华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2014 issue 1

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04 骏马献瑞 企业受惠


Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 190/03/2014

第一期 . ISSUE 1/2014

$5.00 (incl. GST)

Striding into the Year of the Horse

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商业咨询服务 • 中小企业中心

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 6337 8381

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资讯科技方案 • 中小企业资信资源中心

语言、商业培训 • 总商会管理学院

 86-21-5208 2710  weekhee@sccci.org.sg

 6337 8381

 6334 1080

国际市场 • 工商业发展部  6337 8381

投资海外专业培训 • 总商会管理学院  6334 1080

Government Assistance Schemes Business advisory • SME Centre@SCCCI  6337 8381 ICT adoption • SIRC@SCCCI  6337 8381

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Training Overseas productivity training • Commerce & Industry Development Department  6337 8381 Language and business training • Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business  6334 1080

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Venture Abroad China ventures • IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre  86-21-5208 2710  weekhee@sccci.org.sg Global ventures • Commerce & Industry Development Department  6337 8381 Training to venture abroad • Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business  6334 1080

一键之间、商机涌现 那些日理万机、忙忙碌碌、 飞不停的…,都在看我们的《华商》。 一个键、三秒内,电子版《华商》让忙碌的您随时随地,把握总商会的动态、 总商会的人脉。

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编辑人语 E D I T O R ’S N O T E

最让新加坡商家翘首以盼的年 度盛事,莫过于财政预算案的公布, 因为这将决定营运成本未来一年是 否 将 相 应 减 少,或可能因为税务 缴 交率 提高而影响底 线,而必须 重新 审视营运策略。 这也是为什么我们年复一年 投 入心力,在 预 算 案公 布 前向商家搜 集 反馈 的原因。鉴于 预算案 对商家 影 响重 大,调 查有助于我 们预 先了 解 与掌握商家 对财政预算案的期 望。有关分析结果将呈交给政府,作 为制订此 重 大国策 时的参 考。总商 会配合如火如荼展开的2014年财政 预算案 制订工作,把调 查 结果与商 家愿 望传 达 给有关当局,媒 体也广 泛报导。此外,总商会在农历初一新 春团拜和许多我们主办的活动上, 提 到商家 对预算案的愿望。财政预 算案公布之际,也是 众 人倾 耳 戴目 有关 建 议与愿望是 否获 得采 纳,是 否皆大欢喜之时。 毫无疑问, “持续性”、 “成长” 已经成为与中小企业攸关课题的常 用字词之一。中小企业 恳切 期 盼 预 算案能为他们提供更大的灵活度, 并 在 竞争日剧 的商业 环 境中,为他 们提供一些税务 优 惠、一丝喘 息空 间。与此同 时,我 们 也 期 盼持 续 炽 热 的天气能早日结 束,让 大 地万物 得以喘 一口气,重 现 绿 意 盎 然、生 气 勃 勃 的景象。无常 的天气令人 难 以捉摸,财政预算案却可以通 过 人 为调整,让人们,尤其是中小企业喜 笑颜开。

The Singapore Budget statement is arguably one of the most awaited events of the year, for anyone doing business. It could very well translate into cost savings, or it could mean that certain levies or taxes, if increased, could eat into your bottom line and compel a revisit of corporate strategies. That is why the Chamber takes extra effort, year after year, to conduct pre-Budget surveys to gauge business sentiments and to produce a wish-list for the government’s consideration when it formulates this important centrepiece for the nation and for the business community. Last year was no exception. In the buildup to Budget 2014, the results of the Chamber’s pre-Budget survey had already been forwarded to the authorities together with our wish-list and specific recommendations; these were also widely reflected in the media. With our overtures completed, it became a time for anticipation and holding up the hope that some if not all recommendations would be heeded. It was broached at our Lunar New Gathering, and became an oft-repeated subject at many of the Chamber’s events. Not surprisingly, words like “sustainability” and “growth” became part of the common vocabulary of discussions on SMEs in particular, as SMEs keenly awaited a Budget which could perhaps provide greater flexibility and some relief to an increasingly complex and competitive economic environment. During this same period, Singaporeans longed for another form of relief – for an end to a protracted dry spell which parched the earth and turned it cracked and brown. While we are subject to the vagaries of the global weather patterns for such relief, the Budget could well be tweaked to produce desirable outcomes, especially for the SMEs out there.

华文翻译:陈星伊 请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

目录 C O NTENT S 华商焦点

出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg


骏马献瑞 企业受惠 总商会在新年伊始为中小企业和异 族同胞捎来春节喜乐。


中小企业对2014财政预算案的期许 为了让财政预算案公布的政策更确 切地回应商家,特别是中小企业的 诉求与期望,总商会展开《财政预算 案前意见调查》,了解他们对预算案 的期许。

编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Seow Choke Meng Chan Hian Siang

蔡其生 张松声 萧作鸣 曾宪相


Publications Supervision

谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong 主编 Editor


撰稿 Staff Writers

许彬彬 Kelvin Khaw 黄义芳 Huang Yifang 特约撰稿 Contributors

张宝诚 Chang Bao-Cheng 梁廷昭 Leong Teng Chau 赵倩玉 Zhao Qianyu



Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: research@ sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 190/03/2014. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).


巧用科技 无往不利 刑炳盛快运贸易私人有限公司在PIC 的资助下引进大型物流公司也在使 用的车队管理系统,不仅减省了营运 开支,更大大地提高工作效率。


我为什么选择总商会管理学院 获颁总商会管理学院文凭的858名 学员一致肯定学院开办的课程对他 们的工作和技能提升有所帮助。

向国会反映工商界心声 总商会前任会长、官委议员张松声 在1月、2月份的国会复会时,向人 力部提出询问,反映商界心声。

In the Lead


Striding into the Year of the Horse SCCCI celebrated a promising start to the lunar new year with fresh initiatives to support SMEs and contribute to the community.


Top of the budget wish-list for SMEs Find out what SMEs hoped to see in government Budget 2014 through the Chamber’s Pre-Budget Survey.

IT News


Infocomm technology a boon to SMEs The survey on “SMEs’ ICT Adoption and Perception Trends” revealed that SMEs were positive towards adopting ICT in their businesses.

Focus on SMEs




既核“心”也核“新”的策略规划 策略规划是一个不断建构的过 程,随着时空物换星移,都要能因 应环境动态校正、调整以及更新。


腾飞云计算 驾驭新业务 根据总商会“中小企业资讯通信科 技使用和观点趋势”的调查显示,将 近90%的企业认为资讯通信科技能 有效协助他们改善业务。


何美仪 Queenie Ho Design Egg Creatives

投资珠海(横琴新区) ,抢占粤港澳自 贸区先机 申建粤港澳自贸区的方案一旦获得 中国国务院批准通过,属于此自贸 区组成部分之一的横琴新区便能因 地缘优势,为商家带来更多商机。




2014年商业展望华语论坛 总商会在2014年商业展望论坛,邀 请财经专家分享对世界经济和商业 趋势的预测和其见解,协助商家应 对新经济氛围中的新挑战。


胡爱兰 Fiona Hu Assistant Editor 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee






Engaging with HDB to address trade association members’ industrial and commercial space concerns The Chamber met with HDB’s top management to discuss the challenges faced by trade associations with regard to industrial and commercial space.

Economic Review


Growth prospects in Singapore and beyond Experts forecast a positive global economic outlook and provided analyses on property and equity markets at the 12th SCCCI-BT Business Outlook Forum.



In the Lead

骏马献瑞 企业受惠 文:陈星伊

春风得意马蹄疾,骏马扬鞭来报喜。总商会为中小企业和异族同 胞捎来春节喜乐:通过新开发的电子薪水单软件,协助中小企业 采纳劳资政三方的薪水单指导原则,在立法前作好相关调整;颁 发奖学金给成绩优异的印度族大学生,体现不分种族培育英才、 促进社会和谐的优良传统。



张志贤副总理(右)、蔡其生会长 把满满的祝福高挂寓意吉祥的 银柳上。


In the Lead

农历正月初一广邀各界人士荟萃 一堂是总商会传承多年的传统。总商 会大家庭的成员在这个重要日子欢庆 团圆、凸显了这个大家庭的凝聚力。 尽管日新月异的科技赋予了新时代新 的意义,也改变了人们的距离,但我 们对流传了五千年在新年团圆的坚定 信念,永恒不变。

由于政 府将 在两年后立法强制 雇主每月分发详细的薪水单给员工, 这套在劳资政薪水单指导原则下开发 的实用软件,将可协助资源较有限的 企业调整商业策略和运作,提高效率 和生产力,适应新的经商环境。总商 会蔡其生会长是在1月31日的新春团 拜上,为本地企业带来这项好消息。

新年团圆,世界转一圈。享受天 伦,也造福人群。因此,每逢正月初一 也是总商会公布好消息、推出让商界 受惠的新项目的重要时机。

电子薪水 单 软件的开发是 总商 会与新加坡制造技术研究院进行的 第 二 项 合 作 。去年,两家 机 构 响 应 政 府 号 召,联 合推出生 产力经 理专 项培 训课 程,获 得工商界人士的鼎 力支持。

今年,本地中小企业,特别是微 小企业可以利用总商会与新加坡制造 技术研究院 联合推出的电子薪水单 软件,为雇员提供薪水单。



同心为商家和社会送暖 张志贤副总理兼国家安全统筹 部长及内政部长、社会及家庭发展部 长兼国防部第二部长陈振声、交通部 兼财政部杨莉明高级政务部长、贸工 部张 思 乐 政务部长、教育部兼通讯 及新闻部沈颖政务部长、外交部兼文 化、社区及青年部陈振泉高级政务次 长等受邀出席总商会新春团拜活动。 张志贤副总理发表演讲时,肯定 了总商会在新加坡经济转型中扮演的 角色,以及与政府部门合作,为商家 提供的各项援助: •

设立中小企业中心 在标新局支持下为中小企业设 立的中心,向企业解说各项政府 援助 计 划,协助 他们应 对 转型 时面对 的挑 战,取得成长 和 提 高生产力。

In the Lead

设立新加坡企业中心 副总 理 指出,在 总商会 积极协 助本地企业进军中国市场之际, 中国商务 部最 新 数 据显 示,我 国2013年对华投资额高达73亿 270 0万美元,成为中国最大的 投资来源国。

