华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2013 issue 6

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06 新加坡企业中心 全力支持本地商家 拓展中国市场


Chinese enterprise MICA (P) 074/03/2013

第六期 . ISSUE 6/2013

$5.00 (incl. GST)

IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre: A One-Stop Centre for SMEs’ China Ventures

Marine-focused meetings on the rise Australian expertise in the fields of marine biology, aquaculture and scientific research in the sector is seeing a growth in the number of international meetings being held around the country.

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest reef system, composed of more than 2,900 individual reefs, 900 islands, and stretching for more than 2,600 kilometres. Not only is it one of Australia’s most popular tourist destinations, it is now one of the most researched stretches of reef found anywhere in the world. Little wonder then that when Australia secured the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium in 2012, the meeting was held in Cairns, the starting point for reef tours. ICRS attracted 2,000 scientists, students, natural resource managers, policy makers, conservationists and media representatives from 82 countries. The meeting was managed by PCO company ICMS Australasia and secured for Cairns through the efforts of staff at the local campus of James Cook University which offers courses in marine and tropical biology and is home to the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. The centre undertakes world’s-best integrated research for sustainable use and management of coral reefs. Collectively, it encompasses the world’s largest concentration of coral reef scientists. Centre Director and ICRS symposium convener, Professor Terry Hughes, said the Cairns Convention Centre-based conference “gave us an exceptional opportunity to showcase the global leadership of our local scientists and, of course, to show off our spectacular coral reefs”.

“We offered a series of field trips out to the reefs to give participants a chance to explore and better understand the biology and geology of coral reefs in the region, including trips to research stations on Lizard Island, Orpheus Island and One Tree Island,” he said. Professor Hughes said one of the most pleasing outcomes of the Symposium was the global awareness raised about reef degradation along with possible solutions to improve reef sustainability. “Generating the most coverage was the launch of a Consensus Statement on Climate Change and Coral Reef, signed by more than 3,000 scientists, calling for urgent action to save the world’s reefs from a dire fate under global warming, pollution, overfishing and ocean acidification,” Professor Hughes said. Following on from this meeting, Cairns is now preparing to host the 16th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF) in 2014 (26-30 May). Described as the premier event for the world’s aquaculture feed industry and nutrition scientists, it is being hosted by Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, shellfish and plants in all types of water environments. Over the last decade it has gained momentum as a viable method of producing seafood. The CSIRO’s Dr Brett Glencross, who sits on the International Scientific Committee for ISFNF 2014, said the close proximity to iconic Australian


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features that include the Great Barrier Reef, the Daintree rainforest, and the outback weighed heavily in influencing the decision to hold the meeting in Cairns. Held every two years, previous ISFNF events have been in Norway, China, Brazil, and France. According to the Australian-based director of the World Aquaculture Society, Roy Palmer, Australian expertise in aquaculture now sees many ex-pats working around the globe. “Australia is regarded extremely highly in education and research,” he said. Reason enough that South Australia is set to host World Aquaculture from 7-11 June, 2014. The meeting, with an expected audience of between 1,000 and 1,500 delegates from more than 50 countries, will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre with study tours planned to nearby Port Lincoln – home to Australia’s largest commercial fishing fleet and vast aquaculture farming of species including tuna, kingfish, abalone, mussels and oysters. Port Lincoln is also home to the A$16 million Lincoln Marine Science Centre constructed by Flinders University to support research and tertiary education in marine science. Adelaide meanwhile houses the South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre (SAASC) - a purpose-built marine and freshwater research complex supporting more than 120 research scientists and support staff with a diverse range of scientific, technical, analytical and specialist skills.

编辑人语 E D I T O R ’S N O T E

对 大多 数中小企 业而 言,到 地 大 物 博 的中国经商可说是 遥 不 可 及 的 梦 想,甚至令人 打 退 堂 鼓。尽 管 如 此 ,对 根 植 新 加 坡 的 中 小 企 业而 言,神州大 地仍 是 一块商机 处 处 的 投 资 热 土 。由 总 商 会 在 2 01 0 年成立的上海 代 表处在扎实的根 基 上,升 级 为 新 加 坡 企 业中 心,与 新加坡国际 企业发展局合 作,共同 为中小企 业 到中国发 展 提 供 便 利 和 全力支 持。位于上 海 的 新加坡 企 业中 心 是 总商会 协 助中小企 业 实 现中国梦 的 创 举之一,升 级 后将更 好地 整 合 政 府 和 私 人界 的资 源, 为本 地商家 到中国发展提供 一站 式 的服务,包括 提供 一对一 的深 入 咨询 服 务,为商 家 组 织 研 讨 会、讲 座、商 务对 接 等活 动,并 与 商家分 享宝贵的市场 信息 和商机。11月12 日中心正式 揭 牌后,一场 聚焦 上 海 自贸试 验区商机、让本 地 企 业深受 启 迪 的 论 坛 也 接 着 掀 开 序 幕 。中 国新 一届领导 在 9月2 9日宣布上 海 自贸 区 挂 牌,区内 6大 服 务 领 域 开 放 扩 大 给 外 商 投 资 ,致 力 把 上 海 打造 成 先 进 的 国 际 贸易与 金 融中 心 。“ 无 巧 不 成 书 ”,中 心 揭 牌 仪 式 当天,正 是中国十八 届三中全 会 闭 幕 的 日 子,这 场 重 要 的 会 议 具 标志性 意 义,勾勒出中国经 济新蓝 图,中国 的 未 来 蕴含 着 契 机,值 得 商家发掘 和 把 握。岁末年 初之际, 《华商》为会员和读 者献 上最 诚挚 的祝福,祝愿各位来年顺心遂意。

To most SMEs, the prospects of doing business in China are somewhat daunting, and may deter many a faint heart. Notwithstanding, it cannot be denied that this mammoth economy continues to toss up a plethora of opportunities for Singapore-based SMEs. Building upon the track record of the representative office in Shanghai established by the Chamber in 2010, the Chamber ventured further to collaborate with IE Singapore on repositioning and expanding the current Shanghai Representative Office into the IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre (ISSEC). Yet another milestone in our endeavour to help SMEs establish a footprint in China, the ISSEC in Shanghai will amalgamate the shared resources of the government and private sector in creating this onestop centre for SMEs’ China aspirations. The full suite of services will include dedicated one-on-one advisory services, business events and networking sessions, and valuable market information and relevant business leads. ISSEC’s launch on November 12 was held in conjunction with a panel discussion to share insights on another significant development in China with a positive spin on our local enterprises. The current China leadership officially launched the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on September 29 which will liberalise six broad areas in the services sector and aims to transform Shanghai into an advanced international hub for trading and financial activities. With Shanghai squarely on the radar this year, deliberations on its FTZ were especially opportune. Probably by sheer coincidence, November 12 also concluded the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China’s Central Committee (Third Plenum), which delivered an economic blueprint for the future. As 2013 draws to a close, our editorial team at Chinese Enterprise takes this opportunity to extend warmest greetings to our members and readers for the Christmas season and for a fruitful new year.

华文翻译:陈星伊 请浏览中华总商会官方网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读《华商》电子版。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

目录 CONTENTS 华商焦点

出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg


新加坡企业中心全力支持本地商家 拓展中国市场 总商会上海代表处正式升级为新加 坡企业中心,为中小企业到中国发展 提供便利和全力支持。


上海自贸区释放投资新能量 新加坡企业凭借在服务业的优势和 经验,可到上海自贸区开拓商机。


吾会之光 总商会热烈祝贺郑谦木董事、白连 源董事、吕立岩董事获颁殊荣。

编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Seow Choke Meng Chan Hian Siang

蔡其生 张松声 萧作鸣 曾宪相


出版统筹 Publications Supervision



国会里的企业心声 收录张松声前任会长在10、11月国 会复会时,向人力部、贸工部、国家 发展部等提出的询问。



谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong 主编 胡爱兰 Fiona Hu Assistant Editor 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee


撰稿 Staff Writers 许彬彬 Kelvin Khaw 黄义芳 Huang Yifang



总商会助商团会员解决营运困惑 在总商会的协助下,属下三家商团会 员顺利解决营运面对的挑战。


政府资助让金冠迅速、稳健拓展 总商会协助金冠珠宝成功得到政府的 资助,为公司节省了人力成本。



设计 Design Egg Creatives Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: research@ sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MICA (P) 074/03/2013. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).


新加坡发挥自身优势 助江苏企业 开发第三方市场 新加坡具备的优势,正可为想走出 去的江苏企业提供良好的平台。


组织变革引领企业大跃进 当变革被经营者急就章的带往错误 的方向,结果会是组织的灾难。

In the Lead


IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre: A one-stop centre for SMEs’ China ventures SCCCI, together with IE Singapore, will provide strong support for SMEs venturing into the China market with the launch of ISSEC.

Building up a pool of in-house productivity champions through the APEX-CIPM The APEX-CIPM course conducted by SCCIOB and SIMTech saw 29 business representatives learn about productivity management.

Focus on SMEs


SCCCI works with timber and furniture industries to address land use issues The Chamber, together with STA and SFIC, held a dialogue on land use concerns and the “Short Term Lease Extension Scheme”.



古玉欣赏伴茶香 35名总商会会员亲身体验中国茶 艺文化的魅力,进一步感知深藏古 玉雕饰背后的精神韵味。


陶朱公商训丰富了企业内涵 延续了两千年的陶朱公商训,在郭 鸿傑和高铨壮身上绽放异彩,也丰 富了企业的文化内涵。


快乐攀岩 总商会青企网组织的攀岩活动,让 裕廊青少年中心的14位青少年乐在 其中。


民歌雅韵演唱会 总商会民歌班在11月23日的演唱 会上,呈现一年的学习成果。



Elevating service and productivity levels: lessons from Japan Local retail and F&B businesses glean best practices from their Japanese counterparts.

IOB Feature



陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee 何美仪 Queenie Ho

Opportunities for Singapore companies from the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Discover the developments and potential of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.

