华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2017 Issue 4

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04 物尽其用、人尽其才的 餐饮业发展之道

15 SCCCI Opens Representative Office in Chongqing

Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 098/02/2017

第四期 . ISSUE 4/2017

$5.00 (incl. GST)

卷首语 PRESIDENT’S NOTE 开发“一带一路”机遇 促进新、中携手共赢

Developing opportunities from “One Belt, One Road” • Promoting win-win collaboration for Singapore and China

近来,中国的“一带一路”倡议取得了实质性进展, 为世界经济开创许多发展机遇。总商会积极引导本地商 家把握其中的商机,也鼓励新、中企业携手合作,开拓 沿线国家市场,达成互利共赢。

Recently, China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative has seen substantial progress, and has opened up many development opportunities for the global economy. The Chamber has proactively steered local businesses towards seizing these opportunities. It also encourages Singapore and China enterprises to collaborate in developing the markets along the Belt and Road route to achieve a win-win situation.

例如,今年总商会与企发局多次联办工作坊,带领 商家到中国考察智慧工业、配餐行业、电子商务的发展 趋势;举办新中商务论坛,邀请新、中企业进行分享,探 讨如何携手共享“一带一路”的商机。上个月,我们的重 庆办事处正式揭幕,协助新加坡企业到中国发展,也支 持中国企业通过新加坡到东南亚各国发展。 “一带一路”的核心内容,是促进基础设施建设和 互联互通,整合各国发展资源,对接政策和战略,促进 协调联动发展。配合这个框架,我建议新加坡企业可以 先做好现有合作领域,例如发挥金融中心角色,推动基 建项目融资,随着合作深化,城市规划、设计、咨询等高 端服务业也可以参与其中,贡献价值。此外,新加坡具备 国际化都市、区域经济中心的优势,本地企业熟悉东南 亚环境和经商文化,可以与中资企业携手,优势互补,开 拓沿线国家市场。 新加坡一向是自由贸易的受益者和支持者,中国 的“一带一路”也主张建设开放型世界经济,双方理念 一致,合作前景广阔。总商会一直扮演新中商贸交流的 桥梁,我们将大力支持两国商家参与“一带一路”,并借 势区域联系网和即将在缅甸举办的世界华商大会,集结 人脉促成更多合作,达致互利共赢!

会长 Roland Ng, SCCCI President 请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

For instance, the Chamber held numerous joint workshops with IE Singapore this year, bringing businesses to China to explore smart industries, catering industries, and trends of e-commerce. For the Singapore-China Business Forum that was organised this year, we invited speakers from Singapore and China enterprises to share their insights and explore how to collaborate on business opportunities arising from “One Belt, One Road”. Last month, our Chongqing Representative Office officially opened, helping Singapore enterprises expand into China and supporting China enterprises in using Singapore as a springboard to enter into Southeast Asian markets. At the core of “One Belt, One Road” is the promotion of infrastructure development and connectivity, integrating each country’s development resources, policies and strategies, to spearhead development linkages. To complement this framework, I suggest that Singapore enterprises could first make use of existing avenues of cooperation, such as the role of the financial hub, financing of infrastructural projects, along with deepening cooperation in other high-end service industries like urban planning, design and consultancy which could contribute value. Besides, Singapore has an edge in internationalisation and being a regional economic hub. Local enterprises, being familiar with the Southeast Asian environment and business culture, could partner Chinese enterprises and be a perfect complement in opening up markets along the Belt and Road route. All along, Singapore has been a beneficiary and champion of free trade, while China’s “One Belt, One Road” also advocates an open global economy. Given these corresponding concepts, the outlook for collaboration is very promising. The Chamber has always assumed the role of being the bridge between Singapore-Sino trade and business relations. We will go all out to support the businesses of both countries in plugging into “One Belt, One Road”, and will leverage on our regional network and the upcoming World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Myanmar, building up contacts to facilitate even more collaborative opportunities for a win-win situation!

编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors

黄山忠 Roland Ng San Tiong 蔡其生 Thomas Chua Kee Seng 吴绍均 Ng Siew Quan 林玉勤 Lim Geok Khoon


出版统筹 Publications Supervision 谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong



Chief Editor

梁廷昭 Leong Teng Chau 英文编辑 English Editor

胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 助理编辑 Assistant Editor

李胜保 Lee Sin Poh 撰稿 Staff WriterS

李胜保 Lee Sin Poh 吴仕安 Woo See Ann 行销



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Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 9 Jurong Town Hall Road #04-01 Trade Association Hub Jurong Town Hall Singapore 609431 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg Follow us on SCCCI SME ICC

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物尽其用、人尽其才的 餐饮业发展之道 陈祖坤投身餐饮业25年,创办胜乐 集团并持续创新,发展多元化业务, 覆盖配餐供应、员工餐厅、餐饮品牌、 即食餐点等多个领域。今天,面对成本 攀高和激烈竞争,他采取变革措施,谋 求转型升级。他的餐饮业发展与转型 之道,重视优化资源配置,物尽其用, 人尽其才:深入开发人才资源与品牌 空间,开创可持续发展的新业务;善用 科技提高生产力,集中人力加强人性 化服务,高度融合效率与人性,推动产 业升级。


携手中资企业 共享一带一路 总商会以“携手中资企业 共享一带一 路”为主题,举办新中商务论坛,鼓励 新中两国企业携手合作,优势互补, 把握中国“一带一路”政策带来的庞 大商机,到沿线国家谋求发展。



“一带一路”专题: 开创新思路 拓展新出路 “一带一路”依靠现有的多边机制和 区域合作平台,通过丝绸之路经济 带、21世纪海上丝绸之路,与沿线国 家开展、加深经济合作伙伴关系,并 以“共商、共建、共享”的建设原则, 重塑中国的新全球化战略。配合“一 带一路”倡议,总商会致力推动新中 两国的经贸合作,积极协助本地企业 提升实力、进军海外市场,开创“一 带一路”中的机遇。

SCCCI Opens Representative Office in Chongqing SCCCI has opened a second representative office in China in the municipality of Chongqing, under strong support and invitation of the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative (CCI) project office. The office will be taking charge of the Chamber’s affairs in Central-West China, fostering cooperation between Singapore and Chinese enterprises, and seeking out areas of growth for both sides. Regional Files


出版 新加坡中华总商会

In the Lead


Community E-commerce: Catching the Next Wave of China’s E-Commerce Revolution As traditional e-commerce has satisfied the fundamental needs of how consumers source and pay for products and services, the Chamber organised a targeted mission to Beijing to delve into the intriguing evolution of China’s e-commerce into a mature model – Community E-commerce.







