华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2015 issue 5

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06 outwit and outlast with creativity and innovation

16 加强商团角色 提升行业实力 促进政企沟通 应对成本上涨


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第五期 . ISSUE 5/2015

$5.00 (incl. GST)

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We will be back on 17 & 18 August 2016! Block the dates now! 17 & 18 August 2016

Suntec Convention Centre, Exhibition Halls 404 – 406

Be seen at the SME Expo, an established 2-day SME solution showcase, which provides the ideal platform for service and solution providers in the finance, business advisory, infocomm and logistics industries. It will be held in conjunction with the Annual SMEs Conference and Infocomm Commerce Conference, with a well-received attendance of over 4,500 local SME bosses and top management personnel.

ABOUT ANNUAL SMES CONFERENCE The most definitive business conference for the past 17 years for SMEs and enterprises Provides a learning ground where business owners can gain insights into the changes and developments in the modern globalised economy A must-attend conference for the Mandarin-speaking business

ABOUT INFOCOMM COMMERCE CONFERENCE Jointly organised by SCCCI and Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) for the past 18 years, this conference presents to business leaders the power of innovative technology to cope with the ever-changing global environment and increase productivity A must-attend conference for business owners and SMEs to learn about the latest ICT solutions SCCCI_CE2015_Issue5_FA_CH.indd 2

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Seal those deals

Showcase your expertise

Stand out from the crowd Expand your network

THE SPONSOR EXPERIENCE Establish Your Company as the Leading Brand for the SME Community in Singapore Acquiring Top Qualified Business Leads Reaching a C-level Audience


Benefit from Results-oriented and Extensive Marketing Campaign


Call us NOW to book your preferred booth location & enjoy

$5,200 per booth (till 31 Dec 2015)

Exhibitor’s Entitlements • Standard exhibition booth area of 9sqm (3m x 3m) • SIXTEEN (16) complimentary 2-day passes

Early Bird Discount!


Exhibitor’s Entitlements • • • •

Minimum floorspace booking of 18sqm Additional floorspace to be taken in blocks of 18sqm eg. 36sqm, 54sqm, etc Bare space without carpet SIXTEEN (16) complimentary 2-day passes

For more information, please contact Mr Chris Foo / Ms Tiffany Shia at 6337 8381 or e-mail chris@sccci.org.sg / tiffany@sccci.org.sg SCCCI_CE2015_Issue5_FA_CH.indd 1

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Thinking determines outcome

一位智者曾说,世界上有两种人, 第一种人看见了问题,怨声载道,认为 问题没办法解决,结果自己变成问题的 一部分。

A wise man once said: there are two types of people in the world. The first type is the perpetual complainant whenever a problem occurs, believing that there is no way out. Ultimately they themselves become part of the problem.

另一种人看见了问题,会立刻着 手寻找解决问题的办法,结果在解决 问题的过程中,不仅提升了自身的能 力,开阔了眼界,拓展了人脉,问题也 迎刃而解。许多参加第17届中小型企 业大会和第18届资信商业大会的人, 属于第二种人。

The other type readily seeks solutions to the problem. By doing so, they improve their capabilities, broaden their vision, and expand their networks. Eventually the problem is solved. Many participants who attended the 17th Annual SMEs Conference, 18th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo 2015 belong to this latter category.

今年,总商会把 大会主 题 定为 “创意思维 创新实践”,在于鼓励企 业家通过本会构建的平台,开拓思路和 视野,并把学习到的知识,借鉴到的经 验,通过创意思考,把它内化于心,外 化于行。 知识改变思路,思路决定出路,创 意改变人生,创新成就未来。无论企业 的经营,或是个人的发展,当思路和态 度成了决定成败的关键因素时,缺乏创 新意识和创新能力,便不容易在未来 竞争中赢得生存与发展的空间。 政府持续通过各类措施,鼓励企 业创新求存,许多企业也在总商会的协 助下,竭尽所能自我提升。成功的路上 虽然晴雨难测,但有总商会为你加油打 气,与你并肩同行,所以面对压力时, 请你切莫轻言放弃!

This year, the Chamber’s conference theme of “Think Creatively, Act Innovatively” encourages businesses to open up their mindsets, applying the knowledge and experience acquired via innovative and creative thinking to their business models. Knowledge changes thinking and thinking determines outcome; creativity changes lives while innovation transforms the future. Regardless of whether it concerns business operations or personal development, when thinking and attitude become the determining factors that differentiate success and failure, the lack of creativity and innovation would affect your survival and development of competing in the long term. The government has constantly implemented various measures to encourage businesses to innovate and adapt. Many enterprises have also worked hard to upgrade themselves, with assistance from the Chamber. The road to success may be paved with uncertainties and pressures, but do be assured of having our encouragement and support every step of the way.

会长 Thomas Chua, SCCCI President

请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

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1:36 pm

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编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Charles Ho Nai Chuen Lim Geok Khoon

蔡其生 张松声 何乃全 林玉勤


出版统筹 Publications Supervision

谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong 主编



胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 副编辑


Outwit and outlast with creativity and innovation The 17th Annual SMEs Conference, 18th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo 2015 – the most wellestablished bilingual event where businesses can outwit and outlast the competition by learning how to think creatively and act innovatively.


Digital disruption – agents of change in the business landscape How can businesses harness the power of the new wave of digital disruption?

Assistant Editor

陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee 撰稿 Staff WriterS

李依玲 Samantha Lee 杨伟强 Yeo Wei Qiang 特约撰稿 Contributors

许彬彬 Kelvin Khaw 行销 Marketing 陈星伊 Chin Sin Yee



Design Egg Creatives

出版 Publisher

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg

Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: CnP@sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 101/03/2015. Printed by Innotech Communication Pte Ltd (Registration No. 199604880H).

SCCCI_CE2015_Issue5_FA_CH.indd 4


Family business stronghold Guarding the family business legacy from generation to generation is the ultimate goal that many family businesses are endeavouring to achieve. Hear from family business successors as they share personal experiences of joining and growing the family business. A smorgasbord of views and perspectives Exhibitors and participants post their views and perspectives on the 17th Annual SMEs Conference, 18th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo 2015, adding to quotes from many eminent speakers.



