Annual Report 2016

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Unifying businesses to benefit society 常年报告书

Annual Report 2016

愿景 Vision 成为商家的首选商会, 为会员提供一个利于经商 与文教交流,并具有影响力 的环球华商网络。 To be the choice Chamber for the business community, providing members with an influential global Chinese network for business, culture and education.

宗旨 Mission 本会以促进本国工商业 发展、经济繁荣、文化教育 活动与社会服务为宗旨。 To promote the development of industry and commerce, the economic prosperity, cultural and educational activities as well as the community services of Singapore.

目录 Contents 002 005


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President’s Review 58th Council of SCCCI Organisational Structure 58th Council and Standing Committee Minutes of 58th Council’s First Annual General Meeting Key Staff of Secretariat and Subsidiaries Chamber’s Activities SCCCI Subsidiaries Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations Trade Association Members


会务检讨 President’s review 新里程 新篇章”— — 欢庆创会 110周年 从许多方面来说,2016年对于总商 会都是一个意义非凡的年份。这一年, 在董事会成员和秘书处职员的积极努 力下,本会圆满举行了一系列精彩的周 年庆活动。 在今年的新 春大 团拜活 动上,本 会为110周年庆主持了徽章推介仪式, 一系列庆祝活 动也由此掀 开序幕。本 会配合周年庆所举办的首场大型活动 是 5月份 的慈 善 高尔夫 球 赛 。通 过 这 项 赛 事,本会 成 功为“总 统 挑 战”慈 善活 动筹集15万元善款,并于7月14日 在与新加坡马来商会及新加坡印度商 会联办的三大种族商会交流会上将支 票移交陈庆炎总统。这笔款项将用于 支 持“总 统 挑 战”活 动下的多元 种族 和谐 社会建设项目,其中包括 黄丝带 计划。 在教育领域,本会也对总商会基金 的奖学金制度进行改革,成立大学奖 学金捐赠基金。这项改革方案的举 措 包括增加奖学金金额、提升奖学金的 延 续性,以 及 提 供 宝贵的学习机会, 让学生获得商界人士的指导,汲取商 场经验。总商会基金共拨款六百万元, 并在获得政 府款项的配 对之后,以总 额一千五百万元的奖学金资助五所本 地大学的优秀学生。 在9月21日至 23日间,本会连 续举 办了三项大型活动。9月21日,本会青年 企业家联系网举办了一场三天两夜的 新苗船”青年企业家游轮交流之旅, 诚 邀区域的年轻华商共聚一堂,在这 趟旅程中浸濡学习。游轮启航前,本会 特邀总理公署陈振声部长前来与来自 区域十余个国家和地区的200多名年轻 华商进行对话;扬帆出海后,参与者也 尽情投入一系列的分享会与研讨会,与 来自海内外的主讲嘉宾交流学习。 鉴于商团在推动行业转型上扮演 的 重 要 角色,本 会 于 9月23日上午 以 引领行业发展,立足未来经济”为题 举办了第四届商团大会,邀请本地商团 与德国总商会的代表分享行业经验, 来自64家本地商团的300多位代表出席 了活动。在大会现场,17家首批进驻商

晚宴上,李显龙总理也特向本会 赠送“聚商惠民”牌匾,鼓励我们与时 并进,继续为商界与社稷作出贡献。

团中心的商团代表也前来参与商团中 心成立仪式,象征着这项计划的正式 落成。 本会于 9月23日晚间 举 办的110周 年 庆 祝 晚 宴 是 一系 列 活 动中的 压 轴 戏。超 过1300人出席见证本会的这一 重要 里程 碑,其中包 括 300多位 来自 16个国家和地区、33家华商机构的商 界领袖。本会也特别安排主宾李显龙 总 理与海外商界代表会面与交流。晚 宴上,本会通 过 精心制作的影片呈现 过去十年取得的重要成 就,也为每位 嘉宾赠送设计独到的周年庆纪念特刊 新里程 新篇章》以作留念。 晚 宴上,李显 龙总 理也特向本会 赠送“聚商惠民”牌匾,鼓励我们与时 并进,继续为商界与社稷作出贡献。

开拓国际市场与全球视野 今年,本会 为帮助 会员 开 拓国 际 视 野,探 寻 新商机,数次 组 织考 察 团 到世界 各地 进行考察。今年的第一项 考察活动是于7月举办的台湾物联网科 技考察,了解台湾的物联网、电子商务 和智能零售如何带动饮食和零售行业 转型升级。今年10月,我率领31人考察 团首次前 往美国加州的硅谷,参观硅 谷的商业生态系统和电子商务创新。 最后,本会于11月组织了36人的考察团 前 往 缅甸,拜访了仰光 和曼德勒的工 商业机构以 及 缅甸中华总商会。在参 加缅甸中华总商会主办的联系晚宴和 仰 光的 经 济展 望”投 资 说 明 会 的 同 时,本会也 与缅甸中华总商会签 订友 好合作备忘录,鼓励双方会员合作,拓

展新领域。更具意义的是,本会与缅甸 中华总商会各向仰光省政府捐助2000 万元 缅币 约二万新元 作为仰光省的 教育发展基金,促进当地教育发展。 鉴于中国重庆市获选为新中第三 个政 府间合 作 项目的运营中心,本会 的中国事务也更聚焦重庆。本会于6月 在 重 庆举 办“中国 企 业 走出去”研 讨 会,并在会上发布新版的《新加坡投资 指南— — 借 势狮城、扬帆海外》。7月 份,本会也以“聚焦重庆 拓展西部市 场”为题举办第五届新中商务论坛,集 中探讨新中第三个政府间合 作项目可 能带来的商机。同时,本会今年也在重 庆设立了第二个海外办事处。

扮演政府与商界的沟通桥梁 今年,本会 针对 营 商气氛 和 商界 关心的议 题 展开了数项 调 查。除了一 年一度的《财政预算案前调查》、《中 小企业意 见调查》与《资 信科 技 应用 意见调查》之外,本会也展开了《中小 企业创新能力专项研究》,超过1200家 企业参与了调查。本会将商界反馈呈 予相关 政 府机构作为参考,并提 呈相 关建议,以便改进相关的政策和援助 计划。此外,我也以官委议员身份,在 国会上对多项政经议 题进行提问,其 中包括 新加坡 经济转型、中小企业转 型、人力挑战、商团在推动行业转型与 推广政府援助计划的角色等。

研究家族企业传承课题 本会的会员商家当中有 不少处于 传承阶段的家族企业,因此家族企业


会长 新加坡中华总商会

Thomas Chua Kee Seng

President Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Unifying businesses to benefit society

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

会务检讨   president’s review

会务检讨   President’s review



会务检讨 President’s review 传承也是本会高度关注的议 题。今年 1月,本会与普华古柏会计师事务所联 手进行的《家族企业专项研究》出炉, 并 在调查报告发布会上举办了一场家 族企业研讨 会,吸引众多家族企业 成 员的参 与。随 后,本会 也 与知 识 伙伴 联 办了一系 列家 族 企 业分享会,邀 请 知名家族企业的成员分享多项相关议 题,包括:企业传承、招揽 人才、家族 管理、家庭价 值观的重要性 及家族企 业的转型。

推动中小企业升级与提升生产力 今年 8月,本会举办了备受瞩目、 影响深远的双语企业大会— —第18届 中小型企业大会与第19届资信商业大 会,共吸引6000人参与,再次刷新出席 人数记录。大会以“智慧型中小企业: 创新·协作·升级”为主题,邀请尚达 曼副总理在现场发表主题演讲并参与 专题研讨会,探讨中小企业应如 何做 好准备应对未 来 经济。本会也首次配 合大会举办“体验创新之旅”,组织实 地考察团前往11家科 研机构和企业考 察,探讨如何将创新解决方案应用于 各个行业领域。 另一方 面,本 会属下的总商会 管 理学院凭藉超过三十年的教学经验, 持续为本地企业及工作人士提供全面 的培训解决方案,并协助企业提高生 产力,鼓励员工实践终身学习理念。学 院 今年的新 课程项目包括:开发网络 教学平台,通 过混合式学习的模式提 升教学效果;开办商团管理证书课程,

提高商团秘书处的管理能力。管理学 院的商学中心、语言文化中心及专业商 业课程今年共为超过6400名学员提供 培训。 肩负帮助中小企 业提 升能力与适 应未 来 经济的新 使命,本会属下的中 小企业中心和卫星中心也加强自身角 色,除了通 过商业咨询服务协助企 业 外,也提 倡以群 体解决方案帮助企业 保 持 竞争力,包括以组 别形式开办诊 断工作坊,提升企业的业务能力。这一 年内,中小企业中心也集中协助零售业 与餐饮业采用生产力解决方案提升业 务能力。另外,位于大巴窑建屋发展局 中心的中区中心继续与新加坡商联会 合 作,致力帮助邻里微型企业发展营 销能力。

致力于文化与社会建设 除了为商界服务,本会也不忘发展 本地文化事业及促进社群的凝聚力。 今年,文教与社会事务委员会 组 织或 见证了以下三大重要活动: 

323华商传承李光耀精神 建国总理李光耀先生于2015年的3 月23日辞世。在2016年的同一天, 本 会 为 纪 念 建 国 总 理 举 办“ 323 华商传承李光耀精 神”快步 走活 动,500名参与者从多美歌草坪出 发,途 经 总 统 府 公 园、国 家 博 物 馆、新加坡管理大学,最后抵达本 会大厦,参与追思仪式。

2016年度军人节宣誓仪式 7月1日,本会首次在嘉庚堂承办中 南 区军人节集体 宣 誓 仪 式,让 雇 主和国民 服役 人员重申对国家的 效 忠,肯 定军人保 家 卫国的贡 献 以 及 对国民 服役的支持。48年前 1968年2月24日 ,本会也曾在嘉庚 堂为国民服役 计划及新加坡武装 部队举办筹款活动,本届军人节宣 誓 仪 式再次于嘉庚 堂举 行,别 具 意义。 事业女性组荣获亚细安“ 2016年 杰出妇女团体奖” 事业女性组 荣获由泰国皇 后授权 的泰国妇女院 颁 赠亚 细安“2016 年杰出妇女团体奖”,泰国却克里 王朝公主亲自向本会事业女 性 组 主席郭素雯颁发奖项。

感谢各方支持 2016 年,本会 除了举 办例常的 重 要活 动之外,也配合110周年庆举办了 一系列精彩活 动。在回顾今年取得的 重要成 绩时,我要衷心 感谢所有合 作 伙伴的支 持。在 政 府机构、各 国 外交 使 节和海内外伙伴商会的支持下,本 会努力策划的许多项目得到了圆满成 功。我也要感谢本会董事会成员投 入 许多时间、精力与资源,对各项活动指 导与支持;感谢 秘书处 职员对于工作 满腔热情,尽心尽力执行会务,达致本 会愿景。

本会的会员商家当中有不少处于传承阶段的 家族企业,因此家族企业传承也是本会高度关注的 议题… … 本会也与知识伙伴联办了一系列家族企业 分享会,邀请知名家族企业的成员分享多项 相关议题,包括:企业传承、招揽人才、家族管理、 家庭价值观的重要性及家族企业的转型。

会务检讨   President’s review


The first major event to be organised under the 110th Anniversary banner was the Charity Golf Tournament held in May, which successfully raised S$150,000 for the President’s Challenge. Subsequently the cheque was presented to Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore, on the occasion of the SCCCISICCI-SMCCI Inter-Chamber Networking Night on July 14. Donations were given to beneficiaries of the President’s Challenge for multi-racial projects including the Yellow Ribbon Fund, in keeping with the theme of Racial Harmony. In the realm of education, an SCCCF University Scholarship Endowment Fund was established for the first time. Thorough changes to the scholarship system are now put in place, including expanding the scope of funding, ensuring continuity, and opening up opportunities for students to gain exposure to the business environment and learn from business leaders. We chose to hold the inauguration ceremony during the Chamber’s Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations in September. This new SCCCF University Scholarship Endowment Fund involves a donation of $6 million to five local universities, and would make available a total of $15 million after matching with government funds. The Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN) presented a signature programme for the 110th anniversary in the form of an EMERGE networking cruise, creating a conducive setting for young Chinese entrepreneurs from the region to participate in an immersive and meaningful learning experience. Before setting sail on the eve of the key 110th Anniversary events, Minister in Prime Minister’s Office Chan

The highlight of the Gala Dinner came when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong presented the Chamber with a plaque bearing an inscription of the four Chinese characters “聚商惠民”. It referred to the Chamber’s influential role of “Unifying Businesses to Benefit Society”. It also echoed the message in PM Lee’s keynote speech, encouraging the Chamber to move abreast with the times and continue the good work of contributing to the business community and society at large.

Chun Sing held a dialogue with more than 200 young Chinese entrepreneurs hailing from over 10 countries and regions. Thereafter, at sea, the participants joined an intensive programme of sharing sessions and plenary sessions led by local and regional speakers. Reinforcing the importance of trade associations in helping to drive industry transformation, the fitting theme for the 4th Trade Association Congress held on September 23 was “Leading Industry Development in the Future Economy”. This congress brought together some 300 representatives from 64 local trade associations. Emphasising the important role of trade associations in industry transformation, speakers from local trade associations as well as a leading chamber from Germany were invited to share relevant experiences. At the congress, a ceremony was also held to signify the colocation of the 17 trade associations at the new Trade Association Hub in 2017. The 110th anniversary was celebrated in style with a grand Gala Dinner on September 23, attended by some 300 overseas VIP guests from 16 countries and regions, representing 33 Chinese business organisations. Special arrangements were made for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Guest of Honour for this occasion, to meet and mingle with the business leaders from each Chamber or business organisation. All 1,300 guests viewed a rousing video

production encapsulating the Chamber’s significant achievements over the past decade. All guests were presented with copies of A New Era – A New Chapter, a novel publication to commemorate the 110th Anniversary. The highlight of the Gala Dinner came when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong presented the Chamber with a plaque bearing an inscription of the four Chinese characters “聚商惠民”. It referred to the Chamber’s influential role of “Unifying Businesses to Benefit Society”. It also echoed the message in PM Lee’s keynote speech, encouraging the Chamber to move abreast with the times and continue the good work of contributing to the business community and society at large.

Internationalisation and strengthening knowledge from overseas Within the year, endeavours to help members identif y new business opportunities and learn from overseas brought us on several trips not only within Asia but much further afield. For the first trip to Taipei in July, the objective was to explore how Internet of Things (IoT), e-commerce and Smart Retail strategies worked for the Food & Beverage and retail industries. In October, I led a 31-member delegation to Silicon Valley for the first time, the focus being to examine e-commerce business innovation in the

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

2016 was a year of great significance for the Chamber in many respects. The entire council and Secretariat staff rallied together in the year-long efforts to celebrate yet another milestone – the 110th year of the Chamber’s founding. Beginning with the unveiling of the 110th Anniversary logo on the first day of the Lunar New Year, this brought the festivities to an auspicious start, and set the stage for a host of specially curated celebratory events.

会务检讨   president’s review

Celebrating our 110th Anniversary


会务检讨 President’s review

...throughout the year, Chamber collaborated with our knowledge partners to organise a series of family business sharing sessions whereby illustrious family businesses were invited to share their experiences and insights on a range of subjects close to the heart of family businesses, including succession, talent attraction, family governance, the importance of family values and transformation of family business.

heart of Silicon Valley’s eco-system. The last trip for the year was to Myanmar, which remains high on the list as an appealing emerging market for our members. It was also the Chamber’s first mission to Myanmar since Htin Kyaw became Myanmar’s first elected civilian President in March. The itinerary for the 36-member delegation included visits to key business agencies and business organisations in Yangon and Mandalay, as well as our counterpart in Myanmar, the Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce (MCCC). Besides attending a networking dinner organised by the MCCC and an investment briefing on “Yangon’s Economic Outlook”, our Chamber and the MCCC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to spur greater collaboration among members and develop new business oppor tunities. More significantly, both Chambers made meaningful contributions of MMK 20,000,000 (about S$20,000) each to the Yangon Economic Foundation Fund for educational development. China Affairs took on a targeted focus this year, with Chongqing having been chosen as the locale of the 3rd Singapore-China G2G project. Hence the launch of the latest Singapore Investment Guide 2015/16 was held in Chongqing in June, in conjunction with a seminar on “Chongqing Enterprises Venturing Overseas”. In the following month, the 5th Singapore-China Business Forum under the theme of “Chongqing: Springboard to China’s Western Region” offered participants fresh insights into various business prospects arising from the new joint project in Chongqing.

This also fit in well with the Chamber’s setting up of its second overseas office in Chongqing.

Communication to the government for the business community Throughout the year, the Chamber initiated several surveys to gauge business sentiment and derive insights on topical business issues. Besides the annual pre-Budget, SME and ICT surveys, an additional study to probe the innovation efforts of SMEs was carried out. More than 1,200 businesses participated in our surveys, and their feedback and Chamber’s corresponding recommendations were conveyed to the relevant government authorities for consideration to fine-tune government policies and assistance schemes. In addition, as an NMP, I spoke in Parliament and posed parliamentary questions on a wide range of issues relating to Singapore’s economic restructuring, SME transformation, manpower challenges, the role of trade associations in industry transformation and on government schemes.

knowledge partners to organise a series of family business sharing sessions whereby illustrious family businesses were invited to share their experiences and insights on a range of subjects close to the heart of family businesses, including succession, talent attraction, family governance, the importance of family values and transformation of family business.

Facilitating SMEs’ upgrading and productivity improvement

Championing family businesses

The SME Conference and the Infocomm Commerce Conference (SMEICC), which together make up the Chamber’s most well-established and longest running bilingual conference, was attended by a record number of 6,000 participants in August. Based on the theme of “Smart SMEs: Innovate. Collaborate. Accelerate”, this year the event incorporated a keynote address by DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam and ensuing dialogue where the focus was on developing future-ready SMEs. Another first for the SMEICC was the “Innovation Inoculation Tour” where participants were brought to research institutes and enterprises to understand how innovative technologies could be applied in different industries.

Family business is a topic of high relevance and interest to Chamber as many of our members are family businesses facing transition to the next generation. The findings of Chamber’s joint survey with PwC on family businesses were officially released in January 2016 through a seminar well-attended by family business participants. Building on this, throughout the year, Chamber collaborated with our

Building on its reputation of training individuals and enterprises for over three decades, the Chamber’s training subsidiary, the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) continued to develop a comprehensive range of quality training programmes in support of productivity upgrading and lifelong learning. New programmes introduced during the year included an

会务检讨   President’s review


Driving cultural and community engagement Apart from the business community, the Chamber is also mindful of developing the cultural scene and promoting collective strength of the local community throughout the year. Notably, during the year we came together as a community to lead two markedly different events, both of which were organised by the Chamber for the first time.  Remembering Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew In March, on the first anniversary of the passing of Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, the Chamber paid a special tribute to his memory by leading members on a brisk walk. After completing the route which flagged off from Dhoby Ghaut Green and ended up at the Chamber building, we observed a simple but

 Reaffirming commitments towards National Defence In mid-year, on July 1, the Chamber organised the SAF Day 2016 Combined Rededication Ceremony for CBD and South Zone for the very first time. It was held at the Chamber’s auditorium. While this ceremony provided employers and NSmen with opportunities to publicly reaffirm their commitment and support towards National Defence and recognise their contributions, it held a special meaning for the Chamber. On February 24 1968, 48 years ago, the Chamber demonstrated strong support by convening a meeting at our auditorium to raise funds for National Service and the Singapore Armed Forces.  Receiving an accolade for the women’s group The Chamber’s Career Women’s Group (CWG) received a special acknowledgement this year, having been awarded the “Outstanding Women’s Organizations Award of the Year 2016” by The National Council of Women of Thailand (NCWT) under the royal patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. CWG Chairperson Quek Soo Boon personally received the award in August from Her Royal Highness Princess in Thailand’s Nonthaburi Province.

Acknowledging the contribution of all stakeholders The year has seen a great upsurge in activity with the hosting of several 110th Anniversary projects on top of the many signature events that are held on a regular basis. Even as we take stock of all that we have accomplished during the year, I would like to acknowledge my sincere appreciation to the many stakeholders for their kind support in each and every project. The partnership and involvement of ministries and government agencies, diplomatic missions both in Singapore and abroad, and counterpart business chambers, have proved instrumental in helping us to carry out these projects effectively. I am indebted to my team of council members for devoting so much time, efforts and resources in steering and supporting every Chamber project. Last but not least, I wish to express my gratitude to the Secretariat staff for their motivation, loyalty and hard work in ensuring the delivery of exceptional value and outcomes for every aspect of the Chamber operations.

会务检讨   president’s review

In keeping with the new mandate to help SMEs build capability and be future-ready, the SME Centre@SCCCI and its satellite centres enhanced their roles during the year. Over and beyond general business advisory services, business advisors are now equipped to offer more groupbased solutions through workshops and in-depth business facilitation in capability upgrading. At the same time, SME Centre dedicated efforts in targeted sectors of retail and F&B, engaging them in taking up solutions for productivity improvement. The satellite centre at the HDB Hub in Toa Payoh also spared no efforts in helping heartland micro-enterprises to improve marketing capabilities through its strategic alliance with merchants associations.

meaningful remembrance ceremony for all 500 participants at the Chamber auditorium.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

e-Learning Portal to facilitate students’ learning experience via the blended learning approach, and a Certificate in Trade Association Management course aimed at strengthening trade associations’ secretariat capability. A record number of 6,400 individuals were trained during the year under the respective centres of Business Studies, Language Studies and Professional Development. In the area of language training, SCCIOB maintained its edge of being the leading provider for WSQ Business Mandarin courses.


新加坡中华总商会第58届董事会 58th Council of SCCCI

2015年3月至2017年3月 March 2015 – March 2017

组织结构 Organisational Structure

组织结构   Organisational Structure


会员  Members 会员大会  Annual General Meeting 董事会  Council

    

总务委员会 General Affairs Committee 财政委员会 Finance Committee 研究与出版委员会 Research & Publications Committee 外事委员会 External Relations Committee 商团与会员事务委员会 Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

    

科技委员会 Technology Committee 国际事务委员会 International Affairs Committee 工商业委员会 Commerce & Industry Committee 产业委员会 Property Management Committee 文教与社会事务委员会 Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

本会附属机构  SCCCI Subsidiaries 新加坡中华总商会资产信托局  The Financial Board of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce 中华总商会产业私人有限公司  Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd 新加坡中华总商会企业发展与服务中心私人有限公司  EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd 

新加坡中华总商会中小企业中心 SME Centre@SCCCI

新加坡企业中心 IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre

新加坡中华总商会管理学院  Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business 新加坡中华总商会基金  Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation 孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司  Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited

秘书处  Secretariat 秘书处为本会董事会与附属机构提供管理方面的支援。 The Secretariat provides management support to the council and subsidiaries of SCCCI.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

包括会长、前任会长、副会长及以下10个委员会正、副主席 which includes the President, Immediate Past President, Vice-Presidents, and Chairmen & Vice-Chairmen of the following 10 committees:

组织结构   Organisational Structure

常务董事会  Standing Committee


第58届董事会与 各个委员会 名誉会长 黄祖耀


副主席 蔡天宝

荣誉董事 梁庆经 蓝宏赉

张昌隆 陈精毅

谢万森 李国基


张允中 蔡伟卿 王励谦 伦与常 刘特静 连家立 陈学湘 黄国立 黄汉发 梁文琛 李俊岳 孙广安 柯毓麟 李秉蘐

邵维铭 李庆传 朱时生 唐 裕 林国强 耿信生 蔡锦淞 杨应法 李金源 张齐娥 吴乔青 蔡成宗 尹崇明 萧作鸣

名誉董事 林理化 刘荫稳 陈少明 周景锐 何谦诚 吕荣璋 王显荣 林方基 陈育宠 张长中 陈孟皋 李庆言 郭良耿 许廷芳 陈怀林

柯新治 陈新荣 曾汉水 郑维强 庄绍平 黄 海 颜诗琴 蔡团根 罗守学 郭庭水 黄一宗 林清荣 魏成辉 刘志明 谢永祺

: : : : :

蔡其生 张松声 黄山忠 刘泰山 吴学光

庞 琳 黄健华 林玉勤 谢锦发 林福星 陈睦发 胡进胜 曾宪相 程宇超 翁溫钊 梁善权 郭明忠 白连源 高允裕

董事 钟声坚 曾福庆 郭素雯 吴令声 杨向明 郭益智 黄亦巧

郑谦木 吴中庸 柯建强 蔡纪典 颜毓瑩 陈树生 梁炜宁

李思亮 高泉庆 陈笃汉 林炳坤 谢楚明 吴斯仁 陈奕福

林明仁 罗大民 邓尚正 陈俊文 吕立岩 蔡深江

主席 副主席 委员

: 白毅柏 : 庞 琳 : 曾福庆 蔡纪典 林炳坤 陈奕福


主席 总务委员会 财政委员会 研究与出版委员会 外事委员会 商团与会员事务委员会 科技委员会 国际事务委员会 工商业委员会 产业委员会 文教与社会事务委员会

: : : : : : : : : : : : : :


董事会 会长 前任会长 副会长 副会长 副会长

总务委员会 财政委员会 研究与出版委员会 外事委员会 商团与会员事务委员会 商团与会员事务委员会 商团与会员事务委员会 科技委员会 国际事务委员会 国际事务委员会 工商业委员会 工商业委员会 产业委员会 文教与社会事务委员会

: : : : : : : : : :

白毅柏 吴绍均 何乃全 邓健辉 邬顺山 柯文伟 陈金城 黄建铭 林惠璋 白南泉

主席 副主席 委员

: 吴绍均 : 黄健华 : 李思亮 曾福庆 郭益智

会务检讨   President’s review


: 何乃全 : 林玉勤 : 颜毓瑩 蔡深江 许茵妮 李柯龙 谢光威 许州德 许伟盛 陈优娜

: 邓健辉 : 谢锦发 : 陈怀林 吴中庸 罗大民 陈笃汉 吴令声 谢楚明 梁炜宁

商团与会员事务委员会 主席 副主席 委员

: 邬顺山 : 林福星 陈睦发 胡进胜 : 耿信生 林清荣 郑谦木 罗大民 陈笃汉 邓尚正 吴令声 陈俊文 杨向明 谢楚明 陈树生 吴斯仁 林永车 林钦亮 黄侯贵 陈东源 周建发 梁添丁 蔡为明

: 柯文伟 : 曾宪相 : 林明仁 郭素雯 邓尚正 陈俊文 梁炜宁

国际事务委员会 主席 副主席

外事委员会 主席 副主席 委员

主席 副主席 委员


: 陈金城 : 程宇超 翁溫钊 : 郑谦木 吴中庸 柯建强 吴令声 谢楚明 潘耀泉 杜侨南 郑志贤 陈聪发 戴文雪

工商业委员会 主席 副主席 委员

: 黄建铭 : 梁善权 郭明忠 : 李思亮 林明仁 郭素雯 杨向明 颜毓瑩 吕立岩 蔡深江 胡敬中 符懋森 陈勇铭

产业委员会 主席 副主席 委员

: 林惠璋 : 白连源 : 钟声坚 李思亮 高泉庆 郭益智

第58届董事会与各个委员会   58th council and standing committee

主席 副主席 委员


新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016



第58届董事会与 各个委员会 文教与社会事务委员会 主席 副主席 委员

: 白南泉 : 高允裕 : 尹崇明 李秉蘐 吕立岩 黄亦巧 陈奕福


新加坡中华总商会企业发展与 服务中心私人有限公司 主席 副主席 财政 董事

董事/公司秘书/总裁 执行董事

: : : :

刘泰山 黄建铭 梁善权 陈金城 黄健华 程宇超 翁溫钊 郭明忠 : 谭宝锠 : 刘桂萍

新加坡中华总商会资产信托局 主席 副主席 副主席 副主席 财政 委员


: : : : : :

蔡其生 黄山忠 刘泰山 吴学光 吴绍均 张松声 白毅柏 邓健辉 邬顺山 林惠璋 黄健华 : 谢锦发 白连源

中华总商会产业私人有限公司 主席 副主席 董事经理 董事

: : : :

蔡其生 张松声 林惠璋 黄山忠 刘泰山 吴学光 吴绍均 白南泉 白连源

新加坡中华总商会管理学院 主席 副主席 名誉财政 副名誉财政 委员 名誉秘书 副名誉秘书

: : : : :

刘泰山 柯文伟 曾宪相 邓尚正 黄健华 陈俊文 : 谭宝锠 : 刘桂萍

新加坡中华总商会基金 主席 副主席 财政 委员

: 蔡其生 : 黄山忠 吴学光 : 吴绍均 : 张松声 刘泰山 白毅柏 何乃全 邬顺山 陈金城 林惠璋 白南泉

孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司 主席 顾问 董事

: 吴学光 : 蔡其生 张松声 : 何乃全 白南泉 高允裕 钟声坚 尹崇明 李秉蘐


58th Council and Standing Committee

Wee Cho Yaw Chua Thian Poh

Tay Beng Chuan

Senior Honorary Council Members Leong Heng Keng Chia Ban Seng Freddy Lam Fong Loi Patrick Lee Kwok Kie

Teo Chiang Long Peter Seah Lim Huat Tan Cheng Gay

Honorary Council Members Ling Lee Hua Teo Woon Tiong Lau Ing Woon Chua Wee Keng Tan Seow Meng Ong Lay Khiam Chew Keng Juea Lun Yue Sheong Ivan Ho Khiam Seng Low Teck Cheng John Y. Lu Lin Ka Lap Ong Hian Eng Tan Hak Siang @ Tan Say Siang Lim Fang Chee Ng Kok Lip Bobby Chin Yoke Choong Henry Ng Han Whatt Chong Chong Choong Leong Mun Sum Tan Meng Kow Lee Choon Giart Stephen Lee Ching Yen Soon Kong Ann Kwee Liong Keng James Kuah Geok Lin Hee Theng Fong Lee Peng Shu Tan Huay Lim

Ker Sin Tze Shaw Vee Meng Tan Sin Eng Lee Chin Chuan Chang Ham Chwee Choo Si Sen Cheng Wai Keung Tong Djoe Chuang Shaw Peng Jack Lim Kueh Chong Hong Hai Paul Keng Sin Sieng Gan See Khem Alan Chua Gim Siong Chua Thuan Koon Yeo Eng Huat Loh Siew Hock Lee Kam Yoon Kwek Theng Swee Claire Chiang See Ngoh Wee Ee Cheong Wu Chiaw Ching Lim Cheng Eng Chua Seng Chong Sam Goi Seng Hui Wan Shung Ming Low Chee Meng Seow Choke Meng Chia Weng Kaye

Council President Immediate Past President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President

: : : : :

Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Roland Ng San Tiong Lau Tai San Wu Hsioh Kwang

General Affairs Committee Finance Committee Research & Publications Committee External Relations Committee Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Technology Committee International Affairs Committee Commerce & Industry Committee Property Management Committee Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

: Pek Ee Perh Thomas : Ng Siew Quan : Charles Ho Nai Chuen : Tang Kin Fei : Voo Soon Sang : : : : :

Kuah Boon Wee Tan Kim Seng Ang Kiam Meng John Lim Hwee Chiang Adrian Peh Nam Chuan

Committee Vice-Chairmen General Affairs Committee Finance Committee Research & Publications Committee External Relations Committee Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Technology Committee International Affairs Committee International Affairs Committee Commerce & Industry Committee Commerce & Industry Committee Property Management Committee Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

: Pang Lim : Patrick Ng : Lim Geok Khoon : Chia Kim Huat : Lim Hock Chee : Tan Bock Huat : James Ow Chin Seng : : : : : : :

Chan Hian Siang Philip Kia Er Chew Edward Ang Boon Cheow Chris Leong Sin Kuen George Quek Meng Tong Pek Lian Guan Francis Ko Oon Joo

Council Members Zhong Sheng Jian Lee Sze Leong Chan Hock Keng Kho Choon Keng Quek Soo Boon Tan Tock Han Simon Goh Lian Seah Tony Lim Peng Koon Yeo Hiang Meng Chia Chor Meng Sherman Kwek Eik Tse Ted Ngo Soo Lin Hwang Yee Cheau Tan Aik Hock

Tay Khiam Back Stephen Lim Beng Lin Goh Tiong Yong George David Loh Tai Min Eric Khua Kian Keong David Tang Sheung Ching Chua Kee Teang Tan Choon Boon Annie Gan Giok Em Paul Loo Lip Giam Allan Tan Soo Seng Chua Chim Kang Leong Wai Leng

第58届董事会与各个委员会   58th council and standing committee

Committee Chairmen

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Honorary Presidents


58th Council and Standing Committee General Affairs Committee Chairman Vice-Chairman Members

: Pek Ee Perh Thomas : Pang Lim : Chan Hock Keng Chua Kee Teang Tony Lim Peng Koon Tan Aik Hock

Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Chairman Vice-Chairmen


Finance Committee Chairman Vice-Chairman Members

: Ng Siew Quan : Patrick Ng : Lee Sze Leong Chan Hock Keng Sherman Kwek Eik Tse

Research & Publications Committee Chairman Vice-Chairman Members

: Charles Ho Nai Chuen : Lim Geok Khoon : Annie Gan Giok Em Chua Chim Kang Annie Koh Lennon Lee Irvin Seah Jimmy Koh Chew Teck Koh Wee Seng Chen Yew Nah

External Relations Committee Chairman Vice-Chairman Members

: Tang Kin Fei : Chia Kim Huat : Tan Huay Lim Goh Tiong Yong George David Loh Tai Min Tan Tock Han Simon Goh Lian Seah Chia Chor Meng Leong Wai Leng

: Voo Soon Sang : Lim Hock Chee Tan Bock Huat James Ow Chin Seng : Paul Keng Sin Sieng Lim Cheng Eng Tay Khiam Back David Loh Tai Min Tan Tock Han David Tang Sheung Ching Simon Goh Lian Seah Tan Choon Boon Yeo Hiang Meng Chia Chor Meng Allan Tan Soo Seng Ted Ngo Soo Lin Nelson Lim Eng Koo Ronald Lim Kim Liang Freddie Ng Heok Kwee Tan Tong Guan Chiew Kin Huat Neo Tiam Ting Mario Chua Wui Meng

Technology Committee Chairman Vice-Chairman Members

: Kuah Boon Wee : Chan Hian Siang : Stephen Lim Beng Lin Quek Soo Boon David Tang Sheung Ching Tan Choon Boon Leong Wai Leng

International Affairs Committee Chairman Vice-Chairmen Members

: Tan Kim Seng : Philip Kia Er Chew Edward Ang Boon Cheow : Tay Khiam Back Goh Tiong Yong George Eric Khua Kian Keong Simon Goh Lian Seah Chia Chor Meng Benny Pua Yeow Chuah Raymond Toh Paul Tay Chee Hian Tan Chong Huat Tay Boon Suat



: Ang Kiam Meng : Chris Leong Sin Kuen George Quek Meng Tong : Lee Sze Leong Stephen Lim Beng Lin Quek Soo Boon Yeo Hiang Meng Annie Gan Giok Em Paul Loo Lip Giam Chua Chim Kang Woo Keng Choong Foo Maw Shen Erman Tan Eng Meng

Property Management Committee Chairman Vice-Chairman Members

: John Lim Hwee Chiang : Pek Lian Guan : Zhong Sheng Jian Lee Sze Leong Kho Choon Keng Sherman Kwek Eik Tse

Chairman Deputy Chairman Managing Director Directors

: : : :

Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng John Lim Hwee Chiang Roland Ng San Tiong Lau Tai San Wu Hsioh Kwang Ng Siew Quan Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Pek Lian Guan

EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd Chairman Vice-Chairman Treasurer Directors

Director/Company Secretary/CEO Executive Director

: : : :

Lau Tai San Ang Kiam Meng Chris Leong Sin Kuen Tan Kim Seng Patrick Ng Philip Kia Er Chew Edward Ang Boon Cheow George Quek Meng Tong : Tham Poh Cheong : Irene Low Kwai Peng

Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

Chairman Vice-Chairman Members

Chairman Vice-Chairman Honorary Treasurer Assistant Honorary Treasurer Members

: Adrian Peh Nam Chuan : Francis Ko Oon Joo : Wan Shung Ming Lee Peng Shu Paul Loo Lip Giam Hwang Yee Cheau Tan Aik Hock

The Financial Board of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce

Treasurer Members

Member/Company Secretary

Lau Tai San Kuah Boon Wee Chan Hian Siang David Tang Sheung Ching Patrick Ng Tan Choon Boon : Tham Poh Cheong : Irene Low Kwai Peng

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation


Chairman Vice-Chairmen

Honorary Secretary Assistant Honorary Secretary

: : : : :

: Thomas Chua Kee Seng : Roland Ng San Tiong Lau Tai San Wu Hsioh Kwang : Ng Siew Quan : Teo Siong Seng Pek Ee Perh Thomas Tang Kin Fei Voo Soon Sang John Lim Hwee Chiang Patrick Ng : Chia Kim Huat Pek Lian Guan

Chairman Vice-Chairman Treasurer Members

: Thomas Chua Kee Seng : Roland Ng San Tiong Wu Hsioh Kwang : Ng Siew Quan : Teo Siong Seng Lau Tai San Pek Ee Perh Thomas Charles Ho Nai Chuen Voo Soon Sang Tan Kim Seng John Lim Hwee Chiang Adrian Peh Nam Chuan

Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Co Ltd Chairman Advisors Directors

: Wu Hsioh Kwang : Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng : Charles Ho Nai Chuen Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Francis Ko Oon Joo Zhong Sheng Jian Wan Shung Ming Lee Peng Shu

第58届董事会与各个委员会   58th council and standing committee

Chairman Vice-Chairmen

Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Commerce & Industry Committee


第58届董事会 第一次常年会员大会记录 日期

: 2016年4月29日(星期五)


: 下午6时正


: 本会2楼会议厅

大会主席 : 蔡其生会长 列席者

: 谭宝锠  陈秀娟  容丽芬  邓素娟


: 谭宝锠  容丽芬  邓素娟


: 







Focus Network Agencies (S) Pte Ltd




French Food Factory Pte Ltd


GL Group Pte Ltd


Glass Point Construction Pte Ltd




鸿安 / 光东有限公司


















KME Transport Pte Ltd




KTL Offshore Pte Ltd





























1. 复准于2015年3月6日召开的第57届董事会第二次常年会员大会记录 第57届董事会第二次常年会员大会记录已列于本会《2015年度常年报告书》中,随同第58届董事会第一次常年会员大会 通知书于2016年4月8日寄发给全体会员。 会议对有关会议记录没有异议。由郑谦木(合果有限公司)提议,何乃全(安昌珠宝私人有限公司)附议,会议一致复准 通过第57届董事会第二次常年会员大会记录。

2. 核准截至2015年12月31日的财政报告与帐目 本会截至2015年12月31日的财政报告与帐目已随同第58届董事会第一次常年会员大会通知书分发给全体会员。 由谢锦发(立杰律师事务所新加坡有限责任合伙)提议,陈睦发(明义汽车私人有限公司)附议,会议一致核准2015年 度之财政报告与帐目。

3. 委任查帐公司 大会在吴绍均(普华古柏会计师事务所)提议,吴中庸(铭板集团私人有限公司)附议下,一致同意继续接受委任安永 会计师事务所担任本会及属下机构的查帐公司。

4. 其他事项 与会者并无提出其他事项,会议向主席致谢后于下午6时30分结束。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016


第58届董事会第一次常年会员大会记录   minutes of 58th council’s first annual general meeting



Minutes of 58th Council’s First Annual General Meeting Date


Friday, April 29 2016



6.00 pm



2nd Floor, Conference Room, SCCCI Building



Thomas Chua Kee Seng, SCCCI President

In Attendance :

Tham Poh Cheong, Tan Siew Kiang, Lydia Yung, Tang Soh Kuen

Recorded by


Tham Poh Cheong, Lydia Yung, Tang Soh Kuen

Memxbers x


Ann Aik Pte Ltd

Sing Investments & Finance Ltd

Bank of Singapore Limited

Singapore International Jewellery Pte Ltd

Beau Soleil (S) Pte Ltd

Singapore Press Holdings Limited

Focus Network Agencies (S) Pte Ltd

SP Chemicals Pte Ltd

Freight Links Express Holdings Ltd

Speedcash Global Pte Ltd

French Food Factory Pte Ltd

Straco Corporation Ltd

GL Group Pte Ltd

Straco Holding Pte Ltd

Glass Point Construction Pte Ltd

Tai Hua Food Industries Pte Ltd

Hong Aik Property Pte Ltd

Tat Hin Timber (Pte) Ltd

Hong Ann / Orient Torch Pte Ltd

Tat Hong Holdings Ltd

Hupco Pte Ltd

Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd

Ichi Seiki Pte Ltd

Tong Hin Timber Products Pte Ltd

iGlobe Partners Pte Ltd

Welcome Trading Co Pte Ltd

Jian Huang Construction Co Pte Ltd

Yanlord Land Pte Ltd

Jumbo Group of Restaurants Pte Ltd

Yat Ming Medicine (1938) Pte Ltd

Kian Min Express Transport Pte Ltd

Yit Hong Pte Ltd

Kim Ann Engineering Pte Ltd

Kim Ann Investments Pte Ltd

Kim Seng Holdings Pte Ltd

Hire Purchase Finance and Leasing Association of Singapore

KME Transport Pte Ltd

Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre Association

Koufu Pte Ltd

Print & Media Association, Singapore

KTL Offshore Pte Ltd

Restaurant Association of Singapore

Leung Kai Fook Medical Co Pte Ltd

Sarawak Importers & Exporters Association

Lian Keng Enterprises Pte Ltd

Singapore Building Materials Suppliers’ Association

Meiban Group Pte Ltd

Singapore Chinese Drug Importers & Exporters Guild

Min Ghee Auto Pte Ltd

Singapore Fruits and Vegetables Importers & Exporters Association

Mukim Investment Pte Ltd

Singapore Houseware Business Association

Ocean Sky International Limited

Singapore Jewellers Association

On Cheong Co Pte Ltd

Singapore Metal and Machinery Association

Pan-United Concrete Pte Ltd

Singapore Paper Merchants Association

Pan-United Corporation Ltd

Singapore Timber Association

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Singapore-China Business Association

Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP

Textile & Fashion Federation (Singapore)

Sembcorp Industries Ltd

The Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore

Sheng Siong Supermarket Pte Ltd

The Society of Modern Management, Singapore

Sia Huat Pte Ltd

1. To approve the minutes of the 57th Council’s Second Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on March 6 2015 The minutes of the 57th Council’s Second AGM of members of the SCCCI were included in the published SCCCI’s Annual Report 2015, which was sent to all members together with the notice of the 58th Council’s First AGM on April 8 2016. There was no amendment to the said minutes of meeting at the Meeting. Proposed by Tay Khiam Back (representing Hupco Pte Ltd) and seconded by Charles Ho Nai Chuen (representing On Cheong Co Pte Ltd), the minutes of meeting of the 57th Council’s Second AGM were unanimously confirmed and passed at the Meeting. 2. To approve the Audited Accounts for the year ended December 31 2015 The SCCCI’s Financial Report and Audited Accounts were sent to members together with the Notice of AGM. Proposed by Chia Kim Huat (representing Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP) and seconded by Tan Bock Huat (representing Min Ghee Auto Pte Ltd), the SCCCI’s 2015 Annual Report and Audited Accounts were approved and adopted by the Meeting. 3. To appoint the Auditors Proposed by Ng Siew Quan (representing PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP) and seconded by Goh Tiong Yong George (representing Meiban Group Pte Ltd), the Meeting unanimously appointed Ernst & Young LLP as the Auditors to the SCCCI for Financial Year 2016. 4. Any Other Matters There being no other business, the meeting ended at 6.30 pm with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

As the members present were sufficient to form the quorum, the Chairman Thomas Chua Kee Seng called the Meeting to order at 6.00 pm.