Regional Files



张宝诚 Chang Bao-Cheng 梁廷昭 Leong Teng Chau 邓素娟 Tang Soh Kuen 邬悦群 Wu Yue Qun 赵倩玉 Zhao Qianyu

转动创新与生产力的齿轮 本地五金及精密机械工程业者深受 台湾和韩国同业的启发。




In the Lead

企发局张永昌局长(右二)和总商会蔡其生会长(左二),在贸工部兼国家发展部李奕贤高级政务部长(右一)、中国驻新加坡大使馆经济商 务参赞处郑超公参的见证下,共同开启协助新加坡企业通往中国市场的大门。

新加坡企业中心 全力支持本地商家 拓展中国市场 文:陈星伊

总商会上海代表处正式升级为新加坡企业中心,与新加坡国际企业 发展局合作,为中小企业到中国发展提供便利和全力支持。


新加坡国际企业发展局的调查 显示,2012年约有50%的新加坡 中小企业与中国有业务往来,同比 增长约15%,中国继续成为本地 商家的投资热土。为此,总商会和 企发局共同设立新加坡企业中心, 更好地整合政府和私人界的资源, 为 本 地 商 家 到 中 国 发 展 提 供 有 效 支援。 新加坡企业中心的前身是总商 会2010年开始在上海设立的代表 处,新加坡贸工部兼国家发展部李 奕贤高级政务部长在11月12日为中 心揭牌。中心升级后以更加明确的 定位和鲜明的品牌形象,为本地商 家服务。 未来三年,新加坡企业中心所 服务的企业将扩大至目前的三倍, 预计超过4,000家中小企业将受惠。 中心所提供的服务范围不仅可辐射 到江苏、浙江等地,也可以深入到 东部、中部等其他地区。 中国对商品和优质服务需求高 2012年,新加坡在中国的累积 投资增长了12%,达到593亿美元, 成为中国第三大外资来源国。目 前,新加坡在中国的项目总数超过2 万个。 李 奕 贤 高 级 政 务 部 长 认 为 , “这显示新中两国密切的合作关 系,和我国企业对中国市场潜能的 信心,也显示了新资企业在中国已 逐渐形成了广泛的人脉和掌握市场 讯息的网络。这些网络,对想在中 国不同区域城市落户,或想到大陆 去投资的新兴企业来说,都是宝贵 的无形资产。” 全力支持企业在海外拓展业务 新加坡国际企业发展局张永昌 局长指出,企发局和总商会密切合 作,成功协助了新加坡知名品牌亚 坤和PastaMania进军中国市场,在 上海分别开设了第一个站点,把新 加坡的餐饮概念介绍中国消费者, 也替在上海工作的新加坡人一解乡 愁,引起热烈的回响。


In the Lead

因此,他有信心“新加坡企业 中心将成为一个有效的平台,协助 本地商家在中国投资兴业。” 中小企业应善用既有的平台 总商会蔡其生会长则鼓励本地 中小企业“以团队的形式,借助其 他新加坡企业的力量,以及善用大 型企业搭建起来的平台和资源,一 起在中国打拼。” 总商会与天津生态城、广东知识 城、新川创新科技园、广州南沙经济技 术开发区、江苏省南通市,以及山东、 云南、沈阳、烟台、吉林等11家中国各 地驻新加坡代表处签订的合作协议,也 能有效地为本地企业搭桥牵线。 三管齐下 协助企业到中国发展 揭牌仪式当天,总商会和中心与 三家机构签署合作协议,分别加强媒 体宣传、金融和经贸方面的合作。 •

加强在中国的宣传力度 总商会和新华网密切合作,增强 今后在中国的宣传力度和范围。 负责督导总商会媒体事务的钟声 坚副会长与新华网新加坡频道吴 磊执行总经理签署了合作协议。 支持会员投资上海 中国银行将在未来三年内,向 总商会会员公司提供不少于等 值100亿元人民币的授信意向, 积极支持总商会会员公司在上 海地区和自贸区内的投资项 目。协议由负责督导总商会财 务与企业监管事务的黄山忠副 会长,与中国银行上海分行周 和华助理行长签署。 协助本地商家进入上海自贸区 总商会副会长、新加坡企业中 心主席刘泰山与上海市外高桥 国际贸易营运中心有限公司蒋 琪民总经理代表两家机构签订 了有关合作协议,将为本地商 家迅速搭建起进入自贸试验区 的桥梁。 这三项合作将能有效地在商 业网络和无形资产里发挥联系企 业、分享讯息和牵线搭桥的作用。

贸工部兼国家发展部李 奕贤高级政务部长: “只 要我们的企业肯合作,努 力发展自身的实力,创造 新的价值,我相信我国的 企业可以在中国和亚洲 区域更好的发展。”

新加坡企业将中心结合政商资 源,从三方面为中小企业拓展中 国市场时,提供有效协助: •

中小企业将获得一对一的深 入咨询服务,包括如何在中 国设立公司、出口管理条例 和劳动法等方面。

中心将组织研讨会、讲座、 商务配对活动,为企业寻找 潜在供应商制造商和合作伙 伴提供机会。

中心将综总商会和企发局的 资源,为业分享宝贵的市场 信息和商业机会。

新加坡企业中心为有意到中国发 展的本地商家提供更多协助, 请联系中心主任林维祺,电 邮:weekhee@sccci.org.sg; 电话:86-21-52082710或总商 会中国事务部经理胡育斌,电 邮:david@sccci.org.sg;电 话:65-6337 8381


In the Lead


上海自贸区 释放投资新能量


上海自贸试验区不是 像“栽盆景”一样不可 推广与复制,而是要 “种苗圃”,重在制度创 新,而不讲优惠政策。


外高桥保税物流园区 外高桥保税区

中心城 陆家嘴





虹桥机场 浦东机场


洋山保税港区 (陆域) 淅江




洋山保税港区 (岛域)

9月29日,上海自由贸易试验 区正式挂牌,带动新一波中国经济 改革的热潮。中国政府希望上海以 试验田的模式,与国际市场接轨, 成为先进的国际贸易与金融中心。 因此,上海自贸区将成为中国经济 改革的标志,其先试先行的模式 取得成功和经验后,便将在全国推 广、复制。 自贸区总面积达28.78平方公 里,涵盖外高桥保税区、外高桥 保税物流园区、洋山保税港区和 浦东机场综合保税区等4个海关特 殊监管区域,根据先行先试推进 情况以及产业发展和辐射带动需 要,逐步拓展实施范围和试点政 策范围,形成与上海国际经济、

金融、贸易、航运中心建设的联 动机制(图一)。 自贸区建设要点 上海自贸区的建设以四大要 点为主轴,按照先行先试、风险可 控、分步推进、逐步完善的方式, 把扩大开放与体制改革相结合、把 培育功能与政策创新相结合,形成 与国际投资、贸易通行规则相衔接 的基本制度框架: (一) 促进投资便利 外资的经营业务只要不在“ 负面清单”内,设立前便无需向 有关当局申请核准。外资企业可 自行通过注册系统,向自贸区管 委会登记。

(二) 推动贸易转型升级 • 整合贸易、物流、结算等功能,与 国际投资、贸易通行规则相衔接 • 从原有重视开展能源产品,发展 成国际大宗商品贸易中心 • 发展高增值贸易产业,例如融资 租赁服务、外包服务、第三方检 验服务 • 开展跨境电子商务服务 (三) 创新金融服务 试行人民币资本项目兑换、利率 市场化、人民币跨境使用。 (四) 改善经商环境 建立一个有效保障投资者权益, 法律、行政法规、税务得到监管的制 度环境。


让新加坡企业眼前一亮的商机 自贸区不仅开放金融、航运、 商贸、专业、文化和社会服务六大 领域(表一),在风险可控的前提 下,也试行利率市场化和人民币自 由兑换。对外资企业和中外合资企 业的现有规定也自2013年10月1日开 始调整,试行三年。 服务业是新加坡企业的优 势,自贸区服务业的扩大开放为 新加坡企业制造了有利的经商环 境。不仅如此,自贸区的建立, 对以中国为目标市场,同时拥有 大量跨境业务的企业尤其有利。 这些跨境业务包括在境外直接以 美元筹集的资本或注资,以及进 出口贸易。 独特的机遇,加上自贸区的 亲商环境,吸引了总商会商团 会员新加坡食品厂商联合会到 自贸区抢占先机。联合会属下 的会员公司对便捷的通关和商 检程序印象深刻,而自贸区也 可协助外国商家制作、打印、 黏贴产品的中文标签,经过整 合后,再把成品销售到中国内 地市场,这为外国企业提供更 多便利。 此外,星展银行也获准进驻 上海自贸区,为区内的企业客户提 供服务,并研究新产品和服务的试 行性。 截至10月29日,上海自贸区已 经吸引了29家外资企业入驻,包括3 家新加坡企业,20家香港企业和2家 美国企业等。 释放中国经济开放新能量 建立上海自贸试验区是中国 新一届领导人推进经济改革开 放的一项重大举措。自贸区之所 以备受全球瞩目,是因为它显 示了中国政府改革外商投资管理 体制、金融体系,并扩大开放部 分服务业的决心,一改以往只以 优惠政策吸引外资企业的政策。 对有意拓展中国市场的新加坡企 业,特别是有意投资中国政府予 以开放的服务领域的企业而言, 自贸区所带来的独特机遇是值得 争取和把握的。 目前,自贸区内相关法律条规 的具体细则尚未公布,有投资意向


In the Lead

的新加坡商家不仅可向自贸区管委 会查询详情,也可向新加坡国际企 业发展局和总商会在上海联合设立 的新加坡企业中心寻求协助,(联 系方式:weekhee@sccci.org.sg; 电话:86-21-52082710)。

新加坡企业中心在11月12日和 上海市外高桥国际贸易营运中心有 限公司签署了合作备忘录,携手推 广区内的投资项目,并为有意在自 贸区投资兴业的新加坡商家提供更 全面的服务。

表一:予以开放的服务业六大领域 金融服务 • • • • •

允许符合条件的外资金融机构设立外资银行 允许符合条件的民营资本与外资金融机构共同设立中外合资银行 允许设立外资专业医疗保健保险机构 取消融资租赁公司设单船、单机子公司最低注册资本的限制 允许融资租赁公司兼营与主营业务有关的商业保理业务

航运服务 • 放宽国际船舶运输企业外资持股比例的限制 • 允许设立外商独资国际船舶管理企业 • 允许中资企业拥有或控股拥有的海外注册船只,先行先试外贸进出口集 装箱在国内沿海港口和上海港之间的沿海捎带业务

商贸服务 • 允许符合条件的外资企业经营特定形式的部分增值电信业务 • 允许外资企业从事游戏游艺设备的生产和销售,通过文化主管部门内容 审查的游戏游艺设备可在国内市场销售

专业服务 • • • •

探索中国与外国律师事务所业务合作的方式和机制 允许外商提供信用调查服务 允许外商与中国企业合资设立旅行社,从事台湾除外的出境旅游业务 允许设立中外合资人才中介机构,外方合资者最高持股率不超过70%; 外资人才中介机构的最低注册资本金要求由30万美元降低至12.5万美元 • 允许设立股份制外资投资性公司 • 取消对上海市提供服务的外资工程设计企业在工程设计的业绩要求 • 允许外商独资建筑企业承揽上海市的中外联合建设项目时,不受建设项 目的中外方投资比例限制

文化服务 • 允许设立外商独资艺人经纪机构,为上海市提供服务 • 允许设立外商独资的娱乐场所,在试验区内提供服务

社会服务 • 允许设立中外合作经营的教育培训及职业技能培训机构 • 允许设立外商独资医疗机构

资料来源: 1. 中国国务院公布《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区总体方案》,2013年9月27日。《方案》所列举措适用于 在自贸试验区注册的企业。 2. 上海市委书记韩正接受中国官媒访谈内容,2013年11月5日。 3. “中国开放新浪潮:上海及横琴模式突破”,《亚洲周刊》,2013年10月13日。 4. 上海市外高桥国际贸易营运中心有限公司对自贸区投资环境与运营简介,2013年11月12日。



In the Lead

(左起) 林维祺主任、黄梦雄前会长、蒋琪民总经理、余兵副总经理、周和华助理行长、王俐恩副司长。


上海外高桥国际贸易运营中心 有限公司蒋琪民总经理、新加坡食 品厂商联合会黄梦雄前会长、中国 银行上海分行周和华助理行长、太 平船务(中国)有限公司余兵副总 经理,受邀在11月12日举行的新加 坡企业中心揭牌仪式上,分析上海 自贸区的投资契机。《华商》选取 点评重点,希望对计划投资上海自 贸区的商家有所裨益。 蒋琪民:自贸区的设立是中国 深化经济改革的一个重大举措。自 贸区取得成功和经验后,将在全国 复制和推广。尽管必须以中国实际 的经济环境为前提来制定区内的法 律条规,自贸区仍借鉴了新加坡, 特别是高效的海关监管模式。有别 以往只靠优惠政策吸引外资进驻, 这些创新举措对企业有实质效用!

