华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2015 issue 1

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台湾 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 总经理 谷中强 台湾 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 谷中强 台湾 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 总经理 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

中国 | 新加坡 中国 | 新加坡 青建地产有限公司 青建地产有限公司 董事总经理 左海滨 中国 I 新加坡 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 青建国际(南洋)集团发展有限公司 左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 执行董事 青建地产有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 曜越科技 董事长 林培熙 台湾 董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 曜越科技 林培熙 台湾 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 董事长 曜越科技 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

林培熙 台湾 林培熙 曜越科技台湾

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* 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排


课程特色 课程特色 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 课程特色 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 新国大全中文授课的亚太EMBA硕士学位课程, 创办于1997年,是世界首个采用全华文教学的EMBA课程。 课程汇集中文背景企管精英,交流智慧、 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 拓展资源, 学习和领悟, 开发人生和事业的新天地。 学制17个月, 每三个月密集授课2周, 最长可以延至四年完成学业, 适合繁忙的高管和企业领导人协 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 支持NUS EMBA项目! 调工作、 学习和生活。 合格毕业将获颁新加坡国立大学工商管理硕士学位 (the NUS MBA Degree), 亚洲排名第一、 世界排名领先的优质MBA学位。 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 支持NUS EMBA项目! 课程学费赞助高达70%* 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 支持NUS EMBA项目! n 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 课程学费赞助高达70%* 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 n 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 课程学费赞助高达70%* 国 在际 化 的 课 程 设 置 : 聚 焦亚 太区 经 济 商业 发 展 与企 业 经 营 管 理 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 主 题 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 n 亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 如符合条 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 n 学前 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 瞻 性 的 亚 洲 视 野 : 向经验丰富的师资团队学习企 业管 理 实 务和理 念 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 中文EMBA课程办公室。 n 学制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 中文EMBA课程办公室。 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 n 学 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 跨 领 域 的 经 验 分 享 : 背景 经 历各异的学员同堂 深 入 交 流 ,拓 展 思 路, 总 结 创 中文EMBA课程办公室。 新,缔 结 友情 和人Singapore对其 脉 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 移学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 动 课 堂 异 地 教 学 : 在 新加坡、美国、澳 大利亚、台湾,日本向优秀 企 业取 经

中国 中国 | 新加坡 中国 中国 | 新加坡 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 CEO 中国 I 新加坡 张栩 中国 孟繁秋 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 CEO APEX-C 杂志社有限责任公司 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 《中外管理》 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 张栩 中国 孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 第十八班,2009 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 C E APEX-C O 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 亚太EMBA 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 第十九班, 2010 亚太EMBACEO 第十八班, 2009 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

张栩 孟繁秋 谷中强 左海滨 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 张栩 孟繁秋 谷中强 左海滨

亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 亚太EMBA硕士学位课程

Proud to be a member of

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网站 : apexc.nus.edu 网站 电邮 : : apexc.nus.edu apexc@nus.edu.sg 电邮 : apexc@nus.edu.sg 电邮 电话 : : apexc@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 8656 | 6516 8496 电话 : +65 6516 8656 | 6516 8496 电话 : +65 6516 8656 | 6516 8496

亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 亚太EMBA硕士学位课程办公室 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 网站 : apexc.nus.edu

欢迎咨询: 欢迎咨询: 2015年招生火热进行中,请联络: 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 欢迎咨询:

学院所获得的专业认证资格: 学院所获得的专业认证资格: 学院所获得的专业认证资格:

Proud to be a member of

Proud to be a member of

集团董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 力业女佣集团 陈美雄 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 集团董事长 力业女佣集团 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 集团董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

力业女佣集团 集团董事长 陈美雄 新加坡

陈美雄 新加坡 陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团

2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日

第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 副总经理 黄国芬 台湾 副总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 黄国芬 台湾 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 副总经理 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十八班, 2009 副总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

黄国芬 台湾 黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司

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编辑语录 E d I T O R ’S N O T E

2015年对新加坡来说是一个特别 的年头。从建国独立及拥有自主权,我 国已经跨跃了半个世纪。在这短短的 50年,我们从一个极小的贸易港口,蜕 变成第一世界的繁华都会,并被公认 为创造“经济奇迹”的国家。

2015 is a special year for Singapore. It has been 50 years since we stood on our own and came into existence as a sovereign nation. 50 years since we evolved from a small trading post into a thriving metropolis with first-world status, and become a country many regard as being an “economic miracle”.

国家建设初期是艰辛及充满挑战 的。庆幸的是,我们拥有一个强而有力 的政府和一批对新加坡有着坚定信念 的企业家。凭着远见、毅力、韧性、努 力和勤俭的精神,他们携手打造了我 国繁荣的经济环境。不仅如此,这批 来自各行各业的杰出华商也竭尽所能 的把时间和精力投入在社区、文化、教 育和慈善事业。他们对国家和社会所 作出的巨大贡献是应该受肯定和让后 辈所认可。

The days of nation-building were challenging and arduous times, but we were fortunate to have a strong government and entrepreneurs with an inveterate faith in Singapore who helped to shape the economy through their foresight, perseverance, resilience, hard work and thrift. Chinese business pioneers of various trades and industries were an outstanding group of individuals who also dedicated time and effort in service to community, culture, education and charitable projects. Their exemplary contributions to the nation and to society deserve to be recognised and acknowledged for posterity.

为配合新加坡庆祝金禧纪念,总 商会倡议举办“新加坡建国50周年杰 出华商奖”以表扬这批对我国作出重 大贡献的杰出人士。在丽嘉登美年大 酒店举行颁奖典礼,看着建国华商们 从陈庆炎总统手中接过奖杯,感觉可 说是振奋人心。28位获奖华商虽然都 来自不同的行业背景,但他们可说是 新加坡企业界的缩影。他们的故事深 具启发性,可谓是大家,尤其是年轻一 代的楷模。

Hence, one of the Chamber’s meaningful tributes to Singapore’s Golden Jubilee was the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards, specially initiated to honour pre-eminent individuals for their salutary contributions to Singapore. As we gathered at Ritz-Carlton’s Grand Ballroom for the awards ceremony, it was certainly inspiring to see these remarkable individuals receiving the trophy from President Tony Tan. Each of the 28 men and women have different stories to tell, but together their backgrounds are a microcosm of Singapore’s corporate landscape. They are role models who are a source of inspiration to every one of us, and to the younger generation of Singaporeans.

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请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

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目录 CONTENTS 华商焦点

出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg




骏马荣归 灵羊接班 总商会于2月19日举办了一年一度的 新春大团拜,在新年伊始以最欢愉和 热闹的气氛迎接羊年的到来。


活力青年 共创企业: 总商会青企网十周年 总商会青企网欢庆成立10周年,三名 受邀演讲的年轻企业家在这项特别 活动上畅谈了各自的创业心得。活动 主题为“启迪年轻一代传承华商精 神”,希望能鼓励更多新一代企业家 继承华商精神。

Editorial Advisors

蔡其生 Thomas Chua Kee Seng 张松声 Teo Siong Seng 何乃全 Charles Ho Nai Chuen 萧作鸣 Seow Choke Meng 曾宪相 Chan Hian Siang 林玉勤 Lim Geok Khoon 出版统筹 Publications Supervision 谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong




Assistant Editor

陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee 撰稿 Staff WriterS 李依玲 Samantha Lee 杨伟强 Yeo Wei Qiang



2015年经济展望 为期两天的年度商业展望论坛邀请了 多位财经专家分享对世界经济和商 业趋势的预测和见解,协助商家应对 新经济氛围中的新挑战。


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In the Lead


Role of Chinese business pioneers in contributing to Singapore’s development: The last 50 years and the next 50 Find out some of the common characteristics that make local Chinese business pioneers so outstanding and successful.






Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: CnP@sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI(P)101/03/2015. Printed by Hock Cheong Printing Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).

Corporate Strategies

狮城经贸 总商会吁请政府:继续提升中小企业 实力,打造世界级新加坡企业 总商会在政府筹备今年的财政预算 案之际,展开了“2015年度财政预算 案公布前意见调查”,以便了解会员 商家对今年预算案的期望以及经营 前景展望。

陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee

Balancing the needs of public security and businesses in managing liquor control SCCCI President and NMP Thomas Chua represented the interests of the business community at the Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Bill debate on January 30.

社会典范 国家栋梁 获奖的前辈各个都是商界泰斗,更是 年轻一代效仿的榜样。



Design Egg Creatives


Conveying businesses’ wishes for Budget 2015 SCCCI conducted its annual Pre-Budget Survey late last year to obtain feedback and views from the business community relating to Budget 2015.



许彬彬 Kelvin Khaw 邓素娟 Tang Soh Kuen 洪仰宗 Ang Yang Chong 许菌妮 Annie Koh 江伟心 Esther Kong

向国会反映工商界的心声 总商会会长、官委议员蔡其生在一月 份的国会复会会议中,向贸工部和人 力部提出询问,分别为中小企业和传 统行业反映心声。

Moving nimbly ahead in the Year of the Goat The Chamber gathered with fellow council members, partners, members and friends on the first day of the Lunar New Year as part of its yearly tradition.

Business Voice in Parliament



胡爱兰 Fiona Hu

建国华商 精神传承 为欢庆我国建国50周年,总商会特 别设立了“建国50周年杰出华商奖” 以表彰和肯定建国华商勇于开拓未 来的魄力与崇高的奉献精神,借此启 迪年轻一代传承他们的创业精神与 梦想。


Trail-blazing local Chinese business pioneers honoured by SCCCI A total of 28 Chinese business pioneers were presented with the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards to acknowledge their exceptional achievements, pioneering entrepreneurial spirit and contributions to Singapore.


第48届悼念日本占领时期 死难人民祭礼 一年一度悼念日本占领时期死难人民 的祭礼于2月15日举行。共有一千多 名师生、外交使节、宗教团体、各族商 会社团、退役军人和死难者家属等参 加了庄严的祭礼,提醒我们保家卫国 的重要性。

Chamber Community


A scroll to remember A historical scroll presented by former Chamber leaders to then Governor of Singapore in 1946 was entrusted back to SCCCI as a gift.