第58届董事会第一次常年会员大会记录   minutes of 58th council’s first annual general meeting



秘书处与附属机构主要职员 key staff of secretariat and subsidiaries (as of December 31 2016)




Tham Poh Cheong


Assistant Secretary-General


Tan Siew Kiang


Corporate Resources

潘建成(产业项目主管) 胡爱兰(英文主笔/文字统筹) 崔东红(中文主笔/文字统筹) 梁国华(产业高级经理) 梁惠珍(财务高级经理) 张 枫(财务经理) 黄美美(资讯科技经理) 容丽芬(执行秘书) 沈美凤(人事与行政助理经理) 黄爱玲(财务高级执行员) 邓素娟(中文高级文书) 李星瑩(行政执行员) 林蕙菁(财务执行员)

Anthony Poon (Project Director) Fiona Hu (Chief Writer/Editor, English) Cui Dong Hong (Chief Writer/Editor, Chinese) Leong Kok Hwa (Senior Manager, Property) Neo Hwee Tin (Senior Manager, Finance) Karen Zhang (Manager, Finance) Wong May May (Manager, IT) Lydia Yung (Executive Secretary) Audrey Sim (Assistant Manager, HR & Admin) Wong Oi Ling (Senior Executive, Finance) Tang Soh Kuen (Senior Chinese Correspondent) Lee Xing Ying (Executive, Administration) Joanne Lin (Executive, Finance)


Membership Services

詹淩之(经理) 陈莹莹(助理经理) 蔡林玲(执行员)

Chiam Ling Zi (Manager) Tan Ying Ying (Assistant Manager) Claire Chua (Executive)


Commerce & Industry Development

刘桂萍(高级主管) 麦伦彰(主管) 陈静仪(经理) 符洺豪(中小企业资信经理) 蓝元珊(经理) 曾月香(助理经理) 谢斯琪(助理经理) 任月雁(原产地签证部门认证监理员) 邱秀莲(贸易网络高级服务员兼认证员)

Irene Low (Senior Director) Mak Yuen Chong (Director) Tan Jin Yi (Manager) Chris Foo (Manager, SIRC) Valery Lam (Manager) Helen Chen (Assistant Manager) Tiffany Shia (Assistant Manager) Yam Yit Ngan (Certification Supervisor) Nicol Khoo (Senior TradeNet Officer cum Certification Officer)


Research & Publications

梁廷昭(高级主管) 许彬彬(经理) 黄兆荣(社交媒体及出版助理经理) 李胜保(执行员) 吴仕安(执行员)

Leong Teng Chau (Senior Director) Khaw Ping Ping (Manager) Leonardo Wong (Assistant Manager, Social Media & Publications) Lee Sin Poh (Executive) Woo See Ann (Executive)

Communications & External Relations

陈星伊(副主管) 李依玲(高级执行员)

Chin Sin Yee (Deputy Director)



袁世亮(主管) 高铭鸿(执行员)

Ryan Yuen (Director) Erlin Oktavia (Executive)


China Affairs

胡育斌(经理) 顾则成(助理经理)

David Hu (Manager) Gu Zecheng (Assistant Manager)


Chongqing Office


Tan Gek Hong (Deputy Director)


Community Services

潘佩珊(助理经理) 胡美芩(高级执行员) 郑慧敏(执行员)

Cynthia Phoon (Assistant Manager) Oh Meiqin (Senior Executive) Tay Huimin (Executive)


Shared Secretariat

林维祺(主管) 王向欣(高级执行员)

Lim Wee Khee (Director) Kerlyn Ong (Senior Executive)

新加坡中华总商会 管理学院

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

李淑芬(总经理) 陈栖妹(高级会计执行员)

Josephine Lee (General Manager) Jenny Tan (Senior Executive, Finance)

学术部门 黎景耀(主任) 张小锦(高级讲师) 谢秀明(讲师) 张惠婷(执行员)

Academic Lai Keng Yew (Head) Zhang Xiaojin (Senior Trainer cum Curriculum Developer) Chia Siew Meng (Trainer cum Curriculum Developer) Devina Teo (Executive)

营销部门 李政杰(高级经理)

Sales & Marketing Justin Lee (Senior Divisional Manager)

语言文化中心 許宝玉(执行员) 叶欣宜(执行员)

Language Studies Centre Jade Koh (Executive) Kerry Yip (Executive)

商学中心 陈 婧(高级执行员) 陆 唯(执行员) 蔡嘉恩(执行员)

Business Studies Centre Alicia Chen (Senior Executive) Laris Lu (Executive) Haylee Chua (Executive)

Samantha Lee (Senior Executive)

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016


秘书处与附属机构主要职员   key staff of secretariat and subsidiaries



秘书处与附属机构主要职员 key staff of secretariat and subsidiaries 学术营运 王美松(执行员) 林芬如(执行员) 陈俊杰(执行员) 陈双凤(执行员)

Academic Operations Wang Mei Song(Executive) Lin Fenru (Executive) Kevin Tan (Executive) Tang Sang Hong (Executive)

行政 范卫杰(执行员)

Administration Fan Wai Kit (Executive)

新加坡中华总商会 中小企业中心


周惠玲(主管) 李丽施(首席商业顾问) 赵倩玉(高级商业顾问) 卓恒辉(高级商业顾问) 林慧萍(高级商业顾问) 戴木水(高级商业顾问) 林耀明(商业顾问) 骆志强(WSG 咨询顾问) 叶秀云(行政与财务高级执行员) 王增慧(活动与项目管理执行员)

Wendy Chow (Director) Lee Lay See (Principal Business Advisor) Zhao Qianyu (Senior Business Advisor) Aaron Toh (Senior Business Advisor) Lim Hui Ping (Senior Business Advisor) Tay Bok Swee (Senior Business Advisor) Lim Yaoming (Business Advisor) Kevin Lok (WSG Business Advisor) Grace Yap (Senior Executive, Finance & Admin) Ong Zeng Hui (Executive, Event & Project Management)


SME Centre@Central

黄鹏豪(首席商业顾问) 许玮余(高级商业顾问)

Alan Wong (Principal Business Advisor) Calvin Koh (Senior Business Advisor)


IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre

黄 非(主管) 杨 倩(业务经理)

Huang Fei (Centre Director) Laura Yang (Manager, Business Development)

孙中山南洋纪念馆 有限公司

Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited


Alvin Ting (Senior Manager)

024 066


026 069


031 075


033 077


039 083


042 088


047 092


052 098


053 099


059 105


063 108

General Affairs Committee Research & Publications Committee External Relations Committee Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee Technology Committee International Affairs Committee Commerce & Industry Committee Property Management Committee Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Special Projects 新里程 新篇章”— — 总商会110周年庆系列活动

A New Era, A New Chapter – Celebrating SCCCI's 110th Anniversary

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

会务活动 chamber’s activities

会务活动   chamber’s activities



总务 委员会 迎接新篇章 第59届董事会选举 根据章程规定,本会于2016年10月3日正式成立一个六人选举委员会,筹备第59届董事会选举。选举委员会主席是蔡其生 会长,委员包括张松声前任会长、黄山忠副会长、刘泰山副会长、吴学光副会长及总务委员会白毅柏主席。 第59届董事会选举于10月和12月期间进行,并将于2017年1月举行复选,选出会长、三位副会长以及各个委员会的主席和 副主席,组成常务委员会。第59届董事会的就职典礼将于2017年3月15日举行,任期是2017年3月至2019年3月。




第一阶段 选举 于10月12日举 行, 从 第 5 8 届 董 事 会 中 选 出 15 位 商 号 及 个人 董 事 与 3 位 商 业 团 体 董 事 。 获选的商号和个人董事为:

第二 阶 段 选举 于10月25日至11月 2日进 行,并从 商 业 团 体 会 员中互 选 14位董事。获选的商业团体董事为:

此 阶 段 选 举 于 12 月 14日 至 2 2日 进行,从普通商号及普通个人会员中互 选出23位董事。此阶段共有26位候选 人参与竞选,投票结果,23名得票最高 的候选人为:







1 白南泉


1 陈树生


1 颜毓瑩


2 曾福庆


2 蔡纪典


2 曾宪相


3 吴中庸


3 邓尚正

3 谢楚明

4 林惠璋

ARA 资产管理(新达城) 有限公司

新加坡中药出入口商 公会

谢钦利食品工业私人有限 公司

4 翁溫钊


4 谢锦发


立杰律师事务所新加坡 有限责任合伙

新加坡印刷与媒体同业 公会

5 梁善权


6 罗大民

建明快速运输(私人) 有限公司

5 柯文伟

MTQ Corporation Limited

5 胡进胜

6 李思亮


6 林玉勤

7 吴绍均

普华古栢会计师事务所 有限合伙

7 庞 琳

新加坡现代企业管理 协会

7 柯建强



8 陈俊文


8 高允裕


10 郭素雯


9 郑谦木

9 黄亦巧

TP Dental Surgeons Pte Ltd

11 黄山忠


新加坡果菜出入口商 公会

12 陈睦发


8 黄健华 9 程宇超


13 邓健辉


14 吴学光


15 钟声坚



10 高泉庆


10 吴斯仁 新加坡中国商会

11 梁炜宁


11 杨向明

12 林福星


12 许志恩* 新加坡家具工业理事会

13 白连源


13 林雅保* 新加坡车业公会

14 郭益智


14 王再保* 新加坡私人疗养院协会

15 吴令声

Glass Point Construction Pte Ltd



16 陈奕福



17 林炳坤


1 黄建铭


18 陈康威* 新加坡报业控股有限公司

2 何乃全


19 许伟盛* Aspial Corporation Limited

3 白毅柏


20 李坚辉* 星纶控股有限公司


21 黄保华* 丰裕海运供应有限公司 22 陈东海* 星和 23 张群发* 张金泰发展私人有限公司 *为新任董事

维文医生(右三)与本会董事参与切蛋糕仪式,在国家迈入 51周岁之际献上祝贺。

迈向国家未来 国庆晚宴 本会于8月8日假新加坡乌节大酒店举办国庆晚 宴,与主宾外交部长维文医生及各国外交使节、政府 部门、工商界领袖及文教界代表等590人共庆我国51 岁生日。现场也转播了李显龙总理的国庆献词。

商会与社群 荣膺2016国庆奖章 因对 我国社会作出贡献,四位本会董事会成员 于今年荣获陈庆炎总统颁赐2016国庆奖章: 1. 2. 3. 4.

副会长吴学光获颁公共服务奖章(PBM) 总务委员会主席白毅柏获颁公共服务星章(BBM) 名誉董事梁文琛获颁公共服务星章(BBM) 董事郑谦木获颁公共服务星章(BBM)

董事联谊会 为 促 进 董 事之 间 的 交 流 ,第 58 届 董 事 会 依 照 常例,在每两个月进行一次的董事会议 结束后举办 联谊会。联谊会先后于新加坡摩天观景轮的 Sky View Kitchen(3月24日)、ELEMEN餐厅(5月27日)及同乐经 典(7月29日)举办。 九月份的联谊会延 后一 个月至10月28日进行, 与本年度董事与职员联欢晚宴暨110周年答谢晚宴同 时在本会嘉庚堂举办。

维持卓越服务能力 国际标准组织ISO 9001: 2008年版本证书 秘书处今年继续提供卓越服务,会籍服务再一次 通过TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd的审核,获得ISO 9001:2008 版本证书资格。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

秘书处与附属机构主要职员 总务委员会   general affairs    key committee staff of secretariat and subsidiaries



研究与出版 委员会 深入调查,了解商业 环境变化

本会与普华永道 会计师事务所合作 进行的《家族企业 专项研究》项目 报告出炉。

2016年财政预算案调查报告》 在政 府筹备2016年度财政预算案 之际,本会特别展开《2016年度财政预 算案公布前意见调查》项目。调查工作 从去年11月中开始,为期七周,共综合 了331家企业、34家商团提供的意见。 1月11日,本会在总结报告中向政 府机 构提呈四大建议: 一、为了推动经济增长,政府在为商家 和中小企 业创 造 亲商 环 境 时,应 该更灵活、高效和果敢。 二、成 立 经商成 本 检 讨 委员会,全面 检 讨企业面对的主要上涨的经商 成本,例如租金、人力、水电费、 运 输成 本与政 府行政收费。这也 包括通过一个专门负责协调的政 府机构来缓减合规成本和政府产 业的租金。 三、协助中小企业作 好准备应 对未 来 发 展,包括 提 供 亲中小企 业的 计 划,协助他们转型、创新,以 及在 国内外市场建立良好业绩,让中小 企业更容易申请援助计划。 四、通过 津贴聘请 和培训年长员工, 协助解决企业面对的人力问题; 支 持商团制 定技能阶 梯 框 架,作 为更新人头税和工作准证的标准; 让更多中小企业从未 来技能培训 中受惠。

家族企业专项研究》发布会暨专 题论坛 今年,本会以“企 业传 承 家 业长 青”为主 题,与普华永道会 计师 事 务 所( P w C)携 手 展 开《家 族 企 业 课 题 意见调查》,深入了解经营家族企业所 面对的关键课题与挑战。这项调查共 综合了近120家来自各领域家族企业的 反馈。

和 抱 负” ( 59. 3%)和“ 有 创 业 精 神 ” 4 7.2%) 。

经 过 九 个 月 的 调 查 分 析 ,本 会 于1月21日假 洲 际 酒 店举 行 调 查 结果 发布会。调查收集了112家企业受访者 的 意 见 及针 对七 个 家 族 企 业 进 行 的 个案 研 究 。在呈现调 查 结果时,普华 永 道 新 加 坡 亚 太 区 企 业 家 客户 部 主 管吴绍均重点讨论了其中一些 值得关 注的发现,例如新加坡的家族企业 趋 向进行专业化管理。他建议通过 成立 家 族 宪 章 设 定 好 企 业 的目标 以 及 协 议 。在 传 承 规 划 方 面 ,调 查 显 示 新 加 坡 家 族 企 业 的 态 度 趋 于 开 明, 例如以资历为标 准 从 家 族中招 揽 人才— —而非根据性别或年龄。

在 发 布 会后,现 场 也 举 办了一场 家 族 企 业 论 坛 。论 坛 嘉 宾 为 本 会 会 长、德 华 工 业 控 股 有 限 公 司 执 行 主 席 蔡 其 生 、公 司 执 行 主 席 顾 问 张 明 颜;本 会 董 事 、Fo cus  N et wo r k Ag e n ci e s 集 团 总 裁 吕立 岩 及 其 长 女 吕静 羚(FNA集团零 售及本 地销 售部 主管)。

调 查 也 显 示 ,家 族 企 业 在 挑 选 接 班 人 时 的 主 要 考 量 因 素 分 别 为“ 奉献 精 神 和热 忱” (77.1%)、 “有远 见

3月24日,财政部王 瑞杰部长公布 2016年度财政预算案,本会特 邀董事 会成员到会议室观看现场直播,即时 获知新年度的预算案措施。

2016年财政预算案:总商会提升行 业能力帮助中小企业获政府认可


4月1日,本会 在 展 览 室 举 办2016 财政 预 算 案英语 讲座,题为“做 好准 备 面向未来经济”,让会员商家更深 入 认 识 预 算 案 推 出的 新 措 施 及 其 影 响,并了解如何从中受惠。本会研究与 出版委员会委员、来自星 展银 行的资 深经济师谢光威以及普华永道会计师 事 务所(PwC)的企 业税务 合 伙 人李 柯龙受 邀进行分享。他们分享了在经 济转型环境中今年财政预算案对于商 家的影响。活 动最 后在何乃全主席的 主持下进 入讨 论环节,标新局的署 长 Simon Lim也加入讨论。

配合总商会欢 庆 成立110周年,本 会特别与瑞银集团合 作,举办一系列 以家族企业传承为主题的分享会。4月 15日,本会在东方文华大 酒店举 行第 一场分享会,邀请 来自第三与第四代 家族企业领导者分享心得。他们分别 为泉昌食品工业私营有限公司董事经 理谢永祺以及星纶控股有限公司总裁 李坚辉。

研究与出版委员会   research & publications committee



在分享会上,他 们 讲 述 如 何 带 领 企业采取不同的发展路线,例如星纶 曾经 选择上市,而泉昌则选择 私营化 经 营。李坚 辉 指出,虽 然 上市 有助 于 筹募资金,但会影响企业决策效率;上 市的企业必须在股东对于短期利益的 期望与有利企业长远利益的决策间取 得 平 衡。他们二人都认同传承传统价 值观的重要性,同时认为家族 成员在 加入家族企业前应该先在外汲取工作 经验。 这 项 分享会 讨 论 的 其它 课 题 包 括:如 何解决家族企业 成员之间的纠 纷、取得更好的跨代沟通、企业传承中 的性 别 考 量、上市的利与弊、家庭价 值观及其对企业的影响。

本会邀请泉昌食品工业私营有限公司董事 经理谢永祺(左二)以及星纶控股有限公 司总裁李坚辉(右二)于 4月15日举办的第 一场家族企业分享会进行分享。分享会主 持为瑞士银行亚太区家族咨询服务董事 黄奕斌(左一)。瑞银高级财富规划顾问 刘素菁(右一)亦参与分享。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

本会通过新闻发布反映商界的看 法,蔡其生会长 代 表本会给 予 评论: 今年的财政预算案,我们很高兴政府 听取了总商会的反馈和商家的心声,推 出短期计划帮助中小企业。同时,我们 也很高兴政府认可行业协会和商团在 协助企业转型和行业提升方面的重要 角色。为此我们鼓 励商团— —特别是 传统行业的商团,更加积极 主动地善 用这项政策。”


研究与出版 委员会 家族企业分享系列(二)


7月27日,本会成功在新加坡 滨华 大酒店举行了第二场分享会。配合总商 会110周年庆,本会邀请两位来自超过 一百年历史的家族企业的领导者分享 心 得。他们是 成立于1916年的华安药 行第三代掌门人董国榮以及圆圃集团 董事翁卓深。分享会重点讨论了吸引人 才、维系家庭价值观与和谐、传承规划 等课 题。两人都认同在家族和谐与业 务发展间取得 平 衡的重要性,及鼓 励 家族企业第一代与第二代之间取得有 效沟通。共有50人出席本次分享会。

11月15日,本会于泛太平洋酒店成 功举行第三场分享会,主题是“家族企 业与财富的传承”。两位主讲嘉宾分别 为林志源肉干店老板林琰喜及林氏家 族办公室执行董事林浩文。林琰喜分 享 表示,培养下一代对家族企业的兴 趣及两代人的持续沟通与磨合都是促 进传承的重要条件。林浩文则分享了 他管理家族 财富的经验,其中包括 参 与投资和慈善事业。

中小企业的创新与发展》专项 研究 为了探 讨 我国中小企 业的创新能 力、面临的挑战及所需的援助,以及向 政 府提呈建议以帮助中小企业创新, 本会特别与新加坡国大商学院谢丽燕 博士联合展开了《中小企业的创新与发 展》专项研究。研究共综合了233家企 业的意见,其中99%是中小企业,服务 业商家占70%。研 究 显示只有一半或 少 过一半的中小企业在进行 创新。由 于不 确定投资是否能得到回报,少 于 35%的受访者在过去两年进行 创新活 动。同时,调查也发现中小企业普遍对 创新持 开放态度,但将创新想法 付诸 实践的能力相对较弱。


中小企业意见调查》报告出炉后,蔡其生会长(右二)、刘泰山副会长(右一)、黄山忠副会长(右三)、研究与出版委员会何乃全主席(左二)、 李思亮董事(左一)等接受《联合早报》专访,反映各行业所面对的挑战。

此 外,本会 也 从 受 访 者中选出其 中七家企业 展开个案 研 究,为中小企 业提供真实例子以作参考。本会随 后 在8月17日举办的中小企业大会上将报 告呈交尚达曼副总理作为参考。

2016 中小企业意见调查》 本会从五月中起至七月展开《2016 中小企业意见调查》。708家来自制造 业、建筑业、服务业的企业参与了此项 调查,其中中小企业占96.8%。调查的 主要发现如下: 经营展望:经营成本高昂、竞争激 烈与人力短缺仍是主要 挑战,但有所 缓解。 企业转型与创新:更多企业尝试进 行业务重组、转型,改变经营模式并进 行创新。但是,采用自动化、科技化的 企业比例较去年减少。 人力课 题:多数中小企 业在 逆 市 中不裁 减本 地员工,但招聘员工仍然 是一项长期 挑战,中小企业应转型以 吸引人才。

进军海 外:有意在未 来 三年内进 军海外市场的企业百分比稍微下跌。 在多个国家中,缅甸的巨大 潜能也 越 来越被看好。 政 府援 助:中小企 业 期 望 政 策能 更灵活、亲商,特别是在转型过渡期, 企业的人力需求、土地用途会出现调 整,因此政策、条规需有更大伸缩性, 企业才能灵活应对。 本会在总结报告中,反映了商家诉 求,并向政府提呈四项实质建议: 一、以 更灵 活 的政 策 协 助中小企 业转型和创新,避免按照个别政 府 部 门 所必 须 达 成 的 绩 效 指 标 去 推 动 企 业的转 型;二、让商团更 好地 发 挥 职 能,引领行业转型。政 府应 提 供 财务 援 助,让商团能根 据行业需求推 展相 关的项目,惠及中小企业(特别是传统 行业) ;三、创建全国性的基础设施 和 平台,让中小企 业 服务 供 应商在共享 的平台上处 理 来自政 府机构的订单。 这 有 助 于加 速中小 企 业 采 纳 资 信 科

技方案的进程;四、加强宣导工作,让 中小企 业善用自贸 协定,把 握区域化 带来的商机,特别是亚细安经济共同 体(AEC) 、一带一路、太平洋伙伴关系 协定(TPP)带来的契机。

通过国会发言反映商界心声 研 究与出版部门为本会发 展内部 研 究实 力,为官委 议 员、本会蔡 其生 会长的国会发言及 提问,进行准备工 作并提供有效 支援。蔡会长自2016年 3月受委为国会官委议员后,在国会上 引用本部门进行的《中小企业意 见调 查》、《财政预算案调查报告》等多个 项目的研 究论据和 调查 结果,于国会 上向政府反映商界心声。今年,本会也 在国会设立、修订多项法案之际,征询 商界反馈,并 在国会复会时传达了商 界诉求,包括提呈对修订公积金法案、 设立雇佣纠纷索偿法案、设立新加坡 未来技能局” (SkillsFuture Singapore) 和“ 新 加 坡 劳 动 力 局 ” ( Wo r k f o r c e Singapore)等法案的意见。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

研究与出版委员会   research & publications committee



研究与出版 委员会 出版优质刊物,提升 商会形象 新里程 新篇章》— — 110周年庆纪念特刊 本会配合110周年庆特意编制了纪 念特刊《新里程 新篇章》,特刊以盒装 形式包装,其中包括《新里程》与《新 篇章》两部刊物。前者回溯本会过去十 年历史与成 就,后者则汇集本会对陈 振 声部长、多位会长与商会代 表的采 访记录。本会共印刷了1500份特刊,并 于9月23日举办的周年庆晚宴上赠予出 席宾客作为纪念品。

2015年常年报告书》 本会共印刷了4000册《2015年常年 报告书》及3500册财务报告,于2016年 4月29日会员大会召开前寄交予会员。

本会配合110 周年庆特别制作的 纪念特刊《新里程 新篇章》。

2015 年常年报告书》

本会于2016 年共出版六期《华商》。

通过网站与会员联系 华商》 本会旗舰刊物 华商》是一份中英双语刊物,以双月刊形式发 行,主要呈与本地商界相关的课题和趋势。刊物的主要读者群是本 会会员商家,同时也分发予政府部门、海内外商会与商团、法定机 构、大使馆及最高专员公署等机构。除了报道本会活动, 华商》 也对商界人士进行采访,探讨商界所关注的课题,及邀请外界人士 撰稿。 本会于2016年共出版了六期 华商》,其中的第四与第五期更特 别聚焦报道年度中小企业大会与本会110周年庆典。

第十八届中小型企业大会,第十九届资信商业大会和中小 企业博览会2016手册》 本部门负责汇编及出版上述大会的手册,让与会者了解大会议 程、论坛主讲嘉宾、博览会展柜位置,以及赞助商、参展商家和政 府机构提供的产品和服务。

本会网站 配合110周年庆,本会的双语网站也进行翻 新,展示全 新面貌。新网站于2016年11月正式 启用,用户可通过本会网站阅读及下载重要资 讯,包括演讲稿件、新闻稿及本会刊物。会员也 可通过网站报名参加活动,及连接到其它国内 外的实用网站。

世界华商网络 世界华商网络汇集了14万个遍布世界各地 的华人企业的资料,包括上市公司、大型私人 机构及中小企业。网站收录的大量中国企业资 料对有意拓展中国市场者大有帮助。网站也刊 载了本会于1991年创办的世界华商大会的历史 与资料。



三大种族商会交流会 自2011年 起,本 会与马 来 商会、 印度商会会员每年举办三大种族商会 交 流会,以 搭 建 交 流平台,促 进 族 群 团结。今年,本会外事委员会配合种族 和谐日于7月14日在孙中山南洋纪念馆 举办这项交流会。 受邀为活动主宾的我国总统 陈庆炎指出,这场交流会为三大种族 商会提 供 宝贵的交流平台,增进 进彼 此间的情 谊,以 及让商会 会员有 机会 探索可推动企业发展的新合作领域。 同时,他赞扬三大商会努力向未 来 经 济委员会提 供建议,及呼吁打造 更具 活力与韧性、可以创造 价 值 及机会的 经济。 本会蔡 其生会长与马来商会 会长 Zahidi Abdul Rahman、印度商会 会长 R Theyvendran 一同出席交流会,享用 自助晚餐,与约300名商会会员参与当 晚活 动。配合活 动主 题,正华 小学的 多元族群舞蹈团队和乐队为观众献唱 了中、巫、英三语歌曲。




4月4日,泰国中华总商会代表团一 行六人拜访本会,讨 论 世界华商大会 相关事宜。

3月17日,马来西亚中华总商会 会 长拿 督戴良业带领47人代表团拜访本 会,讨 论 世界华商大会相关事宜 及 双 方在其它领域的合作事项。

陈庆炎总统在出席本会主办的三大种族 商会交流会后,也游览了晚晴园孙中山南 洋纪念馆。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

外事委员会   external relations committee

外事 委员会


外事 委员会 外交使节到访



与新加坡报业控股代表进行 午餐聚会

6月15日,巴 基斯 坦驻 新 最高专员 Nasrullah Khan礼貌拜会本会,同时介 绍该国的发展近况。

马来西亚最高专员来访 6月15日,马来西亚驻 新 最高专员 Dato’Ilango带领五人代表团礼貌拜会 本会。

阿联酋大使来访 8月10日,新 任阿拉伯联合酋长国 驻 新 大使 Mohammed Omar Abdulla Balfaqeeh与两位大使馆代表礼貌拜会 本会。

2月 22日,本 会 邀 请 新 加 坡 报 业 控股各部门资深编辑与高层代表共进 午 餐,让传媒了解 本会的最 新 动态。 华文媒体集团、海峡时报、商业时报、 联合早报、联合晚报及新明日报、我报 及报业控股数码集团的代表都出席了 餐叙。

传媒报道 本会的动态广见于海内外各大传 媒,其中包括本会举办的许多与社会、 文化、经济及商业相关的重要活动。总 商会帮助商家转型的工作更成为其中 一大亮点。

其中,总商会为欢 庆110周年庆而 举办的系列活动在区域国家的主流传 媒中广获报 道,包括从新 春大团拜起 至9月23日举办的周年庆典晚宴。 总商会举办的社会活 动以及其它 具文化与教育意义的活动都获得媒体 关注,例如为已故 建国总 理李光耀举 办的追思会、国际三八妇女节庆典,以 及中秋晚会暨大学奖学金捐赠基金成 立仪式。 此外,总商会所举办的与经济及商 界相关的活动也继续获得媒体报道, 包括家族企业研讨 会、商界议 题调查 发布会、海外考察活 动以 及与部长及 政府机构对话会。 同时,本会领导所发表的对于本地 与区域商界趋势的看法,以 及针对本 地商界 — —尤其是与中小企业相关政 策所发表的意见,亦广获媒体引用。

新任阿拉伯联合酋长国驻新大使 Mohammed Omar Abdulla Balfaqeeh 于 8月10日礼貌拜会本会,与蔡其生会长面谈。


商团与会员事务 委员会

2月27日,本会举办2016年会员之 夜,310名总商会董事及会员相聚嘉庚 堂,属下各 小组包 括事业女 性 组、青 企网、华语 歌唱班等的组员也借此机 会联谊,增 进 感 情。随 着猴 年到来, 蔡其生会长致词时也鼓励会员商家学 习《西游记》中孙悟空敏 锐的应变能 力,时时保持敏捷以适应变化。

通过兴趣小组 凝聚会员 青企网 青企网与部长午餐交流会 在 青 企 网 颜 毓 瑩 主 席 安 排 下, 青企网今年共举办了两场部长午餐交 流会,让组委和青年企业家通 过 此非 正 式 渠 道 向 政 府反 映 对 政 经 课 题 的 看法。 5月19日,本会与沈 颖高级 政务 部 长 进 行 午 餐 交 流 ,讨 论 的 课 题 包 括 如 何把新加 坡 建设为金融与投资中 心、外籍员工政策以及企业国际化的 挑战等。 8月4日,本会与许宝琨政务部长进 行午餐交流。许宝琨政务部长表示, 颠覆性科技的迅速发展对传统行业的 冲击力非常大,而许多国家不透明的贸 易政策也有碍本地企业向海外发展。 他鼓励中小企业从非传统市场中发掘 机遇,与其它企业协作升级,同时发挥 自身优势赢得商业项目。

接待澳门中华总商会青年委员会 5月 26日,澳 门 中 华 总 商 会 青 年 委员会考察团一行30人在莫志伟团长 的带 领 下拜访本会,讨 论了中国 倡导 的“一带一路”策略 在东 南亚的实 践 及其可能带来的商业合 作 机会。随团 的也包括中央人民政府驻澳门特别行 政区联络办公室协调部副部长盛刚。 莫志伟团长都希望本次交流能够为今 后的双边互动铺路。

2016年马来西亚中华总商会 第五届青商大会 马来西亚中华总商会于6月22日假 彭亨关丹勒捷尼酒店举行第五届青商 大会。青 企网主席颜毓瑩代表本会出 席大会,两位 组委邬为强和罗健豪也 陪同出席。

中华文化价值观与经商理念 系列分享会 企业的“不丹”— —中华传统  家”文化在现代企业应用 4月28日,青 企网主办中华文化价 值观与经商 理 念系列分享会,邀请本 会名誉董事、茶渊贸易私 人有限公司 主席李秉蘐博士分享如何把中华传统 的家庭价 值观应用在现代企业中,提 升人才管理和客户服务效果。约有 75 人出席分享会。

中小企业如何扩展海外市场”分 享会 10月27日,青企网邀请宜康医疗保 健集团执行主席兼总裁王再保先生分 享他进军中国市场的亲身经验,共 有 50人出席活动。

本会李秉蘐名誉董事(左)与陈奕福董事 右)讨论如何将传统价值观应用在现代 企业上,打造幸福企业。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

商团与会员事务委员会   trade association & membership affairs committee



商团与会员事务 委员会

本会董事谢楚明于 4月7日参与青企网主办 的商业指导与交流活动,与青年企业家分 享商场心得。


众筹融资(Crowdfunding)模式在 亚洲的发展趋势”

青 企网在 2016年继续 举办了三场 商业指导与交流活动。1月6日,本会董 事、铭 板 集团私 人有限公司执行主 席 吴中庸分享了他的从商经验,共有30位 青年企业家出席。4月7日,本会董事、 谢 钦利食品工业私人有限公司主席谢 楚明也与青年企业家交流;7月10日, 本会商团与会员事务委员会副主席、 安益有限公司执行主席兼总裁胡进胜 前来分享商场心得。

7月12日,青企网举办上述分享会, 邀请网络个人对个人(Peer to Peer)众 筹贷款平台MoolahSense创办人杨宏孟 进行 分享。他介 绍了众筹这一新 颖的 融资方式,解 释 其实际运作方式、众 筹相对于传统融资模式可对中小企业 和创业公司带来的好处、其条规与文 化层面的挑战,以及众筹在亚洲的发 展前景。共有20人出席活动。



创新与创意,应对人力短缺 问题”

青企网与全国志愿服务与慈善中心 联办企业领导午餐交流会

1月18日,青 企网举办上述前瞻 性 思 维 系列分享会,邀请成 功的中小企 业与科 技创业公司领导进行分享,分 别为保世洁洗涤有限公司(Zero Spot  Laundry Service 总裁张翰民、共益制造 私 人有 限 公司( O. E.  Manufac turing  Pte Ltd 董事经理黄锦荣、3StepsAhead 董 事 K o h   T h o n g   B o o n 以 及 Ye l l o w Elevator 业务发展主管SC Wong。共有 20人出席分享会。

11月15日,青 企 网与 全 国 志 愿 服 务 与 慈 善 中心 于 新 加 坡 乌节 广 场 酒 店举办上述交流会。该中心的执行 理 事 长 郭 美 雯 与 青 企 网 成 员等16人 出 席 活 动 。该 中 心 的 代 表 分 享 了 新 成 立的“Company of Good”企业公益计 划以及“乐捐周” (GivingWeek)运动。 出席者也针对本地企业参与公益事业 的现况进行讨论。


2016 年,本会事业女 性 组 继 续以 “徳”、 “智”、 “群”、 “美”四个核心 价值出发,组织一系列有意义的活动, 协助事业女性取得全方位的发展。

本会事业女性组荣获亚细安“2016 年杰出妇女奖” 7月31日,事业女性 组受 邀出席泰 王普密蓬·阿杜德登基70周年以 及泰 国诗丽吉皇 后的84岁诞辰庆典,并在 8月1日的庆典活 动上由荣获泰国皇 后 授权的泰国妇女院颁 赠亚细安“2016 年杰出妇女团体奖”。奖项由泰国却克 里王朝公主亲自颁发予本会事业女性 组主席郭素雯。

事业女性组荣获泰国妇女院颁赠亚细安“2016 年杰出妇女团体奖”,由郭素雯主席(中)代表 领奖。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

商团与会员事务委员会   trade association & membership affairs committee



商团与会员事务 委员会

3月5日,本会事业女性组假新加坡国敦河畔大酒店举办2016 年国际三八妇女节庆祝晚宴。

突破自我 挑战局限”——2016年 国际三八妇女节庆祝活动 3月5日,本会 事业 女 性 组 在 新 加 坡 国 敦 河 畔 大 酒 店 举 办 主 题 为“ 突 破自我    挑 战 局限”的 2016 年国 际 三 八妇女节庆祝晚宴,邀请四位海内外 杰出女性为论坛主讲 嘉宾,包括 泰国 Solar Power Company Group 首席 执 行 官 Wa n d e e   K h u n c h o r n y a k o n g、 新 加 坡 Zo p i m 合 伙 创 办 人 林 清 如 、 印度 尼西亚Pan Brothers副总裁 Anne Patricia Sutanto及中国新 希望 六 和股 份公司联席董事长兼首席执行官陈春 花。四位主讲人各自分享了在工作领域 遇 到的挑 战,以 及 如 何 面 对困难,带 领企业不断成长。

