华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2015 issue 3

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06 回顾历史、启迪未来 “禧街47号” 建国五十周年特展

24 “47 Hill Street” – where the history of SCCCI and Singapore comes to life

Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 190/03/2015

第三期 . ISSUE 3/2015

$5.00 (incl. GST)











founder, Charles & keith International pte Ltd

What was the toughest business decision you’ve ever had to make? The toughest decision was leaving everything I’ve built here behind to head to China for 5 years to restart and build the business from scratch. It was a venture of risk taking in a huge market. Instead of looking solely at profits, the emphasis was on building a people culture. It was a totally different experience, somewhat not relatable to what we know in Singapore. In terms of scale alone, China is much bigger where we have more than a hundred stores in over forty cities – logistically, what we know back at home is not applicable when we’re talking about a country where we require a flight to get from one store to another. We also had to learn to adapt to the culture and service standards that were not just vastly different from us, but differed in each city. It was a learning process working with talented individuals whom we hired, groomed and trained to set local measurements which was totally different from what is being practised and works in Singapore.

What’s next for you? Where do you see yourself/your business 10 years down the road?


Enhance supply chain


Promote from within so as to mentor, coach and empower our people to reach their fullest potential and to increase productivity. There are roadmaps for talent development, where we plan our staff’s career path and they have the potential to grow from being our frontline retail staff to Management Trainees to even head of business.


Engage a wider talent pool by including pre-graduates and midcareer job seekers into our Frontline Careers Roadmap to build a stronger talent pipeline for our international business expansions.


Focus on training to equip our colleagues with relevant knowledge, educate and train them so they are competent, not just to compete for the company but also for themselves as individuals – to upgrade their own skills and competencies.

I am still constantly working on building on our human capital. Business today is no longer about scale or numbers in revenue. We are looking at effectiveness and efficiency in the way we run our business. Hiring the right people, being able to empower and motivate the team is our key focus. I hope to embed an innovative working culture where talents come together and work as a team. How can the labour reliant retail business overcome Singapore’s manpower shortage? What are some innovative ways that your company has come up with to counter this problem? The company thinks and works as a cohesive unit to achieve results in terms of measuring sales productivity in the retail front. We study individual store productivity, and there are various measures we have in place to overcome manpower shortage:



managing director, 3m Singapore

What was the toughest business decision you’ve ever had to make? 3M has a very diversified portfolio of solutions and businesses. The toughest decision I’ve had to make is deciding the areas to play in and concentrate our forces for future growth. As the world moves to a “new normal”, riding on economic and organic growth is no longer dependable. Growth has to be created through increasing our relevance to customers. We need to amplify how we are moving up the value stream by shifting from a provider of products to a provider of solutions. One way to achieve this is through business model innovation. Another strategy is to

invest in growing segments or new growth spaces, and collaborating with important and market-leading customers. How can SMEs, given their constraint in resources, remain creative and innovative? Collaboration is an essential component of innovation. At 3M, collaboration is embedded into our way of life and is an integral part of our culture. We collaborate both internally – across laboratories, departments, businesses, geographies, and externally – with customers, business partners, research institutions and more. Too often, Singapore SMEs try to do things only on their own. The local business culture

is different from that of western countries, where collaboration and partnerships are much more common. With creativity and innovation being the cornerstone of sustainable growth, it is essential for SMEs to reach out beyond their own company to the rest of the ecosystem. Business owners and leaders must first overcome their reserved mindset, and constantly look out for mutual growth opportunities with external partners. They need to understand, build upon and protect their competitive advantages. They can then look for external opportunities to enhance their strengths through networking and collaboration.



founder/Ceo/director, J team productions pte Ltd

From making movies to running a business, how do you balance artistic temperament and business-savviness to ensure success in your company? This does present great challenges. While we always hope to achieve the best outcome, budget constraints get in the way and we have to find ways to overcome them. This is a perpetual headache for directors, but in order to achieve the best effect for the movie, directors would have to discuss with the producers on expanding the budget. The best solution would be to approach investors; this is a win-win situation as

sponsors need to promote their products while we need the capital to produce the movie. Singapore is a small market, and more capital is required to produce movies on a larger scale; otherwise it would be hard to compete internationally. The best way would be to engage the help of sponsors. Without the help of sponsors to support the production fee, we may never be able to complete our movies. The support of sponsors is very important to us; only with their support can we fulfil our dreams.

Are big investors necessarily important to a company’s ultimate success? Yes, big investors are necessary during movie production to overcome situations of financial difficulties. However, the full support from cinemas is also of great importance to the movie industry as this would ensure sufficient theatres and showtimes for the screening of our painstakingly produced movies.

Gain insights from our many distinguished speakers at the highly anticipated 17th Annual SMEs Conference, 18th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo which will happen on August 19-20 2015 at the Suntec Convention Centre, Exhibition Halls 404-406. Register today for your complimentary pass: www.sccci.org.sg/smeicc



the power of unity

古今中外,单凭个人力量成就大事业者占少数。 反观刘邦得力于汉初三杰,建立汉室江山;刘备得力 于结义同侪,三足鼎立天下,齐心协力迸发的力量至 今令人敬佩。

Throughout history, very few great leaders have mastered their achievements singlehandedly. Liu Bang built up the Han dynasty with the help of three mighty aides; Liu Bei enlisted the help of his sworn brothers to establish his territory. Up to this day, this unity of strength has been a highly respected strategy.

总商会扎根之处――禧街47号,自筹建到落成, 由会员商家自发贡献己力,众志成城,充分展现华商 的团结精神。这座精神堡垒,是华族移民落叶归根到 落地生根的象征,也是新加坡风雨飘摇至繁荣昌盛的 见证。 时代的契机总是赋予总商会不同的使命,由陈 庆炎总统亲临揭幕的“禧街47号-建国50周年特展”, 以全新方式呈现总商会凝聚各界力量,推动新加坡各 领域发展的努力。不读史无以为鉴,从总商会的历史 认识新加坡的历史,有助我们饮水思源 ,展望长远 未来。 一个多世纪以来,总商会与新加坡肩并肩、与企 业手挽手,共度时艰、共存共荣。总商会秉持发挥团 队力量的理念,继续积极促进行业成长。设立商团中 心的概念应运而生,由总商会领头,团结属下商团会 员,以集体的力量应对挑战,推动各行业的发展。 明确的目标是团队成功的基础,团结互助是团 队合作的关键。政府的鼎力支持、总商会的组织与协 调,加上商团协助企业求新求变的决心,三者相互 配合,必定能协助我国企业继续发光发亮。

From planning to construction, the Chamber’s building at 47 Hill Street was made possible by the voluntary contributions of its members, demonstrating the unified spirit of the Chinese business community. This stronghold of a building symbolises the resolve of the ethnic Chinese immigrants to make Singapore their permanent home. It also witnessed the many tumultuous passages of Singapore’s history and the attainment of economic prosperity. The opportunities that came along over the different eras have given rise to the changing missions of the Chamber. “47 Hill Street – an SCCCI-SG50 Special Exhibition”, officially opened by President Tony Tan, used an allmodern approach to demonstrate how the Chamber has congregated the strength of all forces to contribute to Singapore’s development. Through the Chamber’s history, we can understand the history of Singapore; it is also a barometer for our future outlook. Over a century, the Chamber has marched alongside Singapore, working together with enterprises to surmount challenges and achieve success. It has always upheld the concept of teamwork and continues to actively promote the growth of trade and industry. Creating the Trade Association (TA) Hub, clustering our TA members together and leveraging on consolidated strength to drive industry transformation, grew out of this fundamental concept. A clear objective is the foundation of a successful team, while collaboration is essential to team cooperation. The government’s strong support, the Chamber’s organisational ability and coordination, together with the resolve of the TAs in upgrading their industries – forms a strong tripartite partnership to help our local enterprises achieve impressive economic progress.


