Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 190/03/2014
第四期 . ISSUE 4/2014
$5.00 (incl. GST)
2015 Exhibition Bookings
19 & 20 August 2015 • Suntec Convention Centre, Exhibition Hall 405 & 406
Be Part of Singapore’s Largest
Annual SME Solutions Showcase
Held in conjunction with the Annual SMEs Conference and the Infocomm Commerce Conference, the SME Expo is an established 2-day SME-Solutions Showcase, which provides the ideal platform for service and solution providers in the finance, business advisory, infocomm and logistics industries. As Singapore’s most anticipated and highly participated annual event for SMEs, focusing on equipping and empowering SMEs with the Tools, Directions and Connections, the event reaches out to over 4,500 local SME bosses and top management personnel annually. Don’t miss out on being part of Singapore’s largest SMEs Solution Showcase in 2015! Book your space today!
Calling for SPONSORS in 2015
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Stand out from the crowd
An annual event organised by:
Expand your network
Showcase your expertise
Seal those deals
Supported by:
ABOUT SMES CONFERENCE ● The most definitive bilingual business conference for the past 16 years for SMEs and enterprises ● Provides a learning ground where business owners can gain insights into the changes and developments in the modern globalised economy ● A one-stop service hub for financial, banking and business solutions ● A must-attend conference for the Mandarin-speaking business community
ABOUT INFOCOMM COMMERCE CONFERENCE ● Jointly organised by SCCCI and the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) for the past 17 years, this conference presents to business leaders the power of innovative technology to cope with the everchanging global environment and increase productivity ● The single source to finding and understanding government grants and ICT solutions through 1-to-1 clinical sessions and a showcase of solutions ● A must-attend conference for business owners and SMEs to learn about the latest ICT solutions
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL $5,200.00 per booth (After 31 Dec 2014, $5,500.00 per booth) Exhibitor’s Benefits & Entitlements: • Entitled to a standard exhibition booth area of 9sqm (3m x 3m) • SIXTEEN (16) complimentary 2- full day passes
RAW SPACE PARTICIPATION Exhibitor’s Benefits & Entitlements: • Minimum floorspace booking of 18sqm • Additional floorspace taken up in blocks of 18sqm (e.g. 36sqm, 54sqm) • Bare space without carpet • SIXTEEN (16 complimentary 2- full day passes
$520.00 per sqm
Register your interest NOW for your preferred location & enjoy Early Bird Discount! Early Bird Discount! location & enjoy your preferred interest NOW for Register your
(After 31 Dec 2014, $550.00 per sqm)
For more information, please contact Ms Tiffany Shia/ Mr Chris Foo at 6337 8381 or e-mail tiffany@sccci.org.sg / chris@sccci.org.sg
总经理 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 总经理 第十九班,2010 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
谷中强 台湾 台湾 谷中强 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 谷中强 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 总经理中国 张栩 总经理 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 谷中强 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 执行董事 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 APEX-C第十九班,2010 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 董事总经理 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 CEO APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009
左海滨 中国 中国| |新加坡 新加坡 左海滨 青建地产有限公司 左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 青建国际(南洋)集团发展有限公司 董事总经理 孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡 董事总经理 青建地产有限公司
左海滨 中国 I 新加坡 青建地产有限公司
左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 青建地产有限公司 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
懂事长 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 APEX-C第十九班,2010 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 董事长 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
林培熙 台湾 台湾 林培熙 曜越科技 林培熙 台湾 曜越科技 董事长 谷中强 台湾 董事长 曜越科技
林培熙 曜越科技台湾
林培熙 台湾 曜越科技 董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
副总经理 青建地产有限公司 APEX-C第十八班,2009 第十八班,2009 APEX-C 副总经理 亚太EMBA 第十八班, 2009 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
黄国芬 台湾 台湾 黄国芬 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 副总经理 左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 副总经理 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司
黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司
集团懂事长 曜越科技 APEX-C第十九班,2010 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 集团董事长 董事长亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团
第一化 副总经 APEX-C
陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团 集团董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
陈美雄 新加坡 新加坡 陈美雄 力业女佣集团 陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团 集团董事长 林培熙 台湾 集团董事长 力业女佣集团
黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 副总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009
中文EMBA课程办公室。 中文EMBA课程办公室。 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排
* 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排
件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRINGSingapore对其 Singapore对其 n 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 学 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING 中文EMBA课程办公室。 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排
网站 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 电邮 电话 电邮 ::: : 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排
: a apexc.nus.edu apexc@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 8656 | 6516 电邮 849 apexc@nus.edu.sg 电话 : + 电邮::: +65 apexc@nus.edu.sg 电话 +65 6516 8656 8656 || 6516 6516 8496 8496 电话 6516 电话 : +65 6516 8656 | 6516 8496
Proud to be a member of
Proud to be a member of Proud to be a member of
Proud to be a member of
色 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 新经济环境下的“国际观” 课程特色 课程特色 课程特色 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 2 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 学院所获得的专业认证资格: NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 n 国 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 课程特色 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 n 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” 国 际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 学院所获得的专业认证资格: 学院所获得的 学院所获得的专业认证资格: 支持NUS EMBA项目! 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 n 来 自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 n 来 自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 来 自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 欢迎咨询: 学院所获得的专业认证资格: 课程学费赞助高达70%* 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 n 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 来 自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 支持NUS EMBA项目! 支持NUSEMBA项目! EMBA项目! 支持NUS 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 欢迎咨询 欢迎咨询: 课程学费赞助高达70%* 家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 n 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 欢迎咨询: 欢迎咨询: 课程学费赞助高达70%* 课程学费赞助高达70%* 支持NUS EMBA项目! n 在 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 n 网站 : apexc.nus.edu 亚太高 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 欢迎咨询: 亚太EMBA硕士学位课程办公室 如符合条 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 课程学费赞助高达70%* 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 中文EMBA课程办公室。 n 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 在 亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 网站 : a 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 电邮 : apexc@nus.edu.sg 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 网站 apexc.nus.edu 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 n 学制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 网站 :: apexc.nus.edu *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 n 学 学制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 中文EMBA课程办公室。 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 n
中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 CEO CEO 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 CEO APEX-C 第十八班,2009 APEX-C CEO 第十八班,2009 亚太EMBA 第十八班, 2009 APEX-C 第十八班,2009
《中外管理》 杂志社有限责任公司 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 APEX-C第十九班,2010 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
孟繁秋 中国 中国| |新加坡 新加坡 孟繁秋 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡
孟繁秋 中国 I 新加坡 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司
张栩 中国 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司
张栩 中国 中国 张栩 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 张栩 中国
谷中强 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
新加坡国立大学商学院中文授课 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA
孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 CEO APEX-C 第十八班,2009
亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 亚太EMBA硕士学位课程 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA
中国 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010
目录 CONTENTS 出版 Publisher
新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg
Rooting Foundations 扎根
编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Seow Choke Meng Chan Hian Siang
蔡其生 张松声 萧作鸣 曾宪相
Publications Supervision
谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong Editor
胡爱兰 Fiona Hu
Assistant Editor 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee
撰稿 Staff WriterS
李依玲 Samantha Lee Contributors 许彬彬 Kelvin Khaw
设计 Design Egg Creatives Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: research@sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 190/03/2014. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).
