华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2015 issue 4

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06 建国华商 言传身教

26 Celebrating Singapore’s Golden Jubilee

Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 101/03/2015

第四期 . ISSUE 4/2015

$5.00 (incl. GST)

卷首语 PRESIDENT’S NOTE 更高的起点 滨海湾,新加坡最辉煌璀璨的地 标。8月9日,当F-16战斗机以高精准度 排列成“50”的队形划过其上空时, 蔚蓝天空下,挥动着星月红白国旗的 我们,是无比的震撼与自豪! 金禧国庆是我国历史的一个里 程碑。自独立以来,高瞻远瞩的政府引 领勤恳奋进的人民,向世人展示了破釜 沉舟的决心。时代的变迁砥砺出不屈不 挠的精神,经过半个世纪的努力,小红 点发出耀眼的光芒。 学如逆水行舟,不进则退,治国和 经商亦如此。建国华商在积极参与国 家经济建设,发展企业规模的同时,也 不遗余力造福民众,获颁“新加坡建国 50周年杰出华商奖”的华商就是最佳 的典范。他们积功兴业,自强不息, 热心公益,回馈社会的精神值得我们 推崇,值得后进学习。 建国一代不畏艰辛,以无比的毅 力克服重重难关,为新加坡铺垫扎实的 基础。承前启后,展望未来,站在更高 起点的我们,应该继续万众一心,风雨 共济,让闪亮的小红点,在建国五十年 的基础上辉煌百年!

Reaching for Higher Ground Marina Bay is undoubtedly Singapore’s most spectacular landmark. On August 9, when F-16 fighter jets formed the number “50” at the National Day Parade aerial display, we waved our red and white National flags, overcome with emotion and pride. Our nation’s Golden Jubilee is a milestone in the history of Singapore. Since attaining independence, we supported each other in unity of purpose to surmount each challenge, demonstrating our grit and resolve to the world. The passage of the times has honed our indomitable spirit and confidence to move forward as one united people. After half a century of endeavour, the little red dot is shining brilliantly. Just as a boat needs to forge ahead against the current, there are parallels between ruling a country and doing business. Chinese business pioneers were wholeheartedly engaged in helping to build our economy; even as they developed their business empires, they did not forget to share their fruits of prosperity with society. Recipients of the “SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards” were role models. Their individual successes, perseverance and contributions to society deserve the highest respect and has provided a legacy we should learn from. The pioneer generation was unafraid of tribulations and surmounted all formidable challenges to establish firm foundations for Singapore. As we look towards the future, we sally forth from an ever higher vantage point, and we should continue to stand united, in rain or shine, and let this scintillating little red dot make its mark for SG100!

会长 Thomas Chua, SCCCI President

请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Charles Ho Nai Chuen Lim Geok Khoon

蔡其生 张松声 何乃全 林玉勤





吾会之光 总商会董事李庆言、陈睦发、许廷芳、 钟声坚获颁2015年国庆奖章。此外, 总商会董事李庆言、蔡天宝、郑维强、 黄山忠、朱时生、谢楚明荣膺我国总 统委任太平绅士。总商会予以热烈 祝贺。


建国华商 言传身教 新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖得主, 黄凤飞、颜诗琴和朱良志受邀在首场 新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖系列 分享会上,分享他们的经商诀窍和成 功经验。


胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 副编辑 Assistant Editor

陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee 撰稿 Staff WriterS

李依玲 Samantha Lee 杨伟强 Yeo Wei Qiang 特约撰稿 Contributors



高屋建瓴 远见卓识 蔡其生会长回顾新加坡建国50年来 的变化以及赞扬建国总理李光耀高 瞻远瞩的治国智慧。

Marketing 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee


郭宁宁 Guo Ning Ning David Wilkins

设计 Design Egg Creatives


出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg

Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: CnP@sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 101/03/2015. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).

In the Lead


Publications Supervision

谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong

修订破产法案 有助重新搭起奋斗平台 总商会会长、官委议员蔡其生在7月 份的国会复会中,针对破产修订法案 提出反馈,表示修订后的法案有利 于创业失败者在吸取教训后,东山 再起。




Business Voice in the Parliament



了解人民币 把握新契机 总商会与中国银行新加坡分行联办 “企业家中国早餐交流会”,协助本 地商家更好地了解使用人民币的好 处以及人民币业务可以为企业带来 的契机。


新加坡人民币市场的发展与建设 在新中两国迎来建交25周年之际, 中国银行新加坡分行郭宁宁行长撰 文分析了新加坡人民币市场今后的机 遇与挑战。

Aligning the interests of financial advisers to their customers SCCCI President and NMP Thomas Chua spoke on the Financial Advisers (Amendment) Bill in parliament, commenting on the positive changes to the bill.

Corporate Strategies


Driving Force: The DNA of Strategy David Wilkins of Decision Processes International discusses the concept of “Driving Force” to help organisations attain a sustainable advantage over their competitors.



Celebrating Singapore’s Golden Jubilee In keeping with an annual tradition, SCCCI celebrated Singapore’s Golden Jubilee with a grand dinner on August 8, the eve of Singapore’s National Day.


保家卫国 人人有责 总商会恭贺本会20家会员商家获颁 2015年全民防卫奖――国民服役倡 导奖。

意大利家族企业长青秘诀 意大利历久不衰的家族企业的秘诀 是什么?


SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Sharing Series Stories of successful business endeavour from Dr Gan See Khem, Tony Chew and Wong Fong Fui who came forward for the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Sharing Series held on July 31.




In the Lead




蔡天宝 DUBC

郑维强 DUBC

荣膺我国总统颁赐 尼拉乌达玛勋章(一级) 暨 再次荣膺我国总统委任 太平绅士JP 志庆

再次荣膺我国总统委任 太平绅士JP 志庆

再次荣膺我国总统委任 太平绅士JP 志庆




黄山忠 BBM

朱时生 BBM

谢楚明 BBM

荣膺我国总统委任 太平绅士JP 志庆

再次荣膺我国总统委任 太平绅士JP 志庆

荣膺我国总统委任 太平绅士JP 志庆

商团与会员事务 委员会副主席



陈睦发 PBM

许廷芳 PBM


荣膺我国总统颁赐 公共服务星章BBM 志庆

荣膺我国总统颁赐 公共服务星章BBM 志庆

荣膺我国总统颁赐 公共服务奖章PBM 志庆



In the Lead

建国华商 言传身教 文:杨伟强

总商会设立“新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖”表彰对国家有卓越贡献 的28位建国华商。获颁殊荣的黄凤飞、颜诗琴和朱良志受邀在首场新 加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖系列分享会上,分享他们的经商诀窍和成 功经验。

总商会邀请宝德集团主席兼总裁黄凤飞、亚润企业私人有限公司执行主席朱良志及新康国际医疗集团主席兼董事经理颜诗琴博士 (左至右)分享真知灼见,启迪商界人士也激励年轻一代。总商会财政委员会主席、普华古柏会计师事务所合伙人吴绍均(右一)在分 享会担任主持嘉宾。


In the Lead


他们果敢睿智,不惧艰辛,在事业上不断攀登巅峰, 在回馈国家和社会方面所作出的努力,也是有目共睹。 蔡其生会长高度赞扬建国华商在各方面的贡献

总商会于7月31日假四季酒店宴会厅主办第一场“新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖系列分享会”。三位备受尊崇的建国 华商奖得主黄凤飞、颜诗琴和朱良志在大约一个半小时的分享中,现身说法,畅谈他们的经商诀窍以及成功经验,让与 会者受益良多。