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最轻的 硅谷年纪 家 风险投资

星展 BusinessClass 呈献

24小时内 触动百万元灵感 星展 BusinessClass 呈献海湾系列 - 点燃您的业务发展动力 海湾系列是星展 BusinessClass 专为中小企业领袖所提供的独家研讨会和活动之一,藉此邀来商界精英与你们分享心得。 身为硅谷年纪最轻的风险投资家,Ernestine Fu 在一次24小时黑客马拉松活动中,与人合创了 HelloWorld 社交位置手 机应用程序。短短两个月内,她以未经披露的七位数价码售出该应用程序!在最近一期的海湾系列研讨会中,Ernestine 分享了她的成功秘诀。 即日下载星展 BusinessClass,观赏该研讨会的相关视频和媒体访问视频。

星展 BusinessClass 衔接

数以千计 的企业家


市场脉搏与 行业发展趋势

拓展人脉 参与独家 活动


全球商业专家和 经验丰富的顾问



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2009 – 2014 2013 2014

DBS Bank Ltd Co. Reg. No.: 196800306E Jan 2015

直接咨询业界专家、创业基金投资者和其他企业家,以及参与独家活动。星展 BusinessClass,连接亚洲商业社群的桥梁, 就在您的指尖。

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In the Lead

建国华商 精神永传 文:李依玲

今天的新加坡经济起飞,创造着令人瞩目的奇迹。这辉煌成就的背后蕴含 着无数建国华商的勤奋与努力。他们有的是土生土长的本地公民,有的是 飘洋过海而来的外来移民,但都凭着睿智与果敢精神,经历大风浪,成为了 国家建设的主力军。2月6日,总商会隆重举办了“新加坡建国50周年杰出 华商奖颁奖典礼”,肯定与表扬了建国前辈追求卓越、回馈社会、造福民众 的精神,并向他们致以崇高的敬意。


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In the Lead

蔡其生会长(右四)将奖状颁发给“新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖”奖杯设计比赛的冠军队伍——义安理工学院。 (左起)总商会历史展筹委会吴学光主席;“新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖” 筹委会吴中庸副主席;义安理工学院设计与环境学院翁碧凤主 任;宋建稚、林陈越、邝仪,“新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖”奖杯设计比赛的优胜队伍;总商会蔡其生会长; “新加坡建国50周年杰出华 商奖”筹委会邓健辉主席; “新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖”筹委会萧作鸣副主席; “新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖”筹委会何乃全委员。

2月6日,新加坡建国50周年杰出 华商奖颁奖典礼于丽兹卡尔登美年酒 店圆满举行,主宾为我国总统陈庆炎 阁下。教育部长兼新加坡50周年庆指 导委员会主席王瑞杰、总理公署部长 林瑞生、社会及家庭发展部长兼国防 部第二部长陈振声、贸工部政务部长 张思乐、碧山-大巴窑集选区国会议 员、前副总理黄根成与工商业界的翘 楚等750嘉宾也参与了这场盛宴,向荣 获殊荣的建国前辈致敬。 这场盛会虽没有奢华的布置,但 简单中却不失大方,28位得奖前辈的 光芒更照亮了整个会场。这2 8位企 业家涉足的业务领域非常广泛,包括 金融、贸易、房地产、能源、制造、化 工、船务、港务、法律、影视、旅游、 服饰、食品、建筑设计、城市规划、交 通运输、重型机械、环境工程、医疗 保健等。他们是行业的先驱,推动经 济发展,也是社群领袖,积极回馈社 会,凭着个人的商业成就,以及对新加 坡的无私奉献,获得这个意义深远的 奖项。 华商前辈与国家同舟共济并回馈社会 建国初期,百业待兴。这些华商前 辈在新加坡被迫独立的时候,选择留 在这里,与国家同呼应,共命运。今天 的年轻一代,很难想象建国初期的艰 辛,更难体验那动荡年代的滋味。仅仅 半个世纪,新加坡就从无依无靠、一 无所有、前途未卜的转口港,发展成为

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举世瞩目的国际大都会,正是因为有 了建国一代的辛勤耕耘,才有新加坡 今天的繁荣。 陈庆炎总统在颁奖礼上表示,建 国华商奖得主都具备坚韧不拔、慷慨 解囊和企业精神的本质,是本地华商 社群的典范。他也举华商先驱陈六使 为例,表扬他以个人名义捐献了500万 元,以福建会馆的名义捐出500英亩 土地,兴办南洋大学,也就是今天南洋 理工大学的前身。此外,本地华商先驱 设立的慈善信托和基金,如李氏基金、 陈振传基金和连氏基金,至今还继续 对社会发挥影响力和贡献。 总商会破例设奖 为年轻一代树立榜样 陈总统说: “华商社群的事迹,加 上建国华商奖得主的成功故事,将激 励所有新加坡人。年轻一代可以向这 些先驱学习的地方很多,如坚韧不拔、 创业精神、追求卓越、敬业乐业,最重 要的是心怀感恩,取诸社会用诸社会 的精神。” 李显龙总理特地录制一段视频, 祝贺并肯定建国华商奖得主对新加坡 的贡献。他在视频中说: “获奖的建国 一代华商为我国的经济发展作出了重 要的贡献,他们不但自己事业有成,还 积极回馈社会。他们是国家的栋梁,是 社会的典范。所以我希望年轻一代能 够学习和继承华商的精神,激励他们 去开拓未来。”

“获奖的建国一代华商 为我国的经济发展作出 了重要的贡献,他们不但 自己事业有成,还积极回 馈社会。他们是国家的栋 梁,是社会的典范。所以 我希望年轻一代能够学 习和继承华商的精神,激 励他们去开拓未来。新加 坡的繁荣与昌盛,离不开 建国华商的奉献与付出, 我衷心地感谢他们。”


李总理也强调: “新加坡的繁荣 与昌盛,离不开建国华商的奉献与付 出,我衷心地感谢他们。” 蔡其生会长致开幕辞时说,总商 会向来不主办奖项活动,这次破天荒 举办建国华商奖,主要目的是为了倡导 追求卓越、回馈社会、造福民众的华商 精神,并通过鲜活的真实案例,为年轻 一代树立效仿的榜样。

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他说: “获奖的28位杰出华商,是 建国一代的缩影。他们不仅追求个人事 业成功,也积极将时间、精力和财富源 源不断地投入社会、文化、教育、慈善 等不同领域,活跃于各个社会团体,带 动行业发展,努力推广中华文化,亲身 实践传统美德,辅助弱势群体和贫苦 人士。” 获奖者中,九十岁以上得奖的企 业家有3位,其中最年长的为今年99岁 的陶伯欣先生。八十多岁的得奖者有 8位,七十多岁的有7位,六十多岁的有 10位。28位得奖者当中,女性有2位: 颜诗琴博士和黄淑娇女士。 虽然这次得奖者当中只有两位女 性,但蔡会长认为建国过程当中女性 们的贡献非常值得尊敬。俗话说,每个 成功男士的背后,都有一个伟大的女 性。她们有些是先生的得力创业伙伴, 更多是留在家中相夫教子。她们是一 群无声英雄,在背后默默地无私奉献, 让先生没有后顾之忧,全心投入到事 业和社会服务当中,让新加坡得以取 得今天的蓬勃发展。 崇敬建国前辈 传承华商精神 华侨中学24节令鼓队的表演为典 礼掀开序幕。邀请华中表演助兴是因

In the Lead

为华中与华商、总商会的关系源远流 长。华商与总商会在华中建校时提供 全力协助,华商与总商会迄今一直鼎 力支持华中举办的活动。而这项由学 生呈现的表演,也象征着年轻一代向 建国华商致以最崇高的敬意,代表着 年轻一代将把建国华商的精神传承下 去,为新加坡的永续发展作出更多的 贡献。 奖项的各项安排也均融入了“尊 重前辈 传承精神”的含义,包括颁 赠给获奖华商的奖杯。筹委会特别邀 请了本地大专院校的学生设计奖杯, 把“尊重前辈 传承精神”的含义融 入到设计当中,让更多年轻人参与这 次的活动,深入了解建国华商的经历, 深刻体会华商精神。 义安理工学院学生的奖杯设计从 11所大专院校、工艺教育学院、艺术学 院的9支队伍中脱颖而出。奖杯的底座 由红黑两色组成,就像木炭在烈火中 燃烧,释放出无限能量,传递给底座上 的两根铁棒,盘旋向上,如同建国华商 不屈不饶,奋勇执着,为国家的发展打 下牢固的基础。红色铁棒代表新加坡, 金色铁棒代表华商,二者同舟共济,相 互扶持,象征着华商竭尽所能,努力为 国家的未来作出无私奉献。

相信只要秉承建国华商 勇于开拓未来的魄力与 “取之社会 用之社会” 的崇高精神,为国家和社 稷作出贡献,不论将来遇 到什么风浪,我们必定能 像建国一代一样突破万 难,在这属于我们的家园 共创更加美好的未来

50年后的新加坡会蜕变成怎么 样,无人能知。但,相信只要秉承建国 华商勇于开拓未来的魄力与“取之社 会 用之社会”的崇高精神,为国家和 社稷作出贡献,不论将来遇到什么风 浪,我们必定能像建国一代一样突破 万难,在这属于我们的家园共创更加 美好的未来。

(左起):教育部长兼新加坡50周年庆指导委员会主席王瑞杰、我国总统陈庆炎阁下、陶伯欣先生与蔡其生会长。今年99岁的欣光集团董事长 陶伯欣先生是28位获奖者中最年长的。

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In the Lead















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骏马荣归 灵羊接班 文:杨伟强

三阳开泰新迎春,扬眉吐气展未来。总商会作为 企业与政府之间的桥梁,多年来秉持着促进工商 业发展和经济繁荣的宗旨。在新的一年里,总商 会将积极研究家族企业的传承与接班问题,以为 国家和企业的永续发展、繁荣与昌盛做出更大的 贡献。

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环境及水源部长维文医生(中)连同社会及家庭发展部长兼国防部第二部长陈振声、教育部兼通讯及新闻部政务部长沈颖、贸工部政务部长张 思乐以及总理公署兼社区及文化、社区及青年部政务部长陈振泉与总商会全体董事们一起欢庆羊年的到来。