Strengthening training, nurturing talents Productive employees are the force behind businesses’ efforts to increase productivity. With that in mind, the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business developed unique productivity training programme to help businesses nurture talents.
Forging paths to success through global expertise Gain insights of our overseas business missions, bringing participants out of Singapore to learn and gain first-hand knowledge on the success of overseas businesses. 借鉴海外经验、启迪成功之势 总商会带领商家跨出国门,到海外向取 得卓越成就企业的学习,借鉴海外经验, 走出一片春天。
互助合作、共同创新 举办商团大会的目的皆在希望商团能互助 合作,共同创新,齐心协力帮助企业提高 生产力。 群策群力、提高效率 企业应该善用政府援助计划作为燃料,将 阻力转为推动力。
Breaking through limits, learning from strategies As the Chamber strives further to help local businesses increase the momentum of raising productivity, we took a great leap forward by working with overseas partners and experts, bringing their wealth of knowledge and experiences to our members. 海外专才献策、企业突破极限 总商会与海外伙伴与生产力专才合作, 借鉴他们辅导海外企业成功提高生产力 的经验和知识,让本地企业有所启发。
Consolidating strengths, propelling development Consolidating the strength of trade associations and propelling the collective development of the industry is the main objective of organising the Trade Association Congress.
Riding on wings of assistance, fulfilling dreams of productivity Need wings of assistance to fulfil your dreams of productivity? Chinese Enterprise takes a peek at how local businesses do it with the help of SME Centre@SCCCI. 政府援助计划、提升企业能力 总商会中小企业中心协助企业通过政府援 助计划,实现提升之志。
Embracing innovation, inspiring change The Annual SMEs Conference and Infocomm Commerce Conference were organised to serve as a platform for local businesses to embrace innovation, inspire change and recharge for higher productivity and growth. 创新概念、启迪企业 中小型企业和资信商业大会:协助业者以 创新思维,带领企业攀向高峰的平台。
Marketing 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee 林秀忆 Priscilla Lin
通过培训、加强实力 总商会管理学院设计与开办的培训课程, 为协助企业培养有效率的员工,贯彻企业管 理层提高生产力的策略。
budding sprouts 萌芽发展
Broadening horizons, changing mindsets Ahead of the government’s call to make skills, innovation and productivity the basis for economic growth, the Chamber had already established firm foundations in urging members to increase productivity for sustainable growth. 开阔视野、拓展思维 早在政府大力推动以“创新手法”提高生 产力之前,总商会已开始为提高企业生产 力扎下稳固根基。
President’s Note 前言
growing strongER 壮大
The art of increasing productivity Simon Chen, Director at China Productivity Center in Taiwan, shares his thoughts on increasing productivity over a dinner conversation.
提高生产力小贴士 企业要如何突破瓶颈,提高生产力? 《华 商》将为您总结台湾中国生产力中心陈弘 元协理提供的一些小贴士。
President ’s Note
President’s Note The quest to increase productivity is a long and arduous process. Currently, the Singapore economy is in the midst of restructuring. Local businessmen have to contend with the challenges of manpower shortage and increasing business costs, and adapt to the changing business environment. Traditional ways of doing business have come under considerable pressure. Thus, the Chamber is making every effort to assist our corporate members, especially the SMEs, to overcome these challenges positively. We are looking earnestly into changing business mindsets and realigning operating models to adapt to the ever-changing environment and market demands. Past experiences have proven that every phase of economic restructuring is an opportunity for local business to adjust and upgrade. Only persistent hard work and effort would culminate in a metamorphosis. The Chamber’s efforts to assist local businesses in their productivity drive are approached through three different levels. Firstly, broaden the horizons of entrepreneurs and business owners and help them change their mindsets. Secondly, encourage businesses to embrace technology to their advantage and strengthen the capability of their middle management and staff through training. Thirdly, help entrepreneurs venture beyond Singapore to overseas destinations to lower operating costs and identify new manufacturing locations, while retaining high value-added services in Singapore and improve overall competitiveness. To attain this goal, the Chamber has been working closely with trade associations, helping their members to increase the overall competitiveness of their
respective industries. For example, the Chamber has organised productivityfocused overseas training workshops and camps catering to specific industries like food & beverage, retail, and metal precision engineering, allowing delegates to learn from their overseas peers in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Overseas experts have also been invited to conduct productivity workshops and consultation sessions, all of which were extremely well-received. At the same time, besides channelling timely feedback to government agencies on the problems encountered by various industries, the Chamber also puts forward various recommendations and solutions for the government’s consideration. The Chamber’s subsidiary SME Centre @ SCCCI as well as the SME Infocomm Resource Centre @ SCCCI also promote the various government assistance schemes and grants and impart knowledge on government policies, to equip SMEs with a comprehensive understanding of how they could leverage on available schemes and grants to reap business benefits. The Chamber also partners local universities and polytechnics, research institutions and Productivity Centres in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to assimilate specialised knowledge and overseas experience, to help local enterprises drive up their productivity through adopting innovation. In this regard, the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business has developed a unique certified in-company productivity programme, Aspiring Productivity EXcellence Certified In-Company Productivity Manager Programme (APEXCIPM), to build up in-house expertise among productivity managers who can then lead the way to implement innovative concepts.
One effective way to increase productivity is through expanding market size. The Chamber supports its members in seeking investment opportunities in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, and establishing new production bases. It also helps members in their internationalisation effort by strengthening cooperation with Overseas Trade Representative Offices in Singapore, and helping them to expand their overseas contacts via the World Chinese Business Network established by the Chamber and through the resources of overseas Chinese business organisations. Internationalisation is no easy endeavour. Thus the Chamber encourages local businesses to enter the China market as a team, in order to overcome SMEs’ limitations in capital and human resources. They should capitalise on the platforms already established by large enterprises and government-linked companies in China to make the best use of resources. In this regard, the SCCCI and IE Singapore joined hands to establish the Singapore Enterprise Centre in Shanghai, to provide requisite assistance for member companies. Helping local enterprises to grow and transform requires close cooperation among the government, people and trade associations. As long as everyone is willing to strive hard together to achieve the same objective, local enterprises will definitely be able to overcome all challenges and march toward salubrious growth and development!
