SCCCI Annual Report 2011

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会务检讨 President’s Review

08 新加坡中华总商会第56届董事 08 56th Council of SCCCI 09 09

本会组织结构 Organisational Structure

10 第56届董事会与各个委员会 13 56th Council and Standing Committee 16 18

第55届董事会第二次常年会员大会记录 Minutes of 55th Council’s Second Annual General Meeting

20 20

秘书处与附属机构主要职员 Key Staff of Secretariat and Subsidiaries

22 会务活动 56 Chamber’s Activities 104 115

附属机构 SCCCI Subsidiaries

128 128

来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

134 134

商团会员 Trade Association Members




本会珍惜和重视中小企业对我国经济做出 的贡献,积极主动地为中小企业举办专项 活动,促进企业的成长与发展。 第56届董事会就职上任 今年3月15日,由吴作栋国务资政 亲自见证的第56届董事会就职典礼隆 重举行,在总商会的历史上奠下新的里 程碑。为了提高总商会的领导实力和效 率,自我更新,与时并进,第56届董事 会在选举期间有多项重大改革,包括彻 底废除董事会帮派选举制度,将董事会 成员的人数从66人减少到56人。在新制 度下,本会直接从不同行业,特别是新 兴领域的商家代表中选出10位青年企业 家加入董事会。同时,董事会属下的委 员会也从12个减少到10个,以便有效地 综合人力资源为商家服务。2月份,第 56届董事会在上任之前,还专程到中国 重庆市举办集思营,开阔视野,集思广 益,为今后两年的工作制定方向。 强化对商团会员的服务 今年,本会举办多项活动加强与商团 会员的联系,协助商团会员提升管理技 能,开拓中国市场。1月份,本会与两家 商团会员-现代企业管理协会和碧山商 联会/老板联谊会,联合举办“儒商之 夜”联谊活动,为许多商团代表提供良 好的交流平台。 在1月、7月和11月分别举行的不同 活动中,本会企业发展中心上海代表处 共与19家商团会员签署合作备忘录。企 发中心上海代表处2010年正式启动,主 要工作目标是成为本会与商团会员在中 国的联络中心,为会员提供商业配对服 务,交流信息,促成商业合作。

本会也专门组织部长对话会,让不同 行业的商团代表反映各自领域的问题和 挑战。11月,财政部兼交通部杨莉明政 务部长受邀亲临本会,与交通、餐饮、 蔬菜水果和装修业的商团会员进行对 话。代表们纷纷提出实际工作中遇到的 困难,与部长坦诚交换意见并寻求政府 的进一步考量以解决问题。 为中小企业增值 本会珍惜和重视中小企业对我国经济 做出的贡献,积极主动地为中小企业举 办专项活动,促进企业的成长与发展。 一年一度的中小型企业大会,便是本会 的一项旗舰活动,获得了多家政府部门 和金融机构的支持。今年5月,第13届 中小型企业大会顺利举行,共吸引了超 过1800名本地代表出席。大会的主题是 “成功关键:全新的商业作业程序”, 多位主讲者结合自身的实际经验,和出 席代表分享了极富价值的经营理念。 今年,新加坡中华总商会中小企业资 信资源中心继续通过开展活动鼓励企业 采纳新科技。这个中心自2008年开始启 动,专为本地中小企业提供“一站式” 资讯科技服务。中心的工作是协助中小 企业了解资讯科技合约的内容,提供资 讯顾问公司的资料,开发自我检验系统 以评估不同科技的应用稳定性,同时引 进社交网络工具拓展业务。共有500家 公司参与了中心的资讯科技评估,150 家企业在资讯科技合约方面向中心寻求 协助或参加相关主题的工作坊,超过 200家公司通过中心获取相关的咨询。

拓展中国市场 中国,不仅是世界第二大经济体,也 是充满商机的新大陆。本会今年举行了 多场有效活动,协助会员公司深入了解 中国市场蕴含的无限潜能。5月,本会协 同新加坡太平洋经济合作委员会、联合 早报共同举办“中国发展动态论坛”, 为会员提供平台,与来自中国23个 省,33个城市的80名高层官员交流, 了解中国东部、中部和西部等不同地区 的经商环境和政策。 作为探索中国市场勃勃商机的系列活 动之一,今年6月,我率领44人代表团 出访广西。此行的重点是参加中国国务 院侨务办公室和广西壮族自治区人民政 府在广西南宁市联办的“中国东盟自由 贸易区背景下侨商广西行”活动。代表 团参观了广西新兴产业园区和华侨农林 场,出席了由政府部门举行的说明会、 商家联谊会,还实地考察了工业区。 分享经商理念 举办商业说明会、工作坊、研讨会 可以有效地让会员了解市场趋势,扩展 视野以确保业务稳定发展。本会长期与 政府部门、商业伙伴举办这些活动并且 获得热烈反响。今年,本会举办多场市 场说明会,例如“云南省投资环境及招 商项目说明会”、“广州的投资环境与 商业良机”以及“印度投资环境”等。 其他专题讲座如“国际商事纠纷解决和 管理研讨会”、“中国经商的收帐风险”、 “知识产权-让知识产权成就企业发 展”和“F 年轻一代培训:塑造家族企业



会务检讨 President’s Review

的品牌”研讨会等。此外,本会也举办 工作坊指导会员如何从政府的援助计划 中受惠,例如生产力及创新优惠计划、 建筑生产力与能力基金等。 促进本地与区域交流 今年2月11日,本会第一次参与春 到河畔的演出活动,在滨海湾浮动舞台 举办“华商之夜”晚会。晚会获得马来 西亚、泰国和印度尼西亚华商的大力支 持,选派表演团体参加演出,共300名 来自马来西亚中华总商会、泰国中华总 商会、印尼苏北省华裔总会、峇株巴 辖中华商会、新山中华工商总会的代表 出席了晚会。贸工部林勋强部长担任主 宾,为亚细安四国华商共庆华人新年增 添了重要意义。 今年,对本会的兴趣小组来说也是特 别的一年。4月和10月,本会青年企业家 联系网(青企网)分别参加了在印尼雅加 达市和越南胡志明市举行的第三及第四届 亚细安-中国青年企业家协会论坛。每届 论坛都有200至300名中国和亚细安国家 的青年企业家出席。青企网也在社区活动 中扮演积极角色。11月,青企网组织了 200人出席“青企网公益活动@观明综合 医院”,这也是“WOW心火相传”系列活 动之一。这场活动有青企网与新加坡中国 学者学生联合会、浙江大学校友会联合举 办,志愿者们为病患表演唱歌、跳舞等节 目,并分发礼包。 总商会事业女性组目前有超过600名 职业女性会员,今年也多次举办活动, 包括:3月份组织20人代表团参加马中 亚太区女性经济高峰论坛,论坛共有超 过700名来自马来西亚、中国大陆、香 港和台湾的代表出席。7月份,事业女性 组也组织了专场对话会,与财政部兼交 通部杨莉明政务部长讨论有关事业女性 的多项课题,例如,提高我国女性就业 比例,增加女性担任管理职务的人数, 以及改变职位的性别偏见。 提升培训素质 总商会管理学院的定位是成为本区 域政府、企业和公众的首选培训机构。 学院不断提升课程质量和服务水平,今 年,共吸引到3000名本地学员报读各项 课程。同时,学院也是中国政府官员海 外培训渠道之一,具备中国国家外国专

家局的“指定境外培训机构”资格,并 成为中国国营企业海外培训的新加坡唯 一渠道。2011年,共有600名中国官员 和企业家在学院接受培训。与此同时, 学院也是新加坡国际企业发展局“国际 商业伙伴计划”中国项目的本地唯一合 作伙伴,本年度共组织了93人分别到中 国的不同城市参加浸濡活动。 与多元种族商会建立密切联系 经过一段时间的酝酿,本会11月与 新加坡印度商会和马来商会联合举办联 谊活动。之前本会与两大种族商会的交 流只是限于董事之间,这次联谊会的定 位是为各自的会员提供一次非正式的交 流平台,促进彼此的商业合作。这项活 动必然会在不同种族的商会之间建立更 加密切的联系。 向国家领袖致敬 今年五月,李光耀内阁资政和吴作 栋国务资政宣布退出内阁。为了感谢两 位国家领袖长期以来对华社的支持和贡 献,本会联合新加坡宗乡会馆联合总 会,在11月21日举办“向建国总理李光 耀及荣誉国务资政吴作栋致敬晚宴”。 晚宴在新达新加坡国际会展中心举行, 共有1200名宾客出席,包括华社领袖、 总商会董事、商团会员、宗乡会馆和基 层领袖。在活动现场,主办机构向两位 国家领袖分别赠送了《李光耀与华社》、 《吴作栋与华社》精美画册,图文并茂 地展现了两位领导人对华社的贡献。 举办第十一届世界华商大会 经过一整年紧锣密鼓的繁忙筹备,由 本会主办的第十一届世界华商大会终于 在10月5日顺利召开。三天的会期内容 丰富多彩,主要活动包括在圣淘沙环球 影城举办迎宾晚会;10月6日在新达新 加坡国际会展中心举行开幕式,李显龙 总理亲自担任主宾;10月6日到7日举行 五场论坛并专门举办总统府晚宴;10月 7日晚上在名胜世界罗盘宴会厅举行交接 仪式闭幕晚宴,紧接着举行“与李光耀 前内阁资政对话”。 鉴于第十一届世界华商大会有无数大 大小小的事需要精心策划与准备,2011 年成为总商会有史以来最为繁忙的一 年。在筹委会两位联合主席李国基先生

和蔡其生先生共同领导之下,本会董事 和秘书处职员全力以赴投入到各项筹备 当中。筹委会下设6个委员会,承担不同 领域的工作。 若想顺利完成细节繁多的超大型会 议,照顾好大批来自不同背景、行业、 国家和地区的海外代表、贵宾、主讲嘉 宾绝非易事。最重要的是,超过两年的 筹备工作和投入换来了可喜的成绩,第 十一届世界华商大会共有来自34个国 家,125个城市共4600名代表出席,圆 满完成预订的目标。 大会的成功,也必须归功于由主要政 府部门、法定机构代表组成的第十一届 世界华商大会指导委员会,归功于许多 合作伙伴和会员的慷慨赞助,归功于来 自理工学院和大学的志愿者。感谢大家 为世界华商大会付出时间、资源、努力 和精力,使大会成为本会和新加坡令人 难忘的庆典。 纪念辛亥革命一百周年 紧接着第十一届世界华商大会举行的是 另一场活动“纪念辛亥革命一百周年”。 10月8日,位于马里士他路的中山公园举 行开幕仪式,经过一年的重建和装修,晚 晴园孙中山南洋纪念馆再次向公众开放。 本会诚挚邀请第十一届世界华商大会的 部分贵宾和代表出席10月8日的辛亥革命 100周年纪念活动,这也是本会在政府部 门的支持和鼓励下,双方密切配合举行的 另一项大型活动。 做商界代言人 担任官委议员期间,我的主要任务 是在国会中反映商家的心声。本会会 员、商团会员、董事会成员和其他不同 民间组织的代表纷纷提出很有价值的反 馈,支持我在国会发言时提出多项建 议,这一点令我深深感动。董事会和秘 书处在这方面也给了我大力的协助。在 此,我也要感谢其他商会和团体的合作 伙伴与朋友,外交使节和政府部门对本 会的支持,共同完成为新加坡商家服务 的目标。

会长 张松声



President’s Review


Installing the 56th Council The Installation Ceremony of the 56th Council presided over by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong on March 15 this year marked a significant milestone in the history of the Chamber. Prior to the elections of the 56th Council, a few major changes were introduced to facilitate leadership self-renewal and achieve greater effectiveness in the overall management of the Chamber’s affairs. This included the removal of the clan-based election system of electing council members to represent major clan associations in the Council and reducing the number of council members from 66 to 56. Arising from such major changes, ten new council members were elected strictly on merit to represent various new industries or the young generation from the business community. Ten instead of 12 committees were formed to make better use of the human resources to fulfil the various functions of the Chamber. The 56th Council also went to Chongqing in February for a Council Retreat to brainstorm ideas and chart its direction and strategy for the next two years. Fortifying services to Trade Associations A whole host of activities were held throughout the year to deepen our rapport with trade association members, help them develop their capabilities,

and offer them assistance on tapping into the China market. The Trade Association Networking Nite, held in January in collaboration with two of our trade association members, The Society of Modern Management, Singapore and the Bishan Merchants Association/ Bosses Network, opened up a splendid networking opportunity for the many trade association representatives who turned up. On three separate occasions in January, July and November, altogether 19 trade associations signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with the EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office. The EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office, which started operating in Shanghai in 2010, would serve as the strategic point of contact in China, providing them with ample opportunities for business matching services, information exchange and business collaborations. Ministerial dialogues were also arranged for trade associations from different industry clusters to share their concerns and challenges. In November, Minister of State for Finance and Transport Josephine Teo was invited to participate in a dialogue with trade association representatives from several industries, including transport, food & beverage, fruits and vegetables, and

renovation contractors. It enabled many pertinent issues to be brought up for frank discussion and further consideration by the ministries. Delivering value to SMEs The Chamber recognises the contribution of SMEs to the Singapore economy, and initiated many events and programmes to help them grow and develop. One such initiative, the annual SMEs Conference, has evolved into the Chamber’s flagship event with very strong support from government agencies and financial institutions. In mid-May, the SMEs Conference was held for the 13th consecutive year and attracted an overwhelming turnout of 1,800 from the local SME community. Under the theme of “The New Business Agenda: What Really Matters”, panelists brought to the table many valuable and inspiring insights based on their experiences. During the year under review, SME Infocomm Resource Centre (SIRC@SCCCI), a one-stop centre established since 2008 to help SMEs adopt infocomm technology for their business, continued to serve the SMEs with new initiatives. SIRC has gone ahead to help SMEs develop a better understanding of IT contracts, provide them with a pool of consultants to offer IT advice, create self-assessment toolkits



会务检讨 President’s Review

to evaluate the suitability of various technologies, and introduce them to social media tools to help in their business. A total of 500 SMEs participated in SIRC’s IT-readiness assessments, while 150 SMEs approached SIRC on IT contract issues or participated in relevant workshops. Over 200 companies engaged SIRC for iT-related consultations. Exploring the China market China is not only the world’s second largest economy but a phenomenal growth story that is replete with business opportunities. Programmes that were held during the year proved very useful in helping members to understand more about the potential of the China powerhouse. In May, we partnered the Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC) and Lianhe Zaobao to stage a forum on “China Development Updates”. It provided a networking platform for members to interact with 80 high-ranking officials from 23 provinces and 33 cities all over China, and to understand the business environment and respective policies of eastern, central and western China. In a continued effort to explore the burgeoning opportunities in China, I led a 44-member delegation to Guangxi in June. A highlight of the trip was the “China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone – Guangxi” forum in Nanning City organised by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Our delegation explored developments in the Guangxi Park for Emerging Industries and Overseas Chinese Forestry Park, and attended briefings by government officials, business networking and business matching sessions, and industrial visits. Sharing business insights Business briefings, workshops and seminars provide market knowledge and insights on doing business to members and the business community.

Many of these events are collaborations with government agencies or business partners and attract strong attendance. In the year under review, the Chamber organised briefings on specific markets like “Yunnan’s investment environment”, “Knowledge and opportunities of doing business in Guangzhou”, and “Investing in India”. Other seminars shed light on topics like “International commercial dispute resolution and management”, “Payment risks of the fast-growing dragon”, “Intellectual property for the lifestyle sector”, and “Generation F – branding the family business”. Other useful sessions briefed members how they could leverage on government-initiated schemes like the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme, and the Construction Productivity and Capability Fund. Engaging the local and regional community For the first time, the Chamber’s participation in the River Hongbao during the Lunar New Year took on a special meaning with the hosting of an “SCCCI Nite” at the Float@Marina Bay on February 11. We rallied on the support of the Chinese business chambers in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia to contribute to the festivities by presenting entertaining cultural performances. Some 300 representatives who participated in the event came from The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM), Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Indonesian Chinese Association from Sumatra, Batu Pahat Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and Johor Bahru Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang presided over the event as Guest of Honour, marking the importance in bringing together four Chinese business associations from ASEAN countries for a joint Lunar New Year celebration. It was also a particularly active year for the Chamber’s interest groups.

During the year, the Chamber’s Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN) participated in the 3rd and 4th ASEANChina Young Entrepreneurs Association Forum, held respectively in Jakarta in April and Hanoi in October. Each time, the forum was attended by 200-300 young entrepreneurs from China and ASEAN countries. YEN also did its part for the community by engaging in community projects. In November, YEN led a group of 200 volunteers to participate in a community welfare event at the Bright Vision Hospital, part of the WOW Day series of events. During this event, which was held in collaboration with the Chinese Scholars and Students Association in Singapore and Zhejiang University Alumni Association of Singapore, volunteers put up song and dance items to entertain the patients and distributed goodie bags to them. The Career Women’s Group (CWG), which now has a membership of more than 600 career women, participated in several interesting events during the year. This included organising a group of 20 CWG members to participate in the Malaysia-China-Asia Pacific Women’s Economic Summit in March, along with some 700 participants from Malaysia, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In July, CWG also conducted a dialogue with Minister of State for Finance and Transport Josephine Teo which discussed many issues related to career women, such as increasing number of females in the workforce, rise in the number of women assuming management positions, and changing gender expectations. Bringing training to a higher level The Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) continued to reinforce and enhance its status as a local and overseas training institute of choice for the public, government agencies, corporations and overseas delegates. This year, 3,000 local participants were enrolled in courses



conducted by SCCIOB. SCCIOB is an approved overseas training institute certified by China’s State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs to provide training to Chinese government officials; it is also an exclusive training provider for senior management personnel of China’s state-owned enterprises. In the year under review, 600 senior Chinese government officials received training at SCCIOB. It is also the sole local partner of IE Singapore’s International Business Fellowship (iBF) Executive Programme to China. During the year, SCCIOB organised seven immersion programmes to various cities in China for a total of 93 participants.


Establishing greater rapport with ethnic Chambers Deliberations with the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI) and the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SMCCI) paved the way for an inaugural SICCI-SCCCISMCCI Networking Session held in November. While previous interactions with both ethnic Chambers were at the council member level, this networking session was an effort to bring together the members of each ethnic Chamber to explore business collaborations via an informal networking platform. These sessions would undoubtedly help to establish even greater rapport among our respective ethnic Chambers.

Honouring the contributions of senior leaders In May, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong announced their decision to step down from the Singapore Cabinet. In recognition of their many years of contribution to the Chinese business community, the Chamber joined hands with the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) to hold a tribute dinner in their honour on November 21. Held at the Suntec City Convention Centre, the dinner was attended by 1,000 representatives from the Chinese business community including Chamber’s council members, trade association members, clan association members, and grassroots leaders. During the formalities, both Guests of Honour were presented with books entitled Lee Kuan Yew and the Chinese Community and Goh Chok Tong and the Chinese Community, publications documenting their invaluable contributions through photographs and text. Staging the 11th WCEC After a most hectic year involving countless intensive meetings and months of preparations seeing to every conceivable detail for this mega event, the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) finally reached its climax on October 5. The three-day convention took place on October 5-7. The Convention started with the Welcome Reception at Universal Studios Singapore, and the Opening Ceremony with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as Guest of Honour on October 6 at Suntec Singapore. Panel discussions with government leaders and prominent businessmen were held on October 6 and 7. An exclusive dinner with the President was held on October 6 at the Istana. The event came to a close with the Handover Ceremony/Closing Ceremony/Gala

Dinner on October 7 which included a special dialogue with our former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew as its highlight. Owing to the magnitude of the project and the minutiae of detail that went into the organisation of the 11th WCEC, 2011 turned out to be the busiest year in the history of the Chamber. The Chamber’s Council and Secretariat staff were fully preoccupied throughout the year to handle the mammoth proportions of the convention, under the leadership of the Organising Committee CoChairmen Patrick Lee and Thomas Chua. Under the Organising Committee, six working committees were set up to focus on various aspects of the Convention. There is no easy way to sum up an extraordinary event comprising so many components, nor the experience of meeting so many overseas delegates, VIPs, and distinguished speakers from a diversity of backgrounds, industries, countries and regions. Most importantly, it was very gratifying to know that all the work invested over two years had helped to meet our objectives of bringing together 4,600 delegates from 34 countries and regions and 125 cities around the world at the 11th WCEC. We must attribute the success of the 11th WCEC to the efforts of the Steering Committee which involved a number of key ministries in Singapore, the support of major statutory boards, all our business partners and members for their generous sponsorship, the many volunteers from polytechnics and universities, and every single person who has devoted time, resources, efforts and energy into making this event a memorable one for the Chamber and for Singapore.


Celebrating the centenary of the 1911 Revolution The 11th WCEC was held back to back with another event which commemorated the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Chinese Revolution. On October 8, Zhong Shan Park in Balestier Road was officially opened to the public, and after one year of extensive redevelopment and renovation works, the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall was re-opened to the public. The Chamber extended an invitation to a number of special guests and 11th WCEC delegates to attend the grand centenary event on October 8, bringing a fitting close to another major project that the Chamber had initiated with the encouragement and support of the government. Pledging support to the business community In my capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, it was also my responsibility to raise issues of great concern to the business community. I was thus very heartened by the feedback from members, trade associations, fellow council members, and many others from the wider community who supported me as I spoke on a number of issues in Parliament. The Council and Secretariat should also be acknowledged in going beyond the call of duty to help me in this task on many occasions throughout the year. I would also like to take every opportunity to thank my counterparts and friends in other business Chambers and organisations, foreign missions and government agencies for extending close cooperation and continual support in realising our mission of serving the business community in Singapore.

President Teo Siong Seng



新加坡中华总商会第56届董事 56TH COUNCIL OF SCCCI

2011年3月至2013年3月 March 2011 – March 2013


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 本会组织结构 Organisational Structure

本会组织结构 Organisational Structure

会员 Members 会员大会 Annual General Meeting 董事会 Council 常务董事会 Standing Committee 包括会长、前任会长、副会长及以下 10个委员会正、副主席 which includes the President, Immediate Past President, Vice-Presidents, and Chairmen & Vice-Chairmen of the following 10 committees: 总务委员会 General Affairs Committee 财政委员会 Finance Committee 研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee 外事委员会 External Relations Committee 商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

本会附属机构 SCCCI Subsidiaries 新加坡中华总商会资产信托局 The Financial Board of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce 中华总商会产业私人有限公司 Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd 新加坡中华总商会企业发展与服务中心 私人有限公司 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd 新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司 上海代表处 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd, Shanghai Representative Office 新加坡中华总商会管理学院 Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business 新加坡中华总商会基金 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation 孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

科技委员会 Technology Committee 国际事务委员会 International Affairs Committee 工商业委员会 Commerce & Industry Committee 产业委员会 Property Management Committee 文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

秘书处 Secretariat 秘书处为本会董事会与附属机构提供管 理方面的支援。 The Secretariat provides management support to the council and subsidiaries of SCCCI.



新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 第56届董事会与各个委员会 56th Council and Standing Committee

第56届董事会与各个委员会 名誉会长 林继民 黄祖耀 陈共存 郑民川 郭令裕

荣誉董事 林再钦 梁庆经 张昌隆 谢万森 佘林发 蓝宏赉

名誉董事 林理化 柯新治 李连煌 张允中 谢镛 邵维铭 卓济民 刘荫稳 陈新荣 庄承睦 蔡伟卿 李庆传 陈少明 曾汉水 王励谦 朱时生 周景锐 郑维强 伦与常 唐裕 何谦诚 庄绍平 刘特静 林国强 吕荣璋 黄海 连家立 耿信生 王显荣 颜诗琴 高新平 水铭漳 陈学湘 蔡锦淞 林方基


蔡团根 黄国立 杨应法 陈育宠 罗守学 黄汉发 李金源 张长中 郭庭水 梁文琛 张齐娥 陈孟皋 黄一宗 李俊岳 吴乔青 李庆言 林清荣 孙广安

董事会 会长 前任会长 副会长 副会长 副会长

: : : : :

张松声 蔡天宝 蔡其生 陈精毅 钟声坚

总务委员会 : 财政委员会 : 研究与出版委员会 : 外事委员会 : 商团与会员事务委员会 : 科技委员会 : 国际事务委员会 : 工商业委员会 : 产业委员会 : 文教与社会事务委员会 :

柯毓麟 陈怀林 萧作鸣 邓健辉 蔡成宗 林明仁 黄山忠 刘泰山 郭良耿 吴学光


副主席 总务委员会 : 财政委员会 : 研究与出版委员会 : 外事委员会 : 商团与会员事务委员会 : 科技委员会 : 国际事务委员会 : 工商业委员会 :

产业委员会 : 文教与社会事务委员会 :

曾福庆 吴绍均 何乃全 陈金城 白毅柏 邬顺山 黄建铭 柯建强 李思亮 陈睦发 白南泉 程宇超

李国基 魏成辉 李秉萱 尹崇明 郑谦木 许廷芳 刘志明 许炳炎 罗大民 郭素雯 谢永祺 吴中庸 陈笃汉 郭文龙 高泉庆 邓尚正 翁瑥钊 吴令声 蔡纪典 吴南祥 林炳坤 黄健华 陈俊文 曾宪相 傅国华 梁善权 林福星 林惠璋 杨碧辉

总务委员会 主席 副主席 委员

: : :

柯毓麟 曾福庆 吴中庸 陈笃汉 黄健华

: : :

陈怀林 吴绍均 许炳炎 黄健华 梁善权 杨碧辉 连宗正

财政委员会 主席 副主席 委员



第56届董事会与各个委员会 56th Council and Standing Committee

第56届董事会与各个委员会 研究与出版委员会 主席 副主席 委员

科技委员会 : : :

萧作鸣 何乃全 林炳坤 陈俊文 林福星 许茵妮 陈优娜 谢锦发 杨毓文 陈企业 颜桂莲 周洁梅

: : :

邓健辉 陈金城 李国基 郭素雯 翁瑥钊 吴南祥 傅国华 曽蔼美

外事委员会 主席 副主席 委员

商团与会员事务委员会 主席 副主席 委员

: : :

蔡成宗 白毅柏 邬顺山 耿信生 林清荣 孙广安 郑谦木 刘志明 罗大民 郭素雯 陈笃汉 郭文龙 高泉庆 吴令声 杨碧辉 李文昭 陈树生 周建发 林钦亮 白壽淞 陈英来 黄候贵 施宏洲

主席 副主席 委员

产业委员会 : : :

林明仁 黄建铭 邓尚正 傅国华 陈玉龙 许宏哲 黄春顺 周永明 张仲恒 陈志天 关越荣 钱毅俊 冯木荣 陈舜娘 陈世伟 谭爱勤

: : :

黄山忠 柯建强 许炳炎 吴中庸 翁瑥钊 曾宪相 林惠璋 郑志贤 潘耀泉 杜侨南

: : :

刘泰山 李思亮 陈睦发 郑谦木 谢永祺 吴令声 蔡纪典 曾宪相 林福星 曽蔼美 郑志贤 胡进胜 林永车 胡敬中 郑明杉 王德斌

工商业委员会 主席 副主席 委员

: : :

郭良耿 白南泉 尹崇明 高泉庆 林惠璋

文教与社会事务委员会 主席 副主席 委员

: : :

吴学光 程宇超 李国基 李秉萱 尹崇明 谢永祺 郭文龙 邓尚正 许福吉


国际事务委员会 主席 副主席 委员

主席 副主席 委员

新加坡中华总商会资产信托局 主席 副主席 财政 委员 公司秘书

: : : : :

张松声 蔡其生 陈精毅 钟声坚 陈怀林 蔡天宝 柯毓麟 邓健辉 蔡成宗 郭良耿 曾福庆 吴绍均 白南泉 林三顺

中华总商会产业私人有限公司 主席 副主席 董事经理 董事 公司秘书

: : : : :

张松声 蔡天宝 郭良耿 蔡其生 陈精毅 钟声坚 柯毓麟 吴绍均 白南泉 林三顺


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 第56届董事会与各个委员会 56th Council and Standing Committee

第56届董事会与各个委员会 新加坡中华总商会企业发展与 服务中心私人有限公司 主席 : 副主席 : 财政 : 董事 : 董事/公司秘书/总裁 : 执行董事 :

蔡其生 刘泰山 吴绍均 曾福庆 林明仁 黄山忠 陈金城 黄建铭 李思亮 陈睦发 林三顺 刘桂萍

新加坡中华总商会管理学院 主席 副主席 名誉财政 副名誉财政 委员 名誉秘书 副名誉秘书

: : : : : : :

蔡其生 刘泰山 吴绍均 曾福庆 林明仁 黄山忠 陈金城 黄建铭 李思亮 陈睦发 林三顺 刘桂萍

新加坡中华总商会基金 主席 副主席 委员 公司秘书

: : : :

张松声 蔡其生 蔡天宝 陈精毅 钟声坚 柯毓麟 陈怀林 萧作鸣 蔡成宗 林明仁 李思亮 白南泉 林三顺

孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 顾问 主席 董事 公司秘书

: : : :

张松声 蔡天宝 钟声坚 萧作鸣 吴学光 白南泉 程宇超 李秉萱 尹崇明 林三顺

新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 第56届董事会与各个委员会 56th Council and Standing Committee

56th Council and Standing Committee Honorary Presidents Lim Kee Ming Wee Cho Yaw Tan Keong Choon Tay Beng Chuan Kwek Leng Joo Senior Honorary Council Members Lin Chai Chin Leong Heng Keng Teo Chiang Long Chia Ban Seng Peter Seah Lim Huat Freddy Lam Fong Loi Honorary Council Members Ling Lee Hua Ker Sin Tze Lee Fee Huang Teo Woon Tiong Sia Yong Shaw Vee Meng Chok Chai Mun Lau Ing Woon Tan Sin Eng Chng Seng Mok Chua Wee Keng Lee Chin Chuan Tan Seow Meng Chang Ham Chwee Ong Lay Khiam Choo Si Sen Chew Keng Juea Cheng Wai Keung Lun Yue Sheong Tong Djoe Ivan Ho Khiam Seng Chuang Shaw Peng Low Teck Cheng Jack Lim Kueh Chong John Y. Lu Hong Hai Lin Ka Lap Paul Keng Sin Sieng Ong Hian Eng Gan See Khem Kao Shin Ping Chwee Meng Chong Tan Hak Siang @ Tan Say Siang Alan Chua Gim Siong Lim Fang Chee Chua Thuan Koon Ng Kok Lip

Yeo Eng Huat Bobby Chin Yoke Choong Loh Siew Hock Henry Ng Han Whatt Lee Kam Yoon Chong Chong Choong Kwek Theng Swee Leong Mun Sum Claire Chiang See Ngoh Tan Meng Kow Wee Ee Cheong Lee Choon Giart Wu Chiaw Ching Stephen Lee Ching Yen Lim Cheng Eng Soon Kong Ann Council President Teo Siong Seng Immediate Past President Chua Thian Poh Vice-President Thomas Chua Kee Seng Vice-President Tan Cheng Gay Vice-President Zhong Sheng Jian Committee Chairmen General Affairs Committee James Kuah Geok Lin Finance Committee Tan Huay Lim Research & Publications Committee Seow Choke Meng External Relations Committee Tang Kin Fei Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Chua Seng Chong Technology Committee Stephen Lim Beng Lin International Affairs Committee Ng San Tiong Commerce & Industry Committee Lau Tai San

Property Management Committee Kwee Liong Keng Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Wu Hsioh Kwang Committee Vice-Chairmen General Affairs Committee Chan Hock Keng Finance Committee Ng Siew Quan Research & Publications Committee Charles Ho Nai Chuen External Relations Committee Tan Kim Seng Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Thomas Pek Ee Perh Voo Soon Sang Technology Committee Ang Kiam Meng International Affairs Committee Eric Khua Kian Keong Commerce & Industry Committee Lee Sze Leong Tan Bock Huat Property Management Committee Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Philip Kia Er Chew Council Members Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Sam Goi Seng Hui Lee Peng Shu Wan Shung Ming Tay Khiam Back Hee Theng Fong Low Chee Meng Willy Shee Ping Yah David Loh Tai Min Quek Soo Boon Chia Weng Kaye George Goh Tiong Yong Tan Tock Han Kek Boon Leong Kho Choon Keng



新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 第56届董事会与各个委员会 56th Council and Standing Committee

56th Council and Standing Committee David Tang Sheung Ching Edward Ang Boon Cheow Simon Goh Lian Seah Chua Kee Teang Goh Nam Siang Tony Lim Peng Koon Patrick Ng Tan Choon Boon Chan Hian Siang Victor Foo Kok Wah Leong Sin Kuen Lim Hock Chee John Lim Hwee Chiang Yeong Phick Fui General Affairs Committee Chairman James Kuah Geok Lin Vice-Chairman Chan Hock Keng Members George Goh Tiong Yong Tan Tock Han Patrick Ng Finance Committee Chairman Tan Huay Lim Vice-Chairman Ng Siew Quan Members Willy Shee Ping Yah Patrick Ng Leong Sin Kuen Yeong Phick Fui Vincent Lien Jown Jing Research & Publications Committee Chairman Seow Choke Meng Vice-Chairman Charles Ho Nai Chuen Members Tony Lim Peng Koon Tan Choon Boon Lim Hock Chee Annie Koh Chen Yew Nah Chia Kim Huat Janet Young

Tan Khee Giap Gan Kwee Lian Chow Kit Boey External Relations Committee Chairman Tang Kin Fei Vice-Chairman Tan Kim Seng Members Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Quek Soo Boon Edward Ang Boon Cheow Goh Nam Siang Victor Foo Kok Wah Amy Chung Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Chairman Chua Seng Chong Vice-Chairmen Thomas Pek Ee Perh Voo Soon Sang Members Paul Keng Sin Sieng Lim Cheng Eng Soon Kong Ann Tay Khiam Back Low Chee Meng David Loh Tai Min Quek Soo Boon Tan Tock Han Kek Boon Leong Kho Choon Keng Simon Goh Lian Seah Yeong Phick Fui Lee Boon Cheow Allan Tan Soo Seng Chiew Kin Huat Ronald Lim Kim Liang Francis Peh Chee Keong Tan Eng Lai Freddie Ng Heok Kwee Sze Hong Chew Technology Committee Chairman Stephen Lim Beng Lin Vice-Chairman Ang Kiam Meng

Members David Tang Sheung Ching Victor Foo Kok Wah Tan Geok Leng Andrew Khaw Lena Ng Robert Chew Viktor Cheng John Tan Chee Thian Kwan Yuet Wing Dumas Chin Fung Mok Wing Jessica Tan Tan Sze Wee Tham Ai Chyn International Affairs Committee Chairman Ng San Tiong Vice-Chairman Eric Khua Kian Keong Members Willy Shee Ping Yah George Goh Tiong Yong Edward Ang Boon Cheow Chan Hian Siang John Lim Hwee Chiang Paul Tay Chee Hian Benny Pua Yeow Chuah Raymond Toh Commerce & Industry Committee Chairman Lau Tai San Vice-Chairmen Lee Sze Leong Tan Bock Huat Members Tay Khiam Back Chia Weng Kaye Simon Goh Lian Seah Chua Kee Teang Chan Hian Siang Lim Hock Chee Amy Chung Paul Tay Chee Hian James Ow Chin Seng Nelson Lim Eng Koo Woo Keng Choong Tee Ming San Steven Ong Teck Pieng



第56届董事会与各个委员会 56th Council and Standing Committee

56th Council and Standing Committee Property Management Committee Chairman Kwee Liong Keng Vice-Chairman Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Members Wan Shung Ming Kho Choon Keng John Lim Hwee Chiang Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Chairman Wu Hsioh Kwang Vice-Chairman Philip Kia Er Chew Members Patrick Lee Kwok Kie Lee Peng Shu Wan Shung Ming Chia Weng Kaye Kek Boon Leong David Tang Sheung Ching Koh Hock Kiat Subsidiaries The Financial Board of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Chairman Teo Siong Seng Vice-Chairmen Thomas Chua Kee Seng Tan Cheng Gay Zhong Sheng Jian

Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited Chairman Teo Siong Seng Deputy Chairman Chua Thian Poh Managing Director Kwee Liong Keng Directors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Tan Cheng Gay Zhong Sheng Jian James Kuah Geok Lin Ng Siew Quan Adrian Peh Nam Chuan

Members Stephen Lim Beng Lin Ng San Tiong Tan Kim Seng Ang Kiam Meng Lee Sze Leong Tan Bock Huat Honorary Secretary Lim Sah Soon Assistant Honorary Secretary Irene Low Kwai Peng Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation Chairman Teo Siong Seng

Company Secretary Lim Sah Soon

Vice-Chairman Thomas Chua Kee Seng

EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd Chairman Thomas Chua Kee Seng

Members Chua Thian Poh Tan Cheng Gay Zhong Sheng Jian James Kuah Geok Lin Tan Huay Lim Seow Choke Meng Chua Seng Chong Stephen Lim Beng Lin Lee Sze Leong Adrian Peh Nam Chuan

Vice-Chairman Lau Tai San Treasurer Ng Siew Quan Directors Chan Hock Keng Stephen Lim Beng Lin Ng San Tiong Tan Kim Seng Ang Kiam Meng Lee Sze Leong Tan Bock Huat Director/Company Secretary/CEO Lim Sah Soon

Treasurer Tan Huay Lim

Executive Director Irene Low Kwai Peng

Members Chua Thian Poh James Kuah Geok Lin Tang Kin Fei Chua Seng Chong Kwee Liong Keng Chan Hock Keng Ng Siew Quan Adrian Peh Nam Chuan

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business Chairman Thomas Chua Kee Seng

Company Secretary Lim Sah Soon

Assistant Honorary Treasurer Chan Hock Keng

Vice-Chairman Lau Tai San Honorary Treasurer Ng Siew Quan

Company Secretary Lim Sah Soon Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Co Ltd Advisors Teo Siong Seng Chua Thian Poh Chairman Zhong Sheng Jian Directors Seow Choke Meng Wu Hsioh Kwang Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Philip Kia Er Chew Lee Peng Shu Wan Shung Ming Company Secretary Lim Sah Soon



第55届董事会第二次常年会员大会记录 日期 时间 地点 大会主席 出席者

: : : : :

2011年3月11日(星期五) 下午3时30分 本会2楼会议厅 张松声会长 梁文琛 刘特静

亚洲国际经济技术合作有限公司 保秀丽 (新) 私人有限公司 明景有限公司 文实业私营有限公司 集兴企业 (1994) 私人有限公司 泉昌食品工业私营有限公司 昂国企业有限公司 辉联配运有限公司 Glass Point Construction Pte Ltd 福南(1998)私人有限公司 和隆 (私人)有限公司 和隆集团有限公司 第一精机有限公司 通环合伙公司 加东花卉 (私人) 有限公司 金安工程私营有限公司 金声控股私营有限公司 金安投资私人有限公司 毕马威会计师事务所 隆发五金 (私人) 有限公司 联庆企业私人有限公司 铭板集团有限公司 明义汽车私人有限公司 新昇木业私人有限公司 立华电子有限公司 式佳国际有限公司 安昌珠宝私人有限公司 中侨百货有限公司 太平船务有限公司 泛联混凝土私人有限公司 泛联集团(新)有限公司 平魁钟表珠宝私人有限公司 胜科工业有限公司 昇菘超级市场私人有限公司 星金融发展有限公司

新加坡国际珠宝私人有限公司 新加坡信托(私人)有限公司 一工程咨询有限公司 成功世纪私人有限公司 大华食品工业私人有限公司 达兴建设私人有限公司 达兴木业私人有限公司 茶渊贸易私人有限公司 德华工业控股有限公司 天成金铺有限公司 东兴木业私人有限公司 敦那士(私人)有限公司 兀兰运输服务私人有限公司 一鸣药行私人有限公司 杨梁白律师事务所

列席者 记录

容丽芬 谢双双

: :

林三顺 林三顺

陈秀娟 容丽芬

新加坡钻石交易所 新加坡租购及金融业公会 新加坡出版商会 新加坡瓷商公会 新加坡中药出入口商公会 新加坡鱼商总会 新加坡玻璃公会 新加坡花卉园艺总会 新加坡出入口商公会 新加坡铁厂商公会 新加坡金钻珠宝公会 新加坡五金机械公会 新加坡学校私人巴士车主公会 新加坡船务公会 新加坡木材厂商总会 新加坡玩具糖果商公会 新加坡纺织服饰商会 新加坡制药厂商公会 新加坡现代企业管理协会 星金融发展有限公司

谢双双 邓素娟








第55届董事会第一次常年会员大会记录已列于本会《2010年度常年报告书》中,随同第55届董事会第二次常年会员大会 通知书于2011年2月24日寄发给全体会员。

会议对有关会议记录没有异议。由刘泰山 (金安工程私营有限公司) 提议,林清荣(福南 (1998)私人有限公司) 附议,会议 一致复准通过第55届董事会第一次常年会员大会记录。




由林炳坤(平魁钟表珠宝私人有限公司)提议及吴中庸(铭板集团有限公司)附议,会议一致核准2010年度之财政报告 与帐目。



大会在陈怀林(毕马威会计师事务所)提议及郭文龙(文实业私营有限公司)附议下,一致同意继续接受委任安永会计师事务 所担任本会及属下机构的查帐公司。






Minutes of 55th Council’s Second Annual General Meeting Date Time Venue Chairman Members Present

: Friday, March 11 2011 : 3.30 pm : 2nd Floor, Conference Room, SCCCI Building : Teo Siong Seng, SCCCI President : Leong Mun Sum, Low Teck Cheng

Asia International Economic-Technical Cooperation Pte Ltd Beau Soleil (S) Pte Ltd Beng Kim Holdings Pte Ltd Boon Properties Pte Ltd Chap Hing Enterprises (1994) Pte Ltd Chuen Cheong Food Industries (Pte) Ltd EnGro Corporation Limited Freight Links Express Holdings Ltd Glass Point Construction Pte Ltd Hock Lam (1998) Pte Ltd Hoe Leong Co (Pte) Ltd Hoe Leong Corporation Ltd Ichi Seiki Pte Ltd iGlobe Partners Pte Ltd Katong Flower Shop (Pte) Ltd Kim Ann Engineering Pte Ltd Kim Seng Holdings Pte Ltd Kimann Investments Pte Ltd KPMG LLP Leong Huat Hardware (Pte) Ltd Lian Keng Enterprises Pte Ltd Meiban Group Ltd Min Ghee Auto Pte Ltd Modern Wood Products Pte Ltd National Kap Marketing Pte Ltd Ocean Sky International Limited On Cheong Co Pte Ltd Overseas Emporium Pte Ltd Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd Pan-United Concrete Pte Ltd Pan-United Corporation Ltd Peng Kwee Watches and Jewellery Pte Ltd

In Attendance : Recorded by :

Sembcorp Industries Ltd Sheng Siong Supermarket Pte Ltd Sing Investments & Finance Ltd Singapore International Jewellery Pte Ltd Singapore Nominees (Pte) Ltd SM1 Engineers Pte Ltd Success Century Pte Ltd Tai Hua Food Industries Pte Ltd Tat Hin Builders Pte Ltd Tat Hin Timber (Pte) Ltd Tea Chapter Trading Pte Ltd Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd Tin Sing Goldsmiths (Pte) Ltd Tong Hin Timber Products Pte Ltd Tunas (Pte) Ltd Woodlands Transport Service Pte Ltd Yat Ming Medicine (1938) Pte Ltd Yeo-Leong & Peh LLC

Diamond Exchange of Singapore Hire Purchase Finance and Leasing Association of Singapore Singapore Book Publishers Association Singapore Chinaware Merchants Association Singapore Chinese Drug Importers & Exporters Guild Singapore Fish Merchants General Association Singapore Glass Association Singapore Hortiflora Federation Singapore Importers & Exporters Association Singapore Iron Works Merchant Association Singapore Jewellers Association Singapore Metal and Machinery Association Singapore School & Private Hire Bus Owners Association Singapore Shipping Association Singapore Timber Association Singapore Toys & Confectionery Dealers’ Association Textile & Fashion Federation (Singapore) The Medicine Manufacturing Association of Singapore The Society of Modern Management, Singapore

Lim Sah Soon, Tan Siew Kiang, Lydia Yung, Seah Siang Siang, Tang Soh Kuen Lim Sah Soon, Lydia Yung, Seah Siang Siang, Tang Soh Kuen




As the members present were sufficient to form the quorum, the Chairman Teo Siong Seng called the Meeting to order at 3.30 pm.


To approve the minutes of the 55th Council’s First Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on May 27 2010

The minutes of the 55th Council’s first AGM of members of the SCCCI were included in the published SCCCI’s Annual Report 2010, which was sent to all members together with the notice of the AGM on February 24 2011.

There was no amendment to the said minutes of meeting at the Meeting. Proposed by Lau Tai San (representing Kim Ann Engineering Pte Ltd) and seconded by Lim Cheng Eng (representing Hock Lam (1998) Pte Ltd), the minutes of meeting were unanimously confirmed and passed at the Meeting.


To approve the Audited Accounts for the year ended December 31 2010

The SCCCI’s Financial Report and Audited Accounts were sent to members together with the Notice of AGM.

Proposed by Tony Lim Peng Koon (representing Peng Kwee Watches and Jewellery Pte Ltd) and seconded by George Goh Tiong Yong (representing Meiban Group Ltd), the SCCCI’s 2010 Annual Report and Audited Accounts were approved and adopted by the Meeting.


To appoint the Auditors

Proposed by Tan Huay Lim (representing KPMG LLP) and seconded by Kek Boon Leong (Boon Properties Pte Ltd), the Meeting unanimously appointed Ernst & Young LLP as the Auditors to the SCCCI for Financial Year 2011.