加强商团角色 提升行业实力 促进政企沟通 应对成本上涨 根据总商会年度《中小企业意见调 查》显示,大多数中小企业通过购买 资讯通信器材、自动化设备来提高生 产力,但其总体成效仍不显著。因此, 中小企业急需要更多的指导与协助, 并通过优化经营模式、从事高增值业 务等,多管齐下提高生产力。



提供职业技能框架培训 提升公共交通服务素质 本会会长、官委议员蔡其生在8月份 国会复会中,针对巴士服务法令提出 反馈。


配合小商家实际运作 规范人力资源管理 人力部修定雇佣法令可以协助企业 更加规范人力资源管理,但在推行列 明员工职责范围过程中,也需考虑小 商家的实际情况。


参与亚投行 企业共成长 本会会长、官委议员蔡其生呼吁政联 企业带领一些有特长、有潜力的本地 中小企业参与亚投行项目,一起争取 国际项目,共同成长。



圆月中秋共庆团圆 培育英才回馈社会 9月18日,我国总理公署部长兼环境 与水源部第二部长及外交部第二部 长傅海燕部长,以及各国外交使节、 我国各政府机构长官、工商界、文教 界与社区领袖和代表等齐聚一堂, 欢庆中秋。

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SCCCI President Thomas Chua addressing the crowd of 5,600 business representatives, a first in the event’s history.


In today’s complex and fast-moving business landscape, it would not be the fittest SME but the one which is most adaptable, that will find long-term success. In other words, SMEs need to “Think Creatively” – coming up with fresh and new ideas, products, services or ways of improving process – and “Act Innovatively” – harnessing the power of advancements in technology and integrating it with accumulated skills and knowledge for value-added creation.

The 17th Annual SMEs Conference, 18th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo 2015 – for businesses to gain insights, outwit and outlast the competition by creating value-added growth with creativity and innovation.

Grounded on this theme of “Think Creatively, Act Innovatively”, the SCCCI held Singapore’s most established and longest running bilingual SME business conference – the 17th Annual SMEs Conference, 18th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo 2015 – on August 19-20. This time, it was attended by more than 5,600 business representatives, surpassing all previous records.

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SMART TECH SHOW & TELL This edition also presented a new initiative in Smart Tech Show & Tell – featuring 17 customisable technology solutions from NUS, A*STAR and the Singapore Industrial Automation Association, for SMEs to learn first-hand how innovative technologies can value-add and enhance their business products and offerings, helping them enhance their technology capabilities and increase productivity.

Minister Lim lauded the contributions by business pioneers and stressed that today’s business leaders need to have the same enterprising spirit to contribute to the Singapore economy.

Gracing the event as Guest of Honour, Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang lauded the contributions by business pioneers in his keynote speech. He mentioned that in the early years of nation-building, their visionary and enterprising spirit, willingness to take risks, ability to innovate and adapt to take advantage of business opportunities, made them inspiring role models. He stressed that today’s business leaders need to have the same enterprising spirit to contribute to the Singapore economy. Referring to the annual SME Survey conducted by the Chamber, SCCCI President Thomas Chua noted that 74 per cent of respondents had applied for government assistance schemes to increase productivity. While this was an encouraging development, he begged the question of whether there was any other model to improve productivity besides drawing upon government resources.

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Minister Lim touring the SME Expo and understanding the different services and products available to help improve the capabilities and productivity of SMEs.

Sharing his insights from his mission trip to Italy, which aimed to study the success of Italian family businesses, many of which had entered the 6th generation, Mr Chua said he observed that a very strong family culture was the motivation for raising productivity. This was very different from the Singapore context of a governmentled productivity drive. Owing to the strong family value, Italian companies are willing to invest in automation primarily to lighten the worker’s workload and ensure they can spend sufficient time with their families after work every day. Since the employees were the key beneficiaries behind this drive, they too were naturally committed in the company’s push for productivity. besides increasing productivity, Italian enterprises also concentrate on excelling in their core expertise, and expand in upstream and downstream business

activities to guarantee that the quality of their core product meets the expectations of their clientele. Moreover, as the Italian government did not provide all kinds of assistance schemes, enterprises in Italy have to depend on their own hard work and the support of their employees. This business ethic, said Mr Chua, is certainly worthy of being emulated. The 2-day conference programme was packed with interesting and key insights from local entrepreneurs, business successors, senior management personnel, and overseas management gurus who shared their wealth of both theoretical and practical experience. Also present were professionals, consultants, and a one-stop service hub in the form of a Government pavilion consisting of 10 government agencies.

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It is without doubt that the new wave of digital disruption is the future of business and the race to harness the power of this digital bang starts now. but what should businesses do to win the race?

Stephen Lim, CEO/Managing director, SQL view (far left) moderated the session “Innovation & value Creation from buzzwords to Actions for business”. Speakers were (second from left) dr Christopher Holmes, Managing director, IdC Insights Asia Pacific; Jenny Jang, Manager, International business dept, Jiransoft; Stephen Jagger, Founder, Payroll Hero; Law Chee Cheong, director – Asia Pacific Partner Sales, Apigee.

From the word Go, the 17th Annual SMEs Conference and the 18th Infocomm Commerce Conference and its accompanying SME Expo swung into action on August 19-20 at Suntec Singapore. building on a very robust reputation over the years, the sign-up of conference delegates grew to beyond 5,600, the largest ever turnout. With more than 60 speakers and 26 tracks, the conference had surpassed all previous records. After the opening ceremony officiated by Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang, delegates were spoilt for choice, with concurrent tracks featuring speakers from established businesses, young business leaders from the Gen X and Gen Y category, academics, business gurus, and specialists conducting management workshops.