Thomas Chua, SCCCI President

请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg


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出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg

编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Charles Ho Nai Chuen Lim Geok Khoon

蔡其生 张松声 何乃全 林玉勤

出版统筹 Publications Supervision 谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong


回顾历史、启迪未来 “禧街47号”建国五十周年特展 在我国欢庆独立50周年之际,总商 会推出“禧街47号”建国五十周年特 展,通过多媒体影片让观众通过总商 会的历史,认识新加坡的历史。


发挥团队力量 促进行业成长 总商会与11家商团组成伙伴关系, 成为第一批入驻商团中心的商团和 商会。

主编 Editor

胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 副编辑 Assistant Editor

陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee 撰稿


特约撰稿 Contributors

孟赞 Michael Mang 吴绍均 Ng Siew Quan 新加坡邮政 SingPost



人心齐企业壮 行业更兴旺 企业要齐心协力一起为行业转型努 力,大家才会更兴旺!



Design Egg Creatives


借助电商平台 拓展中国市场 电子商务拥有无限发展潜能, “新中商 务论坛” 鼓励更多商家通过电子商务 平台把业务拓展至中国和全世界。


电商平台有助跨越经商局限 新新加坡商家们可以借助电子商务平 台,跨越本地经商环境的局限,把产 品和服务推向更广的市场。

出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00, Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: CnP@sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 101/03/2015. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).

“47 Hill Street” – Where the history of SCCCI and Singapore comes to life As our nation celebrates her 50 years of independence, SCCCI presents “47 Hill Street” – an SG50 Special Exhibition, where the history of SCCCI and Singapore comes to life through the magic of digital technology.


TA Hub: Encouraging collabration for industry growth On June 2, SCCCI formalised the partnership with eleven trade associations to form the first batch of trade associations to locate at the Trade Association Hub in Jurong Town Hall.

重塑“甘榜”精神 促进社会 凝聚力 总商会会长、官委议员蔡其生在国会 复会时,强调政府组屋的社会功能。

Marketing 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee




Staff WriterS

李依玲 Samantha Lee 杨伟强 Yeo Wei Qiang

In the Lead



Corporate Strategies


Trading with Chinese partners in the eCommerce arena Alibaba shares some handy tips for companies new to the eCommerce arena with an eye on venturing into the China market through online platforms.


Professionalising the business and the family As global megatrends such as technology and urbanisation continue to change the 21st century business landscape, how can family businesses continue to be successful in the face of new risks?


Capturing eCommerce opportunities in Singapore SingPost sizes up the opportunities in the Asia Pacific eCommerce space and identifies the key success factors to help local small and medium businesses get a foothold in the market.

山明水秀在江西 投资江西抢先 总商会与江西省政府签署战略合作 备忘录,协助新加坡企业抢占江西的 投资先机。



企业如何“创新”思维 珍宝餐饮集团总裁黄建铭、金合利印 务私人有限公司执行董事林玉勤在 “总裁分享会”上畅谈企业如何创新 思维。



深切哀悼总商会林继民名誉会长 追思一生积极为国家、社会作出许多 贡献的林继民名誉会长。






建国五十周年特展 文:李依玲

环抱河口繁荣景致、坐看商会历史卷轴。从总商会的历史, 认识新加坡的历史,一起展望国家长远未来。




展览内容将激励所有国 人,尤其是年轻一代, 继续为国家和社会付出。 – 陈庆炎总统


您可知道总商会曾为本地华族社 群争取合法公民权?而位于美芝路的 “日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑”是由 总商会发起筹建的? 从总商会的历史,认识新加坡的历史 新加坡建国历程中承载了先辈们 的辛勤努力及总商会无私奉献的烙印。 李光耀先生曾说: “总商会的历史反映 着新加坡的历史”,这一句话高度概括 总商会早期走过的路与新加坡国家的 命运紧密相连。 在欢庆我国独立50周年之际,总 商会推出“禧街47号”建国五十周年特 展。别开生面的展览通过多媒体方式呈 现,集娱乐与教育于一体,完整呈现总 商会在建国历程中扮演的角色与作出 的贡献,让大家轻松看历史,也为新加 坡留下珍贵的记录。 6月26日,我国总统陈庆炎博士为 特展主持了开幕式。卫生部长颜金勇、 贸工部兼国家发展部高级政务部长李 奕贤、教育部兼通讯及新闻部政务部长 沈颖、总理公署兼文化、社区及青年部 政务部长陈振泉也出席了开幕式。 不分种族,并肩共创美好家园 陈庆炎总统在致词时认可总商会 的贡献。他说: “总商会除了在商界以 外,也在文化、教育、社会福利等领域 发挥影响力。早期华商通过他们的辛 劳、坚韧不拔的精神及对社会的无私奉 献,为国家建设作出贡献。他们倡导了 多项设施,受惠的不单是华社,而是全 体新加坡人。”

总统认为,展览内容将激励所有 国人,尤其是年轻一代,继续为国家和 社会付出。 禧街47号的使命 总商会的会所从上个世纪初开始 便座落在禧街47号。当初筹建大厦的经 费全部由会员商家自愿捐献,充分展现 了华商的团结精神。 李光耀先生在大厦落成典礼上 说: “这座高楼象征着一个伟大而骄傲 的传统,它代表安稳,因为它具体说明 了一个种族的人士,曾经怎样远渡重洋 来到这块土地上,克勤克俭建立基业, 而且和本地原住民一起落地生根。” 大厦在1964年9月正式开幕,成 为凝聚华商,推动我国经济发展的重 要基地,见证了总商会继往开来,经 商兴业之余,也带领华社逐步融入本 地社会,参与更多的民生及文教事业 发展。 蔡其生会长说: “建国前,总商会 活跃在新加坡政治、经济、文化、教育、 社会各个领域;建国后,总商会淡出政 治,全力以赴协助政府发展经济,并继 续完成社会文化与教育使命。” 蔡其生会长也指出,围绕着禧街 47号发生的故事,就像散落在历史长河 中一颗颗宝贵的珍珠,当我们用时间的 脉络把它们穿起来时,就变成了承载华 商使命的无价之宝。建国五十周年总商 会特展,便是呈现这串无价瑰宝的崭新 方式。

结合传统与创新手法,呈现不一样的历 史体验 特展由两个环节――多媒体影片 和平面展览组成,记录了建国时的艰 辛,以及总商会在建国酝酿前后期曾参 与过的重要活动,例如为本地华族社群 争取合法公民权、为沦陷时期死难人民 向日本驻新总领事交涉索偿、为死难人 民建立纪念碑等,建国一代必将有所 共鸣。 特展通过20多台投影机和多个全 景屏幕展现不同画面,并通过灯光音响 效果,将观众带入历史情景。这是总商 会第一次采用现代科技举办历史展,目 的是用新技术激发年轻人的兴趣,打通 历史与年轻一代之间的隔阂,让年轻一 代有机会从总商会发展史认识新加坡历 史,了解前辈们如何努力促使国家团结 富强,并不忘取诸社会用诸社会。 总商会希望这项特展成为新加坡 集体回忆的一部分,起着“跨越鸿沟、 凝聚人心”的作用,把新加坡三代国人 联系起来,也把华商先辈的奉献精神 源源不断地根植在年轻一代的心中, 并鼓励年轻一代继承前辈为国为民服 务的精神,积极为国家的永续发展贡献 力量。



In the Lead

发挥团队力量 促进行业成长 文:杨伟强

“非常感谢政府支持总商会设立商团中心,共享资源形成群聚效应,更好 地推动各行各业的成长。” – 蔡其生会长


照片提供: 新加坡标新局



In the Lead

“为保持竞争力,商团 和商会必须继续扮演领 导者的角色,打造合适 的商业环境,带领属下 企业共同创造新技能和 发展竞争优势,并通过 创新、合作和国际化来 发掘新机遇。” –林勋强部长提醒商团与商会 作为行业领导者的责任

照片提供:新加坡标新局 林勋强部长于晚宴上致辞,鼓励商团与商会继续推动行业转型。

11家商团和商会将进驻政府以及裕廊集团大力支持的商团中心。贸工部林勋强部长和蔡其生会长在6月3日庆祝 “本地企业与协会发展计划”(LEAD Programme)推出10周年的晚宴上,分享了这个好消息。


