华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2015 issue 2

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10 薪火传承 再创辉煌

30 Continuing the legacy of the SCCCI – the 58th Council Installation Ceremony

Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 101/03/2015

第二期 . ISSUE 2/2015

$5.00 (incl. GST)

In MemoriAm

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卷首语 PRESIDENT’S NOTE 新任期 新重点

A New Term, A New Focus

今年3月,第五十八届董事会正式 就职,开启两年的任期,致力为会员商 家提供更好的服务。

In March, the 58th Council was officially installed for a term of two years, pledging to serve its members even better.

4月初,董事会成员拉队到曼谷进 行集思营,为今后的工作制定方针、目 标和周密的工作计划。 商团会员一直是总商会的核心强 项之一。设立商团中心,为各行各业的 公会、协会提供工作场地,共享资源, 提升会务,进而推动整个行业的发展, 是今后两年我们的首要任务。 俗话说知己知彼,百战不殆。行业 转型,需要依赖更加精准的调查研究。 有别于其他专业研究机构,总商会希望 以更加务实、贴近行业需求的研究方 式,协助及支持商团会员行业发展,以 便为政府决策提供有效参考。 走过一百多年历史的总商会之所 以能够一直充满活力,关键在于它不断 地发掘、培养年轻一代企业家,吸引他 们加入总商会的大家庭,前仆后继,回 馈社会,薪火相传。每一次换届,新的 团队都将肩负新的使命。未来两年,在 经济转型的浪潮中,第五十八届董事会 将继往开来,不断创新,和本地企业共 同,鼓足勇气应对变革,为社会创造价 值的同时,也固本强基,为今后的发展 增添新动力。

In early April, the Council headed to Bangkok for the 58th Council Retreat to deliberate on the Chamber’s goals and strategic action plans for this current term. Trade Association members have always been a core strength of the Chamber. The setting up of the Trade Association Hub to provide premises and shared facilities for Trade Associations (TA) will help to improve their operations and promote industry upgrading as a whole. This will be our first and foremost task over the next two years. As the saying goes: “Know the enemy and know yourself, and you will never be defeated.” With the ongoing restructuring of industries, detailed surveys and research become even more crucial. As a distinction from other professional research institutes, the Chamber hopes to apply more pragmatic research methods which are closer to the needs of industry and thus lend greater support to TA members in their industrial development. At the same time, the Chamber hopes the research findings can be an important reference for the government during its policy-making process.









The Chamber has been able to maintain its vibrancy for more than a century due to its constant ability to identify and groom a new generation of entrepreneurs, attracting them to join our big family and give back to the society. Each new council will shoulder a new mission. For the next two years, in the pursuit of economic restructuring, the 58th Council will continue to tackle the changes boldly together with local enterprises through constant innovation, creating values for the society while strengthening our foundations to add new impetus for future development.

蔡其生 会长 请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

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出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg

目录 C O N T EN T S 06

深切悼念建国总理李光耀先生 建国总理李光耀先生于3月23日与世 长辞,举国哀悼。对于李先生的辞世, 华社深感悲痛。 《华商》重点整理建 国总理李光耀先生从政超过半世纪 与总商会的点点滴滴,以表敬意。


薪火传承 再创辉煌 连任第58届董事会会长一职的蔡其 生先生将延续总商会的百年使命,带 领新一届的董事会为国家和本地华 商社群服务。

编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Charles Ho Nai Chuen Lim Geok Khoon

蔡其生 张松声 何乃全 林玉勤

出版统筹 Publications Supervision

谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong 主编 Editor


总商会第58届董事会 介绍总商会第58届董事会的常务董 事及董事。


总商会与普华古柏携手推进华商 家族企业传承 总商会与普华古柏会计师事务所联 合展开《家族企业专项研究》,希望 通过此项研究协助会员商家更好地 规划和应对与家族企业有关的经营 课题。

胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 副编辑 Assistant Editor 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee

撰稿 Staff WriterS

李依玲 Samantha Lee 杨伟强 Yeo Wei Qiang Contributors


壮大本地企业 强化社会保障体系 蔡其生官委议员在国会的预算案辩 论中,强调了壮大企业的重要性,并 吁请政府辅助更多本地商家发展成 世界级企业,强化社会保障体系。


注重行业需求 协助学生规划职业未来 在国会辩论教育部的开支预算时,蔡 其生官委议员鼓励商界积极参与实 习生计划,以及大力协助职业辅导员 以让他们对业界有更全面的认识。

行销 Marketing

陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee 李依玲 Samantha Lee 设计 Design Egg Creatives Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: CnP@sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 101/03/2015. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).


In Memoriam: Lee Kuan Yew A tribute to Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew whose vision and foresight completely transformed Singapore from a humble trading post virtually devoid of natural resources into a thriving metropolis and placed Singapore firmly on the world map.


Continuing the legacy of the SCCCI – the 58th Council Installation Ceremony A tradition of over a hundred years saw the beginning of another chapter for the SCCCI as the installation ceremony on March 16 welcomed the Chamber’s 58th Council.


SCCCI and PwC collaborate on family business SCCCI and PwC signed an MOU on February 27 to collaborate on an in-depth study into the key issues and challenges relating to family businesses.

Business Voice in the Parliament


特约撰稿 张宝诚 Chang Bao Cheng 许彬彬 Kelvin Khaw 洪仰宗 Ang Yang Chong 邓素娟 Tang Soh Kuen

In the Lead



Creating new value for traditional industries NMP Thomas Chua urged the government to further enhance the capability of trade associations to help traditional industries and SMEs in creating new value.


Reviewing the foreign worker policy to adapt to changing circumstances At the MOM Committee of Supply Debate, NMP Thomas Chua said it may be expedient for the government to consider re-examining the foreign worker policy to alleviate the burden on enterprises.



一枚重重的印章 蔡其生会长在晚报专栏执笔发表 “一枚重重的印章”一文,重申民间 社团万变不离其宗的宗旨。



提高领导商数 避免造神 中国生产力中心总经理张宝诚认为 企业领导的任务是要带领一群人改 变,因此领导能力至为重要。领导者 不能光凭个人的心性、好恶来领导, 更不应把领导当成是个人能力和魅力 的独脚戏。



事业女性组欢庆国际三八妇女节 总商会事业女性组举办主题为“创新 思维 携手发展”的庆祝活动,邀请了 四位杰出的海内外女性向与会者分享 如何结合创新思维,在事业与家庭取 得发展与成就。

Cover Photo Credit: Singapore Press Holdings Ltd

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In the Lead


李光耀先生 整理/文:杨伟强

李光耀先生是卓越的政治领袖,为新加坡的 建国与发展做出了巨大的贡献!新加坡今天的繁 荣,离不开当初李光耀先生的坚持,即使暂时遇 到挫折,也从不为眼前的障碍而放弃。他坚守纪 律和原则,清廉治国,力排众议,以远见卓识、 睿智果敢的人格魅力,引领新加坡的发展。 李光耀先生始终关心华社的发展,与华社、 华商建立了深厚的感情和信赖,时刻保持良好的互 动。李光耀先生坚持推行双语教育,强调以母语保 留核心文化和传统价值观,这是华社、华商增进社 会凝聚力的基础。他鼓励华社自我更新,与时并进, 跟上时代的步伐;倡导本地华商与世界保持密切联 系,把新加坡融入全球市场,广泛建立合作平台。 几十年来,李光耀先生一直是新中合作的主要 推动者,鼓励本地企业到中国和区域国家投资,在 海外拓展新加坡的经济发展空间。李光耀先生留给 我们最宝贵的财富,就是他和战友们一起建立的国 家、制度和治国理念。 虽 然 建 国总 理 李 光 耀 先 生与我 们 永别了, 但是,他的丰功伟绩将永垂不朽,他的信念与风范 将永远铭记在人民的心中,他的精神将指引我们继 续前进!

建国总理李光耀先生 1923 – 2015

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In the Lead


举国哀悼 追思一代伟人 “李光耀先生留给我们最宝贵的财富,就是他和战友们一起建立的国家、制度 和治国理念。虽然李光耀先生与我们永别了,但是,他的丰功伟绩将永垂不朽, 他的信念和风范将永远铭记在人民心中,他的精神将指引我们继续前进!” 3月26日,蔡其生官委议员在国会特别会议中发言,向辞世的建国总理李光耀致敬。


3月27日,总商会联同其他7家社区团体组织:宗乡会馆联合总会、华社自助理事会、通商中国、回教社会发展理事会、 马来专业人士协会、新加坡印度人发展协会以及欧亚裔协会,携手于嘉龙剧院举办了一场追悼会,代表四大种族及社会 各阶层人士向建国总理李光耀先生致敬。 约有两千人出席了这场追悼会,当中包括李显龙总理与夫人何晶女士、部长、议员、政府要员、主办机构的领导层及 董事、政商文教界领袖和学生。


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3月28日,本地商界代表于莱佛士会议中心协办了一 场追悼会,蔡其生会长受邀于会上发言。蔡会长表示,李光 耀先生是一位卓越的政治领袖。他视野开阔、行动果断, 也善于把握机会和融合东西方理念。在他的领导下,新加 坡全力发展经济,让本地企业能够生存和发展,也为人民 带来了丰衣足食的生活。

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In the Lead

1967年2月15,总商会 树立日本占领时期死难 人民纪念碑,李光耀总 理主持落成典礼,并代 表新加坡政府与人民向 死难英灵献上花圈。

1964年9月20日,总商 会新大厦落成,李光耀 总 理 亲自主 持了 落 成 典礼。 (上图左一:高德 根会长)

1984年9月21日,为配 合推广华语运动,总商 会主办《学华语、讲华 语》展览会。李光耀总 理为运动主持开幕并发 表演讲。 1990年11月28日,李光 耀卸下总理职务并担任 总理公署高级部长(现 称国务资政 )。

