ӑ୕฼‫ࢊ܊‬࿘ࣉϷ‫؛ه‬ཨ Ҋ‫ࠩݛٻ‬gᇝቊࠫ྘ဧĭ൦เཋໃ߁ࠫդ࣑ᇝቊ‫྆ތ‬ ‫ތ‬ന߾୨ऒ৷֭‫׍‬ٛh


ࠎϷࢊ࿘ࣉ֭‫ݛ‬վg଺վgྕվ࿘഻ ი຦߾ᇾѧࢥცҎӑࡡ‫ݛ‬٥Ҏ‫م׃‬Ҏ ӑߣႭީ၌഻gᅮෆഺ߾ӑ‫ގ‬ႝh

ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᄥᇉՕᇗӊ଄Я߾ᄥ຦౬჻౱ለᇗ౴ ֭ၱၴh෸ў൝຦౬჻ᅃ൦෬ᇗ೾ᄥ଺ဤ֭۲ଉࠖ ׁĭᆋؕ৭ൖ‫ۇ‬ѕਜᇗ‫֭ݛ‬ଉᄖ‫ތ‬ൟࣀ֭۴ऍĭႭᄁ ᆼ֬ଇࡂhЯ߾࿒ᄼᄥ຦౬჻Ϸ‫ࢊه‬࿘ࣉĭऄ൦༘ິ ໩‫୕ݛ‬౦၊օେ‫ܜ‬ਜࢻᆋؕ৭ൖh ෸ᆿԣĭЯ߾၊Ϭ‫୕ا‬ধĭ՞ᄲఁྀሁၕ૾ᅅ ‫ۼ‬g౸ձĭ֦޲ধࠚࠦҝი‫ࢁࡍݛ‬ഩgজվൟࣀັ ખĭ‫܅‬ቜ֭ᇟ‫׌‬၊ᆸი๾ࢺ‫૾ݛ‬ĭդ࣑ന߾‫྆ތ‬იࣤ ࠾಼ٖ༗༗ཕܹhቓࣕĭᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣਜuന߾ಽ‫ࠖގ‬ ࣉvĭ‫ܥ‬৫ന๾‫ࠖތ‬Ҳ቎ᆶऐϿ‫ۺ‬ལࠋ‫׶‬ĭྀሁྕၕ ૾ࣘঁಽ೎໩‫ݛ‬ന߾ĭЯ߾ࢄಎ৷஭‫ގ‬ĭࡎౄᆋ٢૳ ֭৷؏h ෸ਡऐਜЯ߾਎୕ধᄥྀሁྕၕ૾ಽ೎໩‫ݛ‬ന߾ ෶ቜ֭୵৷ĭЏছӶ৳ਜၕ૾৻༪቎ĭ༓ႌধሹ‫ׁۺ‬ ֭ྕၕ૾చ၄ࡍ‫ތ‬ል၄ಮ൞ࡎ೎Я߾ĭശᇈᄥ‫״‬ൡ߾ Ϻဎᇟ္֭ࢠ೬hቁ഍߾ܽৠ࿘ᄅ၁िϿu‫܅‬ቜӎ෶ ႏნॣӹvĭྀሁྕၕ૾฼ۢ‫܅‬ቜ਽ჟ֭ႏნණ௤h ࢬሪĭᄥᅮෆഺ߾ӑ֭ࡶᆫ༷ĭ ଈধሹ‫ݛ‬৳վ ࿘g଺ဤৠ‫܅‬վ࿘gܽৠվ࿘‫ތ‬જধİߵࢥന߾‫ه‬ᅢ ৠൡ߾֭վል഻՞ߣႭީҎӑ൵ᇗࢬ‫ݞ‬Я߾ࠖࣉվል ࢊ࿘ࣉᆫඈh

u‫ۓ‬༉‫ײ‬٢ᇎ߸vࢋ቞f Я߾ი଺ဤৠ‫܅‬վ࿘६ሸ࿘ᄅำѡာ౰ᇗ‫ݛ‬ᇿଈ ࿘ᆈჇ֍ࢥ൹Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ࣑ྣu‫ۓ‬༉‫ײ‬٢ᇎ߸vል฽ဎ ࢋh Ⴧ֍ၣ{ઊნ|֭ᇎ߸‫ތ‬ఛ൝ĭແཋӎ ಮ‫ٻ‬། ઊნ໛ߌ‫ۻ‬ვཋօచ၄ࡍ֭ఛ‫ه‬h ෺ၣu၊຤૤v֭‫ܫ‬ൡि๰ĭࢋඕ၊຤૤֭ࡖᆼ ‫؛‬Ⴧࡍ๞ᇾ‫ہ‬gུ഍ಮࠫվ഍ಮ‫؃‬Ҋ๥h෺඲ĭૌ۹ ಮ഻֭ଉ‫؃‬൦၊຤૤ĭࡖᆼ‫ا‬ചႁಮ‫ؿ‬ၻh෺၁ࣁৰ ఛ‫ه‬ᄥӎ֭ԣ༤ᆈĭࢾࣉಽ‫هླྀݢ‬ऩ۹ಮgచ၄ࠫ๾ ‫ؚ֭‬୅ᄥࡖᆼh ᅮෆഺ߾ӑࠫ࿀๛١ᇾ༤ᄥࢋ቞޲օўᇾϿ֎໒ Ϸᅄࡈ୙௞ვჇ֍ࢥ൹h ֚຦ĭᇾϿࠗ‫ܚ‬၁ཧ ଈࡉѧᅄ්Ⴧ֍෶ᇿ֭ {ઊნྗ֬|ႏ໛Ϲ*VUM\JP\Z MYVT [OL /LHY[‫ތ‬ᇣ౪ ‫ࢥݢ‬൹෶ᇿ֭{ѕ‫׶‬ᇗ֭ნစ|h{ઊნྗ֬|֭‫ܛ‬ ඈ‫ٶ‬ႶЯ߾໛ߌიࢥცໆჼ߾ᇾ༤࿀๛١‫ڴތ‬ᇾ༤໹ ࿘݃‫ܓ‬๥ᄩሁh

ᇗ‫ݛ‬ᇿଈ࿘ᆈჇ֍ࢥ൹Ⴧ ᄍ ಸແ ଈԣ༤ᆈ࣑ྣu‫ۓ‬༉‫ײ‬٢ᇎ߸v ል฽ဎࢋh






Я߾ৡ‫߾ڴࠖݛ‬ӑࠫ໑Ӷ߱‫״‬ൡൻ଺վ‫ݛ‬ൡ༈Ա ာ౰ĭԣ༤Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥྕպӴ߾ၸიᅢ঳ᇗྗ‫م‬ ੔ဘ߾๗ऐྣ֭ഐඕઊฎࠫതႝᅢh

Я߾৭ൖུ቎ၠࣤӶ৳ਜೠ୕h৭ൖུ቎‫ه‬గಮ ന߾ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ৡѭᑿᇾ༤Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥҷჳऐϿਜྕ Յऒ߾ĭ‫ٻ‬ར‫ݞ‬ಈೠ୕෶ԣϹ‫ְ֭ॄތ‬იЯ߾৭ൖཕ ܹ֭໛ᅫh

վ߾ᇾѧ൦ྕໜg๡࿧ࠫၤඔҎօҎӑ੯်֫ച ࢄࠫᇗ‫ݛ‬ሉ໩‫ݛ‬վ൘ᅮུॊ۶༷hઊฎᇾࢋᆈࠫል฽ ัઊӶჼ‫ٻ‬ѡЏছĻ‫ײ‬࿸ခࣶ෶෶ӑᆪႭ୕ࢥ൹gᇗ ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅ‫ه‬ᅢခࣶᇗྗ‫ه‬ᅢᅦઃ‫ތ‬౽ჟࣤ࠾ခࣶҎᇾ ಱ੆ႯѸ൞g଺ဤৠ‫܅‬վ࿘ಮ໛იന߾ज़࿘࿘ᄅࣤ࠾ ༪ࢥ൹੆ᄑ߇ࢥ൹gᇗ‫ײ݄ݛ‬ീࢆ૒൯‫ڴ‬൯ӑၦᇗౄ ࠫᇗ‫ݛ‬ᇟ౱൯൯ໆӐໆgᆧٍໆඈࡂgᇗ‫ܓ‬ᇟ౱൯ࣼ ੋ௩౽ໆ෋ᛉh

Я߾໛֞ྱ‫ڷ‬Дձ‫܅‬ӹ Я߾‫׃‬၊ࢰ֭ؕ໛֞ྱ‫ڷ‬Дձ‫܅‬ӹၠࣤຣӶhᆤ ৠ‫֭֞ނ‬ϋԪਜചග౮ঋำඁĭೊәվ֭໛֞ᆸࢬഐ ࡗДձປĭఋ෸रၠ൴ҧᄥ໵ෞ֞ϋ‫ޏ‬୅ĭಎҎ೎ॷ ഐࡗДձᄥ‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾ୅h • ֞ϋ‫ٻ‬৓‫ތ‬ё‫܅ބ‬ቜ ৭ൖ֞ϋ֭ࠖЯྱ‫ڷ‬ĭᇟྕሕ‫ތװ‬Д߁‫܅‬ቜၠࣤ ຣӶh‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾ՞ ࡹ഍߾֞ϋሯਠᇗᆤৠԣ ࡹ֞ϋሯਠႭࣺДձh ࡹ֞ϋᄥຣӶ೩૵ ‫ތ‬Ⴝܹ֭ྱ‫޲ڷ‬ĭԭձᄥ֞ϋልႰД߁‫ޏ‬୅ĭᄤ‫ٻ‬૒ ѡ৓ׁ๔ћమ‫ތ‬ሕ‫܅ޏ‬ቜĭѱχධ࿅೎ॷഐࡗДձh ֞ϋܾ၁ᆤৠ၊าԣϹ༆ၕ࢔‫ۻ‬Я߾֭๵ඈሯਠ൱Д ձh • ֞ϋ೩૵‫܅‬ቜ Я߾֞ϋ֭೩૵‫܅‬ቜၠຣӶĭಎҎ‫א‬ሸ๵ས၄ၠ ॡ੫ᄥ‫א‬ሸࠟ݃​݃‫ף‬ഐh‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾၠχЯ߾္౸ࢄ ᆋาගሻ‫ا‬Ⴐ๷݃க֭ଣகДձᄥ‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾ֭ॷ ٤h‫ڷ‬ᇍЯֶ֭‫ٻ‬ї੹॒Хᄽࢄၕ࢔Я߾Дܽĭ٢є Я߾Ҹᅻ֞ϋሯਠh • ֞ϋ‫א‬ሸߌ‫܅‬ቜ ‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾၠ‫ ؛‬Я֞ϋሕ‫װ‬Я࣑ྣҿतၣ஭‫ގ‬ ໛ࡹ֭೩૵ĭ‫ܓ‬ຣӶਜ ᅮ๵ས֭೩૵ĭॡ྇ ᅮගሻ‫ا‬Ⴐ๷݃கh೩૵޲ᇟྕሕ‫֭֞װ‬ϋႽ Яh

ᇗ߇ඈٍྒྷഎი࿘༥ϳf Я߾uᇗ߇ඈٍྒྷഎი࿘༥ϳvૌ‫ྚڏ‬ఁೠ຦ഐ ᄥ഍߾࣑ྣࠋ‫׶‬ĭႶඈٍࡍ౶ച߇ᆿ֥ĭॣӹ୅ೀ Џছᇗ߇‫ݛ‬խඈٍ֭࿘༥იྒྷഎh࣊୕‫ܓ‬िϿ ۹༪ ਡĭૌ༪ਡແఁ ᇣh

ྕࡎ௩ၤඔࢳ ᄥ฼ാྕࡎ௩ၤඔණ௤٢૳Ϻဎᇟ္ࢠ೬֭ྕࡎ ௩ၤඔࢳ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇈ ᄍ ಸऐྣhЯ߾൦ྀ ቜ֎໒ĭѱѵঃ ຫჵቜແࠋ‫ٶࣤ׶‬ĭ༪ਡࠋ‫׶‬༓ႌ ਜ ຫಮԣ༤h

୕߇ቊ໛ߌࢳ ႓{‫്׃‬ೠࣅ߇ቊ໛ߌࢳ|‫܅‬ໆ߾ᇾ༤ཀྵቜଆာ ౰ĭЯໆჼ߾໹࿘݃‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤օўЯ߾֌ಱ{‫്׃‬ೠࣅ ߇ቊ໛ߌࢳ|‫܅‬ໆ߾ໆჼhf

ᇗ߇ნစ໛ߌࠖࣉ ᇗ߇ნစ໛ߌࠖࣉ ୕ধቁ‫ܓ‬ѵԣә‫ ݞ‬ຫჵቜ ແᄩሁი฼ാ߇໛Ⴝܹ֭ࠋ‫ٶࣤ׶‬h ࠖࣉሹ՞ ୕ ᄍि൛෶ᄩሁ֭ࠋ‫׶‬ႽĻიྕԶ ૊৻Ͽu߇໛ᇎ‫ྚا‬vࠫიᄲЙ৻Ͽu‫ٮ‬ᄈ঩‫ݢ‬vઊ ฎgᇗ໛۫౿Կቜ೟gվል໛࿘ࢊgಎ‫ུݛ‬࿘ཋӎ߇ ໛྇ቜй೟gঽ෍й೟ֱļ෶ᄩሁॄ༆ᄽЏছᇾ္‫؛‬ ཨແ‫ۺ‬໛ၤ๾เԣϹ֭໛ၤॄ༆ļ෶ᄩሁ֭ࢋ቞ࠫခ ั߾٢૳ᇾ္൦ი߇໛g߇ნࢥ࿘ཕܹ਽ჟhఋ෸ࠎ ᄩሁ֭ལପ৓ѡ൦ॣӹன࿦gўဎၤඔgቀ‫ގ‬ལପg ໛ߌ႗g‫ݛ‬ປ࢔ੈࠋ‫׶‬h ࠖࣉܽໆᇾ༤൦ଈძ߾ӑ‫ݚ‬ਿხĭЯ߾ᄥࠖࣉܽ ໆ߾֭օў൦ӯ࣢ၲ‫߾ڴ‬ӑh

• ഍߾ऀ֭‫א‬ႝ࢓௓‫ތ‬੫ႃՐփ ഍߾ऀ֭‫א‬ႝ࢓௓‫ތ‬੫ႃՐփĭೊЯ߾վ༸ ୕ઓӶ‫׍‬৤‫א‬ႝ࢓௓၁ၠሏߘ֦‫א‬ሸࠟ݃​݃‫ࠏף‬੫ཨ ݃‫ף‬ഐ ‫א‬ႝ࢓௓ሏ֦݃கĭ੫ႃՐփሏ֦݃‫ ף‬hࣤ ‫ݞ‬ሏߘĭࣁሁჇ‫݃ࠏିא‬க‫ף݃ތ‬Ѵ٪ࠗєफ़ܼॉ‫ތ‬ ᯧ๘ᆋؕ৭ൖh ႓‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾာ౰ĭЯ߾қఋ഻‫߾ڴ‬ӑօўЯ߾ ი‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾрܼ߇ܾӑჇ ᄍ ಸᄥЯ߾ࡉ‫܀‬พ ऐྣ֭{଺్ࠗ‫ݛߵ܅‬ॎᅦ֞ϋൖਠ๵௓ᅢ|िଦၖ ൜ഐĭᆦ൜మඏႽܹ֞ϋԭձྀ֭ၸඈh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

߇్Ѹ༆ᄅ ᇣ୕౱‫ ׍‬Į ӽᇗ‫ࢁڦݛ‬ീ༸૒൯֭߇్Ѹ༆ᄅာ౰ĭЯ߾ന ߾ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ৡѭᑿᇾ༤ኻዔ႓ာօўЯ߾ԣ༤Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐྣ֭౱ለӯࡉ‫༽܀‬഻ԿϿ߇్Ѹ༆ᄅ ᇣ ୕ࠋ‫׶‬h


рвесГкр╜грмк ╨п▀╛раЦргЙрвКр┐ШргЙ


р║Ыр╡бр╗ЖсГ╝▀╛сВЛ╘ФрмДсЗ╛р╝д╓Е╤Ю╨п▀╛╘гр╝д▄╜рза╒╛р┐ШсГЗ сДН р▓╕╧ЕроО╓нр│╣р┐ТтАлрл│▐МтАмр╡│─нр┐Т╘гриЬраО╧╖ ─░ рнХ╨п▀╛раЦргЙрвКр┐ШргЙ╓нр┐Шр┤╗─╗

р╗БриЬтАл▄етАмрзлр╗йтАл▌ЫтАмр┐Шр┤╗сЕпр╗мр╢исГЬ─н╤▒р▒Чр┤псБК╥▓риЬрв╗риО сЗЭсГЬр╗Ы╨д▐▓╓нр╗Ы▀М─н╨п▀╛╒Ю рнХрд┐р╡Ы─н╒Ю╨п▀╛раЦ ргЙ╤╡ржГ р░мсГ╡─н╧╖тАл █║┌В ┘ЗтАмр░мсГ╡╓нрвКр┐ШргЙтАл█╗тАмсГХ▀ЗсЗЧр┐Ш р╜╢╘всЗЧр│аg╘всЗЧр╖Бg█всБКрал█втАл┘ЕтАм╧│р╢ир╗Ы▀Мрег╙╣сГШсГЬр╗Ы р╕│р┐Трег╙╣╙╢рагсЙУсВ▓сБ╗╓нр┐Шр┤╗hрвКр┐ШргЙ╓мсЗ╛╥Кр╜У╨п╫БтАл▄МтАм рл╛раПсВнрг║рдКрл╛h

тАв сЗ│тАл┌й█╝тАм─ор┤НсБД▄╜рзар╝к рнХра▒ тАв ╙псЗЕр▓Э─ор┤НсБД▄╜рзар╝к─░▀╛рбБр╝к рнХра▒ тАв ▐и╙ксНМ─о▀╛рбБр╝к рнХра▒ р┤и▀╛р╡бр╝Ир╗ЖсГ╝▀╛рзб╤нсС┐сЗ╛р╝д╓Е╤Ю╨п▀╛╘гр╝дрм║сАд рзатАл▄ЕтАм╒╛р┐ШсГЗ сДН р▓╕╧ЕроО╓нр│╣р┐ТтАлрл│▐МтАмр╡│─нр┐Т╘гриЬраО╧╖ ─░ рнХ╨п▀╛раЦргЙрвКр┐ШргЙ╓нр┐Шр┤╗─╗ тАв сЕо▀║р╛У─ор┤НреЫр╝к рнХра▒ тАв ╙пспЧс╡│─ор┤НреЫр╝к рнХра▒ тАв сЖксМОрд┤─осЗЧр╗Ыр╝к рнХра▒ ╥ХсЖзр╗ЖсГ╝▀╛╙п▀РризсЗ╛р╝д╓Е╤Ю╨п▀╛╘гр╝дтАл▌ЫтАмрз│╒╛р┐ШсГЗ сДН р▓╕╧ЕроО╓нр│╣р┐ТтАлрл│▐МтАмр╡│─нр┐Т╘гриЬраО╧╖ ─░ рнХ╨п▀╛раЦргЙрвКр┐ШргЙ╓нр┐Шр┤╗─╗ тАв р▒╢тАл▐М▌ЫтАм─ор┤Нр┐Шр▓╝сГлр╝к рнХра▒ тАв рйпрв╡р║╖─ор┤Нр┐Шр▓╝сГлр╝к рнХра▒ тАв сАЯсЮД─осЗЧр╗Ыр╝к рнХра▒ ╒Цр║Ы─н╨п▀╛раЦргЙрз╗р╣еркЬржз─░▀╡рвер┤и▀╛тАл┘ЗтАмсЕврзар╡б▀╛ раЦргЙрдН─нрз╜р┐ЛтАл╫ГтАмр╗╝рнХ╧╖тАлрвК┘ЗтАмр┐ШргЙтАл█╗тАмрпЮр┐ШрббсВ▓╓нркЬржз─░ ▀╡рве╒╛р┐Шр┤╗h р╗Ы▀МсГШрвесГкр╗ЖсГ╝▀╛р╗ЖсГ╝р╗╣р┤Эрд░тАл╫┤тАмр╡бсГЗ сДН р▓╕╓Е╤Ю ╨п▀╛╘гр╝дрвКр┐ШргЙ╓мсЗ╛╓нрл│р╡│─нр┐Т╘г рмИ╙╢рагсВ▓сБ╗╓нркЬ ржз─░▀╡рве╒╛р┐Шр┤╗─╗ тАв тАв тАв тАв

/HPY\S -HYPa )PU /HPYVS─отАл▌ЫтАм╒╛реЫр┐Ш сА╕ра╝ р╝к 5\YROHPYHO )PU[L :\THY[V─орм║╒╛╘╢╤┤р╝к 5\Y :`HaSPUH )PU[L /HUPMM─ор╛Х╒╛р┤Нр┐Шр╝к 4\OHTHK 0ZRHUKHY )PU 0ZOHR─ор╛Х╒╛реЫр┐ШралсИпр┐з ▄╜рзар╢иреЫр╝к

╧╖рвКтАл╫НтАмрздсГЗ сДН р▓╕сДе▀ЗсЗЧ╙╝сБ▓рйФрдРр╛гhтАл╫НтАмрздсЗ╛╤з р╡жрлАтАл▄ЕтАм╥Орббр╛Хр╗Ьgр╣бр┐зралсБдр╢Ф╥ОсЖзр╝И╒Щ╙С╙псЖЪр▓Нh╨п ▀╛р┤и▀╛р╡бр╝Ир╗ЖсГ╝▀╛рзб╤нсС┐сЗ╛р╝д╓Е╤Ю╨п▀╛сДесБЦр╡Ьр┤Р╧╖тАл┘ЗтАм рвКр╜гтАл╓мраО█╗тАмuр╢ир╗Ы▀МсЙУрбМр┐Шр┤╗рвКv╓нсЗ│р╣Зсддgрзбр╜й gр╖мроАр▓Оgр╗╣р╗ЬсдЪтАл╓мраО▐МтАмuсГЬр╕│сЙУрбМр┐Шр┤╗рвКv╓нтАл▌ЪтАмр║│ рийgризсДНр▒Эgриз╙╜сИ│тАл▐МтАмсИдсЖЫ▀Сhf

▀Зр▒НсЗЧр┐Ш▄╜рзар╗ЖсГ╝▀╛ сИ╣ рнХсБгржз─нр┐Ар╣Ы┘бсЗ╛р╝д╤Ф╓Е╤Ю╨п▀╛╓Мр▓▒▀ЗсЗЧ ▄╜рзар╗ЖсГ╝▀╛р╗ЖсГ╝сЖ╡сБКh рнХр▓▒р░БсГЗ сДН р▓╕ргЕркйh р┐Ю▀ЗсЗЧсА╣р▒╕─нсЕо▀╛╙СсЗЯр╛Хр╗Жр▓▒р┐Ар╣Ы┘бсЗ╛р╝дрбЗр┐Л╓М р▓▒▀ЗсЗЧ▄╜рзар╗ЖсГ╝▀╛р╛ХсБКргЕ╓нр╗ЖсГ╝─нр▓▒р░Бр╗Б рнХ─нсБКсЖ╕ ╓ж рнХр╗БсЗАh

р░╡рвКр┐ШргЙ╓мсЗ╛▀╡ржФ╨п▀╛ ╨п▀╛сГЗ сДН р▓╕рвмр╡┤╨п▀╛р░╡рвКр┐ШргЙ╓мсЗ╛▀гргЙрг╕╤╕р╡Ю ╓нржзтАл▌отАмсГШ р░мсГ╡сЖорпШ─нтАлр╛О█УтАм╨п▀╛сГЗ ─░ рнХg ─░ рнХрал ─░ рз╜р┐Л рнХр╕╝тАлрвК▄КтАмр┐ШргЙр▓жр╖╕р╛▒╪ИтАл▌ЫтАм╒╛ тАл▄ЕтАм╙╣р╝кр┐Шр╗ТhсЖЛ╨╗рдЯржГрвД╨п▀╛раЦргЙ╤╡сЙЬрвесГкрвКр┐ШргЙh

╨п▀╛сГШркЬржз─░▀╡рвер┤и▀╛тАл┘ЗтАмсЕврзар╡б▀╛раЦргЙрдНтАл█║тАмсДйсИБ рмИрвКр┐ШргЙ╓мсЗ╛h




ᇾѧྕໜg๡࿧ࠫၤඔҎӑৡ໛ཌ၌഻g ‫ݛۺ‬ሉྕປ࢔൘ࢳg վሿࢥ๾เօўg ቁ഍߾‫״‬ൡg‫ۺ‬ቊ഍߾ന๾gຄၪळಮg ල଼ᆈࡍඓg ෶Ԣ࠱࿘ᄅࠫᇗུ࿘ྲྀ ଈ൅഻ĭၣࠫ ଈ‫ࡍݛ‬࿘഻ळօў ֱĭԣ༤ਜቁ഍߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸऐྣ֭֨୙ ಸЯᅥ਽൐ఁල଼ಮ૾‫࠻ࣅ ׃‬৤h

֨୙ಸЯᅥ਽൐ఁල଼ಮ૾‫࠻ࣅ ׃‬৤ Я߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᄥಸЯᅥ਽൐ఁල଼ಮ૾ࡈ୙П వĭऐྣഐඕ࠻৤h ෶Ԣ࠱࿘ᄅࠫᇗུ࿘ྲྀ֭ᄇ ଈ൅഻ĭә‫ ݞ‬໒ࡉѧĭЏছ‫ݛۺ‬ሉྕປ࢔൘ ࢳgሿࢥ๾เg‫ۺ‬ቊ഍߾ന๾gຄၪळಮ‫ތ‬ල଼ᆈࡍ ඓఒऒ‫࠻ޱ‬h ࠻৤ᇾѧĭྕໜg๡࿧ࠫၤඔҎӑৡ໛ཌ၌഻ֿ պࡈ୙П޲ĭ૾٥Ҏ‫ؚ‬෣࠯ଆཡuࢻԪࣦЙvhᄥ‫׃‬ ࣅ‫״‬ൡ߾қ็З߾ӑgྎຫ೮‫߾ڴ‬ӑࠫৡ‫߾ڴࠖݛ‬ ӑ਽༽ཌ߅޲ĭ໻ሕҎ‫ؚ‬ຄၪळಮ๥૘gሿࢥ๾เg ‫ࡍݛ‬࿘഻ळ๾‫ތ‬࿘഻օў၁‫ۺ‬ཌഐ߅ಉᇉၱhቓ޲ĭ ಎเধѧཧࡈ୙Пྣೠआ‫܋‬৤ၣў࣫ၱĭѱଗκ၊‫ٻ‬ ᇚh

ഐᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ᇾ༤޹࣎ษଈछuಱ‫ލ‬চ଼‫଼؃‬Ҋ֢ႏྮ ֭ᇗ‫ݛ‬ಮ૾v֭ࡈ୙௞ແ୙h෸၁ာ౰Яׁ഍ࣀҝࡎ ᄍ֭‫ࣅ്׃‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬༎Ҏ‫ࡅݛ‬Ѹ঳߾h

᥁࠾ฃພକঠॠ‫ڌ‬ᄡᄡ૾ ฃພᇗ଺ҎჇ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ᄭ‫୕ ڏ‬ধቓကᇟ֭ණᄡh ᄡ૾ࠬྻվਐࣿჹ༆ሯhЯ߾ແᄡ૾Ԝ֬ ჵh ᄍ ಸĭᅮෆഺ߾ӑ౜ࢄ൶്็ࢬ൴֦֭ ჵၴঃ ᄇྕฃу ຫჵ ࢔‫ۻ‬ฃພሉྕࡎ௩ օўൖ࿸௤ĭᄤႶൖ࿸௤୷൞ሏᇉฃພ୅ᆧҎhЯ߾ ᆵ޲Ⴣ੬࿋൴֦ ჵ֭टঃhЯ߾‫״‬ൡ֭टঃແ ჵĭ߾ჼ֭टঃແ ჵh


᥁ᄡࠋ‫׶‬ ᥁࠾ශԳׁᆙᄡ૾ ᇗ‫ݛ‬ශԳീߣུཞ‫ڴ‬ീӑჇ ୕ ᄍ ಸᄥᇗ ‫ݛ‬ሉྕࡎ௩վ൘ܾऐϿ‫ྎۓ‬Яׁ‫؛ࣀۺ‬ශԳᚸԳվׁ ᆙोृटሁҷ߾hЯ߾օў൦ന߾ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ৡ ѭᑿhߣ‫ڴ‬ീӑօўශԳീಮ૾ᆧ‫ڱ‬ᅄ්ॡႽuᇡᇅ ӶӴfॎᆙࣿᄡv֭ ॎᆙࣿᄡࡈ୙ႇ‫أ‬ĭၣࠫႎ

٫੸ѧჇ ᄍ‫هڂ‬഻ಫփ‫ڌ‬Кĭႌ‫ه‬ਜׁ֚ශ്୕ ၣধቓကᇟ֭ණᄡhЯ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸ࡟ཧ߾ ჼଧटh෶Ⴝ᥁࠾ᆈၠࣤᆸࢬࢄᆮ௘࠿࢔ᇈྕࡎ௩ޫ ്ሻ߾h

ቘగĻቁ഍߾ປൡໆჼ߾ႋԔ଄ᇾ༤g ᅮෆഺ߾ӑgྕࡎ௩ฃТօўԱօў ൖ࿸௤g഍๾ი߾ჼൡ༈ໆჼ߾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ Ϫၲϫgਧೠධ૥ඈӑ‫ࡎྕތ‬௩ฃТօ ўԱ‫ڴ‬օў਋ި h


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ




ၣu߇໛ŀඪ஋ඪvແ࿎Զᇾ฽֭Ӑ୕ࢋ߇ნᄖ ‫׶‬ĭჇ ᄍ ಸᄥᆷቁվ༸৤พिଦhࢋ߇ნᄖ‫ه׶‬ గಮৡ်݃୅۶ሯᆧແ‫׍‬৤ᇾѧh෸‫ܥ‬৫ಎ૾৮Ⴐྕ ࡎ௩ၣႏნແᇾნ֭Ⴝ৮๐ࡹ࿘‫ނ‬ႏნĭ‫ؿ‬େၣ߇ნ ແ‫ܖ‬๡ნစ֭ࡍӑᄽ႓ದ‫ݡ‬ሸႽࠗ߾‫߇ࢋا‬ნĭᅯ໬ ߇ႏඨნhЯ߾ᄥ๿݄߇ნৠൡ߾֭օў൦ന߾ൡ༈ ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ৡѭᑿh

෣ሪ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾֭Ӷ৳ĭЯ߾Ⴧന౽ҝიࡁߋ ྣ‫׶‬ໆჼ߾ᆵ഍၄ი‫߾܅‬ऒಝ‫ٻ‬቎֭օўӶჼແĻᅮ ෆഺ߾ӑgॗቼḐᇾ༤gӯߐਧᇾ༤gႋԔ଄ᇾ༤g қӶሿᇾ༤gਧ଄ಭᇾ༤gᇚഺ࡜ᇾ༤gᆪర଩ᇾ ༤g੆ค೾ᇾ༤gৡѭᑿᇾ༤g৽ሿᆦ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤gϪၲ ϫ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤gӹმә‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤g٢်ఓ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤g਋໛ᡄ‫״‬ ൡg໹ਿഺ‫״‬ൡgਧೠධ૥ඈӑ‫ތ‬ӯྶडۢ࠱ᇾܽh




Я߾იሿཛྷቁ߾ແཡ႓ৡཉੋቁৠ֭޳ტĭ৻‫ގ‬ Ӷ৳uന౽ҝიࡁߋvྣ‫׶‬ໆჼ߾ĭ༘ິࠪ‫ގ‬ඨ٢֭ ৷ਐ‫ތ‬ሯჿ‫ܓ‬๥Ԝߋ‫ތ‬๿ྣԿྕ֭նൈĭդ࣑໩‫ۺݛ‬ ቊಝgሿࢥᆵ࡟֭ཕ߂ਜࢻი࢔ੈh

‫ۼ‬औ‫ࢋࡅݛ‬ဎ߾๐ৰĭЯ߾߇ნࢋဎ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ ᄥऐྣӐ୕ᆻໆ߾࿒ऐĭ࿒ԣ ୕ ᄍᇈ ୕ ᄍ֭ྕ၊ಱᆻໆĻ

߾ӑ Ļ ᇚ‫ݢ‬଄ వಱ߾ӑ Ļ ‫ུލ‬ᡗ ໛ࢥ‫߾ڴ‬ӑ ᆦ Ļ ִ໇υ ໛ࢥ‫߾ڴ‬ӑ ‫ ڴ‬Ļ ጟ်֫ ߾ჼ‫߾ڴ‬ӑ Ļ ဟ߱Ⴞ ‫߾ڴܹ܌‬ӑ Ļ ਧඖଇ ૥ඈ Ļ ྿‫ݢ‬આ ҕᆧ Ļ ਟ‫ݿ‬଄ ৤ѧර Ļ ஶ౴ૄ

‫ࣅ ׃‬u९Ҕ࿦ਈϳv ଈ࿘ჼҝიਜഐඕ࿦ਈϳĭѱჇ ᄍ ಸຣӶਜ พॣhՖॣӹࢥ֥࿘ჼೊ‫ލ‬Ⴝׁེ‫ܚ‬ඹg๐ৠ‫ٻ‬଄ׁ Զպ྘༗ļ՞ೀ႓‫ۺ؛‬ᇝҊ๥֭ဎ඲ߔ࣪‫ތ‬ሙঋࠫᇷ Ҍࡎౄიಮ‫ܖ‬๡֭େ৷‫ތ‬ဎ඲࠷౎h

಼ძЄ Я߾߇ნࢋဎ߾߾ႾຮިධჇ ୕ࣱ࿒ᇗ Ӷ‫܇‬ ࠎ࿒ແ‫ࢋࡅݛ‬ဎ߾ ౽ჟ ྕࡎ௩gམ۞gϗ૒იค ‫ ݛ‬3౽ቁ࡛ĭಱఁሹ ୕ि൛ĭᇈ ୕ແᇀĭ ແఁ਎୕h෸൦ ୕Į ୕Я߾߇ნࢋဎ߾֭ ߾ӑh