Thomas Chua Kee Seng President Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
President ’s Note
提高生产力,是一项长期而又艰 巨的大型工程。
对政策的认知范围,协助更多中小企 业真正从政府的津贴配套中受惠。
目前,我国经济正处在重组和转 型阶段。本地商家面临人力短缺,经 商成本上升的挑战,同时也要应对经 商环境变化,传统经营方式受到冲击 的压力。为此,总商会正在全力以赴地 协助会员商家,特别是中小企业,通过 转变经营理念,调整运作模式,来顺 应时代的改变和市场需求。过去的经 验说明,我国经济的每一次转型,都是 本地企业自我调整、自我提升的机会。 只有不断付出努力和心血,才能化蛹 成蝶,破茧而出。
总商会 也 与本 地 大学、理 工学 院、研究机构,以及日本、韩国、台湾等 地的生产力中心合作,引进专业知识和 海外经验,推动本地企业以创新带动 生产力提升。总商会管理学院也专门推 出了生产力经理培训课程,让企业有能 力在内部落实好点子、新概念。
总商会协助本地商家提高生产力 的方式分为三个层面。首先是协助企 业家和老板们开阔视野,拓展思维; 第二是鼓励企业善用新科技,同时加 强对管理人员和员工的培训;第三是 协助企业走出国门,寻找生产成本较 低的新基地,将高增值业务留在新加 坡,借此提高企业的整体竞争能力。 为了达成目标,总商会与商团会 员密切配合,从提升行业整体竞争力 的角度协助商团会员。例如,总商会 以提高生产力为主题,分别为餐饮、零 售、五金机械等行业的企业家组织主 题明确的海外集训营,远赴日本、韩 国、台湾、香港等地取经,同时也邀请 海外专家专程到新加坡举办研讨会, 提供行业经营辅导,反响热烈。 同时,总商会也把各个行业在运 作方面遇到的问题及时向政府部门反 馈,并提呈建设性的解决方案,作为政 府制定政策、调整政策的参考。总商会 属下的中小企业中心、资信资源中心努 力宣导、推广各项援助计划,扩大商家
提高生产力的一个有效方式是扩 大市场规模。总商会支持会员商家到 邻近国家如马来西亚、印尼等地寻找 投资机会,建立生产基地,同时,加强 与外国驻新加坡经贸代表处的合作, 通过已经建立起来的世界华商网络, 善用海外华商机构的资源,为本地企 业海外发展疏通人脉。 海外发展绝非易事。总商会鼓励 本地商家以团队的方式到中国发展,克 服中小企业在资金、人才方面的局限, 善用大型企业和政联公司在中国已经 建立起来的平台,提高海外投资的效 率和成功率。在这方面,总商会和国际 企业发展局在上海联合设立的新加坡 企业中心,随时可以为会员商家服务。 协助本地企业成长与转型,需要 政府、民间和商团之间精诚合作。只 要大家一起努力,本地企业一定能够 突破困境,走向健康发展之路!
蔡其生 新加坡中华总商会 会长
Rooting Foundations
Rooting Foundations
Broadening Horizons, Changing MindsetS
早在2010年政府大力推动以“创新手法”提高生产力之前,总商会已经策划了系列活动,通过举 办座谈会的方式,提高企业领导层对生产力的概念与对如何提高生产力的认识。 Productivity is the only sustainable way to increase our value-add and grow our incomes and it must be the key driver of our economic growth. Even before the Government started the nationwide exercise to encourage SMEs to increase productivity through innovation and creativity in 2010, the Chamber has been actively organising seminars to introduce the concept of productivity to SME owners.
“藉助资讯科技提升您的业务生产力”座谈会 “Power Up Your Business Productivity with Technology” Seminar 除了举办座谈会向商家介绍生产力的概念,总商会 也为资信通讯业者与商家搭桥,通过与资信通讯公 司的合作,让商家现场体验与学习如何利用最低 投资掌握最新科技,有效提高生产力。 为了让商家能有效借助社交媒体平台进行市场渗 透,强化竞争优势,总商会也举办工作坊让商家认 识新媒体在企业成长所发挥的功能与价值,并通 过实际应用,让与会者亲身体验各种社交媒体工 具的作用。 Besides conducting seminars to introduce the concept of productivity to businesses, the Chamber served as a bridge between businesses and Infocomm Technology (ICT) providers. It worked closely with ICT providers to showcase their solutions, enabling participants to gain a deeper understanding on how they could utilise technology at minimal cost and subsequently increase business productivity. In order to allow businesses to use social media effectively to increase market competitiveness, the Chamber also conducted workshops to give an overview of the impact and value of social media to business development. Participants also had the chance to gain hands on experience on using these tools.
Rooting Foundations
“生产力及创新优惠计划”系列座谈会 “Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme (PIC)” Series 总商会联同财政部和国内税务局举办一系列的座谈会,让商家了解生产力及创新优惠计划的详情,加深他们对有关计划的认识,并善用此计 划来提高生产力。 Through the “Productivity and innovation Credit Scheme” series of seminars, participants learnt how businesses could leverage on PIC to upgrade and invest in activities along the innovation value chain to increase productivity.
企业领导工作坊 Leadership Workshops 高效的员工与团队精神是企业成功的秘诀,因此企业的领导者通过总商 会举办的领导辅导工作坊,了解到如何有效地与员工的沟通,并培养他们 对于公司的归属感,有效地提高他们的生产力。 Employees and teamwork are crucial factors in the success of a business. The Chamber also organised leadership workshops to help business owners understand the importance of engaging employees, as well as to inculcate the sense of belonging and involvement. This was a key determinant of increasing their productivity and efficiency at work.
Rooting Foundations
随着更多的企业开始加入“提高生产力”的行列,总商会除了向会员商家介绍提高生产力的概念, 也开始举办了一系列协助企业提高生产力的活动,让企业了解提高生产力的方法。 With more businesses joining in the bandwagon to increase productivity, the Chamber has organised a series of activities to assist businesses in understanding the methods of increasing productivity.
“总裁分享会”系列 “CEO Sharing Session” Series 总商会也为会员商家提供一个与成功企业互动的平台。通过一系列的总裁分享会,会员商家有机会向不同成功企业的领导者学习如何借助新 科技改善工作流程,在提高工作效率和生产力的同时,也确保员工对新科技的运用能融会贯通。 Besides learning ways to increase productivity from experts and professionals, the Chamber also provided businesses with a platform to learn from successful entrepreneurs. Through a series of CEO sharing sessions, participants had the opportunity to learn from successful business leaders. These prominent business leaders openly shared their experiences on how to improve work processes with the use of new technology, while ensuring that employees are familiar with the new technology as they pursue greater effectiveness and productivity for their business.
budding sprouts
Budding Sprouts
Embracing Innovation, Inspiring Change
中小型企业和资信商业大会 Annual SMEs Conference and Infocomm Commerce Conference
为全力支持企业提高生产力,总商会在2012年把中小型企业大会和资信商业大会安排在前后两 天举行,通过一站式的咨询服务协助企业提高生产力。参与者不但可以通过展览了解更多提高生 产力的方案,他们也从大会举办的一系列工作坊和座谈会中获益。 Since 2012, the annual SMEs Conference and Infocomm Commerce Conference have been held back to back over a period of two days as part of the Chamber’s efforts to assist businesses in their productivity drive. Not only were delegates able to explore new solutions and ideas to increase productivity via technology through the SME Expo, they could also bring home knowledge on productivity through the various workshops and panel discussions. 参与者的生产力在他们踏入会场时就已经提 高,因为不论是零售业还是餐饮业,展览把各个 行业的商业方案集中在一个平台上,让商家无 需费时奔波即可轻易地找到适合自己的商业方 案,大大提高生产力。 “直通车”资信科技展示区集中展示在资信综 合金辅助计划(iSPRINT)下获批准的各种资讯 通信技术解决方案。中小企业不但可以“现买、 现用”,更快速和更方便地在业务运作上使用这 些现有的科技方案,供应商也为他们所购置的 适合方案,依据合格条件办妥资助申请手续,既 省时又省力。 Instead of having to source for business solutions themselves, the exhibition brought the business solutions right to the delegates, providing them the opportunity to discover and explore the many different options. With so many business solutions catering to a wide range of industries available, delegates were definitely spoilt for choice. Delegates also benefited from the “Fast Pass” ICT Gallery, consisting of solution providers with readyto-use, pre-qualified ICT solutions. Not only could businesses start to incorporate these solutions into their operations quickly and easily, the vendor would assist businesses with the iSPRINT grant application from start to end, saving time and increasing productivity for businesses.