In the Lead

物尽其用、 人尽其才的 餐饮业发展之道 专访胜乐集团创办人陈祖坤 陈祖坤投身餐饮业25年,创办胜乐集团并持续创 新,发展多元化业务,覆盖配餐供应、员工餐厅、餐饮 品牌、即食餐点等多个领域。今天,面对成本攀高和 激烈竞争,他采取变革措施,谋求转型升级。他的餐 饮业发展与转型之道,重视优化资源配置,物尽其 用,人尽其才:深入开发人才资源与品牌空间,开创 可持续发展的新业务;善用科技提高生产力,集中人 力加强人性化服务,高度融合效率与人性,推动产业 升级。


In the Lead


25年前,陈祖坤察觉到餐饮业是 个庞大市场,于是从一名土木工程师“ 半路出家”,以三万元积蓄为资本,从 送外卖起步,创办了胜乐集团。胜乐不 断创新业务,如今已成为本地领先的 餐饮集团,旗下有2200名员工,业务 高度多元化,也逐步国际化。 今天,陈祖坤也担任新加坡餐 饮业协会(Restaurant Association of Singapore)会长,配合政府举措,推 动本地餐饮业的转型升级。新加坡的 餐饮业者目前面对一些挑战,最主要 是租金随着经济发展攀升,人力供应 随着经济转型、外劳政策的紧缩而降 低。为了帮助商家调整应变,政府在近 期的“产业转型计划”中推出餐饮业 转型蓝图,提倡业者一面通过创新扩 大收入来源,一面借助科技提升生产 力,做好开源节流。在本次专访中,陈 祖坤就以胜乐集团为例,分享如何优 化资源配置,持续创新发展并推动转 型升级。

Giving F&B the tech edge and Human TOUCH Vincent Tan has been in the F&B industry for 25 years. Since founding Select Group, he continues to embark on innovation and diversification of his business, including catering, staff canteens, F&B brands, ready meals, and many more. Today, as he faces rising overheads and increasingly intense competition, he made appropriate changes, adopting IT, streamlining operations, and pursuing restructuring and upgrading. The development and transformation philosophy of his F&B business focuses on optimising resource allocation and making the best use of material and human resources – deepening human resource and brand development to ensure sustainability of new businesses; leveraging on technology to improve productivity and concentrating on manpower to enhance personalised

services, so as to upgrade the industry by perfect integration of effectiveness and the human touch. Twenty-five years ago, Vincent Tan perceived that F&B was a huge market. Albeit having a civil engineering background, he made a career switch with savings of $30,000 as capital. From a humble beginning of making food deliveries, he established Select Group. Select Group continued to sprout new businesses, and today it has already become a leading F&B group in Singapore. It has 2,200 employees, and a diversified business which is also steadily embarking on the path of internationalisation. As current President of the Restaurant Association of Singapore, Vincent Tan complements the government’s initiatives

in pushing for the transformation of the local F&B industry. Local F&B players are currently facing some challenges, mainly due to spiralling rentals owing to economic development, diminishing manpower supply as a result of economic restructuring, and tightening of foreign worker policies. In order to help businesses adjust, the government has recently rolled out the F&B transformation blueprint in its “Industry Transformation Programme”, urging players to widen sources of revenue through innovation on the one hand, and to adopt technology for productivity improvement. During the interview, Vincent Tan cites Select Group as an example of how to optimise resource allocation while continuing to innovate and transform.



In the Lead

创新不忘稳健 开发人才资源与 品牌空间 胜乐的业务创新能力令人瞩目, 它快速与稳健地拓展多元业务,包括 配餐供应、员工餐厅、餐饮品牌、概念 食阁、即食餐点,旗下经营的品牌定 位多样化,如中餐馆“桃苑”、 “Texas Chicken”快餐连锁店、 “盛记甜品” 餐厅、 “牛车水美食街”概念食阁等。 陈祖坤进行业务创新时,会充分 发挥企业资源,包括运用人才优势,开 拓品牌空间,以确保创新产品或业务 的可持续发展。例如,胜乐近期的创新 业务是即食餐点 (ready meal)。陈祖坤 观察到,即食餐点在日、台和欧洲等地 都有成功先例,从新加坡的经济转型 趋势、消费习惯变化、胜乐的人力和物 力条件来看,也有深厚的发展潜能。 “即食食品可以自动化生产,劳动力需 求低,创造更多专业人士的就业机会, 例如营养师,可以推动餐饮业升级;我 们将品牌定位为“亚洲风味”,因为集 团已经具备了亚洲各国的厨师人才,而 且品牌定位广,有很多创新空间。” 中央厨房以输送带精简运作程序,减少依赖人力。

Developing manpower resources and brandING

Select Group’s business innovation capability knows no bounds, having rapidly and steadily diversified into catering, staff canteens, F&B brands, concept food courts, ready meals, amongst others. The various brands it has developed include Chinese restaurant Peach Garden, Texas Fried Chicken fast food chain, Hong Kong Sheng Kee Desserts, Chinatown Food Street concept food court, and more. When Vincent Tan embarks on business innovation, he would fully utilise resources, including using the best talents, opening up brand space, to ensure the sustainability of its new products or businesses. For instance, Select Group’s most recent business innovation is the ready meal. Vincent Tan noted successful examples of ready

meals in Japan, Taiwan and Europe. Given Singapore’s economic restructuring, change in consumer spending patterns, Select Group’s manpower and financial resources, there is certainly great development potential. “Ready meals can be manufactured through automation, requires less manpower, and could create more employment opportunities for professionals like nutritionists, who could help to upgrade the F&B industry. Our brand positioning will be that of Taste Asia, because the group has already assembled chefs from all over Asia. Moreover, the brand positioning is broad and provides much room for innovation.” Vincent Tan says that brands under Select Group, such as the Malaysian style “Lou Yau”, Vietnamese “Pho Street”, the Hong Kong style desserts like “Sheng Kee Desserts”, are all distinctive brand concepts with expansive room for

development. Even for the same product, within one year it could expand into various new flavours. Besides clinching the right brand to develop, success in innovation comes from motivating people, including encouraging employees to help each other and growing talent together with the company. “Select Group is like a big family. Our employees all have a positive, do-or-die attitude, working hard at innovating. Management teams of the different brands can also share innovation and business tips and experiences with the others, complementing the multi-brand approach, and working industriously towards overall development.” The local F&B industry is not lacking in new brands. Competition is really intense, with the fallout rate as high as 28 per cent. Vincent Tan finds that many young people who have returned from overseas studies


