Chinese Enterprise 2018 Issue 3

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04 有麝自然香 —— 专访昇松集团总裁林福星

11 新马中华总商会 联办年度论坛


第三期 . ISSUE 3/2018

$5.00 (incl. GST)

新加坡国立大学 中文EMBA硕士学位课程

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砥砺思维、激荡灵感 华人精英云集、成就事业新高度

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“南向通道”开启东亚经贸新格局 新、中两国最高领导人在去年9月达成共识,携手开展“南向通道”建设,获得两国商界的高度支持。这是以海陆两道 连接起新加坡和重庆的战略新通道,有机衔接“一带一路”中的“一带”和“一路”两个物流线,旨在整合中国西部和亚细 安经济,豁然开启了东亚经贸新格局。 顺应新兴机遇,总商会近期就率团考察南向通道的重要门户——广西南宁。我们会见了广西壮族自治区和南宁市政 府领导,高屋建瓴,俯瞰当地局势。南宁市北面重庆,西临越南,南接北部湾的钦州港——即南向通道的出海口,具备独特 的区位优势。我们也很高兴见证一些新加坡企业借“一带一路”这个东风,捷足先登。其中最亮眼的是太平船务集团巨额 注资建设综合物流园区,以提升南向通道的物流效率,深化广西与东南亚的海上互联互通。 中国西部蓬勃发展,牵动了与国际市场联通的需求;新加坡是国际贸易枢纽,从物流、基础设施建设到金融、城市规 划等高端服务业都备具优势,开展“南向通道”可说是与时偕行的战略对接,为两国企业带来新合作契机。我鼓励商家放 开眼界,锐意进取,果敢把握这个新机遇!

“Southern Transport Corridor” opens new vistas for East Asia trade The top leaders of Singapore and China reached an agreement last September to jointly develop the “Southern Transport Corridor” (STC), and it has received great support from the business community of both countries. This is a new strategic corridor that connects Singapore and Chongqing by sea and by road, organically binding up the two logistics transport routes of “Belt” (overland) and “Road” (maritime) suggested in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Opening at one go new vistas for trade in East Asia, the network aims to integrate the economies of the western China provinces and ASEAN. In response to the new opportunities, SCCCI recently led a delegation to survey an important gateway along the corridor – Nanning city in Guangxi. We met the government leaders of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as well as Nanning city. We appreciated the lay of the land from a vantage point. Nanning faces Chongqing on its north, Vietnam on its west, and is linked to the Beibu Gulf’s Qinzhou Port in the south – a location of unique advantage. In addition, the STC’s maritime road also starts here. We were also happy to see that some Singapore companies have gotten their foot in the door, hitching onto the BRI wagon. The most remarkable was the investment of the Pacific International Lines in the development of the Integrated Logistics Park, to enable logistics in the STC to flow more efficiently and deepen the maritime connections between Guangxi and Southeast Asia. Western China is booming, fuelling demands for connectivities with the international market. Singapore is an international trade hub that enjoys an edge in industries ranging from logistics, infrastructure to high-end services such as finance and urban planning. Developing the STC is a strategic link-up that would bring new collaboration efforts to the two countries. I encourage our businessmen to broaden their visions, venture forth with determination, and boldly seize the new opportunities.

会长 Roland Ng, SCCCI President 请到总商会网站 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website

编辑顾问 EDITORIAL ADVISORS Roland Ng San Tiong Thomas Chua Kee Seng Ng Siew Quan Lim Geok Khoon

黄山忠 蔡其生 吴绍均 林玉勤


吕正扬 Lu Cheng Yang




梁廷昭 Leong Teng Chau 英文编辑 ENGLISH EDITOR

张明亮 Larry Teo 助理编辑 ASSISTANT EDITOR

李胜保 Lee Sin Poh 撰稿 STAFF WRITERS

李胜保 Lee Sin Poh 明永昌 Ming Wing Cheong 张明亮 Larry Teo 行销 MARKETING

黄兆荣 Leonardo Wong 设计 DESIGN Egg Creatives



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有麝自然香——专访昇松集团董事 经理兼总裁林福星 1995年,昇菘超市还只不过是拥有三 家门市的小型杂货店,但如今已成为 新加坡第三大连锁超市经营商,有48 家分店,也刚刚进军中国市场,在云南 昆明开店。作为后起之秀,昇菘在竞争 激烈的超市市场,能够同有全国职工 总会背景的职总平价超市,以及有百 年历史的冷藏公司一争高下,背后的成 功秘诀是什么? Sheng Siong supermarket, now boasting 48 branches, is the third biggest chain store companies in Singapore, and it has just ventured into the Chinese market in Yunnan, Kunming. As a late comer to the supermarket scene, Sheng Siong has been able to hold its own against NTUC FairPrice and Cold Storage. What secret formula lies behind its success? 维系友谊 促进合作—— 新马中华总商会联办年度论坛 新加坡中华总商会和马来西亚中华总 商会向来保持密切的联系,各自率团 参加两会的会庆活动,情同兄弟。今 年,两会在吉隆坡共同主办高端论坛, 借此加强联系,互相学习和交流,从而 促进双边投资及经贸合作。 SCCCI and the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia have always enjoyed a brotherly bond, paying visits to each other’s key events. This year the two chambers together held a top-level forum in Kuala Lumpur to promote stronger ties, facilitate mutual learning and interaction, and spur bilateral investments and trade co-operation. 前进斯里兰卡 科伦坡商机无限 为了协助新加坡商家把握自贸协定 和“一带一路”的双重机遇,并获取及 时资讯、拓展商界人脉,新加坡中华总 商会32人商业代表团于5月6日至10日 出访斯里兰卡首都科伦坡及南部重镇 汉班托塔 。 To help Singapore businesses seize the opportunities catalyzed by the bilateral free trade agreement and the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as to update our market knowledge and broaden our network, a 32-member delegation of SCCCI visited Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital, and the country’s key southern city Hambantota from May 6 to May 10.


合作立足斯里兰卡 放眼南亚商机 新加坡与斯里兰卡的自贸协定在5月 1日正式生效,引起本地企业对当地机 遇的期盼。黄山忠会长率团考察斯国 商机,并撰文分享此行的心得。 The Singapore-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement took effect on May 1, sparking hopes for opportunities in the country among our businesses. SCCCI President Roland Ng led a delegation to Sri Lanka to explore the opportunities and shared his insights from the trip.


让造假无可遁形 区块链技术 商业潜力大 总商会于5月15举办“中小企业如何 实际应用区块链技术”座谈会,邀请 新加坡管理大学信息系统学院教授 朱飞达和 SQ2 Fintech 总裁刘汉奇分 享区块链技术的发展和商机。 SCCCI held a forum on “How SMEs could make practical use of blockchain technology” on May 15. Professor Zhu Feida from the SMU’s School of Information Systems and SCQ2 Fintech CEO Anthony Lau were invited to share on the blockchain technology and its business opportunities.