总商会与新加坡企发局联合在 上海设立的新加坡企业中心,为 有意拓展中国市场的本 地企业 提供各项协助。

向政府反映商界心声 总商会搜集属下商团和会员的 运营难题,适时向政府提供回馈 和建议,加强了政府与商家的联 系,取得正面成效。

总商会将继续协助政府 落实亲商政策,及时反 馈运作情况,提供建设 性意见,让更多会员商 家受惠。

• 支持文化和社区发展 向马来回教和印度大学生提供 奖 学 金,培 育 我 国 英 才;通 过 “植苗计划”协助女前囚犯找到 工作,重返社会。

(左起)贸工部张思乐政务部长、交通部兼财政部杨莉明高级政务部长、教育部兼通讯及新闻部沈颖政务部长、外交部兼文化、社区及 青年部陈振泉高级政务次长、中国驻新加坡大使段洁龙阁下、总商会黄山忠副会长、文教与社会事务委员会吴学光主席、总务委员会 何乃全主席等欢庆马年的到来。



In the Lead

社会及发展部长兼国防部第二部长陈振声(右一)陪同张志贤副总理出席总商会大年初一的团拜活动,与(左起)蔡其生会长、钟声坚 副会长、张松声前任会长、蔡天宝名誉会长和现场500名嘉宾分享新春喜悦。

为新加坡美好未来培养各族英才 多元种族、多元文化的社会特性 给新加坡带来竞争优势。各族群不分 彼此,为新加坡、也为更美好的生活 一起打拼,互相体谅、尊重与信任,成 为有默契的工作团队。 总商会在促进种族和谐和延续 教育方面有亮眼的成绩。总商会管理 学院去年培训的3268名学员中,便有 170名是印度和马来同胞。而接受培 训的学员背景也非常多元化,60%是 本地学员,40%分别来自马来西亚、 中国、印尼、菲律宾、越南以及其他 国家和地区。总商会大厦已经成为新 旧移民和各族同胞汇聚交流的地方。 蔡其生会长在新春团拜上宣布 的第二项好消息,便是与促进种族和 谐、培育英才有关:总商会基金从今年 开始,每年出资2万元,与新加坡印度 人发展协会联合颁发奖学金,奖励在 新加坡国立大学、南洋理工大学和管 理大学就读的优秀印度族大学生。

总商会是从1997年开始为华族 大学生颁发奖学金,2004年起,与回 教社群发展理事会联合颁发奖学金, 鼓励马来回教大学生。今年开始,奖 学金的受惠范围又增加了印度族大学 生,充分体现总商会不分种族培育英 才,促进社会和谐的优良传统。 财政预算案 承载商家新希望 蔡会长表示,总商会已经事先将 会员商家的愿望向有关政 府部门反

映,希望在2月21日公布的财政预算 案有助于打造更加包容的亲商环境, 为本地企业提供可持续发展的条件, 推动中小企业特别是微小商家成长。 在这方面,总商会将不遗余力地 继续协助政府落实亲商政策,及时反 馈运作情况,提供建设性意见,让更 多会员商家受惠!

中小企业即日起可到总商会下载简单实用的电子薪水单软件,以及接受应用程 序培训,请与负责推广这项计划的两家中心联系:

总商会中小企业资信资源中心 电话:6337 8381 电邮:sirc@sccci.org.sg

总商会中小企业中心 电话:6337 8381 电邮:enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg


Showcase Your Solutions

at Singapore’s Most Anticipated & Highly Participated Annual Event for SMEs 20 & 21 August 2014, Suntec Convention Centre, Exhibition Hall 405 & 406

Be one of our 150 partners from the financial, business consultancy, logistics and infocomm industries at the SME Expo, a 2-day showcase of business and ideas at our annual SMEs Conference and Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC). The SME Expo has been attended by more than 4,500 local SME bosses and higher management annually. Join us and tap on this unique platform to engage SMEs and explore unlimited business opportunities. Registration for Sponsorship and Exhibition is now open for 2014!

About SMEs Conference • The most well-attended Mandarin business conference for the past 15 years by SMEs and enterprises. • Provides a learning ground where business owners can gain insights into the changes and developments in the modern globalised economy • A one-stop service hub for financial, banking and business solutions • A must-attend conference for the Mandarin speaking business owners and community.

About Infocomm Commerce Conference • Jointly organised by SCCCI and the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) for the past 16 years, this conference presents to business leaders the power of innovative technology to cope with the ever-changing global business environment and increase productivity • The single source to finding and understanding government grants and ICT solutions through 1-to-1 clinical sessions and a showcase gallery • A must-attend conference for business owners and SMEs to learn about the latest ICT solutions

For more information, please contact Ms Tiffany Shia / Mr Chris Foo at 6337 8381 or e-mail tiffany@sccci.org.sg / chris@sccci.org.sg



In the Lead

中小企业对2014 财政预算案的期许


许多中小企业正在努力提高生产力,进行业务转型。随着商家对政府援助 划越来越熟悉,政府应该延续这些计划及津贴措施来支持企业,特别是微 小企业。 –总商会蔡其生会长

为了让 财政预算案公布的政 策 更确切地回应商家,特别是中小企业 的诉求与期望,总商会每年年底都展 开《财政预算案前意见调查》,同时 应财政部之邀,提呈总结报告供其参 考。2013年,政府共采纳了总商会提 交的5大项期望与建议,包括:扩大生 产力与创新援助计划(PIC)的合格项 目名单,让商家在购买基本的机器与 设备时也能受惠;降低公司所得税; 提供路税回扣,协助企业降低交通成 本;将“灵活职能计划”扩展至整个 服务业等。 在经济转型的过程中,中小企业 受限于资源和规模,无法快速适应大 环境改变和政策发展,因此亟需政府 的关注。有鉴于此,总商会在向338家 各行业商家收集反馈后,在《2014年 财政预算案前意见调查》报告中,促 请政府考虑下列四项建议,协助中小 企业应对2014年的挑战: 1. 未 来 3 年,继 续 通 过 政 府 援 助 计 划支 持中小企 业,特 别是 微 小企业,提高生产力,拓展经营 能力; 2. 为中小企业提供负担得起的工 业用地和商用地产、租金补贴; 3.

扩大人力资源来源,保留有生产 力的工作团队


专为中小企业设立“业务转移海外 津贴”

持续性的援助计划,有助于企业永续成长 总商会调查显示, “生产力与创新 优惠计划” (简称PIC)最受企业欢迎,申 请政府援助计划的企业当中,77%从PIC 中受惠,比2012年高出27个百分点。然 而,PIC计划即将在2015估税年截止。 企业的可持续成长,在相当程度上 仰赖于政策、援助计划的可持续性。总商 会蔡其生会长指出,随着商家对政府援助 计划越来越熟悉,政府应该延续这些计 划及津贴措施来支持企业,特别是微小型 企业,来提高生产力,进行业务转型。 对 于 中 小 企 业 而 言 ,不 少 商 家 在 近 一 两年 刚 通 过 PIC津 贴,成 功 实 施自动 化、采 纳资 讯 科 技、提 升员工 技能等。正当企业刚看到初步成 效, 有 意 再 接 再 厉 之 际,若 PIC计 划 就 此 “功成身退”,难免会让企业付诸的努 力出现后劲不足的现象;而那些起步较 晚,正想善用计划提高生产力的微型、小 型企业,也只能望着PIC的背影兴叹了。 为了让更多企业从政府援助计划 中受惠,总商会也促请政府扩大津贴项 目的范围及数额顶限,例如:允许企业 使用PIC来津贴合规成本(如:为符合政 策规定进行店面装修、执照费等)、提


高能力发展津贴的顶限至80%,以继 续支持企业采取行动提高生产力,拓 展经营能力。 在 众 多政 府 援 助 计 划当中,申 请门槛相对 较 低、审批 程 序最快 捷 的(只需2天!),要算是“创新与能力 赠券计划” (简称ICV)。目前,ICV主 要用来资助企业在聘用专业顾问的部 分费用,每家企业每年最多可申请8 张各值5000元的赠券,用于当局指定 的咨询服务。 总商会认为,许多小型、微型企业 在提高生产力的过程中,并不一定需 要聘用顾问,有时候,购买一些简单的 设备就能看到显著效果。因此,总商 会呼吁政府扩大 ICV的用途,让更多企 业能善用赠券计划来添购设备。 协助企业缓解租金上涨的压力 与2013年相比,商家对2014年 的经济前景较为乐观,也了解经营环 境仍充满挑战。(图一)62%的受访 商家认为,工业用地和商用地产租金 持 续上涨,对经营成本造 成沉重的 压力,并认为现有的土地政策对高增 长领域有利,倾向于把中小企业排除 在外。 蔡其生会长在接受媒体采访时 指出,许多中小企业都没有能力建造 自己的厂房,而是跟裕廊集团和建屋 局租用空间。自2008年起,裕廊集团 脱售的厂房先后被纳入房地产投资 信托组合后,导致租金纷纷上扬,以 跟私 人 工业厂房的租金挂 钩。近年 来,这些厂房的租金涨幅甚至高达双 位数,令许多中小企业吃不消。 商界也留意 到,政 府 最 近 采 取 了多项措施协助企业,包括:裕廊集 团推出18间占地较小的标准工厂;建 屋局也出台新条例,限制向当局租用 商铺、厂房的新租户不得私下转让, 以便抑制市场炒高转让费和租金,总 商会对此表示欣慰,同时建议裕廊集 团、建屋局应继续扮演为中小企业提 供让他们负担得起的工业用地 和商 用地产的角色。


In the Lead

“开源杰留”协助企业应对人力挑战 参 与调 查 的企 业表 示,他 们已 经 接受 外 籍员工 政 策 不会出现 大 逆 转 的 事 实,但 仍 希望 政 府在“开 源杰留”这两方面给 予更多政 策 支 持,协 助中小企业 缓 解人 力资 源 的 困境。 “开源”是指扩大人力供应的来 源。为了鼓励中小企业聘用55岁以上 年长员工、体障人士,总商会建议政 府将为上述员工填补公积金 保健户 头,或由政府提供回扣,协助公司减 轻聘请上述员工的医疗保险、医疗费 的成本。 “杰留”是协助企业保留杰出、 有生 产力的工作 团 队。根 据 现有条 例,公司必须每两年为外籍员工更新 工作准证,总商会希望,政府能将工 作准证的有效期延长至4年,这将能 协助公司留住杰出、有生产力的工作 团队,同时也能减轻企业在更新准证 时的行政开支。 企业进军海外:行了才能动? 企业是否能成功进军海外,主要 取决于其动机。 大型企业经过一番运筹帷幄, 在“天时、地利、人和”三大因素兼具 的情况下,待时机“行了才动”。对一 些中小企业而言,由于我国的经营成 本日益上涨,劳工密集型行业、需要 较多土地资源的商家必须将业务转 移到海外,才能保持竞争优势,这类 “必须行动”的企业也需政府更进一 步的协助。 据总商会了解,现有的政府援助 计划,如土地善用补贴计划、市场备 入援助计划,无论是在申请条件或合 格费用方面,都不是针对中小企业的 具体需求所设计(见附注)。因此,总 商会促请政府专为中小企业设立“业 务转移海外津贴”,资助有计划把业 务迁移到海外、拓展海外业务的中小 企业,协助他们在扎根狮城之际,也 扬名海外。