陈祖坤说,胜乐旗下的品牌,如 主打马来西亚风味的“老友”、越南美 食的“Pho Street”、香港甜品的“盛 记甜品”等,都是形象鲜明、品牌空间 广,就算是同一个产品,一年内也可以 推出许多新口味。除了抓准、发展品牌 空间外,要创新成功,发挥人的动力也 十分重要,包括鼓励员工互助、互补, 让人才与企业共同成长。 “胜乐像个大 家庭,员工态度都很正面积极,不屈不 饶,努力创新,不同品牌的管理团队也 可以互相分享创新、营销的点子和经 验,发挥多元品牌的互补性,为整体的 发展努力。” 本地餐饮业新品牌层出不穷,竞 争激烈,淘汰率高达28%。陈祖坤观 察到,现在很多年轻人出国留学回来, 想把外国的餐饮品牌、新鲜理念带回 来,但没有把食物品质、口味、价钱各 方面根据本地情况作出调整,业务难 以持续。他在创新品牌和业务时,关 注的不是一时的潮流和短期盈利,而 是可持续性。设立每个新商业模式时, 他都以五年计划为框架,投入一到两 年的时间做市场研究,在人力和物力 方面都做好思考,务求稳健。

In the Lead

深入生产环节 借数码化、科技提 高生产力 虽然行事谨慎,陈祖坤还是曾经 在开发新业务时遭受失败。2005年, 胜乐到中国、泰国和马来西亚开员工 餐厅,因为以新加坡的成本运作,入不 敷出,四年后结束营业。经此一役,他 更深刻地体会到餐饮业者必须对每个 环节都把控到位,才能成功经营。 以新加坡的情况来说,餐饮业对 人力依赖性大,人力占本地劳动队伍 4.8%,而行业仅占国内生产总值 0.8%。行业需要降低人力需求,精简 运作,提高生产力。陈祖坤也不断在 探讨如何借助科技、数码化,精简运 营过程。从办公室、厨房到前台运作, 他都细心改进。在生产自助餐的中央 工厂,他投资了一条输送带,把食品从 厨房直接送到包装部门,省去运输人 力;他也购入自动煮饭机,只需2人每 个小时就能烹煮3千人份的米饭,赢得 规模效应。 此外,数码经济的发展也有助简化餐 饮业的运营。在办公室,他启用电子采 购和支付系统,让旗下餐饮业者都可



“胜乐像个大家庭,员工 态度都很正面积极,不屈 不饶,努力创新,不同品 牌的管理团队也可以互 相分享创新、营销的点子 和经验,发挥多元品牌的 互补性,为整体的发展努 力。”




In the Lead

胜乐集团创新营销概念,在牛车水美食街启动“5毛美食荟萃” (The 50 Cents Fest)活动,让顾客以0.50元购买超过20种古早味美食, 成功吸引10万人光临。

would like to bring back foreign F&B brands back to Singapore. However, they did not adjust food quality, taste, pricing and other areas according to the local culture. The business is therefore very difficult to sustain. As he innovates new brand concepts and business, he does not solely focus on a momentary trend and short-term profits, but sustainability. Establishing each new business model would take five years of planning, one or two years of market survey, and careful considerations into manpower and resource allocation, progressing steadily. Applying digitalisation and technology

Even though he proceeds with caution, Vincent Tan has experienced failures once in his new business ventures. In 2005, Select Group entered into China, Thailand and Malaysia to start staff canteens. But because it was based on Singapore’s overheads, they could not make ends meet, and the business folded four years later. This made him realise that F&B

players need to control every aspect of the operations in order to succeed. In Singapore, the reliance on workers in the F&B industry is very high. It accounts for 4.8 per cent of the local workforce, but contributes only 0.8 per cent to GDP. The industry needs to lower manpower needs, streamline operations, and up productivity. Vincent Tan is continually exploring how to utilise technology and digitalisation to streamline the business process. He has made significant changes from the office, kitchen to front of the house. In the central kitchen which produces buffets, he invested in a conveyor belt to bring the food directly from the kitchen into the packaging department as a labour-saving method. He also purchased an automated rice cooking line, which requires only two people to cook 3,000 portions of rice every hour. Besides, the advancement of the digital economy has also helped to streamline operations of the F&B industry. In the

office, he uses e-purchasing and payment systems, allowing F&B players to directly purchase ingredients from suppliers. Besides eliminating manual paperwork, it could also consolidate relevant data and conduct analysis. Using the app for ordering delivery services, companies can do away with manpower to answer calls and fill out order forms. Video conferencing has made expanding an overseas business so much more convenient as it allows everyone to understand local conditions in real time. Vincent Tan is very adaptable and exercises flexibility in optimising resources. Besides adopting technology, he also came up with various special ways to streamline his workforce. For example, he opened up the different food stalls in Changi Airport’s food court. In the middle of the night, when there is less traffic, only one service staff needs to take care of nine stalls, while one chef could be responsible for many stalls.


以直接向供应商采购材料,省去处理 账单的人力,还可以整合相关数据,分 析业务趋势;使用外卖服务应用程序 后,公司也不再需要人力接电话、处理 订单;有了视讯会议,扩展海外业务也 更方便,可以实时了解当地状况。 陈祖坤擅于灵活变通,优化资源 配置。除了采用科技,他也想出不少特 别方法精简队伍。例如,他将樟宜机场 食阁的各个摊位打通,在半夜人流较 少时,九个摊位只需一位前台服务员看 管,一名厨师也可以负责多个摊位。 “做餐饮必须研究和控制好每个 环节,包括概念、人力、材料、货源、 成本等,才能确保可持续经营,和维 持优质的客户体验。”

凝聚人力发展高增值、人性化服务 虽然科技有助于精简运营、降低 成本,但餐饮业始终是服务业,人性化 的服务品质、用户体验必不可少。业者 应如何在机器与人性、效率与服务品 质之间达成平衡?

In the Lead

“做餐饮必须研究和控 制好每个环节,包括概 念、人力、材料、货源、成 本等,才能确保可持续经 营,和维持优质的客户 体验。”

—— 陈祖坤

陈祖坤认为,餐饮业可以根据不 同的定位,分配好人力物力,把握好应 提供的效率和服务素质。他将餐饮业 的消费群体定位分作四层进行分析: 第一层,是讲求高速、服务需求较低的 快餐店、咖啡店、食阁,这类业者可以 采用自动点餐机,降低人力成本;第



二层,是提供送餐等基本服务的快速 慢食 (fast casual) 餐厅,可采用取餐振 动器等电子设备,简化程序;第三层, 是需提供更多人性化服务的休闲餐饮 (casual dining),为了优化运用前、后方 的人力资源,可以采用电子点餐、移动 支付等方式降低工时,而且在让顾客 享有较长的用餐时间的同时,也把握 好翻台率 (table turnover rate),平衡用 户体验与效率;最后,是高档次的精 致餐饮 (fine dining),从前台到厨房都 应该提供最人性化的服务。 他观察到,有些中高档次的餐 厅也在使用机器人服务员来接待顾 客,可能矫枉过正,忽略了餐饮业的 情怀价值。 “做餐饮很多时候不单靠 食物赢,而是服务赢。用机器做服务 不但缺乏亲切感,也不能做进阶销售 (upsell),推广新产品。人要面对面沟 通,才能了解需求和感受,这才是人力 无法被取代的价值。”