ന౽ҝიࡁߋྣ‫ུ׶‬቎ ীሯᆧᆷӎനಝҝიࡁߋུ቎ ᅮෆഺ߾ӑჇ ᄍ ಸࢬൻಮ৷ҎӑဆࣉႯ֭ာ ౰ĭӶແ഍၄ი‫߾܅‬ऒಝന౽ҝიࡁߋ༷uীሯᆧᆷ ӎനಝҝიࡁߋུ቎v֭Ӷჼhᆋ۹ུ቎Ⴖᆧ‫ڱ‬օў ი‫ۺ‬ᇾ္ীሯᆧࠌϼ֭ᇾ༤቎Ӷĭແᆷӎന౽ҝიࡁ ߋৢ֭നಝ฼‫܊‬ᆤเ٢ཧიᆿ֥h ུ቎Ⴖಮ৷ҎӑဆࣉႯ֌ಱᇾ༤ĭఋ෸ӶჼЏছ ಎ‫ݛ‬ᆷ‫܅‬ቁ߾gྕࡎ௩‫܅‬഍৻‫߾ގ‬gྕࡎ௩ಎ‫ܮݛ‬ᇾ ৻‫߾ގ‬gᇗུྠచ၄഍߾gྕࡎ௩જধቁ഍߾‫ࡎྕތ‬ ௩ႎ؏ቁ഍߾֭਽֥h

෣ሪ‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾֭Ӷ৳ĭЯ߾Ⴧന౽ҝიࡁߋ ྣ‫׶‬ໆჼ߾֭օўແĻ

৻‫ގ‬ᇾ༤ ໆჼ ໆჼ ໆჼ ໆჼ ໆჼ

ĻႋԔ଄ᇾ༤ ĻқӶሿᇾ༤ Ļ৽ሿᆦ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ Ļӯଫ‫ڴه‬ᇾ༤ Ļ٢်ఓ‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ Ļਧೠධ૥ඈӑ

uྕ৽ྗੲӹvࠋ‫׶‬ Я߾ᄇ ଈօўԣ༤ਜ৶ඓ୅ᆧҎ֭ന౽ҝიර Ⴧ ᄍ ಸĭᄥ໻ࠥϠ؄୅ᆧ࿘ᄅແЯ߾‫ތ‬ሿཛྷ߾ܾ৻ ‫ގ‬ቁ߾ऐϿ֭ഐඕࠋ‫׶‬h ੸ᆧҎࡡ୅ᆧҎۢ࠱ᆧ༈Ҏӑ‫ލ‬ѯࠖ‫ࢥڴ‬൹ᇟഫ ന౽ҝიࡁߋ֭ᇟ္ྦྷg‫ۺ‬ന౽਽ྷᄥդ࣑ቊಝ୨ऒ ৷෶େ‫ࠫ߰ه‬Ϻဎ֭ࢠ೬hന౽ҝიරօўgന߾‫ه‬ ᅢg౥୕ࠫเცҎgಮ৷Ҏীሯܹ༪ඏ֭օў၁ཧ ଈԣ༤ᆈࠀЙ‫ۺ‬۹਽ჟ֭‫܅‬ቜᇟ‫ࠫ׌‬෶಄֭֬Ӷ ऄg‫ܮ‬ᇾೊ‫ލ‬ᄥᆷӎդ࣑നಝ౮ၹĭࢁ৳‫྆ތ‬ໟ‫֭ܭ‬ ᆷӎֱh

ັഐ໡त‫נ‬Ҹ ႓ಮ৷Ҏඓ༷ന౽ҝიࡁߋ૥ඈԱ္౸ĭЯ߾‫ه‬ ԣ‫א‬Ⴗာ౰ѱ‫ܥ‬৫߾ჼ֦ఋᆿ‫ັׯ‬ᅧĭᆔ‫؛‬ന౽ҝი ࡁߋ࣑ྣ࡭֭ؓ໡त‫נ‬Ҹhᆤ۹‫נ‬Ҹແఁ၊۹ᄍh

‫܅ࢻנ‬ቜ٠ ᄥന౽ҝიࡁߋ૥ඈԱ֭υஎ༷ĭЯ߾ࠫሿཛྷ߾ ܾ৻‫ގ‬ቁ߾֭ ଈ߾ჼიᆷჼჇ ᄍ ಸҝࡎਜྕࡎ ௩‫ࢻנ‬ᇗྗᇾϿ֭ഐඕ‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭ࿘༥‫ࢻࠫࢻנ‬भന౽ ࠫᆷӎࣷ‫౎࠷֭ټ‬h

࿎ԶҰሸ ແ࣑၊Ҍཧ഍ࣀი‫߾܅‬നಝ๿݄ന౽ҝიࡁߋĭ ಮ৷Ҏႎᇍਜඨნ൵Ұĭཟ༭ࣂഝന౽ҝიࡁߋ֭ሿ ᇃიቜႰĭၣఁᄥ‫ۺ‬۹ᇝቊİ‫ࠩݛ‬იሿࢥ๾เ࡟ࢁ৳ ߂྘౮ၹĭդ࣑๾ࢺ࣢ലĭၣࠫ฼ۢ‫ݛ‬ಮࣦ֭ใhЯ ߾ࠎᅄ Яႏნ൵Ұࠫ Я߇ნ൵Ұĭѱ‫ۻهٻ‬ ‫״‬ൡg߾ჼࠫҝიЯ߾ࠋ‫܌֭׶‬ᇡh




ᅮෆഺ߾ӑჇ ᄍ ಸ֭uཕऒᄥ഍߾vࠋ‫׶‬ ഐĭߓႚྕၕ૾቎ᆶĭЏছࣼੋ߾g߇ჿ߾g ็‫ֱ߾࣋็ࠫ߾ڱ‬቎ᆶօў֭ԣ༤h



ྀሁྕၕ૾ಽ೎ന߾൦‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾֭ᇟ‫܅׌‬ቜ ପћᆵ၊hແਜࡎౄიজվᄥၕ૾ལପ֭৷؏ĭЯ߾ ᄥ ᄍӶ৳ਜႶӯ࣢ၲ‫߾ڴ‬ӑ౜਽֭ॼໆჼ߾uၕ૾ ৻༪቎vĭል૒ခࣶიྕၕ૾ॣ฽ཕܹ֭‫ۺ‬ལҮઃი ࠋ‫׶‬ĭྀሁ߾ჼᇗ֭ྕၕ૾‫ঁۿ‬ಽ೎Яׁനಝĭແ໩ ‫ݛ‬ന߾‫ه࠾ࣤތ‬ᅢቜԣ‫ܒ‬ཌh


ဘ౰ྕၕ૾቎ᆶ ᅮෆഺ߾ӑჇ ᄍ ಸᄥ࿸ᇥࣉ۶ࣽ੔ဘ౰Яׁ໼ ۹ᇗ‫ݛ‬gམ۞ࠫฃພၕ૾቎ᆶ਽֥ĭЏছࣼੋ߾߾ӑ ᇚ๞߱g߇ჿ߾ඏৠ߾ӑࢃ g็࣋߾߾ӑӯ৷௣g ็‫߾ڴ߾ڱ‬ӑӯ௤ၣࠫฃТ‫܅‬഍ྀ߾߾ӑᇳযམh ᅮ߾ӑў൝ĭЯ߾৉ၱྀሁྕၕ૾॔ωიಽ೎ĭ ำѡ൦ແ՞഍֭ၕ૾ಝเ฼‫ۺ܊‬٢૳ྀ֭ሁĭѱߓႚ ‫ۺ‬ၕ૾቎ᆶ๡‫ݞ‬Я߾ന߾ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ĭԶպ‫ۺ‬ሹ߾ჼ ‫؛‬ჇЯ߾֭ఁ࿀h෸၁ာ౰໼ଈօўԣ༤Я߾ ᄍ ಸ֭uཕऒᄥ഍߾vࠋ‫׶‬h

uཕऒᄥ഍߾vࠋ‫׶‬ Я߾ᄥ ᄍ ಸჇЯ߾‫م‬੔ᅢ঳൱ᇾϿഐඕࠋ‫׶‬ĭ ࢁ৳იྕၕ૾‫ۺ‬օў቎ᆶৠൡ࡟֭৻༪ĭѱ‫ٻ‬རᅾ‫ܬ‬ ‫ۺ‬ሹനಝ֭ྗ֬ࠫธัೊ‫ࣁލ‬ሁмՖ֭Ⴒ൥‫ތ‬ౄལĭ ‫ܓ‬๥୵৷ĭແྕূၕ૾૔֭ಽ೎ቜԣ‫ܒ‬ཌh ᆋ৭ൖྦྷ֭ၕ૾๾เऒ߾ࠋ‫ۺ֬ࠎ׶‬վၕ૾๾เ ֭ಫਣཡ႓hЯׁྕၕ૾቎ᆶĭೊࣼੋ߾g߇ჿ߾g ็‫ا֭߾࣋็ࠫ߾ڱ‬ଈৠൡरᄥ߾ӑ֭փ਽༷Ⴈᄉԣ ༤h

ແ౱ለ໩‫ݛ‬؇৳ ᇣ୕ࡈ୙ĭ‫ۍ‬Є۴଺౽Ⴧ ᄍ ಸࡔ‫ۍ‬Є۴଺૾ᇡच৉Ҏऐྣ‫ݛ‬౱຦ဘ‫ߓ৻ތ‬຦߾h Я߾ׁԱ‫ۍ‬Є۴଺౽ĭႁՖ࿞ৰटঃ ჵў൝ᆮ ԃh

‫ܮ‬ᇾҝܼϠ༎ঠϠळ႗ Я߾ ଈ‫״‬ൡࠫ߾ჼ႓‫ݛ‬٥ҎᆵာĭჇ ᄍ ಸҝ ܼϠ༎ঠϠळ႗֭੬ळᅢĭਜࢻ‫ܮ‬ჼᄥಎ૾٥໗ࡁߋ ᇗ෶Ϻဎ֭ࢠ೬‫ܒތ‬ཌĭၣࠫ౜മเယѩఞ‫ތ‬༪๬֭ Ҩቜh

uᇗ‫ݛ‬İྕࡎ௩ሿࢥი໛ߌᅢ঳߾ v ແ஭‫ގ‬Ӷ৳ ᇣ୕ࡈ୙ĭྕࡎ௩ሿࢥ‫ܚࠗ྆ތ‬ი ᇗ‫ࡎྕތݛ‬௩ᆱଈ໛༆ࠗ‫ܚ‬ĭჇ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸ৻ Ͽഐඕᅢ঳߾ĭᇃᄥդ࣑‫ۺ‬ሿࢥᆵ࡟֭߂྘g‫ࠫ྆ތ‬ ਓࢻhЯ߾ࠖࣉѵঃ ჵᄥࠋ‫ࡈ׶‬୙ำॄഐॄְ ‫ޗ‬Օh

ᆮԃ଺్ࠗ‫ݛߵ܅‬ॎᅦ֞ϋൖਠ๵௓ᅢ ྕࡎ௩‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾ‫ތ‬ᇗ‫֞ࡍݛݛ‬ϋܾჇ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ᄥ ྕࡎ௩ᅢԣu଺్ࠗ‫ݛߵ܅‬ॎᅦ֞ϋൖਠ๵௓ᅢvh Я߾႓ྕࡎ௩‫֞ࡍݛ‬ϋܾрܼ߇ܾӑ္֭౸ĭࣁԣࡉ ‫܀‬พऐྣᅢ঳िଦၖ൜ĭѱჇ ᄍ ಸᇈ ಸࣁԣ ࡉ‫܀‬พ‫܊‬ቜᅢ঳ӎׁh

ሯሁྕࡎ௩໻ሕҎ‫ؚ‬ຄၪळಮ๥૘Ӷ৳ ୕ࡈ୙ ำॄ ແ஭‫ގ‬Ӷ৳ ᇣ୕ࡈ୙ĭྕࡎ௩໻ሕҎ‫ؚ‬ຄၪळ ಮ๥૘୍ԣϹࡈ୙ำॄĭሜඕ‫ܚࠗۆ‬՞ Ӷ৳୕ ᇈ ୕֭৭ൖĭѱࢄ‫ړ‬ཌ‫ࡍݛۻ‬hЯ߾ࠖࣉѵঃ ჵሯሁԣϹ‫ࡈۆ‬୙Ұh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

GENERAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Election of SCCCI’s Office-Bearers The Chamber held the election of the office-bearers of the 55th Council on January 15. During the election held at SCCCI conference room, the President, three Vice-Presidents, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the various committees were selected from among 61 Council Members. At the same time, Honorary Presidents, Senior Honorary Council Members and Honorary Council Members were also appointed. Teo Siong Seng, member of the 54th Council, was elected as President, with Chua Thian Poh, President of the 54th Council, becoming Immediate Past President. Patrick Lee, Thomas Chua and Tan Cheng Gay were elected as Vice-Presidents.

The new faces in the 55th Council were Zhong Sheng Jian, Vincent Lien Jown Jing, David Loh Tai Min, Thomas Pek Ee Perh, Philip Kia Er Chew, Ng San Tiong, Quek Soo Boon, Tan Bock Huat, Edward Ang Boon Cheow, Simon Goh Lian Seah, Voo Soon Sang, Chua Kee Teang, Goh Nam Siang, Tony Lim Peng Koon, Ng Siew Quan, Patrick Ng and Tan Kim Seng. The complete list of Honorary Presidents, Senior Honorary Council Members, Honorary Council Members, Standing Committee Members and Council Members for SCCCI’s 55th Council can be found on page 12 - 14.

Structure of the 55th Standing Committee The structure of the 55th Standing Committee: President

Vice-President (Thomas Chua)

Vice-President (Tan Cheng Gay)

Vice-President (Patrick Lee)

Finance & Corporate Governance

Culture, Education and Community Affairs


Finance Committee

External Relations Committee

Technology Committee

General Affairs Committee

Research & Publications Committee

Culture & Education Committee

International Affairs Committee

Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Property Management Committee

Community Affairs Committee

Commerce Committee

The Financial Board of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Industry Committee

Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd

Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall

Enterprise Development Centre @ SCCCI

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business




Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng witnessing the Installation Ceremony of the Chamber’s new leadership under the 55th Council.

The External & Strategic Affairs Committee was renamed the External Relations Committee by the 55th Council to reflect its key role in maintaining good relations and cooperation with local and foreign government agencies, business organisations, foreign embassies in Singapore, media and strategic partners.

SCCCI 55th Council Retreat On February 27, a total of 51 members of the 55th Council and six secretariat staff set forth to Macau, Venetian Macao Resort Hotel, for a 3-day 2-night retreat. Organising Committee Chairman Thomas Chua initiated proceedings by giving a welcome speech. Shortly after, Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon gave a presentation to help both new and continuing council members gain an in-depth understanding of the Chamber’s roles and operations. The 55th Council pledged to realise the vision set by the two previous Councils, through strengthening capabilities during their two-year term and aiming to play an active role in the business community, and lead its members out of the economic downturn. The meeting highlighted two important tasks for the 55th Council: Preparation for the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution in 2011.


Installation of the 55 Council The Chamber’s 55th Council was officially installed on March 16. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Wong Kan Seng witnessed the handing over of the Chamber’s official seal from outgoing President Chua Thian Poh to the incoming President Teo Siong Seng. Mr Teo then led members of the 55th Council in a solemn pledge to serve the Chamber to their utmost capability. The 55th Council would serve a term of two years from March 2009 to March 2011.


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

Some 180 guests from the diplomatic corps, private and public sectors, commercial and community organisations and trade associations attended the ceremony. Likening the Chamber to a huge vessel that sailed for more than a century, Mr Teo said in his speech that the 55th Council would be guided by the sterling principles and selfless spirit of their predecessors in doing their very best to serve the nation and the community. The new Council is also taking office during one of the most difficult times of the Singapore economy which was exacerbated by the global financial crisis. Mr Teo expressed that “the greatest challenge faced by members now is the slump in market demand, followed by high business costs, and increasing cash flow difficulties. In order to address these problems, the Chamber’s subsidiaries, the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business and the Enterprise Development Centre will support and assist member companies, especially SMEs, to upgrade their management skills and grow their business.” A wide range of activities will be organised to promote cooperation among local enterprises, and forge deeper links with the overseas business community. In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng urged members of the Chamber to ‘stay united’ and ‘stand in solidarity’ with the council by giving their fullest support. DPM Wong also made use of the same seafaring metaphor in declaring that the winds have turned and the waves have swelled since he last spoke at the 53rd Council installation ceremony in 2005. Recognising that the new council had a daunting task ahead, he called on the new leadership to remain focused on its key mission as the apex body of the Chinese business community, and was pleased to learn that the most critical responsibility identified by Mr Teo was to help SMEs cope with the recession. DPM Wong also said that the new landscape may bring new challenges but will also offer new opportunities. “We should stay focused to overcome this crisis together and prepare for the eventual and inevitable upturn of the economy.”


SCCCI Staff Team Building Camp The SCCCI Staff Team Building Camp, organised by the General Affairs Committee (GAC), was held at Kelong View Resort in Batam on June 26-28. Besides promoting staff bonding, the camp also helped staff gain a better understanding on the goals and initiatives of the 55th Council. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, Vice-President Thomas Chua, GAC Chairman James Kuah and ViceChairman Chan Hock Keng provided the leadership and management support with their attendance at the camp.

In his speech, GAC Chairman James Kuah pointed out the team building camp was specifically organised to foster teamwork, provide a clear understanding of goals and enable staff to support the initiatives of the 55th Council. This would help the Chamber to achieve its mission of assisting local SMEs and becoming the Choice Chamber for the business community, providing members with an influential global Chinese network for business, culture and education.

Guest of honour Minister Lim Hwee Hua, together with the Chamber’s office-bearers, on stage to propose a rousing toast to our nation.

2009 National Day Dinner The Chamber organised a grand National Day Dinner on August 8 at Suntec Singapore to celebrate our nation’s 44th year of independence. The guest of honour for the dinner was Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance Lim Hwee Hua. The dinner saw a turnout that almost doubled that of the previous years. Among the distinguished guests present were ambassadors, officials from the various government departments and statutory boards, and leaders from the business and arts communities. In his National Day Message in Mandarin read out by DPM Wong Kan Seng, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong revealed that Singapore’s economy contracted by 6.5 per cent in the first half of 2009. PM Lee said the country was now in a stronger position than at the start of the year. As long as Singaporeans remain united in facing the challenges ahead, he believed the country will pull through. Despite the current adverse external environment, PM Lee said this did not mean Singapore cannot grow. Businesses and workers were beginning to adjust to the new environment by looking for new opportunities and going for re-training. He said opportunities still exist, especially in Asia. In fact, the Economic Strategies Committee – in collaboration with the private sector – was looking into new ways to transform the economy, with its report due next year.

While the current difficulties look daunting, PM Lee said we should look at it in a longer perspective. “Over this half century, Singapore has encountered many serious challenges – racial riots in the 60s, oil shocks in the 70s, a major recession in the 80s, the Asian Crisis in the 90s, the 9/11 attacks and SARS in this decade. Each time our people have rallied and prevailed,” he said. “This unity is key to our success in many fields. We must work hard to strengthen it, and to bridge potential divides within our society, be it between Singaporeans and new arrivals, between rich and poor, or most fundamental of all, between the different races and religions.” Looking ahead, he called on Singaporeans to respect each other’s beliefs and enlarge the secular common space. In his speech, SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng said Singapore’s unique economic achievements must be attributed to the government’s astute leadership and the hard work of our people. Another significant factor of success was the social cohesion and mutual prevailing trust in our multi-racial society, coupled with the strong tripartism involving government, employer groups and the workforce. He added that Singaporeans should always maintain a positive outlook. Each downturn will propel us to seek new avenues, and embark on a new cycle of growth. Although Singapore had encountered numerous regional and global economic crises in its 44 years of




nationhood, we have always emerged safe and strong due to our social cohesion and spirit of tripartism built on the principles of mutual trust and support. Mr Teo emphasised that promoting Singapore’s industrial and commercial development and economic prosperity was one of the Chamber’s abiding missions. Besides continuing to enhance ties with China, India, the Middle East and ASEAN nations, he revealed that the Chamber was planning to send business missions to Africa and help members to penetrate new markets.

During the 12-month training period, trainees will undergo training under the supervision of the partnering organisation and receive a monthly stipend of $2,000 from SPRING Singapore. The participating universities will also provide 12 days of training courses for graduates under this programme. Since early August, three trainees commenced their year-long training in events management at SCCCI while another three trainees underwent training in the areas of sales and marketing, administration and operations at SCCIOB.

SCCCI Friendly Golf Tournament 2009 The SCCCI Friendly Golf Tournament 2009 was held at Singapore Island Country Club’s Sime Course on September 11. A total of 35 flights, made up of 140 players, participated in the tournament. Guest of honour Lim Swee Say, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, was accompanied by the Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, Immediate Past President Chua Thian Poh and Organising Committee Chairman Willy Shee. The Organising Committee’s advisors were James Kuah and Chan Hock Keng, George Goh and Willy Shee were the co-chairmen while the committee members were Lee Sze Leong, Tan Tock Han and James Ow. Lucky draw prizes were given out to 60 winners during the dinner cum prize presentation ceremony after the tournament.

Government Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Trade & Industry Resource Panel The Government Parliamentary Committee (GPC) for Finance, Trade & Industry set up a Resource Panel to gather the views and feedback from the business and industry community ahead of the Parliament budget debate. Every year, the Panel holds a total of 2-3 meetings, before and after the budget debate, to perform an in-depth analysis and provide feedback to the government. In addition to internal meetings, members of the Panel are also required to attend meetings held by SPRING Singapore and other government authorities on relevant topics. The Chamber’s Vice-President Thomas Chua accepted the invitation to participate in the Panel for a two-year period.

SPRING Executive Training Programme The SPRING Executive Training Programme is a new initiative by SPRING Singapore in collaboration with National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU). The programme aims to provide graduates with on-the-job training during the economic recession. The SCCCI and its subsidiary SCCIOB took part in this programme.

National Day Awards 2009 Two council members were awarded the Public Service Medal in recognition of their merits and service to the nation. They were Honorary Council Member Chew Keng Juea (BBM) and Council Member Leong Mun Sum (PBM).

From left: Organising Committee Chairman Willy Shee, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, guest of honour Lim Swee Say, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, and Immediate Past President Chua Thian Poh on the golfing green.


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RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE RESEARCH 2009 National Budget On January 22, Minister for Finance Tharman Shanmugaratnam delivered the Singapore Budget speech and unveiled a $20.5 billion Resilience Package comprising a number of significant and concrete measures to help businesses through these trying times. In response, the Chamber issued a press release the same evening. The Singapore Budget had never been as keenly anticipated as this particular one. This time, much hope was anchored on the 2009 Budget, as businesses in all sectors of the economy reported a marked and severe slowdown in sales, plunging export orders, all kinds of financing woes, and an increasing inability to cope with the surging costs of doing business in Singapore. Echoing our sentiment in SCCCI’s Budget wish-list released on November 10 2008, drastic times do call for extraordinary measures. We were thus most gratified to find that the government had heeded our call and understood the urgent need of the business community to cut costs in order to save jobs. In this regard, we were glad to see that the government had provided a $20.5 billion Resilience Package within which many of our wishlists had been granted. These were, in particular, reductions in JTC and HDB rentals, reduction of the headline corporate income tax rate to 17%, property tax rebates, and a reduction in certain transportation costs. Apart from that, we applauded the government for introducing a number of other significant and concrete measures to help businesses through these trying times. These include the Jobs Credit Scheme, and the substantial risk-sharing in trade financing, enhancements in Bridging Loans, to help companies solve their immediate cash flow problems. The Chamber was also pleased to note that the government had made an exceptional move to dip into its reserves for this Budget, instead of waiting till later in the year to offer off-Budget measures. While the government had decided not to cut the GST rate to 3%, part of our wish-list, it had instead doubled GST credits for households, and also provided 3 to 4.5 months of rebate for Service and Conservancy charges. Apart from helping business to stay afloat, we expressed appreciation for the government’s efforts in supporting Singapore’s long-term needs and in reinforcing our position as a most liveable country for youths, the aged, start-ups, foreign companies using Singapore as a manufacturing hub, and the emphasis on investing in human capital, innovation, R&D, and infrastructure, in the continued bid to prepare Singapore for future recovery.

NWC Wage Guidelines for 2009/2010 Following the release of the National Wages Council (NWC) wage guidelines and recommendations for 2009/2010 on June 3, our Chamber issued a press release on the same day. The Chamber fully agreed with the NWC that the tripartite partners of employers, unions and the government should adopt a concerted approach to overcome the current economic difficulties. Companies adversely affected by the downturn should seriously consider the NWC recommendations to institute a wage freeze or implement other cost-cutting measures in close consultation with their unions or workers. In times like these, we felt that it is crucial to keep the lines of communication between management and workers open, giving workers the assurance that such measures are intended to preserve jobs. Many companies were certainly worried about declining demand that leads to excess manpower. The Chamber urged these companies to make good use of the government funding provided under the Jobs Credit Scheme and Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR) to keep the excess manpower as far as possible. At the same time, we also encouraged companies to adopt the updated Tripartite Guidelines – such as shortening the work week, temporary layoffs, no pay leave, and other useful alternative work arrangements to cut costs and save jobs. If a wage cut was inevitable as a last resort, we advocated that the cut should be from the variable component of the flexi-wage system. While the Chamber understood and supported the concerted efforts and measures introduced by both the government and NTUC to save jobs for the workers during this difficult time, we stressed that declining demand and increasing business costs continued to be a grave concern to the business community. We therefore urged the government to help the SMEs by introducing more pump-priming measures to generate more domestic demand. The Chamber expressed its appreciation for the cost-cutting measures introduced by the government, such as the Jobs Credit Scheme, HDB and JTC rental rebate, property tax rebate, and reduction in ERP charges and hoped that the government would continue to review and reduce these and other government taxes and charges to help our SMEs survive over a prolonged economic downturn. We also urged various shopping malls to emulate the government’s example of lowering rentals to alleviate the unduly high business costs of retailers. The Chamber also stated its great concern over the declining productivity of our workers that had led to an increase in our overall Unit Labour Cost (ULC) for




the fourth consecutive year, by 9.6% in 2008. To sustain our cost competitiveness, it was necessary to exercise restraint in wage increases. More importantly we had to encourage employers and workers to work closely together to find innovative ways and means to increase our productivity and cost competitiveness in the longterm interest of our economy.

Recommendations to the Economic Strategies Committee (ESC) A summary paper outlining the Chamber’s recommendations was submitted to the ESC on October 22. By adopting “Growing Singapore’s future as a leading Global City in the heart of Asia” and “Developing a vibrant SME sector” as the two main thrusts, the Chamber raised eight key recommendations: 1. Continue investment in all infrastructural development projects and enhance our pro-business environment, create a round-the-clock business hub to maximise the use of limited land and resources, to promote local entrepreneurship and upgrade traditional industries to be leading industries in the region. 2. Channel resources and funding to the Trade Associations to help train their staff and build a strong secretariat, and make it easier and simpler for trade associations to apply and tap on LEAD programmes. 3. Set up an overseas office in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or other key cities in China to support SMEs’ overseas ventures in China and to promote closer ties with both the public and private sector. 4. More study trips to countries like Japan, which has a thriving SME population, should be organised to enable local SMEs to learn from their example or model, and to extend a more generous government subsidy to allow many more SMEs to participate. 5. A gradual liberalisation in the foreign worker policy to allow our local companies to hire foreign workers from non-traditional source countries to meet specific industrial needs. 6. Channel R&D funding to private enterprises through the more established trade associations. 7. Have one statutory board with the over-arching responsibilities, power and resources to provide a one-stop service for the SMEs. 8. Leveraging on the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in 2011 to promote Singapore as a leading global city serving as a vibrant and effective hub for high-tech business, wealth management, education and gracious living


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Visit by Korean delegation On February 12, the Chamber welcomed Gyeonggi Research Institute Director Kim Eun Kyung, The Federation of Korean Industries Deputy SecretaryGeneral Dr Hwang Inhak and Gyeonggi Federation of Economic Organisations Business Development Manager Choi Hyun-Deok, to exchange views on the topic “Recovery of the Singapore and Regional Economies from the Crisis”.

Visit by Taiwan Institute of Economic Research On September 15, the Chamber held a meeting with Deputy Researchers Dr Darson Chiu and Dr Hang Chao, and Assistant Researcher Huang Shih-Chun, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research. The discussion centred on the investment climate in Southeast Asia, policies and incentives to attract foreign investments and global companies, and the challenges faced by Singapore firms in their business ventures in Southeast Asia.

SURVEYS Survey to update on business sentiments and wish-list for Budget 2009 A survey was conducted between December 2008 and January 2009, in the light of the worsening economy, to uncover the business sentiments of our members, and find out if they were fully utilising the government schemes and subsidies, how they intend to deal with the crisis, and their wish-list ahead of Budget 2009. The Survey revealed the following strategies taken by members to handle the economic downturn – 31% opted for business restructuring; 20% intended to scale down business operations; 20% chose wage reduction as an option; 7% may relocate their business overseas; relatively lower percentages – namely, 13% indicated plans to retrench; while 2.5% regarded closing down business as a last resort. The other ground covered in the survey was the feedback on government financial assistance schemes and training grants. The final portion of the survey dwelt on the Budget 2009 wish-list. Our respondents sought enhancements to the financial assistance schemes for SMEs, like the increase of loan quantum of bridging loan from $0.5 million to $2 million; extending the non-performing loan grace period; extending the revised loan quantum to existing borrowers; and setting up guidelines for banks to reduce occurrence of premature loan withdrawal. In addition, they hoped to see reductions in overhead costs and charges (reductions in JTC and HDB rentals, transportation costs like ERP charges, and subsidies for electricity and water bills for factories and commercial buildings); reductions in corporate tax (from 18% to 17%) and skilled foreign worker levy; bringing GST down from 7% to 3% to stimulate domestic demand; changes in property-related incentives; and having a wider net cast for skills upgrading (adding training centres set up by reputable trade associations to the list of accredited training centres).


Post-Budget Survey for Trade Associations and Updating of Particulars SCCCI conducted a Post-Budget Survey in February and March and solicited feedback from 131 Trade Association members on various measures announced in the Resilience Package of Budget 2009 and collated their views on the outlook and business confidence during the economic crisis. The survey received an encouraging feedback from 95% of the Trade Association members. A total of 31,000 organisations are represented under the Trade Associations umbrella. The survey covered five topics: Reaction to Budget 2009, challenges faced by Trade Association members, wish-list of services provided by the Chamber, feedback on training programmes provided by the Chamber, and the updating of Trade Association particulars. The findings were as follows: 1. Budget initiatives identified by our Trade Association respondents as being the most beneficial were: Jobs Credit Scheme, corporate tax reduction, property tax rebate and rental rebates from HDB / JTC / NEA / SLA. 2. Our respondents highlighted that their greatest challenges were the slump in demand, escalating business costs and difficulties in securing bank loans. 3. The Trade Associations requested for the Chamber to organise more dialogue sessions with government agencies and serve as a bridge between industry and government, in addition to providing more help to companies seeking access to government assistance schemes. 4. The Trade Associations requested for the Chamber to provide professional training for their Secretariats, and develop English language courses so that they could be accessible to all workers.

2009 SMEs Survey SCCCI conducted a thorough and definitive SMEs Survey during a 10-week period between May and July 2009. The main objective of the survey was to drill down to the most pressing needs of local SMEs. It tracked areas such as SMEs’ major business challenges and strategies in response to the economic downturn. It also gauged the effectiveness of government schemes, their interest in overseas markets, as well as the overall sentiments of the business community. The 2009 SMEs Survey was supported by SPRING Singapore. The sampling of the survey was 1,046 respondents across all business sectors. In respect of major business challenges, more than half of the respondents identified declining sales orders, followed by intensified competition and overly high business costs. A much lower percentage indicated difficulties in securing bank loans. On effectiveness of government initiatives under the Resilience Package, 64% of the respondents identified

the Jobs Credit Scheme as being most beneficial. Other areas which were well accepted by SMEs were the reduction in corporate tax, property tax rebate, and the subsidised training programmes. A most positive outcome of the survey was that, in response to the challenging economic environment, SMEs were becoming more proactive by adopting various strategies. 35% disclosed having restructured their business to deal with the downturn, while 27% chose to revamp their business model. Another 32%, seeing the need to expand and diversify their client base, had ventured into overseas markets. 28% of the respondents also recognised the importance of launching innovative products and services to keep up with constant trends. Another key finding culled from the survey was that a substantially larger percentage of respondents (41%) expressed optimism that the Asian economy would rebound in a year or even earlier, whereas only 28% felt that the global economy is likely to recover within a year. This optimism in the Asian market was reflected by another finding where China was singled out as the top destination for overseas ventures among 53% of respondents. Malaysia was the next most popular market with 41%, followed by other ASEAN countries like Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand.

Overseas Venture Survey The Chamber conducted a survey between August and September to learn about the challenges that companies face during their overseas ventures. According to the 349 respondents, 231 firms (66%) had either ventured overseas or had the intention of doing so in the future, underscoring the importance of overseas markets to SMEs. The most popular destinations for overseas ventures were listed in sequence: Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. The majority of firms which ventured into China tended to congregate in the more developed regions which had benefited from the Chinese government’s pro-business policies, namely Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Hong Kong, Bohai Rim and Mid-west region. Singapore’s small consumer market was cited by 53% of respondents as the main reason for venturing overseas, while other factors were difficulty in finding business partners, insufficient capital, shortage of manpower, economic restructuring and high rental charges. According to the survey, 70% of respondents felt that venturing overseas could aid in exploring new business opportunities, while other reasons included providing better support and services to their clients, the need to globalise operations, easier access to raw materials, and benefiting from foreign government investment initiatives. The respondents noted that the greatest obstacles to overseas ventures were unfamiliarity with overseas policies and regulations (60%) and differences in




SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng presenting the Survey on Foreign Worker Issues Report to Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong at the 2nd Trade Association Congress.

business culture (37%), while other factors were difficulty in finding suitable partners, intensifying foreign competition, managing overseas employees, difficulty in understanding consumer preferences, securing loans, escalating business costs, difficulty in getting capable local employees to relocate overseas and recruiting suitable overseas employees.