Transformational leadership key to sustaining family business Two successors who successfully transformed their family businesses shared their experience and insights at a panel discussion held in conjunction with SCCCI’s release of its latest findings on local family business.

总商会发布最新家族企业调查报 告,两位家族企业传人也在会上分享 推动家业转型的成功经历。

Chinese Enterprise (华商) is a bilingual publication. While the publication carries only selected articles in English, we can provide an English translation of the Chinese articles for our readers upon request.

有麝自然香 专访昇松集团董事经理 兼总裁林福星 1995年,昇菘超市还只不过是拥有三家门 市的小型杂货店,但如今已成为新加坡第 三大连锁超市经营商,有48家分店,也刚刚 进军中国市场,在云南昆明开店。作为后起 之秀,昇菘在竞争激烈的超市市场,能够同 有全国职工总会背景的职总平价超市,以 及有百年历史的冷藏公司一争高下,背后的 成功秘诀是什么?




林福星是榜鹅养猪的农家子弟 。 1984年,他的父亲林金松经营的养猪 场,面对市场猪只过剩的问题。当时 刚结婚不久的林福星,便和哥哥福荣 和弟弟佑龙想办法把猪卖出去。有一 天,他们来到宏茂桥某座组屋楼下的 实惠超市,发现那里没有猪肉摊,于是 向超市租下个档口卖猪肉。 而在机缘巧合之下,林福星在 1985年结束猪肉贩生意,与兄弟创办 昇菘超市。一方面,政府当时以猪只 排泄物污染环境为由,宣布淘汰养猪 业,父亲的养猪场被迫结束营业。另 一方面,林福星摆摊的实惠超市出现 资金周转问题,林家决定顶下超市, 从此一头栽进这个行业。 林福星十分感激当时实惠超市的 业务经理林奕兴,因为他自己是卖猪 肉的,对杂货一窍不通,是林奕兴手 把手地把卖杂货的技巧传授给他。昇 菘超市成立后,林福星聘请林奕兴为 采购经理,两人并肩作战20多年。从 杀猪到经营超市,林奕兴可说是为林 福星带来事业转捩点的恩人。

求新、求变、求差异 林福星的另一位恩人,是前普威 联营集团主席陈能山。昇菘创立以来 的前十年间,只有三家门市,但之后突 飞猛进,在1996年到2005年的十年 间,增加了14家分店。林福星说,当时


因为互联网泡沫和九一一袭击等事件 导致全球经济低迷,店租一度降至一方 尺一新元左右的低价位。他抓紧这个难 得的机遇,趁势扩充业务。 不过,随着生意越做越大,林福星 深感自己突然跳上了一个很大的舞台, 但“有体无头”,需要“装一个头” 才

能成形,于是他想到了陈能山。2003 年,普威联营将部分股权脱手给香港 投资者后,陈能山也毅然离开他一手 创办的普威联营。林福星因为有向普 威联营购货而认识陈能山。他想,如 果能够请到陈能山加入昇菘,透过他 的关系可以绕过分销商直接跟厂家 拿货。

SHENG SIONG - GOOD WINE NEEDS NO BUSH Once a little grocery store with three outlets, Sheng Siong Supermarket is now the third largest chain supermarket operator in Singapore with 48 branches. It has recently ventured into the Chinese market, opening an outlet in Kunming, Yunnan province. As a latecomer, Sheng Siong could hold its own in the highly competitive supermarket industry against the NTUC FairPrice, which has the backing of NTUC, and the Cold Storage whose history goes back a

hundred years. What is the secret formula behind its success?

stall there, they rented a booth from the supermarket to sell pork.

Mr Lim was a village boy from a pig breeding family in Punggol. In 1984 the pig farm run by his father Lim Kim Siong faced the problem of surfeit of pigs in the market. Mr Lim, who had just got married, searched for ways with his brothers Hock Eng and Hock Leng to sell away their pigs. One day, they came to a budget supermarket at the ground floor of an HDB flat, and finding no pork

Blessed by a mix of luck and opportunity, Mr Lim wound up his pork business in 1985 to launch Sheng Siong Supermarket with his brothers. He did so partly because the government had announced the elimination of the pig breeding industry citing environmental pollution by pig excrements as the reason. His father’s pig farm was forced to close. On the other hand, Mr Lim




然而,让林福星意想不到的是, 陈能山的加入,好处不只是绕过分销 商省下的钱而已。在食品贸易界闯荡 多年的陈能山,还帮助林福星打响昇 菘的品牌。从《宜康之夜》到《普威之 夜》到《赢万金游万里欢乐周末夜》, 陈能山复制了普威联营赞助电视综艺 节目的成功经验,协助昇菘推出《缤 纷万千在昇菘》,为昇菘打响知名度, 也促进超市与顾客之间的互动。 喜欢称自己的员工为“同事”的 林福星,经常提醒员工: “顾客才是老 板!”以顾客为导向是昇菘的经营方 针,而他无时无刻不在思考如何更好 地为顾客服务。他坚持昇菘要“求新、 求变、求差异”,例如引进其他超市没 有的食品,给顾客带来惊喜。例如,当 其他超市嫌麻烦而不卖活海鲜,昇菘 却知难而上,设置水产生鲜水箱。他 也会经常留意新移民、外籍客工的需 要,引进符合他们口味的食品,例如泰 国的鱼露、中国的麻辣酱料、火锅汤 底等。 “做最难的、人家不要做的、人 家没办法做的,就是我们的特色。”

decided to take over the budget supermarket where his stall was, as it had run into cash flow problem. Since then he was drawn inexorably into the supermarket business. Mr Lim Hock Chee is very grateful to Mr Lim Gek Heng, the then business manager of the supermarket he took over, as he himself knew nothing about groceries being a pork seller. It was Mr Lim who gave him hand-holding guidance on how to sell groceries. After Sheng Siong Supermarket was established, Mr Lim Gek Heng was hired as its purchasing manager. The two fought battles together for more than 20 years. In helping Mr Lim Hock Chee move from the butchery trade to the business of supermarket, Mr Lim Gek Heng was his benefactor as he brought him to a turning point in his career.

