SCCCI CWG International Women's Day Conference 2022 Programme

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新加坡中华总商会事业女性组 2022 年国际三八妇女节论坛 SCCCI Career Women’s Group International Women’s Day Conference 2022

日期 Date

2022 年 3 月 6 日 (星期日) 06.03.2022 (Sunday)

时间 Time

5.30 pm – 8.30 pm

地点 Venue

香格里拉大酒店岛屿宴会厅 Shangri-La Hotel Island Ballroom

主宾 Guest-of-Honour

傅海燕女士 Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien 永续发展与环境部长 Minister for Sustainability and the Environment

服装 Attire

商务正装 Business Attire

新加坡中华总商会事业女性组简介 新加坡中华总商会为了扩展其联系网络,也为了吸引更多职业女性参 与它的活动,于 1994 年 7 月成立了“新加坡中华总商会事业女性组”。 事业女性组定期主办分享会、茶会及研讨会,也经常邀请专业人士发 表专题演讲,让关心时局的女性借此平台互相交流,分享心得,扩大 彼此的联系网络。目前,事业女性组隶属于总商会商团与会员事务委 员会,组员超过 800 人。

About SCCCI-Career Women’s Group The SCCCI Career Women’s Group (CWG) was set up in July 1994 with the aim of attracting more career women to participate in the SCCCI’s activities and expand their network. It is an interest group under the SCCCI’s Trade Association and Membership Affairs Committee. The CWG members gather regularly for seminars, talks and tea sessions to communicate with each other for networking and experience sharing as well as listen to talks by guest speakers on topics of interest or concern. To date, the CWG has more than 800 female members in its community. +65 6337 8381 SCCCI.CWG SCCCICWG

筹备委员会 Organising Committee 黄亦巧

Hwang Yee Cheau

事业女性组主席 总商会文教与社会事务委员会 副主席

CWG Chairperson SCCCI Vice-Chairperson of Culture, Education & Community Affairs


Ang Shih-Huei


CWG Membership Group Leader



Geraldine Ng



CWG External Relations Vice-Group Leader



Joey Oh



CWG External Relations Group Member



Michelle Cheo


事业女性组副主席 总商会董事

CWG Vice-Chairperson and SCCCI Council Member


Voo Choon Ling

事业女性组外事组组员 总商会文教与社会事务委员会 副主席

CWG External Relations Group Member


Angelia Yang


CWG External Relations Group Leader

顾问 Advisors

SCCCI Vice-Chairperson of Culture, Education & Community Affairs

主题 Theme

每个女人都有自己的故事。 女人是多面化的变色龙。 我们思路敏捷并且能迅速的适应变化。 女人们面临着很多挑战但她们并不是孤军奋战。 而是与其他男人或女人一起完成了不同的人生追求。

Every woman has a story to be told. Women are multi-faceted chameleons. We are nimble and are quick to adapt to changes. Women are on a journey to face many challenges and they are not alone. Together with other men/women, these women complete a different quest in life.

节目 Programme 时间 Time

节目详情 Programme Details

4.15 pm

嘉宾莅临与登记 Arrival of Guests & Registration

5.15 pm

嘉宾就座 Guests to be seated

5.30 pm

论坛开始 Commencement of Conference 主宾永续发展与环境部长 傅海燕女士莅临 Arrival of Guest-of-Honour, Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment 新加坡中华总商会 黄山忠会长致欢迎辞 Welcome speech by SCCCI President Mr Roland Ng 主宾傅海燕部长致辞 Address by Guest-of-Honour, Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien

6 pm

专题演讲 Keynote Speech 主题:在地方性流行病下的风险管理新策略 Topic: Risk Management & Strategies during the endemic 主讲嘉宾 Speaker Ms Judy Lee Dragonfly Capital 首席执行官 、Dragonfly 常务董事兼联合创始人 CEO, Dragonfly Capital Managing Director & Co-Founder, Dragonfly

6.15 pm

论坛 Panel discussion 论坛 (一) Panel Discussion (1) 主题 Topic: 1. 在新的地方性流行病下勇于接纳新趋势和变革 2. 冠病大流行给商业环境带来巨大的转变 3. 冠病疫情肆虐下企业韧性成长的成功故事 1. 2. 3.