• 新加坡电子业商会

• 新加坡海事工业协会

• 石油化工业协会

• 新加坡货柜储存商会

• 新加坡保安系统公会

• 新加坡起重机公会

• 新加坡食品厂商联合会

• 新加坡塑胶工业总会

• 新加坡精密工程科技协会

• 新加坡装修同业商联会

• 新加坡木材厂商总会

蔡其生会长表示,成立商团中心的其中一个最大的好处是把各行各业的商团都汇聚在同一个屋檐下,让它们相互 借鉴经验并激发创意。 商团中心不仅能提供办公地点,也能让各商团灵活租用活动场地,达到共享资源的目的。商团机构可以利用这些场 地,根据各自的行业需求在商团中心举办研讨会和工作坊,或者引进有利于行业发展的专项培训课程。它们甚至可以相 互合作,一同组织考察团到海外参与国际交流活动。总商会也正同标新局和企发局合作,探讨为商团中心取得LEAD资 助的可能性。位于裕廊iHUB(前裕廊镇大会堂)的商团中心预计于2017年初开幕。 林勋强部长在致辞时鼓励商团和商会与时并进,继续协助属下会员商家国际化。随着“亚细安共同体”即将在今年 落实,本地企业应该把握这次机遇,积极拓展业务发展。他也建议商团和商会带头协助会员掌握新增长领域,如城市 方案、先进制造和物流的机会。



Business voice in the parliament

重塑“甘榜”精神 促进社会凝聚力 本会会长、官委议员蔡其生在4月份国会复会中, 针对建屋发展局修订法案提出反馈。 《华商》刊 登其发言全文,以嗣读者。


Business voice in the parliament


要想在社区和新镇重塑“甘榜”精神,需要各方共同努力。建屋局在设计理念 上要更具前瞻性... 。 商家想方设法做好生意,也要积极支持商联会,商联会 领导发挥团队精神出谋划策,想出有创意的点子和地方特色的营销概念。

议长女士,首先申明,我目前担 任新加坡中华总商会会长。在详细研 究了有关文件之后,我支持建屋局修 订法案。不过,看了二十多页的文件, 让我很感慨,希望动用法律是解决此 类问题的最后途径。 这次修订法案,主要是为了授权 建 屋 局官员进 入组 屋,进行检 查或 安排维修工作。这些事情真的严重到 需要立法才能解决吗?记得小时候, 街坊邻居互相帮忙很正常,谁家有事 情,大家都会来关心。平时去咖啡店 坐 坐,老板会 记得 哪位 顾客的咖 啡 要少糖,谁家的孩子上了哪间学校; 到杂货店买瓶酱油,顺便和老板聊聊 天。邻里之间常来常往,守望相助,不 会斤斤计较,这就是我们常说的“甘 榜”精神。 建国五十年来,建屋发展局为大 多数新加坡人提供了属于自己的家, 而且不断提升居住环境,通过设立邻 里商店、咖啡店、理发店、诊所、活动 中心等,带动居民之间的互动,促进 社区族群融合,为社会发展作出了重 要贡献。可以说,虽然“甘榜”在现代 化的城市中已经消失了,但是建屋局 在设计组屋和社区时,已经用心保留 了“甘榜”的社会功能。

我 们可以假设 时光 倒 退 三、四 十年,同住“甘榜”的两户人家一起 搬进了新组屋。张家屋顶漏水,带人 到楼上陈家查看,应该不至于动用法 律。但是现在,居民之间很少来往, 虽然同住一栋楼,彼此却非常陌生。 姓名不知道,干哪一行不清楚,一起 搭电 梯 也 不说话,邻里 关 系非常冷 漠。听到有人敲门,隔着铁门交谈, 防御心理极强。所以,我们今天才要 修改法令,让建屋局官员有更大的权 力。邻里问题一旦动用法律,虽然可 以暂时解决问题,但感情的裂痕却无 法弥补,实为下策。 随着时代的发展,人们的生活需 求也在逐渐改变,每一代人关心的重 点都不一样,邻里商店、公共设施的 社会功能也要与时并进。不同于超级 商场和大型购物中心,邻里商店可以 成为居民情感的联络站和人心的汇集 点,根据居民的构成和生活习惯调整 经营模式,提供更具特色的商品和服 务。因此,邻里店铺的管理不应该只 以商业利益为考量,变成投资工具和 可以转售的资产。 本月初,总商会特意邀请了几个 地区的商联会代表出席午餐会,大家 一致 认为,要 想在社区和 新 镇 重塑

“甘榜”精神,需要各方共同努力。建 屋局在设计理念上要更具前瞻性,市 政理事会、公民咨询委员会、社区发 展理事会、民众联络所和居民委员会 要多互相支持互相协调。商家想方设 法做好生意,也要积极支持商联会, 商联会领导发挥团队精神出谋划策, 想出有创意的点子和地方特色的营销 概念。虽然在同一社区有很多不同背 景的机构,但大家服务的都是一个群 体,都是为了照顾好社区的居民。 新加坡国土面积狭小,不得不建 造高楼大厦,人口构成也越来越多元 化,我们需要更长的时间促进人们彼 此间的了解、包容与信任,建立更加 紧密的社会凝聚力。这种凝聚力包括 对亲人、邻居、朋友的关心和帮助, 无法用金钱来衡量。所以说,遇到问 题,治标也要治本。我们不能忘记, 政府组屋的社会功能,是让不同种族 的人民在住宅区里面有机会相互接触 交流,和谐共处。




人心齐企业壮 行业更兴旺 同一个行业,企业之间的竞争在所难免,不过,有些事还得靠大家一起 做,只有行业兴旺发达,企业才会有更美好的未来! 企业要想做好,人是制胜的关键。 如何带领一群人为共同目标奋斗,则是 领导的必修功课。 总商会秘书处刚刚结束了两年一 次的职员激励营,同事们在峇淡岛住了 两天一夜,通过各种集体游戏学习如何 互相协作。各个小组的成员都来自不同 的部门,大家要在很短的时间内齐心协 力完成任务,要在比赛中拔得头筹,不 仅非常有挑战性,也考验小组长的领导 能力。组长们要想办法让团员迅速磨 合,发挥所长。 给员工注入黏合剂 晚餐后,同事们一起分享在总商会 的工作经验,许多往事历历在目。有些 员工已经为商会服务了几十年,经验丰 富,是秘书处的宝贵资产。他们的分享 也让新同事更加了解总商会的人和事, 以便融入大家庭。 秘书处的工作是执行董事会的策 略和计划,尽心为会员商家服务,同事 们彼此团结才能有效完成任务。根据 以往的经验,每次激励营结束后,大家 增进了感情,跨部门合作更加顺畅,平 时办起事来也多了几分人情味,同事们 更愿意主动配合。一旦遇到突发事件, 大家能快速反应,分工合作。去过激励

5月1日至2日,总商会秘书处秘书处前往峇淡岛参于激励营,通过各种集体游戏学习如何互 相协作,增进这个大家庭的感情。

营,员工间就像注入了黏合剂,由此我 联想到企业和行业的协作精神。 集体力量应对转变 现在,许多企业都在转型,老板确 定了方向,还需要员工一起执行。如果 公司的目标只有老板一个人清楚,其他 员工都是“蒙查查”,或者只知其一,不 知其二,公司转型很难成功。同样的道 理,行业转型,如果只靠一、两家企业很 积极,很努力,力量不够,效果也不佳。 要靠行业协会把大家动员起来,集思广 益,想方设法提高行业生产力和整体形 象,或者携手到国外拓展市场,整个行 业才能越来越兴旺。这样的成功例子

有很多,比如本地的纺织服饰、食品制 造、餐饮、五金、家具等行业,都是靠集 体的力量应对转变。 据我所知,职员激励营、董事集思 营,这些增强凝聚力的活动不只是总商 会在举办,其他一些商团和行业协会也 在举办类似的活动。经商环境变幻莫 测,政府的经济发展蓝图也会因时调 整,在变化当中,商家没有永恒的经营 模式,必须能审时度势,适应变革。同 一个行业,企业之间的竞争在所难免, 不过,有些事还得靠大家一起做,只有 行业兴旺发达,足以吸引优秀人才,企 业才会有更美好的未来!

