SAF and WMS Write Up v2

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居安思危 携手并进 Being Vigilant in Times of Peace Advancing Together 第53届悼念日本占领时期死难人民祭礼 暨2020年全面防卫日 2020年2月15日(星期六) 上午9时15分-10时45分 The 53rd War Memorial Service in Commemoration of the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation and Total Defence Day Commemoration 2020 15 February 2020 (Saturday) 9:15 am – 10:40am

2020年新加坡武装部队军人节集体宣誓仪式 2020年7月1日(星期三) 上午11时-11时30分 SAF Day Rededication Ceremony 2020 Date: 1 July 2020 (Wednesday 1 July 2020 11am – 11:30am

新加坡自今年初受到COVID-19冠状病毒疫情影响,政府于4月7日实施“阻 断措施”,全力抗疫,先后推出四个纾困预算配套,全力带领国人克服这 一代人最严峻的考验。新加坡中华总商也积极配合政府政策,协助本地企 业面对疫情所带来的各种挑战。

Since the beginning of the year, Singapore has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The government implemented circuit breaker measures on 7 April to fight the pandemic and released four successive relief budgets to help Singaporeans overcome the greatest crisis of a generation. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry actively cooperated with the government policies, assisting local businesses to deal with the various challenges arising from the pandemic.

疫情在新加坡蔓延前,总商会在2月份在国防部的支持下于2月15日举 办了“第53届悼念日本占领时期死难人民祭礼暨2020年全面防卫日纪 念活动”。新加坡之后便实施阻断措施,严防疫情扩散。阻断措施逐 步放宽后,总商会在国防部的支持下,于7月1日举办2020年新加坡武 装部队军人节集体宣誓仪式,让雇主以及战备军人集体重申对国家的 效忠、保家卫国决心,以及向保家卫国的军人及战备军人表示感谢! Before COVID-19 escalated into a pandemic, the Chamber held the 53rd War Memorial Service in Commemoration of the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation and Total Defence Day Commemoration on 15 February 2020 with the support of MINDEF. Shortly after, the government implemented circuit breaker measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. After the circuit breaker measures were progressively eased and with the support from MINDEF, the Chamber held the SAF Day Rededication Ceremony 2020 on 1 July. This ceremony allows employers and NSmen to reaffirm their loyalty towards the nation, reaffirm their commitment and support towards National Defence and recognise their contributions to the security of Singapore.

总商会和国防部在阻断措施实施前后,联合举办这两场活动,意义深长。 The Chamber and MINDEF jointly organised two events of great significance in the pre- and post Circuit Breaker Period. 总商会自1967年以来,每年于2月15日假日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑 举办祭礼。近年来的祭礼更联合国防部配合全民防卫日来举办祭礼,提 升国人居安思危﹑保家卫国的意识,强调捍卫新加坡主权的重要性,不 把和平与稳定视为理所当然,以确保国家永远独立自主,不再重蹈历史 覆辙。 Since 1967, the Chamber has been holding the annual War Memorial Service in Commemoration of the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation on 15 February. In recent years, the Chamber co-organised the War Memorial Service with MINDEF in conjunction with Total Defence Day. The War Memorial Service seeks to raise awareness of being vigilant in times of peace and instil consciousness of defending the country. It also emphasises the importance of defending Singapore’s sovereignty, not taking peace for granted and not repeating the mistakes in history.

今年的祭礼在新加坡实施阻断措施前举行。当时全球已经受冠病疫情 波及,新加坡也出现感染病例。即便如此,总商会实施严格的安全措施, 把祭礼的规模缩小、仪式简化,坚持延续53年的传统,风雨不改,告慰 先烈英灵,并致力于推动国民教育,强化国人居安思危的防卫意识。 Earlier this year, the Chamber held the War Memorial Service before the circuit breaker measures were introduced, in a time when COVID-19 had swept across the world with Singapore being no exception. Despite organising the Service on a smaller scale, simplified version and with strict safety measures in place this year, the Chamber was determined that the War Memorial Service should be held without fail over the past 53 years to commemorate civilian victims. In addition, the Chamber has dedicated relentless efforts in promoting national education and encouraging vigilance and resilience amongst Singaporeans.

随着新加坡进入重启经济活动的第二阶段,总商会与国防部按照政府的 抗疫规定,采取现场和线上方式,如常于7月1日举办军人节活动集体宣 誓仪式。总商会在2016年开始,便得到国防部的支持,举办宣誓仪式。 今年的仪式程序简化了,意义依然重大。 As Singapore entered Phase 2 of reopening its economy, the Chamber collaborated with MINDEF to organise the SAF Day Rededication Ceremony as scheduled on 1 July 2020. The Ceremony was held as a physical event alongside with live streaming, in compliance with the Government’s advisory on managing the COVID-19 situation. MINDEF has partnered the Chamber to jointly organise the SAF Day Rededication Ceremony since 2016. Though the ceremonial flow was simplified this year, it continues to bear great significance. 尽管疫情对新加坡是一次重大考验,却也正因为值此危机,更能团结国 人,在忧患之中体现同舟共济、坚毅向前、居安思危、面对挑战的新加 坡精神。 The COVID-19 pandemic poses a major challenge to Singapore but it united all walks of life. The spirit of Singapore Together shines through the pandemic as Singaporeans responded with unity, resilience and in solidarity together with the fortitude to persevere in time of crisis.

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