2月19日,大年初一。当大家都忙 着到亲朋戚友家拜年时,总商会里里 外外却是闹哄哄的,到处充满着浓浓 的新春气息。各界人士齐聚一堂,多年 老友抽暇相聚。大家就像个大家庭一 样互贺新春,热闹之余也倍感温馨。 在这个欢庆团圆的日子里,总商会秉 持着新年团拜的传统,多年不变。 当天,环境及水源部长维文医生 也莅临本会,与大家度过羊年伊始的 第一个早晨。维文医生致词时说出的 四句贺词, “身体健康,心想事成,生 意兴隆,万事如意”更是赢得了满堂 喝彩!这可是他与9岁儿子苦练出来 的成果! 传承与接班—国家、企业、家庭的 永续发展 随着第五十七届董事即将圆满 完成任务,蔡其生会长也借此机会在 致辞时特别感谢了董事们在两年任 期内的付出。同时,他也欢迎新侯任 董事的加入,壮大我们的大家庭。谈

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到家庭,蔡会长更是强调“无论是先 来,还是后到,无论是第一代移民, 还是移民的后代,只要把家安在这 里,把心放在这里,这里就是我们共 同的家园。” 但家庭要永续发展与传承,就必 须得以延续。作为新加坡最大的商会 组织,总商会把为国家和社会培养年 轻一代企业家当为己任。过去十年, 总商会属下的青年企业家联系网一直 都在努力招募人才。年轻一代加入总 商会,除了可以向前辈学习,也可以 带来新想法,引领新的潮流。 本地有不少企业都是家族企业, 传承对它们来说尤其重要。在新的一 年,总商会将投入更多时间和精力, 全面研究与探讨家族企业传承的问 题。而俗话说近水楼台先得月,在总 商会内部就有许多董事都是家族企 业的接班人。他们也正面临寻找接班 人和培养接班人的关键时期。总商会 希望通过这些董事的经验,在加上广

泛收集各行各业的真实个案,总结经 验,让更多企业得以参考受惠。 政府与商会紧密合作,确保国家 繁荣昌盛 环境及水源部长维文医生当天 也偕同社会及家庭发展部长兼国防 部第二部长陈振声、教育部兼通讯及 新闻部政务部长沈颖、贸工部政务部 长张思乐以及总理公署兼社区及文 化、社区及青年部政务部长陈振泉出 席了总商会的新春团拜活动。 在新加坡建国50周年之际,维 文部长在发表演讲时也肯定了总商 会多年来为国家与社会所做出的贡 献。50年前,当新加坡脱离马来西亚 成为独立的国家时,华族做为本地 最大的族群,慷概地为其他数族群 提供了共同成长的空间。以至多年后 的今天,新加坡的年轻一代才有机 会掌握双语。这说明了本地华族及 华商的自信和包容性。

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但在欢庆的当儿,部长也提醒在 场的各位企业领袖2015年将会是个 充满挑战的一年。去年我国的经济增 长率只有2.9%,低于前年的4.4%。部 长打趣地说,在这关键时期,我们更 需要像羊一样灵活敏捷,才能在羊年 更上一层楼。 对于中小型企业来说,最大的挑 战莫过于员工的短缺。政府已意识到 这一点,并也做出了相应的调整,继 续让外籍员工的数量增加以应付需 求,只不过增加的速度会较为缓慢。 部长表示目前的增速已经比许多国 家的零增长来得好。 不过,随着我国的经济转型来到 一个转捩点,企业必须推陈出新,创 造新产品、新服务、新科技和开拓新 的市场才能保持竞争力。部长鼓励大 家学习先辈们当年下南洋的精神,抱

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着积极创新和勇于尝试的精神,突破 眼前的重重挑战。 要跨越眼前的障碍,部长认为企 业与政府必须紧密配合,而总商会作 为两者之间的桥梁所扮演的角色將十 分重要。接下来,他希望企业在面对不 必要的麻烦时,可以“敢敢”提出来以 改善政企之间的协调工作。因为只要 企业能够成功,茁壮成长,国家才能持 续昌盛并为我们的下一代提供良好的 机会。

“无论是先来,还是后 到,无论是第一代移民, 还是移民的后代,只要把 家安在这里,把心放在这 里,这里就是我们共同的 家园。”

骏马荣归,灵羊接班。无论如 何,今年还是个非常值得欢庆的一 年。蔡会长告诉大家,今年总商会将 配合新加坡建国50周年,推出一系 列的活动为国家庆生,大家可敬请期 待!最后,维文部长也借此机会祝愿 各位在羊年幸福、健康和顺利。

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新加坡正处于经济和社会转型的过渡时期,今天的新加坡,比起任何时候, 更需要一批勇于面对困难和挑战、百折不挠、坚定不移、愿意承担风险的 青年企业家。我们的年青企业家是否也能够秉承华社杰出商业领袖的精神 特质,为国家未来打造更具竞争力的商业环境? 过去两年,总商会青企网在新领 导层的带领下,逐步转型,除了继续 主办公益和社交活动,也将重点锁定 在促进商业指导计划、灌输年青华商 儒商精神以及推动新兴行业的成长。 在朝着这个新的方向前进之际,青企 网完全体现了它充满活力、干劲十足 的本色。年轻人是国家未来的主人 翁,总商会希望通过青企网培育商界 未来的领袖,成为企业和商业组织的 接班人。 总商会于2004年2月25日成立 青企网时就秉承弘扬华商精神,培育 具有社会责任心的未来商界领袖的 宗旨,总商会对青企网所祈望的愿景 是以勤、慎、诚、正为价值观,希望青

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企网能够脚踏实地,齐心协力,诚心 诚意为会员开启通往新资讯、文化、 人脉的门,也鼓励成员继续为善最 乐,让会员及社会更加受惠。 年青华商肩负着承前启后的接班使命 经过了10年的努力,青企网终于 确认了形象定位,决心朝着这个目标 跃进。今年1月24日,青企网就以“活 力青年 共创企业”为题,在新加坡 摩天观景轮宴会厅庆祝10周年诞辰, 主宾为文化、社区及青年部长兼通讯 及新闻部第二部长黄循财。庆典活动 包括论坛和晚宴,约有250人出席。 黄循财部长在致词时呼吁年轻 企业家延续建国一代追求梦想、勇于 探索、永不言败的奋斗精神,为自己

和家人铺设美好的康庄大道,并且向 李光前、陈嘉庚等杰出华商学习,在 努力开创成功事业的同时,积极的回 馈社会。黄循财部长表扬青企网过去 10年来积极培养本地年轻企业家,推 动本地企业的发展。 蔡其生会长说,青企网通过商业 指导活动、推广新兴行业、开展慈善 活动和举办部长对话会,为年轻人提 供平台,向成功企业家学习,结识志 同道合的朋友,并且在追求事业成长 的同时,发挥回馈社会的爱心。蔡会 长说,青企网最重要的一个目标,是 传承中华传统价值观与经商理念,在 为国家和社会培养年轻一代企业家 的基础上,为华商华社培养接班人。 他说,在传承前辈精神,为社会大众

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文化、社区及青年部长兼通讯及新闻部第二部长黄循财(中)、蔡其生会长(左二)、黄山忠副会长(右二)、青企网颜毓瑩主席(左一)及青 企网谢锦发副主席(右一)一同上台切生日蛋糕。

服务的使命感驱动下,无数个成功企 业家加入总商会。总商会董事会服务 的董事有很多都是父子、叔侄两代为 商会效力,形成了总商会的优良传统。 正因如此,现今的董事会背景趋 向年轻化和多元化。他鼓励年轻人积 极参加商会的活动,除了学习,也贡 献新想法,使这个百年商会能够推陈 出新,与时并进,引领潮流。会长希 望年轻一代的企业家在会务合作中 建立默契,培养团队精神,结伴拓展 市场,一起到海外发展,在错综复杂 的商场互相扶持,互相照应。 会长在提及本会为庆祝新加坡 建国50周年于2月6日颁发的“建国 50周年杰出华商奖”时说,这是为大 家树立效仿的榜样,这就是总商会承 前启后,代代相传,不断培养国家和 社会栋梁的历史使命。 青企网主席颜毓瑩也鼓励出席 的年轻人加入总商会大家庭,借助青 企网成长并实现梦想,在相互扶持下 为事业奋斗、共同勉励。凡45岁以下

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的企业家和专业人士,或创业经验少 于五年的商家,在加入中华总商会后 将自动成为青企网成员。 企业家无私分享创业及经商之道 活动当天下午举办的“活力青 年,共创业务论坛”邀请了3名成功 青年企业家分享成功创业和经商之 道。3位主讲嘉宾是JobsCentral和 dr Wealth创办人林德兴、明铸造控 股集团执行主席兼行政总裁沈询益 以及Royal T Group董事经理郑振良。 他们都来自不同的行业,经商方式各 异,但都抱持一个理念,企业只有树 立企业文化,员工在追求共同价值观 达成共识,才能够带领团结一致,稳 健发展。企业要做大,如果有足够的 条件,应该向海外发展,扩大市场。 林德兴从创业者角度,谈如何成 功创立可持续的创新企业。林德兴用 14年时间,把只有两人的新创公司扩 展为横跨三个国家、拥有150名员工 的区域招聘门户网站。他后来脱售公 司,目前担任六家数码媒体新创公司

的天使投资人,也是一名创业基金投 资者。 沈询益从企业继承人的角度,讲 述带领企业克服新挑战的经验。沈询 益在2013年荣获安永企业家奖之海 事与岸外工程服务组的“年度企业家 奖”;2014年则荣膺“新加坡企业奖” 市值3亿元以下组别的“最佳总裁”。 40岁以后才开始创业,却在四年 内开设超过60家贡茶连锁店,并且进 军泰国和文莱市场的郑振良,谈“创 业者的成功密码”。贡茶连续在2013 年和2014年被年轻顾客群评选为便 利店领域的顶级品牌之一。目前是 Royal T Group董事经理的郑振良,还 继续引进其他品牌,如NeNe Chicken, Bornga, Tino’s Pizza等。 青企网主席颜毓瑩2013年接手 领导青企网后,就为青企网定下四大 任务。除商业指导,还有传承华商价 值观,推广新兴行业和开展慈善公 益活动。她常说,总商会卧虎藏龙,

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成功华商云集,青企网成员因为近水 楼台,得以直接向商场前辈讨教,向 他们“取经”,获益良多。因此,青企 网每几个月便会邀请两位资深董事, 跟20多名在创业或有意创业的青企 网成员分享经商心得,谈创业理念, 讲述成功之道;年轻人能当场向前 辈讨教,掌握经营要诀,融会贯通并 开创出新途径,这种“取经”方式更 胜读十年书。这样的一个“商业指导 计划”(Mentorship Programme),除了 邀请如昇菘集团主席林福星、巧克力 连锁店可卡树(The Cocoa Trees)老板 吕立岩,前来分享他们创业的酸甜苦 辣,青企网还组织会员到他们的公司 参观,实地了解具体的运作情况,也 让大家了解创业所需的毅力、韧性、 耐力、热忱和诚意。