总商会于19 91年创办 了世界华商大会,李光 耀 在 大 会上 发表 主 题 演讲。


1964 年 1966年,李光耀总理在 《 新 加 坡中华 总商会 庆祝钻禧纪念特刊》献 辞:“新加坡中华总商 会的历史反映着新加坡 历史的发展。” 1979年9月7日,李光耀 总 理 为总商会主 办 的 “ 多 讲 华 语 、少 说 方 言”全国推广华语运动 推介礼掀开序幕。

总商会与新加坡宗乡会 馆 联 合总会于19 91年 联合出版《向李光耀致 敬》,记录了1964年以 来李光耀总理所发表的 关于华社的谈话。

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2001年11月12日,经历 4年的修复和扩建后, “晚晴园 - 孙中山南洋 纪念馆”在孙中山诞辰 135周年纪念日当天,由 李光耀资政开幕。 (上图左一:蔡天宝副 会长;上图右一:郭令 裕会长)

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In the Lead

2015年3月23日,李光耀 与世长辞,享年91岁。

2 0 0 4 年 8月12日, 李光耀任内阁资政 。

在内阁资 政李 光 耀 的 倡议和带动下,总商会 于2007年成立了“通商 中国”,一个致力于搭 建 促 进中新 两国 文化 和工商界交流的务实新 平台。

3月27日,总商会和其 他社团和社区组织于嘉 龙 剧 院 联 合举办追悼 会,向李光耀致敬。 总商会在2011年再度举 办世界华商大会(第11 届),大会闭幕晚宴的主 宾为李光耀先生。


2015 年

2011年5月14日,李光耀 在大选后辞去内阁资政 职务 。

2 0 06年为庆祝商会百 年,总商会与联合早报 携手呈现大型宫廷梦幻 诗乐舞剧“梦回大唐”。 这场演出是20 06年华 族文化节的开幕节目。 内阁资政李光耀为文化 节的开幕主宾。

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2011年11月21日,总商 会与新加坡宗乡会馆联 合总会联办“向建国总 理李光耀及荣誉国务资 政吴作栋致敬晚宴”, 并向两 位 国家 领 袖 分 别赠送了《李光耀与华 社》、 《吴作栋与华社》 精美画册。

2013年9月5日,总商会 与新加 坡 宗乡会 馆 联 合总会和通商中国,协 办了“祝贺李光耀90华 诞”庆生晚宴,并于晚 宴上推介了《李光耀与 新中关系》特辑和颁发 了“通商中国丰功伟业 奖”给李光耀先生。当 晚李光耀先生由儿子李 显扬代表出席。

3月28日,总商会与其 他本地商团和商会代 表于莱佛士城会议中 心举办追悼会,感谢李 光耀先生多年来为我 国商界带来的巨大贡 献。蔡其生会长代表本 会致辞。

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In the Lead

薪火传承 再创辉煌 第58届董事会正式就职 接棒延续百年使命 文:杨伟强

中华总商会作为新加坡历史最悠久的商业团体,秉持着“促进工商业发展、 经济繁荣、文化教育活动与社会服务”的精神,年复一年地为本地企业和 新加坡经济发展努力耕耘。所谓“长江后浪推前浪,一代新人换旧人”,没有 轮替更新就不可能有超过百年的辉煌历史。为了让这项任重道远的使命能 够永远延续,每两年更新一次的董事会就变得格外重要了。


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In the Lead


张志贤副总理(中)与众董事于典礼后合影。左起:白毅柏主席、吴学光副会长、黄山忠副会长、蔡其生会长、蔡天宝名誉会长、郑民川名誉 会长、郭令裕名誉会长、张松声前任会长和刘泰山副会长。

隆重的就职典礼,庄严的宣誓仪 式;融洽的欢愉气氛,满满的祝福鼓 励。这些句子都可以用来形容总商会 两年一度的盛事! 3月16日早晨,总商会迎来了新 一届 的董事会,蔡 其生再度 连任 会 长。蔡其生会长在演讲时说:“过去 两年,第57届董事会圆满完成了目 标,特别是 在协助本 地中小企业转 型,提高生产力方面,作出了许多努 力。”两年期间,共 有32 0 位企业家 参加了12个生产力海外集训营、9500 人次出席了生产力专题研讨会和工作 坊、总商会设在上海的新加坡企业中 心完成了380项个案、中小企业中心 也处理了7200项的咨询辅导个案等。 这些傲人的数据绝非偶然,而是第57 届董事会全体董事和秘书处职员辛 勤耕耘的结果。 总商会与裕廊集团设立商团中心 当天的另一项重要仪式就是总商 会与裕廊集团签署合作备忘录,联合

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设立商团中心的签署仪式。蔡其生会 长说: “我们将和裕廊集团、标新局、 资讯通信发展管理局、劳动力发展局 和国际企业发展局一起紧密合作,让 商团中心成为推动传统行业和中小企 业合作与发展的核心基地。” 设立商团中心是总商会在集思广 益后所提出的方案,并得到了裕廊集 团的大力支持。总商会希望通过这项 举措为属下商团会员提供办公、培训 和活动场地,同时促进商团之间的交 流和跨界合作。众多商团聚集在同个 屋檐下也可实现资源共享的目的,为 商团节省营运成本,互惠互利。商团 中心也将开放给还未加入总商会的商 团申请加入。 重点研究家族企业的传承课题 所谓“长江后浪推前浪,一代新 人换旧人”,没有轮替更新的总商会就 不可能有超过百年的辉煌历史。本届 董事会也选出了6位新董事,其中两位 是女性。他们是:胡进胜副主席、吴斯

仁董事、蔡深江董事、黄亦巧董事、梁 炜宁董事和陈奕福董事。 放眼未来两年,总商会的另一项 重点计划就是研究本地企业的传承和 接班课题。 “本地传统行业许多都是 家族企业,年轻一代要想成功接班, 除了延续传统,也要根据时代的变化 不断创新。”因此,蔡其生会长特别在 典礼上宣布总商会将以“企业传承 家 业长青”为主题,进行家族企业专项 研究,希望能帮助会员商家更加了解 传统企业在传承和接班上所遇到的问 题和解决的方案。 为配合新加坡建国50周年,总商 会也会在文化教育领域方面作出一项 全新的尝试。即将推出的总商会历史 展,在内容和形式方面都会有新的突 破。历史展将重点呈现总商会在建国 前后所留下的历史脉络,证明新加坡 有今天的成就是因政府和全民共同努 力,绝非偶然。

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In the Lead

典礼的一项重点:总商会与裕廊集团签署了联合设立“商团中心”的合作备忘录以推动行业的转型。后排左起:张松声前任会长、张志贤副总 理、裕廊集团吕俊旸主席。前排左起:蔡其生会长、裕廊集团首席执行官方章文。

当天的主礼嘉宾是副总理 兼国 家安全统筹部长及内政部长张志贤。 他在致辞时肯定和感谢了总商会多年 来为新加坡所作出的贡献,尤其是作 为政府和企业之间的沟通桥梁,更是 功不可没。例如,总商会多年来定期 安排政府和商家对话,让商家有机会 向政府提出反馈和新点子,改善本地 的经商环境。总商会每年还会收集和 总结商家们的意见,为新一年的财政 预算案提供意见。这些举措都是政府 深表感激和重视的。随着新加坡经济 步入转型的阶段,副总理也期许总商 会能继续和政府紧密合作,在推动和 协助企业转型方面扮演更加积极和 重要的角色。

张志贤副总理在演讲中代表政府感谢总商 会多年来为新加坡所做出的贡献。

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副总理在演讲中也重申了政 府 在2015年财政预算案中所推出的一 系列对商家有利的措施,希望能更好 地协助企业面对接下来的挑战。这些 措施包括:延缓提高各行业S准证和 工作准证的外劳税;延长加薪补贴计 划和30%的公司税回扣两年;延续生 产力及创新计划和创新 优惠计划至 2018年等。

第58届董事会除了会在任期内 继 续为商家请 命,也会 在明年迎 来 总商会成立110周年这个重要的里程 碑。再加上今年的建国50周年活动, 新一届董事会的任期可谓多姿多彩, 意义非凡。就让我们热切期待今后两 年董事会成员们的杰出贡献吧!

总商会将以“企业传承家 业长青”为主题,进行家 族企业专项研究。我们进 行这个项目有很大的优 势,总商会的董事、商团会 员的理事,许多都是成功 的家族企业接班人。他们 的亲身经历,甚至包括接 班过程中的挫折,都是宝 贵的经验。 蔡其生会长

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In the Lead

总商会第58届董事会 SCCCI’s 58TH COUNCIL 常务董事 Standing Committee


蔡其生 President

Thomas Chua


张松声 Immediate Past President

Teo Siong Seng








Ng San Tiong

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Lau Tai San


Wu Hsioh Kwang

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In the Lead

常务董事 Standing Committee








Chairman, General Affairs Committee

Chairman, Finance Committee

Chairman, Research & Publications Committee

Chairman, External Relations Committee









Chairman, Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Chairman, Technology Committee

Chairman, International Affairs Committee

Chairman, Commerce & Industry Committee









Chairman, Property Management Committee

Chairman, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

Vice-Chairman, General Affairs Committee

Vice-Chairman, Finance Committee


Pek Ee Perh Thomas

Voo Soon Sang

John Lim Hwee Chiang

Ng Siew Quan

Kuah Boon Wee

Adrian Peh Nam Chuan

Charles Ho Nai Chuen

Tan Kim Seng

Pang Lim


Tang Kin Fei

Ang Kiam Meng

Patrick Ng








Vice-Chairman, Research & Publications Committee

Vice-Chairman, External Relations Committee

Vice-Chairman, Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Vice-Chairman, Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Lim Geok Khoon

