华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2014 issue 2

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08 陈振声部长到访总商会 加强与华社的联系


Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 190/03/2014

第二期 . ISSUE 2/2014

$5.00 (incl. GST)

Supporting the development of the Chinese community: Minister Chan Chun Sing visits SCCCI

立足亚洲, 引领全球

编辑人语 E D I T O R ’S N O T E

自独 立以 来,新加坡 经 过了近 5 0 年岁月的锤 炼,从 第三世界国家 蜕变为第一世界经济体,可说是“不 經一 番 寒 徹骨,焉得 梅花撲鼻香” 。2015年,距此仅数月的时间,新加 坡便将迎来建国50周年志庆, “全民 一心、共庆金禧”,届时举国沸腾,各 类庆祝活动上的欢声笑语必定响彻 云霄。身为国家一份子的总商会特别 筹划了两项深具意义、牵动人心的大 型项目: “新加坡建国50周年杰出华 商奖”和“总商会历史巡回展”,欢庆 新加坡金禧年大庆。这两项活动不仅 得到海内外媒体竞相报道,更获得到 访总商会的社会与家庭发展部陈振 声部长与文化、社区及青年部黄循财 部长鼎力的支持。通过表彰个别华商 在建国中所作的贡献,让华商精神永 续传承,以及汇集总商会5 0年来在 社会、文化与经济领域所付出的各项 努力,我们希望这两项活动能在新加 坡建国进程中铸下隽永的印记,成为 新加坡集体回忆的一部分。 建国华商奖与历史 巡回展的筹 备工作紧锣密鼓进行之际,我们也锲 而不舍、卯足全力开展各项活动,协 助本地中小企业应对经济转型的挑 战,包括 协助 他们考察海 外市场, 包 括印尼西卡朗 、雅 加 达、泗 水; 中国广州、珠海、南沙的投资良机、 赴广州吸取当地配餐业者提高生产 力的经验;参加餐饮业工作坊学习提 高生产力与效率的思维模式;以及从 中小企业中心大会主讲 嘉宾分享的 创新策略取经。总商会举办的这些活 动,为本地中小企业业者创造了精进 自身、汲取经商精粹的机会,并为他 们运筹帷幄、纵横商海加油、助力。

Since Singapore gained independence in 1965, our nation has transited steadily from a third world into a first world economy. The year 2015 will see the whole nation coming together to celebrate our Golden Jubilee, and the Chamber has found it fitting to initiate two landmark projects as part of our commemorative efforts. The general blueprint of both these projects, the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards, and a Special Roving Exhibition on the Roles and Contributions of SCCCI towards Singapore’s 50 Years of Nationbuilding, received the encouragement and support of Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing and Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong during their discussions with the Chamber’s leadership in April. By the end of April, these two projects hit the spotlight in the local and overseas media. Significantly, these two projects are intended to leave a lasting imprint on the history of Singapore’s nation-building through the contributions of the individual (spirit of Chinese enterprise) and that of the collective community (the Chamber’s many worthy social, cultural and economic initiatives). While the grand plans for these projects are still on the drawing board, the Chamber continues to charge ahead with power-packed programmes as part of its agenda to help SMEs combat the challenges of economic restructuring. Amongst the many being rolled out with rapidity practically every week, are programmes to enlighten SMEs on exploring the potential of expanding into overseas markets like Indonesia (Cikarang, Jakarta, Surabaya), China (Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Nansha); identifying productivity lessons for the catering industry in Guangzhou; learning about productivity and efficiency concepts at an F&B workshop; and gaining insights from expert panelists on innovation strategies at the SME Centre Conference. These activities provide SMEs with important takeaways for the best modus operandi of doing business in the current economic context.

华文翻译:陈星伊 请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

青春期民营企业, 如何可持续发展? 资本!股权!战略!” 新加坡国立大学商学院亚太EMBA课程 (中文授课) 在北京举办“企业发展”论坛 在走过初创期之后,许多企业对 于下一步的发展充满了懵懂与困惑, 如何快 速强身健体使自己跻身于成 熟、有竞争力的企业之列,是每一位 创业者和管理者的心结。2014年3月 1日,新加坡国立大学(以下简称“新 国大”)商学院在北京举办的“亚太 EMBA企业发展论坛”给出了有力可行 的答案。


此次论坛以“青春期民营企业, 如何可持续发展?资本!股权!战略!” 为主题,特别邀请到北京约瑟投资董 事长、新国大亚太EMBA校友、中国 航油(新加坡)前总裁陈九霖先生、 新希望六和联席董事长兼CEO、新国 大亚太EMBA客座教授陈春花老师和 华耐家居集团总裁贾锋先生分别就 “ 资本、股权”展开了精 彩 的主 题 演讲。 应母校邀约担当亚太EMBA企业 发展论坛的演讲人,北京约瑟投资董 事长、中国航油(新加坡)前总裁陈九 霖这位资本运作高手,形象地将资本 运作比喻成“被忽略的“葵花宝典” ,毫不保留地传授了自己的资本运作 秘诀。他从新浪微博上市、腾讯欲入 股京东等热点新闻入手,分享了TCL、

中联重科、中国航油等企业的实战经 验,详细解读了资本运作的魅力以及 目前民营企业的短板和盲点。陈九霖 指出, “投资就是投人”、 “资本运作 就是终极方式的资源运作”,可谓字 字玑珠。 在演讲结束时,陈九霖感慨说, “中国懂得资本运作的企业家太少, 就只知道埋头苦干,而不懂得资本运 作,就好比跋涉千山万水,放着飞机不 乘,偏要徒步一样。认识到了资本运作 的重要性之后,即使商人们自己不懂, 也可以借助中介机构进行资本运作, 中国经济的未来发展离不开真正懂得 资本运作的企业家。” 华耐家居集团总裁贾锋,以“如 何使用股权激励提升竞争力”为题, 讲解了自己的股权激励操盘方法,对 于刚刚踏入2 0岁生日的华耐家居集 团,股权激励之路也走了20年,到今 天,华耐家居集团公司三分之一的员 工拥有公司的股权,而股权激励也成 就了华耐家居集团成为中国家居建材 流通领域的领军企业。贾锋用不同种 类的股权来调动不同员工的积极性, 如原始股、期权股、优先股等,目前则 大力推进着全员股份制。

陈九霖先生 新加坡国立大学亚太EMBA校友

陈春花教授 新加坡国立大学亚太EMBA客座教授

下午,新国大亚太EMBA客座教 授陈春花老师以“如何实现可持续的 战略性增长”为主题的演讲更是把此 次论坛推向了高潮。曾创造营收2年 内从20亿增至80亿奇迹的新希望六 和联席董事长兼CEO陈春花,用“海 尔、华为、联想等5家企业10年间做的 事情”等生动案例,结合自身的理论 高度,详述了“企业如何保持持续性成 长”这一战略难题。在演讲最后,陈春 花教授用一句话与大家共勉: “在科 技面前,没有人能一直高高在上,时代 会抛弃一切落伍者。” 在现场,约200位企业管理者参 加了此次论坛,讨论热烈。在每位嘉 宾演讲后的互动环节,参会者恳切的 提问接连不断,交流时间不得不反复 延长。一位参会者在现场表示: “原中 国航油操盘手陈九霖博士和华耐家 居集团贾锋总裁两个人的演讲课题很 有意思,一个是‘葵花宝典’,一个是 ‘制胜源动力’;一个对外,一个对内; 一个聚焦运营管理,一个关注资本整 合,可谓两大思想的碰撞。” 新国大 “亚太EMBA企业发展论坛”每年在亚 太区域巡回开办主题活动,敬请关注 apexc.nus.edu


目录 CONTENTS 华商焦点 出版 Publisher


Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg

陈振声部长到访总商会 加强与华社的联系 陈振声部长到访总商会,与总商会领 导层进行餐叙 。


接待文化、社区及青年部 黄循财部长 黄循财部长鼎力支持总商会为欢庆 建国50周年举办的两项大型活动。




Editorial Advisors 蔡其生 Thomas Chua Kee Seng 张松声 Teo Siong Seng 萧作鸣 Seow Choke Meng 曾宪相 Chan Hian Siang

出版统筹 Publications Supervision 谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong


主编 Editor

胡爱兰 Fiona Hu



吾会之光 总商会热烈祝贺魏成辉名誉董事获 颁“新加坡商业奖”。

Identifying productivity lessons in Guangzhou for the catering industry SCCCI supported the Association of Catering Professionals Singapore (ACAPS) on a business mission to Guangzhou.


Focus on SMEs

欢庆新加坡建国50周年 总商会颁杰出华商奖、办历史巡回展 总商会推出两个大型项目“新加坡 建国50周年杰出华商奖”和“总商会 历史巡回展”,欢庆新加坡建国50 周年。



Staff Writer

黄义芳 Huang Yifang


特约撰稿 Contributors

张宝诚 Chang Bao-Cheng 许彬彬 Kelvin Khaw 邓素娟 Tang Soh Kuen

保留传统行业并助其成长 张松声官委议员呼吁政府照顾微小 企业需求,并再次吁请政府成立一个 专门负责中小企业事务的部门。


在学前教育阶段打好母语和 价值观的基础 张松声官委议员针对学前教育阶段 打好母语和价值观的基础,培养双语 双文化人才,弘扬华商精神激励年轻 一代发表看法。


何美仪 Queenie Ho 设计 Design Egg Creatives Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: research@ sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 190/03/2014. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).

张松声官委议员在2014年国会财政 预算案辩论发言重点 张松声官委议员在国会财政预算案 辩论中提出了三大发言重点。




Regional Files Eye on Indonesia: Exploring the potential of the Indonesian market President Thomas Chua led a 37-member business mission to Cikarang, Jakarta and Surabaya in March.

Assistant Editor

陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee

Celebrating Singapore’s 50th year of independence with two iconic SG50 events The Chamber announced the launch of the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards ceremony and Special Roving Exhibition to be held in 2015.


开拓广东商机 共谋双赢发展 投资者可在广东新发展浪潮中开创 更多新商机。



目标管理的地雷 高效能经理人能够调和每个决策 和行动的长程需求和眼前立即 的需要。

In the Lead


Supporting the development of the Chinese community: Minister Chan Chun Sing visits SCCCI Minister Chan Chun Sing, who leads the Chinese Community Liaison Group, visited the Chamber on April 24.


Minister Lawrence Wong commends SCCCI’s SG50 initiatives Lawrence Wong, current Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, met with Chamber leaders and commended SCCCI’s SG50 initiatives.


Innovating to stay ahead The SME Centre Conference held on March 20 saw local SMEs gather to gain insights into innovation strategies from industry leaders.

Business Voice in Parliament


The manpower challenge: Committee of Supply Debate on the Ministry of Manpower SCCCI Immediate Past President and NMP Teo Siong Seng’s speech at the Committee of Supply debate on MOM.

Corporate Strategies


Strategies to chew on: Productivity and efficiency concepts for the F&B industry Productivity expert Simon Chen shared business strategies with F&B industry representatives.