陈祖坤强调,使用科技是为了消除低 价值的人力成本,集中人力为顾客贡 献增值,让人和机器完美分工,充分发 挥彼此的价值。例如,他观察到东陵 坊 (Tanglin Mall) 的食阁中,用餐和洗 碗碟地点相距40米,于是投资了一个 碗碟输送带,减轻清洁工运送碗碟的 负担,让他们更专注于清洁工作,提升 客户用餐体验。

业者应与时并进 深化对餐饮业经营 的认识 身为新加坡餐饮业协会会长的陈 祖坤,也正与贸工部共同领导食品服 务领域所在的生活方式(lifestyle)行 业组合的转型升级,其中的举措包括 创新、生产力提升、国际化和人才培 训四大方面。餐饮业协会推动行业转 型的方式,主要是与会员分享行业新 知识,例如举办座谈会、邀请国际企 业进行分享、到海外考察新方案等。


In the Lead

但最终决定企业成败的因素还是企业 的态度。企业必须接受眼前的人力挑 战、数码科技的颠覆性,思考怎么简化 运营,降低成本和劳动力,找到市场定 位,才能长远发展。” 去年,胜乐搬入了位于圣诺哥南 路、由知名建筑设计师陈家毅设计的 新总部大厦。大厦外貌设计新颖,内 部结合了办公室与中央厨房,陈祖坤 希望籍此重塑形象,引领集团跃升为 一个专业化的时尚餐饮品牌。在转型 的努力上,胜乐积极有为,除了创新、 提高生产力,也加强人才培训和国际 化。它是获得劳动力发展局批准的培 训机构,去年的培训工时达9万小时, 也与学府、理工学院合作培训专业人 才。陈祖坤也意识到,新加坡市场规 模有限,而胜乐目前也有充足的人力 储备,因此准备在未来放缓本地发 展,把重心转向区域市场 。

“做餐饮很多时候不单 靠食物赢,而是服务赢。 用机器做服务不但缺乏 亲切感,也不能做进阶销 售,推广新产品。人要面 对面沟通,才能了解需求 和感受,这才是人力无法 被取代的价值。”


“商团可以贡献的力量是分享前人的 经验和新概念,带领业者一起前进,

“In F&B, you need to study and control every single aspect, including concept, manpower, ingredients, source of goods, and costs, in order to guarantee sustainability and maintain excellent customer experience.” HARNESSING manpower to develop high value-added and personalised services

Although technology can help to streamline operations and lower costs, the F&B industry is ultimately a service industry. Personalised service quality and customer experience cannot be eradicated. How can industry players achieve a balance between machines and people, effectiveness and service quality? Vincent Tan believes that the F&B industry could allocate manpower and resources based on different positioning, to provide effective service quality. He analyses F&B consumer groups into four different categories: the first category looks for

quick turnaround, and is less demanding of service levels like fast food outlets, coffee houses, food courts. This category could use self-service ordering kiosks to lower manpower costs. The second category is the fast casual restaurants which have basic services, and it could utilise the vibrating customer paging device to simplify process. The third category is the casual dining concept which would require more personalised services. In order to optimise the front and back-end human resources, the e-ordering and mobile payment modes could save time, and whilst enabling the patrons to enjoy a longer dining period, it could also manage the table turnover rate, to achieve an equilibrium between customer experience and effectiveness. Finally, for fine dining, the highest category, it would be essential to provide the most personalised services from the front of house to the kitchen.

He noted that some mid- to high-end restaurants are also using robots to receive customers, but this could be an overkill and overlook the sentiments and values of the F&B industry. “In the F&B industry, we cannot just rely on winning through food quality but on service quality. Using robots to serve will lose that personal touch, and could not do upsell to promote new products. People need that faceto-face communication to understand needs and feelings, and that is the value of manpower that is irreplaceable.” Vincent Tan emphasised that technology is meant to eradicate low value-added manpower costs and integrate manpower to bring value to customers. By achieving a perfect division of labour between man and machines, their respective values can be maximised. For instance, having noted that at the Tanglin Mall food court, the dining area and the dishwashing area are 40 metres apart, he invested in a dish


In the Lead


“商团可以贡献的力量是 分享前人的经验和新概 念,带领业者一起前进, 但最终决定企业成败的 因素还是企业的态度。企 业必须接受眼前的人力挑 战、数码科技的颠覆性, 思考怎么简化运营,降低 成本和劳动力,找到市场 定位,才能长远发展。” ——陈祖坤

胜乐集团于2016年迁入位于圣诺哥南路的新总部大厦,陈祖坤希望由此引领集团跃升为一个专业化的时尚餐饮品牌。大厦由本地知名 设计师陈家毅设计,外部以点心蒸笼为设计概念。

conveyor belt to alleviate the burden of the cleaning staff, allowing them to concentrate on cleaning and improving customers’ dining experience. Keeping up with trends and deepening knowledge on the F&B business

As President of the Restaurant Association of Singapore, Vincent Tan also co-chairs the Food Services Industry Transformation Map under the Lifestyle Cluster, together with the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The initiatives include four main areas of innovation, improving productivity, internationalistion and manpower training. In promoting industry transformation, The Restaurant Association of Singapore aims to share new industry knowledge with its members, like organising seminars, inviting international enterprises to share insights, and organising overseas missions to study new solutions.

“Trade associations have the strength and capability to share others’ experiences and new concepts, and lead industry players to advance together. But what determines the success or failure of the enterprise still boils down to attitude. The enterprise needs to accept the manpower challenges that loom ahead, the disruptive nature of digital technology, and think carefully about how to streamline operations, lower overheads and manpower, and find the right market positioning, before it could achieve long-term development.” Last year, Select moved its premises to Senoko South, into its new headquarters designed by renowned architect Kay Ngee Tan. The building has a trendy new design, with the interior housing offices and a central kitchen. Vincent Tan hopes to rebrand its image, enabling the group to become a professional trendy F&B brand. Select has devoted much effort into restructuring. Apart from innovation

and improving productivity, it has also strengthened manpower training and internationalisation. It is an approved training organisation by Workforce Singapore. Last year it chalked up 90,000 training hours, and also collaborates with universities and polytechnics to train professional talent. Vincent Tan also realises that the domestic Singapore market is very small. Currently Select has sufficient manpower, and is thus preparing to slow down the pace of local development, and shift its focus to regional markets.

The above is a translation of the original article in Chinese.