对社会有担当、有责任心的华商。青 企网希望成为促进新兴企业发展的 一个有效平台,并计划为从事新兴企 业的年轻商家“做媒”,为有创意但 缺乏资金或市场的年轻人和成功企 业家配对,促进新兴行业与传统行业 的结合。

灌输年青华商传承儒商精神与 价值方面,青企网通过讲座和经验分 享,如“陶朱公商训”、 “大学”等博 大精深的中华哲理与经商谋略等讲 座,让年轻华商深入认识留传5千年 的中华文化价值观、思维模式、行为 习惯和历史内涵等,从中领悟并成为

第58届青企网将朝着新的发展 定位延续下去,深化商业指导,传承 华商价值观,推广新兴行业和开展慈 善公益活动等重点项目,从全新的角 度打造更鲜亮的形象,继续努力让青 企网发展得有声有色。

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青企十年耕耘 寄望再创新辉 总商会青企网一直努力招募年 青华商和专业人士。这是一个双向举 措,年轻一代加入总商会向资深前辈 学习,而他们自身也能够为总商会作 出贡献,带来新的想法,引领新的潮 流。国家、社会需要一些优秀杰出的 青年在追求个人事业成长的同时,也 关心社会发展,愿意为社团服务,将 凝聚力扩展到不同社会阶层。

年轻企业家延续建国一 代追求梦想、勇于探索、 永不言败的奋斗精神,为 自己和家人铺设美好的康 庄大道,并且向李光前、 陈嘉庚等杰出华商学习, 在努力开创成功事业的同 时,积极的回馈社会。

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Business Voice in Parliament

向国会反映工商界的心声 Questions Raised in Parliament 1月19日,本会会长、官委议员蔡其生在国会复会时 提出两项询问:

就中小企业在提高生产力过程中所面临的经营成本上 涨,向贸工部林勋强部长提出询问。 中小企业正采取行动提高生产力,需要一些时间 才能看到成效,贸工部计划推出哪些措施协助商家, 特别是中小企业,来调整及应对企业在提高生产力过 程中所面临的经营成本上涨?

就传统行业的人力发展策略,向人力部陈川仁部长提 出询问。 未来技能委员会与劳发局推出系列计划,为增 长领 域,如,制定人力发展策略。人力部制定了哪 些类似的人力发展策略,来协助众多从事传统行业 的中小企业?

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At the session on January 19, Chamber’s President Thomas Chua, in his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, raised two questions in Parliament. Mr Chua posed a question to the Minister for Trade and Industry on measures to help SMEs pursuing higher productivity to cope with rising costs. He asked what measures the Ministry is looking into to help businesses, in particular the SMEs, adjust and cope with rising costs while they are still embarking on productivity improvements which will take time to show results. Mr Chua posed a question to the Minister for Manpower on sectoral manpower and skills development strategies for traditional industries. He asked what are the plans to develop similar manpower strategies for the traditional industries which many SMEs are involved in, following plans by the SkillsFuture Council and WDA to develop sectoral manpower strategies for growth sectors such as biologics, precision engineering and services.

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社会典范 国家栋梁 获奖的前辈各个都是商界泰斗,我很感谢他们愿意用自身的故事作为华商 精神的真实案例,成为年轻一代效仿的榜样。

的商界活动很难看到这种大团圆的场 面,这是对总商会的支持,也是华商凝 聚力的体现。

采已经足以闪耀整个会场。我在台上 代表主办机构致辞时,心中充满感恩 之情。

建国华商奖从去年4月开始筹备, 获奖的二十八位企业家不仅是事业成 功的行业领先者,也活跃在社会、文 化、教育、慈善等领域,涉足的业务 范围非常广泛,包括金融、贸易、房地 产、能源、制造、化工、船务、港务、法 律、影视、旅游、服饰、食品、建筑设 计、城市规划、交通运输、重型机械、 环境工程、医疗保健等。

非常珍贵的时刻 是啊,从讲台望向宴会大厅,既 可以看到德高望重的获奖人,总商会 的名誉会长、前任会长,政界和商界领 袖,也可以看到朝气蓬勃的年轻一代 企业家,当晚七百多人团团圆圆聚在一 起,这是非常珍贵的时刻。

可以说,在 新加坡 的 建 国进 程 中,华商在各行各业都作出了重要的 贡献,得 奖 者就是 无数 行业前辈的 缩影。

2月6日傍晚6点多,我和董事们站 在丽嘉登美年大酒店门口迎接贵宾。 客人很多,许多人手里拿着总商会的邀 请卡,真是有种高朋满座的欢乐气氛。 获奖前辈全部正装出席,有的还携家 带口,甚至老少三代一起来捧场,实在 令人感动。 年轻一代的榜样 如果不是因为举办“新加坡建国 五十周年杰出华商奖”颁奖典礼,一般

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获奖的前辈各个都是商界泰斗。 我很感谢他们愿意用自身的故事作为 华商精神的真实案例,成为年轻一代 效仿的榜样;我也希望年轻一代,包括 新移民企业家,能够遵循前辈们的足 迹,将“取之社会 用之社会”的优良 美德发扬光大,踏踏实实地为国家和 社稷作出贡献,造福子孙后代。 颁奖典礼的主宾是陈庆炎总统, 李显龙总理出国前也特意录制了一段 视频表示祝贺。典礼现场没有华丽的 布置,隆重而又简朴,但获奖前辈的风

现场的重头戏是所有获奖者一起 在台上合影,年纪最大的陶欣伯先生 已经高龄99岁了。看着二十多位商业巨 子一起站在台上手捧奖杯,现场掌声 雷动。 这些获奖者既有第一代移民,也 有移民的后代;有些是家族事业的接 班人,更多人是白手起家,肯拼敢闯, 在追求事业成功的同时,也不忘帮助 他人。正所谓英雄不问出处,能者多 劳,劳者多能,每个人都可以用自己的 方式为国家和社会作出贡献!

自2014年7月31日,总商会蔡其生会长 受邀为联合晚报《晚咖》专栏执笔。 此文章首次发表于2015年2月16日《晚 咖》专栏。 《华商》经《联合晚报》的许 可转载。

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继续提升中小企业 实力,打造世界级 新加坡企业 文:许彬彬

政府在2010年采纳经济战略委员会的建议,认同企业必须采取行动提高生 产力,通过转型来减少对外籍员工的依赖,才能推动我国经济的可持续增 长。随后,政府陆续推出系列措施来达成上述目标。2015年,是对政策进行 中期检讨的一年。商家在迈入生产力旅途第二阶段之际,需要怎样的援助? 总商会向政府提出了哪些实质建议?政府在2015财政预算案中,又如何回 应商界诉求?本期《华商》予以详细报道。 去年年底,中华总商会在政府筹 备2 015年度财政预算案中之际,展 开为期11周的“2 015年度财政预算 案公布前意见调查”,以便了解会员 商家对2015年政府财政预算案的期 望以及经营前景展望。总商会共收到 327份反馈,参与者当中有96.7%来 自中小企业,92.6%是公司决策者。

面临一些挑战。45%参与调查的微型 企业指出,政府援助计划发放津贴的 过程太冗长,导致公司的现金周转不 灵。三成的受访商家表示,员工短缺 问题加剧,导致不够人手操作自动化 设备。此外,在投资自动化后,因订 单不足导致产能过 剩的企业也占了 四分之一(26%)。

更多企业转型,提高生产力 在过去5年,政府推出了不少援 助计划,资助企业在提高生产力、创 新能力方面涉及的合格费用。除了推 广及宣传力度逐年加强,政府也用心 良苦,积极扩展计划的涵盖层面,以 期让更多企业从中受惠。

缓解企业转型的副作用 以 上 所 述 挑 战,恰 恰就是导致 企业在采取系列措施后,生产力不升 反降,业务表现不如预期的主因,如 果企业在转型 期面临的这 些“副作 用”没有及时获得正视或缓解,将影 响我国经济在下个五年阶段的表现。

总 商 会 调 查 显 示 ,更 多 企 业 (9 0.3%)采取实际措施提高生产 力,73%的商家申请政府援助计划资 助项目费用,情况令人鼓舞。但是,在 光鲜数据的背后,也带出了企业在步 入生产力旅途第二阶段的隐忧。 不少企业向总商会表示,他们在 投资自动化、资信科技设备之后,仍

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有鉴 于此,总商会 综 合商界反 馈,向政府提呈五项实质、针对性的 建议(参见表一)。此外,本会也呼吁 政府把生产力及创新 优惠计划(PIC) 的现金津贴选项,开放给商会和商团 申请。本会表示,商团是政府协助企 业转型的重要伙伴,因此有必要在扮 演这项角色时同步提升能力。商团可 以利用PIC来购买供会员共用的机械 与设备。

回应商界诉求的金禧年预算案 副总理 兼财政部长尚达曼于 2月23日公布财政预算案,主题是“ 共创美好未来,加强社会保障”,从 技能培训、企业未来发展、加强基础 建设、社会保障四大层面切入,为新 加坡 步入下个 金禧 年奠定 更扎实的 基 础。本年度预算案所推出的相关 措 施,在一定程 度 上回应了商界 的 诉求(参见表一)。

“提高生产力的重点是增 强行业整体实力,这需要政 商合作不断推陈出新。” 总商会蔡其生会长

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Economic Review

总商会提呈建议与财政预算案相关措施对比 总商会提呈建议


缓解外籍员工政策和缩紧配额所导致经营 成本上涨的问题。

给予医药和保险津贴,鼓励企业聘请年龄 在55岁以上的年长国人。

鼓励更多企业 善用援助计划

简化申请程序,加快津贴发放:建议扩大 生产力与创新优惠计划(PIC)、创新与能力 赠券计划(ICV) 的范围和缩短发放津贴的 时间。


在推行新政策/条例前,与商团和商界紧密 协商,以便减轻商家的相关合规成本。



配合2015年亚细安经济共同体(AEC)的落 实,提供专项津贴,协助中小企业将业务拓 展到亚细安市场。

鼓励政联企业与大型企业为中小企业创 造更多项目合作的机会,协助中小企业建 立业绩。


原定于今年7月上调的S准证和工作准 证持有者的外劳税,将推迟至明年7月 执行,让中小企业有更多时间适应劳动 力市场紧缩。

雇用65岁及以上员工,可另获得高 达年长员工薪金3%的特别就业补贴。

能力发展津贴计划:简化3万元以下项目的申 请程序,帮助更多中小企业采纳创新措施。

加薪补贴计划延长2年,资助额递减; 公司税回扣延长2年,顶限减至2万;