SEEK INNOVATION, CHANGE AND TO BE DIFFERENT Another benefactor of Mr Lim was Mr Tan Ling San, former chairman of PSC Corporation. In the first ten years after Sheng Siong was founded, it had only three stores. Then the number surged. In the decade from 1996 to 2005, there was an increase of 14 stores. At that time, due to the burst of the dot-com bubble and the September 11 attack, the global economy was in a downturn, causing the rents of local shops to fall, which at one point hit S$1 per square foot. Mr Lim seized this rare opportunity to expand his business. However, as his business grew bigger, Mr Lim felt acutely that he had jumped on to a very big stage, on which he needed a “head” to fit and make

complete an otherwise “headless body”. He thought of Mr Tan, who had sold some of the PSC shares to Hong Kong investors in 2003. Mr Tan had also determinedly left the PSC, which he had single-handedly founded. Mr Lim had come to know Mr Tan through purchase of goods from PSC. He thought if he could recruit Mr Tan into Sheng Siong he would be able to bypass distributors and obtain supplies directly from producers, using his relationship with Mr Tan. Mr Lim was, however, surprised that he enjoyed not only the advantage of saving up on price differences by skirting the middlemen, after Mr Tan joined his company. Mr Tan, who had spent years in the food trading industry, also helped him promote the brand of Sheng Siong.




正如养树要养根,要除 草、捉虫和施肥。养人也 要养心,要控制脾气、改 掉不良习惯,还要传播正 能量。只有把自己的心养 好了,才可以成为别人的 榜样。 ——林福星

Replicating his successful experience in sponsoring TV variety shows such as “Econ Night”, “PCS Nite” and “Weekend Delights”, he helped Sheng Siong launch the “Sheng Siong Show”, which raised the profile of Sheng Siong and promoted interactions between the supermarket chain and its customers. Mr Lim likes to call his employees “colleagues.” He often reminds them: “Customers are the boss!” Being customer-oriented is Sheng Siong’s operating principle, and he is always thinking about how to serve his customers better. He insists that Sheng Siong must always “seek innovation, seek change, and seek to be different”. One example is the introduction of foods that are not available in other supermarkets, bringing surprises

to customers. Another example is while other supermarkets do not sell live fish, finding the work a chore, he disregarded the difficulties and installed live seafood tanks. He will also constantly observe what the new immigrants, foreign workers, and other non-natives look for, and would bring in foods that meet their tastes, such as Thai fish sauce, Chinese spicy sauce, stock ingredients for hot pot, and so on. “Do the most difficult things and those that others won’t or couldn’t do. That is what distinguishes us.” GOOD NAME SPREADS FAR, ATTRACTING LINKS Last year, Sheng Siong opened its first supermarket in Kunming, Yunnan, which boasts a total area of about 54,000 square feet – its first step towards

internationalisation. Although there are already many supermarkets in Kunming, including local brand names and international big players such as Walmart and Carrefour, he is confident that he could carve out a share, counting on the name of “Singapore” as his golden trademark. “We run our business in accordance with our model in Singapore, such as the practice of greeting customers when they step into our stores, addressing them as “Uncle” or “Auntie”. In Kunming, the forms of address are changed to “Dashu” (uncle), “Dama” (auntie), and “Dajie” (Ms). The customers would be pleasantly surprised. The customers also believe we will keep tabs for them on food safety, ensuring that the goods sold in the store are safe and clean.”




近年来,昇松超市在各门市陆续推出自行结账 (self-checkout) 系统和推动使用无现金支付。


– Mr Lim Hock Chee

In such a big country as China, why picked Yunnan? He did not pick the place, but instead he was picked, said Mr Lim. “Singapore enterprises are very small, and only when we do our own things well, putting our name on the map, others will come look for us. When I talk about business, I am talking about how to live one’s life, not about making money. After a few days of discussion, my partner in Yunnan felt that we were ‘on the same frequency’, and so we decided to collaborate.”

a supermarket. But Mr Lim is not in a hurry to bring in Singapore products. He hopes to understand better the dietary habits of the locals so as to supply them with the goods that they need, before introducing new stuffs to them. Still Sheng Siong, putting its strengths to use, has installed water tanks to sell live seafood. Landlocked Yunnan consumes mainly freshwater food, and seafood is relatively scarce. The seafood sold by Sheng Siong is rich in variety and fills a gap in the local market.

Many Chinese consumers have greater faith in imported goods, and they particularly like to go to the “imported food special area” when shopping in

After managing supermarkets for years, Mr Lim appreciates greatly the importance of keeping pace with the times. In recent years he


有麝自然香:人脉可遇不可求 去年,昇菘在中国的云南昆明开 了第一家超市,总面积约5.4万平方 尺,是迈向国际化的第一步。虽然昆 明已经有不少超市,包括当地本土品 牌和国际大牌如沃尔玛和家乐福,但 他有信心靠“新加坡”这个金字招牌 分一杯羹。 “我们按照新加坡的模式 经营,像是顾客一踏进店内,我们在 新加坡都会打招呼说‘Uncle’, ‘Auntie’ 在昆明则改称‘大叔’、 ‘大妈’、 ‘大 姐’,让当地顾客受宠若惊。顾客也相 信我们会帮他们把关,确保在超市售 卖的产品安全卫生。” 中国那么大,为什么选择云南? 林福星说,不是他选人,而是人选 他。 “新加坡企业是很小的,我们唯有 把自己做好,自己飘香,别人就来找上 你。我谈生意是谈做人,不是谈赚钱, 谈了几天,云南的伙伴觉得和我‘同样 频道’,就决定合作。” 许多中国消费者更信赖国外产 品,逛超市特别喜欢到“进口食品专 区”,但林福星不急于引进新加坡产 品,而是希望多了解当地人的饮食习 惯,提供他们需要的货品,再慢慢介 绍新产品。不过,昇菘还是发挥了优 势,在昆明的超市设置水箱,售卖活海


鲜。地处内陆的云南以河鲜为主,海 产较为短缺,昇菘售卖的海鲜种类丰 富,填补了当地市场的空缺。 经营超市多年,林福星十分清楚与时 并进的重要性,近年来在各门市陆续 推出自行结账 (self-checkout) 系统和 推动使用无现金支付。 “统一付款终 端机 (UPOS) 让顾客可以在一台终端 机上使用各种信用卡、转账卡、大来 卡、提款卡和手机钱包来付款,不仅 节省空间,也减少了顾客在付款时的 困扰。 昇菘去年7月也与中国银行推出 非接触式联名信用卡,推动新加坡邻 里地区的无现金交易,接下来也会推 出其他二维码支付方式。不过,林福 星认为,新加坡人未全盘接受无现金 支付,超市也不会贸然完全取消现金 付款的方式。


“新加坡企业是很小的, 我们唯有把自己做好,自 己飘香,别人就来找上你。 我谈生意是谈做人,不是 谈赚钱,谈了几天,云南的 伙伴觉得和我‘同样频道’ ,就决定合作。” ——林福星

至于未来,林福星注意到“无人 超市”的趋势,不排除将来可能采纳, 但目前还需要克服一些难题。 “新加 坡面对人力短缺, ‘无人超市’当然是 个梦想,但成本非常昂贵。它运用的 是RFID (Radio-frequency Identification) ,要请人在每一样商品上贴上RFID标 签,人工可能比RFID本身还贵,因此目 前推出‘无人超市’还不实际。”

has unremittingly rolled out the self-checkout system and promoted cashless payment at the various stores. The Unified Point of Sales (UPOS) allows customers to pay their bills at one terminal machine which accepts usage of all types of credit cards, debit cards, Diners Club cards, ATM cards, and handphone wallets. It not only saves space, but also reduces customers’ hassles in making payments.

be rolled out next. However, Mr Lim believes that Singaporeans have not completely accepted cashless payment, and his stores will not rashly cease the cash-paying method.