人民纪念碑 历史的印记 总商会循例在日本占领时期死难人 民纪念碑前举办第47届祭礼。


永恒,跨时代,跨国界, 女性迈向未来 总商会事业女性组的国际三八妇女节 庆祝活动引领女性迈向 未来。

总商会为您加油、助力! Seize Opportunities Increase Business Mileage 总商会各项目专才为您提供以下协助: Tap on SCCCI’s expertise: 政府援助计划



商业咨询服务 • 中小企业中心

海外培训团 • 工商业发展部

中国市场 • 新加坡企业中心

86-21-5208 2710  weekhee@sccci.org.sg

6337 8381

6337 8381

资讯科技方案 • 中小企业资信资源中心

语言、商业培训 • 总商会管理学院

6337 8381

6334 1080

国际市场 • 工商业发展部

6337 8381

投资海外专业培训 • 总商会管理学院

Government Assistance Schemes Business advisory • SME Centre@SCCCI 6337 8381 ICT adoption • SIRC@SCCCI 6337 8381

更多资讯 Find out more: 6337 8381

Training Overseas productivity training • Commerce & Industry Development Department 6337 8381 Language and business training • Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business 6334 1080

加入我们 Join us: member@sccci.org.sg

6334 1080

Venture Abroad China ventures • IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre 86-21-5208 2710  weekhee@sccci.org.sg Global ventures • Commerce & Industry Development Department 6337 8381 Training to venture abroad • Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business 6334 1080

一键之间、商机涌现 那些日理万机、忙忙碌碌、 飞不停的…,都在看我们的《华商》。 一个键、三秒内,电子版《华商》让忙碌的您随时随地,把握总商会的动态、 总商会的人脉。

Scan to access Chinese Enterprise online or visit www.sccci.org.sg

For Those on the Go. CEOs, managing directors, key management staff and decision-makers are all reading Chinese Enterprise. Stay in the know on how SCCCI can help you scale greater heights – any time, anywhere.

《华商》为您的商业资讯创造更大价值! Advertise with Chinese Enterprise and reach key business community representatives: 6337 8381 cnp@sccci.org.sg

Big landscapes Inspire big thinking

THERE’S NOTHING LIKE AUSTRALIA FOR YOUR NEXT BUSINESS EVENT. This year we chose Australia for our global congress. It was an easy choice, as Australia’s proximity to Asia gave us the opportunity to attract many new delegates. The program was one of the best in years. New Australian developments in our field attracted a lot of interest and strong international research partnerships were established. Australia is on everyone’s list to visit, and it lured our highest number of delegates yet. There’s no doubt they’ll be talking about this convention for years to come. Dr Louise Wong, International Board Member

visit businessevents.australia.com/associations for everything you need to plan your australian event.



In the Lead

陈振声部长到访总商会 加强与华社的联系 文:陈星伊

4月24日,主管华社事务的社会及 家庭发展部长兼国防部第二部长陈振 声到访总商会,与总商会领导层进行 餐叙。 陈部长肯定总商会对国家建设和 促进商贸与经济繁荣作出的贡献。他指 出,工商团体如总商会是华社重要的一 份子,扮演重要的角色,而他受李显龙 总理委任,出任主管华社事务的内阁部 长,主要是加强政府与华社之间的联 系。此外,部长也鼎力支持总商会为配 合新加坡建国50周年推出的两个大型 项目“新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖” 和“总商会历史巡回展”。

“新加坡中华总商会发起设立新加坡建国50周年杰 出华商奖,对华商为国家经济和华社作出的贡献是一 项很好的认可。这将启迪年轻的新加坡人以他们为楷 模,并鼓励年轻一代回馈社会。” 社会及家庭发展部陈振声部长

陈振声部长(前排中)与(前排左起)总务委员会何乃全主席、文教与社会事务委员会吴学光主席、钟声坚副会长、张松声前 任会长、蔡其生会长、黄山忠副会长、刘泰山副会长、(后排左起)科技委员会林明仁主席、商团与会员事务委员会李思亮主 席 、 外 事 委 员 会 吴 中 庸 副 主 席 、 研 究 与 出 版 委 员 会 萧 作 鸣 主 席 、 财 政 委 员 会 吴 绍 均 主 席 、 工 商 业 委 员 会 白 毅 柏 副 主 席 与 程 宇 超 副 主席、国际事务委员会陈金城主席。



In the Lead

接待文化、社区及 青年部黄循财部长 文:陈星伊


“我要表扬新加坡中华总商会主动举办活动来为 新加坡庆祝建国50周年。这两项欢庆活动,是由 一群满怀热忱的新加坡公民发起的,目的是为了与 大众分享自身经历与回忆。我呼吁更多机构积极 参与新加坡建国50周年金禧庆典的活动。若全国 人民能一同欢庆,这将使庆祝活动更有意义。” 文化、社区及青年部黄循财部长

4月15日,时任文化、社区及青年部 代部长兼通讯及新闻部高级政务部长黄 循财到访总商会,与总商会代表,包括蔡 其生会长、总务委员会何乃全主席、文教 与社会事务委员会吴学光主席、外事委 员会吴中庸副主席、文教与社会事务委 员会白南泉副主席、谭宝锠秘书长、陈秀 娟助理秘书长进行餐叙。 黄部长对总商会为配合新加坡建 国50周年推出的两个大型项目“新加坡 建国50周年杰出华商奖”和“总商会历 史巡回展”表示大力支持与赞许。 黄循财先生于5月1日正式升任为 文化、社区及青年部长兼通讯及新闻部 第二部长,总商会予以热烈的祝贺。



In the Lead

欢庆新加坡建国50周年 总商会颁杰出华商奖、办历史巡回展 文:陈星伊

为欢庆新加坡建国50周年,总商会推出两个大型项 目,表彰与肯定建国华商勇于开拓的魄力与崇高的奉 献精神,以及呈现总商会自建国酝酿期以来扮演的角 色,让年轻一代了解建国时期种种艰难的挑战,并启 迪他们传承建国一代的精神与梦想,积极为国家、社 会贡献力量。

左至右:总商会外事委员会主席兼新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖筹委会主席邓健辉、总商会会长蔡其生、总商会文教与社会事务委员会主席兼总商会 历史巡回展筹委会主席吴学光。


In the Lead


建国初期,前路未明。建国一代华商肩负起重任,在海内外以不屈不挠的企 业家精神,开拓经济与贸易领域新格局,同时也在社会与文化发展方面不断作出 贡献。因此,总商会设立建国华商奖,不仅是对新加坡籍成功华商的肯定、认同, 更重要的是倡导追求卓越,回馈社会,造福民众的华商精神。获奖的华商曾经见 证、参与过新加坡经济起步、腾飞、繁荣、转型的过程,他们开阔的视野、丰富的 经验、勇于开拓的魄力、应对转型的智慧,值得年轻一代效仿。

建国总理李光耀先生曾经说过: “总商会的历史就是新加坡的历史” 。总商会先贤秉持“参与社会、回报 社会”的信念,披荆斩棘、积极参与 建国进程,成为激 励年轻一代以奋 斗、奉献来成就人生价值的楷模。 为此,总商会推出两个大 型项 目“新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖” 和“总商会历史巡回展”,让社会各 界更加全面地了解华商群体在建国 历程中扮演的角色,了解华商精神。

精神代代相传。蔡会长说:“我们相 信两者的交融必定能迸发出激励人 心、推动新加坡永续发展的动力。” 新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖 筹委会主席邓健辉指出,参选新加坡 建国50周年杰出华商奖的新加坡籍 华商必须符合以下资格: 1. 在1949年12月31日之前出生(2014年 年满65岁或以上),并在1986年12月 31日之前成为新加坡公民 2. 对我国经济、社会、文化发展有杰出 与持续贡献

建国华商奖 总商会蔡其生会长在4月29日的 媒体发布会上说: “总商会设立建国 华商奖,不仅 是 对新加坡 籍成功华 商的肯定、认同,更重要的是倡导追 求卓越,回馈社会,造福民众的华商 精神。获奖的华商曾经见证、参与过 新加坡经济起步、腾飞、繁荣、转型 的过程,他们开阔的视野、丰富的经 验、勇于开拓的魄力、应对转型的智 慧,值得年轻一代效仿。”

4. 具备领袖魅力和卓越企业家特质 “新加坡建国50周年杰出华商 奖”由总商会主办,《联合早报》与 《商业时报》协办,颁奖典礼定在明 年 2 月举行。

新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖 的另一个亮点是邀请本地学校和工 艺学院的学生为奖座提供设计方案, 把“敬贤传承”的含义融入颁赠给建 国华商的奖座中。总商会以华商精神 为出发点,目的是希望通 过 这种方 式,让精诚团结、不怕逆境的新加坡

总商会历史巡回展 第 二个项目“总 商 会历史 巡 回 展”。总商会将与新加坡文物局、国家 图书馆与本地历史学家合作,完整呈 现 50 年来我国商界发生的一个个重 大事件及其影响,重点描绘华商群体 为国家经济发展做出的贡献。

3. 对公司盈利、业 绩、资本回报率 的持续增长有显著贡献的企业拥 有人

蔡会长说: “这个展览与建国华 商奖互相 呼应,华商奖凸显的是 个 人,巡回展凸显的是群体。我们希望 通过这次的展览,让社会大众了解新 加坡的建国史上,华商群体的付出和 努力。 ” 总商会历史巡回展筹委会主席 吴学光指出,这次的展览准备采用全 新的方式,让参观者了解政府和商家 建立起来的互信合作关系,了解商家 在过去、现在多次经济转型当中,如 何克服困难走向成功。 巡回展将在2015年3月从总商会 嘉庚堂出发,之后到全岛各地的社区 图书馆和学校巡回展出。



In the Lead

吾会之光 总商会热烈恭贺名誉董事魏成辉先生荣获2014年新加坡商业奖“年度杰 出商人”奖。 魏先生是第一家集团 (Tee Yih Jia Group) 执行主席。第一家集团是全球最 大的薄饼皮生产商,设在新加坡、中国、马来西亚和美国的现代高速生产厂,每 天可 生产3500万张饼皮。 魏先生也积极参与社区活动,回馈社会。他是乌鲁班丹公民咨询委员会主 席、新加坡科技与设计大学校董会理事、德明政府中学顾问委员会主席、华社 自助理事会信托委员会委员、新加坡-江苏经济与贸易委员会委员、新加坡- 浙江经贸理事会理事、新加坡乒乓总会名誉会长、世界福清联谊会馆名誉主 席、新加坡福清会馆名誉主席、世界杰出华商协会副会长。


总商会代表与新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖部分评委合影。前排(左起):符喜泉、李庆言、蔡其生、廖文良、黄昭虎教授。后排(左起)许茵妮 副教授、林任君、奖项筹委会副主席萧作鸣、吴中庸,以及谭宝锠秘书长。

建国华商奖的评审委员会由新航主席李庆言担任主席,总商会会长蔡其生为副主席,7名委员则由来自工商与 学术界的代表组成,包括: 筹委会职衔 主席

姓名 :李庆言

总商会/公司职衔 新加坡航空公司主席



总商会会长 德华工业控股有限公司主席兼董事经理





泛联集团 (新) 有限公司主席













China Desk

开拓广东商机 共谋双赢发展 文:许彬彬

随着中国全面推动深化改革,广东及省内重镇的经济战略地位将日益提 升。此外,中国与亚细安建构的“21 世纪海上丝绸之路”合作平台,将全 面优化国际营商环境,为投资者在新发展浪潮中,开创更多新商机。


中国国家主席习近平去年10月 初访问印尼,在国会发表演讲时,首 次 提出与亚细安国家共同建设“ 21 世 纪 海上 丝绸之 路”的战 略构 想; 随后, “推进丝绸之路经济带、海上 丝 绸之 路 建 设,形成全方位 开放 新 格局”被明确写入十八届三中全会于 11月中旬通过的《决定》。 新 格局 的 形成,意 味 着 新 机 遇 的涌现。我国企业可凭借哪些相对优 势,在哪些领域发掘新契机?中小企

