华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2014 issue 3

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20 借力新川旗舰项目 共拓东盟各国商机


Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 190/03/2014

第三期 . ISSUE 3/2014

$5.00 (incl. GST)

Dancing to the tune of “Innovation & Growth”: The 3rd Trade Association Congress

并且对工作充满热忱。1 面 对一个极需留住人才的劳 动市场,这个调查结果值 得令雇主关注。

为员工提供理想的工作、丰厚的 报酬、良好的福利并不意味着就能满 足他们的需求。 “从员工所投入的精神专注和勤奋 指数,就能略知他对工作的态度”。这 句话不论对中小型企业或大型机构而 言,都是真理。当一名员工能和同事们 相处愉快时,工作效率往往会提升,工 作表现也会更好。因此,雇主最关注的 课题之一,便是如何提高员工对工作的 投入感,以及不断地激励他们,以达到 更好的工作表现。 Jonathan(*化名)在一家公司担任 经理的要职。和他的同辈相比,公司给 予他的薪金和待遇略高,福利丰厚,也 不需要常常加班。尽管如此,Jonathan 每天早晨对上班仍然意兴阑珊。在公 司,Jonathan很少和他人接触,尤其是 那些他认为不友善,且拒人于千里之外 的同事们。这间接使到Jonathan 带领的 小组缺乏互动,整体的工作氛围变得 很不融洽。最近这几个月,老板也注意 到他的工作表现欠佳。

为了提高员工敬业 的态度,近年来越来越多公司把 重心放在员工福利上。盖洛普进行的另 一项“福利所带来的经济效应,2010”2 调查 便 指出,劳动队伍的福利直接 影响了一个机构的盈亏。调查结果显 示, “职业福利”、 “社交福利、 “社区 福利”、 “身心福利”、 “财务福利”五个 方面环环相扣。其中,员工的职业、社 交和社区福利直接影响一个机构的生 产力。 从调查中的1479位受访人士表 示,员工的职业福利指数越高,他对工 作的兴趣不仅相对的越高,同时也能 保持身体健康,并减轻压力。享有较高 社交福利的员工,在公司里也比较容易 和其他人建立良好的关系和友谊。盖 洛普以一道简单的问题: “您在职场上 是否有任何好朋友?”向公众进行调查 时便发现,职场中与同事建立起深厚 友谊的员工,在工作上比其他员工更加

投入(高达7倍)。其实,社交福利和职 业福利是息息相关的。与同事工作关 系融洽、并与他们有深厚友谊的员工当 中,49%在职场上如鱼得水。同事的福 利也直接影响个人的福利;如果同事、 朋友,甚至朋友的朋友在职场上发展 得不错时,该名员工的福利发展也将可 能增加一倍。 对“ 经 济与心 理 健 康 ”课 题 钻 研的华威商学院经济学家指出,他在 2012年所进行的“快乐和生产力”的 实验结果显示,人类的工作表现有固 定的模式:快乐的员工的生产力多出 12%,而不快乐的员工的生产力则少了 10%,与盖洛普的调查结果一致。 雇主和管理层的确在打造融洽的 工作环境上扮演一定的角色。关注员 工在职场的社交福利和心情愉快与否 虽然看似微不足道,但却可以转换成 商场的长期生产效益与竞争优势。当 员工的福利得不到应有的照顾时,公司 为保留员工所需的成本,可能受较低生 产力、工作素质,旷工与士气低落等问 题影响而增加。那么,公司应该如何营 造一个融洽的工作环境呢?

Jonathan的情况在本地并不罕见。 根据盖洛普咨询公司在2012年所进行 的调查显示,在新加坡,每四名员工当 中,便有三名认为自己在职场上如行尸 走肉一般,缺乏工作动力。相比之下, 少过一成的受访者认为自己积极进取,

劳动队伍所关注的五项福利 职业福利





对于工作感到满足 且充满热忱

拥有亲情、友情、爱 情和其他融洽、稳 定的人际关系

有效地管理钱财, 减轻因财务问题而 带来的压力和焦虑

拥有健康的体魄和 充足的能量来完成 每日的事务

对你所生活的社区 拥有归属感


“S’pore staff ‘not engaged’ at work”, 海峡时报,2013年12月6日


Tom Rath & Jim Harter. “The Economics of Wellbeing”, Gallup, Inc.2010. (http://www.gallup.com/strategicconsulting/126908/Economics-Wellbeing.aspx)

具有包容性的职场能让员工积极投入工作 公司对员工福利的关切,可以通过打造具包容性的企业文化来体现。而这么一来也可 以提高他们对工作的满足感。为了达成这个目标,公司必须把这些良好的工作习惯制 度化,并加以推广和执行。 例如:建立核心价值观、领导层给予支持、个人责任感、在 组织结构中建立有效的沟通管道。这些制度可以与公司的政策和程序一致,并朝建立 一个具包容性与和谐的文化氛围迈进。

1 建立核心价值观

核心价值观能为公司的政策、程序 和方案提供一个框架,也能被采纳 为员工理想行为的指导原则。核心 价值观,如员工对彼此的尊重、信 任、包容心、谅解、同理心、关怀和 关心,和合作中所体现的韧性、团 结和公平的态度都能纳入公司的使 命或员工的行为守则中。

2 领导层的支持 雇主和管理层在带领和确保人力 资源政策与举措一致,扮演着举足 轻重的角色。当员工知道雇主和上 司真心关心和尊重他们的利益时, 他们也会受到鼓舞,继续为公司贡 献己力。

3 个人责任感 在工作上采纳和应用公司的核心 价值观是每个员工的责任。每一 位员工都应该尝试了解其他同事 的文化和工作习惯,才能互相尊重 和接受对方,并建立一个和谐的工 作环境。


建立固定的沟通管道 拥有一个固定的沟通管道,能给予员工们一个提出所关注课题的平台,并有效 地防止冲突和紧张的情绪升级。这种开放的沟通机制有助于保持职场的整体和 谐、良好的工作关系与员工高昂的士气。 最有效的改革,便是在现有的举措和组织平台上进行,并得到雇主和管理层支 持的改革。公司可以通过以下活动,提高员工的参与感、并建立具包容性和开放 的职场: 一起用餐 设定一天和员工一起用餐。通过这种非正式、轻松的环境,了解并分享公司里所 发生的事情与员工的生活点滴。 在小组研讨中打破隔阂 破冰游戏不但可以缓解公司内的紧张气氛,也可以促进合作精神。 “寻找十个共 同之处”就是一个简单的破冰游戏。这个游戏的宗旨是要在同事间找出十个共同 点(但不涉及身体部位、衣着和工作性质)。这种广泛分享个人兴趣的游戏能让 他们更深入地了解彼此。 进行对话 雇主和员工可以通过特定的分享时段沟通(以直接或通过经理协调的方式 进行)。这些特定时段可以为雇主和人事部提供与员工建立联系的机会,有助于 引导他们事业的发展,也鼓励他们继续在工作上有骄人的表现。 团体活动 有时候,员工需要暂时抛开繁重的工作需求。公司可以考虑举办一些可以联系情 感、促进交流与分享共同体验的团体活动,如室内室外的挑战游戏、参观大自然 和观赏舞蹈表演等。

此文章由人力部社区参与计划提供。 欲知更多详情,请浏览我们的网站:www.mom.gov.sg/cep 或与我们联系:mom_cep@mom.gov.sg/ 6692 5464

编辑人语 E D I T O R ’S N O T E 衡量挑战 艰巨与否的一个很 好 的方法,便是追本溯源,从根本问题 上着手。总商会的联络网广泛,拥有 3000家商号会员,以及151个代表了 新加坡4万家各行业的商团会员。早 在今年 初,我们便决 定探讨商团面 对的根本问题,深入了解问题的症结 所在,以 期进 一 步 协助商团发展。 总商会调查了151家商团会员中46家 在新加坡经济领域具广泛代表性的 商团行业,包括制造业、建筑业和服 务业。商团秘书处的规模也在调查范 围内。有关调查结果在总商会5月24 日举办的第3届商团大会上公布。调 查所披露的本地商团发展现况与数 据令人关注,必定也将发人省思。65 家商团400名代表汇聚在总商会建构 的平台上,各就所知,交换 心得,海 外商团代表也首次应邀前来分享自 身的发展经验。 “无 巧不成书”,6月份举办的 新中商务论坛正好昂然迈入第3个年 头,并邀请海外主讲嘉宾分享最新发 展契机。新加坡在中国的六大旗舰项 目负责机构的高管现身说法,介绍最 早启动的中新苏州工业园区,乃至最 新开发的中新南京生态科 技岛等六 大园区的优势。我们希望本地中小企 业在各园区铺垫的扎实根基上,把自 身的服务与产品推向广大的中国市 场。 “重振根本,方能致远”。白连源 深谙这个道理,因此从企业运作的根 本着手,勇于突破传统,为企业注入 新活力。他为新加坡建造的新建筑地 标因此成为了一道 道独 具韵味的风 景线。

Surveying the fundamentals is always a good way to size up formidable challenges. The Chamber has a robust network of 3,000 corporate members and 151 trade association members representing over 40,000 companies from a wide spectrum of trades and industries. Early this year, we decided to delve into the root issues encountered by trade associations and identified a sampling of 46 from amongst the 151 for an in-depth survey. These trade associations were selected to represent a mix of various sectors across the Singapore economy – namely, manufacturing, construction and services sectors. Likewise, trade associations with varying Secretariat staff strengths were addressed in the survey. The findings uncovered an interesting crop of facts and figures on the local trade association scene and assuredly provoke further thought. These findings were also presented during the 3rd Trade Association Congress held on May 24, which gathered altogether 400 participants from among 65 trade associations coming together on a common platform to exchange views and share experiences particular to their industries. It was also the first time the Trade Association Congress had invited speakers from overseas trade associations to make reference to operations outside of the local context. Coincidentally, in the very next month, the Singapore-China Business Forum organised the event for the 3rd year running. Yet another common denominator was the presence of speakers from overseas, albeit from Singapore’s six flagship projects in China, from the very first China-Suzhou Industrial Park up to the very latest SinoSingapore Nanjing Eco Hi-tech Island. All six speakers took turns to make presentations based on their project and geographical enclave within China and highlighted the differentiation between their individual projects and the others. And even as we speak about fundamentals, it is interesting that this issue actually looks at the story of Pek Lian Guan who believes in making fundamental changes and re-examining the company’s foundations through dismantling traditional ways of doing things and creating new architectural icons for Singapore.

华文翻译:陈星伊 请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

目录 CONTENTS 出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg


一根筷子容易断 十根筷子折不断 第三届商团大会在5月24日举行,大 会主题为:互助合作 共同创新。


借力旗舰项目 扬帆中国市场 2014年的新中商务论坛希望本地中 小企业得到启发,以期“借力旗舰项 目 扬帆中国市场”


与香港特区政府财政司曾俊华 司长餐叙 曾俊华财政司司长到访新加坡时,与 总商会领导等进行餐叙。

编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Seow Choke Meng Chan Hian Siang

蔡其生 张松声 萧作鸣 曾宪相

In the Lead



Dancing to the tune of “Innovation & Growth”: The 3rd Trade Association Congress The Chamber’s 3rd Trade Association Congress saw a gathering of 400 representatives from 65 trade association members.


Recommendations to tackle challenges faced by trade associations An in-depth survey on issues relating to TA Secretariat operations and development.


Riding on Singapore’s flagship projects for a smoother sail into the China market The 3rd Singapore-China Business Forum focused on Singapore’s six flagship projects in China.