自2014年7月31日,总商会会长蔡其生会长受邀为联合晚报《晚咖》专栏执笔。此文章首次发表于2015年5月25日《晚咖》专栏。 《华商》经《联合晚报》的许可转载。




借助电商平台 拓展中国市场 文:杨伟强

新中两国之间的经贸发展也正走向新的领域蓬勃发展,这个 新领域就是电子商务市场。





左起:中国银行新加坡分行郭宁宁行长(座谈主持)、支付宝东南亚业务总监孙雯女士、腾讯公司网络媒体事业群渠道业务部郭斯林总经理、 顺丰速运(新加坡)有限公司沈秀玲总经理、新加坡食品厂商联合会黄梦雄前会长以及用友软件新加坡私人有限公司郭葆春董事总经理。

总商会于6月8日举办“2015新中 商务论坛–借力电子商务 拓展中国市 场”,吸引了近400位商家出席。今年 的论坛请到了新加坡和中国多位电子 商务界的专家和领军人物分享他们的 宝贵经验,希望借此鼓励更多商家通 过电子商务平台,把业务拓展至中国 和全世界。 经贸新趋势:电子商务 蔡其生会长在致辞时表示,今年 是新中两国建交25周年,两国之间的 经贸发展也正在向电子商务市场这个 新的领域蓬勃发展。 “中国的网络购 物客户群已经达到3.6亿人,而且随 着中产阶层消费群体越来越壮大,网 购热潮也快速地渗透到中国的二、三 线城市,甚至扩展到乡村。”去年的11 月11日(双十一),中国互联网销售平 台淘宝网的单日销售额就达到了571 亿元人民币。此外,根据中国电子商 务研究中心统计,中国去年的跨境电 商交易规模约4.2万亿元人民币,同 比增长了33.3%。到了2016年,这个 数字预计会突破6.5万亿元人民币。 在这个背景下,利用电子商务把自 身的产品和服务销售到中国市场就成 为了本地企业不容错失的重要契机。

与本区域的其他国家和地区相比,电 子商务在我国零售业的比重只占3%, 中国和韩国则分别为10%和12%。只 要商家愿意在客户心理、消费习惯、营 销方式和运送服务等方面多下一些功 夫,我国电子商务行业的发展肯定有 很大的增长空间。 受邀在论坛进行分享的中国银行 新加坡分行郭宁宁行长就十分看好新 加坡未来的电子商务发展。她认为新 加坡具备了以下几项优势,只要好好发 挥,潜力无限: • • • • •

经济高度对外开放 基础设施水平发达 电子商务立法完善 信息产业发展迅速 信息技术人才充裕

本次论坛 邀请到了多位电子商 务领域的佼佼者为与会者介绍电子 商务的方方面面。讨论课题就包括跨 境付款、如何利用互联网将产品推销 到中国市场等。受邀的主讲者来自各 个商界,如支付宝、腾讯、顺丰速运 (新加坡)和用友软件(新加坡)。已 经在“天猫网”上安家落户的新加坡 食品厂商联合会也在论坛会上分享了 自身的经验。

“网购正在成为一种生 活方式,方便,随时随地 可以进行。”

– 总商会蔡其生会长






WeChat交流平台带来更多商机! 总商会推出“华商交流站@新加坡中华总商会”公共讯息分享综合性平台 (WeChat),与商家分享信息、市场趋势和最新商机。 总商会也与9个中国各地区的新加坡代表处*签署了谅解备忘录,共同利用新社 交媒体WeChat,有效地接触在中国探索商机的新加坡公司,同时让中国企业 能在这个平台和新加坡公司合作,携手迈向国际。

*9个代表处:中国-东盟博览会秘书处新加坡联络处、中国山东驻新加坡代表处、中国浙江中心(新加坡)、中国烟台驻新加坡代表 处、云南驻新加坡商务代表处、江苏驻新加坡经贸代表处、日照市人民政府驻新加坡经贸代表处、中国贸促会广东省委员会以及中 国青岛工商中心(新加坡)。



China Affairs

电商平台有助 跨越经商局限:

您是否也面对 经营挑战?

新加坡商家的机遇 文:许彬彬

根据中华总商会的调查显示,本地中小企业面临的主要经营挑战 是:经营成本上涨、人手短缺。

本地经商挑战: 经营成本上涨


开源 、 提升业绩 进军海外市场 经营成本上涨


公司在本地市场 面临激烈竞争

中国电商平台 效率高 、 潜力大



人手短缺 29.6%




借助电子商务,展翅海外市场 增长趋势及市场潜能



2014 年

2015 年(预计)


34.5亿美元 (+27%)

网络购物营业额达到2.8万亿人民币,年比增长 48.7%。在6亿4900万网民当中,3.6亿人 (56%)在网上购物。

电子商务在我国零售营收的比重只占3%,远远低于中 国的10%、韩国的12%。中国网络购物在2014年的营业 额,达到6,000亿新元。新加坡商家们可以借助电子商 务平台,跨越本地经商环境的局限,把产品和服务推 向更广的市场。 12%

12 10%

10 8







亚细安 6国

如果电子商务占总体零售营收的8%,有望创造 350亿美元潜在市场。

2 0


3% 0.2%





电子商务在全国零售营收额的比重 亚细安6国:印尼、新加坡、菲律宾、越南、泰国、马来西亚




中国电子商务的发展趋势 一呼百应: 社交媒体和手机程序 •

低 头 族 们 天 天 机 不 离 手,想 要 捉 住 这 些 群 体 的10 秒 视 线,移 动 平台成了营 销 策 略 不 可 或 缺 的 部 分。商 家 可 善 用 社 交 媒 体 手 机 应 用 程 序 的 群 众 效 应, “ 抢 鲜 ”向 潜 在 消 费 群 、粉 丝 们 推 荐 商 品 与 服 务、发 布 最 新 动态,同时也促进双向交流。

去 年 11月11日,中 国 的“ 双 十 一 ”网 络 购 物 狂 欢 节 的 销 售 业 绩,在 3 8 分 钟 内 突 破1 0 0 亿 人 民 币,2 4 小 时 内 创 下 5 7 1亿 人民币的天 文数字。其中,近半 数(4 5 . 7 % )交 易 额 是 通 过 手 机 、平 板 电 脑 等 无 线 设 备 下单!

目标营销: 善用客户大数据 •

传 统零售与服务行业最 大的致 命伤,是“卖了一 件商品,少了一 位 顾 客 ”,因 为 商 家 未 能 在 销 售 过 程 中 累 积 大 数 据(包 括 : 客户 背景、年 龄 段、消 费喜好 和 趋 势 等 ),失 去了日后 为产 品 及 服务展开目标营销的良机。

反观,新时代的精明商家能充分 了解 并发 挥大 数 据 的 威 力。 例如: - 根 据 过 去 的 消 费 数 据 ,餐 饮 业者能预测不同时段的客户流 量和点菜趋势,从而在食材选 购、推荐食品、上菜时间方面更 精准拿捏,大大提高了生产力 和盈利。

制胜诀窍: O2O业务模式 •

电子商务市场 在 过去 数 年间增 长速度惊人,O2O(Online to Offline) 模式在电商市场趋向饱 和之前, 又开拓了更宽广的跨渠 道销售平 台。O2O 提倡以消费群众为主导,通 过线上订购,线下完成商品或服务 的交付,是一项电子商务与实体业务 紧密结合的经营模式。例如: - 商家与 餐 馆 点评 网 站 合 作, 把(电子商网上订桌、(实体业 务)食材订购、厨房管理、客户 奖励系统结合起来; - 家具商结合网上家具城(预览)、 产品旗舰店(体验及订购)、 货仓管理与物流(交付)的经营 模式。

- 购物商场通过客户忠诚奖励手 机程序和GPS定位系统,了解客 户的购物脚、店内 逗留时间消 费趋势等,从而改善商场布局, 营造更贴心的购物体验。

中国电子商务行业:市场潜力大、渠道效率高、产业链完善 不断增长的庞大市场



市场庞大: 人口众多, 手机用户渗透率高;

社交媒体平台: 是推动电子商务行业发展的主 要引擎,也是首要营销渠道;

科技基础建设成熟到位: 信用卡付款非常普及、 高效率的网上付款平台;

客户群不断增长: 涵盖社会各阶层,包括:二、三 线城市的中产收入群体,甚至扩 展到乡村。

商家可通过知名的网购市场电 商平台,向现有的网购发烧友 推广产品与服务。

铺天盖地的后勤物流网: 快捷处理货件运送、交付、 退还。

我国有不少政府机构,如税务局 (IRAS)、标新局 (SPRING)、新加坡国际企业发展局 (IE Singapore)、资讯通信发展管理局 (IDA) 等,都推 出了一系列的援助计划,协助中小企业提高生产力、加强竞争力,包括通过电子商务渠道等方式,进军国际市场、促进业务增长。 总商会中小企业中心 (SME Centre@SCCCI) 拥有一批经验丰富的商业咨询顾问,能协助商家善用政府援助计划。需要协助的中小企业, 请与我们联系:电话:6337 8381 电邮:enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg




山明水秀在江西 投资江西抢先机 文:李依玲

总商会与江西省商务厅签署战略合作备忘录,协助新加坡企业抢占 拥有“世界钨都”和“稀土王国”美誉的江西的投资商机。

关于江西省 数据截止2014年底

新加坡中华总商会国际事务委员会陈金城主席(左三)代表总商会与江西署商务厅王水平厅 长(右三)于会上签署了战略合作备忘录,推动新加坡企业在江西省的经贸发展,同时协助 江西省的企业开拓国际市场。丰益国际集团(左一)和新加坡金鹰集团代表(右二)也分别 与江西署商务厅(左二)和湖口县人民政府代表(右一)签署了增资备忘录。

6月18日,江西省委强卫书记与其50人经贸代表团于江西省主办、总商 会协办的的“中国(江西)—新加坡经贸合作洽谈会”上介绍江西的投资环 境。近年来,江西省以其丰富的自然以及人力资源,多样化的产业体系、巨 大的市场潜力,以及多项投资优惠政策,成功吸引了大批的外来投资者进军 江西。 总商会与江西省商务厅代表也在洽谈会上签署战略合作备忘录,发挥各 自优势,推动新加坡企业在江西省的经贸发展,同时协助江西省的企业开拓国 际市场。 总商会刘泰山副会长在致词时表示: “总商会将和江西省商务厅在业界交 流、信息共享、企业咨询和国际拓展四个领域加深合作,双方共同努力,为新中 两国的企业搭建友谊的桥梁!”


拥有“世界钨都”和“稀 土王国”美誉

拥有亚洲最大的铜矿和 钽铌矿

拥有世界闻名的瓷都 –景德镇

地区生产总值突破 15000亿元人民币,年比 增长9.7%

进出口总额达427.83亿 美元

新批外商投资企业有 822个

外商直接投资金额达 84.51亿美元

具有世界500强投资 背景的外商投资企业多 达62家,包括法国电力集 团 (Electricite de France), 美国江森自控 (Johnson Controls) 和汇丰银行 (HSBC Bank)


Business Maxims


企业该如何 “创新”思维? 整理:杨伟强

“创新”对珍宝餐饮集团总裁黄建铭来说是“节省人力”和“提高生产力” 的好方法,但对金合利印务私人有限公司执行董事林玉勤来说,很多时候 这是 “没有办法中的办法”。




为今年第一场总裁分享会打头阵的是珍宝餐饮集团总裁黄建铭先生(以下称“黄”)和金合利印务私人有限公司执 行董事林玉勤先生(以下称“林”)。在大约一个半小时的分享中,两位成功企业家不仅大谈“创新”对他们的意义及挑 战,也回答了与会者的不少问题。华商特别整理出当天的分享重点,让无法出席的读者也能从中获益。

创新考验的是领导者对市场的观察力,也就是怎么去分析和 发现市场上缺乏的东西。比如当年火锅店很火红,我就觉得很奇 怪,火锅不是老人家爱吃的料理吗?但是在观察后我发现这是个 很不错的概念,有了开火锅店的念头。但是我们有必要跟廉价的火 锅店竞争吗?我观察到本地还没有餐馆提供高品质的火锅,是一 个市场的空缺。后来我们就花了半年研究,吃遍中国和香港的火锅 店,吃到我的经理和厨师都喊怕!后来,我们把别人的优点融合起 来并带回来做自家的火锅店,成绩还不错。这应该也算是一种创 新吧!

印刷业算是一个传统行业,而互联网的出现改变了出版的 方式,带来很大的挑战。我们要生存就必须创新,而创新有时也是 “没有办法中的办法”。假如今天你的冰箱只剩下两根菜心和两 只虾,你把它们放在一起炒,炒出来的孩子还愿意吃,那也是一种 创新。像我的公司因为一些合作伙伴没钱还,我们就觉得与其亏 本不如把它们顶下来经营。如果做得成功我们还可以把损失的补 回来,甚至赚得更多。

怎么看 “创新”?

创新的挑战 有哪些?

在创新方面很多时候其实外行人做得 更好,因为他们看得到内行人看不到的 盲点。 – 资讯科技出身的黄建铭对餐饮业本来是一知半解的

其实“创新”这词本身是很危险的!你不可以盲目去创新,假如没有这个市场,再创新也没有用。比如说, 沈望傅的“Sound Blaster”(电脑音频设备)当年也要到美国才红了起来,因为那里有这个市场。

其中一个挑战就是时机,而这其实是一个先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题。做得太早,可能到这个市场成熟 时,你的技术已经落伍了。做得太晚,可能就会失去市场占有率。比方说,现在数码印刷的技术在外国很先 进,几乎可以实现全自动化,但十分昂贵。你是应该先引进还是等到市场有这个需求才引进?怎么去衡量这个 时机就变得很重要,而且你要有心理准备, “创新”一开始是不会赚钱的。





“事情做错的时候,谁做错不重要, 千错万错都是老板的错,因为人是老 板请的!如果什么事都要惩罚、扣薪 水,那没人敢创新了,反正老板都不会 欣赏,少做少错。” – 林玉勤解释他不鼓励问责式管理法的原因

成功的企业 应该具备 什么条件?

你必须要有远见和保持开明的态度。好像几年前,我们和其他三家海鲜餐馆联合到日本开设主题餐 馆“新加坡海鲜共和国”。当时很多人无法了解为什么我们要跟竞争对手合作?但我的想法是与其各自做各 自的,不如我们一起做来共享资源,互补彼此的不足。日本的市场很大,你一家店可能有100万的营业额,但 是4家一起做就可能有1000万,而1000万的25%还是多过100万的100%。 我觉得一个成功的企业一定要有良好的企业文化、价值观和目标 (Mission)。人才也很重要,不过必须要是 对的人才。你不可能整个足球队都是守门员对吧?再来,你必须培养一个“thinking organisation”,即会思考的企 业。假如员工来找我的时候只告诉我问题 ,却没有提供解决办法,那我请你来做什么?



In the Lead

47 Hill Street

Where the history of SCCCI and Singapore comes to life By: Samantha Lee

An exhibition that distils the essencE of Singapore history and portrays SCCCI’s significant role in nation-building. President Tony Tan (second from right), taking a tour of “47 Hill Street”, an SG50 special exhibition presented by the SCCCI.


In the Lead


Hill Street is one of Singapore’s earliest streets which has witnessed the development of Singapore from preindependence to the present day. Standing tall and proud on this street is a stately building, a fusion of western and eastern architectural features, the assembly place and fulcrum of the local Chinese business community that make up the SCCCI. The SCCCI happens to be the first ethnic Chamber in Singapore to witness and participate in the many chapters of Singapore’s nation-building journey. Singapore’s journey of nation-building is the outcome of the hard work and endeavours of our pioneers; it also carries the imprint of the SCCCI’s contributions throughout this journey. Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said: “The history of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is a reflection of the history of Singapore.” This statement sums up in no uncertain terms that the path forged by the SCCCI in the early years is closely entwined with Singapore’s destiny. As our nation celebrates her 50 years of independence, SCCCI is pleased to present “47 Hill Street” – an SCCCI-SG50 Special Exhibition, where history of not only the SCCCI, but also familiar chapters of Singapore’s history, comes to life through the magic of digital technology. Staged at the Singapore Flyer, the opening ceremony on June 26 was officiated by Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore; it was attended by many VIP guests from ministries and statutory boards, council members and other members of the local Chinese community.

Besides recording the episodes of history, SCCCI Present Thomas Chua hopes that the exhibition would inspire the younger generation to emulate the spirit of our Chinese business pioneers in the development of our nation.

hard work, fortitude, dedication to society and selfless giving, our Chinese business pioneers have contributed to the building of Singapore.” “These materials will serve to educate and inspire all Singaporeans, especially our younger generations, to continue to do our part for Singapore and the community,” added President Tony Tan.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, President Tony Tan commended the Chinese business pioneers who had devoted their time, resources and energy to promoting the interests of the Chinese community through their work at the Chamber, championing many worthy causes which benefited not only the Chinese community but all Singaporeans.