业又能否顺势借东风,与大企业一同 搭船出海? 扬帆海上丝绸路 开创投资新思路 得天独 厚的地 理 环 境,让广东 省成为古代“海上丝绸之路”的发祥 地,它不仅是最早与外商接触的沿海 省份之一,其重点城市广州更是中国 史上从未闭关的通商口岸。 新加坡和广东省的贸易额在去年 达到179亿美元,占新中贸易总额的

23.5%;我国也是广东省第四大外资 来源国,实际投资总额累计达90亿美 元,年比增长10%。 新加坡和广东同属开放型经济, 在许多领域可进行优势互补。广东省委 书记胡春华在4月21日举行的“中国(广 东)-新加坡经贸合作交流会”上就表 示: “新加坡在推动产业转型升级、建设 现代产业体系、平衡发展与资源节约,以 及发展与环境友好的关系等方面,有许 多成功经验值得广东省学习和借鉴。”



胡春华书记强调,此次率团访问 新加坡的重要任务是进一步落实新 中两国高层领导人达成的共识,携手 推进21世纪海上丝绸之路建设,加强 双边交流,促进互惠共赢的发展。为 此,胡书记就深化双边经贸合作提出 了五项建议:




扩大先进制造业和现代 服务业领域合作:


加快中新(广州)知识 城项目建设

进口:电子工业、石化工业、 生物制药业、金融服务业等 技术与设备 出口:自动数据处理设备及 其部件、服装及衣着附件、 家具及其零件、船舶等

扩大新加坡企业积极参与 广东现代产业体系和基础建 设、基础产业的建设、投资 创意、物流等新兴行业

推动知识城项目加快建设, 使知识城成为中新两国合 作的典范


全面深化科技、教育、 文化、人才、旅游等领 域合作 学习借鉴新加坡在行政管 理、城市建设、社会管理、 国有资产管理等方面的成 功经验


建立健全交流合作的长 效机制 新加坡-广东合作理事会、 广东省内商协会与新加坡 商协会建立民间合作机制

我国交通部长吕德耀以新加坡— 广东合作理事会新方主席身份接待中 方代表团。他在致辞时表示,我国可发 挥专项优势,协助广东打造世界级的

China Desk

宜居城市,同时通过提升知识产权、人 才与社会管理能力等软体建设,协助 广东转型成知识型经济体。 吕部长有信心知识城项目能发展 成中国维护、发展知识产权的模范中 心。此外,他也欢迎更多中国企业到新 加坡落户,与本地企业合作,以新加坡 为跳板,拓展与东南亚乃至世界各地 的全面合作。 总商会率团考察广州、珠海 中国中央 政 府在去年启动上海 自贸区后,其他 城 市也 纷 纷提 出申 请,包括融入了珠三角地区“海沙琴” (深圳前海新区、广州南沙新城、珠 海横琴新区)平台的粤港澳区域性自 贸区。过去30年来,广东省经济重镇 广州、深圳、珠海的迅猛发展有目共 睹。其中,广州已连续25年在中国城 市综合实力排名第三,去年的生产总 值达2500亿美元,已接近香港;进出 口总值1189亿美元,并形成了9大产 值过千亿人民币的产业集群。 经商成功之道,离不开对时局的 洞察力,以及把握契机的敏锐度。总 商会在蔡其生会长的率领下,于3月 23日赴广东省广州市、珠海市展开5 天的实地考察,重点考察中新广州知 识城项目、南沙港口项目,以及了解 珠海横琴新区的发展和前景,带领本 地工商业者探寻商机和潜在的合作 领域。 总商会在蔡其生会长指出, “自 贸区的设立、港珠澳大桥的建成,创造 了新的商机。新加坡企业在商业服务、 金融服务、旅游休闲、航运物流、城市 建设、高新技术、节能环保、社会管理 等方面可以有很大的发挥空间。” 代表团此行获得了广州市陈建华 市长及珠海市何宁卡市长等当地政府 领导的接见,加强了本地商家对广州 及珠海发展的认识,并从中发掘不少 潜在投资项目。随着南沙、横琴开发 区申报成为自贸区,更让团员们对广 东省的整体发展前景感到雀跃和充 满期待。

广东省打造宜居城市的战略目 标,并 不仅 局限于 硬体 基 础设 施的 发展,同时也着眼于软件工程,即构 建有凝聚力的社区,在追求持经济增 长的同时,也正视社会需求和环保课 题。团员们此行的另一项重大收获, 便是参观位于广州市中心西区、珠江 航道上的第一大岛:大坦沙岛,了解 新加坡商家在该岛重新发展计划下扮 演的角色,以及潜在合作项目。 根据最新的发展蓝图,大坦沙岛 上现有的村庄将重新规划和发展,村 民也将被重新安置,整个计划发展面 积604万平方公尺,总投资额达50亿 美元。目前,新加坡一家大型房地产 集团除了负责统筹大坦沙岛的公共设 施、安置居民的住屋、建设新住宅项 目,也会连同其他政府机构和私人企 业,把新加坡引以为豪的城市绿化、 环保、社区发展、医疗保健、教育等 先进的城镇发展理念和管理方案引 进当地。 中新广州知识城:经济转型的旗舰 在广州市东北角,二环与三环之 间,座落 着另一 个中新 合 作的大 型 项目–中新广州知识城。作为一个完 全由新加坡发展商规划、布局、建设 的项目,知识城最大可能地复制新加 坡本土的经商环境。发展期20年、总 面积120平方公里(相等于新加坡总 面积的六分之一)的知识城最终会有 50万居民,而总面积6平方公里的起 步区估计可在2016年底完成第一个 发展里程 碑,开始 迎 来显著 数 量的 企业。 总商会对广州知识城可以说是非 常熟悉和亲切。从新中两国筹备这个 项目开始,总商会便一直积极参与, 双方也在2009年签订了合作协议。 蔡其生会长此次率团参观知识 城时,点出了新加坡企业到知识城落 户的优势: “作为新中两国合作的重 点项目,知识城不仅得到两国政府的 鼎力支持,运作与管理也有双方的政 联企业参与。新加坡企业,特别是中 小企业到知识城发展,对规章制度和



China Desk

新加坡——广东合作理事会新方主席,我国交通部长吕德耀(左)与中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记胡春华。Photo: IE Singapore

运作模式比较熟悉,可以缩短海外发 展的适应周期。” 按照胡春华书记提出的“广东要 以中新广州知识城为载体,打造广东 经济转型样板”,知识城将着重吸引 知识经济、医疗保健、文化创意、智慧 城市等领域的企业,建设一批价值链 高端的龙头项目。 新时局,新机遇 随着中国全面推动深化改革、 粤港澳 的战 略 合 作,广东 及省内重 镇的经济地位将日益提升。站在历史 高度俯瞰当前形势,中国与亚细安建

构的“21世纪海上丝绸之路”合作平 台,必将全面优化国际营商环境,为 新加坡投资者在新发展浪潮中,开创 更多新商机。 值得留意的是,当经济结构不断 升级时,世界工厂正朝向增值转型、 知识 型经 济的方向迈 进:先 进制造 业、高新科技、现代服务、医疗保健、 智慧城市建设等,是当前招商引资的 重点领域。在国际贸易风向转变的当 儿,企业掌舵人更必须对风速、潮汐 等气象讯息了如指掌,并提高船员们 的应变能力和效率,才能带领企业团 队在海上丝绸之路顺风前进。

总商会设在上海的代表处已升级为 “新加坡企业中心”,工作内容和服 务范围大幅度提升,除了提供一对一 深入咨询服务、商务配对,也举办招 商活动与讲座,让商家及时掌握最 新风向,为远航中国市场做好更充分 的准备。有意到中国发展的新加坡企 业,可联系: 新加坡企业中心 林维祺主任 电邮: weekhee@sccci.org.sg 电话: 86-21-52082710或 总商会中国事务部 胡育斌经理 电邮: david@sccci.org. sg 电话: 65-6337 8381

注:“中国(广东)-新加坡经贸合作交流会”由广东省人民政府主办,广州市人民政府、新加坡国际企业发展局承办,中华总商会是活动 的支持机构。 参考资料 1. 《习近平:中国愿同东盟国家共建21世纪“海上丝绸之路”》,新华社,2013年10月03日 2. 《授权发布:中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,新华社,2013年11月15日 3. China’s Third Plenum: Decisive Shifts towards a Market-Oriented Economy and People-Centric Urbanisation, 新加坡国际企业发展局《投资透视 报告》,第15期(2014年2月) 4. 《全面深化改革中的新广州 新商机》,广州省国际投资促进中心 5. 中新广州知识城官方网站,www.ssgkc.com



Business Voice in Parliament

议长、各位议员,大家下午好! 首先申明,我目前担任新加坡中华总 商会前任会长,太平船务公司董事总 经理。 首先,我要先恭喜财长!今年的 财政预算案是一个很有包容性,有前 瞻性,也很稳妥的预算案。预算案的 亮点是推出80亿元的建国一代基金, 显示了政 府对年长一代的尊重和照 顾。预算案也鼓励企业继续提高生产 力、创新、变革,进行国际化发展。总 商会之前提呈的多项商家诉求大部分 得到回应,我们为此感到非常鼓舞。

张松声官委议员在 2014年国会财政预算 案辩论发言重点 3月3日,总商会第57届董事会前任会长、官 委议员张松声在国会财政预算案辩论讨论 如何为本地中小企业提供可持续发展的经 商环境,政府与商家之间的互动与互信,和 政府功能私营化是否能照顾好大众利益。

政 府、社 会 和商家之间的关 系 是一种动态平衡,彼此之间要互信互 谅,及时沟通,密切配合。我从2010 年开始在国会参与预算案辩论,有些 问题已经讲了很多次,今天,作为商 家代表还是要再讲一讲。今天的发言 重点有三个:第一个,如何为本地中 小企业提供可持续发展的经商环境; 第二个,政府与商家之间的互动与互 信;第三个,政府功能私营化是否能 照顾 好大众利益?一些特殊领域是 否该考虑改变管理和营运方式? 第一个重点,如何为本地中小企 业提供可持 续发展的经商环 境。我 很喜欢看新传媒的星期二特写,上一


期的专辑是“独家传人”,其中有个 第三代接班的故事让我感慨很深。 辛楚义(Gavin Sng)这位年轻人受过 大学教育,曾在跨国公司有份优差, 他辞职回家接班的原因,一是为了让 外祖父创办的家族糕点生意得以延 续,保持传统味道,留给下一代;二是 希望通过自己的努力,让家族生意能 继续发扬光大。 节目中,另外一位接班人黄钿裁 (Alan Ng)曾当过骑师,从风光的赛马 场上回到家族的豆干厂,从早忙到晚, 成为长辈放心,员工信赖的接班人。 还有一位蔡华春(Eric Chua)从小就 喜欢烧菜,和父亲吵架离家出走,后 来还是回来接班,并把深利美食馆餐 馆生意发扬光大。他们没有受过高等 教育,但对家族生意有一股热忱,肯 吃苦,肯学习,努力打拼。 总商会很多董事 都有这样的经 历。刘泰山在南大念化学工程,后来 去加拿大深造,毕业后在政联企业和 跨国公司工作了15年,然后回到金安 工程接班,带领公司业务进入高增值 领域。黄建铭在美国大学修读电脑科 学,毕业后加入新科工程工作了7年, 然后辞职回家接管珍宝海鲜,不仅大 大发展了家族生意,更把分店开到了 海外。高泉庆曾经获得奖学金,在政 府部门任职,后来回到父亲创办的联 发集团接班后,公司业务蒸蒸日上,集 团属下目前有20多家子公司。柯文伟 在伦敦帝国理工修读机械工程,也拿 到特许会计师资格,毕业后一直在跨 国公司和政联企业打工,3年前回家族 企业接班,从事的行业是油田工程和 引擎系统。这几个例子说明,家族企 业、传统行业,只要能够注入新的理念 和做法,照样可以持续发展,展现活力 和竞争力。以上是一些令我们鼓舞的 中小企业成功的例子,但毕竟是少数。 新加坡大部分中小企业、微型企业还 在挣扎求存,是我们必须关注的。