携手中资企业 共享一带一路 总商会以“携手中资企业 共享一带一 路”为主题,举办新中商务论坛,鼓励 新中两国企业携手合作,优势互补, 把握中国“一带一路”政策带来的庞 大商机,到沿线国家谋求发展。

In the Lead


In the Lead


本届新中商务论坛分享嘉宾为(右起)新翔集团总经理冯慧仪、太平船务集团散杂货处总经理胡克、中冶置业(新加坡)有限公司总经理谭 志勇、江河集团东南亚大区副总裁吴灵敏、华为综合解决方案和营销总监郑建军。论坛主持为总商会外事委员会副主席谢锦发(左一)。

与中银签署协议 帮助会员融资 “走出去” 本届新中商务论坛于7月3日在洲 际酒店举行,邀请了中国驻新加坡大 使馆公使衔参赞郑超、中国银行新加 坡分行总经理邱智坤出席。鉴于在“一 带一路”计划中,许多基础设施项目都 需要大量的资金支持,总商会与中国 银行签署合作协议,期盼发挥各自优 势,加强在金融支持、信息交流等领域 的合作。未来三年,中国银行将向总商 会会员公司提供授信意向。 黄山忠会长在开场致辞时,鼓励 新中企业携手开发“一带一路”商机。 他指出,目前“一带一路”的大型项目 多数集中在基础设施领域,随着跨国 合作的不断深入,希望各行各业也都 参与进来。今后,总商会将更加关注如 何落实“一带一路”项目,提供多元化 服务,让中小型企业也能有机会参与。 “每个国家文化背景不同,开展 基础设施项目时,一定会涉及当地文 化和法律问题,这方面风险不小。但我 们相信凭借本地企业对东南亚市场的 熟悉程度,再加上与中资企业共同分 担风险,两国企业能够携手开拓第三 国市场。”

中资与外资合作 有助降低风险与 吸纳经验 论坛也邀请了中国国际问题研 究院亚非院副所长李自国发表主题 演讲,全面分析“一带一路”政策。他 认为,中国会坚持“一带一路”的开 放性。中国单一国家的资本本不足以 发掘这项政策的巨大潜力,吸引国际 资本和企业参与有助中国企业汲取经 验,以及降低项目风险。 他解释,与西方、亚洲企业的利 益捆绑在一起,可能会降低中国企业 的利润,但同时会降低风险。鉴于基 础设施项目投资金额大,回收期限长, 地缘政治风险高,联合国际资本,如世 行、亚开行、西方企业对项目进行联合 融资,可有效降低“赖账”风险。而且, 与更有经验的国际资本和企业合作, 刚“走出去”的中国企业可以在财务管 理、风险管理、法律风险、环境风险等 方面借鉴其经验。例如,中缅石油管线 就是由缅、中、印、韩四国的六家公司 合作建设的。 他进一步说明, “一带一路”的一 个主要风险在于中国与他国是否能形 成新的经济产业链。中国企业如果要

在境外形成新产能,国内产业必须成 功升级,与周边国家形成错位发展,否 则会出现同质竞争,无法形成互补和产 业链。如果产业升级与产能转移不合 节拍,中国与各国的经贸摩擦反而会 增加。

综合开发产业生态 实现可持续发展 担任论坛分享嘉宾的中冶置业 (新加坡)有限公司总经理谭志勇也 认为,随着中国的发展渐趋成熟,中资 企业有条件在走出海外时把理念和经 验带出去,结合新加坡的软体实力,发 展第三方市场。他举例说,近年在走访 柬埔寨、老挝等东南亚国家时,他发现 这些国家拥有天然生态,地广人稀,在 畜牧、食品制造等产业具备潜力。 “‘一带一路’不只是搞基础建 设,真实目标是把中国的发展理念和 经验带出去。然而,中国的发展模式还 面临很多挑战,例如并未完全获得沿 线国家认可,但如果能联合新加坡的技 术、管理和金融方面的软体实力,在这 些国家谋求发展,就有很大的前景。”

In the Review Lead 狮城经贸 华商焦点 Economic


他认为,如果“一带一路”只在相 关国家做小型项目或基础建设,影响 力是有限的,必须计划综合性发展,为 第三方国家打造可持续的产业生态。 “ 一些国家经济能力太有限,如果只投 资做基础措施建设,拉不动国家的其 他产业,这种方式是有问题的。 ‘一带 一路’要成功,要做综合性发展,把国 家的内生动力带动起来,实现持续性 的发展。修了路,也要有食品加工、民 生企业等后续支持,拉动经济内生循 环,投入和产出才能有回报。” 中冶自90年代开始走出去,见证 了中国企业走出去的整个历程,也从 海外的大型项目累积了宝贵经验,如 今更计划在一项新城市开发项目中, 带领更多本地中小企业进入新市场。

新中企业可共享全球联系网 谭志勇认为,新中企业不仅可以 双方联合,更可以做多方联合,新加坡 作为高度全球化的国家,吸引很多具 竞争力的跨国公司落户,大家可以组 织起来,到“一带一路”沿线国家做重 点项目。 同时,当大型中资企业在以新加 坡为基点走出去时,本地中小企业也 可以发掘与之合作的机会,开展国际 化道路。

华为综合解决方案和营销总监郑 建军表示,华为对“一带一路”的理解 是:在各区域建立好移动物联网,以 及融入当地的的数字经济转型步伐, 把电子商务、云计算等模式加入其中。 在这一过程中,华为也联手新加坡国 立大学建立孵化合作项目,培养本地 中小企业,也和区域60多家公司合作, 提供通讯技术领域的权威,帮助他们 将业务辐射到华为所覆盖的全球170 多个国家。 从事建筑装饰的江河集团东南亚 大区副总裁吴灵敏则表示,作为基础 建设的连带产业,该公司是“一带一 路”政策的受益者,在中国对沿线国家 的投资中承接了许多大型项目。他观 察到,大型基建项目必然带入许多人 流,因此对餐饮、物流等各行业都有 大量需求。他也曾把新加坡的劳动力 管理公司、设计咨询等企业带入周边 国家。 推进政策与文化沟通 巩固多边 贸易体制“一带一路”政策以“五通” 为重点,即政策沟通、设施联通、贸易 畅通、资金融通、民心相通。太平船务 集团散杂货处总经理胡克在分享时, 指出了“一带一路”在促进跨国互联 互通方面所取得的成效。