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One predominant thread running through the entire two days is the concept of digital disruption. Already a norm in the current business landscape, it sets the stage for business transformation. How business adapts to the digital disruption, and how it makes use of this phenomenon for business transformation, is worthy of further investigation. Tan Tong Hai, CEO of StarHub, describes the instances of digital disruption extremely well. Traditional industries, says Mr Tan, are being disrupted by digital innovations. Take Uber, for instance. Uber has disrupted the taxi industry with an app to match passengers and a nearby driver using his personal vehicle. Whilst taxi drivers need to be at least 30 years old, and obtain a vocational licence; under the Uber

framework, this is not necessary. Anyone can be a Uber taxi driver. Netflix has disrupted the Tv industry by delivering movies and original Tv series over broadband. Nowadays people can even watch through their handheld devices. Communicating through Whatsapp, says Mr Tan, is clearly a major digital disruption. It has successfully disrupted the telecom industry by delivering low cost voice and messaging over IP, and has eaten into the SMS revenue. Even the hospitality industry is now facing digital disruption from Airbnb, which disrupts the hotel industry with a community marketplace which allows property owners to connect with renters. As for Alipay, it has disrupted the financial

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services industry with a payment service which is evolving into an all-in-one banking service. All of these digital disruptions are tied to the mobile phone, and this would continue to spur new innovations. Sound advice from Tan Tong Hai is: The last thing to be is to be an ostrich.

embrAce DisrUptiOn (顺应和接受变化) Firstly, he says one must Embrace disruption (顺应和接受变化). The key point is to keep watch of new disruptions, and not sit down and lament. A good example is Singapore’s Ascott and consortium investing $90 million in China’s Airbnb – Tujia.com. hOlD On tO yOUr cUstOmers (抓紧顾客关系) strAtegy nUmber 2: Hold On to Your Customers (抓紧顾客关系) – for instance, extending traditional Tv with multi-screen content delivery, and extending the billing relationship to digital commerce. Mr Tan stresses that it should not be a defence strategy; instead, it should be a strategy that attracts new customers too and acquires new subscribers. be A trUsteD service prOviDer (以诚信为本) strAtegy nUmber 3: be a Trusted Service Provider (以诚信为本). Mr Tan asks a relevant question: if you leave your bag in a taxi, would you trust Comfortdelgro to retrieve your lost item or Uber? And if your belongings are stolen in a hotel, there are surveillance cameras everywhere to help you track. Private houses would not usually have CCTv. banks are also the largest users of SMS. Every time you use a credit card to

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buy anything online, the banks will use SMS (and not Whatsapp) to send you a message containing a one-time password (OTP). SMS is being used for security reasons. All of these strategies are ways to continue driving profitable growth amidst disruption. The proliferation of the Internet has also disrupted another traditional business – mail delivery. Grace Ho, Chief Commercial Officer of Singapore Post, also talks about the changed landscape. With most people using e-mail instead of snail mail, the postal business has definitely been affected. Singapore Post too had to transform to conform to the increased digital savviness of customers, the power of social media and digital communities, and on e-commerce. Hence the POPStation was a strategic innovation which leveraged on the e-commerce platform. Many more consumers are buying over the Internet and thousands of parcels are being delivered every day. POPStation (Pick Own Parcel Station) is a new and secure way devised to collect parcels near you for self-collection 24/7. It saves the time of waiting at home for the parcel delivery or heading to the post office. Grace Ho says this is how Singapore Post has developed a new business product, building upon e-commerce logistics, to combat the digital disruption and stay relevant to the market it serves. This, she adds, is the b2b4C eco-system – business to business for Customer. In yet another panel session on “Innovation & value Creation from buzzwords to Actions for business”, Law Chee Keong of Palo Alto-based Apigee draws on the example of US 24-hour pharmacy Walgreens. Walgreens has been in business for 114 years and is a very traditional business. Yet it has embraced this disruption in the ecosystem by creating entirely new ways to reach out to its customers. With apps for photo prints, prescription

Tan Tong Hai, CEO of StarHub (top) shared a few strategies for businesses to continue driving profitable growth amidst digital disruption while Grace Ho of SingPost (bottom) shared how the company transformed to stay relevant.

refills, schedulers and balance rewards, Walgreens has quickly advanced into the digital space to transform an otherwise traditional business and improved its offerings to end consumers. The prescription refills app developed by Walgreens increases medication adherence, customer engagement, and provides much greater convenience to the customer. It takes less than 30 seconds through the use of the refill scan system. Printing and developing photos at Walgreens also becomes a whole new experience with the QuickPrints eco-system that integrates with many other photo apps partners. The other innovative experience is easy and connects directly to store rewards, where under the Fitbit app, customers accumulate points for walking and weighing and these convert to balance Rewards at the store. digital disruption but leading to profits and rewards!

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In the Lead

Family business stronghold By: Fiona Hu

The Next Generation Business Leaders: (From left) Lim Tian Wee, Founder, Gryphon Tea Company; Yvon Bock, Director, International Sales, Fitson Singapore; Lim Zhaorong, Executive Director, Huamao Agencies; Claire Ariela Shen, Managing Director, Cooking Art Industries; John Cheng, Director, Cheng Yew Heng Candy Factory. The session was moderated by (far right) Michael Jenkins, Chief Executive, Roffey Park.

Starting a business with passion is a beginning, keeping the family business together is a progress; moving the family business forward is a success that many family businesses are trying hard to achieve. When scions of family businesses get together, they tend to find much common ground. It is indeed always fascinating for outsiders to listen to their varied experiences. The SMEs Conference provided just this opportunity for delegates to be privy to two separate tracks on family business. Young business leaders groomed to take over the family business made up the track on “The Next Generation Business Leader: To Be or Not to Be”. A separate track on “Debunking Myths and Revealing Truths on Family Businesses”, with established family business leaders, brought a different set of insights. Undercover boss Lim Jiaorong of Huamao Agencies is a third generation business leader who was “forced” by the father to enter the family business although he held a diploma in tourism management. Reminding us of the reality television series “Undercover Boss”, Jiaorong unfurled the story of how he learned through the ropes before