本会 邀 请文化 、社 区 及青年部长 傅 海 燕 为 活 动 主 宾 。她 在 致 辞 时 指 出,提 升 本 地 女 性 的 劳 动 力 参 与 率 是当务之急。这不仅是为了实现性 别 平 等,更 有 助 缓 解 我 国 人 口 老 化 的 挑战。

接待广州市女企业家协会 5月20日,事业女性组在郭素雯主 席带领下接待广州市女企业家协会的 38人代表团,双方针对企业发展、两地 投资商机、人力资源管理、创新概念等 课题进行讨论,也期望今后紧密合作, 促进两国经贸往来。该团由张建 好团 长带领。

艺术鉴赏活动 1月 29日,在 林 丽 珠 副 主 席 的 引 荐下,事业女性 组 组委们参 访了画家 林 禄 在 的 画 坊 。看 过 了他 的 绘 画 示 范后,出席者也在其指导下各自完成了 一幅作品。

艺术治疗工作坊 12 名 事业 女 性 组 组 委 于7月19日 参加了艺术治疗工作坊。在林丽 珠副 主 席的引 荐 下,活 动当晚 邀 请了 The Garden of Art Therapy。Eden的艺术治 疗师Ms Christine Tok前来与组委们分 享如 何通过绘画抒发内心感受。艺术 治疗师随后也为组委们解读他们的作 品。本次活动让组委们增进对彼此的 了解。


静观修习班 11月8日,事业女性组 邀请布拉姆 中心(Brahm Centre)执行 董事 Angie Chew举办静观修习初级班。通过静观 练习,参与者能够更有 效 地 应对生活 中的压力,减少焦虑与忧郁情绪。共有 6人参与修习班。

徳”组举办的活动   黑暗对话”分享会 1月23日,事业女性组在义安 理工 学院举办上述分享会,让参与者 体 验 视障 人士的日常生活。义安 理 工学院 的 导 师 杨 静 云将 出 席 者 分 成 三个 小 组,每组在一名视障导游的带领下,在 完全黑暗的展区走动,完成到咖啡厅 购买食物、过 行人道等 模拟任 务。她 也安排出席者与视障导游进行交流, 了解本 地视障人士在日常生活中遇到 的不便。

  生财有大道”— —成功社会 企业的境界 10月21日,事业 女 性 组 举 办上 述 交 流 会,邀 请 女 性 社 会 企 业 家  T h e Singapore Shawl创办人 Shelley Siu和 Eco Business网络 刊物 创 办人 兼 编 辑 Jessica Cheam分享发展社会企业的经 验,以 及 如 何在取得成功的同时也回 馈社会。共有16人出席分享会。


  家庭主妇的商业王国” 8月12日,事业女性 组举办上述交 流会,邀请2014年及2015年年度企业家 奖得主、草药护发国际品牌 Bee Choo Origin的创办人谢美茱分享她创业的心 路历程。谢美茱讲述 她如 何从一家在 住家里经营的小生意起步,发 展 至今 日版图横跨11个亚洲国家的护发公司。 共有75人参与分享会。


  秀外慧中 温文尔雅”— — 听张美香谈语言的魅力

 中华总商会与纽西兰商会女性 企业家跨文化交流会

6月 2 5日,事 业 女 性 组 在 & S O N S  餐馆举 行 午茶 聚会,并邀请本 地资深 广播媒体人兼教育工作者张美香前来 分享公 开演说的技巧。共有 35人出席 聚会。

5月5日,本会事业女性组与新西兰 商会女性企业家联办跨文化交流分享 会。活动邀请了经营美容产品的Luxola. com创 办人 兼 SEA Sephora 董 事 经 理  Alexis Horowitz-Burdick 及全 球 最 大 乳 制 品出口商 Fo nter r a  In gre di ent s

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

商团与会员事务委员会   trade association & membership affairs committee



商团与会员事务 委员会


South & East Asia  区域主管 Joanne Fair 为主讲人,分别以“以新加坡为跳板进 军区域市场”及“新西兰商界翘楚走向 全球化”为题进行分享。共有45人参与 分享会。

 健康老板员工系列讲座 事业 女 性 组与保 健 促 进 局配 合 健 康即财富”活 动系列举办“健 康老 板员工系列讲座”。三场讲座分别于7 月8日至22日的每个周五举行,覆盖的 课 题包括健 康的乐龄营养生活、保持 活跃的乐龄生活及防范乐龄人士跌倒 的措施等。共有29人参与讲座。

 健康饮食烹饪示范班 7月31日,事业女性 组与保健促进 局在 ToT T烹饪学院 联办第一场“健 康 饮食烹饪 示范 班”。在 联谊 交流的同 时,参与者也 学习如 何烹调美味 又健 康的佳肴。营养师示范了两道美味 佳 肴— —泰式绿咖喱鸡及红鲷鱼配番茄 香料酱汁的制作方法。参与活 动者共 有51名。

第二次的烹饪班在8月28日举行, 并教导如何制作橄榄炒饭及娘惹咖喱 馅饼。

 健康老板员工体操班 9月29日至12月15日期 间,事业女 性 组 与 保 健 促 进 局 配 合“ 健 康 即 财 富”活 动系列在嘉庚堂举办十二场 体 操班。

美”组举办的活动  “品位时尚”休闲活动 1月13日,事业 女 性 组与《品》假 新加坡希 尔顿 酒店联 办“品位时尚” 休闲活 动,邀 请三位专家,分 别 针 对 衣 着、化 妆和照相效果为来宾提供意 见。当天,来宾首先光临  Club 21 Style Services购买时尚用品,随后前往空中 酒吧享用香槟及点心。共有25人参与 活动。

 周六下午交流茶会 事业女性组于11月12日假新加坡瑞 吉酒店举办上述茶会。共有 36人参与 活动。

华语歌唱班 一如 往年,“时代 金曲”和“中国 民歌”各于每星期二 和星期六开课。 课程系列共分为四组,各为10节课,每 班人数约为30人。

轻歌妙曲忆当年》演唱会 在声乐指导刘小红老师的带领下, 本会26位时代金曲歌唱班学员于4月30 日在嘉庚堂呈献了精彩的《轻 歌 妙曲 忆当年》演唱会。共有320名观众到场 支持。

情牵梦绕歌之夜》演唱会 在 声乐指 导 刘 小 红 老 师 的 带 领 下,30名民歌班学员于12月3日在嘉庚 堂 呈献 精 彩的《情 牵梦 绕 歌 之夜》演 唱会,演唱家喻户晓的经典民歌。共有 300人出席观看。


科技 委员会

从离线到在线营销:善用现有 粉丝’以赢取新客户” 对 于 要 在 哪 里 开 设 零 售 商 店, 业者往往难以下决 定。许多零售商一 旦落 实了店铺空间后,就必须 要奋力 实现 盈亏平 衡,及尽量 赚 取利润。本 会 于 5月27日联同全 国 职 工总会就 业 与 职能 培 训中心 e2i 于 5月27日举 办 上述课 题活 动,邀请了社 交媒体专家 和 与会 者 分享了相关 课 题,包 括:为 什 么优 越 的 店 铺 位 置 和 最 佳 的 业务 流程并没有带来收入和利润增长?大 多数社交/数字营销活 动失败的根本 原因;如 何从一张名片启动从离线 到 在线 O2O 的营销活 动?如 何 利用现 有 的 客户 来 开 展 更 多 的 业务 活 动 ? 以 及 如 何 在不增 投 资 时间、金 钱 或 承诺 的情况下发展新的业务。

创建故事:善用数字化内容触达 客户以增加收益”大师班 零售商普遍面对设有网站却没有 访客,或是有了社 交媒体平台但 互动 参与度低落的问题。为帮助商家解决 这些挑 战,本会于7月8日在蒂凡 那 学 院开办大师 班,教导中小企业发 展数 字化行销策略。大师班导师向25名参 与者阐释了数字经 济的行为模式;社 交化营销/数字营销活动失败的原因; 如 何利用讲述故事来增加收益;如 何 根 据 吸引力法 则 来构建信息传播 渠 道;以及利用10-20-30培训概念测试 讲述故事技术。

企业引进成长骇客落实行销成效 的数字管理”工作坊 成长骇客 Growth Hacking 的核 心精神是采用先进的行销方式,取得 业务的高速成长,使企业领先市场。共 有25名会员商家参加了本会于下述日 期 举办的列工作坊,进一步了解各个 相关课题: 9月28日 : 成长骇客101— —设置和运 行实 战 经 验;如 何设 置 正 确的用户需求分析

10月5日 : 建 立 获 得 客 户 通 路 , 包括付费的获得客户(Paid User Acquisition)和有机成 长获得 客户(Organic User Acquisition) 10月6日 : 合 作 伙伴 与 联 盟营 销;优 化搜索引擎

提升生产力的ICT解决 方案 云存储的数据可用性和安全性” 座谈会 云计算有着较低成本、可移动性、 更快速投入使用及即时升级等优点, 但同时也存 在争议。1月20日,本会联 同新电信在展览厅举办上述座谈会, 来自新电信的两名主讲 嘉宾和35名参 会 者 进行分享,了解如 何安 全 地使用 云 端 进 行日常 经 营 运 作 和 简 化 工作 流程,及如 何提高防御能力和借助云 计算的安全解决方案降低风险。

借助科技改善现金流量并提升 业务绩效”座谈会 本会联同SAP及INECOM于1月21日 在展 览厅举办上述课 题座谈会,帮助 企 业了解在 经 济不稳 定的情况下,如 何善用科 技最大化 现金 流。主讲人针 对“优化物流”、 “中小企业的分析工 具”、 “资料保护”等主题进行分享,讲 述如何善用科技以取得业务的持续发 展。共有50名会员商家参加活动。

创建精实和高效的人力资源管理 功能”座谈会 本会与Deskera于3月10日联办座谈 会,本 地 人力资源导师在会上鼓 励 45 名与会者解决人力资源的挑战、带领 企业在人才争夺战中取胜及提高业务 生 产力,也分享如 何借助先 进科 技设 备打造高效及高产能的劳动队伍。

科技委员会   technology committee

总商会中小企业学习实验室 系列

9月29日 : 关键 指 标、绩 效 指 标 及数 据 可 视化;用户购 买 渠 道 概述

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016



科技 委员会 企业面向未来新挑战”座谈会 科 技的进步使企业如今可更容易 发 展多元化 业务及 进军国际市场。为 了避免被 淘汰出局,创新及维 持 优势 对企业来说更是刻不容缓。5月18日, 本会在展 览室举办上述 座谈会,邀请 多名主讲嘉宾分享关于科技创新给中 小企业带来威 胁,以及企业如 何成功 区域化以保持 竞争力等课 题。参 会的 商家共有95人。

重塑员工的HR体验”工作坊 5月25日,本会联同Deskera于展览 室举办上述工作坊,协助会员商家了解 如 何加强人力资源管理能力。主讲人 将向与会者展示全面的人力资源管理 系统,旨在 避 免会提高成本的规范化 问题、吸引更好的人才、提升员工工作 体 验及简化人力资源管理流程。共有 40人参与工作坊。

利用科技创新克服餐饮业面临的 挑战”座谈会 6月1日,本会联同联想(Lenovo) 举办上述课 题活 动,主讲 嘉宾和45名 参会者分享餐饮企业如何能够将科技 创新方案融入日常营运作业。

企业增长的秘方:应对复杂多变 的经济环境”工作坊 本会联同Salesforce于9月16日举办 上述工作坊。工作坊导师和50名参加 者分享了今日复杂多变经济环 境中存 在的各种机会、如 何为业务 作出关键 性的模式转移以取得 增长,以 及示范 如何取得卓越的销售业绩。

新电信数据中心导览活动 许 多企 业 正在 加强其网络 安 全 和 数 据 保 护 功 能 ,以 避 免 受 到 法 律 严惩。根据 最新公布的个人数据 保护

法(PDPA)的规定,违例的本 地公司可 面对高达一百万元的罚款。为协助会 员商家了解将网络资料储存 在安全数 据中心的重要性,本会联同新电信于7 月13日组团参观新加坡电信数据中心。 参与者共有10人。

社交媒体策略 善用社交媒体扩展业务”座谈会 3月 2 2日,本 会 在 嘉 庚 堂 举 办 上 述 课 题 座 谈 会,邀 请 了多 名 社 交 媒 体 专 家 分 享 ,包 括 :推 特 新 加 坡 Twitter Singapore 、领英(Linkedln)、 面 簿( F a c e b o o k )以 及 H o o t s u i t e  Media Inc的代表出席。他们向230名业 者分享社交媒体将如何在未来商场继 续发挥 相关作用,讨 论如 何以领英及 推特 作为平台发 展 业务,及 如 何 打造 社交媒体策略。

如何在业务上有效地使用领英 LinkedIn ”工作坊 拥 有4亿会员的 领 英(LinkedIn) 是 全 球 专业 人 士 的 社 交 网 络 平台。 本会 于 8月29日在 展 览室举 办上 述 工 作坊,主讲者教导企业应如何有效 地 使用LinkedIN平台推广业务,并深入分 享了使用领英免付费界面和付费解决 方案的可行 性 及其局限性,让80名与 会者了解如何更专业地加入领英 核心 平台。


数字化论坛:企业成功转型打造 新竞争优势 4 月 2 0 日 ,本 会 联 同 国 际 软 件 架 构 师 协 会(IA SA)举 办上 述 论 坛 。 论 坛 汇 集了 国 际 、区 域 和 本 地 行 业 领 袖 和 专 家,分 享 新 数 字 经 济 环 境 下成功企业 所需具备的最 佳实践 和 技 能 。论 坛 探 讨了 数 字 业 务 的 发 展 趋 势 、如 何 为 企 业 进 行 规 划 以 更 有 效 地 从 数 字化 趋 势 中获 益, 以 及 如 何 开发 和 优 化 业 务 能 力, 为数字业务转型做 好准备。共有80名 会员商家参与论坛。

在线销售需要做好哪些准备 ” 工作坊 网络营销是21世 纪最有代表性的 一种 低 成 本、高 效率的商业模式,企 业 必 须 要 在 这 方 面 做 好 充 足 准 备。 8月4日,本会 举 办上 述 工作 坊,指导 会员商家如 何使用“Shopif y”从 无到 有 建 立一套电子商务平台。工作坊导 师教导学员设立网上商店设立运输服 务,以及使用其它插件提升网店功能。 共有22人参加了工作坊。

极速设立网上商店”工作坊 本会于9月14日举办上述工作坊。 新电信是这项活 动的支持机构。工作 坊导师在电脑实验室教导25名参与者 使用“Shopify”电子商务平台,以简单 的步骤快 速设立功能齐全、低 成本且 方便使用的网络商店。

打造精益企业 决胜数字化战略” 座谈会

如何将网站访客转化为真实的 顾客”工作坊

对于要 在不断变化的经济格局中 保持 优势的企业而言,数字化战略比 过去任 何时候来得更重要。4月14日, 本会在展览厅举办上述课题座谈会, 多名主讲嘉宾和60名与会者分享各个 与数字化相关的课题。

本会于11月8日举办上述工作坊。 工作坊导师在电脑实验室里教导学员 如何把线上访客转化为真实的顾客, 为企业带来实际营利。共有 25人参与 工作坊。

2016 年10月,本会组织商务考察团前往美国三藩市,实地考察电子商务的发展趋势。

数据分析 明智地善用数据做出更好的商业 决策”座谈会 7月5日,本会在展览室举办上述活 动,探讨 数 据的使用在商业 决策中的 重要性。主讲嘉宾进行分享,说明中小 企业如何能以简易方法从数据中洞悉 资 讯,并使用物联网获取新数 据以做 出正确的商业 决策。共有45名会员商 家参加了座谈会。

网络安全 安全协作助力企业迎向未来” 工作坊 本会于10月26日在 八楼电 脑 室举 办“安全协作助力企业迎向未来”工作 坊,安富利(AVNET)是这项活 动的支 持机构。活 动旨在帮助劳动队伍 应对 使用云端进行资源共享所可能带来的

挑战。工作坊导师是教导学员如 何使 用 IBM | Box 系统达到以下目标:确保 重要的资料不会外流;实时更新,让每 个用户在同个页 面共享最 新 资料;以 及确保经济责任审计的完整性和准确 性。共有15人参加了工作坊。

电子商务考察 组织电子商务考察团出访美国 三藩市 为帮助会员商家加速数字化 转型 和突破创新,本会联同新加坡国际企 业发展 局组 织电子商务考察团于10月 16日至22日出访美国(三藩市) ,进行电 子商务方面的实 地 考 察活 动,深入了 解硅谷的数字化转型近期所带来的颠 覆性变化。

考察团由本会蔡 其生会长率领, 25名团员来自多个不同领域 。短 短的 五天的行 程,考察团参 访了20多家电 子商务和 科 技公司,包括:Weebly、 Sw r ve、 B et ab r an d、 Nat ureb ox、 Optimizely、IBM、R /GA、EAT23/ Yelp、 Comet Labs、Symphony Commerce、 Gantry、Poshmark、Walmart Innovation  Lab、 Chegg、 Google、 Float Hybrid、 Wingtip、 Sephora、 Neiman Marcus、 Targ et O p en H o us e、Le Tote,以及 Pillsbury Law Firm。团员们学习并吸收 了最新的电子商务经营模式和创新科技 的知识,获益匪浅。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

科技委员会   technology committee



国际事务 委员会

中国企业走出去”系列研讨会暨 新加坡投资指南》发布会 新加 坡 企 业中心于 6月2日在中国 重庆举办“中国企业走出去”研讨会, 并在会上发布新版的《新加坡投资指 南— —借势狮城、扬帆海外》。这次活 动由本会、重 庆市贸促会及贸促会 培 训中心、新加坡国际企业发展 局共同 主办,大华银行和瑞信德泰乐信律师 事务所为支持单位。 研 讨 会 正 式 开 始 前 ,新 加 坡 企 业中心 与中国 国 际 贸易促 进 委员 会(中国国际商会)培训中心签 署 战 略合 作备忘 录。在 研 讨 会上,主讲 嘉 宾讨论了新加坡在中国企业走出国门 的过 程中所扮 演的的桥 头堡角色、中 国与亚细安经济共同体、跨境投资及 首次公 开募股事宜,以 及中国企 业 如 何在新加坡或通过新加坡进行境外投 资。超过150家企业出席了活动。

第五届新中商务论坛 — —“聚焦 重庆,拓展西部市场” 7月13日,本 会 举 办 第 五 届 新 中 商务 论 坛,题 为“聚 焦 重 庆,拓 展 西 部 市 场 ”。论 坛 集 中 讨 论 即 将 坐 落 在 重 庆 的 新 中 第 三个 政 府 间 合 作 项 目 。受 邀 出 席 的 中 新( 重 庆 ) 战 略 性 互 联 互 通 示 范 项目管 理 局 韩 宝昌 局 长 分享 了重 庆 第 三个 政 府 间 项目 为 新 加 坡 商 家 带 来 的 商 机 。蔡 其 生 会 长 同 时 宣 布,本 会 计 划 在 重 庆 设 立 第 二个 海 外 代 表 处 。论 坛 也 邀 请 了五 位 主 讲 嘉 宾 分享 在 中国 重 庆 投 资 的 经 验 ,包 括 总 商 会 副 会 长 兼 达 丰 控 股 有 限 公 司 董 事 经 理 黄 山忠 、 星 和 有 限 公 司 总 裁 陈 东 海 、城 市 发 展(中国)有限公司高级副总裁 凡、 辉 联 集 团 有 限 公 司董 事 兼 首 席 行 长 柯建强及育脑发展私人有限公言缵光 博士。 韩宝昌局长支持本会在重庆设立 第二个海 外办事处,以帮助本 地 企业 善用新中第三个政 府间合 作项目拓展 中国西部市场。共有250人参与论坛。

总 商 会 副 会 长 黄 山 忠(前 排 右 )与 中 新 重庆战略性互联互通示范项目管理局局长 韩宝昌(前排左)签署战略合 作备忘录。 签署仪式由蔡其生会长(后排右)与中国 大使 馆 经 济 商 务 参 赞 处 郑 超 公 参(后 排 左)见证。


跨 太 平 洋 伙 伴 关 系 协 定( T P P) 于2015年10月8日取得谈判成功,而亚 细安经济共同体(AEC)也即将于同年 12月31日成 立 。这将给 新加 坡中小企 业带来什么影响?又是否会推动亚细 安区域整合及促进更多的全球合作关 系?4月11日,本会联同瑞 信银 行及新 加 坡 食品 厂 商 联 合 会 在 瑞 信 财 富 学 院举办一场座谈会,探讨亚细安经 济 共同体的发展实况与跨太平洋伙伴关 系协定的前景。瑞信亚太区副主席暨 瑞信新加坡总裁Lito  Camacho在会上 分 析 有 关 发 展 趋 势 以 及 本 地中小 企 业的短期和中期展望。共有48人参与 活动。

在科艺交融中走向国际化” 座谈会 企业在进军国际市场的过程中,必 须将国外的消费取向、法律条规、金融 资源、语言与文化 差异 等 一系列因素 纳入考量。本会于5月6日举行座谈会,

国际事务委员会   interNational affairs committee

亚细安 一体化带给本地中小企业 的机遇与挑战”座谈会

邀请BDO Consultants Pte Ltd执行董事 Roger Loo进行分享,探讨的课题包括 新 加 坡 企 业在 国 际 市 场 上 获 取 的 经 验、了解做 好国际化 准备所需的科艺 思 维、如 何 选择 适当的国家、进 入市 场的模式、政 府援助计划以及在国外 不同区域 经商所面对的主要 挑战。共 有28人参加上述活动。

缅甸 — — 亚洲明日之星”座谈会 本会举办的首场国际化系列座谈 会 选 择以 缅甸为 讨 论 对 象 。2016 年 3 月,吴廷觉当选缅甸总统,成为该国首 位平民出身的总统。随着新政 府于四 月成立,缅甸更显 露不少商业发 展潜 能,且以更加开放的姿态迎 接经济发 展机遇。 新加 坡 是 缅甸的第二大投资 伙 伴 ,累 积 投 资 额 高 达 180 亿 新 元 ,两 国 双 边 贸易 去 年 达 35亿 4 0 0 0万 新 元,比 2014 年高出20%。6月13日,本 会与 KBZ 集 团 及普 华 古 柏 会 计 师 事 务所(PwC)联 办座谈会,协助会员商 家了解缅甸最新的发展趋势。来自KBZ 集团及PwC的主讲嘉宾向与会的100多 名商家分析了缅甸新政权全面释放的 经济潜力,以 及 适合本 地商家投资的 商机。

来自 K BZ 集 团 及普 华古 柏 会 计 师 事 务 所  PwC )的主讲 嘉宾向与会者分析 缅甸的 发展趋势与潜在商机。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

关注并掌握国际发展 趋势


国际事务 委员会

印尼 — — 释放改革新活力 打造 绝佳的商机”座谈会 本会举办的第二场国际化系列座 谈会以印尼作为讨 论重点。在印尼总 统佐科 执行的大 规模改革下,该国经 济正恢复活力。4月28日,印尼政 府宣 布 第十二轮 经 济刺激方案,简化中小 企 业在印尼的经商 程 序,致 力吸引投 资者。自今年 6月起,巴淡岛也由原来 的自由贸易区升级为经济特区,由新委 任的七人团队负责推动其发展。 7月21日,本会联同印尼 驻 新大使 馆、印尼投资统筹机构(BKPM),以及

印尼工商总会(KADIN)新加坡委员会 举办“印尼 — — 释放改革新活力 打 造绝佳的商机”座谈会。参与论坛的嘉 宾包括印尼驻新大使 Ngurah Swajaya、 印尼协调经济事务部副部长 Edy Putra Irawady、巴淡管 理 机构主任 Hatanto Reksodipoetro及印尼国家投资协调管 理委员会副主席Farah Ratnadewi。主 讲 嘉宾向与会者 说明,印尼 政 府已经 推 出了许 多 有 助 简 化 经 商 程 序 的 新 措施,欢迎新加坡投资者前往投资。 论坛的问答环节由印尼工商总会主席 Michael Goutama 博士主持。约有300人 参与座谈会。

右 起)巴淡管理机构主任 Hatanto Reksodipoetro、印尼国家投资协调管 理委员会副主席 Farah Ratnadewi 及 印尼协调经济事务部副部长 Edy Putra Irawady在“印尼 — — 释放改革新活力 打造绝佳的商机”座谈会上向与会者分 享印尼的最新发展趋势。讨论会主持为 印尼工商总会主席 Michael Goutama 博士(左)。

海外考察 商业代表团出访缅甸 仰光 · 曼德勒 本会蔡其生会长率领的36人考察 团于11月7日至12日出访仰光和曼德勒 两个城 市,探 寻 缅甸的商业和投资机 会。考察团与缅甸的主要政 府 部门决 策者、工商界领袖、工商业团体负责人 进行 会 谈 交流,了解缅甸的最新 经 济 情况、投资环 境 和 相关 政 策,以 及获 取缅甸商业发展的第一手资讯。 这一长达六天的考察 行程包括: 访问与参观新加坡-缅甸职 业培训学 院(SMVTI)、礼貌拜会缅甸工商联合会 UMFCCI)及加强双方合 作关系、与缅 甸投资委员会(MIC)举行会议、与曼德

勒地区工商会(MRCCI)举行联系晚宴、 出席缅北中华总商会主办的晚宴以及 参访多家企业。 在仰光 考 察 期 间,全 体团员参加 了缅甸中华总商会(MCCCI)主办的联 系晚宴 和“仰光的经 济展 望”投资 说 明会。在仰光省总理 U Phyo Min Thein 的见证 下,本会与缅甸中华总商会签 订了友 好 合 作备忘录,以鼓 励和协助 双方会员合 作、寻 找合 适的商业伙伴 和机会为目标,同时也盼望增 进两国 年 轻 企 业家的 联系。晚宴上,本会与 缅甸中华总商会各向缅甸仰光省政 府 捐助2000万元缅币(约两万新元)作为 仰光省的教育发 展基金,促进当地的 教育发展。

蔡其生会长代表本会与缅甸中华总商会签 订友好合作备忘录,希望促进双边的联系 与合作关系。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

国际事务委员会   interational affairs committee



国际事务 委员会

对话会 本会与国际企业发展局代表举行 对话会 3月18日,本 会 与 国 际 企 业 发 展 局(简 称 企 发 局)举 行 午 餐对 话 会。 出 席 的 本 会 代 表 包 括 蔡 其 生 会 长、 刘泰山副会长以 及多名董事。来自企 发 局的代表包括 佘文明主席、李沃文 局长、Satvinder Singh 副局长,以及来 自多个部门的主要负责人。 本次 对话 会的目的是探讨双方未 来合 作的新方向,并进一步深化 协作 伙伴关系。本会向企发局代表讲述协 助本 地中小企业国际化的重点工作, 其中包括:提升中小企业竞争能力,以 撷取中国各种新倡议所带来的机遇; 进 一 步 加 强 本 区 域 — — 尤 其 是马 来 西亚和印尼的商业网络;善用世界 华 商网络(WCEC Net work)、东 盟 经 济 共同体(AEC)和跨太平洋伙伴关系协 定( T P P)所 带 来 的 机 遇 ;通 过 数 字 化策略开发海外市场;以 及 成立商团 中心(TA Hub)协助整体行业转型。

双方在总结对话会时同意保持紧 密联系,进一步探讨合 作事 项的可行 性,让更多中小企业受惠。

与马来西亚国际贸易与工业部长 拿督斯里慕斯达法举行对话会 马 来 西 亚 国 际 贸易 与工 业 部 拿 督斯里慕斯 达法部长于10月19日莅访 本会,随行的包括马来西亚国际贸易 与工业部(MITI)、马来西亚投资发 展 机构(MIDA)以 及依 斯 干 达区域 发 展 机构 IRDA)的官员一行13人。刘泰山副 会长和多名董事代表本会接待来宾。 拿 督斯里慕斯达法部长访问本会 的主要目的是与本会董事进行对话, 进 一 步 加 强 两 国 工 商 界之 间 的 联 系 与合 作关系。本会代表根 据自身的营 商经 历提出了数项议 题进行 讨 论,如 马来西亚的外籍劳工 政 策、中小企业 在马来西亚进行 进出口贸易的税务问 题,以及马来西亚医疗产业发展、医疗 旅游业潜能及挑战等课题。

3 月 18 日,本 会 与 国 际 企 业 发 展 局 代 表 举行午餐对话会,探讨双方未来合作的新 方向。


工商业 委员会 运筹商业策略


瑞信董事总经理、亚洲区首席经济分析师陶冬出席本会于1月7日举办的“2016 商业展望华语论 坛:精握动态·共赢商机”,担任主讲嘉宾。

1月8日,本会和瑞信(Credit Suisse 联 办“2016商业 展 望 英语 论 坛:在动 荡的经 济 环 境中为企业保驾护航”, 多名 主 讲 嘉 宾 详 细 分 析 了2016 年 的 经 济 前 景,包 括 全 球 经 济 与 市 场 、 投 资 趋 势、国 际 与 亚 太 区 外汇 市 场 所存在的风险以及科技对未来市场的 影响。 论坛的主讲 嘉宾包括瑞信董事 经理、亚太区私人银行东南亚和新加 坡 主管Benjamin Cavalli;瑞 信董事经 理、亚太区私人银行及 财富管理部首 席投资官伍泽恩(John Woods);瑞信 董 事 兼 亚 太 区资 深 外汇 分 析 师 王 君 豪;以 及 金 门 创 投(G o l d en   G ate Ventures)合伙创办人Jeffrey Paine。他 们 探 讨了政 经 走 势 对 我 国 和 本 区 域 经 济 前景的影响以 及商家应 关 注 的 事项。这场讨论会由瑞信执行董事、 东南亚私人银行及财富管理部投资顾 问主管Claude Harbonn主持。共有270 人出席活动。

本会 于 1月 8 日举 办“ 2016 商业 展 望 英语 论 坛:在动荡的 经 济 环 境中为企 业保 驾护 航”,论 坛 主 讲 嘉 宾 为 瑞 信 董 事 、亚 太 区资 深 外汇 分 析 师 王 君 豪 左 二 ;瑞 信 董 事 经 理、亚 太 区私 人 银 行及 财 富管 理部首席 投 资官伍 泽恩 John Woods 右二 ;以 及 金 门 创 投 Golden Gate Ventures 合伙创办人 Jeffrey Paine 右一 。论坛主持为瑞信执行董事、东南亚私人银行及财富 管理部投资顾问主管 Claude Harbonn 左一 。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

1月7日,本会与瑞信(Credit Suisse 联 办“2016商业 展 望华 语 论 坛:精 握 动 态·共 赢 商 机”。主 讲 嘉 宾 包 括 瑞 信 董 事 总 经 理 、亚 洲 区 首 席 经 济 分 析师陶 冬;瑞 信董事、亚 太区资深 外 汇分析师王 君豪;新加坡国立 大学李 光 耀公共政 策学院教 授 暨高级公共 行政与管理硕士项目主任陈抗博士。 论 坛 主 席 为 瑞 信 董 事 总 经 理 、亚 太 区私 人银 行 部 新 加 坡 市 场 主 管 杨 静 怡。主讲者 针 对 油价下跌、叙利亚 难 民危机、中国经济成长放缓等全球 政 经 趋势 进行分析,探讨本 地 工商界应 如 何应付 挑 战 。约 有 230人参 与本 次 论坛。

工商业委员会   commerce & industry committee



工商业 委员会


在不稳定时期运筹帷幄以保持 竞争优势和持续增长”座谈会 本 会 于2月23日在 管 理 学 院 课 室 举 办上 述 课 题 座谈 会,主 讲 者 为 DPI Singapore执行 合 伙 人David Wilkins。 他教导与会者如何掌握好上述两方面 的技能,以协助企业 从激烈竞争中脱 颖 而出,取得 持 续 增 长。与会 者共 有 38名。

赢得Y世代员工的青睐— —如何 吸引合适的Y世代加入您的团队” 座谈会 随 着平均寿 命的延长,跨 世 代 工 作团队在现今的职场更为常见,为企 业内部的沟通带来更多挑战。3月8日, 克瑞斯学院导师丘丽婷在管理学院课 室举办上述座谈会,分享了Y世代的相 关课题,协助商家了解Y世代员工的特 性,以 及 如 何 赢得 他们的青睐,有 效 地为企业打造合适的 Y 世代团队。与 会者共有30人。

《雇佣法令》修订内容须知” 讲座 为 协 助 本 地 雇 主了解《 雇 佣 法 令》的修 订对企 业日常运作的影响, 本 会 于 3月 9日在 管 理 学 院 举 办 上 述 讲座。来自Human Capital Consulting

& Ser vices(S’pore)的 代 表 分享了有 关《雇佣法 令》修 订后的雇佣标 准和 重要 执行事 项,例如新法令在 2016年 4月1日生效 后雇主必须履行的责 任, 以及雇主可享有的相关资助与津贴。 共 有 43人 参 与 讲 座 。本 会 也 另 外 在 4月29日以英语举行一场相同主题的讲 座,出席者共有79人。

零售业的精益管理”工作坊 为了有 效改善服务业流程以 减少 浪费及提升顾客满意度,业者纷纷采 用精益管理模式。鉴于本 地零售业仍 欠缺一套有系统的管理规范,本会于 4月6日联同新加坡生产力中心(SPC) 在管理学院举办上述 工作坊,协助业 者以精益管理为目标建立零售业品质 标准,提高行业整体素质。主持工作坊 的SPC的顾问Calvert Lye详细解释了精 益管理的原则和应用。共有25人参与 工作坊。

本地制造业的未来:德国成功 之道”座谈会 数据显示,新加坡制造业于2015年 全年萎缩5.2%。另一边 厢,尽管面对 商业 成本高涨、人力短缺和激烈的全 球竞争 等 挑战,但德国制造 业在2015 年同比增长1.7%。究竟德国制造业的 成功有何秘诀?本会于4月21日在管理

学院课室举办“本 地制造 业的未 来: 德国 成 功之 道”座谈会,两名主讲 嘉 宾— —弗劳恩霍夫南大互动数码媒体 研究所(Fraunhofer IDM@NTU)商业发 展 主任 Antonio Feraco博士以 及 新加 坡西门子策略与卓越商业高级副总裁 Steffen Endler在会上分享如何持续取得 工艺创新。座谈会也示范了可以缩 短 产品上市时间、节省制造成本、降低直 接人工费用,以及洞悉未 来制造 业发 展趋势的德国先进测试和检验技术。 座谈会由Aviation Virtual董事经理钟志 良博士主持,共吸引30人参与。

中小企业投资研讨峰会 本会联同IG集团于5月17日举 行上 述研讨会。来自IG集团的黄冠豪、肖永 飞和黄达各别分享了如何有效地寻找 潜在的投资机遇、如 何选择可靠的金 融 投资平台,以 及中小企 业 对套 期 互 保的风控管理。

驾驭经济逆境”座谈会 本 会 于 5月26日在 管 理 学 院 举 办 上 述 座谈会。主讲 嘉 宾 K YC集团董 事 Vivienne Chiang以丰富的商场经验进 行 分 享 ,讨 论 中 小 企 业 应 如 何 在 动 荡时期强化自身及做 好充足 准备,以 在经济复苏之际全力冲刺,再次取得 成功。


互联网策略助力品牌建设” 座谈会 互 联 网可能 是 人 类 历史 上 最 具 颠 覆 性 的 科 技 产 物 。它 克 服了地 理 距 离和国家之间的籓篱,让企业得以 开拓全球 市场,也带来 爆发式增长的 体 验 。6月30日,本 会 在 管 理 学 院 举 办上述课 题 座谈会,两位专家普华古 栢董事(策略)Jacky Tai及Hunterville International董事 Darr yn Johnston和 与 会 者 分享 网 络 时 代 的 企 业 互 联 网 策略,及如 何正确理解互联网和应用 它 来 加 强 品 牌 建 设 。共 有 36 人参 与 活动。

2016年公司税务须知”座谈会 本 会 联 同 新 加 坡 国 内 税 务局 于7 月28日在管理学院课室举办上述座谈 会。2016年财政预算案公布,自2018估 税年开始,税务局将实施强制性网上 申报税务。为此,税务局的代表在会上 为商家讲解应如何通过网络申报公司 税。同时,税务局代表也和与会者分享 商家应 履行的税务责 任、2016年财政 预算案中的更新事项对商家的影响, 以 及 如 何 在 生 产力与 创 新 优 惠 计 划 PIC )下受惠。与会者人数达65名。

深入探究智能创新对中小企业的 重要性”工作坊 本 会 于 9月14日在 管 理 学 院 举 办 上 述 工作 坊。工作 坊 导师 是 Aviation Virtual Pte Ltd创办人及执行董事钟志 良博士。工作坊通 过 互动方式教导学 员如何认识与中小企业相关的智能创

面临挑战 向前思考”讲座 11月 2日,本 会 在 管 理 学 院 举 办 面临挑战 向前思考”讲座,主讲 嘉 宾DPI Singapore资深合伙人FT Liu在讲 座上以SWIBER事件为反面案例进行分 析,教导企业业者发现本身的驱动力, 以避免重蹈覆辙。

本会中小企业学习 实验室系列  创意高手的六个习惯”工作坊 本 会 于 7月 14日 在 蒂 凡 那 学 院 Devan Nair Institute)举办上述 工作   坊,让参与者了解如 何 通 过有规律的 身 心 锻 炼 来 培 养 创 造 力 。在 工作 坊 上,Charisma Academy培训导师及解决 方案设计师Linda Lam女士解释了习惯 对个人 造 成的重大 影响,以 及学习最 具创意人士的六个习惯:一、学习捕捉 稍纵即逝的想法— —它可能就是您的 下一个大创意;二、认识创意高手寻找 更优越途径的驱动力;三、应该往哪里 寻找答案;四、以重新思考的方式来发 掘新的可能性;五、了解如何在原基础 上增加一些新点和连线;六、从失败之 中学习如 何增强及应用自己的实力。 共有29人参与工作坊。

掌握创新管理的关键”大师班 本 会 于7月 21日在 蒂凡 那 学 院 举 办 上 述 大 师 班,为 参 加 者 提 供 关 于 价 值 创 新 的 知 识 。大 师 班 导 师 是 弗 劳恩 霍 夫 南 大 互 动 数 码 媒 体 研 究 所  Fraunhofer IDM@NTU)商业发展主任 Antonio Feraco博士。大师班也解释如 何识 别内部 和外部因素,以便 更好地 评估整体创新 过程。共有30人参与大 师班。

“创新不能赚钱的话,谁理它?” 大师班 创新对很多中小型企业 来说是一 件“高大上”的事情。即使有了钱和资 源,如 何创新也是令企业管理层极为 伤脑筋的事情。7月27日,盛宣咨询有

限公司董事林日美在管理学院课室讨 论中小型企业的创新模式,及如 何进 行“赚钱式”的创新— —而不是为了创 新而创新。同时,她也分享了企业应如 何善用公共资源,以在创新之 路上走 得更远。共有18人参加大师班。

如何建立和带领能发挥影响力的 高效团队”工作坊 为了在竞争激 烈的商业环 境中占 据优势,人力资本常被视为企业最有利 的资产。但是,企业领导要如何建立和 带领一支能发挥影响力的高效团队? 10月6日,工作坊导师激励团队策略师 关德威通过互动的方式,教导学员实用 的策略,包括如何加强领导者设定目标 的能力,及如何建立团队间的安全感与 信任,以让队员们在各司其职的同时又 能在艰难时期共同进退,晋升为高效团 队。共有37人参加工作坊。