附注 2 013年财政预算案推出的“土 地善用补贴计划”(Land Productivity Grant),为能够腾出至少0.1公顷工业 用地(即1000平方公尺,约等于11间 四房式 政 府组 屋的面积)或是 选择 把 核心业务 保留在 新加坡,将 其余 业务转移至海外或本区域的公司提 供津贴。


In the Lead

图一:与2013年相比,更多商家对2014年的经济前景表示乐观 100%

同 年 推 出 的“ 市 场 备 入 援 助 计划”(Market Readiness Assistance G r a nt),旨在 资助 企 业在 投 资 海 外 前,通过特定范围的咨询服务,为公 司在市场评估、市场准入和业务重组 等方面,提供所需协助,津贴顶限高 达2万新元。


悲观 60% 保持现状 乐观:32%的企业对 2014年的经济前景 感到乐观,比2013年 15%增加一倍。







总商会自2013年10月8日起,展开为期8周的《财政预算案前意见调查》,共收集到338家来自各行各 业的反馈。受访商家希望政府能考虑下列建议:

延长生产力与创新优惠计划 (PIC) 多3年,到2018估税年



为中小企业提供COE, ERP回扣,以降低商用车辆的交通成本







57.2 %


扩大创新与能力赠券 (ICV) 的用途,让企业也能用ICV购买设备


员工人数少于25人的公司在为员工更新工作准证时需符合的门槛较低 如:薪金门槛能比人力部规定的低20%







50.0 %



Economic Review

2014商业展望华语论坛 整理:陈星伊

中国的经济正在经历改变和改革,城镇化和城市化是中国未来五 到十年的发展主题。随着城市群落的崛起,带来了各种投资机会, 包括仓储物流业、高端医疗、养老和休闲产业、高端制造业,以及 和环保相关的行业。 –新加坡管理大学李光前商学院金融系助理教授曹夏平博士



1月11日,瑞银财富管理亚太首 席投资总 监浦永灏、新加坡管理 大 学李光前商学院金融系助理教授曹 夏平博士、辉 立 期 货 策 略 师王子龙 受总商会之邀,在2 014商业展望华 语 论 坛 上,分析 今年的商业前景与 国际黄金价格走势。《华商》选取三 位专家的点评 重 点,希望 对商家掌 握全球与区域投资环境有所裨益。 浦永 灏:新加 坡 房市在 过去五 年的价格一直攀升,但花无百日红, 这个 趋 势 是 不 会 无 止 境 的 持 续 下 去。我国房市目前的租金收 益率大 约稍微超过2%,如果利率上扬导致 融资成本比租金收益率更高的话, 那么房市就可能出现调整。我认为, 新加坡 的劳动力成 本上 涨,出口市 场 对企业的盈利帮助 不大,因此 本 地股市上行空间有限。 相 对而 言,美国的 股 票 将 得益 于美国不断 深 化的经 济复苏,尤其 是在科 技、工业和高端消费 领域的 股票。而欧 洲边 缘国家的信贷条 件 将 有所改善,欧 元区经 济将比预 期 中更早复苏,欧 洲 股 票的盈利有 望 出现小幅度的复苏。 曹夏平:中国在2 014 年的问题 其实依然是一些仍未解决的问题, 包括地方债务、房地产泡沫、金融风 险、产能过剩以及消费不足。 中国的经济正在经历改变和改 革,城镇化和城市化是中国未来五到 十年的发展主题。随着城市群落的崛 起,带来了各种投资机会,如地铁、高 铁等相关的基础建设;人口增长与人 口素质提升,也带动社会对医疗、服 务业、教育、休闲产业等的需求。仓 储物流、电子商务等多样化的消费需 求,也会随之增长。因此,我认为中国


Economic Review

未来的投资机遇在于仓储物流业、高 端医疗、养老和休闲产业、高端制造 业,以及和环保相关的行业。 王子龙:黄 金目前 的开 采 价 大 约是每安士12 0 0美元,但黄金在今 年价 格 不会 大 涨,也 不会 大 跌,波 动范围应该不会跌破110 0美元,但 也不会超过13 0 0、14 0 0美元。黄金 在 其 超 级 周期结束后,作为一 个商 品,将拥有商品价格波动的特点,就 是价格不会比开采成本价低太多。 因此,如果黄金是在12 0 0美元的水 平,买家可以慢 慢 地买一点实体 黄 金,作为保值用途。倘若要进行黄金 期 货 的日内交易的话,则应该 先 从 试 探 性的小额 交易开始,直 到熟 悉 了市场,在 拥 有十足 把 握 时 才 增加 交易额。 专题演讲之后,论坛主持新传媒 中文新闻与时事节目部副总编辑胡敬 中邀请三位主讲嘉宾分析与会者的提 问,课题包括中国房地产走势、投资 农业的前景、美中未来政经发展对本 区域带来的影响,以及人民币升值的 利弊和货币投资选择等。

倘若要进行黄金期货的 日内交易的话,则应该 先从试探性的小额交易 开始。



Global watch

2014年各国 GDP预测 国际货币基金组织如此形容 2014年的世界经济趋势: “洗牌 转变、转型、紧张”。 《华商》摘 选该组织对各国GDP所作的经 济成长预测:

蒙古 不丹 寮国 中国 柬埔寨 巴拿马 缅甸 斯里兰卡 肯亚 文莱 菲律宾 孟加拉 秘鲁 印尼 泰国

11.68% 8.04% 7.80% 7.25% 7.24% 6.93% 6.88% 6.75% 6.25% 6.22% 6.03% 6.01% 5.73% 5.50% 5.25%

(%) 经济成长率 资料来源:国际货币基金组织

哈萨克 印度 马来西亚 尼泊尔 智利 沙地阿拉伯 香港 台湾 韩国 土耳其 新加坡 阿曼 以色列 俄罗斯 墨西哥

5.24% 5.15% 4.90% 4.50% 4.50% 4.39% 4.38% 3.77% 3.68% 3.47% 3.43% 3.40% 3.31% 3.00% 3.00%

纽西兰 南非 埃及 澳洲 阿根廷 美国 巴基斯坦 巴西 波兰 瑞典 挪威 加拿大 英国 瑞士 爱尔兰

2.94% 2.93% 2.83% 2.78% 2.75% 2.59% 2.53% 2.50% 2.36% 2.30% 2.28% 2.16% 1.87% 1.79% 1.75%

奥地利 捷克 德国 匈牙利 日本 丹麦 芬兰 法国 葡萄牙 意大利 希腊 荷兰 西班牙 斯洛文尼亚 塞浦路斯

1.64% 1.45% 1.40% 1.26% 1.24% 1.23% 1.15% 0.98% 0.77% 0.71% 0.63% 0.31% 0.17%

-1.45% -3.89%



China Affairs

投资珠海(横琴新区) 抢占粤港澳自贸区先机


开发横琴既有利于珠海建设生态文明新特区,又有利于澳门经济适度多 元化。希望横琴勇于探索合作模式,着力进行体制机制创新,为深化粤澳 合作,保持澳门长期繁荣稳定作出贡献。 -中共中央总书记习近平视察横琴新区发展时谈话 2012年12月8日

中共中央总书记习近平(中)视察横琴新区规划。 来源:珠海横琴开发区

“珠海横琴在哪里?”如果你这么问,说明你还没 有掌握最新投资讯息。 2 013 年12月19日,总商会受珠海市人民 政 府之邀 承办珠海(横琴新区)投资环境推介会。珠海市人民政 府何宁卡市长、珠海市横琴新区党委书记刘佳向新加坡 商家推介珠海横琴新区投资环 境与具有发展潜力的投 资项目。

新加坡商家之所以不能小觑珠海横琴的发展潜力, 因为珠海横琴、广州南沙、白云空港区和深圳前海组成 的“粤港澳自由贸易园区”是继热火朝天的上海自贸区 后,另一个国家重点发展战略区,也是商家值得关注的 新投资热土。 粤港澳合作是此区域性自贸区的一大特点,横琴新区 定位为粤港澳紧密合作新载体,南沙为粤港澳全面合作示




• • • • •

中国第二大口岸城市 2012年GDP:1540亿人民币 人均生产总值:9万人民币 3个行政区: 香洲区、斗门区、金湾区 5个经济功能区:横琴新区:高端服务业 高栏港经济区:船舶、海洋工程装备制造、清洁 能源、石化基地 高新区:中国最大软件、集成电路、互联网、智 能电网产业基地 保税区:珠江口西岸唯一保税区 万山区:现代海洋渔业、海岛旅游业、海洋科技 产业、仓储物流业

China Affairs

受新加坡商家青睐的珠海: 拥有全面深化改革、扩大对外开放的特区优势 中国最早设立的经济特区之一,属于深度开发开放的 活力特区。

拥有日益优化的法制化、国际化营商环境 提供一站式服务的行政服务中心;已连续两年在广东 省地方政府公共服务总体满意度调查中排名第一。

注重招才引智,供应企业发展所需人才 中国10所高校,包括中山大学、暨南大学、北京师范大 学等在珠海设立校区活或分校,澳门大学也在横琴新 区设立校区。为数12.5万的在校大学生为企业发展提 供所需人才。

是珠江口的核心城市,拥有内通外达的交通枢纽 港珠澳大桥在2016年建成通车后,使珠海成为中国唯 一与港澳陆路相连的城市。由珠江到香港只需30分钟 车程。届时,珠海将参考新加坡和马来西亚两国的跨 境交通管理系统,以加强珠海对香港和澳门的跨境车 辆和人员的管理,最终让珠海成为连接香港和澳门的 交通枢纽。