Business Voice in Parliament

过去几年,我在国会举过很多传 统行业的例子,包括面厂、咖喱鱼头 店、书店、花店、洗衣店、面包店、帐 篷桌椅公司、校车、私人巴士服务等 等,都是中小企业。今年的财政预算 案,我们觉得对大部分微小企业和传 统行业帮助不大。目前,传统行业面 对的主要问题是找不到接班人,市场 萎缩,租金高涨,人力成本上升。因 此,我希望政府在制定政策时,特别 是在土地、租金、人力资源、企业援 助等方面,能够多考虑到中小企业、 微小企业的需求,为他们的生存和发 展留出空间。当新加坡经济快速发展 时,中小企业、微小企业也应该能从 中受惠,这样,社会才会和谐稳定,也 更具有包容性。


不同群 体能 理 解 和认同,并最 终统 一 行 动 。与此同 时,社 会 各 界也 要 以包容的心态看待政 府的新项目、 新 政 策,积 极 尝 试 ,努力 调 整,尽 快 度 过 适 应阶段。政 府和民间的互 信度高,大事化小,互信度低,小事 变大。 MCE 这件事给我很大启示。以往 的高速公路设计比较简单,而MCE的 设计比较复杂。同样的道理,新加坡 的经商环境也是一天比一天复杂,这 个时候,政府和商家之间的沟通就有 必要更细致,更有效。我们政府的效 率很高,但是,如果环境变了,还是按 照以往的方式推行政策,可能会出现 问题。而且有时原本是一个简单的问

目前,传统行业面对的主要问题是找不到接班人,市 场萎缩,租金高涨,人力成本上升。因此,我希望政府 在制定政策时,特别是在土地、租金、人力资源、企业 援助等方面,能够多考虑到中小企业、微小企业的需 求,为他们的生存和发展留出空间。

今天我要谈的第二个重点是 政 府与商家之间的互 动 和互信。相 信 大家 还记得滨 海高速公路(Marina Coastal Expressway)MCE开通第一天 出 现 堵车,引 起公 众 议 论 纷 纷。不 过,我 要 说 句公 道 话,去年11月12 日,路交局就在YouTube上发布了制 作 优良 的 视 频,详 细 介 绍了MCE的 使 用方法,图 文 并 茂,本 地 媒 体 在 11月13日也进行了报道。但是,事与 愿违。这件事提醒我们,一方面,政 府除了注重和民间沟通的有效性, 也应 通 过不同渠 道,以便民间各个

题,却同时牵涉到许多不同部门,出 现无所适从,搞不清到底归谁管的现 象,就像去年总理向公务员讲述的抓 蛇故事一样。有鉴于此,我还是希望 当局能够成立一个政府部门,专门负 责统筹中小企业事务,协调不同政府 机构的资源。这个建议以前提过,今 天再讲一次。 最近有个非常热门的话题。勿洛 中心、西海岸、芽笼东中心、锦茂四个 小贩中心的租约即将到期,目前环境 局正在招标,希望由社会企业接管小



贩中心,这是一次重大的转变,牵涉 到方方面面。小贩们也议论纷纷,大 部分小贩希望继续由政府来管,因为 他们担心,从过去几年房地产基金的 做法来看,商业基础设施私营化将推 高租金成本。 因此,我要讲的第三个重点是, 政府功能私营化是否能够照顾好大 众利益?以小贩中心为例,过去,政 府为街头小贩提供了遮 风避雨的经 营场 地,环 境局把 这个行业照 顾的 非常好,摊 位租金 低 于市场 价格, 小贩们 赖以谋 生,新加坡 人也有了 价廉 物美的用餐地点。如果 现在 要 改为让社会 企业负 起 照 顾小贩的 责 任,这是 否会带来其他问题呢? 我想 大家都 很清 楚,企业职能和公 共 服务之间是 有本质区别的。经商 多年,我 认为只要 是 企业 就 一定 要 考虑营收和成 本,必须在商业模式 下生存 。我 感 到 困 惑 的 是,企 业 行 为能不能够照顾社会大众的利益, 特别是弱势 群 体的利益?如果一直 追求效率 和效 益,却导致 社会阶层 分 化,这样的结果是我们愿意看到 的吗? 最近,地铁又发生了几次故障, 部长也严厉批评了有关机构。政府在 改善公共交通 服务方面的投入非常 大。2012年财政预算案拨款11亿元, 为两家巴士公司购买550辆巴士,修 建新的巴士停车场,也抵消未来巴士 公司的部分营运开支。去年6月开始, 地铁乘客周日上午7点45分前,在市区 18个地铁站出闸可免付车资,7.45至 8.00之间出闸,车资扣减5毛。这项试 验性计划为期1年,耗资1000万元。 能做作的都做了,公众还是觉得交通 状况改善不大。我想,如果政府、企 业都很努力地改善相关服务,但普罗 大众还是不满意,我们是否要换一个 角度?去思考改变管理和营运模式?

Business Voice in Parliament

新 加 坡 的 经商 环 境 一直 受 到 外 国 投 资 者 的 青 睐 。根 据《 世 界 经 济 论 坛 2 013 年全 球 竞 争力 报 告》(World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report),在全球148 个国家和地区当中,新加坡连续第三 年排名第二,仅次于瑞士。与此同时, 新加坡对海外专业人士的吸引力在亚 洲排名第一。新加坡的商业和生活环 境之所以能在本区域名列前茅,这当 中有大批中小企业的贡献,特别是服 务业,提供了多元化的选择,让城市 充满活力。 新加坡的企业背景非常多元化, 有跨国公司,有政联公司,但更多的 还是中小企业。许多中小企业和老字 号在建国时期就已经存在,可以说是 我国经济发展的先锋,是建国企业。 这 些 企业虽 然 不属于高科 技、高增 值行业,却是许多人赖以谋生的基础 或途径。因此,我希望政府在照顾建 国一代的同时,也能照顾这些建国企 业,协助他们提升,为小商家、小工厂 提供一个可持续发展的经营环境,吸 引年轻人加入,以新的视野和手法改 变行业生产力。只要政府和商家之间 保持有效沟通,中小企业一定能够迎 来蓬勃发展的明天!


Business Voice in Parliament


保留传统行业并助其成长 3月6日,张松声前任会长在国会拨款委员会辩论贸工部的开支预算 时,呼吁政府照顾微小企业需求并再次吁请政府成立一个专门负责 中小企业事务的部门。

议 长、各 位 议 员,大 家 好 !首 先 申 明 ,我 目 前 担 任 新 加 坡 中 华 总 商 会 前 任 会 长 ,太 平 船 务 董 事 总 经 理 。今 天 我 的 发 言 重 点 是 如 何鉴定企业的增 值性和行业生产 力,怎样 才 能保留传 统 行业并助其 成长。 今年的财政预算案,总商会之前 向政府提交的中小企业调查结果大 部分得到了回应,特别是调整了生产 力与创新计划(PIC)和创新与能力增 券 (ICV) 计划,协助本地企业提高生产 力,缓解现金压力。但是,一些小商 家却向我反映,政府援助计划的受益 者大多是有一定规模的,能赚钱的公 司,因为援助计划都设立了门槛,对 一些微小企业来说依旧是可望而不可 及。而且,商家最为迫切的需求依旧 没有得到解决,特别是租金高涨和人 手短缺的问题。面对这种烦恼的商家 很多都是传统行业,邻里商店、小贩 中心、食品加工、木材、餐饮与服务业 等等。 如何从根本上改变小商家的困 境?新加坡的经济发展到今天,政府 主动引领行业升级和换代功不可没。 一些高增值领域、高科技行业可以得 到很好的照顾,在土地资源、税务回 扣、贷款与融资、高科技应用等方面, 都可以享受各种各样的优惠计划。相 比之下,中小企业和传统行业得到的 照顾却是凤毛麟角,许多援助计划的 附加条件比较多,对中小企业,特别是 微小企业来说是望尘莫及。

最 近,李显 龙 总 理 接受中国财 新网专访时曾说: “我们应当互相关 爱照顾,整个社会共同发展,所以我 们要寻求平衡。如果过分追求竞争, 就 会削弱 社会凝 聚力和 新加坡 人 团结一致的精神。”因此,我很想了 解,贸工部如 何衡 量 一 个行业是 否

属于高增 值行业?又是 如何评估 行 业生产力?按照现有的计算方式,一 些属于高增 值行业的企业可以在经 商资 源方面占有很 大的优 势,那 些 所 谓的低 增 值行业,特别是 传 统行 业,无论怎么追 赶,怎么创新,都无 法成为高增值行业。一块豆干、一



碗 肉骨 茶、一 碟 炒 粿 条、一 个 红龟 粿,也许 在价 值 上 无法和 一 个芯片 相比,但是,在社会认同感和凝聚力 方面,这 些 传 统行业的价 值 无法用 金钱来计算。

Business Voice in Parliament

的税务回扣也很难享受。许多小企业 缺少现金,PIC现金津贴和生产力及创 新优惠计划现金奖励(PIC Bonus)一对 一津贴对他们帮助很大,但前提是要 有资格申请。

许多老字号养活过两代人、三代人,可以说是新加 坡原汁原味的象征,已经成为新加坡文化的一部分, 目前正在挣扎求存。因此,我认为贸工部应该在制 定行业政策时多照顾中小企业和微小企业的需求, 这不仅仅是我个人的看法,也是许许多多本地中小 企业的心声。

同样的情况,政府如何衡量一家 公司的生产力?如果以单人创造的价 值来计算的话,一些服务业的小作坊很 难继续提高效率。例如,专门印名片、 请柬、招牌、广告的小型印刷作坊,尽 管可以采用电脑软件进行设计,但是因 为属于量身定做式服务,产量小,服务 又要快,机械化、高科技程度都受到限 制。虽然生产力不高,商家和工作人士 却非常需要他们的及时服务。 按照政府部门目前的计算方法, 这些小企业注定永远属于低增值行 业,生产力不高。可实际情况是,这些 行业虽然经济表现没有那么亮眼,却 是许多人养家糊口得以谋生的工具。 许多老字号养活过两代人、三代人,可 以说是新加坡原汁原味的象征,已经 成为新加坡文化的一部分,目前正在 挣扎求存。因此,我认为贸工部应该在 制定行业政策时多照顾中小企业和微 小企业的需求,这不仅仅是我个人的 看法,也是许许多多本地中小企业的 心声。 最 典 型 的 例 子,因为一 些 预设 的门槛,许多微小企业达不到申请生 产力与创新计划(PIC) 现金津贴(cash payout)的要求。PIC要求公司至少要 有三位缴交公积金的雇佣员工, 一些 家庭式作坊根本没有,也请不到员工。 因为利润微薄,PIC给予的高达400%