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taking over from his father in 2010. “I first started out in the company as a delivery man with ‘unknown status’, then worked in the company warehouse to learn product knowledge before joining the sales team. “ Jiaorong believes that upgrading is crucial. After speaking to his friends from HR one day, he realised that he knew nothing about human resource management. “Even terms like KPI were alien to me”, he said. Thus he started to attend business courses, and even “threatened” his dad to attend as well. He has brought the family business ahead by building the value chain, and has since invested in a stingless bee farm and acquired a manufacturing company in China to produce essence of chicken. Weaning the child from the pacifier Yvon Bock of Fitson only joined the family business after working in an MNC and she was quick to point to the huge gap that exists between MNCs and SMEs. She had to forego the long 2-hour lunches, and the flexible working hours. Moreover, the family business had its own concerns. She says that convincing her father to do things differently was not an easy task. Her contribution to the family business was in making a difference in international sales and creating their own Hegen brand of baby milk bottles after being a reliable contractor to the world’s baby product brands for 30 years. Yvon says the turning point came five years ago when they

secured a major contract and invested in new equipment to meet the demand. “A year later, we were served an end of life letter, and we suffered huge losses. This was when we decided to take matters into our own hands. It was time to wean this child from the pacifier.” Hence the Hegen brand was born, and Fitson never looked back. Sustaining the family business with passion The panel of established business leaders – Lau Tai San, Ang Kiam Meng and Kuah Boon Wee, shared some commonalities. All council members of the SCCCI, they had engineering backgrounds and only entered the family business after working for many years in Singapore Technologies. The working experience at the government-linked companies stood them in good stead, especially in the training of workers, and learning how to motivate them. In any family business, the difficulty is in staying professional. With family members, this is always not easy. Mr Ang says talent is always important in any business, whether it is a family business or not. He believes that “you can’t let other professionals think you favour your relatives.” Speaking about business succession, he says: “The entrepreneur and the first generation leader is always very passionate about the business. Passion has established the business, and you also hope your successor will have this passion too.”

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通过“展示和讲述”专场,我们可以 让更多中小企业认识到我们的科研技 术和成果。比如说,很多人都以为big data(大数据)只适合大企业。其实中 小企业也可以受益于big data技术。 刘勇博士 新加坡科技研究局 (新*科研)


this is our fourth year participating as an exhibitor. as most participants are sMEs, our target audience, this is a good platform for us to create awareness and reach out to them! brian ng assistant Manager 361 degree consultancy Pte ltd

as we are relatively new, gobuylah having been around for only three years, the sME Expo is a great opportunity for us to gain better exposure!

i think this is a wonderful way for sMEs to come together and showcase their products and capabilities. We may end up with new collaboration and business partners after this conference!

this year’s theme “think creatively, act innovatively” is very apt as singapore is striving to become a smart nation. We are heading into an exciting period right now and we should encourage more sMEs to join in this journey!

elsie pichler Manager buylah Pte ltd

sherlene lian (far right) assistant Marketing Manager the activation group

howie lau chief Marketing officer starhub

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i have really learnt so much from attending this conference. as a lawyer, i regard the work i do as safeguarding clients’ livelihood – businesses built up through blood, sweat and tears; as protecting and helping build clients’ dreams. through this conference, i am deeply struck by how much more should and could be done for government agencies, sMEs, it players, professional advisers and workers to work together to create an eco-system to support sMEs and ultimately our industries and workforce. sMEs are such an important part of the singapore economy, making up 99% of our companies, employing 70% of our workforce, and contributing up to 50% of our gdP. i am convinced that more must be done to give sMEs strong wings. chia yong yong consultant Yusarn audrey

“Zheng he’s art of collaboration” is extremely relevant to businesses of today and if practised well, can help to elevate the standard of, and the way we do business as a community. the “5 acts of communication” is also very engaging and inspiring. i hope to share this knowledge with my colleagues and apply the learning to my own business. Jamie tan director/co-founder flying cape

大会讨论的创新、未来科技和家族 企业等课题都与我息息相关!我一 直都在抄笔记,方便回家复习!

张宝诚博士的演讲听得我意犹未尽, 非常精彩,很具启发性,是中小企业 的一盏明灯!

演讲者个个都很有冲劲和热诚。每年 听完演讲后都让我充满能量 ,推动我 继续为事业冲刺!

洪鼎良 主席 金山嶺(饮食)集团

潘淑娟 首席执行员 J-EMs Enterprise Pte ltd

陈珍珠 Marketing & creative director Pierre J cadiva

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this is my first time attending the sMEs conference and i think the sME Expo is great for sME bosses like myself who are looking for it solutions. in fact, i just ordered a cheque writer system from an exhibitor and am now considering an attendance management system showcased at another booth. i will definitely be back next year!

我们在同一个平台上学习到台湾 提高生产力的智慧,也吸取到日 本提高生产力的精髓,可说是一 举两得。商家可以各取所长,按自 己公司的模式,制定适合提高生 产力的方案。

卓凯铭 董事 先锋涡轮油泵私人有限公司

Justin ng business development director Yontat doors & hardware Pte ltd

i have been attending sMEicc for almost 10 years… it has been transforming and progressing, getting bigger and better every year. i am very impressed! paul chia director cXM capital Pte ltd

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i really like the conference’s app as it allows you to schedule out the seminars you want to attend, and you know exactly where to go. the workshops were also very interactive and insightful. this is a good learning exposure for young entrepreneurs like myself to learn more about running a business which is not taught in school. tan teck Kuan founder the next chapter film

What i have learnt from the different sharing sessions is that while it is still necessary to have a good product, using technology can increase your productivity and efficiency, and help you make it more appealing! Aaron Wong director kPMg services Pte ltd

scientists and researchers always have a “winking at a girl in the dark” problem – they lack an avenue to showcase their work! the “smart tech show & tell” is therefore a good platform for them to create awareness. Alan chan director sba Mobile solutions llP

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不要再等了!马上运用电子商务 来拓展你的生意吧! 黄伟强 cEo & co-founder clickr Media

if strategy is about making the right choice, implementation is about taking the right action. only through implementation would you know if your strategy is good or bad. robin speculand chief Executive bridges business consultancy international

stay humble, and be passionate about the company. for all the glitz and glam of working in an Mnc, something it could not bring me was purpose.

no matter what we do, the four things that can help us to succeed are: discipline, focus, flexibility and being open-minded to the viewpoints of other people - since their perceptions and views are as valid as the ones we currently hold.

yvon bock director, international sales fitson singapore Pte ltd

mukul Deva director influence solutions Pte ltd

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顾客的口碑是你公司最好的广告。 新的措施,只要是让顾客方便,就 是好的措施。

林雍榤 董事主席 树记珠宝集团

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contribute. no matter how big or small the act, people who reach out to impact the lives of others always get more than they give. they are memorable and influential. by giving, you get enriched far more, spiritually and emotionally. Karen leong director influence solutions Pte ltd

创新就是: “智慧思考,贴近生 活”!创新趋势一直在演变,你必 须时时做出调整,才能持续帮助公 司和客户创造价值。

it is important for sMEs to understand how technology can be incorporated with their business processes and models. otherwise, they won’t be able to have a competitive advantage over their competitors.