Budding Sprouts
中小企业除了能当场向政府部门了解如何利 用政府援助计划提高生产力,也能理清他们 对于政府援助计划的种种疑虑。 Delegates could clarify their doubts with government agencies that were present to explain how businesses could leverage on the different government grants to increase productivity.
专家和顾问在大会现场为中小企业一一解 答所有疑难杂症。 Many delegates had their queries and problems resolved after consultations with experts and business solutions providers at the Partners’ Clinic.
提升生产力不仅是靠科技而已,与会者也可以通过一系列的工作坊和座谈会,向生产力大师 与专家学习如何加强管理技能,加强团队生产力和以“创新经营思考脉络”和“卓越企业企 业锻造术”等概念提高生产力。 Insights were gained from speakers through the different workshops and panel discussions. Apart from learning how to embrace technology to increase productivity, delegates were also introduced to management skills to build a strong, productive team and the concepts of “Innovative Management Mindset” and “Creating Enterprise Excellence” during the productivity workshops.
Budding Sprouts
Consolidating StrengthS, Propelling Development
第三届商团大会 The 3rd Trade Association Congress
总商会认为要协助本地企业提高生产力,商团在这方面扮演了举足轻重的角色。商团汇聚了行业 和各商家的优势,并是把整个行业整合起来的关键。因此,举办总商会商团大会的重点是要通过 经验分享与讨论,让商团了解如何通过改变思维模式,拥护科技以提升自身的能力,并鼓励商团之 间互相合作,团结商团的力量,各自发挥所长,从而协助属下企业会员提高生产力。 Not only do Trade Associations (TAs) have the capability to bring the entire industry together, it assembles the strengths of the respective industry and businesses. Thus, noting the importance of the role of TAs in helping SMEs increase productivity, the Chamber organised the 3rd Trade Association Congress to power up the capabilities of TAs. Through experience sharing and panel discussions, to drive home the point that a change in mindset and embracing technology are indeed essential to increase productivity, TAs also learnt that “unity is strength” - a crucial factor in helping their members increase growth and productivity.
通过座谈会的热烈讨论,参与大会的商团也 了解到如何善用政府援助计划提升生产力, 从而协助属下会员持续发展,並明白通过调 整思维模式,接纳科技与提升服务态度不但 是协助中小企业克服困难的秘诀,也是他们 成功的窍门。 Through the panel discussion, participating TAs saw how they could leverage on government grants to increase productivity and be in a better position to assist in the growth and development of their members. Participants learnt that a mindset change, embracing innovation and an enlightened service attitude could not only help SMEs overcome their challenges but to triumph.
Budding Sprouts
与贸工部林勋强部长进行对话,不 但让商团向部长反映会员所面对的 问题,也借此机会澄清对于政府援 助计划的疑虑。 TAs also took the chance to clarify their doubts on their concerns with Minister Lim Hng Kiang, who encouraged them to tap on available government grants to improve their capability and productivity.
协助设立义乌“食尚新加坡食品 展示中心” Rendering assistance to the establishment of ‘Tasty Singapore Food Product Centre’ in Yiwu, Zhejiang 总商会商团会员新加坡食品厂商联 合会在新加坡企发局和总商会的协 助下,设立和启动了设在义乌的“食 尚新加坡食品展示中心”,旨在通过 这个平台,提高新加坡食品品牌在 中国的知名度,把新加坡食品带入 中国市场。 Together with the support of the Chamber and IE Singapore, the Chamber’s trade association member, the Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association (SFMA) established the Tasty Singapore Food Product Centre in Yiwu, Zhejiang. The Centre will function as a platform to build awareness of Singapore food products, providing F&B companies with the opportunity to grow the presence of Singapore brands in China, and benefiting businesses in the F&B sector keen on venturing into China.
中心在2014年7月9日由新加坡贸工部长 林勋强和浙江省副省长梁黎明开幕。 On July 9 2014, the opening ceremony of Tasty Singapore Food Product Centre in Yiwu, Zhejiang was officiated by Lim Hng Kiang, Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry, and Liang Liming, Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province and Co-Chairman of the Singapore-Zhejiang Economic and Trade Council.
Budding Sprouts
群策群力、提高效率 文:许彬彬
企业面临人手短缺、资源不足、竞争加剧,这些挑战应成为转型及提高生产力的推动力,而不是阻 力。再者,如果企业能善用政府援助计划作为燃料,加上领导层的意愿和推动,商家就能在提高生 产力的进程中,达到事半功倍之效。 近年来,经济转型浪潮来袭,我国政府在2010年设立 了全国生产力与继续教育理事会,推行系列措施及援助计 划协助商家转型,通过提高生产力找到业务的新增长点。 同一时期,我国商家正面临经营成本上涨,人手短缺、环球 竞争加剧等严峻挑战。
+2.9% 90.3 83.9%
88.2% 85.3%
在内忧外患夹攻之际,商界是否能游刃有余,对时局 转变作出迅速调整?受资源局限的中小企业在忙于日常业 务运作之际,可否兼顾提高生产力,其进展又如何?需要哪 些实质帮助?…… 这些都是政府、商家急切关注的课题。
总商会扮演下情上达,上情下达的有效管道 作为政府与商界的有效沟通桥梁,中华总商会有义务 把行业、中小企业的心声向上反馈。长期以来,总商会通过 商界意见调查、商团对话会等平台,搜集及时反馈,同时提 供实质建议供相关政府部门参考。 +8.2%
总商会综合近年《中小企业意见调查》结果显示,中 小企业已经接受现实,了解经济转型的出发点。尽管整体经 商环境充满挑战,更多中小企业已采取具体行动提高生产 力,趋势逐年上涨(表一)。在今年参与调查的645家企业 当中,超过半数(53%)通过培训提升员工技能、42%使用 自动化设备/科技化提升业务运作效率,也有37%的受访商 家通过提升企业品牌知名度,来增强业绩表现。 调查也发现,政府及中小企业中心加强推广政府援助 计划的共同努力奏效,申请率有所提高:从2012年的50%上 升到今年的73%。更多中小企业善用“燃料”,派员工参加 培训课程、使用自动化设备及采纳资信科技。最受商家欢 迎的政府援助计划分别是生产力与创新优惠计划 (PIC)、 培训津贴、创新与能力赠券(ICV)(表二)。
编者按: 《华商》将在下期重点报道《2014年中小企业意见调查》的亮点 及总商会向政府提呈的相关建议,敬请留意。 总商会中小企业中心拥有一批经验丰富的商业咨询顾问,能协助商家善 用政府援助计划。需要协助的中小企业,请与我们联系, 电话:6337 8381;电邮:enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg 政府正在制定2015年度财政预算案,总商会为此展开意见调查,了解商界 对预算案的期望和反馈,最终的总结报告将在年底呈交给相关政府部门 参考。请到总商会官方网站www.sccci.org.sg/prebudget-survey 踊跃提供宝贵意见。
+8.3% 90.0 81.8%
90.8% 82.5%
表二:最受欢迎的政府援助计划是PIC、培训津贴计划、ICV 政府援助计划 / 2014年财政预算案 2014年 2013年 协助中小型企业的措施 生产力与创新优惠计划 65.0% 42.4% PIC(税务局): PIC 延长3年; 为中小企业设立 PIC+ 培训津贴计划(劳发局): 31.6% 23.4% 企业培训援助计划、WorkPro 创新与能力赠券 ICV(标新局): 16.3% 9.9% 2014年财政预算案推 出 ICV 加强版
2014年 2013年 相比 +22.6 百分点 +8.2 百分点 +6.4 百分点
Budding Sprouts
Strengthening training, Nurturing Talents
新加坡中华总商会管理学院 Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business
提高生产力取决于员工的效率,要培养有效率的员工就得从培训着手。为配合总商会全力推动企业提高生产力的决心,新 加坡总商会管理学院设计及开发“生产力经理专项培训课程”,通过理论和实践课程,成功协助64名来自不同领域的中小 企业提高生产力,加强竞争实力。 管理学院也推出以中文授课的“生产力经理专项培训课程”,让更多受华文教育的学员掌握所需的知识和技能,从而能协 助公司推动和简化内部运作,提高生产力。 One crucial way to increase productivity is to improve the quality of employees who can be groomed through training. With that in mind, Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) developed a unique certified in-company productivity programme, Aspiring Productivity EXcellence Certified In-Company Productivity Manager Programme (APEX-CIPM), which has helped around 64 representatives from various industries embark on implementing structured productivity initiatives in their operations through theory and practical knowledge. Mandarin-speaking representatives were also equipped with knowledge and mentored on how to implement productivity measures in their companies when the SCCIOB introduced the APEX programme in Mandarin.