RFID tags on every piece of good. The manpower cost may be higher than the RFID itself, so it is not practical to embark on ‘unmanned supermarket’ at this time.”

As for the future, Mr Lim noticed “unmanned supermarket” is becoming the trend. He did not rule out embracing this in time to come. However, some problems need to be overcome at this moment.

In July last year Sheng Siong also launched a contactless co-branded credit card with the Bank of China to promote cashless transaction in Singapore’s neighbourhood areas. Other QR code payment methods would

“In face of manpower shortage in Singapore, ‘unmanned supermarket’ of course is something we hope to have. But the cost is very high. It requires RFID (Radio-frequency identification), and workers need to be hired to put

Mr Lim treats his employees as if they are his family members. Besides sharing the company’s profits, he also gives out long-term service awards, provides career development, and gives out educational grants to his employees’ children. Mr Lim said: “Employees are people who make money for you, so if you want to make more money, you should invest in your employees. If they feel they are part of the company, they will put greater effort into their work.”




接班人条件:需对经营超市专心致志 林福星对待员工如家人,除了分 享公司盈利,也颁发长期服务奖、提 供职业发展规划、为员工子女发放助 学金。林福星说: “员工是替你赚钱 的人,所以如果大家想赚更多的钱, 就应该投资在你的员工。他们感觉 自己是公司一分子,就会付出更大的 努力。” 作为老板,林福星相信要以身作 则,坚持亲力亲为,为员工树立榜样。 他认为,解决“离地”最好的办法就是 自己往山下走走,了解情况。他说,自 己的成功不是因为自己厉害,而是学 习“弯腰”,求人给机会。他认为,自 己喜欢跟什么人合作,自己就应该先 变成那个人。正如养树要养根,要除 草、捉虫和施肥。养人也要养心,要控 制脾气、改掉不良习惯,还要传播正能 量。只有把自己的心养好了,才可以成 为别人的榜样。 而谈到这个家族企业的未来, 林福星的答案是:用人不避亲就对 了! “超市行业有很多事情是要每天 亲自应对,不是自动跑的,也很难假手 于人,因为答案都是从你手上出去。所 以找接班人,必须是愿意放下个人时 间,分分秒秒心都专注在公司的。”

As a boss, Mr Lim believes in setting himself up as a model and insists on being hands-on himself to be an example to his employees. He believes the best way to avoid being “cut off from the ground” is to get to the bottom ranks to know what happen there. He said he achieved success not because he is smart, but because he would find out when to “bow low” to plead for opportunities. In his view, if you like to work with someone, you should first change yourself to be like that person. Just as growing trees requires nourishing the roots, pulling out the weeds, wiping out the pests, and applying fertilizer, cultivating one’s personality means improving one’s temperament. One

needs to control one’s temper, kick the bad habits, and spread positive vibes to boot. Only by refining one’s own personality can one become a role model to others. Touching upon the future of his family business, Mr Lim gives this answer: he won’t shy away from picking a family member who is fully dedicated to this line. “There are many things in the supermarket line that need to be handled personally, as things won’t run automatically, and also cannot be entrusted to another person, because all the answers must come from you. Therefore, the successor that you look for must be one willing to forgo his time and devote his heart every minute and every second to the company.”


The above is a translation of the original article in Chinese.




维系友谊 促进合作 新马中华总商会联办年度论坛

在马来西亚大选后不久举行的马 新中华总商会商务论坛(以下简称“马 新论坛”),现场气氛显得格外兴奋。 马来西亚反对党60年来首次赢得大 选,给当地政坛带来了一种清新求真的 氛围。而“变天”将对马来西亚的政治、 经济和社会带来什么变化?与马来西 亚一衣带水的新加坡,又会受到什么影 响?这些都是与会者关心的话题。 新马唇齿相依,但因为历史因素, 双边关系一直像过山车那样起起落落。 如今马国政党轮替,两国关系微妙生 变,但无论如何变化,维系好近邻关系 始终是两地民众的共同愿望。而两地的 中华总商会向来保持密切的联系,各自 率团参加两会的会庆活动,情同兄弟。 从上世纪70年代中旬起,两会曾 轮办年度马新华商联谊座谈会达11届, 但随后改而根据情况需要由任何一方

召开,以小组形式进行商讨。今年两会 决定复办高端论坛,也是希望借此加强 联系,互相学习和交流,从而促进双边 投资及经贸合作。


力的支持。新加坡中华总商会在去年9 月接过世界华商大会秘书处,目前正在 打造互动手机应用程序,借助数码科 技把世界华商联系起来,凝聚巨大影 响力,放眼国际商机。 新加坡中华总商会一项调查结果 显示,马来西亚是新加坡商家首选的海 外市场。两国海陆空往来非常频繁与 方便,黄山忠会长对两国合作项目有信 心,认为新柔长堤和第二通道将成为衔 接世界市场的重要通道,并期许 “一日生活圈” 能够发挥最大的经济 效益,让两国商家合作关系迈向另一 个高峰。

新加坡中华总商会黄山忠会长在 论坛上致词时指出,当前新马发展经贸 关系天时、地利和人和兼具,有利两国 商家把握机遇,例如亚细安共同体、中 国“一带一路”倡议等提升各国整合经 济的速度和深度。作为今年亚细安轮值 主席国,新加坡积极推动自由贸易和区 域的连通性,以及建设智慧城市网络。 政府也继续打造完善的基础建设,加 强与区域国家互联互通。

戴良业总会长:乐见马新延续 友好合作

黄山忠会长也提到,世界华商大 会的人脉,为新马商家的发展提供了有

马来西亚中华总商会总会长丹斯 里拿督戴良业则认为,新加坡总理李显




龙在马来西亚大选后旋风式访马,与再 次主政的马来西亚首相马哈迪会面。可 以从这次的会晤看到,两国领导人都释 放出延续马新高度合作和友好关系的意 愿,这是商会乐见的好事。

戴良业相信,在今天这个时代,国 与国之间必须强强合作,坦诚相待,才 能互补不足,互惠互利。他认为,数字 经济是大势所趋,然而在工业4.0时代, 企业面对许多挑战,所以马新两国企业 应联手探讨应对方式,以提升竞争力。

他表示,马来西亚和新加坡是紧密 邻居,两国领导人向来以务实的态度处 理外交事务,让两国数十年来建立了深 厚感情。两国过去一直奉行和平共处、 互惠互利的准则,不断加强经济合作, 因而建立了密不可分的共生关系。