我们建议,新加坡企业应把握贸易 领域,例如直销、跨境电子商务、 设备租赁的商机。

的外国进口食品的标签是无法通关 的。因此,这些增值服务对中小企 业非常有帮助,也深具吸引力。

周和华:自贸区的金融改革 创新是为实体经济服务,而不是金 融投机活动。人民币资本项目可兑 换、人民币跨境使用都将是在风险 可控的前提下进行的。至于利率市 场化,中国政府将通过允许金融机 构建立自主定价机制,逐步实现市 场自由化。

余兵:上海和新加坡具有国 际海运中心的优势。新加坡独特的 地理位置,让它成为欧亚海运的枢 纽。如果自贸区允许伦敦金属交易 所在区内建立仓储设施,加强金属 期货合约交易的实际交付与运输, 势必冲击设在上海附近国家和地区 的仓储和中转业务。太平船务将密 切观察自贸区的发展和投资契机, 包括提供沿海捎带服务的可行性。

黄梦雄:新加坡食品厂商联合 会代表曾到自贸区实地考察,代表 们都对便捷的海关通关程序和当局 提供的增值服务,包括通过自贸区 把食品转销给中国内地市场、在区 内协助外国企业打印和黏贴产品标 签等印象深刻。据我了解,约99%

参与讨论的嘉宾还包括新加坡 企业中心林维祺主任,他向200名出 席揭牌仪式的嘉宾介绍新加坡企业 中心如何协助新加坡商家拓展中国 市场。论坛由企发局中国司王俐恩 副司长主持。



In the Lead





获领国家发展部 10年忠诚服务奖

长成工程获领 新加坡素质奖

获领安永新加坡 企业家大奖

总商会郑谦木董事获颁国家发展部10年忠诚服务奖;白连源董事的公司长成工程私人有限 公司获颁2013优异业务奖之新加坡素质奖;吕立岩董事则获颁第12届安永新加坡企业家大奖。 郑谦木董事是合果有限公司董事经理,同时也担任新加坡果菜出入口商公会会长、农粮局 蔬菜水果商业小组主席等职。他在果菜出入口行业的多年贡献获得农粮局的肯定,获颁国家发 展部10年忠诚服务奖。农粮兽医局是国家发展部属下法定机构之一。 白连源董事是长成工程私人有限公司董事经理,也在全国生产力与延续教育理事会、建设 局董事会等机构担任职位。在他和团队的努力下,长成工程在管理系统和流程改善方面有优异 的表现,获得标新局的认可,获颁新加坡素质奖。长成工程是首家获颁此奖的建筑公司。 吕立岩董事是Focus Network Agencies集团总裁,也是新加坡福建和金门会馆的理事。集团 从最初只有5名员工拓展成今日亚洲最大的巧克力和糕点分销与零售商。卓越的领导才能让吕立 岩成为第12届安永新加坡企业家大奖的得奖者。他将代表新加坡与超过60个国家的获奖者,一 起角逐2014年6月举办的“安永全球企业家大奖”。




Business Voice in Parliament

向国会反映工商界心声 Questions Raised in Parliament 10月21日,总商会前任会长、官委议员张 松声在国会复会时提出三项询问: Q. 就设立工作信息库课题,向人力部陈川仁代部 长提出询问。 人力部在实施公平考量框架时,是否会把劳动 力发展局设立的工作信息库,与其他现有信息库对 接合作,来提高成本效益与效率? Q. 就协助建屋局邻里小贩,向贸工部林勋强部长 提出询问。 现有的政府援助计划申请门槛较高,造成在建 屋局邻里经营的小贩,无法有效获得相关援助,来 提升营运效率、提高生产力。贸工部是否可考虑推 出其他合适的援助计划,让小贩们也能受惠? Q. 就河岸餐饮条例,向国家发展部许文远部长提 出询问。 近期,市区重建局推出露天河岸餐饮新措施, 当局可否向受影响的餐饮业者解释新条例的相关要 求,让业者在遵循条例之际,也能满足顾客对河岸 餐饮的强劲需求?

11月11日一12日,总商会前任会长、官委 议员张松声在国会复会时提出两项询问: Q. 就新中双边合作联合委员会近期签署谅解备忘 录如何能让中小企业从中受惠,向贸工部林勋强部 长提出询问。 2013年10月,新中双边合作联合委员会召开 第十次会议并签署了谅解备忘录,中小企业能从基 础建设规划与发展、环境服务业、运输与物流、资 信通讯科技、商务服务、能源与矿物资源等增长领 域获取商机吗? Q. 就直达市区巴士服务路线竞标的最新进展,向 交通部吕德耀部长提出询问。 九条直达市区巴士服务路线的公开竞标已于 2013年7月15日截止,交通部可否提供竞标遴选工 作的最新进展?

At the session on October 21, Chamber’s Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, in his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, raised three questions in Parliament. Q. Mr Teo posed a question to Acting Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin on linking private and public sectors’ job databases. Whether the Ministry will link WDA’s jobs bank with other established job banks for better efficiency and cost effectiveness under the coming Fair Consideration Framework. Q. Mr Teo posed a question to Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang on assistance for hawkers in HDB heartlands. Whether MTI can look into implementing suitable schemes or programmes for hawkers operating in the HDB heartlands but who are not eligible under existing schemes to upgrade their business operations or improve productivity. Q. Mr Teo posed a question to Minister for National Development Khaw Boon Wan on riverside dining guidelines. Whether URA can clarify the new guidelines for alfresco riverside dining so that the affected food and beverage establishments can address the authorities’ concerns while catering to the great demand for riverside dining.

At the session on November 11-12, Chamber’s Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, in his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, raised two questions in Parliament. Q. Mr Teo posed a question to Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang on the MOU signed at the recent China-Singapore Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation meeting and its benefits for Singapore SMEs. Whether there will be opportunities for Singapore’s SMEs to benefit from the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed during the 10th China-Singapore Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) meeting held in October 2013, especially in the growth sectors covering infrastructure planning and development, environmental services, transport and logistics, info-communications technology, business services, energy and mineral resources. Q. Mr Teo posed a question to Minister for Transport Lui Tuck Yew on the update on government tender for City Direct bus routes. Whether the Ministry can provide a status update on the public tender for the nine City Direct bus routes that was concluded on 15 July 2013.

立足亚洲, 引领全球



转动创新与 生产力的齿轮



我们都是来学习新的办法解决人力问题、降低成本、提高生产力,没有同 行如敌国的狭隘想法,我们都很乐意地把自己过去的经验摊开来谈。所 以这次参加总商会组织的生产力集训营,除了向海外商家借鉴他们的成 功经验,更难得的收获便是与新加坡同行分享和交换经验。 安益有限公司董事许明隆 五金及精密机械工程行业 赴台湾·韩国生产力集训营学员

本地五金及精密机械工程领域企业高层,在总商会和新加坡五金机械公会的安排下到台湾、韩国取经。此集训营获得标新局和新加坡 精工及模具协会的鼎力支持 。 代表团团长是总商会工商业委员会程宇超副主席(前排左八)。




我国五金及精密机械工程业者 响应政府号召,为业务转型和提高 生产力参加了总商会组织的学习之 旅,积极提升自身的知识和能力。 以总商会工商业委员会程宇超 副主席为首的33名五金及精密机械 工程领域企业高层,是在总商会和 新加坡五金机械公会的安排下,在 11月14日一同赴台湾和韩国,拓展 思维、开阔眼界。 这是总商会与各行业公会联办 的第四次以提高生产力和创新能力 为主题的集训营,每次集训营都获 得业者热烈的响应。 这一趟为期4天收获丰硕的学 习之旅,除了课程培训,成功个 案讨论,还包括标杆企业参访, 以及企业家座谈交流,主题环绕 如何以精实生产推动生产革命, 并分析企业实际碰到的问题,提 出解决方案,以提高企业的生产 力和效率。随团参访的五金及精 密机械工程业者深受台湾和韩国 企业的启发! 台湾企业的经营贴士 • 提 倡 “ 精 实 生 产 ” ,创 造 最 大 价值 台湾企业提倡“精实生产”, 产品皆以客户需求为导向,根据客 户需求来进行研发设计,为客户提 供具实效的解决方案。

允强实业股份有限公司向学员解说该公司如何从投料到成品一贯化,减少人力操作, 是产品能以最迅速的方式达到最大的经济效能,并缩短交期,有效地控管品质和符合 客户规范的要求。


台湾半数以上的工具机械厂 商在中部地区形成颇完整之产业 聚落,工具机械群聚不只是产业 链上下游关系,同时也是更为紧 密的共同参与研发设计关系。学 员参访的允强实业股份有限公司 在工厂的30公里范围内便结合了 多家协力厂商,共同为客户提供 完善的服务。 •

员工认同企业文化 更愿意为 公司效命

通过细小的、不断积累的努力 改善流程

学员参访了台湾的允强实 业股份有限公司及永进机械工业 股份有限公司后,认为这两家企 业的员工清楚了解公司的目标和 企业文化,对工作也充满热诚, 并以身为公司的员工为荣。员工 不仅对公司的前景充满信心,各 级 员 工 团 结 一 心 , 也 对 公 司 十 分 忠心。

重 视 持 续 改 善 ( K A I Z E N ) 的 经营思维,通过优化工作流程,注 重改进工作模式,以标准化带动员 工之间的合作默契,提高工作效率 和生产力。另一方面,为提升员工 的素质,企业也应该不断加强员工 培训。

而台湾企业提倡“没有最好、 只有更好”的理念,让员工意识到 协助公司控制经营成本也是他们的 责任之一,员工们因此处处为老板 着 想 , 自 动 自 发 为 公 司 降 低 运 作 成本。

精实生产的核心是“用最少的 工作,创造最大的价值”,利用优 化流程,降低工作程序中的每一项 浪费,一般被视为更加精致的提高 生产力的系统。 •

学员安华精密机械董事经理林 敬耀指出:“我从参访的台湾企业 的员工身上,看到他们对工作的热 诚和投入,更会自发地替公司和老 板找出办法降低公司成本,这是我 们在新加坡很少见到的!无论是企 业大小,台湾企业对员工的人文素 质培养是一种很强的软实力,台湾 的企业文化很强,是台湾业者维持 强劲竞争力的一大主因。” 新加坡企业可学习的韩国经验 • 高端自动化协助精简人力资源 韩国自动化产业在亚洲处于领 先地位,其技术水准达到国际顶尖 水平。这次学员参访的多家韩国企 业属于自动化产业,公司从技术研 发,到产品研发,从产品制造,到 产品检测,每个产品都有一个确保 优质的处理过程。参访的企业虽不 专属五金机械工业,从观摩交流过 程中学员却见识了韩国的高端自动 化先进技术和产品,大家对自动化 可以精简人力资源印象深刻。 •