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Chia Kim Huat

Lim Hock Chee

Tan Bock Huat

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In the Lead

常务董事 Standing Committee








Vice-Chairman, Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Vice-Chairman, Technology Committee

Vice-Chairman, International Affairs Committee

Vice-Chairman, International Affairs Committee









Vice-Chairman, Commerce & Industry Committee

Vice-Chairman, Commerce & Industry Committee

Vice-Chairman, Property Management Committee

Vice-Chairman, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

James Ow Chin Seng

Leong Sin Kuen


Chan Hian Siang

George Quek Meng Tong

Philip Kia Er Chew

Pek Lian Guan


Edward Ang Boon Cheow

Francis Ko Oon Joo

Council Members

钟声坚 Zhong Sheng Jian

郑谦木 Tay Khiam Back

李思亮 Lee Sze Leong

林明仁 Stephen Lim Beng Lin

曾福庆 Chan Hock Keng

吴中庸 Goh Tiong Yong George

高泉庆 Kho Choon Keng

罗大民 David Loh Tai Min *新董事 New Council Member

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In the Lead

董事 Council Members

郭素雯 Quek Soo Boon

柯建强 Eric Khua Kian Keong

陈笃汉 Tan Tock Han

邓尚正 David Tang Sheung Ching

吴令声 Simon Goh Lian Seah

蔡纪典 Chua Kee Teang

林炳坤 Tony Lim Peng Koon

陈俊文 Tan Choon Boon

杨向明 Yeo Hiang Meng

颜毓瑩 Annie Gan Giok Em

谢楚明 Chia Chor Meng

吕立岩 Paul Loo Lip Giam

郭益智 Sherman Kwek Eik Tse

陈树生 Allan Tan Soo Seng

吴斯仁* Ted Ngo Soo Lin

蔡深江* Chua Chim Kang

黄亦巧* Hwang Yee Cheau

梁炜宁* Leong Wai Leng

陈奕福* Tan Aik Hock *新董事 New Council Member

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In the Lead


总商会与普华古柏携手推进 华商家族企业传承

企业传承,家业长青 文:许彬彬

和欧美企业相比,新加坡家族企业的发展历程较短,百年字号的家族企 业为数不多。但是,随着时代的跌进,有越来越多的企业家必须面对管理 层交棒的抉择。家族企业在传承过程中,可否继续秉持“一家人一条心” 的理念,进而落实“富得过三代”的发展宏愿,是许多家族企业掌门人迫 切关注的课题,也是我国整体经济能否世代繁荣的关键。 在合作备忘录签署仪式上,中华总商会刘泰山副会长(右二),普华古柏会计师事务所亚太家族企业部吴绍均主管(左二)代表合作双方盖 章;总商会蔡其生会长(右一)、普华古柏蔡敏慧副主席(市场与行业,亚太区客户及市场主管合伙人)见证签署仪式。

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In the Lead


新加坡中华总商会成立至今109 年,董事会在今年3月顺利完成第58 次的交棒传承。

及总商会附属机构中小企业中心、 管理学院以及相关的座谈会,不断强 化本会在家族企业课题上的强项。”

新一届董事会的重点工作目标之 一,即是对家族企业课题展开深入研 究,总结并分享经验,以期协助会员 商家更好地规划、应对家族企业相关 的经营课题。 总商会蔡其生会长表示: “总商 会不久前成功举办建国50周年杰出华 商奖,隆重表彰为国家作出重大贡献 的商界领袖。获奖者当中,有不少是 家族企业的创始人或接班人。今后, 总商会将通过不同的平台,包括总商 会青年企业家联系网、年度重点活动 中小型企业大会、世界华商大会,以

启动家族企业专项研究 家族企业课题与中华总商会密 切相关,总商会的许多董事和会员商 家都是家族企业的经营者。为此, 总商会与普华古 柏 会 计师 事务所 (PwC) 于2月27日签署合作备忘录, 联合展开《家族企业专项研究》,深 入了解经营家族企业所面对的关键 课题与挑战。涵盖课题包括:家族企 业的传承过程、传承中的企业转型与 成长、企业监管以及吸引人才等。随 后,总商会和普华古柏进行家族企业 个案研究,并与商界、公众分享研究 成果。

普华古柏会计师事务所亚太家 族企业部主管、总商会财政委员会主 席吴绍均指出, “新加坡家族企业所 面临的课题,与其他企业虽有许多相 似之处,但解决的难度更高一些。普 华古柏与总商会理念相同,都是致力 于协助我国家族企业迈向成功、可持 续发展的道路。我们将发挥特长,分 享经验,一起协助商家。” 接下来,总商会也会以家族企业 为主题,推出一系列活动及计划,让 会员商家及广大商界人士从中受惠。 通过参加这些活动,会员商家将能从 实际 运 作层面深入了解家族企业独 特的经营课题,并与关心相同课题的 人士建立联系。

总商会目前正在展开《家族企业课题意见调查》,希望您能在百忙之中抽空提供宝贵意见。除了书面回复方式,我们也很乐意安排 时间贵公司进行面谈,搜集相关反馈。 恳请您到总商会官方网站 www.sccci.org.sg/survey 下载调查表格,将填妥的问卷电邮或传真至本会秘书处 (电邮:survey@sccci.org.sg, 传真:6339 0605)。如有任何询问,请拨电6337 8381联络许彬彬/洪仰宗。谢谢!

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Business Voice in the Parliament


壮大本地企业 强化社会保障体系 3月3日,总商会会长、官委议员蔡其生在国会预算案辩 论强调了壮大企业的重要性,吁请政府辅助更多本地 商家发展成世界级企业,以强化社会保障体系。

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国会里的企业心声 国会里的企业心声

议长女士、各位议员,大家下午 好!首先声明,我目前担任新加坡中 华总商会会长。2015年财政预算案, 《联合早报》用了16个字来概括: “深 化技能 壮大企业 加强基建 保障 养老”。看到这16个字,可以说是喜忧 参半。 喜的是,这 是 个 包容性 的财政 预算案,加强社会安全网,照顾乐龄 人士,倡导终生学习,协助新加坡人 掌握未来技能,填补学生教育户头, 甚至免除学生的考试费等等。这些措 施让我想起儒家的传统理念“老有所 终,壮有所用,幼有所长。” (出自《礼 记》)这也是从春秋时代开始,华人延 续了两千多年的梦想。 忧的是, “深化技能加强基建保 障养老”这三大领域都需要巨额资金 投入。虽然政府调整了高收入者个人 所得税,调高了汽油税,但在巨大的 社会支出面前,只是杯水车薪。正所 谓巧妇难为无米之炊,要想让社会保 障体系得以延续,关键还是要“壮大 企业”,企业创造的价值,就是政府的 粮仓。 在创造价值方面,跨国公司是领 头羊。不过,新加坡企业的角色也很 关键。本地企业总数众多,为社会各 阶层提供就业机会,也为跨国公司提 供支 援 服务。这 就像 建一座高楼大 厦,钢筋、水泥自然必不可少,沙石、 玻璃、油漆、水管、电线、瓷砖,甚至 包括花花草草同样也必不可少。政府 把先进制造业等列为未来的五大增长 领域,但其他行业,特别是传统行业 也不能忽视。我们必须看到,现在这 些重点行业也是在过去的基础上演变 而来,今天我们多扶植一些行业,未 雨绸缪,将来才有更多公司成为世界 级的新加坡企业。 根据今年的财政预算案,以往推 出的过渡时期援助配套将逐渐停止, 支持企业创新和国际化发展的援助 配套得到保留并且加强。但是,并没

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Business Businessvoice voiceininthe theparliament parliament

有看到 商家满心期待的、减少成本 压力的措施。借此机会,我想吁请本 地企业尽快根据自身情况,调整经营 模式。经济转型阶段一些 企业不能 适应,出现各种症状,政府的援助就 像止痛药,只能暂时缓解。要想治标 又治本,还是要认真找出根源,自我 提升。 在新的商业环境下,原有的政策 或条例不一定能适用,继续修修补补 劳心又费力,效果还不一定好。政府 一直鼓励企业创新,寻求经营模式的 突破。为此,商家也希望政府能够带 头突破,跳出原有的思维框架,把复 杂的问题简单化,以颠覆性创新的政 策刺激经济增长。 例如,本地企业种类繁多,各行 各业千差万别,要想对症下药,首先 要有一个综合诊疗所,前期检查后再 分别转送各个专科。如果让病人自己 在一个个专科之间跑来跑去,在确诊 之前,人已经精疲力尽了。 所以,我再次转达商家的诉求, 为了增强转型的效率,希望政府指定 一 位协调人,专门负 责 协助本 地企 业,特别是中小企业,别让企业在不同 政府部门之间跑来跑去。据我所知, 公共服务内部有一个“No wrong door policy”,也就是说,政府部门要用心了 解公众求助的原因,真正解决问题, 不能只是把求助人推给其他部门。指 定协调人,出发点和“No wrong door policy”一致,目的就是在政府内部统 筹资源,最终辅助本地企业成长。

但实际执行情况如何呢?根据总商会 的调查,能力发展津贴的申请率为12 %,资讯通信应用计划不到9%,市场 进入协助计划更低,不到3%。 这是个怪圈。一方面我们看到政 府部门不断推出亲商政策,另一方面, 从调查结果来看,真正能够申请并受 益的企业却不多。中小企业老板谈到 政府援助计划,总的感觉就是,一些 计划可以为中大型企业锦上添花,而 中小型企业期待的是雪中送炭。 今后,提高生 产力的重 点 是 增 强行业整体实力,这不是一家公司, 一个机构可以完成的任务,需要政商 合作,不断推陈出新。今年3月16日, 总商会新一届董事会即将上任,我们 将投入更多资源与商团配合,及时倾 听、跟进商家的诉求。 总之,为了财政预算案取得更好 的成效,我提出两项建议,一是扶助 更多本地企业成为世界级的新加坡企 业,二是指定政府协调人,统筹企业 事务,提高执行效率。我相信,只有壮 大本地企业,才能不断创造财富,支 持社会保障体系。让我们一起朝向这 个目标迈进!