黄凤飞 宝德集团 主席兼总裁

经商理念:穷则变,变则通 黄凤飞出生于马来西亚柔佛州。因为家境贫寒,他从小就靠割胶来养家糊口。二次大战后才上小学的他,毕业时已经14岁 了。当时他意识到只懂得华文并不足够,于是努力自学英文,以私人考生的身份报考英国剑桥证书。好不容易考取证书后,黄凤 飞决定继续升学,前往澳洲新南威尔士大学修读化学工程学位。 修读化学工程让黄凤飞学习到石油工业方面的专业知识。毕业后,他顺利加入美孚(Esso)工作,积累了在石油和基础建设 领域方面的宝贵经验。然而,黄凤飞不想永远只帮人打工。70年代,他回到新加坡创立了一家化学工程公司。不经一番寒徹骨, 焉得梅花撲鼻香。经过一番努力,他总算赚到人生“第一桶金”。 尽管如此,黄凤飞并没有就此松懈下来。自1985年起,他开始投资许多上市公司,而且多次挽救濒临瓦解的企业,为它们 注入生命力。最让人津津乐道的例子包括:佳福集团(QAF)、缅甸国家航空公司以及宝德集团。 白手起家的黄凤飞以不懈努力和坚韧不拔的意志力,克服各种难关,取得傲人的成就。无论经营什么生意,他都秉持着热 诚,全心全意地投入。他的经商理念是“穷则变,变则通”,这点充分体现了建国华商不畏困难的奋斗精神。



In the Lead

颜诗琴 新康国际医疗集团 主席兼董事经理

经商理念:即使面对挫折,也不要轻言放弃 颜诗琴在上世纪40年代出生于本地一户从商的家庭。她于70年代考获英国谢菲尔大学的企业管理硕士和博士学位,是当时少数 受过高等教育的女性。那个年代从事专业工作的女性非常少,而颜诗琴选择这门专业的理由很简单:国家要发展就一定要有好的企 业,企业要成功就必须有良好的企业管理模式。 学成归来后,颜诗琴成为新加坡国立大学的教授,把自己所学到的知识传授给年轻一代。她以学者的身份为新加坡的整体经济 发展作出许多贡献,积极为工业、经济和旅游等领域的发展提供实质建议。1991年,颜氏家族经营的丰美集团决定进行重组,颜诗琴 受邀加入家族企业,并领导整个重组计划,让集团迈向成功之路。 5年后,颜诗琴加入丈夫陈开楠医生和友人联合成立的新康国际医疗集团。时值亚洲金融危机期间,新康集团面临不少挑战。颜 诗琴凭借多年在商场运筹帷幄的经验和能力,成功带领集团制定应对方略,安然度过难关。当许多机构受2003年的沙斯危机和2008 年的全球金融危机波及时,新康集团仍稳步发展。目前,集团的业务分布在新加坡、马来西亚、印尼、柬埔寨和缅甸。 涉足各种商业活动之余,颜诗琴积极回馈社会,并在担任官委议员期间,积极向政府反馈民意。


无论是在经济或其他领域,颜诗琴在各方面为国家的发展作出了杰出的贡献,充分展现华商事业有成后,积极回馈社会的奉献 精神。她提供给年轻一代华商的金玉良言是: “年轻一代的企业家,要像先辈一样勇于尝试,即使面对挫折,也不要轻言放弃。经营企 业并非一帆风顺,要有能耐去经历风浪,然后才会成功。”

朱良志 亚润企业私人有限公司 执行主席

经商理念:回馈社会是企业家应当的义务 朱良志出生于马来西亚的一个贫困家庭。他小时候经常有一顿没一顿,日子过得十分清苦。因此,他从小就希望长大后能成为大 老板,做生意赚钱。 朱良志第一份工作是在橡胶园打工。之后,他到不同公司学习营销和贸易技巧,努力提升各方面的能力。凭着不屈不挠的毅力和多 年的努力,朱良志终于在1984年与工作伙伴创立了亚洲资源私人有限公司,正式成为老板。 公司在他的领导下不仅蒸蒸日上,还在亚洲各地展开多元化的业务。朱良志的梦想终于成真,跻身成功商人的行列。此外,他也领 导过不同的本地与外国公司,协助它们开拓新市场或重整业务。他最广为人知的便是把肯德基和百事可乐带入当时正在萌芽的越南市 场。在商场取得非凡的成就,朱良志也积极回馈社会,在多个组织担任要职。他在担任杜克-国大医学研究生院的首任主席期间,为医 学教育与研究作出重要的贡献。 朱良志也是新加坡工商联合总会的创会成员之一,并担任第二任主席,积极帮助会员商家促进贸易。他还在任期内设立了新加坡 工商联合会基金,并带头捐赠一百万元。他说: “我希望通过这项基金,鼓励本地企业回馈社会,帮助社会较不幸者,比如来自破碎家庭 的儿童,从而打造一个更具包容性的新加坡。”



In the Lead


高屋建瓴 远见卓识 文:蔡其生

建国五十周年金禧庆典,社会各界都在举行各种各样的庆祝活动。看着街 道上到处飘扬的国旗,我偶尔会想起二十前、三十年前这些街道的样子。 建国五十年,新加坡的变化实在是太大了!

1965年的时候我正读小学,8月 9日建国总理强忍泪水宣布新加坡独 立,虽 然 不能 理 解他为什么那么伤 心,但是凭直觉,这不是件值得高兴 的事情。后来,迫于生计,父亲创办了 德华,为糕点店、糖果进口商制作简 单的纸盒,每天忙忙碌碌很辛苦,放 学后做完功课我就去作坊帮忙。大学 毕业后我加入德华,父亲购买了更大 的厂房,公司业务逐渐转型为包装印 刷,业务蒸蒸日上。看德华的客户名 单,就能看出新加坡工业化发展的进 程。起初只是本地一些小商店,后来 出现很多外来企业、跨国公司,从纺 织成衣、食品加工、家用电器、电脑硬 件和软件,到高科技产品、生物医药, 1

客户的行业一直在更新换代。因为合 作愉快,许多跨国公司到区域其他国 家发展时也会邀请我们一起去提供物 流支援。 现在,我特别能理解当初建国总 理为什么会眼含热泪,德华的成长过 程,就是千千万万本地企业的缩影。我 们在非常艰难的情况下被迫自谋生路, 也正是因为艰难,激发出更强的求生 意志。建国后,政府全力推动工业化, 引入跨国公司,带动本地产业链,创造 就业机会。因为把英语列为官方工作语 言,新加坡公司可以顺利地与国际市场 接轨,那个时代的东南亚各国,有这种 远见卓识的政治领袖不多。

大学我修读的是政府与行政管 理,对社会课题很感兴趣,对未来有 许多畅想和憧憬,也阅读了一些有关 西方政治的书籍。我曾经看过建国总 理在一次研讨会上的演讲,他说新加 坡要想成功,必须有五个要素:一、 稳定的政治局势;二、有干劲,愿意 付出代价,受过良好教育并且训练有 素的人口;三,有吸引高度工艺水准 工业的能力;四,有比较美好的生活 水准和更清洁、更青翠、更优雅的环 境;五,有能力的国防部队,足以保证 不让任何人相信他可以长驱直入,占 据我们所创造和建立起来的一切1。 那时我已经当完兵,对最后一条异常 熟悉,在军营,长官训话时也这样讲。

1971年4月28日李光耀在新加坡大会堂“共产主义与民主制度”研讨会上,向大学先修班学生阐明新加坡的成功要素。 -《李光耀政论选》,137页。



In the Lead

献;多元种族、多元文化的特性,决定 了新加坡各个社会群体之间必须保持 有效沟通,求同存异,互相包容,维护 社会稳定。而若想完成经济和社会两 大领域的目标,不能单单依靠政府。 从本质上看,政府也是社会群体之一, 和其他群体的不同之处是拥有制定政 策,调动资源的权力。