重点发展高端产业 集聚“三高一特”现代化高端产业,包括高新技术产业、 高端制造业、高端服务业和特色海洋经济和生态农业。

珠海市与新加坡资讯通信发展管理局合作,发展智慧 城市的项目方案。高栏港也跟裕廊国际合作,展开港口提 升计划,推动高栏港朝向更国际化的港口发展。 目前,新加坡在珠海投资的企业有近百家,投资总额 约24亿美元,占珠海外资比重的6.2%,其中包括总商会蔡 天宝名誉会长的和美集团与钟声坚副会长的仁恒置地。 横琴:特区中的特区 横琴,珠海146个海岛中最大的岛屿,处于“一国两 制”的交汇点,是深化珠澳合作的重要载体和平台。

范区,前海的定位则为深港现代服务业合作区。粤港澳自贸 区建立方案已经上报中国国务院。 珠海:山海相拥、营商环境优化 2012年,珠海市对新加坡的进出口总额达13.7亿新 元,其中出口总额为4.9亿新元,进口总额为8.8亿新元。新 加坡是珠海第二大国别投资来源地。

2009年,中国国务院批准设立横琴新区,施行类似自 由贸易区的政策,税收政策方面获得国家支持超越中国任 何地区。 •

横琴投资环境特色: 特殊区域定位 实行类似自贸区政策,一系列比经济特区更为特殊的 优惠政策使横琴新区具备了开放程度最高、体制活力 最强、创新空间最广的环境政策。


China Affairs


特殊关税优惠 以实行通关制度、口岸分线管理为突破口,以降低税 率、放宽免税或保税适用范围的特殊关税优惠为核心。

毗邻港澳,面向东南亚 横琴大桥是目前中国内地与横琴唯一的陆路通道,莲 花大桥连接澳门。港珠澳大桥于2016年建成通车后, 横琴将成为打开珠三角西翼、粤西乃至大西南地区和 东南亚广阔经济腹地的桥头堡。

日益完善的营商环境 启动中国第一个商事登记制度改革,成立全国第一个 廉政办公室,成为中国首批人才管理改革试验区、率

先进行资本项目可兑换试点,改革行政审批制度和服 务型政府建设。其中,外商投资的批准证书和工商营 业执照一天内可办理好。 •

高端产业集聚 重点发展商务服务、金融 服务、休闲旅 游、文化创 意、高新技术、科教研发、中医保健七大高端服务业 (表一)。




重点发展信息服务、外 包服务、商贸服务等产 业,将横琴建设成为珠 江口西岸地区率先承接 港澳服务功能的区域性 商务服务基地。

鼓励符合横琴产业发展指导目录的金融类 企业发展,鼓励开展金融创新服务,深化与 香港、澳门的紧密合作,把横琴新区建设为 金融机构、交易平台、各类基金和中介服务 性机构聚集的区域,成为“南方财富中心” 和“国内国际重要金融创新平台”。

文化创意 重 点发 展 影 视 制 作、娱乐演出、工 业设计、会展设计 和 动 漫 设 计 等产 业,把横琴建设成 为 珠 江口西 岸 地 区 重 要 的 文化创 意产业基地。



建设成为自主创新和科技转化 能力强的生态型高新技术,包括 电子信息、生物医药、新能源、 环保、航空制造等产业基地。

吸引国内外大型医药企 业总部聚集,打造 集中 医医疗、养生保健、科技 转化、健康精品研发、会 展物流于一体的国际中 医药产业基 地,以及绿 色道地药材和名优健康 精品的国际交易平台。

科教研发 重点发展研发设计和教育培 训等产业,建设高水平研发中 心,推进高新技术成果转化和 产业化。


资料来源: 1) 珠海市人民政府在中国(珠海) -横琴新区投资环境推介会资料。 2) 中国开放新浪潮:上海自贸区、澳门横琴模式突破。《亚洲周刊》,2013年10月13日。 3) 南粤“金三角”成粤港合作新基地。香港中华总商会会刊《商荟》,2013年11月。 4) 珠海市信息网:www.zhuhai.gov.cn 5) 横琴新区门户网站:www.hengqin.gov.cn

休闲旅游 重点发展高品 质休闲度假项 目,建 设 高 档 度假 酒 店、疗 养中 心 、直 升 机俱 乐 部 、游 艇 俱 乐部、滨 海 游乐、湿 地 公园等海岛特 色旅游精品, 建立“海、陆、 空 ”一 体 、合 理完善的旅游 产业链。



IT News

腾飞云计算 驾驭新业务 文:许彬彬

总商会展开的《中小企业资讯通信科技使用观点和趋势调查》显示,中小 企业意识到科技能提高营运效率,加强与顾客的关系。总商会将让商家更 了解资讯通信科技在行业中的实际部署和应用,重点帮助企业打造竞争优 势,简化业务和管理流程,同时提高生产力。

回顾人类生活近十年的跨步发 展,许多人都会同意,科技在我们日 常生活、工作中扮演的角色越来越吃 重。其中又以资讯 通信科 技的渗 透 力最强大。对一些人而言,忘了带手 机,感觉就像独自漂流到荒岛,脱了 节,也失去了联系。


腾飞云计算,降低营运成本 当商家们看到,资讯通信科技时 代的整体趋势已经转向系统化客户管 理、社交媒体软行销、商业智能分析 时,自己却仍未在传统经营方式中寻 求新突破,很可能有那么一天,飘流 到荒岛上与市场脱节、与客户群失去 联系的那一位,就是商家本身。 近年来,云计算(Cloud computing) 软件的应用越来越普及化,许多企业

已经体验到“腾云九重天”的感觉, 日常工作方式、客户体验也起了翻天 覆地的变化。 最明显的一个趋势,是安装在电 脑上的软件数量已经逐步减少,取而 代之的是云端共享软件,如:电邮系 统、人事管理软件(如:电子请假单) 、客户关 系管 理 软 件 等。对用户 而 言,云端技术给予企业更大灵活度、 更快的部 署周期,这 些 优势直接 降 低了企业在购置、维护、升级应用软 件方面的开销,也大大地提高了工作 效率。 总商会展开的《中小企业资讯通 信科技使用观点和趋势调查》证实了 这一点。在参与调查的521家企业当 中,超过九成的企业认同,采纳资讯 通信科技有助于改善业务营运;85% 的受访者认为,云计算软件及云端数

据将取代现有的硬件、安装在电脑上 的应用软件,成为未来资讯通信的发 展趋势。 调 查 报告指出,企 业在 资 讯 科 技方面的开支比去年少,占企业总开 支的不到3%,但是采纳资讯通信科 技的企业数目却比往年增加,这主要 仰赖于更多企业在日常经营中都使用 了云计算,从而减少了实际投入的经 费,达到事半功倍之效。 商业智能系统:企业决策的军师 商业智能 解 决 方案,犹 如现 代 版的诸葛亮,不少企业家已经三顾茅 庐,把“孔明兄”请到办公室担任智




IT News


推动中小企业展开实际行动,实施资讯通信科技项目。总商会将集中介绍相关政 府援助计划,鼓励企业申请政府津贴,来资助采纳科技方案时的部分合格费用。 2. 增强行业实力 聚焦具体的行业或商业用途,举办更多推广活动和研讨会,让商家更加了解资

行动 规划

讯通信科技在行业中的实际部署和应用,协助企业有效规划实施方案。总商 会将重点帮助企业打造竞争优势,简化业务和管理流程,同时提高生产力。 1.




囊团成员。35%的中小企业表示,他 们可利用商业智能解决方案,整合与 分析公司业务资料,了解企业以往的 运营情况,监督当前情况,并随着业 务发展趋势对未来结果进行预测,让 企业决策人拥有穿越时空的“先见之 明”,从而更好地规划资源,调整业 务发展策略。 另外,超 过四成的受 访企 业表 示,将增强客户关系管理系统的使用 程度。除了增加企业与客户的联系, 商家也能有系统地从“大数据”中发 现潜藏的客户信息及商机。企业在弹 指之间,便对整体客户群有了更全方 位的了解,也摇身一变成为伴随客户 成长的知音人,从而能以更科学化的 方法来预测消费趋势,提供更周到、 贴心的产品与服务。 善用社交媒体,驾驭新业务 有些 人在 美 味 佳 肴上 桌 时,会 抱 着“ 独 乐 乐,不 如 众 乐 乐”的 心 态,在 动 筷之前先拍 几张照与全 球 好友分享,更有不少人 通 过 社 交 媒 体散 播欢笑与泪水、公 开 生活及 旅 游足 迹,并 抢先在 大 众 传媒 之前发 布热点资讯。 今年,社交媒体问世10周年。这 些年来,社交媒体颠覆了人与人之间

交流模式、加速了信息的传递。那么, 商家与客户之间的互动,是否也因社 交媒体的牵线搭桥而日趋频密,潜在 市场又是否被拓宽呢? 调 查发现,企业在 社 交 媒 体 的 使用程度,仍然有待加强。仅有40% 的企业表示,他们会通过社交媒体, 加强公司与客户的互动,进行产品与 服务行销推广、开拓新业务;其余受 访商家指出,还未准备就绪的主要原 因,是因为缺乏一批具备社交媒体平 台管理经验的员工(56%)。 协助企业善用资讯通信科技的翅膀 近年来,政 府推出不少援助 计 划,协助本地中小企业转型、提高生 产力。总商会调查显示,34%的企业 在采纳资讯通信科技方案时,通过申 请政府援助计划,来抵消部分合格费 用。总商会认为,企业在援助计划的 使用率方面仍然偏低,说明了还有很 多企业对政府援助计划不太了解。 总商会蔡其生会长在接受媒体 采访时指出, “一些中小企业已经改 变过去对资讯通信科技的偏见,因为 他们发现新科技能提高营运效率,加 强与顾客的关系;更重要的是,中小 企业也负担得起 采用新资讯通信科 技的成本。”

总商会在接下来将加大力度,通 过咨询服务、讲座、工作坊、短期课程 等方式,在认知-规划-行动这三大方 面,协助中小企业善用资讯通信科技 的翅膀,提高效率与竞争实力,同时 带领商家腾飞云计算,开创、驾驭新 通讯时代带来的商机。 总商会属下中小企业资 信资源 中心 (SIRC@SCCCI) 能协助中小企业 了解 业 务 如 何 能 通 过 资 讯 通 信 科 技 获 益,同时 协助商家善用相关的 政 府援助计 划。需 要协助 的中小企 业,请与我们联系,电话:6337 8381; 电邮:sirc@sccci.org.sg