47 Hill Street is not merely the location of the Chamber’s building. It is the site of a heritage building that has witnessed many important episodes in the history of Singapore, both before and after Singapore achieved independence. When Singapore was still a British colony, the Chamber was actively involved in politics, the economy, culture, education and community affairs; after independence, the Chamber withdrew from the political arena, and devoted its efforts in supporting the government to develop the economy, and continued to adhere to its mission of supporting community, cultural, and educational development.

“The influence of the SCCCI goes beyond business to other sectors, be it culture, education or social welfare. Through their

From fighting to attain citizenship rights for the ethnic Chinese residents in Singapore, erecting the Civilian War

Memorial to remember the sacrifices of the past, backing the founding of Nanyang University (Nantah), to breaking the freight monopolies, the stories emanating from 47 Hill Street are like precious pearls scattered about in history. When they are all strung together in context, they become a priceless treasure representing the mission of the Chinese business community which has been painstakingly documented at this special exhibition. Quoting from a Chinese saying, SCCCI President Thomas Chua said that “using history as a mirror, we can understand the reasons behind a country’s rise and fall; using people as a mirror, we can review if our methods are right or wrong. The history of Singapore is the foundation of our future; Chinese pioneers are our role models.” Indeed, besides evoking the recollections of the pioneer generation, it is hoped that through the exhibition, the younger generation can be inspired to uphold the Chinese entrepreneurial spirit of pursuing excellence, contributing back to the society and creating wealth for the people, taking active steps to contribute towards Singapore’s future development.







Besides your usual static display panels, be treated to an educational and entertaining multi-media show that is pieced together with more than 1,000 images and footages, 20 projectors and stereo sound effects to produce valuable historical and life-like images.


With 3 generations of Singaporeans coming together, the concept and production behind the Special Exhibition is totally “Made in Singapore”. The multi-media technology used by the production company digimagic is also a Singaporean innovation.

AN EXHIBITION THAT BONDS ALL THREE GENERATIONS! Suitable for all ages from all walks of life, embark on a historical discovery journey together as a family through historical tales!





images and footages

years of history


key sections




generations of Singaporeans coming together

important chapter of Singapore’s history

In celebration of Singapore’s 50th birthday

Co-organised by the Singapore Flyer and Straco Corporation Ltd and supported by the National Heritage Board, National Archives of Singapore, MediaCorp, Singapore Press Holdings and the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, “47 Hill Street” will run from July 1 to September 30 at the Singapore Flyer Building. Admission is FREE!


In the Lead



In the Lead


On June 2, SCCCI formalised the partnership with eleven trade associations to form the first batch of trade associations to locate at the Trade Association Hub in Jurong Town Hall. On June 2, a total of eleven trade associations came together to formalise their partnership with the SCCCI during the LEAD Partners’ dinner, forming the first batch of trade associations to come on board the Trade Association (TA) Hub, which will be located at Jurong Town Hall. The eleven trade associations are:



Association of Electronic Industries in Singapore Association of Singapore Marine Industries Association of Process Industry Container Depot Association (Singapore) Security Systems Association of Singapore Singapore Cranes Association

Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association Singapore Plastic Industry Association Singapore Precision Engineering and Technology Association Singapore Renovation Contractors & Material Suppliers Association Singapore Timber Association

Advancing towards industry collaboration and development Witnessing the formalisation was Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang, who noted in his speech that to continue to address the needs of our companies and help their members tap on new opportunities, trade associations and chambers (TACs) will need to build on their strength and develop new capabilities. In particular, he encouraged trade associations and chambers (TACs) to focus on two areas, one being to take the lead in working together to help their members take advantage of new opportunities arising from new growth sectors such as urban solutions, logistics, and advanced manufacturing. As many of these areas are cross-sectoral, TACs will need to collaborate with each other to tap on these opportunities. Such collaborations would be given a significant boost through the upcoming TA Hub that the SCCCI is championing with the support of JTC and SPRING. “The TA Hub will enable SCCCI to upgrade the capabilities of smaller associations through spearheading the conceptualisation and implementation of industry initiatives and projects. Besides more efficient resource utilisation through the availability of shared facilities, the co-location will catalyse more crossindustry collaborations amongst TACs.



In the Lead

Minister of Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang (middle right) and SCCCI President Thomas Chua (middle left) taking a group photo with representatives from the 11 Trade Associations who will be moving into the new Trade Association Hub in 2017.

The launch of collaboration between SCCCI and 11 TACs that will come on board the TA Hub, which will take place later this evening, is an important mark of this step forward in collaboration among TACs,” added Minister Lim. Trade associations – leaders of the flock Echoing Minister Lim, SCCCI President Thomas Chua said trade associations are important partners of government to help industries transform, improve sector-level productivity and promote cross-sector collaboration. This is the objective behind forming the TA Hub that the Chamber will take the lead to operationalise in 2017. He also stressed that in this period of economic restructuring, trade and industry associations are akin to the sheep leaders amongst its flock, which are

responsible for leading their respective industries to overcome the challenges ahead. As these trade associations understand their respective industries well, they can apply their industry knowledge to help their members open up new business opportunities, change business models and identify new markets, using the unity of strength to adapt to change and drive the whole industry forward.

very day, Jurong Town Hall was declared open by then Minister for Finance Hon Sui Sen, standing as an iconic testimony to Singapore’s drive towards modernisation and development in its early years of independence. Being the headquarters of the Jurong Town Corporation, this building witnessed the commencement, development and success of Singapore’s industrialisation programme.

Boarding the TA Hub, sailing towards economic success The Trade Association Hub, to be located at Jurong Town Hall, would see trade associations housed under one roof to promote industry upgrading and collaboration.

After four decades, this boldly futuristic building will continue to witness Singapore’s economic and industry development with the TA Hub created in the very same building. With its heritage and historical significance, the Jurong Town Hall was recently gazetted as a National Monument by the National Heritage Board and will continue to remain an important symbol of Singapore’s economic and industrial progress.

By sheer serendipity, June 2 turned out to be an exceptionally memorable and meaningful day. Forty years ago, on that

About the Trade Association Hub Slated to open in early 2017, the TA Hub will offer space for the secretariat offices of trade associations, and shared facilities, including meeting rooms, training rooms and event facilities. The objectives of the TA Hub are to provide trade associations with shared facilities to conduct industry and productivity upgrading initiatives and training for their members, promote cross-sector collaboration, and improve the productivity of trade association secretariat operations.

The Trade Association Hub, to be located at Jurong Town Hall, would see trade associations housed under one roof to promote industry upgrading and collaboration. Photo courtesy of JTC Corporation



Corporate Strategies

Trading with Chinese Partners in the Ecommerce Arena By Michael Mang

01 Here are some tips that may come in handy for companies new to the Ecommerce game of business, WITH AN EYE on venturING into the China market through online platforms.

Being thwarted by the idea of trading with China as you have heard some terrible stories of fraudulent sellers? Feeling hesitant to work with Chinese suppliers thousands of miles away whom you know little about? Or feeling frustrated in starting your trading business in China as you are concerned about a big chunk of upfront investment and extensive logistics? Working with Chinese partners can be a daunting challenge, but it can also be very rewarding. How to evaluate whether you need to source from a Chinese supplier and if so, how best to ensure that you get a positive experience and get the most out of it, can be a deep learning curve. There are some tips and advice that might serve as reference to begin with.

Study the pros and cons of a potential deal with Chinese partners The obvious benefits would be a more diverse pool of merchandise to choose from and more attractive price tags of products. In the meantime, you may encounter the cultural and language barriers, and face a totally different system of trading which involves unfamiliar laws, tax requirements and business conduct codes. Reading related information online can be a good start. Online buyer community forums are also a good source to educate yourself about the trading landscape in China.

02 FINDING A TRUSTWORTHY SUPPLIER How to find a trustworthy supplier can be a make-or-break deal. To find the right supplier, you would need to define the criteria of trading partners you want to work with – do you wish to work with a manufacturer so that you can get tailor-made products or lower-priced merchandise, or would you rather buy something off the shelf from a trading agency to save time and feel more rest assured? Fortunately, there are many programmes available online to help you look for a good trading partner where you can check out the rankings and background of potential suppliers.