韩国企业的成功,让学员领悟 企业应该好好地发挥自身的专长, 以做精、做专、做强为目的,而非




HANA GnS公司是韩国冰箱、洗衣机、微波炉、洗碗机的重要制造商,主要客户是LG 电子、三星电子等。学员参观HANA GnS如何以高 科技、低人力迅速安装洗衣机内轴。

做大,因此公司的规模并不是一种 限制。企业领导应该重视创新研 发、积极培育人才、为员工进行交 叉培训,以及勇于创造高附加值的 产品。 韩国的企业家精神和“空杯心 态”,时时吐故纳新,让他们取得 更大的成功与业绩,值得新加坡企 业借鉴 。 •


“一招鲜吃遍天”的单一供 应链,已经在这个日新月异的时代 被淘汰。因此,业者必须在满足客 户需求的基础上,结合自身产品和 服 务 的 特 性 , 提 供 一 条 完 整 的 供 应链。 韩国与台湾相似的一点,便 是供应链环境很完善,“强强联 手”为中小企业长足发展带来极大 优势。 •


韩国公司面临人手短缺的限 制,其对策之一是积极地招揽应届

毕业生,为他们提供专门的外部培 训,结训后才投入公司的生产。这 一点,新加坡政府已经在积极推动, 并协助企业解决。新加坡企业如需 这方面的人力资源,请联络总商会中 小企业人才培育计划负责经理贝繁伟 (电邮:davidpooi@sccci.org.sg,电话 : 6337 8381)。 飞腾公司董事经理曾青参加 了集训后表示:“我们公司正进行 转型,准备创建自己的品牌,要达 到这个目标,就必须提高效率、提 升品质,除了创新还要引入生产管 理,所以我认为,这次的集训营让 我们成功取经。” 总商会在2014年将以提高生产 力和创新能力为主题组织集训营,带 领本地不同行业商家到区域国家向当 地企业汲取成功经验,请密切留意总 商会网站: www.sccci.org.sg 公布的第一 手消息。

企业应该好好地发挥自 身的专长,以做精、做 专、做强为目的,而非 做大。


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总商会助商团会员 解决营运困惑 文:许彬彬

在经历了整个世纪的成长蜕变,总商会已经在凝聚华商、交流商机的 基础上,进一步提升商团、商家的会员服务价值。通过积极扮演政府与 商界有效沟通桥梁的角色,总商会以中立者身份反映商界心声,履行 “促进我国工商业蓬勃发展”的社会使命。

木材厂商总会黄侯贵会长(右一)、家具工业理事会彭克华副名誉秘书长(左一)对116家木材和家具制造厂家的土地租约获得集体延 长至2020年感到欣慰。两人在记者会上与裕廊集团许达芬助理总裁(中)、总商会蔡其生会长(左二)和刘泰山副会长开心合影。

总商会蔡其生会长每月都亲 自主持商团对话会,在轻松的用 餐氛围中,与各商团会长、代表 们叙叙旧,加强联系,同时了解 各行业面临的挑战。之后,总商 会便展开紧锣密鼓的跟进工作, 归纳商界课题并与相关政府部门 后续磋商。此外,总商会前任会 长、官委议员张松声也经常在国 会复会时,向政府反映商团、中 小企业的心声。

促进沟通,解决困惑 租金上涨、人手短缺,是许多行 业面临的主要挑战。除了承受经营成 本上涨的压力,面包西果商公会属下 会员在邻里经营业务时,也必须遵循 建屋发展局、国家环境局、农粮局、 民防部队、市镇理事会的多项条例。 张松声官委议员在国会发言时, 就曾以“绑了脚的大闸蟹,动弹不 得”来生动地描绘业者在租金上涨之

际,邻里店屋二楼使用空间又受到局 限的苦衷。他希望政府部门能调整一 些过细、过严的规定,让规章制度更 加适合商业运作模式,让企业有能力 施展转型措施。 总商会与相关机构经过多轮磋商 后,于10月23日促成公会与建屋局、 环境局、农粮局高层官员举行联席对 话,对商店二楼的获准用途、松饼烘 烤站、食品卫生等课题进行讨论。



面包西果商公会廖建发会长表示,这是公会成立 67年来,首次与三家对口机构的部门主管展开联席对 话。通过这次会谈,业者对政策的原意与灵活性有更 深的认识,化解了之前的疑虑与困惑。   缓解工业用地问题 116家木材和家具制造厂家的土地租约即将在 2014年和2019年之间到期,让业者不知何去何从。 但是,在总商会与裕廊集团洽商后,获得当局协助并 将租约集体延长至2020年。 总商会与裕廊集团在11月19日联办说明会,向 受影响的业者宣布了这项好消息。裕廊集团助理总裁 许达芬强调,这些位于双溪加株、克兰芝、油池的厂 家必须在签订延长租约起的三年内,提高生产力及为 业务增值。 木材厂商总会会长黄侯贵、家具工业理事会副名 誉秘书长彭克华指出,租约延长至2020年,解决了会 员商家的燃眉之急,同时也意味着厂家还有另外7年 的时间,来着手改善成本管理、制定可持续的业务发 展策略。 总商会蔡其生会长在接受媒体采访时表示,租 约问题原本无法取得圆满方案,但标新局前任局长方 章文在今年5月出任裕廊集团总裁后,便连同集团主 席吕俊旸医生,主动与总商会讨中小企业工业用地事 项。总商会积极安排受影响的两家商团会员与相关的 政府部门一起讨论此事,并取得实质的成果,让他感 到十分欣慰。

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政府资助让金冠 迅速、稳健拓展 文:赵倩玉

金冠所购置的解决方案不只能将工 作自动化,节省人力成本,更能将 工作流程标准化,让接下来继续扩 展的步伐更稳健,管理起来更得心 应手。这种基础是有雄心壮志的企 业应该考虑建立的。

金冠在今年5月找到我,希望我到金冠总部做个较 为完整的咨询服务。于是我来到金冠总部,面见了总裁 陈德伟与财务总监陈慧婷。 初步的会面让我了解到他们希望改善进货流程,通 过自动化的方式节省时间与人力。这在很大程度上属于 资讯通信方面的改进,我于是次向他们讲解如何申请资 讯通信发展管理局的iSPRINT计划,并提出可以考虑购置 企业资源管理系统(Enterprise Resource Planning, 简称 ERP)或类似的解决方案。

(由右至左)面包西果商公会陈忠明名誉会长、廖建发会 长、总商会商团与会员事务委员会李思亮主席、邬顺山副 主席、陈睦发副主席、谭宝锠秘书长与面包西果商公会属 下会员和三家政府部门代表探讨可行方案。

清晰的品牌定位 可提高业绩 在那次会议上,我也发现金冠虽然营业额相表现优 越,但各方面能力还有待加强。因此,我建议金冠进行 SMART咨询,以便打好管理基础。另外,我也建议金冠 申请标新局的品牌发展计划(原名Brandpact,目前已被 纳入潜能开发津贴下),正巧之前认识的一家品牌咨询 公司曾经处理过金饰零售公司的个案,并成功协助该公 司在机场设立专店,据说这家金饰店的营业额与利润突 飞猛进,从一家普通的本地小金铺,成功转型为国际品 牌。于是我建议金冠与这家品牌公司会面,以便汲取其 他公司的成功经验,甚至为公司重新定位,以便经营品 牌。


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这个系统也为金冠的内部管理 增色不少,例如客户管理系统也能 反映每个业务员的表现。金冠也添 置了指纹考勤管理(Biometrics attendance taking)系统,把员工出席 率管理这一块也自动化了。 以系统协助掌握市场和客户需求 目前这整个项目还在进行中, 但标新局已批准,并将津贴14万多 元中的7万多元。除了上述的系统成 本,这笔钱也涵盖了这个项目的咨 询费,以及负责项目的金冠员工薪 水等。 陈德伟说,公司非常幸运,能 有中华总商会中小企业中心协助搭 桥,不但了解到很多信息,更获得 标新局的资助,购置一整套系统, 现在能很快打印出销售报告,了解 市场信息及顾客的需求。

金冠珠宝私人有限公司总裁陈德伟:“中华总商会中小企业中心协助搭桥,不但让我们了 解到很多信息,更获得标新局的资助。政府的资助让金冠的负担没那么重。”

金冠总裁陈德伟与营销总监谢 向阳与这家品牌咨询公司见面,了 解到金冠在经营策略上也许需要作 出调整,让品牌的定位更为清晰, 让消费者的印象更加深刻。之后, 这家品牌咨询公司建议由他们联络 标新局,商讨申请政府资助事宜。 我便放手由金冠、品牌塑造公司及 标新局三方协调。 提升能力 有助提高生产力 标新局了解了金冠的情况下, 建议金冠先提升能力建设,例如加 强自动化等,再考虑进行品牌重 塑,并鼓励金冠申请标新局的潜能 开发津贴(Capability Development Grant,简称CDG)。 于是金冠与一间专为首饰商提 供解决方案的软件公司合作,订制 了一套总值14万多元的系统。这包 括为各零售店提供固定与移动式的 销售点终端机(Point of sales)、条

码进货系统、库存管理、客户关系 管理及会计系统等。 陈慧婷受访时说,这个系统 在很大程度上帮助金冠提高了生产 力。例如原来进货需要一天半的时 间,现在有了条码系统,进货时间 缩减到半天。系统内的库存管理帮 金冠在批发及金饰回收的业务上节 省了很多时间,纪录也比之前人工 纪录来的更准确。 另外,金冠经常到国外参加 展销会,有了移动式的销售点终端 机,业务员只要在国外联网,就可 以在展销会现场向潜在顾客展示公 司的产品,生产力提高了许多。 客户管理系统则能协助金冠 了解客户的消费习惯,公司只要 打印出最近的销售报告就能知道 哪些货卖的比较好,并根据报告 来调整进货。

“因为我们是中小企业,这样 项目需要一大笔资金,有政府的资 助让我们负担没那么重。” 陈德伟对这次的项目相当满 意,并也期待等项目结束后,进一 步探讨如何利用政府的补贴进行品 牌重塑。 在我所见过的中小企业里,金 冠的拓展可以说是最迅速的之一, 他们所购置的解决方案不只能将工 作自动化,节省人力成本,更能将 工作流程标准化,让接下来继续扩 展的步伐更稳健,管理起来更得心 应手。这种基础是一间有雄心壮志 的企业应该考虑建立的。 总商会中小企业中心拥有一批经验丰 富的商业咨询顾问,能协助老板们 分析企业的发展关键,并善用政府 援助计划。需要协助的中小企业, 请与我们联系,电话:6337 8381; 电邮:enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg



china desk

新加坡发挥自身优势 助江苏企业开发第三方市场 文:邬悦群/陈星伊

江苏将积极借鉴新加坡的经验,共同探讨金融创新、开发第三方市场、 城市建设、社区管理及养老保障等方面的合作。

(左起)新加坡金腾有限公司陆兆勇总经理、中国银行新加坡分行业务一部刘超总经理、新加坡经济发展局大中华区李训翔主任、中国出口信用 保险公司项目险市场开发部王旭副总经理、上海理德律师事务所何丽娟律师,在讨论时段与160名与会嘉宾交流。



china desk

新加坡所具备的国际贸 易和金融优势,以及其正 在巩固的离岸人民币中 心地位,正可为想走出去 的江苏企业提供丰富的 经验和良好的平台。 总商会钟声坚副会长:“在总商会的推动促进下,新加坡及江苏的交流会更加密切、深化。”