生产力经理专项培训课程”通过导师指导,座谈会和讲座深入地探讨项目管理和快速持续改善等生产力概念,有效 地为学员提供提高生产力的框架和方式。总体来说,我会向企业推荐“生产力经理专项培训课程。 APEX programme introduced a framework and systematic ways of carrying out productivity improvement projects. Concepts like Quick Kaizen and Project Management were discussed in-depth through mentoring sessions, talks and lectures. Overall, I would recommend APEX program to those who will initiate or lead improvement projects in their organisations. Keke Li, Markono Print Media Pte Ltd
Budding Sprouts
Riding on wings of assistance, fulfilLing dreams of productivity
新加坡中华总商会中小企业中心 SME Centre@SCCCI 中小企业中心分别在2013和2014年在大巴窑和宏茂桥设立中小企业卫星中心,将免费商业咨询服务带入邻里市镇,贴近 中小,特别是微型企业,向商家讲解政府提供的各种援助计划,并提升业务能力,改善人力资源及财务管理能力,提高服 务素质与生产力。总商会的服务网络因此从市区拓展到邻里、摊贩,在政府、商家和商团之间建立起更加广泛、有效而紧 密的纽带。 至今,本会已成功协助超过4000名本地业者有效地提高了生产力。 The SME Centre@SCCCI launched its first and second satellite centre in 2013 and 2014 at Toa Payoh and Ang Mo Kio respectively. Through this move, the SME Centre@SCCCI hopes to bring its advisory services to the heartlands. These would target the SMEs, especially the microenterprises, thereby helping them to understand government assistance schemes so that they could increase their capabilities, improve human resource and financial management, and increase service quality and productivity. The strategic move to extend its services from the city to the heartlands would also help build a greater bond linking the government, business and trade associations. Since its establishment, the SME Centre@SCCCI has assisted more than 4,000 SMEs in business restructuring and productivity improvement.
中区市长陈振泉(中间站立者)、总商会蔡其生会长、标新局周沐丽助理总裁见证总商会中小企业中心与9个商团签署合作协议。 Mayor of the Central Singapore District Sam Tan (middle, standing), SCCCI President Thomas Chua (left, standing) , and Assistant Chief Executive of SPRING Chew Mok Lee (right, standing) witnessed the MOU Signing between SME Centre@SCCCI and 9 Trade Associations.
Budding Sprouts
在本会中小企业中心的协助下,成功得到政府资助,提高生产力的其中三名商家包括: Local businesses which successfully received government support to increase productivity through the assistance of SME Centre@SCCCI include:
日升面包西果厂 Jackson Bakery & Confectionery “如果让我们自己填写申请表格,基本上是 不可能的,如果要我们去申请“增长与同惠 计划”,也是不可能的。有些老板听到要填 请表格脚都软了,所以商会有这样的帮忙非 常有用。” “If I had to fill in the application form myself, it would have been impossible. If I were to apply for the IGP myself, it would have been impossible too. Many business owners start shaking the moment they realise they have to fill in application forms. Thus, it is good that the SME Centre@SCCCI is able to help us with it. ”
金冠珠宝私人有限公司 Crown Jewels Pte Ltd
刑炳盛快运贸易私人有限公司 Heng Peng Seng Transport and Trading Pte Ltd
金冠珠宝私人有限公司不但在企业中心顾问进行完整的咨询服务后 获得改善建议与方案,他们也通过中华总商会中小企业中心协助,了 解到很多提高生产力的信息,更获得标新局的资助,购置一整套系 统,现在能很快打印出销售报告,了解市场信息及顾客的需求。
引入了新系统之后,刑炳盛快运贸易私人有限公司总部不但对于货 车的位置及状态一目了然,也可以通过系统通知司机前往另一个地 点取货。公司的效率不但提高了,也节省了不少电话费。司机也不需 要一直接听电话,让他们的驾驶时更安全了。
After a comprehensive consultation with the business advisor from SME Centre@SCCCI, Crown Jewels Pte Ltd obtained much relevant information on improving their productivity through automation. With the support of SPRING Singapore, Crown Jewels Pte Ltd managed to purchase an inventory management system – enabling the company to print out sales reports in a short time, saving time and manpower.
After implementing a fleet management system, the headquarters of Heng Peng Seng Transport and Trading Pte Ltd made great headway in productivity. It could track the locations of drivers, and assign deliveries through the system without having to make phone calls and compromise the driver’s safety. Telephone bills were also significantly reduced.
Budding Sprouts
海外专才献策、 企业突破极限
Breaking through limits, learning from strategies
为更全面地协助本地商家提升生产力,总商会与台湾中国生产力中心于2012年签署合作框架协 议,通过培训与交流,共同推动两地企业间的互动往来。借助交流与互动,会员商家学习到如何 以创意思维和创新模式协助企业提高生产力。 As the Chamber pressed on with efforts to assist local SMEs in the drive to increase productivity, the Chamber signed an MOU with the CPC in Taiwan. Through harnessing the strengths of both organisations, local SMEs had the opportunity to interact with their Taiwanese counterparts through training and networking sessions, and exchange ideas to increase productivity through innovative thinking and creative methods.