Look for programmeS that provIde proteCtIon for your buSIneSS Trading internationally can involve certain risks, and for small businesses, the repercussions can be serious if their orders are not delivered promptly or do not meet their expectations in terms of quality. In this case, you could consider looking for some protection schemes that can best cover your loss if that does happen, which helps put your mind at ease when you are transferring large sums of money to a business you may never have met before. For example, a newly-launched service known as Trade Assurance will refund up to 100 per cent of the Trade Assurance Amount that was agreed between the buyer and supplier on a contracted purchase if the order is not shipped by the date agreed in the contract and/or the products do not meet the quality requirements set out in the contract. At such, it is designed to create trust and break down hurdles in cross-border trading.

While selling merchandise to the lucrative Chinese market may seem to be the in thing, getting all the import-related nuisance sorted out can be incredibly painful. Many small yet quality brands might just yield to such troubles and give up their China plan as a result. Outsourcing such tedious tasks can be a smart choice. Alternatively, you could consider investing in a good programme that helps you complete the middleman work by yourself. For example, 1688.com, a leading online wholesale marketplace in China, is scheduled to roll out services including customs clearance, logistics support and product inspection to facilitate the import of wholesale goods to China. These services, once in place, are expected to save a significant amount of import costs and greatly reduce shipping times. As a result of the streamlined process and cooperation with different country governments or consulates to introduce quality foreign brands, 1688.com provides an efficient and easy solution for importers to sell goods to China, while giving Chinese business buyers more diverse, affordable and quality offerings, ranging from daily home products to production materials such as imported textiles and fabrics.

Michael Mang is the Head of Business development & Marketing, APAC & MENA, Alibaba.com & 1688.com

05 Look for programmeS and SChemeS that provIde LogIStICS and ConSuLtatIon Support Companies can also search online for programmes and schemes which provide members with logistics solutions and consultation services by working with logistics partners in various countries, such as Singpost in Singapore, for more cost-effective logistics arrangements. By eliminating concerns over financing and logistics, SMEs can therefore focus on their product development and marketing strategy of trading globally.



Corporate Strategies

Professionalising the business and the family

Future-proofing the 21st century family firm By: Ng Siew Quan

Faced with new risks in the ever-changing business landscape, how can family business remain successful?

As global megatrends such as technology and urbanisation continue to change the 21st century business landscape, businesses are faced with new risks that take on unexpected forms. Like any other business, family businesses are faced with greater challenges than ever before. Family businesses must adapt faster, innovate sooner and become more professional in the way they run their operations if they are to remain successful. According to PwC’s latest global survey of over 2,000 family firms in more than 40 countries, results have shown that 34 per cent of Singapore’s family businesses want to pass on management to the next generation while 32 per cent indicated plans to sell or list their company. While it is natural for family owners to experience a desire to pass on their business to the next generation, a comparison in the survey highlighted that the intention to sell or list the company is not as common in other countries. Could this be the result of greater complexity and speed of change in today’s business environment or is there more than meets the eye for family firms in Singapore? Many local families interviewed in the survey cited a lack of interest or competency in the next generation to take over the company. Corporate governance, risk and compliance are key issues that business

face. Singapore’s family businesses see the importance of this but getting their business on a professional footing is not enough and certainly does not address the two gaps cited above. What’s critical in securing their success is an equally vigorous approach to professionalising the family. This means, for example, putting processes in place to govern how a family interacts with its business – including having a succession plan, establishing rules of engagement and setting up a structure for proper governance and accountability. These are crucial for family wealth planning and, most importantly, the continued success of a family business. Today, we see

that only 12 per cent of family firms globally make it to the third generation and this is often the result of a hazardous transition between generations. As family owners decide that they want to keep the business within the family, there are three gaps that family firms must bridge. Generation and communication gaps are two key areas that families must be mindful of. Parents from the baby-boomer generation and their children need to communicate their assumptions and expectations to one another to avoid conflict and misunderstandings. The third gap is credibility, where the next generation will need to establish


Corporate Strategies

Some family businesses do not have a clear delineation between family and business matters, which can greatly increase the potential for conflict. Families that are able to separate ownership issues from those of management are better placed to maintain harmonious relationships.

its authority and prove itself, while the older generation has to learn how to let go and not be affected by the sticky baton syndrome. Tackling the emotional hurdles While many family firms have been exposed to how a professionally-managed business should look like, there is often oversight on family-related elements that can make or break the business. Tackling gaps in the family ecosystem fundamentally addresses the needs of family stakeholders and for family values to be represented in the company. Conflict is also resolved through formalised channels. For this to take place, a common and largely successful approach is to establish a family council. Very often, the council includes non-family members such as trusted friends or experienced professionals – lawyers and accountants who are present to provide their insights on possible business options. The key duties of a family council are to assist the family in making rational decisions by establishing the rules of engagement in the business, decoupling family issues from business ones and ultimately preparing the next generation for ownership and possibly management. It is akin to a board of directors in corporates. Through a family council, the family can agree and build on a set of rules that addresses key ownership issues. These values are often referred to as a set of family protocols or a family constitution and are no different from listed companies, where a board obtains mandates from shareholders at annual general meetings that are then enshrined in articles.

The coming together of all family shareholders or members to discuss matters concerning their business is achieved through a family assembly. It should be decided how many times a year such assemblies are held each year. Some family businesses do not have a clear delineation between family and business matters, which can greatly increase the potential for conflict. Families that are able to separate ownership issues from those of management are better placed to maintain harmonious relationships. Besides family governance, a succession plan that considers the early involvement of the next generation in a family council


can also help to train the younger ones in understanding their business; teaching them how to lead and at which points they should let go at different stages of the company’s growth. Starting on the right footing The survey highlighted that although twothirds of businesses have some succession plan, only 11 per cent of family firms in Singapore have one that is robust and documented. The level of adequacy of succession plans, formalised channels of decision-making and conflict resolution mechanisms depend on family members who are willing to take the first step in having difficult conversations. Eventually, tough decisions made may not always fulfil everyone’s needs but as we have seen in many successful family firms across the world, taking the first step and in the right direction allows family firms to optimise their competitive advantage and sustain themselves through many generations. As quoted by one survey respondent, family businesses generally fail for family reasons.

Ng Siew Quan is the Asia Pacific and Singapore Leader for the Entrepreneurial and Private Clients practice at PwC Singapore.






Asia Pacific has grown to be the leading region in eCommerce sales globally in 2015. With an estimated 20 per cent annual growth rate until 2018, the region will represent 33.4 per cent of total retail sales, ahead of long-standing market leaders like North America and Western Europe, at 31.7 per cent and 24.6 per cent respectively. The estimated total for Asia Pacific’s business-to-consumer eCommerce sales in 2014 was USd $525.2 billion. Southeast Asia, in particular, reflects an upward trend; by 2020, ASEAN is projected to be the world’s ninth largest economy and Asia’s fourth largest, translating to almost USd $1.9 trillion. These projections have put APAC on the global stage for eCommerce and created a massive growth opportunity for the region’s eCommerce logistics industry. the ChangIng faCe of today’S CuStomer A key growth driver for eCommerce has been the changing face of today’s customer. digitally-savvy and highly connected in the social space, consumers are now more empowered than ever and have access to extensive information about products and solutions available on the market. Brands compete aggressively

for mindshare and wallet share while trying to stay relevant to the consumer, who is increasingly looking for more engagement, seamless experiences across multiple touch points, greater efficiency and convenience, all at a better value for money. This sounds like a high list of demands, but in today’s digital age, these have become must-haves to stay competitive. Solutions that are designed to offer greater convenience to digitally-savvy, on-the-go customers are the way forward. Services such as vPost that provide customers with a virtual overseas address for receiving online purchases have proven extremely relevant in servicing the growing online retail space. In fact, Singapore and Malaysia alone account for almost half of the region’s cross-border trade figures. According to a 2014 survey by SingPost, in addition to wanting more attractive deals and greater variety of products, online shoppers also desired a better system for delivery and returns. Customers highlighted their needs clearly: more delivery options, flexible courier services and self-collection at the customer’s convenience, complemented

with proactive delivery notifications. These results are a reflection of the modern day consumer’s need for flexibility and more control, especially in areas such as parcel delivery and returns. Parcel lockers seem to be a perfect fit for this shift in consumer needs. In fact, with Singapore ranking among the top five countries globally for mobile commerce at 23 per cent penetration, such initiatives are a step in the right direction to cater to today’s mobile customer. bIg opportunItIeS for SmaLL buSIneSSeS According to the digital Evolution Index , Singapore stands out as a strong market in APAC in terms of digital evolution, making it an excellent test-bed market for small and medium businesses that are also looking to ride the eCommerce wave. However, SMEs face challenges when it comes to moving into the online retail space, particularly in terms of work processes and available resources. To better explore the increasing opportunities in the eCommerce market, SMEs will need a web-based, fully-integrated and multi-channel eCommerce fulfilment platform. One such example would be ezyCommerce,



Source: SingPost

a solution specifically designed to cater to the growing number of SMEs that are looking for web-based, fully-integrated eCommerce solutions. Creating a great online customer experience is an ongoing process that involves careful planning, paying attention to changing customer needs and keeping up with technological developments. With Singapore boasting the highest level of Internet penetration and the highest frequency of Internet access in the Southeast Asian region, utilising the right platforms and understanding Singapore’s demographics and shoppers’ unique preferences would be key success factors to successfully capture the eCommerce opportunities in Singapore.