马新论坛5月22日在马来西亚吉 隆坡会展中心举行。黄山忠会长率领 新方代表团出席,随行者有吴学光副 会长、何乃全副会长、总务委员会主 席白毅柏、研究与出版委员会主席吴 绍均、国际事务委员会主席白连源及

文教与社会事务委员会副主席高允 裕等。 马方出席者尚有马来西亚中华总 商会署理总会长丹斯里林锦胜、副总会 长拿督刘瑞裕、李开运、郭耀通及第二 副总秘书蔡文洲。 今年的论坛主题为《聚焦马新 放 眼国际》,设有三个分享环节,包括“聚 焦马新 放眼国际”、 “数字经济引领全 球大趋势”和“共商、共建、共享区域 基础设施”。

01 新加坡中华总商会代表团一行参观厦门大学马来西亚分校。 02 (左起)马来西亚中华总商会总秘书拿督卢成全、新加坡中华总商会黄 山忠会长、马来西亚中华总商会总会长丹斯里拿督戴良业、马来西亚中华总商会副总会长拿督刘瑞裕局绅 。 03 出席论坛嘉宾合照留念。 04 新加坡中华总商会研究与出版委员会主席、普华永道新加坡亚太企业家客户部主管吴绍均(左)是马新论坛的主讲人之一。马来西亚中 华总商会第二副总秘书蔡文洲(右)是这一环节的主持人。 05 新加坡中华总商会黄山忠会长(左)和马来西亚中华总商会总会长丹斯里拿 督戴良业在吉隆坡征阳城共同播下互创美好愿景的种子。












前进斯里兰卡 科伦坡商机无限

斯里兰卡螃蟹蟹肉结实、鲜甜又 有弹性,经新加坡厨师的巧思发挥, 创造出足以代表新加坡的辣椒螃蟹。 来自斯国的螃蟹,成就了新加坡的 “国菜”,但这个国家对大部分新加 坡人而言仍然十分陌生,一般人对它 所知不多。不过,随着两国的双边自 由贸易协定正式生效,相信会有更多 新加坡企业在斯国投资,而更多斯国 产品也会进入本地市场,深化经贸 关系。 从5月1日起,新加坡对斯国的八 成出口产品可享有零关税,相等于我 国商家在出口关税费用上,每年可省 下多达1000万新元。此外,斯国也首 次开放让外国公司参与政府部门或国 有企业项目的招标活动。两国企业合 作,在当地基础建设、旅游业、农业 等领域进行投资。 地处印度洋中心的斯里兰卡,是 欧亚海运航线的重要枢纽,其首都科 伦坡素有“东方十字路口”之称。而自 从中国提出“一带一路”倡议以来, 斯国也凭借其优越地理位置而成为“ 一带一路”的重要节点。 为了协助新加坡商家把握自贸协 定和“一带一路”的双重机遇,并获 取及时资讯、拓展商界人脉,新加坡 中华总商会黄山忠会长亲自率领32人 商业代表团于5月6日至10日出访斯 里兰卡首都科伦坡及南部重镇汉班 托塔。

最大外资投资项目—— 科伦坡港口城 代表团此行考察了迄今为止斯国 最大的外资投资项目——科伦坡港 口城。这个由中国交通建设集团和斯

里兰卡国家港务局共同开发的项目, 规划建设规模565万平方米,计划填 海造地269公顷,几乎与伦敦市中心 一样大,主要包括住宅、酒店、办公 楼、商场等配套设施。项目计划5到8 年形成初步规模,20到25年全部建设 完成。预计港口城建成后可供约27万 人居住生活,创造超过8.3万个就业机 会。港口城项目公司首席市场营销官 梁皓茗介绍说,目前项目已在东南亚、 中东等地区开展招商工作,10余家国 际企业表示有兴趣投资港口城,今年 下半年港口城将陆续和合作企业签署 谅解备忘录。

新加坡企业:盼自贸协定降低税务 代表团也拜访了当地的多个政府部 门、商会、企业,以及在斯国投资 的新加坡企业。5月8日,75名嘉宾 出席了总商会在肉桂大科伦坡酒店 (Cinnnamon Grand Hotel) 举行的交 流晚宴,当中包括斯国工商部长里沙 德·巴蒂于廷(Rishad Bathiudeen)、当 地政商界人士,以及在科伦坡的新加 坡企业代表等。 早在1977年就到斯国开设面粉 加工厂的百龄麦集团,分享了集团在 当地发展超过40年的宝贵经验。集 团驻斯里兰卡总经理陈明铨介绍,自 2015年新政府上任以来,斯国积极鼓 励外商投资,而自贸协定将对新加坡 企业非常有利。此前,集团若要把包 装面食从新加坡运往斯国,需承担至 少69.5%,甚至高达84.5%的关税和 相关税率,但自贸协定落实后,税务 有望降低。 代表团也拜访了新加坡企业立堾 集团。2014年,该集团首次在斯国取 得总值3820万元的合约,在科伦坡市 区修复10公里的污水管和对125公里

的污水管进行评估。新合约使得集团 订单增至1亿8100万元。 该集团财务总监R Srinivasan向 代表团分享集团在斯国发展业务时遇 到的挑战,例如当地员工普遍缺乏专 业训练,一些需要用到的特殊机械设 备也欠缺,或保养维修滞后,易引发 事故。部分建材需要进口,但进口关 税可高达60至70%,使成本提高。 为了促进新斯两国的经贸往 来,总商会和锡兰商会 (The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce) 斯里兰卡新 加坡商务理事会在5月8日签署了谅解 备忘录。双方同意通过交换信息、提 供技术专长、安排互访、制定策略、 举办会议和论坛等方式,达致以上目 的。黄山忠会长表示,总商会将继续 发挥凝聚商团、催化商机和枢纽作 用,善用长期累积的国际人脉,积极 配合新加坡政府提出的国际化、创新 及电子商务策略,深化两国企业合作 关系。

地处印度洋中心的斯里 兰卡,是欧亚海运航线的 重要枢纽,其首都科伦坡 素有“东方十字路口”之 称。而自从中国提出“一 带一路”倡议以来,斯国 也凭借其优越地理位置 而成为“一带一路”的重 要节点。









01 代表团考察科伦坡港。 02 代表团成员听取科伦坡港口城发展的介绍。 03 (左起)百龄麦集团驻斯里兰卡总经理陈明铨、总商会会长黄山忠、斯里 兰卡斯国工商部长里沙德·巴蒂于廷、总商会副会长何乃全。04 新加坡中华总商会和锡兰商会斯里兰卡新加坡商务理事会签署谅解备忘录。 05 代表 团一行拜访斯里兰卡发展战略及国际贸易部。