政府的亲商政策很多,但是,大 部分公众并不关心制定政策的理由, 而是从自身的利益着想,或者从自己 所受到的影响来解读 政 策,这是 政 府目前面临的重要挑战。例如,政府 过去推出了能力发展津贴 (Capability Development Grant)、资讯通信应用 计 划(iSPRINT )、市场 进 入协 助计划 (Market Readiness Assessment Scheme) ,目的都是协助本地企业增强实力。

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Business voice in the parliament


注重行业需求 协助学生规划职业未来 3月6日,总商会会长、官委议员蔡其生在国会拨款委员会辩论教育部 的开支预算时建议商界积极参与实习生计划、并确保职业辅导员对业 界需求有较全面的认识,协助他们改变对传统行业的固有印象。

习计划。通过实习,年轻人可以真实感 受工作场所的情况,了解个人兴趣、特 长是否有发挥的空间,从而决定未来 的职业道路;企业也能在实习过程中 遴选优秀的年轻人,招募人才。 不过,我们也必须看到,大型企 业有能力安排学生实习,招揽人才, 而中小企业比较缺乏系统。但如果现 在不介入人力资源规划,将来,请不 到人的情况会更加严重。

议长女士、各位议员,大家下午 好!2015年财政预算案推出未来技能 在职培训计划,协助理工学院及工艺 教育学院毕业生与雇主配对,今年起, 政府也将与零售、食品及物流业者合 作,培养一批未来技能导师,协助中小 企业培训人才,这是一个好消息! 教育的责任是满足社会的需求。 我国的人才培训都是在严谨规划的框

架之下进行,这样做的好处是可以全 面提升国民素质,缺点是如果某个行 业在规划阶段被忽略,那么,人力资 源就会出现缺口。 现在,一些传统行业就出现了这 样的缺口。为此,我呼吁行业协会和商 团积极参与人力资源的未来规划,不 仅要把各自行业的需求准确地传达给 教育部和学校,也要全力支持学生实

通过实习,年轻人可以真实感受工作场所的情况, 了解个人兴趣、特长是否有发挥的空间,从而决定 未来的职业道路;企业也能在实习过程中遴选优秀 的年轻人,招募人才。

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为了顺应时代的发展,传统行业 和中小企业也必须把握机会改进形 象。例如,如果要找穿着背心做蛋糕 的工人,年轻人一般不会感兴趣,但 如果老板很努力地提升工作环境,增 加工作 技 术 含 量,变成 聘请穿制服 的甜点技师,就比较有专业性和满足 感。今后,政府将为中学、工教院 和 大专学府安排专业教育及职业辅导 员,行业协会和商团一定要积极与职 业辅导员联系,确保他们有足够、全 面的业界常识,同时也要协助他们改 变对传统行业的固有印象。 我衷心地希望有更多商团参与 未来技能在职培训计划,同时,我也 想了解工艺教育学院 和理工学院制 定实习计划时,对行业的选择有那些 决定因素?只有明确了这些因素,传 统业者才能有目的、有系统地与学校 密切配合。

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Eye on business

一枚重重的印章 民间社团可以根据时代的发展不断调整活动形式,但传统 的精髓和宗旨一定要坚守,正所谓万变不离其宗。

3月16日是个值得纪念的日子, 总商会第五十八届董事会在嘉庚堂举 行就职典礼,董事们集体宣誓之后, 每个人都在宣誓书上签名,最后由我 负 责在宣誓书上盖章。这 是我 第二 次在就职典礼上使用总商会的官印, 长方型的印章估计重约三百多克,尺 寸超过半个手掌那么大,背面有个手 柄刚好可以用一只手握住。黄澄澄的 印章背面刻着“工商部颁 商字第三 十四号 民国十八年五月”,算起来 1929年时,总商会是第十七届董事 会,这枚印章用到现在已经是八十六 年了! 依然坚持传统 八十六年的时间,新加坡发生了 翻天覆地的变化,总商会的传统却依 然在坚持。每两年一届董事会,每两 年一次就职典礼,董事们换了一批又 一批,会长换了一位又一位,但取之 社会用之社会的精神一直没有改变。 这枚官印拿在手上分量很重,除了它 本身的重量,我也仿佛感受到它隐隐 传来的前辈会长们的信念。

继续传承下去 回顾历史总能让人思 路更加清 晰。1948年,杨溢璘会长在就职典礼 上致辞:“任何团体,无论是政治的 或社会的,它的负责人都是公仆,而 公仆处处应该以公众利益为依归。” 1964年,高德根会长在总商会大厦开 幕典礼上说: “中华总商会的工作, 并非纯粹为了华人,而是基于地方利 益,国家至上,以及各民族人民的尊 严。”1973年,黄祖耀会长在就职典 礼上表示: “总商会将继续为着公众 人士的利益,表达它的意见,向政府 有关当局提出各种需要改善的建议, 尽量 做 到下情上 达,上情下达 的任 务。”1989年的就职典礼,林荫华会 长强调: “总商会有义务并期望同政 府对本国和本 地区以及国际有关经 济的事务进行更密切合作,为国家做 贡献。”

“中华总商会的工作, 并非纯粹为了华人,而是 基于地方利益,国家至 上,以及各民族人民的 尊严。”

这枚印章今后还会继续传承下 去。民间社团可以根 据 时代的发展 不断 调 整活 动形式,但传 统的精 髓 和宗旨一定要坚守,正所谓万变不离 其宗。

按 照 历史 时间来推 算,在我 之 前,曾经握过这枚官印的前辈会长有 李伟南、李俊承、林文田、林庆年、 陈振贤、李光前、连瀛州、杨溢璘、 陈六使、陈锡九、高德根、孙炳炎、黄 祖 耀、陈共 存、林继民、林荫华、陈 永裕、郭令裕、郑民川、蔡天宝、张松 声。他们都是成功企业家,每个人的 行业背景都不一样,因为回馈社会, 在总商会留下了共同的足迹。

自2014年7月31日,总商会会长蔡其生会长受邀为联合晚 报《晚咖》专栏执笔。此文章首次发表于2015年3月30日 《晚咖》专栏。《华商》经《联合晚报》的许可转载。

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Corporate Strategies


提高领导商数 避免造神 文:张宝诚

企业领导的任务是要带领一群人改变。因此领导力至为重要,不可能 光凭着一个人的心性、好恶来领导,更不应该是个人能力与魅力的独 脚戏。 世界银行( World Bank )每年汇 整旗下各国分支机构、研究单位、经 济学 者以 及 外部合 作 单位 如:国际 货币基金(IMF)、经济合作发展组织 (OECD)等国际组织所提供的 社会、 经济趋势进行专题研究,并将所研究 的成果作为各国领导者制订政策的参 考依据,以促使国家政策能够解决该 国所面对的社会、经济、教育、卫生疾 病等问题。 该组织《2015年世界发展报告》 研究主题为〈思维、社会与行为〉。其 主要内容为针对近年来各国民众行

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为的心理与社会基础的研究,试图帮 助亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲的“发展中 国家” (Developing country,也称为开 发中国家)解决贫穷、疾病、就业等 问题。 该 研究团队 指出,人 类 的决 策 会受到“自动思维”、 “社会思维”以 及“心智模型思维”等3种思考方式所 影响。影响的因素包括:社会身份、社 会规范、社会网络等,而非如大家既 定的印象中,人们的决策是受到能够 从事件获得的利益以及支出的成本来 决定。其中有关心智模型个案研析颇 值得关注。

根据研究指出,人们的心智模型 受到所属的社会概念、分类、身份、 因果推断以及世界观等因素,进而影 响到人们能想到什么,以及他们如何 解释自己想到的事物。举个例子,研 究人员曾访问居住於西非地区的贫 困且弱势民众时,发现他们於受访时 经常会说:“我们既没有梦想,也没 有想像”或者说:“过一天算一天” 等丧气的话。于是,研究小组随机抽 取一些家庭,并邀请他们观看由当地 居民现身说法的励志电影。在电影里 的主角多讲述他们是如何设定目标 以及藉由努力工作来改善自己的社会

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Corporate Strategies

“领导是一种选择,不是一种阶级!”既是选择就 是全然地付出。不管是置身在政治、企业舞台,上台 时竭尽所能,发光发热;当离开时舞台时,让接棒者 仍旧可能够发光发热,甚至更上一层楼。

经济状况。研究团队针对曾经观看过 励志电影与未曾观看励志电影的家 庭 进行为期半年的成 效 追 踪,更发 现前者储蓄率大幅增加,也提高对子 女的教育资 源。研究团队的结论是, 透过激励、鼓励的确可以明显地改变 人们的心智模型,并让他们重新拥有 希望。 有关心智模型,我於若干年前便 经常藉此专栏说明其对於团队领导的 重要性以及如何藉由建构学习型组 织,持续改善团队成员心智模式,不断 激发执行团队的旺盛企图心,以落实 百分之百的执行力。 美国行为科学家赫次伯格 (Fredrick Herzberg)曾指出,可带来工 作满足的因素为激励因子(Motivation Factors)。例如:认同、成就感、成长、 责任、工作责任等;心理学家马斯洛所 提出的生理、安全、社会、尊重以及自 我实现等五大需求层级理论,也强调 组织必须从满足最低层的生理需求, 逐步达到自我实现的需求。 实际上,对员工而言,物质层面需 求的满足是必要的,缺乏必然导致不 满,但若满足其高层次需求,必须加强 激励因子;强化社会、尊重以及自我实 现的需求。不难了解唯一的变数便是 组织内部的情况,这正是领导力至为 重要的地方。因为建立企业文化、领导