Survey on Foreign Worker Issues During the regular luncheons held at SCCCI, various Trade Association (TA) leaders provided feedback that their members were unable to fulfil their customers’ orders due to labour shortages. Despite their concerted efforts, they were unable to find suitable workers to fill many job positions. The Chamber thus embarked on a comprehensive “Survey on Foreign Worker Issues” in October and solicited feedback from 328 respondents to better understand the manpower issues faced by local companies, and investigate the root causes of the manpower shortage. According to the overall feedback from the members, the six key findings were: 1. Foreign workers are an integral part of the workforce: The proportion of foreign workers in manufacturing, wholesale and retail, and construction sectors is relatively higher; moreover these are the sectors having a large number of job vacancies. Although employers had used many channels to hire workers, they still face the difficult problem of being unable to hire enough workers. 2. The majority of employers are satisfied with the performance of foreign workers in the areas of skills level, work attitude, interaction with local colleagues and the ease of management, while only a small minority (10%) are not satisfied. However, about one-third of respondents indicated being dissatisfied with their foreign workers in the areas of customer communication and language proficiency. 3. The reason for hiring foreign workers is due to difficulty in employing locals: The majority of foreign workers were hired in jobs that are arduous and require manual work, while the low turnover rate of foreign workers results in a more stable workforce for companies. Locals are not interested in jobs with long and irregular working hours, perceived low wages, less than desirable working environment and remote working location.


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4. The majority of employers attach importance to training for foreign workers, with 78% of respondents having utilised various training methods to upgrade the skills and management capabilities of their workers. A significantly lower percentage (19.5%) of respondents put their foreign workers through training in language proficiency. 5. A mixed reaction among employers towards current government policy on foreign workers. The proportion of companies that are “satisfied” and “not satisfied” with the foreign worker quota and levy is similar at about 45% respectively; however, more than 60% of employers expressed satisfaction with the quality of services provided by government departments. 6. Suggestion to adjust the foreign worker quota for specific sectors: Specific sectors such as manufacturing and construction rely heavily on foreign labour, and play an important role in Singapore’s economy. As these sectors were unable to depend on locals to solve their labour shortage problem, a common suggestion was for the government to adjust the foreign worker quota for specific sectors. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng presented the Survey Report to Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong at the 2nd Trade Association Congress on December 3.

PUBLICATIONS 2008 Annual Report Research & Publications was responsible for compiling and editing all materials for the Annual Report, as well as coordinating the entire publication. A total of 3,800 copies of the 2008 Annual Report and 3,000 copies of the Financial Statements were printed on February 17, and subsequently distributed to all members for the Annual General Meeting held on March 12.

55th Council Members’ Directory The 55th Council of the SCCCI was installed on March 16, and Teo Siong Seng was elected as the new President. A new edition of the Council Members’ Directory, reflecting the information of existing council members and introducing new faces in the council, was published on April 15.

Chinese Enterprise An official publication of the Chamber, Chinese Enterprise fulfils not only the important role of covering strategic events organised by the Chamber but puts the pulse on developments in the local and regional economies and the world at large. This bi-monthly and


The Chamber’s key events, highlights and feature articles are presented in its flagship publication Chinese Enterprise.

bilingual publication attracts a loyal readership from within its membership and others from the business community, as it continues to improve on the quality of its feature articles, and provide salient insights and commentaries on the state of the economy. Issue 1: Commemorative dialogue with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew: Reflections on China’s 30 years of reform and opening up; Business outlook for 2009; Pre-Budget reactions and expectations Issue 2: The Installation Ceremony of the Chamber’s 55th Council, Exclusive interview with SCCCI’s President Teo Siong Seng, Budget to tame the tempest Issue 3: Being an SME in a global storm, Interview with speakers from the 11th Annual SMEs Conference

Corporate Website ( The Chamber’s corporate website is easily navigated and contains a reservoir of information updating members and the public on all the latest developments within the Chamber’s vast network. Those accessing the website can find news on significant events initiated by the Chamber and with its business partners, download selected seminar presentations, read speeches and press releases, register online for events, and be linked to many other useful sites. A new feature on the website is a side-panel dedicated to business products and services advertising.

World Chinese Business Network (

Issue 6: Gala Dinner for President Hu Jintao of the People’s Republic of China, 10th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Manila

The strength of the World Chinese Business Network (WCBN) is its database of ethnic Chinese companies around the world, which it has built up steadily over the years. A value-added feature is the concerted attempt to list the company’s headquarters as well as its overseas subsidiaries. Both public-listed companies, large privately-owned firms, and SMEs, can be found in this global listing of more than 137,764 records.


Visitors to WCBN, and those keen on the China market, can also tap on an impressive number of entries from mainland Chinese companies.

Issue 4: Business missions to Beijing and Guangdong, 13th Infocomm Commerce Conference Issue 5: Business mission to Africa, 2009 SMEs Survey

Research & Publications supports the maintenance and development of three websites, including the corporate website (, the World Chinese Business Network (, and Qiye Tong, the Chinese version of the EnterpriseOne portal (

Updated news of the Chamber’s events are highlighted in the corporate website.

A history and profile of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, founded by the Chamber in 1991, can be found in this website.

More than 137,764 ethnic Chinese enterprises and their global networks can be found in the World Chinese Business Network website.

“చ၄๡”(Qiye Tong) is the Chinese version of the EnterpriseOne portal which helps to disseminate useful information to SMEs.




Panel discussion in session at the Book Launch of the Fair Recruitment & Selection Handbook cum Seminar.

Qiye Tong ( A joint project initiated with SPRING Singapore, “చ၄๡” (Qiye Tong) is the Chinese version of the EnterpriseOne portal, which helps to disseminate useful information to SMEs on establishing and sustaining a business in Singapore. The Chamber’s role is that of translating the contents of the portal into Chinese and uploading the Chinese text onto the site. Qiye Tong provides a wealth of information on government assistance schemes and other indispensable information in respect of doing business in the Singapore environment. Due to the downturn in the economy, the site saw heightened activity during the year, as new schemes were devised for the benefit of local enterprises, and enhancements made to existing schemes. The provision of the Chinese translations in Qiye Tong thus helped to establish greater understanding of these schemes among the Chinese-educated business community.

ECONOMIC SEMINARS, DIALOGUES & EVENTS Joint Briefings with MOM and WDA During the year, the Chamber organised three seminars in collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower and WDA, with the support of EDC@SCCCI and SCCIOB, attracting 300 trade association members and businessmen. On January 13, Lau Weng Hong, Senior Assistant Director of MOM, gave a briefing on the “Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower and SPUR”, while Clarence Tan, Senior Manager of WDA, encouraged firms to utilise SPUR and send workers for training to take advantage of the course fee subsidies and absentee payroll funding. On April 22, the Chamber organised a Mandarin seminar titled “How Employers Can Benefit from the Resilience Package” and invited MOM Consultant Christabell Wong and WDA Manager Goh Kai Ling as guest speakers. Ong Yen Her, Divisional Director of MOM, David Tan, Principal Manager of WDA and Lim Sah Soon, Secretary-General of SCCCI, addressed questions posed by the participants during the discussion session. The seminar attracted 17 trade associations including Kheng Keow Coffee Merchants Restaurant & Bar-Owners Association, Singapore Chinese Drug


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Importers & Exporters Guild, Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association, Singapore Foochow Coffee Restaurant and Bar Merchants Association, Singapore Furniture Association, Singapore Furniture Industries Council, Singapore Glass Association, Singapore Hortiflora Federation, Singapore Iron Works Merchant Association, Singapore Jewellers Association, Singapore Metal and Machinery Association, Singapore Pawnbrokers’ Association, Singapore Renovation Contractors & Material Suppliers Association, Singapore Timber Association, Singapore Toys & Confectionery Dealers’ Association, Singapore-China Business Association, and Taipei Business Association in Singapore. On June 24, a seminar on “Strengthening Manpower Capabilities in the Downturn” was organised. Lim Tong Teck, Head of Tripartite Programmes, MOM, and Daniel Yap, Head of Ops Planning, MOM, and Liu Wan Phing, Senior Manager, WDA, explained the WDA’s Tripartite Guidelines, National Wages Council Guidelines, updated employment laws and the expansion of SPUR programmes.

Seminar on “Budget 2009 Highlights” On February 11, the Chamber organised a halfday seminar with PricewaterhouseCoopers at the conference room to provide a concise overview of the various financing and new tax provisions, and their impact on the local business community. Lennon Lee, Partner, and Senior Managers David Ong and Alicia Tan provided an in-depth analysis of Budget 2009 to 80 participants.

Dialogue Session with the Ministry of Trade and Industry Peter Ong, Second Permanent Secretary (Finance), and Ravi Menon, Second Permanent Secretary (Trade and Industry), held an Inter-Chamber dialogue on September 28, at the arrangement of the Chamber. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng and Vice-President Patrick Lee attended the dialogue, together with 25 representatives from 16 Chambers of Commerce. The aim of the dialogue session was to bring associations and Chambers up to speed on the content of the Economic Strategies Committee (ESC), and to solicit views on how they could contribute to the ESC process. The 16 Chambers of Commerce which attended were: Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation, The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, Belgian Luxembourg Business Group in Singapore, British Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, China Enterprises Association (Singapore), Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, European Chamber of Commerce (Singapore), Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Singapore), New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Singapore, Norwegian Business Association (Singapore), Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and Swiss Business Association Singapore.


Book Launch of the Fair Recruitment & Selection Handbook (Chinese Edition) cum Seminar The Chamber, in partnership with Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices, organised a book launch and seminar on October 8. Tracey Tang, TAFEP Deputy General Manager, and Han Keen Juan, Chairman of Old Chang Kee Ltd, were the guest speakers. This was followed by a panel discussion with MOM Divisional Director Ong Yen Her and Mr Han, moderated by Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon. After the discussion, TAFEP distributed the English and Chinese editions of the handbook to 100 participants.

Handover Ceremony of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) In preparation for the 11th WCEC in Singapore, the Chamber produced and screened a promotional video and put up a performance to showcase Singapore at the Handover Ceremony which took place in Manila on November 21. Jonathan Choi, Chairman of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, represented the WCEC Secretariat in announcing that Singapore would be the host country for the 11th WCEC in 2011. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng accepted the WCEC flag from the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry Chairman Lucio Tan. In his acceptance speech, Mr Teo noted that the WCEC was founded in Singapore in 1991, and after being hosted by Hong Kong, Thailand, Canada, Australia, China, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines, the WCEC had already been successfully held 10 times. He pointed out that the WCEC is an important platform to strengthen economic cooperation and promote mutual understanding amongst the global Chinese business community. Having been established as a grand event for the ethnic Chinese and business community in each country and region which has won the privilege of hosting the WCEC, it is a gathering celebrated by Chinese enterprises worldwide. Mr Teo felt that each host organisation has added new impetus and enhanced its content. This close-knit collaboration and synergy has succeeded in consolidating WCEC’s position as an international convention of influence and prestige. From its origin in Singapore, the Chamber will be hosting the WCEC again 20 years later. Although it would have come full circle, it also marks the beginning of a brand new journey. Mr Teo gave the assurance that the Chamber would do its utmost in preparing for the Convention.

RESOURCE LIBRARY The Chamber’s Resource Library is stocked with a diversity of current periodicals, business directories, anniversary and souvenir publications of local trade

Minister George Yeo and the entire Singapore delegation joined the performers on stage at the finale of the WCEC Handover Ceremony, welcoming all to attend the 11th WCEC in 2011.

associations, and trade and investment publications from ASEAN, East Asia, South Asia, countries belonging to the European Union, Eastern Europe, North and South America, Australia and Africa. Many of the publications are unique to the Chamber’s Resource Library, especially those belonging to the China collection. These were mainly publications presented by visiting delegations originating from fast-developing provinces in China as well as cities and counties less familiar to local businessmen.

TRADENET SERVICE TradeNet is a nationwide electronic trade documentation system that approves permit applications almost instantaneously, and SCCCI is one of the TradeNet Service Centres authorised by Singapore Customs to issue Inward and Outward permits for traders. Members making use of our TradeNet services are eligible for concessionary rates. In year 2009, a total of 759 declarations were processed through the SCCCI TradeNet Service Centre, serving the needs of local importers and exporters.

TRANSLATION SERVICES During the year, the Chamber was approached by many government agencies, listed companies, multinational corporations and SMEs to provide professional translation services, which elicited favourable feedback. Projects handled included company websites, overseas investment proposals, contracts, certification documents, and corporate promotional collateral. Many of these required translating original English content into simplified Chinese to address the needs of ventures in China, and to facilitate the submission of application procedures to the China authorities. Key translation projects handled during the year with government agencies included: Fair Employment & Selection Handbook, and publicity material for Competition Commission of Singapore.




SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng and council members touring the SMU campus together with Prof Tan Chin Tiong, Deputy President of SMU.

In 2009, the External & Strategic Affairs Committee was renamed External Relations Committee by the 55th Council to reflect its key role in maintaining good relations and cooperation with local and foreign government agencies, business organisations, foreign embassies in Singapore, media and strategic partners.

Bloomberg TV filming for China’s 60th National Day Bloomberg TV approached the Chamber for their documentary special on China’s 60th National Day. Arrangements were made for Bloomberg TV to interview our Vice-President Tan Cheng Gay for his comments on Singapore’s strong relations with China. The Chamber was featured in the documentary.

Visit to Singapore Management University Campus Singapore Management University (SMU) invited the Chamber’s 55th Council to a campus tour and networking luncheon on June 19. It was hosted by SMU’s Deputy President Prof Tan Chin Tiong along with other faculty members and senior management personnel of SMU. The council members who attended the tour and luncheon were President Teo Siong Seng, Vice-Presidents Thomas Chua and Tan Cheng Gay, Research & Publications Committee Chairman Seow Choke Meng, External Relations Committee Chairman Wan Shung Ming, Research & Publications Committee Vice-Chairman Ho Nai Chuen, External Relations Committee Vice-Chairman David Loh Tai Min, Trade Association & Membership Committee Vice-Chairman Thomas Pek, Industry Committee Vice-Chairman Tan Bock Huat, Community Affairs Committee ViceChairman Francis Phun, and council members Leong Mun Sum, Chia Weng Kaye, Chua Kee Teang and Patrick Ng. In his remarks during the networking luncheon, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng introduced the “Young Entrepreneurs Network”, a special interest group set up by the Chamber. Mr Teo also hoped that SMU staff and students could participate in events organised by the Chamber, especially in overseas missions and the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in 2011. During the luncheon, two of the SMU students who were recipients of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation Scholarship gave presentations on their tertiary learning experiences.


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101st Anniversary of Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Batu Pahat External Relations Committee Chairman Wan Shung Ming represented the Chamber to attend the 101st Anniversary of Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Batu Pahat. Held at Lian Hoe Ocean Convention Centre in Batu Pahat on October 31, the anniversary dinner was graced by the President of The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, Tan Sri William Cheng.

Gala Dinner in Honour of President Hu Jintao His Excellency Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, paid a state visit to Singapore to attend the APEC CEO Summit. In conjunction with his visit, SCCCI and co-host Business China, together with the support of the Singapore Business Federation, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, China Enterprises Association (Singapore) and Singapore China Friendship Association, organised a Gala Dinner on November 12 at the St Regis Singapore to welcome President Hu and his delegation, giving a further boost to long-standing close relations between the Chamber and China’s leaders. Among some 380 guests who attended the dinner were senior government officials and business leaders from Singapore and China, including Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng, Minister-in-Attendance and Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan, Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong, and SCCCI council members.


HE Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, delivering his speech at the Gala Dinner on November 12.

In his welcome address, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng traced the Chamber’s contributions to the strengthening of ties between Singapore and China since its inception more than a century ago. As the representative body of the Chinese business community, the Chamber has, in addition to facilitating Singapore enterprises and fellow Chambers’ foray into the China market, continued to play an active role in organising investment seminars in Singapore for China’s provincial administrations and enterprises, and providing relevant training courses catered to Chinese officials and entrepreneurs. Mr Teo also pointed out that with the shift of the global economic epicentre to Asia gathering pace, additional responsibility would be placed on China and other Asian members of the G-20, while giving them a larger say in issues relating to the IMF and World Bank. China’s growing economy would be a source of strength for Asia, giving Chinese enterprises worldwide a larger platform to showcase their capabilities. In October 2011, the Chamber would be hosting the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, based on the theme of “New World Order. New Chinese Enterprise. New Impetus”. Mr Teo thus cordially invited all Chinese business leaders from around the world to attend the convention, to explore how to take advantage of this excellent juncture in history to develop win-win partnerships.

On behalf of the Chamber, participating organisations and all guests, Mr Teo proposed a toast to President Hu for his honoured presence at the Gala Dinner.

Media Relations The External Relations Committee continued to work closely with various local and international media in 2009 to increase exposure for the wide spectrum of activities organised and managed by the Chamber and its subsidiaries. The support rendered to all other departments within the Chamber and their subsidiaries resulted in extensive coverage for most events. These included write-ups and coverage on regular events like the Lunar New Year Gathering, 42nd War Memorial Service, Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations, 44th National Day Dinner, courses offered by the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business and other important functions like the 7th SCCCI-BT Business Outlook Forum, the Chamber’s 55th Council Elections and Installation Ceremony, the Handover Ceremony at the 10th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, the Gala Dinner held in honour of His Excellency Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, and the 2nd Trade Association Congress. We also received widespread media coverage on several business sentiments surveys conducted by our Chamber, responses to new schemes and policies implemented by the government.

President Hu outlined how the exchange of human capital and increasing bilateral trade has fostered the development of a peaceful, stable and prosperous region. With the global economy showing nascent signs of growth, President Hu urged both countries to dig deep and unearth new avenues for development and collaboration, so as to be the first to take advantage of the recovery.




Participants touring the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall during the monthly Networking cum Orientation session.

Trade Association Luncheon Meetings The 55th Council advocates the fostering of close relations with the trade associations across 12 different trades and industries. Arrangements are made for the Chamber’s President and Council Members to meet up with representatives of the trade associations during regularly scheduled Trade Association Luncheon Meetings. During the year, the Chamber interacted with 59 trade associations during the luncheon meetings. These were: Singapore Fish Merchants General Association, Singapore Fruits and Vegetables Importers & Exporters Association, The Poultry Merchants’ Association, The Singapore Aquarium Fish Exporters’ Association, Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre Association, Singapore Hortiflora Federation, Singapore Furniture Association, Singapore Paint Retailers & Wholesalers Association, Singapore Timber Association, Singapore Building Materials Suppliers’ Association, Hire Purchase Finance and Leasing Association of Singapore, The Society of Modern Management, Singapore, Taipei Business Association in Singapore, Kheng Keow Coffee Merchants Restaurant & Bar-Owners Association, Provision & Sundries Merchants Association, Singapore Bakery & Confectionery Trade Association, Singapore Foochow Coffee Restaurant and Bar Merchants Association, Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association, Singapore Retail Liquor Shop Association, Singapore Toys & Confectionery Dealers’ Association, Rubber Trade Association of Singapore, Singapore Chinaware Merchants Association, Singapore Tea Importers & Exporters Association, Singapore Importers & Exporters Association, Sarawak Importers & Exporters Association, The Singapore Sugar Traders Association Ltd, Hai Su Kau Kong So (Marine and Land Products) Association, Singapore Sabah Importers & Exporters Association, Singapore General Rice Importers Association, Singapore Paper Merchants Association, Defu Manufacturers Association, Singapore Hardware & Tools


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Association, Singapore Plastic Industry Association, Singapore Sanitary Ware Importers and Exporters Association, Singapore Ship-Chandlers Association, Singapore Precision Engineering and Tooling Association, Singapore Provision Shop Friendly Association, Singapore Mini Mart Association, The Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore, Real Estate Developers’ Association of Singapore, The Singapore Aircargo Agents Association, Singapore Shipping Association, Radio & Electrical Traders Association of Singapore, Singapore Jewellers Association, Singapore Religions Goods Merchants Association, Singapore Pawnbrokers’ Association, Promotional Products & Giftware Association, Singapore Textile Centre Merchants’ Association, Singapore Textile Dealers Friendly Association, Singapore Chinese Drug Importers & Exporters Guild, Singapore Chinese Druggists Association, Singapore Chinese Medical Union, Singapore Acupuncture Association, Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association, Singapore Motor Cycle Trade Association, Singapore Photographic Trade Association, The Singapore Cycle & Motor Traders’ Association, Singapore Transport Association and Spa & Wellness Association (Singapore).

Monthly Council Networking Sessions Council networking sessions have been held on the last Friday of every month since April from 3-4.30 pm. Besides networking between council and committee members, successful businessmen and leaders from various organisations and government agencies are also invited to share their experience and business updates. The networking sessions were made available to new members in August and included a Members’ Networking cum Orientation Session, with Chamber‘s President Teo Siong Seng presenting membership certificates to the new trade association members.


(5th from left to right) Chamber President Teo Siong Seng, Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong, Chamber Vice-President Patrick Lee, (left) Commerce Committee Chairman Tay Khiam Back and (3rd from left) Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Chairman Chua Seng Chong in a group photo with speakers at the 2nd SCCCI Trade Association Congress.

The following networking sessions were held in 2009: • April 24: “Singapore 2010 Youth Olympics Games Organising Committee Presentation” by Wu Swee Sin, Principal Consutant, Marketing and Sponsorship Division of SYOGOC • May 29: “The Potential of Emerging Markets for the Shipping Industry” by Teo Siong Seng, President of SCCCI and Managing Director of Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd • July 31: Tour of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall • August 28: “H2 Market & Economic Outlook” by Joseph Tan, Asian Chief Economist, Credit Suisse • September 25: “China’s Economic Development and Vast Experience in the China Market” by Zhong Sheng Jian, Chairman of International Affairs Committee and Executive Chairman of Yanlord Holdings Pte Ltd • October 30: “Expo 2010 Shanghai China” by Ong Khim Kiat, ex-Council member • November 30: “Knowing More about Fruits & Vegetables” by Tay Khiam Back, Chairman of Commerce Committee and Managing Director of Hupco Pte Ltd • December 28: “The Community Engagement Programme in the Business and Unions Cluster” by Kelvin Ng Kwek Wee, Senior Assistant Registrar of Trade Unions Labour Relations and Workplaces Division of the Ministry of Manpower

2nd SCCCI Trade Association Congress The Chamber organised the 2nd SCCCI Trade Association Congress on December 3 at the SCCCI auditorium, and invited Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Manpower, as the guest of honour. Supported by SPRING Singapore, EDC@SCCCI, WDA and IDA, the theme was “To leverage on the power of collaborations and brainstorm on strategies for development”. The speakers for the event were SPRING Singapore Deputy Chief Executive Ted Tan, WDA Assistant Director Ng May May, and IDA Assistant Director Catherine Chong, and they shared with 400 participants the government assistance schemes available to SMEs. Neo Sia Meng, Vice-President of Singapore Furniture Industries Council, Koh Seng Chee, Director of Singapore Precision Engineering and Tools Association (SPETA) and Lee Tiong Sa, Chairman of Joint Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine, spoke about their industry experiences. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng and Minister Gan addressed questions posed by trade association members during the dialogue session. Following that, Mr Teo submitted the “Survey on Foreign Worker Issues” report to Minister Gan.

INTEREST GROUPS June Members’ Networking Event

Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN)

The SCCCI Members’ Networking Event “The ABCs of Drinking Wine” was held on June 25 at the Tien Court Restaurant in Copthorne King’s Hotel. Honorary Council Member Paul Keng spoke to 106 members and participants on wine appreciation.

The new YEN Committee was led by Trade Association and Membership Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman Thomas Pek.

September Members’ Networking Event Patricia Yang, Head of Graduate Studies at the National University of Singapore, was invited on September 17 to speak on the topic of “China Business Etiquette”. She provided insights on interpersonal relationships, the importance of guanxi, dining and meeting etiquette and protocol, and Chinese business culture, customs and manners.

The YEN Committee comprises: Advisors : Chairman : Vice-Chairman : Members :

Ong Tze Guan and Tan Sze Wee Thomas Pek Michael Goh Amos Ong, Eric Khua, Francis Peh, Jimmy Soh, Kenneth Yeo, Keoy Soo Earn, Ling Tok Hong, Lisa Teo, Angela Liu, Tess Lim and Victor Foo




Young Business Leaders “Beat the Recession”

Beneficiaries from the HELP Family Service Centre playing family bonding games with SCCCI volunteers.

With “Young, Driven, Enterprising” as its slogan, the new YEN aims to nurture caring entrepreneurs and promote the development of local enterprises. Through activities encompassing experience sharing, business networking, family and health and community welfare, YEN members can tap on the knowledge of experienced businessmen and interact with like-minded people.

Young Business Leaders (YBL), a Youth Network Committee initiative under the National Youth Council (NYC), launched the “Beat the Recession” programme on May 20. Guest of honour Teo Ser Luck, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development, Youth and Sports and Transport, urged all YBL members and SCCCI Trade Association representatives to pledge their support. Singapore-China Young Ambassadors Exchange Business Training Programme Visit The Chamber hosted eight Singapore-China Young Ambassadors on September 18, allowing them to develop a deeper understanding of the Chamber’s history and services provided. The participants also exchanged views on issues such as business culture and urban planning in both countries.

Changes to the age limit of YEN members During its first meeting on May 6, the YEN committee decided to raise the age limit from the existing 40 to 45 years. However, the age upon joining YEN will be taken into account. For example, members who join at age 43 would not be required to relinquish membership upon turning 45. This change aims to increase the network’s reach. The other membership requirement, for a start-up company to have less than 5 years of establishment, remains unchanged. YEN Experience Sharing Session: “Starting and Growing Your Business” Nanz Chong-Komo, founder of the homegrown brand “ONE.99shop”, gave a presentation on “Starting and Growing Your Business” to 70 members in an experience sharing session on August 28. Ms Chong shared her experiences on establishing and managing her multimillion dollar business, and dealing with the setbacks from her business failure.

CWG founder Claire Chiang was appointed to head the CWG Committee under the 55th Council. The committee comprises: Chairperson : Claire Chiang Vice-Chairperson : Quek Soo Boon Members : Ang Soo Buay, Jennifer Lim, Lily Kuo, Adeline Ting, Sharon Chin and Serena Yong January Luncheon Sharing Session – An Appreciation of Chinese Literature

Bowling Session

The CWG and the Culture & Education Committee held a joint luncheon for 40 members on January 12. Prof Ding Fan and Prof Xu Xing Wu, Dean and Vice-Dean of Nanjing University, touched on the distinctive features, composition and the history of Chinese culture.

YEN conducted 3 bowling sessions on September 3, October 16 and December 16, allowing its members to network in a relaxed setting.

May Luncheon Sharing Session – Leadership during the Downturn

Nocturnal Fall-In @ Helipad YEN’s first business networking at Helipad, The Central, drew 88 participants on November 26. WOW Day with HELP Families – A YEN Community Project YEN organised its first community project in collaboration with HELP Family Service Centre at Sentosa One°15 Marina Club on December 20, where 49 HELP beneficiaries went on an exclusive yacht ride and played a series of family bonding games led by 30 SCCCI volunteers.


Career Women’s Group (CWG)

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Amy Tan, Director of Centre for Organisational Effectiveness, was invited to speak at the luncheon sharing session for 30 participants on May 20. Ms Tan shared human resource management tips such as improving communication within the organisation and staff secondments to other departments or subsidiaries. July Luncheon Sharing Session – Inspirations from Ng Gim Choo Ng Gim Choo, Founder and Group Managing Director of EtonHouse Group, shared her life experiences with 60 members on July 22. Ms Ng asserted that any decision made for a child’s education should be beneficial to the child and be affordable.


International Women’s Day Celebration Event In celebration of International Women’s Day, CWG supported an event organised by Lianhe Zaobao titled “Viva La Rose”. Panelists for the event included CWG Chairperson Claire Chiang, Representative of the Taipei Representative Office in Singapore Vanessa Shih, former Mediacorp artiste Jaclyn Tay, Miss Singapore World 1988 Teo Ser Lee and Paragon Medical Centre Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Yeo Seem Huat. Referring to the theme “Every turning point is a miracle”, Ms Chiang stressed that women could harness their individual strengths to play a useful role in society. Appealing to all women to stay true to their values while setting achievable targets, she emphasised that “action is greater than words”, and that not trying is a greater sin than failure. Visit to the Women’s Prison In support of the Yellow Ribbon Project, CWG organised a visit to the Changi Women’s Prison on November 5 to explore how CWG members could contribute, such as providing skills training or job placements to the rehabilitation service inmates. Work-Life Conference 2009 The Chamber, in collaboration with the Tripartite Committee on Work-Life Strategy, Employer Alliance, Lianhe Zaobao, and ASME, held a conference on August 27 at Suntec City Convention Centre. The guest of honour for the event was Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Manpower. The conference advocated that creating a worklife balance would greatly benefit both employees and employers; companies should respond more to changing business needs through flexible work arrangements; productivity levels will be raised when employees are more committed and motivated; and companies can, in turn, gain a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining valued employees.

CWG Chairperson Claire Chiang presenting a token of appreciation to Ng Gim Choo, Founder and Group MD of EtonHouse Group.

Singing Class “Happy Lunar New Year” Concert A Singing Concert held at the SCCCI auditorium on February 7 was attended by 300 guests. Mandarin Sentimental Hits Singing Class The Chamber conducted the 25th-30th series of the Mandarin Sentimental Oldies Singing Class, involving an average of 46 students per series. The teaching instructor, Liu Xiaohong, taught Hong Kong and Taiwanese hits popular during the 70s to 90s. Chinese Folk Songs Singing Class The Chamber ran the 35th-39th series of the Chinese Folk Songs Singing Class, with an average enrolment of 29 students per series. “Touching Melodies” Concert The Chinese Folk Songs Singing Class put up a concert on November 28 to commemorate its 9th Anniversary, attracting an audience of 400.

Claire Chiang, Chairperson of Employer Alliance, gave a talk on “Work-Life Integration in Singapore”. Other conference speakers included Li Zhenhua, Sales & Marketing Director, Haier Group; Henry Chu, General Manager, Retail Sales & Operations, Singapore Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd; and Roland Ng, CEO, Tat Hong Holdings Ltd and International Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman.




Delegates at the opening ceremony of the 13th ICC.

13th Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC) The Chamber, in partnership with IDA Singapore, organised the 13th annual Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC) on August 20 at Suntec Singapore. Under the theme “What’s Next for Your Business? Do More with Less”, 2,000 delegates interacted with industry experts and business leaders, sharing effective ways to survive the economic crisis. “Cut Costs, Not IT!”, “Respond Quicker and Smarter”, and “Strive, Not Just Survive the Downturn” were the key messages of the ICC, helping SMEs to understand and assess their business performance, strengthen their existing resources and capabilities, and stay ahead of the competition. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng pointed out in his opening address that the SME Infocomm Resource Centre (SIRC@SCCCI) had achieved commendable results since its inception in the previous year. He added that plans were underway to expand and

strengthen SMEs’ use of infocomm technology through SIRC@SCCCI, and that the Chamber intends to roll out even more targeted initiatives to help SMEs in infocomm technology adoption. Guest of honour, Sam Tan, Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA) and Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), announced during the opening ceremony that the government would be launching an assistance scheme for SMEs to purchase accounting software. Four forums were held concurrently during the ICC: • The Critical Crossroads: What’s Next? Technology Committee Chairman Stephen Lim chaired the panel which comprised SingTel Vice-President for Business Bill Chang; IDA Singapore Industry Development Group Senior Director Andrew Khaw; Hewlett-Packard Singapore Vice-President and Managing Director Tan Yen Yen; and Villa RainTree Pte Ltd Chairman Francis Phun.

The “Get Help @ Government Pavilion” saw six government agencies providing on-site consultation to delegates on the various assistance and upgrading schemes.


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Speakers from “The Critical Crossroads: What’s Next?” forum answering questions from the floor.

• Marketing & Market Development Speakers included Chartered Institute of Marketing Fellow Daniel Ng; StrategiCom Pte Ltd Principal Consultant Jacky Tai; Freelance Blogger & Technopreneur Aaron Nicholas Khoo; Google Southeast Asia Regional Marketing Manager Cathy Tang; and Visionedge Ventures Group CEO & Founder Goh Chin Teck, who shared on developments in new media online marketing. • Do More with Less with Effective End-Point Strategy Chaired by Symantec, the forum touched on reducing end-point complexity and costs while dramatically improving security for businesses. • Grow Your Business. Not Your Costs. Asia-Pacific Vice-President Andrew Knott and Purpleclick Media Pte Ltd Managing Director Leonard Tan spoke about how firms can manage ICT and focus on development without huge financial and manpower investment. Two English forums were held in the afternoon: • Management @ Your Fingertips Dr William Lee, Technology Planning & Operations Management Group Associate Research Scientist, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing; Dirk Dumortier, Asia Technology & Support Operations Enterprise Business Group Vice-President, Alcatel-Lucent Singapore Pte Ltd; Matsuzaki Hisazumi, Senior Management Consultant, Central Japan Industries Association; Radha Yogendran, Business & Service Excellence Principal Assessor, SPRING Singapore; and Kenneth Li, Senior Solutions Consultant, Kingdee International Software Group Co Ltd, gave participants an in-depth analysis of the best practices in resource management and value-added processes to enhance manufacturing and supply chain functions. • Be Money-wise: Stretching Your Dollars and $ense DP Information Network Pte Ltd General Manager Ong Siew Kim; HSBC Singapore Global Payments & Cash

Management Regional Sales Senior Vice-President Jeffrey Ngui; SingTel Alatum Deputy Director Clement Lim; and Melioris Pte Ltd CEO Mak Chee Wah, presented on proper finance management in today’s everchanging business environment. • Mandarin Technology Workshops The following presentations were delivered during the workshops by speakers including IDA Singapore Assistant Director Catherine Chong – “How Can Infocomm Technology Assist in Your Business Growth”; Lenovo Strategies and Products Marketing Executive Director Alina Wang – “How to Take Advantage of Green Technology and Cut Business Costs”; Google Southeast Asia Sales Representative Pearl Yao – “Searching for Opportunities Amidst the Crisis”; Kingdee International Software Group Co Ltd Asia Pacific Deputy General Manager Karen Ji – “The Art of Enterprise Development and Management”; SingTel Senior Manager Susan Loh – “Increase Productivity and Reduce Costs Through Technology”; PurpleClick Media General Manager Stanley Tay – “How Should SMEs Implement Effective Marketing Strategies to Expand Business During Crisis”. • “Get Help @ Government Pavilion” Six government agencies, namely IDA Singapore, IE Singapore, Competition Commission of Singapore, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, Singapore Workforce Development Agency and SPRING Singapore, provided on-site consultation to delegates on the various assistance and upgrading schemes offered by the government. In addition, IDA Singapore and Red Hat Pte Ltd organised seminars on the side, attracting close to 100 participants each. More than 50 infocomm industry players took part in the Solutions & Business Innovation Gallery, showcasing the latest products and IT solution packages. The Conference also attracted business delegations from Malaysia, namely The Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor, Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Johor Bahru Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Kulai.




SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS / FORUMS / SITE VISITS English Seminar on “How to be a Smarter SME” Rednano organised a seminar with the support of the Chamber on January 8 for 30 SMEs to get insights to maximise their marketing budget and achieve effective results by marketing through search engines. It is an effective online marketing tool for SMEs, and allows companies to extend their reach through online marketing features, such as creating a “Pay Per Click” campaign for their business.

Technology Learning Workshop on “Expanding Your Business Overseas with BuySingapore” The Chamber and IE Singapore jointly organised workshops on February 11 and April 3 at the SCCIOB Computer Lab. These workshops focused on how Singapore-based enterprises can use BuySingapore to search, match and connect with overseas businesses in a cost effective manner. Each session attracted 20 participants who discovered how they could showcase their products and services to international markets through BuySingapore’s e-platform.

Technology Learning Workshop on “Run Your Business Smarter During Downturns” Technology Learning Workshop on “How to Re-strategise Your Business and Achieve Cost Efficiency through the E-Commerce” The Chamber and StarHub jointly organised a workshop on January 22, to share with 30 participants how businesses and entrepreneurs can re-strategise their traditional operations in order to stay competitive. The workshop focused on using the Internet to construct a sustainable business model and cast a wider net to capture a larger group of customers during the recession, and achieving it without a large investment. eBay also discussed with the participants on adopting appropriate e-commerce strategies.

Post Seminar On “The Green PC Event” Lenovo organised the event with the Chamber’s support on January 21 at The Living Room, Rochester Park. This event was part of Lenovo’s educational and sharing session on how companies can save on their utilities and energy bills by using energy-efficient personal computers, and promote good corporate social responsibility by caring for the environment.

Technology Learning Workshop on “Hands-on Experience on Open Office: An Alternative Software to Maximise Business Cost Savings” The Chamber organised a session for 28 SCCCI members on February 4 at the IOB Computer Lab, where participants learnt about the functions of Open Office and how it could reduce business costs.

Technology Learning Workshop on “Netting More Customers: Increase Sales by Leveraging on Your Website” The Chamber and PurpleClick Media jointly organised a total of five sessions on February 10, March 10, April 14, June 9 and July 7 at the IOB Computer Lab. Each session attracted between 20-30 participants who evaluated their website readiness for online marketing and learnt about search engine marketing which is one of the most effective tools to obtain qualified leads.


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More than 60 participants attended the workshop jointly organised by our Chamber and Adobe Systems on February 26. It focused on how local enterprises should run their business better and smarter than their competitors.

English Seminar on “Integrate IT Technology Effectively to Stay Ahead in Difficult Times” The Chamber partnered Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and StarHub to jointly organise a seminar on March 26, to share the essential “What” and “How” on integrating IT effectively to improve business productivity, customer relationship management, and sales processes. More than 40 participants also learnt how to respond to opportunities swiftly in this uncertain market.

English Seminar on “How to Leverage on Office Tools to Achieve Business Efficiency” On March 30, the Chamber and Microsoft Singapore organised a half-day workshop for 30 participants on how SMEs can use Microsoft Office 2007 to develop sales-centric marketing materials and proposals, and organise effective promotional campaigns for their customers by designing eye-catching collaterals.

English Seminar on “The Remedy to Manage Email in Your Business” The Chamber and Symantec jointly organised a seminar on April 20 to share with 30 local SMEs on how they can manage vast number of emails at a low cost while reducing business risks. They also learnt about the storage costs for email and electronic information, the risks of not having a proper storage system in place, and methods for email storage which are both cost-effective and practical.

English Seminar on “Be a Lean Organisation in Good and Bad Times” Recognising the need for businesses to identify and eliminate non value-added activities in the production process, the Chamber and SIMTech organised a seminar to help 32 local businesses streamline their production practices.


Technology Learning Workshop on “Make Smart Decisions with Right-on-Time Information”

Seminar on “New Solutions for New Economy – Smart Business Protection For Every Trade”

The Chamber and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore (ICPAS) jointly organised a workshop on May 7 for 32 companies on using Microsoft Excel to generate real-time information.

The Chamber and Alatum jointly organised a seminar on September 9 where speakers shared with 67 participants how local enterprises can tap on technology without having to purchase it but instead, pay on a utility basis using the “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model. The SaaS model eliminates the need for companies to manage and maintain their own software licences, patches and updates, while significantly reducing software costs.

English Seminar on “Emerging Green Technology for SMEs” The Chamber and UniSIM organised a seminar on May 13 to explain the concept of Green Technology. The long-term benefits, opportunities in the various industries and help for SMEs to adopt a green revolution to achieve business sustainability were shared with 31 participants.

Briefing Session on “IDA Infocomm@SME programme – How can infocomm grow your business?” As part of the Chamber’s Government Engagement Series, IDA held English and Mandarin briefing sessions, on June 17 and 30 respectively, on their technology adoption programme and assistance for SMEs. These briefing sessions allowed members to have a better understanding of the enhanced schemes and programmes rolled out by IDA to help SMEs leverage on IT. A total of 80 participants attended both sessions.

English Seminar on “CPF Must-Know and CPF e-Submission” In conjunction with the SCCCI Government Engagement Series, the Chamber and the Central Provident Fund (CPF) jointly organised a briefing session on September 25. CPF representatives briefed 40 participants on issues pertaining to employment and how CPF e-submission can help save time and money for employers.

English Seminar on “Go Wider, Deeper, Smarter with Marketing to grow your business” The Chamber organised a seminar on September 29 where experts in the marketing field were invited to share with 50 participants how combining Web and social networking tools with traditional marketing engines can help in understanding customer needs.

English Seminar on “Making Smart Business Decisions on the Go” The Chamber, StarHub and Nokia jointly organised a seminar on July 15 to share how local enterprises, be it a start-up or growing enterprise, can manage and strengthen their business through email communications. The 80 participants learnt about using the right communication tools and solutions to enable employees to work even when they are not physically in the office, in addition to various tips and tricks. Teo Ser Lee, Founder and Director of Protocol Academy Pte Ltd, also shared with SMEs on the importance of creating a positive first impression to their customers and suppliers.

Briefing Session on “Government Assistance Programmes for Enterprises” Officers from SPRING Singapore presented to 35 corporate members on the wide range of programmes that it offers to meet the needs of enterprises at different stages of development. Details including funds and market intelligence, and building a company’s capabilities in branding, technology innovation, service and management, were shared at the seminar on October 1 so that they could tap on the government’s network of resources to fast track growth.

English Seminar on “How Well Do You Protect Your Company Data?”

English Seminar on “Smart Financial Solutions for Challenging Times”

The Chamber organised a seminar on July 16 to share with 40 member companies how businesses can protect their company’s confidential data in a cost-effective way.

The Chamber and Alatum co-organised a seminar on October 6 for speakers to share with 51 participants on how enterprises could use web-based software or SaaS for finance management, improve profitability and business growth. Enterprises can concentrate on their core business without fretting over software management issues.

English Seminar on “IP Consult – Intellectual Property for SMEs” The Chamber and the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) jointly organised a seminar on September 3 which consisted of a group dialogue among the 36 participants and individual consultations.

English Seminar on “Get Ready to Take Advantage of the Economy When it Recovers” With the support of the Chamber, Canon held a Forum on October 14-15 for 200 participants, focusing on how local enterprises can take advantage of the latest technology and digital solutions to enhance their business operations.




Participants at the Alatum seminar which introduced the latest trend in SaaS.

Technology Learning Workshop on “Cut Costs – Save Money with SaaS” The Chamber and SingTel jointly organised a workshop on October 19 to demonstrate to 20 participants the usefulness of web-based HR applications and SaaS, and ways to improve productivity in HR capital management.

English Seminar on “Let Your Business Take Off with Alatum Software-as-a-Service” The Chamber, in collaboration with Alatum, held a seminar on October 20, introducing to 40 attendees an online survey platform for data protection; using mobile business applications software; and harnessing the workforce to improve productivity.

English Seminar on “Common Errors in GST Reporting & How Accounting Software Applications Can Improve Your Financial Practices” The Chamber, together with IRAS and IDA, jointly organised a seminar on November 5 to brief 62 participants on the key concepts and responsibilities of a GST registered company; common reporting errors; correct tax treatments; how accounting software can ease tax submission, and the Infocomm@SME Accounting Software Assistance Scheme.

SITE VISITS Site Visit to Canon Solutions Centre The Chamber conducted site visits to the Canon Solutions Centre on February 12, March 23, April 7 and June 18 to help members discover new IT solutions. IT innovations which aimed to facilitate the workflow process between paper and digital documents were demonstrated to between 20 to 50 participants at each visit.


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English Seminar on “Staying in the Technology Development Trail: Is It Possible in Tough Times?” cum Site Visit to Ngee Ann Polytechnic Technology Centre The Chamber and Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), with the support of SPRING Singapore, jointly organised a seminar on April 15 to let 60 participants observe the technology and research capabilities of NP, and the R&D collaborations between the school and private sector. The participants also visited the Centre of Innovation for Photonics & Nanotechnology, Digital Signal Processing Centre, Watt’s Up @ EE, Solar Technology Centre, and Design & Rapid Prototyping Centre. The seminar covered topics such as “Technology Development @ SoE & Models for Collaboration” by Hang Kim Yam, Director (Technology Development); “The Centre of Innovation for Photonics & Nanotechnology” by Chan Kwan Yew, Director; “Collaboration in Applied Research and Development – Digital Audio & Video Broadcast Technology” by Chua Beng Koon, Centre Manager, Digital Signal Processing Centre, SoE; “From Product Innovation to Commercialisation - Bringing a Product from the Lab to the Market” by Lek-Lim Geok Choo, Deputy Director, Electrical Engineering Division, SoE; and “Government Assistance Programme for Research & Development” by Jeya K. Menon, Senior Manager, SPRING Singapore.

Site Visit to Cisco Customer Briefing Centre On June 12, the Chamber led 44 corporate members to the Cisco Customer Briefing Centre. Participants gained first-hand insights of Cisco’s technology expertise, cost-effective business solutions and “crisis-friendly” offerings.


Site Visit to SingTel Business Solutions Centre The Chamber organised another site visit to the SingTel Business Solutions Centre on September 25. The 25 participants learnt the art of leveraging on ICT to improve productivity via automation of employees’ salaries and annual leave, and exploiting technology to work with overseas partners while minimising travel expenses.

Seminar cum Site Visit to Ngee Ann Polytechnic School of Infocomm Technology With the support of IDA Singapore, the Chamber and Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) jointly organised an event for 66 participants on October 14 to explore the technology research capabilities of NP, and the R&D collaborations between the school and private sector. IDA presented on the various technology assistance schemes which encourages local SMEs to utilise ICT to expand business. At the same time, NP showcased their latest technology projects such as a visitor tracking and management system, and biometric palm vein attendance system.

Technology Chairman Stephen Lim added that the Chamber has traditionally focused more on organising IT awareness and educational programmes for its members and SMEs. With the establishment of SIRC@SCCCI, the Chamber could step up its efforts to facilitate IT adoption among SMEs. It could play a crucial role, as a representative body for SMEs, in bridging the gap between the IT industry’s offerings and the SMEs’ ability and “know-how”. The Chamber could also collate feedback from its extensive pool of members to develop a supplier validation system, allowing SMEs to have peace of mind when adopting IT. IDA CEO Ronnie Tay commended our Chamber on its strong presence and wide network in the SME community, and having earned a reputation as a trusted partner. He added that IDA would continue to leverage on SIRC@SCCCI to facilitate IT adoption in SMEs, eliminate miscommunications during the learning stage and reduce barriers for IT adoption. He also disclosed plans to develop SIRC@SCCCI to be the definitive source for SMEs in IT learning, evaluation of IT solutions and services, and recommendation of IT solutions.

OTHERS SIRC@SCCCI SIRC@SCCCI has been pushing hard to elevate SMEs’ awareness level in adopting ICT. As of December 2009, over 3,768 SMEs have benefited by gaining expertise knowledge of business-related technology, meeting the target set by IDA Singapore.

IDA-SCCCI Luncheon Meeting On July 2, the Chamber met with IDA for a luncheon meeting, and the guests included Ronnie Tay, CEO; Andrew Khaw, Senior Director, Industry Development Group; Samantha Fok, Director, SME; Low Aik Lim, Deputy Director, Enterprise Development; and Catherine Chong, Assistant Director, SME. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng thanked IDA for its strong support and partnership with our Chamber to heighten the IT awareness and adoption among SMEs. During the current economic downturn, he said that the Chamber would increase its efforts to support SMEs which have limited resources, and urged IDA to jointly explore SME outreach programmes and initiatives to reach its large business network of over 35,000 SMEs.




Delegation from Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province

The International Affairs Committee received a total of 71 trade delegations and guests from various countries and regions in 2009. Delegations from the PRC comprised 65%, with the others coming from Europe, Latin America, India, the Middle East and Asia. The interaction with our foreign guests and visitors allowed the Chamber to gain valuable insights into overseas markets, establish closer ties and strengthen bilateral cooperation to facilitate effective business matchmaking of members with relevant delegations.

A 22-member delegation led by Wang Nanjian, Mayor, the People’s Government of Jiangmen City, was in Singapore on November 3-5. The purpose of the visit was to promote investment opportunities and the latest business policies in Jiangmen City, as well as foster closer economic ties between the Chamber and Jiangmen City.

Delegation from State of Santa Catarina, Brazil A 7-member delegation led by Alcantaro Correa, President of the Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (FIESC), paid a courtesy visit to the Chamber on April 1. The delegation was accompanied by HE Paulo Alberto da Silveira Soares, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil and Carlos Brian Pheysey, Trade Advisor for the Embassy of Brazil. The objective of the mission was to update the Chamber on the latest economic developments in Santa Catarina and promote investment opportunities between Brazil and Singapore. Mr Correa, President of the FIESC, also invited the Chamber to lead a Singapore business delegation to Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Delegation from the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Sun Zhaohua, Deputy Director-General, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA), led a 5-member delegation to Singapore on July 27-29. The delegation members included Wan Jinfa, Director of Secretariat, China Association for International Exchange of Personnel, and Wang Chunzong, Director, SAFEA.

Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng received the delegation on November 4. In his welcome address, Mr Teo thanked Mr Wang for his warm hospitality in receiving the Singapore delegation to Jiangmen City in July. He informed the delegation that the 4th issue of Chinese Enterprise also reported on the SCCCI Business Mission to Guangdong Province, with a special introduction of Jiangmen City’s economic and investment potential, encouraging Singapore businesses to take advantage of the new business opportunities brought about by Guangdong’s “double transfer” policy. Mr Teo said that the Jiangmen mission helped Singapore companies to gain a deeper understanding of Jiangmen and identify potential business opportunities and partners. With the acceleration of economic restructuring in Guangdong Province, he felt that this would definitely bring about more partnerships between the two countries. Echoing this sentiment, Mr Wang hoped that the Chamber’s members would take advantage of the business opportunities, and invited the Chamber to organise more business missions to Jiangmen City.

NETWORKING AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Yunnan Province Business Investment Seminar

Accompanied by Shen Jianhua and Wang Jing, representatives from the SAFEA (Singapore Office), the 5-member delegation paid a courtesy visit to the Chamber on July 28. During the meeting, Chamber’s Vice-President Patrick Lee thanked the SAFEA for it’s guidance and assistance offered to SCCIOB in conducting training development programmes between Singapore and China. The delegation also toured the Secretariat, conference facilities and SCCIOB.


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At the invitation of the Chamber, Zhang Xinming, Deputy Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Yunnan, led a 7-member delegation responsible for the “7th ASEAN-China Investment Southwest Projects Conference” to Singapore on March 22-23. With the assistance of the Chamber, the delegation held a seminar to brief 40 local businessmen on the economic developments, investment climate and numerous investment projects in Yunnan Province. The seminar also introduced the “7th ASEAN-China Investment Southwest Projects Conference” to be held in Kunming on June 5-6.


Chamber leaders meeting Chinese representatives during the visit to Beijing.

Seminar on “Grow Your Business with IE Singapore” The Chamber and IE Singapore jointly organised two seminars on April 8 and June 10, which attracted 300 and 150 participants respectively. Both sessions provided an overview of market intelligence sources and the suite of assistance programmes and schemes IE Singapore offers to help companies succeed in their overseas ventures. At the seminar, various schemes and services offered by IE Singapore were presented, including IE Advisory Centre – Your First Stop to Internationalisation, BuySingapore – Gateway to the World, Exporters Development Programme, Cash Flow Management, – Connecting Global Experts with Singapore-Based Companies, Malaysia-Singapore Third Country Business Development Fund (MSBDF), Tax Incentive Schemes, Facilitating Access to Capital for Internationalisation and Developing Capabilities for Internationalisation.

“Survive and Thrive Abroad Breakfast Series” On October 2, the Chamber held its inaugural breakfast session at the board room, inviting prominent and successful businessmen to share their experiences in doing business abroad. The speakers were International Affairs Committee Chairman Zhong Sheng Jian (Executive Chairman, Yanlord Holdings Pte Ltd), and International Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman Roland Ng (CEO, Tat Hong Holdings Ltd). Mr Zhong shared with 30 members his experience in building Yanlord Holdings in China. He felt that for overseas companies to gain a strong foothold in China, developing product and services innovation and enterprise management is as important as developing relationships (guanxi). A business leader must have the foresight and vision to exploit Singapore’s branding and excellent management skills to seize potential business opportunities. Mr Ng spoke about the challenges faced by Tat Hong in the initial stage of its China ventures. He related how he had recognised the huge market potential for

cranes and heavy equipment in China, and secured partnerships with China companies to expand its market share. Mr Ng also explained how he had leveraged on new technologies such as financial management software and Global Positioning System (GPS), enabling decision-makers like himself to manage the business through mobile communications, while implementing a “flexible management model” in the company.

BUSINESS MISSIONS / DELEGATION TO THE 10TH WORLD CHINESE ENTREPRENEURS CONVENTION Business Mission to Beijing The Chamber organised an 8-member business mission delegation to Beijing on July 13-15. Led by President Teo Siong Seng, the delegation members included Vice-Presidents Patrick Lee and Tan Cheng Gay, External Relations Committee Chairman Wan Shung Ming, International Affairs Committee Chairman Zhong Sheng Jian, General Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman Chan Hock Keng and Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon. The objective of the mission was to strengthen relations between the Chamber and various Chinese economic and trade departments. The delegation paid a courtesy visit to Zhou Tienong, Vice-Committee Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC); Zhong Shan, Deputy Director, China Commerce Department; Zha Peixin, Vice-Director, China National People’s Congress Foreign Affairs Committee; Wan Jifei, President, China International Trade Promotion Committee; Huang Mengfu, Chairman, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce; Sun Zhaohua, Deputy Director, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs; and Xu Yousheng, Deputy Director, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. During the visit, the Chinese leaders acknowledged the Chamber’s contributions to the development of economic and business relations between China and Singapore, and commended the Chamber’s initiative on the mission to Beijing and Guangdong led by Mr Teo.




After taking office in the 55th Council, President Teo led the inaugural business mission to Guangdong Province.

In 2011, the Chamber will be organising two major events – the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Chinese Revolution. The mission to Beijing also sought the support of various Chinese agencies for these two events.

technology, printing & packaging, seasoning & food manufacturing, electronics, shipping, logistics, banking & finance, legal services, sanitary products, education, container manufacturing, shipbuilding, investment and consultancy, and building construction, amongst others.

Business Mission to Guangdong – Guangzhou, Jiangmen and Zhuhai

• Guangzhou

At the invitation of the Guangdong Provincial Government, Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Lui Tuck Yew led a delegation to Guangdong on July 15 for the inaugural meeting of the Singapore-Guangdong Collaboration Council. In conjunction with this official visit, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng led a 63-member business delegation to Guangdong, visiting the cities of Guangzhou, Jiangmen and Zhuhai. This was the first mission led by Mr Teo since his installation as SCCCI President. China was chosen as the first destination for the business mission to reflect the strong and longstanding ties between China and the Chamber. The objectives of the Business Mission were as follows: (1) To obtain updates on latest developments in Guangdong’s business environment; (2) To explore and identify key sectors for joint collaboration between companies in Singapore and the various cities in Guangdong, capitalising on the opportunities arising from the restructuring of the provincial economy; (3) To facilitate networking with key industry players, senior officials from state government and representatives from Guangdong; (4) To develop new areas of cooperation between mission delegates and their counterparts and government officials from Guangdong. The large delegation comprising 56 companies represented a diversity of industries including hardware and machinery, timber, garment manufacturing, property development, building materials, infocomm


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Upon the arrival of the Singapore delegation in Guangdong, the Guangdong Provincial Government hosted a welcome dinner for the delegation at the Shangri-la Hotel. The next day, the delegation had a guided tour of Guangzhou Toyota, Nansha IT Park and Guangdong Port’s Nansha Terminal which was undergoing its second phase of development. Following that, the delegation attended a networking lunch hosted by Guangzhou Nansha Economic and Technical Development Zone Management Committee at the Nansha Grand Hotel. The delegation also visited Foshan Dongping New City where Foshan Deputy Mayor Li Zifu presented an overview of the future economic development and investment environment in Dongping New City. In the evening, the delegation attended a networking dinner hosted by the Guangzhou Municipal Government at the Garden Hotel. • Zhuhai The delegation attended the groundbreaking ceremony of Zhuhai Yanlord Marina Centre. Following that, the delegation attended a networking lunch hosted by Xiangzhou District People’s Government. The delegation also participated in a briefing and industrial tour of Zhuhai National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone and a networking dinner hosted by Zhuhai City Mayor Zhong Shijian. In addition, the delegates attended a dialogue session with the Gaolan Port Management Council at Zhuhai Haiquan Hotel Ballroom and visited the facilities of Gaolan Port and Hengqin Island. • Jiangmen On their journey to Jiangmen city, the delegates visited Jiangmen Dascom Computer Peripheral Co Ltd in Jiangmen Industrial Park and China’s largest motorcycle production plant, Da Chang Jiang Group Company, located in the Pengjiang region.


Led by Minister of State Lee Yi Shyan (centre), SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng (3rd from left) and IE Singapore CEO Chong Lit Cheong (2nd from right), the Chamber and IE Singapore jointly organised a 22-member delegation to Nigeria and South Africa.

Upon arrival at Jiangmen city, the Singapore delegates attended an economic and trade conference organised by the Jiangmen Municipal People’s Government, followed by a welcome dinner hosted by the organisers.

Established brands such as Lee Kum Kee have also expanded their business following structural changes in Guangdong’s industrial sector, and the company’s success story is a good case study for local businesses. Signing of the “Knowledge City” MOU by three parties

• Kaiping The delegation continued the mission programme to Cuishan Lake New District to study the investment environment of Kaiping city. The programme included a visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Site – Liyuan Garden. Officials also gave an introduction on Taishan city and its favourable investment policies for overseas businesses. This business mission to Guangzhou was extremely fruitful: Guangdong’s “Double Transfer” strategy providing investment opportunities for Singapore businesses From this business mission, the delegation gained valuable insights into the “double transfer” strategy – involving the transfer of industries and manpower – and identified the great potential of doing business in Guangdong. The “double transfer” strategy aims to transfer labour-intensive industry from the Pearl River Delta to less developed regions (such as the mountainous area in North Guangdong province). Workers from the less developed areas are encouraged to work in secondary and tertiary industries in the less developed regions, while highly skilled workers are encouraged to seek employment in the more developed Pearl River Delta. In addition to the Guangdong Municipal People’s Government’s plan to invest 500 billion yuan, the government also warmly welcomed foreign investors to help in the transformation of the region. In the past, Singapore businesses were mainly familiar with Eastern Guangdong. Over the years, however, the manufacturing industry has been greatly pressured by its rising labour costs. Through this business mission, the delegation was able to discover new regions in Guangdong with immense business potential.

The MOU signing for “Knowledge City” was the highlight of the business mission. Under the MOU, the Chamber will recommend and encourage corporate members to seize opportunities for investment and collaboration in the development of Guangdong “Knowledge City”. The Chamber will provide business management training services for the Guangdong Development District (GDD), while the GDD will organise visits to industries and government agencies for the Chamber. Promote talent exchange and networking between China and Singapore Through this business mission, the delegates were able to witness the rapid economic development in Guangdong. The development of the Guangdong Knowledge City would increase bilateral cooperation in areas such as talent development and help Guangzhou develop knowledge-based industries by leveraging on Singapore’s experience. In recent years, many cities in China have undergone rapid infrastructure upgrading, while the training of management professionals has lagged. The Chamber hopes that these training courses and frequent interactions would lead to stronger ties, and groom outstanding individuals with an intimate knowledge of the business environment of Singapore and Guangdong.

Business Mission to Africa – South Africa and Nigeria SCCCI and IE Singapore jointly organised a Business Mission to South Africa and Nigeria on October 11-16. This business mission was led by Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Manpower and Trade & Industry, together with Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng and IE Singapore’s CEO Chong Lit Cheong.




Singapore’s High Commissioner to South Africa HE Bernard Baker, Singapore’s High Commissioner to Nigeria HE Shabbir H. Hassanbhai, and Singapore’s Honorary Consul-General to Nigeria Haresh Aswani, also joined the business mission. The delegation comprised 26 companies, representing industries such as shipping, hardware and machinery, container manufacturing, warehousing, depots and logistics services, printing & packaging, heavy equipment and parts, property development, supply of specialty steels & heat treatment services, banking & finance, manufacturing, infocomm and stationery supply, oil & gas, and building construction, amongst others. The objectives of the mission include obtaining updates on the latest developments in both countries’ business environment; explore and identify key sectors for joint collaborations; capitalising on opportunities arising from the opening-up of the economies; facilitate networking with key industry players, senior officials from the state government and representatives from both countries; and develop new areas of cooperation between mission delegates and government officials from both countries. • Nigeria The programme in Nigeria included the SingaporeNigeria Business & Investment Forum, PIL-Hull Blyth MOU Signing Ceremony and a one-to-one Business Matching and Networking session. Pacific International Lines (PIL) will be investing US$15 million to build a 7,000-tonne capacity depot in Ogun State, Nigeria. More than 150 Nigerian companies met the delegation group for a one-to-one business matching session. The Singapore delegation also met Rong Yan Song, Counsellor of the PRC Embassy in Nigeria, and had an informal dialogue session with Alika Dangote, President, Nigeria Stock Exchange. Industry visits were organised for the Singapore delegation to explore industry developments in five sectors, namely infocomm technology (ICT), real estate and infrastructure, transport and logistics, consumer goods and general sectors. A discussion session was conducted by Nigeria’s Ministry of Trade & Industry to garner feedback from the Singapore delegation regarding their business sentiments about doing business in Nigeria. PIL Managing Director Teo Siong Seng shared that he remains optimistic about the African market, especially Nigeria. Mr Teo added that PIL’s presence in Africa has been established over many years and that he had witnessed significant infrastructure developments and improvements. Mr Teo pointed out that despite the traffic congestion and “seemingly chaotic environment”, there exists business potential and opportunities for Singapore entrepreneurs to establish their niche in the market.


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Mr Chong said that Singapore companies could tap on the large Nigerian workforce of 51 million. Minister of State Lee Yi Shyan concluded that there are vast opportunities in Nigeria. He equated Nigeria to developing countries like Vietnam, with a pro-business culture and people who are eager to grow and learn. These can be advantages that Singapore companies can seize when venturing into the region. Mr Aswani encouraged the Singapore delegation to tap on the experiences of established Singapore companies and Singaporeans in Nigeria to broaden their networks and establish partnerships with reputable and reliable companies in the country. • South Africa While in South Africa, the delegates attended several activities including meetings in Johannesburg with the Gauteng Economic Development Agency and Rand Merchant Bank (RMB), a welcome dinner reception hosted by HE Bernard Baker and a briefing session on “Investment & Business Opportunities in South Africa” organised by the South Africa Business Promotion Centre (SABPC). The delegation also had a meeting with Li Yuan, Economic and Commercial Counsellor, PRC Embassy in South Africa, and Chinese companies based in South Africa. Companies from both countries exchanged views and discussed the potential of venturing into South Africa and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region. In the final debriefing session, Mr Lee revealed that the Singapore government was currently in its information building phase, where a knowledge pool is being built up by MTI, IE Singapore and Singapore companies to allow other firms to tap on the information and develop a more comprehensive and effective “Africa strategy”.

10th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) On November 19-22, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng led a 121-member business delegation to attend the 10th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) in Manila, the Philippines. The Opening Ceremony was held on November 20 at the SMX Convention Centre. Over 3,000 Chinese business representatives from 21 countries attended the ceremony. In his message in the 10th WCEC mission brochure, Mr Teo declared that the WCEC was an important platform for Chinese entrepreneurs and businessmen to strengthen economic cooperation and promote mutual understanding. With the global economic landscape experiencing a challenging period of transformation and restructuring, many enterprises have gone in search of new markets and new pockets of growth.


The Singapore delegation posing for a group photo after the announcement that the Chamber would be hosting the 11th WCEC.

At this momentous juncture, he felt that the theme of the 10th WCEC – World Prosperity through Chinese Entrepreneurship – was undoubtedly relevant and enlightening to Chinese enterprises globally. Upon arrival in Manila, the Singapore delegation attended a Business Matching and Networking Session with 40 local business representatives, organised by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), the Philippine Trade & Investment Centre of Philippines Embassy and Philexport. At the Opening Ceremony of the 10th WCEC on November 20, Gloria Arroyo, President of the Republic of the Philippines, commended the role of Chinese entrepreneurs around the world and their contributions to the Philippine economy. President Arroyo said that the presence of more than 3,000 overseas Chinese entrepreneurs at the 10th WCEC was testament to the vitality and promise of a strong world business community. In his speech, Jia Qingling, Chairman, National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, noted that the WCEC has successfully enhanced the mutual understanding between Chinese entrepreneurs worldwide, creating an important platform for business exchange and cooperation. The event played a significant role in promoting the economic development of China and for overseas Chinese businessmen to expand their influence in the international arena. Over the course of the WCEC, a diverse range of topics were covered in the series of forums, including global growth prospects, Chinese entrepreneurship, urban development in Asia, eco-innovation and the evolving role of the international media, which yielded valuable business and investment insights for the participants.

should always endeavour to sweeten the milk wherever they sink their roots. He held up the contributions of ethnic Chinese businessmen like Lucio Tan and Henry Sy, Sr who contributed to Filipino society “not only in the economic field but also through their philanthropic work in education, healthcare and poverty alleviation.” In the face of challenges from globalisation, ethnic differences and development barriers, it is important to achieve a balanced economic development to ensure social harmony. Mr Yeo encouraged the forerunners to lend a helping hand to those who were left behind. As the global network of Chinese entrepreneurs expands, Mr Yeo suggested that it might be opportune to establish a permanent platform for the gathering, exchange and dissemination of information. Such a platform could be in multiple locations linked by the Internet, and he said that SCCCI was prepared to provide one of the modes. On November 21, the 4-day convention ended with the Closing Ceremony at the SMX Convention Centre. The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Chairman Jonathan Choi, representing the WCEC Secretariat, announced that Singapore would be the host country for the 11th WCEC in 2011. Mr Teo accepted the WCEC flag and announced that the 11th WCEC would be held in Singapore on October 5-7 2011. During the Handover Ceremony, SCCCI screened a promotional video of the 11th WCEC, followed by a performance which showcased the vibrancy and passion of Singapore’s young generation, as a warm welcome to the 11th WCEC in 2011.

At the Eminent Speakers Forum, Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo used an anecdote of a Parsee leader who sweetened the milk with some sugar upon his arrival in India. Like the Parsees, ethnic Chinese




OTHERS Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce 100th Year Anniversary Celebration At the invitation of the Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Culture & Education Committee Chairman Wan Shung Ming led a 19-member delegation to Yangon to attend their 100th Year Anniversary Celebration on Dec 31 2008. The delegation attended the welcome dinner and interacted with 300 ethnic Chinese businessmen from Hong Kong, Macau, Japan and China, and representatives of China Overseas Exchange Association and All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese. On the first day of the New Year, the delegation joined the sightseeing programme to Bago City, and attended the “Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce 100th Year Anniversary Dinner”. At the Closing Ceremony Dinner on January 2, Mr Wan presented an Orchid-engraved tray to Lai Songsheng, President, Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of the Chamber, to congratulate him on the centennial celebrations.

Signing of MOU with IE Singapore On January 21, Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon represented the Chamber to sign an MOU with IE Singapore at the 1st IE Singapore Partnership Seminar 2009. To help Singapore-based companies venture overseas, IE Singapore also signed the MOU with SBF and renewed the MOU with ASME, SICCI, SICC, SMCCI and SMa. The Chamber signed its first MOU with IE Singapore in 2006. The collaborative areas between IE Singapore and the seven business associations include helping Singapore-based companies venture overseas, conduct joint research and surveys on venturing into overseas markets, building the internationalisation capabilities of local companies and promote IE Singapore assistance schemes. In his address to 300 participants at the seminar, IE Singapore Deputy Chief Executive Ted Tan said that IE Singapore had established close partnerships with the Chamber and the other six business associations for three years. IE Singapore had also provided BuySingapore training to the Chamber’s members. Mr Tan hoped that IE Singapore would continue to hold dialogues with the business associations to better understand their needs and develop relevant programmes for their members.

Launching of the IE Singapore Exporter Development Programme On May 28, Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Manpower, officially launched the Exporter Development Programme (EDP). The objective of the


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programme is to equip local enterprises with the skills and knowledge to develop their export competencies. This programme lasts for a period of five to seven months. It consists of three compulsory components aimed at guiding companies in their approach to overseas markets through export strategic planning, and learning how to export through a sustained and systematic approach to reach an overseas target market. IE Singapore, in partnership with SCCCI, ASME, SBF, SMCCI, SMa, SICCI, Singapore Furniture Industries Council, Textile and Fashion Federation (Singapore) and Singapore Precision Engineering & Tools Association, promoted the EDP to Singapore-based companies. IE Singapore will provide grants and support of up to 70% of the total investment required to qualifying companies.