出版统筹 Publications Supervision

加强联系 巩固合作 总商会张松声前任会长甫出任新加 坡工商联合总会主席一职,即带领该 会秘书处到访总商会,加强与总商会 的联系与合作

谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong 主编 Editor

胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 副编辑 Assistant Editor 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee


撰稿 Staff WriterS 李依玲 Samantha Lee 黄义芳 Huang Yifang



特约撰稿 Contributors

张宝诚 Chang Bao-Cheng 粱廷昭 Leong Teng Chau 黄兆荣 Leonardo Wong 邓素娟 Tang Soh Kuen


行销 Marketing

陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee 林秀忆 Priscilla Lin 设计 Design Egg Creatives Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: research@ sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 190/03/2014. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).

吾会之光 总商会恭贺蔡其生会长受委新一届 官委议员暨8位董事会成员荣获2014 国庆奖章。

向国会反映工商心声 总商会前任会长、官委议员张松声在 国会复会时,向副总理兼财政部长、 交通部和教育部等提出询问,反映商 界心声。 一起打造更有竞争力的新加坡 总商会前任会长、官委议员张松声在 5月份国会复会时针对陈庆炎总统发 布的政府施政方针发表看法。



Business Maxims


Regional Files


Investment opportunities in Taiwan brought about by ASTEP A 50-member business mission to Taipei and Kinmen on May 4-9 explored investment opportunities.


When “People” is the key to success: CEO Productivity Mission to Japan 34 C-suite members embarked on a mission to Japan to gain more insights on productivity.

让新加坡商家受惠的新台经济 伙伴协议 总商会5月份组织的台湾商业代表团 皆在探讨协议带来的商机。

Business Voice in Parliament



借力新川旗舰项目 共拓东盟各国 商机 总商会和四川省外事侨务办公室签署 友好合作协议,进一步加强新川在经 贸、投资等各领域的交流合作。



变革最大阻力是自己 “改变”过程最大的阻力,不是钱、 形象、名誉、人情,而是“自己”。

Re-examining foundations, building a business of excellence An exclusive interview with Tiong Seng’s Chief Executive Officer Pek Lian Guan, on his business journey.


Working towards a MediShield Life that is win-win for both employees and businesses SCCCI’s Immediate Past President and NMP Teo Siong Seng’s speech at the debate of recommendations of MediShield Life Review Committee in Parliament on July 8.

Big landscapes Inspire big thinking

THERE’S NOTHING LIKE AUSTRALIA FOR YOUR NEXT BUSINESS EVENT. This year we chose Australia for our global congress. It was an easy choice, as Australia’s proximity to Asia gave us the opportunity to attract many new delegates. The program was one of the best in years. New Australian developments in our field attracted a lot of interest and strong international research partnerships were established. Australia is on everyone’s list to visit, and it lured our highest number of delegates yet. There’s no doubt they’ll be talking about this convention for years to come. Dr Louise Wong, International Board Member

visit businessevents.australia.com/associations for everything you need to plan your australian event.



In the Lead

一根筷子容易断 十根筷子折不断 总商会第三届商团大会 文:邓素娟

政府需要行业协会的支持,从各个行业领域着手,集思广益,协助达成提高 生产力的目标。总商会举办的第三届商团大会便是体现了政府与商团同心 协力,凝聚商家朝共同目标迈进,实现经济转型的决心。



新加坡不产石油,却是当今世界 三大炼油中心之一;新加坡土地有限, 国内生产总值的迅速增长在很大程度 上是归功于制造业。不过,贸工部长林 勋强在总商会于5月24日举行的第三届 商团大会的对话会上强调,新加坡明年 的经济增长将减少一半,即下降到2% 至4%。新加坡必须保持持续发展,为 达到这个目标,提高生产力势在必行。 政府需要行业协会的支持,从各个行业 领域着手,集思广益,协助达成目标。 与时并进 迈向未来 总商会蔡其生会长在致词时表 示,总商会举办商团大会旨在凝聚商团 的力量,推动行业的整体发展,开阔视 野,借鉴海内外成功商团的经验,聆听 他们扩大产业链,采用新科技,团结一 心共渡难关,共同开拓海外市场等方面 的理念和做法。他呼吁各商团会员善用 总商会的平台加强彼此的联系。 新加坡自建国以来,历经多次经 济转型,最重要的两轮经济转型分别 在1965年至80年之间,以及目前政府正 在不遗余力为应对全球经济调整而推 进的转型。每一个经济转型,每一个经 济危机,我国中小企业都受到重大的影 响,也有许多企业因为各方面资源不足 而结束营业,尤其是微型企业,在改革 大环境中被淘汰的为数不少,为使这个 牺牲降低到最低程度,政府努力的推 出各类支援计划,商团、行业协会、总 商会积极的通过各类活动协助中小企 业改革创新,采用科技实现自动化,减 低成本,提高生产力,以便渡过难关。 时代在变,潮流在变,经商环境也 一直在改变。60、70年代,政府大力招 商引资,吸引大量外资涌入,通过劳工 密集经济模式提高就业率,改善人民 的生活;70、80年代,政府强调人才开 发,着重培养科技人才,提升员工的技 能,新加坡走进工业化时代。80年代我 国中小型企业如雨后春笋,蓬勃生长; 今天,我国有17万中小企业,占全国企 业的99%,70%的中小企业是属于微 型企业,这包括邻里组屋区的家庭式商 店。中小企业对我国的经济成长作出了 巨大的贡献。


In the Lead

早在80年后,我国就已出现劳动 力短缺的问题,再加上1997年、2008 年两次经济危机,中小企业遭受冲击重 大,要赶上大趋势通过科技创新进行 企业转型,除了政府提供的资助,中小 企业也需要其他外力的支持。第三届商 团大会就在这个大前提下而举办。 提高商团效率 善用政府资源 此届商团大会讨论课题不仅围绕 在行业面对的挑战,讨论范围也扩大到 探讨从根本上协助解决协会/商会的 问题,加强秘书处的实力,提高秘书处 的效率,从而使政府为中小企业推动的 各项资援计划发挥到极尽。 为此,总商会于今年1月至3月间, 进行一项“商团意见调查”,针对有关 商团秘书处运作与发展的课题,访问了 总商会151家商团会员中46家具备广泛 代表性的商团。受访商团行业包括制 造业、建筑业与服务业,其秘书处规模 各异,人数各不相同。 总商会秘书处经济研究部梁廷昭 主管在商团大会下半场部长对话会正 式开始之前,汇报并分析调查结果。受 访商团总体概况如下: •

85%商团拥有自己的秘书处和职 员,其中60%的商团职员人数在2 人或以下;

70%受访商团的会员人数在200 名或以下,33%商团的会员人数介 于200名至1000名,只有6%商团 的会员人数是超过1000名;

一些有意积极推动行业发展的商 团,在资源不足和缺乏运作经费 的情况下,无法提升行业发展实 力,让商家会员受惠。

对话会上,蔡其生会长亲自把有 关调查报告和总商会提出的反馈建议 提交给贸工部林勋强部长,供政府部 门参考。 商团、行业代表表示,他们都能够 理解我国目前经济非转型不可,不过,

由于缺乏资金和人力资源,经济转型 对中小企业尤其微型企业带来了压力。 他们在与部长的对话会上反映,商团 会所、秘书处运作、人员培训、租金成 本过高、行业人手不足等等都是他们所 面对的问题,希望有关部门帮助他们渡 过难关。林勋强部长对现场代表提出 的诉求一一回应,一些需要跟进的项目 也直接在现场指派有关政府部门的高 管负责。

总商会将为本地 商团提供四大协助 • 总商会将与政府探讨为 商团提供办公场地,让各 个商团聚在一起办公。总 商会愿意以非营利模式管 理,租金优惠,商团会员 负担得起。 • 总商会基金愿意资助各 个商团培训秘书处派员 工参加商会管理学院举办 的商团管理证书课程。 • 与商团合作扩展行业能 力,提高行业素质。在这 方面,总商会属下的工商 业发展部、经济研究部、 中小企业中心、中小企业 资信资源中心,以及设在 上海的新加坡企业中心, 都可以提供协助。 • 推出全新的网站“总商会 在线”,通过网络平台加 强与商团的沟通与联系, 促进商团之间的分享与合 作。这个全新的网络平台 将在八月份启用,希望各 个商团能够善加利用。



In the Lead

(左起)新加坡航空货运代理协会姚荣佳副主席、新加坡餐饮业协会周家萌会长、维多利亚街批发中心商联会蔡为明会长、新加坡家具工业理 事会潘文发名誉秘书长分享如何协助属下会员善用政府援助计划。论坛主持是工商业委员会白毅柏副主席(中)。

向海外企业学习 与本地政府进行对话 张思乐政务部长在会上肯定了总 商会举办商团大会所发挥的功能,更 肯定了商团和行业协会在支持商家会 员方面的重要角色。他引用多家商团 的例子,鼓励商团善用政府推出的多 项发展计划,引领行业成长,促进企业 会员发展,推动创新与生产力,协助商 家提升产业链,鼓励更多的商团通过 政府计划实现“同心协力,其利断金” 的愿望,希望商团与时并进为企业会 员增值。 第三届商团大会邀请了两位海外 主讲嘉宾台湾中小企业协会张大为副 理事长及香港珠宝玉石厂商会李景熹 荣誉会长,分享海外商团的成功经验; 总商会工商业委员会白毅柏副主席主 持的论坛则邀请了新加坡餐饮业协会 周家萌会长、航空货运代理协会姚荣 佳副主席、家具工业理事会潘文发名

誉秘书长、维多利亚街批发中心商联 会蔡为明会长分别介绍了各自商团的 经验,就如何协助属下会员善用政府 援助计划展开热烈讨论。 总商会31名董事、政 府部门官 员、以及65家商团派出的代表近400人 出席了大会。从出席此届商团大会的 有关部门高管名单,可见政府对该届 商团大会的重视。第三届商团大会体 现了政府与商团同心协力,凝聚商家 朝向共同目标迈进,实现经济转型的 决心。其实,此前多名内阁成员也曾表 态,要坚决实现经济重组,把科技创 新与提高生产力相结合。 总商会秉持推动我国工商业发展 与经济繁荣为宗旨,第三届商团大会 的主题互助合作 共同创新,蔡其生 会长在大会结束前说,这将是未来总 商会与商团会员一起努力的目标。

总商会积极通过各类活动 协助中小企业改革创新, 采用科技实现自动化, 减低成本,提高生产力。


In the Lead


借力旗舰项目 扬帆中国市场 文:李依玲

“到海外发展,不能只靠自己的力 量,要学会借力!”总商会也在这前提 下召开了 2014 新中商务论坛,希望 本地中小企业能得到启发, “借力旗 舰项目 扬帆中国市场”。



In the Lead


总商会于6月5日举办了“ 2 014 新中商务论坛 - 借力旗舰项目 扬帆 中国市场”,吸引了近3 5 0 位商家出 席。除了让商家一起分享经验,总商 会主办论坛的目的也 希望能借此平 台,让中国企 业 和 本 地 企 业 进 行更 多的互 动,把 本 地中小型企 业推向 环球化。 蔡其生会长在致词时就表示20 年前新中两国启动第一个里程 碑式 的项目 — — 苏州工 业园以 来,双 方 在合 作过程中累积了丰富的经验。 此后,天津生态城、广州知识城、中 新吉林食品区、新川创新科技园、中 新南京生 态 科 技岛也 相继 启动。两 国的合 作 项目从 东 到西,从 北 到南 遍布中国各地,行业分布各具特色, 项目之间优势互补,不仅减少了彼此 间 的竞争,也为新 加 坡 企 业 到中国 发展,提供了多样化的园区选择。蔡