新加坡的本地企业百分之九十是 中小企业,因为有这些企业的存在, 跨国公司才会感受新加坡经商环境的 便利,也正是因为这些企业提供多元 化的服务,新加坡才能成为宜居城市。 这些中小企业当中,服务业占了一大 部分。根据《世界经济论坛2013-2014 年全球竞争力报告》 (World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report), 在全球148个国家和地区当中,新加坡 连续第三年排名第二,但在商业纯熟 度(business sophistication)从去年的第 14跌到今年的第17,创新程度排名也 从第8跌到第9。商业纯熟度和创新程 度下跌,提醒我们要更加关注中小企 业的生存和发展。只有让自食其力、敬 业乐业的人能够生存,社会才会稳定; 只有中小企业和微小企业有发展的前 景,才能吸引年轻人加入,提高生产力 才不会是空谈。这牵涉到教育、人力资 源、经商成本、商业设施等方方面面 的政策规划。 2011年财政预算案我曾经说,政 府援助计划就像放在筐里的胡萝卜, 挂的太高,中小企业吃不到。2012年11 月又讲了一次,2013年财政预算案第 三次提出这个问题。后来,部长说胡萝 卜遍地都是,中小企业随时都可以吃 到,还给了一个电话号码,如果小白兔 想吃胡萝卜可以随时打电话。这个号 码当时我们打了,接待员记下了联系

方式,承诺稍后将有一位咨询顾问来 联系我们。其实,政府的胡萝卜真的 很多,但不是遍地都是,而且都挂在树 上,大白兔没问题,小白兔跳来跳去 还是吃不到。 为此,我还是吁请我们的政府专 门设立一个部门,负责中小企业事务。 目前,总商会属下的中小企业中心正 在全力以赴地推广政府援助计划,不 过,我们在执行过程中总是会遇到各 种问题,需要与多个政府机构协商。 有些事向单一部门反应不可能有结 果,政府部门也是在照章办事,遵守 原则。而且,我们很多公务员也是很 好的“守门员”,替政府把关。总商会 只能是信息的传播渠道和反馈渠道, 商家们还需要一个决策机构,真正懂 中小企业的实际 运 作,真正 站在企 业的角度制定和推广政策,与其他部 门协调,真正照顾中小企业和微小企 业。这个建议是老生常谈,但是,为了 协助本地商家,我今天就再提一次。

商家们还需要一个决策 机构,真正懂中小企业的 实际运作,真正站在企 业的角度制定和推广政 策,与其他部门协调,真 正照顾中小企业和微小 企业。


Business Voice in Parliament


在学前教育阶段打好 母语和价值观的基础 3月7日,张松声前任会长在国会拨款委员会辩论教育 部的开支预算时,针对学前教育阶段打好母语和价值 观的基础,培养双语双文化人才,弘扬华商精神激励年 轻一代发表看法。



议长、各位议员,大家好!首先申 明,我目前担任新加坡中华总商会前 任会长,太平船务公司董事总经理。 今天我要讲的是在学前教育阶段打 好母语和价值观的基础,培养双语双 文化人才,同时弘扬华商精神激励年 轻一代。 今年财政预算案最为亮眼的部 分是建国一代配套,向曾经为国家建 设做出贡献的年长人士表示敬意,照 顾他们安享晚年。这让我想起孟子的 一句话“老吾老及人之老,幼吾幼及 人之幼。”这是新加坡坚守亚洲传统 价值观的重要体现。明年是建国五十 周年,社会各界都在发掘和整理新加 坡不同年代的素材,特别是先辈们艰 苦创业、同甘共苦、为国奉献的故事。 总商会目前也正在和国立大学合作进

我们一直鼓励中国企业 把新加坡当作国际化的 基地,走向国际化的跳 板,中国顾客也纷至沓 来。如果无法唤起学生 内心对华文华语的认同, 无法培养足够的华语人 才,我们失去的不仅是中 国市场,也会失去家门口 的生意。

行先贤研究计划,弘扬华商精神,倡 导锐意进取,回馈社会,希望以此激 励年轻一代企业家,这些宝贵的精神 财富可以成为华文教育和道德教育 的素材。 但是,在商业化社会,在新媒体 快速传播的时代,在电子游戏和快餐 文化流行的时候,我们所推崇的这种 亚洲传统价值观怎样才能传承下去?

Business Voice in Parliament

商家对双语人才的需求日益增长,怎 么才能为企业培养足够的人才?四年 前,我曾经提出,学校目前培养的学 生,华文考试成绩虽然不错,但是应 用能力却在下降,听、说、读、写远远 没有达到企业用人的要求。四年过去 了,这种趋势非但没有改善,反而是 越发明显。两年前甚至出现会考之后 学生烧华文书的现象。当时,看到这 个新闻,我感到震撼和伤心,到底有 多大的抵触和仇恨,才会让学生将华 文课本付之一炬?这不是 偶然的现 象,这表明学生并没有从心里认同的 华文华语。 华文教育之所以重要,我认为有 两个原因。一是满足社会对人才的需 求,二是负有传承道德和价值观的责 任。上个月,我看到一则新闻,瑞士的 滑雪山庄专门聘请中文教练照顾中国 游客,瑞士国家旅游局官方网站也推 出了中文版。其实,从几年前开始,欧 洲许多国家的零售业者就已经开始聘 请讲华语的服务生。每次看到类似的 新闻,我就会有一种很强的危机感。 我们引以为傲的双语优势到底还能 保留多久?以前,一谈到学华文华语, 我们总是习惯 说将来可以到中国发 展,一些学生可能会觉得自己将来不 需要去中国,在新加坡讲英文就足够 了,所以不需要学华文。但是,按照目 前的趋势来看,不是我们要不要去中 国,是我们已经无法避免地要面对更 多使用华语的顾客。我们一直鼓励中 国企业把新加坡当作国际化的基地, 走向国际化的跳板,中国顾客也纷至 沓来。如果无法唤起学生内心对华文 华语的认同,无法培养足够的华语人 才,我们失去的不仅是中国市场,也 会失去家门口的生意。 学 语言,内心 的认同是 最 大 的 动力。最近几年,韩剧在本地非常流 行,许多年轻人因为爱看韩剧,进而 去学韩语,到韩国旅行。学语言没有 捷径,只能靠多用、多练。总商会一些 受英文教育的董事,在加入商会后, 因为有使用华文华语的环境,不但口 语一天天流利,连华文版的董事会报 告也开始看得懂。这说明,只要有学

习的主动性,有使用的环境,掌握华 文华语并不难。 今年的财政预算案,政府推出了 幼稚园经济援助计划 (KiFAS),所有主 要业者和教育部幼稚园就读的孩子 都能受惠。除了资金方面的援助,我 更加关心的是,这些孩子在幼儿园学 什么?怎样让他们认同华文华语?用 什么方式向他们灌输传统价值观念? 我小的时候 喜欢看华文 版的《儿童 故事》和《十万个为什么》,奠定了对 华文的兴趣和基础。后来我到国外读 书,父母坚持我用华文写家信,这些 习惯使我受益终身。 我很高兴地看到,沈颖政务部长 领导的双文化工作小组又增加了4位 成员,组员达到12位,背景非常多元 化,都是各个不同领域的人才,充分 显示了政府对培养双语双文化人才的 重视。希望双文化小组可以重点探讨 如何在幼儿园阶段打好华文华语基 础,加强道德教育,传承价值观。和 以往相比,现在的有利条件是多媒体 方式种类繁多,可以作为引发孩子兴 趣的有效工具。同时,在教育过程中 也要注重题材本地化,让孩子们学起 来有亲切感,兴趣便会提高。十年树 木,百年树人,有些事虽然做起来不 容易,但是只要坚持,只要不断努力, 最终总是会看到结果。


Corporate Strategies

目标管理的地雷 文:张宝诚

高效能经理人能够调和每个决策和行动的长程需求和眼前立即 的需要,从从短期的权宜之计,达到长期的基本目标和原则。




Corporate Strategies

目标导向相当重要。有了明确目标,才能够按部就 班地把事情做好。

在今日世界,领导的难度与日俱 增。一 位 具有领导 格局的主管或 经 理人之所以重要,在于其透过自我的 才能与才华,经由有目标、有系统地 工作,进而做出对人、组织乃至社会 的重大贡献。因此,目标导向相当重 要。有了明确目标,才能够按部就班 地把事情做好。 然而,有些人很容易将行动误认 为成就,每天忙得跟陀螺一样不停地 打转,似乎很有成就感,但实际上偏 离了目标,只是瞎忙一场而已。 彼得•杜拉克 (Peter F. Drucker) 便 说:“经理人设定目标,决定目标应 该是什么,也决定应该采取哪些行动 来达成目标。其将目标有效传达给部 门员工,透过员工来达成目标,共同 将所有资源整合成生气蓬勃、不断成 长的组织。” 目标设定应该涵盖:市场地位、 创新、生产力、财力资源、获利能力、 主管绩效和培育能力、员工绩效和工 作态度以及社会责任等项目。市场地 位等项目比较容易做到,但有关主管 绩效和培育等项目,却因不容易进行 量化分析与数据,而经常被忽视或在 设定目标时不够具体。 实际上,企业本来就是人类的社 群组织,企业的经营绩效就是“人” 表现出来的成绩。必须以共同的信念 为基础,必须用共同的原则建立凝聚 力,否则组织就会瘫痪而无法运作,

无法要求成员努力投入,获得应有的 绩效。因此,如果在人才培育目标太 过抽象,经理人在了解实现企业目标 需要何种人才,就要想办法设定更具 体的衡量指标,并以此进行员工能力 的培育与价值观的塑造。 此外,经理人于进行目标管理, 很容易落入过于获利、数字导向。从 组织的根本来看,创造利润的目的包 括:衡量企业付出得努力有多少净效 益以及是否健全;利润是弥补维持事 业的成本,如汰旧换新、市场风险等 不确定经营因素;确保未来创新和扩 张所需的资金能够供应无虞。 然而,一般的衡量指标,从数据 上可显现执行成果,但无法得知是以 何 种思 维 及方法完 成任 务,达 成目 标?举例来说,有两位经理人因环境 因素,物料成本飙涨,导致成本大增, 一位经理人致力精实流程、提高生产 效率,虽未达到预定的财务目标,但 对组织竞争力提升却大有帮助。

长期的基本目标和原则。因此,其必 须审慎思考为了保护眼前的利益,将 牺牲哪些长期利益;或为了明天的发 展,今天要付出多大的代价。无论是 哪一种状况,都必须有所节制,尽可 能地将必要的牺牲降至最低,同时修 补失衡对组织带来的伤害。 一位经理 人不会因有能力设定 目标,就转变为“高效能”的经理人。 惟有面对变化莫测的顾客需求以及 经营环境,能从企业整体利益及共同 实践组织总体目标的思维出发,弹性 调整营运策略,进行关键人才布局, 达到资源整合与精实效益,让目标与 组织价 值紧密连 接,方能真正 蜕变 为“高效能经理人”。

另一位经理人则是裁撤部门精 简人力、停止开发新产品降低支出等 方法来达到创造盈余目标。从个人角 度看待,两位经理人都能忠于承诺, 致力达成目标。但若从组织观之,牺 牲组织长期利益,预支未来达成眼前 目标,长期发展而言是祸不是福。

作者是中国生产力中心 (CPC) 总经理。总 商会于2012年7月12日与台湾中国生产力中 心 (CPC) 签署合作框架协议,充分发挥双 方各自的优势,通过培训与交流,为两地企 业开阔思路,提升技能,提高运作效率,搭 建新加坡企业与台湾企业互动平台和桥梁。

因此,高效能经理人能够调和每 个决策和行动的长程需求和眼前立 即的需要,从短期的权宜之计,达到

总商会与CPC在培训与研讨会、咨询服务、 产品创新与开发和资讯共享等领域展开精诚 合作,并互为对方在以上四个领域的当地唯 一合作伙伴。


Showcase Your Solutions

at Singapore’s Most Anticipated & Highly Participated Annual Event for SMEs 20 & 21 August 2014, Suntec Convention Centre, Exhibition Hall 405 & 406

Be one of our 150 partners from the financial, business consultancy, logistics and infocomm industries at the SME Expo, a 2-day showcase of business and ideas at our annual SMEs Conference and Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC). Over the past 16 years, the SME Expo has been attended by more than 4,500 local SME bosses and higher management annually. Join us and tap on this unique platform to engage SMEs and explore unlimited business opportunities. Registration for Sponsorship and Exhibition is now open for 2014!