短期就业补贴延长2年,今明两年1%, 2017年为0.5% 。

国际化项目的津贴顶限,从50%调高 至70% ;

加强双重扣税计划,今后,派驻海外新加 坡员工的薪金也可享有双重扣税 。

将业界合作项目(CIP)扩展至十个领域, 促进商团与业者携手提升行业实力;

加强企业能力合作计划(PACT),促进大 企业与中小企业之间的合作。计划加强 后,涵盖更多领域,也允许更多合作方式。

• 业界合作项目(Collaborative Industry Project,简称CIP):旨在促进行业商团与中小企业加强合作,进行生产力与创新项目,合格项目 可获得高达70%津贴。 • 企业能力合作计划(Partnerships for Capability Transformation,简称PACT):旨在促进大企业与产业链中的中小企业合作,联合进行研 发,能力提升项目,分享实施最佳方案的经验。合格项目可获得高达70%津贴。

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Economic Review


总商会秘书长谭宝锠颁发纪念品给主讲嘉 宾:星展银行经济师谢光威(上图)、普 华古柏会计师事务所的企业税务合伙人李 柯龙。

为了让会员商家更加了解财政 预算案对企业的帮助,总商会于3月5 日举办《财政预算案面面观》英语讲 座,特别邀请来自星展银行经济师谢 光威、普华古柏会计师事务所的企业 税务合伙人李柯龙,向逾百名企业代 表分析经济前景展望、分享他们对预 算案措施的精辟见解。 谢光威提醒我国商家,必须在环 球经济展望渐露曙光、国际竞争更严 峻的前提下,采取积极行动提高生产 力,并把焦点从降低经营成本转向 促进营收增长(top-line growth)。 企业惟有双管齐下,通过创新取得增

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值、拓展海外业务,才能突破经商成 本上扬、市场局限的瓶颈,以便在多 变的环境中取得长远发展。 接着,李柯龙介绍财政预算案中 为企业推出的核心措施。政府在预算 案中,拨款24亿新元加强对企业的多 方援助,鼓励企业从研发及高端制造 中创造价值,并通过股权融资与创业 投资债务等方式,催化起步企业融 资。此外,商家在立足狮城的同时, 也应善用国际融资计划、税务津贴等 方式,将业务版图延伸到更多国际市 场、通过合并与收购优惠措施,加速 企业的成长。

“企业如果还是跳不出 来,老是说它们不做或说 做不到,那它们将只能在 原地打转,最终被其他克 服困难的企业所淘汰。” 总商会蔡其生会长 预算案公布后,蔡会长在 接受媒体访问时,呼吁企业 咬紧牙关,渡过艰难却至关 重要的企业转型和提升阶段。

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2015年 经济展望 整理:杨伟强、李依玲

蔡其生会长(中)与(左起)ascendant assets Pte ltd市场研究董事 吴迪卫、瑞银财富管理南亚太区首席总监郑汪清、鑫道投资分析公司 行政总裁陈一帆和论坛主持vikram khanna。

1月 9日


郑汪清 (kelvin tay): 新加坡今年 的房地产市场因为“缺乏趋势性上涨 催化剂”,情况将会是相当严峻的。 新加坡的出口增长率 和消费水平 不 太可能会提高,而成本水平也不会下 降。总体而言,新加坡今年的经济并 不乐观,唯一能获得改善的是营运成 本,因为商家可以享有较低的汽油和 电力价格。

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世界经济上下波动,2015年的经济 前景如何?企业又将遇到什么商机 和危机?总商会于1月9日及10日分 别举办了以英语和华语为媒介语的 年度商业展望论坛,邀请财经专家 分享对世界经济和商业趋势的预 测和见解,协助商家应对新经济氛 围中的新挑战。 《华商》重点整理 了专家们对新一年本地与全球经 济展望的分析,希望让本地商家对 新一年的经济展望与商业环境有 更深一层的了解。

吴迪卫 (getty goh): 因为市场低 迷而供应量又充足,在投资马来西亚 房地产前应该三思。马来西亚的房地 产出租与出售市场因为供应增加而 处于疲弱状态,有些城市如布城更有 超 过50 %的办公楼和商业地产仍空 置着,因此建议只供私人用途才购买 马国房产。回到本地,除了商业地产, 住宅和工业地产在新加坡的价格在 短期内将会继续下滑。

陈一帆 (roger tan): 由于美国股 市是影响本地股市的关键之一,美国 经济好转及股市势头强劲可能给本地 股市带来正面的刺激。但净资产回报 率还是投资任何公司时的重要考量, 而这又跟国内生产总值 (GdP) 息息相 关,因此本地股市预测在2015年将和 新加坡的GdP一样,继续维持弱势。 再加上美国股市今年的波动性较大, 本地股市将处于较不稳定的状态。

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1月 10日 浦永灏: 新加坡今年面对劳工成 本上扬、负债率高等因素,经济前景 相对不太乐观。再加上本地房地产价 格已开始回调,同时新加坡银行同业 拆息率(SIBOR)也开始上扬,本地经 济预料会因以上种种压力而受到负 面的影响。新加坡的出口增长率和消 费水平不太可能会提高,而成本水平 也不会下降。 纵观全 球 经 济,欧 洲经 济 有望 复苏,所以欧洲股市值得看好。美国 股市自金融危机以来翻了一倍,而欧 洲股市刚刚涨了40%左右,所以一旦 欧洲经济好转,欧洲股应会比美国股 的潜力更大。但,虽然全球经济今年

Economic Review


会有所增长,但增长将会不平均。美 国最新的就业数据显示劳工市场进 一步好转,所以美国中央银行有可能 在第一季后开始收紧货币政策;新兴 市场的经济增长则会继续放慢。 白士泮: 2 015年美国经济将持 续加快复苏,欧洲经济的复苏力度会 依然疲软,日本经济则还在较低水平 徘徊;亚洲新兴经济体 将增速 继续 领 跑全 球,非洲亦 将保 持可观的发 展势头,但拉美地区可能延续低迷状 态。全球经济局势将出现“结构性变 迁”(Structural Shift) 而不是“周期性 转变”(Cyclical Change),因此美国经 济实力会重新抬头。

陈 抗 : 世界 经 济正在 步入低 增 长、低通胀乃至通缩,以及全球化逆 转 的 新 常态。谈 到 全 球化,想 到 的 是全球化的好处,资本、货物可以流 通,买的东西更便宜,投资者有更多 机会,但渐渐地,人们发现全球化也 有很多坏处。 2 0 0 8年金融危机以后,国家通 过反倾销诉讼来对付非关税壁垒的 手段屡见不鲜;外包开始不流行,而 美国就首先把制造业引回国内;很多 国家开始反对移民,台湾反对服务贸 易,有欧洲国家反对欧洲一体化等。

(左起)论坛主持新加坡管理大学商学院金融计算学副教授(实践)白士泮博士、瑞银财富管理北亚太投资总监浦永灏、新加坡国立大学李光 耀公共政策学院教授暨高级公共行政与管理硕士项目主任陈抗博士和鑫道投资分析公司行政总裁陈一帆。

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In the Lead


Trail-blazing local Chinese business pioneers honoured by SCCCI By: Fiona Hu

During the process of nation-building, many Chinese business pioneers contributed unreservedly to Singapore’s economic, social and cultural development. The SCCCI initiated the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards with the primary objective of upholding the pursuit of excellence, and paying tribute to the Chinese entrepreneurial spirit of benefiting the community. It is hoped that the younger generation will be able to learn from them and be inspired to give back to society, in turn contributing to the continued growth of our nation.

Source: Ministry of Communications and Information His Excellency Dr Tony Tan (middle), together with Minister Heng Swee Keat (on President Tony Tan’s right), SCCCI President Thomas Chua (on President Tony Tan’s left), Organising Committee Chairman of SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneer Awards Tang Kin Fei (beside SCCCI President Thomas Chua), and the recipients of the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards proposed a toast to Singapore as we celebrate Singapore’s 50th year of independence.

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In the Lead

President Tony Tan speaking at the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards Ceremony.

On the night of February 6, a total of 28 Chinese business pioneers were presented with the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards to acknowledge their exceptional achievements and pioneering entrepreneurial spirit in their respective fields of business, their demonstrable contributions to the Singapore economy as well as their firm belief of giving back to the society – by pledging their support to education, culture, the arts, healthcare and community projects, and in their involvement in the government’s policy-making process. The Awards Ceremony and dinner was staged at the Grand Ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

forced into independence, these Chinese business pioneers chose to remain here and be a part of our nation’s destiny. I believe our younger generation could never imagine just how difficult the early years of nation-building were, nor envisage the challenges during those turbulent periods. Within just half a century, Singapore has transformed from a small trading post with no resources and an uncertain future into a thriving metropolis. Singapore could only have achieved such economic prosperity owing to the hard work and perseverance of the pioneer generation.

HONOURING OUR BUSINESS PIONEERS Addressing a crowd of some 720 dinner guests, SCCCI President Thomas Chua said: “The Chamber has initiated these awards to promote and pay tribute to the Chinese entrepreneurial spirit, uphold the pursuit of excellence and the virtues of giving back to society, sharing the fruits of prosperity with the community. We hope that the young generation could learn from them.”

INSPIRING AND EXEMPLARY MODELS FOR THE YOUNGER GENERATION The most notable of all is that these entrepreneurs are not only preoccupied with the success of their business. They also devote time, energy and resources into society, culture, education and charitable projects, are active in community organisations, and lead the way in industry development, working hard to promote Chinese culture and personally put into practice traditional values, and helping the less privileged among us.”