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The article was contributed by SingPost in partnership with the SCCCI to develop SMEs’ understanding of the growing eCommerce space and to create greater awareness for eCommerce opportunities in the region. SingPost has revolutionised its role as a postal service provider to become the frontrunner in the region’s eCommerce logistics and trusted communications landscape and is focused on developing Singapore and the wider APAC region as a hub for the eCommerce industry.

developing eCommerce Market Entry Strategies in Asia Pacific, Singapore Post, 2015 http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Global-B2C-Ecommerce-Sales-Hit-15-Trillion-This-Year-driven-by-Growth-Emerging-Markets/1010575 State of eCommerce in South-East Asia, Econsultancy, 2014 http://fletcher.tufts.edu/~/media/Fletcher/Microsites/Planet%20eBiz/digital%20Planet%20-%20Executive%20Summary.pdf





深切哀悼总商会 林继民名誉会长 文:杨伟强

林继民名誉会长于6月5日清晨离开人世,享年89岁。林继民是林德利集团 的主席,带领集团多元化发展,业务包括批发、进出口、制造、房地产与风险投 资。他担任过多家政府机构、商团、会馆等的领导职务,积极为国家、社会作出 许多贡献。 林继民在1979年至1982年出任总商会第40和第41届会长。担任会长期 间,他致力于促进本会会员商家与世界主要经济体的联系。1982年,林继民获 瑞典国王卡尔十六世古斯塔夫颁授瑞典极星勋章,表彰他积极促进瑞典与新 加坡的关系。 由于对新加坡作出许多杰出贡献,他分别在1995年和2004年获 总统颁赐公共服务奖章 (PBM) 及公共服务星章 (BBM)。 学贯中西的林继民也非常关注本地的华文教育。1979年,当政府首次展开 讲华语运动时,林继民便担任“全国推广华语工作委员会”主席一职。 总商会全体同仁对林继民名誉会长的辞世深感悲恸。

作为华人工商机构的中华总商会, 我们觉得有义不容辞的责任。因此 邀请了各有关单位,组成一个工作 委员会,希望把“多讲华语,少讲 方言”的习惯有组织、有计划、 深入地推广到民间各个角落。 –1979年,林继民于全国推广华语工作 委员会会议上,以主席身份发言。

台湾 台湾 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 总经理 谷中强 台湾 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 谷中强 台湾 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 总经理 联发科技新加坡私人有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

中国 | 新加坡 中国 | 新加坡 青建地产有限公司 青建地产有限公司 董事总经理 左海滨 中国 I 新加坡 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 青建国际(南洋)集团发展有限公司 左海滨 中国 | 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 执行董事 青建地产有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 董事总经理 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

林培熙 台湾 林培熙 曜越科技台湾 曜越科技 董事长 林培熙 台湾 董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 曜越科技 林培熙 台湾 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 董事长 曜越科技 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

* 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排


课程特色 课程特色 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 课程特色 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” NUS亚太EMBA课程荣获《金融时报》 n 国际化课程设置,内容聚焦亚太区经济发展和管理主题,培养企业领导 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 新国大全中文授课的亚太EMBA硕士学位课程, 创办于1997年,是世界首个采用全华文教学的EMBA课程。 课程汇集中文背景企管精英,交流智慧、 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 2011年全球EMBA排行榜第19名 人在新经济环境下的“国际观” n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 拓展资源, 学习和领悟, 开发人生和事业的新天地。 学制17个月, 每三个月密集授课2周, 最长可以延至四年完成学业, 适合繁忙的高管和企业领导人协 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 n 来自中国大陆、港澳台及东南亚不同地区和商业领域的业界精英面对面 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 支持NUS EMBA项目! 调工作、 学习和生活。 合格毕业将获颁新加坡国立大学工商管理硕士学位 (the NUS MBA Degree), 亚洲排名第一、 世界排名领先的优质MBA学位。 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 交流、切磋;丰富的学员经验分享和互动学习体验,创造EMBA课堂学 支持NUS EMBA项目! 课程学费赞助高达70%* 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 支持NUS EMBA项目! n 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 课程学费赞助高达70%* 习的附加价值,建立强劲的国际人脉网络 n 在亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 课程学费赞助高达70%* 国 在际 化 的 课 程 设 置 : 聚 焦亚 太区 经 济 商业 发 展 与企 业 经 营 管 理 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 主 题 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 n 亚太区五个地点采取移动课堂的方式教学,配合专题性参访行程,使 如符合条 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 新加坡中小企业(SMEs)高管报名亚太EMBA, 如符合条 n 学前 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 瞻 性 的 亚 洲 视 野 : 向经验丰富的师资团队学习企 业管 理 实 务和理 念 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 企业家学员在分享中学习、见识和比较,从而反思和提升 中文EMBA课程办公室。 n 学制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 件可申请SPRING Singapore学费赞助* ,详情请咨询 中文EMBA课程办公室。 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 n 学 制17个月,在六个学段中采取密集型上课方式,每三个月上课二周, 跨 领 域 的 经 验 分 享 : 背景经 历各异的学员同堂 深 入 交 流 ,拓 展 思 路, 总 结 创 中文EMBA课程办公室。 新,缔 结 友情 和人Singapore对其 脉 学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 * 校方有权在没有预先通知的情况下调整课程安排 *申请者须符合NUS亚太EMBA录取要求和SPRING Singapore对其 奖学金发放的规定,同时遵循大学对参加AMP课程学习的安排 移学习安排在最大程度上减少对工作的影响, 是繁忙高管的最佳学习选择 动 课 堂 异 地 教 学 : 在 新加 坡、美国、澳 大利亚、台湾,日本向优秀 企 业取 经

中国 中国 | 新加坡 中国 中国 | 新加坡 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 CEO 中国 I 新加坡 张栩 中国 孟繁秋 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 CEO APEX-C 杂志社有限责任公司 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 《中外管理》 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 张栩 中国 孟繁秋 中国 | 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 CEO 《中外管理》杂志社有限责任公司 中国航油(新加坡)股份有限公司 亚太EMBA 中外名家讲习堂副社长兼总经理 第十九班, 2010 亚太EMBACEO 第十八班, 2009 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

张栩 孟繁秋 谷中强 左海滨 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 张栩 孟繁秋 谷中强 左海滨

亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程 新加坡国立大学管理学院中文授课 EMBA 亚太EMBA硕士学位课程

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欢迎咨询: 欢迎咨询: 2015年招生火热进行中,请联络: 亚太高层企业主管硕士学位课程办公室 欢迎咨询:

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陈美雄 新加坡 陈美雄 新加坡 力业女佣集团 力业女佣集团 集团董事长 陈美雄 新加坡 集团董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 力业女佣集团 陈美雄 新加坡 APEX-C 第十九班,2010 集团董事长 力业女佣集团 亚太EMBA 第十九班, 2010 集团董事长 APEX-C 第十九班,2010

2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日 2013年课程开学日期 : 7月2日

第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 副总经理 黄国芬 台湾 副总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 黄国芬 台湾 APEX-C 第十八班,2009 副总经理 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司 亚太EMBA 第十八班, 2009 副总经理 APEX-C 第十八班,2009

黄国芬 台湾 黄国芬 台湾 第一化妆品厂股份有限公司

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