Focus on SMEs

巧用科技 无往不利 文:赵倩玉

刑炳盛快运贸易私人有限公司规模虽然不大,但在生产力与创新 优惠计划的资助下引进大型物流公司也在使用的车队管理系统, 不仅减省了营运开支,更大大地提高工作效率。 刑伟杰是刑炳盛快运贸易私人有 限公司的第二代,24岁的他目前在攻读 大学学位,在半年前成为兼职员工,帮 父亲打理公司。他的首要任务是设法利 用科技,将公司的流程自动化。于是他 找到总商会中小企业中心,了解如何利 用政府资助提高生产力。 这间国内物流公司由刑伟杰的父 亲在24年前一手创办,目前拥有五辆 载货罗厘,帮客户送货。伟杰说,之前 公司与客户需要不断的沟通,客户得 先打电话给公司,告诉他们需要把哪 些货物载送到哪里。 “公司的员工每天都要接打很多通 电话,我们没有用任何的软件,所以客 户的需求都用笔记录在纸张上。除此 之外,车队出发后,公司也需要经常联 络司机沟通。例如当司机送完第一批 货,又在另一个取货点附近,我们会通 知他去取货。”刑伟杰说,这样可以节 省一些资源。 但是这样的沟通方式不但低效, 公司也花了不少电话费。


于是当刑伟杰加入公司时,他父 亲便希望他能设法提高公司的运营效 率。他是通过一个亲戚的消息找到中 华总商会中小企业中心。第一次来到 商会只是做初步了解,之后在去年8月 又联系我,表示希望引进车队管理系 统(Fleet Management System),来提 高公司的工作效率。



Focus on SMEs





购置系统和硬件 (公司先出资)



扣除:PIC现金津贴 (60%津贴)


$29,256 政府提供津贴数额


$5,496 津贴数额 - 购置系统和硬件

在 那之前,我 刚 好与 相关 的 软 件 公 司 有 所 接 洽,对 这 类 软 件 有 所 了 解 。车 队 管 理 系 统 具 备 定 位 功 能,让公司总部 可以看 到 货车 的 实 时 位 置。另 外,地 图上也 看得 到 货 车 引 擎 的 状 态 。例 如 绿 色 代 表 货车正在行驶中,橘色代 表货车在 逗 留,但 并 未 关 闭 引 擎,也 许 前 方 有 堵 车 或 红 灯,红 色 则 代 表 司 机 已 将 引 擎 关 闭 ,货 车 此 时 很 有 可 能 在 卸 货。 这在很 大程 度上让公司总部对 货车 的 位 置 及状 态 一目了然,软件 也 具备提 醒功能。如果需 要司机开 往 另外一 个取货点,只要预 先设置 提 醒公司,司机 完 成头 一项 任 务, 进 入特定区域,系统 就 会提 醒 通 知 总部,这 样 一 来,总部 的监 控 人 员 无需一直打电话给司机。 另外,公司总部如 果 在 系 统 上 看 到司 机在回返 的 路上,也可以开 始准备下一 批 货 物,能节省不少 时 间。系 统也 具备实 时 路 况 系 统,如 果 发现有交 通 阻塞,总部也可以为 正在 路上的司机 指引另一 条 较 为 畅通的道 路。 在 总部 的管 理 层面,这套系 统 可以 提供 报告及数 据,在很 大程 度 上提高管理 层的工作 效率。软件也 有平 板电 脑 的版本,总部 的监 督人

员也无需 守在电 脑 前,只需拿着 一 架平板电脑,就能指挥。 “引入了这套系统之后,公司不但 效率提高了,也节省了不少电话费。司 机也不需要一直接听电话,让他们的 驾驶时更安全了。”刑伟杰说。 我协助刑伟杰申请生产力与创 新优惠计划(Productivity and Innovation Credit,简称PIC)。整套系 统12 0 0 0多元,外加系统 所需 要的 硬 件,如 手 提电 脑、平 板电 脑 及 打 印机等,以 及 人力资 源管 理 系统等 软件,一共消费23760元。申请已经 获得税务局的批 准,刑炳盛 快 运贸 易私人有限公司将可获得60%的现 金津贴(PIC cash payout),也就是 14 2 5 6元。另外也可以获 得15 0 0 0 元的生产力及创新 优惠计划现金奖 励 (PIC Bonus),共计29256元。 (表一) 刑伟杰说,他的父亲也对公司使 用这套系统赞赏有加。他的父亲说, 很多更 大型的物流公司也在使用类 似的系统,小公司应该努力跟上。更 何况现在有政府的津贴,让他们节省 不少费用。 政府的津贴可以为企业节省不少 费用,小公司应该努力跟上大公司的 步伐,巧用科技,才能快速发展。

政府的津贴可以为企业 节省不少费用,小公司 应该努力跟上大公司的 步伐,巧用科技,才能快 速发展。

无论是创新企业希望申请政府的起步资金, 或是历史悠久的老牌公司希望借助政府津贴 提高生产力,或是高速发展的本地企业希望 进军中国,总商会的商业和科技顾问都尽心 尽力地协助您们迎接各种挑战。 需要商业咨询服务协助的企业,请联系: 总商会中小企业中心 电话:6337 8381; 电邮:enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg 需要科技咨询服务的企业,请联系: 总商会中小企业资信资源中心 电话:6337 8381; 电邮:sirc@sccci.org.sg



IOB Feature

我为什么选择 总商会管理学院?


WSQ商务华语是被广泛认可的课程,总商会管理 学院是这个课程享有声誉的培训机构,这是我选 择在这里学习的原因。 – Muhammad Ashiq 总商会管理学院商务华语课程毕业生

Muhammad Ashiq以华语致毕业辞,博得满堂喝彩。(左起)总商会管理学院刘桂萍副名誉秘书、傅国华委员、学术委员会主席李秉萱博士、总商 会副会长,学院管理委员会主席刘泰山、毕业典礼主宾新加坡劳发局黄子鹏局长、柯文伟名誉财政、林福星委员、李淑芬总经理。


“因为我 长 得 很像华人,所以 很多时候买水时,他们总会说‘两块 半’,但我一直问他们‘how much’,因 为这个,我受了别人不少白眼……” Muhammad Ashiq,马来人和华人的混 血儿。母语是马来语的他在总商会管 理学院第25届毕业典礼上娓娓道出 不谙华语的辛酸。

IOB Feature


总商会管理学院将继续开办更多适合新加坡商家 的生产力相关的课程,协助企业提高管理技能和效 率。而面向中国的课程则有助企业了解中国经商环 境,提升国际贸易方面的战略性,为到中国和其他 地方经商作好准备。

尽管Ashiq的工作用语是英语, 雇主PricewaterhouseCoopers和审计 师的工作也不要求他必须会说华语, 但他选择工余到总商会管理学院修 读商务华语课程,自我提升。几个月 后,他学会了问路、点菜,甚至因为 会说华语,而与说华语的客户建立起 良好的关系。 总商会管理学院是新加坡劳动 力发展局首批认证的持续 教育与培 训中心之一,开办的工作场所华语课 程广受市场欢迎。 让工作更得心应手 学院不仅因为高素质课程内容 和专业服务受到认可,专业华文教育 文凭班毕业生孙承和也指出: “学院 上课的时间非常适合在职人员,所以 经过咨询比较后,我最后选定到总商 会管理学院上课。”一年的学习使孙 承 和掌握 更多知识、教学方法和 技 巧。现在,她既受到学生的欢迎,也 得到老板的认可! 进修则给 企业管理 文凭课程 毕业 生 翁金 华带来实质的回报,他 刚从 建筑 管工擢 升为工程 经 理。他 说: “学院的老师不仅传授我们知识 与技能,还引导我们生活的信心,启 迪我们生活的智慧,让我们生活得 更自信、更精彩,让我们的工作更加 沉着有力。” 管理学院是劳发局委任的卓越服 务新技能资格培训课程伙伴,领导与 人事管理课程的认可培训机构。同时, 在劳发局“企业培训计划”的支持下, 管理学院也为本地企业量身定做内部 管理培训项目,在课程设计、师资遴 选、课程管理方面提供专业服务。

毕业典礼主宾新加坡劳发局黄子鹏局长(中)ˎ 总商会副会长,学院管理委员会主席刘泰山 (左)颁发毕业证书给毕业学员。

更多适合企业的课程 总商会副会长,学院管理委员会 主席刘泰山表示,学院今后将继续开 办更多适合新加坡商家的生产力相 关课程,协助企业,特别是服务业、 餐饮业、零售业、食品制造与加工等 迫切需 要 提 升的的行业,提高管 理 技能和效率。学院也 与新加坡国际 企业发展局合作开办了多项面向中国 的课程,各界人士可通过这些课程全 面了解中国经商环境,提升国际贸易 方面的战略性,为到中国和其他地方 经商做好准备。 8 5 8 名企 业管 理 文 凭 班、专业 华文教育文 凭 班、翻 译口译技能 文 凭班和商务华语证书班学员在2013

年12 月12 日的 毕 业 典 礼 上 高 唱 骊 歌。其中,169名优秀的商务华语课 程学员荣获总商会基金 颁发的奖励 金,31名优秀的文凭课程学员荣获中 华总商会基金 颁发的特优奖励金。 毕业典礼主宾是新加坡劳发局黄子 鹏局长,他强调语言对工作效率的影 响和终身学习的重要性,并勉励学员 不断进修,提升自身的技能,在工作 上有更好的表现。

有意提升技能、增进知识,在工作有更好表 现的人士,请与总商会管理学院联系: 电话:6334 1080 电邮:enquiry@scciob.edu.sg 网址:www.scciob.edu.sg



Corporate strategies

既核“心”也核“新” 的策略规划 文:张宝诚

策略规划是一个不断建构的过程,随着时空物换 星移,都要能因应环境动态校正、调整以及更新。 即便是策略没有改变,衡量指标也应有所不同,让 每一个层级、每一位员工明白该怎么做,以及知道 为何要如此做,组织资源也才能有所聚焦。


一 年之初,相 信已有诸多 企 业 与 组 织,针 对 新 的 一 年展开“ 策 略 规 划 ”的活 动 。以中国生 产力中 心 (CPC)为例,我认为唯有加快速度, 抢在变化之前,方能驾驭变局,拥抱 新局。因此遂将新年度的各种策略、 目标 及营运 计 划 提前至“第 零月” (去年12月)展开,以促使团队能更 从容 地 凝 聚 共 识、做 出 承 诺,共 赴 目标。 谈到策略规划,面向非常广泛, 所以更需程序与步骤。仅就以下4个 步骤提出一点心得与读者相互交流:


需求分析 首先,必须 进 行 外 在 环 境的分 析,包括:总体 环境与产业环境。在 总体环境方面,针对可能发生转变的 领域加以检视与观察。所需关注的领 域包括:人口、健康、经济、市场、环 境、政治、知识、科技、信仰、文化等 构面,并针对上述领域中期与长期可 能产生的机会与威胁,逐一分析。 举例来说, 《经济学人》便预测 到了2050年时,70%的人口都将集中 居住在“都市”。此一趋势必将对人 们的家庭生活和经济条件产生包括: 改变商业创新的模式、大幅增加公共 服务的需求、粮食竞争将更为激烈等 十分深远的影响。 掌握总体环境演变趋势后,便可 进一步针对产业环境方面做分析。除 了应用麦克•波特(Michael Porter)的 五力分析:竞争者分析、进入障碍分 析、替 代品分析、顾客分析、供货商 分析来协助外,实际上,当前企业的


Corporate strategies

价值是由顾客决定,促使现今的市场 竞争与过去产生差异。因此,策略大 师哈默尔便指出,不管企业处于产业 生态系统什么样的位置,最重要的是 提升“顾客认知价值占有率” (Share of customer perceived value)以 及分析创造此价值所花费的成本。 企业的占有率越高,所创造的获利就 越高。


核心能耐分析 其次,则是 进 行 企业核心能耐 的盘点与分析。核心能耐涵盖愿景、 使命、策略、核心职能、创新能力、 任务等,以有效掌握及运用资源,进 而与产业、环境等趋势做交叉分析, 针 对 可能 发 生 变 迁 的 如:资 金、设 备、商品、人力资源、管理、创新、奖 酬、行 动等构面审视 对 组织 产生的 影响,从而厘清组织内部与外部中、 长期的优势与劣势,来建立起具有调 适力的组织。 所 谓“ 调 适 力”就 像 是 有 机体 般,让组织能够重新定义本身的核心 事业,不断地探索新领域,且能更前 瞻且积极响应顾客新的需求。


创造优势 此步骤 便是 策 略 拟 定。需强调 的是,策 略 规 划的目的是 要让 组织 全体成员能够共同朝向一个方向前 进,因此组织的共同目标是最重要的 前提。

的分析,以及外部环境变化对企业或 组织可能带来的挑战,来拟定企业绝 佳的战略方法。


策略展开 可行策略评估与选择完成后,就 进入策略展开的步骤。此阶段需就财 务绩效、顾客满意、营运流程、学习成 长四个构面,依据策略展开功能别的 各项方案。策略展开成功与否端视执 行力,应力求让策略落实为每位员工 的日常工作。 身处在巨变时代,企业必须随时 关注环境变迁,整合有限资源,随时 检视、调 整营运 模式以聚焦核心能 力,方能长保竞争优势。同理,拟定 策略 规 划亦然。策略 规 划是一个不 断建构的过程,随着时空物换星移, 都 要能因应环 境动 态 校 正、调 整以 及更新。即便是策略没有改变,衡量 指标也应有所不同,让每一个层级、 每一位员工明白该怎么做,以及知道 为何要如此做,组织 资源也 才能有 所聚焦。 也唯有如此,策 略 规 划才能既 核“心”也核“新”地发挥陈述策略、 说明、执行以及追踪企业整体营运绩 效与竞争力的效益。

在 此 前 提 下 ,运 用 优 势 (Strength)、劣势(Weakness)、机会 (Opportunity)以及威胁(Threat)分 析。透过企业自身的实力与竞争对手

当前企业的价 值 是由顾客决定,因此,不管企业 处于产业生态系统什么样的位 置,最重要的是提 升“顾客认知价 值占有率”以 及分析 创造 此价 值 所花费的成 本。

作者是中国生产力中心 (CPC) 总经理。总商 会于2012年7月12日与台湾中国生产力中心 (CPC) 签署合作框架协议,充分发挥双方各 自的优势,通过培训与交流,为两地企业开 阔思路,提升技能,提高运作效率,搭建新 加坡企业与台湾企业互动平台和桥梁。 总商会与CPC在培训与研讨会、咨询服务、 产品创新与开发和资讯共享等领域展开精诚 合作,并互为对方在以上四个领域的当地唯 一合作伙伴。



Business Voice in Parliament

向国会反映工商界心声 Questions Raised in Parliament 1月20日,本会前任会长、官委议员张松声在国会复会时提出 两项询问: 就允许客工在周末从事较轻的工作,向人力部代部长陈川仁 提出询问。 为了缓解小印度、牛车水、黄金坊、乌节路等地方的周末 人潮拥堵现象,人力部可否考虑灵活安排客工休息日,允许客 工在周末从事较轻的工作? 就客工宿舍内的社交与休闲设施,向人力部代部长陈川仁提出询问。 目前,客工宿舍内的社交与休闲设施主要由公司提供,政 府是否考虑也提供相关设施,让客工在工余时间、休息日使用? 2月17日,本会前任会长、官委议员张松声在国会复会时提出 一项询问: 就地铁、巴士故障影响搭客,向交通部吕德耀部长提出询问。 交通部是否会把地铁、巴士服务业者缴付的罚款数额, 作为直接赔偿给受到服务故障影响的搭客?

At the session on January 20, Chamber’s Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, in his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, raised two questions in Parliament. Mr Teo posed a question to Acting Minister for Manpower Tan ChuanJin on providing flexi-arrangements for migrant workers’ rest days. Whether MOM can consider providing flexi-arrangements for migrant workers' rest days by allowing some lighter work on weekends, in order to ease congestion on weekends in places like Little India, Chinatown, Golden Mile and Orchard Road. Mr Teo posed a question to Acting Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin on social and recreational activities for migrant workers. Whether the Government can look into providing social and recreational facilities at the dormitories of migrant workers for their use after working hours and on rest days in addition to those provided by companies. At the session on February 17, Chamber’s Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, in his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, raised a question in Parliament. Mr Teo posed a question to Minister for Transport Lui Tuck Yew on compensation for commuters affected by train and bus service disruptions. Whether the Ministry will consider converting the penalties levied on rail and bus operators into direct compensation for commuters affected by the service failures.



In the Lead

Striding into the Year of the Horse By: Huang Yifang

The Lunar New Year is a celebration of cultural tradition and community relations for SCCCI. On January 31, the Chamber celebrated the start of the year of the horse with its partners and friends, AND announced its latest efforts to support SMEs and contribute to the community.

Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean (fourth from left), and SCCCI President Thomas Chua (third from left), at the Chinese New Year celebration together with Minister Chan Chun Sing (second from left), Senior Minister of State Josephine Teo (fourth from right), Minister of State Sim Ann (third from right), Minister of State Teo Ser Luck (fifth from right), Senior Parliamentary Secretary Sam Tan (second from right), China Ambassador Duan Jielong (extreme right), SCCCI Honorary President Chua Thian Poh (extreme left) and Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng (fifth from left).

The Lunar New Year is a joyous occasion in Chinese culture being both a season for celebrating new beginnings and spending time with family and friends. The Chamber, as part of its yearly tradition, ushered in the Year of the Horse with valued partners, members and

friends on the first day of the New Year. At the same time, the Chamber reiterated its dedication to support the local business community and society at large. “SCCCI has partnered many government agencies to provide a wide range of

assistance to businesses. For example, SPRING Singapore supports the SME Centre@SCCCI, the SME Centre@Central, and many of the Chamber’s programmes to help our SMEs grow and raise productivity. The IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre in Shanghai helps SMEs venture into China,”


said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean who was Guest of Honour at the gathering. The celebration was also attended by Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Defence; Josephine Teo, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport; Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Trade and Industry; Sim Ann, Minister of State for Communications and Information, and Education; and Sam Tan, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Culture, Community and Youth. Singapore’s Economic Transformation The Singapore economy is currently headed towards transformation through restructuring. In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister Teo said that Singapore achieved economic growth of 3.7 per cent in 2013. Median salaries grew by 3.9 per cent in real terms and pay for lowerincome workers increased. DPM Teo said it was crucial for Singapore companies to remain competitive in relation to external economies. There was rising competition from regional economies and Singapore companies had to adjust their business strategies and processes given the smaller inflow of foreign manpower. In addition, the government was working closely with business and industry associations, to help businesses adopt innovative measures to raise productivity. He also lauded the Chamber’s achievements in facilitating communication between companies and the government. “SCCCI’s network of 152 trade association members is a useful bridge between the business community and government agencies. SCCCI has coordinated a series of dialogues to surface feedback and suggestions, and strengthen communication between the government and business community,” commended DPM Teo. Providing Technology Solutions to SMEs The Chamber announced two new initiatives at the Lunar New Year


In the Lead

Gathering as part of its support for SMEs and contribution to the community. The first initiative was the launch of the ePayslip generator, a project that grew from a collaboration between SCCCI and the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech). “The Chamber and SIMTech, a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), have jointly designed an easy-touse and effective electronic payslip software (ePayslip generator), which we are officially launching today. From today, SMEs, and micro-enterprises in particular, can come to the Chamber to download the software, and receive systems training from our advisors. During this 3-month period, the download and training would be absolutely free,” shared President Chua. Over the next two years, the Ministry of Manpower would make it mandatory for employers to issue itemised payslips to employees. While the majority of enterprises have already been issuing payslips every month, small companies may not have this practice and do not use payslip systems. With the development of the ePayslip generator initiated by the Chamber, small companies would be given a leg up to comply with the new policy requirements. This is the second collaboration between the Chamber and SIMTech, the first being a partnership to roll out a unique Certified Programme for In-house Productivity Managers. Contributing to Society, Building the Next Generation Secondly, President Chua announced the Chamber’s establishment of a joint scholarship with the Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA). The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SCCCF) would sponsor $20,000 every year to outstanding Indian students pursuing undergraduate studies at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU).

“SCCCI’s network of 152 trade association members is a useful bridge between the business community and government agencies. SCCCI has coordinated a series of dialogues to surface feedback and suggestions, and strengthen communication between the Government and business community.” Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister

The Chamber has always firmly believed in the importance of education in building talent for future pillars of society, and has awarded SCCCF scholarships to ethnic Chinese undergraduates since 1997. Starting from 2004, SCCCF established a joint scholarship with MENDAKI for Malay-Muslim undergraduates. From this year onwards, the scholarship beneficiaries will include Indian undergraduates. “This initiative clearly shows that the Chamber embraces the inclusive approach in grooming talent for society, in the fine tradition of promoting social cohesion,” said President Chua.