As Mr Chua added in his speech at the Awards Ceremony, “In the early years of Singapore’s independence, most business sectors are in their early stage of development. When Singapore was

The business sectors represented by these 28 individuals include many of the trades and industries in Singapore’s commercial and industrial landscape. These include finance, trade, real estate,

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“Our Pioneers have left us a rich legacy by working together as a community, taking care of the less fortunate, and succeeding in spite of their adverse conditions. I therefore urge the next generation of entrepreneurs and business representatives in SCCCI to continue the good work of your predecessors. I am confident that with the fortitude our Pioneers have shown us, we can rise to meet the challenges ahead of us. Together, let us build on our achievements and strong partnerships to bring Singapore and Singaporean businesses to new heights over the next fifty years.” President Tony TAN

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energy, manufacturing, chemicals, shipping, port operations, the legal profession, cinema operations, tourism, garments, food, architecture, urban planning, transport & logistics, heavy machinery, environmental engineering, manufacturing of electrical equipment, healthcare, amongst others. They are captains of industry who have contributed to economic development; they are also community leaders, actively giving back to society. The most senior of the recipients is Tao Shing Pee, Chairman of the Shing Kwan Group, who is 99 years old this year. He is one of the three recipients in their 90s. There are eight recipients in their 80s, seven in their 70s, whilst there are ten belonging to the 60s age group. Among the 28 recipients are two ladies, Gan See Khem and Dorothy Chan. They received the awards from His Excellency Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore, and in the presence of Minister Heng Swee Keat in his capacity as Chairman of the SG50 Steering Committee. instrumental role in growing and SHAPING singapore as a nation Speaking at the Awards Ceremony, President Tony Tan gave a resounding tribute to the Chinese business pioneers. He said that in the 50 years since independence, Singapore has progressed from a developing country to become a thriving metropolis. “Today, Singapore is a key financial, service and transport hub in Asia, and one of the world’s most liveable cities. Not only does Singapore rank highly in international indicators like the Global Competitiveness Index, it is also wellknown for being a City in a Garden and an inclusive multi-racial society. We have made economic progress, but more important we have forged a nation in which Singaporeans of diverse ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds live harmoniously as one people.” “These achievements,” said President Tony Tan, “are the fruits of the struggles

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In the Lead

and hard work of countless Pioneers. It is therefore apt that in conjunction with Singapore’s Golden Jubilee, tonight’s dinner celebrates the successes of Singapore’s business community and pays tribute to the contributions of our Chinese Business Pioneers.” President Tony Tan said that “the pioneer generation of Chinese entrepreneurs demonstrated great fortitude in the face of many difficulties in the early years of Singapore’s growth journey. Besides our small size and lack of natural resources, Singapore was short of finance, good infrastructure, skilled labour and technical capability when we first became independent. Many felt that Singapore would not survive.” He also mentioned the business pioneers who had chosen to make Singapore their home. “Despite the challenges and uncertainties surrounding Singapore’s future then, many of our Business Pioneers decided to build their lives here. They left their former homes in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and even Hong Kong and Taiwan to start their businesses from scratch in Singapore. As the Singapore economy evolved and progressed, these Business Pioneers seized opportunities and adapted to the environment. Our Pioneers believed in Singapore’s future and remained rooted here. “ URGING YOUNGER GENERATION TO CONTINUE PIONEERS’ EFFORTS IN FLYING THE SINGAPORE FLAG Looking towards the future, President Tony Tan concluded his speech with saying that “our Pioneers have left us a rich legacy by working together as a community, taking care of the less fortunate, and succeeding in spite of their adverse conditions. I therefore urge the next generation of entrepreneurs and business representatives in SCCCI to continue the good work of your predecessors. I am confident that with the fortitude our Pioneers have shown us, we can rise to meet the challenges ahead of us. Together, let us build on our achievements and strong partnerships

to bring Singapore and Singaporean businesses to new heights over the next fifty years.” Captured within a short video screened at the Awards Ceremony was a recorded message by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, which acknowledged the contributions of this group of Chinese business pioneers. PM Lee said: “Recipients of the Chinese business pioneers awards have made important contributions to Singapore’s economic development. Not only are they accomplished, they also actively give back to society with their time and resources. They are the pillars of our nation, and role models for our society.” The SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards was a landmark event initiated by the SCCCI in celebration of Singapore’s 50th year of independence and was co-organised with Lianhe Zaobao and The Business Times.

“Recipients of the Chinese business pioneers awards have made important contributions to Singapore’s economic development. Not only are they accomplished, they also actively give back to society with their time and resources. They are the pillars of our nation, and role models for our society.” PM Lee Hsien Loong

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In the Lead


Dorothy Chan

Tony Chew Leong-Chee

Alan Choe Fook Cheong

John Chuang

Executive Director Far East Organization

Executive Chairman Asia Resources Corporation

Chairman Alanco Holdings Pte Ltd

Group Chief Executive Officer Petra Foods Limited

Jimmy Koh

Kwee Liong Keng

Kwek Leng Beng

Patrick Lee Kwok Kie

Managing Director Antara Koh Development Pte Ltd

Managing Director Pontiac Land Pte Ltd

Executive Chairman Hong Leong Group

Chairman Sing Lun Holdings Limited

Loo Choon Yong

Ng Chwee Cheng

Ng Kar Cheong

Ng Ser Miang

Executive Chairman Raffles Medical Group (RMG)

Founder Tat Hong Holdings Ltd

Founder Pan-United Corporation Ltd

Member International Olympic Committee Chairman Singapore Olympic Foundation

Wee Cho Yaw

Wong Fong Fui

Chairman Emeritus and Adviser United Overseas Bank

Chairman & Group Chief Executive Officer Boustead Singapore Limited

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In the Lead


Gan See Khem

Goh Eng Wah

Sam Goi Seng Hui

Albert Hong Hin Kay

Chairman and Managing Director Health Management International (HMI) Ltd

Founder and Chairman Eng Wah Global Pte Ltd

Executive Chairman Tee Yih Jia Food Manufacturing

Chairman RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) Ltd

Leong Heng Keng

Lim Kee Ming

Lim Soo Peng

Lim Tiam Seng

Chairman Leung Kai Fook Medical Co Pte Ltd

Chairman Lim Teck Lee Group of Companies

Chairman and Managing Director Chemical Industries (Far East) Limited

Executive Chairman Chip Eng Seng Corporation Ltd

Ow Chio Kiat

Tan Keong Choon

Tao Shing Pee

Voo Soon Sang

Executive Chairman Stamford Land Corporation

Managing Director Southseas Corporation (Pte) Ltd

Chairman Shing Kwan Group

Managing Director Woodlands Transport Service Pte Ltd

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Wong Meng Meng

Yao Hsiao Tung

Founder-Consultant WongPartnership LLP

Executive Chairman Hi-P International Limited

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The first day of Lunar New Year has always been a bustling affair for the SCCCI as it is a tradition for friends of all races and nationalities to gather together at the SCCCI’s annual Lunar New Year function.

Minister for the Environment and Water Resources dr Vivian Balakrishnan (middle), together with Minister Chan Chun Sing, and Ministers of State Sim Ann, Teo Ser Luck and Sam Tan ushered in the Year of the Goat with valued partners, members and friends of the Chamber.

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BuILdInG the neXt GeneratIon For SuCCeSSIon Understanding the importance of succession, SCCCI President Thomas Chua said that moving forward, the Chamber would be taking on the responsibility to pass on the Chinese entrepreneurial spirit, to groom a younger generation of entrepreneurs for our nation and for society. One way would be through the Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN), a special interest group of the SCCCI that provides young people a platform to learn from their seniors, but bring along fresh ideas and perspectives, and initiate new trends.

dr Vivian Balakrishnan receiving mandarin oranges from a young guest, a traditional form of wishing each other good fortune in the Lunar New Year.

On February 19, the first day of the Lunar New Year, new year greetings and laughter filled the air as the SCCCI opened its doors to welcome guests who arrived bright and early to usher in the Year of the Goat. Joining the crowd of some 400 guests was dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources and our guest of honour for the occasion; Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Social and Family development and Second Minister for defence; Sim Ann, Minister of State for Education & Communications and Information; Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Trade and Industry; and Sam Tan, Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office & Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, and many other business and community leaders. After taking to the rostrum, dr Balakrishnan greeted everyone in Mandarin, and immediately drew a resounding applause from the crowd. MoVInG ahead WIth the nIMBLeneSS oF the Goat The noble horse has retired gracefully, and the nimble goat has come at the right time. Moving ahead is going to be challenging and Singapore will need the nimbleness of the goat to overcome the challenges ahead.

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In his speech, dr Balakrishnan stressed that “new products, new services, new market and new technologies” were the four key areas that companies should embark on to survive in this ever changing landscape. “If we think we can do just the same business that we did 50 years ago, we will not survive. In the same way as our ancestors were entrepreneurs, they came to Singapore, they came to Southeast Asia, in search of new products, providing new services, looking for new markets, and using and adopting the latest technology, we are now facing a similar challenge.” We should take on the spirit of our forefathers who had braved though difficulties to achieve success and help build Singapore to what it is today. dr Balakrishnan also acknowledged the role played by the Chamber in constantly voicing out the concerns of SMEs and urged the Chamber to keep the dialogue going with the government. “You have challenges, we have challenges. If there are unnecessary obstacles, tell us, work with us, and help us to overcome because we want you to have a stake. We want you to grow to do well and together we can provide opportunities to all Singaporeans of all races, especially to the younger generation,” said dr Balakrishnan.

Secondly, as Singapore celebrates the 50th anniversary of our independence and achievements, we also need to learn from our pioneers, and strive harder to create even more wealth for our future generations. To achieve this, the Chamber will invite the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards recipients to speak at seminars to share their valuable experiences. The award recipients are not only successful in their respective businesses, but have given back generously to society. They are indeed role models whom the younger generation could look up to and learn from their Chinese entrepreneurial spirit. To help prepare the next generation for succession, the SCCCI will also be investing more time and effort to conduct a comprehensive study on the topic of family business succession. This was a move that came at the right time because many of the Chamber’s member companies have also entered the crucial stage of identifying and grooming their successors. By gathering case studies from different trades and industries, “we could sum up respective experiences as a good reference for even more enterprises,” added President Chua. As the older generation strives to overcome the obstacles in the near future to provide opportunities for the younger generation, it is also time for the younger generation to step up and bring the spirit of cohesion to different levels of society , creating a vibrant Singapore for the years ahead.

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BALANCING THE NEEdS OF PUBLIC SECURITY ANd BUSINESSES IN MANAGING LIQUOR CONTROL SCCCI President and NMP Thomas Chua represented the interests of the business community at the Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Bill debate on January 30. Mr Chua’s full speech is reproduced in this issue for our readers.