了解掌握商业分析的重要性” 工作坊 在创新 经 济的时代,数 据 分析已 被 界定 为一项 重要 技能 。10月11日, 盛 宣 咨 询 有 限 公 司 董 事 林日美 女 士 在管理学院课室举办上述工作坊,教 导 会员 商 家 认 识 实 用 的 商 业 分 析 技 巧,以作出更优良的商业 决 策 。共 有 35人参与工作坊。

以人为本:通过积极的沟通与 认可提高业绩”工作坊 10月27日,本会在管理学院会议室 举办上述工作坊,导师洪福文与33名学 员分享身为企业领导的重要经营理念, 强调重视团队精神、信赖和尊重员工的 重要性,并鼓励业者让员工以坦诚开放 的态度保持紧密沟通,以创造更佳的业 绩。他认为,对员工努力和成绩的认可 将给企业带来更大的成长活力。

企业创新带来更好的客户体验” 大师班 随着消费者的选择越来越多,商家 也必须了解如何让产品在琳琅满目的商 品中脱颖而出。11月11日,本会在管理学 院会议室举办上述活 动,大师 班导师 Clairvoyant Lab首席创新总监甄瑞昌博 士教导学员使用经SketchSenseTM 框架 的技能,学习如 何在数字世界里 成功

工商业委员会   commerce & industry committee

6月28日,本会在管理学院举办上 述 英语座谈会,协助企 业做 好准备, 以渡过充满挑战的低增长时期。主讲 嘉宾 DPI Singapore执行 合 伙 人 David Wilkins在会上讲述打造 成长策略的三 种基本方法,协助企业 从逆境中脱 颖 而出并取得 持 续 增 长,包 括:创建 或 重新定义“沙盒”(Sandbox)游戏概 念来击败竞争对手;确定未 来持续 增 长的“驱动力”(Driving Force);以 及开发行之有 效的企业理念,从而有 效 地利用和调配资源。共有32人参与 活动。

新,以及如何善用它来加强竞争优势。 钟博士也使用一张“机遇网”展示本地 中小企业所面对的机遇与危机。共有 65人参与工作坊。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

在充满挑战的时期为企业制定增 长良策”座谈会


工商业 委员会 进行服务及 产品创新,例如通 过 六个 步骤 来创新产品或服务的卖点。共有 23人参与活动。

提高个人的工作创新能力” 工作坊 11月16日,本 会 在 管 理 学 院 会 议 室举办上述工作坊,导师Performance Leadership Pte Ltd董事陈则铭以互动 的方式教导学员如何运用由英国开发 的创新工具Jigsaw@Work发掘自身的创 新能力,克 服在创新 过 程中出现的挑 战,以及借助团队的创意取得成功。共 有23人参与工作坊。

总商会数字营销座谈会系列  增强企业网站及在线业务” 座谈会 本会于10月20日举办上述座谈会, 由Charlesmann Training & Consultancy 首席技术官兼首席培训师Abdul Awwal 担任主讲嘉宾。他在分享中指出,一个 经过良好设计的网站可具备深厚的商 业潜力,例如可以 成为强大的销售工 具,触及庞大的客户群。共有74人参与 座谈会。

本会组织台湾物联网科技考察团,于 7月3日至 8日到台北进行物联网和电子商务方面的实地 考察活动。

互联网新常态下的B2B品牌策略” 座谈会 本会于11月9日举办上述座谈会, 主讲嘉宾是普华古柏(PwC)策略主任 Jacky Tai和Ke Yong Xiang以及奥美公关 东南亚及印度)总裁Andrew Thomas, 他们深入探讨了适合线上B2B公司采用 的经营模式。共有63人参与活动。

海外考察团 聚焦智能零售与电子商务—— 台湾物联网(IoT)科技考察团 物 联网迅 速扩展,其商机 发 展前 景相当乐 观 。物 联 网(IoT)的 一系 列 智能技术将同时 推动服务 创新,重塑 消费者 体 验,在市场中开拓新商机。 这将为零售和餐饮行业带来革命性的 突破。 为鼓 励 会员商 家 探 索 物 联网科 技 的 应 用,并 制 定 物 联 网 战 略 以 为 企业转型,本会 组 织台湾物联网科 技 考察团,于7月3日至8日到台北进行物

考察团在台北参访南京资讯(Protech),参观各种自动化智能设备,如自动式点餐、自动付 款平台等。将流程自动化的智能设备除了大大削减对劳动力的需求之外,还能收集、记录及 分析数据,协助业者提供更完善的客户服务。


4日至 7日间,考 察 团 在台湾 参 与 的 活 动 包 括:拜 会 资 讯 工 业 策 进 会 资策会)并 举 行 会 谈;参 访 智 镜科 技 V i s m i l e),了解 如 何 使 用 虚 拟 现 实 技 术 进 行 产 品 销 售;参 访 研 华 科 技 Advantech) ,了解如 何应用物联网提 高营运方式以 及消费体 验;拜会资策 会属下的创研所(III) ,了解其系统化的 创新方式;参 访集是雅(GCR Cloud) — —一家以SaaS为基础的IoT产品网络 电商平台;参访建碁(Aopen)— —一家 物联网解决方案供应商;参 访明基逐 鹿(Benq Guru) ,参观一整套的智能零 售系统;参访演示现场@乐多尔竹叶提 取啤酒餐厅,了解如何使用物联网来捕

7月7日,考察团也出席了本会与台 湾对外贸易发展协会联办的台新物联 网智慧零售交流会。

与政府部门举行对话会 本会和裕廊集团 JTC 举行对话会 3月1日,裕 廊 集 团( 简 称 J TC)邀 请本 会 代 表 到 J TC Summit举 行 对 话 会。对话会上,JTC代表介绍了该集团 最 新的工 业设 施项目,包括化 学中心 Chemicals Hub @ Tuas South)、宇航 中心 Space @ Tuas)、纳 米 科 技工 业 空间 NanoSpace@Tampines) 、食品中心 F o o d   H u b @   S e n o k o)、家 具 中 心 Furniture Hub @ Sungei Kadut) 、仓库业 物流中心(Logistics Hub @ Gul),以及

第二代新型标 准厂房项目柏沙瓦工业 空间(JTC Space @ Pesawat)。蔡其生会 长则根据本会进行的财政预算案调查 与中小企 业调 查报告,向裕廊集团的 方章文总裁反映本地商界面对的最大 挑战 — —商业 成本高涨、人力短缺与 竞争力下滑。 本 次 对 话 会探 讨的课 题包括:了 解 JTC是否会 考虑下调工 业 空间的 租 金;希望在群 集中心获得分配空间的 企业需要符合哪些标准;JTC是否考虑 将土地 和厂房的租赁期延长;以 及本 会在2017年租用商团中心的事宜。

本会与标新局代表举行午餐会议 3月2日,标 新局与本会 董 事 共 进 午 餐。会 议 提 供了良 好 平台,为本会 领导正式介绍标新局新上任的潘康源 局长,同时也藉此机会 让潘局长进一 步了解总商会在本 地 工商界所扮演的 重要角色。潘局长 表 示,标 新局将帮 助本 地 企业发展技术与品牌,扩展业 务。本会也感谢当局对本会发起的商 团中心计划与中小企业中心的支持。

工商业委员会   commerce & industry committee

为期五天的行程让团员亲身体 验 并 深 入了解台湾的 物 联 网、电子商务 和智能零售如何带动相关行业转型升 级,并向成功的企业学习,运用智能创 新技术,制定 正确的物联网和电子商 务策略,实现企业的可持续发展。

获客户数 据,以推出具 针对性的营销 讯 息;出席台湾互 联网和电子商务协 会(TiEA)举行的电子商务座谈会,让团 员认识台湾电子商务的发 展情况;参 访南京资讯(Protech),参观各种自动 化智能设备,如自动式点餐、自动付款 平台;参访拓联科技(Noodoe),观察 如何使用物联网来降低餐饮业对人力 的依赖。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

联 网 和 电 子 商 务方 面 的 实 地 考 察 活 动。考察团的19名团员来自不同领域, 包括餐饮、零售、保健、家具、印刷、教 育、物业管理和资讯科技相关行业。


产业 委员会

新加坡中华总商会大厦的维修与租贷 2016年,本会继续为总商会大 厦的公共设 施、办公楼、嘉庚堂 及 展 览厅等进行 例常维修 保养与粉刷,让大 厦设 施 维持 最佳状态。 2016年,总商会大 厦办公楼面出租率达89%,租金收入为261万元,较2015年的278万元 减少6%。嘉庚堂、常务会议室、 二 楼 会 议 厅 和 展 览 厅 的 租 金 总收 入 为 24万 3千 元,较 2015年 的18万元 增 加 29% 。停 车 场 收 入 为7 万 7千 元,较 2015年 的 8万8千元减少12%。


本会于大年初一(2月8日)举办猴年 新春大团拜。

春到河畔2016 2月6日,本会与新加坡宗乡会馆联 合总会、新加 坡 报 业 控 股、新加 坡 旅 游局及 人民协 会联办第30届“春到河 畔”活 动,由李显 龙总 理 主持亮 灯仪 式。活 动连 续九天在浮动舞台进行, 其中包括配合活 动创办三十周年而举 行的相片展 览。本会基金拨款六万元 赞助。

2016年新春大团拜 2月8日,本会 举 办 猴 年新 春大 团 拜 ,贸 工 部 长( 工 业 )易 华 仁 受 邀 为 主宾。总 理公 署 部长陈振 声、文化、 社区及青年部及财政部高级政务部长 沈 颖、人力部政务 部长张 思乐、总 理 公署兼人力部政务部长陈振泉、卫生 部兼通讯及新闻部政务部长徐芳达、 贸工部兼教育部政务次长刘燕玲也随 同出席。本会 董 事 和 会员、各 国 外交 使 节、工商界、文 教界、政 府 和 法 定 机构、宗乡团体代表等超过650人欢聚 一堂,喜迎新春。

蔡 其生会长在 致 辞 时 宣 布,本会 今年将举办一系列庆祝活动欢庆创会 110周年。易华仁部长在蔡会长的陪同 下,亲自为本会周年大 庆 主持 徽 章 揭 幕仪式。

第49届悼念日本占领时期 死难人民祭礼 2月15日,本会在美芝路日本占领 时 期 死 难 人民 纪 念 碑 前 举 办第 49届 祭礼,文化、社区及青年部长傅海燕受 邀为主宾,与本会董事和职员、各国驻 新外交使节、宗教团体、中小学师生、 各族商会社团、制服团体、退役军人、 死难者家属等一千多名嘉宾参加了这 场庄 严的祭礼。在祭礼仪式结束前, 傅海燕部长为国防社区联系咨询委员 会(ACCORD)发 起 的《#再也 不 会》 运动拉开序幕,希望借此运动加强人 民的全面防卫意 识,确保国家沦陷的 历史不再重演。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

文教与社会事务委员会   culture, education & community affairs committee

文教与社会事务 委员会


文教与社会事务 委员会

携手同心、光耀未来”追思会 3月20日,本会与新加坡宗乡会 馆 联合总会、华社自助理事会,新加坡华 族文化中心、通商中国、回教社会发展 理事会、马来专业人士协会、新加坡印 度人发展协会以及欧亚裔协会四大族 群的九家社团和社区组织共聚在史丹 福草 坪,为逝世一周年的建国总 理李 光耀举 行 追思会,纪念他在建设富有 凝聚力的多元族群社会上的贡献。 出席活 动的来宾超 过1000人,其 中包括来自政府、私人机构、商界以及 各个社区组 织的领袖、少年代表及 儿 童。四位马来族、印度族、华族以及欧 亚裔青年代表以双语分享了他们从李 光耀的贡献中获得的启示,及李光耀 精神对于国家未来的意义。总理公署 部长陈振 声致闭幕词之 后,由各族自 助团体青年组成的合唱团带领来宾高 唱了“携手同心 光耀未来”一曲。

323华商传承李光耀精神 建国总理李光耀于去年的3月23日 逝 世。在今年的同一天,本会 为纪念 建国总理举办“323华商传承李光耀精 神”快步 走活 动,路 线 从多美 歌草 坪 出发,途经总统府公园、欧思礼坡、国 家博物 馆、新加 坡管 理 大学,最 后 抵 达本会大厦。 蔡 其生会长在 追 思会上说,建国 总理李光耀生前提倡健 康生活,而本 会举办快步走活动正是为了鼓励华商 以行 动践行 他的理念。“李光耀 先生 留给我们最 宝贵的财富,就是他 和战 友们一起 建立的国家、制度和治国理 念。我们对他 最 好的怀念,就是把他 创立的国家建设得更好,把他倾尽一 生的事业不断发扬光大。”

在“323 华商传承李光耀精神”快步走活动 追思会上,蔡其生会长鼓励参与者践行李光 耀生前积极提倡的健康生活理念。


本会在建国初期就开始支持国民 服役计划,这包括:为首两批入伍的军 人颁赠“尽忠报国”奖章;1968年在嘉 庚堂为国民服役计划和新加坡武装部 队筹款,来自382家商号的 800名代 表 认捐了16万元,同年后期共筹得123万 元。时隔48年,国防部军人节宣誓仪式 再次回到嘉庚堂,蔡 其生会长在宣誓 仪式上表示非常高兴。 黄 永 宏 部 长 在 致 辞 时 引 用了建 国总 理 李 光 耀 的 讲 话:“没有一支 强 大的武 装部队,我们的经济就没有未 来,生活也就没有保障。”他回忆建国 一代历经日军占领之后动荡不安的日 子,想起已故岳父在二战 之 后的二、

文教与社会事务委员会   culture, education & community affairs committee

7月1日,本会首次在嘉庚堂承办中 南区军人节集体宣誓 仪式,让 雇 主和 国民 服役 人员重申对国家的效 忠、肯 定军人保家卫国的贡献以及对国民服 役的支持。宣誓 仪式由国防部长黄永 宏医生亲自主持,87家本会商团与商 号会员及区内政府机构、商家、企业等 获赠感谢状,肯定他们对国防活 动的 支持。战备军人胡一鸣上 尉分享了服 役期间的经历,并带领全 体出席者宣 读新加坡武装部队誓约。

三十年仍大 量 储存 罐 头食品,深深 体 会到强大国防的重要性。他希望 所有 新加坡人都能给予新加坡武装部队支 持与鼓励。

荣获2016年“艺术赞助奖” 经 新加 坡华族 文化中心 推 荐,本 会基金荣获国家艺术理事会颁发2016 年“艺术赞助奖”(Patron of the Arts Awards)。这项奖项是国家艺术 理事 会为表彰个人或机构对新加坡艺术界 发展的贡献而设。国家艺术理事会于7 月20日在香格里拉酒店举行颁奖典礼 暨晚宴,本会文教与社会事务委员会 高允裕副主席代表基金会出席领奖。 颁奖 典 礼主宾为文化、社区及青年部 长傅海燕。

荣获2016年全民防卫奖 国防部为本会颁发 2016年全民防 卫奖― ―国民 服役 倡导(机构)奖, 肯定本会在支持国民服役及倡导雇主 支持雇员履行国民服役义务的努力。 国防部于8月26日在泛太平洋酒店举行 颁奖典礼暨晚宴。黄山忠副会长代表 本会从国防部长黄永宏医生手中接过 奖 项,总务委员会白毅柏主 席也陪同 出席典礼。 7月1日,本会在嘉庚堂承办中南区军人节集 体宣誓仪式。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016



文教与社会事务 委员会

本会于 9月9日举办中秋晚会暨大学奖学金捐赠基金成立仪式,教育部代部长(高等教育及技能)兼国防部高级政务部长王乙康出席见证仪式并 颁发奖学金。


在庆祝 成立110周年之际,本会加 大力度 支持本 地教育 事业,改革现有 奖学金制度,成立一千五百万元的全 新大学奖学金捐赠基金,资助新加坡 国立 大学、南洋 理 工大学、新加 坡管 理大学、新加坡科 技与设 计大学及新 加坡理工大学的优秀学生。在这项奖 学金制度下,获奖学生一经入选,即可 连续三年获得资助。蔡其生会长致辞 时说,捐赠基金成立 后将长期支持本 地大学培育英才。新 计划将协助大学 生更了解 本 地的商业需求,及享有更 多参加本会活动及获得商界前辈指导 的机会。


9月9日,本会在嘉庚堂举办中秋晚 会暨大学奖学金捐赠基金成立仪式, 由教育部代部长(高等教育及技能) 兼国防部高级政务部长王乙康见证仪 式并颁发奖学金。王乙康代部长致辞 时表扬了本会多年来 对教育事业的支 持,特别提 到基金 会于1997年为本 地 学生设 立商学系本 科生奖学金,之 后 又通过与回教社会发展理事会及新加 坡印度人发展协会合作向马来同胞和 印度同胞颁发奖学金。此外,他也认可 本会管理学院为企业家和专业人士提 供实用课程,以帮助他们提 升管理与 营销能力及产业知识的努力。

本年度(2016/2017)各项大专奖学金得主如下: 新加坡国立大学商学奖得主:  黄凯璘(会计及商学系2年级)  方 婷(会计及商学系2年级)  曾靖婷(会计及商学系2年级)  傅 晓(会计及商学系2年级) 新加坡国立大学中文系奖学金得主:  廖依然(中文系2年级)  张珈瑜(中文系3年级) 新加坡南洋理工大学商学奖及中文系奖学金的得主:  林佳英(中文系4年级)  林艺君(中文系3年级)  王睿琳(中文系3年级)  陈勇嘉(会计及商学系2年级)  陈枳颖(会计及商学系2年级) 新加坡管理大学奖学金得主:  苏玠锜(会计及商学系3 年级)  梁彙紳(商学系2年级)  陈嘉莹(经济系2年级)  陈秋憓(经济系3年级) 新加坡科技设计大学奖学金得主:  李宇超(工程系2年级)  陈楷璋(工程系1年级) 马来/回教社会发展理事会奖学金得主:  Fadhillah Mohamed Faizan(新加坡管理大学)  Kashib Shareef Bin Ahmad Hussain(新加坡国立大学)  Nur Hazirah Binte Ridzwan(新加坡南洋理工大学)  Muhammad Nazim s/o Nazmul Hoque(新加坡理工大学) 新加坡印度人发展协会奖学金得主:  Mohammed Jahafar Bin Abdullah(新加坡南洋理工大学)  Bernard Patrick(新加坡南洋理工大学)

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

中秋晚会暨大学奖学金捐赠基金 成立仪式

文教与社会事务委员会   culture, education & community affairs committee



文教与社会事务 委员会 华中奖学金 为支持华中培养双语双文化人才, 自2008年起本会基金 会 每年拨 款8千 元,向华侨中学中三、中四、高一及高 二班双文化课程与语言特选课程年度 成绩最优异的学生颁发八份各一千元 的奖学金,本 地公民和永久 居民都可 以申请。文教与社 会事 务委员会副主 席高允裕先生代表本会于7月16日举行 的颁奖典礼上颁奖。

华语讲演会2016-2017年度执委会 选举 本 会 华 语 讲 演 会 于 5月25日选 出 新一届执委会。 以下是新执委会的名单: 会长

: 贾超


: 林梅樱

文教副会长(正) : 田艳飞

第25届中小学生群口创意讲故事 比赛

文教副会长(副) : 李洋 会员副会长

: Hanifa Kahar

迈 入第25周年的群口创意 讲故事 比赛于7月30日举行。三十多支学校队 伍参与了这项比赛,展示了优秀的创意 与天 赋,也在 故事中特别融 入了本 地 色彩。比赛结果如下:


: 陈思敏


: 张玲


: 罗宝玉


: 小川匠


: 张雍宜

小学组优胜奖 培青学校 道南学校 圣婴女校和平之后 中学组优胜奖 四德女中 圣尼格拉女校 公教中学 最佳故事脚本奖 思励小学 德义中学 华侨中学 小学组 一等奖:维新小学 二等奖:培华长老会,南华小学 三等奖:英华小学,思励小学 中学组 一等:南华中学 二等:维多利亚中学,中华中学 三等:德明政府中学,华侨中学 白南泉主席与陈秀娟助理秘书长 出席观赛,白主席也代表主办 机构向 中小学优胜队伍颁奖。本会基金 会拨 出四千元支持这项赛事。


蔡其生会长在 8月17日的中小企业大会开幕仪式上致欢迎词。

第18届中小型企业 大会、第19届资信 商业大会暨2016 中小企业博览会 智慧型中小企业: 创新·协作·升级 随 着 经 济 变 迁与 科 技 的 迅 速 发 展,全球商业环 境也变得愈 加动荡与 竞争激烈,企业因此面对更多不 确定 性与 挑 战 。在 充满变 数的 环 境中,升 级为智慧型中小企业变得更为迫切。 唯有如此,企业才有机会在崭新的世 界中引领未来发展趋势。 本会因此以“智慧型中小企业:创 新·协作·升级”为题,于8月17日至18 日在新达城会展中心举行这项备受瞩 目、影响深远的双语企业大会。大会共 邀请了超 过60名企业家、高级管理 人 员、学者、成功的商界前辈与年轻的商 业精英前来进行分享。共有近6000人 参与,再次创下出席者记录。


尚达曼副总理的主题演讲与对话 尚达 曼副总 理 担任 大会主宾,并 在在现场发表了主 题演讲。大会通过 专 题 研 讨 会“未 来中小企 业前景:挑 战、发展与机遇”探讨多项政经议题, 令出席者获得重要启示。有关研 讨 会 的主讲 嘉宾为新加 坡全国商 联 总会 会长杨向明、新加坡餐饮业协会会长 周家萌、新加坡家具工业理事会会长

许志 恩,主持人 为《海 峡 时 报》特 约 编辑韩福光。

加强协调工作,有效配对人才 尚 达 曼 副 总 理 在 致 辞 中 指 出, 我 国 仍 有 许 多 机 会 和 潜 力,但 须 专 注 于“ 独 特 的 品 质 ”、纯 熟 的 技 能 和 为 每 个人 制 造 能 带 来 满 足 感 的 工 作 。他 表 示:“ 相 信 我 们 的 经 济 和 社

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

特别项目   special projectS

特别 项目


特别 项目

在“未来中小企业前景:挑战、发展和机遇”论坛上,傲胜国际控股公司创办人、主席兼总裁沈财福(右二)分享他的创业与守业经验。主讲嘉宾还包括 为北京网库互通信息技术有限公司董事长王海波(左二)及优美缔软件(上海)有限公司大中华地区高级营运总监蔡美玲(左一)。论坛主持为新加坡 报业控股联合早报新兴业务助理副总裁周兆呈(右一)。

会 有 许 多潜 力,科 技、国 际 化,还 有 很 多可 把 潜力最 大化 的空间 。”他也 认 为,新 加 坡 目前 面 对 的 挑 战 是 在 于 如 何 适 当 地 配 对 供 应与 需 求 。虽 然 本 地 研 究 机 构 与大 学 都 在 进 行 许 多 创 新 工 作 ,但 更 具 挑 战 性 的 工 作 是 将 新 技 术 与 中小 企 业 的 实 际 需 求 进 行 配 对 。鉴 于 小 型 企 业 需 要 这 类 的 协 调 方 案 ,他 提 出了相 关 建 议 : 利用“私人领域的系统融合者”找出中 小企业需要的科 技方案,及综合它们 的需求,然后与研究机构合作,把后者 的科技方案转换成适用于中小企业的 方案。

未来的中小企业 在 研 讨 会 环节中,尚达 曼副总 理 也 针 对 主 讲 嘉 宾 提 出的 问 题 发 表 看 法,其中包括:政 府 可为有意 投 入资 金培养本地人才和寻求创新的企业提 供协助;探讨是否应在理 工学院的特 定科系向外籍人士与永久 居民开放更 多学 额;以 及在学 校教育中带入 更多 现实生活 体 验,激发年轻一代的企业 精神。

大会邀请台湾和沛科技股份有限公司创办人兼总经理翟本乔担任本届“智慧企业大师班”的主 讲嘉宾,分享他对创新的深刻理解。



未来中小企业前景: 挑战、发展和机遇

   

傲胜国际控股公司创办人、主席兼总裁沈财福 北京网库互通信息技术有限公司董事长王海波 优美缔软件(上海)有限公司大中华地区高级营运总监蔡美玲 会议主持:新加坡报业控股联合早报新兴业务助理副总裁周兆呈

中小企业创新发展 – 大胆突破勇于超越

   

Royal T Group Pte Ltd 执行董事郑振良 协和保安私人有限公司执行董事蔡瑞庆 锐佳科技(新加坡)有限公司执行员黄印成 会议主持:RSM风险咨询服务执行董事戴恩德

从国际视角看家族企业 的成功秘诀

    

铭板集团私人有限公司执行副总裁吴素慜 多美集团董事总经理拿督吴逸平 RKBK Ltd董事经理Yash Poddar 和丽园商业发展主任张凯翔 会议主持:普华永道新加坡亚太企业家客户部合伙人吴绍均

智慧型中小企业:面向颠覆性科技 创新的应对战略

    

星和集团总裁陈东海 新加坡科技研究局董事经理Raj Thampuran 阁室亚洲总裁Terry O’Connor Grab 新加坡主管Kell Jay Lim 会议主持:奥美公共关系国际集团总裁(东南亚)Andrew Thomas


     

BoP Hub Ltd客户产品主任Arindam Som PayPal Southeast Asia总经理Rahul Shinghal 七德新加坡私人有限公司创办人 、董事长李志明 IDC Asia/Pacific 副总裁,移动及物联网部门主管Charles Reed Anderson 黄芳工业私人有限公司执行总监刘振荣 论坛主席:新加坡中华总商会科技委员会主席柯文伟先生

走向社交平台:利用社交媒体来 提升业务增长

   

面簿亚太区社区参与主管刘希 领英客户关系总监黄惠敏 Hootsuite社交媒体教练Ella Badis Social@Ogilvy总经理及主任Rika Sharma

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016


特别项目   special projectS



特别 项目

本届大会特别组织“体验创新之旅”,前往11家企业与研究机构考察创新的解决方案。 图为 DHL 亚太创新中心(APIC )的解说员向考察团展示物流业的尖端解决方案。



今年,本会首次配 合 中小企 业 大 会 举 办“体 验 创新之 旅”,于 8月19日 组织实地考察团前往11家科 研机构和 企业考察创新解决方案。考察地点包 括:新加坡科技研究局数据 储存 研究 院(DSI)、弗劳恩霍夫南大互动数码媒 体研 究 所、Greendot Café、零 售创新 中心(RICE)、TDC@Central( 技术开发 中心)、3M客服技术中心、DHL新加坡 亚太创新中心、Hessed & Emet、先进机 器人技术中心、劳斯莱斯实里 达 工业 园区和新电信创新中心。

新加 坡 正处于经 济 转型阶段,而 本会此刻的重点工作之一是促进商团 会员的发 展,加强商团服务会员的能 力,以推动本地各行业的转型。在本会 主导下,裕廊集团倡议以裕廊镇大会 堂作为商团中心,鼓 励商团与商会 迁 入同一屋檐下,以推动行业升级与促 进跨行业协作,及 通 过公用设备减少 开支 。此 外,本会 也计 划为进驻 的商 团与商会提 供 共享的秘书处 服务,以 帮助资源有限的商团秘书处解决人力 挑战。

迄今,共有20家商团决定与本会秘 书处于2017年初进驻商团中心。本会期 望能通过商团中心计划更努力推进商 团间的交流,激发合 作 潜能。互补 性 行业的商团与商会可籍此共同发展互 惠的策略,共用资源举办活动,如部长 对话会、海外考察团及进行培训计划 以推动行业的升级与持续发展。

110周年庆徽章 农历新年的大年初一,贸工(工业 部长易华仁为本会110周年大庆徽章主 持 推介仪式,周年庆的一系列精彩活 动也由此掀开序幕。

慈善高尔夫球赛 5月 13日,本 会 假 裕 廊 乡 村 俱 乐 部 举 办慈善高尔夫球 赛,为“总 统 挑 战 ”慈 善 活 动 筹 款 。荣 誉 国 务 资 政 吴作 栋受邀为赛事主宾,其他出席者 包括中华人民共和国 驻 新加 坡 大使 陈晓东,以 及国会 议员李奕贤与张和 傧博士。赛事成功为“总统挑战”活动 筹集15万元善 款。7月14日,本会与新 加坡马来商会和新加坡印度商会假孙 中山南洋纪念馆联办三大种族商会交 流会,将 善 款移交予陈 庆 炎总 统 。本 次活动所筹得的善款将用于多元种族 和谐 社会建设项目,其中包括 黄丝带 计划。

大学奖学金捐赠基金成立仪式 在庆祝 成立110周年之际,本会对 总商会基金的奖学金制度进行改革, 加大力度支持本地教育事业。

本会于 7月14日举办的三大种族商会交流会上将慈善高尔夫球赛筹得的15 万元善款移交陈庆炎 总统(右二),用于“总统挑战”慈善活动。蔡其生会长(左二)、黄山忠副会长(右一)与商团 与会员事务委员会主席胡进胜(左一)在场见证。

9 月 9 日,本 会 在 嘉 庚 堂 举 办 中 秋晚会暨 大学 奖 学金捐赠基金 成 立 仪 式,由教 育 部代 部长(高等 教 育 及 技能)兼国防部高级 政务 部长王乙康 见证仪式。本次奖学金的改革方案包 括 增 加 奖 学 金 金 额 、提 升 奖 学 金 的 延 续性,以 及 提 供 宝贵的学习机会, 让学生获得商界人士的指导与商场经

验。在这项改革方案下,总商会基金将 拨款六百万元,并在获得政 府款项的 配 对之 后,以总额一千五百 万元的奖 学金资助新加坡国立大学、南洋理工 大学、新加 坡管 理 大学、新加 坡科 技 与 设 计 大 学( SUTD)及 新 加 坡 理 工 大学(SIT)五所大学的优秀学生。

本会举办的“新苗船”青年企业家游轮交流之旅吸引来自亚太区域十余个国家与地区的 200 多名年轻华商参与。游轮扬帆出 海前,参与者与主宾总理公署部长陈振声(中)合影。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

新里程 新篇章”—— 总商会110周年庆系列活动

新里程 新篇章”— — 总商会110周年庆系列活动   A New Era, A New Chapter - Celebrating SCCCI’s 110th anniversary



新里程 新篇章”—— 总商会110周年庆系列活动  新苗船”青年企业家游轮交流之旅 为 迎 接本 会 的110周 年大 庆,本 会 青 企 网 举 办 了一场别 开 生面的 双子星号游 轮交 流 之 旅 。9月21 日,在 游 轮 启 航 前,本 会 特 别 邀 请总 理 公 署 部 长 陈振声登上游轮,与来自本区域十余个国家与地区的 200多名年轻华商进行对话,讨论的主题包括:亚细 安经济共同体的前景、华商家族企业所扮演的角色、 新兴颠覆性科技的影响及年轻企业家的创业理想。 9月22日,在游轮扬帆海上之际,本会共举办了两 场分享会与两场研讨会。来自北京师范大学的于丹 教授首先以“东方智慧与现代人生”为题发表演讲。 下午,来自国大Alice & Peter Tan学院的陈来荣医生也 分享了他在中国云南展开乡村建设工作的经历。在另 外两场题为“21世纪新生代成功之路”及“企业传承 家业长青”的研讨会中,本会也邀请了本地和区域的 主讲嘉宾进行分享与讨论,活动深受欢迎。

在游轮交流之旅上,来自新加坡国立大学的陈来荣医生分享了他在中国云南 展开乡村建设工作的经历,他的奉献精神令在场的青年企业家深受感动。

参与第四届商团大会论坛的行业领袖包括(右起)德国总商会西南区会长兼德国电机电子工业协会会长 Christian O. Erbe、新加坡纺织服饰商会 会长李坚辉、新加坡家具工业理事会会长许志恩、新加坡园林业协会主席吴永南、石油化工业协会会长郭锦清。论坛主持为本会研究与出版委员 会主席何乃全(左一)。

第四届商团大会 9月23日早上,本会举办第四届商团大会,主 题 为“引领行业发展,立足未来经济”,贸工部兼文化、 社区及青年部高级政务部长沈颖受邀为活动主宾。 共有来自64个商团的300位代表参与大会。大会深入 探讨了商团在当前经济环境下可以扮演的角色,除了 邀请四位本地主讲者分享各自商团的经验和见解,也 邀请担任德国总商会西南区分会会长和德国电机电

子工业协会会长的Christian Erbe先生发表主题演讲。他在会上分享 德国的行业协会如何协助会员公司成功转型。 主宾沈颖高级政务部长在发表演讲时强调了企业在转型和成 长过程中与商团和商会紧密合作的重要性。对于将于明年落成的 商团中心计划,她也宣布总商会即将成立一个商团委员会,作为推 动商团与商会发展的平台。在她的见证下,17家首批进驻商团中心 的商团代表也在现场参与了商团中心成立仪式。

李显龙总理(前排中)及我国内阁部长与专程前来祝贺本会110 周年庆的各国家地区商会代表合影。前排:李显龙总理(中)、新加坡中华总商会 会长蔡其生(左七)、名誉会长蔡天宝(右七)、国防部长黄永宏医生(左六)、卫生部长颜金勇(右六)、新加坡中华总商会前任会长张松声(左五)、 名誉会长郑民川(右五)、贸工部长(工业)易华仁(左四)、总理公署部长陈振声(右四); (左一至左三)总理公署高级政务部长王志豪、 中华全国工商业联合会副主席周海江博士、泰国中华总商会主席陈振治; (右一至右三)新加坡中华总商会副会长黄山忠、教育部兼通讯及新闻部 政务部长沈颖、香港中华总商会永远名誉会长蔡冠深。后排左起:新加坡中华总商会刘泰山副会长、吴学光副会长;柬埔寨柬华理事总会执行会长 蔡迪华勋爵、英国中华总商会主席张劲龙、缅甸中华总商会会长吴继垣、加拿大中华总商会副会长唐成义、韩国中华总商会名誉会长袁国栋、印尼中华 总商会总主席纪辉琦、教育部及贸工部政务次长刘燕玲、马来西亚中华总商会总会长拿督戴良业、澳洲维省中华总商会会长苏其源、日本中华总商会 会长严浩、澳门中华总商会会长马有礼、老挝中华总商会副会长陈华、西澳中华总商会副会长张诚华、台湾工商協進 會理事长林伯丰、菲律宾中华总商会理事长卢祖荫。

110周年大庆晚宴 9月23日,总商会110周年大庆晚宴假莱佛士城会 议中心费尔蒙宴会厅隆重举办,我国总 理李显龙受 邀为主宾。其他出席者包括我国内阁成员与国会议 员、来自16个国家和地区的33家商会的海外代表、各 国驻新外交使节等,共约1300人。 晚宴在开始时特别播放了一个精心制作的影片, 为来宾介绍总商会在过去十年取得的重要成绩。

晚宴上,本会也向蔡天宝名誉会长和张松声前任会长颁赠褒扬 奖,表扬他们所作出的贡献,包括为本会制定深具前瞻性的发展策 略,取得蓬勃发展,以及有效领导董事会执行会务。 在切蛋糕仪式后,主宾李显龙总 理特赠本会一块镌刻着“聚 商惠民”四字的牌匾,鼓励本会与时并进,继续为商界与社稷作出 贡献。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

李显龙总理(右四)特赠本会“聚商惠民”牌匾,鼓励本会与时并进,继续为商界与社稷作出贡献。蔡其生会长(左四)、黄山忠副会长(左三)、 刘泰山副会长(左二)、吴学光副会长(左一)、蔡天宝名誉会长(右三)、张松声前任会长(右二)、郑民川名誉会长(右一)在场见证。

新里程 新篇章”— — 总商会110周年庆系列活动   A New Era, A New Chapter - Celebrating SCCCI’s 110th anniversary



General Affairs Committee Preparing for a New Chapter SCCCI 59th Council Elections In accordance with the Rules of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, a 6-member Election Committee was set up on October 3 to conduct the 59th Council Elections. The committee Chairman was SCCCI President Thomas Chua, with members comprising Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, Vice-President Roland Ng, Vice-President Lau Tai San, Vice-President Wu Hsioh Kwang, and General Affairs Committee Chairman Thomas Pek. The election was conducted between the months of October and December. The President, three Vice-Presidents, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the various committees will be selected from among the council members of the 59th Council in January 2017. The 59th Council’s Installation Ceremony will be held on March 15 2017 and its term of office is from March 2017 to March 2019.

Stage 1 Election Results The first stage of the Elections was held on October 12. A total of 15 Corporate and Individual members and 3 Trade Association members were elected from the 58th Council. Corporate and Individual Council Members elected at this stage were: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Name Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Chan Hock Keng George Goh Tiong Yong John Lim Hwee Chiang Kuah Boon Wee Lee Sze Leong Ng Siew Quan Patrick Ng Philip Kia Er Chew Quek Soo Boon Roland Ng San Tiong Tan Bock Huat Tang Kin Fei Wu Hsioh Kwang Zhong Sheng Jian

Represented Company Yeo-Leong & Peh LLP WongPartnership LLP Meiban Group Pte Ltd ARA Trust Management (Suntec) Limited MTQ Corporation Limited Sing Investments & Finance Ltd PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Pan-United Corporation Ltd Ichi Seiki Pte Ltd iGlobe Partners Pte Ltd Tat Hong Holdings Ltd Min Ghee Auto Pte Ltd Sembcorp Industries Ltd Straco Corporation Ltd Yanlord Land Pte Ltd

Trade Association Council Members elected at this stage were:

Name 1 Ang Kiam Meng 2 Charles Ho Nai Chuen 3 Thomas Pek Ee Perh

Represented Association Restaurant Association of Singapore Singapore Jewellers Association Sarawak Importers & Exporters Association

Stage 2 Election Results From October 25 to November 2, Trade Association members elected 14 Council Members from amongst themselves. Trade Association members elected at this stage were: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Name Allan Tan Soo Seng Chua Kee Teang David Tang Sheung Ching Edward Ang Boon Cheow James Ow Chin Seng Lim Geok Khoon Pang Lim Tan Choon Boon Tay Khiam Back Ted Ngo Soo Lin Yeo Hiang Meng Ernie Koh Jyh Eng * Michael Lim Ah Poh * Ong Chu Poh *

* denotes new council member

Represented Association Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association Singapore Paper Merchants Association Singapore Chinese Drug Importers & Exporters Guild Textile & Fashion Federation (Singapore) Singapore Metal and Machinery Association Print & Media Association, Singapore The Society of Modern Management, Singapore Singapore Houseware Business Association Singapore Fruits and Vegetables Importers & Exporters Association Singapore-China Business Association The Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore Singapore Furniture Industries Council Singapore Vehicle Traders Association Private Nursing Home Association (Singapore)

Stage 3 Election Results From December 14 to December 22, Ordinary Corporate Members and Ordinary Individual Members elected 23 Council Members out of 26 qualified candidates. Trade Association members elected at this stage were: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Name Annie Gan Giok Em Chan Hian Siang Chia Chor Meng Chia Kim Huat Chris Leong Sin Kuen David Loh Tai Min Eric Khua Kian Keong Francis Ko Oon Joo Hwang Yee Cheau Kho Choon Keng Leong Wai Leng Lim Hock Chee Pek Lian Guan Sherman Kwek Eik Tse Simon Goh Lian Seah Tan Aik Hock Tony Lim Peng Koon Anthony Tan Kang Uei* Koh Wee Seng* Mark Lee Kean Phi* Ng Poh Wah* Tan Tong Hai* Tew Koon Huat*

* denotes new council member

Represented Association SCB Building Construction Pte Ltd SP Chemicals Pte Ltd Chia Khim Lee Food Industries Pte Ltd Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP Leung Kai Fook Medical Co Pte Ltd Kian Min Express Transport Pte Ltd Vibrant Group Limited Hong Aik Property Pte Ltd TP Dental Surgeons Pte Ltd Lian Keng Enterprises Pte Ltd Bank of Singapore Limited Sheng Siong Supermarket Pte Ltd Tiong Seng Contractors Pte Ltd City Developments Ltd Glass Point Construction Pte Ltd Yuantai Fuel Trading Pte Ltd Peng Kwee Watches and Jewellery Pte Ltd Singapore Press Holdings Limited Aspial Corporation Limited Sing Lun Holdings Ltd Fong Yi Marine Supplies Pte Ltd StarHub Ltd TKT Development Pte Ltd

Building our Singapore of Tomorrow National Day Dinner The Chamber celebrated Singapore’s 51st year of independence with a National Day Dinner at Orchard Hotel on August 8. Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs, was the Guest of Honour for the occasion. Among the 590 guests who attended the National Day Dinner were members of the diplomatic corps, officials from government agencies, business and community leaders. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day Message was screened for the benefit of all present.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

President Thomas Chua delivering opening remarks at the National Day Dinner.