Any Other Matters

There being no other business, the meeting ended at 3.50 pm with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 秘书处与附属机构主要职员 Key Staff of Secretariat and Subsidiaries

秘书处与附属机构主要职员 Key Staff of Secretariat and Subsidiaries 秘书长 林三顺

Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon

助理秘书长 陈秀娟

Assistant Secretary-General Tan Siew Kiang

商会资源与社会服务部门 梁挺焕 (人事与资源管理高级经理) 梁国华 (产业高级经理) 梁惠珍 (会计经理) 洪秀蒲 (财务经理) 罗国浩 (资讯科技经理) 詹灵芝 (会员事务经理) 容丽芬 (执行秘书) 庄雪娟 (产业助理经理) 张枫 (会计助理经理) 陈莹莹 (会员事务助理经理) 周蓝诗 (社会服务助理经理) 谢双双 (秘书) 陈烈英 (财务高级执行员) 黄爱玲 (财务高级执行员) 庄晴羽 (社会服务高级执行员) 邓素娟 (高级中文文书) 陈绍杰 (会员事务执行员) 胡锦思 (会员事务执行员) 林亚龙 (行政执行员)

Corporate Resources & Community Services Benny Leo (Senior Manager, HR & Corporate Services) Leong Kok Hwa (Senior Manager, Property) Neo Hwee Tin (Manager, Accounting) Janice Ang (Manager, Finance) Andy Loh (Manager, IT) Chiam Ling Zi (Manager, Membership Services) Lydia Yung (Executive Secretary) Cynthia Chng (Assistant Manager, Property) Karen Zhang (Assistant Manager, Accounting) Tan Ying Ying (Assistant Manager, Membership Services) Nancy Chew (Assistant Manager, Community Services) Shannon Seah (Corporate Secretary) Tan Liat Eng (Senior Executive, Finance) Wong Oi Ling (Senior Executive, Finance) Charlott Zhuang (Senior Executive, Community Services) Tang Soh Kuen (Senior Chinese Correspondent) Reed Tan (Executive, Membership Services) Steller Woo (Executive, Membership Services) Lim Ah Leng (Admin Executive)

企业发展部门 刘桂萍 (高级主管) 林达明 (主管) 陈静仪 (助理经理) 蓝元珊 (助理经理) 符洺豪 (助理经理) 沙雪娜 (助理经理) 谢斯琪 (执行员) 任月雁 (原产地签证部门认证监理员)

Industry & Enterprise Development Irene Low (Senior Director) Daniel Lim (Director) Tan Jin Yi (Assistant Manager) Valery Lam (Assistant Manager) Chris Foo (Assistant Manager, SIRC) Selina Sha Xuena (Assistant Manager) Tiffany Shia (Executive) Yam Yit Ngan (Certification Supervisor)

资讯与研究出版部门 胡爱兰 (高级主管) 崔东红 (助理主管) 陈星伊 (高级经理) 许彬彬 (助理经理) 何美仪 (企业资讯与策略联系高级执行员) 黄义芳 (执行员) 邱秀莲 (贸易网络高级执行员)

Communications, Research & Publications Fiona Hu (Senior Director) Cui Dong Hong (Assistant Director) Chin Sin Yee (Senior Manager) Khaw Ping Ping (Assistant Manager) Queenie Ho (Senior Executive, Corporate Communications & Strategic Relations) Huang Yifang (Executive) Nicol Khoo (Senior Librarian cum TradeNet Officer)

新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 秘书处与附属机构主要职员 Key Staff of Secretariat and Subsidiaries

新加坡中华总商会管理学院 李淑芬 (总经理) 陈栖妹 (会计高级执行员)

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business Josephine Lee (General Manager) Jenny Tan (Senior Accounts Executive)

学术部门 黎景耀 (学术主任) 史志立 (讲师) 张小锦 (讲师) 蔡宝玲 (业务发展执行员)

Academic Lai Keng Yew (Academic Head) Shi Zhili (Trainer cum Curriculum Developer) Zhang Xiaojin (Trainer cum Curriculum Developer) Chua Poh Ling (Executive, Business Development)

营销部门 李政杰 (经理)

Sales & Marketing Justin Lee (Divisional Manager)

语言文化中心 吴美玲 (高级执行员) 顾匀壹 (执行员) 韩智素 (执行员)

Language Studies Centre Cleo Goh (Senior Executive) Kaw Yunyi (Executive) Dorothy Han (Executive)

商学中心 王静 (高级执行员) 郑慧敏 (执行员) 陈素慧 (执行员)

Business Studies Centre Apple Wang (Executive) Tay Huimin (Executive) Kimberly Tan (Executive)

国际培训中心 胡伟钰 (助理经理) 沈慧贤 (高级执行员)

International Training Centre Lynn Po (Assistant Manager) Shanny Shen (Senior Executive)

课程营运 潘丽君 (助理经理)

Academic Operations Phua Lee Koon (Assistant Manager)

校务与行政 谢世荣 (经理)

Corporate Affairs & Administration Alwyn Chia (Manager)

企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司 陈绪敏 (主管) 叶秀云 (行政与财务高级执行员) 周悦 (商务咨询高级顾问) 王文俊 (商务咨询高级顾问) 许毓玲 (商务咨询高级顾问) 杨勇德 (商务咨询顾问)

EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd Tan Shiuh Ming (Director) Grace Yap (Senior Executive, Finance & Admin) Lucy Zhou (Senior Business Consultative Advisor) Adam Wong (Senior Business Consultative Advisor) Xu Yuling (Senior Business Consultative Advisor) Sebastian Yeo (Business Consultative Advisor)

上海代表处 林维祺 (主管) 叶海蓉 (总经理) 胡育斌 (企业发展经理) 顾则成 (项目管理执行员) 杨倩 (顾问)

Shanghai Representative Office Lim Wee Khee (Director) Leaf Ye (General Manager) David Hu (Manager, Business Development) Gu Zecheng (Executive, Project Management) Laura Yang (Consultant)

孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 潘宣辉 (馆长) 叶璞 (经理)

SUN YAT SEN NANYANG MEMORIAL HALL COMPANY LIMITED Shaun Phua (General Manager) Angela Ye (Manager)






特别项目 Special Projects

28 65

总务委员会 General Affairs Committee

31 69

研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

35 76

外事委员会 External Relations Committee

36 78

商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

40 84

科技委员会 Technology Committee

44 88

国际事务委员会 International Affairs Committee

47 93

工商业委员会 Commerce & Industry Committee

50 97

产业委员会 Property Management Committee

51 98

文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee




特别项目 第十一届世界华商大会 2011年10月5日至7日,第十一届世 界华商大会在新加坡顺利召开。本会作 为主办机构,成功邀请到34个国家和地 区,125个城市的华商代表,共4600人出 席。这是继南京举办的第六届世界华商 大会之后,规模最大的一次。 各地代表,特别是历届主办机构,对 本次大会的主题、规模与水准、会议组 织与展览、论坛设计、主宾与主讲嘉宾 邀请等都给予了高度的评价。代表们纷 纷表示,对新加坡的宜居城市和经商环 境留下了深刻的印象,希望今后有机会 能重访我国。本届大会有四大亮点: 第一、阵容强大。大会开幕式与闭幕 式的主宾由李显龙总理、李光耀前内阁 资政担任,主讲嘉宾来自世界各国,包 括政治领袖和各行各业的著名企业家。 会议期间,主办机构还特别举办总统府 晚宴,招待贵宾和代表团团长,陈庆炎 总统亲临晚宴现场。 第二、节目丰富多彩。三天的会议, 迎宾晚会和闭幕式在圣淘沙名胜世界举 行,开幕式和论坛在新达新加坡国际会 展中心举行,大型会议之外,还为出席 者安排了参观拜访活动。 第三、广交朋友,建立全球联系。大 会成功邀请了来自世界各地的三千多名海 外宾客,与一千多名本地代表共襄盛举。 第四、展览盛况空前。大会同时举办 展览会,围绕“创新科技、财富管理、 宜居城市、英才教育”四个领域,展示 新加坡取得的成就。参展机构包括政府 部门、政联企业、跨国公司,以及本地 商家和海外商家。

悉心筹备 2008年5月,本会正式成立“第十一 届世界华商大会筹委会”,由时任李国 基副会长担任主席,进行大会的申办工 作。筹委会按照申办程序,提呈主办计 划,印制宣传资料,拍摄宣传片,组织 现场演出,并邀请到时任外交部杨荣文 部长与本会代表团一起到菲律宾马尼拉 出席第十届世界华商大会,与张松声会 长一起接过世界华商大会会旗。 确定主办资格后,本会即刻全面推进 各项筹备工作,并在筹委会分设六个委员

会,各司其职。同时,本会秘书处在人 员方面也作出相应配置,配合各委员会 的工作。2011年3月,董事会换届选举, 第五十六届董事会上任,蔡其生副会长 被委任为第十一届世界华商大会筹委会 联合主席,与卸下副会长职务的李国基董 事一起,继续推动筹委会的工作。

第十一届世界华商大会筹委会 首席顾问 顾问 联合主席 副主席

: 张松声 : 蔡天宝 : 蔡其生、李国基 : 陈精毅

展览与赞助委员会 主任 : 林明仁 副主任 : 刘泰山 成员 : 陈怀林、连宗正、许炳炎、 白南泉、李思亮、陈笃汉、 陈金城、胡进胜

秘书处 组长 副组长 组员

: 刘桂萍 : 陈静仪 : 胡育斌、谢斯琪

职责范围 : 负责组织与第十一届世界 华商大会同期举办的大型展览,包括: 推销展位,联系参展商,协调展览承包 商,确保参展主题与世界华商大会的主 题相符。寻找潜在赞助机构,包括政府 部门、跨国公司、政联企业、金融机 构和其他组织。制定赞助级别、赞助形 式,包括预定展位或赞助某项活动。 筹款委员会 主任 : 李国基 副主任 : 柯毓麟 成员 : 郑谦木、郭良耿、白毅柏、 梁文琛 秘书处 组长 : 林三顺 副组长 : 刘桂萍 组员 : 陈静仪 职责范围 : 通过多种渠道,筹集大会 所需的举办经费。 节目委员会 主任 : 蔡其生 副主任 : 何乃全


: 程宇超、陈笃汉、高泉庆、 吴绍均、黄健华

秘书处 组长 副组长 组员

: 陈秀娟 : 容丽芬 : 庄晴羽、詹凌之、陈莹莹

职责范围:制定大会整体节目内容,包 括迎宾晚会、开幕式、闭幕式等。负责 协调所有演出部分,包括:遴选适合的 演员,确保演出水准并与大会主题相符 合。负责制作开幕式录象片,设计并制 作世界华商大会永久会徽和会旗。 宣传与推广委员会 主任 : 黄山忠 副主任 : 萧作鸣 成员 : 钟声坚、吴中庸、翁瑥钊、 郭庭水 非董事 : 郑志贤、潘耀泉、谢锦发

秘书处 组长 副组长 组员

: 胡爱兰 : 崔东红 : 陈星伊、何美仪、黄义芳

职责范围 : 编 辑 、 制 作 、 印 刷 所 有 第十一届世界华商大会的宣传资料,按 照国家和地区收集整理商会组织和个人 出席者资料系统。在政府和私人领域 确定策略合作伙伴开展世界范围的推广 活动,同时,负责协调其他委员会策划 海外宣传活动,负责媒体宣传,包括报 纸、杂志、刊物、电视、电台等。招募 出席大会的各地代表。 接待与后勤委员会 主任 : 蔡成宗 副主任 : 尹崇明 成员 : 郑谦木、曾福庆、罗大民、 白毅柏、陈睦发、刘志明、 林清荣、孙广安、谢永祺、 李文昭、刘禧旦、吴中庸、 郭文龙、邓尚正、吴令声、 邬顺山、蔡纪典、吴南祥、 林炳坤、耿信生、杨碧辉

秘书处 组长 组员

: 林达明 : 李淑芬、蓝元珊、胡育斌

职责范围 : 负责所有出席代表的接待



工作,管理一切后勤事宜,包括:接/送 机、会议期间的交通安排与代表接送、组 织参观游览。为代表团团长提供特别安 排,组织董事陪同参会代表。负责组织学 生义工参加大会的接待、注册等活动。 论坛与会务委员会 主任 : 陈精毅 副主任 : 吴学光 成员 : 钟声坚、许廷芳、李秉萱、 郭素雯、许炳炎、张齐娥 非董事 : 杨贤 (新加坡国立大学管 理学院院长) 吴伟 (南洋理工大学人文 与社会科学院副院长) 许茵妮(新加坡管理大学 李光前商学院副院长) 郑永年(新加坡国立大学 东亚研究所所长) 黄秀娟(经发局联系新加 坡总裁)

秘书处 组长 副组长 组员

: 胡爱兰 : 崔东红 : 许彬彬

职责范围 : 确定论坛及演讲主题,邀 请政界、商界、学术界的著名人士担任主 讲人和论坛主席;与主讲嘉宾、论坛主席 协调演讲形式、主题、内容;负责大会主 宾、贵宾、主讲嘉宾的接待工作。 筹委会的目标,是举办一场四千人出 席的大型国际会议,不但要确保会议组织

的水准,也要竭尽全力邀请高素质的各地 代表出席,展示新加坡的风采,凸显新加 坡国际会议中心的定位。为此,筹委会倡 议成立“第十一届世界华商大会指导委员 会”,邀请时任外交部杨荣文部长担任顾 问,为第十一届世界华商大会筹备委员会 及属下六个工作小组提供指导和建议,确 保大会获得各级政府机构与民间组织的支 持,以及协助在其他国家宣传推广第十一 届世界华商大会。

第十一届世界华商大会指导委员会 顾问 杨荣文, 新加坡前外交部长 陈振泉, 新 加 坡 外 交 部 兼 社 会 发 展 、 青年及体育部高级政务次长、 新加坡中区市长 主席 张松声, 新加坡中华总商会会长 副主席 蔡天宝, 新加坡中华总商会前任会长 委员 蔡其生, 新加坡中华总商会副会长 陈精毅, 新加坡中华总商会副会长 李国基, 新加坡中华总商会董事 林三顺, 新加坡中华总商会秘书长 黄泽升, 新加坡贸易及工业部研究及企 业司司长 孙振炜, 教育部副司长 / 西区学校司 王永泉, 外交部东北亚司司长 廖俊文, 新闻、通讯及艺术部高级司长 (产业及艺术)

韩国元,国家发展部规划及研究处司长 李沃文,人力部人力规划与政策署署长

大会系列活动 迎宾晚会 2011年10月5日,第十一届世界华商 大会“迎宾晚会”在圣淘沙名胜世界环 球影城举行。筹委会联合主席,本会蔡 其生副会长代表主办机构,热烈欢迎世 界各地的代表来到狮城,大会顾问杨荣 文前外交部长致辞时强调,未来亚洲将 主导全球经济的发展,华商的责任也将 变得更为重大。主办机构也为现场嘉宾 呈现了特备节目《未来水世界》。 开幕式 10月6日上午,盛大的开幕式在新达 新加坡国际会议中心六楼举行。主办机 构现场播放“世界华商大会精彩回顾” ,再现世界华商大会从1991年到2011年 多个重要时刻。张松声会长在致词时, 感谢历届主办机构为大会增添了新的活 力,赋予了丰富的内涵。同时宣布为了 确保大会的延续性,强化大会的组织结 构和定位,本会受召集人组织的委托, 为大会设计了永久会徽和永久会旗,同 时,在主办方式、日程设计等方面进行 更加严谨的调整。 世界华商大会召集人组织代表、香港 中华总商会蔡冠深会长致词时表示,世 界华商大会作为广泛联系华商的网络, 以及强化国际交流的平台,所发挥的作 用亦非常重要。

李显龙总理(中)与新加坡中华总商会张松声会 长、香港中华总商会蔡冠深会长和泰国中华总商会 吴宏丰主席(左至右)在大会开幕式上,共同启用 世界华商大会的新会徽。




中国全国政协副主席、中华全国工商 业联合会黄孟复副主席在致词中评价世 界华商大会二十年来规模不断扩大、国 际影响力与日俱增,为全球华商提供了 一个增进相互了解,加强交流合作的重 要平台。 大会主宾李显龙总理在致开幕词时表 示,在科技日新月异发展的新世界格局 下,不仅华商要应变,融贯东西文化的新 加坡也将继续发挥多元文化、世界级商业 基础设施及与全球连接等优势,加强本身 作为全球市场和亚洲的枢纽,并成为世界 华商的合作伙伴。随后,三家召集人组织 代表,新加坡中华总商会张松声会长、香 港中华总商会蔡冠深会长、泰国中华总商 会吴宏丰主席和李显龙总理一起,启动世 界华商大会的永久会徽。 总统府晚宴 10月6日傍晚,本会特设总统府晚 宴,款待出席第十一届世界华商大会的 商界领袖、代表团团长和主讲嘉宾。陈 庆炎总统担任当晚的主宾。 应邀出席晚宴贵宾还包括:中国全 国政协副主席/中华全国工商业联合会 黄孟复主席、马来西亚旅游部黄燕燕部 长、中国商务部国际贸易谈判代表(正 部长级)兼副部长高虎城先生、新加坡 国家发展部许文远部长、新加坡交通部 长兼外交部第二部长吕德耀先生、中国 驻新加坡特命全权大使魏苇先生、新加 坡前副总理兼总理经济合作特别顾问黄 根成先生、新加坡财政部兼交通部政务 部长杨莉明女士、新加坡社会发展、青

年及体育部兼外交部高级政务次长陈振 泉先生、蔡厝港集选区国会议员,通商 中国总裁刘燕玲女士。 张松声会长致欢迎辞时,呼吁出席晚 宴的华商领袖“除了参加世界华商大会之 外,也进一步探讨以新加坡作为区域发展 基地的可能性,拓展更多的商机。”

精彩论坛 第十一届世界华商大会共主办五场论 坛,主讲人来自世界各地,阵容强大, 既有传统行业的代表,也有新型行业的 领军人物,年龄跨度近五十岁,可以说 是三代华商齐登场。成功企业家、创 新企业家、青年企业家一起畅谈经商之 道,关注企业发展模式和社会责任,吸 引各地代表踊跃出席论坛,争先恐后地 提问,论坛的气氛异常活跃。 • 成功企业家论坛- 华商韬略、责任与成长 10月6日上午举行的成功企业家论 坛,主讲者都是名副其实的成功企业 家:泰国正大集团董事长谢国民博士、 台湾工业银行董事长骆锦明、新加坡航 空公司主席李庆言、仁恒集团执行主席 钟声坚和杨忠礼集团董事经理杨肃斌。 论坛主席是新加坡国立大学副校长何德 华教授。 谢国民博士强调企业发展要采用高科 技,重视资本和市场,但关键是培养人 才,推行人才本土化策略。他坚持做事 要有“三利”原则:对国家有利,对人 民有利,对正大集团有利。

骆锦明一直在金融界打工,55岁才 出来创业,成立台湾工业银行。他认 为,白领创业,一切都要从零开始,要 有心理准备,不怕竞争不怕失败。要敢 于用怀疑的精神,去思考怎么贴近现代 的客户需要。 面对廉价航空公司竞争,李庆炎领 导的新航,通过保持机队年轻化和现代 化,定期推出新的客舱产品。新航开辟 了全球最长的直航航线-新加坡至纽约 航线,空中服务不但有自己的特色,也 有亚洲的特色。 钟声坚坦言,企业的成长与承担的 责任息息相关。企业要站在消费者的角 度,只有消费者满意,企业才能发展。 以往,华商企业参与中国经济发展,通 过模仿战略获得三十年的增长,今后必 须自主创新,实现创新驱动。 杨肃斌看好互联网带来的新的消费 趋势。现在的消费者,特别是年轻人, 希望以高端的技术,以低廉的价格提高 生活水准。如果华商能够感受到这种趋 势,华商一定能够象乔布斯一样创造出 伟大的公司。 • 社会文化专题论坛- 如何打造优雅社会 “社会文化论坛”与“成功企业家论 坛”同时进行。新加坡宜居城市研发中 心咨询委员会首任主席、雅思柏设计事 务所董事刘太格提出,优雅社会主要有 三个因素:一是发展方便、宜居的物质 环境;二是发展平等的、繁华的社会; 三是培养有文化、有修养的人士。

总统府晚宴主宾陈庆炎总统欢迎马来西亚旅游部黄 燕燕部长,到新加坡出席第十一届世界华商大会。



本会会长张松声(左一)、前任会长蔡天宝 (右一)与世界经济论坛主讲嘉宾马来西亚旅游部 长黄燕燕(左三)、中国商务部国际贸易谈判代表 (正部长级)副部长高虎城(右三)、新加坡贸易 与工业部长林勋强(右二)和论坛主席亚洲新闻台 主播郝慧冰(左二)合影。

万科集团董事会主席王石认为,中 国目前在打造优雅社会方面存在一些问 题,例如与传统文化的隔断,对现代文 明需要有重新认识的过程等。但是,海 外华商不存在这种局限,因此海外华商 在打造优雅社会方面的做法,值得中国 借鉴。 凤凰卫视董事会主席兼总裁刘长乐 对优雅的概念深有感触,他觉得在世界 上有很多地方战火纷飞、游行示威的的 时候,大家却在新加坡谈优雅,本身就 很优雅。在世界华商大会上讨论优雅社 会,说明中华民族正在树立优雅的群体 形象。 联华电子荣誉董事长曹兴诚建议, 优雅社会既可以从外到内,用法制来建 立社会规范;也可以从内到外,从塑造 “优雅的人”开始。“优雅的人”要具 备“真、善、美”的特质。 社会文化论坛由新加坡国立大学建筑 与设计学院院长王才强教授主持。 • 创新企业家论坛- 商业增长的新型模式 10月7日上午,在瑞信德律师事务所 高级合伙人许廷芳律师的主持下,凯发集 团总裁林爱莲、瑞安集团主席罗康瑞、星 桥国际高级国际顾问林子安、芯原股份有 限公司创始人/董事长兼总裁戴伟民、和 新疆金风科技董事长兼首席执行官武钢, 一起讨论商业增长的新型模式。 林子安以苏州工业园、天津生态城、 广东知识城为例,强调城市化进程将为 企业带来巨大的商业机会,企业发展的

前提是为当地的人民提供良好的就业机 会和薪酬福利。他认为,尽管世界经济 局势风雨飘摇,但商业新模式,会继续 蓬勃发展。 在进入中国市场前,罗康瑞曾经聘 请国际竞争力专家,评估了超过100个 中国大陆的城市,并根据评估结果决定 进入哪个市场。他坚持房地产企业的发 展要和当地的经济增长挂钩,“配合政 府出繁荣,社会进步我发展。” 年轻时的林爱莲,看到很多企业只为 赚钱,不为环保,把污水倒在亚洲的河 流,下决心要做一个治理水源的人。她的 成功经验是市场需要什么,公司就做什 么。做生意要脚踏实地,以为人类做贡献 为目标,加上一点点运气,一定会成功。 怀着“为人类奉献白云蓝天,给子 孙留下更多资源。”的梦想,武钢1987 年进入风力发电的行业。他认为成功的 商业模式,要和国家社会的需求紧密结 合,做任何事情,都要按照商业的规则 去做,在中国搞制造,谁打质量牌,谁 才有未来。 在大多数企业不断打造自身品牌的时 候,戴伟民却另辟蹊径。他的企业不做制 造,也不贴牌,专门为顾客量身定做高科 技产品,不但要承受高风险,也要忍得住 寂寞。他相信自己公司的能力,不和客户 竞争,成功的原因是与众不同。 • 青年企业家论坛- 敢于梦想 勇于执行 年轻一代的企业新星层出不穷, 深圳华大基因总裁王俊、汉庭酒店集

团创始人、执行董事长季琦、Infinite Frameworks董事经理麦克·维兰、百利 通半导体公司总裁许志明便是其中的佼佼 者。在论坛主席,通商中国总裁刘燕玲的 主持下,四位成功青年企业家在10月7日 上午,畅谈自己的梦想和创业过程。 许志明的创业过程由四个因素构 成,“热情”-凭借热情克服各种困 难;“人”-向成功者学习,与志同道合 的人合作;“适应能力”-灵活地适应市 场的变化;“优先次序”-工作是生活的 一部分,成功不能以牺牲生活为代价。 大学毕业后季琦没有找到理想的工 作,因此和朋友一起创业,十年内创办 了三家在美国纳斯达克上市的公司。他 把自己的成功,与中国市场提供的庞大 机会联系在一起。他相信,未来十年、 二十年,中国的服务行业,一定有机会 打造世界顶尖的企业。 麦克·维兰从小喜欢看电影,因为不 想看沉闷、无聊的影片,他开始创业。 他从不约束创造人员,在公司提供自由 的创作环境。他现在的梦想是努力推动 整个行业的发展,只有行业发展,公司 才能继续成长。 二十年前,王俊在北京大学学生物、 数学和计算机,三个专业的累积对他的 创业过程帮助很大。他从不以盈利为目 标,以拯救人类为责任,关注科学,不 关注盈利。2003年,华大公司第一时间 解读了“萨斯病毒”基因系列图,研究 出了检测试剂,却免费向医院送出了三 十万个试剂盒。华大基因的梦想,就是 通过基因技术,为人类服务。




• 世界经济论坛- 区域增长 合作共赢 第十一界世界华商大会的重头戏是 “世界经济论坛”,马来西亚旅游部长 黄燕燕、新加坡贸易与工业部长林勋 强、中国商务部国际贸易谈判代表(正 部长级)兼副部长高虎城,一起为商家 分析世界经济未来的发展方向。亚洲新 闻台主播郝慧冰担任论坛主席。与会的 商家代表,纷纷把握机会,在提问时段 向部长请教。 中国商务部国际贸易谈判代表兼副部 长高虎城表示,中国会将继续支持欧元 区的发展,相信欧元区能够走出危机。 但是,他也坦言中国只能在力所能及的 范围内提供协助,要想真正克服困难, 还是要靠欧洲自己。 马来西亚旅游部长黄燕燕认为,美 国和欧洲的危机是亚洲企业的机会。她 呼吁亚洲国家和企业通过密切合作,共 同推动旅游业的发展。她以发达国家为 例,指出亚洲的旅游业还有巨大的发展 空间,因为发达国家的服务业可以占到 75%,而亚洲远远低于这个比例。 林勋强部长强调,亚洲可以从欧洲的 例子中吸取经验,积极推动区域合作。 在2015年之前,当亚细安逐渐发展成为 一个经济社区、一个单一市场和一个单 一生产基地,经济一体化的优势将会显 现出来。 主讲嘉宾精彩的论坛对话,赢得代表 们的阵阵掌声。



10月7日,第十一届世界华商大会交 接仪式与闭幕晚宴在圣淘沙名胜世界罗 盘宴会厅举行。世界华商大会秘书处由 三家召集人组织轮流担任。新加坡中华 总商会曾任首届秘书处,任期六年。香 港中华总商会从2005年开始担任大会秘 书处,到本届大会任期已满,将秘书处 的印信移交给泰国中华总商会。大会也 同时宣布,第十二届世界华商大会将由 中国侨商投资企业协会2013年在中国四 川省成都市举办。 中国侨商投资企业协会谢国民会长 和成都巿人民政府王忠林副巿长一起, 接过世界华商大会永久会旗,全场掌声 雷动。成都代表团在交接仪式上呈现了 精彩节目,欢迎大会代表2013年相聚成 都。这是世界华商大会第二次在中国境 内举行,2001年,第六届世界华商大会 曾在中国江苏省南京市举办。 晚宴的压轴节目是“与前内阁资政李 光耀先生对话”。现场代表热情地欢迎李 光耀前内阁资政,踊跃地排队提问,多次 为李光耀先生的精彩见解报以掌声。李光 耀先生就华商定位、中国的发展、欧元区 的前景、我国的双语政策等课题分享了的 看法。他认为,中国要创造国际性企业, 需要华商的协助。他强调新加坡没有天然 资源,必须靠拥有知识和技能的国民,所 以中英双语必须并重。 对话会由新加坡报业控股华文报/报 章服务集团高级执行副总裁胡以晨主持。

本届大会共64家参展商,主要来自银 行与保险业、房地产、教育等领域。其 中,70%以上的参展商表示,参加大会 的目的是建立品牌、拓宽客户群、提升 认知、维持竞争力,以及与投资商建立联 系。大会还设立“新加坡特别展示区”, 由经济发展局、国际企业发展局、资讯通 信发展管理局等政府相关机构与本地企业 一起,展示新加坡的成就。 举办四千多人的大型国际会议,接待 任务异常繁重。本会积极发动资源,出 动56名董事、83名秘书处职员、20位青 年企业家联系网和事业女性组成员、8位 商团与事务委员会委员、407位志愿者, 分工合作,全力完成大会代表的接机、送 机、住宿、参会、交通、餐饮、参观、拜 访等工作。 除了大会日程所安排的活动外,主办 机构也组织代表游览纬壹科技城与科技展 示区、樟宜商务园与国际物流园、滨海堤 坝、园艺园林之旅、吉宝湾、滨海湾、新 加坡地标群、土生华人博物馆、牛车水等 地。同时,在马来西亚外贸发展部和马来 西亚大使馆的协助下,组织会议代表参观 马来西亚依斯干达工业区。

李显龙总理在张松声会长(左一)等人的陪同下,参 观第十一届世界华商大会特设的大型展览,向4600 名与会者展示了新加坡在创新科技、财富管理、 英才教育和宜居城市等领域的最新科技与商业机会。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 总务委员会 General Affairs Committee

总务委员会 第56届董事会 第56届董事会复选 本会于2011年1月12日假本会二楼 会议厅举行第56届董事会复选,从56 位候选董事中选出了会长、3位副会长 以及10个各委员会的正、副主席,并确 认名誉会长、荣誉董事和名誉董事的名 单。全体董事一致推选第55届会长张 松声连任第56届董事会会长,继续领导 本会。 第55届董事会前任会长蔡天宝继续 担任第56届董事会前任会长。蔡其生、 陈精毅及钟声坚则担任副会长。钟声坚 是本会首个新移民副会长。常务董事会 之中有7名董事第一次成为常务董事,包 括邓健辉、吴绍均、陈金城、邬顺山、 黄建铭、柯建强和李思亮。 新一届董事会进一步简化组织结构, 从原来的66人减少到56人,常务委员会 从12个调整到10个;商团与会员事务委 员会和工商业委员会的副主席,由各1名 增加到各2名。两副主席都可出席常务会 议。为确保本会在作出任何决策性的议 案时,拥有每个委员会正、副主席的两 张选票,根据章程规定,得票率较高的 一名副主席才拥有投票权。 第56届董事会名誉会长、荣誉董 事、名誉董事、常务董事及董事名单请 参阅第10页至第12页。

第56届常务会组织及职务 第56届常务会组织结构如下:

会长 副会长 陈精毅 财务与企业监管

副会长 钟声坚 文教、社务与外事

副会长 蔡其生 企业发展





研究与出版 委员会

文教与社会事务 委员会

国际事务 委员会

商团与会员 事务委员会






总务委员会 General Affairs Committee

左图:第56届董事会就职典礼主宾国务资政吴作 栋,恭贺张松声连任总商会第56届董事会会长。 右图:国庆晚宴上,钟声坚副会长、蔡其生副会 长、蔡天宝前任会长、林勋强部长、张松声会长、 郑民川名誉会长、陈精毅副会长和总务委员会柯毓 麟主席(左至右),为国家献上祝福。

第56届董事会集思营 2月26至28日,第56届董事会的45 名董事到中国重庆参加集思营,为本会 未来几年的发展和定位,进行协商,从 而达到共识,共同推展会务。 董事们集思广益,以壮大上海代表 处、广纳新移民和增加年轻会员为目标, 以期让本会成为以下三方面的首选商会: • 让本会的上海代表处成为新加坡与中 国商家合作的首选桥梁 • 让本会成为新移民首选的商会 • 让本会成为年轻商家首选的商会 董事们也借此行考察了重庆的商机, 以便向更多的新加坡企业推介重庆。重 庆市市长黄奇帆和市委常委、统战部部 长范照兵接待了远赴重庆的董事们。蔡 其生副会长则代表本会与重庆两江新区 代表王毅签署《战略合作意向书》。通 过此合作,本会向更多的新加坡企业推 介重庆的商机。

谢。他指出,第56届董事会两年内的工 作重点集中在四个领域,包括协助会员 商家全面提高生产力;善用资源,扩大 海外市场;全力以赴,完成第十一届世 界华商大会和辛亥革命100周年纪念活 动;促进国民团结,增强社会凝聚力。 主宾吴作栋资政在致词时呼吁本会除 了中国市场外,也应该投入更多精力, 帮助本地企业开拓印度市场。他说,印 度的经济增长模式与中国不同,但是也 提供了足够的机会。 吴资政表示,本会与新加坡印度商 会密切合作组织贸易考察团是好事。同 时他也鼓励本会与在印度的商会和协会 建立起联系,进军印度时,它们将是有 帮助的合作伙伴。吴资政也赞扬本会董 事会现在的成员范围更广,来自各个领 域,包括化学和医药业、陶瓷器和饮 食,这对本会来说,是正确的方向。

其他 第56届董事会就职典礼 第56届董事会就职典礼于3月15日在 嘉庚堂举行,主宾国务资政吴作栋见证 了张松声会长和55名董事宣誓就职。 第56届董事会是本会修改章程,彻 底废除帮派制度后,以任人唯贤的原 则,自我更新选出的新领导团队。新一 届董事会进一步简化组织结构,从原来 的66人减少到56人,常务委员会从12个 调整到10个;董事会也引进了10位优秀 的行业代表和企业家,使核心团队更加 精简、高效。 张松声会长带领董事会成员宣誓就 职后,对劳苦功高的让贤董事表示感

本会职员激励营 总务委员会于5月21日至22日在马来 西亚迪沙鲁举行职员激励营,旨在加强 职员的凝聚力和发挥最大的团结精神, 并让职员对第56届董事会所设定的工作 目标与方针有所了解和给予高度配合。 张松声会长指出,一个团队的成功, 需要的是大家的努力。他希望职员们把 第十一届世界华商大会办得有声有色。 蔡其生副会长认为,本会需要坚定不 移、领导有方的董事会,也需要一个勤 快高效的秘书处团队,才能够更好的实 现本会宗旨。柯毓麟主席则希望职员通

过此活动,加深彼此间的认识,让工作 更加顺利。 国庆晚宴暨本会成立105周年晚宴 8月8日,本会假国敦河畔大酒店设宴 45席,隆重举行晚宴,祝贺我国建国46 周年暨本会成立105周年,贸工部长林勋 强、各国外交使节、政府部门及法定机 构要员、工商界领袖和文教界代表出席 了晚宴。 现场转播的李显龙总理国庆献词表 示,我国经济已恢复稳健的增长,今年 上半年失业率也维持在低水平。总理表 示政府已经着手处理一些没跟上急速演 变局势的政策。 总理吁请更多有见解,有好主意的人 士挺身而出,协助政府解决问题。政府也 希望借重人民的力量,协助政府改善政 策,加强人民的社会责任感和归属感。 张松声会长在致词时表示,在政府的 英明领导,以及人民的辛勤努力下,新 加坡在过去46年来取得的辉煌成绩,令 世人瞩目。然而,国际形势千变万化, 我们决不能掉以轻心。特别是这次大选 过后,涌现出的各种声音时刻提醒我 们,只有政府和人民团结一心,自强不 息,共同努力,才能为新加坡创造更加 美好的未来。 张会长也提到,今年也是本会成立 105周年。此后五年,本会致力于协助会 员扩展业务,提高生产力,开拓商机, 为商家提供更好的服务。 过去五年,本会发起成立了通商中 国,为国家培养双语双文化人才;再次


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 总务委员会 General Affairs Committee

耗资修复晚晴园孙中山南洋纪念馆,并 把它纳入国家博物馆专业管理的体系; 修订本会章程,彻底废除分帮选举制 度,以吸引更多各行各业的杰出人才; 成立上海代表处,协助本地企业向海外 发展。 张会长也表示,董事会和秘书处献给 本会105周年纪念最好的礼物,是成功 举办第十一届世界华商大会。本会在二 十年后再次举办这项盛会的目的,是配 合时代需求,重整会议品牌,启动永久 会徽,注入新的活力,同时实现本会的 愿景,为会员商家提供更有利于商贸交 流,并且有影响力的环球华商网络。 新加坡民选总统选举 8月17日,本会到人民协会总部给予 总统候选人之一的陈庆炎博士支持。本 会在选举官公布四位合格候选人之后, 高举”我们支持陈庆炎博士”的中英文 标语,支持陈庆炎博士参与民选总统选 举。在陈精毅副会长的带领下,各团员 也和陈博士握手致敬,以示支持。 向建国总理李光耀及荣誉国务资政吴作 栋致敬晚宴 11月21日,总商会和新加坡宗乡会馆 联合总会联合举行千人晚宴,向贡献卓越 的两位国家领袖建国总理李光耀和荣誉国 务资政吴作栋表达华社最崇高的敬意。 李显龙总理、副总理兼内政部长张志 贤、卫生部长颜金勇、教育部长王瑞杰、 前副总理黄根成及多位政务部长和议员们 和华社领袖及政要等1200人出席了晚宴。

建国总理李光耀在晚宴上强调,要和 崛起的中国打交道,华语是重要的沟通工 具。因此,他呼吁总商会及宗乡总会和政 府合作,协助新移民掌握好英语,确保新 移民能更顺利地融入新加坡的社会。 荣誉国务资政吴作栋在致词时,向李 光耀表达感谢,他形容李光耀是他的最 佳政治导师。他也感谢总商会、宗乡总 会以及各族群基层领袖在他任内所给予 的支持。 晚宴上,本会张松声会长及宗乡 总会蔡天宝会长,把总商会和宗乡总 会联合出版的两本专辑《李光耀与 华社》和《吴作栋与华社》赠送给他 们。这两本专辑是为了铭记两位领袖 对华社的巨大贡献,表达华社对两位 领袖的无比尊重,另一方面,也为了 记录两位资政以往的宝贵经验和金玉 良 言 , 作 为 规 划 华 社 未 来 发 展 方 向 的 参考。” 宗乡总会会长,总商会前任会长蔡天 宝代表两会,感谢两位领袖时刻关注华 社的发展,并及时推出相应的政策,鼓 励华社不断与时并进。 荣膺2011国庆奖章的董事 三名董事对我国社会作出特别贡献, 荣获我国总统颁赐国庆奖章: • 获 颁 殊 功 勋 章 ( D U B C ) 的 董 事 : 黄祖耀名誉会长 • 获颁公共服务星章(BBM)的董事: 陈育宠名誉董事 • 获颁公共服务奖章(PBM)的董事: 李国基董事

荣膺圣约翰爵士勋章K.St.J.的董事 本会荣誉董事梁庆经博士荣获英女皇 封赐圣约翰爵士勋章K.St.J.。 陈嘉庚基金 本会于5月5日发函通知陈嘉庚基 金,表示本会不再委派代表担任陈嘉庚 基金理事。 本会职员深造奖励金 本会决定,每年颁发最多四份,每份 最高金额5千元的奖学金,供工作表现特 优的本会职员申请。 提升秘书处互联网宽带连接系统 本会自7月23日起,提升秘书处互联 网宽带连接系统,从原有的网线宽带连 接提升到光纤宽带连接,速度增强了十 倍之多,以利秘书处职员的日常工作。 启用视频会议系统 为了加强本会与本会上海代表处 的日常沟通,本会由8月中旬起,以实 际使用分钟付费方式,启用由InterCall Singapore Pte Ltd提供的网络视频会议系 统服务。 国际标准组织ISO 9001:2008年版本证书 秘 书 处 的 会 籍 服 务 再 一 次 通 过 TÜV SUD PSB Pte Ltd 的审核,获颁 ISO 9001:2008版本证书资格。

本会张松声会长(右)和宗乡总会蔡天宝会长(左) 代表华社,向建国总理李光耀和荣誉国务资政吴作栋 致以最崇高的敬意。



研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

研究与出版委员会 研究 2011年度财政预算案 2月18日,财政部长尚达曼宣布了 2011年度政府财政预算案,推出一系列 优惠计划与税务措施,鼓励企业提高生 产力、减少对外籍员工的依赖、推动高 增值及创新活动,以期将新加坡打造成 亚洲领先的环球都市。本会当天即刻发 布新闻公告。 政府推出一套“成长与分享”的预算 案,让几乎所有的国人从中获益,本会对 此深表欣慰。本会也非常欢迎与支持政府 所设定的长远目标,加强我国的经济与社 会建设。 去年,我国经济取得了14.5%的骄人 增长,政府的财政赤字为300万新元,低 于预估的30亿新元。可喜的是,政府与所 有国人,尤其是特别需要援助的群体,如 低收入家庭、儿童与年长人士,分享了经 济成长的果实。 新加坡是个相对成熟的经济体,本会 认同政府的长期愿景,即:提高我国的 生产力、善用创新而不是过度依赖外籍员 工。预算案对一些措施做出调整,以提高 生产力和满足我国的长期需求。政府将全 国生产力基金的拨款倍增至20亿元,并 对2010年推出的“生产力及创新优惠计 划”作出策略性调整,加强对企业重组 和技能提升的支持。政府在听取商界反馈 后,加强了生产力及创新优惠计划,比 如:企业现在也可在海外从事研究与发展 活动,而不仅是将研发活动局限于国内, 这对企业是有利的。

提高生产力虽然是大多数中小企业努 力的目标,但企业的当务之急是解决人手 短缺的问题,以及寻找足够的本地员工加 入团队。而且,并不是每个行业都能从科 技应用、革新商业模式中受惠。 因此,在2012年度财政预算案中,中 小企业最关注的课题是提高外籍劳工税所 带来的影响。政府在预算案中传达了强而 有力的信息:企业必须迅速应变,通过重 组业务模式、提升技能,以提高生产力和 加强竞争力。企业必须把生产力作为推动 业务增长的主要引擎,才能继续生存。有 鉴于此,本会呼吁中小企业充分运用全国 生产力基金、生产力及创新优惠计划来重 组业务、培训员工及提高生产力。此外, 本会也希望政府能与商团、商会展开密 切合作,成立一个委员会,让企业能更快 速、更容易地获得政府津贴与税务优惠。 张松声会长表示,政府在财政预算案 中推出了让个人受益的多项措施,但惠 及中小企业的政策却相对较少。中小企业 是我国经济发展的重要引擎,我国经济在 2010年取得高速增长,所有领域的经营 开支都上涨;外籍劳工税、公积金缴交率 的调整,更令企业雪上加霜。本会呼吁企 业,避免利用营业成本上扬为借口而抬高 价格;本会同时吁请政府,避免调高税率 与相关收费,以免通货膨胀进一步加剧。 总的来说,政府通过预算案让所有新 加坡人,尤其是中低收入的国人受惠,本 会为此感到欣慰,但本会希望政府能出台 更多政策,协助中小企业在我国继续生存 与壮大。

2011/2012全国工资理事会指导原则 全国工资理事会于4月29日公布了 2011/2012年度薪金指导原则和建议。本 会当天即向媒体反馈。 本会在文告中表示,全国工资理事会 在作出相关建议时,考量了经济表现好 转、就业市场紧缩以及通货膨胀上扬的 因素。 本会认同理事会的建议,在经济表现 强劲的前提下,雇主应按公司的业绩表 现,给予员工加薪。除了调高基本薪金, 公司也应该根据员工所做出的贡献,通过 可变动薪金(如:花红、一次过奖励金 额),给予员工相应奖励。 本会响应全国工资理事会的呼吁,促 请企业积极提高生产力,以维持新加坡的 国际竞争力,实现可持续的薪金增长。本 会将鼓励及协助会员商家善用政府的援助 与津贴措施推动创新,以及运用科技改良 业务流程及节省人力资源。 本会也将为中小企业及其雇员开办培 训课程、生产力与创新工作坊。本会促请 员工响应政府呼吁,积极参与培训课程与 工作坊,以提升技能与生产力。 收集商界反馈 张松声会长于2009年7月起担任国会 官委议员,代表商界在国会发表心声。国 会每月复会,张会长都会提出商界关心的 热点问题,特别是在修订政策、法案时, 提供可行性建议。 为确保及时、准确地反映商家的想 法,本部门对多项课题进行研究与调 查,提供支持资料与数据,供张会长参

左图:张松声会长在每月国会复会时,提出商界关 注的多项热点课题,其发言全文刊登在每一期《华 商》的“国会里的企业心声”栏目。 右图:本地报章广泛报道本会“2012年度财政预算 案公布前意见调查”的结果。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

左图:本会喉舌刊物《华 商》以中英双语、双月刊的 形式发行,肩负报道本会活 动的重任,同时也关注我 国、区域及全球局势发展。 右图:本会网站为会员商家 及公众人士提供全面而丰富 的商业与活动资讯。

考,包括:2011年度财政预算案、全国 生产力基金、生产力及创新优惠计划、 设立进出口银行、《退休与重新雇佣年 长员工》修正法案等。

本部门已将调查的总结报告提交相关 政府部门参考。调查结果也获得各大媒 体的广泛报道。


调查 2012 年度财政预算案公布前意见调查 为了解商团、商号会员对预算案的 期望,以及企业的经营情况,本部门专 门展开“2012 年度财政预算案前意见 调查”,了解企业面临的挑战、外籍员 工政策对企业的影响、员工培训策略, 以及各项提高生产力援助计划的受欢迎 程度。 调查工作从2011年11月中旬开始至 12月中旬结束,为期4周,共收到有效 问卷215份。接受调查的人士为来自各 行各业的管理层人士。 参与调查的企业中,超过半数对 2012年的经济前景表示悲观,或认为 这是充满挑战的一年。企业面临的众 多挑战中,被公认为最棘手的是人力课 题,特别是聘请本地员工的问题。51% 的受访者仍呼吁政府调整及放宽外籍 员 工 政 策 , 协 助 商 家 缓 解 员 工 短 缺 的 问题。 本会会员对财政预算案5大愿望清单 包括:降低公司所得税(53%)、调整外 籍员工政策(51%)、提供薪金津贴, 鼓励雇主多聘请本地低收入员工或年长 员工 (46%)、再次推出“雇用补贴计 划”(45%)、降低交通成本的措施, 如:重型车辆、巴士路税回扣、调低ERP 收费以及德士租费与收费(45%)。

《2010年常年报告书》 本会研究与出版部负责搜集、整 理、编辑常年报告书中所有的资料,以 及协调整个出版工作。 《2010年常年报告书之会务活动》 以“沟通无极限”为设计主题,印刷了 3800册,财务报告则印刷3000册,于3 月11日会员大会召开前寄交给会员。 本会《第56届董事名册》 本会第56届董事会与3月15日宣誓就 职,张松声连任会长。7月中出版的董 事名册包括了更新后的董事资料,并介 绍新加入董事会的新董事。 《华商》 作为本会的喉舌刊物,《华商》不仅 肩负报道本会活动的重任,同时也关注 我国、区域及全球局势发展。《华商》 以中英双语、双月刊的形式发行,建 立了涵盖会员以及商界人士的忠实读者 群。本会秉持自我提升的精神,通过独 到见解,对环球经济进行剖析与评论。 2011年《华商》共出版了六期,主 要内容包括: • 第一期:2011年经济前景展望;本 会文化与教育委员会吴学光主席、李秉 萱董事专访;华文版《雇佣法令》雇主 指南推介会;

• 第二期:本会第56届董事会就职典 礼、董事会集思营;国会里的企业心 声:张松声会长谈全国生产力基金、生 产力及创新优惠计划、设立进出口银 行、《退休与重新雇佣年长员工》修正 法案;本会蔡其生副会长、总务委员会 曾福庆副主席专访; • 第 三 期 : 第 十 三 届 中 小 型 企 业 大 会;第五届名人讲座;本会组织代表团 考察广西;本会陈笃汉董事专访; • 第四、五期:第十一届世界华商大会 特辑:大会亮点、主讲嘉宾、历届大会 回顾; • 第六期:第十一届世界华商大会专 题报道、与前内阁资政李光耀对话。

网站发展 研究与出版部负责维护与开发本 会 的 三 个 主 要 网 站 , 包 括 本 会 网 站 ( w w w . s c c c i . o r g . s g ) 、 世 界 华 商 网 络 (,以及企业通中文 网站(。 本会网站 ( 本会网站设计简洁流畅,易于浏 览,为会员和公众人士提供全面而丰富 的商业资讯。网站上刊登了本会本身, 以及与商业合作伙伴联办各项活动资 讯。用户可通过本会网站下载研讨会文 字材料、演讲稿件、新闻稿、报名参加 各项活动,以及链接到其他实用网站。 世界华商网络 ( 世界华商网络汇集了遍及世界各地



研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

的华人企业,是本会耕耘多年的成果。 作为一项增值服务,本会与各个企业相 互协调,在网站中列出了企业总部与海 外分公司、子公司的信息。世界华商网 络内的公司资料近14万个,涵盖上市公 司、大型私人机构,以及中小企业。 网站中收录大量的中国公司资料, 对广大用户,尤其是有意放眼中国市场 的人士裨益甚多。 本会于1991年创办的“世界华商大 会”的历史与资料也刊载于世界华商网 络中。 企业通 ( 标新局与本会合作开发“企业通”中 文网站,旨在协助本地中小企业迅速了 解和把握商务资讯,扩大公司业务。本 会负责翻译英文版EnterpriseOne网站内 容,并维持华文网站的日常管理与维护。 企业通提供一站式的服务,汇集不 同政府部门提供的多种援助计划,以及 在我国经商不可或缺的重要资讯。为 了协助本地企业提高生产力、加强竞争 力,政府推出一系列新计划,并加强现 有配套,进而带动网站浏览率攀升。“ 企业通”网站是一个让华文教育背景商 界人士了解政府援助配套的有效平台。

讲座、对话会和活动 华文版《雇佣法令》雇主指南推介会暨 座谈会 1月11日,本会与劳资政公平雇佣联 盟在联办华文版《雇佣法令》雇主指南 推介会暨“《雇佣法令》之雇主的责任