陈锡钧 主任 中国生产力中心

Xavier lee Managing director dW global technologies Pte ltd

it is important for the leader to be a good communicator, and a person with grit. grit will pull you through.

the founder must step out of the operations. otherwise he gets too immersed in his business and cannot learn how to improve it.

claire Ariela shen Managing director cooking art industries Pte ltd

lim Zhaorong Executive director huamao agencies sdn bhd

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加强商团角色 提升行业实力 促进政企沟通 应对成本上涨 文:许彬彬

“在政府一如既往的大力支持下,中 华总商会将借助商团中心平台,与各 行业商团及协会共同制定领域发展计 划、推展行业生产力提升项目;同时善 用未来技能培训计划,协助中小企业 提升、转型,以及应对人力挑战。” ─ 蔡其生会长

中华总商会从今年5月中起,展开为期2个半月的《中 小企业意见调查》,以便了解商界的经营展望及挑战、提 高生产力的现状、对人力课题及相关政策的反馈、政府援 助计划对企业的帮助,以及企业进军海外的趋势等。 今年,总商会共收集到756家企业的反馈,比去年645 份高出17%。参与调查的商家当中,96%来自中小企业;公 司股东/董事及决策者占88%。来自各行各业的受访商家 当中,服务业占四分之三(75%)、其次为制造业(17%)、 建筑业(8%)。 调查显示,大多数中小企业通过购买资讯通信器材、 自动化设备来提高生产力,但其总体成效仍不显著。因 此,中小企业需要更多的指导与协助,并通 过优化经营 模式、从事高增值业务等,多管齐下提高生产力。总商会 在报告书中建议,“ 接下来,政府可加强与商团/商会的合 作,并在未来技能培训计划(SkillsFuture)框架下,针对 各领域需求来制定更多的行业生产力提升计划,协助中 小企业取得业务转型的预期成效。”

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经营成本上涨,商业情绪低落 受环球及区域经济局势低迷、国内挑战升温的影响, 我国政府近期调低全年经济增长预测:2015年GDP预计 可取得2%至2.5%的年比增长。调查发现,在宏观经济环 境不明朗的前提下,本地商家对2015年的经济前景展望 不如去年乐观-- 高达83%的受访商家表示,企业面对经营 成本上涨的压力,超过半数(52%)的商家则面临盈利下 滑的风险。 调查显示,经营成本上涨、人手短缺是企业面对的首 要经商挑战。受访企业指出,员工薪金、租金/物业税/土 地税是经营成本上涨的主要导因。值得关注的是,政府行 政收费及合规成本对企业带来的压力,有明显增长趋势 (相比去年增加了9.5%)。

政府行政收费、合规成本带来的压力显著增加 73. 50

员工薪金 不包括人头税

80. 30 53.0 0

租金,物业说, 土地税

6 4. 2 42.0 0

政府行政收 费,人头税

32. 50 34.0 0

商品,原料, 器材设备

45.9 0 33. 30

交通成本 COE, ERP, 路税 融资成本/ 货款利息 强劲的新元汇率

+9. 5

31. 80 11. 30 13.4 0 7.4 0 8 . 50

2015 2014

0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 4 0 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 9 0 %

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企业需多管齐下提高效率 总商会调查发现,大多数中小企业通过购买资讯通 信器材、自动化设备来提高生产力,但其成效仍不显著。 根据人力部2015年第二季度统计数据显示,我国劳动队 伍的生产力连续5个季度(2014年第2季至2015年第2季) 下滑。当中小企业迈入生产力下个里程碑时,亟需更多的 指导与协助,并通过优化经营模式、从事高增值业务等, 多管齐下提高生产力。 在经营成本上涨的前提下,高达88%的企业已经采 取具体行动提高生产力。其中,51%的企业借助自动化设 备、采纳资讯科技提高生产力;半数(50%)企业派员工参 加培训提升技能。值得一提的是,采取步骤提高生产力的 微型企业(即年营业额100万元以下的企业)逐年上升:从 2013年81%,2014年86%,上升至今年的92%。 更多微型企业采取行动提高生产力


善用未来技能计划,缓解人力供求错配 随着外在环境、人口结构迅速转变,预计到了2030 年,我国就业人口当中的PMET人员(专业人士、经理、执 行人员和技术人员)与非PMET人员(基层员工)的比例, 将从现有的1比1,上升至2比1*。换言之,当国人的学历逐 渐提升后,担任基层员工的国人将大幅减少。 “未来技能培训计划”是2015年财政预算案出台的 核心项目。这项全国性的终身受训的人力计划,旨在让国 人做好充分准备,以面对未来职场结构变化,同时也协助 企业面对人力课题挑战。但是,总商会调查发现,大多数 受访商家(56%)仍对计划缺乏了解,或是还未做好准备 而无法从这项重点计划中受惠。 总商会的调查结果,反映了企业在转型过渡期的另 一项隐忧。尽管政府不断提倡企业应提升、转型、减少对 人力的倚赖,中小企业对基层员工的需求仍然非常强劲。

- 6. 3%


95% 9 0. 3

92.1 95%

90% 85.9 85%

有意聘请各类型员工 的企业比例

8 8 .9

8 4. 8 90%


81. 8

80.6 80%

85% 69. 4

75% 80 %

62 .9

70 %








微型企业 已采取行动提高生产 力的微型企业比例显 著上涨。

小型企业 与2014年相比,下跌 了6%,显示小型企业 在提高生产力的成效 不显著。


70 %


另一个令人鼓舞的现象是:近四分之三(74%)的企 业申请了政府援助计划。数据显示,最受欢迎的是生产力 与创新优惠计划(简称PIC)、培训津贴、创新与能力赠券 (ICV)。申请援助计划的微型企业的比例,虽然从2013年 的45%增加到今年的63%,但仍落后于其他规模的企业。

