华商 Chinese Enterprise - 2017 Issue 3

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05 乐龄保健事业的拓荒者

15 Rising Opportunities in the Greater Mekong Sub-region

Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 098/02/2017

第三期 . ISSUE 3/2017

$5.00 (incl. GST)




最近,本会在新加坡接待了老挝总理,举办商业论坛,随后组织考察团前往老挝、柬埔寨两国,与当地政商界 代表、企业会面交流,深入了解有关区域的发展趋势和营商环境,探讨合作机会。今年9月,世界华商大会将在缅甸 举行,本会也将组织代表团出席,与全球华商欢聚联谊,同时就地探寻商机。 湄公河流域连接中国大陆、印度次大陆与东南亚,有深厚的地缘战略价值,区域国家政局稳定,自然、文化与 人力资源丰富,各行业极具潜力,成为全球经济增长最快的区域之一。随着亚细安经济共同体、中国的“一带一路” 等区域一体化政策的落实,该区域的对外贸易也更为频密,将为缺乏动力的全球经济带来新增长点。 在亚细安国家当中,新加坡是金融中心,也在城市规划等知识密集型产业具备相对成熟的技术、技能与经验, 有条件为该区域贡献高附加值,互补优势,取得共赢。我鼓励本地企业保持开放态度,善用地理与文化的共通点, 把握湄公河流域的新兴机遇,谋求发展!

Seizing Rising Opportunities in the Mekong Region The Asian economy continues to experience steady growth. In particular, countries in Southeast Asia are accelerating on their development plans. Many foreign investors have been attracted to their shores in search of regional business opportunities. Recently, during the visit of Prime Minister of Lao DPR to Singapore, the Chamber arranged for a business forum to discuss matters relating to doing business in Laos. Soon after, we organised a mission to Laos and Cambodia to meet with government officials and local enterprises, to understand the development trends and business environment of the Mekong region. This September, the SCCCI will also bring a delegation to attend the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Myanmar, to enhance ties with global Chinese entrepreneurs and explore potential business opportunities. Linking up mainland China, the Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia, the Mekong basin holds strategic geopolitical value. Aside from political stability, countries in the region also have an abundance of natural resources, are steeped in culture and possess a vast labour force. Along with the great potential demonstrated by many industries, the Mekong basin has become one of the most rapidly-growing regions in the world. Following the implementation of some regional integration policies, such as the ASEAN Economic Community and China’s One Belt, One Road initiative, the region has become increasingly active in foreign trade, bringing a new focal growth point to the sluggish world economy. Singapore is the financial centre of ASEAN and possesses relatively mature technology, skills and experience in knowledgebased industries such as urban planning; it is hence well-placed to contribute high value to the region. We can complement each other with respective strengths and aim for mutual benefits. Therefore, I encourage local enterprises to keep an open mind, take advantage of the geographical and cultural similarities, and seize new opportunities in the Mekong basin in pursuit of growth!

会长 Roland Ng, SCCCI President 请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg

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黄山忠 Roland Ng San Tiong 蔡其生 Thomas Chua Kee Seng 吴绍均 Ng Siew Quan 林玉勤 Lim Geok Khoon


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Chief Editor

梁廷昭 Leong Teng Chau 英文编辑 English Editor

胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 助理编辑 Assistant Editor

李胜保 Lee Sin Poh 撰稿 Staff WriterS

崔东红 Cui Dong Hong 胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 李胜保 Lee Sin Poh


乐龄保健事业的拓荒者—— 专访宜康医疗保健集团主席王再保 社会老龄化是大趋势,如何顺应社会 结构的变化让乐龄人士安享晚年,已 经引起关注。王再保是这个领域的拓 荒者,他以孝道为本,创办宜康,根 据实际需求,一步一脚印设计出独特 的集成式乐龄护理解决方案,不仅 成为本地乐龄保健行业的先行企业, 也成功扩展海外市场。宜康的管理 理念、操作经验和以人为本的关怀方 式,值得有意进军这个行业的商家借 鉴参考。

黄兆荣 Leonardo Wong

一场未来与未来的对话 总商会青年商务委员会与总理公署部 长陈振声对话,以未来商界和政界领 袖的视角,讨论国家与社会发展的 重要议题 。



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新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 9 Jurong Town Hall Road #04-01 Trade Association Hub Jurong Town Hall Singapore 609431 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg

Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 9 Jurong Town Hall Road, #04-01, Trade Association Hub, Jurong Town Hall, Singapore 609431. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: research@sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 098/02/2017. Printed by Hock Cheong Printing Pte Ltd (Registration No. 197600590C).

In the Lead




Rising Opportunities in the Greater Mekong Sub-region The SCCCI held a business mission consisting of meetings with government officials and enterprises, as well as networking with members of Chambers and private organisation in Laos and Cambodia, two rising economies in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. ECONOMIC Review


Singapore Economy: Peaking After a strong surge in 4Q16, the economic growth cycle may be nearing its peak. Manufacturing growth is likely to run sideways in the coming months. Although growth in the externally-oriented services sectors may continue to show some upside, the domestic services segment will remain a drag.