2012年,总商会与台湾中国生产力中心签署合作框架协议,正式借助海外生产力专才为本地企业的长足发展谋献策。 In 2012, the Chamber signed an MOU with China Productivity Center (CPC) in Taiwan which kicked started the series of training workshops, consultancy services and information exchange held exclusively by the Chamber and the CPC.
Budding Sprouts
为更进一步协助商家会员提高生产力,总商会特邀海外专家到本地举办工作坊,传授经验与分 享知识。迄今,超过350名不同领域的中小企业从总商会举办的生产力工作坊获益,这些工作坊 包括: In order to help corporate members increase their productivity, the Chamber invited overseas experts to conduct workshops and share their knowledge and experience. Thus far, the Chamber has conducted productivity workshops benefiting more than 350 participants from SMEs belonging to different industries.
“创新经营提升餐饮业生产力”工作坊 “Increase Productivity in the F&B Industry through Innovative Management” Workshop 本地餐饮业者通过系列工作坊以及台湾中国生产力中心服务业事业部陈弘元协理的一对一 的现场专业咨询,学习采用创新经营模式改善日常营运方式,并创造门市获利能力,有效地 提高了经营绩效与改善了员工的生产力。 Through the workshops and the one-to-one consultations conducted by Simon Chen, Director of China Productivity Center in Taiwan, local food and beverage industry players gained insights on increasing productivity through innovative management.
参与会诊的中小企业和大型企业皆从这个专 项服务受惠。 Through on-site inspection of space usage to examining its daily business operations, the consultant provided pertinent advice and suggestions unique to each situation.
他们从总商会的工作坊和专业会诊得到什么? 珍宝一直在努力提升集团的生产力。这次派员工参加‘以创新经营提升餐饮业生产力’专题讲座,主要是让员工对公 司的目标有更加充分的了解,与公司的目标保持一致。另外,虽然我们很努力地自我提升,但是有些领域的成效并不 明显,因此希望邀请台湾来的专家到公司看看,从不同的角度给出有效的建议。 Jumbo has constantly put in effort to increase the Group’s productivity. The primary goal of sending our staff to the “Increase Productivity in F&B Industry through Innovative Management” workshop is to let our staff gain a better understanding of and align themselves with the company’s goal. Also, although we are putting in great efforts to improve, we have not achieved obvious results in certain areas. Hence, we hope that by inviting an expert from Taiwan to our company, he can provide us with effective advice from a different viewpoint. Christina Ang, Senior Director, HR & Corporate Affairs, Jumbo Group of Restaurants Pte Ltd
Budding Sprouts
“提高运营效率与改善工作流程”生产力工作坊 “Operation Efficiency and workflow Improvement for Food and Retail Services” Productivity Workshop 总商会除了从台湾聘请专才为本地业者释疑解惑,也从日本邀请生产力专家讲 解提高生产力最有效的理论,以及实效性强的的实践方法,协助本地零售和餐 饮业重新设计运作模式,发挥提高生产力的最大效能。 Besides inviting productivity experts from Taiwan, the Chamber also invited experts from the Japan Productivity Center to explain and help businesses from the local retail and F&B industry understand concepts that could be easily applied when redesigning their business operations in the most efficient and productive way.
“提升食品加工与制造业生产力”工作坊及企业诊 断服务 “Enhance Efficiency and Productivity – Food Manufacturing Industry” Mandarin Workshop “全民一心 提高生产力”的想法根植本地各行各业。食 品加工与制造业者也积极加入提高生产力的队伍,通过本 会举办的工作坊和企业诊断服务,掌握改善营运公司营运 流程、有效提高生产力的不二法门。 With everyone joining in the nationwide call to increase productivity, businesses from the food manufacturing industry were no exception. They actively participated in the many workshops and consultation sessions organised by the Chamber to learn the proper techniques on improving business operations and workflow processes.
派主管、经理级的员工参加餐饮业生产力专题讲座,是希望借鉴台湾同行在创意服务和价值链管理方面的经验。三 天的讲座结束后,我希望派出的主管和经理们能够把学到的内容加以提炼和整合,再根据口福的情况进行调整,应 用在日常操作中。 By sending directors, managers and employees to attend this lecture on productivity in the F&B industry, we hope to learn from the experiences of our Taiwan counterparts on creative services and value chain management. After attending this 3-day workshop, I hope that our directors and managers will be able to refine and integrate what they have learnt, make adjustments based on Koufu’s circumstances and use these skills in our daily operations. Pang Lim, Managing Director, Koufu Pte Ltd
Budding Sprouts
借鉴海外经验、启迪成功之势 Forging paths to success through global expertise
海外考察与集训营 Overseas Productivity Study Missions
正所谓“读万卷书不如行万里路”,总商会协助中小企业提高生产力的方法,除了引进海外生产力 专才为本地业者提供培训,也结合实地考察,双管齐下,带领本地业者走出国门,到海外向在提 高生产力方面取得卓越成就的企业取经,通过考察海外成功业者提高生产力的方式,有效地把课 堂理论运用在实践上,成功启迪本地业者的创意思维、为业务注入创新动力。 迄今,本会已经组织了多个海外培训及考察团,培训了232 名企业高层人士: In our attempt to encourage businesses to improve productivity at full speed, besides inviting overseas experts to conduct workshops and training sessions for local businesses, the Chamber has also been organising overseas business missions, bringing participants out of Singapore to learn and gain first-hand knowledge on the success of overseas businesses. To date, 232 managerial representatives have successfully completed the overseas training and study missions organised by the Chamber.
高级管理人员台湾集训营 Productivity Training Camp to Taiwan 新加坡企业家在为期4天的集训营当中,开阔了眼界,改善自身的不足,了解要提高生产力就必须接纳创新思维和注重“以人为本”。 After the 4-day training camp, delegates learnt that to increase productivity, there is a need to embrace an innovative mindset and put people first.
Budding Sprouts
“创新思维与方法 – 餐饮业高层管理 人员台湾集训营” Taiwan Training Camp for Innovative Thinking & Methods – Food & Beverage Industry 代表团到台湾业者的店面作实地视察。台湾 业者对中央厨房的掌握与运作方式,让代表 团掌握提高企业生产力的创新手法。 From the experience sharing by Taiwanese entrepreneurs, to site visits to F&B outlets and central kitchens, delegates were exposed to all kinds of innovative ideas and methods to increase productivity.
“服务业创新与生产力”考察日本集训营 Service Innovation & Productivity Study to Japan 日本的企业毫无保留地分享了在提高生产力 之余,也为顾客提供最好服务的方法。例如: 为员工提供培训是企业提高生产力的关键。 Japanese companies imparted knowledge on increasing productivity without compromising on their quest to provide the best service standards. For example, staff development and training was a crucial factor to increase productivity.