不过,我对前四个要素的理解比较模 糊,只是当做一种对未来的描述,到底 这个蓝图能不能实现,可以说是半信 半疑。 随着时间的推移,这个蓝图渐渐 露出雏形,一天比一天完善,我对李光 耀先生的尊敬也与日俱增。我很期待 听他每一年的国庆群众大会演讲,从 他的演讲当中感受信心和力量。他总 是能够以形象、直白、浅显易懂的方式 向民众求取认同,极具说服力,展现了 领袖的魄力和魅力。很多时候,我对 他提出的政策不能马上理解,有时也 曾在内心质疑,但是,因为家教很严, 父母教育我们要尊重长辈,所以内心 的质疑并没有影响我用行动去追随。 成为公司高管之后,我自己也开始切身 体验当领导的挑战。任何辉煌的目标 都需要用心去规划和执行,除了自己 很努力,还要学会用人,更要用对人, 说服大家一起朝目标前进。 在经济发展进程中,各行各业蓬 勃发展,不同教育背景、不同社会群体 的人都可以找到施展才华的平台,就 像一场马拉松赛跑,那些能力强、积 极进取的选手会得到应有的报偿,弱 势群体也得到了照顾。一年又一年,大 家的生活条件日益改善,新加坡也开 始赢得花园城市的美誉,建国总理要 在第三世界国家建立第一世界绿洲的 梦想变成了现实。在事实面前,我更加

钦佩当年他能在错综复杂的情况下看 清立国之本,并依此为基础衍生出互 相关联、互相补充的各项政策,设立严 密的系统,组建高效的团队去执行。建 国初期的艰苦条件远非今天年轻一代 可以想象,推行治国理念的进程一直 充满各种声音、质疑和干扰,闯过一轮 又一轮的危难和磨练,政治领袖的形 象更加鲜明,更具说服力。 回想过去的五十年,建国总理和 他的同僚凭借高瞻远瞩的政治智慧、 超凡的毅力和胆识、目标一致能力互 补的领导团队,带领国家取得了辉煌 的成绩,他们倾心建立起来的制度就 是留给新加坡最好的政治遗产。我期 待新一代的政治领袖能够青出于蓝, 根据世界环境的变迁,与时并进,更好 地把握民众的心态和需求,精准地传 达政策和信息,平衡好国家长期挑战 和短期利益之间的关系,继续带领新 加坡人创造美好的未来。 我一直想找出适当的词汇来形容 建国总理当年提出的治国理念,想来 想去,觉得用“高屋建瓴 远见卓识” 八个字会比较贴切。七十年代他提出 的五个因素,现在依然是新加坡的立 国根本。没有腹地,缺乏资源的特性, 决定了新加坡必须整合国内外资源, 放眼全球市场,积极吸引外资,扶助本 地企业成长,由跨国公司、政联企业、 中小企业一起为国家的经济繁荣作贡

成为总商会董事二十年,和许多 华商前辈共事,我对社会管理有了更 深一层的理解。社会管理不仅仅只是 政府的责任,也需要各个社会群体积 极参与。政府的角色是保障社会安全 与稳定,发展经济,提升人民的生活素 质,创造平台让人们发挥所长;人民也 要积极参与社会服务,如果事业有成, 可以多做一些事,当好沟通桥梁。许多 华商前辈同时担任多家社团、慈善机 构的领袖,秉承“取之社会 用之社 会”的精神,努力为大众服务。 前一段时间,中华总商会和宗乡 会馆联合总会专门拨款,赞助《联合 早报》出版了《光耀一生·誉满天下》 纪念册作为国民教育的素材,用浅白 的文字和大量的珍贵图片,记录建国 总理的生平和各界人士的追 思与悼 念。翻看这本纪念册,我看到的是建 国总理清晰的思路和远大的目标,看 到的是排除万难的信心和魄力。李光 耀先生的伟大,体现在他能以超前的 眼光制定愿景,也能以非凡的能力实 现愿景。我和总商会许多董事都是李 光耀先生治国理念的受益者,也希望 年轻一代在看了纪念册之后,更加理 解、认同、推广、实践这种理念,以务 实的心态,共同建设我们的家园。

此文章首次发表于2015年8月7日 《联合早报》言论版。


Business Voice in the Parliament


修订破产法案 有助重新搭起奋斗平台 本会会长、官委议员蔡其生在7月份国会复会中,针对破产修订法案提出 反馈。 《华商》刊登其发言全文,以嗣读者。 议长女士,首先申明,我目前担 任新加坡中华总商会会长。我支持政 府修订破产法案,修订后的法案将为 破产者设定“松绑”期限,有利于创 业失败的人吸取教训,东山再起。 目前,我国经 济正 处 于 转 型 阶 段,我们需要更多有想法,有创意的 企业家开拓新的经济领域和新的经 营模式,我们也需要培养更多年轻的 企业家勇于尝试,即使遭遇挫折也不 轻言放弃。当然,征战商场不会一帆 风顺,即使是已经功成名就的著名企 业家,如美国的Jim Rogers、中国的马 云等,当初也都曾经品尝过失败的滋 味,而且不止一次。 那么,我们的社会有没有培养企 业家精神的土壤呢?最近,我参加了 华社自助理事会主办的“从亲职教育 看青少年就业适应力的培养”专题研 讨会,现场公布的一项调查结果值得 深思。这项调查共有550位学生家长 参加,重点内容是家长如何培养孩子 具备就业能力。其中,家长最重视的 是培养孩子提升专业技能和知识的学 习能力;而家长认为最不重要的是培 养孩子愿意承担风险的能力。 这样的结果显示了我们的社会对 冒险精神的包容度还有待加强,各种 各样的原因促成家长普遍关注孩子的 知识和技能,这当然是好事,但是这 样的理念培养出来的孩子,可以是优 秀的公务员、职业经理人,可以是出 色的技术人员、专业人士,却很难成 为成功的企业家。

创业,就必须承担风险。让我举 个真实的案例:开餐馆的老板陈先生 几年前破产了,他不习惯去打工,还 是想继续做生意,于是,用了太太的 名字重新注册,开始卖鱼汤。因为吸 取了上一次的教训,生意越做越好,在 附近的小饭中心另外又开了一摊。由 于掌握了特殊的切鱼技术,最近,陈 先生希望通过连锁经营的方式扩展业 务,但是因为还在穷籍,和人谈项目, 找银行融资,申请政府援助计划等, 都被拒绝。他非常希望政府对破产者 能够更加宽容。

从 这 段 话,我们能 够看到建国 总 理 对 培养企业家精神的重视,但 是从华助会的调查结果,我们看到的 是家长们对企业家精神的忽略。这之 间的反差,让我们去思考,是不是应 该为创业者建立更加包容的社会环 境,正所谓失败是成功之母。不过, 我们可以包容失败者,却不能纵容失 败者,政府立法保护债权人利益和培 养企业家精神本质上并不冲突。成功 的企业家就有责任对股东、对员工和 客户负责,有能力获得利益相关者的 信任。

破产法案修订后,那些生意失败 的人可以有希望在5到7年内脱离穷籍, 有机会继续奋斗而圆梦,这是陈先生 的福音。以他的实力,完成“还款目标 Target contribution”不是问题,关键是 信誉和名声。如果我们的社会无法包 容失败者,不允许犯错,说起承担风险 人人怕,人人躲,家长不愿意让孩子 冒险,或者不习惯主动培养孩子勇于 承担风险和责任,那么,新加坡最终 缺乏的将是培养企业家精神的社会环 境,没有了土壤,无法长出大树。