商会时讯 尽快迈向无现金社会 金融管理局计划在两年内推出一万台 统一阅卡支付终端机,鼓励消费者使 用电子付款方式。如果这套系统能够 普及,企业日常的结算就不必再用支 票,与客户、供应商的财务往来加快 了很多,也节省了许多人力。


促进国际交流 探索合作机会 过去两个月,总商会接待了来自马来西 亚、老挝、韩国、香港等地的政商界代表 并与之交流,探讨商机。


In the Lead



In the Lead

乐龄保健事业的拓荒者 专访宜康医疗保健集团执行主席王再保

社会老龄化是大趋势,如何顺应社会结构的变化让乐龄人士安享晚年,已经 引起关注。王再保是这个领域的拓荒者,他以孝道为本,创办宜康,根据实 际需求,一步一脚印设计出独特的集成式乐龄护理解决方案,不仅成为本地 乐龄保健行业的先行企业,也成功扩展海外市场。宜康的管理理念、操作经 验和以人为本的关怀方式,值得有意进军这个行业的商家借鉴参考。


In the Lead



施比受有福,这是王再保一生坚 信与力行的理念,也是他从事乐龄保 健行业三十年来始终如一的推动力。 “能够服务别人,好过让别人给你服 务。能用一生专心把乐龄保健做好,就 已经是我最大的幸福。” 王再保说,他的价值观和对生命 的知足主要是益于母亲的言传身教。 母亲生前常告诉他,能做好事就尽量 做,能帮助人就尽量帮,所以他自年轻 起开始参加社会义工。当时,他发现本

地疗养院的条件很不理想,因此从开 办第一家宜康疗养院起步,亲自走入 老人的日常生活。三十年下来,他以实 事求是的态度,发展出切合社会需求 的一系列乐龄护理解决方案,如今宜 康不仅是本地乐龄保健行业、 “医养结 合”模式的先行者,业务更扩展到马来 西亚和中国。

以孝道为核心价值观的企业 古语说: “老吾老,以及人之老” ,意思是对待其他老人要像对待自己 的父母一样,这正是宜康招聘职员最

注重的素质。王再保以孝道为宜康的 核心价值,希望能够满足每个老人的 身心需求,让他们开怀、舒适地安享 晚年。 “在传统文化中,百善以孝为先。 生命是一个过程,首先我们要尝试体 会什么是老;老人要什么,我们都尽量 满足他们,到了他们无法表达需求时, 则轮到我们去想他们要什么。这是一 个很有社会意义的行业,必须提供最 优良的服务,才能成功经营和发展。”

Pioneer of the Elderly Healthcare Industry – Interview with Ong Chu Poh, Executive Chairman of Econ Healthcare Group An ageing society is a widespread phenomenon. The issue of how to adjust to the change in social structure for seniors to enjoy their twilight years, has already attracted much interest. Ong Chu Poh is a pioneer in this industry; he established Econ Healthcare based on the core value of filial piety. He designed, step by step, integrated elderly healthcare solutions in keeping with actual needs. Not only has Econ Healthcare become

a leading enterprise in the local elderly healthcare industry, but it has succeeded in venturing into overseas markets. Econ’s management philosophy, experience and the caring, people-oriented approach, deserves to be emulated by all businesses intent on entering this industry. It is more blessed to give than to receive. This has always been Ong Chu Poh’s lifetime motto. It is also the motivation that has driven him in the 30 years

of engaging in the elderly healthcare industry. “Being able to serve others, is better than being served by others. Being able to concentrate on perfecting the elderly healthcare industry, is already the greatest blessing.” Ong Chu Poh says that he owes his value system and being content with his life to his mother’s exemplary teaching. His



In the Lead

“在传统文化中,百善以 孝为先。生命是一个过 程,首先我们要尝试体会 什么是老;老人要什么, 我们都尽量满足他们,到 了他们无法表达需求时, 则轮到我们去想他们要 什么。这是一个很有社会 意义的行业,必须提供最 优良的服务,才能成功经 营和发展。”



王再保的这些优良的传统价值观 都来自母亲的教育。他回忆起,以前走 在乡间小路时,母亲会叫他把路上的

石头移开,以免骑脚踏车的人发生意 外跌倒。有时村子里办喜丧事,母亲也 会主动去帮忙,东家给红包酬谢,她只

收下红包,把所有钱退还回去。这种对 社会的关怀、助人最乐的精神,在王再 保和宜康的业务上得到传承。

mother used to remind him to try his best to do good, and try his best to help people. Thus he started to do voluntary social work in his youth. At the time, he discovered that the conditions of local nursing homes were far from ideal. Hence from the time he started the first Econ Healthcare nursing home, he made a personal effort to become familiar with an elderly person’s daily life. Thirty years later, he developed a whole suite of elderly healthcare solutions befitting needs of the society, geared on factual needs. Now, Econ Healthcare is not only a forerunner in the local elderly healthcare industry, and a model of “integrated healthcare”, but has even managed to expand business operations to Malaysia and China.

aged parents”. This is the quality Econ Healthcare looks for most in recruiting staff. Ong Chu Poh uses filial piety as the core value of Econ Healthcare, hoping that it could satisfy every senior’s physical and emotional needs, enabling them to enjoy their twilight years happily and comfortably.

teaching. He recalls that when he walked along the small village roads, his mother would ask him to move away the stones on the road, to prevent cyclists from falling. Whenever the village celebrated a wedding or mourned a death, his mother would offer her help voluntarily. Should the grateful family thank her by giving her a red packet, she only kept the red packet but returned all the money. This type of care and concern for society, and gracious spirit of helping others, has resonated in Ong Chu Poh and the Econ Healthcare industry.