7th ASEAN-China Investment Southwest Projects Conference 2009 At the invitation of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and the People’s Government of Yunnan Province, International Affairs Committee Chairman Zhong Sheng Jian led a 6-member delegation to the “7th ASEAN-China Investment Southwest Projects Conference 2009”, held on June 5-6 at the Kunming International Convention and Exhibition Centre. The delegation also attended the “17th China Import & Export Fair, Kunming”. The theme of the conference was “Focus on China’s Western Region • Seek Mutual Cooperation”, and it dwelt on the topics of investment and trade relations between Asia Pacific and China during the global financial crisis, allowing 600 participants to gain a better understanding of the recent development plans and policies in China and the Southwest region. In an interview with the Kunming Daily’s Metropolis Times, mission leader Zhong Sheng Jian said that Yunnan is an ideal investment location for the 35,000 business entities in the Chamber network, and he would share information about the investment environment and projects in Yunnan upon his return.

Luncheon meeting with IE Singapore On June 12, Chamber President Teo Siong Seng hosted a luncheon for IE Singapore CEO Chong Lit Cheong and other senior officers at the Summer Pavilion, Ritz-Carlton Hotel. At the meeting, Mr Teo thanked Mr Chong and his team for the strong support rendered to SCCCI. He also emphasised that members of the 55th Council would continue to build on the strong working relations between the two organisations. The following collaborations arose from the luncheon meeting: 1. SCCCI and IE Singapore to have joint missions to Guangdong in July 2009 and Africa in October 2009. 2. SCCCI will gather feedback from the Trade Association Members and make the information available to IE Singapore.

(photo courtesy SingBridge International Singapore Pte Ltd)


SCCCI Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon, SingBridge CEO Ko Kheng Hwa and Guangzhou Development District Management Committee Director Xue Xiaofeng signing the MOU under the witness of the VIPs.

3. SCCCI will partner IE Singapore to provide the Immersion Programme to China under their International Business Fellowship Programme (iBF) and Exporter Development Programme (EDP). 4. SCCCI will be one of IE Singapore’s training providers for the Free Trade Agreement Course in Mandarin. Mr Chong took the opportunity to seek feedback from the Chamber about doing business in China, and agreed to strengthen information exchange and cooperation between the Chamber and IE Singapore.

Signing of “Knowledge City” Tripartite Collaboration MOU At the invitation of Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, Guangzhou City Committee Secretary Zhu Xiaodan visited Singapore on July 19. The objective of the visit was to expedite the tripartite collaboration proposal of the “Knowledge City” between Singapore and China. SCCCI and SingBridge International Singapore Pte Ltd (SingBridge) signed the MOU with the Guangzhou Development District (GDD) Committee for the Guangdong “Knowledge City” on July 21 at the Hotel InterContinental Singapore. The Singapore representatives for the MOU signing were SCCCI Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon and SingBridge CEO Ko Kheng Hwa; the Chinese representative was Xue Xiaofeng, Director, GDD Management Committee. The “Knowledge City” project is the third major project between Singapore and China after the Suzhou Industrial Park and the Tianjin Eco-City. Earlier in March, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Guangdong Party Secretary Wang Yang witnessed Keppel Corporation and GDD Management Committee signing the MOU to explore research areas under the “Knowledge City” project. The Guangzhou Government will be allotting a land parcel of 123 sq m in the Luogang district to develop the “Knowledge City”.

The key points of the MOU include: • The Chamber will recommend and encourage corporate members to invest in the development of the Guangdong “Knowledge City”. • SingBridge and GDD will provide regular reports on the latest development of the “Knowledge City” and render consultative support and assistance to members who wish to invest in the “Knowledge City”. • SingBridge and GDD will identify and establish partnerships with the Chamber’s members. • The three parties will organise regular visits to the “Knowledge City” to discuss future business opportunities and collaboration. • The Chamber will provide business management training services for the GDD. The GDD will organise visits to industry and government agencies for the Chamber. “Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Cooperation in the Guangxi Northwest Economic Zone Conference 2009” At the invitation of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, council member Tan Kim Seng and corporate member Yingli International Co.’s Director Lu Xingfa attended the Conference on September 22-25 in Guangxi. The conference was jointly organised by the Guangxi Autonomous Region People’s Government and the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, and supported by the various trade agencies and Chinese cities. This year’s Conference theme was “Opportunities for Cooperation to Seek a Win-Win Collaboration”, attracting 160 overseas Chinese from more than 30 countries and regions to witness the economic development and investment opportunities of the Guangxi region.




Panelists at the annual CEO discussion forum jointly organised by the Chamber and Business Times.

SEMINARS, SYMPOSIUMS & TALKS 7th Annual CEO Forum 2009: “The Year 2009: A Crisis of Confidence or A Silver Lining?” The Chamber and Business Times jointly organised the annual CEO Forum on January 9 at the SCCCI auditorium. The forum gave an overview of the economic and political environment and market developments in the region and its implications; strategies that enterprises could adopt to take advantage of the regional and global opportunities, and to equip themselves for the business challenges that may arise. Manu Bhaskaran, Director and CEO, Centennial Asia Advisors, presented “The Year 2009: Global Perspectives and the Singapore Economy”. He felt that the Singapore economy was over-heating before the crisis, resulting in high price levels in need of a correction. He also predicted that local enterprises would be in an excellent position to take advantage of the rise of India and China, and stand out in the region. Unemployment is the biggest crisis which Singapore will face, according to Kelvin Tay, Executive Director, Product & Services Consulting, UBS Wealth Management, citing a UBS report which forecast that close to 30,000 jobs would be lost. In the global arena, Mr Tay felt that deflation would be the biggest challenge. Both speakers felt that it was only a matter of time before the US dollar devalues. Roy Varghese, Foundation Advisor & Director of Financial Planning Practice, ipac Financial Planning Singapore Pte Ltd, advised that due to the bleak outlook and difficulties in the price evaluation of assets and property, investing in a more diversified and long term portfolio would be a wiser choice.


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Panel Chairman Vikram Khanna, Associate Editor of The Business Times, told the 300 delegates that it was inevitable that Singaporeans would face some pain in the short-term as the global economy declines. However, when viewed from a long-term perspective, opportunities still exist and Singapore can look forward to a strong rebound.

Business Outlook Forum 2009 (Mandarin) The Chamber partnered MediaCorp Radio Capital 95.8FM to organise the Business Outlook Forum on January 10 at the SCCCI auditorium. 450 participants gathered to gain a deeper insight into the economic outlook and business environment for the new year. In his presentation “What is the Impact of the Financial Tsunami?”, Assoc Prof Chen Kang, School of Economics, NTU, said that no solution has been found to solve the problem of listed companies’ suppressed capital-market performance. While government regulations could be tightened, the regulations concerning MNCs’ behaviour would be difficult to police. Debt-ridden countries are more aggressive in the financial markets, while countries with huge savings are taking a cautious approach, and this phenomenon is not likely to change in the foreseeable future. UBS Asia-Pacific Wealth Management Research Director Pu Yong Hao, in his presentation “Venturing into Unknown Territory: New Challenges of APAC Economy”, pointed out that the value of Asia Pacific stock markets was closing in on global levels after a series of adjustments, proving that global investors were still optimistic about this region. He also noted that the return on debenture bonds was currently very attractive compared to its inherent risks, while medical and public utilities stocks were worthwhile investments.


Teo Tekson sharing his experience with the participants on enterprise management structure.

AmFraser Securities Senior Vice-President Gabriel Gan expressed optimism about China-related stocks, especially in areas such as food, steel and cement. However, the outlook for the second quarter remained bleak. Although the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis showed similar signs, the market turned bullish in 1998. He felt that history is unlikely to repeat itself as the US market remained strong even as Asian markets fell in 1997, while the current crisis has enveloped the whole world. After the presentations, the speakers discussed the trends of the local economy, current shortage of capital, and ways to tackle the economic downturn and craft an investment strategy in the unpredictable investment environment.

Seminar on “Staying Competitive in a Downturn – How the Competition Act Can Help You” In the current economic environment, staying competitive is critical. Staying competitive is made even more challenging if other companies use anticompetitive practices (such as price-fixing and bid rigging), or if employees engage in practices which can tarnish a company’s reputation. Companies can use the Competition Act to stop any anti-competitive behaviour that hinders them from pursuing business opportunities. To help companies gain a deeper understanding of the Competition Act and its applications, the Chamber, in collaboration with Competition Commission Singapore (CCS), organised two English sessions on February 19 and September 10, and two Mandarin sessions on June 18 and September 23. The four sessions attracted a total of 136 participants. Poon King Wang, Director (Strategic Planning), CCS, used local and foreign examples to explain how the Competition Act could help companies in two areas. Firstly, enterprises can use the Act to stop any anti-competitive behaviour that hinders them from pursuing business opportunities. Secondly, by ensuring employees adhere to the Act, the risks to a company’s reputation are minimised.

Mandarin Seminar on “Crisis…Where is the Silver Lining in 2009?” The Chamber organised a seminar on February 25 at the SCCIOB Unity Room to help investors build a clear strategy in the face of the weakening economy. Kim Eng Securities Technical Analyst Ken Tai shared with 70 participants the survival tactics for the stock market in 2009. Participants also learnt about Contracts for Difference and its applications.

English Seminar on “Build a Resilient Business In and Out of Crisis” GloPerformance Senior Vice-President Lee Chow-Han, in a seminar held on March 19 for 29 participants, described the various steps to understand, identify and analyse which stage a firm is currently at in its business life cycle, finding the core competencies, recruitment and retention of staff, understand and interpret the financial health of a business and above all, establishing a sustainable business model.

Mandarin Seminar on “A Relook Into Your Enterprise Management Structure” The Chamber organised a seminar on March 25 to highlight the importance of reviewing a company’s management structure during the economic turmoil. Teo Tekson, who has over 20 years of experience in franchising and assisting MNCs in their quality control management, shared with 40 participants the seven steps in creating a corporate goal.

Seminar on “Transforming Your Business into a Brand” At the seminar on April 6, Jacky Tai, Principal Consultant, StrategiCom Pte Ltd, shared with 53 participants on various topics including: “What is a brand?”, “What is branding?”, “Importance of a strong brand”, “Why do you need a brand strategy?” and “The 10 rules of branding”. The participants learnt about branding methodology and benefits from the branding transformation process.




A Credit Suisse representative speaking to the audience on the bank’s current standing amidst the economic turmoil.

English Seminar on “2009 Outlook: Challenges & Opportunities in the Asian Equity Market”

English Briefing Session on “Essentials of Corporate Tax”

The Chamber held a seminar on April 9 to give its members a better understanding of the Asian equity market. Fan Cheuk Wan, Managing Director and Head of Research Asia Pacific, Private Banking Division, Credit Suisse, shared with 41 delegates her insights on the global and Asian equity markets.

During the year, the Chamber initiated a “Government Engagement Series for the SMEs” in collaboration with various government agencies to brief SMEs on the latest assistance schemes in order to increase their competitiveness. SMEs had the opportunity of clearing their doubts with the agencies via this series.

Seminar on “Manage Your Cash Flow & Liability Risk” The Chamber held a seminar on April 22 for 32 participants to gain a better understanding of cash flow management and liability risk, and the factors affecting cash flow management. Lim Yen Heng, Sole Proprietor, Y.H. Lim & Co, and Daniel Ong, Manager for Professional Liability, QBE, presented on the ways of improving productivity and managing liability risk, so that a company can expand its core business effectively.

English Seminar on “Thrive, Not Just Survive the Economic Storm” The Chamber invited Lee Chow-Han, Senior VicePresident, GloPerformance, on April 23 to present to 22 companies the methods for analysing their company’s current state; learn new approaches to chart the company’s growth; exploiting business intelligence for decision-making; and interpreting and managing the company’s finances to avoid bad ratings by the banks. These skills could assist enterprises in reviewing a company’s current position before chartering the next stage of growth, using data and information to enhance business savvy, and learning about the financial statistics that are relevant to a business.

English Seminar on “Asia: Pulling the World Out of Recession” Valerie Plagnol, Senior Economist, CIC Group, shared her positive outlook for the Asian economy with 40 participants, and allowed them to understand the role of Asia in the current financial turmoil at a seminar on May 15.


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On June 19, the Chamber and IRAS jointly organised a seminar for 55 companies on the essentials of corporate tax, general filing requirements, and tax changes announced in the Budget 2009. This seminar was part of the “Government Engagement Series for the SMEs”. The speakers from IRAS were Group Tax Specialist Joyce Yeo and Senior Tax Officers Samantha Lee and Audrey Yue.

English Seminar on “Going International: Expand Your Retail & Service Business Overseas” The Chamber organised a seminar on June 30 for companies to learn about the benefits of expanding overseas during the financial crisis. Teo Tekson spoke to 12 participants on the topics of franchising and important considerations when expanding retail businesses overseas such as customer service quality, operational issues, logistics, branding and designing uniforms for employees.

English Briefing Session on “Flu Pandemic Business Continuity” The Chamber and SPRING Singapore held a session on July 3 to help businesses prepare for a flu pandemic. Yap Pao-Jui, Manager and Head of Business & Service Excellence, SPRING, spoke to 30 companies on “What is Flu Pandemic?”; “Possible Impact of Flu Pandemic”; “Understand the Various Pandemic Alert Levels” and “What Organisations can do for Flu Pandemic Preparedness”.


English Seminar on “What Can You Do More for Your Employees” The Chamber organised a seminar on July 17 to help 30 companies better understand employee benefits benchmarks and management solutions, especially in the healthcare industry. The main topics were “IRAS Pension Scheme”; “Market Trends – Today’s HR Concerns”; “The Question of Portability – What Concerns do They Address?” and “Case Studies – 5 Industry Samples”. ACE Insurance presented the latest group benefits and pension schemes approved by IRAS. The seminar also touched on real life scenarios and experiences, and how to design a “Golden-Handcuff ” for employees.

English Seminar on “Making Sense of Foreign Exchange” The Chamber invited speakers from Credit Suisse for a seminar on August 4 to help members clear their doubts on foreign currency exchange. After the networking breakfast, Joseph Tan, Director and Asian Chief Economist, shared with 37 participants his views on the US dollar market. Emmanuel Lim, Head of Advisory and Sales, FX and Commodities, presented the working principles of foreign exchange, and how to actively manage a personal foreign exchange investment portfolio.

English Seminar on “What Makes a Family Business Stay Strong?” The Chamber and UBS jointly organised a seminar on September 17 at the UBS Wealth Management Campus. The 25 participants who attended the seminar learnt about various wealth management problems related to family businesses and the importance of business succession.

Mandarin Seminar on “Breakthrough Corporate Performance Blueprint” The Chamber organised a seminar on October 5 to assist companies in understanding the importance of sustained growth and becoming a productive enterprise via the use of a corporate performance blueprint. Lim Liat, Chief Executive, Bvotech, compiled theories from various management gurus, and presented to 30 companies the four aspects of a corporate performance blueprint which were feasibility, employee motivation and talent cultivation, and strategy execution. Many enterprises have problems at the execution stage, prompting Mr Lim to give an in-depth analysis about a company’s key performance indicators and balance scorecard, and the reasons for failures.

English Seminar on “Exploring Franchise Opportunities”

The main topics were “What is Franchising?”, “How Can You Benefit from This Business Format?”, “Is Your Business Ready for Franchising?”, “How Can You Develop a Franchise Programme?”, “What are the Requirements of a Successful Franchise Programme?”, “How to Effectively Market Your Franchise?”, “How Can You Protect Your Business through Trademark?”, “Fundamentals of Franchising and Owning One” and “Facts on Franchising versus Business from Scratch”.

English Seminar on “Protecting Your Business: Know-hows of Business Continuity” On October 21, the Chamber held a seminar to help 42 entrepreneurs understand the importance of having a core group of senior staff responsible for planning and procurement. Having a business succession plan in place would avoid operational problems and disputes among successors. Freddi Lim, Director, Trinity Law Corporation, and Alan Tang, PIAS, gave presentations on business succession planning and preservation of assets, including staff mangement and procurement contracts; these were important considerations to minimise problems and build trust among staff in an enterprise.

English Seminar on “IRs: What Do They Mean for Your Business?” The Chamber organised a seminar on December 9 to shed some light on the impact of the opening of the Integrated Resorts (IRs) for our members. Felix Ling, former General Manager of Marketing, Sands Macau, exchanged views with 50 participants on the potential business opportunities and impact of the IRs for local tourism and SMEs, including new revenue streams, labour, and costs. Mr Ling was the first Singaporean to be appointed as an advisor in 2007 to the executive council of the Macau Travel Industry Professionals Association.

OTHERS “The Informant!” Movie Premiere The Competition Commission Singapore (CCS) held a private screening of the movie “The Informant!” on November 17 at VivoCity’s Golden Village Cinema, which included 15 council members and SCCCI members among the audience. The movie narrates the real life story of a senior executive of a major US business corporation who turns whistleblower against his employer to reveal the cartel and price-fixing conspiracy with their major competitors worldwide. Lam Chuan Leong, CCS Chairman and Ambassadorat-Large, and Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, both stressed the importance of companies adhering to the Competition Act in their respective speeches.

The Chamber held a seminar on October 7 which discussed how the franchise concept could help businesses grow.




SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng (5th from left) and Assoc Prof Koo Tsai Kee, Minister of State for Defence (6th from left) in a group photo with council members and industry leaders at the 11th Annual SMEs Conference

11th Annual SMEs Conference 2009 – “Navigating the Global Storm” On May 21, the Chamber held its 11th Annual SMEs Conference in partnership with Lianhe Zaobao at the Suntec Singapore Convention Centre. The event was supported by IE Singapore and SPRING Singapore. “Navigate the Global Storm” was the apt theme for this year’s conference. Assoc Prof Koo Tsai Kee, Minister of State for Defence, graced the conference which was attended by a record breaking 1,800 business delegates and market players. In his address, Prof Koo referred to the constantly changing business environment and the uncertainty arising from the recent global financial crisis. Nevertheless, he was optimistic that if the government, enterprises and industry players work in unison to face these changes and challenges, Singapore would be able to overcome the crisis. In his opening speech, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng said that the foremost responsibility of the Chamber was to uphold members’ interests, and to help enterprises to grow. Thus he announced that, in an effort to support the members and tide them over this unprecedented crisis, the Chamber had put together a subsidy package valued at $1.4 million. These were filtered to our members through the provision of discounts for membership dues, discounts for conference participation, complimentary participation in business management seminars and programmes, and course subsidies, amongst others. Mr Teo also mentioned that the Chamber has intensified its collaboration with many government agencies. He referred to the “Economic Uncertainties Series” that was launched to address the current economic turmoil. These include seminars, workshops, dialogues, talks and courses which focused on promoting SMEs’ business survival strategies and techniques, strengthening financial management, risk management, and other key areas.


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For the first time during the SMEs Conference, arrangements were made to set up a government pavilion, harnessing the resources of SPRING Singapore, IE Singapore, Infocomm Development Authority and Workforce Development Agency to provide SMEs with a one-stop information and preliminary consultation centre for the various assistance programmes. To complement the government’s wide array of grants and schemes available to help local SMEs, the Chamber launched an “SCCCI Government Engagement Series” in June. The Chamber would take the lead and work with seven government agencies to jointly promote and raise awareness of the various government grants and schemes, and help enterprises enhance their capabilities through a coordinated approach. Anchoring his presentation on “Enhancing SME Competitiveness”, SPRING Singapore’s Chief Executive Png Cheong Boon explained how SMEs could seek new sources of revenue by entering new markets, identifying new customers, and embarking on product and services innovation. SPRING has also worked with IE Singapore on joint schemes to help enterprises in financing, capabilities and management development, technology and innovation, and access to overseas markets. During such turbulent times, it is impossible for an enterprise to function alone. SMEs should band together and face up to these challenges. Every enterprise will be affected by the global economic crisis, and it is through the active tripartite partnership between government, businesses and workers that SMEs can better position themselves to overcome the effects of a prolonged economic downturn. The participants for the morning panel discussion on “Shifting Gears amid Uncertainty” were Prof Wee Chow Hou, Head of Division of Strategy, Management & Organisation, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University and Roland Ng, CEO of Tat Hong Holdings Pte Ltd. It was moderated by Sze Hong Chew, Director of Best Team Corporation Pte Ltd.


(From left) Prof Wee Chow Hou, Sze Hong Chew and Roland Ng were part of the panel for the discussion “Shifting Gears amid Uncertainty”.

The afternoon panel discussion on “A Roadmap out of the Economic Crisis” saw SME leaders covering the implications of the crisis on various business models and how to build a roadmap for the future. Chaired by Ng Siew Quan, Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the panel speakers were very forthcoming in sharing their insights and experiences, especially on how they helped turn around their companies and continue to survive and grow. The speakers included Kang Puay Seng, Founder and Managing Director of Super Bean International Pte Ltd; Arthur Wang, President of Shanghai Bonway Construction Materials Co Ltd; and Kenny Yap, Chairman and Group CEO of Qian Hu Corporation Ltd.


cutting edge research as well as best practices from their wide network of clients. The 35 participants who attended the seminar learnt the makings of a real “Leader of Choice” during the financial upheaval and how to apply innovative methodologies like Hewitt’s “Development Cycles” to accelerate the growth of leaders in times of crisis and beyond.

Seminar on “The Art of Marketing” During an economic slowdown, it is not uncommon for companies to reduce their spending on marketing, which might not be a good strategy. At the seminar organised by the Chamber on March 11, Daniel Ng, Director of Marketing Asia Pacific & Japan, Red Hat Asia Pacific, shared with the 45 participants present on how to improve the effectiveness of their marketing and outsmart the competition without a large outlay.

Seminar on “Maximise Sales & Minimise Credit Risks” In today’s competitive market, organisations are required to manage their receivables and revenue risks. As the going gets tough, the survivability and sustainability of business operations becomes more challenging. To help SMEs understand the importance of managing their credit risks through improvement of credit control strategies and process, the Chamber, in collaboration with DP Bureau Pte Ltd, jointly organised a seminar on February 10. Jennifer Lee, Senior Manager of DP Information Group, shared with 35 participants the best practices and assessments tools on managing their credit risks during the current credit crunch.

Seminar on “Leadership Imperatives in Times of Crisis” On February 24, the Chamber partnered Hewitt Associates for a seminar, with leadership consultants Indraneel Roy and Mano Ramakrishnan sharing their

Briefing Session on “YA2009 Income Tax Filing for Sole Proprietor” The Chamber partnered Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to hold a briefing session on March 26, enabling 60 participants to understand the new tax changes related to sole proprietorships and partnerships within Budget 2009. This half-day session covered three main topics, namely: “Latest Tax Changes/Relief from Budget 2009”, “YA2009 Income Tax Filing for Sole Proprietors” and “Compliance Focus for Individual Income Tax 2009”. These were presented by Principal Tax Officer Chua Siew Lay, Senior Tax Officer Soocelaraj Sundarason and Senior Tax Auditor Alicia Koh respectively. The participants were also briefed on companies’ tax obligations, IRAS’ compliance focus and actions for 2009 and 2010, and guided through the use of e-filing and other e-services for corporate tax matters.




Breakfast Session on “Entrepreneurship During Crunch Times”

Briefing on the “Essentials on Corporate Tax and Budget 2009 Tax Changes for Companies”

The current economic turmoil has brought hardship to many businesses and companies. With the credit crunch and declining demand, many entrepreneurs are anxious about their survival and seek ways to stay afloat. However, as in all crises, opportunities are still available and astute entrepreneurs will seize them to start new businesses.

IRAS Group Tax Specialist Joyce Yeo and Senior Tax Officers Samantha Lee and Audrey Yue were invited to discuss the changes in corporate tax and general filing requirements for companies in Budget 2009. Organised by the Chamber on April 29, this event garnered a good response of 86 participants.

The Chamber, in collaboration with ACE BlueSky Exchange, brought together a team of entrepreneurs and academics to discuss the importance of entrepreneurship during crunch times. Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Ministerin-charge of Entrepreneurship, was the guest of honour for the event on March 31 which attracted an overwhelming turnout of 104 participants.

Branding Workshop on “Purpose is a Brand without Future”

In his opening speech, Mr Lee was heartened to note that more educated and young Singaporeans are willing to consider entrepreneurship as a “career choice”. A recent survey revealed that 65% of start-up founders are below 40 years of age, and more than one-third of start-up entrepreneurs are university graduates. Recognising that start-ups are also affected by this crisis, the government recently enhanced their support through three measures which included the provision of working capital and equity, encouraging further investments in innovation and providing greater opportunities for student entrepreneurs.

Lawrence Chong, Director for Strategy Development, Consulus, shared with 56 participants on building a purpose-led brand at a workshop held on April 30. Participants learnt from case studies on branding and the effectiveness of purpose-led brand communication.

Seminar on “Maximising Business Cash” Gareth Scully, Senior Product Manager of Cash Management, Standard Chartered SME Banking, shared with 25 member companies on the topic of cash management and the importance of maximising cash in the current economic environment at a seminar on May 6. The seminar focused on cash flow related issues, such as a typical business operating cycle, possible cash management gaps and the importance of managing these gaps.

Government Engagement Series Assistant Professor Jason Fitzsimmons, Director of MBA Programmes and Alumni Relations Office, U21 Global, was the keynote speaker and spoke on entrepreneurship in the current economic situation. He said that entrepreneurship thrives on uncertainty and cited companies such as FedEx which began its operations in 1973 during the oil crisis, and Wikipedia which was launched during the post 9/11 downturn. He stressed that entrepreneurs need to be innovative, remain focused on value proposition and look at customer needs during a downturn. He pointed out that there are opportunities available for start-ups during an economic downturn, but they have to consider the needs of the market, such as necessities, substituting products with inexpensive alternatives, products that are value for money as well as products such as education and retraining which are valued in the downturn.

Seminar on “Capitalise on your People in Tough Times” The Chamber and Hewitt Associates jointly organised a seminar on April 28, attended by 21 participants, which covered a variety of rewards and talent management approaches, and how organisations can tailor them to get the right balance and achieve positive results during tough economic times. Samir Bedi, Leader of Compensation Practice, Hewitt Singapore, and Eileen Keng, Senior Consultant of Talent Practice, Hewitt Singapore, were the invited speakers for this event.


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Facing new challenges in light of the global economic downturn, SMEs require more support from the government to nurture a start-up-friendly business environment, and help them get access to funding, new markets and business partners. The Chamber organised the Government Engagement Series to allow SMEs to keep abreast of the latest initiatives offered through the various Agencies. The 3 programmes include: 1. Government Assistance Programmes for Enterprises by SPRING Singapore To help our local SMEs understand more about the financing and assistance schemes offered by SPRING Singapore, a seminar was organised on June 5, attracting a turnout of 36 participants. Two topics discussed were “Financial Facilitator Programme for SMEs” and “Design & Intellectual Property Management”. 2. Skills Programme for Upgrading & Resilience (SPUR) by WDA SPUR is an enhanced funding support scheme developed by WDA in consultation with the tripartite partners including NTUC and SNEF. The theme of the seminar held on June 15 was “Managing Excess Manpower and Investing in Your Business’ Competitiveness”, and the 30 participants learnt how SPUR can help employers and workers cope with the downturn while building their capabilities for the future.


3. Government Assistance Programmes for Enterprises by SPRING Singapore Held on June 25, officers from SPRING shared with 35 participants the key assistance programmes offered to help in the development and growth of local enterprises. These programmes included Startup Enterprise Development Scheme (SEEDS), Enterprise Investment Incentive Scheme (EII), Enabling Enterprise Capabilities via Technology & Innovation and Management Development for Business Leaders.

Seminar on “The Art of Reducing Credit Risk” On June 23, the Chamber and DP Bureau Pte Ltd jointly held a seminar for 25 participants to help them assess the credit-worthiness of their customers, so as to maximise sales in their business.

Branding Workshop on “If insiders can’t embrace your brand, outsiders never will” On June 25, the Chamber partnered Consulus for a seminar to brief 20 participants on the importance of brand loyalty and how to build a brand that insiders will embrace, through the review of case studies and sharing of real-life experiences by the consultants.

Seminar on “ISO 9001:2008 & How to Move Beyond Certification” The Chamber organised a seminar on August 14 to give the participants a basic understanding of the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Standard. The seminar also provided a “roadmap” for an organisation to benefit from the implementation of the ISO 9001:2008. Steven Ong, Managing Partner of TP Management Consulting, shared with 72 corporate members the updates for ISO 9001:2008, the path for upgrading to ISO 9001:2008 as well as the Organisational Excellence (OE) Roadmap.

Branding Workshop on “No Name, No Game” On August 26, Lawrence Chong, Director for Strategy Development, Consulus, briefed 68 participants on the value of having a good brand name, importance of brand loyalty and how to build a brand that insiders will embrace, through the review of case studies and sharing of real-life experience. They were taught how to develop names and unique terms for their brand and reviewed case studies on how to create a distinctive language.

Seminar on “The Art of Accounts Receivables Techniques” On August 28, the Chamber and DP Bureau Pte Ltd held a joint seminar for 141 participants to present the best practices in safeguarding companies’ credit exposure. The seminar also covered the practices and assessment tools to help businesses understand and learn how successful calling strategies can expedite debt recovery.

Seminar on “Skills Programme for Upgrading & Resilience (SPUR)” SPUR is a government response to help companies and individuals cope with manpower challenges as Singapore experienced an economic slowdown due to the global financial crisis. On September 8, the Chamber co-organised a briefing session with WDA for 35 participants to help them learn about SPUR to enhance their leadership and HR capabilities, and upgrade their infocomm capability, while managing their manpower and training costs. The Speakers were Joanna Chia and Lim Tai You, Principal Managers of Community and Professional Services, WDA.

Sharing of SME Development Survey 2009 On November 12, the Chamber partnered DP Bureau to organise a seminar to present the latest findings of the 2009 SME Development Survey. Chong Hoi Mei, Director (Operations) of DP Information Group, addressed key topics which included the impact of the economic uncertainty on SMEs over the last three quarters and the growth factors that would make SMEs more resilient in the months ahead. It attracted a turnout of 22 participants.

OTHERS 11th Annual SME Survey 2009 The Chamber conducted a survey on May 21 to solicit feedback from over 1,600 participants at the 11th Annual SMEs Conference. The survey received a total of 421 responses (25%). Respondents of the survey represented various industries, including manufacturing (20%), wholesale & retail trade (20%), infocomm (10%), education, health & social work (9%), construction (8%), professional, scientific & technical activities (7%), transport & storage (3%), hotels & restaurants (3%), real estate, rental & leasing (2%), finance & insurance (2%), administrative & support services (2%), arts, entertainment, recreation (1%) and others (14%).




The survey findings are as follows:


Very Satisfied (%)

Satisfied (%)

Learning from the speakers' experiences




Networking opportunities




Sourcing the best financial solution packages




Getting more info on the Resilience Package




Relevance of presentation topics




Competency of speakers in presentation topics




Conference management




Dialogue Session with Jurong Town Corporation (JTC) On September 16, Chamber’s Vice-Presidents Thomas Chua and Tan Cheng Gay led 65 SCCCI members to attend a dialogue session at JTC Summit. The session provided an opportunity for the senior management of JTC to interact directly with SCCCI members, while providing an update on JTC’s latest products and policies. It was a useful platform to discuss ways in which JTC could add value to the business of its customers and better meet their needs. Chaired by JTC CEO Ow Foong Pheng, the JTC senior management team present were CEODesignate Manohar Khiatani; Assistant CEO Philip Su; Biomedical and Chemicals Cluster Director Heah Soon Poh; Aerospace, Marine & Cleantech Director Tang Wai Yee; Engineering, Logistics & SME Cluster Director Eunice Koh; and Housing and Amenity Development Cluster Director Leow Thiam Seng. The session began with a presentation on an overview of JTC Corporation, its background and key plans for 2009. It was followed by an exchange of views pertaining to JTC’s services and its policies such as an advanced announcement of JTC’s development master plan and project tenders, allowing tenants to extend their lease beyond 10 years, offering tenants lower rental rates as an incentive for committing a longer lease term with JTC, and giving rental and property tax rebates.


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Dissatisfied (%)

SCCCI Exploratory Visit to Bintan Industrial Estate The Chamber and SembCorp Parks Management jointly organised a half-day exploratory visit to Bintan Industrial Estate (BIE) on September 30. The visit was specially organised for companies and manufacturers in Singapore to explore the possibility of establishing a secondary base to support their flourishing operations in Singapore as well as regional expansion. After a briefing by BIE on its latest economic development and business opportunities, SembCorp brought the 26-member delegation on a visit of their facilities including detached and semi-detached factories, and dormitories.


The iconic SCCCI Building along Hill Street was officially opened by then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on September 20 1964, and has one of the most interesting facades in the civic district trail.



In the year under review, we continued to carry out a regularly-monitored maintenance programme, to ensure that the building is well maintained and operational, thereby preventing any downtime for the building. Two major projects completed during the year were the replacement of the condenser water pipes for the cooling tower of the building and the improvement of stage lighting in the auditorium.

The SCCCI Building enjoyed a full occupancy rate in 2009. Revenue from the rental of office space increased significantly to $2.3 million, up 33% from 2008. The revenue from renting out facilities such as the auditorium, board room, conference room and exhibition room saw an increase of 13.5% to $128,255. Car park revenue in 2009 was $70,769, up 7% from 2008.



CULTURE & EDUCATION COMMITTEE Mr Chua added that the Chamber had also been proactive in implementing programmes rolled out by government agencies. For instance, EDC@SCCCI and SPRING Singapore were working closely to promote the “Financial Facilitator Programme” to help SMEs solve their financing and loan problems. The SCCIOB would also be developing more management training courses to help companies upgrade their workers’ skills. In the tradition of the Chamber, everyone present formed a huge circle at 12 noon and bowed to one another to exchange greetings for the New Year, while technocrackers created even more festive ambience. President SR Nathan speaking at the Chamber’s Lunar New Year Gathering.

CULTURE Lunar New Year Gathering The SCCCI held its annual Lunar New Year Gathering on January 26. It brought together more than 650 people including members and council members, foreign diplomats, members of parliament, government officials, academics, businessmen, and representatives of civic organisations. In his speech, guest of honour President SR Nathan said that Singapore was well-poised to take on the challenges of the economic downturn. He said Singaporeans should take heart from the fact that the Republic was facing the downturn in a stronger position than in previous recessions. Commending the Chamber’s role in the local business circles, President Nathan said that SCCCI had always played a leading role by rallying the business community to respond to national challenges. This partnership with the government, he felt, was even more critical during unusually difficult times. In his welcome address, Chamber’s President Chua Thian Poh said that in the run-up to the 2009 Budget, the Chamber made concerted attempts to understand members’ concerns through many different channels, so as to give an accurate response to the government for its Budget planning. He was extremely pleased to see that the government had responded to many of the appeals by reducing taxes, and making a decisive move to lower business costs. Mr Chua added it was the very first time that the government had chosen to give businessmen a generous “hong bao” in the form of a cash grant, and he urged employers to fully utilise this timely gift to preserve its current workforce, lift the morale of workers, and work together to overcome any hurdles in this current crisis.