在刚结束的东运会上,我国健儿 创下奖牌总数的历史记录!不过,追 看东运会的那几天,事先以为胜券在 握的热门项目出人意料地痛失金牌, 没有被关注的冷门却突然跑出几匹 黑马。未来,商业环境变幻莫测,就 像东运会的比赛现场。曾经的辉煌可 能让人轻敌,过去的失败也许就是绝 地反击的动力。修订破产法案,明确 “松绑”年限,等于是为失败者重新 搭起了一个奋斗平台,让他们在吸取 教训后再次出发,这对那些立志成为 企业家的人来说,是个好消息!我希 望这是个信号,促成整个社会更加宽 容地看待商场的起伏,因此,我支持 修订破产法案。

让我引用建国总理在《李光耀论 中国与世界》这本书中的观点和大家 分享。他认为,创新精神和企业家精 神比技术能力更重要1。在技术变革令 人惊讶的时代,具有企业家精神的人 才会时刻准备好抓住新机遇,才能创 造新思想、创立新企业,才能实现大 发展。普通的商人只要好好学习别人 的经验就能过上富足的生活,但只有 那些具备创新精神和企业家精神的商 人才能获得丰厚的回报。


《李光耀论中国与世界》,中信出版社, 2013年10月1日出版。



Eye on Business

意大利家族企业 长青秘诀 文:蔡其生


上个月,我和本地食品与餐饮业 的中小企业老板一行14人到意大利考 察,在7天的时间里马不停蹄地拜访企 业,参加会议,还参观了米兰世界博览 会。出发时,我最想了解的是意大利那 些历久不衰的家族企业到底有什么秘 诀?他们怎样挑选、培养接班人? 恪守传统,顺应变化 和当地的企业家交流时得知,意 大利的家族企业也同样面临“富不过 三代”的挑战,许多企业靠热忱和坚 持得以顺利传承。Luxardo就是专注祖 业的佼佼者,公司创办于1821年,至 今已经传到第六代。近两百年的时间 里,经历了两次世界大战和多次经济 起伏的考验,拥有权和经营权现在依 然100%归家族所有。公司专门生产樱 桃酒、利口酒和鸡尾酒,从不为了追求 规模而盲目扩张,为保品质,自家栽种

了2万9千棵樱桃树。他们的强项是根 据客户的需求,用自家的原料调制鸡 尾酒和利口酒,注重保护知识产权, 著名的鸡尾酒新加坡司令的供应商就 是Luxardo。

拜访过程中,企业掌门人专门带 着接班人一起来交流。看着他们一代 又一代人满怀热忱 地投入祖传的事 业,恪守传统的同时顺应时代的变化, 我对家族企业管理有了更深的体会。

我们也参观了意大利食品业的领 先者Amadori集团。集团的主要业务是 生产无转基因的鸡肉食品,现有110万 平方米的饲养场,7200名员工,500 种不同的产品。集团目前由第二代管 理,第三代接班人也正在培养当中。 由于人们普遍关注食品安全,Amadori 集团的两代掌门人都非常注重持久打 造企业品牌,保证食品质量。集团通 过购并扩大产业链,从源头开始,控 制饲料、养殖、屠宰、加工、分销、配 送、品牌推广等每一个环节,为客户提 供安全、营养、健康、每日新鲜的鸡肉 产品。

企业都是靠自身努力 这两家企业都是专注于祖传的事 业,把产品做到极致,不随意扩大业 务范围,不轻易多元化,即使是把业务 扩展到上下游领域,最终也是为了确 保核心产品的质量能够达到顾客心中 的期望,即使多付一些费用,顾客也 愿意。有了足够的品牌忠诚度,家族企 业才能顺利传承。而且,意大利政府 并没有提供各种各样的援助计划,企 业都是靠自身的努力,这一点很值得 我们学习。

观商海 中国事务

Eye China on Business Affairs



家庭观念渗透企业管理 早就听说意大利人的家庭观念 很强,亲人之间经常聚会,关系密切, 年轻一代愿意为家族的兴旺而努力奋 斗。这次到访意大利,亲眼看到强烈 的家庭观念已经渗透到企业管理的各 个领域。 例如,因为重视家庭,公司愿意 投入自动化生产设备来减轻员工的负 担,保障下班后有精力照顾家人。这样 一来,企业提升的动力来自内部,不需 要政府专门进行倡导,员工是受益者, 参与提高生产力的积极性自然很高。 同时,为了维护家族对企业的控制权, 他们的财务策略偏于保守,尽量不进 行外部融资,以免稀释股权。公司聘 请专业人士负责经营,给予奖励,但 不会分派股份作为激励。大家族中一 个成员掌权,其他人都会跟随,有事大 家团结一致,共渡难关。 培养其他家庭成员 家族凝聚力的另一个体现是培养 接班人,他们往往很早就开始准备。

企业家的儿子愿意接班当然很幸运, 如果儿子不感兴趣,家族其他成员也 会被选为培养对象,很小的时候就开 始灌输明确的价值观,了解经营、合 作、决策的基本常识。这些男孩读书 时选修的科目往往和经济、管理有关, 上大学一般会进商学院,通过家庭熏 陶和正规教育两种体系,训练成为企 业接班人。因为这种模式,大家庭的 选择机会比较多,所以,多子多孙是 幸福也是幸运,这和中华传统文化很 相似。 企业接班不传女 不过,他们有个观念我不太能够 接受,企业接班传男不传女。听到这个 立场我特意问为什么?他们的想法是 女儿将来要照顾家庭,做好贤妻良母 要花很多精力。要求女儿接班和她的 传统角色相冲突,很难平衡家庭和事 业之间的关系。即使接班,将来女儿 还是要结婚生子,无论是企业还是家 庭,都没有办法全心全意地投入。所 以,除非万不得已,意大利的企业倾 向于栽培家族中的男孩,直系、旁系

都可以。家族成员之间因为有血缘、 文化、精神作为纽带,以传承家业为 使命,彼此凝聚力强,以热忱做事,不 容易受外部环境的干扰。 这次去意大利,参观考察的重点 就是家族企业,了解他们为什么可以几 代人顺利接班,从他们的企业传承系 统和模式当中受到启发,尤其是股权 结构、人才培养和提高生产力方面的 经验。平心而论,意大利的传承模式 我们不一定能效仿和复制,但有许多 地方值得借鉴。

自2014年7月31日,总商会会长蔡其生 会长受邀为联合晚报《晚咖》专栏执 笔。此文章分别发表于2015年7月20日和 2015年8月3日《晚咖》专栏。《华商》 经《联合晚报》的许可转载。



China Affairs

了解人民币 把握新契机 文:杨伟强 7月15日,新加坡中华总商会与中国银行新加坡分行联办“企业家中国早餐交流会”,协助本地商家更好地了解使用 人民币的好处以及人民币业务可以为企业带来的契机。 中国银行郭宁宁行长在早餐会上分享中国银行为新加坡企业所提供的人民币解决方案。她指出,人民币国际化步 伐近年来持续加快。环球银行金融电信协会公布的数据显示,新加坡在2014年3月已经超越伦敦,成为仅次于香港的全 球第二大离岸人民币清算中心。 作为新加坡人民币跨境结算的主要银行之一,中国银行新加坡分行近两年的跨境人民币结算量已从2013年的2152 亿元人民币,增加至2014年的4927亿元人民币,增幅达128%。 总商会希望通过此次交流会提高本地商家对于人民币业务的了解,为本地企业提供一个不容忽视的新发展契机。