Enterprise based on the core value of filial piety

The ancient saying goes: “Honour the old people as we do our own

“In traditional culture, filial piety ranks above all virtues. Life is a journey, and first of all we must understand what old age is, essentially; we must try to satisfy whatever old people need, until they are no longer able to articulate what they need. Then it’s our turn to think of what they should want. This is an industry which is full of social significance. We need to provide the best services in order to manage the business successfully and grow.” Ong Chu Poh’s excellent traditional values all came from his mother’s

Today, Ong Chu Poh also hopes that this caring spirit can be perpetuated. Under his able leadership, Econ Healthcare experienced exponential growth – from being listed, establishing joint ventures and expanding, it is second to none in scale in the local business scene.


In the Lead



However, he aspires towards an even larger ideal, this being to propel the growth of the entire elderly healthcare industry, to make leaps and bounds in this industry’s contribution to society. “Because of the ageing population, even more elderly people need to be looked after. The eldercare market is very large, and is considered a sunshine industry. We are actively grooming the younger generation, as we hope that they could make even greater contributions to this industry, and not just for Econ Healthcare.” Service to keep up with trends, Satisfying physical and emotional needs

In the previous decade or so of modern development, the social structure has changed radically; providing for the aged is facing an even more complex

reality. For instance, because of the ageing population coupled with the declining birth rate, elderly healthcare resources are now scarce and stretched. More and more elderly people also like to live alone. There are also dual changes in social strata, namely the rise in the number of singles in developed countries, and the number of elderly singles; besides, rapid changes in the modern value system and technology also make it difficult for the elderly to adapt to society, and give them undue pressure. When Ong Chu Poh entered the industry, the local eldercare industry had not developed yet; there was no experience to learn from within the industry. Since establishment, he developed many elderly care solutions, including healthcare and nursing homes, physiotherapy, ambulance

services, home care solutions, traditional Chinese medical services, healthcare workers training centres, health and wellness centre, etc. These services continue to be upgraded according to circumstances, and undergo continuous innovations, fueled by his own competitive mindset. He pointed out that the needs of elderly people have changed in tandem with developments in society – from the request for having 3 meals a day to concerns of taste and nutritional value, from the basic needs of clothing, food, shelter and transportation to the pursuit of emotional and mental needs. For instance, in first-tier cities in China, nursing care services can easily be in the range of millions; higherrange and more expensive services attract great demand. This is because they provide extremely personalised



In the Lead

服务与时并进 满足身心需求 在过去几十年的现代化发展中, 社会结构发生了巨大的变化,养老也 面对更复杂的现实。例如,人口老化、 生育率下降造成养老资源吃紧;随着 两性社会地位的变化,发达国家的不 婚率上升,单身的乐龄人士增加;越来 越多乐龄人士选择独居;现代化的价 值观和科技的迅速发展,也可能让老 一辈觉得无法融入社会,倍感压力。

王再保的太太许杏莲是中医学博士;她担任宜康中医药护理团队的主管,致力推动中西 医相辅、医养结合的护理理念。

今天,王再保也希望把这种精神 传承下去。在他的专心经营下,宜康发 展迅速,经过上市、合资、拓展,规模 在业界首屈一指;但他怀揣着更大的理 想,就是带动整个乐龄保健业的发展, 大幅度提升这个行业对社会的贡献。

“因为人口老化,更多年长人士需要 照顾,乐龄保健的市场很大,属于朝阳 行业。我们积极培养年轻一代,也是希 望他们将来能够为行业发挥更大的贡 献,而只不是对宜康而已。”

and attentive nursing care services, akin to warmth experienced at home. “It is exactly like the difference between First Class and Economy Class flight services: in First Class, the stewardess can remember every passenger by name. The eldercare industry is currently also developing personalised services, to fulfil their spiritual and emotional needs.”

after retirement. Ong Chu Poh spoke about a professor who lived in Econ Healthcare’s nursing home after he contracted Parkinson’s Disease. This gentleman would teach the non-Chinese healthcare workers how to speak Mandarin, and write e-mails to Ong Chu Poh every day to discuss current matters. Ong Chu Poh would reply his e-mails no matter how busy he was. “Seniors who get involved in society would obtain recognition and respect, and experience the value of life.”

Econ Healthcare uses different ways to satisfy elderly folks’ physical and emotional needs. For instance, recruiting nutritionists to customise the menu according to their physical health; planning outdoor activities, art therapy, laughter yoga, amongst others, which can all enable elderly folk to keep fit physical and mentally. Some elderly people who have been very accomplished in their careers still wish to make contributions to society


With its provision of quality services, Econ Healthcare has built up a very solid reputation. In 1996 it became the first local nursing home to attain ISO 9002 certification, and received this certification even earlier than all the other hospitals. Right now,

王再保入行时,本地的养老业还 没起步发展,业内也没有可以参考的 同行经验。创业至今,他发展出的许多 乐龄护理解决方案,包括保健与疗养 院、物理治疗、救护车服务、居家护理 方案、中医药服务、护理员工培训中 心、养生中心等,都是根据实际情况不 断改进服务,抱着和自己竞争的心态, 不断创新。 他指出,乐龄人士的需求随着社 会发展而改变——从要求三餐温饱到 注重味道和营养价值,从衣食住行到 追求情感和精神上的满足。例如,中国

Econ Healthcare Nursing Home has built up strategic partnerships with the public hospitals; patients suffering from chronic diseases and elderly people who need healthcare will be sent to the Econ Healthcare Nursing Homes to receive follow-up and palliative care. In Malaysia, Econ Healthcare has also received the first PEMANDU (Performance Management and Delivery Unit) award as its professionalism met with the standards.