About SMEs Conference

About Infocomm Commerce Conference

• The most well-attended Mandarin business conference for the past 15 years by SMEs and enterprises. • Provides a learning ground where business owners can gain insights into the changes and developments in the modern globalised economy • A one-stop service hub for financial, banking and business solutions • A must-attend conference for the Mandarin speaking business owners and community.

• Jointly organised by SCCCI and the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) for the past 17 years, this conference presents to business leaders the power of innovative technology to cope with the ever-changing global business environment and increase productivity • The single source to finding and understanding government grants and ICT solutions through 1-to-1 clinical sessions and a showcase gallery • A must-attend conference for business owners and SMEs to learn about the latest ICT solutions

For more information, please contact Ms Tiffany Shia / Mr Chris Foo at 6337 8381 or e-mail tiffany@sccci.org.sg / chris@sccci.org.sg



In the Lead

Supporting the Development of the Chinese Community: Minister Chan Chun Sing Visits SCCCI By: Huang Yifang

On April 24, Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Defence Chan Chun Sing visited the Chamber for a lunch discussion with SCCCI leaders. “This initiative by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry is an excellent acknowledgement of the sterling contributions by Chinese business pioneers to the Chinese community and to the economic development of our nation.”

Minister Chan Chun Sing met with SCCCI leaders including Chamber’s President Thomas Chua (left) on April 24.

Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Defence, who also leads the government’s Chinese Community Liaison Group, visited the Chamber on April 24. Minister Chan reaffirmed the Chamber’s contributions to nation-building and economic prosperity and pointed out business organisations such as SCCCI were an essential part of the Chinese community. Upon taking up the reins as head of the Chinese Community Liaison Group in March this year , Minister Chan

Minister Chan Chun Sing on the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards organised by SCCCI

indicated his intention to address three main concerns in the Chinese community:

contributions to Singapore’s development. The awards ceremony will be held in 2015.

• • •

“This initiative by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry is an excellent acknowledgement of the sterling contributions by Chinese business pioneers to the Chinese community and to the economic development of our nation. It will inspire the younger generation of Singaporeans to follow their example and encourage them to contribute back to our society,” said Minister Chan.

Helping the needy Preserving Chinese culture and traditions in today’s predominantly English-speaking society Integrating new citizens

Minister Chan has indicated his support for the Chamber’s SG50 project – the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards – which will be given to Chinese business pioneers in recognition of their



In the Lead

Minister Lawrence Wong Commends SCCCI’s SG50 Initiatives By: Huang Yifang

Minister Lawrence Wong (third from right) together with SCCCI President Thomas Chua (third from left); General Affairs Committee Chairman Charles Ho (second from left); Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Chairman Wu Hsioh Kwang (second from right); External Relations Committee Vice-Chairman George Goh (extreme left); and SecretaryGeneral Tham Poh Cheong.

Lawrence Wong, CURRENT Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Second Minister for Communications and Information* , visited the Chamber on April 15 and met with SCCCI leaders. He also commended SCCCI’s SG50 initiatives which will be held in 2015. Lawrence Wong, current Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Second Minister for Communications and Information*, met with SCCCI leaders led by Chamber’s President Thomas Chua on April 15. As Head of the SG50 Programme Office, he commended SCCCI’s initiatives for the nation’s SG50 celebrations to commemorate Singapore’s 50th birthday. The Chamber will be holding two iconic projects – the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards and

Special Roving Exhibition on the Roles and Contributions of SCCCI towards Singapore’s 50 Years of Nation-Building – as part of the SG50 celebrations. “I commend the SCCCI for initiating these projects to celebrate Singapore’s 50th year of independence. These are examples of ground-up projects led by passionate Singaporeans who are keen to share their memories and stories with the wider Singapore community. I encourage more organisations and institutions to

actively contribute and participate in our Golden Jubilee celebrations. This is how we can make the SG50 celebrations a truly inclusive and meaningful one, where we can all come together to celebrate our nation’s big birthday.”

* Lawrence Wong was promoted to Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Second Minister for Communications and Information on May 1



In the Lead

Celebrating Singapore’s 50th Year of Independence with Two Iconic SG50 Events By: Huang Yifang

In celebration of Singapore’s 50th year of independence, the Chamber will be organising two iconic SG50 events to celebrate the contributions of Chinese business pioneers in Singapore as well as SCCCI’s historic contributions to Singapore. The SG50 OUTSTANDING Chinese Business Pioneers Awards ceremony and Special Roving Exhibition on the Roles and Contributions of SCCCI towards Singapore’s 50 Years of Nation-Building will be held in 2015 as part of the Chamber’s celebrations. Joining in the SG50 Celebrations Founded in 1906, the Chamber has seen Singapore from its pre-independent days till its development into the nation it is today. During the process of nationbuilding, many Chinese business pioneers have contributed unreservedly in building up the economy and helping in social development. On April 29, The Chamber announced the launch of two flagship projects organised in conjunction with SG50 – the nationwide initiative to celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday. These projects are the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards ceremony and Special Roving Exhibition on the Roles and Contributions of SCCCI towards Singapore’s 50 Years of Nation-Building. These initiatives acknowledge and give due recognition to the remarkable spirit and endeavour of Chinese business pioneers and the role played by SCCCI in Singapore’s formative years leading up to the present day. Through these

initiatives, the Chamber hopes to enable the younger generation to understand the manifold challenges of nationbuilding and be inspired by the excellent examples of the Pioneer Generation to contribute likewise to society. Recognising the Contributions of Chinese Business Pioneers The SG50 Chinese Business Pioneers Awards, organised by the Chamber with co-organisers Lianhe Zaobao and The Business Times, give recognition to Chinese pioneers in the business community who have contributed significantly to Singapore’s development. The nomination and selection process will culminate in a prestigious awards ceremony held in February 2015. SCCCI President Thomas Chua emphasised the significance of the contributions of these pioneers both to their trade and to their nation. “The Awards will honour a group of outstanding and pre-eminent Chinese business pioneers for their salutary contributions to Singapore. They were

responsible for shaping Singapore in the early years of being a young nation. They surged forward with an indomitable entrepreneurial spirit to embark into unknown territory, either on home base or abroad, in their respective trades and industries. Their social and cultural contributions have also greatly enriched our nation in every way.” The nominees consisting of Singapore Chinese entrepreneurs would have to fulfil the following criteria: 1. Born on or before December 31 1949 (aged 65 and above in 2014) and obtained Singapore citizenship on or before December 31 1986; 2. Made outstanding and sustained contributions to the economic, social and cultural development of Singapore; 3. Business owner who contributed substantially to the growth of his/her organisation’s profit, sales and returns on capital invested; 4. Demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in their respective industries.



In the Lead

Stephen Lee, Chairman of Singapore Airlines and SCCCI Honorary Council Member will chair the Judging Panel for the Awards. The Judging Panel for the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards consists of:

have a trophy designed by the younger generation for presentation to the pioneer generation as a special memento.


Tracing SCCCI’s Historical Contributions to Singapore The other significant project that is being planned in conjunction with SG50 is a Special Roving Exhibition which will be put together to document the roles and contributions of SCCCI in each of the milestones of the 50 years of Singapore’s nation-building. This project will be carried out with the collaboration and support of the National Heritage Board and the National Library Board. It will be supervised and led by the SCCCI’s Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee, with the involvement of local historians.



Designation in the Chamber/Company

Stephen Lee

Chairman, Singapore Airlines Limited

Vice-Chairman Thomas Chua Members

President, SCCCI, and Chairman and Managing Director, Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd

Bobby Chin

Honorary Council Member, SCCCI

Ch’ng Jit Koon

Chairman, Pan-United Corporation Ltd

Associate Prof Annie Koh

Vice-President, Business Development and External Relations, Singapore Management University

Lim Jim Koon

Editor-in-Chief, Chinese Newspapers Division, Singapore Press Holdings Limited

Liew Mun Leong

Chairman, Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Prof Wee Chow Hou Head, Division of Marketing and International Business, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University Yu-Foo Yee Shoon

Former Minister of State (Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports)

Another element of these Awards to commemorate the spirit of deserving Chinese Business Pioneers is the launch of a competition among schools and polytechnics to design the trophy for the Awards. By engaging the younger generation in the concept and design, they could gain an in-depth understanding of the contributions made by this group of business leaders. At the same time, it would be a meaningful gesture to

“Such an initiative will surely make its mark in contributing to the rich sociocultural heritage that is part of our nation’s history,” said SCCCI’s President Thomas Chua. Being a roving exhibition, the exhibition will first be launched at the SCCCI Auditorium before being brought to community libraries and schools around Singapore. The launch is planned for March 2015; thereafter it would be exhibited in different venues for a year.

President Thomas Chua (second from right), Tang Kin Fei (middle), Chairman of the External Relations Committee and Chairman of the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards Organising Committee; Wu Hsioh Kwang (extereme right), Chairman of the Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee for the Special Roving Exhibition on the Roles and Contributions of SCCCI towards Singapore’s 50 Years of Nationbuilding Organising Committee; George Goh (second from left), Vice-Chairman of the External Relations Committee and SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards Organising Committee; and Seow Choke Meng (extreme left), Chairman of the Research & Publications Committee and Vice-Chairman of the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards Organising Committee.



Regional Files

EYE ON INDONESIA: Exploring the potential of the indonesiaN market With its large consumer class and lower manpower costs, Indonesia is becoming a highly-considered investment hotspot among Singapore companies. President Thomas Chua led a 37-member business mission to Cikarang, Jakarta and Surabaya in March. The mission was organised with the strong support of the Indonesian embassy in Singapore. Surabaya, one of Indonesia’s most important cities which benefits from the merit of good city planning, was targeted for the business mission because it had less competition and could be considered as a base to start operations. Among the sites visited in Surabaya, the delegation visited the Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang (PIER) which provides space to large, medium- and small-scale manufacturing enterprises.

SCCCI President Thomas Chua (front row, fourth from left) led a 37-member business mission to Cikarang, Jakarta and Surabaya, with the support of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore.

Tapping on the potential of the Indonesian market In recent years, the Indonesian market has grown in importance to Singapore companies with an eye on a huge consumer class, exciting opportunities in the food service and retail industries, and lower manpower costs. Singapore investors have shown keen interest in Indonesia. In 2013, the

Chamber’s SMEs Survey revealed that Indonesia climbed into second spot after Malaysia, overtaking China as the second most favoured investment hotspot for our local SMEs. On March 9-14, SCCCI President Thomas Chua led a 37-member business mission to Indonesia, specifically Cikarang, Jakarta and Surabaya, with the support of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore.