“企业家中国早餐会”由总商会与中国银行共同主办。左起:吴学光副会长、黄山忠副会长、中国银行郭宁宁行长、国际事务委员会陈 金声主席、中国银行公司业务二部林建业总经理以及刘泰山副会长。




China Affairs

新加坡人民币市场 的发展与建设 文:郭宁宁

随着中新两国在2015年迎来建交25周年,新加坡的人民币市场又将会有 什么机遇与挑战? 2015年中新两国将迎来建交25周年。在过去的25年里,两国政府紧密合作、频繁互动,在经贸往来方面取得了辉 煌的成绩。2014年双边贸易额达797.4亿美元,增长5%。其中,中方出口489.1亿美元,增长6.7%;进口308.3亿美元,增 长2.4%。中国已经成为新加坡的最大贸易伙伴,新加坡成为中国在东盟地区最大的外资来源国,赶赴新加坡投资的中 国企业数量也达到3000-4000家。 中新两国的密切关系为新加坡成为重要的离岸人民币中心奠定了基础。新加坡于2011年正式开始建设离岸人民币 市场,凭借东盟地区最发达的经济体、全球第三大外汇交易中心、全球大宗商品主要交易市场等地位,目前呈现出大宗 贸易与工程建设类企业作为人民币业务主要使用者,企业与个人均为活跃主体,清算与投融资并举的良好局面:





新加坡目前共有各类银行机构126家,本 资银行5家,外资银行121家。外资银行分为28 家全面牌照银行,56家批发牌照银行,37家离 岸牌照银行。

随着清算量的扩大和人民币业务的发展,新加坡本地人 民币资金沉淀也表现出良好的增长态势,近两年数据如下:

其中3家本资银行,10家持特许全面牌照 银行(包括中行和工行),5家持批发牌照的中 资银行,部分岸外银行均开展人民币业务,种 类包括存贷款、结算、贸易融资、投资理财等。


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中行是本地从事人民币跨境结算的主要银 行之一。从新加坡中行近两年跨境人民币结算 量看,2013年为2152亿,2014年为4927亿,增 幅达到128%,侧面反映本地跨境人民币结算量 呈现快速上升趋势。


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2013年12月 2014年06月

2014年12月 人民币存款




China Affairs

05. 人民币合格竟




外投资者 (RQFII) 2013年开始新加坡人民币债券 (狮城债)出现在本地市场,初期由 各类金融机构发行,随后少数企业也 进行了发行,目前共有9家机构(含金 融机构及企业)发行149.5亿人民币狮 城债。但整体来看目前企业发行主体 较少,中国国内企业对于新加坡债券 市场了解不足。

新加坡获得中国政府授予500亿 额度,截止2015年2月底,经审批已被 各机构领用的额度186亿,获得RQFII 额度的机构达到13家,其中中行客户 4家,保持新加坡地区领先地位。


本 地贸易客户及 大宗商品客户 较多,与中国经贸往来频繁,贸易支 付中大量使用人民币和美元。为缓解 汇率风险和融资币种错配问题,外汇 交易中即远 期交易和掉期交易量较 大。2013年,中行人民币资金交易为 11189万亿,2014年为19709万亿, 增幅为76.14%,侧面反映出市场整体 交易量较为活跃。


近两年本地金融机构抓住中国自贸区、天津生态城、苏州工业园等试验区金融新政,纷纷加大了跨境人民币贷款 投放。作为本地最大综合人民币服务商,新加坡中行也全力参与,成为各大自贸区、各试验园区首家或首批贷款银行, 树立了良好市场形象。 新加坡人民币市场虽然近几年快速发展,但从本地市场特点来看,既有一定优势,也存在一些不足,机遇 与挑战并存。

优势方面 01

新加坡地理位置及经济地位,决定了在 东南亚及南半球的辐射能力。华人占总人口比 例达74%左右,贸易范围和客户群体广泛地辐 射到南亚、西亚、澳大利亚、新西兰甚至东非和 北非,有利于巩固人民币离岸中心地位。


新加坡政策透明宽松,提供税赋和管 理上的种种优惠,包括取消非居民存款预扣 税、取消亚洲货币单位存款准备金制度、削 减亚洲货币单位离岸收入的所得税,直至 最后完全解除外汇管制等措施,成为众多中 国“走出去”企业的首选地之一。


新加坡市场完善,目前已经建立起包括 亚洲外汇市场、亚洲美元市场、亚洲债券市 场、离岸金融衍生产品市场在内的金融市场 体系,离岸人民币存款、离岸人民币信贷、离 岸人民币债券以及基于人民币利率和汇率衍 生的金融产品得到快速发展。

不足方面 01

本地立法层面及监管机构没有单独 就人民币方面制定法律规定,人民币业务 开展及资金出入境基本自由,但要符合反 洗钱的相关要求。而反洗钱合规审核在本 地执行非常严格,各类金融机构均需要对 客户进行合规审核,一旦出现可疑情况, 将很难叙做任何金融机构业务。


本地监管机构对各银行下达了ACU/ ACF指标要求,适用于所有非新加坡元的 货币,不单独针对人民币。对于注册资本 较小的中资银行或者不持有全牌照的银行 可能构成人民币资产业务规模的限制。


伦敦和香港等离岸中心监管机构会 定期发布人民币数据,包括人民币清算、 存 款、贷款、发债、贸易融资、外汇交易 等。新加坡本地监管仅发布人民币存款数 据,对于贸易融资、清算等其他数据暂时 没有对外公布,导致银行和客户均对本地 人民币市场没有完整的认识。



China Affairs

针对这几点不足以及中国经济发展趋势,为更好地建设新加坡人民币市场, 建议从以下方面着手改进,提升本地人民币市场国际竞争力:


针对中国处于人民币国际化高速发展时期,金融创新政 策和外汇管理政策较多的情况,加强力量对相关政策进行跟 踪分析,挖掘市场机遇。

继续深化双边贸易往来及双边投资,采用多种形 式向两国企业推广人民币结算的优势和好处。

03 04 05


优化本地反洗钱审查和准入尺度,保证优质企业顺 利在本地获得金融服务支持。

适度丰富本地人民币市场数据的公布情况,使各机构 及潜在市场参与者对新加坡人民币整体情况了然于胸。

抓住中国政府倡议“一带一路”的历史机遇,发挥新加坡“21世纪海 上丝绸之路”重要战略节点的作用,将本地金融服务扩大到东南亚、中亚 等范围,推动人民币国际化纵深发展。

郭宁宁是中国银行新加坡分行行长。 中新友谊源远流长,共谋发展利国利民。中行新加坡分行八十年深耕南洋,已经成为本地资产规模最大、员工最多、业务种 类最全面的中资银行,为近5000家公司客户和21万家个人客户提供全方位金融服务。展望未来,中行新加坡分行将秉承 “担当社会责任,做最好的银行”的理念,坚定不移做“走出去”和“一带一路”战略的践行者及人民币国际化的推动者; 持续扩展渠道、创新产品、提升服务,积极支持和推动新加坡国际金融中心和离岸人民币市场的建设,成为新加坡人民币业 务的首选银行。



In the Lead

SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Sharing Series By: Samantha Lee

What were the biggest obstacles faced? Is the entrepreneurial spirit inborn or nurtured? Dr Gan See Khem, Tony Chew and Wong Fong Fui shared their experiences and insights at the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Sharing Series.

(From left) Wong Fong Fui, Chairman & Group CEO, Boustead Singapore Limited; Thomas Chua, SCCCI President; Dr Gan See Khem, Chairman & Managing Director, Health Management International (HMI) Ltd; Tony Chew, Executive Chairman, Asia Resource Corporation and Ng Siew Quan, Asia Pacific Leader, Entrepreneurial and Private Clients, PwC Singapore; sharing a picture moment on stage. Mr Ng was the moderator of the sharing session.