Embracing new trends & changes in the new endemic Changes in business climate due to the pandemic Success stories of resilience in the pandemic

主讲嘉宾 Panellists 刘菉女士 Ms Liu Lu JustCo 联合创始人兼特别顾问 Co-Founder & Special Advisor JustCo

吴淑敏女士 Ms Cindy Goh-Cabral 铭板集团私人有限公司 首席执行官 Oribel 创始人 CEO, Meiban Global Pte Ltd Founder, Oribel

会议主持 Moderator 曾月丽女士 Ms Chun Guek Lay 资深媒体人 Senior Media Professional 6.45 pm

论坛 (二) Panel Discussion (2) 主题 Topic: 1. 女性领导者:在全球 Covid-19 疫情之下成功实现平等未来 2. 女性突破领域界限 1. Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in the Covid-19 world 2. Women pushing boundaries 主讲嘉宾 Panellists 翁晔毅女士 Ms Rachel Eng 翁律师事务所创始合伙人兼董事 总经理 Founding Partner & Managing Director Eng and Co. 会议主持 Moderator

7.15 pm 7.25 pm 7.30 pm

7.40 pm 8.30 pm

胡锦珠女士 Mrs Ng Gim Choo 新加坡伊顿国际教育集团创始人兼董事长 Founder & Managing Director EtonHouse International Education Group

曾月丽女士 Ms Chun Guek Lay 资深媒体人 Senior Media Professional 新加坡中华总商会事业女性组 黄亦巧兼任副教授致谢辞 Closing Address by SCCCI CWG Chairperson Adj. A/Prof Hwang Yee Cheau 赠送纪念品 Token of appreciation 论坛结束 End of the Conference 南洋女子中学呈现华族舞蹈表演 Chinese dance performance presented by Nanyang Girls’ High School 晚餐 Dinner 结束 (线上出席者) End (Only for online participants) 结束 End

主讲嘉宾 Keynote Speaker

Ms Judy Lee Dragonfly Capital 首席执行官 、Dragonfly 常务董事兼联合创始人 CEO, Dragonfly Capital Managing Director & Co-Founder, Dragonfly

Judy Lee 是一位具有 30 年经验的战略顾问、风险管理专家和资本市场专业人士。她是 纽约银行家信托公司 80 年代末的风险管理先驱,也是资本市场风险顾问公司和资本市 场公司的合伙人。 2000 年,她与合伙人共同创立了 Dragonfly 有限责任公司,为全球财富 500 强客户提供 风险管理和战略服务。 Judy 担任星展银行、新加坡地铁有限公司以及淡马锡生命科学加速器的独立董事。 她是锡兰商业银行投资委员会的独立董事和主席。 Judy LEE is a strategy consultant, risk management expert, and capital markets professional with 30 years of experience. Lee, a risk management pioneer from the late 80s at Bankers Trust New York, was also a partner at Capital Market Risk Advisors and The Capital Markets Company. She co-founded Dragonfly LLC in 2000 serving global Fortune 500 clients in risk management and strategy, worldwide. Lee serves as an Independent Board Director of DBS Bank (SGX:D05), SMRT Corporation, and Temasek Life Sciences Accelerator in Singapore. She is an Independent Director and Chair of the Investment Committee of Commercial Bank of Ceylon (CSE:COMB).

论坛嘉宾 Panellists

刘菉女士 Ms Liu Lu JustCo 联合创始人兼特别顾问 Co-Founder & Special Advisor JustCo

刘菉是 JustCo 的联合创始人兼特别顾问。她的使命是在亚太地区所有 JustCo 中心建立 毫不妥协的世界级服务标准,创造独特而难忘的 JustCo 体验,这将形成公司的关键战 略差异。 她带领客户体验和亚太地区品牌与传播团队,通过传播和以客户为导向的战略为集团打 造强大的品牌建议。这些团队还负责在整个集团内推广客户体验标准,并确保所有中心 的卓越运营。 作为领导者和团队发展的有力倡导者,刘菉还为其团队提供定期培训和指导,培养出精 通当地市场细微差别并致力于与成员建立长期关系的强大市场人才。 在加入 JustCo 之前,刘菉曾在美国、欧洲和亚洲的宝洁以及纽约的安永任职。刘菉的 英语和普通话流利,她拥有纽约哥伦比亚大学哥伦比亚商学院工商管理硕士学位,以及 纽约大学斯特恩商学院金融和会计荣誉双专业学士学位。 LIU Lu is the Co-Founder and Special Advisor at JustCo. As a key founding member of JustCo’s leadership team, Lu held an integral role in building JustCo’s name beyond anyone’s imagination. In her role, Lu devotes time in providing mentorship and guidance to the customer experience team. Her mission is to create unique and memorable JustCo experience for members through uncompromising, world-class service standards – which forms the company’s key strategic differentiator. A strong advocate of leadership and team development, Lu also provides training for her teams, resulting in strong in-market talents who are well-versed with local market nuances and are committed to build long-lasting relationships with members. Prior to JustCo, Lu was with Proctor & Gamble in the United States, Europe, and Asia as well as Ernst & Young in New York City. Fluent in English and Mandarin, Lu holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, and a Bachelor of Science degree with Honors and double majors of Finance and Accounting from the Stern Business School, New York University, New York.