合作立足斯里兰卡 放眼南亚商机 新加坡与斯里兰卡的自贸协定在5月1日正式生效,引起总商会对当地机遇的期盼。新加 坡目前是斯里兰卡的第七大投资国。5月初,我率领总商会商业考察团远赴斯里兰卡, 在这个美丽岛国上发掘商机,收获不浅,正如英文谚语“早起的鸟儿捕捉到蠕虫”。 斯里兰卡毗邻印度,位于印度洋贸 易路线中央,连接中东、欧洲、非洲至 东亚的海运航线,地理位置十分优越。 主要的港口是哥伦坡港和汉班托塔市 港。汉班托塔位于斯里兰卡最南端,被 誉为“东方的十字的路口” “印度洋的 心脏”,是欧亚之间重要的国际贸易和 石油运输通道,因此哥伦坡港与汉班 托塔市港被认定为“一带一路”的战略 项目。 斯国的内战在2009年才平息,但 在短短10年内已经焕发活力,经济蓬 勃发展。我看到在堆满集装箱的哥伦 坡港尽头,一艘艘吹沙船仰天吐沙,完 成最后20%的填土工程,气势壮观,这 还只是个开始。向导告诉我们,港口城 (Port City) 耗时三年填海造地,五到八 年形成初步规模,整体建成时间长达 25年。邻近的地段现在已经成为了中 央商业区,未来将涵盖高尔夫球场、酒 店、购物中心、水上活动区、公寓和游 艇码头等,成为贸易、金融和旅游 重镇。







结群开拓市场 我觉得,新加坡企业如果能提早 结群进入这新市场,就更有条件和当 地政府企业建立关系,全面地认识当地 经济,遇到挑战也能集思广益,齐心协 力去应对。比如目前来自地产、建筑、 食品制造、旅游业的新加坡企业已经进 军斯国,具备一定的经验和人脉。我们 可以让这些企业,与准备进军者对接, 分享信息与资源,携手把市场蛋糕做得 更大。

眼前的壮观令人惊叹之余也让我 们感受到,斯国商机处处,新加坡应把 握商机。目前中国与斯国正在积极携手 招商引资。我们顺应大势前来考察商 机,一路上拜访了当地的企业、会计师 事务所(探讨税务课题)、华社商团, 并会见斯国贸工部长、发展策略与对外 贸易部长,对当地经商环境作全面 了解。

是通过商团或商会对接,把同一行 业的企业团结起来,分享行业入市战 略、市场经验,或共享基建和团体设 备,提升海外运作的效益。

我们这次也拜访了在当地投资的 两家新加坡企业,它们分别从事建筑业 和食品制造业,非常高兴看到他们已经 落地生根,稳定发展。他们还建议:紧 密跟进政治和产业政策动态,并与政 府部门建立人脉关系,有利于外国企业 在此长足扩展。

是参与政府的“产业战略群”计 划,让有关联的行业跨界合作,开拓市 场时发挥最大的协作效应,互惠共赢。 政府规划的六大产业群是制造业、建筑 与环境、基本公共服务、现代服务、生 活服务,以及贸易、运输与物流。像哥 伦坡港口城这样的综合性发展项目,各

把握斯国新市场的商机,大致上 有两种方法:

行业商机必将浮现,我国企业如果能 结群进军取得一席之地,既能打响新 加坡品牌,又可以建立长远互信,惠及 后进者。 如今是开拓斯国市场的黄金时 刻, “一带一路”项目、新斯自贸协定都 已落实,企业可以咨询总商会,或相关政 府机构(如新加坡企业中心、基础建设 办公室等)的协助下进行探讨。总的来 说,斯里兰卡是新兴经济体,含苞待放; 少人走过的路,机遇也更多。临别前夕, 斯国贸工部长告诉我们,当局正积极和 中国、南亚、欧盟磋商各种贸易协定,让 我们深感其开放市场的决心,在此鼓励 大家勇于把握良机,捷足先登。

作者为新加坡中华总商会会长黄山忠。 本文首次刊登于2018年5月24日《联合早 报》SME专版, 《华商》经许可转载。







区块链技术 商业潜力大 总商会于5月15举办“中小企业如何实际应用区块链 技术”座谈会,邀请新加坡管理大学信息系统学院教 授朱飞达和 SQ2 Fintech 总裁刘汉奇分享区块链技术 的发展和商机。 2008年年末,一位自称“中本 聪”的神秘黑客,发表一篇论文提出 了“比特币”的概念,注定会颠覆整 个金融业的生态。 这种完全通过点对点技术实现 的电子货币系统,让在线支付能够直 接由一方发起并支付给另外一方,中 间不需要通过任何金融机构。去中心 化、以全民信用背书的特质,会威胁 到中央银行和全球法定货币体系的存 在,让各国政府坐立不安。许多人试图 追查“中本聪”的真实身份,却无功 而返。神龙见首不见尾的“中本聪”在 发表论文后就毫无下落,外界甚至质 疑是否真有此人。但他创造的比特币 世界并未因此停歇。他发明的比特币 问世时价值1/1300美元,如今已高达 8000美元,疯狂地上涨了百万倍。 作为比特币系统的记账方式和底 层核心技术,区块链通过竞争记账的 方式解决了去中心化的记账系统的一 致性问题。发展至今,已经发展出许 多不同的商业模式。新加坡管理大学 信息系统学院教授朱飞达指出,交易 所、挖矿、发币和炒币,是当前区块链 的四大商业模式。

区块链的四大商业模式 交易所是虚拟货币之间的交 换,例如将比特币兑换成以太币(市 值仅次于比特币的一种加密货币)。

新加坡管理大学信息系统学院教授朱飞达指出,交易所、挖矿、发币和炒币,是当前区块 链的四大商业模式。

以全球最大的加密货币交易所币安 (Binance)为例,虽然成立还不到一年, 但在今年第一季度的利润已达到2亿 美元,超越有148年历史、全球拥有10 万员工的德意志银行(1.46亿美元)。 由于虚拟货币不是依靠特定机构 发行,而是通过特定算法的大量计算 产生,于是横生出“挖矿”的业务,即 通过机器计算赚取虚拟货币。试想在 一个巨大的厂房里有无数机器,唯一 做的事情就是计算,帮助“矿场”赚取 虚拟货币。由于日夜不停的计算需要 耗费大量电力,大部分“矿场”都设在 电价低廉的偏远地区。

发币,顾名思义就是发行自己的 虚拟货币。自从以太坊 (Ethereum) 问 世以来,这个支持各种各样的去中心 化应用的公共区块链平台,让任何人 都可以利用以太坊的智能合约,编写 出属于自己的代币,而它可以代表各 种价值,例如积分、财产、证书等。 朱飞达说,首次代币发行(Initial Coin Offering,简称 ICO) 是以太坊对 区块链的一大贡献,因为它破天荒地 让初创公司可以通过发行加密代币 的方式进行融资。 “有了 ICO,它们不 再是封闭的公司,而是一个开放的生 态,让投资者拥有公司发行的代币,