In the Lead

Indomitable spirit is in everybody; Never underestimate your own spirit. Wong Fong Fui, Chairman & Group CEO, Boustead Singapore Limited

As a special spin-off from the Awards Ceremony, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) proudly presented the SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards Sharing Series on July 31 at the Four Seasons Hotel. Three of the Awards Recipients generously shared their inspirational experiences and insights on their business achievements, and how they have contributed back to the society and the nation. They were: Dr Gan See Khem, Chairman & Managing Director, Health Management International (HMI) Ltd; Tony Chew, Executive Chairman, Asia Resource Corporation; Wong Fong Fui, Chairman & Group CEO, Boustead Singapore Limited. In his opening remarks, President Thomas Chua said he was confident their sharing would inspire and motivate the business community, and younger generation of Singaporeans, helping them to further understand the unwavering spirit of Chinese entrepreneurs. Wong Fong Fui: the biggest obstacles faced Speaking on the obstacles faced, Wong Fong Fui referred to a particularly unforgettable episode in his business life. In 1993, he and some associates embarked on an investment in Myanmar’s national airline which ironically did not even have an airplane. While they had a combined stake of

68 per cent, the Myanmar government owned the rest. Because of the Myanmar government’s involvement, nobody wanted to lend to them. Mr Wong used his Brunei connections to lease a plane from Royal Brunei Airlines to get this joint venture off the ground. After five years, however, the Myanmar government decided to take back control. It was a period of extremely high stress. Mr Wong said that while he was fortunate to have pulled through unscathed, most people would have suffered a stroke or heart attack. In a word of advice to the younger generation and aspiring entrepreneurs, Mr Wong cautioned against entering into businesses with government involvement as this gives rise to politicking and problems that are difficult to foresee or handle. Gan See Khem: traits of entrepreneurs Having foresight, being strategic, having resilience, and not relenting to shortcuts – these were the traits Dr Gan felt entrepreneurs should possess. Dr Gan came from a family business background. Initially a lecturer in NUS, Dr Gan left academia to restructure her family business, which had accumulated a collection of businesses from textile trading, retail and manufacturing, to rubber and palm oil plantations. She found that the family business had to muster many challenges because there

was no strategy, no structure, and no systems in place to help the group grow. After five years, she left the family business as it had successfully restructured and no longer required her expertise. She then moved on to join Health Management International Ltd (HMI), which was set up by her husband Dr Chin Koy Nam and his group of friends. He had turned to her for help because they were facing some difficulties; Dr Gan, with her strategic foresight and resilience, brought HMI steadily back on track. She focused on medical tourism, and started to focus their base in Malaysia. In 1999, she acquired the Mahkota Medical Centre (Mahkota), a 288-bed tertiary care hospital with close to 500 employees in Malacca. Since the group acquired a stake in Mahkota Medical in 1999, HMI has transformed it into a renowned hospital in the region, with presence in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and Myanmar. Tony Chew: giving back to society Tony Chew is a strong believer in giving back to society. In keeping with this belief, he initiated the Singapore Business Federation Foundation (SBFF), donating $1 million to its start-up. He hopes that the Foundation will encourage the business community to give back to society. The beneficiaries



In the Lead

are the poor and underprivileged youngsters who do not perform well in school. They often come from broken homes, with no family support. Mr Chew is convinced that if we invest in these young Singaporeans who have “fallen through the cracks”, through no fault of their own, they can pick themselves up and join the mainstream again. The returns will be significant in building an inclusive, resilient and robust society. Mr Chew is also dedicated to improving the standards of health and medical care for the Singapore community, having served for seven years as Founding Chairman of the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School. Duke-NUS is today a successful medical school, and is in many collaborations with the SingHealth Group, in the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre partnership. He continues to serve the cause of medicine and healthcare in Singapore through the SingHealth Board. Mr Chew came from a very humble background. As a young boy, he was severely malnourished and in poor health. Every day his school principal would call him into the office to drink a cup of free milk. As a result, Mr Chew is keen to give a helping hand to other children who are “At Risk” as he once was. His wife Dr Melanie Chew founded a programme called EQUAL-ARK SINGAPORE which helps more than 450 At-Risk-Kids every year through a unique and innovative horse programme that has won an International Award for Development.

Choose your pathways wisely. Pursue your passion and excel. Tony Chew, Executive Chairman, Asia Resource Corporation

Is the entrepreneurial spirit inborn or nurtured? On this topic, Tony Chew felt that the entrepreneurial spirit is a combination of inborn talent and the desire created by his circumstances. Born into a poor family, he dreamt at an early age of starting a business one day and being his own boss, and he was prepared to venture and take the risk. After some years of learning and perseverance, he eventually achieved his dream by setting up a small trading company which later evolved into Asia Resource Corporation.

For Wong Fong Fui’s case, his entrepreneurial spirit was forced out of survival. Coming from a poor family in Johor and growing up in a rubber plantation, he wanted to change his destiny. Widely known as a “turnaround specialist”, Mr Wong was willing to take risks because he had nothing to lose and he eventually transformed the 186-yearold Boustead company, now called Boustead Singapore, from a hodgepodge of mostly unprofitable businesses into a well-regarded provider of industrial engineering and infrastructure.

Mr Chew is best known for taking international brands like Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and Pepsi-Cola into unchartered territory, and for giving many old established corporations such as Pepsi-Cola Bottlers and Del Monte Philippines, a new “lease of life”.

Opportunities are out there. Be willing to make a difference and to do something different. It’s not just about making money. Dr Gan See Khem, Chairman & Managing Director, Health Management International (HMI) Ltd


Business voice in the parliament


Aligning the interests of financial advisers to their customers SCCCI President and NMP Thomas Chua spoke on the Financial Advisers (Amendment) Bill on July 13. The English translation of Mr Chua’s Mandarin speech is reproduced in this issue for our readers.

Madam Speaker, firstly I would like to declare that I am the President of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry. After thoroughly understanding the Financial Advisers (Amendment) Bill by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, I am very pleased with three positive areas. The first is establishing Non-sales KPIs by the financial institutions, enabling their financial advisers to concentrate on the customers’ actual needs, and improving on service quality, rather than aggressively promoting products and services to achieve sales KPIs with no concern for

professional ethics. Secondly, it is to put in stringent measures to regulate other types of business that financial advisers can engage in concurrently, in order to avoid any conflicts between the products they represent personally and their financial advisory services. Thirdly, it is to work with stakeholders to establish a specialised web portal to list life insurance products offered by different life insurance companies. This would enable the consumers to make an easy comparison without the help from financial advisers. These three fundamental amendments could reduce the tendency for financial

advisers to aggressively push their financial products to clients in order to chalk up individual KPI and increase their income, and facilitate building up a pool of consumers with clearer mindset for self-help services. These improvements are good learning points for other government agencies. Upselling also exists in the application for government assistance schemes. As many local SMEs are unfamiliar with the preparation of documents and filling in application forms, they tend to outsource the work to consultants. Last year, 44,000 SMEs applied for the Productivity



and Innovation Credit Scheme (PIC), representing a 21 per cent increase over the 2011 figures. Such good results must be attributed to the efforts of consultants. However, some unscrupulous consultants who are keen to clinch a business deal may not care to understand the companies’ actual needs; instead, their approach is to promote the products and services aggressively and persuade the client to apply for the government assistance scheme. Let me cite two actual cases, which are in fact failures. At the end of last year, a shop owner was persuaded by a consultant to sign an agreement to let the consultant design a Facebook page for market expansion, and spent a grand total of $15,000! Why did it cost $15,000? Apparently, $15,000 is the overall cap for the PIC Bonus. This happened to be the “special package” designed by the consultant to help enterprises “get money” from the government. Some consultants even give enterprises a “rebate”. The clueless SME boss was made to buy a cheap product at a high price, much to his chagrin. Another gentleman, Mr Koh, fell into the same trap when he encountered an unscrupulous consultant. Last year, he appointed a consultant to help him buy a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, to store customer data, and record performance of his sales people. The consultant also charged $15,000, inclusive of the service fee and purchase of hardware and software. However, Mr Koh discovered that this system was incompatible, and he had no choice but to revert to using Excel to manage the customer database. Due to work requirements, he is still looking for a suitable system, and I hope he could find the right product soon. In reality, SMEs could approach the SME Centres to help them apply for government assistance schemes. Government agencies have already