新加坡和江苏政府在2007年建立 了新苏合作理事会的政府合作平台, 推动经贸等多个领域的务实合作,两 地企业在这个平台上积极加强交流、 开拓商机,收获丰硕。在新一轮的合 作计划下,江苏将积极借鉴新加坡的 经验,共同探讨金融创新、开发第三 方市场、城市建设等方面的合作。 10月29日,总商会与江苏省国 际商会在南京举办“江苏企业走出 去:由新加坡通往第三方市场”主 题研讨会,进一步协助中国企业走出 去,协助双方企业共同发展,建立合 作关系。 总商会钟声坚副会长在致欢迎辞 时说:“在新加坡144家上市的中国企 业中,有14家是江苏企业;而总商会 长久以来与中国政商各界紧密往来、交 流互动频繁,是新中双边合作的重要桥 梁。在总商会的推动促进下,新加坡及 江苏的交流会更加密切、深化。” 新苏应深化合作 新加坡贸工部张思乐政务部长指 出,2012年新加坡与江苏省的双边贸 易总额达128亿美元,占新中贸易额 的15%。截止2012年底,新加坡在江 苏的实际投资总额209亿美元,占新 加坡在中国投资的40%。新加坡所具 备的国际贸易和金融优势以及其正在 巩固的离岸人民币中心地位,正可为 那些想走出去的江苏企业提供丰富的 经验和良好的平台。政务部长希望新

苏双方能进一步深化合作,尤其是推 动江苏企业走出去,通过新加坡辐射 东南亚,实现企业国际化。 江苏省傅自应副省长表示,江 苏是中国对外开放的重要平台,要在 更大范围配置资源,必须寻找新的路 径,而本次研讨会的主题正是路径之 一。他建议新中双方应当把握机遇, 发挥互补优势,完善合作机制,打造 双边合作升级版。 新加坡经济发展局大中华区李训 翔主任、新加坡坡伊顿国际幼儿学校 集团胡锦珠董事经理、(南钢集团) 新加坡金腾有限公司陆兆勇总经理、 中国银行新加坡分行业务一部刘超总 经理受邀分析了经济、新中合作、投 资、金融等课题。中国出口信用保险 公司也与160名出席着分享为“江苏企 业走出去”保驾护航的政策及措施。 此研讨会得到新加坡国际企业 发展局、新加坡经济发展局、江苏省 商务厅、江苏省贸促会的鼎力支持。 有意了解新加坡企业中心如何 协助新加坡商家开拓江苏商机在中 国发展,请联系中心主任林维祺, 电 邮 : w e e k h e e @ s c c c i . o r g. s g ; 电话:86-21-5208 2710或总商 会 中 国 事 务 经 理 胡 育 斌 , 电 邮 : david@sccci.org.sg; 电话:65-6337 8381

新加坡和江苏的未来合 作,将以“一个深化、 两个拓展”为原则: • 一个深化 深 化 苏 新 合 作 基 础 , 不 断 提 升合作水平,扎实推进重点项 目,更加完善合作机制,在新 的起点上推动合作向更高层次 迈进。 • 两个拓展 拓 展 合 作 领 域 , 以 现 代 服 务 业、科技创新为引领,加强双 方在金融创新试点、现代物 流、教育科技、节能环保、文 化 旅 游 、 社 会 管 理 等 领 域 的 合 作 , 使 合 作 成 果 惠 及 更 多民众。 拓展合作空间,用好建 设“丝绸之路经济带”的战略 机遇,打开江苏的北大门,让 更多的新加坡企业参与到江苏 区域协调发展中来,在深化合 作中实现双方共同发展。 摘录自新加坡-江苏合作理 事会江苏方主席,江苏省李学勇 省长,在10月30日召开的新加 坡-江苏合作理事会第七次会议 上的讲辞。理事会的新方主席是 新加坡教育部王瑞杰部长。



Corporate Strategies

组织变革 引领企业大跃进


卓越的领导人,不会以非黑即白的二分思维来 自我局限,设下框架,而是具备兼容并蓄的智慧。 在今日的世界,领导的难度与日 俱增!吉姆柯林斯 (Jim Collins) 对 现今领导人所面对的经营环境有着 非常传神地描述: “今天我们面对的 是长期的不稳定与永久的不确定,变 动 的速 度 加剧,颠 覆与崩解日益普 遍。我们既然无法预测,又难以控制 周遭发生的一切。未来,没有什麼是 ‘新 常 态’,只有 持 续 面 对 一 连 串 的‘非常态’。” 也因为如此,企业领导者被寄予 高度的期待与严格的要求。

: 革 变 企业 ? 吗 了 好 备 准 您

日前,宏 碁 集 团王 振 堂 董事长 兼执行长為几番决策失误,导致营运 不佳,造成大幅亏损而引咎辞职的消 息,為产业投下震撼弹。根据报导, 為了力拼转机,该集团董事会除了更 换执行长外,更商请创办人施振荣回 锅,担任“变革委员会”的召集人,重 整组织力挽狂澜。 宏 碁 集 团 经 歷 多次 的 企 业 改 造,面对无数次的挑战与转折,却始 终坚持品牌之 路,并 打造出国际 驰 名的“acer”品牌,其投入的精神与 毅 力无 人 出其 右,着实令人 肃 然 起 敬。我相信,在歷经组织再造后,宏 碁定能励 精图治,重返 荣耀将 是 指 日可待。


卓越领袖应兼容并蓄 现今所有的企业都在追求从一般 企业提升到优质企业,乃至于卓越企 业的发展轨迹。企业在追求愿景与目 标的历程中,将会不断遭逢各类问题 与危机。如何避免让经营失利像流行 病一样,造成恐惧与不安,导致组织 濒临失能,是领导人最严峻的挑战。 长期投入研究领导人如何带领企 业迈向卓越的吉姆柯林斯指出,卓越 的领导人,不会以非黑即白的二分思 维来自我侷限,设下框架,而是具备 “兼容并蓄的智慧”。也就是说,一方 面严守纪律,一方面发挥创意;一方 面有强烈的企图心,一方面不自大; 一方面要求严格,不接受藉口,一方面 又充分自制,不过火;一方面有纪律的 思考,一方面又能果断行动;一方面宏 观,一方面微观;一方面偏执,一方面 勇敢无畏。如此来锻鍊出坚强的意志 与心灵,持续不断地探求新机会,一旦 当领导人感到害怕、精疲力尽,或受到 诱惑时便能做出明智的抉择。 组织变革应上下同心 我以為,处在“非常态”的时代, 企业的核心竞争力必须与时俱进,因 而带领组织创新与变革,进而聚焦核 心优势,关注新趋势,是领导人无可 回避的责任。 然而,让 组 织 成 员接受变革的 事实 并 不容易,常见 的情 境是 变革 领 导 者 认 為自己有完 整 分析,也以 為 相关 人 员 应有相同的认 知,但事 实却往往相反。例如,组织成员为了 面子问题而抗拒 变革,或者是 碍于 同侪 的压力或主管的态度,或者是 离开熟 悉 的工作 环 境,要 割捨既有 的人 脉关係而感 到害 怕等原因,都 会成 為变革的阻 力。而要化 解变革 阻力必须软硬兼施,例如:教育与沟 通;参与与投入;协助与支持;谈判 与共识等方式,都 可依 据 不同的情 境而多加利用。 实际上,企业的盛衰兴亡,深受 外在环境如经济发展、科技创新、气 候变迁等因素影响,使得企业经营的

Corporate Strategies


当变革被经营者急就章的带往错误的方向,或是方 向正确但执行方法有误,结果就会是一场劳师动众 却又徒劳无功的组织灾难。

复杂度大幅提高,产业的凋零速度犹 如川剧中的变脸有过之而无不及,领 导人或许可以得到一时的成功,但要 永续的卓越,绝不能抓错重点或流于 天真,而落于无法关注外在产业的变 化;内在组织的潜在因素等瓶颈。 因此,变革的绩效虽是由诸多因 素所组成,但绝大多数因素系于领导 的优劣。当变革被经营者急就章的带 往错误的方向,或是方向正确但执行 方法有误,结果就会是一场劳师动众 却又徒劳无功的组织灾难。 经营者要协 助 部属 从 层 级、制 度压抑的力量中解放出来,让大家离 开舒适圈,都能思考、发表看法,能 加以行 动,进而展现预 应 未 来的制 胜行为。企业便能灵活应变,将冲击 或损害减至最低。 八大关键启动成功变革 欲启动成功变革可藉由约翰 科 特勒 (John P.Kot ter) 穷毕身研 究 精 华,归 纳、整 理 的八 项 关 键 步 骤: • • • • • • • •

创造危机意识 组织坚强的变革团队 建构愿景 广泛沟通愿景 授权员工为愿景而努力 创造近程的战果 鼓 舞 士 气 并 运 用 士 气 解 决 变 革障碍 将新行为模式塑造为组织文化

以我过去曾亲自带领团队,启动 组织变革的经验中,亦深刻体会到组 织变革的重要性与不容易。除了要有

方法、有步骤外,领导人随时都要抱持 枕戈待旦及谦冲为怀的心态,如传教士 般不断地在组织中传递愿景及核心价 值观,以坚定的决心与行为来为团队 成员释疑与解惑。同时也需付出更多 耐心、关心,让应对变革成为组织中每 一分子都必须具备的技巧,也都接受 必须变革的事实,形塑出变革为组织进 步发展的文化,进而以崭新的思维,建 构创新的机制,迎向趋势!

作者是中国生产力中心 (CPC) 总经 理。总商会于2012年7月12日与台湾中国生 产力中心 (CPC) 签署合作框架协议,充分 发挥双方各自的优势,通过培训与交流,为 两地企业开阔思路,提升技能,提高运作效 率,搭建新加坡企业与台湾企业互动平台和 桥梁。 总商会与CP C 在培训与研讨会、咨询 服务、产品创新与开发和资讯共享等领域展 开精诚合作,并互为对方在以上四个领域的 当地唯一合作伙伴。



In the Lead

IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre:

A One-Stop Centre for SMEs’ China Ventures

By: Huang Yifang

IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre (ISSEC) was launched on November 12 as a one-stop centre dedicated to help SMEs venture into China. With a powerful combination of resources from SCCCI and IE Singapore, the ISSEC aims to reach out to over 4,000 SMEs in the next three years.

“The Chamber has collaborated with IE Singapore to reposition and expand the current Shanghai Representative Office to the Singapore Enterprise Centre. This partnership leverages on the resources of IE Singapore and the Chamber to facilitate SMEs’ access to China more effectively,” announced Chamber’s President Thomas Chua in his welcome address at the launch of the IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre (ISSEC) on November 12. A One-Stop Centre for SMEs Venturing into China Through the years, the Chamber has assisted many local enterprises venturing into China market through the SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office which was set up in 2010. This year, the representative office was repositioned and rebranded as the ISSEC as a one-stop centre to help local SMEs with interest in the China market. The ISSEC will provide a full suite of services to SMEs including: • Dedicated one-on-one advisory services SMEs can approach ISSEC for information in areas such as first steps in setting up a business in China, guidance on import and export regulations, and information on labour laws.

The IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre (ISSEC) was launched as a one-stop centre to assist SMEs venturing into China. The ISSEC was launched by Lee Yi Shyan (second from right), Senior Minister of State for Trade & Industry and National Development, accompanied by (from left) Thomas Chua, President of SCCCI; Zheng Chao, Minister Counsellor of PRC Embassy Economic & Commercial Counsellor’s Office; and Teo Eng Cheong, Chief Executive Officer of IE Singapore.


• Business events Seminars, workshops, networking and business matching sessions will be organised to link up potential suppliers, manufacturers and business partners. • Valuable market information and business leads SCCCI and IE Singapore can both provide valuable market information and business leads to SMEs. Strength in Working Together Officiating the launch of the centre was Lee Yi Shyan, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and National Development. He urged SMEs to work together in their China ventures: “Entering a new market is challenging. SMEs need to invest resources in understanding the market, manage regulations and processes and build connections, even before entering new markets. I urge Singapore companies to work closely together to make new breakthroughs. By banding together, Singapore companies can reap potential cost benefits and leverage on Singapore’s branding holistically.” Singapore’s Investment in China Singapore’s overall investment in China is substantial. In 2011, China was Singapore’s top investment destination, with cumulative direct investments abroad reaching SGD82 billion*. In 2012, Singapore-China

In the Lead

bilateral trade saw a 2.4 per cent year-on-year increase at SGD 103.8 billion**. Local SMEs also have considerable investment in China. According to IE Singapore’s Internationalisation Survey 2012/13, close to 50 per cent of local SMEs are investing in China, a 15 per cent increase from the previous year. *Source: Singapore Department of Statistics **Source: IE Singapore Combining Resources to Assist Local SMEs Teo Eng Cheong, CEO of IE Singapore, cited some examples of Singapore companies which have ventured into China and have benefited from the collaboration between SCCCI and IE Singapore. These were home-grown brands Ya Kun and PastaMania which opened their first outlets in Shanghai in 2011 and 2012 respectively. In the case of PastaMania, the Chamber and IE Singapore introduced business partners and identified suitable locations for its first outlet in Shanghai. For example, Nanyang Polytechnic was introduced to the business to conduct training for employees in Shanghai. Strategic Collaboration At the launch, ISSEC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


with the Waigaoqiao International Trading Operation Centre (ITOC) to facilitate the entry of Singapore companies into the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. The agreement aims to promote strategic collaboration in trade and investment promotion, including providing advice and assistance on setting up businesses in the zone. Find out more about the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in the article “Opportunities for Singapore Companies from the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone” on pages 26-29. The Chamber also signed another two MOUs at the event. The first was an agreement with the Bank of China Shanghai Branch to assist member companies with their investment projects in the Shanghai region and Free Trade Zone, including a 10 billion yuan credit over the next three years. In addition, an MOU was inked with the Xinhuanet Singapore Portal to strengthen the Chamber’s online outreach in China.

For SMEs seeking assistance in venturing into China, please contact Lim Wee Khee, ISSEC Director, at weekhee@sccci.org.sg; +86 21 52082710; or David Hu, Manager, SCCCI China Affairs Department, at david@sccci.org.sg; +65 6337 8381.

(front row, from left): Jiang Qimin, General Manager of Shanghai Waigaoqiao International Trading Operation Centre; and Lau Tai San, Vice-President of SCCCI, inked an MOU to facilitate the entry of local companies into the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.



In the Lead

Opportunities for Singapore Companies from the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone By: Leong Teng Chau

Launched on September 29 this year, the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone aims to transform Shanghai into an advanced international hub for trading and financial activities, thereby serving as a zone to serve as a model for China’s economic reform. Chinese Enterprise presents an analysis on the free trade zone and potential opportunities for Singapore companies.

About the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone China officially launched the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (“Shanghai FTZ”) on September 29 2013. The Shanghai FTZ covers an area of 28.78 sq km that includes the Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone, Waigaoqiao Bonded Logistic Zone, Yangshan Port Bonded Zone and Pudong Airport Bonded Zone. Apart from policy liberalisation in six broad areas covering 18 specific service sectors (refer to Table 1), the distinguishing features of the Shanghai FTZ include its status as a pilot zone for experimenting interest rate liberalisation and free convertibility of the renminbi. Existing legal restrictions on foreign companies and Sino-foreign Joint Ventures will be eased, and temporarily adjusted in the Shanghai FTZ for three years from October 1 2013. The intended objective of the Shanghai FTZ is to serve as a pilot zone to help transform Shanghai into an advanced international hub for international trading

and financial activities that is aligned with the international business environment. Upon successful experimentation, features of the Shanghai FTZ will be replicated to other parts of China. The Shanghai FTZ will thus serve as a practical model for structural economic reform in China. Specifically, the plan to develop Shanghai FTZ comprises the following four defining characteristics: Facilitating investment • Foreign companies in the Shanghai FTZ do not need government approval before setting up if they do not operate in sectors that are on a "negative list". A filing system is adopted to allow foreign companies to register themselves with the Shanghai FTZ authorities. Upgrading and transforming the trade sector • Integrating trade, logistics and trade settlement to create a seamless trade environment

• Developing international commodity trading, with a focus initially on energy products • Developing a high value-added trade services cluster, such as financial leasing services, service outsourcing, and third-party inspection services • Developing cross-border e-commerce services Innovation in financial services • Experimenting with renminbi convertibility on the capital account, interest rate liberalisation, and the cross-border utilisation of renminbi Improving the business environment • Creating an operating business environment with an institutionalised legal, supervisory and taxation system to safeguard businesses


In the Lead










Jiangsu Waigaoqiao

Central City Lujiazui

Hongqiao Airport


Pudong Airport

Shanghai East China Sea

Yangshan (Land) Zhejiang


u Ba



Yangshan (Harbour)

Table 1. Liberalisation in the Six Broad Service Sectors – Key Highlights


Financial services

• Allow qualified foreign financial institutions to establish wholly foreign-owned banks • Allow qualified private and foreign financial institutions to establish SinoForeign joint venture banks • Allow the establishment of specialised foreign health and medical insurance institutions • Remove the minimum registered capital requirement for a single-ship/ aircraft company set up by financial leasing companies • Financial leasing companies will be allowed to conduct commercial factoring related to its core businesses

Shipping services

• Liberalise foreign shareholding restriction in Sino-Foreign joint venture international shipping enterprises • Allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned ship management enterprises • Allow foreign ships owned or indirectly owned by Chineseinvested companies to pilot coastal shipping between Shanghai port and domestic coastal ports

Commerce and trade services

• Allow qualified foreign companies to provide specified value-added telecom services • Allow foreign companies to manufacture and sell entertainment and gaming consoles; allow consoles with content that passed censorship to be sold in the domestic market

Professional services

• Explore cooperative mechanism between Chinese and foreign law firms • Allow foreign companies to provide credit information services • Allow foreign tourism companies to set up joint ventures to provide overseas tourism services (except to Taiwan) • Allow foreign human resource agencies to set up joint ventures, with foreign participation at 70 per cent or below. The minimum registered capital for foreign human resource firms to be reduced from USD300,000 to USD125,000 • Allow the establishment of foreign investment management companies

• Waive the requirement for foreign engineering design companies to provide a track record when providing engineering design services within Shanghai • Allow wholly foreign-owned construction companies registered within the FTZ to conduct SinoForeign joint construction projects in Shanghai, regardless of the extent of foreign participation in the projects

Cultural services

• Allow wholly foreign-owned entertainment artist agencies to provide services in Shanghai • Allow wholly foreign-owned entertainment facilities to set up and provide services in the Shanghai FTZ

Social services

• Allow Sino-Foreign joint venture institutions to provide educational training and vocational skills training • Allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned medical institutions

Source: State Council’s Framework Plan on China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, September 27 2013. These measures are only applicable to enterprises registered within the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone.



In the Lead

The Shanghai FTZ, officially launched on September 29 2013, presents opportunities for Singapore companies in the areas of financial, shipping, commerce and trade, professional, cultural, and social services.

Business opportunities for Singapore companies Singapore companies have strengths in the services sector. The Shanghai FTZ could provide a conducive business environment for Singapore companies with interest to undertake business activities in the six specified service areas, namely, financial, shipping, professional, commercial trade, cultural and social services, which will enjoy relaxed regulatory treatment in the zone. The Shanghai FTZ could be particularly suited for companies where China is an important destination market, but there are substantial cross-border business activities inherent in their operations, for instance, involving direct capital raising or capital injection from outside China in US dollar, and sourcing from/selling outside China. Given the unique opportunities, and the pro-business environment being created in the Shanghai FTZ, members of the Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association (SFMA), a trade association member of SCCCI, have already started to explore opportunities in the Shanghai FTZ. In particular, what appeals to SFMA members are the improved customs clearance and product inspection processes, and the value-added printing

and pasting of product labels that can be undertaken within the Shanghai FTZ, prior to selling the food products into the domestic Chinese market. On the other hand, in the financial services sector, DBS Bank has obtained Chinese regulatory approval to set up a sub-branch in the Shanghai FTZ with a view to initially service its corporate clients in the zone, including studying new products and services that it can pilot.

Singapore and Shanghai such that the growth of their businesses will also strengthen the linkages between the two markets.

While the detailed rules and regulations pertaining to the Shanghai FTZ have yet to be announced, Singapore companies with an active interest in this development could engage the relevant authorities, including the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Administration, to undertake first-hand fact-finding relating to setting up in the Shanghai FTZ, and the subsequent business opportunities. For a start, Singapore companies can first explore the selected opportunities where the Shanghai FTZ is encouraging, and where there is a greater level of clarity, for instance in the trade-related sectors. In the process of exploring growth opportunities arising from the Shanghai FTZ, Singapore companies could also consciously find synergies and complementarities between

Conclusion Establishing the Shanghai FTZ is one of the key economic reforms introduced by the present Chinese leadership. What makes the Shanghai FTZ distinctive is its experiment on reforming the government’s approach towards managing foreign companies, reforming of its financial system, and relaxing regulations on selected service sectors instead of relying singularly on incentive measures to attract foreign companies to the zone. This creates a rare platform for Singapore companies with an interest in the Chinese market, especially those involved in the liberalised service sectors, to proactively explore opportunities arising from the Shanghai FTZ.

Apart from SFMA and DBS, according to statistics released by the Shanghai government as of October 29 2013, three other Singapore companies have since registered to set up operations in the Shanghai FTZ.


Experts’ views: Explore opportunities in high valueadded services sectors in the Shanghai FTZ In conjunction with the launch of the IE Singapore-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre (ISSEC) on November 12, an expert panel was convened to share insights on the Shanghai FTZ. Moderated by Liane Ong, Regional Director of East China Division at IE Singapore, the panelists comprised Jiang Qimin, President of Waigaoqiao International Trading Operation Centre; Wong Mong Hong, Immediate Past President of the Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association (SFMA); Zhou Hehua, Assistant General Manager of Bank of China Shanghai Branch; Yu Bing, Deputy General Manager of Pacific International Lines (China); and Lim Wee Khee, Director of the ISSEC.