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River Hongbao 2009 River Hongbao 2009 was co-hosted by the Chamber, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, Lianhe Zaobao, Lianhe Wanbao, Shin Min Daily, Singapore Tourism Board and People’s Association. It was held for the first time at the Marina Bay Floating Platform from January 24-February 1. DPM Wong Kan Seng opened the 9-day event which attracted millions of locals and tourists. The Chamber organised the event finale “Lunar New Year Lou Hei Dinner” which was attended by Lim Swee Say, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, and 2,000 guests. The Chamber’s Foundation contributed $50,000 towards this activity. Culture & Education Committee Chairman Wan Shung Ming represented the Chamber in the Organising Committee.

Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival The Chamber held its annual Mid-Autumn Gathering on October 2. Joining in the celebrations were some 500 guests including ambassadors, senior government officers, prominent leaders from the business, cultural and educational communities, representatives from clan associations and Chamber members. Guest of honour Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, said in his speech that Singapore was facing challenges of an ageing society, becoming a more globalised city and a restructured economy, with significant impact on the roles and functions of organisations like the SCCCI. He added that the Chamber had been investing much of its resources in training programmes that help businessmen and other adult learners master essential Chinese language skills and comprehend Chinese cultural norms. Dr Ng also encouraged SCCCI members to share their travel experiences in China with local students, and bring to life Chinese traditions and culture.


Dr Ng commended SCCCI for offering opportunities to those of other communities through its investment in the education of the young. An example is the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce FoundationMENDAKI Joint Scholarship to Malay/Muslim students, as well as the presentation of scholarships to undergraduates of local universities. The selection criteria for the scholarships are strictly based on merit with no discrimination against other ethnic groups. In past years, ethnic Malay and Indian students have been among the scholarship recipients. In his speech, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng said that there was a special reason for holding the gathering at the grounds of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. The villa was used by Dr Sun Yat Sen as the headquarters in Southeast Asia for his revolutionary activities. It was this passage of history that altered China’s destiny and subsequently created a new global order. This has also become an indelible part of Singapore’s history that should be remembered. Therefore the presentation of scholarships in the grounds of the Memorial Hall would help to enlighten the younger generation on this period of history. Mr Teo also touched on the issue of new immigrants. He said that with Singapore being an immigrant society, the Chamber helped immigrants to sink their roots in Singapore and survive in business ventures more than a hundred years ago. Over the years, the Chamber has actively participated in nation-building and expanded its global networks, with core activities focused on national bonding, promoting social cohesion and economic prosperity. With the recent establishment of a “Community Integration Fund” to encourage community and grassroots organisations to help new immigrants integrate into society, the Chamber is fully supportive of the new initiative and will enhance its efforts to strengthen community bonding. Mr Teo announced that the Chamber set up an Immigrants Liaison Group two years ago to help new immigrants integrate into society, and to attract entrepreneurs and professionals into SCCCI. Through their participation in the Chamber’s activities, many successful new immigrants have already joined as members, with some playing increasingly important roles in the Council. The SCCIOB has also commenced a “Workplace English” course to help new immigrants raise their English language proficiency in their work environments. Later that evening, Dr Ng presented scholarship awards to 13 outstanding students from the three local universities. This was followed by a buffet dinner, a sampling of traditional festive foods, and performances by the Chinese Orchestra and acrobatic performers.

Talk on “Inspirations from the Chinese Wisdom” The Chamber co-organised a talk with the NTU’s Confucius Institute on July 8 on “Inspirations from the Eastern Wisdom”, attracting an overwhelming turnout of more than 500 in the Chamber’s auditorium.

The speaker was Prof Yu Dan from Beijing Normal University, who is also a celebrity due to her talks on The Analects in China. For nearly two hours, Yu Dan captivated the audience with anecdotes to show how age-old Chinese thought, philosophy and religious beliefs can be relevant in contemporary society. For example, Yu Dan used the story about a bowl of rice to illustrate the Confucian teaching of min, meaning quick or being flexible, to explain why those who can act fast and are innovative will always be rewarded. A selection of 150 attendees were presented with gifts of two books, ‘Confucius from the Heart’ by Prof Yu Dan and ‘Language in Transition’ by Prof Chew Cheng Hai. This was made possible with the generous sponsorship from Culture & Education Committee Chairman Hee Theng Fong and Vice-Chairman Wu Hsioh Kwang.

Mayors’ Forum 2009 cum Photo Exhibition Chamber’s Vice-President Patrick Lee and council member Sam Goi attended the Mayors’ Forum 2009 cum Photo Exhibition at the invitation of the NTU China Affairs Office on December 14. The forum, held at Suntec City Convention Centre, was on “China after the Financial Crisis”. The guests of honour were Lui Tuck Yew, Acting Minister for Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, and HE Zhang Xiaokang, PRC Ambassador. The keynote speakers were Prof Zheng Yongnian, Director of East Asian Institute and Dr Liu Yong, Director, Division of Development Strategy and Regional Economy, Research Centre of China State Council. The panelists were Prof Liu Yunhua, Division of Economy, HSS, NTU; Yi Zhongqiang, Deputy Mayor of Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province; and Song Hong, Secretary/Member of Standing Committee, Committee of Political & Legislative Affairs, Party Committee of Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. (Mr Yi and Mr Song are students in NTU’s Mayor Class.)

Archival Record of SCCCI Documents and Materials The Chamber tasked the National Archives of Singapore (NAS) in 2006 to systematically research and create an archival record of all documented materials. Phase 1 of the archival work has been completed. All materials have been scanned and indexed for future easy reference. Classification and Index Anoxic treatment, deacidification, leafcasting, mechanical cleaning, manual repair, tissue mounting, encapsulation and high value (rare) book binding were done using archival methods. NAS has identified 1,331 vital records from the 7,817 materials and reclassified them for archival purposes.




Scanning and Output

The 13th Chinese Cultural Festival (2010)

Vital records were scanned into microfilms for preservation in climate-controlled conditions. Records with intrinsic value were carefully conserved in the form of DVD. The master copy of the DVD was kept by NAS, and the Chamber was given a duplicated copy.

Culture & Education Committee Vice-Chairman Wu Hsioh Kwang accepted the invitation by Seow Choke Meng, Chairman of the Working Committee for the 13th Chinese Cultural Festival (2010), to be its member.

Electronic Processing and Imaging

Chinese Language and Culture Fund

NAS had created 55,734 images by scanning 482 books and publications. The images were then stored into 300 DVDs. Manual repair, recompilation and condensation of the data was completed and the data was bound into 38 book volumes. Old Video Records and Cassettes Records management was finalised. Old video records and sound cassettes have been reformatted and stored into DVD and CD formats respectively. At the invitation of NAS, Chamber’s Vice-President Thomas Chua signed the Archival Preservation Agreement between NAS and SCCCI, together with NAS Director Pitt Kuan Wah, on October 20 during the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Nanqiao Jigong: The Extraordinary Story of Nanyang Drivers and Mechanics Who Returned to China during the Sino-Japanese War” held at the SCCCI auditorium.

SCCCI Historical Group Into its 4th year of establishment, SCCCI Historical Group founder and Community Affairs Chairman Lee Peng Shu held a Lunar New Year Gathering for its members on February 4 at Tea Chapter. The group reviewed articles published and written over the past three years, followed by an in-depth discussion.

SCCCI Chinese Calligraphy Class (Appreciation & Practice of Chinese Calligraphy) The SCCCI conducted three series of Chinese Calligraphy Classes in 2009 to instil a deeper knowledge and appreciation of Chinese Calligraphy among members and their friends, and also enabled the participants to understand traditional concepts of Chinese cultural and philosophy. The class came under the masterly supervision of renowned calligrapher Khoo Seow Hwa.

Since the Fund was established in 2006, it has funded various activities to promote Chinese language and culture. The total payout of $1.3 million has been used to sponsor competitions, publications and the organisation of talks and seminars. The fund is governed by a committee chaired by Honorary President Kwek Leng Joo. The Chamber is represented in the committee by Vice-President Tan Cheng Gay.

50th Anniversary Celebrations (1959–2009) of Overseas Chinese Museum, Xiamen Xiamen’s Overseas Chinese Museum (founded by Tan Kah Kee) celebrated its 50th Anniversary on October 21. Community Affairs Committee Chairman Lee Peng Shu accepted the invitation to attend the celebrations.

EDUCATION SCCCF Scholarship to the three local Universities As a commitment to promote quality education in Singapore and develop future pillars of society, the Chamber, under the auspices of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SCCCF), awards scholarships to the three local universities – National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU). Each student receives a $5,000 scholarship award. The scholars for the academic year 2009/2010 from the 3 universities were: National University of Singapore 1. Yang Yan (Chinese Studies and Chinese Language, 3rd Year) 2. Marvin Khoo Kok Hoe (Business Administration, Honours Year)

The Singapore Arts Festival 2009

3. Ler Jiewei (Business Administration, Honours Year)

The Singapore Arts Festival was held on May 15-June 14. Into its 32nd year, the event plays a vital role in promoting the local arts scene and raising awareness among the public.

Nanyang Technological University 1. Chen Seow Chin (Chinese Studies, 3rd Year) 2. Teo Hui Xin (Business, 2nd Year) 3. Tan Chen Pei (Business, 1st Year)

This year’s event featured more than 400 productions and attracted about 600,000 visitors. The Chamber’s Foundation contributed $30,000 in support of the Festival.

Singapore Management University 1. Choo Koon Po (Business Management, Honours Year) 2. Danson Ang Chern Yuh (Business and Accountancy, 2nd Year) 3. Alvin Tan Chee Khoon (Business Management, 3rd Year)


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SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng and Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, in a group photo with recipients of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation-MENDAKI Joint Scholarship.

SCCCF-MENDAKI Joint Scholarship

SCCCI Best LEP Student Award 2008

For the fifth consecutive year, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SCCCF) partnered Yayasan MENDAKI to award a joint scholarship to four outstanding Malay/Muslim scholars pursuing their studies in local universities. Each scholarship is worth $4,000, with two scholarships contributed by SCCCF and the other two by Yayasan MENDAKI. The four scholars were:

1. Kok Wang Lin

1. Hairul Fariz Bin Hairol, Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy), NUS 2. Nurkhairah Binte Sumarto, Bachelor of Communication Studies, NTU 3. Nur Syazlina Binte Haniff, Bachelor of Business, SMU 4. Muhamad Iskandar Bin Ishak, Bachelor of Science (Information Systems Management), SMU At the presentation ceremony held at the SCCCI Mid-Autumn Gathering on October 2, the scholars received their awards from Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence.

Hwa Chong Institution Foundation The Chamber continued its support to Hwa Chong Institution by providing eight SCCCI Academic Excellence Awards to outstanding students at their Annual Awards Presentation Day. The awards aim to recognise students who excel in the Chinese Language Elective Programme (LEP) and Bi-cultural Studies Programme (BSP) at Upper Secondary to High School level. Each award is worth $1,000. SCCCI Best BSP Student Award 2008 1. Zhu Tianyu 2. Li Xiaoyao 3. Hansen Sun Ouquan 4. Wu Wenhao

2. Rachel Lim Yue Qin 3. Lim Chern Tze 4. Toh Zhen Huai The BSP, established in 2005, aims to nurture a group of capable students with the interest and capacity to engage China in the future. With a rigorous curriculum and opportunities for immersion in China and western countries, the programme helps to imbue in students critical thinking skills and a global perspective. The LEP aims to raise the language abilities of students who have an aptitude for Chinese, so that they can attain a higher level of proficiency and a better understanding of Chinese Language and Literature. During the school’s Awards Presentation Day on July 18, Sam Tan, Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, and Ministry of Trade and Industry, was the guest of honour. Community Affairs Committee Chairman Lee Peng Shu distributed the awards.

Hwa Chong School Management Committee Hee Theng Fong has been the Chamber’s representative in the Hwa Chong School Management Committee since 2005. His 4-year term ended on October 14. Acceding to the school’s request for renewal, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng re-appointed Mr Hee for another 4 years till 2013.

Donation by former SCCCF Scholarship Holder Dr Ng Kim-Gau was a recipient of the Chamber’s scholarship during his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering at NUS from 1978-1981. In appreciation, he donated $5,000 on December 7 to the Chamber’s Foundation and specified its use for educational purposes.




Eight representatives from various schools moving forward to lay a wreath during the Memorial Service.

42nd Annual Memorial Service in commemoration of the civilian victims of the Japanese Occupation

Tokens of appreciation for donors to the Sichuan relief fund

The Chamber organised the 42nd War Memorial Service on February 15 at Beach Road in remembrance of the civilian victims of the Japanese Occupation. The National Cadets Corp sent more than 300 cadets to attend the service, together with 1,000 students from 32 junior colleges, secondary and primary schools. More than 200 guests from the diplomatic corps, religious groups, business and clan associations, SAF Veterans’ League and families of the victims also attended the service.

Sichuan Province Vice-Governor Huang Xiaoxiang hosted a tea reception on December 29 at the PRC Embassy in Singapore to express gratitude to donors who had contributed generously to the relief fund for victims of the Sichuan earthquake.

After the arrival of Lee Boon Yang, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, the oneminute “All Clear” signal was sounded by the Singapore Civil Defence Force island-wide. The Guard-of-Honour contingent, bagpipers and buglers subsequently marched into position. The first wreath was presented by Chamber‘s President Chua Thian Poh together with Vice-Presidents Chia Ban Seng and Patrick Lee. This was followed by representatives from the SAF Veterans’ League, religious organisations, National Cadet Corps and schools. All present then made three bows and observed a one-minute silence. The solemn ceremony was brought to a close with the sounding of the “Rouse”.

Mr Huang gave out mementos with meaningful inscriptions as a token of appreciation to all donors and extended an invitation to all attendees to visit the 10th West China Expo in October 2009. Community Affairs Committee Chairman Lee Peng Shu represented the Chamber in attending the reception.

Appeal for donations to relief fund for victims of Taiwan’s Typhoon Morakot On August 8, Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan and caused the country’s worst flooding in 50 years, resulting in thousands of casualties. Moved by their plight, SCCCI launched an appeal and received a total donation of S$146,814 (largest contribution from a civic organisation), out of which S$115,750 was contributed by the SCCCI Council while the remaining S$31,064 came from SCCCI members. On August 27, President Teo Siong Seng personally handed the cheque for S$136,040 (NT$3.1 million), which was collected during the first 10 days of the appeal, to Vanessa Shih, Representative of Taipei Representative Office so that it would be forwarded to the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior fund for providing immediate assistance to households affected by Typhoon Morakot. The Chamber’s gesture was widely covered by Lianhe Zaobao, MediaCorp TV Channel 8 and Taiwan’s Macroview TV.


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Appeal for donation to aid the Philippines tropical storm’s victims The Philippines was hit by Tropical Storm Ketsana in September, causing the worst floods seen in nearly four decades. The Chamber launched an appeal from October 15 to October 31 to all members, urging them to make monetary donations directly to the relief fund set up by the Singapore Red Cross to provide muchneeded assistance.

Speak Mandarin Campaign – The Chinese Challenge The Speak Mandarin Campaign marked a major milestone in 2009 as it celebrated its 30th Anniversary. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, founder of this nationwide campaign, was the guest of honour at the event’s launch on March 17 at the NTUC Auditorium. In his speech, Mr Lee highlighted the need to reverse the trend of speaking English within Chinese families. Speaking in Mandarin, Mr Lee said: “It’s understandable that some parents will worry that their children will be disadvantaged in school or at work, if they don’t speak English to their children.” However, he encouraged Chinese-Singaporean parents who were conversant in Mandarin to use it while speaking to their children, because it would help them learn the language. Community Affairs Committee Chairman Lee Peng Shu was the Chamber’s representative in the Promote Mandarin Council.

The 10th SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club Executive Committee Election The SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club elected its 9-member Executive Committee during its annual general meeting on May 13. The new committee would serve a one-year term till June 2010, and comprised the following members: President Immediate Past President Vice-President, Education Deputy Vice-President Vice-President, Membership Vice-President, Public Relations Secretary Treasurer Sergeant-At-Arms

: : : : : : : :

Zhong Haiming He Xiaolu Tang Wai Onn Albert Sin Yeo Tek Yeo Hui Yew Lawrance Lim Chui Hai Loon Lew Haur Ming, Samuel : Peng Chew May

International District 80 (Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau and Thailand) Area L. His term of office would be for two years from 2009-2011. Mr Wang was the President of the SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club from 2005 to 2006.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMME Tripartite Panel on Community Engagement at Workplaces Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng accepted the invitation by Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Manpower, to join the Tripartite Panel on Community Engagement at Workplaces on April 3. The panel comprises government representatives and leaders of key tripartite partners to provide overall direction and guidance for the CEP in the Cluster. Mr Gan is the Chairman of the panel. The Chamber, together with NTUC, SBF, SNEF, ASME, SMCCI, SICCI and various foreign Chambers of Commerce, form the tripartite partner organisations.

The Businesses and Unions Cluster With the installation of the 55th Council, new representatives were tasked to form the Businesses and Unions Cluster to drive the implementation of the CEP within the business community by organising activities that promote social harmony and improve crisis readiness. The members are: Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng; Committee Chairmen James Kuah, Tan Huay Lim, Wan Shung Ming, Chua Seng Chong, Stephen Lim, Zhong Sheng Jian, Tay Khiam Back, Lau Tai San and Lee Peng Shu; Committee Vice-Chairmen Vincent Lien, Thomas Pek, Philip Kia and Francis Phun; council members Leong Mun Sum and Simon Goh; Federation of Merchants’ Associations Chairman Chua Ser Keng; Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon and Senior Director Tan Siew Kiang.

CEP Taskforce With the installation of the 55th Council, new personnel were tasked to form the CEP Taskforce: Co-Chairman

The 8th Speechcraft Course The 5-lesson Speechcraft Course organised by the SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club was successfully completed on September 2, with 28 participants taking up lessons on preparing and delivering lively, cogent and powerful speeches.

Honour for SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club


: Wan Shung Ming, External Relations Committee Chairman : Chua Seng Chong, Trade Association & Membership Affairs Chairman Vincent Lien, Finance Committee Vice-Chairman Tan Bock Huat, Industry Committee Vice-Chairman Francis Phun, Community Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman Lim Sah Soon, Secretary-General

SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club member Wang Hongshun was elected as the Governor of Toastmasters




The inaugural networking session organised by the Chamber was well-attended by leaders from new immigrant organisations.

SFCCA-SCCCI Singapore United Journey

CEP Booklet

The Community Engagement Programme Secretariat (in the Ministry of Home Affairs) organised a Mandarin briefing session on July 4 for the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and SCCCI at the Home Team Academy in Bukit Batok.

To promote the awareness of CEP and enhance cohesiveness and harmony between communities and workplaces, 1,000 English and 900 Chinese copies of the CEP booklet were given to the Chamber for distribution to council members, members and the general public.

The session attracted over 100 participants and included 30 from SCCCI. Senior Minister of State for Law and Home Affairs Ho Peng Kee emphasised the importance of community engagement projects and the role that each community leader plays in society. Representatives from the MHA, MCYS and MOM each gave a briefing on their roles and achievements in the Community Engagement Programme. Representatives from MOM also explained the significant roles business and trade associations play in community engagement, as well as how employers could enhance social harmony in a stable and cohesive work environment.

The Inaugural MOM Cluster CEP Online Survey The Chamber agreed to MOM’s request for SCCCI members to take part in the online survey conducted via the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) website, so as to gauge the effectiveness of the Businesses and Unions Cluster’s CEP efforts. The exercise was conducted for a one-month peiod in August.

“Managing Conflicts and Resolving Disputes Effectively Through Mediation” (in Mandarin) Organised by the CEP Secretariat in the Ministry of Home Affairs, 30 participants from SCCCI and SFCCA took part in the workshop conducted by the Singapore Mediation Centre on November 7. It aimed to impart knowledge on resolving conflicts at workplaces and resolving community disputes through mediation.


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IMMIGRANTS LIAISON GROUP Since its installation, the 55th Council has always placed a large emphasis on helping new immigrants integrate into society. A multi-committee task group was specially formed in December to look into helping new immigrants integrate into our society, to bring in professionals and entrepreneurs as members, and to tap on their expertise to explore and expand economic opportunities.

Chamber President’s Lunch with New Immigrant Organisations On May 11, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng invited the leaders of five New Immigrant Organisations from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for a luncheon at Asia Grand Restaurant. He reiterated the Chamber’s willingness to provide assistance to help new immigrants integrate into society. He urged all to provide requests or suggestions on how the Chamber could help them through our Community Affairs Committee. Mr Teo also invited them to attend the “Meeting in the Chamber” event on June 10 for networking opportunities. The five guests were Kowloon Club President Chung Ting Fai, Huayuan Association Deputy President Jiang Le, Tianjin Association President Chen Liping, Tian Fu Club Vice-President Chen Ping and Taipei Business Association President Chu Lan Hsiang.


(From right) Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman Thomas Pek, External Relations Committee Chairman Wan Shung Ming and Council Member Simon Goh viewing the exhibits at the Army Open House at Pasir Laba Camp.

“Meeting in the Chamber” The Community Affairs Committee organised a networking session “Meeting in the Chamber” on June 10 at the exhibition room. The purpose of this session was to enhance the relations among different new immigrant organisations, share their experiences and find out how they could harness their strengths to better serve the new and old immigrants in society. This inaugural gathering was well received by members of the various new immigrant organisations, and attended by the Presidents and office-bearers of Kowloon Club, Huayuan Association, Tian Fu Club and Tianjin Association.

OTHERS Sponsoring Kampong Glam Community Club for its 44th National Day Commemorative Dinner The Chamber, situated in Kampong Glam constituency, donated $1,000 to the Community Club for its annual National Day Dinner on August 15.

The China-Singapore Religious and Cultural Exhibition 2009 The Inter-Religious Organisation of Singapore (IRO) and major religious and civic institutions in China and Singapore organised “The China-Singapore Religious and Cultural Exhibition 2009” at the Suntec City Convention Hall on December 16-22 to promote trust, harmony and understanding among different religions. The Chamber supported the event by contributing $1,000 for a congratulatory note in the event publication.

The Travelling Exhibition: “Nanqiao Jigong: The Extraordinary Story of Nanyang Drivers and Mechanics Who Returned to China during the SinoJapanese War” The National Archives of Singapore (NAS) and Yunan Provincial Archives co-organised the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the return of Nanyang Drivers and Mechanics to China during the Sino-Japanese War. The Chamber, at the request of NAS, offered the auditorium to house the exhibition from October 20-25.

The 20th Anniversary of the SAF Veterans’ League Employers’ Visit to the Army Open House at Pasir Laba Camp At the invitation of the Ministry of Defence, 38 Council and corporate members attended the Army Open House at Pasir Laba Camp on September 4, which enhanced employers’ understanding of the roles employees play in Singapore’s Total Defence Plan.

To commemorate its 20th Anniversary, the SAF Veterans’ League plans to publish a memoir that tracks its history from 1990 to 2010, and its contribution to the nation. The Chamber’s Foundation contributed $2,000 in support of this publication.



20 09



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ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ࠖࣉ Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation


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ྕ ࡎ ௩ ᇗ ߇ ቁ ഍ ߾ చ ၄ ‫ ه‬ᅢ ი ‫ ڣ‬༈ ᇗ ྗ ࡭ӳ uచ‫ه‬ᇗྗv ൦Ⴖྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾იྕࡎ௩ћྕ ऍ‫ܓ‬๥ԿϿ֭၊ᅧ൜഍၄‫ڣ‬༈ᇗྗĭᇃᄥ๡‫ݞ‬฼‫܊‬၊ ༪ਡ֭ᅁᆼ‫ڣ‬༈Ђሁᇗུచ၄ቜщ္֭฼ാࠫࡎౄࣱ ᆢ৷hሹ ୕ ᄍ ಸӶ৳ၣধĭచ‫ه‬ᇗྗࠚࠦແ ྕࡎ௩֭ᇗུచ၄฼‫܊‬ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈ĭྀሁ࣑ྣ഍၄஭ ‫؛‬ĭᇾϿ‫ۺ‬ᇝ഍༈ࢋ቞ი‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭѱྀሁ๿݄‫ۺ‬ᇝᆧ ‫ߋࡁ֭ڱ‬ი‫ګ‬ሁ஭าĭ઩ቈ഍ࡍ֭ྻ౸h

ߵ‫ ܬ‬

• ࢔ၦ߾ చ‫ه‬ᇗྗᄥ ୕൶ՙࣤϿ࢔ၦ߾ĭྀሁ୩ѷ൯ ᇾϿuྕࡎ௩•୩ѷ࣑ԣ९഍௞࢔ၦ߾vh࢔ၦ߾ᄥ ᄍ ᇈ ಸࡔྕպྕࡎ௩‫߾ࡅݛ‬ၸიѸ঳ᇗྗ ᅢ๗ ऐྣĭ‫ܓ‬Ⴝ ଈЯׁ‫ތ‬જধ༎࿸֭഍ࣀօў ֦߾ҝܼh • ഍၄ᆘ෶ࠫልࡍ໡ᆘ చ‫ه‬ᇗྗ‫ܓ‬฼‫܊‬ਜ ՙ֭഍၄ᆘ෶ࠫልࡍ໡ᆘ‫ڣ‬ ༈ĭ୅ೀ݄ٟĭႽེ֭Ђሁቁ഍߾߾ჼ૔૯‫ࡳࣁٶ‬చ ‫ه‬ᇗྗປჹ‫ܬ‬໡֭ል၄ᆱൕიࢁၸ h

‫؛‬Ⴧచ‫ه‬ᇗྗধ඲ĭ ୕൦ԑ઩๏ᅦྦྷ֭၊ ୕hᇗྗᄥᆋ၊୕૳‫؛‬ਜҊ๥֭๏ᅦĭ֔൦చ‫ه‬ᇗྗ ಷቛ‫ނ‬ሡЩĭ‫༷ࢬ؛૳֭ނۿ‬ধ֭ࠗუh

• ሮ࿠൐ග

చ‫ه‬ᇗྗᄥ ୕಄֬ ჵ֭ႜჍĭҊЏ ছᆄऀიచ၄තĭ၁ҊϤແ:[LW <7ࡁߋ෶ѵԣ֭ ሡЩࣉࡁ෠ᄥ୅h

• ‫ࣅم׃‬഍๾վ߾

చ‫ه‬ᇗྗЯ୕؏෶಄֭֬Ӷ‫چݜ‬ඳĻ • ࢋ቞İ‫܅‬ቜ٠ ቎ᆶਜ ՙ֭ࢋ቞İ‫܅‬ቜ٠ĭ෶‫֭ۊݬ‬୅ೀЏছ௞ ஏܽৠĭᇗུచ၄ಽሯֱॣ฽hᆋོࢋ቞ແი߾ᆈ฼ ‫܊‬ਜ၊۹߂ཕ࢔ੈĭᅻ࿡഍֭ࠗ௤ฃh • ഍၄๿ࣂ߾ చ‫ه‬ᇗྗྀሁধሹᇗ‫ ֭ݛ‬۹ീg൯֭օў๾ᄥ ྕࡎ௩ऐϿਜ഍၄๿ࣂ߾ĭৰೊ ᄍ ಸऐྣ֭uᇗ‫ݛ‬ ‫଺ݢ‬Įྕࡎ௩ࣤી‫ގ‬ቜధณ߾vĭӶ‫֭܇‬Ђሁ෸૔ᄥ ྕࡎ௩սཡਜᆱଈ؏ĭѱ༓ႌ‫֭اۿ‬Яׁ഍ࡍಈᇗ‫ݛ‬ ๯ሯh๡‫ݞ‬ऐϿ഍၄๿ࣂ߾ĭచ‫ه‬ᇗྗ၁๥൐ແЯׁ ഍ࡍਜ‫࣪اۿ‬ປ֭๯ሯი഍၄ࠗ߾h

చ‫ه‬ᇗྗቁ‫ܓ‬ແ ࡍᇗུྠచ၄฼‫܊‬ਜ ུ ൐֭ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈h

۹഍๾֭ ໒օўԣ༤ਜచ‫ه‬ᇗྗჇ ᄍ ಸ ᄥቁ഍߾ऐྣ֭‫ࣅم׃‬վ߾ĭᇾѧ൦ಮ৷Ҏӑဆࣉ Ⴏh

ᅢິ ୕၏ऀ߾൦၊۹ԑ઩๏ᅦ֭୕๰h෡ಞ຺ࠗ ၠ‫ݞ‬ĭࣤ࠾၁ि൛‫ිڷ‬ĭవࣧߖҊ൦‫ޛ‬଄ঽh ୕ĭచ‫ه‬ᇗྗࢄࡇ࿋ແቁ഍߾֭߾ჼࠫ၊϶ ᇗུచ၄฼‫܊‬ሮ࿠‫ڣ‬༈h๥൐၁ࢄࡇ࿋ࡎౄచ‫ه‬ᇗྗ ‫܅‬ቜ๾‫ތؚ‬ປჹሮ࿠ልࡍ֭ል၄ᆱൕĭແᇗུྠచ၄ ฼‫ۿ܊‬ཟࣘg‫ۿ‬യ೎֭ሮ࿠ი‫ڣ‬༈h చ‫ه‬ᇗྗ၁ࢄ๡‫ݞ‬቎ᆶ‫ࠀ֭اۿ‬Й߾ĭࢋ቞ࠫ‫܅‬ ቜ٠ĭࡎౄᇗུచ၄႓‫ۿ؛‬ကव॑ယ֭ᆱൕ‫ތ‬େ৷ĭ ၣ‫໋؛૳֭ނۿ‬ধ֭๏ᅦh




ቁ഍߾ᅮෆഺ߾ӑᄥ࿘ᄅᇾ༤ৡ‫ࠖݛ‬ ֭஬๥༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸܽৠ࿘ᄅ෶ ऐྣр၄‫׍‬৤ഐĭϷ‫ه‬చ၄ܽৠ໛௥ ‫ۻ‬р၄࿘ჼh

ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ܽৠ࿘ᄅᇉ৷Ⴧ‫ه‬ᅢແ਽༽֭ ߔ౷ߌܽৠ࿘ᄅĭ฼‫܊‬ൔႰ֭చ၄ܽৠgნစ‫ྣތ‬၄ ࠷େன࿦ĭனဩखႽԿ၄࣢ല‫ߌࡅݛތ‬൲ဿ֭ඨნg ඨ໛ߌܽৠಮҔĭຑᅢྕᇗ਎‫ݛ‬ᄥࢥცன࿦ი഍၄਽ ჟ֭࢔ੈ‫ގ‬ቜĭ‫ࢁܚ‬഍၄࢔ੈັખĭդ࣑‫ײ‬༎٢చ၄ ࡟֭࢔ੈh࿘ᄅ֭੊ལ‫ࡖྗފ‬ᆼແ‫ގ‬ቜgӼ྘g౟ ૰g྘ಱgಫӭgԿྕh ແเཋ࿘ᄅ֭ᆤเ௞ᇑ‫ׯ‬໒ĭӶແࢥც྘ຉДᅸ ࡁߋಲᆫ֭ය৳ࢥც࿘ᄅĭ࿘ᄅჇ ୕࣑ྣਜܽ ৠ଎൜‫ۇ‬۲ĭႲߌ၄༈ੈӹĭѱպ֦ਜၣ༷ପћĻ • • • •

ԑ‫ٻ‬ৠࢻѱ઩ቈ࿘ჼ֭࿘༥ྻ౸ļ պӶၣᅁᆼቜແ॑ਐg௧‫ܡ‬ћሡļ ེۢࠣᄖྣ၄༈ļ ၣॢܼ‫ތ‬ज़࿘ง؏Ҋ‫ؖ‬฼ാܽৠੈӹ

ແ฼ാ࿘ᄅࢥ࿘ܽৠᇑਐgႲߌੈӹĭ฼ེۢ ੹ĭ࿘ᄅ๯೎ሯࣉि‫ه‬ਜቀ‫܇ັ৻߂ގ‬େ֭ࢥ࿘྘༗ ܽৠ༪๬ĭൔཋਜࢥ࿘ັખߌܽৠh ୕ĭ࿘ᄅ֭୕൴೎ቁ‫ص‬ແ ჵĭი ҕᆧ୕؏๥йĭᅁࡎ h൴೎֭ᅁࡎᇾ္ჸ ႁ൦࿘ᄅ๿ԣ߇ნൻ‫ܮ‬େ৷࠷େ༪๬Į‫܅‬ቜӎ෶ൕሻ იᄖ෠େ৷ࡳ‫ׯ‬ሯ۴ॣӹ‫ތ‬቎ᆶᇗ‫ࡎྕڳݛ‬௩॑һ࢔ ੈ๾ֱལପ֭Ӷ‫܇‬h ୕‫ܓ‬Ⴝ ‫ا‬ಮ࿒ྱ഍༈߇ნgᆫඈი໛௥ ॣӹhಎเ࿘ჼ‫؃‬ධ৮ຣӶॣӹh࿘ᄅჇ ᄍ ಸ ऐྣр၄‫׍‬৤ĭࠎϷచ၄ܽৠ໛௥gᇗུྠచ၄ܽৠ ۢ࠱໛௥gᇗ‫ݛ‬๡഍ᆫඈ໛௥g‫ݼ‬ᄖܽৠიٍ੸ል၄ ໛௥gል၄߇໛ࢥც໛௥gْၺ९ၺ࠷େ໛௥ၣࠫ഍ ༈߇ნᆫඈ֭࿘ჼĭᄥܽৠ࿘ᄅᇾ༤ࡡቁ഍߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑ ৡ‫ࡶ֭ࠖݛ‬ᆫ༷ĭ՞ቁ഍߾ᅮෆഺ߾ӑ֭൵ᇗࢬ‫ݞ‬໛ ௥h