作为比特币系统的记账 方式和底层核心技术, 区块链通过竞争记账的 方式解决了去中心化的 记账系统的一致性问题。 发展至今,已经发展出许 多不同的商业模式。 ——朱飞达教授加坡管理 大学信息系统学院教授朱飞达

让怀着共同信念的人可以一起打造这 个生态,最后通过把加密货币的价格 不断地推高,使得所有人得益。” 区块链的发展推动互联网从“信 息互联”转变到“价值互联”,虽然还 处于“婴儿时期”,但发展速度惊人, 变化日新月异。在过去十几年里, “信 息互联”阶段造就了像亚马逊、谷歌、 阿里巴巴、苹果等企业崛起,但朱飞 达认为,如今全球已进入新的“价值 互联”阶段,比特币、以太坊、瑞波币 (Ripple) 等在短短几年内开创了全新 的社会组织形态。朱飞达预料,它们


很快将代替那些“信息互联”的公司, 把全球富豪榜刷新一遍。

数据不可篡改 保险防伪应用潜力大 基于区块链有数据不可篡改、账 本全历史可查证等特性,发展出许多 不同的应用程序。例如,供应链管理 平台“唯链”(VeChain) 让企业向全社 会发布自己的产品信息,并邀请供应 链中上下游一起对产品进行管理,通 过私钥授权的方式实现数据的安全 保证。


交易速度提升 更多应用有待发掘 SQ2 Fintech 致力于攻克这一 难题,其研发的 AURA 系统,通过 Parallel block processing 的崭新技 术,能够在同一时间让15000项交易 同时进行,用户在获得加密代币的利 益驱使下处理这些交易,新系统可以 在3秒钟内同时让5000名用户处理这 15000项交易,相当于约每0.36秒就 能处理一笔交易,速度大大提升。

“京东全球购“则是借助区块链 技术,将商品原材料过程、生产过程、 流通过程、营销过程的信息进行整合 并写入区块链,实现商品防伪追溯。 每一条信息都拥有自己的“身份证”, 附有各主体的数字签名和时间戳,供 消费者查询的校验。

刘汉奇指出,AURA 系统让客户 和会员,通过智能手机或任何可接上 网络的设备,都可以成为“矿工”赚取 虚拟币。越多人使用这一系统,即越多 人下载了企业的区块链应用软件,就 意味着 “矿工”更多,处理交易的速 度也更快。这颠覆了此前交易越多,排 队被写入区块链的等候时间越长的旧 有模式。

新加坡金融科技公司 SQ2 Fintech总裁刘汉奇指出,交易速度是 影响区块链应用普及化的主因之一。 目前比特币每一秒钟只能处理七笔交 易,每10分钟记录一个区块,而以太 坊则是每一秒钟处理65笔交易。由于 交易不能立刻在区块链中广播,当内 存池堆积大量订单, “矿工”自然会优 先出路手续费较高的交易,导致代币 交易手续费越来越贵、确认越来 越慢。

刘汉奇说,区块链技术的应用广 泛,从跨境支付、保险、到供应链管 理,甚至游戏开发等,几乎可运用在 任何日常交易中。他因此鼓励企业和 商家向金融科技公司咨询,探讨如何 运用区块链技术于他们的领域,以享 受新科技带来的各项好处,包括提高 账簿的保密性、通过虚拟代币降低 交易费用、节省投入更多 IT资源的成 本、通过发放代币为公司项目融 资等。




TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP KEY TO SUSTAINING FAMILY BUSINESS The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) released findings of the 2017 study on Singapore family businesses, which was conducted jointly with PwC and UBS, on May 25. Two successors who successfully transformed their family businesses shared their experience and insights at the event’s panel discussion. The findings show that many local family businesses need to knuckle down to transform or face possible elimination.




DYNASTIES rose and fell, and the same happened to many business empires. Many companies once dominated the businesses in Southeast Asia in early 20th century, but they had now disappeared without a trace. Then there was Mr Lee Kong Chian, the major founder of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC). Although the bank is now not run by the Lee family, they continue to hold a stake.Ever evolving and transforming, OCBC is now looking towards its 100th anniversary. Now, transformation is no longer optional, but an urgent requirement faced by all the family businesses which want their brands and fortunes to last. With technology advancing ever so relentlessly, only family business successors who are able to lead a transformation agenda could keep their business going and growing. At the conference co-organised by SCCCI, PwC and UBS on 25 May 2018 to share the findings on the 2017 study into Singapore family businesses, we heard many frank and interesting views from the panel discussion, which not only enlightened but delighted all present on the topic of family business succession and transformation. The attendees, numbering more than a hundred, kept responding with nodding laughter. The journeys of Mr Pek Lian Guan and Mr Mark Lee might be different, but in replies to a question from the floor, they unanimously said they had no regrets over going back to work for their respective family businesses. Also, neither of them turned their back when being picked to be the successor. Even if that meant having to work 24/7, losing sleep at night over company issues, and spending less time with their children. Both are happy to have helped shaped their companies’ destiny, getting them scaled up and made over to keep pace with the times. But being at the top or next in line does not assure success – not if they have no fire in the belly. And they need to have plenty, especially when a big hurdle they have to overcome could be none other than their father.

(From left) Ng Siew Quan, Asia Pacific Leader, Entrepreneurial & Private Clients, PwC; Pek Lian Guan, Managing Director, Tiong Seng Holdings; Mark Lee, CEO, Singlun Holdings; Amos Ng, CFO, Straco Corporation Limited.

“When I first came back, I had to write out a proposal if I saw an area that required change,” said Mr Pek, now the executive director and chief executive officer of construction company Tiong Seng Holdings. “That was how things worked at first. Eventually, I could just walk in and say we should do this and that, and the ideas were taken,” added Mr Pek, suggesting that capability could gain recognition and trust be fostered over time. Results would further reinforce trust. NO RED CARPET FOR SUCCESSOR “There should be no red carpet laid out,” Mr Pek replied, when asked whether a family member who has no track record should be allowed to take over a business just because it is in desperate need for an heir. “The person must prove his mettle. He must show passion. The one to take over should be the best choice,” he summed up. As for Mr Lee, the chief executive officer of apparel manufacturer Sing Lun Holdings, the key terms in taking a family business forward are apparently “work ethics”, “professionalisation” and “hunger to learn”, which peppered his narratives. “I learnt very early from my father’s investments that a business could make a huge difference in the lives of others,” said Mr Lee, citing the creation of job opportunities as one of his motivations to plunge into business.