一线城市中不乏动辄要价上百万的疗 养服务,即使价格高昂但很受欢迎,原 因在于其服务十分贴心,疗养院的服 务就像家庭一样温馨。 “就像飞机上头 等舱和经济舱的差别:在头等舱,空姐 能记得每个顾客的名字。如今养老业 也正在发展人性化的服务,满足精神 和情感需求。” 宜康以各种方式尽量满足你年长 者的身心需要,例如聘用营养师,根据 其健康状况调配饮食;策划户外活动、 艺术治疗、大笑瑜伽等活动,让乐龄人 士保持身心活跃。有的长者事业有成, 退休后也有意为社会继续贡献。王再 保介绍,过去有个因患上帕金森疾病 而住进宜康疗养院的教授,会在疗养 院中教导菲籍护理人员说华语,每天 给王再保写电邮讨论时事新闻,而他 不论多忙都会给予回复。 “老人能参与 社会,获得认可和尊重,就能感受到生 命的价值。”

扩展海外业务 专注力是取胜关键 凭着优质服务,宜康很快建立起 良好声誉,1996年成为新加坡首家获

It has also been officially declared a benchmark for industry players. Presently, Econ Healthcare is focusing on developing the Malaysian and China markets. Summarising his many years of experience, Ong Chu Poh feels that the most important aspect of venturing overseas is to consolidate resources, and to develop the core business. Ong Chu Poh said that the three main factors for SMEs venturing abroad is

In the Lead

得ISO 9002证书的疗养院,比所有医 院更早获得这项认证。如今,宜康疗养 院,也和公共医院建立战略合作伙伴 关系,分配患慢性疾病、需要继续康 复护理的老人患者会到宜康疗养院继 续接受贴心照顾;在马来西亚,宜康 也获得首相署表现管理及履行单位 (PEMANDU)颁发奖状,因为它的专业 水平符合标准,也被官方指定为业者 的参考对象。 如今,宜康正在专注发展马来西 亚和中国市场。总结多年经验,他认为 进军海外最重要的是集中资源,专注 发展核心业务。王再保说,中小企业进 军海外的三大要素是资金、信息和人 才。刚开始到国外时,企业必须能承受 亏损,同时累积对当地市场的了解,外 派的员工也要靠得住、撑得住,不能只 做两三年,业务还没稳定就退出。他 就曾经因为用人不当在中国亏损巨额 资金。


“中小企业到海外,不要 贪着做大,要专注在一个 突破点,心无旁骛,才能 成功;对成功要有强烈的 饥渴感,必要时也只能孤 注一掷,破釜沉舟。”


王再保认为,企业在资源有限的 情况下,一定要专注,有拼劲。 “中小 企业到海外,不要贪着做大,要专注在

capital, information and talent. When enterprises first venture abroad, they need to bear with losses, and at the same time accumulate sufficient knowledge and understanding of the market. Employees who are posted there also need to be reliable, have staying power, and not just work for two to three years, retreating before the business had stabilised. In the past he had suffered huge capital losses because he did not hire suitable people. Ong Chu Poh feels that enterprises with limited resources must focus and be

on a sound footing. “SMEs venturing overseas should not be over-ambitious and over-expand; they should focus on achieving a breakthrough and not be distracted. Then only can they succeed; they must have the hunger to succeed. If it comes to the crunch they should put all the eggs in one basket, and burn one’s bridges.” He referred to the company Kangshifu as an example. This enterprise almost went bust in Taiwan, but then it moved everything to China, and ended up totally developing the China market. Eventually it rose from the ashes to become a leading food manufacturer. As a player in the elderly healthcare industry, Econ Healthcare pursues earnest social responsibility. However, as an enterprise, it needs to deploy effective management skills to raise productivity, and improve valueadded services, including leveraging


一个突破点,心无旁骛,才能成功;对 成功要有强烈的饥渴感,必要时也只 能孤注一掷,破釜沉舟。”他以康师傅 为例,这家企业在台湾做得很困难,于 是把人力物力全部转移到中国,全心 投入发展中国市场,终于起死回生,还 成为食品制造业的佼佼者。


In the Lead

“善用科技是为了优化整体运作绩效——重点不是 让科技取代人,而是良好分工,让人可以专注去做需 要人性化的护理工作,毕竟这一行还是以人为本。”


作为乐龄保健业者,宜康在服务 上讲求真诚的社会关怀;而作为一家 企业,则必须通过有效管理提升竞争 力,在服务上提高附加值,包括善用科 技改进乐龄护理模式。 王再保的女儿王慧明加入公司有 近十年,如今是宜康的执行董事,主要 负责业务运作,对于如何善用科技提 升医疗保健业务有一定经验。她举例 说,宜康新采用了一种射频识别(RFID) 系统,可用来确保护士按时完成了喂 药、喂食、帮助中风的病人翻身等 工作。 “善用科技是为了优化整体运作 绩效——重点不是让科技取代人,而 是良好分工,让人可以专注去做需要人 性化的护理工作,毕竟这一行还是以 人为本。”

on technology to improve the elderly healthcare model. Ong Chu Poh’s daughter, Ong Hui Ming, has been in the company for almost a decade, and has now become the Executive Director of Econ Healthcare. She is mainly responsible for business operations, and has ample experience in how to optimally use technology to improve the healthcare industry. She gave this example: Econ Healthcare utilised a new RFID system to ascertain that nurses have completed the jobs of dispensing medicine, feeding, and helping stroke patients to change their positions in bed. “Leveraging on technology enhances the entire operational efficiency – the key is not to replace people with technology, but to make the best use