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

ᅢິ໋ধĭ࿘ᄅࢄ๡‫ݞ‬၊༪ਡ୅gປҎ௧‫ތׯ‬Ⴒ ߌ٢൜ĭࡇ࿋฼ാ࿘ᄅᆤเ௞ᇑĭ୵৷िຑ࿘ᄅ֭ྕ ऍ૳ļࡇ࿋ܹሇᆧ‫ڱ‬๿ԣ֭‫ۺ‬ལྕնൈĭခࣶ‫ۺ‬ᆧ‫ڱ‬ ࠗ‫ܚ‬g഍၄๾เgᇗུྠచ၄ࠫ‫ގ‬ቜࠌϼ֭ன࿦ྻ౸ ‫ࢥތ‬ცgன࿦౼൥ĭຑᅢ‫֭اۿ‬Ⴒᇑॣӹh

໛ߌნစᇗྗ ෣ሪᇗྗಮ৷ሯჿ֭ᅁࡎĭ၄༈֦֬জᅢĭ၄ࠣ ၁฼ാਜhᇗྗ֭୕൴೎й ୕฼ۢਜ ĭࣲ ႜჍй ୕ᅁࡎ h ႶჇᆧ‫ׯ݇ڱ‬ᄥЯׁ‫܅‬ቜ֭ປࠩჼ‫֭܅‬ႏ໛େ৷ щ྾պ֦၊‫֭ׯ‬ණ௤ĭᇗྗႁՖແ‫ྣۺ‬၄֭ປࠩჼ‫܅‬ ਐമिϿਜ၊༪ਡ֭ႏნॣӹĭЏছ഍༈ႏნᆫඈg ‫ڣ‬༈၄ႏნᆫඈࠫҜႊ၄ႏნᆫඈॣӹĭ‫ܓ‬िϿਜ ۹ϳĭ Ֆປĭْၺ९ၺ࠷େ໛௥იል၄߇໛ࢥც໛௥ϳ ୕֭၄ࠣй ୕‫ނ‬ĭ൴೎ᅁӑਜ ĭႜჍ ᄽᅁӑਜ h ൻࣉಽ‫ڌ‬К֭ႝཡĭ࿀‫ا‬చ၄ࡰചன࿦ჯ෠ࠏຣ ಎҊஒჼ‫܅‬ன࿦ĭ෶ၣచ၄ன࿦ལପ֭൴೎༷ࢎhࣘ ܽೊՖĭᇗྗಗᄥ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ແ‫ڣܓ܌‬༈ໆჼ߾ᇗ‫ࢊݛ‬࿘ ࣉ֭ ଈ֬ᇾऐϿਜᇗ‫ݛ‬໛ߌინစჯЩϳĭແ෸૔ వາᇗ‫ݛ‬യᄷቜሡЩļ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ᄽिϿႇྣ၄ልႰ഍༈ ߇ნᆫඈॣӹļ ᄍ‫ڂ‬ᄽແә‫ ݞ‬ଈྕࡎ௩ࣤ࠾‫ه‬ᅢ ऍ֭‫܌‬༈ჼ฼‫܊‬ਜӑպ ۹ᄍ֭഍༈߇ნன࿦ॣӹh ഍༈߇ნॣӹᄽႁ֦֬ྕࡎ௩ী‫׶‬৷‫ه‬ᅢऍ֭ሯ ሁĭᅹ൴ਜࣕ ଈ࿘ჼĭिϿਜә‫ݞ‬ਜ ۹ϳh


࿘ᄅᇾ༤ৡ‫ࠖݛ‬ĩቘĪ‫ྕތ‬೾ᇗ߇‫܅‬഍ቁ ߾‫׃‬၊‫߾ڴ‬ӑ੆‫ൃݛ‬ĭᄥ౪߇վ࿘‫ݢ‬ປօ ўᅽ߸gቁ഍߾૥ඈӑਧೠධgྕ೾ᇗ߇ ‫܅‬഍ቁ߾ሯ࿧‫܅‬ၤᇾಱᅃ߇ဖ֭ࡶᆫ༷ĭ ᅢिܽৠ࿘ᄅ‫܅ތ‬഍ቁ߾ແఁ਎୕֭Ⴞ‫ނ‬ ‫ގ‬ቜܹ༪h

഍࿘ᇗྗf ᇗྗಎ୕ແЯׁᇗུచ၄฼‫܊‬ਜ ۹ன࿦ॣӹĭ ‫ܓ‬ன࿦ਜ ಮĭఋᇗႽ ಮ࿒؈ਜచ၄ܽৠ໛௥ ॣӹh ᇗྗ๿ԣ֭ሤᄈ‫ڣ‬༈ྕ࠷େሯ۴ᆫඈॣӹgன࿦ ი௧‫࠱ۢܡ‬ᆫඈॣӹႁແᆧ‫֭ڱ‬u࠷େ฼ാი႓ѕࡁ ߋvࠎ֬ಫਣٙཡĭำѡ൦ቁ഍߾഍๾߾ჼྕࡎ௩ࣉ ቏ᇰЗ‫ࡎྕތ߾܌‬௩֚഍‫߾܌‬ĭஒషਜ࿀‫ا‬ᆷჼ֦࿘ ᄅࢬൻன࿦h ᇗྗჇ ᄍ ಸ‫ތ‬જধ༎࿸ྕ೾ᇗ߇‫܅‬഍ቁ߾మඏ ਓࢻЩີ੫ĭઓൔແఁ਎୕֭‫ގ‬ቜྀၸĭದજধ༎ ࿸֭഍ࡍ๡‫ܽݞ‬ৠ࿘ᄅიᇗ‫ݛ‬౪߇վ࿘৻‫ގ‬िϿ֭ uᇗ‫ݛ‬๡഍ᆫඈvॣӹĭ࿘༥਎‫ݛ‬໛ߌ‫ތ‬ന߾ᇍ؏֭ ҽၻĭ֦ᇗ‫ׁ֚ࣤݛ‬഍൐๡ྣ໵ቍh ᇗྗ၁ධ৮िᅢიᇗ‫ࡅݛݛ‬ಮҔ࢔ੈྀ߾‫֭ގ‬ uᇗ‫ݛ‬ልҔ‫ࡎྕڳ‬௩࢔ੈࡁߋvĭೠ໒ᇗ‫ݛ‬ልҔᄥྕ ࡎ௩࣑ྣਜແఁ ۹ᄍ֭ன࿦იൔ༥ࡁߋh Ֆປĭᇗྗი๡഍ᇗ‫ݛ‬gႏ‫ࡍߧݛ‬ำ࿀ܽৠ࿘ᄅ Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ৻Ͽuᆌ഍Ӷ‫܇‬ᆵ֩vࢋ቞ĭႶᆌࢆീᆌ ഍ခࣶ߾ᆻྣ߾ӑຮඎ݃ࢥ൹ᇾࢋĭԣ༤ᆈЏছી‫܅‬ Ҏࡡಮ৷Ҏᆧ༈Ҏӑৡᒿགი ଈ‫ࣀۺ‬ಮ൞h

‫ࡅݛ‬ன࿦ᇗྗ ᇗྗ ୕֭ቁ൴೎й ୕ᅁӑ hიచ‫ه‬ ऍ‫ގ‬Ͽ֭ᇗ‫ݛ‬๡Į഍༈࿘༥ࡁߋ‫ތ‬๡഍ᇗ‫ݛ‬Į‫ࡅݛ‬഍ ၄ࠌϼࡁߋൻ֦‫ۺ‬٢ᄩძh uᇗ‫ݛ‬๡Į഍༈࿘༥ࡁߋvօў๾Ⴧ ᄍ‫ڳ‬ഐ‫ݢ‬ҝ ܼg࢔ੈhu๡഍ᇗ‫ݛ‬Į‫ࡅݛ‬഍၄ࠌϼࡁߋvᄽჇ ᄍవາഐ‫ݢ‬g‫ݻ‬ᇤhߵྕᆵ޲ĭచ၄ࡍ૔‫֚࣊؛‬ᇗ ‫ࣉ֭ݛ‬ಽߔ࣪g๯ሯߔֱ࣪Ⴝ‫ۿ‬യ೎֭ਜࢻļიᇗ‫ݛ‬ ֭చ၄ࡍ૳‫ੈ࢔૳؛‬ĭࠎ༙ᇗ‫ݛ‬कվ֭൯ӎ഍ࠗĭ ແྕࡎ௩చ၄ࡍ‫ڳ‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬िᅢ၄༈ቛਜщ္֭ሡЩh ᇗྗ‫ࢬܓ‬ֈਜ ۹ধሹᇗ‫ݛ‬Ҋ๥ീ൯֭ᆧg഍ࣀ օў๾ĭ‫ ࡁܓ‬ಮধྕ٨໡ҝܼgன࿦࢔ੈĭఋᇗ Џছᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ປ‫ݛ‬ልࡍऍ‫ڴ‬ऍӑ෬ᅾ߇෶੹਽֭օў ๾hՖປĭᇗྗ၁υஎਜ ໒ྕࡎ௩చ၄ࡍ‫ڳ‬ᇗ‫ݛ‬ൔ ׁ॑һg࢔ੈ࿘༥h ᇗྗ၁Ⴧ ᄍࠫ ᄍ‫ٻ‬ѡవາ଺୩იയᎷҝࡎႶᇗ ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ປ‫ݛ‬ልࡍऍᇾϿ֭୕؏ன࿦ལପ‫߾ࢬ؛‬g‫ࡅݛ‬ ಮҔ࢔ੈվ߾ĭᇃᄥ࿎֥࿘ᄅ֭ԿϿ໛ߌgৠ୙‫ॣތ‬ ӹĭၣࠫ฼ۢ࿘ᄅ֭ᆱଈ؏h

ᇗ‫ࡍݛݛ‬ປ‫ݛ‬ልࡍऍ‫ڴ‬ऍӑ ෬ᅾ߇ ቘ໼ ੹਽օў๾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸᑉ٨ܽৠ࿘ᄅh࿘ᄅܽໆ߾‫ڴ‬ ᇾ༤қఋ഻ ቘශ gᇾ༤ৡ‫ࠖݛ‬ ᇗ gଈძ૥ඈਧೠධ Ⴟೠ ‫ڴތ‬ ଈძ૥ඈ੆‫ݑ‬௣ Ⴟ‫ތ م‬࿘ᄅۢ࠱ ࣤৠ‫ྶލ‬੐‫ڽ‬ᄻࢬֈh



ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ࠖࣉ टঃ ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ࠖࣉ ୕෶ࠎ֭֬टঃແ! ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾Ӊ၄යಮႽན‫܌‬ර











ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ࠖࣉ ୕෶ቜԣ֭टঃແ! ๡഍ᇗ‫ݛ‬






‫ۍ‬Є۴଺౽౱ለ໩‫ݛ‬؇৳ ᇣ୕ࡈ୙‫܅‬ቜໆჼ߾

ྕࡎ௩ሿࢥ‫ ܚࠗ྆ތ‬uᇗ‫ݛ‬İྕࡎ௩ሿࢥი໛ߌᅢ঳߾v



ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ


෬ᇗ೾଺ဤࡈ୙ܾᅃࣤ൦෬ᇗ೾༽഻‫ބ‬ᆂ଺ဤ ߇్ᆮԃᇗ‫ݛ‬۲ଉׁ֭ࠖĭ๥൐၁൴ҧਜ࿀‫ا‬ ᆍ‫ࡈ֭ݔ‬୙໛༆gᅢ঳௞‫ތ‬৭ൖࡂၳ


ҝࡎ෬ᇗ೾g෋౱ਵࡈ୙ׁ‫ ׃‬ՙ৻༤߾ၸ

෬ᇗ೾଺ဤࡈ୙ܾი‫ࡍݛ‬໛༆ऍᄥྕໜg๡࿧ࠫ ၤඔҎۢ࠱ᆧ༈Ҏӑ੯်֫ചࢄ֭ࡶᆫ༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸᄥ࿸ᇥ໛଄Ѹ༆ܾమඏྀၸĭሹ ᄍ ಸగĭ໛༆ऍ ᆦ൜ࢬܽࡈ୙ܾ֭‫ه‬ᅢ‫ܽތ‬ৠĭቁ഍߾ᄽ‫ڽ‬గ਽֥‫ތ‬ ࡛؄֭ᄻಱhਓࢻЩີ੫Ⴖ෬ᇗ೾଺ဤࡈ୙ܾᇾ༤ࡡ ቁ഍߾‫״ࣅ ׃‬ൡ߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑྎຫ೮օўమඏh

෬ᇗ೾଺ဤࡈ୙ܾ‫״‬ൡࡡቁ഍߾ປൡໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ ႋԔ଄gന߾ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ৡѭᑿࠫࡈ୙ܾࣤৠ ၅ᡔօўԣ༤ ୕෬ᇗ೾g෋౱ਵࡈ୙ׁ৻༤߾ ၸh

ࡈ୙ܾᆵ޲֭ᄖቜ߅‫ٶ‬Ⴖྕໜg๡࿧ࠫၤඔҎg ҕᆧҎgѸҙ‫܌‬ර‫ތ‬ቁ഍߾၊๥ӽ֌h‫ࡍݛ‬໛༆ऍ၁ ᆸࢬ฼‫܊‬ል၄ܽৠgҮߋgಮൡიҕᆧ‫ڣ‬༈ĭၣࠫ‫ڽ‬ ᄻಸӐᄖቜֱh

߾ၸႶТ࣠൯ᆧྀϿ‫܌‬๗ᇾϿĭ෋౱ਵ‫ܫ‬ऊܽৠ ᇗྗྀϿĭվ߾Ⴧ ᄍ ಸ‫ ތ‬ಸ਎็ऐྣhᇾϿࠗ ‫ܚ‬υஎধሹᇗ‫ׁۺݛ‬gམ۞gฃພgಸЯgજধ༎ ࿸g٫੸ѧࠫྕࡎ௩ ۹‫ ࡍݛ‬۹ࠗ‫ ֭ܚ‬ଈօўჇ ᄍ ಸҝܼᇗ‫ݛ‬നज़ᄅ‫ތ‬Ⴧ ᄍ ಸԣ༤Т࣠෋౱ ਵ‫ܫ‬ऊ֭िଦၖ൜h༷ࣅ߾ၸࢄᄥજধ༎࿸֭ᣅӴऐ ྣh

‫ࡍݛ‬໛༆ऍቁҒ࿀ධ߇඲ĭ໛༆ऍഩ৳ਜ໛ߌࠗ ‫ܚ‬Ҏ૒ྀሁࡈ୙ܾಎ٢૳֭ܽৠი‫ه‬ᅢh෸၁༘ິᆋ ՙ֭‫ގ‬ቜĭେແ૾࡟֭ࡈ୙ܾփধ‫֭اۿ‬٨ॢh Я߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑࡡࡈ୙ܾ‫״‬ൡ߾ᇾ༤ӯ࣢ၲჇ ᄍ ಸ ൻໆແࡈ୙ܾᄥ໛༆ऍ֭‫״‬ൡӶჼh Ֆປĭ‫ࡍݛ‬໛༆ऍჇ ᄍ ಸᆦ൜ໆಱ‫ࡍݛ‬Ѹ༆ܾ ܾӑৡԫਦແօܾӑĭ‫ڽ‬ᄻ࡛؄ࡈ୙ܾ֭‫ه‬ᅢიྣᆧ ൡ༈h

ĩቘగĪ‫ࡍݛ‬໛༆ऍᇾ༤࿀๡્ࢥ൹g຦౬჻ ᇾ༤ࡡቁ഍߾‫߾ڴࣅ ׃‬ӑྎຫ೮gႎ؏Զ๬ ໛ߌܾ‫ه‬ᅢໆჼ߾ᇾ༤Ϡঠࠥ၌഻gྕໜg๡ ࿧ࠫၤඔҎۢ࠱ᆧ༈Ҏӑ੯်֫gજধԶ๬໛ ߌࠖࣉ߾ᇾ༤ᄤ୾gቁ഍߾‫߾ࣅ ׃‬ӑқ็З ࠫ‫ࡍݛ‬໛༆ऍቁҒ࿀ධ߇തჇ ᄍ ಸ֭Щີ ੫మඏၖ൜ഐh




వஎቘగ Ļᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅ‫ڴ‬૥ඈӑལᆀઆgቁ഍ ߾‫߾ڴ‬ӑৡ‫ࠖݛ‬gᇗ‫ݛ‬ሉྕࡎ௩վ൘ᅮུॊg ᇗ‫ࢥݛ‬ცҎӑᇣ࠾gᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅໆჼ੆င‫ײ‬g ቁ഍߾߾ӑᅮෆഺgᇗ‫ݛ‬ज़࿘࠷ඔҎ‫ڴ‬Ҏӑ ৡ࿘Ⴏgᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅခࣶ൱‫ڴ‬ᇾಱࢆུᛣgᇗ ‫ݛ‬ປ࢔ҎҎӑሁৠ੆ࢺ၊h ޲எቘగ Ļቁ഍߾ ປൡໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ႋԔ଄gന߾ൡ༈ໆჼ߾ᇾ༤ ৡѭᑿg‫ࡅݛ‬ൡ༈ໆჼ߾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤ߣ೾ᇙg‫߾ڴ‬ӑ қఋ഻g໛ߌიࢥცໆჼ߾‫ڴ‬ᇾ༤໹࿘݃g໛ߌ იࢥცໆჼ߾ᇾ༤࿀๛١തჇ ᄍ ಸ֭٨໡ࠋ ‫׶‬ഐh

ᇟ္٨ॢ ࡈ୙ܾჇ ୕ࢬֈਜ࿀‫֦ا‬٨֭ᇟ္٨ॢĭ ఋᇗЏছᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅໆჼ੆င‫ֱײ‬၊ྣಮh ੆င‫ݛײ‬༈ᄅໆჼᄥቁ഍߾߾ӑᅮෆഺֱಮ֭஬ ๥༷ĭჇ ᄍ ಸ֦٨෬ᇗ೾଺ဤࡈ୙ܾ൐ĭ‫ࡈ؛‬୙ ܾ୅֭൴ҧᄩძႽࡌh෺‫ࡎྕ؛‬௩Д੅იᇗ‫ݤྔݛ‬۲ ଉ৭ൖႽܹ֭ࡈ୙ܾĭ๥൐Ⴣࠚࠦդ࣑‫ۺ‬ᇝቊ֭໛ߌ ࢔ੈი‫ܓ྆ތ‬Աĭў൝ᄩഎh෺၁‫؛‬ቁ഍߾ᇉ৷Ⴧྱ ‫ڷ‬ი‫ه‬ᅢࡈ୙ܾ෶ቜԣ֭‫ܒ‬ཌയў࣫ၱh ஬๥֦٨֭ߖЏছᇗ‫ࢥݛ‬ცҎҎӑᇣ࠾gᇗ‫ݛ‬ज़ ࿘࠷ඔҎ‫ڴ‬Ҏӑৡ࿘Ⴏgᇗ‫ݛ‬ሉྕࡎ௩վ൘ᅮུॊg ᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅ‫ڴ‬૥ඈӑལᆀઆgᇗ‫ݛݛ‬༈ᄅခࣶ൱‫ڴ‬ᇾ ಱࢆུᛣၣࠫᇗ‫ݛ‬ປ࢔ҎҎӑሁৠ੆ࢺ၊ֱಮh


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ



The 30-storey Samsung Hub at 3 Church Street is a joint venture development between Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd (CCR), China Square Holdings Pte Ltd and Church Street Properties Pte Ltd. The Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) for the building was obtained on December 28 2005. As required by the Building and Constrution Authority, the building is currently being monitored for any building settlement for a period of five years before an application can be made for the issuance of the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC). To date, the building has been certified by independent professional engineers to be structurally sound and safe. CCR currently owns the office space on the 15th and 22nd to 30th floors. A total of three units were vacated as of December 2009. Total rental income including service charges amounted to $7.63 million in 2009. In the year under review, CCR donated $4.8 million to the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Its net surplus after taxation is $1 million.




SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng, HE Zhang Xiaokang, PRC Ambassador to Singapore, and Sam Tan, Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Trade and Industry & Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, viewing the photo exhibition at the Singapore-Hainan Investment Promotion Seminar.

Enterprise Development Centre @ SCCCI (EDC@SCCCI) was set up by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) and SPRING Singapore to serve as a one-stop centre to assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore to grow and develop. Since its inception on February 22 2006, the centre has actively engaged SMEs through provision of business advisory services, business matching, seminars and workshops.

• Organising 42 sessions of business and expert consultation clinics for SMEs to obtain first-hand consultancy advice and tap the knowledge and expertise of professionals from various disciplines on a complimentary basis. • Offering 2,226 hours of business advisory services to 1,826 SMEs. • Organising the 2nd Trade Association Congress on December 3. The congress was attended by 400 delegates from 76 trade associations.

REVIEW – 2009 2009 was a challenging year for EDC@SCCCI. The centre has weathered difficulties and setbacks and become stronger and better prepared for the challenges ahead. EDC@SCCCI has turned in a surplus (before depreciation and taxation) of $200,676 in 2009, excluding the commitment of $333,035 for the Step-Up programme. The centre has made the following significant achievements: • Organising 4 seminars/workshops covering topics such as brand management and SME financing, amongst others. • Assisting 14 provinces and cities from China to organise their trade and investment promotion events and bringing in business opportunities for local enterprises.

GOING FORWARD – 2010 Going forward, year 2010 can be expected to be another challenging year, with the economy beginning to recover from one of the most severe economic downturns. The future remains uncertain with countries and economies around the world facing both domestic and external concerns. In 2010, EDC@SCCCI will continue to offer the muchneeded business advisory services for our members and other SMEs clients. EDC@SCCCI will continue to develop its expertise in providing more in-depth advice and consulting. EDC@SCCCI will intensify its assistance and support to the SMEs by organising more briefing sessions, seminars and workshops to update them on the latest changes and developments in the business environment and equip them with better knowledge and skills in dealing with the challenges ahead.

• Organising our maiden exhibition “SingaporeNingbo Import and Export Fair” on August 26-28 which was attended by more than 3,200 business representatives from Singapore and Malaysia.

Businessmen checking out the products at a booth at the Singapore-Ningbo Import and Export Fair.


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ


SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng meeting the PSC Scholars who underwent a Chinese language and cultural preparatory course at SCCIOB before embarking on their undergraduate studies in China.

The objectives of SCCIOB include developing a leading institute for global business enterprises, providing language, skills and business management training, cultivating a pool of professionals with entrepreneurial spirit, global exposure and who are equipped with bilingual and bi-cultural skills, promoting SingaporeChina bilateral cooperation in training, education and business as well as facilitating exchanges between the East and West and creating opportunities to build a global business network. In a bid to raise the overall standards of SCCIOB and attain the certification of a quality Private Education Institution under the new EduTrust Scheme, the institute underwent a management restructuring in 2009 and streamlined the business process, achieving the following targets of: • Understanding and meeting students’ requirements; • Having tangible targets as key performance indicators; • Achieving performance and process efficiency; • Continuously improving through objective and tangible measurements. SCCIOB also invested in an integrated and online system to manage student and course information, streamline operations and improve work efficiency. The system is expected to be implemented in full from April 2010. The institute achieved a record performance in 2009 with income hitting $4,148,236, a hefty increase of 147% from 2008. The launch of a series of WSQ Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (Chinese) programmes since March and the increase in training delegates from China were the driving forces behind the success. More than 2,400 students successfully completed their Business Mandarin classes, workshops, certificate and diploma courses. At the graduation ceremony on November 30, in the presence of SCCIOB Chairman and Chamber’s Vice-President Patrick Lee, Chamber‘s

President Teo Siong Seng was invited to confer the graduation awards. SCCIOB will continue to expand its course offerings in conjunction with the government initiatives and industry demand by working closely with government agencies, trade associations and organisations, and SMEs. It will also endeavour to raise the overall standards and provide quality services to students through internal and external reviews and following industry best practices.

Language Studies Centre (LSC) After the doubling of staff from two to four sales consultants, the LSC was able to expand its outreach and total income in 2009 grew by 84%, compared to 2008. LSC’s net surplus increased 155% compared to 2008. With the growing demand for English language training due to new Ministry of Manpower regulations concerning the English proficiency level of foreign workers, LSC developed more English language courses for frontline staff, F&B industry, and the Certificate in Business English series. The Diploma in Translation & Interpretation and the Diploma in Professional Chinese Teaching witnessed 24% growth in income and a 50% growth in net surplus compared to 2008. Corporate training services saw a decline due to the severe recession with companies reducing their training budget. Deserving special mention, however, was that SCCIOB was engaged by the Public Service Commission (PSC) to conduct a specialised Chinese language and cultural preparatory course in August for its 14 scholars who were going to study in China. In September, Business Mandarin training was delivered to more than 60 EDB officers over a 3-month period at their office. A new course, Business Mandarin for Banking Professionals, was also developed in June which met with great success.




candidates arriving in Singapore on September 10 to embark on their six-month internship and training programme with the institute. SCCIOB, in partnership with Business China and Royal Institution of Chartered Management, invited Prof Wang Shuguang on August 27 for a seminar titled “Zhejiang Merchants: The Secret of Success”. The guest of honour was Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Manpower. SCCIOB’s Business China Immersion Programme delegation to Shanghai in May.

The Business Mandarin courses conducted in collaboration with WDA attracted about 1,000 students who enrolled in more than 45 classes, helped in part by the generous course fee subsidies by the government.

Business Studies Centre (BSC) A total of 96 BSC training courses were offered to 1,611 individuals from the local SMEs. The Diploma in Business Administration attracted 60 participants. With the introduction of “Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience” (SPUR) funding by the government in 2009, many companies and their workers seized the opportunity to upgrade during the economic downturn. The Singapore Jewellers Association and Singapore Pawnbrokers’ Association sponsored many employees for these training courses. The SCCIOB and Johor Bahru Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed an MOU on February 23 for the Certificate in China Business Practices Programme, a jointly conducted course with the renowned Tsinghua University. It was also the first year of collaboration between BSC and China Association for International Exchange of Personnel for the “Singapore-China Senior Managers Exchange Programme”, with three selected Chinese

Chamber Vice-Presidents Patrick Lee and Thomas Chua receiving (fifth from left) Sun Zhaohua, Deputy DirectorGeneral, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, who attended a training programme at SCCIOB.


ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ

International Training Centre (ITC) ITC’s revenue for 2009 grew by 66% compared to 2008, with the International Business Fellowship (iBF) China programme developed in collaboration with IE Singapore, and the Business China Immersion Programme developed with Business China receiving numerous accolades. ITC organised an 8-day Business China Immersion Programme (BCIP) to Shanghai in May, with a total of 15 Singaporean participants joining the trip. The success of this Shanghai immersion programme also prompted IE Singapore to collaborate with SCCIOB to organise an 8-day immersion trip to Shanghai and Hangzhou in September, attracting a total of 28 Singaporean participants. ITC provided training to 15 Chinese delegates from different provinces and cities, various government bureaus and agencies, and private and state owned enterprises. A total of 360 Chinese participants visited Singapore over the year for training, including Sun Zhaohua, Deputy Director-General, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, while 46 Singaporeans received training in China. ITC participated in a number of conferences in China including the annual work conference organised by the China State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) in Nanning in May and the Conference on International Exchange of Professionals in Shenzhen in November. In 2010, ITC will continue to collaborate with IE Singapore under the iBF China programme, with a total of six immersion trips being planned throughout the year for cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Chongqing and Chengdu.

SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOUNDATION Donations The SCCC Foundation received the following donations in 2009: $ Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd


Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business


Koufu Pte Ltd


Mr Kia Er Chew


Mr Peh Chin Chye


Mr Ng Chin Nyan


Mr Low Swee She


Mr Sim Hee Chew


Dr Kim-Gau Ng




The SCCC Foundation made the following donations in 2009: Business China


SCCCI – Preservation of SCCCI's Archives


Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Co Ltd – Building Maintenance and Structural Repair Work


Singapore River Hongbao 2009


National Arts Council – Singapore Arts Festival 2009


SCCCI – Oral History Project


Kampong Glam National Day Committee


Inter-Religious Organisation, Singapore - China/Singapore Religious and Cultural Exhibition







The statue of Dr Sun Yat Sen stands proudly in the Memorial Hall courtyard.

Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and National Heritage Board Lui Tuck Yew, Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, witnessed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and National Heritage Board on March 11 at the Asian Civilisations Museum. The NHB will officially assume control of the management and development of the Memorial Hall on April 1, while the Chamber will be responsible for the supervision and overall direction. Vice-President Chia Ban Seng represented the Chamber in the signing of the MOU.

The Memorial Hall’s operating costs will be borne by MICA, MOF, TOTE Board and SCCCI. NHB will provide management expertise, planning, personnel and financial management, while being responsible for the daily operations. NHB CEO Michael Koh said that the Memorial Hall will be managed with competence and professionalism to make it vibrant, thoughtful and enjoyable to visit. Tan Cheng Gay, Chamber’s Vice-President and Chairman of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, accepted the invitation to join the NHB Board on April 28. NHB has also appointed Lee Chor Lin, Director of the National Museum of Singapore, as Acting Director to oversee the development and operations of the Memorial Hall.

(From left) NHB Chairman Prof Tommy Koh, SCCCI Vice-President Chia Ban Seng, Indian Heritage Centre Steering Committee Chairman Dr Balaji Sadasivan, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts RADM Lui Tuck Yew, Malay Heritage Foundation Chairman Zainul Abidin Rasheed, SCCCI President Chua Thian Poh and NHB CEO Michael Koh congratulating each other after the MOU signing.


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State Councillor Liu Yandong was invited to sign the guest book of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.

Participation in the 21st Sun Yat Sen-Soong Ching Ling Memorial Conference Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall board member and External Relations Committee Chairman Wan Shung Ming, Community Affairs Committee Chairman Lee Peng Shu and Memorial Hall Manager Angela Ye represented the Chamber to attend the Sun Yat SenSoong Ching Ling Memorial Conference in Beijing. The conference, organised by the Beijing Municipal Committee and supported by the Soong Ching Ling Residence Management Office, was held on May 28-29. A total of 83 participants representing 36 organisations were invited from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore to visit the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on May 30 and attend the opening ceremony of the Soong Ching Ling Residence in Beijing on May 31. The next conference will be held in Penang.

Visit of State Councillor Liu Yandong Among the many esteemed visitors to the Memorial Hall in 2009 was the official delegation led by Liu Yandong, State Councillor, People’s Republic of China. On April 25, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng accompanied Councillor Liu for a tour of the Memorial Hall. Councillor Liu was impressed with the extensive collection of historical artefacts, and praised the efforts to preserve the Chinese Revolution’s history in a Memorial Hall which helped to foster cross-cultural exchanges among different races and promote social harmony. Councillor Liu also paid tribute to the Chamber’s contributions for the restoration works and development of the Memorial Hall. The official delegation included Minister for Education Zhou Ji, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology Li Xueyong, PRC Ambassador Zhang Xiaokang, Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the State Council Xiang Zhaolun, Deputy Director of the State Council Research Office Jiang Xiaojuan, and Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Liu Jieyi.



20 09

ধሹ‫ݢ‬ປ֭ ‫ݔ‬ѧ‫ތ‬٨໡๾

OVERSEAS VIPS, VISITORS AND DELEGATIONS ধሹ‫ݢ‬ປ֭‫ݔ‬ѧ‫ތ‬٨໡๾f Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations


ধáˆšâ€ŤÝ˘â€Źŕş›Ö­â€ŤÝ”â€ŹŃ§â€ŤŢŒâ€ŹŮ¨ŕťĄŕšž OVERSEAS VIPS, VISITORS AND DELEGATIONS á„? ಸ February 13

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ਚ୊ྀ՞৽ྯ CHINA (Dalian, Liaoning) ՞৽ྯß…áƒťŕĽŻŕŁ¤ŕ žŕą˝Ü˝ŕť†ßžâ€ŤÚ´â€Źá‡žŕ˛ąŕˇŹŕŠ‹á „੹਽վ৽൯ ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 3-member delegation led by Sun Longye, Vice-Director, Dalian Huayuankou Economic Zone Administrative Committee.

á„? ಸ February 23

ŕ¸ƒŕşž TAIWAN áˆ‰ŕž•ŕĄŽொŕ¸ƒТÖ…ŃžÔąÖ…Ńžŕľ–࿸௤á Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 5-member delegation led by Vanessa Shih, Representative, Taipei Representative Office in Singapore.

á„? ಸ February 23

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źŕ´ƒŕźŽŕľ€ CHINA (Shaanxi) ŕ´ƒŕźŽŕľ€ಎ՞â€ŤÚ´â€ŹŕŤĽŕśˆÓ‘৥ŕł–ఱ੹਽ŕ´ƒŕźŽŕľ€á†§â€ŤÚąâ€ŹÖ…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 6-member delegation led by Li Runqian, Vice-Secretary-General, Shaanxi People’s Congress Committee.

á„? ಸ February 25

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€ CHINA (Zhejiang) á‡—â€ŤÝ›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†á‡—ŕž— ŕž•ŕĄŽொ á‡žŕ˛ąâ€ŤŢ¨ÝŞâ€Źŕ˝žá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 3-member delegation led by Han Hongxiang, Director, Zhejiang Representative Office in Singapore.

á„? ಸ March 2

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ਚ୊ྀЯŕź&#x;ྯ CHINA (Benxi, Liaoning) ĐŻŕź&#x;ྯŕť†Ó?ŕť†gá‰Žá†śŇŽÓ‘á…˝â€Ť×˛â€Źá€ƒá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 4-member delegation led by Zhao Dongyan, Head, Organisation Department of Benxi Administrative Committee.

á„? ಸ March 4

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€ŕť™á‡¤ŕľŻ CHINA (Wenzhou, Zhejiang) ŕť™á‡¤ŕľŻá¤?â€ŤÝ˘â€Źŕą˝á†§â€ŤÜŹŕ ąŰ˘Úąâ€ŹŕťĄßŁŕ˝‰Ń›੹਽á¤?‍ݢ‏๽ ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 4-member delegation led by Huang Xianbiao, Senior Counsellor, Ouhai District Government.

á„? ಸ March 6

ᇗ‍ࢠڌ ݛ‏ྀ‍ڌ‏ᇤྯ CHINA (Fuzhou, Fujian) ᇗ‍ŕĄ?ݛݛ‏ि‍ه‏ႇྣâ€ŤŢŽŕĄ…Ý›â€Źá‰œŰ˘ŕ ąáˆ?áƒźâ€ŤŕŁ“ÝŞâ€Źá ˛á Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 3-member delegation led by Han Jinyi, International Cooperation Commissioner, China Development Bank.