他在非洲经营业务时,观察到政 策带来的基建发展成效——基建发展 已从沿海延伸到内陆,并走向更高层 次,如跨国的电缆建设,通过电流供 应催生跨越式的发展,建设互联网、 移动通讯设施。除了港口建设,物流 园、工业园等园区发展模式也逐步落 实。同时,中资工厂和建材生产商也从 运入产品转为落户当地生产,推动在 地的产业发展。 除了硬体的流通外,政策、文化 等软体的沟通也是“一带一路”的关 注点。李自国副所长认为,在政策上, 中外应开展制度和规则对接,力争互 认标准,以通用的游戏规则化解不确 定性;接洽过程中,中方应摒弃“帮助 当地搞建设”、 “教会和培养当地人 员”等居高临下态度,抱以“按市场规 则挣钱”的心态,才会对当地习惯、法 律有敬畏之心,进而主动适应。 从事航空服务业的新翔集团总经 理冯慧仪说,该公司积极与中方合作交 流,例如与中国企业合作开展实习生 计划,也争取更多的认证管道,提高服 务素质。

总商会与中国银行签署合作协议,期盼发挥各自优势,加强在金融支持、信息交流等领域的合作。未来三年,中国银行将向总商会会员 公司提供授信意向。





开创新思路 拓展新出路


根据中国商务部的数据,中国在 新加坡的投资额,占中国对一带一路 沿线国家的三分之一。这笔投资额不 仅仅是落实于新加坡的具体项目,还 包括经由新加坡,转而投向其他一带 一路沿线国家的项目。

2013年9月,中国国家主席习近 平在出访中亚、东南亚时,首次提出“ 一带一路”发展战略: “这不是一个实 体和机制,而是合作发展的理念和倡 议。” “一带一路”依靠现有的多边机 制和区域合作平台,通过丝绸之路经 济带、21世纪海上丝绸之路,与沿线 国家开展、加深经济合作伙伴关系,并 以“共商、共建、共享”的建设原则, 重塑中国的新全球化战略,全面提升 中国竞争力。

机遇与挑战并存的年代 在“一带一路”的推动下,新加 坡将与中国和其他沿线国家与地区连 接,一方面为本地商家创造更多机会, 拓展中国和本区域投资;另一方面,也 推动更多中国企业加速进军本地和东 南亚市场。不少商家因此顾虑, “一带 一路”在为本地企业创造商机的同时, 也可能带来竞争。 然而,这是一个机遇与挑战并存 的年代。当企业充分了解新加坡的定 位和亮点,并结合自身优势,就能在 筹划业务发展蓝图时,善用“一带一 路”所创造的大趋势,以新思路拓展 新出路。

对于许多中资企业来说,新加坡 是中国资金“走出去”路线中的重要 枢纽,狮城可发挥区域总部优势,助力 中资企业把商业版图辐射到其他国家 和地区。新中两国企业之间,有着巨大 的合作和互补空间——新加坡企业熟 悉东南亚的实际操作环境,也在当地 有商业人脉,若能把握契机,发挥优 势,就能够有所作为。


在亚细安国家落实的一带一路项 目中,有六成的项目最早出于新加坡, 这是由于很多可提供项目融资的机构 都在新加坡。尽管一般中小企业无法 成为提供融资的机构,但供应链管理 与金融业的结合、项目带动的跨行业 需求,已经衍生出许多新兴产品与服 务。 在“一带一路”驱动的强大需求 下,创新资本营运解决方案、金融科 技产业的壮大、互联网/电子支付普及 化、供应链金融业务等,都是未来必 然发展的方向。因此,积极创新转型、 业务放眼四海的新加坡的企业,将能 凭借新加坡作为国际金融中心的地 位,从金融体制革新、融资渠道拓宽 的发展趋势中受惠。




一带一路 “五通战略” • 提升旅游领域合作


政策沟通 一带一路倡议提出至今,中国一直在发展规划方面,寻 求与不同国家和地区间的政策沟通与对接。 2015年11月,新中正式启动 “中新(重庆)战略性互联 互通示范项目”。这是新中两国继苏州工业园、天津生态城 后,第三个政府间合作项目,让新加坡企业能借力重庆优势, 落户丝路经济带的西部发展重镇。

设施联通 一带一路的国际合作重大工程项目,以跨境铁路、 港口、机场合作、城镇发展、石油天然气管道等基础建设 项目为主。

聚焦重庆,拓展西部市场 重庆有众多供中小企业使用的空间和孵化平台,在房地 产、旅游、教育、餐饮、零售、专业服务这些领域,都能找到合 适的发展空间。 2016年底,中华总商会于重庆成立代表处,发挥三 大功效: 1. 收集信息,积极向会员商家推介中新示范项目及重庆投资 环境; 2. 加强新加坡企业与当地政府和工商界的联系,引导有实力 的新加坡企业到中国西部发展; 3. 吸引中资企业到新加坡开展业务。 交通枢纽:专业服务优势 新加坡地理位置优越,是海运、陆路、航空运输与物流枢 纽,凭借优势成为“一路” (海上丝绸之路)的重要衔接点。

由中国政府主导的亚洲基础设施投资银行、丝路基金, 在设施联通的发展进程中,扮演着供血供氧,促进经脉畅通 的角色。 贸易畅通 一带一路的重要纲领,是拓展贸易畅通的渠道,推动中 资企业国际化。

此外,新加坡也提供一系列高素质专业服务,包括:城市 规划、工程、争端协调等,这些都能促进更多基础设施项目的 落实。

自2013年起,中国成为新加坡最大的贸易伙伴国,新加 坡也是中国最大的外资来源地;双边贸易额880亿美元(新币 1,250亿)。

借力在新的中资企业走出去 目前,在新加坡的中资企业超过6500家,投资额超过 50亿美元(年比增76.5%)。新加坡企业可与数量庞大的龙头 企业合作,并借力自身优势,成为中资企业国际化的重要合作 伙伴。潜在商机包括:运输/物流、城市规划建设(发展总蓝图 规划、多元用途园区建设、智慧城市、高效建筑科技/材料、水 资源管理)、专业服务领域。

作为本区域的主要金融、运输/物流、贸易中心,新加坡 能成为中资企业国际化的辐射点(如国际/区域总部)。此外, 新加坡企业也熟悉东南亚的实际操作环境,在当地拥有广泛 的商业人脉。中资企业可凭借新加坡的上述优势,将业务辐射 到亚细安(东盟)的市场、发掘新商机。

新加坡企业到中国开拓商机 一带一路是新加坡企业进入中国市场的通道:许多中国 城市响应中央号召,大力推动基础建设、城镇发展,新加坡企 业可参与相关项目,如:资信通讯科技(ICT)、城市发展解决方 案、运输/物流、基础建设及相关项目。

资金融通 一带一路的建设不仅需要投融资合作,还涉及大量配套 金融服务,包括代理行关系、银团贷款、资金结算和清算、项 目贷款、账户管理、风险管理等。

国际金融中心:项目融资能力 新加坡是国际金融中心,也是全球最大的人民币离岸结 算中心之一;我国可在“一带一路”项目融资,尤其是在东南 亚项目方面,和其他世界金融中心一起扮演互补角色。