从家族的企业到社会的企业 王再保的太太是中医学博士,带 领一群医师团队管理集团属下的中医 诊所,在推动与扩展宜康中西医疗相 辅相成的宗旨上作出不少贡献。王再 保育有两儿一女。大儿子王享于澳洲考 取生物医学学士和医疗管理硕士,在 医疗行业累积了丰富经验和人脉,如 今也在宜康担任部门主管;女儿王慧 明大学主修的是营销,并在澳洲的大 学考取营销管理硕士,在加入宜康之 前曾经在银行从事营销、商业发展方

of human resources, enabling people to focus on doing personalised healthcare work. After all this is a people-oriented industry.” From a family enterprise to aN enterprise FOR THE SOCIETY

Ong Chu Poh’s wife has a doctorate in traditional Chinese medicine, and leads a team of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to manage the Group’s traditional Chinese medicine clinics. She has been responsible for driving and expanding Econ Healthcare’s mission of integrating Chinese and Western healthcare services. Ong Chu Poh has two sons and a daughter. The elder son, Ong Heng studied biomedical studies and has a master’s degree in healthcare management; he has accumulated much experience and

面的工作,如今负责宜康的业务运作; 小儿子王心德是国际商业管理博士, 企业管理知识丰富,目前在澳洲执教, 也计划进入宜康,专注于策略发展。 王再保并不干涉对于子女对职业 的选择,三个孩子从小耳濡目染,都有 兴趣加入宜康和投身乐龄保健行业, 而三人所学的行业恰好也相辅相成。 不过,王慧明认为,发展宜康不能 只是靠自家人,也要与具有专业经验的 管理人员组成团队,以专业的方式管

contacts in the healthcare industry. He is now a Divisional Director in Econ Healthcare. Daughter Ong Hui Ming studied Marketing in university and holds a Master degree in Marketing management. Before joining Econ Healthcare she had worked in marketing and business development in a bank. She is now in charge of Econ Healthcare’s business operations. The younger son, Ong Xin De has a doctorate in international business management, and is very knowledgeable in business management. He is currently doing coaching in Australia, and plans to join Econ Healthcare to focus on strategy development. Ong Chu Poh does not interfere with his children’s career choices. Since young his three children had been influenced


In the Lead


王再保的孩子自小与跟随他到宜康疗养院帮忙,每逢过年过节也会前去拜访乐龄人士。长子王亨(右,医疗管理硕士)与次子王心德 (左,国际商业管理博士)都对宜康和乐龄人士有着深厚感情,愿意投身这项富有意义的事业。

理企业。对于企业的传承和发展,王再 保也看得很远: “做家族企业很不容 易,已婚子女的另外一半,来自不同的 家庭背景;而且养老行业市场很庞大, 宜康要成长,将来不一定是属于家庭 的企业,也要社会力量的参与和投资, 成为一个社会的企业。”

“Because of the ageing population, even more elderly people need to be looked after. The eldercare market is very large, and is considered a sunshine industry. We are actively grooming the younger generation, as we hope that they could make even greater contributions to this industry, and not just for Econ Healthcare.” – Ong Chu Poh

王再保也是总商会第59届董事会 的新任董事。他表示十分愿意为商会 和会员商家贡献一己之力,分享企业发 展、国际化的经验,并通过总商会继续 回馈社会。

“老人能参与社会,获得 认可和尊重,就能感受到 生命的价值。”

by what they had seen and heard; all are interested in joining Econ Healthcare and devoting themselves to the elderly healthcare industry. Coincidentally their areas of study are also complementary. However, Ong Hui Ming feels that Econ Healthcare could not develop solely based on family members but should form a team together with management personnel having requisite professional experience, using professional management styles to manage the enterprise. As for the succession and development of the enterprise, Ong Chu Poh is also very far-sighted: “Being a family business is not easy. Children all have their other halves, who come from different family backgrounds. Moreover the elderly healthcare industry has a huge market. Econ Healthcare should grow, but


in the future it may not be a family business. It needs the participation and investment of society’s strength, to become an enterprise for the society.” Ong Chu Poh is also a new council member of SCCCI’s 59th Council. He is extremely willing to contribute his utmost for the Chamber and for Chamber’s members, sharing his experiences in business development and internationalisation, and continue giving back to society through the Chamber.

The above is a translation of the original article in Chinese.



In the Lead

一场未来与未来的对话 总商会青年商务委员会与总理公署部长陈振声对话,以未来商界 和政界领袖的视角,讨论国家与社会发展的重要议题。


5月12日,总商会青年商务委员会 举办“陈振声部长与青年午餐对话会” ,邀请总理公署部长陈振声前来与来 自不同行业背景的年轻企业家交流对 话。这也是青年商务委员会自今年3月 成立以来首次举办部长对话会。