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风格的是领导者。当一位领导者做出 选择,将组织成员的安全与生命放在 第一位,牺牲自身的舒适以及一些有 形的结果,将使大家拥有安全感以及 归属感。 这是一个很容易理解的因果关 系,倘若员工所处的环境缺乏信任、 安全以及归属感,员工就会被迫消耗 时间和精力来保护自己,这在本质上 弱化了组织能量。当员工在组织里感 到安全,自然就能结合自身的才华与 能力,不辞辛劳地面对外界危机、把 握机会,而一旦员工真心选择: “我要 这样做;我愿意努力达成组织共同的 愿景!”时,团队强烈的企图心就出来 了,便可激发共同向上的提升的力量, 组织就会成为学习型组织。 所以才说,领导力至为重要,目的 是要带领一群人改变,不可能光凭着 一个人的心性、好恶来领导,更不应该 是个人能力与魅力的独脚戏。 过去,诸多国家、企业倚赖领导者 个人的能力与英雄式魅力光环加持,获 得众人的吹捧、崇拜。然而,更多例子 显示,一旦该位领导者离开後,後续却 一蹶不振,表现荒腔走板。近来我们社 会上弥漫一股对“北柯神,南赖神”的 崇拜之风,对其一言一行皆照单全收, 并加以夸大渲染、360度传播,这种现 象着实让我忧心忡忡,我觉得固然是

因民心思变所致。然而,诸多领导者 让人尊敬、景仰,不在於他个人英雄魅 力,而是除了专业执着外,他们时刻怀 抱着谦虚的态度、谦冲的胸怀,雍容 大度的气量,让人如沐春风。毕竟领 导是服务众人之事,是仆人领导学,而 要避免类似的情形,可藉由领导商数 (Leadership Quotient)让领导力在组织 各阶层中孕育,朝制度化领导的方向 迈进,是一种由下而上的领导模式,来 取代威权式领导,弥补领导人专制独 断、本位主义以及分身乏术的缺点。 我必须说: “领导是一种选择, 不是一种阶级!”既是选择就是全然 地付出。不管是置身在政治、企业舞 台,上台时竭尽所能,发光发热;当 离开时舞台时,让接棒者仍旧可能够 发光发热,甚至更上一层楼。上台想 下台,下台想上台,个中的道理如人 饮水,愿以此与所有领导人与主管共 勉之。

作者是中国生产力中心 (CPC) 总经 理。总商会于2012年7月12日与台湾 中国生产力中心 (CPC) 签署合作框 架协议,充分发挥双方各自的优势, 通过培训与交流,为两地企业开阔思 路,提升技能,提高运作效率,搭 建新加坡企业与台湾企业互动平台和 桥梁。 总商会与CPC在培训与研讨会、咨询 服务、产品创新与开发和资讯共享等 领域展开精诚合作,并互为对方在以 上四个领域的当地唯一合作伙伴。

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台湾 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 总经理 谷中强 台湾 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 谷中强 台湾 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 总经理 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

中国 | 新加坡 中国 | 新加坡 青建地产有限公司 青建地产有限公司 董事总经理 左海滨 中国 I 新加坡 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 青建国际(南洋)集团发展有限公司 左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 执行董事 青建地产有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 曜越科技 董事长 林培熙 台湾 董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 曜越科技 林培熙 台湾 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 董事长 曜越科技 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

林培熙 台湾 林培熙 曜越科技台湾

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* 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排


课程特色 课程特色 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 课程特色 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 新国大全中文授课的亚太EMBA硕士学位课程, 创办于1997年,是世界首个采用全华文教学的EMBA课程。 课程汇集中文背景企管精英,交流智慧、 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 拓展资源, 学习和领悟, 开发人生和事业的新天地。 学制17个月, 每三个月密集授课2周, 最长可以延至四年完成学业, 适合繁忙的高管和企业领导人协 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 支持NUS EMBA项目! 调工作、 学习和生活。 合格毕业将获颁新加坡国立大学工商管理硕士学位 (the NUS MBA Degree), 亚洲排名第一、 世界排名领先的优质MBA学位。 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 支持NUS EMBA项目! 课程学费赞助高达70%* 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 支持NUS EMBA项目! n 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 课程学费赞助高达70%* 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 n 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 课程学费赞助高达70%* 国 在际 化 的 课 程 设 置 : 聚 焦亚 太区 经 济 商业 发 展 与企 业 经 营 管 理 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 主 题 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 n 亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 如符合条 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 n 学前 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 瞻 性 的 亚 洲 视 野 : 向经验丰富的师资团队学习企 业管 理 实 务和理 念 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 中文EMBA课程办公室。 n 学制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 中文EMBA课程办公室。 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 n 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 跨 学领 域 的 经 验 分 享 : 背景 经 历各异的学员同堂 深 入 交 流 ,拓 展 思 路, 总 结 创 中文EMBA课程办公室。 新,缔 结 友情 和人Singapore对其 脉 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 移 动 课 堂 异 地 教 学 : 在 新加坡、美国、澳 大利亚、台湾,日本向优秀 企 业取 经

中国 中国 | 新加坡 中国 中国 | 新加坡 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 CEO 中国 I 新加坡 张栩 中国 孟繁秋 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 CEO APEX-C 杂志社有限责任公司 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 《中外管理》 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 张栩 中国 孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 第十八班,2009 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 C E APEX-C O 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 亚太EMBA 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 第十九班, 2010 亚太EMBACEO 第十八班, 2009 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

张栩 孟繁秋 谷中强 左海滨 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 张栩 孟繁秋 谷中强 左海滨

亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 亚太EMBA硕士学位课程

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网站 : apexc.nus.edu 网站 电邮 : : apexc.nus.edu apexc@nus.edu.sg 电邮 : apexc@nus.edu.sg 电邮 电话 : : apexc@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 8656 | 6516 8496 电话 : +65 6516 8656 | 6516 8496 电话 : +65 6516 8656 | 6516 8496

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欢迎咨询: 欢迎咨询: 2015年招生火热进行中,请联络: 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 欢迎咨询:

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集团董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 力业女佣集团 陈美雄 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 集团董事长 力业女佣集团 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 集团董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

力业女佣集团 集团董事长 陈美雄 新加坡

陈美雄 新加坡 陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团

2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日

第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 副总经理 黄国芬 台湾 副总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 黄国芬 台湾 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 副总经理 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十八班, 2009 副总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

黄国芬 台湾 黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司



In the Lead

In Memoriam


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In the Lead


Lee Kuan Yew was a statesman extraordinaire whose vision and foresight completely transformed Singapore from a humble trading post virtually devoid of natural resources into a thriving metropolis and placed Singapore firmly on the world map. There would have been no Singapore without the brilliant intellect, strategic thinking and leadership of Lee Kuan Yew. After gaining independence in 1965, Lee Kuan Yew was responsible for Singapore’s metamorphosis into an industrialised nation. Through far-sighted resolve and well-calibrated planning, he attracted quality multi-national investments to Singapore and catapulted it into one of the countries with the highest standards of living in the world.

One of the most respected statesmen this generation will ever come to know, Lee Kuan Yew was truly a giant among men who shaped Singapore’s destiny. His encyclopaedic world view and exceptional mastery of knowledge of international affairs, teamed with his contacts with practically every world leader within his lifetime, is unparalleled. The entire council of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry mourns the departure of the founding father of Singapore whose support and encouragement has inspired the Chinese business community to widen its horizons, develop the potential of a developing China market, strongly promote Chinese language and culture, and establish linkages in the world to form a global Chinese business network for effective networking. Lee Kuan Yew’s influence as Singapore’s paramount leader has truly left its indelible mark throughout the Chamber’s history. A new edifice at 47 Hill Street The imposing building with distinct Chinese architectural features, which stands proudly in the midst of Singapore’s civic district, has housed the operations of the Singapore

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Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry since it was officially opened on September 20 1964. Then the tallest building in the vicinity, the ten-storey building opened to much fanfare and it was then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew who graced the special occasion as guest of honour. As Prime Minister Lee addressed the crowd in his speech, he said, “The building is a symbol of a great and proud heritage. It speaks of security, for it is concrete proof of the qualities of thrift and industry of a people who had come to the South Seas and made good and settled with the indigenous people here. It is the security of achievement. It is immovable proof that the Chinese had put their lot with the others in this country.” After the speech Prime Minister Lee unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of a building which to this day remains symbolic of the efforts of the SCCCI to champion the interests of the local Chinese business community. Reserving land for the Civilian War Memorial Many innocent lives were lost during the Japanese Occupation. Between January and February of 1962, skeletal remains of those killed in the war were found at Siglap,

Changi, the precinct of Nanyang Chinese Girls’ School and others – in a total of about 10 different locations. On February 28, the Chamber decided to undertake the task of collecting these remains. On April 21 1962, 609 organisations and associations gathered to protest against the atrocities inflicted by the Japanese on the people during the Japanese Occupation. On the evening of August 25, the Chamber led more than 100,000 people to City Hall and observed a 3-minute silence as part of the demonstration against the Japanese war crimes. In full support of Chamber’s endeavour, in March 1963 Prime Minister Lee allocated 4.5 acres of land to the west of Beach Road for the building of a War Memorial and a park. The Chamber’s leaders led by President Soon Peng Yam then swung into action to set up a Memorial Building Fund Committee to raise requisite funds and begin the work of appointing an architect to design the Memorial and carry out the construction. On February 15 1967, on the 25th Anniversary of the Japanese Occupation, Prime Minister Lee lent his presence at the official opening of the Civilian War Memorial as a final resting place for the souls of the