总务委员会   general affairs committee



General Affairs Committee Chamber Community

Council Members Networking Sessions

Council Members Receiving 2016 National Day Awards

Networking sessions continued to be held on a bi-monthly basis after Council meetings, to foster greater camaraderie among members of the 58th Council.

Four council members were conferred with National Day Awards by Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore, in recognition of their merits and service to the nation.  Vice-President Wu Hsioh Kwang received the Public Service Medal (PBM)  Chairman of the General Affairs Committee Thomas Pek Ee Perh received the Public Service Star (BBM)  Honorary Council Member Leong Mun Sum received the Public Service Star (BBM)  Council Member Tay Khiam Back received the Public Service Star (BBM)

Council members gathered at Sky View Kitchen, Singapore Flyer on March 24, ELEMEN on May 27, and Tung Lok Signatures on July 29. The September session was pushed back by a month to October 28, and was held concurrently with the annual Staff Function and the 110th Anniversary Thank You Dinner, at the Chamber auditorium.

Maintaining Service Excellence ISO 9001:2008 Standards Certification In the continued drive for service excellence, the Chamber successfully maintained its ISO 9001:2008 standards certification under TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd for provision of membership services.


Research & Publications Committee

Work for the Pre-Budget 2016 Survey was launched in mid-November 2015; it lasted for 7 weeks and gathered the feedback of 331 enterprises and 34 trade associations. Summing up the feedback, the Chamber put forward four recommendations and released its report to government agencies on January 11: 1. Government to be more nimble, efficient and bold to create a probusiness environment for businesses and SMEs to thrive and drive our economic growth. 2. Set up Cost Review Committee to comprehensively look at major rising costs faced by businesses, such as rental, manpower, utilities, transport costs and government fees. This also includes easing compliance costs through a coordinating government agency, and rental cap on government properties. 3. Develop Future-ready SMEs by providing Pro-SMEs schemes to transform, innovate and help SMEs build track records both locally and abroad. Make schemes on changing business model and innovation easier for SMEs to quality and apply. 4. For manpower issues, support through subsidies for hiring and training of older workers; support industry trade associations to develop skills ladder classification for Levy & Work Pass Renewal; and enable more SMEs to benefit from SkillsFuture. A number of Chamber’s recommendations were subsequently adopted by the Government in Budget 2016.

(From left) Thomas Chua, Chairman & Managing Director of Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd and President of SCCCI; Angela Kok, Advisor to Executive Chairman, Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd; Pamela Loo, Business Development Manager, Focus Network Agencies (S) Pte Ltd and Paul Loo, Group CEO of Focus Network Agencies (S) Pte Ltd were the panelists of the family business sharing session held on January 21. The session was moderated by Ng Siew Quan (far right), Asia Pacific Entrepreneurial and Private Clients Leader of PwC Singapore.

SCCCI-PwC Family Business Survey Release and Sharing In 2015, the Chamber embarked on a survey with knowledge partner PwC to conduct an in-depth study on the topic of Family Business Succession. Altogether the survey covered 112 family businesses from a wide spectrum of trades and industries; following nine months of analysis, involving a total of 112 respondents and seven case studies with selected family businesses, the findings were revealed at an event held on January 21 at the Intercontinental Hotel. It was attended by 120 invited guests. The findings were presented by Ng Siew Quan, Asia Pacific Entrepreneurial and Private Clients Leader, PwC Singapore. As he went through the report, Mr Ng singled out some interesting results. He drew attention to the clear shift towards greater professionalism in Singapore’s family businesses, and suggested the need to professionalise the family by agreeing on a family constitution which sets out the expectations of the business and its

“rules of engagement”. Where succession planning is concerned, findings show that Singapore’s family businesses tend to be quite open-minded, recruiting from within the family based on merit rather than age or gender. The survey also showed that commitment and passion (77.1 per cent) were ranked as most important attributes in a potential successor, followed by vision (59.3 per cent) and entrepreneurial flair (47.2 per cent). The panel which brought insights on family business succession to a deeper level were Thomas Chua, Chairman & Managing Director of Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd and President of SCCCI; Paul Loo, Group CEO of Focus Network Agencies (S) Pte Ltd and a council member of SCCCI; Angela Kok, Advisor to Executive Chairman, Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd; and Pamela Loo, Business Development Manager, Focus Network Agencies (S) Pte Ltd. The session was moderated by Ng Siew Quan.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Pre-Budget 2016 Survey and Wish-List

研究与出版委员会   research & publications committee

Understanding Business Climate through In-depth Research


Research & Publications Committee Budget 2016 recognised Chamber’s recommendation of helping SMEs via TAs This year’s Budget statement was delivered by Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat on March 24, and a live telecast was arranged for council members to obtain an overall understanding of the Budget statement. Following that, the Chamber issued its Budget response to the media. Chamber’s President Thomas Chua said: “We are glad that the government has heard Chamber’s and business feedback on the concerns and challenges in this year’s budget through the short-term measures to help SMEs. In particular, we are glad that the government recognises the key role that trade associations and chambers can play to help SMEs and industries to upgrade and transform. We strongly urge the trade associations, particularly those from the traditional sectors, to be proactive to explore tapping into this (LEAD-Plus) programme.”

Post-Budget Seminar A week after the Budget was released, Chamber held its post-Budget seminar entitled “Budget 2016 Seminar: Getting Ready for the Future Economy” on April 1 at the Exhibition Room. Invited speakers DBS Senior Economist Irvin Seah and PwC Corporate Tax Partner Lennon Lee, committee members of the Research & Publications Committee, shared their insights on what the 2016 Budget meant for businesses, especially in a restructuring economy. Research & Publications Committee Chairman Charles Ho moderated the Question & Answer segment, and Simon Lim, Group Director (Capabilities & Partnership) from SPRING Singapore joined in as one of the panelists. Some 110 participants turned up for a deeper understanding on the new measures unveiled in the Budget, the impact on their businesses, and how they may tap on new or enhanced measures.

Research & Publication Committee Chairman Charles Ho (second from right) presented tokens of appreciation to DBS Senior Economist Irvin Seah (far left), PwC Corporate Tax Partner Lennon Lee (second from left) and Group Director from SPRING Singapore Simon Lim (far right) for their insightful sharing in the post-Budget seminar.

Family Business Sharing Series (One) In conjunction with SCCCI’s 110th Anniversary celebrations, the Chamber partnered UBS to conduct the first in its sharing session series for 2016 on April 15. Speakers were third- and fourthgeneration leaders of their respective businesses, namely Mark Lee, CEO of Sing Lun Holdings and Chia Weng Kaye, Managing Director of Chuen Chong Food Industries. Held at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, they took turns to share on how their family businesses took different pathways of development, with Sing Lun taking the route of a public listing. Mark Lee pointed out that while a public listing may be conducive for financing purposes, it may have an impact on the corporate decisionmaking process. The company needs to juggle shareholders’ expectations of shortterm profitability with the company’s direction to make important decisions for long-term benefits. Both business leaders, however, concurred on the importance of adhering to traditional values, and of

gaining experience in other companies before joining the family business. Among the topics that were brought up for discussion during the 2-hour sharing session were: resolution of conflicts among family business members; achieving better communication across different generations; considering gender in business succession; pros and cons of public listing; family values and their impact on business; the importance of setting up a family constitution as the family business expands; family concerns (divorce, remarriage, half-brothers and sisters) and their impact on business. The session was attended by 30 guests belonging to family businesses.

Family Business Sharing Series (Two) The second in the Family Business Succession series jointly organised with UBS was held on July 27 at Marina Mandarin Singapore. In keeping with the

Chamber’s 110th Anniversary, the scions of two century-old family businesses – Chop Wah On and Gardenasia – were invited to share their insights. Guest speakers were Tong Kok Wing, belonging to the third generation of Chop Wah On, a traditional medicated oil company established in 1916; and Kenny Eng, Director of Gardenasia Pte Ltd under the Nyee Phoe Group, a landscape architectural firm with a legacy of over a century. Talent attraction, family values and harmony and succession planning were amongst the key topics deliberated during the panel discussion. Both of the family business leaders agreed on the importance of reconciling family harmony and business growth, and on having effective communication between business owners of the founding generation and the next generation. The session was attended by 50 individuals from the family business sector.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Tong Kok Wing, third generation member of Chop Wah On (second from left) and Kenny Eng, director of Gardenasia Pte Ltd (second from right) shared their insights on family business succession in the second session of the series, together with Ng Aik-Ping (far right), director of UBS Family Advisory practice in Asia Pacific. Eddie Gan, Managing Director of UBS AG (far left) moderated the discussion.

研究与出版委员会   research & publications committee



Research & Publications Committee SME Survey 2016 The annual SME Survey was carried out from mid-May to July, and polled a total number of 708 respondents from all sectors, including manufacturing, construction and services sectors. SMEs comprised 96.8 per cent of all respondents. These were some of the key survey findings: Business outlook: While business costs, stiff competition in the Singapore market and manpower shortage remain the key challenges, the impact was less marked compared to the previous year. Restructuring and innovation: More SMEs are also attempting to change their business model in efforts to restructure and innovate. However, there was a significant drop in the percentage of SMEs adopting automation or IT. Rod Lim (middle), owner of Lim Chee Guan Pte Ltd, and Andy Lim (left), Executive Director of JL Family Office, were invited speakers of the third in the family business succession sharing series.

Family Business Sharing Series (Three) The third in the Family Business Succession Sharing Session series was held on September 15 at Pan Pacific Singapore, under the chosen theme of “Family Business Succession and Preserving Wealth for the Next Generation”. Invited speakers were Rod Lim, owner of Lim Chee Guan Pte Ltd, and Andy Lim, Executive Director of JL Family Office. Rod Lim shared his belief that cultivating the next generation’s interest in family business and reaching consensus through continuous communication were the keys to successful business succession. The other speaker Andy Lim shared his experience in managing the wealth accumulated from his family business, which mainly involves participation in investment and charities.

SCCCI-NUS Survey Report on Innovation Effort of SMEs The Chamber partnered NUS Business School Assoc Prof Sarah Cheah to undertake a survey from April-June to study the innovation effort of SMEs in

Singapore, understand the challenges and difficulties encountered, identify areas SMEs need help with, propose recommendations on how government schemes could be adjusted to help SMEs innovate, and what specific initiatives could be developed to help SMEs along. The survey findings were based on a sample size of 233 respondents, of which 99 per cent were SMEs, and 70 per cent came from the services sector. It revealed that only half of SMEs were engaged in innovation efforts. Due to the uncertainty in investment returns, less than 35 per cent had invested in innovation activities in the last two years. At the same time, the survey found that while SMEs were generally open to innovation, they were relatively weak in implementing new ideas. Case studies were also developed among seven of the respondents, to provide a more in-depth reference and to inspire other SMEs on their innovation journey. Subsequently, the report findings were presented to DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam during the 18th SME Conference on August 17.

Manpower: SMEs are retaining their workers in spite of the weak market, but as hiring remains a perpetual challenge, SMEs should restructure their business to attract talent. Internationalisation: A lower percentage of respondents indicated their intention to venture overseas over the next three years, but there was a surge of interest in the Myanmar market. Government assistance: SMEs hope the government would exercise more flexibility and be more pro-business in the areas of manpower needs and land use, especially during the process of transforming their business. In conclusion, the Chamber also included four recommendations to the government: to have a business-focused and flexible policy to facilitate the restructuring and innovation efforts of SMEs; to empower and support trade associations to drive industry development, especially among those from traditional sectors; to create a national-level infrastructure and platform to drive and accelerate SMEs’ IT adoption; and to educate and guide SMEs on how to reap opportunities from new trade platforms, such as the AEC, One Belt, One Road initiative and the proposed TPP.

The annual ICT Survey was conducted on August 17-18 in conjunction with Chamber’s 19th Infocomm Commerce Conference. This survey garnered feedback from 263 respondents and provided insights on the status of SMEs’ ICT adoption and the challenges encountered. The four major findings were: 1. The top benefits of ICT adoption for business are: enabling wider market access; improving productivity; and building a competitive edge.

Enhancing Chamber’s Image with Quality Publications A New Era – A New Chapter – SCCCI’s 110th Anniversary Publication A commemorative publication A New Era – A New Chapter was specially produced in conjunction with the Chamber’s 110th anniversary celebrations. The publication

comes in two separate books packaged within a box set. A New Era, produced in a concertina format, recounts Chamber’s history and achievements over the last ten years. A New Chapter, produced as a book bound in the traditional Chinese style, features interviews with Minister Chan Chun Sing and other personalities associated with the Chamber. A total of 1,500 copies were printed and presented as souvenirs to distinguished guests who attended the 110th Anniversary Gala Dinner on September 23.

2. Most SMEs use ICT solutions largely for their routine corporate functions. 3. While more SMEs have leveraged on social media and the digital economy, only one-third indicated having effective online strategies. 4. Key challenges to ICT adoption by SMEs are: high cost; lack of resources; and uncertainty about the outcome of ICT spending.

Reflecting Business Concerns in Parliament Research & Publications Department helps the Chamber to build in-house research capabilities and supports President Thomas Chua in reflecting business sentiments and needs through Parliament speeches. In his capacity as Nominated Member of Parliament, a position he assumed since March 2016, Mr Chua reflected business needs at Parliament sittings based on research findings from Pre-Budget Survey, SME Survey and other SCCCI in-house research projects. This year, feedback from the business community on several government bills related to CPF amendments, establishment of the Employment Claims Tribunal, SkillsFuture Singapore and Workforce Singapore was also sought by SCCCI and reflected during Parliament sittings.

Recounting Chamber’s achievements in the past decade, A New Era – A New Chapter was produced as a commemorative publication in conjunction with Chamber’s 110th anniversary celebrations.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

ICT Survey 2016

研究与出版委员会   research & publications committee



Research & Publications Committee Chamber’s corporate website took on a modern look and went live in November 2016.

Annual Report 2015 A total of 4,000 copies of the 2015 Annual Report and 3,500 copies of the Chamber’s Financial Report were distributed to members in preparation for the Annual General Meeting on April 29 2016.

Chinese Enterprise The flagship publication of the Chamber, Chinese Enterprise, is a bilingual and bimonthly magazine which features economic trends and topics of high relevance to the local business community. The publication is circulated amongst corporate members of the Chamber, senior management and top executives of government departments, statutory boards, local and overseas chambers of commerce and business associations, as well as embassies and high commissions in Singapore. Other than providing coverage of the Chamber’s events, the editorial team of Chinese Enterprise also conducted interviews with business personalities, researched and wrote on areas of special interest to the business community and invited external contributors to pen insightful articles. A total of six issues were published in 2016, while the fourth and fifth issue of the publication were designed as bumper issues which specifically feature the annual SMEICC Conference and 110th Anniversary Celebrations respectively.

Guide to the 18th Annual SME Conference, 19th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo 2016 The Research & Publications Committee published and compiled relevant information for the Conference Guide which included details on the conference agenda, speakers and profiles of sponsors, exhibitors and participating government agencies of the SME Expo.

Connecting with Members through Websites Corporate Website In conjunction with its 110th anniversary celebrations, the Chamber’s bilingual corporate website was revamped to take on a modern look and went live in November 2016. The renewed site continues to provide access to the latest information on Chamber’s events and enables the public to read and download relevant information, including speeches, press releases and Chamber’s publications. The website also serves as an online portal

for registration of Chamber’s activities, and it links users to a variety of useful websites in Singapore and beyond.

World Chinese Business Network The World Chinese Business Network (WCBN) is a global listing of more than 140,000 records of public-listed companies, large privately-owned firms and SMEs. The website contains a large number of records from mainland Chinese companies which is extremely useful as a reference point for those keen on exploring the China market. The history and profile of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, founded by the Chamber in 1991, can be found in the WCBN website.


Fostering Social Cohesion Inter-Chamber Networking Night 2016 The Inter-Chamber Networking Night, a joint initiative by the SCCCI, the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SMCCI) and the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI), launched since 2011, has become an annual function organised to promote mutual understanding and networking opportunities among members of all three ethnic Chambers. This year’s event, held in conjunction with Racial Harmony Day, was hosted by our Chamber under the auspices of the External Relations Committee. It was held at the lawn of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall on July 14. Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore, in his speech as Guest of Honour of the Inter-Chamber

Networking Night, remarked that the event “provides a valuable platform for members from the three ethnic business chambers to network and strengthen their bonds of friendship and camaraderie”. He added that it allows members to “explore new areas for collaboration that can enhance our enterprise development efforts”. At the same time, he commended the efforts of all three ethnic Chambers in contributing ideas to the Committee on the Future Economy, and urged all to continue working together to build a vibrant and resilient economy that creates values and opportunities for all. Joining Thomas Chua (President of SCCCI) were Dr R Theyvendran (Chairman of SICCI) and Zahidi Abdul Rahman (President of SMCCI), who turned up to enjoy the buffet dinner and the evening’s programme together with their members. The crowd of 300 was entertained by Zheng Hua Primary School Ethnic Fusion Dance Group and Mojomatics, which performed songs in Mandarin, Bahasa and Tamil in keeping with the multi-racial harmony theme.

Hosted by the Chamber at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, the Inter-Chamber Networking Night 2016 was well-attended by members of all three ethnic Chambers. Seen here from left to right: Tang Kin Fei, External Relations Committee Chairman; Dr Theyvendran, SICCI Chairman; Zahidi Abdul Rahman, SMCCI President; Thomas Chua, SCCCI President; Roland Ng, SCCCI VicePresident; Lau Tai San, SCCCI Vice-President; and Chia Kim Huat, External Relations Committee Vice-Chairman.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

外事委员会   external relations committee

External Relations Committee


External Relations Committee Visits by Regional Chinese Chambers

visit to the Chamber on June 15, and gave an update on economic developments in Pakistan.

The Business Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Lianhe Wanbao, Shin Min Daily News, My Paper, and the Digital News Division.

Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM)

Courtesy call by the Malaysian High Commissioner

Media Coverage

On March 17, a 47-member delegation from ACCCIM led by its President Datuk Ter Leong Yap visited the Chamber, to discuss matters relating to the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) and other areas of collaboration between the two Chambers during the year.

Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce A 6-member delegation from the ThaiChinese Chamber of Commerce visited the Chamber on April 4 for discussions on the WCEC.

Courtesy Visits by members of the Diplomatic Corps Courtesy call by the Pakistan High Commissioner HE Nasrullah Khan, High Commissioner of Pakistan to Singapore, paid a courtesy

HE Dato’ Ilango, the newly-appointed High Commissioner of Malaysia to Singapore, led a 5-member delegation to pay a courtesy visit to the Chamber on June 15.

Courtesy call by the United Arab Emirates Ambassador On August 10, the Chamber received a courtesy visit by HE Mohammed Omar Abdulla Balfaqeeh, newly-appointed Ambassador of the UAE to Singapore, and two of his Embassy colleagues.

Building Media Rapport Media lunch with SPH Senior editors and representatives from the various newspaper divisions under SPH were invited to a media lunch with the Chamber management on February 22 to be acquainted with Chamber’s latest developments. The lunch was attended by representatives from the Chinese Media Group, The Straits Times,

The Chamber’s presence in the Chinese and English print and broadcasting media, both local and overseas, was very pronounced throughout the year. Many of our Chamber’s key events, including those belonging to the social/cultural milieu and those related to business and the economy, received prominent media attention and coverage. Efforts to help the business community transform and restructure were also highlighted in the media. In particular, news on the 110th Anniversary celebrations, launched during the Lunar New Year gathering, and which culminated in the Gala Dinner on September 23, found its way into mainstream media and other broadcasting channels in the region. Social functions and those with a strong cultural or educational agenda, such as the Remembrance Event for Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, the War Memorial Service, International Women’s Day Celebrations, and the Mid-Autumn Festival gathering cum Launch of the University Scholarship Endowment Fund, were picked up by the media. The Chamber also continued to attract great media coverage in the business and economic sphere, focusing on family business seminars, announcement of various survey findings, overseas missions and exploratory trips, and dialogues with ministers and government agencies. At the same time, the Chamber’s leaders were also often quoted for responses on local and regional business developments and policies related to the business community in Singapore, particularly the SMEs.

Group photograph with the delegation from the Malaysian High Commission outside the Chamber building.


YEN held a Ministerial Lunch with SMS Sim Ann on March 19.

Members’ Night 2016 The Members’ Night held on February 27 at the auditorium saw 310 council members and members coming together for a convivial gathering at this annual function. Members from the various Special Interest Groups, such as the Career Women’s Group, Young Entrepreneurs Network, Mandarin Singing Classes and Toastmasters Club, found the opportunity to network and achieve greater camaraderie. This being the Year of the Monkey, President Chua also urged all members to be as nimble and adaptable as the mythological character of Sun Wu Kong in the Chinese classical novel Journey to the West.

Linking Members through Interest Groups Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN)

the young entrepreneurs to raise relevant feedback, at an informal level, on topical issues of social and economic concern. The first Ministerial Lunch was held with Senior Minister of State Sim Ann on March 19, with discussions being on the government’s role in developing Singapore as a financial hub and investment destination, attracting foreign talent and foreign workers, and the challenges of internationalisation. At the Ministerial Lunch with Minister of State Koh Poh Koon held on August 4, MOS Koh addressed the concern that traditional industries are being edged out by the accelerated development of disruptive technology, and that the non-transparent nature of many countries’ trade policies present obstacles to local enterprises on overseas expansion. He urged SMEs to explore opportunities in non-traditional markets, and advocated that SMEs could join forces to upgrade and clinch projects based on their own strengths.

Ministerial lunches with YEN

Receiving the Macao Chamber of Commerce Youth Wing

YEN, under Chairperson Annie Gan’s guidance and leadership, organised two ministerial luncheons during the year, as an avenue for committee members and

On May 26, a 30-member delegation from the Macao Chamber of Commerce Youth Wing headed by its leader Alex Mok Chi Wai met with the Chamber’s YEN for

discussions on the One Belt, One Road strategy in the Southeast Asian region and the possibility of business cooperation. One of the delegation advisors was Sheng Gang, Coordination Department Deputy Director-General, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR. Going forward, Mr Mok hoped the discussions with YEN would pave the way for greater interaction between Macao and Singapore.

ACCCIM 5th Young Entrepreneurs Conference 2016 YEN Chairperson Annie Gan, accompanied by two committee members Loh Jian Hao and Voo Wei Keong, represented the Chamber to attend the ACCCIM 5th Young Entrepreneurs Conference held at The Zenith Hotel in Kuantan on June 22.

Chinese Values in Business Practice Sharing Sessions Achieving Happy Enterprises On April 28, Dr Lee Peng Shu, Honorary Council Member and Chairman of Tea Chapter Trading Pte Ltd, presented a session to a group of 75 participants, on how to apply family values and traditional Chinese wisdom in managing contemporary enterprises, making a difference in staff

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

商团与会员事务委员会   trade association & membership affairs committee

Trade Association & membership affairs Committee


Trade Association & membership affairs Committee and clientele engagement, thereby achieving happy enterprises.

SMEs taking on the Global Stage Ong Chu Poh, founder of ECON Healthcare Group, was invited to share his experiences on venturing successfully into the China market. The talk was held on October 27 at the Exhibition Room, and attracted 50 participants.

Mentorship Programme YEN continued with its Mentorship Programme in 2016 with three sessions. The first session, held on January 6, invited council member George Goh, Executive Chairman of Meiban Group Pte Ltd, to speak on his experiences in doing business with 30 young entrepreneurs. On April 7, council member Chia Chor Meng, Group Chairman of Chia Khim Lee Group, interacted with young members. For the July 10 session, James Ow, Executive Chairman cum CEO of AnnAik Limited, and Vice-Chairman of the Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee, came forward to share his business insights.

Emerging Industries YEN Forward Thinking Series: Coping with Manpower Constraints: Creative Options and Solutions An interesting mix of leaders from established SMEs and innovators from tech start-ups were brought together on January 18 for a forward thinking discussion on January 18. Panelists were Alex Teo, CEO of Zero Spot Laundry Service; James Wong, Managing Director of O.E. Manufacturing; Koh Thong Boon, Director of 3StepsAhead; and SC Wong, Head of Business Development, Yellow Elevator. A group of 20 participants joined in the session.

Seminar on “The Rise of Crowdfunding in Asia” Lawrence Yong, Co-Founder & CEO of MoolahSense Pte Ltd, was invited to address participants on “The Rise of Crowdfunding in Asia”. Crowdfunding being a relatively new form of financing, Mr Yong clarified on how crowdfunding actually works, its benefits for SMEs and

George Goh kicked off the first YEN Mentorship talk on January 6.

start-up companies vis-à-vis traditional forms of financing, its regulatory and cultural challenges, and the future of crowdfunding in Asia. Twenty people turned up on July 12 for the session.

Community Welfare NVPC-SCCCI Business Leaders Network Lunch YEN organised an “NVPC-SCCCI Business Leaders Network Lunch” with the National Volunteer & Productivity Centre on November 15 at the Orchard Parade Hotel. The turnout of 16 included Melissa Kwee, CEO of NVPC, and other YEN members. During the lunch, NVPC representatives gave a briefing on their programme “Company of Good” as well as their GivingWeek movement. All attendees also shared insights on Singapore’s corporate giving landscape.

CWG was honoured with the “Outstanding Women’s Organizations Award of the Year 2016” on August 1 in Nonthaburi Province, Thailand.

Career Women’s Group (CWG) Throughout the year, the CWG continued to organise meaningful activities based on the four core values of De (Virtue), Zhi (Wisdom), Qun (Fellowship) and Mei (Grace), to promote the holistic development of career women.

Award of the Year 2016”, an award given by The National Council of Women of Thailand (NCWT) under the royal patronage of Her Majesty the Queen, to honour women in ASEAN. Quek Soo Boon, CWG Chairperson, personally received the award from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on August 1 at Impact Muang Thong Thani Exhibition Center in Nonthaburi Province.

Outstanding Women’s Organizations Award of the Year 2016

International Women’s Day celebrations 2016

CWG was invited to attend the Thai Women’s Day event on July 31, commemorating the dual occasions of the royal celebrations, these being the 70th anniversary celebrations of His Majesty the King’s accession to the throne and the 84th birthday celebrations of Her Majesty the Queen. CWG was also honoured with the “Outstanding Women’s Organizations

The flagship CWG event, which celebrates International Women’s Day every March, was organised under the banner of “Breaking Boundaries, Challenging Confines” on March 5 at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel’s Grand Ballroom. The guest speaker line-up consisted of four eminent women business leaders: Wandee Khunchornyakong, Chairman

and CEO of Solar Power Company Group from Thailand; Lim Qing Ru, Co-Founder of Zopim and Director of Product Marketing, Chat, Zendesk Inc, from Singapore; Anne-Patricia Sutanto, Vice-CEO of PT Pan Brothers Tbk of Indonesia; and Chen Chunhua, Co-Chairman and CEO of New Hope Liuhe Co Ltd from China. All four speakers shared candidly on the challenges each met in the work environment and related their experiences and sentiments on how these were overcome. Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, was in attendance as Guest of Honour. In her speech at the conference dinner, she stressed the urgency of raising women’s labour force participation rate, not just for gender equality, but to resolve the demographic challenges of Singapore’s ageing citizen population.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

商团与会员事务委员会   trade association & membership affairs committee



Trade Association & membership affairs Committee

CWG hosted yet another successful International Women’s Day Conference in 2016 and invited speakers from Thailand, Indonesia, China and Singapore to form the panel.

At the same time, Minister Grace Fu said that while the importance of keeping women in the workplace cannot be over-emphasised, we must not forget the importance of starting a family and having children. She advocated having men and women play more equal roles at home, and share the responsibility of raising children. The conference and dinner attracted a participation of 350 altogether, including female ambassadors, career women, members and committee members of CWG.

Guangzhou Municipal Women Entrepreneurs Association Delegation On May 20, 23 representatives of CWG headed by Chairperson Quek Soo Boon received a 38-member delegation from the Guangzhou Municipal Women Entrepreneurs Association, led by its President Zhang Jianhao. Discussions that ensued included an exchange of ideas on enterprise development, investment opportunities in China and Singapore, human resource management, and the concept of innovation. Both sides hoped to

establish closer cooperation and promote two-way trade and business collaboration.

Art Appreciation Session Through arrangements made by Jennifer Lim, an art appreciation session was held for CWG Committee members on January 29 at artist Lin Lu Zai’s art gallery. After watching Mr Lin’s demonstrations of the art of Chinese brush painting, the 14 committee members present each produced paintings under his tutelage.

Art Therapy Workshop On July 19, Art therapist Christine Tok from The Garden of Art Therapy. Eden was invited by Jennifer Lim to conduct a workshop with CWG committee members, who were then taught how to express their inner feelings through art. Ms Tok then analysed each of the artworks produced to enhance mutual understanding among the 12 committee members who attended.

Mindfulness Course On November 8, Angie Chew, Executive Director of Brahm Centre, was invited to give an introductory session on

Mindfulness. Participants learnt how to deal with their stress, depression, career and relationship challenges through mindfulness practices. The session was attended by six participants.

Let’s Care (De) Activities 

Sharing session on “Dialogue in the DARK”

A totally unique networking event was held on January 23 at Ngee Ann Polytechnic to help participants experience what it is like to be visually impaired. Conducted by Choo-Yeoh Cheh Hoon, Managing Director of Social Lab Ltd and Senior Director (Projects) of Ngee Ann Polytechnic, she divided the 18 participants into three groups who were then led through completely dark environments by one visuallyimpaired guide. They could then appreciate the daily routine of the visually impaired, including how they buy food at cafés or cross the road. Mrs Choo-Yeoh also arranged for participants to interact with the guides and understand their daily challenges.

Doing Well in Doing Good: The success in social entrepreneurship Two successful social entrepreneurs held an inspiring session on the fine balancing act of business and social good, and how it all comes together. Shelley Siu, Founder of the Singapore Shawl, and Jessica Cheam, Editor & Founder of Eco-Business, were the two invited speakers who related their respective experiences at this session held at the Exhibition Room on October 21. A total of 16 participants turned up for the session.

2014 and 2015 Entrepreneur of the Year Award, was invited to share her inspiring entrepreneurial journey. Held on August 12 at the Exhibition Room, Mdm Cheah recounted her humble origins as a home-based business for hair treatment which evolved into a successful business which has expanded beyond Singapore to 11 countries across Asia. She was joined by 75 participants.

Let’s Inspire (Zhi) Activities 

Talk on “The Art of Public Speaking”

Eeva Chang, local broadcasting and media personality and an established leader in the education industry, was invited by CWG to spend an afternoon tea session at &SONS on June 25, to share her knowledge and expertise on the power of public speaking. The talk and tea session was attended by 35 participants.

Sharing session on “From Housewife to Award-Winning Entrepreneur”

Cheah Bee Chew, Founder of Bee Choo Origin, and winner of the

Let’s Share (Qun) Activities 

Inter-Cultural Networking Series – Singapore and New Zealand

CWG partnered the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Singapore to

The Inter-Cultural Networking session held with the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce enabled CWG to explore potential business opportunities with counterparts from New Zealand.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Learning more about the notion of Doing Well in Doing Good from two social entrepreneurs.

商团与会员事务委员会   trade association & membership affairs committee



Trade Association & membership affairs Committee hold a session enabling counterparts from Singapore and New Zealand to explore potential business opportunities and gain insights on business backgrounds and culture that contribute to growth. Invited speakers Alexis HorowitzBurdick, Founder of and Managing Director of SEA Sephora, in the beauty brands business, shared on the topic of “Springboard from Singapore, Capturing Regional Markets”; and Joanne Fair, Regional Director of Fonterra Ingredients South & East Asia, the world’s largest dairy exporter, carried on to share on “Becoming Globally Relevant, a NZ Leadership Story”. Held on May 5 at the Exhibition Room, the event attracted a turnout of 45 participants.

jointly organised by the CWG and Health Promotion Board was held on July 31 at the ToTT Store, with the participation of 51 members and their friends. It proved to be an interesting way to network and prepare delicious yet healthy dishes. The nutritionist gave demonstrations on preparing Thai Green Curry Chicken and Red Snapper in Tomato Herb Stock. The subsequent cooking class held on August 28 showed participants how to prepare Olive Fried Rice and Nonya Curry-infused Patties.

 Active Workforce Fitness Class: FIT+

 Seminar on “Active Ageing Healthy Workforce”

CWG held seminars on “Active Ageing Healthy Workforce” as part of its “Health is Wealth” series together with the Health Promotion Board (HPB). Three sessions, held every Friday during the July 8-22 period, covered topics like healthy ageing and nutritional needs; staying physically and mentally active; staying positive and healthy and taking fall prevention measures. The sessions were attended by 29 individuals.

 Healthy Cooking Demonstration Classes

The very first cooking demonstration class in the “Health is Wealth” series

A total of 12 sessions were organised by the CWG and HPB under its “Health is Wealth” series, with the focus being on fitness classes. They were held every Thursday from September 29 to December 15 at the Chamber Auditorium.

Let’s Shine (Mei) Activities  New Year New Look PreChinese New Year Shopping Event

CWG partnered PIN Prestige to organise a style and grooming event at Hilton Singapore on January 13. Three experts were invited to give tips on fashion, make-up and photography. The 25 ladies who took part then patronised Club 21 Style Service, followed by cocktails at the Sky Bar.

 Saturday afternoon Tea Party

A tea party was arranged on Saturday, November 12 at Brasserie Les Saveurs, St Regis Hotel. It was attended by 36 participants.

Mandarin Singing Class As in previous years, the 2016 “Sentimental Hits” & “Folk Songs” classes were conducted on Tuesdays and Saturdays respectively. Four series were organised within the year, with each series spanning 10 sessions. Each class had approximately 30 students.

SCCCI Sentimental Hits Singing Class 2016 Annual Concert Under the guidance of Liu Xiaohong, 26 members of the Sentimental Hits Singing Class put up an Annual Concert at the Chamber’s Auditorium on April 30. They performed popular tunes and melodies to an audience of 320.

SCCCI Folk Songs Singing Class 2016 Annual Concert Thirty members of the Folk Songs Singing Class put up an Annual Concert at the Chamber’s Auditorium on December 3, performing well-loved folk songs to a crowd of 300 under the guidance of singing teacher Liu Xiaohong.


technology Committee

“Leveraging your Existing Fans to win New Customers – Offline to Online Marketing” Deciding on retail locations is always challenging; even after committing to a location, many retailers still struggle to break even or earn more profits. Ebenezer Heng, founder of Kumeiti Social Media and Training Agency, was invited to share some key learning points with 30 participants, namely: why are some choice locations and best business processes not generating enough revenue; the reason why most social/digital campaigns failed; starting an Offline to Online (O2O) marketing campaign from a single name card; leveraging on existing customers to generate more business; and generating new business without additional investments. This masterclass, supported by e2i under the SCCCI SME Learning Labs series, was held on May 27.

Masterclass on “Building your Narrative: Generate Revenue by Engaging Customers with Your Digital Content” This masterclass was designed for those with the following predicaments: retail websites with no visitors, or social media platforms with very low activity levels. Key learning points from speaker Ebenezer Heng, founder of Kumeiti Social Media and Training Agency, and owner of the Facebook page included: the behavioural pattern of the digital economy; the reason for the failure of your social/digital marketing campaign; what a narrative is and how it could be used to generate revenue; structuring the pitch based on the law of attraction; and the 10-20-30 test for your narrative. A group of 25 attended the Masterclass at the Devan Nair Institute on July 8.

A four-part workshop series on growth hacking – applying unconventional marketing strategies to break through, grow faster and stay ahead of the competition, and a path typically chosen by technology start-ups – was held on September 28 and 29, and October 5 and 6. Key learning points for the sessions were: September 28 (Growth Hacking 101 – setting up and running experiments; setting up proper analytics); September 29 (Key metrics, performance indicators and data visualisation; overview of user acquisition channels); October 5 (Paid user acquisition, organic user acquisition); October 6 (Partner & affiliate marketing; search engine optimisation). This workshop series attracted a total of 25 participants over the four sessions.

Raising Productivity with ICT Solutions Seminar on Cloud Computing The Chamber partnered Singtel to organise a seminar on “Keeping your data accessible & secure in the cloud for your day to day business”. Cloud computing has compelling advantages such as reduced cost, greater scalability, increased mobility, faster deployment and instant upgrades. Yet it has caused confusion and created controversies. This seminar, bringing to light how daily business operations and processes could be performed more securely in the cloud than on laptops, and how cloud-based security solutions could improve defences and reduce risk, was held on January 20 at the Exhibition Room. Speakers from Singtel, Othniel Liew and Wilson Tan, addressed a crowd of 35 participants.

Seminar on “Building Business Security with Improved Cashflow and Performance Visibility” On January 21, the Chamber partnered SAP and Inecom to organise a technology forum on maximising cashflow in the midst

of economic uncertainty. Speakers focused on the important areas of “Optimising Inventory”, “Analytics for SMEs” and “Protecting your Data”, pointing out how technology could help to ensure business continuity. The session was attended by an overall number of 50 participants.

Seminar on “Create a Lean and high-performing HR function” Local HR coach Meiliany Wu, addressing 45 participants gathered at the Exhibition Room on March 10, shared insights on effective ways to overcome limited manpower and resource challenges, tackle the increased competition for talent, and ramp up business productivity. She also gave tips on developing a high-performing and productive workforce with enhanced technology infrastructure. The seminar was jointly organised with Deskera.

Seminar on “Futureproof Your Business NOW” Technological advancements have now made it easier for businesses to diversify and look beyond Singapore shores. Now is the time for businesses to innovate, stay relevant or risk being left behind. A seminar held on “Futureproof Your Business NOW”, on May 18 at the Exhibition Room, addressed these very concerns. Altogether, 95 participants turned up to listen to the presentations of “Technology in SMEs today – A Threat or Advantage” by James Wong, Managing Director of James Wong; “5 Digital Marketing Must-Dos for Business to Go Regional” by Tesma Gwee, Senior Manager, Integrated Marketing of Alpha7; “5 Steps to a Successful Sales Enablement Stategy” by Fraser Morrison, CEO of SchiffmanVT; “5 Takeaways on having a Digitised Finance & Accounting Department” by UHY Lee Seng Chan & Co; “5 Habits of an Effective SME – A HR Perspective” by Chan Chiou Hao, VP (Sales & Marketing of JustLogin; and a case study on “The Digital Journey of OGX” by Gene Lim, Managing Director of OGX.