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rate liberalisation, progressive market liberalisation would be realised by allowing financial institutions to establish their independent pricing mechanism.

from the Shanghai FTZ for domestic sales into the Chinese market. Such services are especially attractive for small and medium sized companies.

Mr Wong shared that from the fact-finding visit by the Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association to the Shanghai FTZ, what struck the association members were the streamlined customs clearance process and value-added food label printing and pasting services that can be undertaken in the zone. This could help to overcome the current situation whereby almost 99 per cent of the labels for imported food products would typically be rejected by the Chinese customs. Other value-add services available include logistics services for transporting food products

Mr Yu was of the view that Singapore and Shanghai are positioned to serve distinct catchment markets. Singapore has a niche role to connect the sea routes between Europe and Asia. In contrast, in the event that the London Metal Exchange (LME) is allowed to operate warehouses in the Shanghai FTZ to facilitate physical delivery of its metal futures contracts, the LME warehouses situated in locations nearer to Shanghai might be affected. PIL has been actively tracking the development and opportunities in the Shanghai FTZ, including the prospects of providing coastal shipping services.

Mr Jiang shared that establishing the Shanghai FTZ is a ground-breaking direction towards reforming China’s economy, and successful experiments in the zone would be replicated to other parts of China. Singapore is one of the models that Shanghai studied when formulating policies relating to the Shanghai FTZ, particularly on Singapore’s efficiency in custom clearance, although these need to be adapted to the prevailing practical conditions in China. These can bring concrete and substantive benefits to companies, instead of relying on just government incentives to attract foreign investments to the zone. He suggested that Singapore companies could explore opportunities related to the trade sector for a start, for instance direct sales, cross-border electric commerce and equipment leasing activities. Mr Zhou shared that the financial innovation encouraged at the Shanghai FTZ would be those premised on substantive economic activities, rather than purely speculative financial activities. The piloting of renminbi capital account convertibility, and crossborder renminbi utilisation, would be undertaken under the condition that the risks can be controllable. In interest

Jiang Qimin, President of Waigaoqiao International Trading Operation Centre, suggested that Singapore companies could explore opportunities related to the trade sector such as direct sales, cross-border electric commerce and equipment leasing activities.



Regional Files

Elevating Service and Productivity Levels: Lessons from Japan By: Huang Yifang

High service standards define many Japanese companies in the retail and food & beverage industries. in october, The Chamber led a 30-member business delegation to learn from top Japanese businesses in these two industries. Additionally, SCCCI invited the Japan Productivity Center to conduct a productivity workshop for local companies. Chinese Enterprise shares some best practices and successful methods taken by outstanding Japanese businesses.

Local businesses from the retail and food & beverage industries gleaned best practices from top companies in Japan during the Chamber’s Service Innovation & Productivity Study.


Regional Files


One’s retail experience in Japan will not be complete without being greeted with a hearty “Irasshaimase!” upon entering a shop. Known for high-quality service and innovation, many Japanese businesses subscribe to the concept of omotenashi, a traditional Japanese way of hospitality, thoughtfulness and dedication to the needs of others, thereby creating highquality experiences for customers. Japanese companies have also embraced innovative technology to automate their processes. For example, Kaisen Misakiko, a fully automated sushi restaurant, depends on few service staff as customers use a tablet to order their food served through trays that run on tracks alongside the tables. Technology such as sushi rice robots, sushi roll machines and automated dishwashers are used in its kitchen.

The business delegation visited the Uniqlo headquarters as well as two outlets to learn about its corporate philosophy, future expansion plans as well as understand store operations and layout concepts.

Whether it is adding a personal touch or providing efficient service, Japanese businesses have implemented various processes to provide high-quality service to customers as well as achieve the goals of the company in a productive manner. It was for this reason that the Chamber, together with the Restaurant Association of Singapore (RAS), led a group of Singapore businesses from the retail and food & beverage industries on a productivity study to Japan on October 8-12. The 30-member strong delegation learnt from the best practices of well-established businesses such as clothing retailer Uniqlo, and Wondertable which owns many dining concepts in Japan ranging from Japanese to Italian cuisine. In addition, SCCCI, together with RAS, the Singapore Furniture Industries Council and SPRING Singapore, invited the Japan Productivity Center to conduct a productivity workshop at the Chamber on October 28-29. Lessons from Japanese businesses During business mission and workshop, valuable lessons on how Singapore companies can improve their productivity and provide delightful service to customers were learnt.

The business mission programme involved a company visit to Wondertable which manages food & beverage brands such as Obika Mozzarella Bar.

Whether it is adding a personal touch or providing efficient service, Japanese businesses have implemented various processes to provide highquality service to customers as well as achieve the goals of the company in a productive manner.



Regional Files

Yoshinoya trainees are trained through role play and are given opportunities to develop their capabilities throughout their years in the company.

Staff Capability Development Apart from providing quick service and delicious beef bowls to customers, Yoshinoya also invests resources into staff capability development. Employees of the food and beverage group have much room and distance for career progression with the long-term human resource planning structure put in place by the organisation. Training opportunities are presented to staff to enhance their skills during their employment. For example, junior staff are first given training on regular store operations. Employees are then subsequently given opportunities to be trained in areas such as business solutions, strategy creation, division management and company management. Employees with one year of service will start off understanding management philosophy and operation skills while senior top management would be trained in strategic management and logical thinking with regards to company-wide philosophy.

The delegation learnt about Rheon Automatic Machinery’s product customisation efforts where food processing machines are uniquely designed to produce a wide range of food from Japanese snacks to Chinese dim sum.

Product Customisation During the business mission to Japan, the group visited food production machine manufacturer Rheon Automatic Machinery. Rheon manufactures a wide variety of food processing machines with a focus on bread, meat and fish products.

Machines manufactured by Rheon can produce food with fillings as well as mould dough into various shapes and sizes. In order for market expansion, the company diversified to customise their machines to produce a wide range of food ranging from Japanese snacks to western pastries and even Chinese


dim sum. Through customisation, Rheon is able to harness their existing technology to reach out to a wider market and cater to the unique needs of their clients. Strategic Marketing and Data Analysis Lawson, Japan’s second largest convenience store chain, has a strong marketing strategy to capture various market sectors. The original Lawson store format was launched in 1975. Since then, two additional store concepts have been implemented to cater to more consumer groups. Natural Lawson was launched in July 2001 as a health product oriented convenience store targeting working women in their 20s and 30s as well as health-conscious customers. In 2005, Lawson Store 100 was launched with an enhanced product lineup consisting of fresh food to cater to the needs of housewives and middle-aged to senior customers. Data analysis is also crucial to Lawson’s sales power and customer relationship management. Through the convenience store’s Ponta loyalty card, Lawson is able to analyse customer behaviour according to categories such as age, the types of products bought, visiting frequency and outlet location. Using data analysis, Lawson is able to increase its sales power and build its Customer Relationship Management model. Improving Workflow and Reducing Waste Increasing productivity can be achieved by improving workflow and reducing waste. On October 28-29, the Chamber invited Susumu Kobayashi, Senior Management Consultant of the Japan Productivity Center, to share on the concepts of Kaizen and the 5S workplace organisation method. During the workshop, he shared the successful processes implemented by Toyota to create a streamlined production with little waste. Central to Toyota’s production system are the following concepts: • “Just in Time” This concept refers to only manufacturing the necessary amount of items at the time they are needed.


Regional Files

• “Automation with a Human Touch” This concept refers to the incorporation of a system which stops production when an abnormality occurs. This prevents defects from being manufactured continuously therefore resulting in waste.

By adhering to these two principals, Toyota reduced waste caused by overproduction, conveyance, keeping inventory and producing defects thereby resulting in cost reduction.

Tetsu Yamada (extreme left), Senior Vice-President and Group Chief Operating Officer of the International Group at Lawson, shared Lawson’s expansion and marketing strategies with delegates.

Lawson, Japan’s second largest convenience store chain, has a strong marketing strategy to capture various market sectors. The original Lawson store format was launched in 1975. Since then, two additional store concepts have been implemented to cater to more cONSUMER GROUPS.



IOB Feature

building UP a pool of in-house productivity champions through the APEX-CIPM By: Huang Yifang

From September to December, 29 representatives from the printing, food, engineering, construction and transport industries were trained in productivity management at the Aspiring Productivity EXcellence Certified In-Company Productivity Manager Programme (APEX-CIPM).

Front row: SCCCI President Thomas Chua (fifth from left), Vice-President Lau Tai San (fourth from left), Technology Committee Vice-Chairman Kuah Boon Wee (third from right) and SIMTech representatives together with participants of the first-run of the APEX-CIPM programme.


IOB Feature


A Unique Programme to Train InHouse Productivity Managers In order to train up in-house Productivity Managers, the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) developed a unique certified in-company productivity programme with the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech). The Aspiring Productivity EXcellence Certified In-Company Productivity Manager Programme (APEX-CIPM) was first run from September to December this year. Throughout the programme, 29 representatives from the printing, food, engineering, construction and transport industries were equipped with knowledge and mentored on how to implement productivity measures in their companies. The aim of the APEX programme is to help businesses embark on implementing structured productivity initiatives in their operations. Not alone in the Productivity Drive Companies are encouraged to send at least two staff to attend the same run of the APEX programme. This is in order to increase the success rate of initiating and implementing the company’s productivity initiatives. At the same time, working together as a team motivates company representatives to know that they are not alone in the productivity drive and increases their commitment to implement successful productivity efforts in their companies. Conceptual and Hands-on Learning “How do I measure the performance of operations improvement and productivity? How can I practically apply productivity concepts to my company?” These were a few of the questions being addressed at the APEX programme which comprises a balanced amalgam of conceptual and hands-on productivity lessons for participants. “Through the course, I learnt about the many ways to increase productivity. For example, there are the 5S, Lean, and Kaizen methods which can be applied to suit my own production,” shared Jeff Lum, Technical Service Executive at Woodlands Transport Service Pte Ltd.

During the programme, participants embarked on a suite of learning components: • OMNI@APEX comprising 10 four-hour sessions on measuring performance of operations improvement and productivity, techniques and tools for operations improvement, and the application of productivity concepts to business operations. Participants would identify their current business activities to study areas for improvement and assess current productivity to generate and prioritise productivity initiatives. • project@workplace where participants work on an assignment on productivity implementation at their workplace. Mentors from SIMTech would be present to guide participants on their project. • Workshop on productivity best practices from an overseas productivity expert. During the first run of the APEX programme, participants gleaned insights from an expert from the Japan Productivity Center and; • Project planning skills training where participants will have a hands-on opportunity to craft a project schedule involving the allocation of tasks, cost and resources through milestones and timelines. Application: Not Just Theory Participants appreciated the customised guidance from mentors during the course, particularly during the project@workplace

segment. “Mentors came to the restaurant and assist us with implementing our productivity initiatives. We appreciate this practical follow-through from the programme,” said Jacqueline Tan, Senior Director of Operations & Corporate Affairs at Jumbo Group of Restaurants. With the mentorship of SIMTech experts, participants could come up with implementable projects in their companies. Tan Cheng Kwan, Assistant General Manager of Purchasing at Sheng Siong Group, found that lessons on how to simplify operations through methods such as 5S and Lean were useful. “Important takeaways for me were learning how to increase productivity and remove unnecessary operational procedures. I learnt how to improve on existing operational methods and simplify them in order to achieve our goals.” Take Action! APEX-CIPM in 2014 Following the successful first run of the APEX programme, subsequent runs of the course will be conducted in 2014: 1. January-May 2. April-July (Conducted in Mandarin) In addition, the programme will be subsequently conducted for specific industries with contextualised material. Companies interested in sending representatives for the APEX programme may contact Cleo Goh at cleo@scciob.edu.sg or 6505 3840. More information can also be found at www.scciob.edu.sg



Focus on SMEs

SCCCI Works with Timber and Furniture Industries to Address Land Use Issues By: Leong Teng Chau

The Chamber, together with trade association members Singapore Timber Association (STA) and Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC), organised an industry outreach session during which Jurong Town Corporation (JTC) shared with members of STA, SFIC, and affected businesses on the “Short Term Lease Extension Scheme”.