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In the Lead

it more meaningful. This restored and enlarged villa joins the ranks of the other 43 national monuments which reflect our multi-racial and multi-religious society.” SM Lee also contributed an inscription on a stele: “One Man Changed China, Dr Sun Yat Sen.” This stele was later removed from the grounds of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall to the Zhongshan Park in 2011.

honourable dead. The four pillars of this cenotaph symbolised the four ethnic groups in Singapore, each with its record of martyrs who had died for Singapore. Since then, the Chamber hosts a solemn ceremony on February 15 every year, dedicated to the victims who had lost their lives when Singapore was Syonan-to. November 12 2001 – Official Opening of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew was the guest of honour for the re-opening of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, which was restored after a period of 4 years from the former Sun Yat Sen Villa, popularly known as Wan Qing Yuan. Referring to Sun Yat Sen as one of the greatest Asian leaders of the 20th century, SM Lee said in his speech that the villa was used by Dr Sun as the Nanyang Tong Meng Hui Headquarters in Southeast Asia between 1907 and 1910 when he was working to overthrow the Qing dynasty. The newly restored Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall thus documents all these activities and the involvement of the local Chinese community. Moreover, SM Lee said that “Most Singaporeans, especially the young, are not aware of the history of this building which was not gazetted as a national monument until 1994.” Acknowledging the effort of the SCCCI, SM Lee said, “The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry has taken great pains to restore the building and to make

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Establishment of Business China in 2007 In order to embrace the opportunities arising from China’s economic development, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew mooted the setting up of a Mandarin-speaking networking platform so that Singapore could develop a large cohort of people competent in the Chinese language, culture and customs who can connect with China and communicate effectively with their Chinese counterparts. Taking the idea seriously, the Chamber took immediate steps to form a Task Force responsible for formulating the fundamental objectives and mandate of this networking group. The Task Force was instrumental for brainstorming ideas and summoned meetings over a few months with key representatives from clan associations, academia, think tanks, and related organisations. These meetings helped to crystallise ideas, mull over challenges, and identify meaningful activities that this group should focus on organising. The next step was to get the endorsement of MM Lee, who then graciously agreed to be its first Patron. In the following months, the name in English and Chinese was agreed upon, the formal composition was set up, and the logo was created. These months of preparations culminated in the launching of Business China on November 19 2007 at the University Cultural Centre. The ceremony was officiated by China’s Premier Wen Jiabao and MM Lee together with Business China Chairman Chua Thian Poh.

The concept of Business China was the brainchild of Lee Kuan Yew when he was Minister Mentor and the Chamber was privileged to have been the business organisation responsible for its eventual identity and formation. December 16 2008 – Commemorative Dialogue with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew November 1978 will always be remembered in history as it brought together the meeting of minds between Lee Kuan Yew and Deng Xiaoping. After this first and only official visit to Singapore, paramount leader Deng Xiaoping urged China to learn from Singapore, setting in motion a series of exchanges, henceforth establishing a firm foundation for the excellent relations between Singapore and China. China embarked on its reforms and on an open door policy after this memorable visit. Thirty years later, in December 2008, the SCCCI found it befitting to organise, together with the PRC Embassy and Business China, a commemorative dialogue session with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew on “Reflections and Prospects – 30 Years of Reform and Opening Up: China’s Relations with ASEAN and Singapore.” Moderated by Ambassador-at-large Tommy Koh, this turned out to be a wide-ranging dialogue with MM Lee who fielded questions with his usual impeccably crisp, analytical style, drawing upon his years of wisdom, knowledge and experience. He spoke about the transformation of a society which was drab, grey and monotonous as nothing short of a miracle, about the lessons Singapore could learn from the Suzhou-Singapore Industrial Park, Tianjin Eco-city project, immersing in the China environment and getting culturally acclimatised in order to get on the same wavelength as business counterparts from China. He also gave his take on the next phase of China’s development, China’s role in the global financial crisis, ASEAN’s relations with China, and China vis-àvis the United States, Europe and Japan.

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Supporting the journey of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention Lee Kuan Yew has always been supportive of the initiatives of the SCCCI, but perhaps the most memorable was the inaugural World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (which has come to be known familiarly as WCEC). It was an idea which grew from an incipient vision by Linn In Hua, then President of the SCCCI, who firmly believed there should be a regular congregation of Chinese business people, entrepreneurs and professionals who had settled in Asian countries and regions as well as those much further afield. These Chinese migrants who had sunk their roots in their adoptive countries and regions had also made immense economic and social contributions wherever they called home. SM Lee, recognising the wide-ranging significance of this endeavour, expressed his staunch support, and the SCCCI was most privileged to have him officiate the opening ceremony and to declare the WCEC open. SM Lee heralded the spirit of the successful overseas Chinese and remarked on their contribution to China’s economic development. “Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia are descendants of poor peasants and labourers mainly from Guangdong and Fujian. They were not descendants of the literati or the mandarin. No zhuangyuan, jinshi or xiucai have emigrated to Nanyang. Yet they have succeeded and become professionals, scholars, entrepreneurs, managers and engineers. Confucianist values made their families hold closely together to bring up children who are well educated, highly motivated and perform well under pressure. And in America, where they are an insignificant minority, Chinese have won great acclaim and distinction as Nobel Prize winners, chancellors and presidents of universities, entrepreneurs and world-class architects. Most were the descendants of humble immigrants.”

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In the Lead

SM Lee felt that “successful Chinese communities overseas are a spur to action in China. China’s leaders have been studying them, and, in particular, the different variations of the system that led to rapid industrialisation in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. They want to abstract the principles so that they can modify and apply them to their own circumstances.” The inaugural 3-day WCEC in August 1991 succeeded in congregating some 800 delegates from 75 cities in 30 countries and regions around the world. It was a very memorable and eventful occasion for all delegates who attended and shared their experiences on issues of relevance to the ethnic Chinese community. As the founder of the WCEC, the SCCCI is gratified by the continued support of Lee Kuan Yew throughout the WCEC journey. SM Lee was once again invited to deliver the keynote address at the 2nd WCEC in Hong Kong in 1993. Speaking on the topic of “Networking to Some Purpose”, SM Lee stressed the importance of networking and the opportunities that abound with greater availability of information. He mooted the idea of building a data bank accessible through the Internet to make information on suitable contacts or partners readily available.


Lee declared that “All over the world, Chinese entrepreneurs are playing a growing role in the global economy. That is the reason why this World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention has grown from strength to strength. It is partly the result of the migration of large numbers of talented Chinese from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia to Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe over these years. Since the opening-up of the Chinese economy in 1979, there has also been a growing outflow of mainland Chinese.” Our founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew made his final appearance at the WCEC during the 11th WCEC hosted by the SCCCI in 2011, 20 years after the SCCCI held the inaugural WCEC. He was the guest of honour at the Gala Dinner on October 7 2011 during which he held a dialogue with participants and shared valuable insights on issues such as the role of Chinese entrepreneurs, China’s challenges, Deng Xiaoping, amongst others. He said that the global community of Chinese entrepreneurs could play a crucial role in helping China internationalise. He also added that Singapore could act as “pathfinders” for China’s businesses to gain access to the global economy.

This prompted the SCCCI to set the plans in motion to establish a World Chinese Business Network (WCBN), an Internet portal that captures information of Chinese companies worldwide. It was an ambitious project that was ahead of its time, as the Internet was still in its infancy. It was launched in December 1995, two years after the 2nd WCEC. The WCBN still exists to this day and has grown to encompass more than 138,000 entries.

The final tribute It was with tremendous sorrow that we had to bid farewell to our Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on March 23 2015. As a final tribute, the Chamber’s council joined many other community and ethnic organisations to organise the “Singapore Community Tribute to Lee Kuan Yew” at Kallang Theatre on March 27, and participated in “A Tribute to our Founding Prime Minister” by the Singapore Business Community on March 28 at Raffles City Convention Centre.

Lee Kuan Yew also showed his support for the convention founded by the SCCCI by contributing special addresses and keynote speeches via specially recorded videos during the 4th WCEC in Vancouver and the 5th WCEC in Melbourne. In his recorded video for the 5th WCEC in Melbourne in 1999, SM

Chamber President Thomas Chua said, in remembrance of this great leader, “his sterling achievements will endure forever, his impressive beliefs and distinctive style will be immortalised in people’s memories, and his spirit will always guide us to move forward with perseverance! “

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In the Lead

Continuing the legacy of the SCCCI

the 58th Council Installation Ceremony By: Samantha Lee

A tradition of over a hundred years saw the beginning of another new chapter for the SCCCI as the installation ceremony on March 16 welcomed the Chamber’s 58th Council, tasked with the mission of promoting the development of industry and commerce, the economic prosperity, cultural and educational activities as well as the community services of Singapore.

The 58th Council

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In the Lead

established entrepreneurs would provide the crucial finishing touches in balancing traditions of the business and innovation to keep up with the times. Thus, one of the foremost missions of the 58th Council is to provide more support for its members in the area of family business succession planning. This woud be achieved through three aspects; Understanding Needs, Sharing Experiences, Grooming Successors (Chart 1).

President Thomas Chua, at the signing ceremony witnessed by Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean. He will continue to lead the 58th Council in continuing to contribute to Singapore’s economic and social well-being.