“As one of the productivity efforts of SCCCI in helping SMEs via internationalisation, this mission gave the opportunity for our members to explore Indonesia as a market with a large consumer base and a low-cost production base. Through our network with the Chinese Chambers, KADIN and the government officials, the delegates met with contacts who could help them access the market,” said President Chua. Examining investment opportunities for Singapore companies Indonesia holds opportunities for SMES, in particular with the increasing phenomenon of multi-national corporations (MNCs) tapping the lowercost production base of Indonesia and


setting up presence there. As many Singapore SMEs are involved in the supply chain of these MNCs, the visit was planned to understand the business environment and developments in view of the possibility of investing there. Ang Kiam Meng, Chairman of SCCCI’s Commerce & Industry Committee and CEO of Jumbo Group of Restaurants Pte Ltd, expressed his interest in examining the Indonesian market. “China and Indonesia have always been markets that I am interested in venturing into. Jumbo Seafood has already begun operations in Shanghai. I am now exploring the Indonesian market, and the recent Business Mission to Indonesia on March 9-14 2014 gave me a good opportunity to do just that. Indonesia has an abundance of land and labour, both of which Singapore lacks. In terms of labour, the wages are still relatively low. We can hire workers in Indonesia for between US$200-300, whereas China has become much more expensive. China workers, especially in the bigger cities, now command wages of around US$500. Indonesia’s economic growth has been promising; it also has a huge middle class with strong spending power. All these factors are a positive sign for manufacturers, retailers and players in the service industry.”


Regional Files

“As one of the productivity efforts of SCCCI in helping SMEs via internationalisation, this mission gave the opportunity for our members to explore Indonesia as a market with large consumer base and a low-cost production base.” Thomas Chua, SCCCI President

The delegation visited the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) where they met BKPM Chairman Mahendra Siregar (third from left).

Networking with industry captains During the mission, the delegates had the opportunity to network with the captains of industry from the Indonesia Chinese Entrepreneur Association in Jakarta and the Surabaya Chinese Chamber, as well as with the leaders of KADIN. “Overall, I was impressed with the recent business mission to Indonesia. Our delegation from the SCCCI was welcomed most hospitably and accorded with great respect; we were received by many of the high-ranking officials from BKPM and the top business people represented by KADIN, Indonesia’s apex business body. The arrangement to view various industrial parks in Cikarang and Surabaya was also an eye-opener for our delegates. On this particular business mission, I managed to meet and network with potential partners to deal in two-way trade. Undeniably, a great advantage is Indonesia’s nearness to Singapore,

The delegation visited the Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang (PIER) which provides space to large, medium- and small-scale manufacturing enterprises.

SCCCI President Thomas Chua and Chairman of KADIN (Indonesia Chamber of Commerce & Industry), Bapak Suryo Bambang Sulisto.

and it definitely holds great potential,” commented Tan Choon Boon, SCCCI Council Member and Managing Director of Sia Huat Pte Ltd.

Coordinating Board, Mahendra Siregar, and the coordinating Assistant Governor of East Java Provincial Government, Bapak Hadi Prasetyo, who enlightened the delegation on the latest developments and industrial opportunities that could be explored.

The itinerary included courtesy visits to the Chairman of the Indonesia Investment



Regional Files

IDENTIFYING PRODUCTIVITY Lessons in guangzhou for the catering industry SCCCI plays an important role in assisting trade associations to help their ReSpective industries’ members. On March 2-8, the Chamber supported the Association of Catering Professionals Singapore (ACAPS) to lead representatives from the catering industry to identify productivity solutions in guangzhou. Empowering the Catering Industry with Customised Programmes “During this period of economic restructuring, the Chamber is committed to work with trade associations with customised programmes to help their members, particularly the SMEs, adopt useful productivity measures to overcome their manpower challenges,” said SCCCI President Thomas Chua. In order to improve the productivity of the catering industry, the Association of Catering Professionals Singapore (ACAPS) collaborated with the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI), to organise a productivity study mission to Guangzhou on March 2-8 2014. The trip was supported by SPRING Singapore. Experiencing World-Class Catering Standards in Guangzhou Guangzhou is well known for being one of the food resource-rich regions in China, and has a long food heritage. It also built up a reputation for setting world-class standards for the catering industry and has expertise in food R&D, distribution, sales, and catering management. During the mission, delegates held meetings to exchange experiences with the Guangdong Group Catering Association (GDGCA) and China Hotel Association, and visited the Harmony Food Science and Technology Group, Guangzhou. The study mission also went on site visits to many renowned catering services companies in Guangzhou including Jin Gu Yuan Catering Company, Guangzhou Zhongwei Catering Services Ltd, Guangzhou New & Good Enterprise Management Services Co Ltd, Dongguan Hongjun Food Management Co Ltd, and local fast food chain, Kungfu Restaurant.

Delegates at Guangzhou Zhongwei Catering Services Ltd having a hands-on session in cake baking.

Gleaning Valuable Lessons in Guangzhou There is a huge difference in the mode of operations for the catering industry between Guangzhou and Singapore. In Guangzhou the catering establishments operate on a large scale as they provide services for big enterprises, school canteens and restaurants serving more than 1,000 people each time. In Singapore, caterers usually cater for buffets for companies or family events. Though the business models from the two countries are different, delegates were able to learn from their peers in Guangzhou about their business concept for catering services, food quality control, food and beverage management, central kitchen operations, and tackling the manpower shortage through the use of automation equipment. Delegates took a special interest in the huge automatic rice cooker (大锅饭) which they saw in Jin Gu Yuan’s central kitchen. This hi-tech automatic rice cooker, manned by 3-5 workers, can cook rice to feed up to 30,000 people. This solution was adopted by Jin Gu

Yuan to cope with the acute manpower shortage in Guangzhou’s F&B industry; at the same time, it helps maintain quality control and improves the company’s overall competitiveness. Delegates saw the value and potential of customising this equipment to suit the needs of the Singapore catering industry and solve certain manpower problems. Richie Ling from Lavish Dine Catering Pte Ltd, one of the delegates on the study mission, said the experience was an eye-opening one. Elaborating on new technology which could cut down substantially on manpower, he cited the example of a vegetable machine which could cut vegetables to selected sizes, wash them very thoroughly, and then have the cut vegetables dropped into a basket, ready for cooking. “The trip was a real eye-opener. Guangzhou catering companies are run like the Europeans, with strong emphasis on branding, technology, standard operating procedures; they also put in a lot of effort on staff training and welfare.”



Focus on SMEs

Innovating to Stay Ahead By: Huang Yifang

The SME Centre Conference held on March 20 saw a gathering of 500 SMEs, eager to gain insights into innovation strategies from industry leaders. Delegates also learnt about the assistance provided to SMEs through the SME Centres.

From left: Chia Kim Huat, Head of Corporate & Transactional Practice, Rajah & Tan LLP; moderating the discussion session with panelists Vikram Rupani, Co-Founder, RedMart.com; Peter Lim, Chairman & Founder, Soo Kee Group and MoneyMax Financial Services; and Scott D. Anthony, Managing Director, Innosight.

The SME Centre Conference was jointly organised by the various SME Centres in Singapore. Revolving around the theme “Innovate to Stay Ahead”, the conference offered SMEs the opportunity to learn from industry practitioners on their innovation experiences as well as hear from government agencies on the productivity assistance schemes available for SMEs. Growing Need for Innovation Singapore’s economic restructuring aims to achieve quality growth and deepen capabilities through innovation and productivity. During this period, SMEs face a host of challenges: a volatile and competitive business environment, the permanent reality of a tight labour market, and increasing rentals of commercial and industrial space. Lau Tai San, Chairman of SME Centre@ SCCCI and Vice-President of SCCCI said that the SME Centre Conference was very relevant to the needs of SMEs. “The Conference addresses these questions

by bringing together a number of speakers who have gone on the path of innovation with tangible results. They are practitioners, thinkers, consultants and business leaders who will be sharing their experiences and valuable thoughts on creative thinking and how innovative ideas can transform a business. They will also come together as panelists to examine innovation in business models, innovation in recruitment, innovation through tapping on technology or innovation through branding,” he said. Providing Effective Outreach to SMEs In his opening address, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Teo Ser Luck cited successful case studies of SME Centres in assisting SMEs. For example, SME Centre@SCCCI assisted O.E. Manufacturing, a company which manufactures and is a service provider of hydraulic cylinders, to analyse and improve the business’s productivity. “Mr James Wong, the owner [of O.E. Manufacturing], approached the SME Centre@SCCCI to learn more about how he could increase his company’s efficiency. The business advisor helped Mr Wong analyse the factors affecting his company’s productivity. The analysis uncovered inefficient work processes, wastage and low value-added activities that hampered the company’s productivity. Mr Wong was advised to focus on inventory management and to revamp his housekeeping practices. Now, his workplace is well organised and his employees are able to retrieve goods faster and more accurately, resulting in 20 per cent productivity increase for his company,” commended MOS Teo. Held on March 20, the conference featured speakers Tay Woon Teck,

Executive Director, Stone Forest Corporate Advisory Pte Ltd; Scott D. Anthony, Managing Director, Innosight; Sheldon Anthony Fernandez, General Manager (Singapore and Malaysia), jobsDB Singapore; Peter Lim, Chairman & Founder, Soo Kee Group and MoneyMax Financial Services; Vikram Rupani, CoFounder, RedMart.com. Chia Kim Huat, Head of Corporate & Transactional Practice, Rajah & Tann LLP, moderated the panel discussion. Get advice from the SME Centre @SCCCI The SME Centres in Singapore are meant to help SMEs and assist in the recommendation and application of government grants. The Chamber continues to provide assistance to SMEs through the SME Centre@SCCCI and its satellite centre SME Centre@Central. SMEs are encouraged to approach the SME Centre Business Advisors for the following services: 1. One-to-one business diagnosis, advisory on government schemes, guidance on grant application, and more in-depth advice in areas like productivity, finance, human resources and overseas expansion 2. Outreach workshops to raise SMEs’ awareness of the various government schemes available 3. Capability workshops to help SMEs learn how to improve their productivity and financial knowledge Business advisors at the SME Centre@ SCCCI can be contacted through telephone 6337 8381 or e-mail enquiry@ smecentre-sccci.sg. More information can also be found at www.smecentre-sccci.sg



Business Voice in Parliament

The Manpower Challenge: Committee of Supply Debate on the Ministry of Manpower SCCCI Immediate Past President and NMP Teo Siong Seng represented the interests of the business community at the Committee of Supply debate on the Ministry of Manpower on March 7.