座谈会”,向50名出席活动的会员商家 分享如何当一位公平和负责的雇主,为 公司增值。 推介会新颖的形式进行,由张松声 会长、人力部劳资关系署王炎河署长、 职工总会工业关系部陈清珠副主任共同 完成《雇佣法令之雇主指南》的封面拼 图,显示只有通过劳资政三方的密切合 作,才能构建良好的雇主与雇员的合作 关系。劳资政公平雇佣联盟也向与会者 分发了双语版指南。 张松声会长在致词时强调,劳资政 三方的紧密合作是我国经济发展的重要 基础,《雇佣法令》不但保障了雇主和 员工双方的权益,创造了融洽的雇佣关 系,同时因为有法可依,从而避免了很 多纠纷。张会长指出,本会非常愿意 与政府和工会合作,一起向会员商家推 广《雇佣法令》,特别是以华语进行宣 传,他也呼吁会员商家认真执行《雇佣 法令》。 劳资政公平雇佣联盟高级经理廖慧仪 在现场介绍了《雇佣法令》和《公平雇 佣守则》的主要内容。 她说,劳资政公 平雇佣联盟成立于2006年,旨在鼓励雇 主、雇员和公众采取公平且可靠的雇佣 原则。她也向出席者介绍雇佣事项的基 本条件与条款、雇主和雇员在雇佣合约 中的权利与责任。 商家代表在问答时段纷纷提出各种执 行过程的具体问题;问答由林三顺秘书 长担任主席,嘉宾为人力部劳资关系署 王炎河署长、职工总会工业关系部陈清 珠副主任。

“财政预算案摘要”英语讲座 2011年度政府财政预算案,推出一 系列优惠计划与税务措施,鼓励企业提 高生产力、减少依赖外籍劳工、推动高 增值及创新活动,将新加坡打造成亚洲 领先的环球都市。 为了让会员商家更加了解预算案内 容,本会与普华古柏会计师事务所于3月 17日联办“财政预算案摘要”英语讲座。 普华古柏合伙人李柯龙向出席活动的 60名企业代表重点介绍“生产力与创新 计划”,企业在六大项目(研发、产品 设计、申请知识产权、购买知识产权、 自动化、培训)的开支,可获得相等于 开支400%的税额扣减(顶限为40万新 元);规模较小、缴税额较少的公司也 可选择将首10万新元的开支,转换为高 达3万新元的现金补助。 此外,李柯龙也介绍了 “国家课税 抵免集中计算法”(鼓励企业将海外收 入汇回本地)、个人所得税回扣、公积 金雇主缴交率上调措施等等。他呼吁企 业充分运用各项优惠计划,作出妥善的 税务规划,协助企业取得最高效益。 中国发展动态论坛 5月27日,本会与新加坡太平洋经济 合作委员会、联合早报联合举办“中国 发展动态论坛”,为本地商家全面介绍 中国各地最新的经济发展情况。 论坛主宾贸工部政务部长李奕贤表 示,中国各省市发展步伐和情况都不 同,通过这一场论坛,出席者可以了解 东部、中部、西部重点发展领域和经商 环境的特征。

左图: 世界华商网络收录近14 万家全球华人企业的资料。 右图: 由本会负责翻译和维护 的“企业通”网站提供一站式 服务,汇集不同政府部门提供 的多项援助计划,以及在我 国经商不可或缺的重要资讯。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

张松声会长致欢迎词时强调,“做 生意需审时度势,更要广交朋友。好人 缘,好名声,好时机,缺一不可。只要 本着诚信为先,知己知彼的原则顺势而 为,就能应变求新,不断发展。” 这个论坛的特点之一是正在李光 耀公共政策学院进修的80名来自23个 省、33个城市的政府官员将全部出席。 因此,会员商家有机会通过这一场活 动,结识中国大江、南北不同省份的官 员和代表。 此外,四位来自中国江苏、广西、辽 宁、甘肃省经贸厅的官员,也为出席者 介绍该地的经商环境。论坛主席是联合 早报主编林任君,新加坡太平洋经济合 作委员会主席陈企业博士也在现场回答 出席者的询问。 名人讲座系列五 7月15日,前副总理陈庆炎博士在本会 主办的第五届名人讲座上,以“环球经济 走势、风险与机遇”为题,以英语与出席 的300名工商界领袖分享他的独到见地。 陈博士首先肯定了总商会对国家和 区域的贡献,他也认为:“经济和地缘 政治力量的转移,创造了前所未见的商 业和投资机会。但这也带来比以前更多 的地缘政治、环境和政策风险。有鉴于 此,企业和决策者必须联合起来,在把 握机遇的同时,也掌握风险。 陈博士认为有两个趋势将改变投资和 商业社区未来的面貌: • 第一个趋势:当发达国家,尤其是 美国的经济尽管目前似乎在复苏中,但

长期的前景仍然不寻常地缺乏确定性, 带有相当大的全球宏观金融和经济风险。 • 第二个趋势:经济活动中心将慢慢崛 起,以锐不可挡的发展趋势,从西方转 移到亚洲。 对于新兴市场,陈博士认为这些新兴 市场需要让汇率升值,通过允许国内信 贷周期建立起基础,来减少对传统出口 市场的依赖。因此,过去十年所建立起 来的消费和投资模式未来可能无法持续 下去。 他建议决策者应该改善充斥着不明 确元素的市场环境,这其中包括不明朗 的政策元素,让投资环境和氛围更为稳 定。这么一来便可以促进许多国家,例 如美国的商业投资项目发展,因为许多 国家目前的投资额已经处于十年内的最 低水平。 此外,中国和印度的快速城市化进 程蕴藏着很大的发展潜力。未来的20年 内,全球70%的新基建工程将在这两个 国家内开展,大大推动建筑业的发展和 对资源的需求。 谈到总商会未来所应扮演的角色时, 陈博士说:“多年以来,总商会带领本 地商家积极拓展亚洲新兴市场的商机, 是中国、东南亚和区域间的主要商业团 体之一。现在,总商会将在我国经济发 展的长征旅途上,再次扮演重要的历史 性角色。” 第五届名人讲座由本会和宝马联合呈 现,地点在丽嘉登酒店,问答时段的主 持是本会研究与出版委员会委员许茵妮 副教授。

资料室 本会资料室汇集各类参考文献、商业 指南、本地商团年刊与特刊,以及亚细 安、东亚、南亚、欧盟国家、东欧、北 美、南美、澳洲以及非洲的贸易与投资 刊物。 本会资料室珍藏了许多独家刊物。珍 贵的中国市场资料包括了各省各地政府出 版的投资指南、投资项目说明书和经济开 发区指南,其中包括新加坡商人较不熟悉 城镇的资料。

贸易网络服务 贸易网络服务是全国性的电子贸易文 件处理系统,可以迅速处理贸易文件。本 会是新加坡关税局授权的贸易网络服务中 心之一,为贸易公司签发进出口准证。本 会会员可以优惠价格使用这项服务。2011 年,本会共处理791份报关文件。

专业翻译服务 过去一年,翻译服务的需求日渐上 升,范围包括众多政府部门、上市机 构、跨国公司、中小企业,并获得不错 回响。本会所完成的翻译项目包括:雇 主联盟系列宣传手册、公司网站、海外 投资计划书、合约、证书,以及公司宣 传手册。翻译后的简体中文译本,主要 用于中国合作项目,以及作为呈交给中 国当局的证明文件。

左图:(左起) 劳资政公平雇佣联盟冯福民总经理、 林三顺秘书长、职工总会工业关系部陈清珠副主 任、张松声会长、人力部王炎河署长、研究与出版 委员会萧作鸣主席、何乃全副主席共同推介华文版 《雇佣法令》雇主指南。 右图:前副总理陈庆炎博士在本会主办的第五届名 人讲座上,以“环球经济走势、风险与机遇”为 题,与出席的300名工商界领袖分享他的独到见地。



外事委员会 External Relations Committee

外事委员会 罗马尼亚驻新加坡大使馆官员拜访本会 罗马尼亚大使馆于3月30日拜访本会, 以促进新加坡和罗马尼亚的两国贸易往 来。本委员会陈金城副主席、林三顺秘书 长及资讯、研究与出版胡爱兰高级主管代 表本会与大使馆代办Alexandru Irimia博士 和经济参赞Alexandru Coseru会面。 Irimia 博士在会议上介绍罗马尼亚的 优势及历史、政治和地理背景。大使馆 代办 Alexandru Irimia 博士和经济参赞 Alexandru Coseru认为,虽然罗马尼亚的 传统经济伙伴是欧盟国家,但是亚洲的崛 起却为罗马尼亚创造了许多商业机会。 Irimia博士也指出罗马尼亚与中国有良 好的合作关系,而目前在罗马尼亚投资的 新加坡公司大约有20家。Irimia 博士说本 地公司可以通过罗马尼亚进入东欧市场, 因为罗马尼亚是东欧的大国之一。 与马来西亚驻新加坡大使举行午餐会议 6月16日,本会与马来西亚驻新加坡 大使Dato’MdHussinNayan 阁下及经济参 赞WanSuraya在新加坡君悦酒店举行午餐 会议。张松声会长、陈精毅副会长、财政 委员会陈怀林主席、外事委员会邓健辉主 席、工商业委员会刘泰山主席、外事委员 会陈金城副主席、林三顺秘书长及资讯、 研究与出版胡爱兰高级主管代表本会出席 了午餐会议。 张会长首先感谢马来西亚驻新加坡大 使馆给予本会多方面的支持和配合。大使 馆更是协助本会代表团到依斯干达经济特 区进行考察。此外,会长对马来西亚大力 支持第十一届世界华商大会表示感激。由

于马来西亚是新加坡的邻国,也是新加坡 的重要贸易和投资伙伴,因此张会长认为 本会应该跟马来西亚驻新加坡大使馆保持 密切的联系,及时交换信息和探讨进一步 的各项合作项目。 Dato’ Md Hussin Nayan阁下在会议中 说明了依斯干达经济特区近期的发展情 况、新加坡与马来西亚关卡新实施的通 关措施,以及柔佛州维持治安的举措。 他提到马来西亚的优势和工业发展情况 时说,马来西亚许多行业都希望能吸引 外资注入,包括食品制造业以及高科技 项目等。他也透露马来西亚今年的经济 增长应该能够达到6.2%。 参观新加坡管理大学及参加午餐交流会 8月11日,新加坡管理大学邀请本会第 56届董事参观校园,校长德梅耶教授代表 新大欢迎新一届董事。出席交流会的新大 代表包括高级管理主管及系主任。 张松声会长现场致词时感谢新大积极 推动对第十一届世界华商大会,并派出多 名学生成为大会志愿者。张会长非常感谢 新大对本会的支持及新大的热情款待。 两位获颁2010/2011新加坡中华总商 会基金奖学金的新大学生罗庭丰(商业管 理系1年级)及屈义贤(经济系3年级)也 出席交流会,分享学习经验。 印度商会、马来商会及本会联办交流会 11月24日,本会与印度商会及马来商 会首次联办交流会,邀请各商会会员参加 此活动。交流会反应热烈,印度总商会、 马来商会及本会共有150位出席活动,本 会代表有44名,包括张松声会长、陈精毅

副会长、商团与会员事务委员会邬顺山副 主席、产业委员会白南泉副主席、罗大民 董事、陈俊文董事及林福星董事等。 印 度 商 会 会 长 Rangarajan Narayanamohan 致词时,欢迎与会者 出席交流会,恭贺本会成功举办第十 一届世界华商大会。他也希望三个商 会能保持密切合作,帮助我国企业拓 展至国外。 媒体事务 2011年,本委员会为提高本会和附属 机构各类活动的曝光率及加强形象,继续 与本地和海外媒体保持密切合作。 本委员会为本会和附属机构所举办的 主要活动提供媒体支援,邀请各大媒体前 来采访报道。这些活动包括新春团拜、第 44届日本占领时期死难人民祭礼、中秋联 欢晚宴、国庆晚宴;管理学院所开办的课 程;1月主办的2011商业展望论坛、5月主 办的 第十三届中小型企业大会及附属机 构企业发展与服务中心所主办的各大招商 会和讲座。 由于本会与各大媒体保持良好的关 系,因此本会所主导的各项调查、本会对 政府所推出的援助计划和策略的反馈,广 见各大媒体。 此外,本委员会也确保第十一届世界 华商大会相关报道得到本地与海外各媒体 的广泛报道。

左图: 新大学生大使为本会董事介绍大学环境。 右图: ( 左起)本会张松声会长连同印度商会会长 Rangarajan Narayanamohan及马来商会会长Abdul Rohim Sarip出席印度商会、马来商会及新加坡中华 总商会交流会。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

商团与会员事务委员会 商团与会员项目 商团会员交流会 2011年,本会扩大与商团会员的交流, 以“商会与商团交流会”为主轴,定期邀 请各个商团与本会董事交流,加强商会与 商团及商团会员之间的联系,并了解不同 行业所存在的问题,分享各个行业的营运 经验,也收集各商团的意见与诉求,向有 关当局作出反馈。 交流会也让商团更了解本会属下上海 代表处、企业发展与服务中心、管理学院 以及中小企业资信资源中心为会员提供的 服务。 6月17日和11月25日举行的交流会共吸 引了20家商团出席,包括新加坡建筑材料 商公会、新加坡鱼商总会、新加坡食品厂 商联合会、新加坡家具商会、新加坡五金 机械公会、新加坡塑胶工业总会、新加坡 学校私人巴士车主公会、新加坡木材厂商 总会、新加坡玩具糖果商公会、碧山商联 会、 快车代理商协会、 新加坡车商公会、 新加坡汽车胶轮商会、新加坡学校交通业 联合会、 新加坡运输业公会、 新加坡果菜 出入口商公会、 新加坡餐饮业协会、 新加 坡装修同业商联会、新加坡摩多西卡商会 及新加坡车业公会。 财政部兼交通部政务部长杨莉明受邀 出席了11月25日的交流会,聆听商团代表 们的心声以及面临的挑战。 与商团签署合作备忘录 1月28日,本会商团会员新加坡五金 机械公会、食品厂商联合会、木材厂商总 会、纺织服饰商会和现代企业管理协会,

与总商会上海代表处和签署合作协议书。 总商会上海代表处是这五家商团在中国的 联络处,进一步促进新中两国企业界的双 向交流与合作。 6月17日,本会商团会员碧山商联会、 新加坡鱼商总会、新加坡家具商会、新加 坡塑胶工业总会和新加坡玩具糖果商公会 与总商会上海代表处签署合作备忘录,由 代表处协助在中国境内联系对口,安排进 行商业配对服务,并让本会与各会员机构 共享资源,互惠互利。 11月25日,在张松声会长和蔡成宗主 席的见证下,总商会上海代表处与9家商 团,包括快车代理商协会、新加坡车商公 会、新加坡汽车胶轮商会、新加坡学校私 人巴士车主公会、新加坡学校交通业联合 会、新加坡运输业公会、新加坡果菜出入 口商公会、新加坡餐饮业协会、新加坡装 修同业商联会签署合作备忘录,协助商团 在中国拓展业务。 儒商之夜 1月17日,本会与商团会员现代企业管 理协会、碧山商联会/老板联谊会联办上 述活动。 张松声会长致词时说,主办交流会旨 在了解行业挑战及收集反馈意见,并向相 关政府部门反映。会长鼓励商团会员运用 上海代表处的便利,拓展新市场。 主讲嘉宾新加坡国立大学管理学院杨 贤院长分析了2011年的世界经济展望。 会员之夜 1月1日,本会为会员及各活动小组, 包括青年企业家联系网、事业女性组、华

语歌唱班、华语讲演会和书法欣赏与学习 班举办上述活动。 张松声会长对本会开办的各个活动小 组获得会员的认可与支持表示欣慰。组员 们积极的参与,自发地推动各项活动,发 挥了高度的团队精神。 与新加坡全国商联总会对话 1月10日,本委员会与新加坡全国商联 总会对话,针对商联会目前所面对的挑战 进行讨论。 本会提出的多项建议,包括化零为 整,团结会员,集中资源,推出集体采购 与促销策略,降低营运成本与扩大营业空 间,并吁请对方善用本会企发中心、资信 科技中心以及管理学院的支援并借助本会 上海代表处,扩大海外市场,并向中国零 售业者学习。 双方达致以下共识: • 本会鼓励商联总会属下各个商联会加 入总商会的大家庭,加强本会在零售行业 的代表性; • 从各个会员所缴交的会费回扣中,协 助填补商联总会及各商联会的运作基金; • 由本会与商联总会联办活动,促进商 家们的联系,扩大人脉关系; • 物色3至4个有共识的商联会,通过本 会企发中心的协助,争取国际企发局提 供给本地企业与协会发展计划的津贴, 改善商联会的总体运作环境,提升零售 业务,并引进有魄力的秘书处,协助落 实各项计划; • 商联会与本会管理学院合作组考察与 旅游团,把国外的旅客与商务人员带到邻 里中心参观和与当地商家交流。

财政部兼交通部政务部长杨莉明(左二)受邀出 席了11月25日的交流会,与100名商团代表进行 对话。



商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

6月17日的“总商会与商团会员交流会”上,本商 会上海代表处与本会商团签署合作备忘录,新加 坡玩具糖果商公会李磊山总务、新加坡家具商会耿 信生副会长、新加坡家具商会许剑丰会长、新加坡 玩具糖果商公会林清荣会长、总商会张松声会长、 蔡其生副会长、新加坡塑胶工业总会林钦亮会长、 总商会林三顺秘书长、新加坡鱼商总会李文昭主席 (左至右)在签署合作备忘录之后合影。

陈庆炎博士与本会董事和委员交流 7月29日,陈庆炎博士在本会的董事 与委员交流活动上,与董事和委员近距离 对话。 陈庆炎博士在回答张松声会长的询问 时说,总统和政府扮演着不同的角色,总 统是一个为新加坡作出贡献的角色,他必 须和政府、其他政党、人民、社会同心协 力,为新加坡人民谋利益。 谈到外来人才的竞争,陈博士表示,我 国政府鼓励自由贸易,推动资金自由流动, 在以“新加坡人优先”的前提上,还是不可 避免的需要外来人才填补职业空缺,我们必 须以实际行动促进新加坡经济成长。 此外,他认为政府必须严待国民收入 悬殊日益严重的问题。他呼吁社会群体也 伸出援手,政府和社群合力,造福国民。 陈博士针对新加坡当前的经济处境时 表示,新加坡政府投资公司早已把储备分 散投资在人口结构年轻化,具有更多潜在 商机的新兴经济体。 陈博士强调,我国儿童都有机会接受 良好的教育,年轻国民也有机会接受高深 教育,在人生路途逐步建立扎实的根基。 这是新加坡人,尤其是为人父母者,最感 到欣慰的,也是曾是我国教育部长的陈庆 炎博士感到最有成就感的。 常月董事和会员交流活动 本会董事于每个月的最后一个星期 五,即常月董事会议前,下午3时至4时 30分,定期在双月份进行董事互动交流; 单月份则邀请商会会员,举办会员交流 会。此外,本会也于每月交流时段中的4

时至4时30分,邀请政府机构、企业界、 商界领袖或成功人士分享经商之道或最新 经贸资讯。 2011年董事交流会包括: • 3月份董事交流会 3月25日,本委员会副主席,兀兰运 输公司董事经理邬顺山分享“安全服务 至上”的企业文化和“以人为本”的管 理体系。 • 5月份董事交流会 5月27,本外事委员会副主席,金声控 股私营有限公司主席陈金城分享“企业用 人之道”。他说有才有德的高管不断,为 公司增值,所以必须重用。 • 7月份董事交流会 7月29日,陈庆炎博士受邀分享他丰富 的人生经验。 • 8月份董事交流会 8月26日,财政委员会副主席,普华古 柏会计师事务所合伙人吴绍均主讲“企业 监控、风险管理及控制方案”。 • 9月份董事交流会 9月30日,本会董事,联发集团执行主 席高泉庆,分享从他从公务员到成为商人 的心路历程。 • 11月份董事交流会 11月25日,科技委员会副主席,珍宝餐 饮集团总经理黄建铭以“经营餐饮业,盲点 重重”为题,分享18年经营餐饮业的经验 2011年会员交流会包括: • 4月份会员交流会 4月29日,新加坡设计理事会执行理事 长何傑介绍“企业设计援助计划”中,设 计与企业的关系。

• 6月份会员交流会 6月24日,CCIS Singapore项目高级咨 询顾问李丽芝小姐说明“职场安全与卫生 法令”。 • 10月份会员交流会 10月28日,裕廊集团助理总裁陈定亮 介绍裕廊集团如何运用创新的方案,解决 我国工业场地的未来需求。

专项小组 青年企业家联系网 1月份经验分享会 1月24日,青企网首次与校园携手,与 新加坡国立大学学生会联办活动。30名来 自新加坡国立大学、中国农业大学、中国 青年政治学院、中国传媒大学和国立台湾 大学的学生出席了青企网在BIZASIA 系列 活动中主办的这项分享会。 青企网3位组委,本会董事傅国华、 苏敬珉和施永胜也到场分享创业的历程及 心得。 5月份经验分享与交流 5月23日,青企网邀请护肤品DrGL®创 始人李小娟医生,与180名与会者分享在 青企网举办的经验分享会上,和她如何 从一名专业医生到自创品牌,把本身的 专业企业化,成为一位成功的企业家的 历程。 “个人理财我最行” 讲座 7月16日,新加坡信贷辅导协会总经理 陈慧敏主讲上述讲座,向25位出席者说明 理财规划须知。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

青企网组委集思营 7月23日,青企网在民丹岛举行组委集 思营,进一步交流和策划未来的活动方向。 交流餐会 青企网在每个月的最后一个星期三举 行联谊交流聚餐,在The Wine Company @ Evans、ToTT Bistro及旧国会大厦艺术 之家的 Earshot 餐馆等地点聚会,加强互 动。每次出席活动的会员人数介于30至 50人。 互助小组分享会 3月24日首次举办上述分享会。通过会 员的自我介绍和分享经验,促进与会者的 互动与互助作用。 太极班 4月5日到6月21日,16位学员参加每个 星期二晚上8时开办12堂杨式太极拳108式 太极班,由泰国精武体育会翁如英教导。 划龙舟初学班 上述活动分别于3月12日和12月10日举 行,20名学员到加冷人民协会学习划龙舟 的技巧。 南部山脊路线晨运 2月27日,青企网组织了38名会员到南 部山脊路线作晨运。 慈善活动 1月26日,青企网到丹戎巴葛家庭服务 中心派发食品及红包给乐龄人士。

“WOW心火相传”-青企网公益活动@ 观明综合医院 11月19日,青企网白毅柏主席带领青 企网、新加坡中国学者学生联合会及浙江 大学校友会会员的近200名义工,到观明 综合医院向病患传递爱心与温情。 白毅柏主席说:“青企网推出的公益 活动能够得到两间大学校友的参与,使到 整个活动更具意义。”他也鼓励在场的新 移民们积极参与本会的活动,借着本会的 平台,融入新加坡社会,扩大联系网。总 商会基金拨款6千元赞助本活动。 滨海湾金沙国庆日庆典2011 8月9日,青企网参加内政团队战备人 员协会在滨海湾金沙活动广场举办的国庆 日庆典活动,并拨出5千元赞助此活动。 第二届商会与商团青年企业家团体对话会 5月19日,青企网与新加坡印度商会青 企网、新加坡马来商会青企网与国际青年 商会的理事进行对话,以建立长远合作关 系,加强联系和互通活动讯息。 第三届亚细安-中国青年企业家协会论坛 4月19日至23日,青企网出席印尼雅加 达青年企业家协会举办的上述论坛,出席 者还包括200名来自中国和亚细安的青年 企业家。 青企网主席白毅柏代表新加坡青年企 业家组织,和中国、亚细安各国青年企业 家组织签署联合声明,承诺支持与加强亚 细安青企会的各项活动,以促进中国与亚 细安青年企业家的交流与联系。有关声明 提呈给第七届亚细安青年高级官员会议。

第四届亚细安-中国青年企业家协会论坛 10月12日至15日,青企网代表新加坡 出席由越南青年企业家协会在越南河内举 办的上述论坛。300名来自中国、亚细安 成员国的青年企业家出席论坛。 越南青企会也设立 “首届亚细安-中 国杰出青年企业家奖”,本会国际事务委 员会副主席柯建强获颁此奖项。这是本会 青企网第三次代表新加坡出席亚细安-中 国青年企业家论坛。 接待亚细安一中国青年企业家协会中国 广西代表 9月29日,青企网参与由全国青年理事 会举办的上述活动,10名出席的广西代表 包括共青团广西区委书记与广西青年联合 会名誉主席李泽、共青团广西区委副书记 兼广西青年联合会主席罗日新等等。 接待新中青年商务大使项目代表 12月9日,本会接待新中青年商务大使 交流计划的5名中国青年代表及新加坡国 际基金会项目负责人吴筱嘉。

事业女性组 为了扩展事业女性组的联系网络和 吸引更多职业女性参与活动,本组定期 主办午餐分享会、茶话会及研讨会,邀 请专业人士发表专题演讲,聚集在职场 上有影响力的成功女性,分享经验和心 得。截至今年底,组员已达600人,所举 办的活动如下: 8月份的讲座 8月5日,欣体念集团创办人季安琪博 士在“向中国引进国际链锁企业的挑战” 讲题中,分享在中国做生意的经验。

青企网主席白毅柏在第四届亚细安-中国青年企业 家论坛上,与来自越南和中国的代表交换纪念品和 交流。



商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

博听阁国际公共关系公司董事经理翁 诗惠则分享 “信誉管理-攀登成功巅峰的 要诀”。 上述讲座共有50名与会者出席。 交流会 9月16日,组委们在组委黄亦巧住所 进行交流,为事业女性组的活动及明年 三八妇女节活动出谋献策,以便将事业 女性组活动办得更精彩。 “拥抱健康,笑口常开”分享会 11月23日,小组在展览室主办上述分 享会,鹰阁医院高级妇产科顾问周志勇 医生和TP Dental Surgeons Pte Ltd牙周科 医生张玛琳为30名会员分享现代女性如 何“拥抱健康,笑口常开”。 《张齐娥登陆记》新书发布会 12月7日,事业女性组为其顾问张 齐娥的新书《张齐娥登陆记》举行发 布会。总理夫人何晶与400名来自政、 商、教育、社工与文化界人士出席了发 布会。 《张齐娥登陆记》由张齐娥与资深新 闻工作者潘星华合著,把张齐娥60年精 彩人生中的每一个阶段,从童年到青少 年,到成为人妻和人母的体验,以及对 其人生的独到看法收录成书。 张齐娥说:“最满意的是,我终于完 成了这份家产。我也希望借此书启发人 们,把自己说不完的故事写成自传”。 马中亚太区女性经济高峰论坛 3月4日至7日,本组20人在顾问张齐 娥带领下,前往吉隆坡出席由马来西亚

中国文化艺术协会主办的上述论坛。出 席者包括来自马来西亚、中国、香港、 台湾及新加坡等地的700人。 主讲嘉宾之一的张齐娥在发表演讲时 说,我们应该将传统文化创新再造。而 创造长期性财富的道德模式则将是企业 以当地社群利益为企业利益的营业管理 与企业发展理念。她说,女性在这个环 节上,肯定能够更好的把持住这个价值 基础。 与杨莉明政务部长对话会 7月8日,本组和我国财政部兼交通部 政务部长杨莉明展开对话会,杨莉明在 对话会上强调,随着有更多的女性在职 场,女性高层主管的人数也必将增加, 再加上现今社会上更多男生更愿意和女 性分担家务事,大家互相关爱和尊重, 这是实现一个更美好社会的必然趋势。 与会者针对我国事业女性当前所面对 的数个热门问题和挑战,及职场 、与社 会关爱课题,如托儿中心收费太昂贵 、 不足及鼓励妇女重返职场及创业措施与 津贴、鼓励妇女进入高层主管位置及现 有鼓励生育措施的实效性等提出反馈。

善晚宴,为基金筹款,晚宴主宾是我会 总统纳丹。本组以3千元认购一桌席,支 持善举。 参与乳癌基金会“粉红下午茶” 9月10日,本组出席由乳癌基金会举办 的“粉红色下午茶”。主宾是教育部兼律 政部高级政务次长沈颖。 支持新加坡科技研究局的讲座 11月22日,新加坡科技研究局主办 的“最后100米的看护与看护服务“讲 座,在本会的支持下举行,邀请青松老年 看护服务(北京)有限公司创始人兼总裁 王燕妮,与近30名与会者分享中国人口老 化带来的问题及她的创业经验。 参观樟宜女子监狱 12月21日,本组参观樟宜女子监狱, 让会员对监狱的情况有进一步的认识,并 探讨如何协助囚犯重返社会。

歌唱班 今年4个系列、每系列10节课的 “时代 金曲”及“中国民歌精曲”歌唱班,分别在 星期二和星期六上课,每班人数40人。

重庆妇联干部社区建设研究考察团到访 8月17日,本会董事兼事业女性组郭 素雯主席和小组成员,接待了重庆妇联 副主席方俐和重庆市妇联干部社区建设 研究考察团20人。

“魂萦旧梦忆当年”演唱会 1月8日,时代金曲班近40名学员在演 唱会上,为近400名观众演绎了40年代的 经典老歌及50至80年代的港台金曲。

赞助“希琳·福斯達信託基金 ” 2月23日,新加坡管理大学黄金辉中 心与“希琳·福斯達信託基金”联办慈

“秋之韵”演唱会 11月12日,28名民歌班的学员在“秋 之韵”演唱会上,向250名观众演绎了28 首不同风格的民歌。

张齐娥(右三)与夫婿何光平(左三)、总理夫人 何晶(右二)、总商会研究与出版委员会主席萧 作鸣、前社会发展、青年及体育部政务部长符喜泉 和淡马锡控股非执行董事谢福华(左至右),摄于 12月7日的《张齐娥登陆记》新书发布会上。



科技委员会 本会科技委员会主席林明仁和副主 席黄建铭带领了12名委员,包括本会 邓尚正董事、傅国华董事、资讯通信 发展管理局企业发展组高级主管许宏 哲、国际企业发展局资信与媒体部主管 Lena Ng、新加坡知识产权办公室副主管 张仲恒、南洋理工学院资信科技学院副 院长John Tan、胜科工业有限公司总裁 关越荣、新电信商务组副总裁钱毅俊、 新加坡标新局主管冯木荣、微软新加坡 私人有限公司董事经理陈舜娘、新加坡 科技研究局科学与工程研究组策略部主 管陈世伟和Stream Global 私人有限公司 合伙人周永明,共同为中小企业开展科 技策略和资讯科技方案提供专业意见。 此外,本委员会资讯科技咨询委员会 成员,包括8path私人有限公司董事黄卓 绵、富士施乐主管Paul Han、惠普亚太私 人有限公司副主席兼董事总经理陈静雯、 国际商业机器有限公司总体业务部总经理 Claudia Tan、资讯通信发展管理局中小企 业部主管Samantha Fok、登录科技私人有 限公司总裁柯金章、联想(新加坡)私人 有限公司高级总监许光明、微软软件公司 企业合作伙伴部主管谢慧慧、新加坡电信 有限公司内陆安全/通信工程部部门总经 理王春南、甲骨文新加坡私人有限公司董 事经理王耀山、Red Hat Asia Pacific私人有 限公司亚太市场部高级主管Daniel Ng、 新加坡电脑学会主席Alphonsus Pang、星 和有限公司商业销售部副总裁郑钟铭和 Visionedge Ventures Group执行总裁吴振 德,也致力于协助本会为中小企业的资讯 科技发展提供建设性意见。

与新闻、通讯及艺术部长雅国博士会谈 11月18日,蔡其生副会长与科技委 员会主席林明仁代表本会,拜会新闻、 通讯及艺术部长雅国博士,旨在介绍本 会的概况、本会在推动与支持本地工商 界发展的各项举措,以及本会在协助中 小企业强化与运用资讯科技,所取得的 成效及有关方面的未来发展。 蔡其生副会长和林明仁主席指出, 本会为中小企业提供资讯科技资源咨询 服务,也协助他们分析业务上所应加强 的环节和所能使用的工具。此外,本会 为商家提供重要的交流平台,即本会主 办的资信商业大会,让中小企业向商界 典范学习,吸取他们成功的经验,并利 用以及适宜的技术解决方案和服务,提 升业务的素质。 雅国部长肯定了本会在协助推动中 小企业掌握资讯科技、强化资讯科技意 识,以及运用科技所做出的积极努力与 贡献。会上也讨论了应该如何协助中小 企业安心地物色适宜的供应商,以及评 估服务的可靠性;如何与其他商会加强 合作,使本会中小企业资信资源中心能 为本地工商界提供更强有力的支持。 陪同雅国博士出席上述会议的新闻、 通讯及艺术部代表包括工业部门的主管 Muhd Hanafiah与高级经理Serene Tan、 资讯通信发展管理局中小企业资信推 动与策略能力部主管Edwin Low与经理 Eddie Liew。本会秘书处代表是林三顺秘 书长、企业发展组高级主管刘桂萍和企 业发展组主管林达明。

新加坡中华总商会中小企业资信资源中心 新加坡中华总商会中小企业资信资 源中心成立于2008年,由资信局和本会 共同发起,迄今已成功地协助9000家本 地中小企业善用资信科技,改善业务。 今年,总商会中小企业资信资源中 心制定下列工作方针: • 协助中小企业更好地了解资讯科技 合约内容 ; • 提供专业咨询服务为企业提供切合 时宜的培训与资信咨询 ; • 为中小企业提供自我评估工具,以 评估其对科技准备就绪的程度 ; • 推 出 新 活 动 项 目 , 协 助 中 小 企 业借助社交媒体工具拓展业务,如 Facebook、 Twitter、 Blogger。 本会今年所举办的“资讯科技准备 就绪系列讲座”,共吸引了500名中小 企业参加;其中150个商家向本中心咨 询有关资讯科技合同事宜,或有意参加 相关的讲座与工作坊。此外,本中心也 为200家中小企业提供了有关资讯科技 方面的咨询服务。 建立合作伙伴关系 7月28日,本中心与金蝶国际软件集 团有限公司建立合作伙伴关系,协助中 小企业更好地评估他们对会计的需求和 簿记程序。在协议下,本中心将协助本 地中小企业进行有关会计与簿记需求方 面的评估,金蝶则为本地中小型企业提 供平台,选用合适的会计软件,以改善 作业流程。

科技委员会林明仁主席(右二)启动本会中小企业 资信资源中心与金蝶国际软件集团有限公司的合作 伙伴关系。



科技委员会 Technology Committee

本会举办的“推动中小企业迈向社交媒体发展之路 系列工作坊”受到会员商家的欢迎。

本会科技委员会主席林明仁指出,通 过建立此项合作伙伴关系,有助于扩大 本会中小企业资信资源中心在资讯科技 上所提供的咨询服务范围,长远而言, 中小企业将从中受益,共有80位会员商 家出席此仪式。

中小企业资信资源中心系列活动 2011年,本中心举办了多个工作坊 和讲座,并运用了一系列评估工具,协 助与会的中小企业评估他们的业务发展 及对资讯科技掌握的程度。此外,中心 也为商家在资讯科技方面提供切合时宜 的建议,以拓展自身的业务。 “公司资讯科技硬件是否赶上时代” 英语工作坊 3月23日与4月6日,本中心举办的 两场工作坊,让18名不谙资讯科技的中 小企业业者与员工了解采购新型资讯科 技硬件设备的基本知识,并协助评估公 司现有资讯科技设备是否需要升级。 “中小企业在资讯科技合同与报价中必 须关注的是什么?”英语工作坊 3月24、31日及4月7日、14和21日 举办的5场英语工作坊,协助47名会员 商家学习分析公平合理资讯科技报价与 合同,以及如何决定需购买维修合同或 采用临时性的资讯科技服务等。 “您是否具备了资讯科技意识 –软件即 服务(SaaS)”英语工作坊 3月28日与4月11日的两场工作坊,

协助7名与会商家了解服务性软件及评估 有关软件对公司的适用性。

有全面的认识,同时让与会者亲自体验 各种社交媒体工具的作用。

推动中小企业迈向社交媒体发展之路 系列工作坊 6月6日、8月25日及12月 14日,共 有35名会员商家参加的3场“社交媒体 初级课程:让社交媒体为您的企业服 务”的系列工作坊,进一步了解社交媒 体如何协助公司拓展业务。 6月29日、8月26日及12月15日的 “社交媒体中级课程,让社交媒体为您 的企业服务”工作坊,让40名与会商家 学习使用社交媒体,提高公司的业绩。 8月17日与11月1日的两场“社交媒 体工作坊”,指导73名会员商家制定公 司的社交媒体规划及策略。

“以简便、有效方式处理您的业务” 英语工作坊 1月24日和11月10日,80家公司参 加了本会和新电信联办的上述工作坊, 进一步了解如何从线上解决方案中受 益,并以简便、有效协作和协调方式来 处理的业务。

“认识与资讯科技与生产力相关的政府 资助计划与合同准则”英语工作坊 5月16日至11月15日,本中心举办 了7场上述工作坊,协助企业了解如何 通过政府资助计划,提高公司生产力, 以及有关资讯科技合同的准则。 10月20日,本中心则和DP咨询集团 联办以上述内容为主题的工作坊,吸引 了150名会员商家参加。

其他工作坊/座谈会/研讨会/讲座 “中小企业如何善加利用社交媒体”英 语工作坊 1月17日,本会与共和理工学院于联 办上述工作坊,旨在让15名商家对新媒 体工具在企业成长所发挥的功能与价值

“藉助资讯科技提升您的业务生产力” 英语座谈会 1月25日,本会与星和联办上述研讨 会,协助25名商家了解如何以最低投资 掌握最新科技,以及如何利用科技提高 生产力。资信局也为出席者介绍“资信 综合资金辅助计划”。 “通过更灵活的协作与通信解决方案, 达致高效和降低成本”英语工作坊 1月27日,本会与IBM于联办上述工 作坊,让15名商家了解如何通过在线解 决方案和社交网络服务提高效率。 “电子商务:协助企业实现愿景” 英语座谈会 1月27日与3月4日,本会与IBM联办上 述座谈会。主讲嘉宾为59名与会商家分 析了企业如何以低成本及租订方式,开发 和推展有效的电子商务策略等课题。 “利用电子报表编制预算”座谈会 2月18日,本会与IBM公司联办上述



座谈会,旨在协助49名商家运用高效计 划和解决方案,简化电子报表中繁琐的 程序。 “发挥云计算的最大功效”座谈会 2月28日, 本会与微软于联办上述中英 文座谈会,协助95名会员商家了解如何 借助云端科技降低成本与提高生产力。 “巧用微软Excel制作财务与会计报表” 英语工作坊 3月16日,93名会员商家在上述工作 坊中,学习到如何使用Microsoft Excel汇 编相关的财务报表,作财务分析之用。 “重新塑造成功商业模式”英语座谈会 3月18日与8月12日,28位会员商家 从本会举办的上述座谈会中,学习如何 塑造商业模式和改善业务流程。 “善加利用简便又实惠的无现金交易 系统”英语工作坊 3月21日,本会与资信局联办上述工 作坊,协助9名中小企业业者了解如何 采用电子付款,减少高达50%的交易费 用及免除终端电子设备的租用费。 “透视自动化行销市场和社交媒体, 发掘无限的潜在顾客”英语座谈会 4月7日,本会与InterAktiv技术公司 联办上述座谈会,为80名商家解释如何 通过利用先进的云端电脑科技获取销售 和评分结果,以及高质量的销售信息, 从而提高销售额。

“提高工作效率,促进协作气氛” 英语工作坊 4月14日,本会与星和有限公司联办 上述英语工作坊,旨在协助缺乏资讯科技 知识的业者认识微软最新的办公协作解决 方案。32名会员商家出席了此工作坊。 “通过‘同步对称’保持竞争优势” 英语座谈会 4月20日,本会科技委员会林明仁主 席受邀担任由本会中小企业资信资源中 心协办、星和网主办的上述座谈会的主 讲嘉宾之一,与200位会员商家分享如 何通过尖端科技,为企业的新业务创造 竞争优势。 “借助政府资助,推展自动化人力资源 流程”英语工作坊 4月28日与6月9日,162名会员商 家从上述工作坊中学习如何利用“云计 算”的“软件即服务” 平台,以及采 用提供“软件即服务”的公司,取得高 绩效。此外,与会者也进一步了解如何 从政府资助计划“资信综合资金辅助计 划”中受益。 “ 电 邮 系 统 要 升 级 , Exchange 2010 值得考虑”英语讲座 4月28日,本会与与微软联办上述讲 座,向39名会员商家说明如何通过微软 的软件,协助中小企业运作与发展。 “为企业成长投入时间,并非为了会计 簿记”英语工作坊 4月28日、5月31日、8月19日与

12月9日,本会与新电信联办上述工作 坊,协助有94位会员商家了解如何借助 网上会计解决方案,加强企业的协作能 力与生产力,同时也强化公司对会计的 监控能力与透明度。 “实现、提高与维持生产力”英语座谈会 5月5日,30位会员商家参加了本会 与微软联办的上述座谈会,从中学习如 何通过科技以提高人力资源管理系统, 以及借助客户关系管理预测系统了解与 预测客户的购买行为。 “微软中小企业连接:‘云计算’ 科技-生产力的未来”英语座谈会 5月6日,本会科技委员会林明仁主席 应邀担任本会与微软联办的上述座谈会, 与超过200名的会员商家分享如何借助“ 云计算”科技服务来强化的竞争优势。 “工资及休假管理实践”英语工作坊 5月18日与6月27日,本会举办了5场 上述工作坊,协助62名会员商家认识人 力资源软件“云计算”的使用方法,以 及如何利用此软件提升生产力。 “从财务报表审视关键管理比率与生产 力指数测量”英语座谈会 本会在5月20日与6月30日举办的上 述座谈会中,协助88名会员商家认识绩 效比率的计算方式,以及如何审视公司 流动资金和经营绩效等。 “中小型企业建立网站”英语工作坊 6月18日与8月13日,本会在上述工

会员商家在2月28日“发挥云计算的最大功效” 座谈会上,学习如何通过云计算,提高生产力。



科技委员会 Technology Committee

作坊中协助了50名会员商家学习使用免 费网上工具创建公司网站和编辑文本、 上载图片和视频等。 “强化中小企业对绿色生产力的商业意 识”英语工作坊 7月7日,本会与Teian咨询服务公司 联办上述工作坊,协助15名会员商家加 强对绿色生产力的认识,以取得更高的 利润。 “企业社会责任与企业可持续发展” 英语座谈会 7月26日,本会与新加坡企业社会责 任会联办上述座谈会,15名会员商家向 ASEAN CSR Network首席执行官暨新加 坡企业社会责任会执行理事长Thomas Thomas了解企业社会责任如何影响企业 的可持续发展。 “低成本、低碳建筑材料-迎合新加坡 绿色建筑行业持续增长需求”英语研讨会 11月18日,本会与商业可持续性 协会联办上述研讨会,70名会员商家 向新加坡绿色建筑协会、昂国有限公 司、新加坡科技研究局制造技术学院及 Natsteel控股有限公司的代表了解绿色 建筑行业可持续性建筑材料的应用。 “商务之触:使用iPad启动您的业务” 英语座谈会 12月6日,65名会员商家从上述座 谈会中了解到iPad与iOS5 (操作系统)的 最新发展,以及如何使用移动电子设备 提高生产力。

162名会员商家从“借助政府资助,推展自动化人 力资源流程”英语工作坊中,了解如何从资信综合 资金辅助计划中受惠。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 国际事务委员会 International Affairs Committee

国际事务委员会 到访海外代表团与宾客 2011年,国际事务委员会共接待45 个来自世界各地的代表团与宾客。访客 当中,中国代表团约占 80%,其余则来 自欧洲、亚洲、美洲、非洲和亚细安等 国家和地区。通过与来访的代表团进行 深入的接触与广泛的交流,不仅有助于 本会了解世界各地的市场发展情况,同 时让本会有机会与有关国家与地区商贸 等组织机构建立密切联系和加强合作关 系,并竭尽本会为会员商家搭桥铺路、 穿针引线之责。从各地代表团所取得的 投资信息与商贸材料,也存放在本会资 料室,供会员商家参阅。 南京市人民政府代表团 1月31日,由南京市委常委、南京市 人民政府市长郑泽光率领南京市人民政府 6人代表团,在新加坡国际企业发展局的 安排下到访本会,旨在进一步加强两地之 间的联系与合作关系。长期以来,南京市 与新加坡的经济联系密切,工商界往来频 繁。本会希望南京市人民政府的此次访新 活动能发挥积极的作用,共同为两地的经 贸发展开创更加广阔的空间。 会上,本会向来访代表团介绍了本会 于2010年10月20日在上海成立的海外代 表处。本会希望南京市人民政府给予此 中心大力支持,鼓励南京的工商业界人 士,充分利用这个商业中心深化交流合 作,实现互利双赢。本会也邀请南京市 领导和工商界人士参加第十一届世界华 商大会。

河北省商务厅代表团 2月22日,河北省商务厅副巡视员赵 金旗率领6人代表团,莅访本会,旨在 加强两地之间的联系与合作关系。在会 上,赵金旗副巡视员向本会代表说明了 河北省的最新发展,以及冀新经贸合作 的近况。 会议上,本会向代表团介绍了本会的 上海代表处,并邀请他们组团参加第十 一届世界华商大会。而代表团则向本会 建议于2011年11月份召开第九届“中国 河北省与新加坡中华总商会经贸合作工 作委员会”。 菲律宾中华总商会代表团 8月23日,菲律宾中华总商会吴荣祥 理事长率领23人代表团到访本会,以增 进菲律宾华商与本会商家会员深层次的 交流与合作,并鼓励两地工商界充分利 用华商在资金、技术、营商理念方面的 优势,共同促进华人的经济发展。 张松声会长对代表团表示热烈的欢 迎,并表示两会在促进新菲两地工商界 的交流与合作做出了积极的努力。吴荣 祥理事长则表示将大力支持本会举办的 第十一届世界华商大会。 印度工业联合会代表团 11月9日,本会张松声会长、蔡其 生副会长、陈精毅副会长接待了印度工 业联合会5人代表团,包括:印度工业 联合会副主席、行政局信息系统有限公 司执行主席兼总裁S Gopalakrishnan 、 印度工业联合会主管Chandrajit Banerjee

、印度工业联合会前任主席Sanmar集 团副主席N Kumar 、印度工业联合会青 年印度团国家副主席,Mobera 系统私 人有限公司创办人兼董事经理Anupama Arya ,以及新加坡印度工业联合会主管 Kavita Choudhry 。 张松声会长表示,本会致力于通过 多方面的途径,进一步促进新印两地工 商业界的合作关系。印度工业联合会指 出,他们将大力支持本会拟于2012年 2 月组织商业考察团赴印度的计划。

海外创业成功企业家经验分享会 由本会举办的上述分享会,旨在提供 一个有效的平台,让本会会员和商家有 机会与本地知名企业家进行交流,同时 也让知名企业家分享其经商成功之道。 “印度经商面面观”英语座谈会 7月6日,本会与印度工业联合会联 办上述座谈会。德勤税务与监管服务董 事Manish Desai就如何调整在印度的经 商模式,以及开拓印度市场须关注的课 题,包括跨越国境的经营计划、涉及的 税务争端和离岸规划事项等,和出席的 34名商家分享其专业知识和经验。 “投资印度-大型新兴市场”座谈会 9月7日,新加坡普华古栢会计师事 务所税务经理Megha Khandelwal腾飞印 度运营部副总裁Joey Khoo与60名会员商 家分享如何寻找印度投资热点、印度对 海外投资者的监管制度、外国投资者进 入印度市场的方式等课题。

8月23日,张松声会长(前排左五)和蔡其生副会长 (前排左七)等人接待了以吴荣祥理事长为首的菲 律宾中华总商会代表团。



国际事务委员会 International Affairs Committee

国际事务委员会黄山忠主席主持 “动荡国际,把握 商机” 华语分享会。

“动荡国际,把握商机” 华语分享会 7月28日,本会邀请新加坡宝德集团 主席兼总裁黄凤飞与横河电机公司总裁 赖涯桥,为40名商家会员深入分析国际 经商环境变化与海外经商的风险,以及 商业风险管理的内涵。 国际事务委员会黄山忠主席主持分享 会时说,连串的重大政治事故,以及无 法预测的自然灾害,使得企业家更加关 注商业投资所涉及的风险与所处的经商 大环境,也更重视经商风险管理。 新加坡宝德集团主席兼总裁黄凤飞则 从世界资源争夺、美元币值问题与零利 息、欧元危机、日本海啸与核电泄漏、 中国经济增长速度过快等方面,阐明了 如何在不断变化的国际形势下,规避经 商风险的主要法则。 横河电机公司总裁赖涯桥则深入分析 日本地震造成的产业链断裂,从而产生 的蝴蝶效应,以及由此为新加坡相关企 业带来了商机。