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door dialogue to understand their views on the proposed Bill, especially the challenges that SMEs will face after the Bill comes into effect. Earlier on in English I have briefly shared the main content of the meeting. At the dialogue, the trade associations’ representatives talked about four main points.

Madam Speaker, fellow Members of Parliament, good afternoon! Firstly, I would like to declare that I am the President of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry. I support the Bill. From the feedback that I have gathered from the business community, their reaction has generally been positive. Businesses, including the most affected ones such as the mini-marts, share the same concerns as the Government about public order, safety and anti-social behaviour arising from public drinking. The coffee shop operators are also relieved that the Government did not shorten the hours stated on their existing liquor licences, and recognise that they need to smartly manage their operations on the ground in order to comply with the laws. However, having said this, we hope the Government can find a balance between achieving public security, being pro-business, and maintaining Singapore’s tourism appeal. Please now allow me to elaborate my speech in details in Mandarin. Madam Speaker, last week, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) invited the trade associations affected by the Bill to a closed-

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First, can the licences which have been revoked be reinstated? In the past year or so, the liquor licences of about 40 coffee shops in Geylang have been revoked, and the reason is because they have contravened the regulations. Inspectors have found people drinking in their premises outside the hours stipulated on their licence. Because their liquor licences have been revoked, their business is down by 20 per cent to 30 per cent, and they do not know whether they are going to get their licence back eventually, or it has been permanently revoked. These businesses hope that the Government can give them a clear answer so that they can adjust their business if necessary. Second, our members suggested introducing a demerit point system. If they really contravene the regulations, we suggest that the inspector issue a written warning upon the first violation, instead of the current practice of informing the business only when their licence is about to be revoked. The businesses hope that with this demerit point system, they will have a point deducted for each offence and at each offence a written warning will be given. When all the points have been deducted, then the licence will be revoked. This measure will have a strong warning effect to the businesses, reminding them not to contravene the regulations. The consequences can also be seen clearly. Compared to the current practice, the


demerit point system is more transparent and will help the operators to exercise selfdiscipline. Third, deal with drinkers who have contravened the rules. Of course, the business operators have to comply with the laws strictly, but the drinkers who have repeatedly violated the rules should also be severely dealt with. Hence, the businesses hope that the Government will use different channels to educate the public on the Bill. From past experiences, although the operators have reminded their customers to buy and consume their liquor before midnight, there are still some customers who refuse to listen to them. If the inspector happens to turn up at this time, it will be the business operator who will get into trouble. Fourth, maintain Singapore tourism’s vibrancy. Singapore is a global metropolis. There are many flights to and from Singapore and tourists arrive round the clock. When the new Bill comes into effect, no drinking will be allowed at public places after 10.30 pm, which aims to reduce the potential threat to public order. Many of the nightlife places frequented by tourists have liquor licence which allows them to sell liquor up until 3 or 4 am. They hope that this can be extended to 6 am. Many places started the merrymaking after midnight. Stop selling liquor at 3 or 4 am does seem a bit early. In conclusion, we support the new Liquor Control Bill. It will mitigate a threat to public safety. However, we hope that the Government can strike a balance between being pro-business and public order. In particular, we hope they will be sympathetic towards the small businesses. We want to maintain public order as well as to maintain the vitality of Singapore as a tourist city.

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THE LAST 50 YEARS ANd THE NExT 50 by: annie koh, esther kong

Resilient, visionary, charitable. These are some characteristics of Chinese business pioneers in Singapore that made them so outstanding.

Entrepreneurship is not just about “starting a business”. The SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneer Awardees are selected by virtue of their pioneering spirit and for their outstanding and sustained contributions to Singapore’s economic, national and social development.

would give him a free bottle of milk daily. He is now best known for taking international brands into uncharted territory, such as introducing Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) into Vietnam, and for giving many established corporations a “new lease of life”.

As our country celebrates its 50th year, it is timely that we pay tribute to the many local entrepreneurs who are role models for our society. Legends in their own sectors, these pioneer business leaders have diligently built their businesses (mostly from scratch), which have grown alongside the nation. Unfazed by uncertainties in the early years of Singapore’s independence, they had, through sheer determination and an unyielding commitment to their vision, created the industries we know today.

At the tender age of five, dr Loo Choon Yong of Raffles Medical Group (RMG) was already helping his mother in a school canteen. Today, RMG employs about 1,600 staff and is the first full-fledged healthcare provider in Singapore listed on the stock exchange. Others like dr Albert Hong of RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) Ltd (RSP) supported himself by working in factories while studying in the United Kingdom. Today, the RSP Group is one of the most established architectural firms in the region, employing 1,500 staff worldwide.

oVerCoMInG ChaLLenGeS throuGh reSILIenCe Just what are the characteristics that make them so exceptional? Most laudable is their resilience which enabled them to rise above the early adversities. As a child, Tony Chew LeongChee of Asia Resource Corporation was so malnourished that his school principal

Our pioneer business champions did not let failure and adversity derail them from their vision. Against the harsh conditions of the Japanese Occupation, Ng Kar Cheong of PanUnited Corporation Ltd (PUC) quit school and sold fried fritters on the streets to help his family. Today, PUC is a public listed conglomerate with businesses in

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building resources, shipping, port and logistics management. For some, challenges were not limited to their early days. dr Gan See Khem had to wind up her first private hospital endeavour with her husband in 2003, but eventually went regional. Today, hospitals under the Health Management International (HMI) treat over 330,000 patients annually. dr Gan is also one of the first two women in the council of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry. CaStInG GLoBaL FootPrIntS Going global is a call made to many of our small and medium-sized enterprises today. However, many of our awardees had taken their brilliance beyond Singapore and were already pioneers in globalisation from the 1960s. Under the leadership of dr Leong Heng Keng, the Axe Brand medicated oil of Leung Kai Fook Medical expanded beyond Southeast Asia into Africa in the 1970s and has since travelled to more than 50 countries including Saudi Arabia. Also notable is Pontiac Land Group, a leading real estate company with over half a century of expertise in luxury

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property development, run by Kwee Liong Keng and his family members. Besides four luxury hotels in Singapore, Pontiac Land also owns the high-profile luxury condominium development on 53 West 53rd Street in New York, which is poised to set new limits in the architectural world. Another outstanding hotelier, Kwek Leng Beng of Hong Leong Group, created history on the London Stock Exchange by listing Millennium & Copthorne Hotels – a first for a Singaporean group. The group’s City developments Limited, which also has five companies listed on stock exchanges around the world, guides the forefront of Singapore’s property sector. Admirably, some local companies even chose to venture into unfamiliar

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grounds. Petra Foods Limited, led by group CEO John Chuang, hails from a country that does not produce cocoa beans, yet employs around 6,000 people worldwide. It is both the largest cocoa bean grinder in Asia and a giant in branded chocolate confectionery products. GIVInG BaCk to SoCIetY despite achieving success beyond Singapore’s shores, many Singapore companies do not forget to give back to the less privileged communities on our home-ground. Patrick Lee of Sing Lun is a renowned apparel contract manufacturer for international brands and retailers such as Banana Republic, Gap and Macy. A true believer of giving back to the community, Mr Lee serves as the chairman of Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital and led it through major developments to offer better services for rehabilitation and stay-in care for the needy elderly. Another exemplar is the United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB). For 10 consecutive years, UOB was conferred the National Arts Council’s distinguished Patron of the Arts Award. Led by Wee Cho Yaw, UOB played a major role in consolidating the local banking industry and made one of the most notable acquisitions, that of the Overseas Union Bank (OUB). UOB has a network of over 500 offices in 19 countries, contributing significantly to the emergence and development of Singapore as a regional financial centre. Tao Shing Pee, the founder of the Shing Kwan Group, transformed Singapore Land into one of the largest public listed companies in Singapore. As the first entrepreneur bold enough to venture into the reclaimed land area in Marina Centre, Mr Tao had a key role in the decision-making process for the first Singapore-China Industrial Park in Suzhou. As a philanthropist, Mr Tao devotes his energy to charitable causes in China and is the chief sponsor of the Tao Shing Pee Education Foundation founded in 2000. The above examples are by no means exhaustive.


PIoneerInG Into the neXt 50 YearS It is by no sheer coincidence that many of the enterprises mentioned are family businesses. With over 50 per cent of the firms listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange being family-owned and contributing up to a third of market capitalisation, family businesses will continue to play an integral part in our economy. Moving forward, it would be important to carry on the entrepreneurial spirit beyond our pioneer generation. It is with this in mind that the Business Families Institute at Singapore Management University (BFI@SMU) was set up in 2012 to facilitate business families to develop, harness and leverage their family and financial capital across generations through business family-related education, engagement and research. Singapore’s business pioneers have built a sustainable future for us all. Our next generation of entrepreneurs will need to strive on with even greater resilience and creativity to succeed in today’s complex and dynamic globalised world. And we shall celebrate our platinum jubilee with the next generation of trailblazers.

The article was first published by The Business Times on February 9 2015, and is reproduced with the permission of the writers, Prof Annie Koh, Academic director of Business Families Institute@SMU and Esther Kong, Associate director of Business Families Institute@SMU.

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Conveying Businesses’ Wishes for Budget 2015 By: Ang Yang Chong

SCCCI conducted its annual Pre-Budget Survey between October and December last year to obtain feedback and views from the business community relating to Budget 2015. There were a total of 356 respondents for the survey. Overall, it was heartening to learn that business optimism and confidence has increased from 32.3 per cent in 2014 to 41.6 per cent in 2015. Compared to the 19.2 per cent in 2014, 41.3 per cent of the SMEs are taking the initiative to adjust to the current business environment.

Foreign Manpower Issues Top the Budget Wish-List Issues relating to foreign manpower top the wish-list this year. 66.5 per cent of the respondents indicated that the foreign worker levy should not be further raised and quota further tightened. On the other hand, it is encouraging that close to half of the respondents (45.6 per cent) are supportive of the “Place-and-Train” programme recommended by the ASPIRE Committee to attract ITE/polytechnic students to join companies. Close to half of the respondents (51.8 per cent) hoped that the government would provide targeted funding to venture into the ASEAN market in view of the single ASEAN market to be in force by end 2015.