展望未来的对话 主持对话会的青商会主席郭益 智说,年轻一代的企业家愿意为国家 未来贡献力量,希望了解部长对未来 发展的看法。 “新加坡正在改变,不 仅是经济在转型,整个社会也在改 变。过去的新加坡很成功,现在我们 更关心的是未来。青商委的成员,大 部分是年轻一代企业家,也有专业人 士,成长经历、教育背景和前辈不同, 但是,我们对国家发展的责任,回馈 社会的用心,和前辈们是一样的。” 吴学光副会长在对话会上致辞时 表示,这次对话会可以说是“未来与未 来的对话”: “年轻一代的政治领袖和 年轻一代的商界领袖互相交流,共同畅 想未来,奠定志同道合的基础。” 他指 出,在这个新委员会的名字中, “商务” 两个字很清楚地传达了其工作重点。 “ 现在,华社的许多机构也都成立了青年 组织,总商会的青年组织必须有自己的 特色, ‘商务’这两个字,就代表了这个 委员会今后将专注在与经济发展、行业 发展、贸易发展有关的领域。”

发展未来经济优势:数据、国际化与城 市管理经验 在对话会上,陈振声部长与年轻 企业家探讨发展未来经济的策略。他

In the Lead

认为,新加坡企业可以在数据、国际 化和城市化三方面发展出竞争优势。 数据时代来临,打破了地理和资源的 局限,国际化的方式也不再局限于海 陆空的交通连接,新加坡可以发挥 信誉优势,发展数据和金融领域,借 此与世界联通。此外,全球人口快速 增长,城市化发展需求庞大,新加坡 可以为世界提供城市管理经验,包括 交通、医疗、教育、食品、水电供应等 领域,关键在于如何把这些经验商业 化,向海外推广。


展望未来,他认为建构国人的身 份认同对长远发展十分重要。他举例 道,瑞士有一半的人口到海外发展,但 不会因此而放弃瑞士国籍;相比之下, 新加坡的历史较短,许多移民只是经 济过客,如果经济发展不理想,他们会 不会在本地扎根仍是未知数。 最后,陈振声部长向总商会传达 心愿:希望总商会把不同行业的声音 组织起来,继续和政府保持有效沟 通,以及鼓励企业成功后回馈社会。

“我们对未来比50年前更有信 心,因为经济模式有了新机遇,不再 是靠地方大小、人口多少来竞争。不 过,我们要抓好在全球的生产链、价 值链上我们可以做哪一块,不需要每 一块都做。”

长远发展基于身份认同 会上,陈振声部长也和与会者深 入讨论社会发展课题,其中包括人口 课题。他认为,为了提高生产力,未来 的外来劳工政策应更注重提升劳工素 质而非增加数量;引进外来人才也要 考虑社会因素,避免对本地人带来太 大竞争。 他也分享了招揽海外人才面对 的挑战。 “移民问题就像单恋,你要 的人才未必要你。我们需要的人才也 有许多选择,不一定要来新加坡,可 以去中国、美国,甚至做个世界公民, 例如谷歌的员工,他的身份认同可以 是谷歌。新一代的世界公民会有这种 想法。”

“我们对未来比50年前 更有信心,因为经济模式 有了新机遇,不再是靠 地方大小、人口多少来竞 争。不过,我们要抓紧好 在全球的生产链、价值链 上我们可以做哪一块,不 需要每一块都做。” ——总理公署部长 陈振声



Economic Review

尽快迈向 无现金社会 到中国出差,我很喜欢那里的支 付方式,不用带钱包,不用信用卡, 吃饭、购物、搭德士、买飞机票、订酒 店,出门在外,带一部手机就解决了 大部分问题,连街边的小贩都开始用 手机扫码支付,非常方便。这个趋势 正从大城市向中小市镇延伸,向社会 各个角落扩展,据说,已经有人在婚 礼现场用手机直接给微信红包。 信息化、电子商务、大数据,这 些新鲜的名词,在我们还没有彻底搞 清楚是什么含义的时候,就已经迅速 渗透到民间,速度之快让人来不及犹 豫。这就像火车进站,一早就站在月 台上等候的人可以从从容容地上车, 而匆匆忙忙在最后关头赶到月台的 人,眼看火车就快离开,必须加快脚 步冲上去,否则,就搭不上这班列车。

回到新加坡和家人到餐馆吃饭, 收银机前面摆放着各种信用卡终端 机、Nets、eZ-linkApple Pay、银联, 林林总总,甚至有些地方还有支付 宝。结账的时候,掏出钱包,从一叠 卡当中找出一张,刷卡付账,新中两 地的付款方式差异越来越大。 我曾经好几次在各种场合,包括 部长对话会、行业交流会、商业论坛 和与会者分享这个故事,主要目的就 是希望新加坡也能有统一的付款方 式,增强企业界的运作效率。可喜的 是,金融管理局已经着手推动数码 化,政府和银行正在一起努力,研发 统一的电子付款技术,让新加坡也能 尽快迈向无现金社会。 信息社会,技术创新的速度远 远超过人们的想象,无论是电子商务 还是大数据分析,人们迅速研发这些 新科技的原因是希望能够帮助企业 更好地联系顾客、分析市场、提供优 质服务。当然,新技术的出现,一定 会对某些行业造成冲击,摆在企业面 前的只有两种选择,立刻上车,或者 错过这一趟再等下一班列车。在这方 面,企业的个体力量非常有限,市场 的选择其实就是企业的选择。

改善付款方式以留住顾客 金融管理局计划在两年内推出 一万台统一阅卡支付终端机,鼓励消 费者使用电子付款方式。如果这套系 统能够普及,企业日常的结算就不必 再用支票,与客户、供应商的财务往 来加快了很多,也节省了许多人力。根