基层 员工

工教院(ITE) 及理工学院 (Poly)毕业生

大学 毕业生

从侧面来看,这反映了商家在人力资源供求落差、员 工技能与职场需求错配的情况下需要更多协助。有鉴于 此,企业应通过业务转型、更好的薪金福利配套、更好职 业前景规划等,来吸引更多基层员工加入,或是通过改善 工作流程以便减少对非PMET员工的依赖。

*资料来源: 《新加坡人口白皮书:可持续的人口,朝气蓬勃的新加坡》,2013年公布

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中华总商会 《中小企业意见调查》 专题讨论会

联同总商会蔡其生会长(中)接受《联合早报》专访的黄山忠副会长(左三)、刘泰山副会长(右三)、总务委员会白毅柏主席(左二)、 研究与出版委员会何乃全主席(右二)、商团与会员事务委员会胡进胜副主席(右一)、杨向明董事(左一),在会上踊跃反映商界 心声。

“为国人提供平等机会”是新加坡建国之路取得成功的要素。在经济贡献方 面,虽然策略及支柱领域的发展由大型企业主推,但从建国至今,中小企业也为国 人创造了大量的就业机会,在维持经济发展、社会稳定方面功不可没。有鉴于此, 总商会促请政府继续为中小企业,尤其是家族企业占绝大多数的传统行业提供实 质援助。

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总商会于9月17日举办《中小企业意见调查》专题讨论会,邀请《联合早报》进行独家专访。 中华总商会蔡其生会 长代表商界,向政府提呈三大建议:




提供明确 经济愿景

持续支持 企业发展

应对经营 成本上涨

随着全球经济环境日趋复杂,政 府应发挥带头作用,为商界(特别是 本地中小企业)提供明确的经济发展 愿景及策略。政府在制定和实施政策 时,应让所有企业都有机会参与协商 过程,特别是通过商团、商会来聆听 行业心声,而不仅是咨询特定群体的 意见。

总商会在报告书中吁请政府致 力于协助中小企业,包括未被政府列 入高增长领域的传统行业;同时更有 效地协助中小企业处理跨部门事务。 具体建议如下:

在全球化经济时代,商业成本的 上涨不仅冲击本地商家的盈利,同时 也削弱我国作为环球大都会的整体竞 争优势。中华总商会建议,政府应成 立“企业成本检讨委员会”,全面探讨 商家(尤其是本地中小企业)所面临 的经商成本上涨挑战,包括:租金、人 力、水电费、运输成本(包括燃油费)、 政府行政收费等。

• 委派一名部长 全权 处 理中小企 业事务、改变政府部门间运作结 构,甚至整合政府机构,以便减 少企业在周旋于多个部门时所需 面对的繁文缛节; • 此外,主要的政府部门应依据中 小企业在转型、成长阶段的实际需 求,制定相关的援助计划与措施; • 政府在制定及实施政策过程中, 应主动通过商团、商会平台,与 商界紧密互动并争取商家的理解 和支持。

同时,总商会促请政府出台相关 措施,协助企业应对主要经商成本上 涨所带来的压力。此外,政府推出新 政策和措施时,也应关注对企业的影 响,特别是那些会增加行政负担与合 规成本的措施。

蔡其生会长在讨论会上表示,目前最需要扶持的是占本地企业70%以上,包括邻里商店、传统行业和家族企业等小型 和微型企业。他们在创造价值或许远远不如大型企业,但它们为社会各阶层提供就业机会,是稳定社会发展所不可忽视的 重要元素。

“如同政府积极加强社会保障体系,重视对弱势群体的关怀一样,我们除了协助高 增长领域的大型企业之外,也应该扶持商界中的弱势群体(即小型及微型企业), 不应放任这些企业被市场力量淘汰,最终对社会发展产生负面影响。” ─ 蔡其生会长

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蔡会长也认为许多传统行业是世代相传的家族企业,雇用的员工是众多家庭的经济支柱。他表示,小型和微型企业 犹如商界中的“弱势群体”,因受到规模、资源的局限,其运作模式难以跟上时代步伐,在转型过程中也面临不少挑战。 因此,政府对这些相对弱势的行业应该提供基本的照顾,不应对它们提出必须达到绩效指标(KPI)的要求。小老板们最 迫切需要的,是政府能为他们提供更具针对性的援助配套。 研究与出版委员会何乃全主席更表示,小型和微型企业可增加市场活力和多元性,若失去了,新加坡的市场经济就会 显得空洞、不完整。何主席还强调,一些小型和微型企业也是家族经营的传统行业,不少更是老字号,如果不将这些传统 行业保存下来,等到它们逐渐消失就船到江心补漏迟了。


为建筑 业者引进项目账户 (Project Account) 机制,在外国主承 包商经营不善或恶意倒闭时,缓解 本地承包商及企业链企业资金周转 问题。

相关部门应采取 必要措施,抑制厂房及 商店租金持续高涨。

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当公司派送员工参与培训、交付 大型订单期间,应暂时提高外籍员工 配额,以便协助商家应对人手短缺的 过渡期。

应调整行业审核 机制,杜绝不公平交 易手段,以保护金钻 珠宝商不被其他行业 利用政策的灰色地带 跨界争抢客源。

为企业提供海外营销津贴,鼓 励更多中小企业拓展海外市场、推广 本地品牌,并带动整个产业链的运作 及提升整体的经济。

协助中小企业, 尤其是邻里商家提高 竞争实力,通过创新、 转型、革新商业模式 等途径,来面对日益 激烈的市场竞争等。

针 对 建 筑 业 、 制造业这些长期人手 短缺的行业行更灵活 的外劳政策,以项目为 基础,引进一定配额的 外劳,并在项目完工后 将劳工送回国。

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Business voice in the parliament


提供职业技能框架培训 提升公共交通服务素质 本会会长、官委议员蔡其生在8月份国会复会中,针对巴士服务法令提出 反馈。 《华商》刊登其发言全文,以嗣读者。 更多人力资源渠道,让有意转行的人 能尽快成为合格的巴士司机。 从更长远的角度看,解决交通拥 堵,提倡环保,减少私家车出行次数, 办法之一就是鼓 励人们乘搭公交系 统,因此,市场对合格巴士司机的需求 将永远存在。考虑到这个行业的特殊 性,我建议未来技能在职培训计划也 能将巴士司机纳入其中。