会长认为, 这六个项目就像六艘巨 型轮 船,行驶在中国市场 的汪 洋大 海中。通 过善用这 些巨轮 的优势和 条 件,可以减 少 新加坡中小企业 到 中国发展遇到的水土不服问题。 整合资源 拓展海外 中 国 幅 员 辽 阔,人 口 众 多,一 直是 外资青睐的重点市场。但 近年 来,中国市 场 的 竞 争日益 激 烈,经 商 成 本逐 渐上 升,因 此,蔡 会 长 认 为:“到海 外发展,不能 只靠自己的 力量,要学会 借力!”。他 呼吁正准 备扩张海外的中小企业以团队的方 式 到中国 发 展,大 家 互 相 扶 持,增 强实力以此克服中小企业在资金、 人才方面的局限性。同时,中小企业 在开拓海外市场时应该善用大型企 业和政联公司在中国已经建立起来 的 平台,整 合 资 源,而总 商 会 和 国 际企业发展局联合在上海设立了新

加坡 企 业中心,可以 随 时 为会员商 家提供这方面的协助。 通过园区平台 面向广大中国市场 论 坛共 分为两个 时段。第一 时 段, 总商会特邀新加坡在中国的六大 旗舰项目负责机构的高管:中新苏州 工业园区开发集团股 份有限公司张 永福总经理、中新 天 津生 态城投资 开发有限公司蔡启川副总裁、中新吉 林食品区管委会张锡文副主任、中新 广州知识 城 陈培 进 总裁、新川创 新 科 技园胡伟雄 总经理、中新南京生 态科技岛陆斌市场总监,现身说法, 介绍各自的优势,帮助本地中小企业 抓住机遇,借助各个园区现有的商业 平台,将自身的产品及服务推向广大 的中国市场。论 坛 主 席由新加坡国 际企业发展局环境与基础设施方案 司高源祥司长担任。


这六个项目(苏州工业园、 天津生态城、广州知识 城、中新吉林食品区、新川 创新科技园、中新南京生 态科技岛)就像六艘巨型 轮船,行驶在中国市场的 汪洋大海中。要想减少到 中国发展的水土不服,可 以善用这些巨轮的优势和 条件…这些项目也得到两 国政府的支持,每一个项 目都是集天时、地利、人 和为一体。

In the Lead

第二 时段,则 分 别 邀 请了三位 不同背景 的企 业家:总商会 傅国华 董事、道 益国际有限公司苏益华董 事经理、NanoRad Pte Ltd 陈伟然总 裁分享在到中国各省市(园区)内经 商的经 验,探讨新加坡 企业 到中国 发 展,所 面 临 的 投 资决 策、进 入市 场、运 作 与 管 理 的真实 情况。论 坛 主席由总商会高泉庆副主席担任。 在谈到新中合 作项目的发展情 况 和 挑 战 时,他们 都强调 新中大 型 合 作 项目需 要长 期 发展,间中除了 涉及软件、硬件和产业生 态 环 境 的 设 立,更需 要 配 合市 场 步 伐。中新 广州知识城陈培进总裁更以新加坡 的纬壹科 技城(one -nor th)为例,说 明在审视新中大型合作项目的实际 效 益 时,大 家 必须 把目光 放 远,而 不能只关注 短 期 的经济利益,忽略 项目所能带来的长远 及宏观影响。 我们虽然在近期才逐渐了解纬壹科 技城的功能和看到它所带来的巨大


经 济 效 益,但 这个高科 技 产业区并 不是 近 几年才开始发展的,而是 新 加 坡 政 府 花 了足 足2 0 年 的 时 间 规 划、发展的。另外,中新南京生态科 技岛陆 斌市场总 监也认 为,新中合 作 不仅 具有巨大 经 济 效 益,也能充 分展现 新中合 作的紧密合 作,具有 更深远的意义。 午餐过后,中新吉林食品区、用 友新加坡也分别举办分 会 场,介 绍 吉林食品投 资 环 境与亲商政 策;用 友新加坡也在企业财务以及人力成 本控 制等方面进 行了课 题 研讨。总 商会希望中小企业能从这次的论坛 得到启发,了解团结就是力量,并利 用新、中两国共同开发的现有项目, 到中国投 资或 经商,走 出国门开 拓 新市场。

新加坡在中国的六大旗舰项目负责机构的高管:(左起)张永福、蔡启川、张锡文、高源祥、陈培进、胡伟雄、陆斌,与大会分享在中国发展的 机会与心得。



In the Lead

与香港特区政府财政司曾俊华司长餐叙 香港特区政府财政司曾俊华司长 于7月30日到新加坡访问。此行旨在巩 固香港特别行政区与新加坡的经贸联 系。曾俊华到访期间,除了拜会新加坡 政府官员,也与本地商界及银行界的主 要代表进行交流。 曾俊华财政司司长、总商会蔡其 生会长,黄山忠副会长与总务委员会何 乃全主席等人于7月31 日进行了餐叙。 曾俊华司长(前排右三)、总商会蔡其生会长(前排右二)、张松声前任会长兼新加坡 工商业联合会主席(前排左三)、黄山忠副会长(前排左一)、总务委员会何乃全主席 (后排左二)与本地工商界代表合影。

Photo: Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in Singapore

前排(左起):总商会总务委员会何乃全主席、钟声坚副会长、蔡其生会长、张松声前任会长兼新加坡工商联合总会主席、新加坡工商联合 总会何鸣杰执行总裁、总商会黄山忠副会长、刘泰山副会长。后排(左起):新加坡工商联合总会会员关系部助理秘书长江美凤、中国与东 北亚事务助理秘书长张采虹、总商会谭宝锠秘书长。

加强联系, 巩固合作 总商会张松声前任会长甫出任新加坡工商联合总会主席一职,即带领该会秘书处到访总商会,加强与总商 会的联系与合作。 总商会与新加坡工商联合总会有密切的联系;总商会和其他两家本地种族商会,即新加坡马来商会与新加 坡印度商会在新加坡工商联合总会的理事会里,拥有永久代表席位。 7月1日,总商会蔡其生会长,钟声坚副会长,黄山忠副会长,刘泰山副会长,总务委员会何乃全主席和谭宝 锠秘书长负责接待了代表团。陪同张松声前任会长到访的是新加坡工商联合总会何鸣杰执行总裁、中国与东 北亚事务助理秘书长张采虹、会员关系部助理秘书长江美凤。



蔡其生 PBM 受委 官委议员


张齐娥 JP, PBM,BOVJ 荣膺 公共服务星章 BBM


In the Lead


蔡天宝 JP, BBM 荣膺 殊功勋章 DUBC

总商会名誉董事 魏成辉 BBM 荣膺 公共服务星章(勋条)BBM (L)


柯毓麟 荣膺 公共服务奖章 PBM

商团与会员事务 委员会副主席

文教与社会事务 委员会副主席





荣膺 公共服务星章 BBM

荣膺 公共服务星章 BBM

荣膺 公共服务奖章 PBM

荣膺 公共服务奖章 PBM






Business Voice in Parliament

向国会反映工商界心声 Questions Raised in Parliament 4月14日,总商会前任会长、官委议员 张松声在国会复会时提出三项询问:

Q. 就 给 予 本 地 企 业 更 多 机 会 参 与 政 府 项 目 , 向 副总理兼财政部长尚达曼提出询问:

Q. 就 校 园 内 推 广 华 文 华 语 的 课 题 , 向 教 育 部 王瑞杰部长提出询问:

政府在发出主要基础建设项目的招标书时,能否把 “与本地公司合作”列为遴选标准之一,来增强本地公 司的专项能力及项目业绩,以便日后更有实力争取海外 项目?

教育部是否计划进一步加强华文教学,并联同合 作机构一起激发学生的兴趣,特别是让学习过程更有 趣,以便推广华文华语在学生群中的广泛使用,同时 让他们在日常生活中有效应用华语。

Q. 就 增 聘 司 机 改 善 公 共 巴 士 服 务 , 向 交 通 部 吕德耀部长提出询问: 在改善巴士服务计划下,政府将为公共巴士服务业 者添购450新巴士,增强现有车队规模。那么,业者计 划从本地,或是海外增聘所需的巴士司机? Q. 就开放学校停车场供私人巴士停放,向教育部 王瑞杰部长提出询问: 教育部能否考虑让更多学校开放校区停车场,供 私人学校巴士在非繁忙时段及傍晚停放?

7月7日,总商会前任会长、官委议员 张松声在国会复会时,就“公共巴士路线外包经 营模式”、提出两项询问:

Q. 就推展全新的“公共巴士路线外包经营模式” 向交通部长吕德耀提出询问:

8月4日-5日,总商会前任会长、官委议员 张松声在国会复会时提出三项询问:

Q. 就 中 小 企 业 融 资 课 题 , 向 贸 工 部 林 勋 强 部 长 出提出询问: 评级机构穆迪在2014年7月发布的报告中指出, 新加坡的银行预计需要增加贷款损失准备金,这可能 会导致银行在发放贷款,特别是借贷给中小企业时, 采取更谨慎保守的态度。有鉴于此,财政部可否为商 家提供融资方面的协助? Q. 就本地企业的竞争实力,向贸工部林勋强部长 提出询问: 以下的情况是否反映出本地企业正面临竞争力下 滑的严峻挑战? (i)

2014年6月,我国非石油出口年比下滑4.6%,个人 电脑产品出口更是大幅下挫32%;


尽管2014年第一季的旅游收益同比增长5%, 旅客在购物与餐饮方面的消费却分别下滑了6% 和1%。

政府是否已经拨出预算来推展全新的“公共巴士 路线外包经营模式”?如果是,当局会否公布相关的 预算?

At the session on April 14, Chamber’s Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, in his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, raised three questions in Parliament

Q. 就公共巴士服务转型为外包经营模式向副总理 兼财政部长尚达曼提出询问:

Q. Mr Teo Siong Seng posed a question to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance on partnership with local companies for government projects. He asked if the Government can include partnership with local companies as a condition in the tender specifications of key infrastructure projects so that these local companies can build up necessary expertise and track records to help them secure a foothold in overseas projects.

自2014下半年起,公共巴士服务将转型为外包 经营模式。接下来,政府会否考虑也在其他公共服务 领域的外包项目中(如:地铁与医疗保健)也采用这 类新经营模式,即:政府承担基础建设的费用及拥有 权,营运商则专注于提升效率及服务水平?


Business Voice in Parliament

Q. Mr Teo Siong Seng posed a question for the Minister for Transport on the recruitment of bus drivers for the Bus Services Enhancement Programme. He asked if the public transport operators intend to recruit bus drivers locally or from foreign sources for the 450 buses that will be added to the existing bus fleet under the Bus Service Enhancement Programme. Q. Mr Teo Siong Seng posed a question for the Minister for Education on coach bays at schools at private buses. He asked if more schools in Singapore can consider opening up their coach bays for private school buses to park during non-peak hours and in the evenings.

At the session on July 7, Chamber’s Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, in his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, raised two questions in Parliament Q. Mr Teo Siong Seng posed a question for the Minister for Transport on the new bus contracting model: He asked if the Government has made a provision in the budget for the new bus contracting model and, if so, whether the budget will be made transparent to the public. Q. Mr Teo Siong Seng asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance on the restructured bus contracting model. He asked if the restructured bus contracting model starting from the second half of 2014 will be the new business model going forward for Government outsourcing projects in other public services such as the MRT and healthcare sectors where the Government is to own and pay for the infrastructure while the operators will focus on improving efficiency and service levels.

At the session on August 4-5, Chamber’s Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, in his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, raised three questions in Parliament Q. Mr Teo Siong Seng posed a question for the Minister for Education on improvements to teaching of Chinese Language in schools. He asked if the Ministry plans to further improve on the teaching of the Chinese language in schools and work with partners to motivate students’ interest especially in making learning fun, so as to promote its widespread usage among students and their use of Mandarin effectively in their daily lives.