He also believes in taking non-family professionals on board, as successors tend not to be as hands-on as the founders and may lack the “hunger to learn”. But hiring non-family professionals would give rise to another question: what platforms to be created that could best tap and reward these capable people who do not share the same surname and blood line. And there is also the consideration of how to safeguard family interests. “Often the generals are smarter than the emperor, and managing them is itself a tricky business,” mused Mr Lee.



MILLENNIALS WILL FIND THEIR OWN WAY When asked whether millennial successors would find it harder to take charge at the helm when their turn comes, Mr Pek was quick to dismiss the concern. He believes that a pragmatic society like Singapore would never let itself collapse, and the young cohort would find their feet in due time in a stable society. “There is no need to worry about the millennials. Let them go and they will find their way,” Mr Pek asserted. Recalling a trip to South Korea, Mr Lee said he came across a company whose millennial employees were not treated as just another age group of undifferentiated faces but individuals each with a distinct personality. “They are encouraged to talk about their pet interests on the company’s noticeboard. Thanks to this, colleagues who share the same hobby get to link up,” said Mr Lee. He also discovered that during Christmas the company would shop for the things their millennial employees had indicated as their desired presents. Mr Amos Ng, the third panelist, played what he called the role of “observer” at the discussion. He shared his perspectives and experience as a professional working for a family business.



According to the senior vice-president at Straco Corporation, the importance of segregating ownership and management can never be emphasised enough in cases where professionals need to be hired from outside. Expectation gap always exists between the two parties, and to bridge this there need to be a shared sense of purpose and a good balance of power, Mr Ng stressed. SUCCESSION AMID TRANSFORMATION Mr Ng Siew Quan, who leads the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurial and Private Clients network of PwC, pointed out some instructive survey findings before chairing the discussion. Nearly 24 per cent of family businesses polled believe continued success could only come from innovation of products and services. About 21 per cent have partnership and collaboration with other businesses in their game plan, while another 20 per cent look towards restructuring. Only 6.2 per cent consider selling away their business – a low proportion which suggests most families see their business as inalienable property. While one may think family businesses would stick to the tried and tested ways, over 23 per cent said they want to expand into new growth sectors. Mr Ng highlighted a point that SCCCI President Roland Ng made in his opening speech – many family businesses urgently

need to transform amid the disruptions by digitalisation, and it comes at a time when a younger generation is taking over. That means family businesses need to do two things in one go: institute innovative changes while the old generation pass down their experience and painstakingly built networks to the young. This requires the incoming and the outgoing to communicate well with each other and together do the necessary. “In fact, succession is no longer an event. It is now a process that must start as soon as a successor is identified. There is no starting time, say, 21 years old, for a successor to start learning,” said Mr Ng Siew Quan. “Better fail fast and get on,” he added. Mr Ng also advised business owners not to let their ego get in the way when they collaborate with other enterprises. “One-man show is not sufficient in this new age where technology affects all businesses. Talent is critical and it’s often better to let the professionals run the show,” said Mr Ng. He also touched on globalisation, saying that family businesses should seek farflung markets as competition has turned global. The survey was conducted in Singapore between May and July last year, with 115 companies polled and seven representatives interviewed face-to-face.


“Those that are prepared to evolve, innovate, and reinvent themselves will be the ones that achieve long-term prosperity in the business”, Mr Roland Ng, SCCCI President, advised. Fortunately, not all business owners believe they could have their cake and eat it. Mr Joseph Foo, founder and executive chairman of Jason Marine Group, remarked that he would open his door to competent professionals, if his children are not keen to take over. According to Patrick Ng, deputy chairman of Pan United, ultimately the preservation of the family wealth and harmony should take precedence. Therefore, he would opt for separation of ownership and management should that become inevitable. Closing the conference, UBS’ Mr Eddie Gan reiterated the point that generational transfer of wealth and succession planning were important twin issues that family businesses have to deal with. “The formation of a family office can help to manage key family assets and preserve the wealth in the family,” advised the market head of Singapore UBS Global Wealth Management.

It is included in our strategic plan, but we have not mapped out a well-considered approach


Although there are exemplary successors like Mr Pek and Mr Lee, the study inferred from the findings that not all is well on the family business scene.

While about 86 per cent of family firms said they plan to be part of the digital economy, only 5 per cent said they have an established e-commerce arm. The study also pointed out that the next generation, although more digitally savvy and more global in their outlook, may not have the capabilities to lead the transformation agenda.




“Digital solutions offer family businesses increased agility and efficiency, as well as better delivery of products and services. Despite these apparent benefits and the right intention, adoption has been slow and progress has been varied,” the survey said in its summary.


We are in the early stages of rolling out our digital strategy


FIGURE 1 How involved is your business in the digital journey?



We are currently experimenting with technology and platforms to build or enhance our digital presence We have an extension of our business online, but it’s not generating the returns we expected


We have an established e-commerce arm and are already providing services and client experience online

6.1% 11.2%

Finding a way to transform the business through Technology




Managing the financial costs of digital transformation/innovation Dealing with new entrants who have a first-mover advantage in terms of digital business strategies


To what extent are the following factors a challenge to your family business as you prepare for the digital economy? 28.7%

Availability of internal capabilities/resources Finding the right business partner


Changing existing company mindsets/culture Convincing stakeholders of the benefits of digital transformation/innovation


Pass on ownership to next generation but bring in professional manager to run the business

4.4% 6.2% 7.5%

Don’t know yet 34.2%

FIGURE 3 9.3%

What are your future ownership plans for the business?

Pass on to the next generation to manage IPO Sell to private equity investors Sell to independent third party

18.0% 19.9%

Sell to management team Exit the business





考察“南向通道” 在去年2月举行的中新(重庆)项 目联合协调理事会中, “南向通道”的 概念首度被提出。去年9月,新中两国领 导人同意联手启动“南向通道”建设, 得到新中两国政商界的大力支持。 “南向通道”是一条有机衔接 “一带”和“一路”国际物流的战略新 通道。该通道利用铁路、海运结合的运


输方式,由重庆向南经贵州等地,通过 广西北部湾等沿海沿边口岸通达新加 坡,比经中国东部地区出海节约15天。 广西位于这个通道的中间,地理位 置得天独厚。迄今为止,已有不少新加 坡企业和机构在广西设立分部,开展“ 南向通道”项目的建设,其中就包括新 加坡港务局、太平船务集团等。

为了更好的帮助本地企业了解广 西最新的投资环境和投资机会,总商 会在6月18日至21日率27人代表团出 访广西南宁。在这次出访活动中,代表 团拜会了广西壮族自治区与南宁市政 府领导,并实地考察重点产业项目 , 包括中关村双创示范基地,新加坡 (广西南宁)中新南宁国际物流园、 钦州港等。



01 南宁市周红波市(右)会见黄山忠会长 。 02 代表团考察南宁中关村双创示范基地。 03 代表团一行参观“南向通道”出海口——钦州港 。


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