Business voice in the parliament

Upgrading of enterprises requires financial support, just as patients need blood transfusion. However, blood transfusion is not permanent solution. successful enterprises have to learn how to GENERATE their own blood.

streamlined their procedures, and the process is not all that complicated. Just like the specialised web portal to be launched by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, government assistance schemes from different government agencies can be found in the EnterpriseOne portal. However, the EnterpriseOne portal lists much detailed content on government assistance schemes, including the programmes of many government agencies. SMEs would need more time to digest all the information and select schemes deemed more applicable. Since the government mooted the productivity drive, schemes that are most well-received and have the highest take-up rate have been frequently featured in the media. SMEs can take note of these news reports, and decide on which schemes would suit them best. How do we prevent government policies from being abused? I believe we could learn from the Monetary Authority of Singapore, trace the problem and get to the root cause. We should see what motives and mechanisms have caused the companies to pursue monetary gains instead of upgrading and restructuring. Every year, newspaper reports tell us that “the government has set aside an amount of budget to support enterprises embarking on certain programmes.” Many programmes would be reported in this manner: “The following scheme

benefited x number of enterprises, and the total funds utilised were X dollars.” From observing such news reporting, I wonder if government agencies are using monetary grants as a selling point when helping enterprises upgrade. In time to come, business advisers will be inclined to be money-conscious, so will enterprises, and eventually everyone would concentrate on financial gains. Upgrading of enterprises requires financial support, just as patients need blood transfusion. However, blood transfusion is not a permanent solution. Successful enterprises have to learn how to generate their own blood. Similarly, besides supporting enterprises financially, the government could also consider other measures. Today, the Monetary Authority of Singapore has proposed establishing Non-sales KPIs, and I believe this would steer the financial advisers away from merely focusing on the monetary value. I hope other government agencies could also follow this practice. In closing, I support the Financial Advisers (Amendment) Bill.



Corporate Strategies

Driving Force: The DNA of Strategy By: David Wilkins

A company needs to have a strategy that establishes a significant and sustainable point of differentiation to achieve a dominant position in their field of play. Most companies have a strategy of some sort. Yet few are able to create a clear definition of that single differentiating factor – if there is one – that has enabled the company to be successful in the past. Still fewer have looked down the road to create a scenario, or strategy that will enable them to be successful in the environment they will face in the future. To achieve a dominant position in your selected sandbox or field of play, a company needs to have a strategy that establishes a significant and sustainable point of differentiation – one that enables it to add unique value that competitors will have difficulty duplicating. We call that differentiating factor the Driving Force. It is the component of the business that is unique to that company and is the key determinant of the choices management makes with regard to future products, future customers, and future markets. Without an understanding of, and agreement upon, that Driving Force, management will have a difficult time creating a strategy for the future that will breed supremacy over its competitors.

What is at the heart of your strategy? At the base level, all companies are the same: 1. Every company offers a product or service for sale. 2. Every company sells its product(s) or service(s) to a certain class of customer or end user. 3. These customers or end users always reside in certain categories of markets. 4. Every company employs technology in its product or service. 5. Every company has a production facility located somewhere that have a certain amount of capacity or certain in-built capabilities in the making of a product or service. 6. Every company uses certain sales or marketing methods to acquire customers for its product or service. 7. Every company employs certain distribution methods to get a product from its location to a customer’s location. 8. Every company makes use of natural resources to one degree or another. 9. Every company monitors its size and growth performance. 10. Every company monitors its return or profit performance. The purpose of strategy is to develop a unique point of differentiation and associated market position among these components to build sustainable dominance. The best way to determine whether a CEO and the management team have a strategy is to observe them in meetings as they try to decide whether or not to pursue an opportunity such as a new product, an acquisition, alliance etc. Companies with a clear strategy would look for a “fit” between the strategy and the opportunity. If the desired fit wasn’t present, they would pass on the opportunity.

Different companies, however, look for different kinds of fit. Some companies looked for a fit between similar products. Others were less concerned about the similarity of products than about a fit with the customer base. Still others were not interested in the similarity of products or of the customer base but rather a fit with the technology involved, or a fit with its sales and marketing method, or its distribution system, or the production process. In other words, there is one element of the business model that is most significant, and this component tends to dominate the strategy consistently over time. When pursuing opportunities, allocating resources and establishing the right mix of products, markets and customers, this one element is by far the most important.

Driving Force as the DNA of Strategy To summarise: 1. All firms consist of 10 basic components 2. More importantly, one of the 10 components tends to dominate the strategy of a company consistently over time 3. Effective firms continually and consciously look to build and leverage this one area of the business time and again, for example, when allocating resources and choosing opportunities This one component of the business is the engine of the strategy – that company’s so-called DNA, or Driving Force. This Driving Force determines the array of products, customers, industries, and geographic markets that management chooses to emphasise more and emphasise less.


商会时讯 运筹帷幄

Chamber Corporate Community Strategies

TYPES OF DRIVING FORCE There are 10 types of Driving Force but only ONE that will dominate the strategy over time. The leadership needs to decide which is the one. To help with the decision, we provide the characteristics of companies that exhibit each of the 10 types of Driving Force.


ProductDriven Company

A Product-Driven company is one that is “locked” into a product concept of some kind whose function and look do not change much over time. Future products are adaptations, modifications, or extensions of the current product. In other words, future product offerings emanating from such a company are derivatives of the existing product, and the existing product is a “genetic” derivative of the original product. The automobile industry, in general, is a good example. The basic function of the automobile has not changed for a hundred years, and probably will not change for the next hundred. Toyota, Mercedes-Benz and VW are all pursuing a product-driven strategy. Other companies following such a concept are Boeing (“Airplanes”), King Koil (“Mattresses”) and Harley-Davidson (“Motorcycles”).


User Class-Driven Company A Customer or User-driven company is one that has “anchored” its business around a “specific” describable class of user or customer. The company then researches the needs of this customer or user in order to identify new opportunities. It then produces products to satisfy these needs. As a result, the scope of the company’s products is usually very wide, with little resemblance to each other. However, the user/ customer that buys and/or uses these products is constant.

Johnson & Johnson’s strategy of serving “doctors, nurses, patients and mothers” with a wide variety of health and wellness related products is a good example.


Market Category-Driven Company

A Market Category driven company is very similar to a User/Customer driven company, except that this company has deliberately anchored its business to a describable category of market and not the customer or end user. That market, then, is the only one it serves. The firm’s strategy is to continuously scrutinise that market in an attempt to identify related needs. Once these needs are found, then appropriate products, which may otherwise be unrelated to each other, are made. One example is American Hospital Supply (now Allegiance). In its very name, this company has identified the market to which its business is anchored – the hospital. The strategy of the company is to respond to a variety of needs coming from that market. As a result, the product scope of such a firm ranges from bedpans to sutures and from gauze pads to electronic imaging systems. These products are unrelated to each other – not genetic derivatives. The only common thread is that they are all used in a hospital. Another is Disney’s concept of “wholesome entertainment for the family” as is ST Aerospace.