Q. Mr Teo Siong Seng posed a question for the Minister for Trade and Industry on help for Singapore companies as banks’ loan-loss provisions rise. He asked in light of rating agency Moody’s reports in early July 2014 indicating that Singapore banks are expected to have higher loan-loss provisions which may lead to a more conservative approach in loans being given to companies especially SMEs, whether the Ministry can look into helping businesses in the area of financing. Q. Mr Teo Siong Seng posed a question for the Minister for Trade and Industry on competitive edge of local enterprises. He asked if our local enterprises face a serious challenge in loss of competitiveness due to (i) the year-on-year decline of 4.6% in June 2014 for non-oil domestic exports especially the sharpest decline of 32% witnessed in personal computer exports; and (ii) the 6% and 1% drops in shopping and food/beverage spending respectively notwithstanding the 5% increase in tourism receipts in the first quarter 2014.




Business Voice in Parliament

一起打造更有 竞争力的新加坡 5月26日,总商会前任会长、官委议员张松声在5月份的国会复会时,针对陈 庆炎总统发布的政府施政方针发表看法。 《华商》刊登其发言全文,以嗣 读者。

议长、各位议员,大家下午好! 首先申明,我目前担任新加坡中华总 商会前任会长,太平船务公司董事总 经理。 陈庆炎总统在5月16日发布了政 府施政方针,我感到倍受鼓舞。作为 商家代表,我今天的发言题目是“一 起打造更有竞争力的新加坡”。我的 发言有两个重点。第一,以公正、客 观的立场反应民意,参政、议政以国 为先,协助 政 府制定和 推广亲商政 策。第二,以开放包容的心态鼓励中 小企业和员工 提 升,接 纳 外国人和 新移民,一起追求美好的生活。 首先谈第一点,公正、客观的立 场。到目前为止,我当官委议员已经 5 年了。官委议 员这个角色,看别人 当是一种感受,亲自担任之后是另外 一种感受。之前,看别人的发言,有 时难免用局外人的眼光,或者希望听 到更加劲爆的言论;但是,当我自己 成为官委议员,参加国会辩论,深感 这个角色的责任与重要。我一直坚持 以公正、客观的立场,不涉及任何政 治纷争,真实地反应社会大众,特别 是商家的心声,为政 府决 策 提供 更 加全面、多元化的参考。这样做的目 的,就是希望社会各界一起努力,打 造更有竞争力的新加坡,一起追求更 加美好的生活。 “官委议员”这四个字,代表的 不是一个人,是一个群体,是特定背景 的公众。官委议员的责任是从实际、有 效、专业的角度提供建设性意见。为了 扮演 好官委议 员的角色,我 通 过各

种渠道,包括中华总商会,广泛收集 商家反馈和诉求,一些商家也主动向 我求助。在频繁接触商家的同时,我 们也 积极与有关 政 府部门联 系、沟 通,促进政商之间的合作效率。新加 坡 正处在 经济转型 期,许多企业面 临转型的压力。过去5年,商家反映 的问题大多集中在租金成本上涨、人 力资源短缺、提高生产力的困难、政 策 执行效率等方面,凸显出环 境转 变带来的种种压力。 实 际上,这不仅 是 新加坡 企 业 要面临的问题,整个 世界经济 环 境 也一直在改变。一方面新技术不断涌 现,传统的经营模式受到冲击;另一 方面,新机会、新理念、新行业也在 层出不穷。我们要 感谢政 府 一直在 推出各种 援助计 划,协助本 地企业 应对经济转型。因为有政府的资助, 许多中小企业才有能力更新设备,提 高生产力,调整工作流程。不过,一 些中小企业,特别是微小企业,资源 和能力有限,需要更长的时间适应新 的环境。 接下来,我 要谈 的 第 二个重 点 是包容与提升。陈 庆炎 总 统的施 政 演 讲当中,有一段 话 我非常 赞同。 “新加坡必须是个能为所有人提供 机会的国家,那 些 无法 第一次 成 功 的人,必须有第二次,应该说永远有 再次尝试的机会。”一些中小企业, 特别是 微小企业和 传 统 行业,因大 环 境的转 变 必须 转型,他们自身也 意识到转型的必要,正在不断努力。 因此,我希望,政府在制定商业政策 时,能够更多考虑中小企业、微小企

业和传统行业的需求,为他们留出空 间,让他们有机会多次尝试,希望他 们不要轻易放弃,也 希望 政 府不要 轻易放弃他们。 经 济 转 型 期 间,员工们 和 老板 一 起 在 承受 压力。目前许多行业出 现人力短缺,许多老板反应,这个时 候 人都 不够了,哪里 还 有时间送 员 工去参加培训。经营企业多年,我深 知员工培 训的重要性。即使是 在公 司人力资源有限的背景下,也要坚持 培训员工。员工只有与时并进,才能 在职场上有更 大的价 值。转行 转型 不可怕,怕的是畏惧转变的心态。现 在,网络技术发达,到处可以看到人 们随时随地看手机,上网浏览,互通 信息,甚至在地铁上还在看电视剧。 如果员工能把这种精神用在自我提 升上,公司培训善用互联网技术,便 能缓解人力短缺的压力。当然,这样 的做 法能否成 功,取 决 于员工 对自 我提升的渴望。渴望有多大,效果就 有多大。我期待政府打造智慧国的努 力,能够让企业在员工培训方面获得 更多便利。 要 想 提高生 产力,关 键 还 是 理 念。如果 在青少年时期 就 能灌 输生 产力的基本知识,将来走入社会,生 产力素质将会充分 体 现。我 对强化 国民服役委员会有个建议。每一个男 性青年 都 要服兵 役,这是他们踏入 职场或进入高等学府之前最重要的 两年,也是在体能、情商、团队精神 方面突飞猛进的关键时期。近几年, 新加坡 的人口出生率一直低 迷,武 装部队也需 要转 变管 理 模式,以 更


加有效的方式训练,保家卫国。我认 为,军中也有提高生产力的需求,希 望国民服役委员会在强化制度时,能 够 考虑如 何普及 生 产力概 念,把 规 划、设计、流程控制等基本知识灌输 到军队训练当中。以往,这些概念可 能军官们都很了解,今后,我们希望 这些概念不仅每一位士兵都能了解, 也能累积亲身感受的经验。国民 服 役期间,是最好的集中训练时期,这 些训练有素的年轻人完成国民服役 之后,将充实到各行各业的工作队伍 中,带动整个劳工队伍的生产力。 最近,中华总商会正在积极协助 标 新局推广“中小企业 人才 培育计 划”,帮助中小企业招聘理工学院和 工艺教育学 院 的毕业生。目前的情 况是,中小企业提供的工作机会多, 愿意应征申请的人少。我想,是否可 以 通 过与军队的合 作,让 服役 进 入 尾声的士兵,利用最后几个月的时间 到中小企业实习,了解工作环境,增 加互相认同的机会。 商家们 聘请员工时,遴 选 标 准 是根据员工能否胜任工作,能否为公 司作出贡献。限于人力短缺,我们的 工作团队中一定会有新 移民和外国 人,这是移民国家的特性,也是移民 国家的优势。我的公司就 是 员工背 景非常多元化的企业,因此,我想谈 谈 这方面的感受。我的公司业务 遍 布世界 各地,外来人才 能够 帮助公 司有 效 地开 拓和管 理 海 外业务,多 元 化的团队一直 是我们 的优 势。在 新加坡 总部,我们也是以 工作 表 现 来 衡 量 员工价 值,公司内部从 未刻

Business Voice in Parliament

意区分谁是本地人,谁是外国人,大 家一起为共同的目标努力。在移民国 家,互相理解,求同存异,才能和睦 相处。本 地 人 要以包容的心态对 待 新移民,新移民也应当入乡随俗,了 解新 环 境的游戏规则。就像总统说 的: “尽管我们希望他们能尊重我们 的价 值观 和我们的生活方式,我们 应友善及优雅地对待他们。”毕竟, 当初离乡背井的目标 就是为了更 好 地发挥所长,追求更好的生活。这一 目标,和本地员工是一致的。 明年是 新加坡 建国五十周年, 政 府制定了许多政策感谢建国一代 为国家的付出。而我们对建国一 代 最大的尊重,就是象他们一样同心协 力,打造更有竞争力的新加坡。和五 十年前相比,今天的商业环境更加多 变,更加复杂,人们的期望也相应提 高。只有政府了解商家需求,推广亲 商政策,各行各业蓬勃发展,员工和 雇主一起努力,创造更多财富,政府 才有更 大的能力照 顾弱势 群 体,保 持社会的和谐。 新加坡 是 个小国,周边 环 境 一 直不平静。看看最 近区域国家发生 的种种事件,我们必须反思,是什么 因素成 就了新加坡的今 天。我们 拥 有的一切来之不易,如果为了争论而 争 论,让一些不和谐 的声音无限 放 大,破坏了辛 辛苦 苦 建 立 起 来的凝 聚力,我们将失去竞争力。所以,我 很 庆幸能够 担任官委议 员,在 遇 到 问题时,从解决问题的角度去思考, 集思广益。只要各方都是为了解决问 题而做出调整和努力,任何问题都可


以解 决。新加坡不是 第一次 进 入经 济转型,劳资政三方曾经多次携手度 过转型期,这其中虽然有磨合,有挫 折,但最终都能顺利度过,相信这一 次也不例外。现在,全国对话会已经 结束,总统也发布了施政方针,接下 来,就是社会各界一起合作,努力提 高我国的核心竞争力,为下一个五十 年,创造更加美好的新加坡!

和五十年前相比,今天的 商业环境更加多变,更 加复杂,人们的期望也 相应提高。只有政府了解 商家需求,推广亲商政 策,各行各业蓬勃发展, 员工和雇主一起努力,创 造更多财富,政府才有 更大的能力照顾弱势群 体,保持社会的和谐。



Regional Files

让新加坡商家受惠的 新台经济伙伴协议 文:李依玲

蔡其生会长在5月4日率领了总商会50人代表团到台北与金门进行为期六天 的实地考察。总商会代表团是《新台经济伙伴协议》(ASTEP)生效后,第一 个前往该地区考察的商业代表团。 5月4日至9日,在蔡其生会长的 率领下,由总商会 组织的3 8家公司 共50名成员的商业代表团到台北与 金门进 行实 地考察。新加坡与台湾 在2013年11月7日签署《新台经济伙 伴协议》,并在2014年4月19日起正 式 生 效,而总商会代 表团是协议 生 效后,第一个前往该地区考察的商业 代 表团。这 次的出访除了协助 新加 坡企业掌握协议带来的机遇、了解拥 有230 0万人口的台湾如何能成为本 地企业的重要市场,也希望能借此机 会建立新台企业的合作伙伴关系。 蔡其生会长表示: “台湾拥有许 多值得新加坡商家进一步开拓的领 域,随着《新台经济伙伴协议》的实 施,两地 的商品与服务 领 域 也 将 开 放。此行有助新加坡商界了解如何凭 借ASTEP制造的契机,到台湾拓展业 务,并与当地企业进行广泛合作”。 考察台北 期 间,总商会代 表团 与经济部和对外贸易发展协会会面, 并向中国生产力中心和工业技 术研 究院的专才学习提高企业生产力、创 新能力和科技水平的新思维。此外, 代表团也拜访当地工业与科 技园, 包括内湖 科 技园区、松山文化创意


园以及桃园幼狮工业区,了解其运作 模式。 结束了台北的考察活动,在蔡其 生会长的带领下,27名团员乘搭内陆 航班续程到金门县访问,了解当地的 最新经济发展情况和经贸发展计划。

此 次的考察活 动,让团员们 都受益 良多。相信有了对台湾的实地了解, 新台企业今后有望通 过“新台经济 伙伴协议”(ASTEP) 进行更多经贸 投资活动,让两地商家互惠互利,从 中获益。

区域经济 区域经济



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新加坡企业将更容易在台湾 投资,并可以参与更多台湾 政府项目的竞标。开放的 服务业包括了: • • • • • •