Panelists at the JTC industry briefing: Lau Tai San (second from right), SCCCI Vice-President; Eunice Koh (second from left), JTC Assistant CEO; Freddie Ng (extreme left), STA President; and Tony Pang, SFIC Assistant Honorary Secretary.

The Chamber is working with the Singapore Timber Association (STA) and the Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC) to address the land use needs of the timber and furniture industries. Land Use Challenges Faced by Timber and Furniture Industries Through the Chamber’s monthly lunch sessions with trade association members, the timber and furniture industries have given feedback to SCCCI on issues

relating to their land use needs, including the issue of impending lease expiry. Seeing the cluster synergy, the Chamber aggregated the land issue faced by both the timber and furniture industries, and engaged JTC to reflect this issue. JTC has been very proactive to address the land use needs of the two industries, especially the affected timber and furniture companies in the Sungei Kadut, Yew Tee and Kranji Industrial Estates. JTC introduced the “Short Term

Lease Extension Scheme” to address the land use needs of lessees with leases expiring from 2014 to 2019. Under this scheme, the affected 116 companies can apply to JTC to extend their leases until 2020. Providing a Platform for Dialogue In conjunction with the introduction of this scheme, the Chamber, together with STA and SFIC, organised an industry outreach session on November 19 to provide a platform for

JTC to share this scheme first-hand with members of SFIC and STA, and the affected companies. As the lease extension comes with conditions for the applicant companies to improve productivity and undertake value-added activities, the Chamber’s SME Centre took the opportunity to share the various government schemes related to productivity improvement. Following the briefings, a panel comprising Lau Tai San, SCCCI VicePresident; Eunice Koh, JTC Assistant CEO; Freddie Ng, STA President; and Tony Pang, SFIC Assistant Honorary Secretary; addressed questions from the participants. A total of 140 participants attended the session at the SCCCI Auditorium. Affected companies that wish to apply for the scheme would need to provide value-added projections over a three-year period, and these projections would be audited after Year 3. In addition, no assignment of the extended lease term is allowed. Rental payable will be at JTC’s posted land rental as at the start of the extended lease term, with annual rent revision capped at 5.5 per cent. The scheme application will open till June 30 2014. JTC’s scheme will provide certainty to the affected companies while the ongoing Master Plan review by the government is expected to complete by 2015. The land issue faced by the timber and furniture industries is one example of how SCCCI is playing an active role to facilitate and help seek solutions for the issues faced by the Chamber’s trade association members jointly with the relevant government stakeholders in a constructive and practical way.



Chamber Community




茶艺和古玉是有着数千年沉淀的中华传统文化,它们深深的影响了古 人的思想观念。茶艺之于现代生活,是人们追求精神文明建设的窗口之 一, 而雕塑精美的古玉饰品即便到了今天,仍然愉悦着人们的眼目。 11月8日,事业 女 性 组“美”和 “智”组在“茶渊”主办分享与交流 会,35位会员聆听两位专家从文化与历 史的角度切入讲述茶道艺术与古玉制 作及其功用,学习并亲身体验中国茶艺 文化的魅力,进一步感知深藏古玉雕 饰背后的精神韵味。 茶艺师江志平在会上叙述茶艺深 远的历史,茶叶如何随着中国商贸与宗 教活动远播世界各地,茶叶的制作过 程,中国茶叶的种类以及烹茶、沏茶艺 术。茶叶价格因品种、等级、供求市场 而异,清朝就曾经一度1克中国茶叶等

于同等重量的黄金价。古时赏茶,要求 环境清幽,茶香得要伴随着悠扬的古 琴乐声。随着时代的推进,现代青年男 女对于茶叶种类的爱好倾向似乎已相 互转移。 古玉珠宝设计师黎才娟从历史文 化的角度分享欣赏古玉艺术品的心得。 一般人所认识的玉其实分成‘玉’和 ‘翡翠’,它们历史渊源不同,物理性质 也有差异。拥有数千年历史的‘玉’产自 中国昆仑山北坡,翡翠则源自缅甸曼德 勒山。两者晶体结构、矿物质成分和硬 度都不一样,所以色泽绝然不同。每个

不同朝代,古玉的设计风格,饰文,其所 代表的图腾都有所不同。由于玉耐刮、 不易脆裂,古人赋玉以祥瑞的象征,用 来避邪,祭天祀地,也作为权力的象征 和礼仪的标志,在统治阶级里,用来区 别官阶和身份,比如汉朝免冠,唐朝发 簪、头饰、腰佩等。今天,人们观古玉, 纯粹从审美的基础进入欣赏的境界。 自古以来,茶和古玉都蕴涵文学 空间, 比如“关公巡城,韩信点兵”之 类的典故比喻了不同的沏茶方式。古代 就有不少咏茶诵玉的诗词成为千古绝 唱,至今仍然脍炙人口。



Chamber Community

陶朱公商训丰富了 企业内涵 文:邓素娟

延续了两千年的陶朱公商训,在两位来自不同背景的青 年企业家身上绽放着异彩,在他们的现代管理模式中,丰 富了企业的文化内涵。

高铨壮:中西教育合璧的典范 高铨壮出生于台湾传统家庭,在 新加坡成长,自小深受东方文化熏陶, 高中进入美国军校接受培训,在美国 完成大学教育。其公司名称“三德”顾 名思义,寓意“忠孝传家、仁义为人、 勤俭起家。高铨壮的家教严谨,自小 便灌输他尊老敬贤礼仪守时的观念, 这些观念对他起着潜移默化的作用。 而西方的教育制度,让他在制定公司 管理模式时注入了理性元素。他建议 通过规章制度,利用法律自我保护。

分享会主持青企网副主席谢锦发律师(右一)、青企网主席颜毓瑩(右二)和两名主讲者郭鸿 傑董事经理(左二)及高铨壮董事经理。

11月19日,总商会 青 企网邀请 QSS Safety Products (S) Pte Ltd董事 经理郭鸿傑以及三德有限公司董事 经理,也是青企网委员之一的高铨壮 与8 0名与会者分享如何应用“陶朱 公商训”管理现代企业。会议由总商 会 董事,青 企网副主席谢 锦 发律师 主持。 两家企业在转型与发展的过程中 不期而然的应用上了陶朱公商训,郭 鸿傑和高铨壮分享“能安业”、 “能整 顿”、 “能倡率”三则商训时说,在企

业进入转型,通过改革创新寻求持续 发展的过程中,都以原有的行业为基 础,发挥原有的潜力,融入新的元素, 保持有素质的服务态度,以加强企业 的竞争力。他们认为整顿,不仅是有 形的环境整顿,深入的彻底的整顿涵 盖了最关键的是整顿人的思维,只有 这样,才能迅速的推动转型和运作管 理,才能顺利的注入新的元素。而以 身作则更是企业的一大精神支柱,它 能带动团队的凝聚力,建立归属感, 也能增进情谊以树立团结精神,保持 员工留守,提高效率。

高铨壮也以三德为例,说明“如 何才能发展成一家拥有500名员工的 公司”: “企业发展需经漫漫长路,需 要不懈的努力,不断琢磨,成功之路 是需要一步一脚印的走出来,没有一 步登天的或然率。” 郭鸿傑:商训让企业受惠 Sungei Road,这个曾经让不少游 客和古货爱好者心醉的二手货市场, 是郭鸿傑成长的地方。许多业者在搬 迁后无法持续而结束营业。郭鸿傑接 手父亲生意后,积极争取代理权,推 动转型和改革。 回顾QSS Safety Products (S) Pte Ltd成长之路,从经营手套雨衣中


心,扩张成今天的工业安全用品及咨 询服务公司,郭鸿傑说,公司历经53 年风雨,发展成今天的规模,处处彰 显陶朱公商训。他也对商训中的“能 识人、能用人、能知机、能远数、能办 货、能敏捷、 能辩论”进行了分享。 郭鸿傑认为,人,是企业发展的 首要元素。因此,他对于选人、用人、 培训自有其说法,他十分看重这一个 环节。忠孝二字是他选择好品德员工 的准则。他以烟霾笼罩狮城期间售卖 口罩为例,阐释公司秉持信义、专业、 奉献的精神来维持和谐营运。他说, 做生意不光以利为先,不为眼前小利 所动,信义反而为公司带来好声誉,提 升业绩。他说,经商要掌握市场动态 和规律,结合理论与实际行动,发挥 公司的正能量,掌握时机,酌中而行, 果断决策, 快速行动,有效的沟通,有 策略性的经营,才能促进持续发展。


Chamber Community

颜毓瑩:应先会做人而后做事 总商会 董事,青 企网主 席颜 毓 瑩总结 说,企业转型与创 新 是 否顺 利,用人之道,精确及适当调动和部 署员工都 是 关 键 的环 节。企业为员 工灌 输 危机 感,让他们意 识 到公司 的危 机等 于 是 个人 的危 机,才 能赢 取员工的同心共进退,同渡难关。好 的主管要懂得成 就 员工,认同他 的 努力和付出,才能留住好员工。企业 家,前进的时候如履薄冰,而且目标 要明确,遇 到风险的时候 要 有能豁 出去的魄力,要能够担当。她强调, 从商之道,不能一味追求盈利,为商 者 无 论 是 予人 或者 受 之于人,无 时 无刻不与陶 朱公商训打交 道,企业 掌舵者若能领会传承所蕴含的使命 感,必将明白先会做人,而后做事的 道理。谢锦发副主席补充,企业系统 化是 成 功发展的关 键 之一,也是 确 保优良品质的机制。

企业家,前进的时候如 履薄冰,而且目标要明 确,遇到风险的时候要 有能豁出去的魄力,要能 够担当。


攀岩有助培养 耐力 和建立自信。

的 青少年中心 心属下裕廊 中 童 儿 坡 加 二)带着新 师(前排右 席谢锦发律 主 副 网 企 青 11月23日, 攀岩活动。 快乐地参加 14位青少年

民歌雅韵 演唱会

11月23日,总商会民歌班呈现一 年的学习成果,为200出席演唱会的 嘉宾演绎多首动听歌曲。 歌唱 班 的导师是 来自北 京音 乐学院 的刘小红老师,10 节课的学 费是总商会会员:10 0元;非会员: 120元。

民 歌 班 和 老 歌 班 的 开 课 时 间 如下: 民歌班:每个星期六 (晚上6时30分至10时) 老歌班:每个星期二 (晚上6时30分至10时) 请拨打总商会电话: 6337 8381询问详情。

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