座谈会、研讨会、论坛 “中新广州知识城商业良机”座谈会 1月25日,本会和新加坡工商联合总 会及新桥国际联办上述座谈会。中新广 州知识城管委会的代表为与会者介绍广 州最新的经济发展情况与商业前景,并 让商家进一步了解广州的投资环境与商 业机会。 云南省投资环境及招商项目说明会 3月7日,本会与云南省人民政府侨务 办公室联办上述说明会,重点介绍云南

省的投资环境和商业机会和6月4日至6日 在云南省昆明举办的“第九届东盟华商 投资西南项目推介暨亚太华商论坛”。 由胡明学副主任率领的“第九届东 盟华商投资西南项目推介暨亚太华商论 坛”7人代表团,向12名会员商家介绍 了云南省的最新经济发展情况,以及各 类投资项目和商业机会。 负责接待代表团的本会文化与教育委 员会吴学光副主席表示,此活动是一个让 本地工商界了解云南的大好时机,而来自 云南省的代表团成员可提供在云南开展商 贸和投资等有关活动的第一手信息。 “国际商事纠纷解决和管理”研讨会 4月8日,本会联同新加坡国际仲裁 中心联办上述英语研讨会,向50名与 会者介绍国际商务纠纷的解决方案与管 理,以及如何选择国际仲裁地。 凯德律师楼中国业务组负责人、诉 讼及争端解决部合伙许廷芳律师在“在 为何选择仲裁”的课题上,就新中两地 的仲裁进行了比较。霍金路伟事务所顾 问张儒平律师分析了国际商务纠纷解决 方案与管理。艾伦格禧事务所合伙人王 文辉律师介绍如何有效制订合同争议解 决条款。盛德事务所合伙人杨炎龙律师 通过模拟案例,分析国际仲裁的程序。 中伦律师事务所合伙人曹立军律师则就 国际仲裁裁决的执行实务进行阐述。此 外,他们也说明了新加坡的华语国际仲 裁可以有效地为全球华商之间提供跨境 纠纷的解决之道。

第九届东盟华商投资西南项目推介会暨 亚太华商论坛 6月4至6日,本会代表钟声坚副会长 出席了中国国务院侨务办公室和云南省 人民政府举办的上述活动。 此次活动旨在探讨中国西部的发展, 并为海外华商、中国企业和政府机构提供 一个深化交流与合作的平台。推介会中重 点招商引资项目包括环保产业、食品加工 业、林产业、园区建设、冶金化工产业、 农业产业、金融业、现代物流产业、生物 医药业和旅游文化教育地产业等。 2011华侨华人集聚天津共谋发展合作洽 谈会 6月17日至20日,郑谦木董事、高泉 庆董事等人代表本会出席上述洽谈会。 以“科技,创新,提升,交流,合作, 发展”为主题的洽谈会由天津市侨务办公 室、天津市农委、天津市中小企业局联 办,旨在加强海外华侨华人与天津经济技 术合作。 第九届中国(厦门)国际食品交易博览会 6月24日至6月26日,刘特静名誉董事等 人代表本会出席由厦门市贸易发展局和中 国食品土畜进出口商会举办的上述活动, 旨在探讨中国食品工业最新生产成果, 并促进新中两国商家之间的交流与合作。 “了解中国党政组织”座谈会 7月5日,本会上海代表处主任林维 祺向64名会员商家讲解中国的政治制度 及党政组织的运行规律和解答商家进军 中国市场的疑问。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 国际事务委员会 International Affairs Committee

组织海外商业考察团 考察广西(南宁·桂林) 应广西壮族自治区侨务办公室的邀 请,本会一行44人的商业代表团在张松 声会长的带领下,于6月6日至10日前 往广西的南宁及桂林考察,并拜访柳州 市。此行旨在与中国政府相关机构建立 基础联系并致力于发展关键性接触;重 点参加中国国务院侨务办公室和广西自 治区人民政府在广西南宁市联办的“中 国东盟自由贸易区背景下侨商广西行” 活动,考察广西新兴产业园区和华侨农 林场的发展和前景;协助本地工商界到 广西地区探寻商机和潜在的合作领域; 以及进一步扩大与加强本会与中国商会 组织的联系网络。 参与此行的34家公司与机构代表则来自 多个不同领域,包括航运、集装箱制造、 仓储物流、港口管理、海事、船舶制造、 投资控股、房地产、建筑、药品生产、石 油与天然气、化学产品、电机设备、银 行与金融服务、保险、策略咨询、纺织、 五金机械、水资源处理、印刷、木材、光 学、教育服务、经贸代表机构,以及一般 贸易等。 考察行程中,本会代表团一行首先在 南宁东盟经济开发区进行了实地考察,并 参观园区三大产业区。代表团随后出席了 在南宁市荔园山庄国际会议中心举行的 “中国-东盟自由贸易区背景下侨商广 西行”活动开幕式等。此外,以张松声会 长为首本会代表团在南宁会见了中国国务

院侨务办公室和广西壮族自治区政府领 导,包括中国国务院侨务办公室李海峰主 任与任启亮副主任、广西壮族自治区郭声 琨党委书记、李金早副主席、统战部黄道 伟部长等,并与其他海外侨商进行恳谈与 交流,促进彼此的联系。 6月8日,在副团长、国际事务委员会 黄山忠主席的带领下,本会代表团前往柳 州市作实地考察。张松声会长一行七人则 前往防城港和钦州进行实地考察。随即本 会代表团在桂林汇合,在张松声会长带领 下,前赴榕湖饭店拜会桂林市人民政府李 志刚市长,参加会见的中方代表尚包括桂 林市巫家世副市长、何永东副市长,桂林 市政府张晓武秘书长及桂林市投资促进 局、桂林市贸促会赵海强会长、桂林市外 办有关负责人,以及广西贸促会领导。 代表团随后前往参观桂林高新区信息 产业园,在桂林市贸促会赵海强会长主 持下,与园区的有关负责人进行会谈, 桂林市人民政府邓晓强副秘书长亦参与 了会谈。行程中,代表团还前往桂林著 名旅游景点阳朔,并实地了解当地的旅 游开发情况。

2011中国柯桥国际纺织品博览会 由中国浙江省人民政府、中国国际 贸易促进委员会、中国纺织工业协会、 中国商业联合会于10月25至10月28日 举办上述博览会,展示了多样化纺织 品,包括家纺面料、家纺成品、服装面 料、辅料、创意设计、纺织机械、中国 轻纺服装服饰、围巾、坯布、轻纺城钱 清轻纺原料等。应中国浙江省绍兴县人 民政府之邀,本会5名商家会员参加了 本次博览会。 2011贵州黔东南投资贸易推介会 由中国贵州省黔东南州人民政府、 贵州省商务厅、贵州省贸促分会于10 月 31 日至11月2日联办上述活动,旨在促 进海外商家对中国西部发展商机与巨大 潜能的了解,以及加强海外商家与中国 西部地区的交流与合作。 应中国贸促会新加坡代表处之邀, 本会5名会员商家参加此次推介会。

其他 “借助自由贸易协定开拓业务” 咨商活动 6月9日,本会与贸工部举办上述活 动,为与会的商家解说贸工部如何有 效协助本地中小企业在自由贸易协定 下的国际市场空间开拓业务,以及减 少商家在利用自由贸易协定时所面对 的壁垒。

张松声会长率领本会44人商业代表团在出访广西南 宁和桂林,受到中国国务院侨务办公室与广西壮族自 治区人民政府的热情接待。



工商业委员会 Commerce & Industry Committee

工商业委员会 论坛/座谈会/说明会 商业展望论坛(华语) 1月8日, 本会在星展银行礼堂举办 2011商业展望论坛” (华语)。 主讲者星展银行研究部谢光威副总 裁表示,他对新加坡2011年度经济增长 持乐观态度,特别是制造业与服务业的 表现,尤为突出。他也针对新加坡的就 业、通货膨胀、利息与货币汇率等课题 作出分析。 齐乐行产业顾问公司副董事经理陈鸿 文预测了2011年本地房地产的表现。他 预期2011年本地组屋与私宅持续升温, 交易量继续活跃。 香港城市大学工商管理硕士课程主 任曾渊沧博士则分析美国与中国股票市 场,并指出明年的资讯科技产品会有更 好的表现。 500名与会代表向主讲嘉宾提出有 关我国经济趋向,以及未来多个资本市 场,包括股市交易、地产市场、全球汇 率的走势等相关课题。论坛主席是新传 媒时事节目主持人董素华。 第九届商业展望论坛 (英语) 1月19日,本会与商业时报联办上述 论坛,300名与会者和专家学者探讨全 球经济发展、新加坡和本区域的商业和 经济展望。 瑞银 财富管理研究首席投资策略师 (新加坡)郑汪清以“环球展望2011: 一个断裂的世界”为题发表看法。他对 东西方经济形势及强弱进行对比,并指

出如果东西方经济形势发生巨变,投资 策略也会发生改变。 安本资产管理亚洲有限公司董事经理 Hugh Young则阐述了利率与货币汇率的 巨大变化如何影响亚洲股市。 新加坡国立大学房地产研究所所长 邓永恒博士则分析了中国、香港与新加 坡的房地产市场及房地产市场变化对宏 观经济的影响。商业时报副主编Vikram Khanna是交流时段的主持。

会,旨在协助采用传统方式营运业务的 会员商家学习利用电子商务降低运营成 本 。两场座谈会的出席人数分别为53人 及41人。

“服务生产力管理”英语座谈会 为协助企业采取最佳方案,优化 生产力,提高质量,创造利润,本 会于1月20日举办上述座谈会,邀请 iCognitive供应链顾问Suresh Indukuri为 35名会员商家分析良好综合服务管理方 法与建议。

“保护及壮大业务-以竞争法令作为 有效工具”英语座谈会 为协助商家了解竞争法令,本会与 新加坡竞争力委员会分别于4月4日与6 月21日,为20名与29名与会者讲述竞 争法令如何协助企业免于不公平商业 行径的冲击,让企业凭借实力参与商 业竞争。

“经商须知”英语座谈会 2月16日,本会与会计及企业管制局 联办上述座谈会。41名会员商家向主讲 者了解了重要工商条规,以及公司必须 遵守的一般条规等课题。 “突破生产力”英语座谈会 3月8日,RAPMODS系统创办人 M.R. Ramsay博士为29名与会者阐述了 企业如何在国内与国际市场提高经济 竞争能力。 “善用电子商务来促进收入和利润增长” 英语座谈会 本会联同DP资讯集团分别于3月10 日与6月22日举办上述课题的英语座谈

“中国经商的收帐风险”英语座谈会 3月29日,30名与会者从本会与科法 斯南亚公司联办的上述座谈会中,学习 到有关与中国企业进行交易时所面对的 收帐风险等知识。

“生产力及创新优惠计划与2011年财政 预算案之企业关注焦点”英语座谈会 4月12日,81名商家会员从本会与国 内税务局于联办的上述座谈会中,进一 步了解“生产力及创新优惠计划”,以 及2011年财政预算案中其他有关税务优 惠如何裨益企业。 “《孙子兵法》与现代商业战略” 4月19日,122名与会者出席了本会 与上海交通大学新加坡研究院举办的上 述讲座,探讨《孙子兵法》与现代经商 之道,通过逻辑分析与实战案例分析, 让与会者掌握不同策略。

左图:“2011商业展望华语论坛”是本会特为以 华语为媒介语的工商界高层领导主办的常年活动, 今年约有400名商家出席于1月8日举行的论坛。 右图: 4月12日,国内税务局官员与81名本会会员 商家分享“生产力及创新优惠计划”如何协助企业 发展。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 工商业委员会 Commerce & Industry Committee

(右起)张松声会长、人力部长颜金勇、全国职总 就业与职能培训中心总裁,宏茂桥集选区议员洪鼎 基、蔡天宝前任会长、钟声坚副会长摄于第十三届 中小型企业大会的新加坡政府展区。

第十三届中小型企业大会 5月12日,本会与《联合早报》在标 新局和新加坡国际企业发展局的支持下 联办了上述大会。 以“成功关键:全新的商业作业程 序”为主题的本届大会,旨在协助与会的 中小企业深入了解市场动态;对商业趋势 的变化作出实际评估;更清楚认识未来的 商业走势;以及和与会者互相交流、分享 实战经验、建立人脉及商业网络。 本届大会吸引了约1800名与会者出 席。大会主宾人力部长颜金勇在致辞 时,阐述了新加坡未来10年的商机与挑 战,以及中小型企业如何在新加坡经济 发展中如何保持重要地位。颜部长赞扬 了本会在提高本地企业生产力与创新意 识所作出的努力与贡献,并指出政府会 在现有津贴基础上,投入更多资金,促 进企业提高生产力与创新。 张松声会长在致词时指出,为响应颜 部长的号召,本会制定了各种计划帮助 本地企业提高生产力与创新。本会将继 续通过举办商务考察、浸濡项目及培训 课程,协助本地企业开拓中国市场。 上午时段的论坛由王连三媒体咨询事 务所董事经理王连三,主讲嘉宾新浦化 学私人有限公司首席执行员曾宪相、式 佳国际有限公司执行主席兼执行总裁翁 瑥钊及中华经济研究院经济政策顾问兼 国立交通大学教授承立平博士,向与会 者分享了如何对市场作出评估,以及如 何撷取商机。 下午时段的小组论坛由Success Horizon Consultancy首席顾问施宏洲主

持。主讲嘉宾三和私人有限公司董事经 理许恩明、武汉新特光电技术有限公司 董事长陈义红博士,以及昇菘超市私人 有限公司董事经理林福星,分享了如何 避过风险、逆境求生的经验,并和与会 者讨论如何重新塑造自己的商业模式, 作足充分准备。 本届大会还展现了最新信贷风险分 析 工 具 、 企 业 金 融 计 划 与 技 术 应 用 。 本届大会的政府展台,作为一站式信息 与初步咨询中心,受到广大与会者的欢 迎。参会政府机构包括标新局、国际企 业发展局、就业与职能培训中心、资讯 通信发展管理局、知识产业局和劳动力 发展局。

“中小企业对知识产权的认识”英语座 谈会 6月29日,本会与知识产权局联办上 述座谈会,协助39名商家对知识产权有 更进一步的认识。知识产权专业人士也 为商家提供有关知识产权的一对一诊断 服务。

“信贷控制的最佳方案” 英语座谈会 5月19日,本会与DP资讯集团联办上 述座谈会,协助75名会员商家企业提高 信贷管理技巧,以及如何改善现金流量 与盈利水平。

“应收账款的管理艺术”英语研讨会 7月15日,本会与DP资讯集团联办 上述英语研讨会,让95名商家了解与 学 习 如 何 以 更 快 捷 的 策 略 , 成 功 追 偿 债务。

本会与裕廊集团英语对话会 5月25日,63名与会者在本会与裕廊 集团举办的上述对话会上,向集团的执 行总裁Manohar Khiatani了解了集团的最 新产品、策略和该集团以客户利益为出 发点的企业措施。 “协助建筑业提升生产力与技能-建筑 生产力与能力基金”英语座谈会 6月27日,本会与建设局联办上述 座谈会,19名商家会员从中了解政府的 “建筑生产力与产能基金”如何协助降 低企业商业成本并提高生产力。

“资讯通信如何助企业壮大成长” 英语座谈会 7月7日,本会与资讯通信发展管理 局联办上述英语座谈会,与会的22名会 员商家进一步了解如何借助资讯通信壮 大企业拓展业务,以及如何借助政府资 助计划推展资讯通信。

“生产力及创新优惠计划”华语座谈会 8月2日,本会与国内税务局联办上 述座谈会,协助88名会员商家了解“生 产力及创新优惠计划”,以及企业如何 在有关计划下享有高达400%的税额扣 除或顶限为 30,000元的现金津贴。 “B2B (商家对商家)品牌策略-中小型 企业”英语工作坊 8月11日,本会与StrategiCom集团 共同协助60名商家了解品牌对企业的重 要性,以及如何塑造更具实力的品牌。



工商业委员会 Commerce & Industry Committee

“公积金调整”英语说明会 8月23日,本会与公积金局协助90 名与会商家了解公积金缴交额的计算方 式;使用公积金自动计算电子呈报的各 个程序步骤。 “知识产权-让知识产权成就企业发 展”英语座谈会 8月24日,本会与知识产权局协助58 名会员商家了解知识产权与如何将知识 产权转化为企业财富。 “2011年度公司所得税”英语座谈会 9月6日,本会与国内税务局联办上 述座谈会,国内税务局公司税务组所得 税税务专家庞简芳与所得税高级税务员 卓志恒,向85名会员商家讲解了一般公 司所得税申报应注意的事项,以及企业 可享有的税务优惠计划。 “创业准备”英语座谈会 9月9日,本会与DP资讯集团联办上 述英语座谈会。集团代表Ng Peck Hoon 为38名会员商家阐述创业、企业高效运 作的知识与中小企业财务资助。 “企业创新之路”英语座谈会 10月25日,本会联同StrategiCom举 办上述座谈会。主讲嘉宾为42名与会者 讲述了品牌创新、中小企业在品牌创新 中所使用的方法,以及创新时应避免的 10大误区。

“知识产权咨询-中小企业的知识产权” 英语座谈会 11月2日,本会与知识产权局联合举 办上述座谈会,与33名会员商家分享知 识产权的重要性,以及如何保护知识产 权,将知识产权转化为无形财富。 “降低信贷风险的最佳途径”英语座谈会 11月10日,本会与DP资讯集团联办 上述座谈会,33名商家会员学习如何分 析客户借贷能力,以及如何增加企业营 业额。 “食品工业的发展趋势”英语座谈会 11月29日,本会与南洋理工学院在 联合组织南洋理工学院食品科学与营养 研发中心实地考察时,联办了上述座 谈会,共有49名会员商家参加。会上, Leonard Stevenson教授与Jen Phoon 分享了如何将宝贵的研发数据应用于食品 饮料生产等知识。 “F年轻一代培训:塑造家族企业的 品牌”英语研讨会 12月14日,本会与StrategiCom 的代 表Wilson Chew 博士与Jacky Tai,协助33 名商家会员认识塑造家族企业品牌的重 要性,以及品牌塑造的正确方法。

33名商家会员从本会与DP资讯集团举办的“降低信 贷风险的最佳途径”座谈会上,学习如何分析客户 借贷能力,以及如何增加企业的营业额。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 产业委员会 Property Management Committee

产业委员会 新加坡中华总商会大厦的维修与 租赁 本会在2011年继续为大厦的设施进 行粉刷,以维持大厦内外设施的最佳状 态 。第二层至第七层的墙壁及天花板已 经粉刷完毕。此外,本会为秘书处及管 理学院更换了新的空调系统而第一层至 第三层的五间男、女厕也于七月份完成 翻新工作。

2011年,总商会大厦的出租率是 85% ,租金收入达237万元,比2010年 增加75,000元。嘉庚堂、常务会议室、 二楼会议厅和展览厅的收入为125,000 元 ,比2010年增加9.2%。2011年商会 大厦停车场收入为66,800元,减少6%。




文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

文教与社会事务委员会 文化项目 新春大团拜 2月3日,本会举办“辛卯开运 宏 兔大展” 新春大团拜,邀请本会董事、 会员、各国外交使节、工商界和文教界 领导、政府和法定机构和宗乡团体代表 等超过600 人,共庆新年。 张松声会长在致欢迎词时宣布,本会 上海代表处首次和五家商团会员签署合作 协议,成为商团会员在中国的联络处,协 助安排商务考察,公关宣传,商业对接等 工作。本会希望和更多商团会员以及商会 组织,如新加坡马来商会、印度商会以及 国际商会合作,一起推动新中经贸交流, 同时也协助会员商家善用现代科技,培训 员工技能,全面提高生产力,扩大人脉 网络,不断开拓市场。他强调,在关注经 济发展的同时,也必须时刻牢记,社会稳 定、种族和谐是新加坡的立国基石。

主宾我国内政兼律政部长尚穆根在 致词时赞扬本会不仅帮助华商,也帮助 其他种族的商会进入包括中国在内的传 统市场。他呼吁本会通过与其他商会合 作,协助有意拓展业务到其他新兴市场 的本地企业。 尚穆根赞扬本会在提倡种族和谐方 面所作出的努力,不仅提供奖学金给不 同种族的新加坡学生,也成立新移民联 系组织,协助新移民融入本地社会,并 且带头推行不同计划,协助推广新加坡 的社会和谐与融合,推广跨文化欣赏和 促进族群间的了解。 部长在活动上颁发奖金给五名参加 本会主办的“第十一届世界华商大会新 标志设计比赛”的入围者。 正午吉时,嘉宾随即围成一个大圆 圈,相互鞠躬拜年,祝愿国泰民安。

春到河畔2011 本会基金拨出6万元赞助由本会、新 加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡报业控 股、新加坡旅游局以及人民协会联办的 2011《春到河畔》活动。以“兔气扬眉 ”为主题的活动从2月1日开始至2月13 日结束,内阁资政李光耀出席了在新加 坡滨海湾水上浮动舞台举行的活动,并 担任活动主宾。 春到河畔2011之“华商之夜” 2月11日,本会首次应“春到河畔” 之邀,在浮动舞台宴会室主办“华商之 夜”,邀请马来西亚、印尼和泰国商界 的300 名代表到新加坡共庆新春。各商会 也带领了各自的文化表演团上台表演, 活 动 主 宾 是 我 国 贸 工 部 林 勋 强 部 长 。 “华商之夜”是为了庆祝“春到河畔” 活 动 迈 入 第 2 5 个 年 头 而 举 行 的 特 别 活动。

(左起)林继民名誉会长、中国驻新加坡大使魏苇 阁下、蔡天宝前任会长、尚穆根部长、张松声会长、 陈精毅副会长等共同迎接兔年。

张松声会长伉俪、我国贸工部长林勋强、马来西亚中 华总商会丹斯里钟廷森总会长、春到河畔工委会联合 主席连荣华和新山中华工商总会摄于“华商之夜”。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

教育部长王瑞杰(左二)与张松声会长、文教与社会 事务委员会主席吴学光(右)摄于中秋晚会上。

中秋联欢晚会 9月9日,新任教育部长王瑞杰首次 受邀出席本会举行的中秋联欢晚会,与 450名外交使节、政府机构要员、工商 与文教界代表、社区领袖和本会董事、 会员及家眷欢度中秋。 王瑞杰部长赞扬本会管理学院近年 来推出的中文课程,积极协助从商人士 和其他学习者掌握华语,了解华族文 化。他说,总商会的努力,在很大的程 度上协助政府贯彻了双语教育的政策。 他指出,教育部需要加强母语的教 学与评估,以便培养有效运用母语的学 生。推行双语和双文化政策能深化我们 对亚洲社会和亚洲文化的认同感。新加 坡作为一个国际都会,能接纳多种语 言、多元文化的差异,是我们要积极保 有的特点。他说,我国推行母语政策并 不是基于经济利益的考量,然而,亚洲 经济的蓬勃发展,却给母语学习增添了 新的动力。 张松声会长致辞时说,教育立国, 人才兴邦,在亚洲各国纷纷快速发展的 时候,新加坡需要培养更多的优秀人 才,增强国家的整体竞争力。 中秋晚会上,在张松声会长的见证 下,新加坡国立大学、新加坡南洋理工大 学及新加坡管理大学的14名优秀生和两 名马来回教学生,从部长手中接过本会基 金大专商学奖及文学奖奖学金证书。 中华书法欣赏与学习班 本会“中华书法欣赏与学习班”于3 月30日重新开班,书法家邱少华每逢星期

三晚上在商会指导学员学习和欣赏书法。 今年共开办4个系列,每系列为期10周。

教育项目 本会基金奖学金 本会基金遴选出三所大学优秀学生, 并颁赠2011/2012大专奖学金给他们。 获颁本会商学奖和中文系奖学金的南 洋理工大学学生是: • 陈伟强:会计系/商学系3年级 • 谢诗雅:会计系3年级 • 許惠佳:中文系2年级 • 颜夜明:中文系2年级 本委员会副主席程宇超代表本会遴选 出以上优秀学生。 获颁本会商学奖及中文系奖学金的新 加坡国立大学学生是: • 谢凯冲:商业管理系/文学系2年级 • 林友俊:财经学3年级 • 招诗玲:中文系2年级 • 何颖舒:中文系2年级 获颁本会商学奖的新加坡管理大学学 生是: • 李瑞杰:商业管理系2年级 • 杨杰涵:社会科学2年级 • 吴忠桓:商业管理系1年级 • 郑凯鸿:商业管理系3年级 本委员会委员李秉萱董事遴选出以上 优秀学生。 此外,本委员会委员尹崇明董事遴选出 本会与马来/回教社会发展理事会联合颁 发的两名马来/回教大学生奖学金得主: • Anisah Binte Abdul Khalid: 新加坡管 理大学商业管理系

• Hannah Alysha Binte Mohamed Ashiq: 新加坡国立大学法律系 教育部长王瑞杰在本会的中秋联欢晚 会上把证书颁发给得奖学生。 南大“市长班学业优异奖”金牌奖 本 会 自 2 0 0 6 年 起 , 每 年 颁 发 两 份 “市长班学业优异”金牌奖,每份 300元 给修读南洋理工大学大公共管理硕士学 位及管理经济学硕士学位的优秀学员, 鼓励他们学成归国之后,协助促进新中 商贸交流和友好关系的发展。 荣 获 本 会 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1 年 度 金 牌 奖 的是: • 史思泉:管理经济学硕士学位 • 朱莉:公共管理硕士学位 华中学校基金 为了支持华中培养一批‘比西方人 更懂得中国,比中国人更懂得西方’, 并且能够和崛起的中国打交道的双文化 人才,本会从本会基金拨款8千元,颁 发8份各1千元的奖学金给华侨中学初中 三、初中四、高一及高二班双文化课程 与语言特选课程成绩最优异的学生,不 限本地居民或永久居民。 张松声会长在7月16日举行的颁奖 典礼上把“双文化最佳学生奖”颁发给 林 明 杰 、 韩 嵩 、 林 晗 和 吴 桐 , 以 及 把 “语文特选最佳学生奖”颁发给廖振 威、卓大有、林小琪和伍秋寒。



文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

社会事务 悼念日本占领时期死难人民第44届祭礼 2月15日,教育部长兼国防部第二部 长黄永宏到美芝路出席由本会举行的日 本占领时期死难人民44届悼念祭礼。 各大专学府,34所初级学院及中小学 校派出超过1000名师生参加,到场悼念 的还包括 200多名各国外交使节、宗教 团体、各族商会社团、退役军人、死难 者家属及5名日本和平脚车部队队员等。 张松声会长、李国基,蔡其生及陈精 毅三位副会长领先献花后,武装部队退役 军人同盟、宗教团体、国家学生军团和学 生代表也各献上花圈致意。最后,全体来 宾向纪念碑行三鞠躬礼,军号手在吹奏“ 最后哨声”后,全体默哀一分钟。

社区参与计划项目 社区参与计划的本会代表 内政部社区发展计划项目的本会代 表为: 1. 张松声会长 2. 钟声坚副会长 3. 柯毓麟主席 4. 蔡成宗主席 5. 林明仁主席 6. 刘泰山主席 7. 吴学光主席 8. 白毅柏副主席 9. 邬顺山副主席 10. 黄建铭副主席 11. 柯建强副主席 12. 李思亮副主席

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

程宇超副主席 李秉萱董事 尹崇明 董事 郑谦木董事 谢永祺董事 邓尚正董事 翁瑥钊董事 吴令声董事 陈俊文董事 杨向明(全国商联总会会长) 林三顺秘书长 陈秀娟副秘书长

社区参与计划行动委员会 本会与宗乡总会为响应李显龙总理 的呼吁,联合成立社区参与计划行动委 员会,集合双方的力量和资源共同筹划 和推行富有创新的措施,促进我国各族 群、宗教之间的相互了解与交流。 社区参与计划行动委员会的本会代 表为: 联合主席 : 吴学光主席 委员 : 蔡成宗主席 委员 : 陈金城副主席 委员 : 邬顺山副主席 委员 : 程宇超副主席 委员 : 林三顺秘书长 商界与工会群聚交流晚会 2月23日,“劳资政职场参与计划小 组”在新加坡摩天观景轮举行“社区参 与计划-商界与工会群聚交流晚会”。 此活动在庆祝社区参与计划成立5周年纪 念的同时,也为各工会与商界领袖提供 互相交流的机会,并和与会者分享即将

推出的各种活动与措施的最新信息。 时任人力部长颜金勇也与本会张松 声会长及另6位商界与工会群领袖共同启 动《社区参与计划雇主实施指南》的推 出。《社区参与计划雇主实施指南》为 雇主提供资讯,以便公司可以把社区参 与计划引进工作场所。此外,人力部也 和新加坡工商联合总会以及全国职工总 会合作,为企业主管和工会领袖提供培 训课程,让他们可以有效地推行社区参 与计划。 社区参与计划全国研讨会 由内政部统筹,社会发展、青年及体 育部、教育部、新闻、通讯及艺术部、 人力部及人民协会支援的上述研讨会, 于3月19日举行,旨在为社区领袖提供全 国性的平台,互相交流并进行对话,同 时也向社群内的各个组织传达及分享最 新的信息。 李显龙总理在会上指出,我国在过去 几年来付出不少心血强化国家的韧性, 这让人感到放心,但却不能因此掉以轻 心,应该继续努力,避免社会结构受到 破坏。他指出,国人知道社区融合对我 们至关重要,通过社区参与计划能加强 社区的联系。 雇主参观布拉尼岛的警察海岸防卫局 总部 12月13日,本会与其他雇主组织受 国防部邀请,和国防社区联系咨询委员 会参观警察海岸防卫局的综合战略与训 练中心,以了解防卫局如何训练保卫队

(左起)第55届董事会蔡其生副会长、张松声会 长、李国基副会长及陈精毅副会长向日本占领时期 死难人民献上花圈致意。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

员高效率地执行捍卫领海安全职务, 也与两位部长,警察海岸防卫局代表及 ACCORD代表进行对话。主宾是内政部 兼外交部政务部长马善高及国防部兼教 育部政务部长黄循财。 其他研讨会 4月15日,本会受邀出席新闻、通 讯及艺术部在国家图书馆举办社区参与 计划研讨会。社青体部、教育部、新 闻、通讯及艺术部、人力部及人民协会 的社区参与计划领袖代表,针对族群和 宗教课题互相交流并积极进行对话。主 宾是新闻、通讯及艺术部副常任秘书沈 锦源。 “闪电”演习 为确保商业与工会群组随时能应对 突来的危机,本会特选代表白毅柏副主 席、邬顺山副主席及林三顺秘书长,参 加内政部及人力部属下的社区参与计划 于11月15日进行的上述演习。演习以不 同的情景,通过简讯、电邮等方式测试 社区参与计划的各领域的社区领袖的沟 通及应变机制与反应。

移民联系组 张松声会长委任下列董事为跨委员 会移民联系组的新成员,并由陈精毅副 会长及钟声坚副会长联合领导。 第56届移民联系组委名单: 主席/联合主席: 陈精毅副会长/钟声坚副会长 成员: 邓健辉主席、陈金城副主席 (外事委员会) 蔡成宗主席、白毅柏副主席 、 邬顺山副主席 (商团与会员事务委员会) 吴学光主席、程宇超副主席 (文教与社会事务委员会) “梦想与现实”巴黎奥赛美术馆珍藏展 导览暨交流会 11月19日,移民联系组邀请了天府 会、天津会、华源会以及浙江大学校友 会的约40名代表参加上述交流会,通 过文化鉴赏活动,搭建平台,促进新移 民、本会董事及会员间的交流联谊。

其他 签署 “新加坡调解宪章2011”合作协议书 9月5日,本会与新加坡调解中心于 签署 “新加坡调解宪章2011”合作协 议,旨在把“调解”这个解决纠纷的方 式深入推广,鼓励纠纷方在付诸诉讼之 前,将调解程序作为他们首选方案,并 且在所有合同中,加入“调解条款”, 以供合同产生争议时采用。本会签署的 协议非法律约束,也无需付费。 本会于2002年设立了“新加坡中华 总商会调解中心”,此项签署将有助加 强本会执行商业调解服务的力度。 第二十届全国中小学生群口讲故事比赛 由本会、宗乡会馆联合总会、《联合 早报》、《早报逗点》、推广华语理事 会及华侨中学联办的第20届“全国中小 学生群口讲故事比赛”大决赛于8月13 日在华侨中学举行。主宾是宏茂桥集选 区国会议员成汉通。 这项为配合讲华语运动而举行的比 赛,旨在通过生动活泼、轻松有趣和富 有华族传统价值观的华语故事,来激发 与提高中小学生学习华文华语的兴趣和 程度。 从11支小学及10支中学队伍脱颖而 出的是: 小学组 冠军:武吉班让小学 亚军:育青小学 季军:南华小学 中学组 冠军:公教中学 亚军: 南侨中学 季军: 德明政府中学 本会委员会副主席程宇超代表本会颁 奖给小学组的优胜者。本会基金拨出4千 元赞助上述项目。

华语讲演会 第十二届执委会选举 根据国际讲演会条例,本会华语讲演 会于5月25日举行常年执委会选举,选 出2011-2012年度的新一届执委: 会长 :洪亚好 前任会长 :冼耀德

文教副会长(正) :梁京华 文教副会长(副) :赖俊达 会员副会长 :林家耀 公关副会长 :林树铭 秘书 :彭秋梅 财政 :许彬彬 礼宾司(一) :方可为 礼宾司(二) :吕一松 第十届“口才训练班” 13名学员参加于8月10日至9月7日, 每星期三晚举行的第十届“口才训练 班”。由资深讲员讲解,并由辅导员从 旁协助指导的五堂课,教导学员如何有 效地构思、条理分明地传达信息、从容 应对各种不同的演说环境和状况、逐步 加强与人沟通的能力和演说技巧。 赞助甘榜格南区庆祝我国独立46周年 纪念晚宴 为庆祝我国独立46周年,甘榜格南 区于8月13日假甘榜格南民众俱乐部举 行国庆文娱联欢晚宴。本会地处甘榜格 南区内,循惯例捐款1千元表示支持。 赞助人民协会马来活动团体协调理事会 本会基金拨出2千元赞助人民协会马 来活动团体协调理事会,在5月28日举 行的Gentarasa大汇演。此活动是人民协 会为提高马来族群的社区意识,吸引更 多人对马来文化的欣赏、促进马来文化 的发展,也致力于提升联络所马来文化 团体的表演水平而举办的。 捐助“陈嘉庚基金” 本会基金拨出2万元支持陈嘉庚基金 所颁发的多项教育奖项,以及展开一系 列有关文化教育的活动,包括: • 颁发陈嘉庚青少年发明奖 • 颁发陈嘉庚青少年发明奖(上海) • 首次颁发陈嘉庚青少年发明奖(马来 西亚) (已获陈嘉庚基金理事批准) • 颁发陈嘉庚高级学位奖学金 • 举办陈嘉庚学术讲座 • 继续开放“陈嘉庚基金”先贤馆, 接待学生和公众,并在馆内设立学 习项目 • 为该展馆新添有历史及教育价值的展 示品 • 计划为南侨机工建造纪念碑

新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

“陈嘉庚基金”的前身“陈嘉庚奖学 基金”是于1961年,为纪念陈嘉庚热心 教育的精神,在本会的支持下设立的。 “陈嘉庚逝世五十周年纪念研讨会” 本会受陈嘉庚基金与陈嘉庚国际学会 之邀,支持两会于11月26日在华侨中学 举行的上述研讨会,让国人更深入了解 陈嘉庚以及他对新加坡所作出的贡献。 研讨会主宾是副总理兼财政部及人力部 长尚达曼,王赓武教授也发表主旨演 讲。联办机构包括福建会馆、怡和轩、 华侨中学、华中校友会和华校校友联合 会等。




SPECIAL PROJECTS The 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention The 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) was held in Singapore on October 5-7 2011. Organised by the Chamber, the 11th WCEC welcomed 4,600 delegates from 125 cities in 34 countries and regions. The mega event was the second largest convention in the history of the WCEC after the 6th WCEC held in Nanjing. Delegates from around the world, including past hosts of the Convention, complimented the Chamber for its organisation of the 11th WCEC. Many aspects of the 11th WCEC such as its theme, exhibition, distinguished guests and forum panelists, and overall organisation of the Convention, were highly commended. Delegates were also impressed with Singapore’s business and living environment. Four main highlights of the 11th WCEC were: • Distinguished guests Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew were Guests of Honour at the 11th WCEC’s Opening and Closing Ceremonies respectively. The Convention also invited many eminent speakers, including government leaders and renowned entrepreneurs from a wide range of industries. An exclusive

dinner at the Istana was also organised for distinguished guests and delegation leaders with President Tony Tan as Guest of Honour. • Wide range of activities The 11th WCEC’s Welcome Reception and Closing Ceremony were held at Resorts World Sentosa while the Opening Ceremony and Panel Discussions were held at the Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre. In addition, industry site visits and tours were organised for delegates. • Forging global connections and friendships The Convention was a networking platform which attracted more than 3,000 overseas and 1,000 local delegates. • Large-scale exhibition The large-scale 11th WCEC exhibition showcased Singapore’s unique strengths and impressive achievements. Exhibitors included government agencies, government-linked companies, multinational corporations, as well as local and overseas companies. Preparatory work for the 11th WCEC The 11th WCEC Organising Committee was formed in May 2008 in preparation for the Convention and chaired by then Vice-President Patrick Lee. The immediate task for the Committee included developing the concept for

the 11th WCEC, design and production of publicity collateral, production of a marketing video, and complete coordination of the performance for the Handover Ceremony. George Yeo, then Minister for Foreign Affairs, was also invited to join Chamber’s delegation to the 10th WCEC in Manila to receive the WCEC flag together with Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng during the Handover Ceremony. After the official announcement that SCCCI would host the 11th WCEC, the Chamber moved into full gear for the preparatory work. Six working committees, supported by SCCCI Secretariat staff, were formed to focus on various aspects of the Convention. Following the installation of the Chamber’s 56th Council, Vice-President Thomas Chua was appointed as CoChairman of the 11th WCEC Organising Committee together with Council Member Patrick Lee. 11th WCEC Organising Committee Chief Advisor : Teo Siong Seng Advisor : Chua Thian Poh Co-Chairmen : Thomas Chua, Patrick Lee Vice-Chairman : Tan Cheng Gay

From left: President Tony Tan, Chairman of the United Overseas Bank Group and Chamber’s Honorary President Wee Cho Yaw, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Charoen Pokphand Group Dhanin Chearavanont, share a conversation at the Istana Dinner which saw the attendance of many distinguished guests.



特别项目 Special ProjectS

Exhibition & Sponsorship Committee Chairman : Stephen Lim Vice-Chairman : Lau Tai San Members : Tan Huay Lim Vincent Lien Willy Shee Adrian Peh Lee Sze Leong Tan Tock Han Tan Kim Seng Woo Keng Choong Secretariat support Team leader : Irene Low Deputy team leader : Tan Jin Yi Team members : David Hu Tiffany Shia Work scope: Organise the large-scale exhibition to be held concurrently with the 11th WCEC, which involves marketing of exhibition booths, liaison with exhibitors, exhibition contractors, and managing the whole look and feel of the exhibition in keeping with the WCEC theme; identify potential sponsors including government agencies, MNCs, government-linked companies, financial institutions and other entities; map out different levels of sponsorship, types of sponsorship including taking up exhibition booths or sponsorship of events, like visits to government agencies or statutory boards, thematic sightseeing tours, etc. Fund-raising Committee Chairman : Patrick Lee Vice-Chairman : James Kuah Members : Tay Khiam Back Kwee Liong Keng Thomas Pek Leong Mun Sum Secretariat support Team leader : Lim Sah Soon Deputy team leader : Irene Low Team member : Tan Jin Yi Work scope: To raise sufficient funds through various channels to support the organising expenditure for the WCEC.

Programme Committee Chairman : Thomas Chua Vice-Chairman : Charles Ho Nai Chuen Members : Philip Kia Tan Tock Han Kho Choon Keng Ng Siew Quan Patrick Ng Secretariat support Team leader : Tan Siew Kiang Deputy team leader : Lydia Yung Team members : Charlott Zhuang Chiam Ling Zi Tan Ying Ying Work scope: Structure the entire programme of the 11th WCEC, including the Welcome Reception, Opening Ceremony, Closing Ceremony, etc; coordinate the entertainment component, which includes identifying suitable performers for each function, ensuring that the performances would be of a high calibre and integrate well with the Convention theme; produce a video retrospective for the Opening Ceremony; design and produce the permanent WCEC logo and banner. Publicity & Marketing Committee Chairman : Roland Ng Vice-Chairman : Seow Choke Meng Members : Zhong Sheng Jian George Goh Edward Ang Kwek Theng Swee Non-Council Members : Paul Tay Benny Pua Chia Kim Huat Secretariat support Team leader : Fiona Hu Deputy team leader : Cui Dong Hong Team members : Chin Sin Yee Queenie Ho Huang Yifang Work scope: Editing, production and printing of all publicity collaterals for the 11th WCEC, and organise the marketing database of potential Chambers/business organisations as well as individual

participants by country and region; identify strategic partners among the public and private sectors that are able to assist with overseas promotion, and work with other Committees to plan overseas marketing activities; media promotion and awareness through newspapers, magazines, journals, television and broadcast media; registration of all delegates to the WCEC. Reception & Logistics Committee Chairman : Chua Seng Chong Vice-Chairman : Wan Shung Ming Members : Tay Khiam Back Chan Hock Keng David Loh Thomas Pek Tan Bock Huat Low Chee Meng Lim Cheng Eng Soon Kong Ann Chia Weng Kaye Lee Boon Cheow Royston Low George Goh Kek Boon Leong David Tang Simon Goh Voo Soon Sang Chua Kee Teang Goh Nam Siang Tony Lim Paul Keng Yeong Phick Fui Secretariat support Team leader : Daniel Lim Team members : Josephine Lee Valery Lam David Hu Work scope: Handle reception and logistics arrangement for all overseas delegates, including airport reception and send-off, transport for delegates during the WCEC from hotels to Convention venues; organise sightseeing tours; make special arrangements for delegation leaders; arrange for student volunteers to help with reception, registration and other activities.



Forum & Conference Committee Chairman : Tan Cheng Gay Vice-Chairman : Wu Hsioh Kwang Members : Zhong Sheng Jian Hee Theng Fong Lee Peng Shu Quek Soo Boon Willy Shee Claire Chiang Non-Council Members: Bernard Yeung (Dean of NUS Business School); Wu Wei (Director, Nanyang Centre for Public Administration,NTU); Annie Koh (Dean, Office of Executive & Professional Education, SMU); Zheng Yong Nian (Director, East Asian Institute); Ng Siew Kiang (Executive Director, Contact Singapore) Secretariat support Team leader : Fiona Hu Deputy team leader : Cui Dong Hong Team member : Khaw Ping Ping Work scope: Determine relevant topics for the forum and keynote speeches, and invite the most suitable eminent personalities from government, business and academia to be speakers and moderators; coordinate with speakers and moderators on their respective modes of presentation, topics and content; arrange for the reception of dignitaries, VIPs and speakers. The objective of the Organising Committee was to organise a largescale international convention bringing

together 4,000 participants. The goal was not only to maintain high standards for the convention, but to attract the participation of high calibre individuals around the world, to showcase Singapore’s unique strengths and make its mark in Singapore’s convention and exhibition industry. Hence the Organising Committee proposed establishing the “11th WCEC Steering Committee”, and invited then Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo to be the Advisor to provide guidance to the 11th WCEC Organising Committee and its six working committees. This was also to secure participation and support from both public and private sectors for the WCEC and related events, and to help with the promotion of the WCEC abroad. 11th WCEC Steering Committee Advisor George Yeo, former Minister for Foreign Affairs Advisor Sam Tan, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Community Development, Youth and Sports Chairman Teo Siong Seng, SCCCI President Vice-Chairman Chua Thian Poh, SCCCI Immediate Past President

Members Thomas Chua, SCCCI Vice-President Tan Cheng Gay, SCCCI Vice-President Patrick Lee, SCCCI Council Member Lim Sah Soon, SCCCI Secretary-General Ng Chad-son, Director (Research and Enterprise), Ministry of Trade and Industry Sng Chern Wei, Deputy Director, Schools Division, Ministry of Education Ong Eng Chuan, Director, Northeast Asia Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Liew Choon Boon, Senior Director (Industry and the Arts), Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts Han Kok Juan, Director for Planning & Research, Ministry of National Development Lee Ark Boon, Divisional Director for Manpower Planning and Policy Division, Ministry of Manpower Convention Activities Welcome Reception A Welcome Reception for delegates of the 11th WCEC was held at Universal Studios Singapore on October 5. Organising Committee Co-Chairman and Chamber’s Vice-President Thomas Chua represented the Organising Committee to greet overseas delegates with a Welcome Speech. Speaking at the Welcome Reception, Guest of Honour and Advisor of the 11th WCEC George Yeo emphasised that Asia would lead the world economy within a few short decades, and

A special Welcome Reception was held at Universal Studios Singapore for delegates of the 11th WCEC.



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Guest of Honour Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (second from left) and representatives from the WCEC Founder Members Board (from left) Teo Siong Seng, President of SCCCI; Jonathan Choi, Chairman of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong; and Suthee Meanchainun, President of the ThaiChinese Chamber of Commerce, at the launch of the permanent logo of the WCEC.

that ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs would have to bear heavier social responsibilities. Delegates at the reception were also treated to WaterWorld, a live water stunt show. Opening Ceremony The 11th WCEC was off to a grand start at the Opening Ceremony held on October 6 at the Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre. A video documenting the important milestones of the 20-year history of the Convention from 1991-2011 was shown to delegates. In his speech, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng thanked all previous host organisations for adding fresh perspectives and rich content to the Convention. Mr Teo also announced that in order to instil continuity and strengthen the Convention’s brand image and identity, the Chamber was tasked by the WCEC Founder Members Board to design a permanent logo and flag for the WCEC. Bold changes were also made to the Convention programme. In his speech, Jonathan Choi, representative of the WCEC Founder Members Board and Chairman of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong, said that the WCEC was a meaningful event that allowed Chinese entrepreneurs to expand their network on a global platform.

Distinguished guest Huang Mengfu, Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce, described how the Convention had expanded in scale and global influence since its inception 20 years ago. He went on to say that the WCEC played an important role in promoting understanding and cooperation among Chinese entrepreneurs. Guest of Honour Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in his opening address that Chinese entrepreneurs would have to continue to adapt to a world that is becoming extremely technologically advanced. Singapore, as a multi-cultural society, has to develop world-class business infrastructure and connectivity in order to become a global hub which acts as a link between Asia and the rest of the world, and become a useful partner to Chinese entrepreneurs all around the world. At the ceremony, Prime Minister Lee also launched the new permanent logo of the WCEC together with representatives of the Founder Members Board comprising Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, Chairman of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong Jonathan Choi, and President of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce Suthee Meanchainun.