Budget 2014 is a far-sighted, bold and inclusive Budget which can be characterised by 3 Ps – Pioneer, People, and Productivity. For the business portion of the Budget, Productivity is at the centre of the economic agenda. Since 2010, the call for productivity has been repeated in practically every major policy speech. There is a strong push for productivity at all levels, and the SCCCI has worked very earnestly on putting together a holistic productivity programme for our members and targeted to specific industry sectors. SMEs have accepted the government’s call to rely less on foreign workers and taken measures to raise productivity. It is not an easy path as SMEs, unlike the larger companies, may not have the knowledge and guidance on how to embark on their transformation journey. Nonetheless, most SMEs know that this is a path that they have to take for their long-term business sustainability. However, even with all these efforts made and help from the government, we often hear SMEs’ frustration over the inability to recruit Singaporeans, including local executives. SMEs, unlike the large local companies and MNCs, cannot afford to meet their relatively high salary and expectations. The manpower shortage also means that companies, especially the larger ones offering better salaries, career advancement and employment terms, would be able to recruit the workers they need. SMEs would thus be left with the short end of the stick. By 2020, 16,000 Singaporeans (3,000 more than today), would have places in six local universities. This would represent 40 per cent of Singaporeans in each cohort, up from 27 per cent today. We have not included the graduates from the private schools and those who went overseas. In terms of social mobility, graduates are supposed to have higher income. But this means that there is an increasing vacuum for the lower-level jobs which are subject to foreign labour restrictions and higher levies. These well-educated Singaporean graduates will have higher job expectations. Jobs deemed to be of a more humble nature will be less desirable. If manpower needs are not met, companies will be stranded as they cannot deliver goods and services and

Business Voice in Parliament

may be forced to close or relocate. Firms like Japanese specialty chemicals maker Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha and hard-disk maker HGST Singapore have already closed their doors and retrenched a few hundred workers. This brings us to another casualty of economic restructuring – retrenchments. We may be looking at a situation where many of the retrenched are actually PMEs who used to command a relatively high pay and high positions. According to statistics


workers to be retained and we are happy to see that Budget 2014 did respond to this for the construction sector. Higher-skilled foreign workers from the R1 category would have their maximum period of employment extended from 18 years to 22 years. We hope that the government could broaden this to other sectors. Manpower issues are extremely challenging, and we have been trying our best to counter them with productivity measures.

We appealed in SCCCI’s pre-Budget wish-list, for skilled foreign workers to be retained and we are happy to see that Budget 2014 did respond to this for the construction sector. Higher-skilled foreign workers from the R1 category would have their maximum period of employment extended from 18 years to 22 years. We hope that the government could broaden this to other sectors.

from the Ministry of Manpower’s 3rd quarter 2013 Labour Market report, PMETs formed nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of residents laid off in the 3rd quarter of 2013. And as many as 33.7 per cent (16,300) of those unemployed (48,300 residents) are university degree holders. On one hand, there is a manpower shortage. On the other hand, these older or mature PMEs find it difficult to get absorbed back into the workforce, especially among SMEs which are constantly screaming out for manpower. PMEs find it difficult to lower their salary expectations substantially, and are much less willing to take on a more diverse job scope, a characteristic of SMEs. Ironically, SMEs account for 70 per cent of our employment. So how can this situation be tackled? The foreign workforce had been complementing the Singaporean workforce to support our economic growth. Many of us have already accepted the reality that there cannot be an unlimited supply of foreign workers. We appealed in SCCCI’s pre-Budget wish-list, for skilled foreign

But at the end of the day, can productivity gains solve all manpower problems? SPRING Singapore has put together an SME Talent Programme to help polytechnic and ITE students get jobs in SMEs to help with the manpower crunch. Perhaps a similar programme could be started to help displaced and mature PMEs find relevant jobs in SMEs. We noted that WDA, through the Professional Conversion Programme and Max Talent, has made an effort to help retrenched PMEs in re-skilling themselves for the possibility of finding new careers in selected industries and placement in SMEs. However, SMEs may not be from these selected industries such as healthcare, tourism, aerospace, finance, F&B and the marine/maritime sector and would not be able to tap on the Professional Conversion Scheme for their manpower requirements. Could this scheme be fine-tuned with the SMEs in mind? We certainly look forward to having specific support to bring both groups together.



Corporate Strategies

Strategies to Chew on:

Productivity And efficiency concepts for the F&B Industry By: Huang Yifang

Simon Chen, Director at the China Productivity Center of Taiwan, visited the Chamber on March 12-13 to train representatives from the food & beverage industry on increasing productivity and efficiency. In addition, he also provided on-site consultation to a few local businesses on their business processes and operations.

Mr Chen provided on-site consultation and training for local F&B businesses on their business processes and strategies.


In 2013, representatives from the local retail and food & beverage industry were trained by Simon Chen, Director at the China Productivity Center of Taiwan, on branding and productivity. This year, the Chamber invited Mr Chen to conduct a workshop for the F&B industry to enhance productivity efficiency in their business processes and strategies. Mr Chen highlighted the key areas of business operations including effective operation workflow systems, service innovation and differentiation, and enterprise growth strategies. Specifically, Mr Chen covered the following topics:


Effective Operation Workflow System

• Product and service design • Design and management services • Service workflow re-design • Service workflow management • Application of 5S

2 • • • • • •

Product Service Employees Collaboration, such as building partnerships with other businesses Company Image

Specifically, Mr Chen cited the example of Taiwan’s retail bookstore chain, Eslite Bookstore (诚品书局). Founded in 1987 in Taiwan, Eslite Bookstore focuses on humanities and art related publications and is concerned with more than merely “selling books”. The bookstore also creates a conducive and pleasant environment for customers to enjoy the browsing experience. In 1999, the Eslite store at Taiwan’s Dunnan started operating 24 hours a day, providing booklovers access to the bookstore at any time of the day. In 2004, Eslite was given the title of “Asia’s Best Bookstore” in Time magazine’s The Best of Asia survey. Eslite’s focus on creating a unique reading space for customers and offering specialised products in the arts and humanities creates a differentiated business recognised for its quality and fresh image.

Using Standard Operating Procedures for Quality Service Mr Chen also emphasised that having good Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) was crucial to the quality of both services and products. He mentioned the Green Apron Book given to every barista when they start their job at Starbucks. This allows staff to be acquainted with the service standards and philosophy of Starbucks, thereby making the quality of service high, consistent and differentiated from other competitors. For example, one section of the Green Apron Book requests employees to say three noncoffee related sentences to customers. Having SOPs removes the fear of work operations and processes for new employees as well. In addition, new staff can also better master complicated processes through the repetition of SOPs more easily, thereby saving time on skills training in general. Giving On-Site Consultation In addition to conducting the productivity workshop, Mr Chen also went to three food & beverage companies for on-site consultations. He provided advice on business analysis in the areas of business strategy, effectiveness and operating performance. The companies received construction advice on how they could improve their businesses.

Target customer Creating customer value Researching customers’ needs Service excellence Customer service and relationship management Sensory marketing

3 • • •

Service Innovation and Differentiation

The Importance of Branding During the workshop, Mr Chen emphasised the importance of branding and product differentiation. He said that companies could make their businesses unique by incorporating differentiation through the following areas: • • • • •


Corporate Strategies

Enterprise Growth Strategies

Circulation service industry management strategy Application of information technology strategy Competitive service strategy

Simon Chen, Director at the China Productivity Center of Taiwan, training representatives from the F&B industry at the productivity workshop.



Chamber Community

人民纪念碑历史的印记 文:邓素娟

我们选择原谅战争发动者,但这并不代表我们忘记了历史,希望全世界人 民可以和平共处,把世界创造得更美好。

黄循财部长和总商会蔡其生会长与学生代表合影 。

在纪念碑前举行的悼念 仪式,是为了提醒国人和 平是有代价的。

2月15日上午,时任文化、社区及 青年部代部长兼通讯 及新闻部高级 政务部长黄循财与1300多名师生、学 生军乐队、各国包括日本的驻新外交 使节、宗教团体、各族商会社团、制 服团体、退役军人和死难者家属出席 了总商会在美芝路日本占领时期死难 人民纪念碑前举办的第47届祭礼。 在纪念碑前举行的悼念仪式,是 为了提醒国人和平是有代价的。10位 日本和平脚车部队的朋友也为宣扬尊 重历史与维护和平出席了祭礼。 荣誉仪仗队、军号手和风笛手伫 立各自岗位, “哀悼曲”响起,蔡其生

黄循财部长慰问罹难者家属 。

会长、前任会长张松声及刘泰山副会 长首先代表商会献上花圈,随后是武 装部队退役军人同盟、宗教团体、国 家学生军团和学生代表。接着,全体 向纪念碑行三鞠躬礼,军号乐“最后 哨声”曲毕默哀一分钟。 蔡其生会长在祭礼结束后接受 《联合早报》记者采访时表示,今天 我们选 择原谅 战争发动 者,但 这并 不代表我们忘记了历史,希望全世界 人民可以和平共处,把世界创造得更 美好。


Chamber Community


永恒,跨时代,跨国界, 女性迈向未来 文:邓素娟

在生活的舞台上,我们都需要扮演不同的角色,一个卓越的人, 成就这样一个舞台,绝对不是个人的力量!

3月8日,总商会事业女 性 组在 泛太平洋酒店举行2014年国际三八 妇女节庆祝活动暨晚宴,首次邀请本 地以外的杰出女性作为论坛嘉宾,与 出席者分享女性事业与家庭关系的 课题。总理公署部长、环境及水源部 兼外交部第二部长傅海燕、各国驻新 大使夫 人同4 5 0 名杰出事业女性一 同参与活动。

生 活中的很多追求,都需 要 持 之以恒、不断的耕耘。事业女性组今 年的国际三八妇女节定下“永恒”这 个主题,邀请五名来自不同地域、不 同年龄层、不同事业背景作为论坛嘉 宾。她们对自己热衷的事业,对进行 的慈善活动,都有着坚定的信念,有 着近乎永恒的追求,都能够多方面平 衡生活。事业女性组认为,需要兼顾

蔡其生会长(右一)与(左至右)本会董事、事业女性组郭素雯主席、中国枫岚实业有限公司李巍董事长、创意公司GOODSTUPH创办人刘俐伶、邦 典置业郭美雯董事、中国百度李昕晢首席财务官、Skin Inc 创始人及总裁陈丽温。



Chamber Community

女性比男性面临更 多重压力,尤其是孩子 的教育上,女性要在事 业上取得更好发展,首 先需要家庭的另一半分 享家庭责任;企业更必 须对有家庭孩子的女性 职员给予支持,以更灵 活的管理方式使用这批 为数不少的人力资源, 善加利用这一支生力军, 为她们提供应得的培训 和发展机会。同时,政府 也提供相应支持女性的 政策。

总理公署部长、环境及水源部兼外交部第二部长傅海燕呼吁企业给予有家庭孩子的女性职员更 多支持。

多个不同角色的现代女性可以从她 们 身上得 到启发。她 们 包括中国 枫 岚实业有限公司董事长李巍、中国百 度首席财务官李昕晢、Skin Inc 创始 人 及 总裁陈丽温、本 地杰出女性代 表邦典置业董事郭美雯和创意公司 GOODSTUPH创办人刘俐伶。 论坛中,聆听主讲嘉宾的演讲作 出的总结是:在她们的人生舞台,成 功不是个人的付出,完全是因为有爱 的支持,有家人的支持。

傅海燕部长在晚宴上与出席者 对 话时 说,企业应该积极地为制定 更完善的决策提高公司女董事及高 管 理 层女 性 比 例。她 说,女 性 比男 性面临更多重 压力,尤其是 孩子的 教育上,女 性 要 在事业上取得更 好 发 展,首先需 要 家 庭 的另一半分享 家庭责任;企业更 必须对有家庭孩 子的女性 职 员给 予支持,以 更 灵活 的管理方式使用这批为数不少的人 力资源,善加利用这一支生力军,为

她们提供应得的培训和发展机会。 同时,政 府也提供相应支持女性的 政策。 蔡 其 生 会 长 在 致 辞 中 表 示 , 他 衷心希望有更多成功的事业女性 能够回馈社会,在总商会的舞台上发 挥所 长,为国家和 社会 作出更 大的 贡献。

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