资金融通的目标也包括:加强金融基础设施互联互通, 推动以社区银行、互联网/电信支付为代表的普惠金融发展。

2016年,新加坡国际企业发展局分别与三家中资银行签 署谅解备忘录,为本区域的一带一路项目提供超过900亿新 元融资。 新加坡企业可从金融体制革新、融资渠道拓宽的发展趋 势中受惠。

民心相通 民心相通是一带一路建设的社会基础和长久保障,通过 与沿线国家通过信息沟通、人文交流、宣传互动等方式,积极 推进双方民心民意的沟通,不断深化理解互信。

旅游经济的发展、人才交流 2016年,樟宜机场接待到访旅客近6,000万人次(比 2015年增加6%),往返新中两国的搭客量大增15%。入境旅 客的强大消费能力,也为其他行业(零售、餐饮、物流等)带来 倍增效应。 新加坡是全球最具竞争力、最有创新能力的城市之一。 作为跨国企业、科研机构、金融服务的聚集地,狮城也是各国 专才的交汇点。

总商会致力推动新中两国的经贸合作,积极协助本地企业提升实力、进军海外市场,在“一带一路”计划中开创机遇。中华总商会属 下中小企业中心(SME Centre@SCCCI)提供专业的商业咨询服务,协助新加坡企业及有意在新加坡设立办事处的企业善用政府援助计 划。欲知更多详情,欢迎联系我们。 新加坡中华总商会中国事务部

电话:6337 8381



电话:6337 8381

电邮:enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg 资料整理:新加坡中华总商会研究与出版部


In the Lead


SCCCI opens representative office in Chongqing SCCCI has opened a second representative office in China in the municipality of Chongqing, under the strong support and invitation of the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative (CCI) project office. This office will be taking charge of the Chamber’s affairs in Central-West China, fostering cooperation between Singapore and Chinese enterprises, and seeking out areas of growth for both sides.

The unveiling ceremony which ensued was witnessed by the Deputy Director-General Sun Xiyong and Gan Teng Kiat, Consul-General, Singapore Consulate-General in Chengdu. SCCCI Vice-President Wu Hsioh Kwang then signed an MOU of cooperation with the Chongqing Industrial Park representative. Finally, the event concluded with a panel discussion on leveraging the Belt and Road Initiative to discover business opportunities. It was moderated by SCCCI’s External Relations Vice-Chairman Chia Kim Huat.

The opening ceremony started off with SCCCI President Roland Ng and Han Baochang, Director General of ChinaSingapore (Chongqing) Demonstrative Initiative on Strategic Connectivity Administrative Bureau, delivering their opening remarks. President Ng

mentioned that on July 7, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong met up with President Xi Jinping in Hamburg ahead of the G-20 summit, affirming the warm and longstanding bilateral ties between the two countries. The two leaders discussed how Singapore and

China could cooperate to implement the Belt and Road Initiative, including the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative, which is making good progress. This makes the opening of the Chamber’s Chongqing office very timely, with a bright future to look forward to.



In the Lead

Strategic importance of Chongqing As the third G to G cooperation initiative, Chongqing has a strategic advantage both politically and geographically. The most influential city in Western China, Chongqing is located at the intersection of air, sea and land transport, and is moreover China’s most populated city. It holds tremendous potential for further development, and Singapore businesses should find growth opportunities aplenty. Mr Han acknowledges the standing that SCCCI has globally among Chinese businesses, and appreciates SCCCI’s contribution in promoting a higher level of cooperation between Singapore and Chinese businesses. He emphasised that Chongqing is the only direct-controlled municipality in western China, and a crucial anchor for the opening up of western China. In addition, it connects the Belt and Road Initiative and the Yangtze economic belt, holding a unique position of importance in China’s national development and trade liberalisation strategy. SCCCI President Roland Ng (top) and Director General of China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstrative Initiative on Strategic Connectivity Administrative Bureau Han Baochang (bottom) delivering their opening remarks.

Establishing a second office in China President Ng explained that the purpose of the Chongqing Office is to foster greater cooperation between Singapore and Chinese businesses. It is a twoway collaboration, allowing Singapore enterprises to develop in the China market, and for Chinese enterprises to use Singapore as a springboard to access the Southeast Asian market. This is very aligned with the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the past three years, SCCCI has been organising many activities to promote the Belt and Road Initiative, enhancing business networking among the enterprises of Singapore and China.

Strengthening Singapore’s ties with China Mr Han noted that the signing of the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative was witnessed by President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and marks the third government to government initiative between Singapore and China. The initiative aims to enhance modern connectivity and

services in Chongqing, and enhance cooperation in four main areas: financial services, aviation, transport and logistics, and info-communications technology. Ultimately, it is hoped that success in Chongqing will have a positive effect on the development of the entire western region. During the past year, efforts of the governments of China and Singapore have achieved commendable results. Mr Han believes that Chongqing is an ideal location for SCCCI to set up its 2nd representative office, as it reflects the alignment of objectives with the authorities in Singapore and China. He hopes that through this platform, businesses from Singapore and China could strengthen their ties, improve collaboration, and reap the benefits in western China arising from the Belt and Road Initiative.




Community E-Commerce: Catching the Next Wave of China’s E-commerce Revolution As traditional e-commerce has satisfied the fundamental needs of how consumers source and pay for products and services, the Chamber organised a targeted mission to Beijing to delve into the intriguing evolution of China’s e-commerce into a mature model – Community E-commerce. From July 24 to 28, the Chamber coorganised a field mission to a number of established e-commerce players in Beijing, to study an emerging model of e-commerce – community e-commerce. The objectives of the trip are to identify and appreciate the business-to-home (B2H) community e-commerce models prevalent in China; gain insights into the mentality and behaviour of B2H online consumers; and identify potential community e-commerce platforms to scale the China market. A total of 23 participants joined the trip. The e-commerce battlefield has now reached new heights as every platform seeks to fulfil consumer needs within a 3 Km radius. New sharing economy businesses like ofo, Didi and new startup Chong Chong are evolving their business around this arena. ofo has totally removed the need for bicycle docking stations by leveraging on electronic locks, so consumers need not be restricted by bike dock locations. Didi improves the driver and consumer users’ experience by constantly understanding users’ behaviour in different cities instead of employing a blanket approach in its strategies to improve fare calculation accuracy and loyalty among drivers. Chong Chong sees business opportunities in mobile users’ need to




Learning from the model of Jumei.com, one of the biggest China’s online retailers of beauty products.