Istana Dinner On the evening of October 6, the Chamber held an exclusive dinner at the Istana with a guest list comprising eminent Chinese entrepreneurs, delegation leaders and speakers of the 11th WCEC. President Tony Tan was Guest of Honour at the dinner. Distinguished guests at the dinner included: Huang Mengfu, Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce; Ng Yen Yen, Malaysia’s Minister of Tourism; Gao Hucheng, China International Trade Representative (minister level) and Vice Minister of Commerce; Khaw Boon Wan, Minister for National Development; Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs; Wei Wei, PRC Ambassador to Singapore; Wong Kan Seng, former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Special Advisor for Economic Co-operation in the Prime Minister’s Office; Josephine Teo, Minister of State for Finance and Transport; Sam Tan, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Community Development, Youth and Sports; and Low Yen Ling, Member of Parliament for Chua Chu Kang GRC and CEO of Business China. As he addressed all guests at the dinner, Chamber’s President Teo Siong



Seng urged Chinese business leaders present to explore the viability of using Singapore as a regional base to expand their business. Panel Discussions The 11th WCEC held five panel discussions altogether, featuring distinguished speakers coming from different countries and regions and who were representatives from traditional industries as well as leading personalities from new industries. As the age difference was some 50 years, they brought together three generations of Chinese entrepreneurs. Successful Chinese entrepreneurs, innovative entrepreneurs, and promising young entrepreneurs used this platform to discuss their business modus operandi, with a strong focus on growth models and social responsibility. Delegates flocked to the various panel discussions and participated actively during the question segment. Successful Chinese Entrepreneurs: Business Strategies, Responsibilities and Growth This panel discussion, held on October 6 morning, comprised speakers who were all successful Chinese entrepreneurs in their own right. They were Dhanin Cheavaranont, Chairman of Thailand conglomerate Charoen Pokphand;

Kenneth Lo, Chairman of the Industrial Bank of Taiwan; Stephen Lee, Chairman of Singapore Airlines; Zhong Sheng Jian, Executive Chairman of Yanlord Group; and Francis Yeoh, Managing Director of Malaysia’s YTL Group. The moderator was Ho Teck Hua, Vice-President of the National University of Singapore. Dr Cheavaranont stressed that the use of technology, capital and markets are essential for the growth of an enterprise, but the key was to groom talent, and develop a localised human capital strategy. He believed strongly in the principle of “3 benefits”: for the country, for the people, and for the group. Kenneth Lo had been employed in the financial industry till age 55, when he came out to establish the Industrial Bank of Taiwan. He felt that one had to start from zero, had to be mentally prepared to compete and be unafraid of defeat. He added that one should dare to question and understand how to meet customers’ needs. In order to compete with budget airlines, Stephen Lee said that Singapore Airlines had to maintain a young fleet with very modern facilities. They also needed to regularly launch new products. For example, it launched the world’s longesthaul non-stop flight from Singapore to New York, and the in-flight service was not only unique to Singapore Airlines, but carried the stamp of Asian hospitality.

Zhong Sheng Jian said that the growth of an enterprise is inextricably linked to responsibility. An enterprise is able to develop further if it achieves consumer satisfaction. In the past, Chinese entrepreneurs participated in China’s economic development and achieved 30 years of growth; from now onwards they should innovate and discover new impetus for growth. Francis Yeoh said that Internet technology has created a powerful new consumer trend. Modern consumers, especially young people, clamour for products using smart technology to improve people’s lives at a very cheap price. If Chinese entrepreneurs could embrace this wave, they too could be like Steve Jobs in creating a huge company some day. Social and Cultural Issues: Creating a Gracious Lifestyle The panel discussion on “Social and Cultural Issues” was held concurrently with the one on “Successful Chinese Entrepreneurs”. Liu Thai Ker, Chairman of the Centre for Liveable Cities in Singapore and Director of RSP Architects Planners & Engineers pointed out that a gracious society had to comprise three components: a convenient and conducive external environment, an equal and thriving society, and people who have culture and upbringing.

Panel Discussion on “Successful Chinese Entrepreneurs: Business Strategies, Responsibilities and Growth”. From left: Moderator, Ho Teck Hua, Vice President (Research Strategy), National University of Singapore; and speakers, Dhanin Chearavanont, Chairman, Charoen Pokphand; Kenneth C M Lo, Chairman, Industrial Bank of Taiwan; Stephen Lee, Chairman, Singapore Airlines; Zhong Sheng Jian, Executive Chairman, Yanlord Group; and Francis Yeoh, Managing Director, YTL Group.



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From left: Panelists Liu Thai Ker, Chairman, Centre of Liveable Cities in Singapore; Wang Shi, Chairman, China Vanke Co Ltd; Liu Changle, Board Chairman & CEO, Phoenix Satellite Television; Robert Tsao, Chairman Emeritus, UMC Group; and moderator Heng Chye Kiang, Dean, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore; at the Panel Discussion on “Social and Cultural Issues: Creating a Gracious Lifestyle”.

China Vanke’s Chairman Wang Shi asserted that China still needs to overcome certain challenges in its pursuit of a gracious society, in bridging the gap that exists between traditional culture and modern civilisation. As the overseas Chinese did not face similar obstacles in creating a gracious society, he felt that China could perhaps learn from their example. Liu Changle, Board Chairman and CEO of Phoenix Satellite Television, felt deeply about the topic being discussed. While many parts of the world were experiencing wars and turbulence, demonstrations and riots, it was intriguing that in Singapore we had the luxury to deliberate about a gracious society, perfectly illustrating a gracious lifestyle. He felt it was meaningful to discuss a gracious society during the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, underscoring the fact that ethnic Chinese are keen to build a gracious image for the community at large. Robert Tsao, Chairman Emeritus of UMC Group, suggested that a gracious society could be from without to within, usng the rule of law to build social norms; it could also be from within to without, starting from becoming a “gracious human being”. A gracious human being had to possess the qualities of being sincere, kind and beautiful.

The panel discussion was moderated by Prof Heng Chye Kiang, Dean of the NUS School of Design and Environment. New Models for Business Growth This panel discussion, which took place on the morning of October 7, was moderated by Hee Theng Fong, Senior Partner of RHT Law LLP. Panelists were Olivia Lum, Group President & CEO of Hyflux Group; Vincent Lo, Chairman of Shui On Group; Lim Chee Onn, Senior International Advisor of SingBridge; Wayne Dai, Founder, Chairman, President and CEO of Verisilicon Holdings; and Wu Gang, President & CEO of Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology. The topic for discussion focused on new models for business growth. Lim Chee Onn referred to the examples of Suzhou Industrial Park, Tianjin Eco-City and Guangdong Knowledge City to emphasise that urbanisation would bring about immense business opportunities, and that enterprise development would provide good employment opportunities and better wages. He felt that in spite of global economic turbulence, new models for business growth will continue to fuel economic development. Before entering the China market, Vincent Lo hired an international competitiveness specialist to evaluate

100 cities in China, and made his decision based on that evaluation. He stressed that real estate development had to be closely aligned with the economic growth of that area. “Cooperate with the government to create economic prosperity, and reap the benefits of social progress.” In her earlier years, Olivia Lum was perturbed to find that many corporations were only interested in earning profits but neglected the environment. Much waste water had polluted the rivers of Asia. That governed her decision to enter into water treatment and to make whatever the market required. Her advice was to be practical in whatever business one engages in, and to concentrate on making contributions for the world. That, added to a bit of luck, would be the formula for success. Harbouring the dream of “giving mankind white clouds and blue skies, and leaving behind resources for your descendants”, Wu Gang started out in the wind turbine industry in 1987. He felt that a successful business model had to engage closely with national and social needs. Everything had to adhere to business principles. In the China manufacturing industry, only those who produce quality products will be assured of a good future. While countless enterprises produce and promote their own brands, Wayne Dai’s company specialises in customising high-



tech solutions for his clients. It is a high-risk venture which is at the same time quite a lonesome business. Expressing confidence in his company’s capability, he said that he does not compete with his clients, and that success lies in product differentiation. Promising Young Entrepreneurs: Acting on your Dreams The panelists for this session held on the morning of October 7 were prominent individuals in their own right, consisting of Wang Jun, CEO of Beijing Genomics Institute; Ji Qi, Founder and Executive Chairman of Hanting Hotel Group; Mike Wiluan, Managing Director of Infinite Frameworks; and Alex Hui, CEO of Pericom Semiconductor. Led by moderator Low Yen Ling, CEO of Business China, the four panelists spoke freely about their dreams and their paths to entrepreneurship. Alex Hui’s journey was marked by four factors: “passion” – which helped to overcome all kinds of difficulties; “people” – learning from successful people, and partnering with people sharing the same philosophy; “adaptability” – the ability to adapt to changing market circumstances; and “priority” – work is only part of life, and life should not be compromised in the pursuit of success. After graduation, Ji Qi could not find an ideal job, and instead entered into a

venture with friends. Within three years he had founded three companies listed on Nasdaq. He attributed his success to the vast China market, and believed that in the next 10 or 20 years, China’s services sector would be able to achieve world excellence. At a very young age, Mike Wiluan loved to watch movies, and was inspired to start a business based on visual effects and computer animation for movies. Armed with a belief in a creative work environment, his current dream was to grow the entire industry. He felt that business could only be sustained if the industry is fully mature and developed. Twenty years ago, Wang Jun studied life sciences, mathematics and computer science at Beijing University, and these specialisations stood him in good stead on his journey to entrepreneurship. His objective was not to make profits; his responsibility was to save human beings, and concentrate on science. In 2003, BGI identified the proteome of SARS within 48 hours, and developed the first generation of test kit for detecting the SARS virus. BGI then immediately produced and donated 300,000 test kits to hospitals for clinical application. BGI’s dream was thus to serve mankind through genome technology. World Economic Forum: Regional Economic Growth and Cooperation The high-profile session for the 11th WCEC

was the World Economic Forum, bringing together Malaysia’s Minister of Tourism Ng Yen Yen, Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang, and Gao Hucheng, China International Trade Representative (minister level) cum Vice Minister of Commerce, to discuss the future direction of the global economy. Melissa Hyak, Presenter from Channel NewsAsia, was the moderator for the forum. Delegates took advantage of the opportunity to pose questions to the ministerial panel. Minister Gao said China would continue to support the development of the Euro Zone, and believed that the Euro Zone could survive the crisis. However, he said that while China would assist to the best of its ability, the Euro Zone needed to rely on its own resources to overcome its difficulties. Malaysia’s Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen said that the crisis in the United States and Europe created an opportunity for Asia. She appealed to Asian countries and companies to work closely together to develop the tourism industry. Using developed countries as a barometer, she pointed out that Asia’s tourism industry has great development potential, because the services sector contributes to 75 per cent in developed economies, while the percentage is much lower in Asia. Minister Lim Hng Kiang emphasised the importance of regional cooperation,

Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng (middle) together with (from left) moderator, Hee Theng Fong, Senior Partner, RHT Law LLP; and speakers, Lim Chee Onn, Senior International Advisor, SingBridge; Vincent Lo, Chairman, Shui On Group; Olivia Lum, Group President & CEO, Hyflux Group; Wu Gang, President & CEO, Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology; and Wayne Dai, Founder & CEO, Verisilicon Holdings; at the Panel Discussion on “New Models for Business Growth”.



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Chamber’s Immediate Past President Chua Thian Poh (third from left) and Vice-President Tan Cheng Gay (fifth from left) with speakers, (from left) Alex Hui, President & CEO, Pericom Semiconductor Corporation; Ji Qi, Founder & Executive Chairman, Hanting Hotel Group; Mike Wiluan, Managing Director, Infinite Frameworks; Wang Jun, Professor of Genomics and Bioinformatics, Beijing Genomics Institute; and moderator Low Yen Ling, CEO of Business China; after the Panel Discussion on “Promising Young Entrepreneurs: Acting on your Dreams”

especially in the light of the slowdown in the United States and Europe. He said that we should then return to fundamentals, draw upon the strengths of our region, and continue our regional cooperation to benefit from the mutual strengths put on the table. He added that this mutual cooperation was all the more important for everyone as we face the uncertain times ahead. The stimulating discussions at the World Economic Forum were most wellreceived by all delegates. Closing Ceremony The 11th WCEC Handover Ceremony and Gala Dinner held in the Compass Ballroom of Resorts World Sentosa on October 7 marked the official closing of the Convention. At the Handover Ceremony, the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (TCCC) was handed the official seal and declared host of the WCEC Secretariat, taking over from previous host The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong (CGCC). The CGCC had served as the WCEC Secretariat since 2005. The announcement was also made that the 12th WCEC would be held in Chengdu in 2013 and organised by the China Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association (COCEA). Dhanin Chearavanont, President of the COCEA, and Wang Zhonglin,

Vice-Mayor of Chengdu, received the WCEC flag at the Handover Ceremony. Immediately after, the Chengdu delegation delighted everyone by presenting a spectacular performance and welcomed all present to attend the 12th WCEC. This would mark the second time that the Convention would be held in China, the first being the 6th WCEC held in Nanjing. A highlight of the closing ceremony was the “Dialogue with Lee Kuan Yew” which all delegates found meaningful. At the dialogue, Former Minister Mentor Lee spoke candidly on topics such as the role of Chinese entrepreneurs, China’s development, the Euro Zone economy and bilingualism in Singapore. He said that Chinese enterprises all over the world play an important role in helping enterprises in China globalise. Mr Lee added that as Singapore had no natural resources it depended on the knowledge and skills of its citizens. In this regard he emphasised the importance of bilingualism for Singapore to connect to the world. The dialogue was moderated by Robin Hu, Senior Executive Vice President of Chinese Newspapers & Newspaper Services at Singapore Press Holdings. Exhibition and Industry Site Visits The large-scale 11th WCEC exhibition attracted 64 exhibitors coming

from industries such as banking and insurance, real estate and education. Among them, 70 per cent indicated that the exhibition helped in branding efforts, expanding clientele, increasing networking opportunities, maintaining competitiveness, and building investor relations. The exhibition also featured a Singapore Pavilion featuring booths set up by the Economic Development Board (EDB), International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, Infocommunications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and local enterprises. Organising an international convention with an attendance of more than 4,000 delegates was no mean feat. The Chamber mobilised its manpower resources, extending its reach to all 56 Council Members, 83 Secretariat Staff, 20 members from the Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN) and Career Women’s Group (CWG), 8 members from the Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee and 407 volunteers. Different teams played important roles in areas such as airport arrivals and send-offs, accommodation, registration, logistics, food and beverage, sightseeing tours and site visits. Apart from the main Convention activities, the Organising Committee also arranged for industry site visits and tours to the following destinations including:



One-North & FusionWorld, Changi Business Park & Logistics Park, Marina Barrage, HortPark, Keppel Bay, Marina Bay, significant Singapore landmarks, the Peranakan Museum and Chinatown. A trip to Iskandar Malaysia was also arranged with the support of the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation and the Malaysian High Commission.

Former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and moderator Robin Hu discussed many interesting topics during the dialogue at the 11th WCEC Gala Dinner.

Suthee Meanchainun (right), President of the ThaiChinese Chamber of Commerce, receiving the official seal of the WCEC Secretariat from Jonathan Choi (left), Chairman of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong, in the presence of Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng at the Handover Ceremony.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng touring the large-scale 11th WCEC Exhibition.



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General Affairs Committee ELECTION OF SCCCI’S OFFICE-BEARERS The Chamber held its 56th Council election on January 12 2011. Teo Siong Seng, President of the 55th Council, was re-elected as President for a second term. Chua Thian Poh remained as Immediate Past President of the Chamber and Thomas Chua, Tan Cheng Gay and Zhong Sheng Jian were elected as SCCCI’s Vice-Presidents. During the election held at the SCCCI conference room, the President, three VicePresidents, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen

of 10 committees were selected from among 56 Council Members. At the same time, Honorary Presidents, Senior Honorary Council Members and Honorary Council Members were also appointed. The seven new faces in the Standing Committee were Tang Kin Fei, Ng Siew Quan, Tan Kim Seng, Voo Soon Sang, Ang Kiam Meng, Eric Khua Kian Keong and Lee Sze Leong. The number of committees in the 56th Council was reduced from 12 to 10 in order to have a more compact and efficient core team. The Trade Association

& Membership Affairs and Commerce & Industry Committees elected an additional Vice-Chairman to fulfil the heavy portfolios of these committees. The complete list of Honorary Presidents, Senior Honorary Council Members, Honorary Council Members, Standing Committee Members and Council Members for SCCCI’s 56th Council can be found on page 13-15. Structure of the 56th Standing Committee The structure of the 56th Standing Committee is as follows:


Vice-President Tan Cheng Gay Finance & Corporate Governance Finance Committee

Research & Publications Committee Property Management Committee

Vice-President Zhong Sheng Jian Social

External Relations Committee Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

Vice-President Thomas Chua Business

Technology Committee

General Affairs Committee

International Affairs Committee

Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Commerce & Industry Committee


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 总务委员会 General Affairs Committee

The 56th Council Retreat was held on February 26 in Chongqing.

56th Council Retreat On February 26, a total of 45 members from the 56th Council set out to Chongqing, China, for a 3-day, 2-night retreat. The retreat’s main objectives included brainstorming on how to further develop the Shanghai Representative Office and recruit more new immigrants and youths to join the Chamber as members. The council retreat also acted as a platform for the new council to map out the Chamber’s goals for the next two years and enable them to get better acquainted with each other. After President Teo’s welcome address, council members participated in some ice-breakers. The council members then split into groups to brainstorm ideas on four main areas: “Finance and corporate governance”, “Trade association and membership services”, “Culture, education and community services”, and “Business enterprises”. Arrangements were also made for council members to meet with Chongqing mayor Huang Qifan for a deeper understanding of Chongqing and to explore business opportunities there. Vice-President Thomas Chua also represented the Chamber to sign an MOU with Wang Yi, Representative of the Liangjiang New Area.

Installation of the 56th Council The Chamber’s 56th Council was officially installed on March 15 and the Installation Ceremony was witnessed by then Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong. SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng, who commenced his second term of leadership, led 55 council members in a pledge to serve the Chamber to their utmost ability. The 56th Council will serve a term of two years from March 2011 to March 2013. In his speech, Mr Teo highlighted the changes that the Chamber had implemented for self-renewal and to maintain its position as a leading association in the Chinese business community. He said that the 56th Council was elected based on merit. This is in accordance with the amended constitution to eradicate the clan-based election system. In addition, the number of council members was streamlined from 66 to 56. This was made possible by reducing the number of committees from 12 to 10 in order to have a more compact and efficient core team. The Chamber welcomed ten new members to the Council during the installation. Outlining the Chamber’s plans for the next two years, Mr Teo said that it would centre on four core areas – help member companies to raise productivity, harness

resources in venturing to overseas markets, bring to fruition two mammoth events – the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) and the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, and promote national unity and strengthen social cohesion. In his address, Guest of Honour Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said he was heartened to note the Chamber was helping local businesses to expand into other emerging economies apart from China. Going forward, SM Goh cited India as an investment destination which offered ample opportunities and applauded the Chamber’s cooperation with the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry on organising joint trade missions to India. OTHERS Staff Team Building Camp On May 21-22, the General Affairs Committee (GAC) organised a Staff Team Building Camp at Malaysia’s Pulai Desaru Resort with the objective of promoting staff bonding, and helping staff to gain a better understanding of the workplan and initiatives of the 56th Council. President Teo pointed out that the success of a team depended on the hard work of each member, and urged the Secretariat to put in its best efforts to



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ensure the success of the upcoming WCEC. Vice-President Thomas Chua added that the Chamber needed to have a firm and capable Council, as well as an efficient Secretariat to accomplish the Chamber’s goals. GAC Chairman James Kuah said he hoped the Staff Team Building Camp would build a stronger sense of camaraderie and understanding among staff to create a harmonious work environment. SCCCI’s 46th National Day Dinner cum 105th Anniversary Celebration The Chamber hosted a National Day Dinner cum 105th Anniversary celebration dinner on August 8 at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel. Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang graced the event as Guest of Honour. Among the distinguished guests present were ambassadors, officials from various government departments and statutory boards, and leaders from the business and arts communities. In his National Day Message, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong noted that the Singapore economy was on its way to recovery since the 2008 global economic crisis. GDP grew 4.9 per cent in the first half of 2011 while unemployment remained low. PM Lee also mentioned that government efforts, such as

increasing the quantity of public housing and MRT lines, and moderating the inflow of foreign workers and immigrants, were being worked upon. PM Lee also appealed to Singaporeans to assist the government in taking ownership and responsibility of Singapore by contributing innovative ideas and solutions through government channels. In his speech, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng said that Singapore’s impressive performance was brought about by capable government leadership and the hard work of her citizens. Cooperation between the government and the people remained important in the midst of a volatile global economy and the emergence of a greater diversity of voices in Singapore society. 2011 also marked the 105th anniversary of the Chamber. Since its centennial celebrations in 2006, the Chamber has worked tirelessly to help its members promote their business, drive productivity, and uncover new business opportunities. Since 2006, the Chamber also spearheaded the setting up of Business China to help Singapore groom bilingual and bicultural talent, renewed efforts to redevelop the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall to become a heritage institution managed by the National Heritage Board, concluded the amendment to the Chamber’s constitution to abolish the clan-based election system

thereby attracting talented individuals based on merit, and established the Shanghai Representative Office to lend practical assistance to local enterprises in their overseas ventures. Mr Teo added that the most meaningful anniversary gift for the Chamber was the hosting of the 11th WCEC. The WCEC was founded in Singapore and had since returned to its country of origin after two decades since its inception. The 11th WCEC saw a rebranding of the Convention as a whole and the launch of its new permanent logo. The Convention also helped the Chamber to accomplish its vision of creating a highly reputable and effective global Chinese business network for its members. Singapore Presidential Election 2011 Nomination Day A total of 37 representatives from SCCCI consisting of council members, and committee members from the Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN) and Career Women’s Group (CWG) supported Dr Tony Tan during Nomination Day of the Singapore Presidential Election. The nomination was held on August 17 from 11 am to noon at the People’s Association Headquarters. Led by the Chamber’s Vice-President, Tan Cheng Gay, the group carried banners and shook hands with Dr Tony Tan in a strong show of support.

Council members pledge to abide by the constitution of the Chamber at the Installation Ceremony of the 56th Council.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 总务委员会 General Affairs Committee

“Tribute Dinner for Mr Lee Kuan Yew and ESM Goh Chok Tong” in collaboration with the SFCCA To thank former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong for their contributions to the Chinese business community, the Chamber and the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) held a tribute dinner in their honour on November 21 at the Suntec City Convention Centre. Among the 1,200 distinguished guests present were Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Coordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Health Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat, former Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng, officials from various government agencies, Members of Parliament and leaders from the Chinese business community. During his speech, Mr Lee Kuan Yew pointed out that SFCCA needs to constantly renew itself to remain relevant in the 21st century. He stressed that the Chinese language is an important tool required to forge relations with China. He also appealed to the Chamber and SFCCA to work closely with the government to teach new immigrants the English language and assist them in integrating into Singapore society. In his speech, ESM Goh Chok Tong paid tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew. He described Mr Lee as his best mentor and spoke about the pressures he faced in his service as Prime Minister. He expressed gladness that, after standing at the helm for 14 years, he was able to hand over an intact Singapore to current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He likened Singapore to a piece of precious porcelain that needed an immense amount of care in order to be passed down to future generations. He also thanked the Chamber, SFCCA and community leaders for the support given to him over the years.

While reminiscing about how he gave up a stable job to enter politics, Mr Goh encouraged all young Singaporeans to step up and contribute to society. He expressed hope that Singaporeans will work together with the government to build a strong nation. SFCCA President and SCCCI Immediate Past President, Chua Thian Poh, represented both associations to thank Mr Lee and Mr Goh for their keen interest in and support towards the Chinese business community and for facilitating the establishment of Business China. He added that two books, Lee Kuan Yew and the Chinese Community and Goh Chok Tong and the Chinese Community, published by the Chamber and SFCCA, recorded both leaders’ contributions to the Chinese business community and were an expression of the Chinese community’s respect for them. The books also archived the experiences and views of the two men as a reference for future generations of Singaporeans.

SCCCI Staff Further Studies Scholarship The Chamber will award a maximum of four scholarships worth $5,000 and make applications open to staff who have achieved an excellent work performance.

National Day Awards 2011 Three council members were awarded the Public Service Medal in recognition of their merits and service to the nation. They were Honorary President Wee Cho Yaw (DUBC), Honorary Council Member Bobby Chin Yoke Choong (BBM) and Council Member Patrick Lee (PBM).

ISO 9001:2008 Standards Certification In the continued drive for service excellence, the Chamber successfully maintained its ISO 9001:2008 standards certification under TÜV SUD PSB Pte Ltd for provision of membership services.

Service Medal of the Order of St John Senior Honorary Council Member Leong Heng Keng was awarded the Service Medal of the Order of St John. Tan Kah Kee Foundation At the council meeting in April, it was decided that the Chamber would not nominate any representatives to sit on the board of the Tan Kah Kee Foundation (TKK). The Chamber sent a letter to TKK dated May 5 to inform them of its decision and a reply was received from the foundation on May 12.

Enhancement of the Secretariat’s Internet Broadband Connection From July 23, the Secretariat’s Internet broadband connection speed was enhanced from ethernet, cable broadband connections to fibre optic connections. This enabled staff to carry out work processes more efficiently with an increase of up to ten times in broadband speed. Video Conferencing Systems To enhance communications with the Chamber’s Shanghai Representative Office, the Secretariat subscribed to Cisco WebEx Meeting Center ((on-demand, payas-you-use video conferencing systems service), provided by InterCall Singapore Pte Ltd, with effect from August 2011.



研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

RESEARCH & Publications Committee Research Singapore Budget 2011 On February 18, Minister for Finance Tharman Shanmugaratnam unveiled Budget 2011 which comprised a series of government assistance schemes and tax incentives to help businesses improve productivity instead of an over-reliance on foreign workers. The Budget also spelled out broad strategies to promote high value-added activities and innovations, to grow Singapore into a leading global city in the heart of Asia. The Chamber issued a press release on the same day. SCCCI was pleased to see that the government had largely delivered on its promises to produce a “Grow and Share Budget” for 2011 that brought benefits to practically all Singaporeans. More importantly, the Chamber welcomed and supported the government’s long-term objective in this Budget – to strengthen our economy and society for the future. Owing to a phenomenally high growth of 14.5 per cent, the government ended with a small deficit of $0.3 billion in 2010, an improvement over the original estimated budget deficit of $3 billion. It was gratifying to see the government sharing the fruits of an exceptionally good performance with all Singaporeans, especially households in

the lower-income bracket, children and the elderly, as they are more vulnerable and need much greater assistance. With Singapore being a relatively mature economy, the Chamber agreed with the government’s vision of improving Singapore’s productivity in the long term and making the best use of innovation instead of an over-reliance on foreign workers. As expected, the 2011 Budget tweaked measures to boost productivity and address Singapore’s long-term needs. The Chamber was pleased to see the enhanced support for business restructuring and skills upgrading through doubling of investment in the National Productivity Fund of up to $2 billion, and making strategic adjustments to the Productivity and Innovation Credit scheme introduced in 2010. Such enhancements took into account the feedback from the business organisations which made it easier for businesses to utilise the PIC scheme. For instance, businesses could now undertake their R&D abroad instead of restricting R&D activities to Singapore. Insofar as most SMEs are concerned, productivity is a goal they would like to achieve. But their immediate needs are still a manpower crunch and the inability to find sufficient local workers willing to join their labour pool. We felt that not all industries would be able to benefit from

applying technology or using innovation in their business models. Hence the further increase in Foreign Worker Levy in the 2011 Budget was of the greatest concern to most SMEs. It was a very strong and clear signal to them to make changes quickly. They had to change the way to grow by restructuring their business and raising skills in every job to be more productive and competitive. They had to make productivity the key driver of growth to stay in business. We therefore urged SMEs to take up the challenge to make full use of both the National Productivity Fund and Productivity and Innovation Credit scheme to restructure their businesses, train their workers and drive productivity. We also indicated our wish for the government to work in close cooperation with the business Chambers and associations by setting up a committee to make the government funding and tax incentives more easily and speedily accessible and available. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng said that “While individuals have had the lion’s share of the Budget goodies, we cannot help but express our concern that more had not been provided for SMEs. In fact, SMEs make a significant contribution to the Singapore economy. The rapid pace of growth last year has also driven up the costs of doing business in

During the Parliamentary Budget Debates, President Teo Siong Seng reiterated the need for an EXIM Bank to support local SMEs in their overseas ventures.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

Survey findings of the 2012 SCCCI Pre-Budget Survey and Wish-list were widely covered by the media.

practically every area. This is aggravated by the further increase in Foreign Worker Levy and CPF contribution. While we appeal to businesses not to use the increase in business costs as a quick excuse to increase prices, we also hope that the government agencies will refrain from increasing other taxes and charges further to fuel the inflation.” In summary, we were heartened that the Budget rewarded all Singaporeans, especially those belonging to the lowerand middle-income bracket, but also hoped that more could be done by the government to help SMEs survive and grow in Singapore. NWC Wage Guidelines for 2011/2012 Following the release of the National Wages Council (NWC) wage guidelines and recommendations for 2011/2012 on April 29, our Chamber issued a press release on the same day. Overall, the National Wages Council (NWC) made its recommendations for 2011/2012 against the backdrop of an improved economic outlook, tight labour market and rising inflation. Generally, the Chamber agreed with the NWC’s recommendation for companies to grant higher total wage increases which do reflect a strengthened economy as well as the individual corporate performances.

We also agreed that companies should consider rewarding deserving workers for their respective contributions by using greater use of variable payments like bonuses and one-off lump sum payments instead of relying solely on built-in wage increases. The Chamber also supported the NWC’s call to companies to lead the drive to raise productivity and felt that this was the only way to maintain our international competitiveness as well as to meet and sustain the wage increases. Hence we would encourage and assist members to make good use of the government’s support and the financial incentives to promote innovation and harness technology to improve business processes and save manpower. The Chamber would also conduct skills upgrading training courses and productivity and innovation workshops for SMEs and their workers. The Chamber therefore urged and encouraged workers to respond positively to the productivity drive and take part actively in the training programmes and productivity workshops to upgrade their skills and enhance their productivity. Collating feedback from the business community Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng was appointed as a Nominated Member

of Parliament (NMP) on July 20 2009 to represent the business community’s views in Parliament. At each monthly Parliament sitting, Mr Teo raised industry concerns and key issues faced by businesses and provided suggestions for the government’s consideration, especially with regard to policy changes, and changes to legislation. In order to provide timely and accurate views of the business community, the Research & Publications Department undertook comprehensive research and surveys to provide pertinent reference materials and statistics, in support of issues raised by Mr Teo in Parliament in his capacity as NMP. Some of these pertained to the Budget 2011 debate, National Productivity Fund, Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme, Export Import (EXIM) Bank for SME Financing and the Retirement Age (Amendment) Bill. Surveys 2012 Pre-Budget Survey and Wish-List In order to find out what Chamber’s corporate and trade association members hoped to see in the Budget, the Research & Publications Committee conducted the 2012 Pre-Budget Survey and Wish-List which sought feedback on various aspects of business,



研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

including business challenges, foreign worker policies, manpower training, productivity drive and government assistance schemes. The Pre-Budget Survey was conducted over a 4-week period from mid-November to mid-December 2011, and solicited feedback from SME bosses and senior management from 215 companies covering all industry sectors. In general, more than half of the respondents expressed a pessimistic business outlook for the coming year, and expected it to be a year full of challenges. Manpower issues remained of great concern, particularly because of the difficulty of recruiting locals in many industries. Hence the appeal to review and relax the foreign worker policy was a pressing issue raised by 51 per cent of our respondents. The Survey revealed that the top five requests on the wish-lists of Chamber members were: reduce corporate income tax (53 per cent); review the foreign worker policy (51 per cent); provide wage subsidies or tax incentives/rebates for employers who hire local low-income or older workers (46 per cent); restore the Jobs Credit Scheme (45 per cent); and reduce overall transport costs, examples being a road tax rebate for heavy vehicles and buses, reducing ERP rates, and reducing taxi rentals/fares (45 per cent).

The Survey Report was submitted to the relevant authorities for their consideration; after it was released to the media, the Survey findings were widely reported in all major newspapers and broadcast channels. Publications 2010 Annual Report The Research & Publications Committee was responsible for compiling and editing all materials for the Annual Report, as well as coordinating the entire publication. A total of 3,800 copies of the 2010 Annual Report and 3,000 copies of the Chamber’s Financial Statements were printed and subsequently distributed to all members for the Annual General Meeting held on March 11. 56th Council Members’ Directory The 56th Council of SCCCI was installed on March 15, with Teo Siong Seng helming the Chamber as President for a second term. A new edition of the Council Members’ Directory, reflecting the latest information of all Council Members, was published in mid-July. Chinese Enterprise Chinese Enterprise is an official publication of the Chamber which covers strategic events as well as local, regional and global economic developments. This bi-monthly

and bilingual publication has a loyal readership from within its membership and others from the business community. The Research & Publications Committee also strives to improve on the quality of its feature articles, and provide insightful analyses on the economy at large. Issue 1: Business outlook for 2011; Exclusive interview with Wu Hsioh Kwang (Vice-Chairman of Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee) and Lee Peng Shu (Council Member); Book Launch of the Guide on Employment Laws for Employers (Chinese Edition) cum Seminar on the Employment Act Issue 2: Installation Ceremony of the Chamber’s 56th Council, 56th Council Retreat; Business Voice in the Parliament: President Teo on National Productivity Fund, Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme, Export Import (EXIM) Bank for SME Financing, Retirement Age (Amendment) Bill; Exclusive interviews with Thomas Chua (Vice-President) and Chan Hock Keng (Vice-Chairman, General Affairs Committee) Issue 3: 13th Annual SMEs Conference 2011; Speech by Dr Tony Tan at the 5th Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series; Business mission to Guangxi, China; Exclusive interview with Council Member Tan Tock Han Issue 4 & 5: 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC)

Left: The Research & Publications Committee was responsible for the compilation and publication of the Directory of Members of the 56th Council. Right: Chamber’s official publication, Chinese Enterprise, reflects current business sentiments and features the Chamber’s key events.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

Left: The Chamber’s bilingual corporate website provides updates on the Chamber’s events and offers useful links to its press releases, speeches and seminar presentations. Right: The World Chinese Business Network (WCBN) is a database listing approximately 140,000 ethnic Chinese business enterprises around the world.

Special Edition: event highlights, eminent speakers, the WCEC in retrospect Issue 6: Post 11th WCEC coverage; Dialogue with former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew Website Development The Research & Publications Committee continued to support the maintenance and development of three websites, including the corporate website (, the World Chinese Business Network (, and Qiye Tong, the Chinese version of the EnterpriseOne portal ( Corporate Website ( The Chamber’s corporate website provides an easier navigation process for members and the public to have access to the reservoir of information and the latest developments within the Chamber’s vast network. Those accessing the website can find news on significant events initiated by the Chamber and with its business partners, download selected seminar presentations, read speeches and press releases, register online for events, and be linked to many other useful sites. World Chinese Business Network ( The strength of the World Chinese Business Network (WCBN) is its database

of ethnic Chinese companies around the world, which it has built up steadily over the years. A value-added feature is the concerted attempt to list the company’s headquarters as well as its overseas subsidiaries. Public-listed companies, large privately-owned firms and SMEs can all be found in this global listing of approximately 140,000 records. Visitors to WCBN, and those keen on the China market, can also tap on an impressive number of entries from mainland Chinese companies. A history and profile of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, founded by the Chamber in 1991, can be found in this website. Qiye Tong ( enterpriseone) A joint project initiated with SPRING Singapore, “企业通” (Qiye Tong) is the Chinese version of the EnterpriseOne portal, which helps to disseminate useful information to SMEs on establishing and sustaining a business in Singapore. The Chamber’s role is that of translating the contents of the portal into Chinese and uploading the Chinese text onto the site. Qiye Tong provides a wealth of information on government assistance schemes and other indispensable information in respect of doing business in the Singapore environment. In order to

assist local enterprises in their endeavours to raise productivity and strengthen their competitiveness, the government rolled out a Productivity@Work micro-site, dedicated to productivity-oriented schemes, on top of the existing assistance schemes. This new development added to Qiye Tong’s visitor traffic during the year. The provision of the Chinese translations in Qiye Tong thus helped to establish greater understanding of these schemes among the Chineseeducated business community. Seminars, Dialogues & Events Book Launch of the Guide on Employment Laws for Employers (Chinese Edition) cum Seminar on the Employment Act The Chamber, in partnership with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP), organised a book launch of the Guide on Employment Laws for Employers (Chinese Edition) cum seminar on January 11 to assist companies in understanding their key responsibilities in the Employment Act. A total of 50 participants attended the event. During the book launch, three pieces of a jigsaw puzzle were assembled by the tripartite partners, symbolising the seamless collaboration among the government agencies, employers and employees, who were represented



研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

by Ong Yen Her, Divisional Director of Labour Relations and Workplaces at the Ministry of Manpower, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng and James Tan, Deputy Director of Industrial Relations at the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC), respectively. TAFEP also distributed the Guide which had become available in both English and Chinese. In his speech, Mr Teo said that TAFEP played an important role in building the foundation of Singapore’s economic development. Employment laws protected the rights of both employers and employees and created a better relationship between the two parties. In addition, the laws would also help to reduce discrepancies and disputes. Mr Teo went on to say that the Chamber was pleased to collaborate with TAFEP and promote the Chinese Guide to the business community. He also appealed to Chamber members to conscientiously abide by these laws in their companies. Winnie Liew, Head of Advisory at TAFEP, elaborated on the Employment Act and fair employment practices. She said that since the establishment of TAFEP in 2006, its goal was to encourage employers, employees and the public to observe fair employment practices. Ms Liew also introduced basic rules and clauses as well as the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees under the Employment Act.

Many questions on the practical implementation of the Employment Act were asked at the Question & Answer session moderated by Chamber’s Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon. Mr Ong, representing the Ministry of Manpower, and James Tan, representing NTUC, made up the panel. Seminar on “Budget 2011 Highlights” Budget 2011 saw the Government unveil a series of assistance schemes and tax incentives, to help decrease reliance on foreign workers by improving productivity. The Budget also announced broad strategies to encourage high value-added activities and innovations to grow Singapore into Asia’s leading global economy. On March 17, the Chamber organised a seminar with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to provide a concise overview of the various financing and new tax provisions, and their impact for the local business community. Lennon Lee, Partner of PwC, provided an in-depth analysis of Budget 2011 to the 60 participants present. In particular, Mr Lee highlighted the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme which provides up to 400 per cent tax deductions (at a cap of $400,000) to companies which invest in the six activities under the innovation value chain (research and development; investment

in approved design projects; registration of patents, trademarks, designs and plant varieties; acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights; acquisition or leasing of automation equipment; employee training). Under the scheme, small and growing businesses can exercise the PIC cash payout option to convert their expenditure into a non-taxable cash payout with an expenditure cap of $100,000 for all six qualifying activities with a maximum cash payout of $30,000. In addition, Mr Lee also spoke on other schemes such as the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) pooling system (which encourages enterprises to remit foreign income back to Singapore), tax rebates and changes to the Central Provident Fund (CPF) contribution rates. He encouraged companies to maximise the benefits of the Budget by having proper tax planning procedures and making use of various grants and schemes. Forum on “China Development Updates” On May 27, the Chamber together with the Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC) and Lianhe Zaobao organised a forum on “China Development Updates”, to provide the local business community with a thorough understanding of the latest issues on economic development in the different parts of China.

The China Development Updates Seminar was a platform for local enterprises to gain insights on the latest developments and business trends in eastern, central and western China.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

The Guest of Honour, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan said that the different provinces and cities in China were at varying stages of development, and that this forum made it possible to understand the key areas of development, business environment and policies of eastern, central and western China. In his opening speech, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng stressed that doing business required a combination of factors, including networking, good people relations, a sound reputation, and good timing. He advocated working on the principles of trust and knowing one’s competitive strengths to adapt, innovate and achieve sustained growth. Present at the forum were 80 highranking officials from 23 provinces and 33 cities all over China who were enrolled in the Master in Public Administration & Management (MPAM) Programme conducted by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Hence, this forum offered Chamber members an excellent opportunity of networking with these officials. Four officials from Jiangsu, Guangxi, Liaoning and Gansu also delivered presentations on their respective provinces. Forum Chairman Lim Jim Koon, Chief Editor of Lianhe Zaobao, while Tan Khee Giap, Co-Director of the Asia Competitiveness Institute, moderated the question and answer session.

Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series The Chamber invited Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam to deliver the fifth lecture in the Chamber’s Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series on July 15. Dr Tan shared his views with 300 business leaders in his lecture entitled “Trends, Risks and Opportunities in the Global Economy”. In his lecture, Dr Tan said that the “shift of economic and also geopolitical power will create unparalleled business and investment opportunities. However, it will also generate more geopolitical, environmental and policy risks than we have seen for a long time. All business firms and policy makers will have to consider how to organise themselves to meet both these great opportunities and also these new risks to better manage this uncertain but exciting future.” Dr Tan also mentioned two long-term structural trends which would shape the investment and business communities both in the medium term, and also in the coming decades. Firstly, while the developed world, in particular the US, seems to be recovering, their longer term outlook is still unusually uncertain and carries considerable global macro financial and economic risks. Secondly, the centre of gravity of economic activity will slowly but inexorably shift from the West to Asia.

On emerging markets, Dr Tan said that these markets needed to allow their exchange rates to appreciate and to allow a domestic credit cycle to take hold and reduce their dependence on their traditional export destinations. Consumption and investment patterns established over the past decade were thus likely to be unsustainable going forward. Dr Tan went on to say that policymakers therefore needed to take markets back from a world overwhelmed by uncertainty (including policy uncertainty) to one in which normal business risks prevail. This would encourage business investment which, in many countries like the US, remains at decade-level lows. In addition, Dr Tan highlighted the potential rapid urbanisation of China and India. He elaborated that this urbanisation implied that 70 per cent of the world’s new infrastructure projects would be found in China and India alone over the next two decades, and this would generate an insatiable demand for construction and resources. On the topic of the future role of the Chamber, Dr Tan said that SCCCI had traditionally been one of the main players in China, Southeast Asia and the region. As the spearhead of local business interests in Asian led emerging market growth, SCCCI would again have an important and

Dr Tony Tan delivered the fifth lecture in the Chamber’s Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series. The lecture was moderated by SMU Assoc Prof Annie Koh.

新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee

historic role to play in Singapore’s ongoing journey in economic development. This fifth lecture in the series, organised in partnership with Performance Motors Limited, was held at Ritz-Carlton’s Grand Ballroom. The question and answer segment was moderated by Annie Koh, Assoc Prof of Finance, Dean of Executive Education and Associate Dean of the Lee Kong Chian School of Business at the Singapore Management University. Resource Library The Chamber’s Resource Library is stocked with a diversity of current periodicals, business directories, anniversary and souvenir publications of local trade associations, and trade and investment publications from ASEAN, East Asia, South Asia, countries belonging to the European Union, Eastern Europe, North and South America, Australia and Africa. Many of the publications are unique to the Chamber’s Resource Library, especially those belonging to the China collection. These are mainly publications presented by visiting delegations originating from fast-developing provinces in China as well as cities and counties less familiar to local businessmen. TradeNet Service TradeNet is a nationwide electronic trade documentation system that approves permit applications almost instantaneously, and SCCCI is one of the TradeNet Service Centres authorised by Singapore Customs to issue Inward and Outward permits for traders. Members making use of our TradeNet services are eligible for concessionary rates. In year 2011, a total of 791 declarations were processed through the SCCCI TradeNet Service Centre, serving the needs of local importers and exporters.

Translation Services During the year, the Chamber was approached by many government agencies, listed companies, multi-national corporations and SMEs to provide professional translation services, which elicited favourable feedback. Projects handled included the Chinese edition of the Guide on Employment Laws for Employers for the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices, company websites, overseas investment proposals, contracts, certification documents, and corporate promotional collateral. Many of these required translating original English content into simplified Chinese to address the needs of ventures in China, and to facilitate the submission of application procedures to the China authorities.



新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 外事委员会 External Relations Committee

External Relations Committee Meeting with the Embassy of Romania On March 30, External Relations Committee Vice-Chairman Tan Kim Seng, SecretaryGeneral Lim Sah Soon and Senior Director Fiona Hu held a meeting with Alexandru Irimia, Charge d’Affaires from the Embassy of Romania and its Economic Counsellor Alexandru Coseru. The meeting was established to explore business opportunities and step up promotion in trade, investment and tourism between Singapore and Romania. During the meeting, Dr Irimia gave a briefing on Romania’s various strengths as well as its historical, political and geographical background. Whilst Romania’s traditional trade partner is the European Union, the rise of Asia has undoubtedly created ample new areas of growth which they hope to tap into. Speaking on Romania’s good relations with China, Dr Irimia added that Beijing has been twinned with Bucharest since 2005. To date, Dr Irimia said that some 20 Singaporean companies have invested in Romania, but hoped that more local companies would consider using Romania as a springboard to the Eastern European market as Romania is one of the largest countries in Eastern Europe. Lunch Meeting with the Malaysian High Commission A lunch meeting was arranged with HE Dato’ Md Hussin Nayan, Malaysian High Commissioner, and Economic Counsellor

Wan Suraya on June 16 at Grand Hyatt. Representatives from the Chamber were President Teo Siong Seng, Vice-President Tan Cheng Gay, Finance Committee Chairman Tan Huay Lim, External Relations Committee Chairman Tang Kin Fei, Commerce & Industry Committee Chairman Lau Tai San, External Relations Committee Vice-Chairman Tan Kim Seng, Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon and Senior Director Fiona Hu. Mr Teo took the opportunity to thank the Malaysian High Commission for extending constant support and cooperation to the Chamber, particularly with facilitating arrangements for the Chamber’s business mission to Iskandar Malaysia. He also expressed his appreciation for the support of the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention. As Malaysia is not only Singapore’s neighbouring country but Singapore’s top trading partner, Mr Teo felt that the Chamber should maintain even closer relations with the Malaysian High Commission to exchange timely information and further explore feasible projects. During the meeting, HE Dato’ Md Hussin Nayan gave an update of developments in Iskandar Malaysia, measures to expedite clearance at the Singapore and Malaysia immigration checkpoints, and initiatives to step up crime-prevention measures. With reference to Malaysia’s industrial

developments and strengths, he also said that Malaysia hoped to attract investments in many different industries, including food manufacturing and hitech products. He added that Malaysia was likely to achieve 6.2 per cent growth in 2011. Visit to the SMU Campus Singapore Management University (SMU) invited the Chamber’s 56th Council to a campus tour and networking luncheon on August 19. It was hosted by SMU’s President Prof Arnoud De Meyer, along with other faculty members and senior management personnel of SMU. In his remarks during the networking luncheon, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng thanked SMU for its support of the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and for sending many student volunteers to help out during the event. During the luncheon, two of the SMU students, Desmond Loo (Business Management, 1st Year) and Isaac Chee Yi Xian (Economics, 3rd Year), who were recipients of the 2010/2011 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation Scholarship, gave presentations on their tertiary learning experiences.

Left: President Teo Siong Seng and SCCCI representatives meeting with Malaysia High Commissioner, HE Dato’ Md Hussin Nayan and Economic Counsellor Wan Suraya Right: President Teo Siong Seng, SICCI’s Chairman Rangarajan Narayanamohan and SMCCI’s President Abdul Rohim Sarip at the inaugural SICCI-SCCCI-SMCCI InterChamber Networking Session.



外事委员会 External Relations Committee

Left: The Business Times featured the 13th Annual SMEs Conference. Right: The Straits Times reported on the MOU signed between SCCCI and the Bank of China

Inaugural SICCI-SCCCI-SMCCI Inter-Chamber Networking Session The Chamber, together with the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI) and Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SMCCI) held the inaugural SICCI-SCCCISMCCI Inter-Chamber Networking Session on November 24 at the Singapore Swimming Club. There was overwhelming response of more than 150 participants from all three ethnic Chambers. A total of 44 members from SCCCI attended the networking session. They included President Teo Siong Seng, Vice-President Tan Cheng Gay, Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman Voo Soon Sang, Property Management Committee Vice-Chairman Adrian Peh, and council members David Loh, Tan Choon Boon and Lim Hock Chee. The networking session started with SICCI’s Chairman Rangarajan Narayanamohan delivering his welcome address. In his speech, Mr Narayanamohan congratulated the Chamber for having successfully organised the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention. He hoped that all three ethnic Chambers would continue to work closely in assisting Singapore SMEs to venture overseas.