据以往的经验,要推行全新的系统, 总是会遇到一些难题,需要一段磨合 期。我希望大家都能从好的方面想, 在大趋势面前早点上车,早点熟悉。 在新加坡,许多从事旅游业的商家已 经开始接受微信和支付宝,这是好 事,中国游客购买力强,如果一家商 店不尽快采用他们熟悉的付款方式, 顾客自然会跑去别家购买。 市场消费的另外一个趋势也不 容忽视。电子商务、网络消费、颠覆性 创新,对年长一辈还算新鲜的时候, 年轻一代早已习以为常。他们从小就 接触电子产品,用手机、上网是家常 便饭。他们长大后,将成为主要的劳 动队伍和消费主力,了解他们消费习 惯的商家才是最后的赢家。 当然,接受新技能是一回事,掌 握、使用新科技又是另一回事。中小 企业面对新技能常常力不从心,这个 时候,更需要大家团结起来,一起尝 试和调整。中小企业缺乏研发实力, 现在政府正在投入资源加强技术培 训的力度,当统一支付的快车到站 时,我们一定要一起上车!

作者为新加坡中华总商会会长黄山忠。 本文首次刊登于2017年6月22日《联合早报》SME专版, 《华商》经许可转载。


In the Lead

Rising Opportunities in the Greater Mekong Sub-region A business mission consisting of meetings with government officials, networking with members of Chambers and private organisations in Laos and Cambodia




In the Lead

Signing of MOU between Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Association of Khmer Chinese in Cambodia. The MOU was signed by SCCCI President Roland Ng and AKCC President Pung Kheav Se, and witnessed by senior council members from both organisations. The MOU between SCCCI and AKCC was inked to promote bilateral business collaborations and trade links between Singaporean and Cambodian businesspeople, as well as to provide local expertise in doing business in both countries.

Cambodia and Laos, both strategically located along the east-west corridor of the Greater Mekong Sub-region, offer many opportunities for foreign investments. Both countries have an abundance of natural resources and a young and cost-effective workforce. Their economies remain bright and have been achieving annual GDP growth of at least 7 per cent for the past decade. Following up from Singapore President Tony Tan’s visit to both countries, citing the further opening of the Cambodia market, and the boom for infrastructure and tourism in the Laos market, the SCCCI organised a Business Mission to Cambodia and Laos to explore the opportunities present.

The programme, consisting of meetings with government officials, networking with members of Chambers and private organisations, as well as the Singapore business community, was planned to meet the following objectives:

Gain an in-depth understanding of the investment environment and first-hand information on doing business in Cambodia and Laos

Discover business opportunities and visit the up-and-coming industrial sites/Special Economic Zones

Network with key government agencies, business leaders and business associations, to understand the latest economic and investment climate and policies of Cambodia and Laos, and find partners for meaningful collaborations between Singapore and these countries


There were a total of 40 members in the delegation, who represented industries like construction, building and infrastructure, legal services, education, printing, retail, marine, engineering, travel and tourism, logistics, manufacturing, oil and gas, energy, heavy equipment and machinery. The programme in Phnom Penh offered the Singapore business delegation a fresh perspective on doing business in Cambodia. Impressed with the progress in the

In the Lead

country, delegates saw much business potential. Many obtained good and useful business contacts for possible business collaborations, in both Cambodia and Laos. As Laos is relatively new in opening up for business investment, this mission managed to whet the appetite of the Singapore business community to explore the country more and seek out new business opportunities. The cultural tour of Vientiane on the last day also provided the delegation with an understanding and appreciation of Laos.


“THE COMBINATION OF STRONG ECONOMIC GROWTH AND AN UPWARDLY MOBILE CONSUMER population in cambodia has attracted numerous singapore companies in search of all kinds of opportunities.” – Ronald Ng SCCCI Presicent

Group Photo with HE Sok Chenda Sophea, Minister attached to the Prime Minister Secretary General, Council of the Development of Cambodia, outside the CDC office. As the country is opening up and the economy is under major restructuring and growth, many opportunities abound, especially in the areas of trade, education and tourism. The Minister encouraged the Singapore delegation to come in early and cited that Cambodia and Singapore complement each other as the former has abundant land and resources while the latter has experience, knowledge and technology.



In the Lead

Networking with the members of the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce. CCC President Neak Oknha Kith Meng welcomed the Singapore delegation. He shared that many CCC members were already doing business in and with Singapore, and that the Singapore business community should not be neglecting Cambodia as a prime business country partner. The country is going through great economic reforms and is one of the last few countries in ASEAN to enjoy GDP growth of more than 6 per cent annually.

The Lao Chinese Chamber of Commerce (LCCC), a relatively young Chinese Chamber, was introduced to SCCCI when SCCCI celebrated its 110th Anniversary. To mark the inaugural visit to Laos, as well as to the LCCC, SCCCI and LCCC signed a memorandum of understanding to boost business collaborations between members of the two chambers, as well as to promote trade exchanges and establish ties between Laos and Singapore. The MOU was signed between SCCCI President Roland Ng and LCCC President Zhang Ming Qiang.


In the Lead


This visit to Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) sought to deepen the relationship between both Chambers. LNCCI President Oudet Souvannavong gave a warm welcome to the Singapore delegation. More than 40 LNCCI members, from different trade and industries, turned up to attend this networking and business matching session.

As the delegates travelled around Vientiane visiting famed sites and monuments like the Wat Sisaket, Wat Prakeo, the Presidential Palace and the Patuxay Monument, the delegates learnt about Lao’s past and present. The cultural immersion offered a different side of Laos to the delegates, and helped them to gain a better appreciation of the country.