电信业 渔业 能源生产的附带服务、海运和 公路运输 娱乐服务 体育服务 休闲服务

新加坡公司以后在台湾五都 —高雄、台中、台北、新北和 台南五市,将可跟台企同等竞 标政府项目,潜在政府项目 包括: • • • •

废水处理 城市解决方案 基础设施建设 云计算

ASTEP除了降低贸易关税外,也去除了许多非关税贸易壁垒。大约97%前往台湾的新加坡出口将 即刻免除关税,其余的3%将在ASTEP生效后的五、十或十五年内享受免关税的待遇。海关程序 也将进一步简化,使货品更快通关并减少通关成本。 资料来源: 联合早报《新加坡签署经济伙伴协议》, 2013年11月8日。








新加坡的第六大亚洲投资 来源地

台湾的第六大外来投资 来源地

在新加坡的直接投资额共为 73亿新元

在台湾的投资额共达 59亿元

2012 年



双边贸易额达 到497亿新 元,年比增长 了8.7%

资料来源: 联合早报《新加坡签署经济伙伴协议》, 2013年11月8日 • 新加坡贸工部网站: www.mti.gov.sg, 2013年11月7日 驻新加坡台北代表处网站: www.singaporetradeoffice.gov.sg, 2013年11月7日



China Affairs

借力新川旗舰项目 共拓东盟各国商机 文:陈星伊

总商会、四川省外事侨务办公室全力协助和支持本地商家借力新川旗舰项 目,把握中国西部发展重大机遇之际,也与四川的商家共同开拓东盟6亿 人口庞大市场的合作契机。

总商会近来一直积极鼓励 本地商家借力旗舰项目, 扬帆中国市场,善用已经 搭建起来的合作平台。

总商会蔡其生先生在四川省与新加坡华商商务早餐会上呼吁新中两国商家借力新川旗舰项 目,探讨共同开拓东盟市场的可能性。

7月22日,总商会和四川省外事 侨务办公室签 署友 好 合 作 协议,在 新加坡和四川政府建构的合作平台 上,巩固和扩大第12届世界华商大 会成果,进一步加强新川在经贸、投 资等各领域的交流合作。 2 013年9月,总商会组织127人 代表团赴四川成都参加第12届世界 华商大会,藉由成都的窗口,开拓中 国西部 发展机 遇。签 署上 述合 作 协 议是总商会组团赴川考察后取得的 实质成果之一。

魏宏在致辞中感谢总商会等社 团和广大华商长期以来为中新友 好 与合 作和两国经济发展做出的重要 贡献,尤其 在“5·12 ”汶 川特大 地 震和“4·2 0 ”芦山强烈地震后对四 川省灾区提供的大力援助。他表示, 四川省欢迎并支持新加坡企业来川 投 资兴业,分享四川跨 越 发展 所 带 来的新机遇、新商机。 总商会蔡其生会长在合 作备忘 录 签 署 仪式 上表 示:“总商会 近 来 一直积极鼓 励本 地商家借力旗舰项

目,扬帆中国市场,善用已经搭建起 来的合 作 平台。总商会与新川创 新 科 技园签 署了合 作 意向书,共同推 动 园区的发展。在合 作 协议 之下, 总商会将向会员公司推介创新科 技 园,鼓 励 新加坡企业积极参与园区 的建设,把握投资机会。同时,科技 园也将向总商会及时 通报园区的最 新发 展情况,为会员商家 提 供亲商 服务。另一方面,我们也呼吁四川商 家加快 到新加坡 投资的步 伐,以新 加坡作为区域中心,辐 射整个东 盟 市场。”


China Affairs


后排:四川省人民政府省长魏宏(中)、中国驻新加坡大使馆经济商务处郑超公参(右二)、总商会蔡其生会长(左二)、四川省人民政府副 秘书长薛康(左一)、总商会副会长钟声坚(右一)见证总商会副会长黄山忠(前排左)与四川省人民政府外事侨务办公室主任慕新海签署友 好合作协议书。

四川省魏宏省长、中国驻新加坡大使馆经济商务处郑超公参、总商会蔡其生会长、四川 省人民政府副秘书长薛康、总商会副会长钟声坚等在总商会主办的四川省与新加坡华 商商务早餐会上,见证了总商会和四川省外事侨务办公室签署协议。双方的合作将以 五大方面为导向: 以中国西部国际博览会等四川省 重大涉外活动为平台,总商会推 动会员企业参会及考察四川投资 环境,洽谈经贸投资合作。

双方共同建立高层互访机制,不 定期组织双方负责人互访,增进 了解,深化交流。

四川外事侨务办公室配合四川省有关部门,积极为总 商会会员企业提供在川投资咨询服务。

双方共同建立信息交流机制,及时交换相关信息资 料,相互进行宣传和推介,及时向对方提供有益于新 加坡华商企业事业发展的相关信息,实现信息共享。

双方将在加强交流与合作的基础上,进一步探讨共同举办活动的可行性,不断拓展实质性的合作 内容,努力使双方友好的合作在促进两地经贸发展中发挥更大作用。



Corporate Strategies

变革最大阻力 是自己 文:张宝诚

“改变”过程最大的阻力,不是钱、 形象、名誉、人情,而是“自己”。


全球排名第一名的白色家电海尔 集团张瑞敏首席执行长是当代令人佩 服的经营者。日前,他应邀至美国华 顿商学院 (The Wharton School)全球 论坛发表演讲,在谈到海尔在互联网 时代,遭受到很大的挑战:因传统制 造是以企业为中心,属于卖方市场, 但在 互 联网时代,企业与用户零距 离,必须以用户为中心,必须是买方 市场。所以,经营方式从大规模的制 造转变成大规模的量身订做,直接冲 击到海尔的营运模式。他曾经犹豫不 决,不知该如何两全? 也许诸 位读 者 会问,经营者 一 呼百诺有何困难?然而,根据数据显 示,2013年海尔集团全球员工人数为 86,000人,年营业额达1,803亿人民 币,占全球零售9.7%的市占率。当变 革会影响8万多名员工的生活以及背 后的家庭,这就是一个会让领导人半 夜睡不着的问题。 人单合一双赢理论突破经营格局 当时,张瑞敏不断反问自己几个 问题。包括,海尔如何在互联网时代 踏准经营的节拍?海尔要为顾客创造 的价值是什么?最后他义无反顾地推 动组织变革。张瑞敏的策略是改变传 统上窄下宽的金字塔型的科层制度, 鼓励有创意的员工,不要受限组织部 门的约束,只要找到顾客就可自行创 业,然后藉由海尔的品牌、通路为顾 客提供各种增值的服务,实现利润中 心并自主经营。除此之外,海尔也定 期在组织内召开“创客大会”并引进 创投专业顾问来协助员工评估创业风 险。这项名为“人单合一双赢理论”策 略让原本封闭性的组织系统,变成开 放性组织系统,让众多的员工直接接 触用户提供感动服务,再透过优化管 理阶层,促使海尔减少7000名员工, 但人均劳动率与所创造利润都显著 地增长。 张瑞敏在谈到这一段时,举《易 经》“倾否,先否后喜”的卦象说,每 个人都会自我封闭,封闭的最后就是

Corporate Strategies


每个人都会自我封闭,封闭的最后就是死亡。要改变 自我封闭,就是自我颠覆,势必会经过一段很艰苦 的过程,最后达到欣喜的局面。

死亡。要改变自我封闭,就是自我颠 覆,势必会经过一段很艰苦的过程, 最后达到欣喜的局面。

谦卑则是能够自省,从困难中学习, 扩大自我的格局,从反省中获得新的 启发与新的价值。

成功与卓越都是对与对的抉择 张瑞敏执行长的说法,我心有戚 戚焉。 “改变”过程最大的阻力,不 是钱、形象、名誉、人情,而是“自己” 。人的本能都是喜欢逃避压力的,在 每个人说长不短的人生旅程、职场生 涯,维持现状、漠视危机,假装一切 无事其实是最简单的选择。但领导者 却注定不能闪躲、逃避,甚至能在风 雨来之前,就要能明辨慎思、处变而 有所变。第一个技巧是“专注做好一 件事”。想成功的领导人,每天容易 被各种小事纠缠,没时间思考、计划、 沟通大事。这样拼命是自己很辛苦, 部属也没有责任感,但个人与组织的 资源有限,结果就是每件事都做了, 但都是半调子。以我的经验,要专注 在能带动企业未来成长的动力的人、 事、物,以严格的标准做筛选,让组 织的新知识、新技术、新思维,落实 为具体的发展计划及创新行动。

正因为境随心转,在面对同仁心 存疑虑、行动胆怯时,我一方面倾听 与化解同仁的忧虑,一方面也从各种 机会、场合来应证顾客的需求。在过 程中,我们不断做,不断改,不断试, 藉由 learning by doing 达到我们要的 成果跟目标。

另一方面,中心多年为了提供顾 客感动服务,让员工有更容易发挥的 舞台,陆 续 推动许多流 程制度的改 变,每一次的改变,都有它的逻辑思 考。有的是对业务做出取舍,有的是 让同仁离开舒适圈,或多或少也造成 一些伙伴的离开。当然,改变对同仁 会形成一种压力,对我而言也是一个 会让自己晚上睡不着的问题。所以, 第二个技巧是保持“正向乐观”与“ 谦卑”的态度。因为,乐观是对未来 永远抱持希望,不轻易被挫折击倒;

我认为,成功与卓越不是对与错 的选择,而是对与对的抉择。每个领 导人都是海上航行的船长,心中都挂 着一张地图,知道要去那个港口,知 道哪里能够停靠、补给,更知道要怎 么闪躲暴风雨。 但我深信卓越企业的领导人,他 们更洞悉要达到目的地,就一定要冒 着船倾梁倒的危险,穿越风暴巨浪, 所以毅然决然校准船头、横跨海浪, 向着内心的目标航行过去,一步一步 地接近目标。

作者是中国生产力中心 (CPC) 总经理。总 商会于2012年7月12日与台湾中国生产力 中心 (CPC) 签署合作框架协议,充分发挥 双方各自的优势,通过培训与交流,为两 地企业开阔思路,提升技能,提高运作效 率,搭建新加坡企业与台湾企业互动平台 和桥梁。 总 商 会 与 CPC 在 培 训 与 研 讨 会 、 咨 询 服 务、产品创新与开发和资讯共享等领域展 开精诚合作,并互为对方在以上四个领域 的当地唯一合作伙伴。



In the Lead

Dancing to the tune of “Innovation & Growth” : The 3rd Trade Association Congress By: Leonardo Wong

SCCCI held its 3rd Trade Association Congress on May 24 under the theme of “Partnership for Innovation & Growth”. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) organised its 3rd Trade Association Congress on May 24 which was graced by Lim Hng Kiang, Minister for Trade and Industry; Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Trade and Industry; and representatives from the various Trade Associations. Building Relationships, Building Opportunities After a 4-year hiatus, the Trade Association Congress returns amidst a background of innovation and growth. This year’s congress saw an overwhelming response of support from 65 trade associations with 400 representatives in attendance.

Minister Lim Hng Kiang mingling with the crowd after a fruitful dialogue.

In SCCCI President Thomas Chua’s opening speech, he highlighted the importance of establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship with Trade Associations, the challenges they face in today’s dynamic business arena, the Chamber’s initiatives in educating SMEs on the benefits in automating their work processes, and the role it plays in bridging communications between the government and trade associations.

from two overseas Trade Associations - David Chang, Vice President of the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Taiwan, and Li King Hi, Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong Jewellery and Jade Manufacturers Association. In particular, Mr Chang declared that a mindset change, embracing innovation and an enlightened service attitude, could help SMEs not only to overcome their challenges, but to triumph.