本次集训让我最受启发的,就是中国生产力中心张宝诚总经理的一句话: ‘越早失败、越常失败、越快成功。’企业家 必须愿意承担可计算的风险、亲身尝试,才能更快发觉哪些道路是‘行不通’,哪些是‘行得通’。我们学习到,要达到 这样境界,企业必须改变现存于多数企业中的既定思维模式,以全然不同的领导作风经营企业,才能将这种“勇于 尝试”的精神根植于企业文化当中。 Dr Chang Bao-Cheng’s quote: “The earlier you fail, the more frequent you fail, the faster you succeed,” was most inspiring. Entrepreneurs must be willing to take calculated risks, and walk the path themselves in order to realise which path is right and which path is not the right choice. Enterprises have to change their mindset and operate in a leadership model different from the rest so as to inculcate the “dare to try” spirit into the corporate culture. Victor Foo, CEO , Digistore Solutions (S) Pte Ltd Delegate of “Productivity Training Camp to Taiwan”
Budding Sprouts
“重塑零售业:服务与空间新构思”香港 集训营 Retail Productivity Camp to Hong Kong 本地零售业者到以“高素质产品、高效服务、满 意度高的购物经验”著名的东方之珠了解香港零 售业的发展,也让他们具备了面对市场挑战和提 高生产力与竞争力的专业知识与技能。 Through lectures, business visits and sharing sessions by the businesses and experts, delegates learnt about the growth and development in the Hong Kong retail scene, arming them with knowledge and skills to prepare for market competition and learn how to increase productivity and competiveness.
新加坡配餐服务业考察团访问中国广州 Singapore Catering Industry Study Mission to Guangzhou 本地多家配餐供应商和配餐服务业者赴中国 广州进行实地考察,加强本地中小企业对服 务、营运、策略及品牌的创新概念。 Representatives from the catering industry embarked on a study mission to identify solutions to increase the competitive edge and productivity of their industry.
五金及精密机械工程行业赴台湾•韩国生产力集训营 Metal Precision Engineering Productivity Study to Taiwan & South Korea 总商会代表团通过学习与了解台湾及韩国五金机械和精密工程公司的成功案例,掌握了台湾同 行成功的不二法门,并借鉴他们前瞻性的经营理念和先进的创新技术,提高自身的生产力。 除了实地考察,代表团也参加了企业家座谈会,与成功企业家一起探讨如何全面提升五金及 精密机械产业竞争力,并把所学习的知识带回本地。 The productivity study mission broadened the horizons of delegates who learnt ways to improve operational efficiency and thereby increase productivity. Besides industrial visits, delegates walked away with insights and experiences shared by successful Taiwanese entrepreneurs during a seminar that focused on increasing productivity and competiveness of the metal precision engineering industry.
Budding Sprouts
高阶主管生产力提升日本集训营 CEO Productivity Study to Japan 此次的集训营参观了“Kidzania 东京”――多个机构和品牌合作的成功典范,不但开拓了代 表团的视野,也从中掌握提高生产力与竞争力的知识,收获甚多。 The visit to Kidzania Tokyo provided delegates a chance to experience and learn about its unique business model which is a successful model of collaboration with multiple organisations and brands. It was a fruitful trip as delegates gained insights on improving productivity and their competitive edge.
代表团也深切体会日本企业的成功秘 诀——一个快乐的员工是一个高效的员 工,而要培养快乐的员工就得从工作环境 着手。 Delegates also realised the secret for the success of Japanese companies – A happy employee is a productive employee, and the first step to having happy employees was having a happy and conducive environment.
我们对这次参观的公司留下深刻的印象,这些公司组织良好,管理程序值得我们学习。我们也有机会在批发中心采 购了设备,节省了不少成本。 We were impressed with the Guangzhou companies as they are very well-organised, and have procedures and practices in place which we could learn from. The wholesale centres provided the opportunity for us to source and purchase equipment and benefit from the cost savings. Daniel Ang, President, ACAPS Leader of “Singapore Catering Industry Study Mission to Guangzhou”
我们都是来学习新的办法解决人力问题、降低成本、 提高生产力,没有同行如敌国的狭益想法,我们都很 乐意地把自己过去的经验摊开来谈。所以这次参加总 商会组织的生产力集训营,除了向海外商家借鉴他们 的成功经验,更难得的收获便是与新加坡同行分享和 交换经验。 We came to learn new solutions to solve manpower issues, lower costs and increase productivity. Although we belong to the same industry, we are all willing to share our experiences with each other. Thus, besides the takeaway of experiences from successful overseas businesses, it was extremely rewarding to share and exchange experiences with our peers within the industry. Koh Beng Leong, Executive Director, Ann Aik Pte Ltd Delegate of “Metal Precision Engineering Productivity Study to Taiwan & South Korea”
日本公司能发挥集体精神,与上属和员工之间能和睦 相处有关。我这些年都是一个人打拼,这次考察给了 我很大的启发——要巩固一家公司的发展,就必须 设法让员工们有归属感,以便能继续把公司扩大。要 不然就无法如日本公司一样长存。 The harmonious relationship between management and staff is the reason behind the unity in Japanese companies. All along I had been working on my own. This study mission has inspired me greatly – in order for companies to achieve stable and continuous growth, we need to provide employees with a sense of belonging. Otherwise, we would not succeed in attaining sustainable growth in the same way as Japanese companies. Koh Soon Eng, Director, C-Bulk Liners Pte Ltd Delegate of “CEO Productivity Study to Japan”
Growing Stronger
Growing Stronger
The Art of Increasing Productivity By: Samantha Lee
In recent years, the government introduced a variety of grants in its bid to urge companies to heed its call for productivity. “Increasing productivity” has also become the government’s latest pet phrase. However, what does it mean to increase productivity? How can businesses achieve it? We had a chat with Simon Chen, Director at the China Productivity Center in Taiwan, who shared his thoughts on increasing productivity. Process is very important in a business because it affects the supply chain which will in turn affect your retail business and productivity.
Simon Chen (right), Director at the China Productivity Center in Taiwan shared his thoughts on increasing productivity. With him is Kevin Lee from the Service Business Division at China Productivity Center in Taiwan.
According to the survey conducted by the SCCCI Economic Research Department, awareness in increasing productivity has risen across the board. Many businesses have jumped on the bandwagon by pumping in more resources and tapping on government grants, especially the Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme, to adopt technology in their bid to increase productivity. This positive response is certainly heartening. However, with every business adopting technology, what else can they do to continue increasing their productivity and competitiveness?
Start by improving operational and management structure Speaking on the difference between businesses in Taiwan and Singapore, Simon Chen noted that be it the management, training or functional structure, there is still room for improvement for businesses in Singapore. Comparing chain stores in both economies, he noted that headquarters of Taiwanese chain stores are more mature and developed with better operational and management structure, whereas many Singaporean businesses focus too much on their retail business, i.e. profit margin, neglecting operational processes.