议长女士,巴士服务,包括公共交 通服务,一直是社会各界异常关注的 课题。特别是今年,多次发生的地铁故 障,为搭客带来很多不便,为此,任何 改进公共交通服务素质的努力,我们 都应该支持! 去年国会讨论财政预算案时,总 商会前任会长,张松声官委议员曾经 对如何提升本地公共交通服务素质提 出建议,希望政府换一个角度思考,改 变管理和营运模式。现在,政府为巴士 服务行业设立相关法令,引入竞争机 制,这是良好的开始。而且,法令将规 定在投标过程中采用“双信封”机制, 首先评估投标者提呈的服务素质,达 标后才会继续评估财务指标,这样的 遴选程序,将能避免为了中标,降低标 价,却牺牲质量的做法,最终的受益者 是广大乘客。 新法令也提醒本地巴士业者,新 加坡是个完全开放的市场,引入跨国 企业会加剧市场竞争,特别是对人力

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资源的争夺。因此,本地企业要早做 准备,更加关注公司运作效率,加强公 司人事管理,与员工保持良好沟通。 今 年五 月,经 过 投 标,英 国 的 Tower Transit集团获得本地巴士路线 配套经营权,打破由新捷运和SMRT长 期垄断市场的局面。我们期待在伦敦 和澳洲有公共巴士服务经验的Tower Transit能够带来更加严谨、有效的运作 管理,但是,本地业者也必须看到,新 同行的加入,会加剧交通业人力资源 短缺的局面。 Tower Transit已经表示将要招聘 90 0多名员工,其中70 0名是巴士司 机,这对现有的巴士服务、校车服务、 运输服务等公司是个挑战。本地司机 短缺是长期存在的问题,而且巴士公 司聘请外籍司机也曾出现水土不服的 症状。为此,我希望路交局和劳动力发 展局合作,为公共交通行业,特别是巴 士公司提供职业技能框架培训,开发

改 变游戏 规 则,提 升公共交 通 服务素质,让公众出行更加方便,这 是我们的长远目标。不过,一石激起 千层浪,一项政策的修改,往往会带 来一波又一波的连锁反应,特别是对 人力资源的规划。俗话说人无远虑, 必有近忧,我吁 请本 地 业者 也趁 此 机会重新审核自身管理,增强员工凝 聚力,用薪酬之外的其他因素,留住 业务骨干。海外同行进入市场是个挑 战,在今后的巴士路线招标中,希望 本地业者一定努力去争取,不要落在 外国公司后面。


我希望路交局和劳动力发 展局合作,为公共交通行 业,特别是巴士公司提供 职业技能框架培训,开发 更多人力资源渠道,让有 意转行的人能尽快成为合 格的巴士司机。

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Business voice in the parliament

配合小商家实际运作 规范人力资源管理 8月17日,本会会长、官委议员蔡其生于国会复会时表示 人力部修定雇佣法令可以协助企业更加规范人力资源 管理,但在推行列明员工职责范围过程中,也需考虑小 商家的实际情况。

议长女士,修订雇佣法令,要求本 地公司明年开始为员工提供薪水单, 并在招聘员工时,清楚地列明员工的 职责范围、工作时间、薪水、津贴、年 假和福利等,这是好事,可以协助企业 更加规范人力资源管理,为此,我支持 人力部修定雇佣法令。 一般上,本地比较有规模的公司 都已经采用这种做法,执行法令不会 有问题。去年,人力部宣布即将推行 这项计划,总商会立刻与新加坡制造 技术研究院联合设计了简单实用的电 子薪水单(e-Payslip) 软件,供中小企业 免费下载。为了推动更多企业采用电 子薪水单,总商会专门举办了12个工 作坊,其中一些工作坊是和商团一起 合作进行。同时,总商会属下的中小企 业中心也主动向小商家推广电子薪水 单,至今已经完成了一百个辅导个案。 在推广时我们发现,一些小商家 不擅长使用电脑,或者觉得用电脑打 印比较麻烦。现在,人力部设计了薪 水单表格,可以直接填写数字,使用方

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便。不过,现在的表格只有英文版,考 虑到小商家的需要,建议人力部提供 不同语种的版本。 人力部要求小商家列明员工的职 责范围,实行起来相对比较困难。小 商家人手不多,职责范围无法规定的 过于明确。小公司更需要团队精神,大 家一起合作,共同完成任务。而且,我 们现在一直倡导提高生产力,工作安 排更具灵活性,员工多做一些工作,公 司业绩提升了,薪水也可以随之调整。 记得我刚加入德华时,公司只有 二十多个人,每次有大活动,同事们不 分你我,互相帮忙,我母亲特意在家里 煮了好吃的食物,拿到公司请大家吃, 每个人都很开心,说说笑笑就像一家 人。后来,公司规模大了,员工越来越 多,有了行政部、人事部,部门之间的 职责分工也开始明确。再遇到大活动, 就只能请外面的配餐公司帮忙,但是 员工们还是很想念我母亲亲手烹煮的 食物。这就是小公司的运作生态。

列明员工职责范围是很正 规的做法,但是小商家们 在实际运作时,不一定实 用。我非常理解人力部的 初衷,希望通过施行电子 薪水单,列明工作范围的 方式来保护员工的利益。 不过,在推行过程中,也要 考虑小商家的实际情况。

列明员工职责范围是很正规的做 法,但是小商家们在实际运作时,不一 定实用。我非常理解人力部的初衷,希 望通过施行电子薪水单,列明工作范 围的方式来保护员工的利益。不过,在 推行过程中,也要考虑小商家的实际 情况。就像养鱼,不是每种鱼都适合放 到鱼缸里来养。一些老板们担心,一旦 列明员工的职责范围,反而会惹出麻 烦。例如,老板突然有事要员工帮忙, 或者公司有人请假,需要其他同事分 担,一些员工可能会认为这不在职责 范围内而抱怨。这就是我的顾虑。 请问部长,修订法令后,起步公 司是不是也要清楚地列明员工的职责 范围?