Embracing Innovation to Triumph The first half of the event featured a sharing session from invited speakers

The next panel discussion involved four local Trade Association representatives: Dr Andrew Tjioe, President of the Restaurant Association of Singapore;

Michael Yew, Deputy Chairman of SAAA@ Singapore; Phua Boon Huat, Honorary Secretary of the Singapore Furniture Industries Council, and Chua Wui Meng, President of the Victoria Street Wholesale Centre Merchants’ Association. Thomas Pek, Vice-Chairman of the Chamber’s Commerce and Industry Committee, moderated the lively discussion with the panelists and all participants. Stressing on the Importance of Communication, with the Government Leading by Example In MOS Teo Ser Luck’s opening address; he stated that in the midst of an economic restructuring, communication



In the Lead

Thomas Chua, SCCCI President (middle) and Lee Sze Leong, Chairman of Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee (far right) sharing a picture moment with invited speakers after the congress. (From left): Chua Wui Meng, President of the Victoria Street Wholesale Centre Merchants’ Association; Michael Yew, Deputy Chairman from SAAA@ Singapore; Dr Andrew Tjioe, President from the Restaurant Association of Singapore; Thomas Pek, SCCCI Vice Chairman of Commerce and Industry Committee; Li King Hi, Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong Jewellery and Jade Manufacturers Association; Phua Boon Huat, Honorary Secretary from the Singapore Furniture Industries Council; David Chang, Vice President of the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Taiwan

is key. He felt that the Trade Association Congress provides the perfect platform for the government to better understand the issues faced by the different Trade Associations. MOS Teo also complimented SCCCI’s efforts in helping SMEs improve their capabilities and increase their productivity through the many workshops and dialogue sessions organised. In tandem with government schemes like LEAD and IMAP, and a united and cohesive Trade Association community, he believed that the SMEs and Micro SMEs would scale greater heights in the coming future, especially in innovation and productivity. The second half of the congress featured a close-door dialogue session with Minister Lim Hng Kiang. As he addressed the crowd, he said that Singapore is expected to grow at a modest pace in the coming months due to strong competition and limited resources. He believed that only

by promoting innovation and increasing productivity could businesses triumph against the backdrop of any slowdown in the economy. Minister Lim further shared that the government has initiated many programmes like LEAD and IMAP; he felt that meetings like the TA Congress provided a great opportunity for the government to gather feedback from the ground on how relevant these programmes are. This would also allow the policy makers to better refine existing policies. Ultimately, the government wishes to work more closely with Trade Associations in identifying and managing the various issues faced by the different industries today. In the free flowing repartee that followed, issues like rental, insufficient manpower, high foreign worker levy, unfamiliarity with government policies, and the lack

of funding were raised by the different industry representatives. It was a productive hour which resulted in the Minister getting a better understanding of the many issues faced by Trade Associations, and which provided industry representatives with a better knowledge of the various government schemes available.



In the Lead

SCCCI’s 4 Recommendations to Tackle Challenges Faced by Trade Associations By: Leong Teng Chau

Prior to the 3rd Trade Association Congress on May 24 2014, SCCCI Economic Research Department conducted a survey of SCCCI’s Trade Association (TA) members to obtain relevant feedback on issues relating to TA Secretariat operations and development.

Overview of the 46 Trade Associations surveyed

46 2,800 15 2,800 15 46

TA members surveyed

0 22 22 0 Largest membership size

Largest secretariat staff strength

During the January-March 2014 period, a total of 46 TAs from amongst SCCCI’s 151 TA members were identified for an in-depth survey, to obtain feedback relating to TA Secretariat operations and development. The 46 TA members were selected to represent a mix of various sectors across the Singapore economy comprising manufacturing, construction and services sectors,

Smallest membership size

Smallest secretariat staff strength (outsourced secretariat)

and to represent TAs with varying Secretariat staff strengths. The survey findings and the associated recommendations were officially handed over to the Trade and Industry Minister Lim Hng Kiang, who is the Guest-of-Honour at the Trade Association Congress on May 24 2014.


Of the 46 TA members surveyed, the largest TA member had a membership size of 2,800 while the smallest had a membership size of 15. Among the 46 TA members, 39 (85 per cent) of them have their own secretariat staff with the largest secretariat numbering 22 staff. Seven (15 per cent) of the surveyed TAs had chosen to outsource their secretariat function.


In the Lead

The scope of the interview was based on the following:

Secretariat Structure & Staff

Government Support Schemes Secretariat Premises

Secretariat Finances Membership Size Secretariat Activities

Suggestions To Government

Scope For Outsourcing

Summary of survey findings Overall, while TA members acknowledged the government’s support in helping with the development of their respective industries and secretariat capabilities, through the Local Enterprise and Association Development Programme (LEAD) and the International Marketing Activities Programme (iMAP), the survey also surfaced several challenges faced by the TAs. As a response, SCCCI put forward the following recommendations for government’s consideration.

High cost of TA premises

Challenges in secretariat staffing

• Smaller TAs do not own premises • High rental environment deters the smaller TAs to get permanent premises • Under-utilised premises posed a financial burden for the TA

• Narrow/limited work scope poses a challenge to recruit good permanent staff • Continuous staff development is a key factor that can help TAs to recruit and retain staff

Recommendations Government can consider: • providing shared premises for the smaller TAs The bigger TAs can consider: • providing shared premises for the smaller TAs with government support

Overlapping Initiatives by Government Agencies • Government agencies should consider working through TAs to provide training that leads to skills certification • Government agencies at times undertake the same industry initiatives that TAs are doing (e.g. missions, industry conferences and industry awards) • Undermining TAs’ effort to build up their industry standing • Affected activities could be income generator for TAs

Recommendations Government can consider: • providing resources and funding support to help TAs develop their capabilities in industry development The bigger TAs can consider: • assisting the smaller TAs in their training and industry development initiatives

Recommendations Government can consider: • providing shared secretariat staff, and affordable and relevant training courses for TAs’ secretariat staff The bigger TAs can consider: • providing shared secretariat staff, and affordable and relevant training courses for TAs’ secretariat staff

Challenges in TA finances and lack of working capital Constrained by limited financing sources: • Most rely on membership fees, members’ voluntary contribution and sponsorships • Very few have other sustainable financing sources, e.g. from training, exhibitions, and rental income

Recommendations Government can consider: • extending PIC Cash Payout Option to TAs • providing 100% funding support to TAs to execute government-led initiatives (e.g. industry outreach initiatives and promoting government schemes) • providing 100% funding to support TA Secretariat expenses in executing industry development initiatives



In the Lead

Riding on Flagship Projects for a Smoother Sail into the China Market By: Samantha Lee

Running into its 3rd year, the Singapore-China Business Forum was organised by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) with the hope of encouraging local businesses to leverage on Singapore’s six flagship projects in China in their China market ventures. “Riding on Flagship Projects” was the theme for the 3rd Singapore-China Business Forum held on June 5 at the SCCCI Auditorium. Besides providing a platform for businesses to share their experiences, the Forum also hopes to encourage interaction between the enterprises of both countries, and help SMEs to venture overseas. Addressing a crowd of 350 participants, President Thomas Chua said that since Singapore and China initiated the very first milestone project in the Suzhou

Industrial Park, both countries have accumulated a wealth of experience and established mutual rapport over the years. Thereafter, other similar projects have been established in Tianjin Eco-City, Guangzhou Knowledge City, ChinaSingapore Jilin Food Zone, SingaporeSichuan Hi-Tech Innovation Park and Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco Hi-Tech Island. The collaborative projects between our two countries now exist across the whole of China, from the East to the West and North to the South. Besides reducing competition, each project with its unique

characteristics attracts different types of industries, providing a greater variety of industrial parks for Singapore enterprises keen on expanding into China. President Chua also likened these six projects to six mega cruise ships sailing in the vast oceans of the China market. If SMEs wish to reduce problems of navigating the China market, they can certainly utilise the advantages and conducive conditions of these huge liners. Since China’s emergence as a strong market economy, it has captured the


In the Lead


attention of many overseas businesses. However, as the competition stiffened, the cost of doing business has also increased in recent years. On this note, President Chua encouraged SMEs keen on breaking into the China market to work together as a team, supporting each other, pooling resources to overcome their limitations on resources. SMEs should also leverage on the platforms and resources created by the Singapore-China flagship projects. He added that the one-stop centre in Shanghai jointly initiated by International Enterprise (IE) Singapore and the SCCCI would also provide a full suite of advisory services to the SMEs. The forum consisted of two panel sessions. Representatives from Singapore’s six flagship projects in China – Bernard Teo Eng Hock, General Manager (Singapore Office) of China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Development Group Co Ltd; Chua Kay Chuan, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Business & Strategic Planning of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co Ltd; Chin Phei Chen, Chief Executive Officer of Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment and Development Co Ltd; Zhang Xiwen, Deputy Director of China-Singapore Jilin Food Zone; Federick Hu, General Manager of Sino-Singapore (Chengdu) Innovation Park Co Ltd; and Victor Lu Bin, Marketing Director of Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco Hitech Island Development Co Ltd –were the distinguished panelists for the first panel. The moderator for the panel was Kow Juan Tiang, Group Director, Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions Group of IE Singapore. Their experiences in the diverse projects throughout China were insightful and useful to all present. The second panel, moderated by Kho Choon Keng, Group Executive Chairman of Lian Huat Group, consisted of three entrepreneurs from different backgrounds. Participants gained insights from Victor Foo, Chief Executive Officer of Digistore Solutions (S) Pte Ltd, Soo Ye Wah, Managing Director of Dou Yee International Pte Ltd, and Chan Wai Yin, Chief Executive Officer of NanoRad Pte Ltd. They spoke about their investment

Panelists from the second session were (left to right): Kho Choon Keng (moderator), Soo Ye Wah, Victor Foo and Chan Wai Yin.

experiences in China and discussed the various strategies, marketing, operations and management issues and situations faced by Singaporean businesses. With regard to the Singapore-China flagship projects and ventures, it was stressed that such mega projects need to take a long-term view. Besides acquiring the software and hardware needed, it was crucial to keep pace with market demands. As such, businesses should look further ahead and consider the significant impact of the projects in the long run, instead of being overly concerned and focused on short-term gains. Mr Chin cited the example of one-north, a business park in Singapore that houses research facilities and supports the growth of Biomedical Sciences, Infocomm Technology, Media, Physical Sciences and Engineering. While some may only notice the economic benefits brought by one-north in recent years, this 200-hectare development has been developing progressively in several phases, over a period of 20 years. In addition, Mr Lu also stated that the significance of Singapore-China flagship projects is not just about generating great economic benefits but more importantly, about building the strong ties of cooperation between Singapore and China.

In the later part of the programme, participants broke up into two groups and attended the seminar discussions conducted by Yonyou (Singapore) Pte Ltd and China-Singapore Jilin Food Zone respectively. The former discussed two topics, namely on managing the cash flow between Singapore and China, and Supply Chain Management and HR costing control, while China-Singapore Jilin Food Zone gave an introduction on its business model and strategies. It is hoped that the Singapore-China Business Forum would enable local SMEs to understand that unity is strength when venturing into China and that they should work as a team to leverage on each other’s advantages. With this in mind, hopefully more business would also be able to walk out of their comfort zone and gain confidence of bringing their businesses to a whole new level.



Business Maxims

Re-examining Foundations, Building a Business of Excellence By: Huang Yifang

Re-examining Tiong Seng’s business foundations and processes led CEO Pek Lian Guan on a business excellence journey which catapulted the business to be at the top of its game.