吴淑敏女士 Ms Cindy Goh-Cabral 铭板集团私人有限公司首席执行官 Oribel 创始人 CEO, Meiban Global Pte Ltd Founder, Oribel

铭板精密科技有限公司在 1987 年于新加坡成立,经过多年发展已成为一家卓越的制造 企业。铭板工厂分布于新加坡、马来西亚、以及中国,具备从精密工程、注塑技术到承 包制造的能力及服务。 始终追求创新与品质是我们一直不变的核心价值观,这也使我们成为不少顶尖医疗、消 费电子行业公司合作伙伴的选择。 Established in Singapore since 1987, Meiban continues to be a notable player in the manufacturing industry. Meiban facilities are located in Singapore, Malaysia and China with capabilities from precision engineering, plastics technology to contract manufacturing. Staying true to its core values of innovation and quality, Meiban is today the partner of choice for some of the best-in-class companies in the varying fields of medical, consumer technology and industrials.

翁晔毅女士 Ms Rachel Eng 翁律师事务所创始合伙人兼董事总经理 Founding Partner & Managing Director Eng and Co.

在 2020 年福布斯亚洲排名前 25 位的亚洲女企业家中,晔毅是新加坡传统上以男性为主 的法律职业的开拓者。 2010 年,她成为首位领导新加坡最大律师事务所之一 WongPartnership 的女性。随 后,她被任命为普华永道全球法律领导团队的一员,并且是该团队当时九名成员中唯一 一名女性,帮助审查普华永道在大约 100 个国家的 3600 名律师。 晔毅大力促进工作场所和董事会的多样性。她是董事会多样性委员会的成员并致力于促 进性别多样性。她还自愿担任青年女性领导关系(YWLC)的导师。她目前正在新加坡 领航一个名为“新加坡女企业家网络”(SGWEN)的新项目。 Ranked in top 25 Asia’s Power Businesswomen list by Forbes Asia in 2020, Rachel is a trailblazer in Singapore’s traditionally male-dominated legal profession. In 2010, she became the first woman to lead one of the largest law firms (by number of lawyers) in Singapore, WongPartnership.

She was then appointed to PwC’s global legal leadership team—the only woman in the nine-member team—helping oversee the network’s 3,600 lawyers across roughly 100 countries. Rachel strongly promotes diversity in the workplace and in the boardroom. She is a member of the Council for Board Diversity that promotes gender diversity in the boardroom and volunteer as a Mentor with the Young Women's Leadership Connection (YWLC). She is now piloting a new network in Singapore called ‘Singapore Women Entrepreneur Network (SGWEN)’.

胡锦珠女士 Mrs Ng Gim Choo 新加坡伊顿国际教育集团创始人兼董事长 Founder & Managing Director EtonHouse International Education Group

胡女士起初在一个审计公司当了十多年的会计师。当她放弃事业跟随丈夫到伦敦公干 时,看到女儿喜欢上幼儿园而受到启发。返回新加坡后,决定重返职场,在 1995 年成 立了 EtonHouse。 从新加坡普洛力路的一间学校,伊顿如今发展成为一个在 11 个国家拥有 120 个校区, 近 2 万多名学生的国际教育机构。胡女士对全球国际教育有着重大贡献,因而获得了许 多奖项。她所设立的伊顿基金会也为社区和弱势儿童群体做出了巨大的贡献。 2009 年,获得英国伦敦政府颁发的“伦敦荣誉市民证书”,她是第一位获此殊荣的新 加坡女性。她在 2019 年获得了安永教育类年度企业家奖,并在 2021 年也被福布斯选 为 “最具影响力的亚洲商界女性”。 Mrs Ng started her career as an accountant and worked in an audit firm for more than ten years. She gave up her job to accompany her husband to work in the UK. It was in the UK where she was inspired by her daughter’s learning experience in kindergarten. She was a full-time housewife for more than 12 years before setting up EtonHouse in 1995. From one school on Broadrick Road, EtonHouse has grown into a global education group with more than 20,000 students in 120 international school and pre-school campuses across 11 countries. Mrs Ng has received many awards for her significant contributions towards international education on a global scale. She also contributes significantly to the community through the EtonHouse Community Fund, an IPC charity. She was the first Singaporean woman to be awarded the Freedom of City of London in 2009. She won the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year Award (Education category) in 2019 and was listed in Forbes’ Asia Power Businesswomen 2021.