SME HR Workshop – “Reshape the SME Employee Experience” An exclusive SME HR Workshop was jointly organised with Deskera on May 25

科技委员会   technology committee

SCCCI SME Learning Labs

Workshop on “Growth Hacking Your Business Digitally”

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Harnessing technology for business transformation


technology Committee at the Exhibition Room to help business owners and HR professionals reshape the employee experience. The takeaways from the workshop were: to avoid costly compliance issues, attract better talent, deliver a better employee experience, and simplify HR processes. A total number of 40 member companies joined the workshop.

Seminar on “Tapping on Technology to Overcome F&B Industry Challenges”

understand how to manage their sales to grow the business. Speaker Chris Yio, Regional Vice President for Small and Medium Businesses, Asia at Salesforce highlighted grow th oppor tunities in today’s environment, the critical paradigm shifts to grow business, and gave demonstrations on achieving sales excellence. Fifty participants joined the workshop at the Exhibition Room.

Tour of Singtel Data Centre

The Chamber organised a seminar on June 1 to address challenges faced by the F&B industry. Experts were invited to shed light on how F&B players could tap on technology to overcome their challenges and improve operations. Keith Goh from Butterfly Global Pte Ltd spoke about using smart technology and innovation to stay ahead of the competition; Ebenezer Heng of spoke on understanding customer sentiments, while Dr Lek Hsiang Hui from NUS went into the impact of analytics on F&B business. It was attended by 45 participants.

Many businesses are strengthening their network security and data protection capabilities to prevent a brush with the law. Under the latest Personal Data Protection Act, Singapore companies that suffer data breaches could be fined up to a million dollars. The Chamber thus jointly organised a tour of Singtel’s data centre at Comcentre III, enabling participants to obtain a deeper understanding of its data hosting security. The tour was attended by ten participants.

Workshop on “Secret Recipes to Growing Business in a Changing Economy”

Seminar on “Leveraging on Social Media to grow your business”

This workshop was jointly organised with Salesforce on September 16 to help business owners in small businesses

Social Media Strategy

Experts from various social media platforms, namely Emily Huo from Twitter, Jeanne Lee from LinkedIn, Lianne Dehaye from Facebook, and Roger Graham from

Hootsuite Media Inc, were invited by SIRC@ SCCCI as panelists for a seminar on Social Media on March 22. They each shared on the continued relevance of Social Media and their impact on businesses moving forward, with special focus on how to manage Twitter and LinkedIn to grow business, and creating a social media strategy. The panel discussion was moderated by social media strategist Andrew Chow. Attending the seminar at the Auditorium were 230 participants who were either business owners or directors/ managers responsible for sales and marketing, and driving business revenue.

Workshop on “How to use LinkedIn for Business” LinkedIn, with over 400 million users globally, is the world’s social network for professionals. But how could businesses leverage on this platform to harness its benefits? Hence the Chamber invited Jeanne Lee, Manager of LinkedIn Sales Solution, to conduct a workshop on the possibilities and limitations of the freeto-use interface of LinkedIn, as well as the paid solutions, for a better grasp of how to engage on the platform professionally. Held on August 29 at the Unity Room, the workshop attracted participation from 80 individuals.

The seminar on “Make Business Decisions through Smart Usage of Data” shared how SMEs could gain business insights from data.


Now, more than ever, it is essential for all businesses to produce their own winning digitisation strategies to remain relevant in the changing economic landscape. On April 14, experts were invited to conduct a seminar on this particular topic for 60 participants at the Exhibition Room. Speakers were Rika Sharma, Head, Social@ Ogilvy; Yeo Kim Meng, Vice President, Ecosystem – Partner & Solutions, SingPost; Anna Rehermann, Co-Founder, Hacking Asia; and Jeanette Lau, Director, DezainWerkz Pte Ltd. The panel discussion thereafter was moderated by Vincent Loy, Partner, Financial Crime & Cyber Leader, PwC.

Digital Business Transformation Forum Jointly organised with Iasa (An Association for all IT Architects), the forum The New Competitive Edge for Business Success, brought together international, regional and local industry leaders and practitioners to share best practices and skills that are required for success in the new digital economy. It focused on exploring digital business trends, how to architect business to take advantage of these trends, and how to develop and optimise business capabilities for successful digital business transformation. Taking place on April 20 at the Exhibition Room, the line-up of speakers included Billy Ng, President of Iasa Singapore; Koay Seng Tian, Vice President of Iasa Singapore; Aaron Tan Dani, Chairman, Iasa Asia Pacific; Dr Ariffin Marzuki Mokhtar, Vice President, Iasa Malaysia Chapter; and Dr Adrian Yeow, SIM University. The forum presented two panel discussions: “Trend & Strategy for the Digital Business” moderated by Bian Hee Kau, Chief Digital Strategy of ATD Solution, and “Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Business” whose moderator was Aaron Tan Dani. A total of 80 participants came forward to attend the forum.

Selling online is arguably the most representative low-cost solution and effective business model of the 21st century. The workshop was designed specifically for participants to build an e-commerce platform from scratch by using the Shopify store builder. Workshop trainer Jeanette Lau, director of Dezain Werkz, guided participants through a hands-on session at the 8th Floor Computer Lab, and led them through setting up the storefront, setting up delivery and shipping fulfilment, and introducing other plug-in tools to extend store functionalities. A total of 22 people enrolled in the August 4 workshop.

Workshop on “Set up your online store in as fast as 3 days” The Chamber worked with Singtel to conduct a half-day workshop by a Shopify expert, for participants to learn how to build a business on the Shopify platform which is low-cost, quick and easy to use. It was conducted for 25 participants at the Computer Lab and held on September 14.

Workshop on “Customer Conversion – Key Tips on Facebook & Google Marketing” This workshop was tailored for SMEs with little experience in digital marketing to convert visitors to their websites and social media profiles into real customers. It was conducted on November 8 at the Computer Lab by Esteban Pazos, CCO and co-founder of Cleoo Limited, and attended by 25 participants.

Data Analysis Seminar on “Make Business Decisions through Smart Usage of Data” This seminar, held on July 5 at the E xhibition Room, addressed the importance of relying on information to make critical decisions on doing business. A panel of experts were invited to share how SMEs could easily get insights from existing data, obtain new data through

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Seminar on “Chartering a Winning Digitisation Strategy for Your Business”

Workshop on “What You Need to Get Ready to Sell Online?”

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Digitalisation Strategy


technology Committee using Internet of Things (IoT) to make the right business decisions. Invited panelists were Esther Lee from IBM Analytics Tools Leader-ASEAN; Ken Leong, Founder & Director of 361 Degree Group; Vikram Mengi, Fuxi Xerox Solutions Partner; and Lee Teck Kheng, Director of Technology Development, ITE College Central. Daniel Ng, Senior Marketing Director (APAC) of Cloudera moderated the seminar, which was attended by 50 participants.

Cyber Security Workshop on “Future-Proof your Business with Secured Collaboration” The Chamber partnered AVNET to conduct a workshop, addressing the challenges posed by anyone in the mobile Singapore workforce on file sharing and collaboration in the cloud. Workshop trainer guided participants through using IBM I Box to ensure sensitive content does not leave

the company, and how proper usage of the system could keep everyone on the same page and obtain full accountability audit trail. Held at the 8th Floor Computer Lab on October 26, it was attended by 15 participants.

e-Commerce Exploratory Trip USA (San Francisco) E-Commerce Exploratory Trip The Chamber jointly organised an exploratory trip with IE Singapore to San Francisco, to explore e-Commerce business innovation in the heart of Silicon Valley’s eco-system. Held on October 16-22, the trip provided insights for the 31-member delegation led by Chamber’s President Thomas Chua, on how brick and mortar retail businesses can transform their businesses, leveraging on digital marketing, e-commerce and Internet of Things (IoT). The USA e-Commerce Delegation checking in at Yelp, one of the biggest online business directory and review sites in the United States.

Daniel Parnes, Head of Business Development, Optimizely, doing a short quiz with the delegation on which is the most well-liked landing page for Obama’s presidential election campaign.

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科技委员会   technology committee



international affairs Committee China Affairs Seminar on “Chongqing Enterprises Venturing Overseas” and Launch of the Singapore Investment Guide 2015/16 The launch of the Singapore Investment Guide 2015/16 was held on June 2 in Chongqing in conjunction with the seminar on “Chongqing Enterprises Venturing Overseas”. The event was jointly organised with Chongqing CCPIT, CCPIT Training Centre and IE Singapore, and supported by United Overseas Bank and RHTLaw Taylor Wessing. SCCCI was represented by Vice-President Roland Ng who delivered the welcome speech, and International Affairs Committee Chairman Tan Kim Seng. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre and CCPIT Training Centre to deepen the collaboration between both organisations. Following the MOU signing and launch of the guide, the seminar discussed Singapore as a hub and base for China enterprises’ going-out strategy, China and ASEAN

Economic Community integration, crossborder investments, IPO, and how China enterprises may invest in and through Singapore. The event attracted the participation of more than 150 major enterprises from Chongqing.

5th Singapore-China Business Forum – “Chongqing: Springboard to China’s Western Region” The 5th Singapore-China Business Forum organised at the Chamber’s auditorium on July 13 had a specific focus on Chongqing, the locale of the 3rd Singapore-China G2G project. Participants at the forum entitled “Chongqing: Springboard to China’s Western Region” had the opportunity to learn more about the newly established G2G project in Chongqing and business opportunities it is expected to bring to Singapore’s business community, from keynote speaker Han Baochang, Director-General of China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity Administrative Bureau. Other panelists who shared their experiences of investing in Chongqing included Roland Ng, Managing Director / Group CEO of Tat Hong Holdings Ltd;

Tan Tong Hai, CEO of StarHub Ltd; Huang Fan, Senior Vice President, CDL China Limited; Eric Khua, Director & CEO, Vibrant Group Limited; and Dr Richard Yen, Managing Director of Ednovation Pte Ltd. Mr Han also demonstrated support of the Chamber’s plans to set up a second China office in Chongqing to assist SMEs with their expansion plans in Western China, leveraging on the platform provided by the G2G project. There was a turnout of 250 participants for the forum.

China Breakfast Networking Sessions Two breakfast networking sessions were organised by the Chamber during the year. The first session on March 31 was jointly organised with the China Enterprises Association (Singapore), during which 22 participants from the Singapore branches of PRC enterprises exchanged views on ways to leverage on Singapore’s predominant financial services sector, and collaborate with local companies for expansion into regional markets. The June 23 session, which focused on the investment outlook of the second half of 2016, was attended by 25 participants.

(From right) Eric Khua, Director & CEO, Vibrant Group Limited; Roland Ng, Managing Director/Group CEO of Tat Hong Holdings Ltd; Tan Tong Hai, CEO of StarHub Ltd; Dr Richard Yen, Managing Director of Ednovation Pte Ltd; and Huang Fan, Senior Vice President, CDL China Limited, shared their experience of investing in Chongqing, China at the 5th Singapore-China Business Forum. SCCCI’s Vice-Chairman of External Relations Committee Chia Kim Huat (left) was the moderator of this forum.

Keeping track of International Trends ASEAN Integration Seminar – Megatrends, Opportunities and Challenges for Singapore SMEs Following the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) on December 31 2015, and the conclusion of negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on October 8 2015, what is the likely impact on Singapore SMEs and will the AEC and TPP bring about ASEAN integration or greater global collaborations? A joint seminar with Credit Suisse, in collaboration with the Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association, was held on April 11 at the Credit Suisse Wealth Institute to discuss the realities of AEC today as well as what to expect of the TPP. The speaker, Lito Camacho, Vice Chairman of Credit Suisse Asia Pacific and CEO of Credit Suisse Singapore, discussed these megatrends and what SMEs could expect in the short and medium term. The session was attended by 48 participants.

Seminar on “The Art and Science of Internationalisation” When it pertains to internationalisation and venturing overseas, companies need to take into consideration factors such as cultural differences, consumer preferences,

language barriers, financial resources, laws and regulations, amongst many other concerns. A seminar was organised on May 6 at the Unity Room, whereupon speaker Roger Loo, Executive Director of BDO Consultants Pte Ltd, covered areas such as the lessons learnt by Singaporean companies in international markets, the art and science in understanding and preparing for internationalisation, choosing the country, mode of entry, government assistance, and relevant challenges faced when doing business differs across continents, regions and countries. The seminar was attended by 28 participants.

Breakfast Talk on “Myanmar – Asia’s Next Rising Star” Myanmar was chosen as the first country to be featured in the SCCCI Internationalisation Series for 2016. In March this year, Htin Kyaw became Myanmar’s first elected civilian President. Since the new administration took office in April, the country has shown much business potential and a more open approach in welcoming economic development. Singapore is also Myanmar’s second largest foreign investor, with a cumulative investment of $18 billion. Bilateral trade also reached $3.54 billion last year, almost 20 per cent more than in 2014. A breakfast talk was thus presented on June 13 together

with KBZ Group and PwC to get a good gauge on its latest developments. Held on June 13 at the Exhibition Room, speakers from KBZ and PwC Myanmar shared with 100 participants on the overall potential of Myanmar’s newly emerging economy and suitable investment opportunities for local businessmen in Myanmar.

Seminar on “Indonesia – New Reforms, Better Business Opportunities” The second seminar in the SCCCI Internationalisation Series featured the Republic of Indonesia, which is in the process of rejuvenating its economy under the sweeping reforms instituted by President Joko Widodo’s administration. On April 28, the Indonesian government released its 12th economic policy package, focused on enhancing the ease of doing business for the small and mid-sized companies in Indonesia, in a bid to attract more investment. From June this year, Batam was also given a new status, transforming it from a Free Trade Zone into a Special Economic Zone, and putting in place an entirely new 7-man team for BP Batam to accelerate Batam’s development. Partnering the Chamber in organising this seminar were the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore; the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board; and Indonesia Chamber of Commerce

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Lito Camacho, Vice Chairman of Credit Suisse Asia Pacific and CEO of Credit Suisse Singapore, analysed the prospects of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in a seminar held on April 11.

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international affairs Committee

The Chamber co-organised the second seminar in the SCCCI Internationalisation Series with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore; the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board; and Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, featuring the prospects of the economy of Indonesia and emerging investment opportunities under President Joko Widodo’s rejuvenating reforms.

and Industry, Singapore Committee. The seminar, entitled “Indonesia – New Reforms, Better Business Opportunities” was held in the auditorium on July 21, and attracted close to 300 participants. The speaker line-up consisted of HE Ngurah Swajaya, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore; HE Edy Putra Irawady, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Commerce and Industry, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs; Hatanto Reksodipoetro, Chairman of BP Batam; and Farah Ratnadewi Indriani, Deputy Chairman for Investment Climate & Development, Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). They assured the audience that the Indonesian government had introduced countless measures to streamline the process of doing business in Indonesia, and welcomed more investments from Singapore. Rounding up the seminar was an interactive Q&A session moderated by Dr Michael Goutama, Chairman of Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) Singapore Committee.

SCCCI Business Mission to Myanmar (Yangon and Mandalay) Chamber President Thomas Chua brought a 36-member delegation to the Myanmar cities of Yangon and Mandalay on November 7-12, to identify business and

investment opportunities in Myanmar and network with key government agencies and business associations. The itinerary included a special tour of the Singapore-Myanmar Vocational Training Institute, meetings with the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and the Mandalay Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MRCCI). While in Yangon, the whole delegation attended a networking dinner organised by the Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) and an investment briefing on “Yangon’s Economic Outlook”. U Phyoe Min Thein, Chief Minister of Yangon, who was present at the dinner, witnessed the signing of an MOU between SCCCI and MCCC to encourage and assist members of both Chambers to engage in various economic and trade collaborations and identify suitable business partners and opportunities. Both Chambers also hoped the MOU would help to strengthen the bonding between their young Chinese entrepreneurs. During the dinner, both Chambers contributed donations of MMK 20,000,000 (about S$20,000) each to the Yangon Economic Foundation Fund for educational development.


On March 18, the Chamber held a luncheon dialogue with IE Singapore (IES). Chamber President Thomas Chua, Vice-President Lau Tai San and many council members attended the dialogue. Representing IES were its Chairman Seah Moon Ming, CEO Lee Ark Boon, Deputy CEO Satvinder Singh and officers from many divisions. The objective of the dialogue was to explore new areas of collaboration and deepen relations between both organisations. Our Chamber briefed IES on its plans to help SMEs internationalise. These include helping SMEs to improve their international competitiveness and leverage on emerging opportunities from China; strengthening the regional network, especially with Malaysia and Indonesia; taking advantage of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention networking platform; looking into opportunities brought about by the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership ( TPP); utilising digital strategies to develop overseas markets; and establishing the Trade Association

The dialogue concluded by both sides agreeing to work closely on the various collaborative projects so as to benefit more SMEs.

Dialogue with Malaysian Minister for International Trade and Industry

国际事务委员会   interNational affairs committee

Dialogue with IE Singapore

Hub to help industries in their overall transformation.

Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Malaysia’s Minister for International Trade and Industry, accompanied by officers from MITI, Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) held a dialogue with the Chamber on October 19. The dialogue aimed at further strengthening ties and cooperation among the business communities of Singapore and Malaysia. The 13-member delegation was received by Vice-President Lau Tai San and other council members. Various topics raised during the dialogue ranged from Malaysia’s foreign labour policy; the implications of Malaysia’s import and export tax on SMEs; development of Malaysia’s healthcare industry, as well as the potential and challenges of medical tourism in Malaysia.

The Chamber’s council members participating in a dialogue with Malaysia’s Minister for International Trade and Industry Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed.

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commerce & industry Committee

Heng Koon How, Senior FX Strategist, Asia Pacific, Investment Strategy and Research, Credit Suisse (middle) and Prof Chen Kang, Director, MPAM and Chinese EE Programme, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (right) exchanged views on economic trends at the SCCCI-Credit Suisse Mandarin Business Outlook Forum. Moderator of the forum was Young Jinyee, Market Group Head Singapore, Credit Suisse (left).

Equipping enterprises with business strategies SCCCI-Credit Suisse Mandarin Business Outlook Forum In the first week of the new year, the Chamber and Credit Suisse jointly organised its very first event of the year, the Mandarin Business Outlook Forum. The global economy, given developments such as the plummeting of oil prices, the Syrian refugee crisis, and the slowing down of the China economy, and the corresponding impact on local businesses, was put in perspective by a panel of experts including economists and academics. They comprised Dong Tao, Chief Regional Economist for Non-Japan Asia, Credit Suisse; Heng Koon How, Senior FX Strategist, Asia Pacific, Investment Strategy and Research, Credit Suisse; and Prof Chen Kang, Director, MPAM and Chinese EE Programme, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Young Jinyee, Market Group Head Singapore, Credit Suisse, moderated the panel discussion. Held at the auditorium on January 7, the forum was attended by 230 participants.

SCCCI-Credit Suisse Business Outlook Forum The Chamber and Credit Suisse jointly presented a Business Outlook Forum on “Navigating Turbulent Times”, with a strong panel of experts taking turns to deliver their insights on world economies and global markets for 2016, including trends in investment, forex and technology that have an impact on the business landscape. Panelists were Benjamin Cavalli, Managing Director, Head Southeast Asia and Singapore Location Head, Private Banking Asia Pacific, Credit Suisse; John Woods, Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer, Asia Pacific, Private Banking, Credit Suisse; Heng Koon How, Director, Senior FX Strategist, Asia Pacific, Investment Strategy and Research, Private Banking, Credit Suisse; Jeffrey Paine, Founding Partner of Golden Gate Ventures; and Claude Harbonn, Managing Director, Head of Investment Consulting Singapore, Private Banking, Credit Suisse. The forum was held on January 8 at the auditorium and attracted a total of 270 participants.

Seminar on “Strategising for Competitive Advantage and Growth in Uncertain Times” The seminar, conducted by David Wilkins, Managing Partner of DPI Singapore, was held on February 23 at the Unity Room on the 8th floor. Participants learnt how, in an uncertain business environment, they could grow their business and get ahead of the competition by creating their business model clearly, and determine their firms’ Driving Force for effective resource allocation. It was attended by 38 participants.

Seminar on “Integration of Gen Y into your workforce” As the average life-span is getting longer, a multi-generational workforce is becoming commonplace. With more Gen Y joining the workforce, communication at work gets more challenging. The speaker, Kew Lee Teng, Trainer from Charisma Academy, discussed several topics on Gen Y, including work attitude, pursuits, strategies to attract and retain them, and how to harness their potential. The seminar was held on March 8 at the Unity Room and involved 30 participants.


Workshop on “ LEAN Management for Retail” LEAN Management, with proven success in the manufacturing sector, can also be effectively applied in the retail environment. The Chamber thus partnered the Singapore Productivity Centre (SPC) to conduct a workshop on the essential knowledge and skills of applying LEAN Management tools for the retail business. Calvert Lye, Consultant from SPC, explained details of LEAN Management concepts like Kaizen, Value Steaming, Seven Wastes Just-in-time and 5S, and LEAN Management tools like Flow analysis,

Seminar on “Future of Manufacturing: The German Method” While the manufacturing sector in Singapore continued to see a decline in 2015, Germany’s manufacturing sector managed to chalk up a growth of 1.7 per cent in the corresponding period, despite facing similar challenges of rising costs, manpower shortage and stiff global competition. To examine the reasons behind this phenomenon, the Chamber held a seminar on the “Future of Manufacturing: The German Method” on April 21 at the Unity Room, attracting an attendance of the 30 participants. Invited experts, Dr Antonio Feraco, Head of Business Development at the Fraunhofer IDM@NTU project centre, and Steffen Endler, Senior Vice President for Strategy & Business Excellence of Siemens in Singapore, took turns to showcase the German tried-and-tested technologies in reducing time to market, cost and direct labour and future manufacturing trends. The panel discussion was moderated by Dr Chong Chee Leong, Managing Director of Aviation Virtual.

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The Director of Human Capital Consulting & Services (Singapore) conducted a seminar on March 9 at the Unity Room on the amendments to the Employment Act. A total of 43 participants learnt what to expect from the amendments that would come into effect from April 1 2016, including terms of the contract, whether they had to be strictly enforced, employers’ responsibilities on fulfilling the new amendments to the Employment Act, and the assistance packages available. The corresponding English seminar was held on April 29 at the Unity Room for 79 participants.

Process analysis, ECRC technique, and Line balance analysis. A total of 25 member companies participated in the workshop at the Unity Room on April 6.

Invited speaker from the financial industry sharing investment knowledge at the “SMEs Investment” seminar co-organised by the Chamber and IG Group.

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Seminars on “Amendments to the Employment Act 2016”


commerce & industry Committee Mandarin Seminar on “SMEs Investment” The Chamber collaborated with the IG Group to put together a seminar for SMEs on May 17 at the Conference Room. Invited speakers Wong Kon How, Xiao Hongfei and Dar Wong, three practitioners in the financial industry, spoke in turn about how to identify potential investment returns, alternative financing options and managing risks through currency hedging. A total of 40 participants turned up for the talk.

Seminar on “Riding through Economic Turbulence” Vivienne Chiang, Director of KYC Group, conducted a seminar on May 26 for SMEs to learn how they could prepare and strengthen themselves during a period of volatility and economic turbulence so as to surge ahead when the economy recovers. She addressed a group of 30 participants at the Conference Room.

Talk on “Growth or Decline in Challenging Times – It’s your choice” Growing one’s business in tough times is hard to achieve but definitely even more important in the current environment. David Wilkins of DPI Singapore shared three fundamentals of growth in good times or bad: create or redefine your Sandbox to beat the competition; determine the Driving Force of your future growth; and develop a concept for your business that helps you allocate resources effectively. The talk, held at the Unity Room on June 28, was attended by 32 participants.

Seminar on “Making the Internet your Brand’s New Best Friend” Probably the most disruptive technology to date, the Internet has broken down barriers to international expansion and opened up global markets for all companies to exploit and experience explosive growth. Brands such as, Google, Facebook, Tencent, Alibaba, Priceline, eBay, Netflix

and Expedia all crossed US$100 million in revenue within 6 years of being founded. However, many SMEs have failed miserably when it comes to exploiting the Internet because they do not understand what works on the Internet and what doesn’t. Jacky Tai. Director (Strategy) of PwC and Darryun Johnston, Director of Hunterville International, were the experts invited to share Internet strategies directly applicable to business. A total of 36 participants attended the seminar, held at the Unity Room on June 30.

Seminar on “Company’s Tax Obligations for Year of Assessment 2016” The Chamber co-organised a seminar with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) on July 28 at the Unity Room. Participants were briefed on how to file their corporate income tax returns electronically, in line with the Budget 2016 announcement that the mandatory e-filing of Corporate Tax returns will be introduced from YA2018. They were also

Darryun Johnston, Director of Hunterville International, speaking on how to apply Internet strategies to expand businesses effectively, at the seminar on “Making the Internet your Brand’s New Best Friend”.


This one-day workshop employed a very practical and hands-on approach to identify SMART Innovations relevant for SMEs, and how SMEs could capitalise on them for competitive advantage. Dr Chong Chee Leong, Managing Director of Aviation Virtual Pte Ltd, first examined the SMART-impacted SME landscape, and then put together an “opportunity canvas” to show the existing opportunities and threats for local SMEs. There was a turnout of 65 participants for the workshop held at the Unity Room on September 14.

Talk on “Thinking Ahead in Challenging Times” On November 2, FT Liu of DPI Singapore conducted a talk on how to review your business strategy and discover your Driving Force to avoid having a Swiber collapse. Held at the Unity Room, it attracted a turnout of 39 participants.

SCCCI SME Learning Labs Workshop on “6 Habits of Highly Creative People” Held at the Devan Nair institute on July 14, this one-day programme was organised under the SCCCI SME Learning Labs series. Trainer and Solutions Architect Linda Lam from Charisma Academy taught 29 participants to understand how habits could create impact and determine results, and what the six habits of highly creative people are and how they may be adopted. Habit 1 enables you to capture those fleeting thoughts which could be your next big idea. Habit 2 is what drives creative people to find a better alternative. Habit 3 tells you where you should be looking for answers. Habit 4 helps you uncover new possibilities by rethinking the way you think. Habit 5 gives you the bandwidth to learn what is out there and connect new dots together. Habit 6 helps

Masterclass on “Mastering the Key of Innovation Management” This one-day masterclass conducted by Dr Antonio Feraco, Head of Business Development at the Fraunhofer IDM@ NTU, focused on innovation management. The course was based on the following framework: understand what motivates individuals/organisations to invent; define key concepts such as invention, design, innovation, formal and informal organisation struc tures, produc t champion, entrepreneurship, sustaining and disruptive innovation; explain the technology push, market pull, and coupling models of the innovation process and decide how well they offer a satisfactory explanation of the innovation process; and implement a proper innovation strategy according to their own business and related market demand. It was held on July 21 at the Devan Nair Institute and attended by 30 participants.

Masterclass on “Who would bother with Innovation if it does not earn money?” Innovation is regarded by many as something very problematic because of “lack of resources and money” and “not knowing how to go about it”. Mona Lim, Director of Ascentian Consulting, explored SMEs’ innovation model and how to embark on a “profitable” innovation model instead of innovating for the sake of innovating. At the same time, she shared how enterprises could leverage on public resources to gain more mileage on their innovation journey. The masterclass was attended by 18 participants and was held on July 27 at the Unity Room.

Workshop on “How to Build & Lead High Impact Teams” Human capital is the most powerful asset for an organisation to leverage on to stay competitive in an intensive global business environment. However, leaders need to build high impact teams to achieve results and peak performance. Kenneth Kwan, a High Performance Team Strategist, conducted a workshop based on proven

strategies and highly experiential activities, to address this need of building trust and inculcating involvement among team members to transform them step by step into high impact teams with spectacular relationships. It was held at the Unity Room on October 6 and attended by 37 participants.

Workshop on “Business Analytics = Profit? How?” This workshop looked into the relevance and potential of data analytics as applied to business, and how this seemingly technical tool can be used to expand business and improve the bottom-line. Mona Lim, Director of Ascentian Consulting, guided 35 participants through the concept and usage of data analytics on October 11 at the Unity Room.

Workshop on “Putting People First” The workshop conducted by trainer Lawrence Ang on October 27 at Unity Room was attended by a group of 33 participants. He stressed the importance of good communication with staff, cultivating team spirit, trust and respect for employees, and giving due encouragement and recognition for good performance, in helping enterprises to improve results.

Masterclass on “Innovating Your Business for Better Customer Experience” With so many options available to customers these days, businesses need to step up, stand out, be innovative and offer a breakthrough improvement in customer experience. A masterclass was conducted by Dr Patrick Chin, Chief Innovation Officer of Clairvoyant Lab, Asia, using tried-andtested techniques under the SketchSense TM framework, to help participants learn how to achieve service and product innovation easily. All 23 participants of the masterclass held at Unity Room on November 11 were taught how to deliver innovation projects through the SketchSense innovation model with its elements of Scope, Know Your Customer, Emagine, Tell a Story, Create Concept (Test and Learn), Hit the Road.

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Workshop on “A Deep Dive into SMART Innovations for SMEs”

you to bullet-proof yourself from the sting of failure.

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briefed on the tax obligations that need to be observed, key Budget 2016 changes affecting companies and how to benefit from the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme. A total of 65 participants turned up for the seminar.


commerce & industry Committee

Site visit to Benq Guru, an IT company which provides a Smart Store total solution for retail customers.

Workshop on “Driving Progress at Work with Innovation using Jigsaw@Work” The UK-developed behavioural discovery tool – Jigsaw@Work – was introduced to participants during this interactive learning session to help them discover and develop their innovation competency. Among the key learning takeaways of the workshop were: increase awareness of roles of self and others in creativity and innovation; overcome potential challenges to the creativity/innovation process; and learn how to tap the creativity of your team. The trainer was Tan Teck Beng, Director of Performance Leadership, who conducted the workshop on November 16 at the Unity Room, and involved 25 participants.

Digital Marketing series Seminar on “Supercharge your Website & Online Presence” This session was conducted by Abdul Awwal, CTO & Master Trainer and Consultant, Charlesmann Training & Consultancy on October 20. He introduced participants to the possibilities of what a well-designed and structured website can bring, and that it could become a powerful and attractive marketing tool to reach a

huge potential audience. It attracted a turnout of 74 attendees.

Seminar on “The Internet Discriminates Against B2B Brands” Invited experts Jacky Tai, Director (Strategy) and Qiu Jianhan, Consultant, Entrepreneurial & Private Clients of PwC, and Andrew Thomas, President, Ogilvy PR S.E.A & India, shared Internet strategies for B2B companies that could be immediately applicable to business. The seminar was held on November 9 at the Exhibition Room and attended by 63 participants. The IoT Smart Retail and E-commerce Study Trip to Taiwan also included a visit to Vismile, developer of the world’s first 3D virtual fitting room.

IoT Smart Retail and E-commerce Study Trip to Taiwan – July 3-8 The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT), or simply put, the networked connection of physical objects, has led to many breakthroughs in the retail and F&B industries. With the objective of encouraging member companies to explore how IoT, e-commerce and Smart Retail has transformed Taiwan’s retail and F&B industries, and thereafter look into ways to implement sustainable IoT and e-commerce strategies for their respective businesses, the Chamber organised a 5-day study trip to Taipei. The 19 participants of the study trip came from F&B, retail, healthcare, furniture, printing, education, property management and IT-related industries. Over four days from July 4-7, participants arranged for the following site visits: Institute for Information Industry (III), the second largest NGO for ICT development in Taiwan; Vismile, developer of the world’s first 3D virtual fitting room; Advantec, a leading Taiwanese brand specialising in Intelligent Systems; Innovative DigiTech-Enabled Applications & Services Institute (IDEAS), which applies a systematic approach to innovation called Service Experience Engineering (SEE); GRC Cloud, offering an online marketplace and cloud service delivery platform for SAAS and connected products; Aopen, a major provider of

commercial products and applied business solutions of IoT and cloud; Benq Guru, which provides a Smart Store total solution for retail customers; La Fresh demo site at Le BledOR beer restaurant to see how POS can be configured for specific business needs; Taiwan Internet & E-Commerce Association (TiEA), the only association in Taiwan that comprises most private sector players in Taiwan’s Internet and e-commerce industries; Protech, developer of a new hardware and software application focused on self-order and self-check system for the retail sector; and Noodoe, a Smart restaurant experience workshop. The visit to TiEA on July 6 incorporated a Taiwan-Singapore E-commerce Seminar, while on July 7, the Chamber jointly organised a Taiwan-Singapore Smart Retail IoT Seminar and lunch with the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), the foremost non-profit trade promotion organisation in Taiwan.

Addressing business needs in meetings with government agencies Dialogue with JTC A dialogue was held with JTC at the JTC Summit on March 1. It began with JTC

giving a presentation on their industrial projects, including JTC Chemicals Hub @ Tuas South, JTC Space @ Tuas, JTC nanoSpace @ Tampines, JTC Food Hub @ Senoko, JTC Furniture Hub @ Sungei Kadut, JTC Logistics Hub @ Gul, and JTC Space @ Pesawat. The Chamber then shared findings from the SME Survey and Pre-Budget Survey which concluded that businesses faced top challenges in rising business costs, manpower shortage and declined competitiveness. Given that scenario, the Chamber brought up issues pertaining to JTC rentals in the current economic environment, lease terms, space allocation requirements for companies in the new sectoral hubs, and other matters regarding the move to the TA Hub in Jurong Town Hall in 2017.

Meeting with SPRING Singapore The meeting presented an opportunity for Poon Hong Yuen, the new Chief Executive of SPRING Singapore, to be formally introduced to the Chamber’s senior council members and to understand Chamber’s role in the local business community. Mr Poon said that SPRING Singapore would help local companies to develop in the areas of technology and branding to expand their businesses. Other items discussed were on SPRING’S support for the SME Centre@SCCCI and the TA Hub.

The Chamber brought up issues that the business community faced during its dialogue with JTC at the JTC Summit.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Overseas Study Trips

工商业委员会   commerce & industry committee



property management Committee SCCCI Building Maintenance and Leasing In 2016, we continued to carry out maintenance and repair works to the common areas, the office floors, as well as function rooms like the SCCCI Auditorium and Exhibition Room, to ensure that the building is in good and serviceable condition. In 2016, the SCCCI Building achieved an average of 89 per cent office occupancy rate. As of December 2016, revenue from office space rental maintained at $2.61 million, a decrease of 6 per cent from the previous year. Revenue from the rental of Auditorium, Conference Room, Board Room and Exhibition Room amounted to $243,000, representing a 29 per cent increase from the previous year. Car park revenue was $77,000, a decrease of 12 per cent from the previous year.


Singapore River Hongbao 2016 Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong officiated the light-up ceremony of the 9-day Singapore River Hongbao at the Marina Bay Floating Platform on February 6. This annual event was jointly organised by the SCCCI, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore Tourism Board and People’s Association. Singapore River Hongbao also celebrated its 30th Anniversary this year with a photo exhibition. Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation contributed $60,000 to support the event.

Lunar New Year Gathering 2016 The Chamber welcomed the first day of the Lunar New Year of the Monkey on February 8 at the Auditorium, with S. Iswaran, Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) attending as Guest of Honour. Joining him on this occasion were Chan Chun Sing, Minister, Prime Minister’s

Office; Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth & Finance; Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Manpower; Sam Tan, Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office and Manpower; Chee Hong Tat, Minister of State for Health & Communications and Information; Low Yen Ling, Parliamentary Secretary for Trade and Industry & Education. More than 650 guests came for the gathering, including Chamber’s council members and members, ambassadors and high commissioners, business leaders, academics, officials from government ministries and statutory boards; and community leaders. During his welcome speech at the festive gathering, Chamber’s President Thomas Chua announced that the Chamber would be celebrating its 110th Anniversary in 2016 with a series of events throughout the year. The 110th Anniversary logo was then launched by Minister Iswaran, accompanied by President Chua.

SCCCI President Thomas Chua (left) and Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) S. Iswaran (right) hanging ornaments on the Pussy Willow, an auspicious plant which represents prosperity, during the Lunar New Year gathering.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

文教与社会事务委员会   culture, education & community affairs committee

culture, education & community affairs Committee


culture, education & community affairs Committee

At the end of the 49th War Memorial Service, Minister Grace Fu launched the #NeverAgain social media movement, an initiative of the Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence (ACCORD).

49th War Memorial Service The Chamber held the 49th War Memorial Service at the Beach Road Civilian War Memorial on February 15, which is also Singapore’s Total Defence Day. It served as a solemn reminder of that fateful day in 1942 when Singapore fell to the Japanese. Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Grace Fu was the Guest of Honour. The ceremony was attended by some 1,000 guests, including members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of the SAF Veterans League, religious advisors, student uniformed groups, primary and secondary school students, and families of the victims. At the end of the service, Minister Grace Fu launched the #NeverAgain social media movement, an initiative of the Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence (ACCORD). This ground-up effort was launched to raise awareness of the significance of February 15, inviting all Singaporeans to pledge their commitment to be a resilient people, united in the resolve to never again allow Singapore to fall.

Remembering Lee Kuan Yew: Coming Together, Achieving Together

personal reflections of Mr Lee’s legacy and what the Lee Kuan Yew spirit meant for Singapore’s future.

The Chamber, together with eight other community organisations, namely Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), Business China, Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Eurasian Association Singapore, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) and Yayasan MENDAKI, jointly organised a remembrance event to commemorate the legacy of Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew in building a cohesive, multi-racial society.

After the closing remarks delivered by Chan Chun Sing, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Deputy Chairman of People’s Association, all guests joined the chorus to sing “Coming Together, Achieving Together”, composed by the self-help groups about students from different backgrounds learning and progressing together.

More than 1,000 invited guests turned up for the remembrance event held at Stamford Green on March 20. They included leaders from Singapore’s public and private sectors, the business community, council and board members, as well as children and youth representatives from the various community oganisations. One youth representative from each ethnic community came forward to share

On March 23, the first anniversary of the passing of Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, our Chamber paid a special tribute to his memory by leading members on a brisk walk. After the flag-off from Dhoby Ghaut Green at 7.30 am, participants followed a route which passes the Istana Park, up Oxley Rise towards Fort Canning, and passing by National Museum and Singapore Management University before converging at the Finishing Line at the SCCCI Building. A simple but meaningful remembrance ceremony was held in the auditorium. Chamber’s President Thomas Chua referred to Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s observation of a healthy lifestyle and that the event was held specifically to follow his example in his life and work. He added that Mr Lee had left us with “a most precious legacy, which is the country, system and ideals he has built up together with his comrades.” Hence the best way for us to remember him, said Mr Chua, was “to make this country even better, and to continue celebrating and promoting his legacy.” After his speech, Mr Chua laid a bouquet in Mr Lee’s memory, all participants took three bows, and a one-minute silence was observed.

The Chamber paid tribute to Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew by organising a brisk-walking activity on the first anniversary of his passing.

The event concluded with a breakfast reception for the 500 participants who took part in the brisk walk.

SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony 2016 Organised by the Chamber for the very first time, the SAF Day 2016 Combined Rededication Ceremony for CBD and South Zone was held on July 1 at the Chamber’s auditorium. This annual commemorative event serves to provide employers and NSmen with opportunities to publicly reaffirm their commitment and support towards National Defence and recognise their contributions to the security, survival and independence of Singapore. The ceremony was officiated by Minister for Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen. Altogether, representatives of 87 participating

companies, trade associations, ministries and government agencies received their Certificates of Appreciation in recognition of their support to the National Defence initiative. During the ceremony, CPT (NS) Benjamin Ow came forward to share his experiences in NS. Thereafter, he led more than 190 NSmen present in the recitation of the SAF Pledge to faithfully and diligently protect Singapore with their lives. Addressing a crowd of 320 NSmen and guests, Chamber President Thomas Chua said that the SCCCI had pledged its support to National Service from the very beginning. When the first two batches of recruits were enlisted, the Chamber had given them a limited-edition medallion inscribed with 尽忠报国 in Chinese and National Service in English. He also recalled that on February 24 1968, the Chamber had called a meeting at the auditorium to raise funds for National Service and the Singapore Armed Forces. Almost 800 representatives from 382 business entities turned up on that day and donated more than $160,000 on the spot. Later in the same year, the Chamber further helped to raise $1.23 million towards national defence. President Chua said that the Chamber was very pleased to organise the SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony 48 years later, in the very same auditorium.

During the SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony 2016, CPT (NS) Benjamin Ow led more than 190 NSmen present in the recitation of the SAF Pledge to faithfully and diligently protect Singapore with their lives.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Walk the Talk: A Walk for Lee Kuan Yew

文教与社会事务委员会   culture, education & community affairs committee



culture, education & community affairs Committee As he took to the rostrum, Officiating Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen quoted from Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who had spoken on the SAF at the Temasek Society’s 30th anniversary dinner dialogue in 2012. “From the day we started, I knew that we needed a strong SAF and I believe that still remains today. Without a strong SAF, there is no economic future, there is no security.” Dr Ng said that his late fatherin-law and other members of the founding generation had personally experienced the anguish and subjugation under Japanese Occupation, and even continued to stock up on canned food 20 or 30 years after the war. These experiences shaped the deeply held belief of the importance of having a strong defence to protect our country. He thus hoped that all Singaporeans would support the SAF with their hearts, encouragement and solidarity. On special display at the Member’s Lounge were counters put up by the HQ Guards, introducing SAF field rations, and equipment used by NSmen.

Patron of the Arts Awards 2016 In the year under review, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation was nominated for the Patron of the Arts Award by the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC) for its donations to SCCC. The annual Patrons of the Arts Awards organised by the National Arts Council honours corporations and individuals for their invaluable contributions in cash and in-kind towards the advancement of the Singapore arts scene. The awards ceremony and dinner held on July 20 at Shangri-La Hotel was attended by Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman Ko Oon Joo, who received the award on behalf of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation. The Guest of Honour for the ceremony was Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth.

Total Defence Awards 2016 The Chamber was one of the recipients of this year’s National Service (NS) Advocate Awards for Organisations, acknowledging our sustained efforts in increasing employers’ understanding and support of NSmen’s commitments, especially in terms of reservist training. Held on August 26 at the Pan Pacific Hotel, the Total Defence Awards ceremony and Gala Dinner was attended by Vice-President Roland Ng and General Affairs Committee Chairman Thomas Pek. VP Ng represented the Chamber to receive the award from Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen.

Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations The Chamber’s Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations for 2016 saw a significant addition to its usual programme. Besides the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SCCCF) Scholarship presentations to undergraduates pursuing Business and Chinese Studies from four local universities, it held the Inauguration Ceremony for the The Chamber received the Patron of the Arts Award from the National Arts Council.

SCCCF University Scholarship Endowment Fund. The newly-established Endowment Fund would see a donation of $6 million from the SCCCF to five local universities, namely National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, and the Singapore Institute of Technology. The scholarship is tenable for up to three years of each receipient’s studies. SCCCI President Thomas Chua said in his speech that “after its establishment, the Endowment Fund would be able to support the local universities to groom talent over the long term.” The Chamber would also explore ways to effectively link up these educational institutions with business needs, giving students more opportunities to participate in the Chamber’s various activities and be guided by business leaders. Ong Ye Kung, Acting Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills), attended the event to present the SCCCF scholarships and witnessed the signing of the agreements for the Endowment Fund. Addressing all guests in his speech, he acknowledged the Chamber’s staunch support for the cause of education over the years. In particular, he touched upon the Business Scholarships awarded through the SCCCF to local undergraduates since 1997, and other scholarships reaching out to ethnic Malay and Indian students through MENDAKI and SINDA respectively in the spirit of inclusivity. Moreover, Mr Ong said he was happy to learn that SCCIOB has been offering a slew of useful and practical courses which enable entrepreneurs and working professionals to improve their capabilities in management skills, marketing expertise, and industry knowledge. The Mid-Autumn event and Inauguration Ceremony took place in the SCCCI Auditorium on September 9 and gathered many distinguished guests and leaders from the local community.

SCCCF Scholarships

Singapore University of Technology and Design Recipient of the SCCCF Scholarship:  Brian Chen Kai Zhang

Recipients of the SCCCF Scholarships for 2016 were: Recipient of the SCCCF Study Award: National University of Singapore Recipients of the SCCCF Business Scholarships:

 Wee Kai Lin (Bachelor of Business (Accountancy))

Yayasan MENDAKI SCCCF Scholarships

 Fang Ting (Bachelor of Business (Accountancy))  Chan Jing Ting (Bachelor of Business (Accountancy))

 Fadhillah Mohamed Faizan (SMU Bachelor of Business Management and Accountancy)

 Aileen Fu (Bachelor of Business (Accountancy))

 Kashib Shareef Bin Ahmad Hussain (NUS – Bachelor in Law)

Recipients of the SCCCF Chinese Studies Scholarships:

 Nur Hazirah Binte Ridzwan (NTU – Bachelor in Biological Sciences with second major in Psychology)

 Liao Yiran (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies)

 Muhammad Nazim s/o Nazmul Hoque (SIT – Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Honours)

Lee Yu Chao

 Teo Jiayu (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies) SINDA SCCCF Scholarships Nanyang Technological University Recipients of the SCCCF Business Scholarships: 

Glenn Tan Yong Jia (Bachelor of Accountancy & Business Management)

 Kimberley Tan Zhi Ying (Bachelor of Accountancy & Business Management) Recipients of the SCCCF Chinese Studies Scholarships:  Lin Jiaying (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese)  Lin Yijun (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese)  Wang Rui Lin (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese) Singapore Management University Recipients of the SCCCF Business Scholarships:  Soh Jie Qi (Bachelor of Accountancy & Business Management)  Neo Hui Shen (Bachelor of Business Management)  Lisa Tan Jia Ying (Bachelor of Science, Economics)  Melrose Tan Qiu Hui (Bachelor of Business Management)

 Mohammed Jahafar Bin Abdullah (NTU – Bachelor of Arts in English Literature)  Bernard Patrick (NTU – Bachelor in Biological Sciences)

Study awards for Hwa Chong Institution In support of Hwa Chong Institution’s efforts to groom bilingual and bi-cultural talent, the Chamber has been donating $8,000 annually since 2008 through the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation to fund eight study awards valued at $1,000 each. These awards are presented to students who have excelled in the Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP) and Bi-cultural Studies Programme (BSP) from the Upper Secondary to Junior College levels. Both Singaporeans and Permanent Residents are eligible for the awards. Ko Oon Joo, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee Vice-Chairman, presented the awards on behalf of the Foundation at the ceremony held on July 16.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Grooming talent for Singapore

文教与社会事务委员会   culture, education & community affairs committee



culture, education & community affairs Committee 25th Inter-School Group Story-Telling Competition The grand finals of the 25th Inter-School Group Story-Telling Competition took place on July 30. All 30 school teams exhibited great creativity and flair, and even integrated the local Singapore flavour in their storytelling skills. The winning teams for the various categories were: Primary School Category Poi Ching School Tao Nan School CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace Secondary School Category Cedar Girls’ Secondary School St Nicholas Girls’ School Catholic High School Best Script Award Pasir Ris Primary School Deyi Primary School Hwa Chong Institution Primary School Category First Prize : West View Primary School Second Prize : Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School, Nanhua Primary School Third Prize : Anglo-Chinese Primary School, Pasir Ris Primary School Secondary School Category First Prize : Nanhua Secondary School Second Prize : Victoria School, Zhonghua Secondary School Third Prize: : Dunman High School, Hwa Chong Institution Adrian Peh, Chairman of the Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee, represented the Chamber in presenting the awards to the winners from the primary and secondary school categories. SCCCF contributed $4,000 in support of the competition.

SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club 2016-2017 The new committee members were elected on May 25. President Immediate Past President Vice President (Education Division) Deputy Vice President (Education Division) Vice President (Membership) Vice President (Public Relations Division) Secretary Treasurer Sergeant-At-Arms Deputy Sergeant-At-Arms

Joanna Jia Lim Muay Imm Tian Yan Fei Lily Li Hanifa Kahar Tan Simin Zhang Ling Loh Poh Yoke Takumi Ogawa Teow Weng Jee


18th Annual SME Conference, 19th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo 2016 Smart SMEs: Innovate. Collaborate. Accelerate The dynamic shift in economic power and fast-paced developments in technology makes today’s global business landscape increasingly volatile and competitive. Businesses need to cope with an imminent avalanche of changes, disruptions and challenges. In the midst of this rapidly evolving business environment, it is imperative for SMEs to transform into Smart SMEs to navigate this new world. Finding resonance from the relevant theme of “Smart SMEs: Innovate. Collaborate. Accelerate”, the 18th Annual SME Conference, 19th Infocomm Commerce Conference and SME Expo 2016 gathered a record number of 6,000 participants at Suntec Convention Centre on August 17-18. They gained valuable insights from more than 60 entrepreneurs, senior

management personnel, academics, current and next-generation business leaders at this most well-established and longest running bilingual conference organised by the SCCCI.

Keynote address and dialogue with DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam This year’s edition of the SMEICC incorporated a special keynote address by DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam. Some salient messages were communicated during DPM Tharman’s keynote address and the dialogue that ensued on Futureready SMEs, an integral part of the programme. Han Fook Kwang, Editor at Large of The Straits Times, moderated the dialogue with panelists Yeo Hiang Meng, President of The Federation of Merchants’ Associations; Andrew Tjioe, President of the Restaurant Association of Singapore; and Ernie Koh, President of the Singapore Furniture Industries Council.

Deepening of coordination role for effective matching Reassuring everyone that there is still ample potential left in our economy, DPM stressed the need to focus on quality, deep skills, and on creating

fulfilling jobs for everyone. There is a lot of potential left in the economy and in society if we maximise the potential of our people, maximise the potential of our technology, and maximise the potential of internationalisation. He also maintained that the basic challenge in Singapore is not whether we have the schemes for SMEs in place, but how to match supply and demand. While there is much innovation taking place in the research institutes and universities, the more challenging task is how to match demand from SMEs to the supply of new technologies. Recognising that small companies need coordination, DPM outlined the approach. Firstly, using private sector systems integrators to work with the SMEs, find out their needs and demands, aggregate demand, and then work with the research institutions to translate the solutions in a way relevant to the SMEs.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

During the key dialogue at the SME Conference, DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam addressed various issues broached by panelists and imparted insights on how to forge future-ready SMEs.

特别项目   special projectS

Special projects


Special projects How to be Future-ready SMEs During the dialogue segment, DPM addressed various issues broached by panelists. These included providing government support to companies investing in local workers and developing innovations; reviewing the need of opening up more places in certain disciplines for foreign students and PRs in polytechnics; and bringing more realworld experience during the education journey to encourage the younger generation to be more entrepreneurial. Successors of family business from different backgrounds exchanged notes on how to uphold business legacy in the track on “Secrets of Successful Family Businesses: An International Perspective”.

Other highlights of the conference include: Plenary Session/Forum/Track

Panelists and Moderators

Future of the SME Landscape: Challenges, Development and Opportunities

 Ron Sim, Founder, Chairman and CEO, OSIM International Ltd  Wang Haibo, Founder and Chairman, Beijing Wangku Hutong Information Technology Co Ltd  Chua Beeling, Senior Director, Business Operations (Greater China), Unity Technologies  Moderator: Zhou Zhao Cheng, Vice President (New Growth), Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore Press Holdings

Innovation in SMEs – Taking the Bold Leap Forward

 Rodney Tang, Managing Director, Royal T Group Pte Ltd  Alan Chua, Executive Director, Concorde Security Pte Ltd  Christopher Ng, CEO, Rigel Technology (S) Pte Ltd  Moderator: Tay Woon Teck, Executive Director, Risk Advisory, RSM

Secrets of Successful Family Businesses: An International Perspective

 Cindy Goh, Executive Vice President, Corporate and Operations, Meiban Group Ltd  Datuk Ng Yih Pyng, Group Managing Director, Tomei Consolidated Berhad  Yash Poddar, Managing Director, RKBK Ltd  Chong Khai Siang, Business Development Director, Austin Heights Sdn Bhd  Moderator: Ng Siew Quan, Asia Pacific Leader, Entrepreneurial and Private Clients, PwC Singapore

Smart SME: Alert & Agile Towards Disruptive Technology

 Tan Tong Hai, CEO, StarHub  Dr Raj Thampuran, Managing Director, A*Star  Terry O’Connor, CEO, Courts Asia  Kell Jay Lim, Head, Grab Singapore  Moderator: Andrew Thomas, President (SEA), Ogilvy Public Relations

Innovate with Business Sense

 Arindam Som, Head of Consumer Products, BoP Hub Ltd  Rahul Shinghai, General Manager, PayPal Southeast Asia  Harold Lee, Managing Director, XDel Singapore Pte Ltd  Charles Reed Anderson, Vice President, Head of Mobility and IoT, IDC Asia/Pacific  Eric Lew, Executive Director, Wong Fong Industries  Panel Chairman: Kuah Boon Wee, Technology Committee Chairman, SCCCI

Going Social: Utilising Social Media to Boost Business Growth

 Isabella Lau, APAC Community Engagement Lead, Facebook  Elsie Ng, Manager, Head of Relationship Management, LinkedIn  Ella Badis, Social Media Coach, Hootsuite Media Inc  Rika Sharma, General Manager & Head, Social@Ogilvy  Panel Chairman: Daniel Ng, Senior Director, APAC, Cloudera

Innovative solutions for industry applications

Trade Association Hub

A new element of this year’s SMEICC was the Innovation Inoculation Tour to 11 research institutes and enterprises, enabling conference participants to get a ground feel of the available innovative solutions applicable to industry. On August 19, groups of participants gathered at the following centres: A*STAR Data Storage Institute (DSI), Fraunhofer IDM@ NTU, Greendot Café, SIRS Retail Innovation Centre for Enterprise, TDC@Central ITE, 3M Customer Technical Centre, DHL Asia Pacific Innovation Center (APIC), Hessed & Emet, NUS Advanced Robotics Centre, Rolls-Royce Seletar Campus, and Singtel Innovation Centre.

As Singapore undergoes economic restructuring, one key focus of the Chamber is to facilitate the development of the trade associations under its membership network, equipping them with the capabilities to render assistance to their members and to drive industry transformation. Taking the lead from the Chamber, JTC identified Jurong Town Hall for the development of the Trade Association (TA) Hub, which would see trade associations and chambers (TACs) co-located under one roof to promote industry upgrading and cross-industry collaboration, and reduce operating costs by sharing facilities. Additionally, the Chamber will provide Shared Secretariat Services as a value-added benefit to help

TACs overcome their current manpower challenges, given their limited resources in running their own Secretariat. To date, the Chamber’s Secretariat, together with 20 TAs, will be moving on board the TA Hub after the first quarter of 2017. It is hoped that through the TA Hub and the Chamber’s assistance, it would promote more efficient networking amongst TACs and catalyse more crossindustry collaborations amongst TACs. TACs in complementary industries can then come together to develop mutually beneficial strategies for the sectors, pooling resources to organise events such as ministerial dialogues, overseas business missions, and conduct training programmes for upgrading and continuous development.

SCCCI organised a tour to TDC@Central ITE on August 19, in addition to 10 other research institutes and enterprises.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

(From left) Kell Jay Lim, Head of Grab Singapore; Terry O’ Connor, CEO of Courts Asia; Dr Raj Thampuran, Managing Director of A*STAR and Tan Tong Hai, CEO of StarHub shared their views on the impact of disruptive technology during the track “Smart SME: Alert & Agile Towards Disruptive Technology”. Moderator of the dialogue was Andrew Thomas, President (SEA) of Ogilvy Public Relations (far right).

特别项目   special projectS



A New Era, A New Chapter – Celebrating SCCCI’s 110th anniversary

Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) S. Iswaran officiated the launch of the 110th Anniversary logo on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Launching of the 110th Anniversary logo The launch of the 110th Anniversary series of events went off to an auspicious start on the first day of the Lunar New Year, when Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) S. Iswaran officiated the unveiling of the 110th Anniversary logo. It set the stage for a host of specially curated celebratory events.

Charity Golf Tournament First on the agenda was the Charity Golf Tournament held on May 13 at Jurong Country Club, which raised funds for the President’s Challenge 2016. Joining

Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, Guest of Honour for the golf tournament, were other invited guests HE Chen Xiaodong, PRC Ambassador to Singapore, Members of Parliament Lee Yi Shyan and Dr Teo Ho Pin. It succeeded in raising S$150,000 for the President’s Challenge 2016, and the cheque was presented to Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore, on the occasion of the SCCCI-SICCI-SMCCI Inter-Chamber Networking Night hosted by the Chamber on July 14 at the grounds of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. Donations were given to beneficiaries of the President’s Challenge for multi-racial projects including the Yellow Ribbon Fund.

SCCCF University Scholarship Endowment Fund In conjunction with the Chamber’s 110th Anniversary, a new SCCCF University Scholarship Endowment Fund was established to make strategic changes to the scholarship system. This involved expanding the scope of funding, ensuring continuity, and opening up opportunities for students to gain exposure to the business environment and learn from business leaders. The inauguration ceremony was held during the Chamber’s Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations on

The Charity Golf Tournament held on May 13 at Jurong Country Club successfully raised $150,000 for the President’s Challenge 2016.

Participants of the YEN EMERGE Networking Cruise gathered for a cocktail party on the deck.

September 9. Essentially, the Chamber would donate $6 million from the SCCCF to five local universities, namely National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, and the Singapore Institute of Technology. This would be matched with government funds, and total $15 million altogether. Ong Ye Kung, Acting Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Senior Minister of State for Defence, was present to witness the signing of the agreements with university representatives for the new Endowment Fund.

YEN EMERGE Networking Cruise The 110th Anniversary was also celebrated in a novel way by the Young Entrepreneurs Network ( YEN), with an EMERGE networking cruise on the SuperStar Gemini. Before setting sail on September 21, the eve of the key 110th Anniversary events, Minister in Prime Minister’s Office

Prof Yu Dan speaking on the application of ancient Oriental wisdom in modern society and business management.

Chan Chun Sing was invited to hold a dialogue with more than 200 young Chinese entrepreneurs hailing from more than 10 countries and regions. Topics discussed during the fruitful dialogue included the prospect of an ASEAN community, the role of family business conglomerates, emerging technologies and aspirations of young entrepreneurs. While at sea, the entire day of September 22 saw two sharing sessions and two plenary sessions. Prof Yu Dan from Beijing Normal University spoke to participants

about “Eastern Wisdom – The Key to Happy Enterprises” during the first sharing session. The afternoon sharing session saw Dr Tan Lai Yong, lecturer of NUS College of Alice & Peter Tan, sharing his experience of undertaking social entrepreneurship at a rural village in Yunnan. Both plenary sessions which involved local and regional speakers, on “New Generation Success in the 21st Century and Beyond – It’s Hardly a Cruise!” and “Successful Family Businesses, generation after generation – Steady as a ship!”, were very well-received.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

新里程 新篇章”— — 总商会110周年庆系列活动   A New Era, A New Chapter - Celebrating SCCCI’s 110th anniversary



A New Era, A New Chapter – Celebrating SCCCI’s 110th anniversary

4th Trade Association Congress The 4th Trade Association Congress held in the morning of September 23 adopted the theme of “Leading Industry Development in the Future Economy”, and engaged the participation of some 300 representatives from 64 local trade associations. The congress deliberated over the important role trade associations could play in the current economic environment. Besides the four local panelists, the TA Congress invited Christian Erbe, President of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the Greater Reutlingen Region in Germany and the German Electrical & Electronic Manufacturers’ Association, to share his experiences of how his chamber and association had helped their members to successfully transform. In her keynote speech at the congress, Senior Minister

of State for Trade and Industry & Culture, Communit y and Youth Sim Ann highlighted the need for companies to work closely with trade associations and chambers (TACs) in their transformation and growth journey. She also noted the progress of the Trade Association Hub which is expected to commence operations early next year. To ensure that the TA Hub achieves its objectives of upgrading TACs, SMS Sim Ann further shared that SCCCI would be setting up a Trade Association Committee as a platform to drive the development of TACs. SMS Sim Ann also witnessed the launching ceremony of the TA Hub. Representatives of 17 trade associations that had committed to co-locate at the new TA Hub premises came forward to participate in the launch.

Representatives of 17 trade associations which had committed to co-locate at the new TA Hub premises participated in the TA Hub ceremony witnessed by SMS Sim Ann.

110th Anniversary Gala Dinner The Chamber’s celebrations of its 110th anniversary culminated with a grand Gala Dinner held on September 23 at the Raffles City Convention Centre. It was attended by some 300 overseas VIP guests from 16 countries and regions, representing 33 Chinese business organisations. Cabinet ministers, Members of Parliament, members of the diplomatic corps, many established and senior Chinese business leaders, as well as members of the promising younger generation, were among the 1,300 guests who joined us on this special occasion. They were

treated to the screening of a video which incorporated special effects to highlight the significant achievements of the Chamber over the past decade. On this occasion, the Chamber also presented Meritorious Awards to Honorary President Chua Thian Poh and Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng, to acknowledge their foresight and astute capabilities in setting strategic directions for the Chamber to develop and flourish,

and for their leadership in managing the Council’s operations so effectively. After the cake-cutting and wine toasting ceremonies, Guest of Honour Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong presented the Chamber with a plaque bearing an inscription of the four Chinese characters 聚商惠民 – commending the Chamber on Unifying Businesses to Benefit Society. It also echoed the message in PM Lee’s keynote speech, which encouraged

the Chamber to move abreast with the times and continue the good work of contributing to the business community and society at large.

President Thomas Chua and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, together with past presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Chamber, sang “Happy Birthday” to the Chamber and joined in the cake-cutting ceremony.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Chamber’s council members and Cabinet ministers came forward for the wine- toasting ceremony, bringing the 110th Anniversary Gala Dinner to a climax.

新里程 新篇章”— — 总商会110周年庆系列活动   A New Era, A New Chapter - Celebrating SCCCI’s 110th anniversary



附属机构 SCCCI Subsidiaries 113 123


114 124


116 126


117 127


119 131


120 132


Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited SME Centre@SCCCI Pte Ltd IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited


三星大厦 坐落于漆街3号、楼高30层的三星大厦是中华总商会产业私人有限公司、中国广场 控股有限公司和漆街产业私人有限公司三方联合发展的产业。大厦于2005年12月28日 及2011年2月18日分别取得临时入伙准证(TOP)以及法定完工证书(CSC)。 随着在2014年获得建设局颁发的绿色建筑物认证金色奖(Gold Plus Award)后, 三星大厦管理委员会已在2016年8月份完成有关绿色建筑物配备更换工作及工程。 截至12月份,总商会产业私人有限公司目前所拥有的大 厦第15层、第22层至第30 层办公室楼面出租率是100%,租金总收入为1347万元,公司2016年的税前盈余则为 1065万元。与往年一样,本会从 盈 余中拨出600万元捐赠予新加坡中华总商会基金 作公益用途。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

中华总商会产业私人有限公司   chinese chamber realty private limited

中华总商会产业 私人有限公司


中小 企业中心 调整重点 我 国 政 府 对于中小企 业 经 营 能 力 的 提 升 愈 加 重 视 ,也 更 致 力 协 助 中小企业面向未来经济。自2016年起, 新 加 坡中华总商会 中小企 业中心及 其位于大巴窑中心和宏茂桥镇的邻里 中心(简称“中心”)也重新调整商业咨 询服务,以更有 效 地帮助中小企业提 升能力。 在转型的过程中,中心加强了它所 扮演的角色,更致 力协助企业提升业 务能力,也提 倡采用群 体解决方案帮 助企业保 持 竞争力。这旨在 超 越中心 以往的商业咨询服务,更进一步提 升 中小企业的服务水平。为了迎接这一新 挑战,中心的商业 顾问都 接受了密集 的商业培训课程,学习使用更多的商 业自助工具箱,及认识 企 业能力诊断 与评估的框 架。这是为了帮助企业了 解自身优势和需求,以 采用最有 效的 商业解决方案提升企业能力。 同 时 ,位 于 社 区 发 展 委 员 会 CDC)办公室的中区中心继续提供商业 咨服务,也 着重帮助邻里企业 采取精 简的解决方案提高生产力,及 鼓 励它 们以更灵活的思维应对人力短缺和租 金上涨的挑战。

2016年的活动 能力工作坊 中小企业继续面对全球经济前景 低靡、人口老龄化 和本 地 经济结构变 化所带来的挑战,其中包括 激烈的商 业竞争和人力短缺问题。因此,中心通 过一系列工作坊为中小企业提升多元 能力,包括发展营销策略、规划业务、 了解各种融资方 案、跨 境 发 展、建 设 品牌、营业模式转型、人才管理、应用 生产力工具包如5S和7W、重新设计工 作流程以及财务分析等。 中心 在 2016年主 办了39个活 动与 能 力工作 坊,超 过 880家中小企 业 报 名参加这些活 动。工作坊讨论的重点 课 题 包 括“ 制 定 培 训 和 人 才 发 展 路 线图”、 “中小企业在动荡时期的融资

方案”、 “没有商业是照常的”、 “筹资 增长”、 “打造数码化企业”、 “中小企业的 股权和债务融资”、 “发展在线业务推动 您的业务”、 “人才招聘 — —社会化媒体 和人力资源解决方案”、 “打造精益和数码 化企业”和“现金流和金融基准”等。

群体解决方案 中心根据卓越商业诊断框架 推出 了两个集团诊断工作坊,让 企 业以分 组 形式分享各自面 对的问题,共同探 讨 解决方案。中心以往提 供一对一业 务诊断服务,现在通过分组形式,更有 助企业识 别业务 优势和劣势,以制定 改进路线图。同时,中心开始致力协助 零售和餐饮行业业者采取解决方案提 高生产力,针对这两个行业 组 织 解决 方案研讨会,让企业分享行业的挑战、 业务盈利基准和评估。

4月1日,社区发展委员会(CDC)、 标新局和全国中小企业中心之间签署 了合 作 协议,以 继续 帮助邻里微 型企 业发展和转型。

2017年展望 未 来,中心 将 继 续 建 立商业咨询 能力和提 升服务 效率,帮助中小企业 做好准备应对技术变革和全球挑战。 中心面对的挑战在于如 何培养中 小企 业之间的学习和分享文化,鼓 励 共同探索解决方案及通过协作取得进 步。中心的主要工作 重心 在于 帮助中 小企业获取有关战略规划、数码化转 型、战略发展、流程改进、资信科技、 培训和发展、生产力提升方案、人才和 财务管 理等方面的实用技能。中心也 将使用群体解决方案协助新兴与增长 中的餐饮和零售企业取得进步。

提升商业咨询服务能力 中心 特别在一对一商业咨询服务 中增 加了一项能 力评估 环 节,以帮助 中小 企 业有 效 识 别 它 们 需 要 优 先 提 升的重点。中心也与新加坡标新局合 作开办能力发 展诊所,让有意申请能 力发展津贴的中小企业能向当局咨询 其 项目的可行 性 。2016 年,中心 共 提 供大约3800次咨询服务,比2015年 减 少了约 9% 。这 是 由 于 中心正 在 进 行 结构调整,尝试通过专题小组会议 来 加强咨询服务。

帮助微型企业 位于大巴窑建 屋发 展 局中心的中 区中心继续与新加坡商联会合 作,致 力发 展团队 升级计划,以帮助会员提 升 营 销能力。中心 在 这一年共 开办了 19项工作坊,援 助中心地区的微 型企 业。例如,中区中心与人力部及新电信 联办“雇佣法令改革— —提高就业标 准”研讨会,帮助微型企业了解就业法 规和相关自动电子方案。 主要能力工作坊会 包括五月份的 开拓海 外 拓展 路 线图”、六月份“建 立品牌营销和市场营销能力”、七月份 营销101和移动应用工作坊”、九月份 创新营销零售数字化战略”。以小组方 式进行的诊断研讨会是八月份的“中小 企业营销诊断”。

为实现成为“企业第一站”这一长 期目标,中心也将加强与行业专家、政 府机构、贸易协 会 和私营机构的伙伴 关系,为中小企业提供增值服务。


贸工部兼国家发展部政务部长许宝琨医生在 4月1日举办的第三届 中小企业中心大会开幕式上致辞。

中心在 8月17日与18日举办的第18 届中小型企业大会的 参展摊位。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

中小企业中心   sme centre@sccci pte ltd



新加坡 企业中心

10 月 29 日,新 加 坡 企 业中心 于重 庆举 办 新加 坡 投 资指南 2016》发 布会暨“重 庆

继续支持新加坡商家 拓展中国市场

帮助新加坡企业 探寻中国机遇

2016 年,本中心 继 续 在 新加 坡 国 际企业发展 局的“本地企业与协会发 展计划” 简称“LEAD” 下,为在中国 投资、营运与发 展的新加坡 企业提 供 必要的咨询与协助;同时也 继续鼓 励 中国企业通过新加坡进行区域投资, 以 及与 新 加 坡 企 业 联 手 拓 展 区 域 业 务。本中心也与总商会管理学院合作, 按 行业 或 主 题 安 排 新 加 坡 企 业 和 高 层管理人员到中国各个城市考察及培 训,以进一步了解中国的发 展 趋 势与 经商环境。

本中心全 年 截 至 2016 年10月份 共为113家新加坡企业提供咨询服务, 同时也 举 办了12场 论 坛、讲座与 商业 交流活动,吸引约481家新加坡企业参 与。重要项目和活动如下:

中国企业走出去:由新加坡通往 第三方 区域 市场” 截至2016年10月,本中心分别在重 庆市、广东省广州市、福建省厦门市主 办了三场面向中国国内企业的“中国企 业走出去— —由新加坡通往第三方市 场”系列论坛。超过340名中国企业代 表出席上述研讨会。

企业走出去:新加坡及东南亚区域展望与 投资前景研讨会”。黄山忠副会长(左四) 与 国 际 事 务 委 员会 主 席 陈 金 城(左 三 ) 代表本会出席活动及主持新指南发布会。


2016年也是管 理学院的丰收年, 学院的全年收入与盈余连续第二年创 下历史新高。

加强技能培训, 应对市场变化 通过网络教学平台提供全新学习 体验 2016年 6月,管理学院启动了网络 教学平台,通 过混合式学习的模式提 升教学效果。除了传统的课堂学习,学 员也可 在线自主学习。老师 和学员可 通过平台交流。 在线 虚拟课堂的内容包括概念 讲 解、自主阅读、互动学习及练习。学员 可以在网上反复学习,理解概念,取得 温故知新的学习效果。学员如果因出 差或个人原因缺席,也可通过网上学习 赶上进度。 网 络 教 学 平台 也 响 应 新 加 坡 未 来技能 局混合式学习模式的倡议,让 工作 繁 忙 的 人 士 也 能 实 现 终 身 学 习 目标。

新加坡人力部政务部长张思乐(前排右四)、总商会蔡其生会长(前排左四)与“商团管理证书” 全体学员在证书颁发仪式上合影。

提高商团领导及管理人员的专业 水平 配合总商会110周年庆典及进驻商 团中心的计划,管理学院特别开办了商 团管理证书课程。这项课程获得新加 坡劳动力局批 准并提 供津贴,总商会 基金也给 予支持。课程的宗旨为提高 商团秘书处的管理能力,进而协助其 属下会员提 升能力。在课程的最 后一 天,管 理学院也邀请了人力部政务 部 长张 思乐前来进行对话,重点讨 论如 何通过精益企业发展计划(LED)建立 一个更强大的新加坡核心劳工队伍。 来自18个商团组 织的29名学员完成了 课程。

提高中小型企业的生产力及竞争力 管理学院与新加坡制造技术研究 院(SIMTech)联合推出“中小企业服务 转型”课程,通 过 精益计 划帮助 企 业 提高生产力、创造价值、减少和消除非 增值活 动。这项课程也邀请导师到企 业现场与管理层和员工共同参与特定 项目。课程 经由新加坡劳动力局批 准 并提供 超过78%的课程费用津贴,主 要学员对象为餐饮业及零售业人员。 首届课程在五月启动,共 有12位学员 报读。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

凭 藉 超 过 三十 年 的 教 学 经 验 , 总 商会 管 理 学 院 持 续 为本 地 企 业 及 工作人士提 供培训解决方案,并支持 政 府举 措,通过创新培训课程协助企 业提高生产力。与此同时,为了贯彻政 府的终身学习动议及更好地支持技能 创前程培训计划(SkillsFuture),管理学 院也根据学员的个人技能需求提供课 前咨询。

新加坡中华总商会管理学院   singapore chinese chamber institute of business

新加坡中华总商会 管理学院


新加坡中华总商会 管理学院

商务华语学员在第 28 届管理学院毕业典礼上合影。

协助学员掌握相关技能并获取 专业资格 管理学院在2016年为超过6,400名 学员提供培训。11月15日,学院举办第 28届毕业典礼,731名学员获颁企业管 理文凭、专业华文教育文凭、翻译口译 技能文凭及商务华语证书。其中,63名 优秀的商务华语课程学员荣获总商会 基金 颁发的培训奖 励金,10名优秀的 文凭课程学员荣获特优奖励金。

学院各培训中心 语言文化中心 管理学院在语言文化 培训领域享 有盛名,其中“新技能资格(WSQ)工作 场所 华 语”课程 更是广受欢 迎 。学院 开发的17门基础至高级课程也获得劳 发局认证,并在今年开办了逾62班,吸 引超过850位学员参与。 学 院 的 教 学 特 色在于 能 为客户 量身制定合 适的课程内容。学院 2016 年的客户就包括了星 展银 行、英 特 尔

公司、圣淘沙名胜世界、新加坡交易所 等知名的跨国与中小型企业。 学院也通过新加坡穆斯林教育 基金(MENDAKI)合 作,继续为马来族 社群开办WSQ商务华语课程,增进 他 们对华语与华族文化的了解。 除了WSQ课程,语言文化中心也开 办了70班的文凭、证书及短期课程,培 训了820名学员。

商学中心 学院开办的专业商业课程范围十 分 全面,旨在帮助管 理 人员提 升商业 技能。 学院是以 双语教 授 新技能 资格(WSQ)框 架下的“卓越 服务”、 领导与人事管理”及“商务管理”等课 程的知名培训机构之一。学院的双语 教学能力对于聘用本 地 及中国员工来 服务海外客户的企业大有帮助。 自2016年伊始启动的技能创前程 培训补助也使 WSQ课程的个人报读率 增加了200%以上。

2 016 年 ,中 心 开 办 各 类 文 凭 及 非 W S Q 课 程 逾 6 0 班 ,培 训 了 710 名 学员。

专业发展 学院提供的公司培训课程今年深 受欢迎。超过120家公司委托学院为总 计 逾 2, 600名员工开办 实 用的 培 训课 程,以提升他们的工作绩效。 1月至 8月间,学 院 继 续 与新加 坡 国际企业发展 局合办四期“国际商业 伙伴 计 划高级管 理 课程”,带 领 35名 新 加 坡 企 业 家 及 政 府 官员 赴 上 海 、 北京、重庆、宁波、南京及苏州等城市 浸濡学习。


新加坡中华总商会基金2016年所获得的捐款为: $ 中华总商会产业私人有限公司 新加坡中华总商会

6,000,000.00 40,000.00













Multi-Hub Enterprise Pte Ltd 黄山忠先生

10,000.00 10,000.00





陳義明(私人)有限公司 一豐有限公司






5,000.00 6,175,000.00

新加坡中华总商会基金2016年所作出的捐款为: 大学奖学金捐赠基金 - 新加坡国立大学, 南洋理工大学, 新加坡管理大学, 新加坡科技与设计大学及 新加坡理工大学 华社自助理事会

6,000,000.00 800,000.00









春到河畔2016 晚晴园-孙中山南洋纪念馆


S R 纳丹教育提升基金 国家文物局基金-讲华语运动


32,900.67 10,000.00

Casa Raudha Women’s Home



1,000.00 1,976,900.67

新加坡中华总商会基金2016年发放给予晚晴园的捐款为: 稻畑产业新加坡有限公司

5,000.00 5,000.00

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016


新加坡中华总商会基金   singapore chinese chamber of commerce foundation

新加坡中华总商会 基金


孙中山南洋纪念馆 有限公司


访客人数 截 至 1 2 月 6 日 ,本 馆 共 接 待 了 133,347名访客。本馆在馆外推广的各 项外展教育活动一共吸引了538,328人 参与。

无限江山笔底收:新加坡早期 中文报业》特展 上述展览追溯了1881年至1942年间 新加坡中文报章的发 展 历程,其中包 括《叻报》 、 《星报》、 《中兴日报》 、 总汇新报》、《南洋商报》和《星洲日

报》等战前的中文报章。特展展示了超 过一百件图像和文物,探 讨早期报 人 对新加坡报业和印刷业的重要影响。 5月28日,文化、社区 及青年部长 傅海 燕为特展主持开幕。特展于10月9日落 幕,共吸引46,099人次参观。

各项展览 马里士他百年追忆》特展 为了展示新加坡的多元种族文化, 本馆于2015年11月21日推出了《马里士 他百年追忆》特展,开 幕主宾为总 理 公 署 部长陈振 声。本次特展 描绘了马 里士他区百年来的发 展与变化,追溯 各族群在此的互动与生活点滴。展览 于2016 年 4月24日圆 满 落 幕,共 吸引 38,056人次参观。

张志贤副总理为晚晴园特展《天涯共此时:武昌首义与南洋回响》主持开幕,同时参观 展出的历史文物。

裹粽子和民俗舞蹈等传统活动以外, 还呈献了爵士乐演奏和击鼓表演。

配合孙中山先生诞辰150周年,本 馆和辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆共同推 出上述特展,后者首次借出88件珍 贵 文物至新加坡 展示,重点介绍武昌起 义中的关键人物,回顾这场深刻影响中 国以 及海外华人社会的事件,以 及新 加坡华人社群对革命事件的反 应。特 展于11月5日开幕,由副总理 兼国家安 全统筹部长张志贤担任开幕主宾。

重话晚晴— — 天涯明月照晚晴 本 馆 于 9月9日至18日举 办了“ 重 话晚晴 — —天涯明月照晚晴”中秋 灯 会,推出一系列精彩活动,包括手工艺 品工作坊、公开讲座、讲故事、古迹导 览以 及文娱表演等,并以早期新加坡 设 计师设 计的游乐场为主 题,制作了 五 盏 巨 型 灯 笼 ,让 访 客 重 温 儿 时 回 忆。这一系列活动共吸引了23,720参观 人次。

重点活动 晚晴新春齐贺岁 为迎 接 猴 年的到来,本馆从 大年 初一到元宵节(2月8日至22日)举办了 为期两周的“晚晴新春齐贺岁”活动, 推出一系列精 彩的文化节目,如画 脸 谱、猜 灯谜 等,亦邀请 教 育 部代部长  学 校)兼交通部高级政务部长黄志明 为22日的元宵节活动主持开幕。