After a short video presentation on SICCI, members of the three Chambers had the opportunity to network while enjoying the buffet dinner. Media Relations The External Relations Committee continued to work closely with various local and international media in 2011 to increase exposure for the wide spectrum of activities organised and managed by the Chamber and its subsidiaries. The support rendered to all other departments within the Chamber and their subsidiaries resulted in extensive coverage for most events. These included write-ups and coverage on regular events like the Lunar New Year Gathering, 44th War Memorial Service, Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations, 46th National Day Dinner, courses offered by the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business and other important functions like the 9th SCCCI-BT Business Outlook Forum, 13th Annual SMEs Conference and seminars organised by the EDC@SCCCI. We also received widespread media coverage on several business sentiments surveys conducted by our Chamber, responses to new schemes and policies implemented by the government. In addition, the External Relations Committee was responsible for ensuring that the 11th World Chinese

Entrepreneurs Convention was given extremely good publicity over the broadcast and print media both locally and overseas.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee SCCCI & Trade Association Networking Session The 56th Council organised the “SCCCI & Trade Association Networking Session” at regular intervals in 2011 to foster closer relations with the Chamber’s trade association members. Trade association representatives were invited to share their challenges and expectations regarding areas that require greater Chamber collaboration and support. Services provided by the Shanghai Representative Office, Enterprise Development Centre (EDC), Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) and SME Infocomm Resource Centre (SIRC) were also introduced to trade association members at these networking sessions. A total of 20 trade associations attended the two networking sessions held on June 17 and November 25. These were: Singapore Building Materials Suppliers’ Association, Singapore Fish Merchants General Association, Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association, Singapore Furniture Association, Singapore Metal and Machinery Association, Singapore Plastic Industry Association, Singapore School & Private Hire Bus Owners Association, Singapore Timber Association, Singapore Toys & Confectionery Dealers’ Association, Bishan Merchants Association, Express Bus

Agencies Association, The Singapore Cycle & Motor Traders’ Association, Singapore Motor Tyre Dealers Association, Singapore School Transport Association, Singapore Transport Association, Singapore Fruits and Vegetables Importers & Exporters Association, Restaurant Association of Singapore, Singapore Renovation Contractors & Materials Suppliers Association, Singapore Motor Cycle Trade Association, and Singapore Vehicle Traders Association. Josephine Teo, Minister of State for Finance and Transport, was invited to attend the dialogue session on November 25 to gather feedback and understand the challenges faced by trade associations in the transport and logistics sectors. MOU Signing with Trade Association Members On January 28, five SCCCI trade association members signed MOUs with the EDC@ SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office. These were: Singapore Metal and Machinery Association, Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association, Singapore Timber Association, Textile & Fashion Federation (Singapore), and The Society of Modern Management, Singapore. The EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office will serve as the point of contact for these five trade associations to support members’ business ventures into the China market.

On June 17, another five SCCCI trade association members signed MOUs with the EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office. These were: Bishan Merchants Association, Singapore Fish Merchants General Association, Singapore Furniture Association, Singapore Plastic Industry Association, and Singapore Toys & Confectionery Dealers’ Association. The EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office will serve as the point of contact in China to provide business matching services and promote information exchange and business collaborations. On November 25, President Teo Siong Seng and Vice-President Thomas Chua witnessed the MOU signing between the EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office and nine other trade association members. These were: Express Bus Agencies Association, The Singapore Cycle & Motor Traders’ Association, Singapore Motor Tyre Dealers Association, Singapore School & Private Hire Bus Owners Association, Singapore School Transport Association, Singapore Transport Association, Singapore Fruits and Vegetables Importers & Exporters Association, Restaurant Association of Singapore, and Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association. The objective of the MOU signing was to assist members in exploring suitable business opportunities in China.

Trade association members provided useful feedback to SCCCI leaders during the SCCCI & Trade Association Networking Sessions.



商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

President Teo presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Bernard Yeung, Dean of the NUS Business School, for delivering a presentation during the Trade Association Networking Nite.

Trade Association Networking Nite On January 17, the Chamber organised the Trade Association Networking Nite in collaboration with trade association members, The Society of Modern Management, Singapore and the Bishan Merchants Association/Bosses Network. In his speech, President Teo Siong Seng said that the main objective of the networking event was to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by different industries and gather comments for feedback to relevant government agencies. Prof Bernard Yeung, Dean of NUS Business School, shared his views on the 2011 world economic outlook at the event. 2011 Members’ Nite The Chamber held its inaugural networking dinner event on January 1 at the SCCCI Auditorium. SCCCI members and participants from various interest groups (Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN), Career Women’s Group (CWG), Mandarin Singing Class, Toastmasters’ Club and Calligraphy Class) attended the event. President Teo Siong Seng expressed his gratitude to members for giving their support to these interest groups. The enthusiastic participation in these interest groups and spearheading of different projects displayed the great team spirit and camaraderie among its members.

Dialogue with the Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore On January 10, the Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee conducted a dialogue with the Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore to discuss the challenges faced by the Federation. The Chamber suggested that the Federation could get its members to pool resources, introduce collective buying and promotional strategies, and lower operating costs. The Chamber also encouraged the Federation to leverage on services provided by EDC@SCCCI, SIRC and SCCIOB. The EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office could also help the Federation venture into overseas markets and learn from China retail businesses. Both parties came to a consensus on the following: • The Chamber encouraged members of the Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore to join SCCCI as trade association members so as to strengthen the presence of the retail trade in the Chamber. • The Federation will be able to tap into rebates from SCCCI membership subscription fees to cover operating costs of the Federation and its member associations. • The Chamber and the Federation can co-organise events to forge closer relations and broaden business networks.

• Identify three to four collaborating associations to apply for funding from IE Singapore with the help of EDC@SCCCI. This would help to improve the operating environment of associations and build up a dynamic secretariat; it could also uplift the retail trade. • The Federation and SCCIOB will jointly organise site visits and sightseeing tours for tourists and businessmen to visit local heartland areas and businesses. Council Networking Session with Dr Tony Tan Prior to his election as the President of Singapore, Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam visited the Chamber to meet and share his experiences with the Council at the Council Networking Session held on July 29. Dr Tan responded to Chamber President Teo Siong Seng’s comment on the differing roles of the Singapore President and the government with the view that the President has to work with the government, political parties, citizens and community for the welfare of every Singapore citizen. On the topic of competition from foreign talent, he commented that the government promotes free trade and flow of capital. Even with a “Singaporeans-first” approach, it is inevitable that foreign talent is still needed in the Singapore workforce.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

In addition, Dr Tan felt that wage differentials among Singaporeans should be a government concern. He urged the civic society to work closely with the government for the benefit of all Singaporeans. As for Singapore’s current economic situation, Dr Tan expressed that the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation had distributed its reserves to newly emerging markets with great potential and a younger population. Dr Tan emphasised that Singaporean children have the chance to build good foundations for their future due to opportunities for education in Singapore. Many students also go on to further their studies. Having served as Minister for Education previously, Dr Tan expressed satisfaction at the educational opportunities available for young Singaporeans. Monthly Council Networking Session Networking sessions were held before monthly Council Meetings on the last Friday of every month between 3 pm to 4.30 pm, with Council Networking Sessions and Members Networking cum Orientation Sessions held on alternate months. During each networking session, a slot is set aside between 4 pm and 4.30 pm, where the Chamber would invite representatives from government agencies and successful business leaders to give business advice and share latest business updates.

The following networking sessions were held in 2011: Council Networking Sessions • March Council Networking Session March 25: Voo Soon Sang, Vice-Chairman of the Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee and Managing Director of Woodlands Transport Service Pte Ltd, spoke on the corporate culture of offering “Safety First Service” and having a people-oriented management system. • May Council Networking Session May 27: “How to Manage Human Resources in your Business” by Tan Kim Seng, Vice-Chairman of the External Relations Committee and Chairman of Kim Seng Holdings Pte Ltd. He said that employees with talent and a strong work ethic are very valuable and should be given good opportunities to develop in their companies. • July Council Networking Session July 29: Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam was invited to share his experiences given his background in the corporate world and as a public figure. • August Council Networking Session August 26: Ng Siew Quan, Vice-Chairman of the Finance Committee and Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, spoke on “Corporate Governance & Risk Management”. • September Council Networking Session September 30: Council Member Kho

Choon Keng who is the Group Executive Chairman of Lian Huat Group shared his past and present work experiences in both the civil service and business sector. • November Council Networking Session November 25: Ang Kiam Meng, ViceChairman of the Technology Committee and General Manager of Jumbo Group of Restaurants Pte Ltd, gave a presentation entitled “Blind Spots of Managing F&B Businesses”, sharing experiences from his eighteen years in the industry. Members’ Networking Sessions • April Members’ Networking Session April 29: Jeffery Ho, Executive Director of the DesignSingapore Council, gave a presentation entitled “Design for Enterprises Assistance Schemes” and elaborated on the relationship between design and business. • June Members’ Networking Session June 24: Loych Lee, Senior Consultant of CCIS Singapore, gave a briefing on the importance of the Workplace Safety & Health Act. • October Members’ Networking Session October 28: David Tan, Assistant Chief Executive Officer of JTC Corporation, introduced how innovative solutions could address Singapore’s future demand for industrial land.

SCCCI’s Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN) organised Dragon Boat Orientations for its members.



商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Interest Groups Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN)

Mutual Support Group On March 24, YEN organised the first Mutual Support Group sharing session for members to interact and share experiences.

Experience Sharing Session On January 24, council member Victor Foo and YEN committee members Jimmy Soh and See Yong Sheng shared their experiences as entrepreneurs at the “BizAsia Entrepreneurial Exchange Programme”, an inaugural collaborative event between YEN and the NUS Entrepreneurship Society (NES). Thirty participants from NUS, China Agricultural University, China Youth University for Political Sciences, Communication University of China and National Taiwan University attended this event.

Tai Chi Clinic A series of Tai Chi clinics was held every Tuesday at 8 pm from April 5-June 21. The Tai Chi clinics were coached by Eng Choo Eng, Grand Master Taiji Coach from Thailand Jing Wu Sports Association. A total of 16 participants attended 12 sessions of the Yang Style Tai Chi 108 Step class.

Experience Sharing and Business Networking Session in May At the YEN Experience Sharing and Business Networking Session on May 23, Dr Georgia Lee shared with 180 participants her experience on developing her boutique skincare line.

Nature Walk at Southern Ridges On February 27, YEN led a group of 38 members for a nature walk at Southern Ridges.

Managing Your Personal Finance Talk On July 16, Credit Counseling Singapore’s General Manager Tan Huey Min gave a presentation to 25 participants on managing personal finance. YEN Committee Retreat On July 23, a YEN Committee retreat was held at Bintan Island with the goals of promoting team cohesion and planning future events. Business Networking Sessions To help promote networking and interaction among members, YEN organised business networking sessions on the last Wednesday of each month at several restaurants, such as The Wine Company@Evans, ToTT Bistro and Old Parliament Lane’s Earshot@The Arts House. Each business networking session generated a good turnout of 3050 members.

Dragon Boat Orientation On March 12 and December 10 respectively, 20 participants visited the PA Water Kallang to learn the basics of dragon boating.

Charity Event On January 26, YEN visited Tanjong Pagar Family Service Centre to distribute food necessities and red packets to elderly patients. WOW Day – YEN Community Welfare Event @ Bright Vision Hospital On November 19, YEN Chairman Thomas Pek led a group of 200 volunteers to participate in a community welfare event at the Bright Vision Hospital. It was held in collaboration with the Chinese Scholars and Students Association in Singapore and Zhejiang University Alumni Association of Singapore. Mr Pek commented that the community welfare event was made even more meaningful with the support of the universities. He encouraged new Chinese immigrants to actively take part in the Chamber’s events. In doing so, they would be more easily integrated into the local community and could also expand their social network. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation contributed $6,000 towards these programmes.

HTNS-YN National Day Celebrations at Marina Bay Sands 2011 On August 9, YEN took part in the HomeTeamsNS-Youth Network National Day Celebrations at Marina Bay Sands and sponsored $5,000 in support of this event. 2nd Inter-Chamber & Association Dialogue Session On May 19, YEN hosted a dialogue with YEN@SICCI (Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry), YEN@SMCCI (Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry) and Junior Chambers International to foster a longterm working relationship, strengthen connections and improve the sharing of event updates. 3rd ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Association Forum YEN participated in the forum on April 19-23 held in Jakarta, Indonesia. The forum was attended by 200 young entrepreneurs from China and ASEAN countries. YEN Chairman Thomas Pek represented young entrepreneurs groups in Singapore to sign a joint statement with various young entrepreneurs associations from China and ASEAN countries. The joint statement was a pledge of support for activities organised by the ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Association to facilitate exchange among young entrepreneurs in China and ASEAN. The joint statement was submitted to the 7th ASEAN Senior Official Meeting on Youth (SOMY). 4th ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Association Forum YEN participated in the 4th ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Forum on October 12-15 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The forum was attended by 300 young entrepreneurs from China and ASEAN countries. The Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association launched the “ACYEA Outstanding Entrepreneurs Reward” and the Chamber’s International Affairs Committee


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Vice-Chairman Eric Khua was recipient of this award. It was the third time that YEN had taken part in the ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Association Forum. Receiving the ACYEA Guangxi Delegation from China On September 29, YEN received a 10-member delegation from ACYEA Guangxi China at a meeting hosted by the National Youth Council. Li Ze, Honorary President of Guangxi Youth Federation and Secretary of CYLC Guangxi Committee, and Luo Rixin, President of Guangxi Youth Federation and Deputy Secretary of CYLC Guangxi Committee, were part of this delegation. Receiving representatives from the Singapore-China Young Ambassadors Exchange Business Training Programme The Chamber played host to five Singapore-China Young Ambassadors and its programme officer, Ng Xiao Jia, on December 9. Career Women’s Group (CWG) The Career Women’s Group regularly conducts gatherings such as luncheon seminars, talks and tea sessions to attract career women to participate in SCCCI activities and expand their network. To date, the CWG has more than 600 career women as members. ‘Power Sharing and Networking Evening’ On August 5, RAVE China Investments’ Chairperson, Dr Virginia Cha, conducted a seminar entitled “Lessons Learnt from Bringing an International Franchise to China” at the SCCCI auditorium to share her experiences while working in China. Ang Shih-Huei, Managing Director of Pelham Bell Pottinger Asia, also shared her experiences through her presentation “Maximising Your Success through Reputation Management”. The seminar attracted over 50 participants.

Networking Session On September 16, a networking session was held at the residence of CWG committee member Dr Hwang Yee Cheau. The session served as a platform for the planning of upcoming CWG events and programmes relating to International Women’s Day in 2012. CWG Sharing & Networking Session ‘Smile Your Way to a Healthier Life!’ On November 23, gynaecologist Dr Peter Chew from Gleneagles Hospital and periodontist Dr Marlene Teo from TP Dental Surgeons Pte Ltd shared their advice on how to “smile your way to a healthier life” during a CWG Sharing & Networking Session held at the SCCCI exhibition room. Claire Chiang’s My Journey and After Official Book Launch On December 7, the official book launch of CWG Advisor Claire Chiang’s My Journey and After was held at the SCCCI auditorium. Mdm Ho Ching and over 400 eminent professionals from the government, business, education, social and cultural sectors attended the event. The book, penned by Claire Chiang and well-known journalist, Poon Sin Hwa, records Ms Chiang’s experiences from childhood to motherhood as well as her unique view towards life. Ms Chiang said, “I’m really glad I’ve finally completed this family heirloom. I hope the book will inspire more people to pen down their own story as well.” Malaysia-China-Asia Pacific Women’s Economic Summit To celebrate International Women’s Day, CWG Chairperson Claire Chiang led a group of 20 members from the Career Women’s Group to participate in the “Malaysia-China-Asia Pacific Women’s Economic Summit” on March 4-7. The summit saw the attendance of 700 participants from countries and regions such as Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.

Ms Chiang, one of the speakers for the summit, said, “we should recreate traditional values in an innovative way. Creating long term wealth in the interest of the local community as well as the company will be the ethos of enterprises for business development and company management. Women will be able to understand this basic value better than their male counterparts.” Dialogue with MOS Josephine Teo CWG conducted a dialogue with Minister of State for Finance and Transport Josephine Teo on July 8. At the dialogue, Mrs Teo stressed that with the increasing number of females in the workforce today it is inevitable that there will be a rise in the number of women in management level positions. Additionally, changing gender expectations and greater understanding between married couples will lead to a better society. The dialogue gathered feedback on issues related to career women such as expensive childcare fees, encouraging women to return to the workforce and accept higher management roles, and the effectiveness of the current baby bonus scheme. Chongqing Women’s Federation Visit CWG Chairperson Quek Soo Boon and group members received 20 members from the Chongqing Women’s Federation on August 17. Sponsoring the ‘Shirin Fozdar Trust Fund’ A charity dinner was jointly held by the Singapore Management University Wee Kim Wee Centre and the Shirin Fozdar Trust Fund on February 23. The Guest of Honour for the night was President S. R. Nathan. CWG made a donation of $3,000 to support the event. Breast Cancer Foundation ‘Pink Waves High Tea Party’ CWG supported the Breast Cancer Foundation’s ‘Pink Waves High Tea



商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Party’ at Conrad Centennial Singapore on September 10. The Guest of Honour for this event was Sim Ann, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Education and Ministry of Law. Supporting an A*STAR Seminar A*STAR conducted a seminar titled “Enabling the last 100-metre of healthcare in an aging society” at the Biopolis Matrix Building on November 22. The speaker for this seminar was Ninie Wang, founder and CEO of Pinetree Senior Care Services (Beijing), who shared her views on China’s ageing population and her entrepreneurship experience.

“Revisiting Old Dreams” Concert Forty students from the Mandarin Sentimental Hits Singing Class put up a concert entitled “Revisiting Old Dreams” on January 8 and performed Chinese classic hits from the ‘50s to ‘80s to an audience of 400 people. “Autumn Charm” Concert On November 12, 28 students from the Mandarin Folk Songs Singing Class performed a repertoire of folk songs at a concert entitled “Autumn Charm” to an audience of 250 people.

Visit to Changi Women’s Prison In support of the Yellow Ribbon Project, CWG organised a women’s prison visit on December 21 to explore how CWG members can tap on their resources to help inmates reintegrate into society. Mandarin Singing Classes The Chamber’s “Mandarin Sentimental Hits Singing Class” and “Mandarin Folk Songs Singing Class” were conducted on Tuesdays and Saturdays respectively. There are 4 sessions each year with 10 classes per session.

The Mandarin Sentimental Hits Singing Class held a concert entitled “Revisiting Old Dreams” on January 8 and performed to an audience of 400 people.



Technology Committee Technology and IT Advisory Committees The Technology Committee of the 56th SCCCI Council comprises Committee Chairman Stephen Lim, Vice-Chairman Ang Kiam Meng and 12 committee members. These committee members are: David Tang, SCCCI Council Member; Victor Foo, SCCCI Council Member; Andrew Khaw, Senior Director, Industry Development Group, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA); Lena Ng, Divisional Director, Infocomm & Media Division, International Enterprise Singapore; Viktor Cheng, Deputy Director-General, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS); John Tan, Deputy Principal (Technology) and Director of School of Information Technology, Nanyang Polytechnic; Kwan Yuet Wing, Chief Technology Officer, Sembcorp Industries Ltd; Dumas Chin, Vice President (Business Sales), Business Group, Singapore Telecommunications Limited (SingTel); Fung Mok Wing, Director, SPRING Singapore; Jessica Tan, Managing Director, Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd (in her personal capacity); Dr Tan Sze Wee, Director – Strategic Initiatives, Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) (in her personal capacity); and Robert Chew, Managing Partner, Stream Global Pte Ltd (in his personal capacity). In addition, the IT Advisory Committee comprises members Ng Toh Miang, Director, 8path Pte Ltd; Paul Han, Head, Document Solutions Group, Fuji Xerox Global Services; Kelly Tan, Vice President & Managing Director, HewlettPackard Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd; Claudia Tan, General Manager, General Business, IBM Singapore; Samantha Fok, Director, Small & Medium Enterprises, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA); Kwa Kim Chiong, Chief Executive Officer, Justlogin Pte Ltd; Koh Kong Meng, Executive Director, Lenovo (Singapore) Pte Ltd; Ruth Seah, Director, Enterprise & Partners Group,

Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd; Wong Soon Nam, Group General Manager, Homeland Security/Communications Engineering, NCS Pte Ltd; Leslie On, Managing Director,Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd; Daniel Ng, Senior Director – Marketing, Asia Pacific, Red Hat Asia Pacific Pte Ltd; Alphonsus Pang, President, Singapore Computer Society; Teh Chong Mien, Vice-President, Commercial Sales, StarHub Limited; and Goh Chin Teck, Executive Director, Visionedge Ventures Group. Meeting with Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Led by SCCCI Vice-President Thomas Chua and Technology Committee Chairman Stephen Lim, the Chamber paid a courtesy call to Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts on November 18. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the Chamber and present current achievements and future plans to drive IT awareness and adoption among SMEs. The Chamber provides a strong pool of IT resource advisors who can assist SMEs and identify potential tools to boost business productivity and cost efficiency. The annual Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC) organised by the Chamber acts as a platform for SMEs to be exposed to innovative business ideas and find suitable technological solutions and services. Minister Yaacob affirmed the Chamber’s role of heightening infocomm awareness and adoption among SMEs. Other matters discussed included helping SMEs source for and assess the reliability of vendors, collaborate with other Chambers of Commerce and how the SME Infocomm Resource Centre (SIRC@SCCCI) could offer greater support to local business communities. MICA representatives present at the meeting were Industry Division

Director Muhammad Hanafiah and Senior Manager Serene Tan. IDA representatives, SME infocomm Enabler Division Director Edwin Loh and Manager Eddie Liew were also present. The Secretariat was represented by Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon, Industry & Enterprise Development Division Senior Director Irene Low and Director Daniel Lim. SME INFOCOMM RESOURCE CENTRE @ SCCCI (SIRC@SCCCI) The SME Infocomm Resource Centre @ SCCCI (SIRC@SCCCI) was officially launched in 2008 as a joint initiative with IDA. The primary objective of SIRC@ SCCCI is to provide a one-stop centre to increase the awareness and usage of Infocomm Technology (ICT) among SMEs. Since its inception, SIRC@SCCCI has successfully offered its services to more than 9,000 SMEs. This year, SIRC@SCCCI has developed new initiatives which include: • helping SMEs better understand IT contracts • providing a pool of consultants to offer IT advice • creating self-assessment toolkits to help SMEs evaluate the suitability of various technologies for their businesses • organising new programmes to help SMEs take advantage of social media tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, for their businesses A total of 500 SMEs have participated in SIRC@SCCCI’s IT readiness assessments and 150 SMEs engaged the Centre regarding IT contracts or participated in relevant workshops. In addition, over 200 companies have engaged SIRC@SCCCI for IT-related consultations. Collaboration between SIRC@SCCCI and Kingdee Singapore On July 28, SIRC@SCCCI established a partnership agreement with Kingdee to help SMEs with their accounting needs. Under the agreement, the Centre would bring SMEs through an assessment to



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Participants at the “Hands-on Learning Course on Building Social Media into Your Business” Workshop held on January 17.

evaluate their accounting and bookkeeping needs, while Kingdee would recommend suitable accounting software to improve the operation processes of SMEs. During the seminar announcing this collaboration, Technology Committee Chairman Stephen Lim said that this partnership widened the spectrum for IT consultation provided by SIRC@SCCCI and would benefit SMEs in the long run. The event was attended by 80 participants. SIRC@SCCCI events In 2011, SIRC@SCCCI helped SMEs evaluate their current business and IT processes through workshops, seminars and assessment toolkits. The Centre also provided recommendations and advice to SMEs on how to make use of technology to develop their businesses. Are you IT Ready – Hardware Assessment Two sessions of this workshop were conducted on March 23 and April 6 and attended by 18 participants comprising SME owners and staff with little IT knowledge. An assessment was carried out for each company to determine if the upgrading of IT equipment was necessary. Are you IT Ready – IT Contract Guidelines Assessment SIRC@SCCCI organised five sessions of this workshop on March 24-31 and April

7, 14 and 21. The sessions were attended by a total of 47 participants. Participants gained insights on identifying fair IT quotes and contracts as well as the necessity of maintenance contracts and ad hoc IT services to businesses, among others. Are you IT Ready – Software-as-aService (SaaS) Assessment Two sessions of this workshop were conducted on March 28 and April 11 with a total of seven participants. The workshop introduced participants to SaaS and assessed its suitability for their businesses. Social Media Roadmap for SMEs The Centre conducted the “Beginner Course in Social Media: Exploring Social Media for Business” to introduce SMEs to the use of social media in business operations. Three sessions of this workshop were held on June 6, August 25 and December 14 with a total of 35 participants. Forty participants attended the workshop series “Intermediate Course in Social Media: Exploring Social Media for Business” held on June 29, August 26 and December 15. Participants were equipped with skills on how to plan successful social media campaigns and harness social media to improve ROIs.

A total of 73 participants attended two sessions of Social Media Assessment workshops on August 17 and November 1 to evaluate the readiness and needs of SMEs in planning and implementing social media strategies. “Know More” Series on IT Productivity Grants, IT Contracts & SIRC@SCCCI To help SMEs better understand how they could tap on government grants to improve business productivity, SIRC@ SCCCI conducted a series of seven “Know More” sessions pertaining to IT Productivity Grants, IT Contract Guidelines and services provided by SIRC@SCCCI. These sessions were conducted between May 16 and November 15. A total of 150 participants attended the series of sessions. One session in this series was jointly organised with DP Bureau on October 20 at their premises. Other Seminars/ Workshops/ Forums/ Site Visits “Hands-on Learning Course on Building Social Media into Your Business” Workshop Jointly organised by SCCCI and Republic Polytechnic on January 17, this one-day course gave 15 participants an overview of the impact of using new media tools in business development and a hands-on experience in using these tools.



“Coordinate Your Business the Simple, Convenient and Effective Way” Workshop SCCCI and SingTel jointly organised a series of workshops between January 24 and November 10 on how companies could harness online solutions to make business coordination simpler and more effective. This workshop series was attended by 80 companies. “Power Up Your Business Productivity with Technology” Seminar Held on January 25 and jointly organised by SCCCI and StarHub, this seminar showed 25 participants from local enterprises how to utilise technology at minimal cost and subsequently increase business productivity. IDA also introduced the iSPRINT programme for SMEs at the seminar. “Smarter Collaboration and Communications Solutions that Drive Efficiency and Lower Costs” Workshop This hands-on workshop was jointly organised by SCCCI and IBM on January 27 for SMEs to learn how solutions for collaboration and social networking services could enhance their businesses. It was attended by 15 participants. “Make e-commerce a Reality for Your Business” Seminar Speakers shared insights on how

companies could develop and execute effective e-commerce strategies with minimal set-up fees, monthly subscriptions and IT support at this seminar jointly organised by SCCCI and IBM. A total of 59 participants attended the sessions held on January 27 and March 4. “Budgeting Beyond Spreadsheets” Jointly organised by SCCCI and IBM on February 18, this seminar taught 49 participants how to eliminate unproductive spreadsheet activities by using powerful planning and analysis solutions. “Getting the most from the Cloud” Seminar The Chamber, together with Microsoft, organised this seminar in both English and Mandarin on February 28 to help member companies understand how online services could help them reduce cost and increase productivity. There were 95 participants in total for both seminars. “Smarter Use of Microsoft Excel for Accounts and Financial Reporting” Seminar This seminar held on March 16 taught 93 participants how to use Excel for financial reporting, accounting and generating relevant financial statements and analysis reports.

“Re-engineer a Successful Business Model” Workshop This workshop was organised on March 18 and August 12 to help SMEs evaluate their corporate strategies and refine business processes for continued success. It was attended by 28 participants. “Collect MONEY without collecting CA$H!” Seminar SCCCI and IDA organised the seminar on March 21 to help SMEs understand how their business can embrace e-payments through the contactless e-payments initiative and enjoy a reduction of up to 50 per cent in transaction fees and a waiver of terminal rental. Nine companies attended the event. “How do you Generate an Unlimited Amount of Leads? – An Insight into Marketing Automation and Social Media” Seminar The Chamber partnered InterAktiv Technologies to organise this seminar attended by 80 participants on April 7. The seminar provided insights on how best practices in lead qualification and advanced cloud computing technology could lead to higher quality leads and sales. “Boost Office Productivity and Collaboration” Seminar This seminar on April 14 was a collaboration between SCCCI and

Left: Participants learning how to increase productivity and efficiency at work through cloud computing. Right: Participants learning how HR processes could be streamlined at the “Leveraging on Government Grants in Automating HR Processes” Seminar.



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StarHub that gave 32 participants with little or no IT knowledge an exclusive preview into Microsoft’s latest suite of office collaboration solutions. “Staying ahead of competition through Synnovation” Seminar Stephen Lim, Chairman of the Technology Committee, was the moderator for the panel discussion at this seminar organised by StarHub. The seminar held on April 20 and attended by 200 SMEs saw a discussion on how new business ventures could gain a competitive edge through synergistic and innovative technologies. “Leveraging on Government Grants in Automating HR Processes” Seminar This seminar taught participants how to take advantage of the cloud computing platform, Software-as-a-Service, to increase productivity. Participants were also introduced to benefits of the iSPRINT grant from IDA. Two sessions were conducted on April 28 and June 9 and attended by a total of 162 participants. “Exchange 2010 – A Migration Worth Considering” Seminar A total of 39 participants turned up for a seminar on April 28 which was a joint collaboration between SCCCI and Microsoft, and showcased the benefits of Microsoft Exchange 2010 to SMEs. “Spend time growing your business, not your bookkeeping” Seminar Four sessions of this seminar were conducted on April 28, May 31, August 19 and December 9 with a total attendance of 94 participants. Jointly organised by SCCCI and SingTel, this seminar helped SMEs understand how web-based accounting solutions could improve collaboration and productivity, and provide greater control and visibility of their accounts.

“Achieve, Increase & Maintain Productivity” Seminar During this joint collaboration between SCCCI and Microsoft on May 5, 30 participants gained insights into how technology could help improve HR management systems as well as understand and predict the buying behaviour of customers.

“Making Business Sense of Green Productivity for SMEs” Workshop SCCCI collaborated with Teian to organise this hands-on workshop to introduce SMEs to green productivity and how it could be implemented in their workplaces for higher profitability. Held on July 7, the workshop was attended by 15 participants.

“Cloud – The Future of Productivity” Seminar Technology Committee Chairman Stephen Lim was a panelist at this seminar on May 6 and shared his views with 200 participants at a panel discussion entitled “Powering SME Growth with Cloud Services”.

“The Case for CSR – Strategies for a Sustainabilty” Seminar This seminar was a joint collaboration between SCCCI and Singapore Compact and conducted by Thomas Thomas, CEO of ASEAN CSR Network & Executive Director of the Singapore Compact for CSR. The 15 participants who attended on July 26 were introduced to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility as well as its impact on business sustainability.

“Hands-On Appreciation Workshop on Payroll & Leave Management” Workshop This workshop sought to educate SMEs about how cloud computing for HR software could increase productivity at low costs. Five sessions of this workshop were held between May 18 and June 27 and attended by a total of 62 participants. “Key Management Ratios and Productivity Index Measurements from Financial Statements” Seminar Two sessions of this seminar were held on May 20 and June 30 to help SMEs better understand how business ratios could help businesses make beneficial long-term strategies and effective decisions. A total of 88 participants attended the seminar. “Website Development for SMEs” Workshop The workshops held on June 18 and August 13 were attended by a total of 50 participants who learnt how to create and develop a corporate website using free online tools.

“Cost Effective Low Carbon Building Materials Meeting the Growing Needs of Singapore’s Green Building Industry” Seminar This seminar held on November 18 and attended by 70 participants was jointly organised by SCCCI and Friends of Business Sustainability (FBS). Speakers from the Singapore Green Building Council, EnGro Corporation Limited, SIMTech, A*STAR and Natsteel Holdings Pte Ltd, introduced the use of sustainable building materials in the green building industry. “Business on the Tab: Using iPad to jumpstart your Business” Seminar SCCCI, in partnership with Sapura, organised a workshop on how SMEs could make use of the iPad and iOS5 (Operating System) to achieve business mobility. The seminar was held on December 6 and attended by 65 participants.


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International Affairs Committee Overseas Visitors & Delegations The Chamber received a total of 45 trade delegations and guests from various countries and regions in 2011. Delegations from the People’s Republic of China comprised 80 per cent, with others coming from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Southeast Asia. These visits were opportunities for SCCCI to gain valuable insights into overseas markets and build rapport with overseas business organisations, hence widening the Chamber’s network. Investment and business collaterals brought by these overseas delegations can be referred to at the Chamber’s Resource Library. Delegation from Nanjing Municipal Government A 6-member delegation led by Zheng Zeguang, Vice-Mayor of Nanjing City, paid a courtesy visit to the Chamber on January 31. This visit was arranged by International Enterprise (IE) Singapore to forge closer ties between Nanjing and Singapore. Singapore and Nanjing have enjoyed close economic ties for many years and the Chamber saw this visit from the Nanjing Municipal Government as an opportunity to expand the scope of economic development for both parties. The delegation was briefed on the Chamber’s Shanghai Representative Office

established on October 20 2010 during the meeting. The Chamber expressed its wish for the Nanjing Municipal Government to support the Representative Office and encourage the business community in Nanjing City to use the Representative Office as a means of forging ties with Singapore businesses. The Chamber also extended an invitation to the leaders and business community in Nanjing to participate in the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC). Delegation from Department of Commerce, Hebei Province On February 22, Zhao Jinqi, Deputy Director General of the Department of Commerce in Hebei Province, led a 6-member delegation on a visit to the Chamber. At the meeting, Mr Zhao took the opportunity to update the Chamber on Hebei’s latest economic and trade developments. During the visit, SCCCI introduced the services of the Shanghai Representative Office and invited the Department to attend the 11th WCEC. Mr Zhao also suggested holding the “9th Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee Meeting” in November. Delegation from the Filipino-Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Inc A 23-member delegation led by Benito Goyokpin, Executive Director, Filipino-

Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Inc, visited the Chamber on August 23. Businessmen from both countries discussed the benefits of capitalising on the strengths of Chinese entrepreneurs in capital, skills and management knowhow to promote mutual growth. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng received the delegation together with council members and expressed hope that more efforts could be made to increase business exchange and cooperation between the two countries. Mr Goyokpin expressed interest in forming a delegation to participate in the 11th WCEC. Delegation from Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) On November 9, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, together with VicePresidents Thomas Chua and Tan Cheng Gay, received a 5-member delegation from the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The delegation comprised S Gopalakrishnan, Vice President of CII; Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General of CII, N Kumar, Past President of CII and Vice Chairman of The Sanmar Group; Anupama Arya, National Vice Chairman – CII Young Indians (YI) and Co-founder and Managing Director of Mobera Systems Pvt Ltd; and Kavita Choudhry, Head of CII.

The Chamber welcomed a delegation from the Nanjing Municipal Government led by Zheng Zeguang, Vice-Mayor of Nanjing City, on January 31.



国际事务委员会 International Affairs Committee

The “Knowledge and Opportunities of Doing Business in China, Guangzhou” Seminar was jointly organised by the Chamber and the Singapore Business Federation (SBF).

Mr Teo stated that the Chamber would continue to foster stronger ties between Singapore and India through various channels. CII affirmed that they would offer strong support for the Chamber’s business mission to India scheduled for February 2012. Survive and Thrive Breakfast Series The Survive and Thrive breakfast series provided a platform for SCCCI members to tap on the experiences of prominent businessmen. “An Overview of India Business Landscape: Seizing Opportunities, Overcoming Challenges” Seminar During this seminar held on July 6, Manish Desai, Director of Deloitte Tax and Regulatory Services, explained the business models adopted by Indian companies and addressed common business concerns when entering the India market. These concerns include cross-border business plans, tax disputes and offshore planning. The seminar saw an attendance of 34 participants. “Investing in India” Seminar Megha Khandelwal, Tax Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers Singapore, and Joey Khoo, Vice-President of Marketing & Customer Support at Ascendas India, were invited to speak at the seminar held on September 7. They spoke on

India’s investment potential, India’s regulations on overseas investment and how overseas investors could enter the India market. Sixty participants attended the seminar. “Seizing Opportunities During Global Uncertainty” Seminar Chairman and Group Chief Executive Director of Boustead Singapore Limited, Wong Fong Fui, and Chief Executive Officer of Yokogawa Singapore, Lai Ah Keow, were guest speakers at this seminar on July 28. The seminar allowed 40 participants to have a better understanding of the global economy, the risks of overseas business ventures and how to manage these risks. At the seminar, Roland Ng, International Affairs Committee Chairman, highlighted that the global economy had become increasingly volatile due to political turmoil and natural disasters. Businessmen had therefore become even more cautious about investing abroad and increasingly aware of the importance of risk management in overseas business ventures. Mr Wong gave advice on how companies could devise strategies to avoid the business risks brought about by a turbulent economy. In his presentation, he spoke about issues that impacted the global economy such as competition for natural resources,

the inflation of the US dollar and the country’s zero interest policies, the Euro zone crisis, the tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan and the extremely rapid growth of the China economy. Mr Lai from Yokogawa Singapore gave specific examples of how the Japanese earthquake and tsunami resulted in a butterfly effect on the global economy, thus creating several business opportunities for Singapore. Seminars, Workshops and Forums “Knowledge and opportunities of doing business in China, Guangzhou” Seminar The Chamber and the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) jointly organised this seminar on January 25, to introduce the latest economic developments and investment opportunities in Guangzhou. Seminar on Yunnan’s Investment Environment On March 7, the Chamber and the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Yunnan Province co-organised a seminar to introduce the investment environment and business opportunities in Yunnan. The “9th Introduction of Projects Southwest to ASEAN Overseas Chinese Investors & The Asia-Pacific Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum” was also introduced at the seminar. Hu Mingxue, Deputy Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office


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of Yunnan Province, led a 7-member delegation to promote the forum. The delegation introduced the latest economic developments and areas for investment in Yunnan to the 12 Chamber members present. Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman, Wu Hsioh Kwang, said that the seminar was a good opportunity for local companies to learn more about Yunnan and gain first-hand knowledge about its business opportunities.

Sidley Austin LLP, used case studies to analyse global arbitration procedures. Cao Lijun, Partner at Zhong Lun Law Firm, spoke about the implementation of global arbitration procedures. In addition, all speakers agreed that the ability of Singapore firms to conduct international arbitration procedures in the Chinese language was a great asset in dispute resolution for Chinese businessmen worldwide.

“International Commercial Dispute Resolution and Management” Seminar On April 8, the Chamber and the International Arbitration Centre jointly organised an English seminar entitled “International Commercial Dispute Resolution and Management”. A total of 50 participants were introduced to examples of international commercial disputes and management solutions as well as when to opt for international arbitration. Hee Theng Fong, Head of International China Practice and Partner of Litigation & Dispute Resolution at KhattarWong LLP, compared the arbitration procedures in Singapore and China. Paul Teo, Consultant at Hogan Lovells Lee & Lee, analysed cases on global business disputes and how they were managed. William Ong, Partner at Allen & Gledhill LLP, introduced how to effectively develop dispute resolution contracts. Yang Ing Loong, Partner at

The 9th Introduction of Projects Southwest to ASEAN Overseas Chinese Investors & The Asia-Pacific Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum On June 4-6, Vice-President Zhong Sheng Jian represented the Chamber at the “ 9th Introduction of Projects Southwest to ASEAN Overseas Chinese Investors & The Asia-Pacific Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum” organised by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Yunnan Province and People’s Government of Yunnan Province. The forum focused on the development of western China and was a networking platform for enterprises and government agencies from China and overseas Chinese entrepreneurs. Potential industries for investment highlighted at the event included environment protection, food processing, forestry, zone development, metallurgy, finance, logistics, pharmaceuticals and cultural tourism.

2011 Cooperation and Development Discussion Seminar for Overseas Chinese in Tianjin Council members Tay Khiam Back and Kho Choon Keng along with two other Chamber members attended the seminar on June 17-20. Based on the themes of technology, innovation, improvement, networking, cooperation and development, the event was organised by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Tianjin, Tianjin Municipal Commission of Rural Affairs and SME Bureau of Tianjin* to promote trade relations between Tianjin and Chinese businessmen worldwide. *Name translated from the Chinese 9th China (Xiamen) International Food Trade Fair Honorary council member Low Teck Cheng and other Chamber representatives attended this fair organised by the China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce and Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce. The exhibition, held on June 24-26, displayed developments in the China food industry and enhanced the interaction and cooperation between businesses in both Singapore and China. “Understanding the Chinese party and Government Organisations” Seminar On July 5, Director of the Chamber’s Shanghai Representative Office, Lim Wee Khee, held a seminar on China’s

Chamber’s council member Hee Theng Fong was one of the legal professionals who spoke at the “International Commercial Dispute Resolution and Management” seminar.



国际事务委员会 International Affairs Committee

political systems and government organisations. He also answered queries on investing in China at the seminar attended by 64 participants. Business Missions Business Mission to Guangxi Province Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng led a 44-member delegation to Guangxi Province on June 6-10. The main purpose of the mission was to enable Singapore companies to explore business opportunities in Guangxi. A highlight of the trip was the “China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone – Guangxi” forum in Nanning City organised by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Delegates also explored developments in the Guangxi Park for Emerging Industries* and Overseas Chinese Forestry Park*. Briefings by local government officials, business networking and matching sessions, industrial visits and other programmes were also arranged. The 34 companies which participated in the mission spanned a wide range of industries including shipping, container manufacturing, warehouse logistics, port management, maritime, shipbuilding, investment, real estate, construction, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, chemical

products, electrical equipment, banking and financial services, insurance, strategic consulting, textile, metal machinery, water treatment, printing, timber, optical products, educational services, trade representative bodies and general trade. During the mission, delegates visited the Nanning ASEAN Economic Development Zone and three other major industrial parks. Delegates also attended the opening ceremony of “Doing Business in Guangxi in the context of China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone” held in Liyuan Resort of the Nanning International Convention Center. During the trip, Mr Teo met up with the Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government leaders, including Director Li Haifeng and Deputy Director Ren Qiliang of the Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Secretary Guo Shengkun and Vice-Chairman Li Jinzao, United Front Work Department minister Huang Daowei, and representatives from various associations. Roland Ng, deputy mission leader and Chairman of the International Affairs Committee, led the delegates to Liuzhou on June 8, while Mr Teo left for Fangchenggang and Qinzhou

with seven other delegates. President Teo and the delegates arrived at the Ronghu Hotel and were greeted by Guilin Mayor Li Zhigang, Deputy Mayor Wu Jiashi, Deputy Mayor He Yongdong, Guilin Municipal Government Secretary-General Zhang Xiaowu and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Guilin Branch President Zhao Haiqiang, among other representatives. Delegates also attended a dialogue with Guilin High-tech Industrial Park representatives. This dialogue was facilitated by President of Guilin CCPIT, Zhao Haiqiang. Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the Guilin Municipal Government Deng Xiaoqiang was present at the dialogue. In addition, the delegates visited Yangshou, a famous tourist attraction, and learnt about the development of local tourism in Guilin. *Names translated from the Chinese Others “Grow your business by leveraging on FTA” Seminar The Ministry of Trade and Industry held this seminar on June 9 to guide local SMEs on how to grow their business by leveraging on the benefits of Free Trade Ageements (FTAs) and lessen the barriers of entry to overseas investment.

Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng led a 44-member delegation on a business mission to Guangxi Province in June.


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“2011 China Keqiao International Textile Expo” On October 25-28, the China Zhejiang Municipal Government, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, China Textile Industry Association and China General Chamber of Commerce held the “2011 China Keqiao International Textile Expo” which presented a wide variety of textile products. Five participants from the Chamber attended this expo at the invitation of the Shaoxing County Government. “2011 Guizhou Southeast Province Investment and Trade Promotion” fair On October 31 to November 2, the Guizhou Provincial People’s Government of Southeast Guizhou, Guizhou Provincial Department of Commerce and CCPIT Guizhou Province Branch jointly organised the “Guizhou Southeast Province Investment and Trade Promotion” fair. It was aimed at promoting overseas business opportunities in western China. Five delegates from the Chamber attended these activities at the invitation of CCPIT’s Singapore Representative Office.



工商业委员会 Commerce & Industry Committee

Commerce & Industry Committee Seminars, Symposiums and Talks Business Outlook Forum 2011 in Mandarin The Business Outlook Forum 2011 in Mandarin was held on January 8 at the DBS Auditorium. Irvin Seah, Vice-President of Group Research at DBS, expressed optimism for Singapore’s economy, especially for the manufacturing and services sectors. He also spoke on issues pertaining to employment, inflation, and interest and exchange rates. Tan Hong Boon, Deputy Managing Director of Credo Real Estate (S) Pte Ltd, analysed local public and private housing trends for 2011; his forecast for the property market was that it would continue to experience healthy growth. Dr Chan Yan Chong, MBA Programme Director of the City University of Hong Kong, shared his views on the US and China stock markets, highlighting that the infocomm technology industry was likely to perform well. The Forum ended with a panel discussion during which participants raised questions on the global economy, emerging capital markets, the stock and real estate market and global currency exchange. The panel discussion was chaired by Tung Soo Hua, Current Affairs Presenter from MediaCorp. The Forum was attended by 500 participants.

9th SCCCI-BT Business Outlook Forum: “2011: Looking and Moving Beyond” On January 19, the Chamber and Business Times jointly organised the 9th SCCCI-BT Business Outlook Forum. The Forum attracted 300 participants and saw experts discuss the development of the global economy and give their analyses of the economic outlook for Singapore and her neighbouring countries. Kelvin Tay, Chief Investment Strategist Singapore at UBS Wealth Management Research, gave a presentation entitled “Global Outlook 2011: A Fractured World”. He spoke about the strengths and weaknesses of the economies of the east and west. He also elaborated on how investment strategies would be affected by changes in the global economy. Hugh Young, Managing Director of Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Ltd, analysed the effect of changes in interest and exchange rates on the Asian stock market. Prof Deng Yongheng, Director of Institute of Real Estate Studies at NUS, discussed the impact of the property markets of China, Hong Kong and Singapore on the general economy. The panel discussion was chaired by Vikram Khanna, Associate Editor of The Business Times.

“Service Productivity Management” English Seminar The Chamber invited Suresh Indukuri, Supply Chain Consultant at iCognitive, to give advice on integrated service management and how companies could improve productivity, product quality and profitability. The seminar was held on January 20 and attended by 35 participants. “Essentials for Business” English Seminar The Chamber and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) jointly organised a seminar on essential business principles. A total of 41 participants attended the seminar on February 16. “Break Through Productivity” English Seminar On March 8, Dr M. R. Ramsay, Founder of RAPMODS Systems, shared with 29 participants how enterprises could remain competitive in both local and international markets. “Driving Revenue through E-Commerce” English Seminar The Chamber and DP Bureau organised a series of seminars to help members learn how to lower business costs through e-commerce. A total of 53 and 41 participants attended the seminars on March 10 and June 22 respectively.

Chamber’s Vice-President Thomas Chua (second from right) with speakers and moderator Vikram Khanna (middle), Associate Editor of The Business Times, at the 9th SCCCI-BT Business Outlook Forum.


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Minister for Manpower Gan Kim Yong (second from right) and Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng (extreme right) together with (from left) Vice-President Zhong Sheng Jian, Immediate Past President Chua Thian Poh, and CEO of e2i Ang Hin Kee, at the Singapore Government Pavilion of the 13th Annual SMEs Conference.

“Payment Risks of the Fast-Growing Dragon” English Seminar The Chamber and Coface South Asia Pacific jointly organised a seminar attended by 30 participants on March 29 on payments risks when dealing with China enterprises.

Chamber and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Singapore Research School. These participants learnt how to apply strategies from the famous text Sun Tzu’s Art of War in today’s competitive business environment through real-life case studies.

“Protect and Grow Your Business – The Competition Act as Your Toolkit” English Seminar On April 4 and June 21, the Chamber jointly organised two seminars with the Competition Commission of Singapore with an attendance of 20 and 29 participants respectively. The seminars shed light on how the Competition Act could benefit companies by helping them avoid the snares of unfair business practices.