recharge and offers free electricity for adverts eyeballs, as mobility is the way of life and battery life is the limiting factor that may disrupt the consumer experience. Data as the new oil The saying “Data is the new oil” is very evident in the Chinese e-commerce landscape as e-commerce deliveries reach new milestones, with JD.com being able to deliver within two hours upon receiving an online order. In order to achieve this feat, it’s not just about how fast drivers can drive but how near goods can be placed near high potential customers to further reduce delivery distance. Drones are currently tested for deliveries in rural areas where road conditions may not be good and/or volumes are small. As shared by Anki. com (subsidiary under GOME), deliveries in China have reached a benchmark

unsurpassed anywhere in the world. Delivery response time may not be the next competitive edge but additional skillsets of employees may bring about the next big business opportunity. With each delivery only yielding RMB 15 to 30 per trip, the ability to provide installation service (with additional charge of RMB 30 to 45) would yield greater business margins. Didi.com is also offering “Driver-as-a-Service”, providing drivers with high reliability to serve a niche customer group – for those who may not want to risk driving if they have had too much to drink. Consumers are constantly browsing for products and/or services on their mobile devices and all the data has been captured and crunched by backend platforms to identify potential buyers, ready to pounce on consumers with the “right” offer. As more and more consumers

are comfortable with disclosing information about themselves, with prevalence of big data analytics, a new e-commerce model is expected to be up and coming in the very near future – consumer-to-manufacturer (C2M) commerce. Manufacturers may get input from consumers on their specific requirements and seek consumer sentiments before product development and/or product refinement. With the prevalence of Social Commerce driven by WeChat and other Social Media platforms, China has entered a new era of Internet celebrity (“网红”), where normal people can become celebrities and gain followers through the Internet. Businesses leverage on these Internet celebrities to promote their products or services as they are able to get good engagement with the



The delegation visited ofo, one of the world’s largest bike-sharing companies, to learn about strategies to improve the new sharing economy business model.

audience. They are effective users of technology, leveraging on Social Media and other digital tools to propagate their reach. Consumers believe these Internet celebrities to be transparent and credible, leading to establishment of trust.

Integrating online and offline strengths of business Trust is a key element sought by China consumers as the country has been rocked by food scares in locally manufactured products. With the prevalence of mobility and Internet, Chinese are actively seeking information online before making purchases. Chunbo.com, a fresh goods company, has tapped on consumers’ need for trusted information to set up its own food testing lab, offering per-item certification which is impossible under normal circumstances due to cost and





JD.com, one of the China’s largest e-commerce giants is developing drone to deliver packages to customers in remote community.

next frontier – the “New Retail”. “New Retail” is not really about man-less operation but forcing consumers to communicate with shops digitally. The more consumers interact digitally, the better e-commerce players are able to capture and analyse data to convert “window shopping” to buyers at shorter purchasing cycle and lower “eye-ball” cost. The “New Retail” concept aims to truly fulfil the earlier promise of “Onlineto-Offline” and “Offline-to-Online” (OTO) e-commerce model. This trend is prevalent even for incubators like United Innovation Services, a China incubator for Chinese start-ups. They related that in today’s context, no investor is keen on any pure e-commerce or pure brick-andmortar start-ups. It has to be a hybrid of sorts. This trip is jointly organised by SCCCI and International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, as the third in the series of Overseas Market Workshop programme.

Visiting Yangzhou Software Park, which specialises in development and application of eco-technology for sustainable urban planning.

time lapse in obtaining lab information. Third-party lab testing is still carried out to reinforce quality of their products. Users can assist the product and testing information by scanning the item’s QR code. Chunbo.com also leverages on WeChat groups to drive community e-commerce, engaging consumers in different interest groups like nutrition and cooking classes to further engage consumers and strengthen brand loyalty. In essence, Chunbo.com is a traditional retailer, but it has upgraded to a third-party food testing lab, leveraging on selective digital tools and

platforms to communicate quality of their products. However, there is a noticeable trend that cost of customer acquisition in the digital space is rising. A few years ago, the cost of customer acquisition was only RMB 15, whereas in today’s context, that value has increased to RMB 200 generically and even higher for some product categories and/or industries. The inefficiency in digital marketing and customer conversation is leading e-commerce platforms, especially Alibaba and JD.com which pursue the




联系情谊 Enhancing Ties

7月 20日

陈晓 中国驻新加坡大使


ssador for China Am ba Fare well Dinner g E. Chen Xiaodon to Singapore H.

8月 7日

馆 中国驻新加坡 大使 加坡摩天观景轮为 期内 任 在 他 谢 感 7月20 日,本会在新 , 办 欢 送 晚宴 举 ) 五 右 ( 使 大 权 大使馆的友 好 陈晓东特 命全 增进总商会和中国 及 , 作 合 贸 经 中 积极 推 动 新 关系。

dor dinner for Ambassa ber held a farewell am Ch for the , him 20 ly nk Ju On m right), to tha Xiaodong (fif th fro and trade ic om on ec of China H.E. Chen ina ng Singapore- Ch oti om pr in ts or d eff continued Chamber an China ing ties between the nc ha en d an n, tio coopera term of office. Embassy during his

印度驻新加坡最高专 员

礼貌拜访 Cour tesy Visit fro m the High Comm issio ner of India

8月7日,印度驻新加 坡最高专员Jawed As hraf礼貌拜访本会, 探讨如何促进两国之 间的经贸合作。 On August 7, the Hig h Commissioner of Ind ia H.E. Jawed Ashraf paid a cour tesy visit to Chamber, to discu ss how to promote economic and trade cooperation betwee n Singapore and Ind ia.



8月 8日


晚宴 建国52周年国庆 nd Singapore’s 52

National Day Dinner

8月 15日

缅北中华总商会商业代 表团

莅访 Visit from Myanma r Chinese Cham ber of Comm erce (Upper Myanmar)

52周年国庆晚 坡乌节大酒店举办建国 8月8日,总商会在新加 陈振声为 联系情谊。总理公署部长 宴,与各界人士欢庆国庆, 晚宴主宾。 y Dinner at held the 52nd National Da On August 8, the Chamber ether and tog y , to celebrate National Da Orchard Hotel Singapore ister’s Min e munities. Minister for Prim enhance ties with all com this event. for ur s invited as Guest-of-Hono Office Chan Chun Sing wa 8月15日至18日,缅北中华 总商会李东涛会长(左 三)率领26人 商业代表团于访问新加 坡,并拜访总商会,增进 两地的经贸合 作关系。期间,李东涛会 长也出席总商会举办的 第19届中小型 企业大会,担任分享嘉宾 。 On August 15-18, Presid ent of Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Upper Myanm ar) Ko Ko Gyi (third from lef t) led a 26-member delegation to visit Singapore and the Ch amber, to promote business collab oration between both cou ntr ies. During his visit, he also participa ted in the 19th SME Confe rence organised by the Chamber as a for um panelist.



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