For SMEs interested in implementing the ePayslip generator, please contact the Chamber’s SME Infocomm Resource Centre (SIRC@SCCCI) or the SME Centre@SCCCI for more information. SIRC@SCCCI Tel: 6337 8381 E-mail: sirc@sccci.org.sg SME Centre@SCCCI Tel: 6337 8381 E-mail: enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg



In the Lead

Top of the Budget Wish-list for SMEs By: Huang Yifang

The Chamber’s Pre-Budget Survey 2014 revealed that SMEs reported a more optimistic business outlook for 2014 compared to the previous year, even while they were facing a host of cost and manpower challenges. There was also a higher awareness among SMEs in respect of government policies and available incentives. The Chamber concluded its survey report by providing four recommendations for Budget 2014.

In 2011, the manpower crunch was the main grouse of SMEs with many businesses expressing the hope of a greater easing of manpower restrictions. Since then, the government’s economic restructuring efforts have caused SMEs to steer their focus towards improving business processes and becoming less dependent on foreign manpower. The Chamber has intently followed the voices of SMEs and found that, currently, the business environment continues to be challenging especially in the areas of manpower as well as land and transport costs. In the Chamber’s Pre-Budget 2014 survey, SMEs were found to have earnestly embarked on the productivity journey, and generally accepted that they should rely less on foreign labour. In addition, the survey revealed a greater awareness on new government policies such as the increase in minimum salary requirement for Employment Pass holders as well as the increase in foreign worker levy. The Pre-Budget Survey 2014 collated the feedback of 338 companies during the October to November 2013 period.

Improved Outlook for 2014 The survey revealed a more optimistic business outlook for 2014 as compared to 2012 and 2013; business optimism had doubled from 15 per cent in 2013 to 32 per cent in 2014 (Figure 1). Figure 1: Business Outlook from 2012-2014 100%



Pessimistic Business pessimism dropped from 54 per cent in 2013 to 48 per cent in 2014


Status Quo 20%






Business optimism doubled to 32 per cent in 2014 from 15 per cent in 2013


In the Lead


Top on the SMEs’ Budget Wish-list SMEs’ budget wish-list showed that businesses were looking forward to the government’s sustained support in the areas of productivity and capability building. They hoped that the government could continue with current incentives and programmes, especially those which are SME-centric. Other requests included the lowering of rental and transport costs, and assistance in overcoming manpower challenges.


Extend the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme by another three years to Year of Assessment 2018


Provide COE and ERP rebates for SMEs to reduce transport costs for commercial vehicles

Provide affordable industrial and commercial space / rental rebates for SMEs







To increase maximum support of SME Capability Development Grant from 70 per cent to 80 per cent



Provide an SM E Relocation Grant for SMEs with plans to relocate / vent ure overseas

to sses sine alleviate u b Allow e PIC to e costs n th ianc tap o e compl som



% 1 . 3 6



Encourage SMEs to employ workers above age 55 or with physical disabilities by providing CPF Medisave top-up or rebates to employers to alleviate the medical insurance / expenses

Extend the validity of Work Passes for each renewal to four years (currently two years per renewal)




Companies with <25 employees to be eligible for less stringent criteria (e.g. 20 per cent below the MOM salary threshold) when renewing Work Passes




Innovation & Expand scope of r (ICV) scheme he Capability Vouc ities ncy related activ beyond consulta t) en pm ui (e.g. purchase eq


Provide wage credit to SMEs that hire ex-offenders (supporting the Yellow Ribbon Project)




Continuing the Support for SMEs “Many SMEs are embarking on their productivity and transformation journey. Given the better awareness, the government should continue these programmes and incentives, especially for the small and micro-enterprises,” said SCCCI President Thomas Chua. With the increased efforts by SMEs to restructure, the Chamber made four key recommendations for Budget 2014 to help SMEs with their business development. Recommendation #1 Continued support of government assistance schemes to SMEs for the next three years to boost productivity and capability There is increasing awareness of government assistance schemes for SMEs and many businesses have benefited from the schemes. In the SCCCI SME Survey 2013 conducted in mid-2013 among 516 SMEs, the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme was the most popular scheme; 77 per cent of SMEs that have applied for government assistance schemes benefited from the PIC. As SMEs continue to embark on their productivity initiatives, the Chamber called for the extension of the PIC for another three years to Year of Assessment 2018. This was the top item on the wish-list of SMEs with 85.3 per cent of businesses indicating that the extension would be useful to them. In addition, the Chamber recommended an increased level of support of schemes benefiting SMEs. The Chamber made three suggestions to enhance current government schemes to render greater assistance to businesses: i) Increase support level of the SME Capability Development Grant from the current 70 per cent to 80 per cent ii) Expand the scope of the Innovation and Capability Voucher (ICV) beyond consultancy activities, for example allowing businesses to use the ICV for purchasing equipment iii) Expand the scope of PIC by allowing businesses to tap on the PIC to alleviate some of their compliance costs such as those pertaining to shop renovation and license fees


In the Lead

Recommendation #2 To provide affordable industrial and commercial space / rental rebates for SMEs In the SCCCI SME Survey 2013, 62 per cent of respondents indicated that land and rentalrelated costs were of top concern to them. Current land policies favour high-growth sectors and tend to crowd out SMEs. The Chamber suggested that the Jurong Town Corporation and Housing and Development Board should continue to play the crucial role of providing affordable space for SMEs. Recently, there were 18 small footprint factories launched by JTC. HDB also announced the revision of its tenancy policies together with the building of new neighbourhood centres in HDB estates. SCCCI has lauded these initiatives by JTC and HDB and hopes that more affordable industrial, commercial and office space could be provided to SMEs. Recommendation #3 To expand manpower sources and retain a productive workforce There is more room for government support for SMEs’ manpower needs. CPF Medisave top-ups and rebates could be provided for older workers, and thereby encourage SMEs to employ workers above age 55 or with physical disabilities. The topups or rebates to employers would help in defraying medical insurance and expenses. In addition, the validity of the Work Pass should be extended from the current requirement of renewal every two years. The Chamber suggests that the validity of Work Passes per renewal could be extended to four years. This would help companies retain experienced workers for a longer time and maintain a more stable and productive workforce. Simultaneously, companies could reduce the administrative costs of Work Pass renewals. Recommendation #4 To provide a SME Relocation Grant for SMEs to relocate or venture overseas Local SMEs are looking into overseas markets either to relocate or expand their business operations. The Chamber’s

SME Survey 2013 revealed that 63 per cent of SMEs were venturing overseas. At present, the eligibility criteria and scope of existing schemes were not targeted for the specific needs of SMEs. For example, the Land Productivity Grant (LPG) benefits larger companies that can generate at least 0.1 hectares of land savings. The Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) grant also limits its subsidies to the expenses of pre-scoped professional services used to assess a company’s capabilities before moving abroad (capped at $20,000 per company). The Chamber proposed that an SME Relocation Grant could be offered to help companies defray eligible costs when moving overseas. This would help SMEs in their efforts to relocate or venture overseas. The Chamber submitted the findings of the Pre-Budget Survey 2014 to the Ministry of Finance on December 30 2013.

“Many SMEs are embarking on their productivity and transformation journey. Given the better awareness, the government should continue these programmes and incentives, especially for the small and micro-enterprises.” SCCCI President Thomas Chua

The SME Centre@SCCCI has a team of experienced business advisors who can provide consultations on business-related government schemes. For SMEs seeking assistance, do contact the centre at enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg or 6337 8381.



IT News

Infocomm Technology a Boon to SMEs By: Huang Yifang

The Chamber’s survey on “SMEs’ ICT Adoption and Perception Trends” revealed that SMEs were increasing their IT adoption and had an overall positive attitude towards the benefits of the use of technology in business operations. However, SMEs could make better use of government assistance schemes for ICT adoption.



IT News

“More than 90 per cent of SMEs agreed that information and communications technology (ICT) was beneficial for their business. In addition, there was an increased use of ICT solutions in areas such as accounting, mobile workforce, human resource and payroll, customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence (BI), and enterprise resource planning.”

Sourcing for efficient and productive ways of improving business operations is crucial to SMEs. According to a survey by the Chamber, SMEs were looking for solutions to help them increase competitiveness and improve business management processes. Companies surveyed indicated that their top five business goals were: 1 2 3 4 5

Improving productivity Streamlining business processes Achieving better data management Building a competitive edge Enabling a wider market outreach

Harnessing technology is a solution to help achieve these goals, and the survey indeed revealed that more SMEs were embracing the use of technology to improve processes in various aspects of business operations. Scoring Business Goals through ICT In 2013, the Chamber’s SME Infocomm Resource Centre (SIRC@SCCCI) conducted the “SMEs’ ICT Adoption and Perception Trends Survey” which gained feedback from 521 SME representatives. The survey found that more than 90 per cent of SMEs agreed that information and communications technology (ICT) was beneficial for their business. In addition, many SMEs indicated current usage of and future intention to utilise ICT solutions in areas such as accounting,

mobile workforce, human resource and payroll, customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence (BI)*, and enterprise resource planning (ERP). *Business intelligence (BI) tools gather, store and analyse data which aids companies in planning business strategies and decision-making. The survey revealed that technology solutions with the highest percentage of SME users pertained to accounting (59 per cent), mobile workforce (42 per cent) and human resource & payroll (34 per cent). However, with regard to future technology adoption plans, SMEs indicated the strongest interest in using CRM and BI solutions eventually. There is therefore great market potential for providers of CRM and BI solutions. Using cloud computing to reduce costs Cloud computing was a solution wellreceived by SMEs. The survey showed that 85 per cent of SMEs agreed that Software as a Service (SaaS) would be useful to business operations as it lowers the manpower needed to maintain software, and improves workflow processes. SaaS is a form of cloud computing that allows users to access software hosted by servers maintained by a service provider. This would help lower the IT support costs borne by businesses.