13th Annual SMEs Conference 2011 “The New Business Agenda: What Really Matters” On May 12, the 13th Annual SMEs Conference was organised in partnership with Lianhe Zaobao and supported by International Enterprise (IE) Singapore and SPRING Singapore. The theme for the conference was “The New Business Agenda: What Really Matters”. It was organised to help SMEs understand and assess current market situations and predict future trends. It was also a chance for participants to network and share experiences with each other. The conference attracted about 1,800 participants with Minister for Manpower Gan Kim Yong as Guest of Honour. Minister Gan elaborated on Singapore’s business opportunities and challenges for the next decade, and the important role of SMEs in the economy. He affirmed the Chamber’s efforts in helping SMEs to become more productive and innovative and said that

“Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme (PIC) and Budget 2011 Highlights for Businesses” English Seminar To help businesses understand how they could benefit from the PIC scheme and other tax initiatives introduced during Singapore Budget 2011, the Chamber partnered the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) for this seminar on April 12. A total of 81 participants attended the seminar. “Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Modern Commercial Strategy” Mandarin Seminar On April 19, 122 participants attended this seminar jointly organised by the

the Government would be investing more resources into current productivity and innovation grants. In response to Minister Gan’s speech, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng announced that the Chamber had further plans to assist local enterprises in raising productivity and innovation. He added that plans were underway to help local SMEs develop businesses in China through business trips, immersion programmes and training courses. The morning panel discussion was chaired by Wong Lin Tam, Principal Consultant of Wang Media Consulting Pte Ltd. Panelists comprised Chan Hian Siang, CEO of SP Chemicals Pte Ltd; Edward Ang, Executive Chairman and CEO of Ocean Sky International Ltd; and Alfred Li-Ping Cheng, Economic Policy Consultant in Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research. They shared views on how to make accurate market assessments and seize business opportunities. The afternoon panel discussion was chaired by Sze Hong Chew, Principal Business Consultant of Success Horizon Consultancy. Panelists comprised Elvin Koh, Managing Director of Samwoh Corporation Pte Ltd; James Chen, Chairman of Wuhan Sintec Optronics Co Ltd; and Lim Hock Chee, Managing Director of Sheng Siong Supermarket Pte Ltd. The discussion saw panelists discuss



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views on avoiding business risks and how companies could prepare for turbulences through business remodeling. The conference also showcased the latest credit risk analysis tools, business financing schemes and technology. The Singapore Government Pavilion which served as a one-stop information and consultation centre was wellreceived by participants. Agencies present included SPRING Singapore, International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), and Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). “The Best Practices of Credit Control” English Seminar The Chamber jointly organised a seminar with DP Bureau Pte Ltd on May 19 on credit management and how businesses could improve cash flow and profitability. The seminar was attended by 75 participants. “Dialogue Session with JTC Corporation (JTC)” English Seminar A joint seminar was organised with JTC Corporation (JTC) on May 25, during which JTC’s CEO Manohar Khiatani introduced its products and business strategies to 63 participants.

“Construction Productivity and Capability Fund (CPCF) Funding Support for the Construction Sector” English Seminar During a seminar jointly held with the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) on June 27, 19 participants discovered how they could harness the CPCF to lower business costs and increase productivity. “Intellectual Property for SMEs” English Seminar The Chamber partnered the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) for a seminar on June 29. During the session, 39 participants learnt about intellectual property and had one-to-one consultation sessions with experts. “How can Infocomm Grow your Business?” English Seminar SCCCI partnered the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) for a seminar on July 7 where 22 participants learnt how they could harness infocomm capabilities for business development. They also discovered how they could obtain assistance from the government to develop their infocomm capabilities.

“The Arts of Accounts Receivables Techniques” English Seminar The Chamber partnered DP Bureau for a seminar on July 15 to share with 95 participants how they could adopt efficient and effective strategies for successful debt recovery. “Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme” Mandarin Seminar At this joint seminar on August 2, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) introduced 88 participants to the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme which allows enterprises to enjoy tax rebates of up to 400 per cent or cash grants amounting to $30,000. “Branding is not Important for SMEs” English Seminar The Chamber and StrategiCom organised this seminar on August 11 where 60 businessmen learnt the importance of branding and how to create a credible brand image. “CPF Changes from 1 September 2011” English Seminar On August 23, a total of 90 participants attended a seminar conducted by the Chamber and the Central Provident Fund Board (CPF) on changes to CPF contributions and how to use CPF Auto-eXcelPlus.

SCCCI and StrategiCom jointly organised a seminar on innovative branding strategies for SMEs on October 25.


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Participants touring the Nanyang Polytechnic food science laboratory facilities during the “NYP Food Science and Nutrition Seminar and Site Visit”.

“Intellectual Property for the Lifestyle Sector” English Seminar The Chamber partnered the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) to organise a seminar on how intellectual property could become assets to businesses. Held on August 24, the seminar was attended by 58 participants. “Company’s Tax Obligations for Year of Assessment 2011” English Seminar The Chamber partnered the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to organise a seminar on September 6. Joan Fuan, tax specialist at IRAS, and Toh Tze Hern, senior tax officer of the Corporate Tax Division at IRAS, spoke to 85 participants on what to look out for when filing tax returns and how enterprises could enjoy tax incentives. “Business Essentials for Start-Ups” English Seminar DP Bureau representative Ng Peck Hoon gave advice to 38 participants on effective business strategies for enterprises and how SMEs could receive financial support. The seminar was held on September 9 as a joint collaboration between the Chamber and DP Bureau. “INNOVATION: One of the Two Things Every Company Must Do” English Seminar On October 25, the Chamber and StrategiCom jointly organised a

seminar highlighting how SMEs could incorporate innovation into branding strategies and avoid the top 10 innovation mistakes. The seminar was attended by 42 participants. “IP Consult – Intellectual Property for SMEs” English Seminar The Chamber and the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) jointly organised a seminar on November 2, enabling 33 participants to learn the importance of intellectual property (IP) and how IP could be protected and become a business asset. “The Art of Reducing Credit Risk” English Seminar On November 10, this jointly held seminar with DP Bureau elaborated how companies could evaluate customers’ borrowing capacity and improve business turnover. The seminar was attended by 33 participants. “NYP Food Science and Nutrition Seminar and Site Visit” English Seminar The Chamber and Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) organised a seminar and site visit to NYP on November 29. Prof Leonard Stevenson and Jen Phoon shared with 49 participants how research and development has been used in food and beverage production.

“Generation F: Branding the Family Business” English Seminar On December 14, StrategiCom representatives Dr Wilson Chew and Jacky Tai gave advice to 33 participants on branding family businesses. The seminar was jointly organised by the Chamber and StrategiCom.



产业委员会 Property Management Committee

Property Management Committee SCCCI Building Maintenance and Leasing To ensure that the building is wellmaintained and operational, a maintenance programme for common areas and facility rooms was carried out. The common walls and ceilings from the second to seventh storey were also re-painted. Two air-handling units at the Secretariat office on the ninth storey and the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) on the eighth storey were replaced to improve the efficiency of the central air-conditioning system. In July, the washrooms on the first to third storeys were renovated and enhanced.

In 2011, the SCCCI Building maintained a healthy occupancy rate of 85 per cent. Revenue from office space rental increased to $2.37 million, up by $75,000 from 2010. Revenue from the rental of the Auditorium, Board Room, Conference Room and Exhibition Room amounted to $125,000, up 9.2 per cent from the previous year. Car park revenue was $66,800, a 6 per cent decrease from the previous year.

The unique and historical SCCCI building at Hill Street undergoes constant maintenance and enjoys a healthy occupancy rate.


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Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Lunar New Year Gathering 2011 The Chamber’s annual Lunar New Year gathering on February 3 saw an attendance of more than 600 guests. These included SCCCI members and council members, foreign diplomats, Members of Parliament, government officials, academics, businessmen and representatives of civic organisations. In his welcome address, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng announced that the Shanghai Representative Office had signed an MOU with five trade association members and would act as their liaison point in Shanghai. The Representative Office’s role includes arranging for business missions, public relations, marketing and business matching. He went on to say that the Chamber hoped to work together with even more trade association members and key business organisations to promote trade and investment exchange between Singapore and China. Mr Teo promised that the Chamber would do its best to assist corporate members to improve productivity by leveraging on the latest technology and training up workers’ skills. The Chamber also hoped to broaden networks to embrace opportunities with overseas counterparts, and continue to open up new markets. However he also emphasised that while economic development is always high on the agenda, the Chamber was mindful that social

cohesion and racial harmony was crucial to nation-building. Guest of Honour K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law, commended the Chamber for showing unwavering dedication to serve not just the local Chinese community, but Singaporeans as a whole. He urged the Chamber to collaborate with other trade organisations to render assistance to local businesses that express interest in expanding to emerging markets. Minister Shanmugam also thanked the Chamber for its role in forging social cohesion. Besides providing scholarships to local students of different races, the Chamber also set up an Immigrants Liaison Group to help integrate new immigrants into the society and spearheaded various initiatives to promote cross-cultural appreciation and inter-ethnic understanding. During the function, Minister Shanmugam presented awards to the top five finalists of the “World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention Logo Design Competition”. At 12 noon, everyone present formed a huge circle and exchanged greetings for the new year. River Hongbao 2011 River Hongbao 2011 was jointly organised by the Chamber, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, Singapore

Press Holdings, Singapore Tourism Board and People’s Association. The event was held on February 1-13 at The Float@Marina Bay and attracted more than one million visitors. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew was Guest of Honour at the opening ceremony of the event. SCCCI Nite@River Hongbao 2011 On February 11, the Chamber was invited to host “SCCCI Nite” at the 25th River Hongbao. The Chamber invited and hosted 300 business representatives from Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand to join the celebrations. Various regional business chambers also contributed to the festivities by presenting entertaining cultural performances. Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang was Guest of Honour at the event. Mid-Autumn Festival On September 9, Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat was Guest of Honour at the Chamber’s annual Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations. He was joined by 450 guests including ambassadors, senior government officials and prominent leaders from the business, cultural and educational communities. In his speech, Minister Heng expressed that he was heartened to see that the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) had actively provided training programmes to help businessmen and other adult learners master the

K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law, joined the festivities at the Chamber’s 2011 Lunar New Year gathering as Guest of Honour.



文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang was Guest of Honour at SCCCI Nite@River Hongbao 2011 which attracted 300 business representatives from Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

Chinese language and understand Chinese culture. These efforts complemented the government’s aim to promote bilingualism in Singapore. Minister Heng announced that in order to nurture students to be proficient in their Mother Tongue Languages, the Ministry of Education was enhancing the teaching and testing of these languages. He pointed out that bilingualism and biculturalism strengthened Singapore’s identity as an Asian society and connected us with our unique heritage. He added that it was fortuitous that even though the mother tongue policy was not motivated by its economic value, the economic dynamism of the Asian region had given an added impetus for the learning of mother tongues. In his welcome address, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng said that a sound education for citizens is necessary for a nation’s foundation and human capital is inextricably tied to education. As different economies of Asia are burgeoning, Singapore needed to cultivate even more talent to strengthen her international competitiveness. Minister Heng joined Mr Teo to present Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation scholarships to 12 undergraduates from NUS, NTU and SMU, and two Malay-Muslim undergraduates from local universities under the joint SCCCI-MENDAKI Scholarship.

“Appreciation & Practice of Chinese Calligraphy” class A new series of the SCCCI Chinese calligraphy class “Appreciation & Practice of Chinese Calligraphy” started on March 30. The class was conducted by Khoo Seow Hua on Wednesday nights. Four series of 10 classes were held in 2011. Education Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SCCCF) Scholarship SCCCF scholarships were presented to students from the three local universities for the academic year 2011/2012. Recipients of the SCCCF Business and Chinese Studies scholarships from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) were: • Alex Chan Wai Keong (Accounting and Business Study, 3rd Year) • Nora Seah Sze Ya (Accounting, 3rd Year) • Koh Hwee Kay (Chinese Studies, 2nd Year) • Yan Yeming (Chinese Studies, 2nd Year) The above outstanding students were selected by Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee ViceChairman Philip Kia.

Recipients of the SCCCF Business and Chinese Studies scholarships from the National University of Singapore (NUS) were: • Chia Kai Chung (Double Degree in Business Administration & Arts 2nd Year) • Eugene Lim (Finance 3rd Year) • Celeste Chew Shi Ling (Chinese Studies 2nd Year) • He Yingshu ( Chinese Studies 2nd Year) Recipients of the SCCCF Business scholarship from the Singapore Management University (SMU) were: • Gary Lee Rui Jie (Business Management 2nd Year) • Aaron Yeo Jiehan (Social Science 3rd Year) • Goh Zhong Huan (Business Management 1st Year) • Chian Kai Hong (Business Management 3rd Year) The above outstanding students were selected by Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee member Lee Peng Shu. In addition, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee member Wan Shung Ming selected the following outstanding Malay/Muslim students for the Yayasan Mendaki scholarship: • Anisah Binte Abdul Khalid, Bachelor of Business Management, SMU • Hannah Alysha Binte Mohamed Ashiq, Bachelor of Law, NUS


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

NTU “Mayors’ Class” Gold Medal Since 2006, the Chamber pledged to award two “Mayors’ Class” Gold Medals each worth $300 to outstanding students under the Master in Public Administration and Master of Science in Managerial Economics programmes. The award is aimed at improving bilateral exchanges and fostering close relations between Singapore and China. The awards for 2010/2011 were given to the following outstanding students: • Shi Siquan (Master of Science in Managerial Economics) • Zhu Li (Master of Public Administration Programme) Hwa Chong Institution Foundation In support of efforts to promote bi-cultural talent, the Chamber continued its support for Hwa Chong Institution by providing eight SCCCI awards to outstanding students in the Chinese Language Elective Programme (LEP) and Bi-cultural studies Programme (BSP) from the Upper Secondary to Junior College levels. Each award is worth $1,000 and is open to Singapore citizens and permanent residents. SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng represented the Chamber to present the awards on July 16. The SCCCI BSP Award was presented to Lim Ming Kit, Han Song, Ling Han and Wu Tong while the SCCCI

LEP Award was presented to Alvin Leow Zhen Wei, Zhuo Dayou, Lim Xiao Qi and Wu Qiu Han. Community Services 44th War Memorial Service Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence Ng Eng Hen was the Guest of Honour at the 44th War Memorial Service in Commemoration of the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation held on February 15. More than 1,000 students from tertiary institutions and 34 junior colleges and secondary schools attended the service. Among the 200 guests present were members of the diplomatic corps, religious groups, business and clan associations, the SAF Veterans’ League, families of the war victims and five All-Japan Peace Cycle Network cyclists. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, together with Vice-Presidents Patrick Lee, Thomas Chua and Tan Cheng Gay, presented the first wreath followed by representatives from the SAF Veterans’ League, religious organisations, National Cadet Corps and schools. All present then made three bows and observed a oneminute silence. The solemn ceremony was brought to a close with the buglers’ sounding of the “Rouse”.

Community Engagement Programmes Community Engagement Programme (CEP) Committee The CEP Committee comprises: 1. Teo Siong Seng 2. Zhong Sheng Jian 3. James Kuah Geok Lin 4. Chua Seng Chong 5. Stephen Lim Beng Lin 6. Lau Tai San 7. Wu Hsioh Kwang 8. Thomas Pek Ee Perh 9. Voo Soon Sang 10. Ang Kiam Meng 11. Eric Khua Kian Keong 12. Lee Sze Leong 13. Philip Kia 14. Lee Peng Shu 15 Wan Shung Ming 16. Tay Khiam Back 17. Chia Weng Kaye 18. David Tang Sheung Ching 19. Edward Ang Boon Cheow 20. Simon Goh Lian Seah 21. Tan Choon Boon 22. Yeo Hiang Meng 23. Lim Sah Soon 24. Tan Siew Kiang CEP Taskforce The Chamber and the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations

Recipients of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SCCCF) Scholarship together with Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat (8th from left) and Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng (9th from left) at the Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations.



文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence Ng Eng Hen and Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng with students at the 44th War Memorial Service.

(SFCCA) jointly formed the CEP Taskforce as a response to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s call to support the programme. This collaboration combines the resources of both SCCCI and SFCCA in rolling out new programmes that facilitate interaction and exchange among citizens of different ethnicities and religions. SCCCI representatives in the CEP Taskforce are: Co-Chairman: Wu Hsioh Kwang Member: Chua Seng Chong Member: Tan Kim Seng Member: Voo Soon Sang Member: Philip Kia Member: Lim Sah Soon Businesses and Unions Cluster Networking Night Members of the Tripartite Panel on Community Engagement at Workplaces gathered at the Singapore Flyer on February 23 for the Businesses and Unions Cluster Networking Night. The event celebrated the 5th anniversary of the CEP. It also served as a platform for business and union networking and the sharing of the latest CEP information and activities. The CEP Implementation Guide for Employers was launched by then Minister for Manpower Gan Kim Yong, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng and six representatives from

the Businesses and Unions Cluster. The Guide was developed to provide employers with information to kickstart the CEP at their workplaces. The Ministry of Manpower would work with the Singapore Business Federation and National Trades Union Congress to provide training programmes for business executives and union leaders, hence enhancing the CEP at workplaces. The National Community Engagement Programme (CEP) Dialogue The National Community Engagement Programme (CEP) Dialogue, coordinated by the Ministry of Home Affairs and supported by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA), Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and People’s Association (PA), was held at the Raffles City Convention Centre on March 19. This annual dialogue presented an ideal platform for community leaders to interact and share latest news and information. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong pointed out that harmony in Singapore should not be taken for granted and constant efforts had to be made to protect the country’s social fabric. He also reinforced the importance of community bonds and said that the CEP was an effort to build these bonds.

ACCORD Visit to Pulau Brani Police Coast Guard Headquarters The Chamber was invited by the Ministry of Defence, together with other organisations, to visit the Police Coast Guard’s (PCG) Integrated Tactical and Training Centre on December 13 together with the Advisory Council for Community Relations in Defence (ACCORD). During the visit, participants were briefed on the roles of PCG in safeguarding coastal security. Guests of Honour Minister of State for Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs Masagos Zulkifli bin Masagos Mohamad and Minister of State for Defence and Education Lawrence Wong, and representatives from PCG and ACCORD, shared their views at a dialogue during the visit. Other Forums The Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA) held a Community Engagement Programme forum at the National Library on April 15. During the forum, representatives from the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), Ministry of Education (MOE), MICA, Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and People’s Association (PA) discussed Singapore’s racial and religious relations. MICA Deputy Secretary Sim Gim Guan was Guest of Honour at the forum.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

Exercise Flashpoint On November 15, Exercise Flashpoint was conducted by the Community Engagement Programme secretariat under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Manpower to test and validate the level of preparedness of and synchronisation between business clusters and trade unions. Thomas Pek and Voo Soon Sang, Vice-Chairmen of the Trade Associations and Membership Affairs Committee, and Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon attended the exercise. Using communication media such as instant messages and e-mails, various scenarios were simulated to test the level of vigilance and response rate of community leaders. Immigrants Liaison Group Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng appointed the following council members to be part of the Immigrants Liaison Group (ILG) under the leadership of Vice-Presidents Tan Cheng Gay and Zhong Sheng Jian. The 56th Immigrants Liaison Group Committee comprises: Chairman/Co-Chairman : Vice-Presidents Tan Cheng Gay and Zhong Sheng Jian Members: External Relations Committee Chairman Tang Kin Fei and Vice-Chairman Tan Kim Seng Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Chairman Chua Seng Chong, and Vice-Chairmen Thomas Pek and Voo Soon Sang Cultural, Education & Community Affairs Committee Chairman Wu Hsioh Kwang and Vice-Chairman Philip Kia Guided Art Appreciation Tour to “Dreams & Reality – Masterpieces of Painting, Drawing & Photography from the Musée d’Orsay, Paris” On November 19, the Immigrants Liaison Group organised a guided tour to an art exhibition “Dreams and Reality:

Masterpieces of Painting, Drawing and Photography from the Musée d’Orsay, Paris” at the National Museum of Singapore. Close to 40 participants from the Chamber, Tianfu Club, Tianjin Club, Hua Yuan Association and Zhejiang University Alumni Association attended the event. The art appreciation tour served as a platform for interaction among new immigrants, council members and Chamber members.

Winners from the 11 primary and 10 secondary schools which participated were:


Philip Kia, Vice-Chairman of the Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee, presented the awards to the winners of the Primary School category. The Chamber contributed $4,000 from the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation in support of the competition.

Signing of “Singapore Mediation Charter 2011” Cooperation Agreement On September 5, the “Singapore Mediation Charter 2011” was signed between the Chamber and the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) to promote the use of mediation among businesses to resolve disputes. The mediation procedure protects the confidentiality of businesses and is more cost-effective than going through legal procedures. The “SCCCI Mediation Centre” was established in 2002 to help strengthen the implementation of the Chamber’s mediation services. The 20th Inter-School Story-Telling Competition The finals for the 20th Inter-School Story-Telling Competition organised by the Chamber, the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and Hwa Chong Institution(HCI) was conducted at HCI’s Cheng Yi Auditorium on August 13. Seng Han Thong, Member of Parliament for Ang Mo Kio Group Representation Constituency (GRC), was Guest of Honour at the event. In support of the Speak Mandarin Campaign, the objective of the competition was to raise the standard of Mandarin in Singapore by encouraging students to speak the language and demonstrate their creativity through story-telling.

Primary School Category 1st: Bukit Panjang Primary School 2nd: Bedok Green Primary School 3rd: Nan Hua Primary School Secondary School Category 1st: Catholic High School 2nd: Nan Chiau High School 3rd: Dunman High School

SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club 12th Executive Committee Election The SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club Executive Committee was elected during the Club’s annual general meeting on May 25. The new committee would serve a one-year term from 2011-2012. Members of the committee are: President: Ang Ah Hoe Immediate Past President: Albert Sin Yew Tek Vice-President, Education: Roy Leong Kin Hua Deputy Vice-President: Lai Jun Da Vice-President, Membership: Lim Kay Yew Vice-President, Public Relations: Lawrance Lim Secretary: Peng Chew May Treasurer: Kelvin Khaw Ping Ping Sergeant-At-Arms: Fang Ke Wei and Lu Yisong The 10th Speechcraft Course Thirteen participants took part in the 10th Speechcraft course held every Wednesday from August 10 to September 7. The five-session course equipped participants with communication and public speaking

新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

skills. The classes were conducted by an experienced lecturer with the assistance of an in-class tutor. Supporting the Kampong Glam Community Club’s 46th National Day Commemorative Dinner In celebration of Singapore’s 46th National Day, the Kampong Glam Community Club held a National Day Commemorative Dinner on August 13. The Chamber donated $1,000 in support of this annual event. Supporting the People’s Association Malay Activity Executive Committee Council The Chamber made a donation of $2,000 from the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation to the People’s Association Malay Activity Executive Committee Council’s (MAEC) musical “Gentarasa” held on May 28. The aim of this event was to promote the appreciation and development of Malay culture and raise the performance standards of Malay cultural groups. Tan Kah Kee Foundation The Chamber made a donation of $20,000 to support the Tan Kah Kee Foundation’s educational awards and cultural and educational events. These include: • Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors’ Award • Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors’ Award (Shanghai) • Inaugural Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors’ Award (Malaysia) (as approved by Tan Kah Kee Foundation Management Committee) • Tan Kah Kee Postgraduate Scholarship • Tan Kah Kee Forum • Making the Tan Kah Kee Foundation’s Chinese Philanthropists Memorial Hall open to student and public visitors, and organising educational projects within the Hall • Expanding the quantity and quality of artifacts in the Chinese Philanthropists Memorial Hall • Monument for Nanyang Drivers and Mechanics

In honour of Tan Kah Kee’s dedication to education, the Tan Kah Kee Scholarship Fund (later known as the Tan Kah Kee Foundation) was established in 1961 under the support of SCCCI. “Commemorating the 50 th Anniversary of his passing – The Tan Kah Kee Spirit” Seminar At the invitation of the Tan Kah Kee Foundation and the Tan Kah Kee International Society, the Chamber supported the seminar “Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of his passing – The Tah Kah Kee Spirit” held on November 26 at the Hwa Chong Institution Drama Centre. The purpose of the seminar was to allow Singaporeans to gain a better understanding of Tan Kah Kee and his contributions to the nation. Tharman Shanmugaratham, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Finance and Minister for Manpower, was Guest of Honour at the event. Prof Wang Gungwu was the keynote speaker at the seminar. The event was also co-organised by the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, Ee Hoe Hean Club, Hwa Chong Institution and the Hwa Chong Alumni Association.




中华总商会产业私人有限公司 Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited

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新加坡中华总商会企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd

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新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司 上海代表处 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd, Shanghai Representative Office

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新加坡中华总商会管理学院 Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

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新加坡中华总商会基金 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation

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孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 中华总商会产业私人有限公司 Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited

中华总商会产业私人有限公司 三星大厦 在漆街3号、楼高30层的三星大厦, 是中华总商会产业私人有限公司、中国 广场控股有限公司和漆街产业私人有限 公司三方联合发展的产业。大厦于2005 年12月28日取得临时入伙准证 (TOP)。 三星大厦的结构专业工程师已完成 为期5年的结构观察,并确定大厦的结 构稳定及安全。建筑物管制局已于2011 年2月18日发出法定完工证书 (CSC)。

总商会产业私人有限公司目前拥有第 15层,第22层至第30层办公室楼面。截 至12月份,保持100%的租用率,总租 金收入为1250万元。公司2011年的税后 净盈余为776万元。





新加坡中华总商会企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司 新加坡中华总商会企业发展与服务 中心(企发中心)是由本会与新加坡标 新局共同设立的一站式商业服务中心, 旨在通过提供一系列的增值服务帮助中 小企业作必要的提升及加强竞争力。自 2006年2月22日成立以来,企发中心积 极为新加坡的中小企业提供商业咨询服 务、主办商务讲座,并协助推广各类有 利企业发展的政府计划。 2010年10月20日,企发中心在上海 成立了第一个海外代表处,加强本会与 中国政府和商业机构之间的联系;为有 意到中国投资和发展的新加坡企业提供 协助,也为总商会142个商团会员以及 属下会员商家在中国的业务提供咨询与 服务。 2011年,企发中心继续为本地中小 企业提供各类商业咨询服务、商业对 接、举办讲座和工作坊,让企业更熟悉 各类政府援助计划,并从中受惠。

分别来自分别来自大连、宁波、绍兴、 金坛、重庆、南宁和澳门,获得本地企 业的热烈反应。 4月25日,本会蔡其生副会长在本中 心与大连市人民政府联办的招商会上, 代表本会发表演讲时,呼吁新加坡商家 把握投资大连的商机。 7月20日至22日,本中心协助中国宁 波市对外贸易经济合作局,向本地企业 推介宁波生产的日用消费品,例如家用 电器、办公用品、家居用品等。 7月21日,本中心也协助中国国际商 会及中国-东盟商务与投资峰会秘书处, 向本地商家推介中国广西南宁华南城的 “中国-东盟产品展示交易市场”。 9月6日,重庆市黄奇帆市长带领了重 庆经贸代表团,在本中心所举办的“新 加坡-重庆经贸合作洽谈会”上向本地 商家重点推介重庆的投资机遇。

讲座与工作坊 2011年,本中心组织了35场讲座/ 工作坊,所涵盖的主要内容,包括投 资、提高生产力等。与会商家通过本中 心所组织的系列讲座与工作坊,获取了 相关的技能与知识,借由改进工作流程 及产品创新来提升公司的生产力。本中 心在2011年为约300家企业提供了与生 产力课题相关的咨询服务。

商务咨询服务 2011年,企发中心为超过1000家 中小企业提供了商务咨询服务。中心的 服务包括提供商务对接、商业注册、中 小企业融资、商业调解,以及商务发展 等。中心也协助中小企业了解政府所推 出的援助计划,这些计划涵盖企业和产 品创新、提升业务能力,以及提高升生 产力等。

商业推介会 本中心为来自7个不同省市的中国代 表团在新加坡举办了招商活动,为本地 商家与中国企业搭桥牵线,这些代表团

展望 基于对中心表现的认可,标新局今 年启动了与企发中心为期3年的合作发 展协议(第三阶段)。自2011年4月1日

起,标新局调整了与企发中心的合作发 展计划,为本地中小企业提供更多的增 值服务。 企发中心与本会商团和属下会员商家 进行更深入的交流,通过定期的商业问 诊为他们提供全面的服务。 此外,企发中心也加强与各个战略合 作伙伴的关系和改进中心所提供的商务 咨询服务。中心将尽最大的努力协助中 小企业提高生产力,并达到营业目标。

左图:4月25日,本会蔡其生副会长在本中心与大 连市人民政府联办的招商会上,呼吁新加坡商家把 握投资大连的商机。 右图:9月6日,我国贸工部兼国家发展部政务部长 李奕贤(右四)、重庆市黄奇帆市长(中)和本会 张松声会长(左四)见证了新中两国企业在“新加 坡-重庆经贸合作洽谈会”签署合作协议。



新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司上海代表处 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd, Shanghai Representative Office

新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司上海代表处 新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限 公司上海代表处,是本会在新加坡国际 企业发展局及新加坡标新局的资助下, 于2010年10月20日成立的第一个本会海 外代表处。 2011年,代表处发挥了其联系中心 、 服务中心和培训中心的重要任务,为本 会会员商家到中国经商、发掘新商机、 促进两地商家交流等方面提供有效协助。 同时,代表处也全力加强本会与中国各省 市政府及工商界的联系、强化本会的品牌 及中国各界对本会的认识与支持。2011 年,代表处共为159家企业提供各项商务 咨询服务,并开展了18项商务交流活动。 与本会商团会员签署合作备忘录 2011年,代表处一共和本会的19家 商团会员签署合作备忘录,包括:新加 坡五金机械公会、食品厂商联合会、木 材厂商总会、纺织服饰商会、现代企业 管理协会、碧山商联会、新加坡鱼商总 会、新加坡家具商会、新加坡塑胶工业总 会、新加坡玩具糖果商公会、快车代理商 协会、新加坡车商公会、新加坡汽车胶轮 商会、新加坡学校私人巴士车主公会、新 加坡学校交通业联合会、新加坡运输业公 会、新加坡果菜出入口商公会、新加坡餐 饮业协会、新加坡装修同业商联会。 代表处是签约商团在中国的联络处, 协助商团会员在中国境内联系商业对口, 安排进行商业配对服务,并促进新中两国 企业界的双向交流与合作。

接待来自新加坡的代表团 2011年,代表处接待了数个到中国进行 考察和访问的新加坡商业代表团,包括: 新加坡房地产经纪学习团;标新局零售/ 特许加盟业赴上海、四川成都考察团; 标新局私立教育机构赴上海、四川成都考 察团;标新局海事业赴上海代表团,以及 两个总商会商团会员的代表团,即新加坡 高科技协会赴杭州、南京及天津投资考察 团和新加坡、老板联谊会/碧山商联会代 表团。 此外,代表处也在总商会管理学院带 领“国际商业伙伴计划高级管理课程”的 学员到北京、上海、重庆、成都、大连、 青岛、武汉、杭州、长沙、南通和昆明学 习时接待了他们。 系列活动 2011年,代表处举办了以下活动: • 2月:与新加坡政府侨民署联办商务 交流 • 3月:新加坡财政预算案和税务讲座 • 4月:大连生态科技创新恳谈会暨招 商会 • 5 月 : 与 新 加 坡 经 济 发 展 局 、 新 加 坡 国 际 企 业 发 展 局 及 新 加 坡 工 联 合总会联办“Singapore: Your Global Treasury & Procurement Hub”讲座 和“新加坡外派国际员工”个人所得 税专题研讨会 • 7月:了解中国党政组织讲座 、新加坡 中国(宁波)进出口商品交易会 、 2011澳门新加坡投资促进会和新加 坡 :您 的 环 球 贸 易 与 采 销 枢 纽 论 坛

• • • • •

8月:与新加坡国际企业发展局成都 办事处联办西安投资推介会 9月:“诉讼之外的上市纠纷解决方 式”讲座 、新加坡-重庆经贸合作洽 谈会暨招待晚宴 10月:绍兴市滨海新城投资环境推 介会 、与新加坡标新局联办“外商 投资在中国” 讲座 、新中企业家交 流晚宴 11月:金坛市投资环境推荐会 、上 海新加坡商会主办、上海代表处协办 的“上海新加坡商会商务论坛”、与 新加坡标新局联办“新加坡海事业上 海交流暨研讨会” 12月:欢庆圣诞暨葡萄酒会

与中国政府/商协会建立联系 2011年 , 代表处与多家中国政府机 构、商会和协会建立了密切的联系,以 便协助新加坡企业构建与中国政府机构 和私人机构的联系。 这些机构包括:中国产业海外发展与 规划协会、上海市工商业联合会、上海 市工商业联合会钢铁贸易商会 、上海市 工商业联合会环境保护产业商会、上海 市经济团体联合会、上海市现代服务业 联合会、中国国际贸促会江上海市分会/ 上海市国际商会、上海市商业联合会、 上海市侨商会、上海市物流协会、上海 市 船 舶 协 会、上 海 国 际 贸 易 服 务 行 业 会、上海纺织品商业行业协会、上海木 材行业协会、上海进出口商会、上海出 口商品企业协会、上海市海外经济技术 促进会 、上海市建筑五金门窗行业协会、

在张松声会长和蔡其生副会长的见证下,上海代表 处首席代表,本会林三顺秘书长和商团会员碧山商 联会洪鼎良主席签署合作协议。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司上海代表处 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd, Shanghai Representative Office

上海市浙江商会、上海市四川商会、上海 市湖北商会、上海市河南商会、上海市重 庆商会、上海市山东商会、上海市安徽商 会、上海市江西商会、上海市舟山商会、 上海市建德商会、中国国际贸促会江苏 省分会/江苏省国际商会、江苏省侨商 总会。 为总商会商团会员服务 代表处为总商会的商团会员 , 包括 新加坡高科技协会、新加坡老板联谊会/ 碧山商联会、新加坡木材厂商总会、新 加坡食品厂商联合会、新加坡精工及模 具协会等,安排他们与中国当地企业进 行商业对接,并为他们提供商业信息和 咨询等服务。 9月1日, 代表处协助安排新加坡高 科技协会属下 4 家会员商家到杭州及南 京考察,探讨在清洁能源及环保科技方 面的投资商机,并协助联系了中新南京 生态科技岛及杭州新加坡低炭科技园; 同时也协助安排了星展银行、宝德胜章 及杭州市外经贸局代表与代表团交流。 10月26日,新加坡老板联谊会/碧山 商联会的 1 3 家会员商家到上海时考察 时,代表处协助安排了“新中企业家交 流晚宴”,邀请当地比较有影响力的企 业代表出席,包括富春控股集团、正大 集团、太平船务、红星美凯龙集团、上 海德真会投资公司、上海德泰投资公司、 广州博济牙科中心、格略特机电科技有 限公司及复星集团、上海圣博华康文化创 意投资公司及锦江国际(集团)公司等。

5月20日,代表处举办的“新加坡外派国际员工个 人所得税专题研讨会”邀请专家主讲有关课题。

其他 西湖博览会 10月11日,代表处带领了30名新加坡 企业代表出席杭州市政府举办的西湖博览 会。同日下午,代表处与杭州市政府及英 国贸易与投资机构联办“现代服务业国际 投资合作洽谈会”,出席的26名新加坡企 业家会与35家来自英国及杭州当地的现 代服务业企业进行了商务洽谈。 协调新加坡企业参与“上海购物节” 代表处与上海市商务委及上海市商 业联合会配合,协调上海的新加坡零售 企业参与 9月9日至10月 7日的“上海购 物节”活动 。参与的企业 ,包括新加坡 乐通餐饮集团、钨节CSC新加坡餐厅、 天泰餐厅、品川餐厅、新加坡航空公司、 新加坡辉盛国际酒店管理集团旗下名致 精品酒店、史云逊健发中心、新加坡傲 胜国际旗下新加坡瑞莱全劲健康食品有 限公司、新加坡梦芙施服饰商贸集团 , 在以“感悟新加坡,体验狮城韵”为主 题的系列活动中,取得显著的业绩增长。



新加坡中华总商会管理学院 Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

新加坡中华总商会管理学院 2011年,学院进一步提升了在国内 外培训领域的良好口碑和专业形象。与 时并进,不断地完善服务素质并加强课 程内容及其实用性。 为响应政府号召,鼓励从业者不断 自我提升,学院积极寻求合作伙伴,促 成并推出了针对各行业需求所设计的新 课程、培训奖励和学费资助计划。 教育部长王瑞杰到访 9月9日,新加坡教育部长王瑞杰到访 本学院并与教师和学员们进行了交流。 部长也肯定了学院所开办的课程对在职 员工培训和提升就业能力的重要性。 和就业与职能培训中心合作 学院和就业与职能培训中心展开合 作,以提升就业技能为宗旨,让学员在 职总的“培训奖励津贴”和“雇主津贴 计划”下,报读学院的大专文凭、证书 及短期课程时获得学费的资助。资助金 额每年从250元至课程总额的50%不等。 最佳成绩奖励金和商务华语奖励金 学院设立了“最佳成绩奖励金”给 每届企业管理文凭、专业华文教育文凭 及翻译口译技能文凭前三名的学员。 学 院也设“商务华语奖励金”,颁发给出 席率达到至少75%及考试合格的商务华 语课程的学员,以兹鼓励。 学院开办的企业管理文凭课程是本 地首创、以华语授课、供企业家就读的 课程 ,每 年开办 4班, 即4届 的学员 毕 业。2011年共有12名优秀学员获颁奖励

金,每名学员获颁2,000元,所颁发的金 额达24,000元。 学院开办的专业华文教育文凭课程则 是为有志于从事华文教育事业及欲提升 其专业技能,成为合格的新加坡华文辅 导教师的人士而设。2011年奖励金得主 共9名,每名获颁1,500元的奖励金。学 院所颁发的金额达13,500元。 翻译口译技能文凭课程旨在培养一批 深刻领悟中英双语丰富内涵,能准确进 行中英互译的专门人才。 2011年共培育 了33名毕业生,每届2名成绩最佳的毕 业生获颁了“最佳成绩奖励金”,每份 奖励金为1,500元。学院共发出总金额达 9,000元的奖励金。 商务华语课程是由新加坡劳动力发展 局和北京汉办共同开发,旨在培养学员 工作场所华语写作及会话能力。本学院 是受我国政府认可的指定培训机构,也 是众多机构中最多学生报读的学院。符 合“商务华语奖励金”条件的学员,劳 发局将资助其70%的学费。此外,他们 也能获颁相等于学费的20%的奖励金。 奖励金依据个别单元的学费计算,由642 元至2,782元不等。2011年,在196名修 完此课程的学员之中,共有43名优秀学 生获颁“商务华语奖励金”,所颁发的 金额达18,472元。 “最佳成绩奖励金”和“商务华语奖 励金”由新加坡中华总商会基金拨款资 助。2011年拨出的奖励金总额为64,972 元。所有奖励金均已在学院第23届毕业 典礼上颁发。

第23届毕业典礼 11月16日,348名文凭课程和商务 华语课程毕业生出席了学院举办的第23 届毕业典礼,主宾是就业与职能培训中 心总裁及宏茂桥集选区议员洪鼎基。新 加坡中华总商会副会长暨学院管理委员 会主席蔡其生,以及学院董事部成员与 校友会代表也出席了毕业典礼。 政府认可和指定的培训机构 学院与国内外政府、政联机构紧密 合作,致力于发展成为领先的环球化管 理学院。 学院是中国政府官员海外培训渠 道 之 一 , 具 备 中 国 国 家 外 国 专 家 局 的 “指定境外培训机构”资格,并成为中 国国营企业海外培训的新加坡唯一渠 道。2011年8月期间,学院承办两个以 现代生产与技术管理为专题的中国国营 企业培训团。 自2009年起,学院即为新加坡国际 企业发展局“国际商业伙伴计划”中国 项目的本地唯一合作伙伴。2011年,学 院开办7次赴中国各城市的国际商业伙 伴计划高级管理课程,共有93名学员从 所安排的著名高等学府学习和实地考察 参访中受益。课程70%的学费由新加坡 国际企业发展局资助。 工作场所安全与卫生标准认证 学院制定了一系列的风险管理计划 及安全工作程序,确保符合工作场所安 全与卫生法令的要求。 此外,学院也成 立了内部风险评估小组,负责审查内部

教育部长王瑞杰(左三)在总商会会长张松声 (左二)、名誉会长郑民川(右二)、副会长暨管 理学院管理委员会主席蔡其生 (右一) 与秘书长林 三顺 (左一) 的陪同下,参观本学院。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 新加坡中华总商会管理学院 Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

左图:本会副会长暨管理学院管理委员会主席蔡其 生,在第23届毕业典礼上颁奖给商务华语课程表现 优异的学生。 右图:8月4日,来自江门市的专题研修班学员到 本中心接受培训时,与本会国际事务委员会主席 黄山忠(前排左四)、工商业委员会副主席陈睦发 (前排右三)及秘书长林三顺(前排右二)合影。

各工作流程,以准备在2012年成功申请 工作场所安全与卫生理事会工作场所安 全与卫生标准的第三级认证。 ISO9001:2008国际标准证书 2011年,总商会管理学院通过审 核,获颁ISO9001:2008国际标准证书, 涵盖范围包括设计、发展及提供课程的 流程。此证书有助于确保学院时刻提供 高素质的培训服务、认真对待客户要求 和反馈,并改进工作流程。

学院各培训部门 语言文化中心 公司培训项目在2011年表现突出, 收 入同比去年增加了25%。学院具备了应有 的条件与能力,可根据有关企业雇员的能 力水平和专业性质制订适合的培训课程。 企业客户包括公共服务部门和知名的私人 企业,有些亦是多年的合作伙伴。 除了公司培训外,语言文化中心共 开办了123个专业文凭、证书及短期课 程。新生人数达1,779名。 2011年,语言文化中心增设了商务 华语课程的种类,除了现有的综合单 元,还推出了口语以及写作单元。学员 可根据其程度报读所选单元的初级、中 级或高级班。 语言文化中心也与共和理工学院合作 录制音频光碟,作为商务华语课程口语单 元的辅助教材,协助学员学习标准的发音 以及提升阅读与沟通的能力。由于学员的 反应良好,本中心将录制视频影碟。

商学中心 商学中心推出了各类课程以协助提高 中小企业员工的沟通能力、客户服务技 巧及商业知识。 在2011年,中心开办了 73个专业文凭、证书及短期课程。新生 人数达1,006名。 商学中心在2011年继续配合本会的宗 旨,开办商团管理专业证书课程。课程 旨在提高新加坡各商团的专业形象和管 理水准。本会基金在2011年也继续为所 有商团委派的学员提供150元 ,约43%的 学费资助,共有16名学员从中受益。 为了扩展和提升学院现有的课程,商 学中心与义安理工学院合作,针对缺乏基 本财务管理知识的专业人士及执行人员, 推出“非财务管理层的财务须知”课程。 为了开拓新市场,商学中心也为大专 学府的应届毕业生推出“全方位职场入 门”课程,协助学员成功步入职场。课 程的内容包括形象与社交礼仪须知、公 文写作技巧训练、华语现场演示技巧及 建立人脉的秘诀等。 国际培训中心 2011年,赴新加坡培训部为571名来 自江苏省、福建省、青海省、四川省、 重庆、成都及青岛的中国政府官员及企 业家的26个团组主办了中短期培训课 程,内容包括金融、财务管理、城市规 划、现代生产与技术管理、现代服务业 高级人才管理技术等。学员们在新加坡 接受培训之际,也拜访了政府机构和总 商会属下的会员商家。

今年,赴海外培训部组织了7次高 级管理课程,分别到北京、上海、重 庆、成都、大连、青岛、武汉、杭州、 长沙、南通和昆明,参团人数共93人。 所有课程均在当地著名高等学府进行, 例如清华大学、浙江大学、上海交通大 学、四川大学,重庆大学等。学员也到 阿里巴巴集团、苏通科技产业园、青岛 啤酒、海尔集团、三一集团及武汉钢铁 集团进行考察。



新加坡中华总商会基金 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation

新加坡中华总商会基金 捐款 新加坡中华总商会基金2011年所获得的捐款为: 新加坡中华总商会

S 1,900,000.00






200.00 1,968,200.00

新加坡中华总商会基金2011年为下列机构/项目作出的捐款为: 新加坡管理大学-柯玉芝法律图书馆








新加坡社会基金理事会-S R 纳丹教育提升基金










国家艺术理事会-新加坡艺术节 2011



1,000.00 1,593,286.82


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 翻新工程 晚晴园于2010年10月11日起暂时关 闭,进行新一轮的展品及展览厅翻新工 程。翻新工程于2月15日正式开工,晚 晴园展馆内的硬件装修翻新工程已在8月 14日完工。 9月20日,孙中山南洋纪念馆董事会 一行人到晚晴园视察翻新工作进展。展 厅内的文物摆设与安装在9月24日全部 完成,晚晴园工作团队于9月22日正式 迁回晚晴园工作。

系列活动 晚晴园-孙中山南洋纪念馆开幕典礼 为配合辛亥革命百年纪念,晚晴园于 10月9日重新开放。10月8日,主宾张志 贤副总理为晚晴园与中山公园主持开幕 典礼。 约565名海内外的嘉宾,包括新闻、 通讯及艺术部长雅国博士,新闻、通讯 及艺术部兼水源部高级政务部长傅海 燕、多名革命先贤的后裔、各地孙中 山、宋庆龄纪念馆的代表出席。前外交 部长杨荣文也以晚晴园荣誉顾问的身份 出席此了开幕典礼。 2011“文化飨宴艺晚晴”文化节 为配合新馆开幕,晚晴园从10月9日 至30日,推出为期三个星期的“文化飨 宴艺晚晴”文化节。开幕式主宾总理公 署林瑞生部长和超过480名嘉宾出席了 中山公园内举行的开幕式。 文化节的活动包括书法、绘画、围 棋、相声、传统艺术表演以及手工制作

等课程,获得热烈好评,中国大使馆也给 予此活动大力支持。 新闻、通讯及艺术部兼环境及水源部 高级政务部长傅海燕、淡滨尼集选区议 员马炎庆和7000多名公众出席了10月30 日“绚丽晚晴园”的闭幕式。 匾额赠送仪式 9月30日,中国大使馆魏苇阁下莅访 晚晴园,并把中国人大常委会副主任、中 国民革中央主席周铁农题写的“国家之本 在于人民”的匾额赠送给晚晴园,表示对 纪念馆新馆的祝贺。张松声会长和魏苇大 使阁下一同为匾额揭幕。 出席匾额赠送仪式的嘉宾还包括中国 大使馆戴兵公参、龚春森参赞、林先江参 赞;本会副会长兼纪念馆主席钟声坚、吴 学光主席、白南泉副主席,李国基董事、 郭文龙董事及林三顺秘书长。 大使一行13人参观了焕然一新的晚晴 园后,在馆内留下“辛亥百年,晚晴为 证”的题词。 第23次孙中山、宋庆龄纪念地联席会议 由台湾台北国父纪念馆举办的第23次 孙中山、宋庆龄纪念地联席会议于5月15 日在台北举行,尹崇明和李秉萱两位董事 和晚晴园的工作团队出席了此会议。 晚晴园工作小组藉此行也前往国民党 党史馆进行研究工作,并找到一系列与晚 晴园相关的历史资料,这些资料有助晚晴 园今后的学术研究工作。 “纪念孙中山逝世86周年” 悼念活动 3月9日,本会、晚晴园和中国大使

馆在晚晴园联办上述活动。戴兵公参在 代表中国驻新加坡大使馆献花和致词 指出,孙中山一生为近代中国的民族独 立、民主自由和民生幸福无私的奉献一 生。晚晴园不仅是孙中山在新加坡展开 革命活动的历史见证,也是中新两国人 民友好的具体体现。 陈精毅主席和陈子宇司长则代表了晚 晴园及文物局献花致意。此次悼念活动 是晚晴园第一次和中国大使馆共同追忆 孙中山。 马里士他史迹影像导览服务 3月9日,晚晴园推出马里士他路史 迹影像导览服务的项目,公众可以通过 租用多媒体掌上型导览器,跟随导览器 的介绍,了解坐落在马里士他路上店 屋、住宅和寺庙等的历史。此项目的资 料收集和研究工作由晚晴园与华侨中学 的学生一起进行。 “马里士他历史之桥”项目 3月22日,晚晴园与新加坡国家档 案馆推出“马里士他历史文化之桥”项 目,将马里士他一带丰富的人文历史, 用图片和文字,介绍给行人,同时也提升 人们对晚晴园的认识。

研究与出版 8月份,晚晴园研究小组在广州的国 际研讨会议上发表了一份7000字的研究 论文。 10月8日,晚晴园在开幕式上发布孙 中山的中英文卡通漫画书刊物《小晚阿 晴游园记》,晚晴园研究团队也在同日 推介了《孙中山-新加坡足迹之旅》。

右起:张志贤副总理、新闻、通讯及艺术部长雅国 博士、前外交部长,晚晴园荣誉顾问杨荣文和本会 张松声会长,摄于10月8日的中山公园和晚晴园- 孙中山南洋纪念馆开幕典礼。



孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

资料收集、保护和整理 7月22日至24日间,晚晴园工作团队 赴澳洲悉尼拜访革命先驱的后人张永福 的女儿张茂迪。晚晴园获得张茂迪家人 的鼎力支持,获得一批珍贵的相片和文 物。晚晴园也邀请了张永福在澳洲的曾 外孙与曾外孙女出席10月8日的开幕式。

研讨会与讲座 中国大使馆举办新加坡华人社团纪念辛 亥革命100周年座谈会 5月13日,中国大使馆在使馆电影厅 举办上述座谈会,共同探讨和研究新加坡 早期华人对辛亥革命所作的牺牲与贡献。 中国驻新加坡大使魏苇阁下致欢迎 词时指出,在中国革命历史中,每一次 关键时刻,包括新加坡华人在内的海外 华人都作出了巨大付出与贡献。在纪念 辛亥革命时,除了缅怀孙中山的个人业 绩,还要铭记当年海外华人的巨大贡献。 晚晴园顾问蔡天宝指出,新加坡在 辛亥革命的进程中扮演了特殊角色。辛 亥革命则对本地华人社群产生了深远影 响,从而影响了新加坡的历史。辛亥革 命期间,各籍贯华人为了共同的目标, 团结一致,加深情谊,有利于此后新 加坡华人社群的团结。晚晴园主席钟声 坚、晚晴园董事李秉萱博士以及馆长潘 宣辉都在研讨会上发言。 晚晴园主席钟声坚则肯定了新加坡对 辛亥革命的积极贡献,并表示回顾历史 的意义在于展望未来,那便是继承革命先 烈所展现的宝贵精神,并为人们今天的事 业带来动力。

公开讲座 晚晴园和南洋孔教会、喜耀文化学会 分别于7月31日及9月11日联办“林文庆 和孙中山与辛亥革命”以及“辛亥革命的 历史宏观”两场讲座,同德书报社、南洋 学会、国大中文系是讲座的协办机构。 孙中山与柔佛学术研讨会 6月25日,晚晴园参加了由马来西亚 新山中华工会举办的上述研讨会,并在会 上表了“新加坡历史与晚晴园文物征集” 的论文。研讨会的主讲者是颜清煌教授。 “百年辛亥忆晚晴”系列讲座 为配合辛亥革命一百周年和晚晴园重 新开幕,晚晴园自10月份开始,在亚洲 文明博物馆举办了9场公开讲座,邀请了 本地专家、学者主讲与辛亥革命相关的课 题,每场讲座吸引了超过百名公众出席。 “辛亥革命:孙中山、革命志士与新世纪 展望”国际学术研讨会 11月3日至4日,晚晴园与新加坡国 大中文系、台湾国父纪念馆联办上述国 际学术研讨会,主宾是孙中山的曾侄孙 孙必达 。 37位来自中国,台湾,香港,日本,澳 洲,新加坡和马来西亚的资深学者在大会 上发表学术演讲,吸引了150名公众出席。

展览 华侨中学展览-“晚晴园、孙中山与辛 亥革命” 在晚晴园的协助下,华中学生在5月

18日至21日在校园内举办了“晚晴园、 孙中山与辛亥革命”的展览,为期四天的 展览吸引了35所学校的500名学生参观。 儿童文化节展览 为配合2011年国家文物局的儿童文 化节,晚晴园于5月31日至10月16日与 集邮馆合作,举办儿童活动和一系列与 辛亥革命和孙中山有关的活动项目。 为配合这个儿童文化节展览,晚晴 园还特地推出了中、英文的儿童游戏手 册,通过问答以及游戏的方式,让小朋 友接触到这段历史。 “孙中山与柔佛”展览 今年6月18日起到12月底,晚晴园与 新山中华工会在新山华族历史文化馆联 合举办为期半年的“孙中山与柔佛” 展 览,绍了孙中山从1900年至1912年之 间,在马来亚各地的活动,以及当地华 人对革命的所作的贡献。晚晴园提供了 近110件相关的图片与历史资料供展出。 “珍邮记忆-孙中山与辛亥革命” 邮票展 7月8日至9月16日,晚晴园和集邮 馆及北京的私人邮票收藏家合作,在新 加坡集邮馆联办上述邮票展。中国驻新 加坡大使魏苇阁下主持开幕仪式。 近万名公众从展出的300多件珍贵邮 品中欣赏到从1912年起开始,23个国 家所发行的与孙中山以及辛亥革命相关 的邮品,包括首日封和明信片。

10月9日,总理公署部长林瑞生(中)与本会张松 声会长(左)、副会长兼纪念馆主席钟声坚,共同 为“文化飨宴艺晚晴”文化节活动掀开序幕。


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

“百年回眸:新加坡与辛亥革命”展览 为配合电影“辛亥革命”在新加坡上 映,晚晴园与华侨中学于9月19日至10 月14日在国泰影院举办上述展览,吸引 了3千多名公众参观。国会议员马炎庆为 展览主持开幕。 “南望共和”临时展览 为配合新馆开放,晚晴园与广州博 物馆,香港孙中山纪念馆合作,在2011 年10月8日起至2012年2月8日期间,在 临时展厅“博爱厅”举办上述展览。展 览包括了与二次革命、广州政权和新马 华社等相关的历史内容。“南望共和” 的“南”指的是从南洋的位置和视角来 观看辛亥革命成功后,中国的政治发展 和新马华社之间的关系。广州博物馆共 借出33件文物供展出。 贵宾到访 晚晴园在2011年接待了以下贵宾, 其中包括: 9月28日 : 新闻、通讯与艺术部长 雅国博士以及高级政务 部长傅海燕 10月1日 : 张志贤副总理与母亲等人 10月3日 : 晚晴园荣誉顾问杨荣文 在晚晴园接受新传媒 “焦点”的采访 10月25日 : 南京市长季建业 11月16日 : 全国政协副主席罗富与 代表团 12月14日 : 中央文献馆馆长袁行霈 与代表团



中华总商会产业私人有限公司 Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited

Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited Samsung Hub, 3 Church Street, Singapore The 30-storey Samsung Hub at 3 Church Street is a joint venture development between Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd (CCR), China Square Holdings Pte Ltd and Church Street Properties Pte Ltd. The Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) for the building was obtained on December 28 2005. As required by the Building and Construction Authority, the five-year structural monitoring of Samsung Hub was completed and the building was certified structurally sound in 2011. The Building and Construction Authority issued the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) on February 18. CCR currently owns the office space on the 15th, 22nd to 30th floors and all units have been fully tenanted as of December 2011. Total rental income for the year was $12.5 million. After taxation, CCR’s net surplus for 2011 was $7.76 million.