重话晚晴— — 夜上海 本馆 配合 端 午节的到来 于 5月28日至 29日的周末期间举办了“重 话 晚晴 — — 夜上海”活 动,除了举 行

文化飨宴艺晚晴”文化节 本 馆 于 11月 5日 至 13日 举 办 第 六 届“文化飨宴艺晚晴”文化节。这也是 本会首次与推广华语理事会联办这一 活动。活动包含了传统与现代化元素, 包括儿童故事讲演、家庭关系工作坊、 古迹 追寻 等。活 动共 吸引了15, 386人 参与。

社区合作项目 马里士他文化与美食之旅 本馆配合《马里士他百年追忆》特 展主办“马里士他文化与美食之旅”,

邀请公众以步行的方 式,探索马里士 他 的 地 标 性 建 筑 以 及背 后 的 历史 故 事,寻访这一区的美食。活 动共 吸引 207人参与。

儿童季 今年的 儿童 季 活 动中,本 馆与马 来文化馆以及印族文化馆邀请本地气 球艺术家Lily Tan参与。她以各馆收藏 的文物为灵感制作出气球雕塑— —例 如 从 本 馆 文 物 获 得 灵 感 ,设 计 出 以 20世纪初的传统行业为主题的雕塑。 本 馆 也于 6月11日举 办了制 作 气 球 雕 塑的示范活 动。儿童季的参与人数为 1,537人。

巡回展览 百年回眸:新加坡与辛亥革命》 此特展 是本馆 首次与华 侨 中 学( 高 中 部 ) 的 学 生 联 手 呈 献 的 展 览 。在馆内 研 究员的 协 助下,华中 的 学 生得 以 展 开 资 料 收 集 与 文 字 撰 写工作。展 览的内容除了突出南洋与 新加 坡在辛亥革命中做出的贡献,也 介 绍“星 洲三杰”— — 张 永福、陈 楚 楠和林义顺在孙中山的革命事业里所 扮演的重要角色。此展今年在新加坡 国立大学中文图书馆和唐城坊巡回展 出,共吸引110,678人次参观。

峥嵘岁月:林义顺的生平与贡献 本馆与立化中学共同策划上述 展 览,介绍本 地华 侨先驱林义顺的生平 事 迹,包 括 他 的 早 期 生 活、家 庭 、事 业,叙述他对新加坡发展的贡献。

海外展览 百年回眸:孙中山和他的新加坡 友人》海外展览 本馆为纪念孙中山先生诞辰150周 年,与中国广东省翠亨村的孙中山故 居纪念 馆 联 办此特展。特展于2月1日 开展,共展出本馆收藏的180件文物, 公众扶老携幼前来参与晚晴园举办的中秋灯会。

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

天涯共此时:武昌首义与南洋 回响》特展

孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司   Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Company Limited



孙中山南洋纪念馆 有限公司 包括书法作品、油画和书籍,叙述新加坡革命志士在辛亥革命中扮演的角色。展览于3月31日圆满 落幕,共吸引155,992人次到访。

海外会议 第28届孙中山、宋庆龄 纪念 地 联席会议于11月22日至 25日在中国中山市翠亨村的孙中山故 居 纪念馆举行。共有来自57家机构的108名代表出席本届联席会议。代表本馆出席的是李秉蘐董事、 尹崇明董事、陈亮发馆长和陈丁辉研究员。

出版刊物 本馆于2016年共出版两部刊物,包括《天涯共此时:武昌首义与南洋回响》和《无限江山笔底收: 新加坡早期中文报业》特展图录。

公开讲座 本馆今年举办了下列公开讲座: 日期






3月12日; 新加坡的阿裕尼家族 4月23日


5月29日 觉世牗民独任其难:薛有礼与《叻报》


6月25日 美国驻新加坡首任领事马里士他

《美国驻新加坡首任领事马里士他》 作者理查德·黑尔

《联合早报》的独特故事 7月23日 一报两国:



云烟半世纪:文图学观点看《叻报》 广告行销策略

8月27日 商业与报业:南洋商人的创业历程、 文化贡献与领导角色

南洋理工大学中文系副教授衣若芬博士 南洋理工历史系助理教授郭根维博士


早期传教士在东南亚创办的中文报刊 及其影响

厦门大学新闻研究所所长及日本龙谷大学名誉教 授卓南生博士


《天涯共此时──武昌首义与南洋回 响》特展座谈会

1. 辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆朱祥德馆长 2. 辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆研研究部段君峰主任 新加坡国立大学中文系黄贤强副教授 晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆陈丁辉研究员

11月12日 《从大历史看辛亥革命》


11月13日 《天涯共此时──武昌首义与南洋 回响》特展:策展员背后的故事



The 30-storey Samsung Hub at 3 Church Street is a joint venture development between Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd (CCR), China Square Holdings Pte Ltd and Church Street Properties Pte Ltd. The Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) and the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) for the building were obtained on December 28 2005 and February 18 2011 respectively. The Management Corporation of Samsung Hub has obtained the BCA certification for Green Mark Gold Plus Award in 2014. All the replacement and retrofitting work for the related Green Mark certification was completed in August 2016. CCR currently owns the office space on the 15th, and the 22nd to 30th floors. As of December 2016, the occupancy rate was 100 per cent. Total rental income, inclusive of service charge, was $13.47 million. CCR’s net surplus before tax for 2016 was $10.65 million, out of which $6 million has been donated to Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation to support charitable projects.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Samsung Hub, 3 Church Street, Singapore

中华总商会产业私人有限公司   chinese chamber realty private limited

Chinese Chamber Realty Private Limited


SME Centre@sccci pte ltd Key Highlights A Change in Focus SME Centre@SCCCI (“Main Centre”) and its Satellite Centres located at Central Toa Payoh and Ang Mo Kio (“Satellite Centre), have embarked on a transformation journey since the beginning of 2016 to realign its service offerings to the SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in tandem with the government’s new emphasis to help SMEs build capability and be future-ready. The Centre’s roles are hence enhanced to provide business facilitation in capability upgrading and deepening engagement sharing on group-based solutions and upgrading initiatives. This new mandate is expected to raise the service level of the Centre over and above its existing core in the provision of general business advisory and grant consultation. The change consists of a scaling-up effort to encourage the adoption of groupbased solutions for business sustainability. In meeting this new challenge, the Centre’s business advisors have undergone an intensive competency-based training programme and equipped with the knowledge to use various self-help toolkits, diagnostic assessment framework and checklists to help businesses uncover their own strengths and needs before embarking on solutions to strengthen their businesses. The Satellite Centres located at the CDC (Community Development Councils) offices will also go beyond offering business advisory to help the heartland enterprises adopt simple solutions and change in mindsets in coping with rising manpower and rental issues.

Activities in 2016 Capability Workshops SMEs continue to face keen competition and manpower issues amid challenges such as sluggish global economic outlook, ageing population and structural change in Singapore’s competitive landscape. In response to this, the Centre has put in

concerted efforts to structure and offer a full range of capability workshops in areas such as developing marketing strategy, formulating business plans, becoming a digital enterprise, understanding various funding options, cross-border expansion, branding, digital transformation, talent management, applying productivity toolkits like 5S, 7W, workflow redesign, and performing financial analysis to help businesses improve their operations.

the Centre has incorporated a capability assessment session with structured questions to help the SMEs prioritise their needs in addition to the usual grant consultation session. The Centre collaborated with SPRING Singapore to run four CDG (Capability Development Grant) clinics, enabling interested SMEs to meet the experts for consultation on the feasibility of their projects under the support of CDG.

In 2016, the Centre organised 39 events including capability workshops, attended by more than 880 SMEs. The major capability workshops included “Develop your Training & Talent Roadmap for Growth” in March; “Financing Options for SMEs in Turbulent Times”, “No More Business-As-Usual” and “Fund Raising for Growth” in June; “Creating a Digital Enterprise”, “Equity & Debt Funding for SMEs” and “Develop Online Presence To Drive Your Business” in September; and “Social Media & HR Solutions for Talent Acquisition”, “Creating a Lean & Digital Enterprise” and “Cash Flow & Financial Benchmarking” in November.

Approximately 3,800 advisory cases were recorded in 2016, a decline of about 9 per cent compared to 2015. The slowdown was partly attributed to the restructuring of the Centre to pave way for more groupbased engagement via workshops or focus-group meetings and uptake of projects.

Group-Based Solutions The Centre introduced two GroupDiagnosis workshops in Marketing and Capability Assessment based on Business Excellence Framework to enable a group of SMEs to share their issues and work out solutions. This programme was offered in addition to the one-toone business diagnostic services which the Centre offered in the past to help companies identify business strengths and weaknesses and develop a roadmap for improvement. The Centre has also begun to dedicate efforts in engaging retail and F&B businesses to take up solutions for productivity improvement. Targeting these two sectors, regular solution-based workshops sharing on business challenges, business profitability benchmarks and diagnostic assessments were arranged to encourage uptake of group-based solutions by trade or by locality.

Enhanced Business Advisory For the one-to-one business advisory,

Helping Micro-enterprises The Satellite Centre located in HDB Hub at Toa Payoh continued with its strategic alliance with The Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore, working on group-based upgrading initiatives to help members improve their marketing capabilities. The Satellite Centre organised 19 events including capability workshops to reach out to micro-enterprises in the heartlands. It also organised workshops on “Employment Act Changes” with MOM and Singtel to help micro-enterprises understand the employment regulations and relevant automation package to improve HR processes and simplify payslip and compliance to MOM’s requirements. The major capability workshops include “Developing Your Roadmap for Overseas Expansion“ in May, “Building Branding & Marketing Capabilities for Growth” in June, “Marketing 101 & Mobile Apps Workshop” in July, “Innovation In Marketing” in September, and “Marketing & Strategy for Retail Digitisation” in October. The groupbased diagnostic workshop included “Marketing Diagnosis for SMEs” in August. A renewal of partnership agreement between the Community Development Councils (CDC), SPRING Singapore and SME Centres was signed on April 1 to continue the commitment in helping the heartland micro-enterprises grow and transform.


Looking Ahead to 2017 The Centre will continue to invest in building advisory competencies and service efficiencies to meet the needs of the SMEs amidst rapid technological changes and global challenges.

retail businesses to adopt solutions along the concept of Group-Based Projects to achieve focused results. In attaining its long-term objective to be the First-Stop Centre for the SMEs, the Centre will leverage on partnerships with industry experts, government agencies, trade associations and private organisations to provide value-added services to the SMEs.

A renewal of partnership agreement between the Community Development Councils (CDC), SPRING Singapore and SME Centres was signed on April 1 to continue the commitment of helping heartland micro-enterprises grow and transform.

Finance Capability Workshop – Cash Flow & Financial Benchmarking being conducted at the SCCCI Conference Room on November 30.

Marketing Capability Workshop – Innovation In Marketing was carried out at the SCCCI Conference Room on September 27.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

中小企业中心   sme centre@sccci pte ltd

Its challenge will be to promote a culture of learning and sharing among the SMEs in seeking solutions together and

collaboration for better results. Helping SMEs to acquire practical knowledge in strategic issues, building capabilities and implementation skills in the areas of digital transformation, strategy development, process improvement, ICT adoption, training and development, productivity methodologies, talent and financial management, will be the main scope of its activities. The Centre will also go in-depth to assist the new and growing F&B and


IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre

ISSEC collaborated with Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business in the institute’s International Business Fellowship Executive Programme and led the participants to visit Chongqing Western Logistics City.

Continuous support for Singapore Businesses Venturing into the China Market With the support from IE Singapore under the LEAD project, IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre (ISSEC) continues to provide pertinent advice and assistance for Singapore companies venturing into and developing their businesses in China. Concurrently ISSEC is also continuing its efforts to attract China companies to venture into Southeast Asia through Singapore, as well as collaborate with Singapore companies to develop the regional markets.

ISSEC is also collaborating with the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) to develop training programmes for Singapore companies and senior executives, to various Chinese cities under different industries/themes.

Efforts in Linking Singapore with China Opportunities ISSEC assisted 113 Singapore companies (as of October 2016) by providing business advisory and assistance services. The centre also organised 12 forums, seminars and networking activities, hence reaching out to more than 481 Singapore companies.

China companies venturing overseas: regionalise through Singapore During the year, ISSEC organised a series of seminars targeted at PRC enterprises under the theme “China Enterprises venturing overseas – regionalise through Singapore”. As of October 2016, three seminars were organised in Chongqing, Guangzhou and Xiamen. More than 340 Chinese company representatives attended those seminars.


Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

2016 continues to mark a rewarding year for SCCIOB. The Institution’s annual revenue and profit reached another historical high for the second consecutive year.

SCCIOB set up an e-Learning Portal in 2016 to enhance the learning experience.

Keeping ahead of Changes through Skills Training Introducing a new learning experience through an e-Learning Portal In June 2016, SCCIOB set up an e-Learning Portal to facilitate and enhance our students’ learning experience by means of blended learning. Students will attend lessons which combine classroom learning where everyone including the teacher will have the opportunity to interact

with each other, as well as online selfdirected learning. The online learning will provide virtual lessons comprising concepts explanation, self-directed reading, interactive learning and exercises. Students will have the chance to revisit concepts or exercises as revision or catch up on missed lessons due to personal commitments like business trips. The e-Learning Portal also supports SkillsFuture Singapore’s initiative in advocating blended learning to enable individuals who have busy schedules at work to pursue lifelong learning goals.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

新加坡中华总商会管理学院   singapore chinese chamber institute of business

The Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB), building on more than three decades of experience, continues to provide training solutions for local enterprises and individuals. SCCIOB continues to support the government’s initiatives to help enterprises raise their productivity through innovation training programmes. Individuals are also helped through pre-course counselling based on the skills they need in support of the government’s lifelong learning initiative and the inception of SkillsFuture credit.


Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

Minister of State for Manpower Teo Ser Luck (front row, 5th from left) and SCCCI President Thomas Chua (front row, 4th from left), posed with the trainees of the “Certificate in Trade Association Management” course after the certificate presentation ceremony.

Enhancing the professionalism of Trade Association Leaders and Managers In conjunction with the SCCCI’s 110th anniversary celebrations and the setting up of the TA Hub, SCCIOB specially conducted a Certificate in Trade Association Management course attended by 29 participants from 18 trade associations. The programme was endorsed and funded by Workforce Singapore and supported by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation. The objective of the course was to strengthen the TAs’ secretariat capability which in turn could help their members in upgrading. The highlight of the programme was a dialogue session with Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Manpower at the end of the course. Its focus was on building a stronger Singaporean core and quality workforce through the Lean Enterprise Development (LED) scheme.

Improving SMEs’ Productivity and Competitiveness SCCIOB, in collaboration with Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), helped enterprises to increase productivity and create value by helping them to reduce and eliminate nonvalue added activities through the Lean programme called “Service Transformation for SMEs”. The programme included having mentors on-site at the premises of enterprises, to work on a specific project with the involvement of the management team and staff. Endorsed by Workforce Singapore (WSG), with a funding of more than 78 per cent of the programme fee, it was mainly targeted at the food & beverage and retail sectors. The first run of the programme commenced in May and attracted 12 participants.

SCCIOB trained more than 6,400 individuals in 2016. On November 15, SCCIOB held its 28th Graduation Ceremony which saw a total of 731 students graduating from the Diploma in Business Administration, Diploma in Professional Chinese Teaching, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation, and Business Mandarin programmes. At the ceremony, 63 Business Mandarin programme students and 10 diploma programme students qualified for the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Training Award and Book Prize respectively.

Group photo of Business Mandarin trainees with SCCIOB Management Committee Chairman Lau Tai San (front row, 5th from left) at the Graduation Ceremony.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

Equipping Students with Relevant Competencies and Professional Qualifications

新加坡中华总商会管理学院   singapore chinese chamber institute of business



Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business Respective Centres of SCCIOB Language Studies Centre SCCIOB has affirmed itself as a respectable institution in language training, particularly in being the leading provider for WSQ Business Mandarin courses. With 17 accredited courses ranging from Foundation to Advanced levels being offered, more than 62 runs were commenced, and over 850 students were trained this year.

Apart from conducting WSQ training, SCCIOB also commenced about 70 new classes for its diploma and Certificate programmes and short courses under its Language Studies Centre. A total of 820 students attended these courses.

In 2016, the Business Studies Centre commenced over 60 new classes for its Diploma and non-WSQ courses with a total of 710 students.

Professional Development

SCCIOB continued to equip executives with relevant business capabilities through its comprehensive selection of professional business-oriented courses.

SCCIOB’s customised corporate training solutions were well received this year. More than 120 companies engaged SCCIOB to raise the capabilities of over 2,600 trainees to deliver performance improvement for their business in 2016.

A distinctive feature of SCCIOB’s training programmes is the customisation of course content to cater to its corporate customers. The Centre’s clientele in 2016 includes DBS Bank, Intel Mobile SEA, Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore Exchange and many other established MNCs and SMEs.

The institute remains to be one of the most reputable accredited training providers which offer the greatest number of WSQ courses under the “Service Excellence”, “Leadership and People Management” and “Business Management” frameworks in both Chinese and English, serving companies which employ local and native Chinese staff to serve their international clients.

SCCIOB continued to work with IE Singapore and conducted four International Business Fellowship (iBF) Executive Programme missions between January and August 2016. A total of 35 business representatives and government officials went for the China immersion trips under this programme. Cities visited included Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Ningbo, Nanjing and Suzhou.

MENDAKI continued to be SCCIOB’s partner in offering our WSQ Business Mandarin courses to the Malay community with the objective of getting a better grasp on Chinese language and culture.

The inception of SkillsFuture Credit at the beginning of 2016 has also witnessed an increase of more than 200 per cent in individual enrolment for WSQ courses.

Business Studies Centre

Acting Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence Ong Ye Kung visiting SCCIOB on September 9.


The SCCC Foundation received the following donations in 2016: $ Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

6,000,000.00 40,000.00

Skychem Pte Ltd


Anderco Pte Ltd


James Ow Chin Seng


Lim Hock Chee


Meiban Group Pte Ltd


Min Ghee Auto Pte Ltd


Multi-Hub Enterprise Pte Ltd


Ng San Tiong


Progress Galvanizing Pte Ltd


Singapore Zhimei Pte Ltd


Tan Gee Beng Private Limited


Yit Hong Pte Ltd


Chua Beng Hua


PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

5,000.00 6,175,000.00

The SCCC Foundation made the following donations in 2016: Endowment Fund – National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) & Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) Chinese Development Assistance Council



Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre


Business China


President’s Challenge 2016


Singapore Clan Foundation


River Hongbao 2016


Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Co Ltd


Community Foundation of Singapore – Donation for S R Nathan Education Upliftment Fund


National Heritage Fund – Speak Mandarin Campaign


Casa Raudha Women’s Home


Kampong Glam 51st National Day Celebration Dinner

1,000.00 1,976,900.67

The SCCC Foundation made the following virement to Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall in 2016: Inabata Singapore Pte Ltd

5,000.00 5,000.00

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016


新加坡中华总商会基金   singapore chinese chamber of commerce foundation

singapore chinese chamber of commerce foundation


sun yat sen nanyang memorial hall company limited Visitorship of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall (SYSNMH) In 2016, SYSNMH attracted a total of 133,347 visitors. In addition, 538,328 individuals participated in other outreach programmes.

Special Exhibitions Balestier: A Hundred Years Exhibition, November 21 2015 – April 24 2016 Showcasing the rich history and multicultural heritage of Balestier, this special exhibition featured the characteristics and development of the settlements in the area and highlighted how the different communities had lived and interacted. Launched on November 21 2015, the exhibition attracted a total of 38,056 visitors and exceeded the set target of 35,400 visitors.

Early Chinese Newspapers in Singapore (1881–1942), May 28-October 9 2016 This special exhibition charted the history and development of Chinese newspapers from 1881 to the outbreak of World War II in Singapore. Showcasing more than 100 images and artefacts, it explored the stories of prominent individuals who shaped the newspaper and print industries in its early years. The exhibition was launched on May 28 by Guest of Honour Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, in conjunction with the celebration of Dumpling Festival at SYSNMH. The exhibition attracted 46,099 visitors in total, exceeding the set target of 36,000 visitors.

Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean visiting the historical exhibition “One Night in Wuchang: 1911 Revolution and Nanyang” launched on November 5.

One Night in Wuchang: 1911 Revolution and Nanyang, November 5 2016-April 30 2017 A collaboration between SYSNMH and The Memorial of Wuchang Uprising of 1911 Revolution in Wuhan, this exhibition showcases the historical significance of the Wuchang Revolution of 1911, as well as the personalities involved and the revolutionaries’ plot and plan of action. It also presents the responses of the overseas Chinese community in Singapore and the Revolution’s social impact on the Chinese society. Launched on November 5 by Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security, the exhibition showcased 88 artefacts on display in Singapore for the first time.

Signature Programmes Lunar New Year celebrations The 15 days of the Lunar New Year, from February 8-22, saw SYSNMH ushering in the Year of the Monkey with programmes consisting of Chinese cultural performances, Chinese opera mask painting and lantern riddles.

Ng Chee Meng, Acting Minister for Education (Schools) & Second Minister for Transport, graced the celebrations on February 22.

Wan Qing Weekend: Shanghai Splendour SYSNMH organised its Wan Qing Weekend as part of its Dumpling Festival celebrations. Titled Wan Qing Weekend: Shanghai Splendour, the programme included jazz music and drum performances by young artistes as well as craft activities which went beyond traditional activities such as dumpling-making. Over the May 28-29 weekend, the programme attracted a total of 3,303 participants.

Wan Qing Mid-Autumn Festival The mid-autumn festival celebrations, held from September 9-18, featured cultural performances, craft workshops, storytelling sessions and special guided tours. Five lantern installations inspired by local playgrounds of yesteryear like the iconic Dragon and Pelican playgrounds, drew many visitors and families to SYSNMH. The weekend festivities and week-long Garden Light-Up attracted a total of 23,720 people.

Musicians at the Wan Qing CultureFest 2016 performing to an appreciative audience.

Wan Qing CultureFest SYSNMH held its 6th Wan Qing CultureFest on November 5-13 and co-organised it together with Promote Mandarin Council for the very first time. It featured both contemporary and traditional programmes which included per formances on weekend nights, family friendly workshops and fringe activities such as dramatised storytelling for children, special exhibition public lectures and guided tours, as well as heritage trails. The festival attracted a total of 15,386 visitors to SYSNMH.

Community & Partnership Projects Balestier Heritage and Food Trail In conjunction with the Balestier: A Hundred Years special exhibition, Singapore HeritageFest, and Wan Qing CultureFest, SYSNMH organised a series of Balestier Heritage and Food Trail guided tours in 2016, which showcased different historical buildings and famous eating outlets within the Balestier precinct. The tours attracted 207 participants in total.

Children’s Season 2016: Balloon Bonanza @ Heritage Institutions SYSNMH and the other two heritage institutions, the Malay Heritage Centre

and Indian Heritage Centre, developed and introduced the Heritage Institutions’ Balloon Bonanza for Children’s Season 2016. A number of balloon sculptures inspired by the heritage institutions’ collections were created by local balloon artist Lily Tan and installed within the galleries. For SYSNMH, the balloon sculptures showcased old trades from the early 20th century. A balloon sculpting demonstration was also held on June 11. Overall, this programme attracted a total of 1,537 visitors. Balloon sculptures inspired by old trades were showcased at SYSNMH during the Balloon Bonanza@Heritage Institutions.

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司   sun yat sen nanyang memorial hall comapny limited



sun yat sen nanyang memorial hall company limited Children’s Season 2016: Heritage Hunt @ SYSNMH (Youth Take Over) As part of Children’s Season 2016, SYSNMH organised the Heritage Hunt @ SYSNMH outreach programme in collaboration with ITE College Central. A group of students from ITE College Central developed and organised the hunt’s hands-on activities based on the content of SYSNMH’s permanent galleries.

Travelling Exhibitions

Zhongshan on February 1 as part of the Memorial Hall’s commemorative efforts to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Dr Sun Yat Sen. The travelling exhibition showcased Singapore’s contribution to the 1911 Revolution and involved the display of around 180 artefacts which included calligraphy works, oil paintings and books from the SYSNMH collection. The exhibition was lauded for having presented the Nanyang aspect of Dr Sun’s revolutionary work. It attracted a total of 155,992 visitors by the end of the exhibition.

SYSNMH contributed around 180 artefacts to the exhibition held in Zhongshan, China, which was held to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Dr Sun Yat Sen.

A Moment in History: Singapore and the 1911 Revolution This travelling exhibition is a collaboration between SYSNMH and Hwa Chong Institution, and narrates the historical links between Singapore, China and Dr Sun Yat Sen prior to the success of the 1911 Revolution. It highlights the Prominent Trio, namely Teo Eng Hock, Tan Chor Lam and Lim Nee Soon, important supporters of Dr Sun and also pioneers who had made immense contributions to the local Chinese community. The exhibition travelled to Chinatown Point on May 23-29 and achieved an outreach visitorship of 106,000.

Pioneering Rural Settlements: The Legacy of Lim Nee Soon This travelling exhibition is a collaboration between SYSNMH and River Valley High School. It traces the early life, education, family and business enterprises of Chinese pioneer Lim Nee Soon and focuses on his numerous contributions which left a lasting impact on Singapore.

Overseas Exhibitions A Moment in History: Dr Sun Yat Sen and his Singapore Comrades, Zhongshan, China, February 1– April 4 2016 SYSNMH launched the travelling exhibition titled A Moment in History; Dr Sun Yat Sen and his Singapore Comrades at Museum of Dr Sun Yat-Sen, Cuiheng Village,

Overseas Conferences The 28th Joint Conference of Sun Yat-Sen and Soong Qing-Ling Memorials was held at the Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen in Cuiheng Village, Zhongshan on November 22-25. This annual conference provides member organisations a common platform to report on the progress of their projects, share academic experiences, and also to promote interaction and knowledge exchange. The 28th Joint Conference was attended by 108 representatives from 57 institutions, and SYSNMH was represented by

Board Members Dr Lee Peng Shu, Wan Shung Ming, Senior Manager Alvin Ting and Curator Dr Tan Teng Phee.

Publications SYSNMH published a total of two books in 2016, these being the catalogues for the special exhibitions on “Early Chinese Newspapers in Singapore (1881-1942)” and “One Night in Wuchang: 1911 Revolution and Nanyang”.

SYSNMH organised a total of 11 public lectures in 2016: Date



January 16

Protecting the Balestier Road – A Look Behind the Scenes

Kelvin Ang, Director, Conservation Management from the Urban Redevelopment Authority

March 12 and April 23

The Aljunieds of Singapore

Dr Mariam Aljunied, member of the Aljunied family

May 29

See Ewe Lay, the Founder of Lat Pau

Kua Bak Lim, Singapore Chinese historian

June 25

The Balestiers: The First American Residents of Singapore

Richard Hale, author of The Balestiers: The First American Residents of Singapore

July 23

One Newspaper, Two Countries: The Unique Story of Lianhe Zaobao

Lim Jim Koon, former Chief Editor of Lianhe Zaobao

August 13

Advertising and Marketing Strategies on Lat Pau (Le Bao): In View of Text and Image Theory

Dr I Lo-Fen from NTU

August 27

Doing Business, Making News: Entrepreneurship, Culture, and Leadership in the Nanyang

Dr Koh Keng We from NTU

September 3

Early Missionaries: Chinese Press in Southeast Asia and Its Impact

Dr Toh Lam Seng

November 6

Forum on “One Night in Wuchang: 1911 Revolution and Nanyang”

Zhu Xiangde, Director of The Memorial of Wuchang Uprising of 1911 Revolution; Duan Jun Feng, Head of the Research Department, The Memorial of Wuchang Uprising of 1911 Revolution. Assoc Prof Wong Sin Kiong, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS; Dr Tan Teng Phee, Curator, SYSNMH

November 12

The Xinhai Revolution: A Macro-Historical Perspective

Kua Bak Lim, local historian

November 13

“One Night in Wuchang: 1911 Revolution and Nanyang”: The Curatorial Journey

Dr Tan Teng Phee, SYSNMH Curator

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

SYSNMH Public Lectures

孙中山南洋纪念馆有限公司   sun yat sen nanyang memorial hall comapny limited



来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations 137 137


Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations


来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations 爱尔兰投资与发展机构(东盟及台湾)主任 Gerard Whitty到访。 Gerard Whitty, Director of Ireland Investment and Investment Organisation (ASEAN and Taiwan). 2月11日 February 11

朝鲜 NORTH KOREA 经济和商业代表 Dr Mun Chol到访。 Dr Mun Chol, Economic and Business Representative.

2月23日 February 23

印度 INDIA 印度工业联合会会长 Sumit Mazumdar率领代表团一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Sumit Mazumdar, President of the Confederation of Indian Industry.

2月24日 February 24

中国(云南省) CHINA (Yunnan) 云南省能源投资集团有限公司段文泉董事长一行8人到访。 8-member delegation led by Duan Wenquan, President of the Yunnan Provincial Energy Investment Group Company Limited.

3月16日 March 16

中国(福建省) CHINA (Fujian) 福建省商务厅代表团一行2人到访。 2-member delegation from Fujian Business Bureau.

3月17日 March 17

马来西亚 MALAYSIA 马来西亚中华总商会拿督戴良业会长率领的代表团一行47人到访。 47-member delegation from Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia led by its President Datuk Ter Leong Yap.

3月28日 March 28

中国(云南省) CHINA (Yunnan) 云南省海外交流协会袁光兴副会长一行5人到访。 5-member delegation from Yunnan Overseas Chinese Affairs Office led by its Deputy Chairman Yuan Guangxing.

3月30日 March 30

中国(重庆) CHINA (Chongqing) 重庆市渝北区人民政府秦文敏副区长一行10人到访。 10-member delegation from Chongqing Yubei District People’s Government led by its Deputy Mayor Qin Wenmin.

4月4日 April 4

泰国(曼谷) THAILAND (Bangkok) 泰国中华总商会主席陈振冶率领一行6人到访。 6-member delegation from the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce led by its President Jitti Tangsithpakdi.

来自海外的贵宾和访问团   Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations


新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

1月19日 January 19


来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations 4月4日 April 4

中国(新疆) CHINA (Xinjiang) 中国新疆生产建设兵团商务局邵安军局长助理一行10人到访。 10-member delegation from Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Division led by its Assistant Secretary Shao Anjun.

4月6日 April 6

中国(云南省) CHINA (Yunnan) 中国云南省高树勋领导一行10人到访。 10-member delegation from Yunnan Province led by Gao Shunxun.

4月7日 April 7

中国(重庆) CHINA (Chongqing) 中国重庆中新示范项目管理局韩宝昌局长一行10人到访。 10-member delegation from New (Chongqing) Strategic Demonstration Project Interconnection Authority led by its Commissioner Han Baochang.

4月14日 April 14

中国(吉林省) CHINA (Jilin) 中国贸促会吉林省委员会李建华副会长一行13人到访。 13-member delegation from the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Commission of Jilin Province led by its Deputy Chairman Li Jianhua.

4月20日 April 20

中国(上海) CHINA (Shanghai) 中国上海市工商联高开云副主席一行8人到访。 8-member delegation from Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce led by its Deputy Chairman Gao Kaiyun.

4月21日 April 21

中国(河南省) CHINA (Henan) 河南省商务厅王勇副厅长一行11人到访。 11-member delegation led by Wang Yong, Deputy Director of Henan Provincial Commerce Department.

4月25日 April 25

中国(山东省) CHINA (Shandong) 山东省商务厅王洪平总经济师一行16人到访。 16-member delegation led by Wang Hongping, Chief Economist of the Shandong Business Bureau.

4月25日 April 25

中国(山东省日照市) CHINA ( Rizhao, Shandong) 日照经济技术开发区管委徐淑利主任一行6人到访。 6-member delegation led by Xu Shuli, Director of the Rizhao Economic & Technological Development Zone Management Committee.

4月26日 April 26

台湾 TAIWAN 台湾产业服务基金会低碳策略与技术服务组经理戴茉帆一行2人到访。 2-member delegation led by Dai Mo Fan, Manager of Low-Carbon Strategy and Technology Service Division, Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service.


重庆农村商业银行谢文辉行长一行7人到访。 7-member delegation led by Xie Wenhui, Director of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank. 5月16日 May 16

中国(天津) CHINA (Tianjin) 中新天津生态城大项目办公室王子升主任一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Wang Zisheng, Director of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city Administrative Committee.

5月18日 May 18

中国(广东省佛山市) CHINA (Foshan, Guangdong) 佛山市商务局刘晓明副局长一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Liu Xiaoming, Deputy Director, Bureau of Commerce of Foshan City.

5月19日 May 19

中国 CHINA 中国核工业建设集团公司王寿君董事长一行5人到访。 5-member delegation led by Wang Shoujun, Chairman of China Nuclear E&C Group.

5月20日 May 20

中国(吉林省长春市) CHINA (Changchun, Jilin) 吉林省长春市王君正书记一行13人到访。 13-member delegation led by Wang Junzheng, Party Secretary of Changchun Municipal Government.

5月23日 May 23

中国(云南省) CHINA (Yunnan) 云南省商务厅东盟处王宇处长一行22人到访。 22-member delegation led by Wang Yu, Division Chief of the ASEAN Division, Department of Commerce of Yunnan.

5月25日 May 25

中国(重庆) CHINA (Chongqing) 重庆市九龙坡区丁洪书记一行14人到访。 14-member delegation from Chongqing led by Ding Hong, Party Secetary of Chonqing’s Jiulongpo District.

5月27日 May 27

中国(云南省) CHINA (Yunnan) 云南省总商会杨锦才副会长一行15人到访。 15-member delegation led by Yang Jincai, Deputy Chairman, Yunnan Chamber of Commerce.

6月6日 June 6

中国(河南省平顶山市) CHINA (Pingdingshan, Henan) 河南省人民代表大会常务位院会陈建生副秘书长一行9人到访。 9-member delegation from Henan’s Pingdingshan City led by Chen Jiansheng, Deputy Secretary-General of Henan People’s Standing Committee.

来自海外的贵宾和访问团   Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

中国(重庆) CHINA (Chongqing)

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

5月11日 May 11


来自海外的贵宾和访问团 Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations 6月9日 June 9

中国(广东省广州市) CHINA (Guangzhou, Guangdong) 中国贸促会广州市黄埔区委员辉余寿宁副会长到访。 Yu Shouning, Vice-President of Guangzhou’s Huangpu District Committee, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

6月15日 June 15

巴基斯坦 PAKISTAN 巴基斯坦大使馆高级专员 HE Nasrullah Khan 到访。 HE Nasrullah Kham, Pakistan High Commissioner.

6月15日 June 15

马来西亚 MALAYSIA 新上任的马来西亚大使馆高级专员 HE Dato’ Ilango 到访。 HE Dato’ Ilango, newly-appointed Malaysian High Commissioner.

6月15日 June 15

中国 CHINA 中国驻新加坡大使馆王家荣参赞一行3人到访。 3-member delegation led by Wang Jiarong, Commercial Counsellor from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore.

7月11日 July 11

中国(山东省威海市) CHINA (Weihai, Shandong) 中国山东省威海市商务局于明涛副局长一行7人到访。 7-member delegation from Shandong’s Weihai Coordination Office of CKFTA Local Economic Cooperation led by its Deputy Director Yu Mingtao.

7月11日 July 11

中国(辽宁省鞍山市) CHINA (Anshan, Liaoning) 中国辽宁省鞍山市经济合作李涛局长一行2人到访。 2-member delegation from Liaoning’s Anshan Economic Cooperation Bureau led by its Director Li Tao.

7月14日 July 14

中国(山东省潍坊市) CHINA (Weifang, Shandong) 山东省潍坊市峡山生态经济开发区马清民党工委书记一行6人到访。 6-member delegation from Xiashan Ecological & Economic Development Zone led by its Party Secretary Ma Qingmin.

8月10日 August 10

阿联酋 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 新上任的阿联酋大使HE Mohammed Omar Abdulla Balfaqeeh一行3人到访。 Newly-appointed Ambassador of UAE, HE Mohammed Omar Abdulla Balfaqeeh.

8月11日 August 11

中国(海南省) CHINA (Hainan) 中国海南省商务厅蒋华鸣处长一行3人到访。 3-member delegation led by Jiang Huaming, Director, Department of Commerce of Hainan Province.


黔南州工商联杨建华秘书长一行5人到访。 5-member delegation from Qiannan Prefecture Federation of Industry and Commerce led by its SecretaryGeneral Yang Jianhua. 9月6日 September 6

中国(山东省青岛市) CHINA (Qingdao, Shandong) 青岛市政府孙立杰副市长一行8人到访。 8-member delegation from Qingdao Municipal Government led by its Deputy Mayor Sun Lijie.

10月19日 October 19

马来西亚 MALAYSIA 马来西亚国际贸易与工业部长拿督斯里募斯达法一行13人到访。 13-member delegation from Malaysia led by YB Dao’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI).

10月20日 October 20

台湾 TAIWAN 台湾立法院委员林岱桦到访。 Lin Tai-Hua, Legislator, Legislative Yuan, Taiwan.

10月25日 October 25

中国(江苏省兴化市) CHINA (Xinghua, Jiangsu) 中国江苏省兴化市委常委、统战部李蓓部长一行6人到访。 6-member delegation led by Li Bei, Party Committee member from Xinghua, Jiangsu.

11月11日 November 11

中国 CHINA 于焱志团长率领的中国大健康产业代表团一行23人到访。 23-member delegation from China Da Jian Kang Industry led by its leader Yu Yanzhi.

11月14日 November 14

中国(浙江省绍兴市) CHINA (Shaoxing, Zhejiang) 中国绍兴市外商投资服务中心张伟东副主任一行9人到访。 9-member delegation led by Zhang Weidong, Deputy Director of Shaoxing Foreign Trade and Investment Service Centre.

11月25日 November 25

澳洲(西澳州珀斯市) AUSTRALIA (Perth, Western Australia) 澳大利亚珀斯华裔精英代表团潘邦炤副团长一行11人到访。 11-member Perth Chinese Elite Delegation led by its Deputy Leader Ben Pan.

12月19日 December 19

中国(山东省济南市) CHINA (Jinan, Shandong) 中国济南市妇女联合会刘勤团长一行9人到访。 9-member delegation from Jinan Women Association led by its leader Liu Qin.

来自海外的贵宾和访问团   Overseas VIPs, Visitors and Delegations

中国(贵州省黔南州) CHINA (Qiannan, Guizhou)

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016

8月30日 August 30


商团会员 Trade association Members 143 143


Trade Association Members















勿洛(E)区厂商公会 碧山商联会





英国皇家特许管理学院 新加坡分院 牛车水商联会





















































商团会员   Trade association members

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016






新加坡收音机及电器 商公会 新加坡产业发展商公会






新加坡航空货运代理 协会 砂劳越出入口商公会










新加坡管理学院企业 管理文凭毕业生协会 新加坡针灸学会














新加坡中药出入口 商公会 新加坡中药公会




新加坡中国医药保健 品商会 新加坡中医师公会













新加坡福州咖啡酒餐 商公会 新加坡食品厂商联合会



新加坡果菜出入口商 公会 新加坡家具商会




新加坡福州十邑商业 公会 新加坡米入口商总会








































































新加坡学校私人巴士车主 公会 新加坡学校交通业联合会







商团会员   Trade association members

新加坡中华总商会   2016年常年报告书 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry    Annual Report 2016




















新加坡土产生果出入口商 公会 新加坡车业公会



新加坡创业及私人资本投 资协会 新加坡酒业公会




















































武汉总商会(新加坡) 新加坡浙商总会


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