On March 16, the SCCCI welcomed its 58th Council, led by President Thomas Chua who was re-elected as President for a second term. The oath-taking and signing ceremony was witnessed by Guest of Honour Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean and many esteemed guests including ministers, Members of Parliament, foreign diplomats and senior government officials. In the Chamber’s bid to constantly renew itself to attract fresh talent from the business community, amongst the familiar faces were six outstanding individuals from different corporate backgrounds but who had came together to share the responsibility of serving the business community. They are: James

Ow, Ted Ngo, Chua Chim Kang, Hwang Yee Cheau, Leong Wai Leng and Tan Aik Hock. Helping Family Businesses to Transform and Grow Over the past two years, the Chamber has seen good progress in helping local SMEs to transform and increase their productivity. Among the local SMEs, many do belong to traditional industries, and it was noted that a great majority are family-owned. They share the common challenge of finding successors and ensuring business continuity. While those belonging to the second and third generations may aspire to succeed in taking over the family business, learning from the experiences of successful and

With many of the Chamber’s council members and leaders of the trade association members being successors of outstanding family businesses, their personal encounters, including the problems faced in succession, would definitely be invaluable experiences and examples for businesses at this crucial transition period of succession and transformation. Facilitating Collaboration, Promoting Industry Upgrading As trade associations are the leaders in the development of their sectors, achieving what a single company is unable to do on its own, they serve as a useful multiplier to reach out to many companies. With more than 150 trade association members under its membership network, another key focus of the Chamber would be to facilitate the development of the trade associations which would be equipped with the capabilities to render assistance to their industry members.

3 aSPECTS to support members’ Family Business succession planning Understanding Needs

Sharing Experiences

Grooming SuccesSors

The Chamber will be embarking on an in-depth study on the topic of “family business succession” to understand the key issues and challenges relating to family businesses. Topics to be covered include the family succession process, business transformation, growth amid succession, governance, and talent attraction.

Following the well-received SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards held in February, the Chamber would be inviting the award recipients to share their experiences at seminars, to inspire the younger generation to uphold the entrepreneurial spirit of the pioneers, sowing the seed for them to strive for success and encouraging them to give back to society even while they are pursuing their careers.

The Chamber’s Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN) has already been established for 10 years, and going forward, the Chamber would strengthen the work of the YEN, not only to groom a younger generation of entrepreneurs for the nation and for society, but to groom successors for the Chinese business community.

Chart 1

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In the Lead

SCCCI President Thomas Chua (second from left) and JTC Corporation CEO Png Cheong Boon (second from right) signed an MOU to set up the “Trade Association Hub” for Industry Upgrading and Collaboration. It was witnessed by DPM Teo Chee Hean (middle), SCCCI Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng (far left) and JTC Corporation Chairman Loo Choon Yong (far right).

During the proceedings, the SCCCI signed an MOU with JTC Corporation on the setting up of a Trade Association Hub, an initiative by the Chamber which would see trade associations housed under one roof to promote Industry upgrading and collaboration. Besides providing Secretariat premises and event facilities for trade associations, smaller trade associations will be able to leverage on large trade associations which can provide expertise in secretariat support and organisation needs. The new Trade Association Hub would at the same time be able to promote networking amongst trade associations, and facilitate mutual assistance and cross-industry collaboration in areas such as skills upgrading and business co-creation. Going forward, the Chamber would also be working closely with government agencies like SPRING Singapore, IDA, WDA and IE Singapore to enable the Trade Association Hub to become a core location for the cooperation and development of traditional industries and SMEs.

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Acknowledging the efforts of the SCCCI Taking to the rostrum, besides congratulating President Thomas Chua and members of the 58th Council on their installation, DPM Teo also applauded the efforts by the Chamber who has continually came up with new initiatives, and worked with its partners to provide useful and relevant assistance to its members, in line with evolving needs.

chambers which may be facing resource constraints. SPRING would also work with SCCCI to develop the smaller groups and foster cross-industry collaborations for growth.

“This has helped Singapore transform itself time and again, and what we must continue to do, in order to succeed,” said DPM Teo.

Moving forward with firm beliefs, foundations, support and trust For over a hundred years, the Chamber has strived to remain relevant and vibrant with the firm foundations that our predecessors have established, the trust of our members and the support of the government and the community at large.

With the Chamber going on board with the setting up of the new Trade Association Hub, DPM Teo expressed his confidence that with the Chamber’s years of expertise and extensive business network, it would be well-placed to provide ready access to shared resources, space and capabilities and house and support smaller trade associations and

DPM Teo also expressed his hopes for the Chamber to continue working closely with the Government, “to help our business community to transform and grow in this new phase of our economic journey.”

As the Chamber embarks on its new chapter, the 58th Council will do their very best in continuing to contribute towards our nation’s growth and prosperity.

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区域经济 华商焦点

Regional In the Lead Files


SCCCI and PwC Collaborate On Family Business By: Ang Yang Chong

In PwC’s latest global family business survey, 20 per cent of the respondents have indicated plans to sell or list their businesses. In Singapore, the proportion is higher at 32 per cent. Many of them cite a lack of interest or competency in the next generation to take over the family business. There is a need to examine this subject in greater detail as the value of family businesses goes beyond the monetary – including playing a significant role in building the Singapore brand. In addition, these business owners often have a strong sense of responsibility to support employment and retain staff even in bad times. complexity. We are proud and excited to be working with SCCCI, an organisation that shares the same commitment to the success and sustainability of family businesses in Singapore, to extend our expertise and experience in this area and provide a helping hand to businesses.”

At the MOU signing ceremony (SCCCI Vice-President Lau Tai San (second from right)(Entrepreneurial & Private Clients Leader of PwC Singapore Ng Siew Quan (second from left) represented their various organisations to stamp the agreement). SCCCI President Thomas Chua (extreme right), Vice Chairman for Markets & Industries of PwC Singapore Quek Bin Hwee (extreme left) witnessed the ceremony.

Family businesses are highly relevant to SCCCI. Many of SCCCI’s council members and members belong to family businesses. In this context, SCCCI and PwC signed an MOU on February 27 to collaborate on an in-depth study into the key issues and challenges relating to family businesses. Amongst the relevant topics that will be covered include the family succession process, business transformation and business growth amid succession, governance, and talent attraction. The

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joint study will also involve conducting an in-depth survey and showcase selected case studies of family businesses. SCCCI and PwC will then share the findings of the study with the business community and the public at large. Ng Siew Quan, Entrepreneurial & Private Clients Leader of PwC Singapore, said: “Family businesses in Singapore are facing many of the same issues as other businesses, but with an additional layer of

SCCCI’s members and the business community can look forward to participate in Chamber’s full suite of activities and initiatives with a family business focus. Businesses can benefit from getting practical insights that help them to address issues unique to family business, including networking with the right target group.

SCCCI launched the “SCCCI-PwC Family Business Survey” in March 2015. We welcome our readers who are involved in family businesses to participate in this survey and stand a chance to win an iPhone 6! Please visit our website at www.sccci.org.sg/survey to download the survey form, and submit the completed survey form to SCCCI via e-mail or fax. (E-mail address: survey@sccci.org.sg Fax: 6339 0605). For enquiries, please contact Khaw Ping Ping/Ang Yang Chong at 6337 8381. Thank you!

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Business voice in the parliament

Creating new value for traditional industries At the Ministry of Trade and Industry’s Committee of Supply Debate on March 9 2015, SCCCI President and NMP Thomas Chua urged the Government to further enhance the capability of stronger and more effective trade associations which would lead the traditional industries and SMEs in creating new value.

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Chairman, the key point of my speech is to support traditional industries in creating value through trade associations and industry associations. Singapore’s business environment is continually changing. The emergence of new opportunities and new concepts has created conflicts with traditional industries; in particular, manpower shortage and rising business costs have been a bugbear for SMEs. In the past few years, the government has been rolling out support packages to help enterprises mitigate the pressure of economic restructuring. Local enterprises have also tried their utmost to think of ways to increase their productivity. Just as DPM Tharman has said, compared with other countries, our Singapore government is comparatively more generous in providing assistance schemes to enterprises. Then, how do we make full use of these generous assistance schemes and ensure their effectiveness? Assistance schemes can only help to give financial support, but apart from capital, restructuring requires a change in mindset and broad directions. While these efforts are very painstaking for an individual company to manage, leveraging on the strength and collective effort of trade associations would be much more productive. In this regard, the Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association (SFMA) has done very well. The association has led its members to improve the capability of their industry, and has brought Singapore food products to the global marketplace through branding. For example, the Singapore Food Expo organised annually by the SFMA is one of the largest and most well-attended fairs in Singapore. It has also brought

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Business voice in the parliament


Assistance schemes can only help to give financial support, but apart from capital, restructuring requires a change in mindset and broad directions. While these efforts are very painstaking for an individual company to manage, leveraging on the strength and collective effort of trade associations would be much more productive.

their members to expand in China under the Tasty Singapore brand. Last year it even organised the “Great Singapore Food Gifts Award 2014”, an innovative and interesting way to attract the participation of even more businessmen and customers. In other words, SFMA has thus been supported by many government agencies, and is one of the beneficiaries of the LEAD programme. This successful case assures us that trade associations can play a very important role in creating a deeper understanding of its respective industries, and in improving the overall industry image and competitiveness. We need to have more trade associations like the SFMA to propel the traditional industries. The government has already rolled out a package of assistance schemes for trade associations, which in fact largely benefit those which are larger and stronger. Going forward, I recommend that the government renders its support to more industry and trade associations with the drive to upgrade themselves.

In general, the leaders of trade associations are businessmen who have the industry knowledge, and the government could seek their opinion when they are formulating their policies. In the past few years, the SCCCI has organised regular monthly dialogues with trade association leaders to understand the business sentiment. The majority of the trade associations raise 3 concerns with regard to their operations: one is the lack of working capital. Trade associations are non-profit organisations with limited working capital. Their expenditure is used to service their members and not to earn profits. I take this opportunity to bring up a pressing concern of trade associations. Currently, trade associations can only apply for the tax rebate under the PIC, but are unable to apply for the PIC cash grant. As the majority of the trade associations do not make profits, they do not need to pay tax, and the tax rebate is therefore meaningless to them. We hope therefore that the government could also allow trade associations to benefit from the PIC cash grant.