Tiong Seng Contractors has come a long way from its early beginnings as an earthwork contractor to become a leading home-grown construction and civil engineering contractor harnessing cutting-edge construction technology. In 2013, the company received the Singapore Quality Award, making Tiong Seng the first construction company to receive the most prestigious award presented to organisations in recognition of world-class standards of performance excellence. Ground up Pek Lian Guan, CEO of Tiong Seng Contractors and the Chamber’s Council Member, armed with a passion for engineering coupled with a can-do attitude, joined Tiong Seng right after his graduation from university. Founded in 1959, the company was established by Mr Pek’s father together with three partners. “The company was established just before Singapore’s independence. Tiong Seng started off as an earthwork contractor; and over the years we moved from earthwork to civil engineering, and also into building construction. The company has grown and benefited from the development of Singapore,” said Mr Pek.

A fresh graduate with a degree in civil engineering in 1989, Mr Pek joined Tiong Seng upon graduation and served as a supervisor during his first project in the company. As a young employee, his father advised him to be humble, to listen, observe and seek advice from those on the ground. From his start in Tiong Seng, Mr Pek grew in experience and rose through the ranks in the company. The passion for engineering started early for Mr Pek. Since young, he had always been fascinated by earthwork equipment comprising big machinery. “As a child, I was very excited about machines – the excavators, the bulldozers. I thought to myself then that I wanted to be an engineer,” says Mr Pek with a smile. This passion followed through to his youth, leading him to pursue a degree at Loughborough University of Technology where he graduated with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering with First Class Honours. Receiving the Singapore Quality Award Today, Tiong Seng is renowned for its niche capabilities in technologies such as pre-cast and advanced formwork, and this has proven to be a winning strategy

to position the company ahead of its competition. Mr Pek’s vision during a trying time for the construction industry during the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 was crucial to breathing new life into the business processes of the organisation. “When I started work in 1990, the construction industry was starting to pick up. However, in 1997 the Asian Currency Crisis affected the construction industry and it went back into the doldrums. In 2000-2001, many construction companies had to fold because there were simply no job opportunities around. It was not easy to secure projects at that time. “ “We were looking out for what we could do to reinvent ourselves and we came across the Singapore Quality Class (SQC) Framework. It is a good framework that addresses many fronts of business excellence in companies including leadership and process management. We decided to adopt the framework to see if it could give us some new inspiration. We started adopting the framework in 2001 and received the SQC certification in 2002. The framework helped to change the mindset and behaviour of our organisation,” said Mr Pek.


Business Maxims


In the past, we have been relying on a low-cost workforce and this is not going to be the case going forward as labour cost will continue to increase. There are a lot of technologies today which can help improve productivity.


Embarking on the quest for quality made the company re-examine its foundations and discover innovative and effective methods to elevate Tiong Seng to a different playing field from its competitors. Apart from providing competitive pricing, Tiong Seng wanted to differentiate their production processes and quality from their peers. “We started to look at how we could do construction in more innovative ways so that we could move away from the traditional methods, and also analysed how we could gain more knowledge. We began to evaluate and identify people with the best practices in the industry and looked at the means in which we could work with them. Since then, we have forged a number of partnerships. We currently have partnerships with top companies such as Kajima from Japan, Samsung from Korea, and Peri, a top formwork company from Germany. We started to execute construction projects differently from our competitors and began to adopt pre-cast and advanced formwork technologies, and use Building Information Management (BIM). The adoption of these various forms of construction technologies allow us to compete on a different cost structure within a tight economy.” The company’s business excellence journey has led Tiong Seng to establish their niche pre-casting and advanced formwork capabilities. Since discovering the Singapore Quality Class framework, the company has garnered the Singapore Quality Class certification in 2002, Singapore Quality Star and Innovation Class in 2012, and the highly prestigious Singapore Quality Award in 2013. Dismantling tradition to be at the forefront of innovation One important development for Tiong Seng was the completion of the S$36 million Tiong Seng Prefab Hub in May 2012. The company was the first in Singapore to establish an automated pre-cast facility for manufacturing pre-cast components. The hub houses the company’s pre-cast and advanced formwork technologies, and is also used as a learning centre for the company to


Business Maxims

conduct training. In addition, the workers’ quarters and facilities are also located in the hub. The two unique aspects of this first-ofits-kind facility was the effective use of land space and the automated pre-cast production capabilities. “Traditionally in the past when we did pre-casting, we have always said that we needed a big piece of land as a lot of concrete is needed. As contractors, our need for land is usually quite extensive, be it for pre-casting or logistics or advance formwork system. Rather than having a large piece of flat land in space constraint Singapore, we decided that we can better optimise the efficiency of the site by stacking up the production vertically,” shares Mr Pek. “We intensified the use of the land by dismantling the traditional idea that pre-casting could only be done on the ground floor as we now do our pre-casting on the second floor.” The efficient use of land by Tiong Seng has been lauded by the government, especially in light of the prevailing land scarcity issue in Singapore.

labour requirements by 30 to 40 per cent. The quality of the product is also better than those created manually. In addition, workers are able to work under a sheltered area which not only ensures their safety but enhances their productivity.” Every project a memorable one Mr Pek says that every project is significant and memorable to him as the team prides itself in finding new accomplishments for every project. He, however, shares that the first project upon joining Tiong Seng as a supervisor would remain one that is close to his heart. “If I were to look back, the most memorable project to me would be my first project when I was working as a supervisor. Those were the days when I learnt a lot from the people at the site, including the sub-contractors. When you get down to the ground, the people are very willing to share their knowledge with you, and you also get to understand the rationale behind their methods. There are many lessons I learnt which helped me to understand our previous problems and ensure that we do not repeat our mistakes.”

Secondly, pre-cast automation is an integral aspect of the hub. Most of the projects executed by Tiong Seng are achieved through the use of pre-cast technology. One of Tiong Seng’s noteworthy construction projects is the PARKROYAL on Pickering hotel – an architectural icon with sophisticated curves and elegant design. The complex building design was successfully constructed with pre-cast technology. “It would be extremely difficult if done in-situ. There is a circular staircase in the hotel which was done with pre-cast rings. A lot of technology was used in the project and we are very happy with the results,” adds Mr Pek.

Drawing inspiration to make fundamental changes With the increasing need for productivity and efficiency in the current economy, Mr Pek has this advice to give fellow businesses looking to strengthen their business strategies. “I really like the SQC and SQA framework, and if any company wants to make fundamental changes they should look at the framework and adopt it. On the productivity front, there are many ways to do things in a productive manner. In the past, we have been relying on a low-cost workforce and this is not going to be the case going forward as labour cost will continue to increase. There are a lot of technologies today which can help improve productivity,” he shares.

Pre-cast technology has been highly beneficial to Tiong Seng’s business process. “In the past, everything was done manually, hence highly labour-intensive. However, we brought in an automation plant from Germany and integrated it with Building Information Management software. The design is done on computers which are fed into the production plant which plots out the profile of the pre-cast panel. The automated process allows us to reduce

Mr Pek says that drawing inspiration and learning from others is key to improving business processes. “My advice is to look outward. I attend a lot of trade exhibitions and join many learning trips to see what people are doing, especially outside of Singapore. If there are people out there who have already walked through what we are going through, we can learn from their experiences to make our own learning process effective.”



Regional Files

Investment Opportunities in Taiwan brought about by ASTEP By: Huang Yifang, Samantha Lee

ASTEP, the economic partnership agreement between Singapore and Taiwan, was signed on November 2013 and came into effect on April 19 2014. Not long after ASTEP came into effect, SCCCI President Thomas Chua led a business mission to Taipei and Kinmen on May 4-9 to explore the investment potential in Taiwan for Singapore companies. The SCCCI organised a 50-member business mission represented by 38 companies to Taipei and Kinmen on May 4-9 2014. This mission is the first business mission after the ASTEP (Agreement between Singapore and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu on Economic Partnership), the economic partnership agreement between Singapore and Taiwan that was signed in November 2013, came into effect on April 19 2014. The business mission was organised in view of the immense potential for Singapore companies either doing business in this important market of 23 million, or exploring partnership with Taiwanese companies. Leading the business mission, SCCCI President Thomas Chua said, “We envisage much untapped territory worth exploring in this vast market. ASTEP will liberalise trade in goods and services, and this business mission will provide more insight into how our private sector from Singapore can effectively use ASTEP to enter the Taiwanese market. We could also explore partnering Taiwanese companies.” While in Taipei, the delegation met with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and visited the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA).Visits to renowned institutions such as the China Productivity

Delegates learning about the developments at the Industrial Technology Research Institute.

Center and the Industrial Technology Research Institute saw delegates pursue new ideas pertaining to productivity, innovation and technology. In addition, the delegation visited several Industrial and technology parks to view and understand the operations of Taiwanese enterprises. These included Nankang Software Park, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, and Taoyuan Youth Industrial Park. After Taipei, part of the delegation moved on to Kinmen County, in a separate sector

and last leg of the itinerary, where they gained insights of the economic conditions and development plans in Kinmen. Prior to the trip, the Chamber also conducted a CEO Breakfast Talk on April 15. The breakfast talk featured Jason Lin, Partner, Cross-Border Listing in Taiwan Project, KPMG; and Nelson Lim, Managing Director, JP Nelson; who shared their insights on ASTEP and investment experience in Taiwan respectively. The talk was moderated by SCCCI Vice-President Lau Tai San.



Regional Files

WHAT IS ASTEP? ASTEP is a high quality comprehensive agreement that covers the following key areas: Elimination of import duties and taxes improved market access for trade in services and establishment

robust disciplines on competition policy Protection of intellectural property rights

recognition of importance of electronic commerce

more government procurement opportunities


tackling technical and non-tariff barriers to trade

Enhanced cooperation in customs and trade facilitation matters

Business Opportunities Brought by ASTEP Singapore businesses will benefit from improved commitments from Chinese Taipei in services such as

Telecommunications Energy production

Singapore suppliers will also be treated on an equal footing with local suppliers and granted access to local procurment contracts of all the five Special Municipalities, as well as government projects in the following areas:

Waste water Management urban solutions

Maritime and road transport Entertainment SportS and recreation

infrastructure development computing services


Regional Files

When “People” is the key to success: CEO Productivity Mission to Japan By: Samantha Lee

The CEO Productivity Mission to Japan was organised by SCCCI to allow C-suite representatives to learn from leading and unique Japanese organisations, strengthening their competitive edge and improving productivity of local businesses.

Like Singapore, Japan faces an ageing population, shortage of manpower and high labour cost, but the Japanese enterprises are taking all these challenges in their stride. In fact, through innovation and the right mindset, Japan emerged with the second biggest presence in the 2013 Forbes Global 2000 list, with a total of 251 companies topping the charts as the biggest, most powerful listed companies in the world. With the aim of strengthening the competitive edge and improving the productivity of local businesses, 34 C-suite members embarked on a business mission to Japan led by council member Tay Khiam Back on April 21-24 2014. Through this trip organised by SCCCI and supported by SPRING Singapore, delegates were intent on gaining insights from Japanese companies on their innovation and productivity concepts and management practices. The programme was kick-started with a lecture by Kazuteru Kuroda, General Manager of Japan Productivity Centre, who explained the background of the Japanese business landscape ranging from micro-business, SMEs to large conglomerates by providing a general overview of the Japanese consumers.