IT News


According to the survey, companies were spending less on technology. Of the SMEs surveyed, 65 per cent indicated that they were spending three per cent or less of their revenue on IT in 2013. From 2009-2012, however 58 per cent of SMEs were spending 2-6 per cent of revenue on technology on average. There was an increase in the percentage of SMEs spending less on technology in 2013 vis-à-vis the earlier years. SIRC@SCCCI says that SMEs could be spending less on technology due to the increased affordability of IT solutions. For example, cloud computing has allowed companies to spend less on licensing fees for software and also reduced the costs, including those pertaining to manpower, needed to maintain and monitor a company’s software and hardware. More room to grow in social media and web transaction usage There is greater potential for SMEs to increase social media usage. The survey revealed that only 40 per cent of SMEs had social media presence. Out of the 40 per cent of social media users, Facebook was the dominant social media platform (Figure 1). Other social media platforms used by businesses included LinkedIn and Twitter. Figure 1


NO Social Media Presence

Have Social Media Presence



22% 14%




The majority of companies surveyed (82 per cent) were making use of websites as a platform to provide information, build branding and complete transactions. However, the survey revealed that only 7 per cent of website users used the platform for web-based transactions. The 18 per cent of SMEs which did not have websites indicated that the lack of skilled IT staff, not finding a website useful, and recurring costs of website maintenance, were the main reasons for not setting up a website (Figure 2). Figure 2







(No Website)

(Have Website)



Recurring Cost

Lack of Skilled IT Staff




Not useful





IT News

The Chamber has assisted many SMEs to find out more about how technology can enhance their business. For example, the annual Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo exposes businesses to technology ideas and solutions.

“SCCCI will be working with partners including IT vendors and training institutes to help SMEs look at business-centric ICT solutions in their productivity journey. We will also work with IDA and the various government agencies to help SMEs tap on the government grants and programmes.” SCCCI President Thomas Chua

Low usage of government assistance for ICT The government has been providing more assistance for businesses to restructure and increase productivity. Generally, these schemes have been useful to SMEs and 78.5 per cent of respondents applied for assistance under these schemes. However, only 34 per cent of these respondents indicated that they have applied for grants for ICT-related purchases. In this aspect, the Chamber has plans to help SMEs become more aware of available government assistance schemes and thereby encourage SMEs to achieve their business goals through technology. Business-centric assistance for SMEs “SCCCI will be working with partners including IT vendors and training institutes to help SMEs look at business-centric ICT solutions in their productivity journey. We will also work with IDA and the various government agencies to help SMEs tap on the government grants and programmes,” said Chamber’s President Thomas Chua.

Many SMEs may have difficulties understanding the technical jargon of ICT solutions and not know where to start. The Chamber therefore aims to conduct more business-centric outreach and awareness seminars. By focusing on the goals of building a competitive business edge, streamlining business and management processes, and improving business productivity, SMEs can be introduced to the relevant ICT solutions to help achieve their goals. Additionally, SMEs can tap on the Chamber’s future efforts to help SMEs analyse their technology needs and boost confidence in the use of ICT. The Chamber will work with industry partners to develop a Readiness Assessment Checklist for SMEs to self-gauge their ICT needs, as well as organise hands-on workshops to provide SMEs with practical skills on the implementation of technology in business operations.

About SIRC@SCCCI The Chamber’s SME Infocomm Resource Centre (SIRC@SCCCI) was launched in 2008 with support and funding from IDA. The centre’s primary objective is to provide SMEs with an avenue to gain awareness on the benefits of using Infocomm Technology (ICT) to improve business productivity and profitability. The centre offers advisory sessions, seminars, workshops, hands-on computer lab learning, business clinic sessions, as well as site visits to solutions and demo centres. For more information on adopting ICT solutions for your business, please contact: Chris Foo, Manager Tel: 6337 8381 Fax: 6339 0605 E-mail: sirc@sccci.org.sg Find out how you can achieve your business goals using technology through SIRC@SCCCI’s latest events and activities at www.sccci.org.sg



Focus on SMEs

Thomas Chua (front row, seventh from left), SCCCI President; Lau Tai San (front row, sixth from left); SCCCI Vice-President; and Dr Cheong Koon Hean (front row, eighth from left), HDB’s CEO; together with the Chamber’s council members and HDB’s senior management.

Engaging with HDB to Address Trade Association Members’ Industrial and Commercial Space Concerns By: Leong Teng Chau

As part of the Chamber’s commitment to assist trade association members, SCCCI council members met with HDB’s top management to discuss the challenges faced by trade associations with regard to industrial and commercial space.


Among the common issues that the Chamber’s trade association members have related to the Chamber pertain to industrial and commercial space, especially with regard to rental. The Housing & Development Board is a significant supplier of light industrial space as well as commercial shop and office space, particularly for the smallersized SMEs. Against this backdrop, the Chamber held a dialogue with HDB’s top management on December 19 2013. Thomas Chua, SCCCI President, led representatives from the Chamber’s council to meet Dr Cheong Koon Hean, HDB’s CEO, and members of HDB’s senior management. The dialogue involved a lively discussion revolving around HDB’s light industrial facilities, commercial properties and car parks for 23-seater buses. HDB has taken a pro-business approach to address the issues faced by the Chamber’s trade association members. For example, members of the Singapore School & Private Hire Bus Owners’ Association had requested that HDB open the car parks under its management to allow 23-seater buses

Focus on SMEs


to park during non-peak hours. While HDB was unable to accommodate this request, extra steps were taken to identify three car parks which were used as trial locations for the buses to park for a limited period. These car parks had low parking demand and are scheduled to close for re-development. A second example involved the Singapore Bakery & Confectionery Trade Association which requested for clarification from HDB to allow its members to undertake light operations on the second floor of HDB shophouses. In response, HDB was agreeable to the request provided that the members met HDB’s criteria, such as ensuring that equipment used on the second floor met the structural safety requirements of the shophouse, and the conditions of other agencies. The dialogue in December was a mechanism for the Chamber to engage HDB on relevant issues and recommendations. Going forward, with feedback and requests from members, the Chamber can work together with HDB to present specific issues raised by the business community.

The Chamber strives to act as a bridge between the business community and government. In December, SCCCI met with HDB to discuss land-use concerns raised to the Chamber by trade association members.



Economic Review

Growth Prospects in Singapore and Beyond By: Huang Yifang

Experts forecast a good outlook for the overall global economy in 2014. the 12th SCCCI-BT Business Outlook forum this year saw experts provide in-depth analysis of the global economic outlook as well as property and equity markets.

A Global Outlook 2014 looks to be a stable year for the global economy after a general anaemic growth in 2012 and 2013. Jointly organised by the Chamber and The Business Times on January 10, the SCCCIBT Business Outlook forum saw a general conseusus from experts that there was more to look forward to in the year ahead with the stabilising global outlook. The forum was sponsored by UBS and moderated by Vikram Khanna, Associate Editor of The Business Times. “This year, the environment for economic growth will get better with US and Europe’s improving economies. In Singapore, we expect the GDP growth to reach 4.5 per cent. As a consequence of economic improvement, we will expect the US Fed to gradually tighten monetary policy,“ said Pu Yonghao, Regional Chief Investment Officer (APAC) at UBS Wealth Management. Mr Pu forecast that global inflation was not a major risk in 2014. He said that in Western countries, inflation is caused

mainly by two factors – labour cost and oil prices. US family income has stayed the same for the past 10 years with the median income being about 50,000 USD. Oil prices are also expected to be stable and will not contribute to inflation. In the area of equities, Mr Pu said that US equities were enjoying deepening economic recovery and were attractive due to the stability of the US economy as well as the potential growth of sectors such as IT and consumer staples. Mr Pu also gave positive feedback for European Union and China equities with the improvement expected in the EU economy causing equities to see earning recovery, and China’s reform measures which have boosted investor confidence. Singapore’s Cool Property Market Getty Goh, Director at Ascendant Assets, felt that the Singapore residential market will be up for challenging times. “We reckon that property prices are going to come down because of a

few pressures. Firstly, there is excess supply – developers are currently holding on to a lot of supply which have yet to be introduced into the market. The resale market is also weakening. Since Singapore first came out of the global financial crisis, the share of the resale market has been shrinking. This is mainly because of the Seller Stamp Duty which has made it not so cost-effective for sellers,” said Mr Goh. The Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) framework, which was introduced in June, also makes it more difficult for property buyers to finance new property purchases, thereby preventing buyers from entering the market. Mr Goh also highlighted the property opportunities in Iskandar. He said that Iskandar’s industry focus was to bring in businesses in the electrical and electronics, oleochemicals and petrochemicals, food and agroprocessing, financial services, tourism, education, logistics, (continued on pg 40)


Economic Review


“This year, the environment for economic growth will get better with US and Europe’s improving economies. In Singapore, we expect the GDP growth to reach 4.5 per cent.” Pu Yonghao, Regional CIO (APAC) of UBS Wealth Management

“We reckon that property prices are going to come down because of a few pressures. Firstly, there is excess supply. Developers are currently holding on to a lot of supply which have yet to be introduced into the market. The resale market is also weakening.” Getty Goh, Director of Ascendant Assets

“In 2013, the ROEs of US companies showed signs of improvement. The ROEs in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Index are performing pretty well, slightly above the 10 year median.” Roger Tan, CEO of Voyage Research



Economic Review

Vikram Khanna, Associate Editor of The Business Times, moderating the panel discussion of the 12th SCCCI-BT Business Outlook Forum.

healthcare and creative sectors; attractive incentives were available for relevant companies. Making Shrewd Investment Choices Speakers at the forum advised on keeping investments more liquid and investing less on property in light of the cooling measures which keep property financing costs high. Roger Tan, CEO of Voyage Research, shared the trend analysis of the equity market and highlighted countries whose businesses have displayed promising ROEs. “In 2013, the ROEs of US companies showed signs of improvement. Singapore is an export-oriented economy and our ROEs showed that our companies were not performing very well. The ROEs in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Index are performing pretty well, slightly above the 10 year median.” Mr Tan said that looking at the price-tobook ratio, the US and Europe market seems to be fairly valued. He said that

there are undervalued Asian stocks in Hong Kong, and possibly Singapore if the local economy recovers, which could prove to be gems for investors. Recommended stocks for their good business models and dividend yields highlighted by Mr Tan included real investment trust First REIT, cord blood and tissue bank Cordlife, underground utilities infrastructure company Ley Choon, and investment holding company W Corp. In addition, Mr Pu advised investors to diversify their investments to have a balanced asset portfolio according to their needs, and make cyclical adjustments where necessary. He also said it was wise to allocate not more than 30 per cent of asset portfolios in property.

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