Samsung Hub at 3 Church Street is a joint venture development between Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd (CCR), China Square Holdings Pte Ltd and Church Street Properties Pte Ltd.



EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd The Enterprise Development Centre@ SCCCI (EDC@SCCCI) was set up by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) and SPRING Singapore to serve as a onestop centre to help Singapore small and medium enterprises (SMEs) grow and develop their operations. Since its inception on February 22 2006, the centre has actively engaged SMEs through the provision of wide-ranging business advisory services. On October 20 2010, EDC@ SCCCI established its first overseas representative office in Shanghai with the objective of rendering support to local enterprises in their China business ventures. At the same time, the Shanghai Representative Office assists SCCCI’s 142 trade association members and their respective members with advisory and consultancy services for the China market. It also aims to strengthen networking and relations with Chinese government agencies and Singapore business organisations. In 2011, EDC@SCCCI continued to serve local SMEs through the provision of business advisory and business matching services, seminars, and workshops enabling them to understand and utilise the benefits of government assistance schemes.

Commerce & Industry Committee Chairman Lau Tai San (third from left) represented the Chamber at the Singapore • Ningbo Import and Export Fair.

Seminars and Workshops EDC@SCCCI organised 35 seminars and workshops covering topics such as investment and productivity improvement. The productivity workshops were particularly wellreceived. Increasingly, more SMEs are responding to the government’s drive for higher productivity and are acquiring more skills and knowhow to help increase productivity through improved work processes and product innovation. EDC@SCCCI provided productivity advisory services to nearly 300 companies in 2011. Trade and Investment Promotion Seminars The centre assisted delegations from seven provinces and cities in China to organise trade and investment promotion seminars. Originating from Dalian, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Jintan, Chongqing, Nanning and Macau, these delegations presented many business opportunities for local enterprises through their events. On April 25, Chamber’s Vice-President Thomas Chua met with the Dalian Municipal People’s Government at the “Investment Seminar on the Dalian Biodiverse Emerging Science & Technology City” held in Shangri-la. At the seminar, Mr Chua encouraged Singapore businessmen to seize investment opportunities in Dalian.

The Chamber helped the Ningbo Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Bureau to organise the Singapore • Ningbo Import and Export Fair which promoted products such as home appliances, office supplies and household wares manufactured in Ningbo. The fair was held on July 20-22. On July 21, the Chamber also supported the China Chamber of International Commerce and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit at their event promoting the China-ASEAN Plaza in Guangxi Province’s Nanning City. Chongqing mayor Huang Qifan led a delegation to introduce the investment opportunities in Chongqing at the “Singapore-Chongqing Economic Cooperation Business Seminar” organised by the Chamber on September 6. SME Advisory Services The centre offered business advisory services to more than 1,000 SMEs. These services include providing advice on business matching, registration, mediation and development as well as SME financing. Primarily, the centre helped SMEs to obtain a better understanding of the wide-ranging government assistance schemes aiming at improving innovation, business capabilities and productivity.



新加坡中华总商会企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd

Going Forward – 2012 In recognition of EDC@SCCCI’s past accomplishments and performance, SPRING Singapore entered a three-year development funding support agreement with the centre in April 2011 (Phase 3). With effect from April 1 2011, SPRING Singapore restructured its collaboration with various EDCs by focusing on developing enhanced capabilities among these centres in order to promote more value-added services to local SMEs. EDC@SCCCI aims to be more deeply engaged with Trade Associations and their respective members through regular business clinic advisory sessions to assist them in various aspects of their business operations. Through strategic partnerships and continuous improvement to the centre’s business advisory services, EDC@SCCCI strives to assist SMEs in improving productivity and achieving their business goals.

Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Chairman Chua Seng Chong at the “Project Presentation & Introduction on China-ASEAN Plaza” on July 21.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司上海代表处 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd, Shanghai Representative Office

EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd, Shanghai Representative Office On October 20 2010, EDC@SCCCI opened its first official overseas representative office in Shanghai with the financial support of International Enterprise (IE) Singapore and SPRING Singapore. The Shanghai Representative Office is an extension of EDC@SCCCI’s services. Its role is to assist and support small and medium enterprises as well as the Chamber’s 142 trade association members in their business ventures in China. The Representative Office’s role also includes strengthening its network and relations with China government agencies and business organisations. In 2011, the Representative Office provided consultation services to 159 companies and organised 18 business exchange activities. MOU Signing with Trade Association Members The EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office signed Memorandums of Understanding with 19 trade association members in 2011. These were: Singapore Metal and Machinery Association, Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association, Singapore Timber Association, Textile & Fashion Federation (Singapore), The Society of Modern Management, Singapore, Bishan Merchants Association, Singapore Fish Merchants General Association, Singapore Furniture Association,

The EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office signed MOUs with trade associations to support the ventures of local businesses in the China market.

Singapore Plastic Industry Association, Singapore Toys & Confectionery Dealers’ Association, Express Bus Agencies Association, The Singapore Cycle & Motor Traders’ Association, Singapore Motor Tyre Dealers Association, Singapore School & Private Hire Bus Owners Association, Singapore School Transport Association, Singapore Transport Association, Singapore Fruits and Vegetables Importers & Exporters Association, Restaurant Association of Singapore, and Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association. Through the signing of these MOUs, the EDC@SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office would serve as the strategic point of contact in China, providing trade associations with services to support their business in the China market. Services offered to Singapore delegations In 2011, the Shanghai Representative Office received business delegations from Singapore. These were: the Singapore Real Estate Agents’ Study Mission, SPRING Singapore Retail/Franchising Industry Mission to Chengdu (Sichuan) and Shanghai, SPRING Singapore Private Education Industry Mission to Chengdu (Sichuan) and Shanghai, and Spring Singapore Marintec China 2011 (Shanghai) Delegation. SCCCI trade

association members also organised business missions to China. These missions included the Singapore High Technology Association Mission to Hangzhou, Nanjing and Tianjin and another led by the Singapore Bosses’ Network/Bishan Merchants Association. The Shanghai Representative Office also received delegations led by the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) under the International Business Fellowship (iBF) Executive Programme. During various sessions under the programme, participants visited Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Dalian, Qingdao, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Changsha, Nantong and Kunming. Events The following events were organised by the Shanghai Representative Office in 2011: • February: Networking event (co-organised with OSU) • March: Seminar – Singapore Budget and Tax Matters • April: Investment Promotion – Dalian Biodiverse Emerging Science & Technology City • May: Seminar – Singapore: Your Global Treasury & Procurement Hub (co-organised with EDB, IE Singapore & Singapore Business Federation) • May: Seminar – Individual Income Tax for Expatriates in China



新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司上海代表处 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd, Shanghai Representative Office

• July: Seminar – Understanding China government’s hierarchy • July: Exposition – Singapore-Ningbo Import and Export Fair • July: Investment Promotion – 2011 Macao-Singapore Investment Promotion Seminar • July: Seminar – China Government’s Hierarchy • August: Investment Promotion – Investment in Xi’an (held in collaboration with the Chengdu office of International Enterprise (IE) Singapore)* • September: Seminar – Dispute resolution for listed companies (excluding litigation issues)* • September: Investment Promotion – Singapore-Chongqing Trade Cooperation Fair cum Dinner* • October: Investment Promotion – Introduction to the Investment Environment in Binhai New City, Shaoxing* • October: Seminar – Foreign investment in China* • October: Networking – Networking Dinner for Singapore and China Enterprises • November: Investment Promotion – Introduction to the Investment Environment in Jintan* • November: Forum – 2011 Shanghai Singapore Business Association Business Forum (organised by the Shanghai Singapore Business Association and

supported by the SCCCI Shanghai Representative Office)* • November: Seminar – Singapore Maritime Industry Networking Session and Seminar in Shanghai (organised in collaboration with SPRING Singapore)* • December: Christmas Networking Cum Wine Party *Original event titles translated from the Chinese Relations with China government agencies, business chambers and associations In order to help Singapore companies connect with relevant parties from the government and companies in China, the Shanghai Representative Office forged close relations with China government agencies, business chambers and associations. These include: the China Industrial Overseas Development & Planning Association; Shanghai Federation of Industry & Commerce; Shanghai Federation of Industry & Commerce Steel Chamber of Commerce; Shanghai Federation of Economic Organizations; Shanghai Services Federation; China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Shanghai Sub-council/Shanghai Chamber of International Commerce; Shanghai Commercial Association; Shanghai Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce; Shanghai Logistics Association; Shanghai

Association of Shipbuilding Industry; Shanghai Association of International Service Trade; Shanghai Textile Trade Association; Shanghai Timber Trade Association; Shanghai Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export; Shanghai Export Enterprise Association; Shanghai Overseas Economy Technology Society; Shanghai Building Hardware Door & Window Trade Association; Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai; Shanghai Sichuan Commercial Association; Hubei Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai; Henan Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai; Chongqing Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai; Shandong Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai; Anhui Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai; Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai; Zhoushan Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai; Jiande Association in Shanghai; China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Jiangsu Sub-council/Jiangsu Chamber of International Commerce; and Jiangsu Overseas Chinese Enterprise Federation. Services Offered to Trade Associations The Shanghai Representative Office helped SCCCI trade association members link up with businesses in China and provided timely business updates and advice. The associations that received

The Shanghai Representative Office organised a range of seminars on topics that relate to doing business in both China and Singapore.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 新加坡企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司上海代表处 EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd, Shanghai Representative Office

assistance included the Bosses Network/ Bishan Merchants Association, Singapore Timber Association, Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association and Singapore High Technology Association. On September 1, the Shanghai Representative Office helped to arrange for four members from the Singapore High Technology Association to explore investment opportunities in clean energy and environmental technology in Hangzhou and Nanjing. The group visited Singapore-Nanjing Eco Hi-tech Island and Hangzhou Singapore Lowcarbon Technology Park and met with personnel from DBS, Boardroom-LSC and Hangzhou Municipal Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Bureau. The Shanghai Representative Office also assisted in organising a Singapore-China Business Networking Session during the visit of a 13-member delegation from the Bosses’ Network/Bishan Merchants Association to Shanghai on October 26. The Representative Office invited well-known Chinese enterprises such as Fuchun Holding Group, Chia Tai Group, Pacific International Lines, Red Star Macalline, Tokushinkai Dental (Shanghai) Co Ltd, Shanghai Detai Investment Holding Co Ltd, Guangzhou BoJi Dental Clinic, Green-Tech Equipments (Shanghai) Co Ltd, Fusun Group, Shanghai Sunpower Group and Jinjiang International Group. Others Westlake Expo The Shanghai Representative Office led a group of 30 representatives from Singapore companies to attend the Hangzhou Westlake Expo on October 11. On the same day, the Shanghai Representative Office co-organised the “International Investment and Collaboration in Modern Services Sector Seminar” with the Hangzhou municipal government and UK Trade & Investment

Agency (UKTI). Altogether, 26 Singapore representatives and 35 representatives from the United Kingdom and Hangzhou attended the seminar. Shanghai Shopping Festival The Shanghai Representative Office worked with the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Shanghai Commerce Association to arrange the participation of Shanghai-based Singapore retailers in the Shanghai Shopping Festival. Participating retailers were: Kriston’s My Dining Place, Orchard CSC Singapore Restaurant,The Simply Thai Restaurant, Pin Chuan Sichuan Cuisine, Singapore Airlines, Frasers Hospitality, Svenson Hair Care Centre, OSIM (and its subsidiary, RichLife) and M)phosis. The festival was held from September 9 to October 7 during which the theme “Appreciate Singapore, Experience Singapore” was used to promote Singapore retailers.



新加坡中华总商会管理学院 Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business In 2011, the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) continued to reinforce and enhance its status as a local and overseas training institute of choice for the public, government agencies, corporations and overseas delegates. This was done by raising the institute’s service standards as well as the quality and relevance of its training programmes. In support of the government’s call to the Singapore workforce to continuously upgrade their skills set, SCCIOB launched new programmes targeted at various groups of working professionals, introduced award schemes and provided additional programme fee funding avenues for its students. These programmes were achieved through collaborations with external partners. The major achievements and highlights in 2011 include: Visit of Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat On September 9, Singapore’s Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat paid a visit to SCCIOB and interacted with the students there. During his visit, Minister Heng affirmed the quality of SCCIOB’s programmes in providing valuable job training for employees.

Collaboration with the Employment and Employability Institute With the objective of promoting skills enhancement, SCCIOB collaborated with the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) to offer students the opportunity to apply for NTUC’s Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) and the Surrogate Employer’s Programme (SEP). Altogether, the institute has 36 Diploma and Certificate programmes and short courses approved under these schemes. The subsidy for each student ranges from $250 per calendar year to 50 per cent of total programme fees. Book Prize and Training Award Schemes SCCIOB introduced a Book Prize scheme for the top three students in its Diploma in Business Administration, Diploma in Professional Chinese Teaching, and Diploma in Translation and Interpretation programmes. The Training Award scheme is given to students with at least 75 per cent class attendance and who pass the examination in the Business Mandarin programme. The Diploma in Business Administration programme held in Mandarin, the first of its kind in Singapore, aims to help those who wish to equip themselves with comprehensive management knowledge to deal

effectively with the rapidly changing business environment. SCCIOB has four graduating batches from this programme each year. A total of 12 students received Book Prizes of $2,000 each and a total of $24,000 was disbursed in 2011. The Diploma in Professional Chinese Teaching programme trains those who have a foundation in the Chinese language to become qualified professional Chinese tutors. Book Prizes of $1,500 each were awarded to the top three students of each graduating batch. A total of nine Book Prizes amounting to $13,500 were awarded in 2011. The Diploma in Translation and Interpretation programme aims to equip students with high quality translation skills in both English and Chinese. In 2011, SCCIOB had 33 graduates with Book Prizes being awarded to the top two students of every batch. A total of six Book Prizes amounting to $9,000 were awarded in 2011. SCCIOB was appointed by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) as a partner to run the Business Mandarin programme. The programme helps students improve their proficiency in both spoken and written Mandarin so they can handle workplace situations smoothly. Eligible recipients can receive a 70 per cent course fee grant

Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat (centre) with SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng and SCCIOB students.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 新加坡中华总商会管理学院 Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

Ang Hin Kee, CEO of e2i and MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC, was Guest of Honour at SCCIOB’s 23rd Graduation Ceremony.

from WDA. In addition, these students can receive a training award worth 20 per cent of course fees. Subsidy amounts range from $642 to $2,782 per student. Out of 196 students who completed the programme in 2011, 43 students were eligible for the training award. A total of $18,472 was awarded in the year. The Book Prizes and Training Awards, amounting to $64,972, were presented to recipients during SCCIOB’s 23rd Graduation Ceremony. SCCIOB 23 Graduation Ceremony On November 16, SCCIOB held its 23rd Graduation Ceremony with Ang Hin Kee, CEO of e2i and MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC, as Guest of Honour. Thomas Chua, Vice-President of SCCCI and Chairman of SCCIOB’s Management Committee, was also there to present certificates to students. SCCIOB has nurtured and produced a total of 348 graduates under its Diploma in Business Administration, Diploma in Professional Chinese Teaching, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation and Business Mandarin programmes in 2011. rd

A government recognised and approved training institute SCCIOB’s cooperation with local and overseas government agencies has developed it into a leading global business institute.

SCCIOB is an approved overseas training institute certified by China’s State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs to provide training to Chinese government officials. SCCIOB also continues to maintain its position as the exclusive training provider to senior management personnel of China’s stateowned enterprises (SOEs). In August, the institute organised training in production techniques for two SOE delegations. SCCIOB maintained its status as the sole local partner to IE Singapore’s International Business Fellowship (iBF) Executive Programme to China since 2009. In 2011, SCCIOB organised a total of seven immersion programmes for a total of 93 participants to various cities in China. 70 per cent of the programme cost fee was funded by IE Singapore. bizSAFE Certification To affirm its commitment towards Workplace Health and Safety, SCCIOB has put in place risk management plans and safe work procedures. Internal Risk Assessment teams were formed to review various work processes. SCCIOB intends to obtain the Workplace Health and Safety Council’s bizSAFE level 3 certification in 2012. ISO 9001:2008 certification SCCIOB achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification in March for the design, development

and delivery of education and training programmes. The certification reinforces the commitment of SCCIOB towards delivering quality education and training programmes as well as implementing a quality management system that focuses on customer satisfaction and continual process improvement. Reports of the Respective Centres of SCCIOB Language Studies Centre Amongst the Centre’s notable achievements in 2011 was in the area of corporate training where revenue generated saw a year-on-year increase of 25 per cent. The distinctive feature of SCCIOB’s training programmes lies in its customisation and alignment of course content to an organisation’s training needs. The Centre’s clientele comprises companies in both the public and private sector with some being long-time clients. Apart from conducting corporate training, SCCIOB also commenced 123 new classes for its Diploma and Certificate programmes and short courses under its Language Studies Centre. A total of 1,779 students attended these courses. SCCIOB expanded its Business Mandarin programme in 2011. In addition to its Business Mandarin Comprehensive



新加坡中华总商会管理学院 Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

programme, the institute now provides specialised Business Mandarin modules focusing on conversational and writing skills. These new modules are categorised into Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels. To enhance the institute’s Conversational Business Mandarin course materials, SCCIOB collaborated with Republic Polytechnic (RP) to produce an audio CD as a supplementary teaching aid, helping learners to read and converse accurately in Mandarin. This initiative has been well-received by students and SCCIOB is currently in the midst of producing more of such audio learning materials. Business Studies Centre SCCIOB has helped enhance communication and customer service skills and business knowledge for employees of small and medium enterprises. In 2011, the Business Studies Centre commenced 73 Diploma and Certificate programmes and short courses. A total of 1,006 new students registered for these courses. SCCIOB also continued to support its parent organisation, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI), in running the Certificate in Trade Association Management which helps to enhance the professional image and management standards of Trade Associations in

Singapore. A course fee subsidy of $150 per participant (about 43 per cent of course fees) was provided by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SCCCF). A total of 16 course participants benefited from this subsidy in 2011. SCCIOB joined hands with Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) to offer a course entitled ‘Introduction to Financial Management to Non-Accountants’ specifically targeted at working professionals who are tasked with financial management job responsibilities but lack the necessary knowledge in this discipline. The course was held at SCCIOB and conducted by lecturers from NP. In order to reach out to a new student demographic, SCCIOB developed a ‘Career Excellence Programme’ with the objective of imparting career development skills to fresh graduates of tertiary education institutions. The programme includes modules on emotional intelligence, business etiquette and developing presentation, business report writing and networking skills.

These participants were mainly from Jiangsu, Fujian, Sichuan, Qinghai, Qingdao, Chongqing and Chengdu. Training topics included banking and finance, financial management, urban planning, modern manufacturing and skills management, and modern service industry management skills for senior management. Participants were also given the opportunity to visit government agencies and SCCCI members’ companies. The 93 participants of the seven iBF Executive Programme missions to China in 2011 visited the following cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Dalian, Qingdao, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Changsha, Nantong and Kunming. These participants had the opportunity to do a study stint in top China universities including Tsinghua, Zhejiang, Shanghai Jiao Tong, Sichuan and Chongqing. They also visited various prominent organisations such as the Alibaba Group, Su-Tong Science & Technology Park, Tsingtao Brewery, Haier Group, Sany Group Co, and Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corp.

International Training Centre SCCIOB organised local immersion training programmes for a total of 571 participants comprising 26 groups of government officials and businessmen from China in 2011.

Chongqing University hosted a study stint for participants of the iBF Executive Programme in Chongqing and Chengdu in March 2011.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 新加坡中华总商会基金 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation Donations The SCCC Foundation received the following donations in 2011: Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

S 1,900,000.00

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business


Mr Tan Huay Lim


Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd


1,968,200.00 The SCCC Foundation donated to the following organisations/projects in 2011: SMU Endowment Fund – Kwa Geok Choo Law Library


Business China


Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Co Ltd


Education Fund – Prime Minister’s Office


The Community Foundation of Singapore-S R Nathan Education Upliftment Fund


Singapore Clan Foundation


River Hongbao 2011


Tan Kah Kee Foundation


SCCCI Nite@River Hongbao 2011


National Arts Council – Singapore Arts Festival 2011


Kampong Glam 46 National Day Committee th





孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited Redevelopment of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall (SYSMH) was temporarily closed for major renovation works on October 11 2010. Actual renovation of galleries commenced on February 15 2011 and concluded on August 14. The SYSNMH Board conducted a site visit on September 20 to check on the redevelopment schedule. The new gallery construction and installation works for exhibits was completed by September 24, while the SYSNMH team moved in on September 22. EVENTS Re-opening of the Memorial Hall The Memorial Hall was re-opened to the public on October 9, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution. An opening ceremony was held at Zhong Shan Park on October 8 with Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean as Guest of Honour. The official ceremony welcomed a total of 565 local and overseas guests, including Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts; Grace Fu, Senior Minister of State; George Yeo, Honorary Advisor of SYSNMH; SYSNMH Board Members, as well as descendants and local supporters of Dr Sun.

Wan Qing CultureFest 2011 As part of the celebrations for the re-opening of the Memorial Hall, an inaugural Wan Qing CultureFest 2011 was held on October 9-30. The opening ceremony at Zhong Shan Park attracted a total of 486 guests and Lim Swee Say, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, was Guest of Honour. The festival received strong support from the PRC Embassy and featured various programmes such as talks on local history, Chinese orchestra, painting and calligraphy workshops, storytelling sessions and crosstalk performances. The closing ceremony “晚晴园, Flaunt It!” was held on October 30 and attracted some 7,000 guests. Senior Minister of State Grace Fu was Guest of Honour; Member of Parliament Baey Yam Keng and SYSNMH Board Members also attended the event. Plaque Presentation Ceremony On September 30, HE Wei Wei, PRC Ambassador to Singapore, visited the Memorial Hall and presented a plaque inscribed by Zhou Tienong, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC and Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of Chinese Kuomintang (RCCK), Central Committee. The plaque was inscribed with Chinese characters translated as “A country’s foundation depends on its people” and was a gift to celebrate the re-opening of the

Memorial Hall. Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng and Ambassador HE Wei Wei unveiled the plaque during the presentation. Distinguished guests at the presentation ceremony included Minister-Counsellor Dai Bing, Counselor Gong Chunsen, and Counselor Lin Xianjiang from the PRC Embassy, Chamber’s Vice-President and Chairman of SYSNMH Zhong Sheng Jian, Chairman of the Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Wu Hsioh Kwang, Vice-Chairman of the Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Thomas Pek, council members Patrick Lee and Kek Boon Leong and Secretary-General Lim Sah Soon. The 13-member delegation from the Embassy took a tour of the refurbished Memorial Hall and affirmed that the Memorial Hall was a significant monument commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Revolution. 23rd Sun Yat Sen & Song Qing Ling International Conference The SYSNMH team, including Directors Wan Shung Ming and Lee Peng Shu, attended the 23rd Sun Yat Sen & Song Qing Ling International Conference hosted by the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei on May 15-22. During the trip, the SYSNMH team also conducted archival research at Historical Commission, Central Committee of the KMT.

(from right) Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, DPM Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Yaacob Ibrahim and SYSNMH Honorary Advisor George Yeo at the re-opening of the Memorial Hall.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

Distinguished guests at the Memorial Hall’s re-opening. (from left) Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng, ViceChairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce Huang Mengfu, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Yaacob Ibrahim, Senior Minister of State for Information, Communications and the Arts Grace Fu, SYSNMH Honorary Advisor George Yeo and SYSNMH Advisor Chua Thian Poh.

Memorial Service Commemorating Dr Sun Yat Sen’s 86th Death Anniversary This event was jointly organised by the Memorial Hall and the PRC Embassy on March 9. Minister-Counsellor Dai Bing represented the PRC Embassy in Singapore to pay tribute to Dr Sun. In his speech, Mr Dai spoke about Dr Sun’s lifelong commitment to establishing a modern China and the freedom and happiness of her citizens. He went on to say that the Memorial Hall represented not only the historical role that Singapore played in the Revolution but symbolised the excellent relations between China and Singapore. SYSNMH Board Chairman Tan Cheng Gay and National Heritage Board (NHB) Director Alvin Tan represented the Memorial Hall and NHB respectively to offer floral tributes. This was the first memorial service for Dr Sun Yat Sen jointly organised by the Memorial Hall and the PRC Embassy. Balestier Heritage Trail AudioVisual Guides The SYSNMH team launched a project to develop audio-visual guides for the Balestier precinct on March 9. These guides provide a historical background to the shophouses, residential areas and temples in Balestier and can be rented by the public. Students from Hwa Chong Institution assisted with the research for this project.

Balestier Heritage Bridge Project The SYSNMH team worked with the National Archives of Singapore on the Balestier Heritage Bridge project to showcase the heritage of the Balestier precinct and to raise awareness of the Memorial Hall. The project was launched on March 22. Research & Publications International Conference in Guangzhou In August, SYSNMH presented a 7,000word paper at an International Conference in Guangzhou. Publication of Chinese comic book The SYSNMH team launched its first Chinese comic book of Wan Qing Yuan targeted at teenagers at the opening of the Memorial Hall on October 8. Dr. Sun Yat Sen Singapore Trail The SYSNMH team worked closely with local history experts to develop the Dr Sun Yat Sen Singapore Trail for its launch in October 2011. The team also concurrently worked on a guide book for the trail. SYSNMH Collection On July 22-24, the SYSNMH team conducted a total of three interviews with Teo Moh Tet (daughter of Teo Eng Hock) in Sydney, Australia. The SYSNMH team also invited Mdm Teo and her family members to attend the Memorial Hall’s re-opening ceremony on October 8.

Lectures and Seminars “1911 Chinese Revolution” Seminar organised by the PRC Embassy A seminar on the sacrifices and contributions of early Singaporean Chinese settlers to the 1911 Revolution was held at the PRC Embassy in Singapore on May 13. In his welcome address, HE Wei Wei, PRC Ambassador to Singapore, pointed out that overseas Chinese, including those in Singapore, have always played significant roles throughout the history of China’s revolutions. The commemoration of the 1911 Revolution was not just in memory of Dr Sun Yat Sen’s efforts but also the contributions of overseas Chinese at the time. Chua Thian Poh, Advisor to SYSNMH, said that Singapore played a unique role in the 1911 Revolution. The Revolution had a great impact on the local Chinese community and Singapore’s history. The event brought together Chinese from different hometowns to unite and work towards a common goal. In the process, deep friendships were formed within the Chinese community in Singapore. Zhong Sheng Jian, Chairman of SYSNMH, Lee Peng Shu, Board Member of SYSNMH, and Shaun Phua, General Manager of SYSNMH, also delivered speeches at the seminar.



孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

At the seminar, Mr Zhong affirmed Singapore’s contributions to the 1911 Revolution. He also said that much could be learnt from the past and the resilient spirit of those who sacrificed their lives in the Revolution should continue to be remembered and exemplified today. Public Lecture SYSNMH, the Nanyang Confucian Association and the Xiyao Culture Association organised a seminar on Sun Yat Sen, Lim Boon Keng and the 1911 Revolution on July 31. Another seminar on the History of the 1911 Revolution was also held on September 11. Co-organisers of the event included The United Chinese Library, the South Seas Society and the NUS Chinese department. Paper at the International Conference “Sun Yat Sen and Johor” in Johor, Malaysia SYSNMH presented a paper entitled On Wan Qing Yuan’s Collection and Singapore History at the International Conference “Sun Yat Sen and Johor” in Johor Bahru on June 25. Prof Yen Ching Huang was the keynote speaker at the Conference. Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Revolution SYSNMH organised a series of nine lectures to commemorate the 1911 Revolution starting in October. Experts and academics were invited to conduct these lectures which were well-received by the public. SYSNMH International Conference On November 3-4, SYSNMH also coorganised an international conference with the National Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall in Taipei and the Department of Chinese Studies of the National University of Singapore. Peter Sun, great-grand nephew of Dr Sun Yat Sen, was the Guest of Honour. The conference featured a total of 37 professors and experts from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia and attracted a total of 150 participants.

Exhibitions and Activities Hwa Chong Institution – Exhibition on “Dr Sun Yat Sen, SYSNMH and 1911 Revolution” The SYSNMH team mentored and collaborated with students from Hwa Chong Institution for an exhibition entitled Dr Sun Yat Sen, SYSNMH and the 1911 Revolution on May 18-21. The exhibition attracted a total of 500 students from Hwa Chong as well as students and teachers from over 35 schools. Children’s Season 2011 In conjunction with Children’s Season 2011 organised by the National Heritage Board, SYSNMH and the Singapore Philatelic Museum jointly curated a children’s exhibition, “The Story of Dr Sun Yat Sen”, from May 31 to October 16. In addition, the SYSNMH team developed a children’s activity booklet, available in English and Chinese, to help children discover key facts about Dr Sun and his achievements. “Dr Sun Yat Sen and Johor” Exhibition SYSNMH, in collaboration with the Johor Chinese Association, organised an exhibition entitled “Sun Yat Sen and Johor” from June 18 to December 2011. The exhibition showcased Dr Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary activities in Malaysia and highlighted famous Malayan Chinese supporters of Dr Sun. SYSNMH loaned a total of 110 pictures to the Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum for this exhibition. Stamp Exhibition on Dr Sun Yat Sen From July 8 to September 16, a stamp exhibition on the 1911 Revolution and Dr Sun Yat Sen was jointly organised by SYSNMH, the Singapore Philatelic Museum and a private collector in Beijing. HE Wei Wei, PRC Ambassador to Singapore, was the Guest of Honour. The stamp exhibition showcased more than 300 historic philatelic materials dating back to 1912, including first day covers and postcards.

“A Moment in History: Singapore & the 1911 Revolution” Exhibition SYSNMH and Hwa Chong Institution organised an exhibition entitled “A Moment in History” from September 19 to October 14 at Cathay Cinema. A total of 3,000 visitors viewed the exhibition. Member of Parliament Baey Yam Keng launched the opening of the exhibition. “Revolution Once More” Temporary Exhibition SYSNMH collaborated with the Guangzhou Museum and Dr Sun Yat-Sen Museum to co-curate a travelling exhibition, “Revolution Once More”, to be showcased at the Memorial Hall from October 8 2011 to February 8 2012. The exhibition highlights the contributions of Chinese supporters from Singapore and Malaya in the 1920s when Dr Sun established the Second Republic in Guangzhou. The exhibition will display 33 artefacts on loan from the collections of the Guangzhou Museum. Distinguished Visitors Distinguished visitors who were received at SYSNMH during the year include: September 28: Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, and Grace Fu, Senior Minister of State for Information, Communications and the Arts. October 1: Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, with family members. October 3: George Yeo, Honorary Advisor of SYSNMH October 25: Li Jianye, Mayor of Nanjing City November 16: Delegation led by Luo Fuhe, Vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) December 14: Yuan Xing Pei, director of Party Literature Research Centre.





来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs,Visitors and Delegations 1月4日 January 4

中国(河北省遵化市) CHINA (Zunhua, Hebei) 中国遵化市人民政府副市长黄玉刚一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Huang Yugang, Vice Mayor of Zunhua City

1月7日 January 7

中国(上海) CHINA (Shanghai) 上海市工商业联合会钢铁贸易商会热軋商会会长陈永褔一行12人到访。 12-member delegation led by Chen Yongfu, President, Hot-rolled Steel Traders Association, Shanghai Federation of Commerce and Industry.

1月13日 January 13

中国(广东省广州市) CHINA (Guangzhou, Guangdong) 广州市花都区经济贸易局副局长丁军一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Ding Jun, Deputy Director of Trade and Economic Bureau, Huadu District, Guangzhou.

1月17日 January 17

马来西亚 MALAYSIA 马来西亚最高专员公署贸易专员商务处贸易专员Naim Abdul Rahim一行3人到访。 3-member delegation led by Naim Abdul Rahim, Trade Commissioner, Commercial Section, High Commission of Malaysia.

1月31日 January 31

中国(江苏省南京市) CHINA (Nanjing, Jiangsu) 南京市委常委、南京市副市长郑泽光一行6人到访。 6-member delegation led by Zheng Zeguang, Vice Mayor of Nanjing.

2月16日 February 16

中国 CHINA 博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长周文重一行6人到访。 6-member delegation led by Zhou Wenchong, Secretary-General, Boao Forum for Asia.

2月22日 February 22

中国(河北省) CHINA (Hebei) 河北省商务厅副厅长赵金旗一行6人到访。 6-member delegation led by Zhao Jinqi, Vice Director-General, Department of Commerce, Hebei Province.

3月7日 March 7

中国(云南省) CHINA (Yunnan) 云南省海外交流协会副会长胡明学一行7人到访。 7-member delegation led by Hu Mingxue, Vice President, Yunnan Overseas Exchanges Association.

3月10日 March 10

中国(重庆) CHINA (Chongqing) 中国重庆市归国华侨联合会专职副主席兼秘书长刘松勇一行8人到访。 8-member delegation led by Liu Songyong, Vice President, Chongqing Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.



新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

3月16日 March 16

中国 CHINA 中国-东盟商务与投资峰会秘书处秘书长黄永强一行3人到访。 3-member delegation led by Huang Yongqiang, Secretary-General, China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Secretariat.

3月30日 March 30

罗马尼亚 ROMANIA 罗马尼亚驻新加坡大使馆代办Alexandru Irimia博士及经济参赞Alexandru Coseru到访。 Alexandru Irimia, Charge d’Affaires from Embassy of Romania and Economic Counsellor Alexandru Coseru.

3月30日 March 30

中国(吉林省长春市) CHINA (Changchun, Jilin) 中国长春万道集团监事长龚佳捷与董事长栾丽华到访。 Gong Jiajie, Chief Supervisor, and Luan Lihua, Chairman of Changchun Wonder Group Co Ltd.

3月31日 March 31

马来西亚 MALAYSIA 马来西亚投资发展局新加坡办事处投资处领事K. Sukomaran与助理官员Erwan K. E. Shuhaimi到访。 K. Sukomaran, Consular and Erwan K. E. Shuhaimi, Assistant Consular, Singapore Office, Malaysian Investment Development Authority.

4月1日 April 1

中国(河南省) CHINA (Henan) 河南省商务厅副厅长戴松军一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Dai Songjun, Deputy Director-General, Henan Provincial Bureau of Commerce.

4月5日 April 5

中国(山东省) CHINA (Shandong) 山东省归国华侨联合会主席梁波一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Liang Bo, Chairman, Shandong Returned Overseas Chinese Federation.

4月18日 April 18

中国 CHINA 世界华人组织联盟执行副主席聚博圣一行4人到访。 4-member delegation led by Ju Bosheng, Vice President, World Chinese Organisation Alliance.

4月25日 April 25

中国(重庆) CHINA (Chongqing) 重庆市工商联秘书长杨守林一行38人到访。 38-member delegation led by Yang Shoulin, Secretary-General, Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce.

5月23日 May 23

墨西哥 MEXICO 墨西哥驻新加坡大使馆技术合作与传媒事务处三等秘书Beatrice Nava Dominguez一行2人到访。 2-member delegation led by Mdm Beatrice Nava Dominguez, Technology Collaboration and Media Department, Embassy of Mexico in Singapore.



来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

5月30日 May 30

中国 CHINA 中国银行总行财务管理部预算管理团队主管程涛一行31人到访。 31-member delegation led by Cheng Tao, Director, Budget Management, Account Department, Bank of China.

5月31日 May 31

中国(广东省) CHINA (Guangdong) 广东省对外贸易经济合作厅巡视员黄永智一行6人到访。 6-member delegation led by Huang Yongzhi, Inspector, Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province.

6月2日 June 2

中国 CHINA 世界华商联合会主席余勇一行42人到访。 42-member delegation led by Yu Yong, Chairman, World Chinese Merchants Union Association.

6月6日 June 6

香港 HONG KONG SAR 香港贸易发展局助理总裁到访叶泽恩到访。 Raymond Yip, Assistant Executive Director of Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

6月9日 June 9

中国(北京) CHINA (Beijing) 北京市海外交流协会副会长李纲一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Li Gang, Vice President, Beijing Overseas Exchanges Association.

6月15日 June 15

中国(浙江省义乌市) CHINA (Yiwu, Zhejiang) 义乌市人民政府市长何美华一行7人到访。 7-member delegation led by He Meihua, Mayor of Yiwu City.

7月4日 July 4

中国(青海省) CHINA (Qinghai) 青海省水利水电集团有限责任公司董事长唐增科一行25人到访。 25-member delegation led by Tang Zeke, Chairman, Qinghai Water Conservancy and Hydropower Group Co Ltd.

7月25日 July 25

中国(重庆) CHINA (Chongqing) 重庆市渝北区委组织部副部长廖强一行20人到访。 20-member delegation led by Liao Qiang, Vice Minister, Organising Committee, Yubei District, Chongqing.

7月29日 July 29

中国(山东省德州市) CHINA (Dezhou, Shandong) 德州市外事侨务办公室王岩副主任一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Wang Yan, Vice Director, Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Dezhou Municipal Government, Shandong Province.


新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

8月4日 August 4

中国(广东省江门市) CHINA (Jiangmen, Guangdong) 江门市市委常委组织部长邹家军一行13人到访。 13-member delegation led by Zou Jiajun, Minister, Organizing Committee, Jiangmen.

8月18日 August 18

中国(内蒙古自治区赤峰市) CHINA (Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region) 政协赤峰市委员会副主席、赤峰市工商联合会主席张文革到访。 Zhang Wenge, Vice-Chairman of the People’s Political Consultative Conference of Chifeng City and Chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chifeng City.

8月23日 August 23

菲律宾 Philippines 菲律宾中华总商会理事长吴荣祥一行23人到访。 23-member delegation led by Benito Goyokpin, Executive Director, Filipino-Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Inc.

8月29日 August 29

中国(广东省) CHINA (Guangdong) 广东省中小企业局副局长官维平一行4人到访。 4-member delegation led by Guan Weiping, Deputy Director, Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprises of Guangdong Province.

9月1日 September 1

中国(北京) CHINA (Beijing) 北京大学汇丰商学院EDP常务副主任苏磊率领25人代表团到访。 25-member delegation led by Su Lei, Deputy Director, EDP, Hui Feng College of Business, Beijing University.

9月6日 September 6

巴基斯坦 Pakistan 驻新加坡巴基斯坦最高专员HE Syed Hasan Javed到访。 HE Syed Hasan Javed, High Commissioner of Pakistan in Singapore.

9月7日 September 7

南非 South Africa 驻新加坡南非最高专员S S Ripinga阁下及 Andre van Straten到访。 HE Dr S S Ripinga and Andre van Straten, High Commission of South Africa in Singapore.

9月12日 September 12

中国(广东省肇庆市) CHINA (Zhaoqing, Guangdong) 广东省肇庆市对外贸易经济合作局副局长陈宣群一行2人到访。 2-member delegation led by Mdm Calisa Chen, Vice Director, Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Zhaoqing City.

9月26日 September 26

中国(辽宁省沈阳市) CHINA (Shenyang, Liaoning) 沈阳市沈北新区驻东南亚经贸代表处主任高明一行2人到访。 2-member delegation led by Gao Ming, Director, South East Asia Trade and Economy Representative Office of Shenbei New District, Shenyang.



来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

9月28日 September 28

中国(江苏省无锡市) CHINA (Wuxi, Jiangsu) 无锡锡商理事会副会长胡达善一行34人到访。 34-member delegation led by Hu Dashan, Vice President, Wuxi Businessmen Association.

11月2日 November 2

墨西哥 MEXICO 墨西哥大使馆驻新加坡副馆长佩斯卡多到访。 Alejandro Pescador, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Mexico in Singapore.

11月4日 November 4

中国(上海) CHINA (Shanghai) 上海小额贷款公司理事长张玉峰一行7人到访 。 7-member delegation led by Zhang Yufeng, President, Shanghai Micro-Credit Association.

11月8日 November 8

中国(北京) CHINA (Beijing) 北京海外学人中心副主任王禹一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Wang Yu, Vice President, Beijing Overseas Talents Centre.

11月9日 November 9

印度 INDIA 印度工业联合会副主席、行政局信息系统有限公司执行主席兼总裁S Gopalakrishnan一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by S Gopalakrishnan, Vice President, Confederation of Indian Industry.

11月23日 November 23

中国(江苏省) CHINA (Jiangsu) 江苏省海外交流协会会长钱兴荣一行7人到访。 7-member delegation led by Qian Xingrong, President, Jiangsu Overseas Exchange Association.

11月24日 November 24

中国(广东省深圳市) CHINA (Shenzhen, Guangdong) 深圳市人民政府侨务办公室吴欢处长一行3人到访。 3-member delegation led by Wu Huan, Director, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal Government.

12月14日 December 14

中国 CHINA 新加坡宝路集团董事长张露一行6人到访。 6-member delegation led by Dr Zhang Lu, President, Singapore Treasureway Group.

12月15日 December 15

中国(青海省) CHINA (Qinghai) 青海省人力资源和社会保障厅杨军梅副厅长率领的青海省外国专家局企业经营与管理代表团一行20人 到访。 20-member delegation led by Yang Junmei, Vice-Department Chief, Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Qinghai Province.





商团会员 Trade Association Members


























新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 商团会员 Trade Association Members






















商团会员 Trade Association Members























新加坡中华总商会常年报告书 SINGAPORE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 商团会员 Trade Association Members












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