会议主持 Moderator 曾月丽女士 资深媒体人

Ms Chun Guek Lay

Senior Media Professional

从事电视行业超过 30 年,担任过新闻主播、时事节目主持人,本地观众对月丽并不陌 生。 With more than 30 years of experience as TV news anchor and current affairs program presenter (mandarin), Guek Lay is no stranger to Singapore TV audience.

鸣谢 Acknowledgements 主宾: 永续发展与环境部长 傅海燕女士 Guest-of-Honour: Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment 特别嘉宾:外交部及国家发展部高级政务部长 沈颖女士 Special Guest: Ms Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Ministry of National Development


指定媒体合作伙伴 Official Media Partner

2022 年国际三八妇女节论坛 特约制作呈献 A Special Commissioned Presentation for The Opening of International Women’s Day Conference 2022 朗诵、沙画、书法 The Recitation | Sand Art | The Calligraphy

仨之颂 A Trilogy to 我 (wo) men A collection of poems inspired by 4 outstanding women who changed the world of their time 【灯】 在黑暗的深夜里,我提着灯 一排排病床上躺着伤兵 你看过我 硝烟中,灯火是希望 洗伤口,泪水是药方 杀戮前线的阵亡者 怎堪消受孤独的悲伤 我们 我们(wo)men 是—— 提灯的「夜莺」 The Lamp

In the depth of the night this little lamp in my hand Its light shines through the tent on rows and rows of stretchers I see wounded soldiers and dying garçons Yea, you have seen me In the haze of gunpowder smoke the lamp casts rays of hope Let the wounds be cleansed by our tears, the salve, Many had fallen, died and perished Woe is the sorrow of loneliness And we... We are... Nightingales with lamps in our hands


不分国籍肤色的画笔 油彩晕开了荷花 久吹不散的风凉雨寒 我们(wo)men 是远扬归来的驳船 不分是非黑白的刀笔 划过石膏人像的我的心 没有墨汁一样湿了灵魂 我们(wo)men 是御风逐浪的彩蝶

Paint Brush

The paintbrush draws no distinction between race nor nationality It just blushes the lotus blossoms pink As frosty chill brings rain and breeze We come home in a barge, you see There’s no black or white, left or right The scalpel cuts through my heart, Blackened and stained, though not with ink noire Now, soar and rise with the winds and tides We flap our wings so we can fly like butterflies dancing in the sky


凉水 曾经

浸润你唇边的血迹 你也是妈妈怀中的甜心

一张画两只鞋 短袍三套 徒步行走万里 踏遍七洲五洋 找寻心中淌血含泪的眼 云雾 是大地的气息 雨滴 是我们盈盈的舞步 世间本无胖瘦美丑 云雨中的每一道彩虹 都作我们(wo)men 金石宝矿烨丽闪烁 Water

The cooling water washed off the bloodstain on your lips Remember this – you once laid in your mother’s arms so warm and sweet A portrait, a pair of shoes and three ragged robes I possessed My journey leads me through thousands of miles on foot Crossing continents and the seven seas Seeking one’s eyes glistening with tears and whose heart pierced by spears The breath of the earth clothes the cloudy mist Raindrops fall and chase after our dancing feet The World does not discriminate one from another Like every rainbow I found amidst showers and clouds Our charm and charisma shimmer like gemstones, silver and gold

【仨之颂】中文原诗与英文翻译:汪丽贞 “Trilogy” – poems originally in Chinese by Wong Lee Jeng English Translation by Wong Lee Jeng and edited by Tan Tong Jen 【仨之颂 Trilogy】Copyright2022@WongLeeJeng 沙画艺术家 Sand Artist Imran 汉字书法 Chinese Calligrapher 周纯端 Chew Soon Tuan

9 Jurong Town Hall Road, #04-01, Trade Association Hub Jurong Town Hall, Singapore 609431 Tel: +65 6337 8381 Fax: +65 6339 0605

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