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Business voice in the parliament

The Singapore Food Expo (left) organised annually by the Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association (SFMA) is one of the largest and most well-attended fairs in Singapore. The SFMA has also brought their members to expand in China under the Tasty Singapore brand (right). Photo courtesy of Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association

Currently the government assistance packages for trade associations are always formulated on the principle of “shared responsibility”. While receiving government support, the trade association must also bear 30 per cent or 50 per cent of the expenses. This is a stumbling block for some trade associations in taking up the grants or assistance schemes. These are the trade associations most in need of financial assistance. The second point is that trade associations are badly in need of bringing in new blood. Many trade associations are actively working at recruiting young members into their ranks. However, successful businessmen may not necessarily be ideal trade association leaders. Young people need time to mature, and need to be trained up by taking part in trade association activities. The third point is the dire lack of permanent office premises and Secretariat

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personnel. Trade association leaders are entrepreneurs, not permanent working staff. The organisation of activities and planning of programmes requires the assistance of professional Secretariat staff. Currently, some trade associations do not have permanent premises due to the rental issue, and face the difficulty of recruiting experienced Secretariat staff.

I wholeheartedly agree with DPM’s standpoint, as we need to guarantee the vibrancy of local SMEs after the next 5-10 years. Having said this, we should press on to enhance the capability of stronger and more effective trade associations, and let them lead the traditional industries and SMEs in creating new value.

This year’s Budget has enhanced CIP, and extended and strengthened PACT. These two schemes were rolled out in 2013 and 2010 respectively. I wish to understand how many businesses have benefited from these schemes thus far. At the same time, I would also like to find out if the 30 per cent ratio to be borne by trade associations could be further reduced. Reducing this ratio could allow more trade associations to take up the programme, but the KPI can still be maintained to ensure the programme’s successful outcome.

2/6/15 5:47 pm


Business voice in the parliament


Reviewing the foreign worker policy to adapt to changing circumstances At the Ministry of Manpower’s Committee of Supply Debate on March 9 2015, SCCCI President and NMP Thomas Chua urged the Government to re-examine its foreign worker policy, so as to alleviate the burden on enterprises.

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Chairman, the key message of my speech today is to review the foreign worker policy in view of changing circumstances. Last year, as DPM Tharman announced the Budget statement, he mentioned a slew of measures to curb the growth of foreign labour. After enforcement, the impact, both positive and otherwise, was evident. Hence, when DPM announced that the scheduled increase in foreign worker levy would be deferred, it was a relief to many businesses. However, the foreign worker levy and quota continue to impose a heavy burden on all businesses. In the beginning, the government established the foreign worker quota and imposed the foreign worker levy with these objectives in mind. One was to ensure the employment opportunities of Singaporeans, and another, because it did not want companies to go the easy way out and rely too much on cheap foreign labour. Following the rapid growth of the economy, Singaporean workers in the construction,

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marine industries, manufacturing and other industry sectors are practically non-existent at the blue-collar level, and there is no longer any fear of their jobs being taken away by foreign workers. Singapore has become an ageing society. On top of this, the focus of the SkillsFuture initiative is in training up local young people in the high value-added growth industries. We can anticipate that the more dirty, strenuous and hazardous industries would have to count on foreign workers. Hence, what is most troubling is the meaning behind the continued imposition of the foreign worker levy. If the purpose is in curbing the numbers of foreign workers, the stringent quota system would already suffice. If there are certain jobs which rely on the recruitment of foreign workers, paying a high foreign worker levy would only serve to increase business overheads, and erode the companies’ competitiveness. This is not a paltry sum. Taking the construction sector as an example, the lowest foreign worker levy was $180 in 2011, and the highest was $380. By 2014, the lowest became

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Business voice in the parliament

I would like to suggest that the Ministry of Manpower re-examine its foreign worker policy, especially with regard to the foreign worker levy’s charges, and instead use the quota system to control the influx of foreign workers, so as to alleviate the burden on enterprises.

$300 while the highest was $950. If the quota system could attain the objective of curbing foreign worker numbers, then could we not consider lowering the foreign worker levy? Times are moving ahead; our population structure is also changing. We now have a more highly-educated population than ever before, and the foreign workforce should continue to contribute to the economic development of Singapore. We should be more tolerant in our approach towards foreign workers, and appreciate what they have done. Without their contribution, we could

never have built up a beautiful garden city. We keep urging enterprises to upgrade and change their business models. However, construction sites still need skilled workers and non-skilled workers. Morever, trained skilled workers will no longer be willing to work in manual jobs. Hence, I would like to suggest that the Ministry of Manpower re-examine its foreign worker policy, especially with regard to the foreign worker levy’s charges, and instead use the quota system to control the influx of foreign workers, so as to alleviate the burden on enterprises.

2/6/15 5:47 pm


Chamber Community



“创新思维 携手发展” 文:邓素娟

3月7日,本会事业女 性组在文华大酒店举 行主题为“创新思维 携手发展”2015年国 际三八妇女节庆祝活 动暨晚宴,邀请海内 外杰出女性为论坛嘉 宾与出席者分享女性 事业与家庭关系的课 题。晚宴主宾为总理 公署部长、环境及水 源部兼外交部第二部 长傅海燕。

晚宴主宾总理公署部长、环境及水源部兼外交部第二部长傅海燕也与出席者进行对话,并分 享自己平衡生活与工作的方式就是把生活的细节简单化。

3月7日,总商会在文华大酒店举 办以“创新思维携手发展”国际三八 妇女节庆祝活动暨晚宴,邀请来自中 国、香港、新加坡4位杰出事业女性 和出席者分享女性事业与家庭关系 的课题。4位论坛嘉宾分别为中国联 想集团有限公司高级副总裁(全球人 力资源工作)乔健、和记黄埔有限公 司集团法律总监及公司秘书施熙德、 泛太平洋酒店集团执行总监(资产与 生活品牌)也是四川豆花饭庄执行总 监黄玮玲及美华国际公司行政 总裁 石慧宁。总理公署部长、环境及水源 部兼外交部第二部长傅海燕也于晚 宴上与出席活动的各国驻新大使夫 人等200名杰出事业女性进行了对话 交流。

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聆听四位演讲嘉宾的精彩演讲 得到的总结是:人生追求的是如何变 得更好,而不是完美,最重要的是要 一直往前走。女性应该为自己活出精 彩,做个懂得爱自己的快乐女人!不 论是人生还是工作,最重要是清楚地 了解自己的兴趣与热忱。只要朝着这 个方向出发,必定能找到成功。 女性也应该重新 调整自己的心 态,相信自己的能力,不要因为害怕 跌倒而不敢 追求自己的人 生。不要 害怕失败,更不要怀疑自己的能力。 尽管任务只完成了50%,你也已经踏 出重要的第一步,朝向自己的目标迈 进。跌倒了就再站起来,错了就快点 “U-turn”,重要的是要以勇敢的信念创 造自己的人生。

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Chamber Community

刘泰山副会长(中)、事业女性组主席郭素雯董事(左三)与(左起)和记黄埔有限公司集团法律总监及公司秘书施熙德、泛太平洋酒店集团 执行总监(资产与生活品牌)也是四川豆花饭庄执行总监黄玮玲、美华国际公司行政总裁石慧宁、中国联想集团有限公司高级副总裁(全球人 力资源工作)乔健和论坛主持人张美香合影。

会上,其中最热烈讨论的话题便 是:作为一位事业有成的杰出女性,面 对自己的另一半,是否自觉下嫁?身 处于亚洲社会,成功的事业女性,在 感情的道途上是否艰巨难行? 4位杰出女性面对这样一个敏感 的话题,都坚定不移的肯定了另一半 的价值,他们或以实际行动,或在思 想积淀上,为她们所追求的历程添加 了润滑剂。乔健、施熙德、黄玮玲及 石慧宁,也包括傅海燕部长,都一致 认为,她们的生命,因为另一半而变 得更丰盈。当然,在追求的过程中并 不是平坦的,也庆幸觅得一位与自己 共同成长、一齐进步、共同承担家庭 责任、共同消化挑战、共同过滤苦难 的伴侣,成为她们家庭、事业平衡的 最大支柱。这一股经过考验力量,使 她们坚信这是自己选定了要追随的人 生,决不回头看。所以,展现在人们眼 前的是透明、自信、犹如彩虹般的杰 出的女性。

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总商会自2 0 05年开始,每年都 庆祝国际三八妇女节,每年都有不同 的风格,表现手法都体现总商会与时 并进的精神。然而,女性在商场和企 业高层管理的比率依然是人们议论的 话题。乔健认为,这是因为男性主导 了世界,制定了很多商业规则,而女 性的灵活性,多韧性被忽略了。但今 年总商会选出的新一届董事会带来了 一则可喜的信息。 事业女性组主席郭素雯董事 在 致词时,对两位组委黄亦巧和梁炜玲 获选为第58届董事表示欢迎。她说, 本会女董事因此增加了10 0%,的确 令人鼓舞,希望这将激励更多的女性 不断的努力攀向事业的另一高峰。 蔡其生会长在致词时表示,本会 女董事人数翻了一倍,期待事业女性 组这支娘子军能够把日后的活动办得 更加有声有色。会长称赞现代女性的 感性与理性兼备、传统与时尚皆通,

他有感于女性的这些特质,往往体现 在事业女性组活动上,给男士云集的 总商会带来多一份絢丽、热情、亲切 等软性正能量。 第58届事业女性组将继续树立 更高的目标,自信的、勇敢的往前攀 登另一台阶。

“勇敢尝试新的东西, 不要害怕失败,跌倒了 就再站起来,错了就快 点“U-turn”,最重要是 要以勇敢的用信念创造 自己的人生。”

2/6/15 5:47 pm

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