01. Not to further raise foreign

worker levies and tighten quota

66.5% 04. Speed up the administration

process of government schemes to ease the cash flows of SMEs

58.1% 07. Provide targeted funding for

SMEs to venture into ASEAN markets in view of a single ASEAN market from 2015


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02. Close consultation with trade

associations and businesses before new rules/regulations are introduced, so that compliance costs can be eased


05. Allow SMEs to apply and use ICV

vouchers to undertake productivity improvement projects concurrently to speed up the pace of productivity improvement


08. Encourage government-linked

companies (GLCs)/large corporations to create project opportunities for SMEs to participate in


03. Provide employers with subsidies e.g. medical insurance cost to encourage hiring Singaporean workers aged above 55

60.3% 06. Co-share eligible expenses to

support SMEs to venture overseas

56.1% 09. Widen the approved source countries of foreign workers


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SCCCI’S 5 Recommendations to help overcome challenges faced by SMEs While results of the SCCCI’s Pre-Budget Survey show encouraging signs that more companies are taking concrete measures to improve productivity, they still face many challenges. One example is that companies which have taken the positive step to invest in automation and equipment with the support of productivity schemes are being strapped by cash flow problems due to the lengthy and protracted grant disbursement process which had the biggest impact on the micro- enterprises. Shortage of skilled workers to operate the equipment and machinery was another concern.

Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3

No further change in foreign worker policy, and help in employing older workers

Compliance cost of government policy should be minimised or avoided

Further widen coverage of PIC and ICV, and shorten the disbursement process

• Not to further tighten foreign labour quota and raise levies

• When introducing new government regulations, government should engage businesses early to solicit feedback so that compliance cost can be minimised or avoided.

• Allow SMEs to use ICV vouchers to undertake productivity improvement projects concurrently to speed up the pace of productivity improvement.

• Subsidise the costs for employers hiring Singaporeans aged 55 and above

Recommendation 4

Recommendation 5

Provide SMEs with cash grant to benefit from ASEAN Market

Leveraging on large companies to build SMEs’ track record

ASEAN is a natural market for our SMEs in their internationalisation effort. With the impending ASEAN Economic Community 2015, SMEs should be encouraged to be more proactive to seize opportunities from the combined ASEAN market.

Incentivising governmentlinked companies/large corporations to create project opportunities for SMEs to participate in, hence building their track records.

• To ease SMEs’ cash flow, shorten the cash disbursement process of productivity schemes, in view of the significant amount of upfront expenditure involved in buying machinery/ equipment. • Extend PIC (Cash Payout Option) to the Trade Associations & Chambers (TACs) given that they are an important partner with government to help industries transform. TACs need to upgrade their capabilities in tandem with this role.

“As businesses have taken concrete measures to upgrade themselves, the government should continue incentives and programmes for business to help in their transformation, and in doing so, some may emerge to become world-class enterprises.” SCCCI President Thomas Chua

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Budget 2015 – Answering the needs of SMEs The SCCCI is delighted to note that some of the measures introduced in this year’s budget were aligned with the recommendations made by the SCCCI’s Pre-Budget Survey 2015, including:


Slowing the pace of foreign worker tightening

S-PASS HOLDERS All sectors • Defer this year’s announced levy increases to 2016




More support to help SMEs internationalise

• Higher support of 70 per cent for SMEs for all activities under IE Singapore’s grant schemes for 3 years • Extend Double Tax Deduction for Internationalisation Scheme to cover salaries incurred for Singaporeans posted to new overseas entities • International Growth Scheme: 10 per cent concessionary tax rate for income from internationalisation activities

Manufacturing sector • Freeze levies at 2014 levels for 2015 and 2016 Services, Marine and Process sectors • Defer this year’s announced levy increases to 2016 Contruction sector • Reduce levy for higher skilled R1 worker (Man-Year Entitlement Waiver Tier) in 2015 and 2016 • Raise levy for basic skilled R2 workers (Basic Tier) from 2015 to 2017 • Maintain other levy rates at 2014 levels


Strengthening grant support for SMEs

The Capability Development Grant (CDG) will be made more accessible to companies via a simplified application process for projects below $30,000. The CDG’s enhanced funding support level of up to 70 per cent of qualifying costs will also be extended for three more years to March 31 2018.


Enhancing support for large businesses to help SMEs

The Partnerships for Capability Transformation (PACT) scheme will be enhanced to foster collaboration between large companies and SMEs in their supply chain.

SCCCI hopes businesses will benefit from the pro-business measures in Budget 2015 to successfully transform themselves to be more manpower-lean, and seek to increase their revenue through internationalisation where appropriate. In addition, we will continue to help businesses to address issues encountered as they restructure, including assisting businesses to leverage on the relevant government assistance schemes to facilitate the process. SME Centre@SCCCI has a team of experienced business advisors who can provide consultations on business-related government schemes. For assistance, do contact the centre at enquiry@smecentre-sccci.org.sg or 6337 8381

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第48届悼念日本 占领时期死难人民祭礼 文:邓素娟

“我们选择原谅,但是我们不能够忘记,让历史时时刻刻 来唤醒新加坡人民,希望通过对历史事件的回顾,让年轻一代、 让学生们了解保家卫国的重要性。”

蔡其生会长(左二)、张松声前任会长(右二)、黄山忠副会长(左一)与刘泰山副会 长献花致意。

今年的悼念日本占领时期死难 人民祭礼虽然是星期天,但出席祭 礼的学生和公众依然踊跃,值得欣 慰!2月15日,本会在美芝路纪念碑 前举办第48届祭礼,文化、社区及青 年部长兼通讯及新闻部第二部长黄 循财与1000多名师生,200多名各国 驻新外交使节、宗教团体、各族商会 社团,制服团体、退役军人、学生军 乐队、死难者家属参加了祭礼。 参加祭礼的公众不减往年。国大 历史学会学生黄靖杰也因为是星期 天,第一次参加了祭礼,他说: “祭礼 现场比教科书让我更接近历史。”

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15名日本民间和平团体在日本 琉球大学名誉教授高岛伸欣带领下 也出席祭礼。他们希望争取让更多日 本年轻人了解真相。 14日、15日都有 来自日本的学生借着旅游,特别前来 参加祭礼。 9时30分,荣誉仪仗队、军号手 和风笛手步操入场站岗,献花仪式 在风笛手吹奏的“哀悼曲”中正式开 始。首先由蔡其生会长、前会长张松 声、黄山忠副会长及刘泰山副会长代 表商会献上花圈。接着,武装部队退 役军人同盟、宗教团体、国家学生军 团代表以及8名学生代表向死难人民

武装部队退伍军人同盟代表向学生们讲 解纪念碑的历史。

献花。最后,全体来宾向纪念碑行三鞠 躬礼,军号手在吹奏“最后哨声”后, 全体默哀一分钟后,祭礼顺利完成。 仪式结束后,武装部队退役军人 同盟代表向学生们讲解纪念碑的历 史,希望我国子子孙孙牢记历史,认 识全民防卫、居安思危的重要性。 海内外传播媒体都争相报道。蔡 其生会长在接受媒体采访时说, “我们 选择原谅,但是我们不能够忘记,让历 史时时刻刻来唤醒新加坡人民,希望 通过对历史事件的回顾,让年轻一代、 让学生们了解保家卫国的重要性。”

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A SCROLL TO REMEMBER by: samantha lee

A 69-year-old scroll that tells the story of the Chinese community and the pivotal role played by the Chinese Chamber during and after the war.

In m s o c

T R E o u

T E President Thomas Chua (second from right), Vice-President zhong Sheng Jian (far right) and General Affairs Committee Chairman Charles Ho (far left) receiving the scroll from Charles Elwin (seond from left), grandson of Sir Franklin Charles Gimson who was Singapore’s first post-war Governor from 1946-1952.

K • •

On September 12 1946, Lien Ying Chow and Tan Lark Sye, then President and Vice-President respectively of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, presented a congratulatory scroll in a silver case to Sir Franklin Charles Gimson, who was then Governor of Singapore. It pledged the Chinese community’s loyalty to the British colonial masters and declared that the Singapore Chinese community had also played a part in rendering support to the prisoners-of-war and civilian internees during the Japanese Occupation.



The scroll also acknowledged the pivotal role of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce in supporting the British government in the reconstruction of Singapore after the war and strived to overcome all challenges to build a better future for all the different communities living in Singapore. Eventually this scroll was passed down to Sir Gimson’s grandson Charles Elwin, who had resided in Singapore since 1996. Prior to his departure from Singapore, Mr Elwin made contact and presented the scroll in its original casing back to the safekeeping of the Chamber. It was handed to SCCCI President Thomas Chua in the presence of Vice-President zhong Sheng Jian and General Affairs Committee Chairman Charles Ho Nai Chuen.

A le R R

As the scroll helps to gain insight into the role of the Chinese Chamber during an important period of our history, it is a meaningful gift which will be an invaluable historical addition to the Chamber’s archives.

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Human Resource Practitioners’ Guide to Industrial Relations Arthur Khong

Industrial Relations is commonly defined as the relationship between the management of a company and the trade union representing the workers. As such, not every HR practitioner has the opportunity to grasp the complicated, often emotive, area of industrial relations as it is only applicable to unionised companies.

Table of Contents

The first edition of this book originates from the other title of this series, Human Resource Practitioners’ Guide to Employment Laws. It serves to outline the Employment and Industrial Relations in Singapore , to have a better understanding of the rights and obligations of both employers and employees especially in unionised companies .

Chapter 3

This book is a valuable resource for those who want to learn more about Employment and Industrial Relations in Singapore.

Key Features • Written in simple language for easy understanding • Scenarios and suggested solutions for each topic are relevant to the application of the Employment and Industrial Relations in Singapore

Employment and Industrial Relations in Singapore The Singapore Tripartite Model Dispute Settlement between Employers and Trade Unions Trade Unions and Trade Unions Act Trade Union Recognition in Singapore Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreement Industrial Relations Act Trades Disputes Act Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act The Industrial Arbitration Court Dismissal and Discipline of Employees

Chapter 1 Chapter 2

Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11

About the Author Arthur Khong Masters of Management (HR Management), Macquarie University; Bachelor of Law (Hons), University of London; Bachelor of Arts (Econs), University of Manitoba; Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management, Singapore Institute of Management; Diploma in Training and Development, Singapore Institute of Management; Graduate Certificate in International Arbitration, National University of Singapore; and Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment, Singapore Workforce Development Agency Arthur is also an adjunct faculty member of SIM University (UniSIM). He lectures on Employment Laws and Legal Issues, Employment and Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management with the department of Human Resource Social Development.



ISBN 978-981-460-826-8

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21/4/15 3:49 PM

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