Delegates also attended a lecture by Masanobu Baba, Representative Director of Business In Asia Association (BIAA), who shared about “Hot Ventures in Japan: New business cases now in progress”. The delegates then went on to visit Maeda Corporation – a comprehensive building and civil engineering international contractor which was established since 1919 – to learn about their Fantasy Marketing department. Not only were the delegates awed by how the introduction of innovative activities related to the company’s core business could bring out the innate talent of an individual and trigger interest in potential talents to join a “difficult” industry amongst other benefits, they were also inspired by the powerful effect of having a shared value (that is not profit making) amongst people– bringing unity and motivation to work. The visit to All Nippon Airways (ANA) was an eye-opener for the delegates who realised the secret behind the success of Japanese companies – employee satisfaction. Satoshi Unagami, manager of Planning and Administration, CS promotion, shared that ANA is a customer-oriented airline and all operations within the airline centred on




Regional Files

A 34-member delegation led by council member Tay Khiam Back embarked on a business mission to learn from Japanese organisations.

creating the highest value possible for customers who are vital in building a strong brand and cultivating customers’ loyalty. However, they believe that maximum customer satisfaction can only be achieved when employees are happy and satisfied. Thus, ANA is committed in creating a happy working environment for their employees through educating and looking into their wellness and welfare. This would in turn create a happy environment for the customers. This sentiment was also echoed by many Japanese companies, including Kohoen Social Community Service – a nongovernment healthcare organisation that provides eldercare and childcare to the community and Negishi Food Service. “A business will eventually hit a stalemate if it remains solely profit–oriented,” and with this in mind, Eiji Negishi, Chief Executive Officer of Negishi Food Service, changed his business strategy, transforming it into a people-oriented business, ensuring satisfaction for everyone from his customers, employees, suppliers and the community which was key to the growth of his business. Besides being well-known for its staffing services, Pasona Group Inc., a global professional recruitment consultancy, the management’s effort to establish an all-rounded support structure that

encompasses work, employee welfare benefits, healthcare, lifestyle advice and consulting services for every employee was also worth learning from. However, being welcomed by Pasona’s own office farm was what surprised the delegates the most. From the reception area to the meeting rooms and even the staff cafeteria, different types of plants, fruits or vegetables were being cultivated, maintained and harvested by their employees. The reason behind it? To encourage social interaction among employees leading to better teamwork on the job and to provide them with a sense of responsibility and accomplishment in growing and maintaining the crops which would be prepared and served at the cafeteria. The delegates were definitely fascinated by this interesting and fresh concept. The highlight of the productivity mission was the presentations by different groups of delegates at the end of the trip when they discussed and exchanged pointers gained. It proved to be an eye-opening experience for the delegates who felt that the Japanese spirit of overcoming challenges was admirable and something worth learning from. The Japanese had also showed them innovative ways to improve customer and employee satisfaction by creating a happy and productive environment through careful

planning. In addition, the delegates learnt ways to introduce the spirit of innovation back into their organisations. The mission generated much positive feedback from the delegates. Stemming from the valuable ideas and inspirations gained through the trip, we hope that delegates would be inspired to become visionary leaders who could not only lead local businesses in overcoming challenges and scaling greater heights, but also attract fresh talent to their respective industries.

It is important to recognise and value employees however small the role they may play. Constant engagement and various incentives, not necessarily monetary incentives, are tips to having happy employees and retaining talent.


Business Voice in Parliament

Working towards a Medishield life that is win-win for both employees and businesses SCCCI’S Immediate Past President and NMP Teo Siong Seng represented the interests of the business community at the debate of recommendations of MediShield Life Review Committee in Parliament on July 8. Mr Teo’s full speech is reproduced in this issue for our readers.




Business Voice in Parliament

The business community supports MediShield Life, as the objective is to address rising healthcare costs in the longer term in the midst of an ageing workforce. However, at the same time, our business environment needs to remain conducive, and businesses need to grow and be profitable so that they can contribute to our tax revenue.

In the light of an ageing population and rising healthcare costs, the business community is supportive of MediShield Life, especially in helping the lower income and ageing workforce to enjoy a national health insurance scheme that comes with better benefits and coverage than the current MediShield, and at an affordable cost.

Today, businesses are already struggling with rising operating costs, including manpower, rental and various compliance costs. We must also bear in mind that any social scheme, once implemented, is very hard to reverse!

Surely, businesses competing for talent must meet the rising expectations of employees. However, the Government must also take into account the ever-rising cost of doing business in Singapore. Last Friday, the Government announced that, from January next year, most civil servants will get an extra 1 percent of monthly salary paid into their Medisave accounts, with those earning less getting more. This is over and above the additional 1 percent employers’ contribution to workers’ Medisave accounts announced in this year’s Budget. This will invariably put more pressure on employers!

The Government has accepted the recommendations of the MediShield Life Review Committee and will spend $4 billion over five years, to go towards subsidies and financial assistance of this new scheme. MediShield Life will be introduced by the end of next year. All Singaporeans will receive transitional subsidies for the first four years. Lower to middle income households will also receive premium subsidies.

We should also take note that many businesses, especially the SMEs, are

currently undergoing economic restructuring, and having to manage increase in wages and rentals. As it is, manpower cost is already a top cost component for many SMEs. MediShield Life will result in higher premiums which will be borne by individuals. In the first four to five years after it is launched, the Government has committed to provide subsidies so that premiums will remain affordable. This, therefore, reduces the need for workers to look towards their employers to bear the costs. However, what happens after these four to five years and when the subsidies end? Will workers start to look at their employers to bear the cost instead? On a related note, the Government has been encouraging employers to re-hire older and mature workforce past their retirement age. But with older workers, healthcare costs would rise. This would be an additional cost on employers, especially the SMEs. How could the Government help to cushion this cost, if businesses are urged to re-hire older workers?


Business Voice in Parliament


Businesses may prefer to have the flexibility of deciding whether they wish to adopt the proposed Portable Medical Benefits Scheme. Meanwhile, the business community would welcome any government financial assistance to help incentivise and facilitate them to make the switch, if they are interested to do so.

Following the acceptance of the Committee’s recommendations, the Government said it would now study how best to implement MediShield Life. As it is, it is not easy for many people to thoroughly understand this scheme. I am one of them! In this regard, I am happy to note that MOH has indicated that over the coming year, the Government will step up efforts to reach out to Singaporeans to help them understand this scheme, and that there are many other avenues to seek help. I am sure the Singapore Business Federation, the many Chambers and other trade associations can also help to reach out to the employers. Next, the Committee is also advocating the Portable Medical Benefits Scheme. Under a portable scheme, a company makes contributions to an employee’s Medisave account. The employee then uses the funds to buy MediShield Life or an Integrated Shield Plan offered by a private insurer, if he wishes to have further enhanced coverage and even better benefits. As the insurance coverage is not company-centric, employees can continue to be insured and have the same benefits, even if they change jobs. With more companies and workforce joining such a proposed scheme, it may bring down the premium rates over time. This remains to be seen. In addition, in view of the new MediShield Life, I understand that MOH has indicated that it will work with private insurers to review their existing plans. This

is important, so that the two can better complement, and we can optimise our spending on healthcare insurance. With more enhanced benefits provided under MediShield Life, businesses might now be driven to review their employerprovided medical benefits to minimise duplication in coverage and benefits. Businesses may still regard their own group medical benefits as more tailored to their staff profile, relatively cheaper, and as part of a complete package to attract and retain talent. Therefore, businesses may prefer to have the flexibility of deciding whether they wish to adopt the proposed Portable Medical Benefits Scheme. Meanwhile, the business community would welcome any government financial assistance to help incentivise and facilitate them to make the switch, if they are interested to do so. With better coverage and benefits, there is, however, the tendency for people to overconsume healthcare services, which are becoming more costly over time. Everyone should take personal responsibility of their own health, and reduce over-consumption of healthcare services, so that overall healthcare cost can be controlled. On this front, businesses can help to ease rising healthcare costs by promoting a healthier lifestyle. Businesses can help to further promote and embrace worklife balance at the workplace, including

planning for healthy activities for their workers. Another practical activity businesses can consider is to organise health screenings for their workers. Early detection of health issues can keep healthcare costs in check. In this way, the Government, businesses and individuals can all play their part to moderate the demand for healthcare services, which in turn can keep the healthcare costs from spiralling upwards. In conclusion, I hope introducing MediShield Life would not add on to even more business costs. I hope that going forward, it would still be a key government priority to maintain a pro-business environment for businesses to survive and thrive. With that, I support the motion.

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孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 CEO APEX-C 第十八班,2009

谷中强 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 青建地产有限公司 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

林培熙 台湾 曜越科技 董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 亚太EMBA硕士学位课程 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA

中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 CEO CEO 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 CEO APEX-C 第十八班,2009 APEX-C CEO 第十八班,2009 亚太EMBA 第十八班, 2009 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

孟繁秋 中国 中国| |新加坡 新加坡 孟繁秋 孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡

孟繁秋 中国 I 新加坡 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司

谷中强 台湾 台湾 谷中强 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 谷中强 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 总经理中国 张栩 总经理 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 总经理 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 总经理 第十九班,2010 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 谷中强 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 执行董事 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 APEX-C第十九班,2010 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 董事总经理 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 CEO APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

左海滨 中国 中国| |新加坡 新加坡 左海滨 左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 青建国际(南洋)集团发展有限公司 董事总经理 孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡 董事总经理 青建地产有限公司

左海滨 中国 I 新加坡 青建地产有限公司 青建地产有限公司 懂事长 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 APEX-C第十九班,2010 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 董事长 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

林培熙 台湾 台湾 林培熙 曜越科技 林培熙 台湾 曜越科技 董事长 谷中强 台湾 董事长 曜越科技

林培熙 曜越科技台湾

集团懂事长 曜越科技 APEX-C第十九班,2010 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 集团董事长 董事长亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

陈美雄 新加坡 新加坡 陈美雄 力业女佣集团 陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团 集团董事长 林培熙 台湾 集团董事长 力业女佣集团

陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团

黄国芬 台 第一化妆品 副总经理 APEX-C 第十

陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团 集团董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日

副总经理 青建地产有限公司 APEX-C第十八班,2009 第十八班,2009 APEX-C 副总经理 亚太EMBA 第十八班, 2009 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

黄国芬 台湾 台湾 黄国芬 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 副总经理 左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 副总经理 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司

黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司

黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 副总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

中文EMBA课程办公室。 中文EMBA课程办公室。 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排

* 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排


件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRINGSingapore对其 Singapore对其 n 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 学 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING 中文EMBA课程办公室。 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 **校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排

网站 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 电邮 电话 电邮 ::: : 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排

: ape apexc.nus.edu apexc@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 8656 | 6516 电邮 8496 apexc@nus.edu.sg 电话 : +6 电邮::: +65 apexc@nus.edu.sg 电话 +65 6516 8656 8656 || 6516 6516 8496 8496 电话 6516 电话 : +65 6516 8656 | 6516 8496

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NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 济环境下的“国际观” 课程特色 课程特色 课程特色 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 2013 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 学院所获得的专业认证资格: NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 n 国 际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 课程特色 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” 国 际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 学院所获得的专业认证资格: 学院所获得的专业 学院所获得的专业认证资格: 支持NUS EMBA项目! 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 n 来 自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 n 来 自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 来 自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 欢迎咨询: 学院所获得的专业认证资格: 课程学费赞助高达70%* 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 n 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 来 自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 支持NUS EMBA项目! 支持NUSEMBA项目! EMBA项目! 支持NUS 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 欢迎咨询: 欢迎咨询: 课程学费赞助高达70%* 员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 欢迎咨询: 欢迎咨询: 课程学费赞助高达70%* 课程学费赞助高达70%* 支持NUS EMBA项目! n 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 n 在 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 n 网站 : apexc.nus.edu 亚太高层 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 欢迎咨询: 亚太EMBA硕士学位课程办公室 如符合条 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 课程学费赞助高达70%* 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 中文EMBA课程办公室。 n 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 在 亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 网站 : ape 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助*,详情请咨询 ,详情请咨询 电邮 : apexc@nus.edu.sg 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 网站 apexc.nus.edu 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* 在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 n 学制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 网站 :: apexc.nus.edu *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 n 学 学制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 中文EMBA课程办公室。 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 n

《中外管理》 杂志社有限责任公司 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 APEX-C第十九班,2010 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

张栩 中国 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司

张栩 中国 中国 张栩 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 张栩 中国

新加坡国立大学商学院中文授课 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA

中国 外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 X-C 第十九班,2010


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