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Business voice in the parliament


参与亚投行 企业共成长 8月17日,本会会长、官委议员蔡其生于国会表示 对亚投行法令的支持,并呼吁政联企业带领一些 有特长、有潜力的本地中小企业参与亚投行 项目,一起争取国际项目,共同成长。

议长女士,在了解了亚洲基础设 施投资银行,简称“亚投行”的背景、 目标、服务领域之后,我支持国会通 过亚投行法令。 目前,亚洲是世界经济发展最为 活跃,最具潜能的地区,对基础设施 建设的投入也日益增强。但是,亚洲 许多国家还处在发展中阶段,投入基 础设施建设一方面需要更多的资金支 持,同时也需要专业的技术与管理。由 中国发起成立的亚投行,将通过世界 范围的大规模融资,为亚洲的发展注 入新的动力。 新加坡是亚投行首批意向创始成 员国之一。过去五十年,我们在城市基 础建设领域,如能源、公用事业、废物 管理、公共住房、交通等方面累积了丰 富的经验,在水务管理方面也找到了 可持续发展的解决方案。在新加坡举 办的国际水资源周、洁净环境峰会、 世界城市高峰会等大型会展,也吸引了 世界各国的业界人士、政府官员、专家 学者的关注。这些都是新加坡参与亚 投行项目的优势。商家期待未来能够 通过亚投行,参与更多跨国、跨区域的 基础设施建设。 那么,新加坡企业如何才能参与 亚投行项目,我想可以参照亚洲开发 银行 (ADB) 的做法。亚洲开发银行成立 于1966年,新加坡是成员国之一。从

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1967年至今,以新加坡为基地的公司 共得到亚洲开发银行13.5亿美元的项 目资金。其中,2384项合约拨给了以 新加坡为基地的承包商和供应商,311 项合约拨给了新加坡的咨询服务公 司。截至2014年底,新加坡共向亚洲 开发银行注资5.23亿美元,却得到了 13.5亿美元的合约。参与亚洲开发银 行的时代,新加坡还是发展中国家,在 许多领域都处在摸索当中。现在,新加 坡已经进入发达国家的行业,累积了 更多实际运作经验,参与跨国合作,本 地企业将有可以发挥的优势。 为此,我们希望贸工部和财政部 借鉴参与亚洲开发银行的经验,在国 际合作的平台发掘更多商业机会。在 基础设施建设方面,政联企业是主力, 也有亮眼的成绩单,在投标亚投行项 目时,成功的机会相对比中小企业高。 我们希望在政联企业的带领下,一些 有特长、有潜力的本地中小企业也能 够有机会参与亚投行项目,大家一起 争取国际项目,共同成长,也能增强国 家凝聚力。 在总商会举办的商团会员午餐会 上,一些会员公司已经提出类似的想 法。他们看到区域国家兴建基础设施 的商机,但这些项目规模比较大,靠单 一企业的力量很难争取。如果有政府 的协助,有政联企业带领,本地企业 投标项目的成功率就会大一些。

新加坡的未来,将取决于自身对 区域和亚洲的价值。现在,亚洲已经 成为世界经济发展的引擎,中国发起 成立亚投行,促进亚洲地区基础设施 建设和互联互通,也包括“一带一路” 沿线亚投行成员国的基建项目。站在 商家的立场,亚投行和“一带一路”是 目前和未来的热点,商家们都希望能 积极参与。 最近,一些商家向我反映,在亚 细安经济共同体课题方面,政府与商 家的沟通很不够。希望亚投行项目启 动后,政府能更积极与商家沟通,商家 也要更主动去争取。

他们看到区域国家兴建基 础设施的商机,但这些项 目规模比较大,靠单一企 业的力量很难争取。如果 有政府的协助,有政联企 业带领,本地企业投标项 目的成功率就会大一些。

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圆月中秋共庆团圆 培育英才回馈社会 文:李依玲

9月18日,我国总理公署部长兼环境与水源部第 二部长及外交部第二部长傅海燕,以及各国外交 使节、我国各政府机构长官、工商界、文教界与 社区领袖和代表等齐聚一堂,欢庆中秋 。

总理公署部长兼环境与水源部第二部长及外交部第二部长傅海燕部长、总商会蔡其生会长与获颁总商会基金奖学金的四所大学和马 来/回教优秀生合影。

中秋节是华人的四大节日之一, 象征着团圆与丰收。今年于嘉庚堂举 办的庆祝晚会邀请了各国外交使节、 我国各政府机构长官、工商界、文教界 与社区领袖和代表等齐聚一堂,享用 美食,欢庆佳节。自2004年起,总商会 也于晚会上颁发总商会基金奖学金给 品学兼优的大专学生。 今年,共有22名就读于新加坡四 所公立大学的华族、马来族和印度族 大学生获颁总商会基金奖学金。除了 与马来回教社会发展理事会联合颁发 给杰出马来回教大学生的奖学金,本 会今年也首次与新加坡印度人发展协 会联合设立奖学金,让品学兼优的印 度族大学生申请,充分体现了本会促 进种族和谐与教育发展的精神。获得 总商会与马来回教社会发展理事会联

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合奖学金的Ms Nur Nabilah binte Roslee 在谈到作为非华族获奖者的感受时 说: “在新加坡,不同族群的人都有取 得更高成就的机会,没有任何族群比 其他族群享有较特别的待遇,总商会 的奖学金便是这样的例子之一。” 奖学金制度施行多年,现在也开 始作出调整。例如,国立大学中文系 就利用奖学金支持学生进行先贤研 究,或者到中国参加交流计划。研究 先贤是为了传承华商精神,到中国交 流是为了开阔视野,这些都是很好的 努力和尝试。

赠5千元给总商会基金,请基金代为 颁发,支持管理大学的学弟学妹。蔡 会长在祝愿得奖者学业有成的当儿, 更希望他们在日后找到理想职业、取 得成就时不忘发挥“取之社会、用之 社会”的精神,照顾社会上有需要的 一群。 新加坡南洋理工大学商学奖得 主王群杰从陈俊荣的这份热心得到启 发,希望有朝一日同样能为学弟学妹 作出贡献。他认为: “我们必须把这种 回馈社会的精神传承下去,让后代都 能享受我们今天所获得的成果。”

蔡其生会长在致词时也分享一个 感人的故事。毕业于新加坡管理大学 的陈俊荣是2010年总商会奖学金得 主,现在已经开始工作。他特意向捐

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