Technology/ Know-How-Driven Company A Technology or Know-How driven company is a company that has anchored its strategy in the ability to invent or acquire hard or soft technology or know-how which is at the root of their business. They have the ability to enhance or acquire new complementary technologies or know-how for which there is no immediate product available. These companies will then seek out applications in the marketplace for the use of this technology and then transform it into products. Over time such a company gets involved in a broad array of products, all of which stem from the particular technology, and serves a broad array of customers and market segments. DuPont, in the synthetic fibre industry with its inventions of nylon and rayon, is a good example. 3M (“Polymer Chemistry”) and Honda (“Engines”) are other examples.


Production Capacity/ Capability-Driven Company A Production Capacity-driven company is usually a company that has a substantial investment in its production facility, and the thrust is to keep that facility operating at maximum capacity. The capacity is usually perishable in nature and thus the organisation is driven to offer products that utilise that capacity to its fullest. As a result, its range of products is very wide with the only common thread being the need to keep the production facility full. Historically, pulp and paper companies, steel mills, and oil refineries have fallen into this classification.

商会时讯 运筹帷幄


Chamber Corporate Community Strategies


A Production Capability-driven company is one that has built some unique capabilities into its production process and pursues only opportunities that can utilise these unique capabilities that are difficult for its competitors to duplicate. It then looks for opportunities where these capabilities can be exploited. Job shops and speciality printers are examples.


Sales/Marketing Method-Driven Company A company driven by its Method of Sales or Marketing will have products, customers, and markets that are determined by the uniqueness of its selling approach. Companies that usually sell “door-to-door”, such as some cosmetic companies like Avon, or through house parties like Tupperware or companies that leverage “television” time to sell products they can demonstrate, or Amazon.com, whose strategy is to use the Internet to sell a wide array of consumer products, are examples of this Driving Force.


Distribution Method-Driven Company A company whose products, customers, and markets are determined by its Method of Distribution would be a Distribution-driven company. It needs to have ownership of or full control of the specific distribution method. Telephone companies with their vast networks of wires and distribution towers dictate the nature of the products or services they offer their clients. FedEx with their concept of “moving anything, for anyone, anywhere in the world, within 24-hours” is another good example.


Natural Resources-Driven Company When access to, or pursuit of, natural resources becomes the main determining factor for a company’s products and markets, then that company is Natural Resources-driven. Examples of Resourcesdriven companies are the fishing companies, mining companies, timber companies or water utilities.


Size/ Growth-Driven Company Companies that seek size for the sake of size alone are Size/Growth-driven. The need to pursue growth in order to have economies of scale dictates the markets they seek and the products they offer. Such companies pursue growth for the sake of growth exclusively. It is the only criteria used to judge any opportunity.


Return/ Profit-Driven Company Organisations whose only determinant for entry into a product or market area is Return/Profit fall into this category. Conglomerates are often good examples. They are usually organised along the lines of a corporate control body with fully autonomous subsidiaries. There are usually few or no links between these subsidiaries except a certain level of profit. Subsidiaries are bought or sold on this criterion alone.

David Wilkins is the Managing Partner of Decision Processes International (Singapore).

The CEO and the management team must periodically ask and answer these four key questions to enable them to identify the company’s current and future Driving Force. Q1 Which component of your business is currently driving your strategy and has made you look as you look today in terms of current products, customers, and markets? Q2 Which component of the company should be the Driving Force behind the company’s strategy in the future? Q3 What impact will this Driving Force have on the choices the company must make regarding future products, future customers, and future markets? Q4 What impact will this Driving Force have on the Strategic Capabilities the company must develop to build competitive supremacy? The concept of Driving Force is fundamental for any successful CEO to understand. It is the recognition and understanding, by all members of the management team, of that one predominant component of the business – its Driving Force – that will allow the organisation to formulate a strategy based on a distinctive and sustainable advantage over its competition. Each Driving Force brings with it a requirement to excel in a very different set of skills. No company can out-excel its competitors across the board. One cannot out-muscle every competitor in the market. Therefore, it becomes important to identify the company’s Driving Force and the corresponding Areas of Excellence, which are then given preferential treatment. These areas keep the strategy strong and healthy and build a long-term strategic advantage over competitors.



Chamber Community

Celebrating Singapore’s Golden Jubilee In keeping with an annual tradition, SCCCI celebrated Singapore’s Golden Jubilee with a grand dinner on August 8, the eve of Singapore’s National Day. By: Samantha Lee

Minister Ng Eng Hen (middle) cutting the cake together with (from left) Vice-President Wu Hsioh Kwang, Vice- President Roland Ng, President Thomas Chua, Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, Vice-President Lau Tai San and General Affairs Committee Chairman Thomas Pek.

On August 8, the Chamber hosted its annual National Day Dinner. This year, the function was held at Suntec City Convention Centre and was attended by more than 600 distinguished guests, including ambassadors, officials from various government departments, statutory boards and leaders from the business community. Minister for Defence Ng Eng Hen graced the event as Guest of Honour. As he welcomed everyone in his speech, President Thomas Chua said that the political leaders of the pioneer generation led its people to excellent achievement with their visionary wisdom, extraordinary perseverance and courage, and were a team equipped with complementary

abilities and similar goals. At the same time, he looked forward to an even more outstanding generation of new leaders who could have a better understanding of the mindset and needs of their people, conveying policies and sharing information according to the ever-changing global landscape, and ultimately leading the country to a better future. President Chua also stressed that selfrenewal, and the spirit of keeping ahead of the times, is similarly applicable to local businesses. In the face of changes and challenges, only businesses which are agile, responsive to market trends, and continually learning and innovating, are able to overcome the various hurdles. Thus he hoped more young

entrepreneurs would be able to carry this spirit forward. In Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day message which was screened during the dinner, it was noted that while the journey ahead is unchartered, Singapore must press on, because of our aspirations to do better for ourselves and our children. Prime Minister Lee expressed confidence that Singapore would be able to get there because we will always be there for one another, and because we are stronger as one people. “We are proud of our past and confident of our future. Together we believe in Singapore; together we belong to Singapore; together, we are Singapore,” added the Prime Minister with strong conviction.



Chamber Community

保家卫国 人人有责 文:陈星伊

总商会恭贺本会20家会员商家获颁2015年全民防卫奖――国民服役倡 导奖,旨在表扬全力支持战备军人雇员履行军务的雇主,以及提供民间资 源、支持武装部队保持最高战备水平的公司。 今年共有122家机构,包括53家中小企业、34家大型企业及25家机构获奖。

获颁国民服役倡导奖 (中小企业组)的总商会会员 Absolute Kinetics Consultancy Pte Ltd

Concord Associates Pte Ltd

Digistore Solutions (S) Pte Ltd

Gan Hup Lee (1999) Pte Ltd

Loyal Reliance Pte Ltd

Sun City Maintenance Pte Ltd

* Reflect Trading 公司代表因故无法出席颁奖礼,照片从缺



Chamber Community

Certis CISCO Security Pte Ltd

获颁国民服役倡导奖 (大型企业、机构组)的总商会会员

City Developments Limited

DBS Bank Ltd

Focus Network Agencies (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Langdon & Seah Singapore Pte Ltd

New West Coast Marine Pte Ltd

PSA Corporation Limited

Resorts World at Sentosa Pte Ltd

Sakae Holdings Ltd

Singapore Airlines Ltd

Singapore Press Holdings Limited

Wee Guan Construction Pte Ltd

Ya Kun International Pte Ltd

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