á„? ಸ March 6

ŕŞœধ༮࿸ MALAYSIA ŕŞœধ༮࿸â€ŤŘ›â€Źŕş›ŕŤ€á Śâ€ŤŮ‡â€Źá…˘ŕ¤?Ó‰ŕŻžáƒ˜â€ŤÚŁâ€Źŕźˆâ€ŤŮ‡â€Źá…˘ŇŽá‡žÜ˝>HU /VYTH >HU +H\Ká„ĽŕŞœধ༮࿸áˆ‰ŕž• ॎொቓۢáˆ?ŕś?ŕŤ€á Śáˆ?áƒź4; 9HQHO஬๥༷֦٨h Wan Horma Wan Daud, Director, Products & Services Developments, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation and MT Rajah, Trade Commissioner.


ŕž•ŕĄŽொᇗ߇በŕ´?ßž ŕ­•Ó?ŕ­•Đ™ŰŠŕśˆ


á„? ಸ March 13

ŇŠÖ? BHUTAN ŇŠÖ?‍܅‏ŕ´?á‰ ßžâ€ŤßžÚ´â€ŹÓ‘Ď ŕĽ¤â€ŤŕŠšŰ…â€Źŕ¨˝ŇŠÖ? ಎŕ´?á „Ö…Ńž๾֦٨h 5-member delegation led by Bap Kinga, Vice-President, Bhutan Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

á„? ಸ March 17

૲‍ג‏ MYANMAR ૲‍܅ג‏ŕ´?ঢ়‍ގ‏በߞߞӑ< >PU 4`PU[੹਽૲‍ג‏ŕ´?á „Ö…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 12-member delegation led by U Win Myint, President, The Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry.

á„? ಸ March 23

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ᄑ଺ྀ CHINA (Yunnan) á„‘଺ྀಮ૾ᆧ‍ŕą?Úąâ€ŹŕźˆĎżâ€ŤÜŒâ€Źŕľąâ€ŤÚ´â€Źá‡žŕ˛ąá…Žŕž•ŕŹ„੹਽á„‘଺ྀಮ૾ᆧ‍ŕą?Úąâ€ŹŕźˆĎżâ€ŤÜŒâ€Źŕľą ಎÖ…ŃžŕšžÖŚ ٨h 7-member delegation led by Zhang Xinming, Deputy Director-General, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Yunnan Provincial Government.

á„? ಸ March 27

ྫྷ࿱৮ HUNGARY ྫྷ࿱৮áˆ‰ŕž•ŕĄŽொ՞ŕľ˜ ;HTHZ 4HNKH áƒ˜ŕŁ¤ŕ žŇŽŕŤ’á‡žÜ˝ +Y 9HQT\UK 2PZZ ֌٨h HE Tamas Magda, Ambassador of Hungary, and Dr Rajmund Kiss, Director, Economic Department, Embassy of Hungary in Singapore.

á„? ಸ March 30

ŕŠ›ŕşłŐş RWANDA ŕŠ›ŕşłŐşáˆ‰ŕž•ŕĄŽொ՞ŕľ˜,TPSL 9^HTHZPYHIVgŕ´?ŕźˆŇ?á„Š7H\S 2H`VIVRLâ€ŤÜŹŢŒâ€ŹŕťĄ,TPS`U 7VOÖŚ ٨h HE Dr Emile Rwamasirabo, Ambassador, Paul Kayoboke, Economic Counsellor, and Emilyn Poh, Consultant, Embassy of Rwanda in Singapore.

á„? ಸ March 31

ᇗ‍ݛ‏ CHINA á‡—â€ŤŕĄ…Ý›Ý›â€ŹŕŤ€á ŚŐ¤ŕŁ‘ŕť†áƒźßžáˆ‰ŕž•ŕĄŽொÖ…ŃžԱ൶༤Ö…Ńžá…Ťŕ˝łŕ§łâ€ŤÚ´ŢŒâ€ŹÖ…Ńžâ€Ťß‡ÜŹâ€Źŕ­ŠÖŚŮ¨h Zhang Xiaoli, Chief Representative, and Gu Huaning, Deputy Representative, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

á„? ಸ April 1

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€୊ѡྯ CHINA (Ningbo, Zhejiang) ୊ѡྯâ€ŤŘ›â€Źŕş›ŕŤ€á ŚŕŁ¤ŕ žâ€ŤŢŽâ€Źá‰œŕ¤?ŕž•ŕĄŽொࣤŕŤ€ঢ়ખԹള฾ŕżœá‡žŕ˛ąÄ­á„Ľá‡—â€ŤÝ›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†á‡—ŕž—á‡žŕ˛ąáˆ ৠ࿀ மਲ֭஬๥༷֦٨h Shen Tengxun, Director, Ningbo Foreign Trade Cooperation Agency Singapore Trade Liaison Department, and Xu Peiling, Assistant Director, China Zhejiang Center.

á„? ಸ April 1

Ď ŕźŽ BRAZIL Ď ŕźŽŕľ„ऽպ෻ਧଲá‡¤â€ŤÜ…â€Źá „๥ŕŤ˜ßžßžÓ‘(SJHU[HYV *VYYLHŕŠšŕ¨˝Ď ŕźŽŕľ„ऽպ෻ਧଲᇤ ಎÖ…Ńž ŕšžá„ĽĎ ŕźŽáˆ‰ŕž•Őžŕľ˜۶༷â€ŤŢŒâ€ŹŕŤ€á Śâ€ŤÜŹâ€ŹŕťĄÖ­ŕŽŹŕšĽŕźˇÖŚŮ¨h 6-member delegation led by Alcantaro Correa, President, Industry Federation of Santa Catarina.

á„? ಸ April 7

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ਚ୊ྀ՞৽ྯ CHINA (Dalian, Liaoning) ՞৽ྯŕŁ‰á‡¤ŕą˝ŕ˛ŽŕŤžá†§â€ŤÚąâ€Źŕą˝Ó‘ŕťšŕĄ‡ß‡੹਽ࣉᇤ๽ ಎᆧ‍ڹ‏ᅚŕ´?༑һ๾֦٨h 13-member delegation led by Wu Jihua, Director, People’s Government of Dalian Jinzhou District.




á„? ಸ April 14

á‡—â€Ťŕ˘†ŕŠ‹Ţ™ ݛ‏ྀ CHINA (Heilongjiang) â€Ťŕ˘†ŕŠ‹Ţ™â€Źŕľ€ಮ૾á†§â€ŤÚ´Úąâ€ŹŕŤĽŕśˆÓ‘á€&#x;Ď ŕťťŕŠšŕ¨˝â€ŤÝ&#x;ŕ˘†ŕŠ‹Ţ™â€Źŕ°§ßž ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 6-member delegation led by Yang Aiwu, Vice-Secretary-General, People’s Government of Heilongjiang Province.

á„? ಸ April 20

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€á‡˘ŕłžŕľŻ CHINA (Zhoushan, Zhejiang) á‡˘ŕłžŕľŻŕť†ŕśˆŕĄ‚ŕ¨‹ŕ§›ŕŹ„੹਽ᇢೞྯᆧ‍ ڹ‏ಎօў๾֦٨h 10-member delegation led by Liang Liming, Secretary Director, Zhoushan Municipal Committee.

á„? ಸ April 23

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏á‡&#x;ŕąą CHINA (Chongqing) á‡&#x;๹ྯ᳜ࢆŕ˝?ŕť†๬ᅌҎ‍ڴ‏Ҏӑg‍܅‏ŕ´?ঢ়֜቎ྥŕĄ‚ŕşşÝƒҢ੹਽á‡&#x;๹ྯ‍܅‏ŕ´?ঢ়Öœ በŕ´?ßž ಎ༑һ๾֦٨h 16-member delegation led by Wei Guangcan, Party Leadership Group Secretary, Qijiang County Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chongqing Municipality.

á„? ಸ April 24

á‡—â€ŤŕŁ‹ŕš‡ ݛ‏ྯ CHINA (Tianjin) ŕš‡ŕŁ‹ྯŕ´?ŕźˆŕť†á‡žŕ˛ąŕşŽŕś–ன੹਽ŕš‡ŕŁ‹ྯ ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 15-member delegation led by Wang Shupei, Chief Director, Tianjin Commission of Commerce.

á„? ಸ April 24

ŕ¸ƒŕşž TAIWAN ŕž•ŕĄŽொáˆ‰ŕ¸ƒТÖ…ŃžÔąÖ…Ńž:[HUSL` 3VOáƒ˜ŕ°šâ€ŤŮ‡â€Źŕ¤?â€ŤÚ˝â€Źá„ťŕ¸ƒŕşžྥŕźˆÖ­áˆ ৠࣤৠ+LUUPZ 3LLÖŚ ٨h Stanley Loh, Representative, Singapore Representative Office in Taipei, and Dennis Lee, Assistant Manager, IE Singapore.

á„? ಸ April 30

ಸЯ JAPAN ಸЯŕ´?â€ŤßžÜ…â€Źá ¸ŕˇśßžÓ‘â€ŤŕšŠŢŒâ€Źáˆąá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 5-member delegation led by Shigeru Wada, President, Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

á„? ಸ May 12

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ŕ´?‍ݢ‏ྯ CHINA (Shanghai) ŕ¸†Ď…ŕ¸žŕ Şŕšž ŕ´?‍ ݢ‏በࣤৠŕĽ—ŕ´šŃŁá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 3-member delegation led by Ke Shaobin, Shanghai Tai An Tang Medical Materials Co Ltd.

á„? ಸ May 14

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏Т࣠ྯ CHINA (Beijing) ᇗ‍ݛ‏ԡѿá‡&#x;â€Ťŕ ŞÜ…â€Źŕšžâ€ŤÜŒâ€Źŕśťâ€ŤÚ´â€Źá‰ ࣤৠ‍״‏ไ੹਽ᇗ‍ݛ‏ԡѿá‡&#x;â€Ťŕ ŞÜ…â€Źŕšž ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 3-member delegation led by Dong Qiang, Deputy General Manager, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.

á„? ಸ May 19

á‡—â€ŤŕŹşÝ˘ ݛ‏ྀ CHINA (Hainan) â€ŤŕŹşÝ˘â€Źŕľ€ŕ´?ŕźˆŕš—â€ŤÚ´â€Źŕš—Ó‘ຎ༠ŕą„੹਽â€ŤŕŹşÝ˘â€Źŕľ€ŕ´?ŕźˆŕš— ಎ༑ҝུ቎֌٨h 4-member delegation led by Wang Keqiang, Deputy Director-General, Department of Commerce of Hainan Province of PRC.


ŕž•ŕĄŽொᇗ߇በŕ´?ßž ŕ­•Ó?ŕ­•Đ™ŰŠŕśˆ


á„? ಸ May 22

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ŕ´?‍ݢ‏ྯ CHINA (Shanghai) ŕ´?‍ݢ‏ྯŕą?ŕ´?ߞ‍ߞڴ‏ӑຎŕŹƒ੹਽ŕ´?‍ݢ‏ྯŕą?ŕ´?ßž ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 7-member delegation led by Wang Min, Vice-President, Shanghai Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

á„? ಸ May 25

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€ŕ¸ƒá‡¤ŕľŻ CHINA (Taizhou, Zhejiang) ŕ¸ƒá‡¤ŕľŻâ€ŤŘ›â€Źŕş›ŕŁ¤ŕ žŕŤ€á Śâ€ŤŢŽâ€Źá‰œŕ¤?ŕ¤?Ó‘ŕŽ”ŕż„߱੹਽á†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€ŕ¸ƒá‡¤ŕľŻ ಎŕ´?á „Ö…Ńžŕšžá‘‰٨ 12-member delegation led by Pan Xuhui, Director-General, Taizhou Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Bureau.

á„? ಸ May 29

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏Т࣠ྯ CHINA (Beijing) á‡—â€ŤÝ˘Ý›â€Źŕş›ŕ˘”ŕŠˆŕž€ßžâ€ŤßžÚ´â€ŹÓ‘ŕŞœŕłˆய੹਽á‡—â€ŤÝ˘Ý›â€Źŕş›ŕ˘”ŕŠˆŕž€ßž ಎÖ…Ńžŕšžá‘‰٨h 6-member delegation led by Ma Rupei, Vice-Chairman, China Overseas Exchange Association.

á„? ಸ June 12

á‡—â€ŤŕŁ‹ŕš‡ ݛ‏ྯ CHINA (Tianjin) ŕš‡ŕŁ‹ྯâ€ŤŮ‡â€Źá…˘â€ŤŰ‡â€ŹŰ˛ŕť†áƒźßžŕľŻÓŽÔąÔąÓ‘ৡษ੹਽ŕš‡ŕŁ‹൯ྣá „ŕž€ßž ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨ h 13-member delegation led by Li Tao, Head, Market Department, Tianjin Municipal Commission of Development and Reform.

á„? ಸ June 25

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ೞ‍ײ‏ྀคυྯ CHINA (Taian, Shandong) á‡—â€ŤŕĄ…Ý›Ý›â€ŹŕŤ€á ŚŐ¤ŕŁ‘ŕť†áƒźßžŕ¸„Ď…ྯŕť†áƒźßžâ€ŤßžÚ´â€ŹÓ‘பŕ§›ŕŹ„á Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 3-member delegation led by Pei Liming, Vice-Chairman, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Taian City Office.

á„? ಸ June 29

ಸЯ JAPAN ೠࣼሆ႞ႇྣŕž•ŕĄŽொ‍ิॎྣٻ‏ŕŠ?á€–á Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 4-member delegation led by Takahiko Kato, Director and General Manager, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Singapore Branch.

á„? ಸ June 30

ŕł´× ÎľŕŚ Ń˝ SAUDI ARABIA ŕł´× ÎľŕŚ Ń˝ŕş›ŕ˘”ŇŽŕž˜ŕź—ŕĽ›ŕ ˇŕ ŤŕšĄŕż§ŕś?ŕś?Ó‘۴೤ε଺á Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 7-member delegation led by Ghassan Adnan H. Al Kutbi, Director-General, Information Technology & Communication, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

á„? ಸ July 2

ᄈ଺ Ţšá‡…ŕŹ„ྯ VIETNAM (Ho Chi Minh City) ᄈ଺୲հg୲૾ŕ°šá „ŕĄ?ŕ Ťŕ­˛á‡žŕž€ßžá‡žŕź¤ŕ§ĄŘŒŕŹ„੹਽޹á‡…ŕŹ„ྯŕş„á Şŕ¤łŕ˛Žŕ´?á „ŕž€ßž ಎÖ…Ńž ๾֦٨h 23-member delegation led by Le Duy Minh, Chairman, Vietnam Association of Rural Farmer Entrepreneurs and Farmowners.

á„? ಸ July 3

ಸЯ JAPAN :\WLY :[\KPV 0UJበҒਸ਼଩‍֌مޅ‏٨h Koji Suzuki, Total Project-Producer, Super Studio Inc.




á„? ಸ July 3

ѷয POLAND ѷযáˆ‰ŕž•ŕĄŽொ՞ŕľ˜>HSKLTHY +\IHUPVZ^ZRP֌٨h HE Waldemar Dubanioswski, Ambassador, Embassy of Poland in Singapore.

á„? ಸ July 3

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€á ´ŕťąŕľŻ CHINA (Yiwu, Zhejiang) á ´ŕťąŕľŻŕ˛ŽŕŤžá†§â€ŤÚ´Úąâ€ŹŕľŻÓ‘ŕťšŕłŽŕŤžŕŠšŕ¨˝á ´ŕťąŕľŻ ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 6-member delegation led by Wu Senmin, Vice-Mayor, People’s Government of Yiwu City.

á„? ಸ July 8

ᇗ‍݄ Ý›â€ŹŕźŽŕľ€଺୩൯ CHINA (Nanning, Guangxi) á‡—â€ŤÝ›â€ŹÄŽâ€Ť×˛â€ŹŕŤ˜ŕ´?ŕźˆáƒ˜๯áˆŻâ€ŤßžÚŠâ€ŹŕŤĽŕśˆԹঢ়ŕŞ–ŇŽŇŽÓ‘Ö´ŕŤ›Ńœá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 2-member advance party led by Deng Mengbiao, Director, Liaison Division, China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Secretariat.

á„? ಸ July 8

ᇗ‍ײ݄ Ý›â€Źŕľ€ŕ˘†ŕŤ’ྯ CHINA (Jiangmen, Guangdong) ŕ˘†ŕŤ’൯ಮ૾á†§â€ŤÚ´Úąâ€ŹŕľŻÓ‘á Śá‡—ŕą„á Łŕ Ťŕ˘†ŕŤ’ྯಎ՞Ó?ŕť†ßžâ€ŤÚ´â€Źá‡žŕ˛ąÓŻŕŹ Ń›á Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 2-member delegation led by Yi Zhongqiang, Vice-Mayor, People’s Government of Jiangmen City.

á„? ಸ July 9

ŕ¸ƒŕşž TAIWAN ŕ¸ƒŕşžâ€ŤŘ›â€Źŕş›ŕŤ€á Śâ€ŤŮ‡â€Źá…˘ŕž€ßžáˆ‰ŕž•Ö…Ńžŕ¨&#x;जഝá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 2-member delegation led by Liao Junsheng, Representative, Taiwan External Trade Development Council Singapore Office.

á„? ಸ July 14

ᇗ‍ݔ Ý›â€Źá‡¤ŕľ€ŕŠŠŕŽ•ණ൯ CHINA (Liupanshui, Guizhou) ŕŠŠŕŽ•ණ൯ಮվÓ?ŕť†ßžâ€ŤÚ´â€Źá‡žŕ˛ąá€&#x;ŕžžÝƒ੹਽ŕŠŠŕŽ•ණ൯ ಎÖ…Ńžŕšžá‘‰٨h 6-member delegation led by Yang Xing Guang, Deputy Director, People’s Congress of Liupanshui City.

á„? ಸ July 16

á‡—â€Ťŕ Ľ ݛ‏ਧྀ CHINA (Jilin) ŕ Ľŕ¨§ŕľ€ŕŁ¤ŕ žŕ ˇŕś”â€ŤŢŽâ€Źá‰œŕ¤?‍ڴ‏ŕ¤?ӑ‍ڌŢ?â€Źŕ¨§á Šྣ ಎᑉ٨h 3-member delegation led by He Fulin, Deputy Director-General, Economic and Technological Cooperation Department of Jilin Province.

á„? ಸ July 20

ᇗ‍ࢠڌ Ý›â€Źŕľ€ŕŠ‹á€ƒྯ CHINA (Longyan, Fujian) ŕŠ‹á€ƒ൯ಮ૾ᆧ‍ڹ‏ྯӑߣཱིဈ੹਽ŕŠ‹á€ƒྯ ಎÖ…Ńžŕšžá‘‰٨h 20-member delegation led by Huang Xiaoyan, Mayor, People’s Government of Longyan City.

á„? ಸ July 28

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏Т࣠ྯ CHINA (Beijing) ᇗ‍ŕĄ?ݛݛ‏ປ‍ݛ‏áˆ?ŕĄ?ŕ¤?‍ڴ‏ŕ¤?Ó‘ࡏá…žß‡á Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 5-member delegation led by Sun Zhaohua, Deputy Director-General, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.

á„? ಸ August 3

á‚Žŕ­Œ INDONESIA á‚Žŕ­Œá‡—áˆ‹ŕş”â€ŤÜ…â€Źŕ´?በߞߞӑࡒ৮ָ੹਽á‡—áˆ‹ŕş”â€ŤÜ…â€Źŕ´?በߞ ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 9-member delegation led by H. Solichedi, Chairman, Central Java Chamber of Commerce & Industry.


ŕž•ŕĄŽொᇗ߇በŕ´?ßž ŕ­•Ó?ŕ­•Đ™ŰŠŕśˆ


á„? ಸ August 4

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€୊ѡྯ CHINA (Ningbo, Zhejiang) ୊ѡྯࢆ‍ײ‏๽ປŕ´?๯áˆŻŕ°šá „ŕž€ßžŕŹˆáƒŤßžÓ‘ᳪळ૾੹਽୩ѷ൯ࢆ‍ײ‏๽ ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 6-member delegation led by Ji Junmin, Honorary Chairman, Ningbo Jiangdong Foreign Investment Association.

á„? ಸ August 4

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏Т࣠ྯ CHINA (Beijing) ᇗ‍ݛ‏ႇྣበྣ۹ಮࣉಽá‰ ŇŽŰ˘ŕ ąŕŁ¤ŕ§ ŕ ¸ŕŹśá?¨ŕŠšŕ¨˝á‡—‍ݛ‏ႇྣன࿦ ಎ༑һ๾֦٨h 21-member delegation led by Ji Naixian, Senior Manager, Personal Finance Department, Bank of China.

á„? ಸ August 13

ᇗ‍ࡒࢆ Ý›â€Źŕľ€ŕ˘ƒá€?ྯ CHINA (Jiangyan, Jiangsu) ŕ˘†ŕˇ’ŕľ€ŕ˘ƒá€?ྯŕť†ŕśˆŕĄ‚ŕźšá„?ਧ੹਽ŕ˘ƒá€?ྯ ಎࣤŕŤ€Ö…Ńž๾֦٨h 4-member delegation led by Xia Yuelin, Manager, Party Secretary, Jiangyan Committee of the CPC.

á„? ಸ August 13

ᇗ‍ײ݄ ݛ‏ྀ݄ᇤྯ CHINA (Guangzhou, Guangdong) á‡—â€ŤŕĄ…Ý›Ý›â€ŹŕŤ€á ŚŐ¤ŕŁ‘ŕť†áƒźßžÝ„á‡¤ŕľŻâ€ŤßžßžŮťâ€ŹÓ‘á…ƒŕĽ‚á…ŤŕŠšŕ¨˝Ý„á‡¤ŕľŻŕŤ€դߞ ಎÖ…Ńž๾֦٨h 4-member delegation led by Zeng Kaizhang, President, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangzhou Sub-Council.

á„? ಸ August 14

á‚ŽŘ? INDIA =PZH 3[K‍״‏ྥࣤৠ=P]LR (NHY^HSá„Ľá‚ŽŘ?ŕ´?ߞሠৠᇞܽ0]` *OHRYHIVY[`֭஬๥༷֦٨h Vivek Agarwal, Managing Director, Visa Ltd and Ivy Chakraborty, Assistant Director, Indian Chamber of Commerce.

á„? ಸ August 14

ॎମվ CANADA ॎମվáˆ‰ŕž•ŕĄŽொ՞ŕľ˜+H]PK :L]PNU`â€ŤŢŒâ€Źá Šֱ૥ŕśˆ5HUJ` )LYUHYK֌٨h HE David Sevigny, High Commissioner of Canada to Singapore and Nancy Bernard, First Secretary.

á„? ಸ August 24

á‚ŽŘ? INDIA á‚ŽŘ?â€ŤÜ…â€Źá „ঢ়‍ގ‏በߞߞӑ =LU\ :YPUP]HZHU ੹਽á‚ŽŘ?â€ŤÜ…â€Źá „ঢ়â€ŤŢŽâ€Źá‰ ßžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 5-member delegation led by Venu Srinivasan, President, Confederation of Indian Industry.

á„? ಸ August 24

ᇗ‍ײ݄ ݛ‏ྀ݄ᇤྯ CHINA (Guangzhou, Guangdong) á‡—â€ŤŘ›Ý›â€Źŕş›ŕŤ€á Śá‡—ŕž—Ý„á‡¤á…˘ŕŚłâ€ŤÜŒâ€Źŕśťâ€ŤÚ´â€Źá‰ ࣤৠŕŞœâ€ŤÝ›â€Źŕą&#x;á Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 4-member delegation led by Ma Guoqin, Vice-General Manager, China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition Corporation.

á„? ಸ August 25

ᇗ‍ Ý›â€Źá†Œŕ˘†ŕľ€୊ѡྯ CHINA (Ningbo, Zhejiang) ୊ѡྯâ€ŤŘ›â€Źŕş›ŕŤ€á ŚŕŁ¤ŕ žâ€ŤŢŽâ€Źá‰œŕ¤?‍ڴ‏ŕ¤?Ó‘â€ŤÝ˘×¨â€ŹŃŚŕŠšŕ¨˝uŕž•ŕĄŽொi୊ѡ࣑ԣ༯ŕ´?ŕŻžŕ˘”á Śßžv ಎ Ö…Ńž๾֦٨h 7-member delegation led by Ding Haibin, Vice-Director, Ningbo Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Bureau.




á„? ಸ September 14

ᇗ‍ޒ ݛ‏Тྀ঻٠൯ CHINA (Langfang, Hebei) ঻٠൯ŕť†á‰Žá†śŇŽâ€ŤÚ´â€ŹŇŽÓ‘ৡவ੹਽঻٠൯â€ŤÜŒŕĄ?Ý›â€Źŕźˆáƒźâ€ŤÜ˝Ü“ÜŒâ€Źŕ§ ன࿦๾ ಎ֌٨h 22-member delegation led by Li Peng, Vice-Minister, Organisation Department of CPC Langfang Committee.

á„? ಸ September 15

ŕ¸ƒŕşž TAIWAN ŕ¸ƒŕşžŕŁ¤ŕ žá€ ࣜᄅ‍ڴ‏ဠࣜáƒźŕąśŐşŕ´ťŃ¸ŕľž੹਽ŕ¸ƒŕşžŕŁ¤ŕ žá€ ࣜᄅဠࣶ๾â€ŤŘšâ€Źá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 3-member delegation led by Dr Darson Chiu, Associate Research Fellow, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research.

á„? ಸ September 17

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ŕ´?‍ݢ‏ྯ CHINA (Shanghai) ŕ´?â€ŤÝ˘â€ŹŕľŻŕ˛ŽŕŤžá†§â€Ťŕž•Úąâ€ŹŕťœĎżâ€ŤÜŒâ€Źŕľąâ€Ť× Ú´â€Źá€ áƒźá…ŽŇ™ަ੹਽ŕ´?‍ݢ‏ྯ࿎Զ༪๬â€ŤÜŒâ€Źá ľŕž§ŕť›ßŒŕ —â€ŤÜ˝Üšâ€Źŕ§ ಎ༑һ๾֦٨h 20-member delegation led by Zhang Caihong, Deputy Liaison Officer, News Office of People’s Government of Shanghai.

á„? ಸ September 28

ѷয POLAND ѷযŕž˜ŕź—áƒ˜â€ŤŘ›â€Źŕş›๯áˆŻŕ¤?‍ߞڴ‏ӑ)VaLUH *aHQH੹਽ŕ´?á „Ö…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨h 12-member delegation led by Bozena Czaja, Vice-President, Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency.

á„? ಸ October 19

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏á‡&#x;ŕąą CHINA (Chongqing) á‡&#x;๹ྯŕş›ࣤŕŤ€ŕť†ÔąÓ‘ളܺâ€Ťŕź˝Ý”â€Źŕ´ťŕŠšŕ¨˝á‡&#x;๹ྯÖ…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 24-member delegation led by Shen Guangui, Director, Foreign Trade Committee of Chongqing.

á„? ಸ October 23

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏á‡&#x;ŕąą CHINA (Chongqing) á‡&#x;๹ྯ᳜ࢆŕ˝?ŕť†Ó?ŕť†Ďżâ€ŤÜŒâ€Źŕľąá‡žŕ˛ąŕŻ¸ÖŤŢ¨ŕŠšŕ¨˝á‡—â€ŤÝ›â€Źá‡&#x;๹ྯຍᇤgࢆ࣋g᳜ࢆനߞâ€ŤÜ˝Ü“ÜŒâ€Źŕ§ ன࿦๾á Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 24-member delegation led by Pu Dehong, Office Director, Qijiang County of CPC.

á„? ಸ October 27

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏๼‍ݢ‏ྀ CHINA (Qinghai) ๼‍ݢ‏ྀŕ´?ŕźˆŕš—ŕš—Ó‘â€ŤŢ?‏ച૾੹਽౥‍ݢ‏ྀŕ´?ŕŤ€ੲá‚ťŕšżŕŁ‚Ö…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 6-member delegation led by He Shaomin, Director-General, Department of Commerce of Qinghai Province.

á„? ಸ October 28

௜ฏ࿹ PORTUGAL ௜ฏ࿹ŕ°šá „ŕĄ?ŕž€ߞĎበŕ´?ßžßžÓ‘â€ŤŢˆâ€ŹŕźŽĎ…â€Ť×˛â€Źŕ­ŒĎ ŕŞ?ŕľžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 3-member delegation led by Jose Antonio Barros, President, Association of Entrepreneurs Du Portugal.

á„? ಸ November 4

ᇗ‍ײ݄ Ý›â€Źŕľ€ŕ˘†ŕŤ’ྯ CHINA (Jiangmen, Guangdong) ŕ˘†ŕŤ’൯ಮ૾ᆧ‍ڹ‏ྯӑຮ଺ࡺ੹਽ŕ˘†ŕŤ’ྯÖ…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ 22-member delegation led by Wang Nanjian, Mayor, People’s Government of Jiangmen City.


ŕž•ŕĄŽொᇗ߇በŕ´?ßž ŕ­•Ó?ŕ­•Đ™ŰŠŕśˆ


á„? ಸ November 9

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏Т࣠ྯ CHINA (Beijing) ᇗ߇ಎ‍܅ݛ‏ŕ´?á „ঢ়â€ŤßžŢŽâ€ŹĎżâ€ŤÜŒâ€Źŕš—â€ŤÚ´â€ŹŕżŁŕľ˛áƒźá…Žŕ´‘â€ŤŕŠš×˛â€Źŕ¨˝ŕĽ‘Ňťŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 33-member delegation led by Zhang Shangdong, Deputy Inspector, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.

á„? ಸ November 9

Ď ŕ –ŕśśŕ¸” PAKISTAN ŕž•ŕ˛ąĎ ŕ –ŕśśŕ¸”áˆ‰ŕž•ŕĄŽொቓۢáˆ?áƒź-H\aPH 4 :HUH۶༷â€ŤÚ´ŢŒâ€Źá‰“ۢáˆ?áƒźÄ°Ň?á„Š([H <S 4\UPT :OHOPK֌٨ h HE Mrs Fauzia M. Sana, High Commissioner, and Ata Ul Munim Shahid, Deputy High Commissioner, High Commission of Pakistan in Singapore.

á„? ಸ November 16

Îľâ€ŤŰźâ€Źŕš› ARGENTINA ŕĽ›â€ŤŘ§Ů‚â€Źŕş˜ŕľ€ŕľ€Ó‘1\HU :JOPHYL[[P੹਽εâ€ŤŰźâ€Źŕš›ঢ়Рŕť†áƒźßž ๯áˆŻ Ö…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 26-member delegation led by Juan Schiaretti, Governor, Cordoba Province.

á„? ಸ November 25

á‡—â€ŤŕŁ‹ŕš‡ ݛ‏ྯ CHINA (Tianjin) ŕš‡ŕŁ‹ྯ‍܅‏ŕ´?á „ঢ়â€Ť×ƒßžŢŽâ€Źá Šâ€ŤÚ´â€Źá‡žŕź¤ŕŞœŕť›ŕ¤?੹਽ŕš‡ŕŁ‹ྯ‍܅‏ŕ´?ঢ়Ö…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 11-member delegation led by Ma Wenju, First Vice-Chairman, Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce.

á„? ಸ November 25

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏á‡&#x;ŕąą CHINA (Chongqing) გТ๽â€ŤŰ‡Ů‡â€Źŕť†Öœá‰ŽŕśˆŕĄ‚gᇞಹá€&#x;ŕĄ‡Ýƒ੹਽á‡&#x;๹లࢆ๽gგТ๽ŕť†á‰Žá†śŇŽŕą˝áƒ&#x;ŕŁ¤ŕ žŕ¤żâ€ŤŮ‡â€Źáˆ? ฽ன࿦๾á Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 21-member delegation led by Yang Jiguang, Secretary, Development and Reform Committee of Yubei District.

á„? ಸ December 11

ŕŞ?ŕŞœŕ­Œ࿸ ROMANIA Ţšŕ­…â€ŤŘ§â€ŹÎľŕŚ ŕ˝?ŕ˝?Ó‘॥ޚŕ­…â€ŤŘ§â€ŹÎľŕŚ á‰ ŕ´?ߞ‍ߞڴ‏ӑ6]PKP\ 4HYP\Z /HKHá„ĽŕŞ?ŕŞœŕ­Œ࿸áˆ‰ŕž•â€ŤÜŒâ€Ź ŕľ˜:PS]P\ 0VULZJ\Ѹŕľž֭஬๥༷֦٨ h Ovidiu Marius Hada, Mayor, Hunedoara, and Dr Silviu Ionescu, Head of Mission, Embassy of Romania in Singapore.

á„? ಸ December 14

ᇗ‍ࡒࢆ ݛ‏ྀ଺࣠൯ CHINA (Nanjing, Jiangsu) ଺࣠းज़ŕ¤?ÔąÓ‘á€ľÔśŕť‡੹਽଺࣠á Œá€¸Ö…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 6-member delegation led by Yao Chuanwei, Director, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Assessment Board.

á„? ಸ December 21

ᇗ‍ ݛ‏ᄑ଺ྀ௟‍ل‏ྯ CHINA (Puer, Yunnan) ௟â€ŤŮ„â€ŹŕľŻŕ˛ŽŕŤžá†§â€ŤÚ´Úąâ€ŹŕľŻÓ‘ŕ°łÖŤŕť‡੹਽௼â€ŤŮ„â€ŹŕľŻÖ…Ńžŕšžá Šྣ ಎ֌٨ h 9-member delegation led by Qian Dewei, Vice-Mayor, People’s Government of Puer City.



20 09

เด เนพ฿พแ ผ

TRADE ASSOCIATION MEMBERS เด เนพ฿พแ ผ Trade Association Members

















ྕࡎ௩Ӊ၄‫ه‬ᅢ഍‫ ߾܌‬




ྕࡎ௩ቇ‫ࣉࠫܛ‬ಽ၄‫ ߾܌‬








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ྕࡎ௩‫܅‬၄ሹ‫ ߾ྀߌ׶‬

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ྕࡎ௩࿘ྲྀ࢔๡၄৻‫ ߾ގ‬

































ྕࡎ௩ܼഎაԣ९഍‫ ߾܌‬







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ྕࡎ௩߇഍૳‫ ߾܌ڀ‬




ྕࡎ௩Ӣ၄‫ ߾܌‬

ྕࡎ௩ਇೌ഍‫ ߾܌‬










ྕࡎ௩ᇗ߇ቁ഍߾ ୕Ӑ୕Й۩ඈ



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