“Process is very important in a business because it affects the supply chain which will in turn affect your retail business and productivity. Many businesses are too focused on expansion even though they have yet to build a strong management and operational structure. They overlook the need to consider the supply chain which has to be strong enough to support the whole business.” In other words, the supply chain is like a human heart; if any of the arteries gets clogged up, the whole body system will be affected. Likewise, if any of the factors in the supply chain is unable to handle the needs of a business, it would affect the whole chain, including the retail business. Thus, businesses should improve their operational and management structure before they start moving on to fulfil bigger dreams. If businesses are ready to expand with a strong operational and management structure, the next tip shared by Simon Chen was to standardise the size of the stores to increase productivity. Businesses with varying store sizes would have to recalculate the logistics and manpower
needed whenever a new store is on the cards. This may cause a breakdown in the supply chain if not handled well. However, with a standardised shop size, businesses can easily refer to the logistics and manpower needed by the other stores and make necessary arrangements, hence increasing productivity. “Technology”: The first step to increase productivity While adopting technology is one way to improve operational structure and increase productivity, Simon Chen stressed that adopting technology is just the first step towards increasing productivity. One example he cited was using an inventory management software to ensure obtaining more accurate and systematic inventory records which will lead to efficient purchasing. With the software, businesses can easily access inventory records at the touch of a finger. Businesses can also track stocks movements which will reflect how well-received a particular item is or if a certain stock is running low, and make the purchase accordingly. Capital will also not be tied up unnecessarily, and efficiency of the supply chain will be boosted. By adopting technology to support operations, businesses will also be able to reduce the number of staff needed for backend operations and more staff can be deployed to handle the frontline, resulting in better productivity. Attracting people and changing mindsets Noting the manpower crunch in Singapore, Simon Chen shared why Taiwan was able to attract and retain talent in the Food and Beverage (F&B) industry which many Singaporeans shy away from. One prominent reason would be the government’s efforts to increase the status of the F&B industry by bringing it to an international level. The Taiwanese government’s move to encourage chefs to compete internationally and to provide training for winning chefs in business administration and the opportunity to manage and operate their own businesses has ensured growth and development for people in the F&B industry. As such, people start realising that joining the F&B industry is not just about waiting on customers
Growing Stronger
or spending long hours in the stuffy and greasy kitchen. Instead, one is entering an industry that will open many windows of opportunities and fulfilling prospects, including working for an internationally renowned F&B establishment or even having one’s skills recognised internationally. With the change in mindset towards the F&B industry, people who are more hopeful of the industry’s future will be attracted on board. Seeing themselves as professionals, employees will start taking pride in their position, generating higher work satisfaction and productivity. In addition, productivity will also be increased with employers’ change in mindset. Employers need to understand that employees are the most important asset to one’s business. Thus, it is necessary to focus on providing employees with proper training so they can do their jobs to the best of their ability. Initial training is important to lay out fundamental expectations. However, ongoing training on topics that may arise throughout their working career will allow employees to bring their work to the next level. With proper training and guidance, employees will be equipped with the necessary skills, and in turn offer high quality work and productivity. Increasing productivity is not all about adopting technology because there is a limit to how much technology can achieve. While technology may be a good bet to “do more with less people”, easing manpower crunch faced by many businesses, businesses should not rely on it totally and end up neglecting their human resources. Instead, businesses should strive to increase productivity by striking a balance between two aspects – technology and human resources, which will bring out the potential of the business to the fullest.
Writer’s thoughts Before the interview with Simon Chen, I chanced upon an interview that my colleague had conducted with him last year. He mentioned that the F&B industry in Taiwan was very focused on moving customers with attentive service, i.e. service that touches one’s heart and soul (心灵感动). However, having stepped into many restaurants that have adopted a self-service system for food ordering, I noticed that while this system is able to ease the manpower crunch, interaction between customers and service staff has also decreased significantly. “How can we provide service that touches one’s heart and soul while adopting technology to increase productivity?” I asked. Simon Chen clarified that while cost efficiency and productivity can be increased when technology is used for backend operation, frontline staff should ultimately still be the ones serving and attending to customers. Thus, it is still possible to provide service that touches one’s heart and soul. He further explained that it is all about interaction and creating indelible memories for customers. A simple gesture of explaining the menu to customers, surprising customers with a complimentary slice of cake or birthday gift or gathering staff to sing a happy birthday song for the customer, are all ways to create that human touch. I later learnt that businesses can also tap on technology to create memorable service experiences that touch the heart and soul of customers. One example would be D’Elegance International Pte Ltd which sends out birthday messages to customers during their birthday month by using a “customer relationship management” software. This valueadded service may seem to be a simple gesture, but this interaction is what creates heartwarming and memorable experiences for customers.
Increasing productivity is not all about adopting technology because there is a limit to how much technology can achieve… Instead, businesses should strive to increase productivity by striking a balance between two aspects – technology and human resources.
Growing Stronger
提高生产力的小贴士 文:李依玲
近几年,政府不断鼓励企业提升生产力,并推出各种援助计划来吸引 更多企业加入这项全民运动。 “提高生产力”,相信也成为了政府的 口头禅。然而,什么是生产力?企业又应该如何提高生产力?就让 《华商》为您总结台湾中国生产力中心陈弘元协理提供的一些小贴士。
将投资重点放在员工身上 员工是企业最重要的资产,业者因此 有必要重点投资在员工身上,为他们 提供适当的培训,使他们能够在工作 时发挥得最好。基本的入行培训或许 能让员工具备一些基本的概念与技 能,但持续的培训将让员工在工作上 面对的问题能应对自如,把自己的工 作能力推向另一高峰。通过适当的培 训和指导,让员工具备必要的技能,进 而提高工作品质和生产力。 利用科技提高 生产力 提高生产力并不 是“一个人做两三 个人的工作”,而是 利用机器、科技, 或者重新设计工作 流程等各种方式来辅助工作效率,提 高生产力。比如有了库存管理系统,企 业将能在最快的时间掌握最精准的库 存记录,并及时进行采购。企业也可以 按照商品的流动量而调整采购,受欢 迎的商品可以加量采购,较不好卖的 则可以减少采购数量。这样一来,企业 的资金不但有更大的流动空间,供应链的效率将得到提 高。通过运用科技提升幕后的营运,企业将能减少幕后 所需的工作人员,并把原本属于幕后的工作人员安排到前 线,从而提高生产效率。然而,值得注意的是,企业首先 要了解采纳自动化与科技化只是提高生产力的起点,提 高生产力并不能只停留在自动化和科技化。
零售门市固然重要,但必需确保供应 链的健康 提高生产力并不停留在零售门市,而 是从幕后的营运模式着手。许多企业 者都只过于注重零售门市,而忽略了 幕后的营运模式。做生意,最重要的 就是供应链 (supply chain)。供应链 要健康,才能支持业务的需求。供应 链就如人的心脏,如果其中一条血管 堵塞,全身都会受到影响。同样,如果 供应链的任何一个项目因为无法负荷 的业务需求而崩溃,这将影响包括零 售门市在内的企业营运。因此,企业 要提升生产力就必需先加强和提升营 运模式,确保供 应链的健康。
统一店面规模 如果企业想要扩张时也能提高生产 效率,他们应该统一店面的规模。不 同的店面规模就必须不断地重新计 算物流和人力等营运需求。若计算 错误或处理不当,这将可能导致运 作和供应链的崩溃,不但不符合生 产力效益,造成的损失也将非常大。 然而,如果业者统一店面规模,业者 可以很容易地利用旗下其他的店面 为参考,从而分配所需的物流和人 力,大大提高生产力 。
随着政府开始收紧外劳政策,要克服人手短缺的问题,业者就必须改变思维模式,通过创新的方 法提高生产力。希望以上的小贴士能协助您踏出提高生产力的第一步。
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