Economic Review

Singapore economy: PEAKING After a strong surge in 4Q16, the economic growth cycle may be nearing its peak. Manufacturing growth is likely to run sideways in the coming months. Although growth in the externally-oriented services sectors may continue to show some upside, the domestic services segment will remain a drag.

Table 1 : GDP growth by sectors

GDP growth in 1Q17 came in marginally short of expectations

The manufacturing rally is coming to an end while outlook for the services sector remains mixed

GDP growth remains on track to meet our forecast of 2.8% in 2017 and 2.5% in 2018

Inflation will continue to rise, averaging 1.2% and 1.8% in 2017 and 2018 respectively











Percentage change year-on-year Overall GDP
















Services producing







Quarter-on-quarter annualised growth rate, seasonally adjusted Overall GDP





















Services producing







1Q17 growth in line with expectation

The economy expanded by 2.7 per cent (YoY) in 1Q17, up from 2.5 per cent in the advance estimate previously (Table 1). On a sequential basis, the economy contracted by a smaller margin of 1.3 per cent (QoQ saar), from 1.9 per cent.

CHART 1 : Domestic services sector still struggling 2014=100, constant px,sa 105

Retail sales ex motor vehicles F&B




Two-speed recovery in the services sector

The central bank is in no hurry to return to an appreciation stance given a weak labour market and potentially slower growth going forward


The disappointment came from a less than expected upward adjustment in overall services growth. Although the sector posted an expansion of 1.6 per cent (YoY), it contracted by 2.1 per cent QoQ saar when compared to the previous quarter. The drag came from the wholesale retail trade (-2.1 per cent), accommodation and food services (-5.2 per cent) and financial

Latest : Mar 2017 85 Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017

services (-17.8 per cent). The domestic services clusters are mostly weighed down by structural challenges (Chart 1). The emergence of e-commerce has impacted the retail sector while the soft labour


Economic Review

outlook remains a drag on the F&B industry. Meanwhile, the decline in financial services was mainly a technical payback, especially after a 36.5 per cent surge in the previous quarter. With loan growth and market turnovers rising, the sector will likely flip back to expansion mode in 2Q17. Moreover, trade-related services should continue to improve. Growth of re-exports and container throughput have remained buoyant (Chart 2).

CHART 2 : Improvement in external services segment

Manufacturing rally could be coming to an end


The manufacturing sector expanded by 8.0 per cent (YoY) in 1Q17 but a pullback of -1.5 per cent QoQ saar was registered. Although this was to be expected after a surge of 39.8 per cent in the previous quarter, there are also growing signs that the manufacturing rally could be coming to an end. Latest April industrial output has moderated. The headline IP figure registered an expansion of 6.7 per cent (YoY), down from 11 per cent previously (Chart 3). While the slowdown could be partly attributed to the volatile biomedical cluster (-23.3 per cent), there are signs to suggest that manufacturing may run sideways going forward. For example, PMIs in US, China and Singapore and recent NODX figures have all fallen in the latest April data set, suggesting that the run-up in global consumer demand could be waning (Chart 4 and 5). The electronics cluster, the key driver of this rally, has remained fairly resilient (+48 per cent YoY in April). But there are lingering concerns about the sustainability of global demand for electronics towards the latter part of the year (see next section).


% YoY

% YoY


7 5





-2 -1




Re-exports Container throughput Loan growth (RHS) Latest : Apr 2017


Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017

-5 -7

CHART 3 : Manufacturing staring to run sideways % YoY 50



Electronics Biomedical Overall manufacturing Manufacturing ex biobmedical Latest : Apr 2017


-30 Jan 2016

Apr 2016

Jul 2016

CHART 4 : NODX is peaking

Oct 2016

% YoY









0 -5

NODX 3mma



US EZ Singapore China Latest : Apr/May 2017




Jan 2017

CHART 5 : PMIs have peaked

51 49


As the manufacturing sector approaches the peak, data will be


Latest : Apr 2017 Jan 2016

Apr 2016

Jul 2016

Oct 2016

Jan 2017

Apr 2017


Jan 2015

Jul 2015

Jan 2016

Jul 2016

Jan 2017



Economic Review

CHART 6 : Growth outlook for 2017 % YoY, % -pt contribution 4.0


3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Services Producing Industries Goods Producing Industries 2016 : 2.0% 2017f : 2.8%

-0.5 -1.0

Mar Sep Mar Sep 2015 2015 2016 2016

increasingly mixed. This is particularly the case, given the ongoing rally has been mainly driven by only one industry.   Growth outlook to remain sanguine

We continue to see full-year GDP growth at 2.8 per cent. This is on the premise that global economic conditions continue to improve. Hope is now pinned on companies’ capex spending to increase and for consumer demand in the US to be sustained. These will definitely lend some support to the manufacturing sector in the coming months. There are also signs showing that the strong performance in the manufacturing sector is spilling over to the externally-oriented services sector. Risks remain. Tighter credit conditions and stiffer property market regulations in China could weigh down on its consumer sentiment and, indirectly, on Singapore’s export growth. Besides, the transport engineering cluster is not entirely out of the woods given that oil prices have run sideways. Tighter monetary policy in the US and a difficult Brexit process could also weigh down on global outlook.

As such, expect growth momentum to moderate in the coming quarters. Headline growth will still inch modestly higher due to the low base effect (Chart 6). But a high base in 4Q16 means headline growth will dip towards the tail end of the year. The slower growth momentum is also expected to persist into 2018, with GDP growth projected to register 2.5 per cent for the full year. Inflation still on an upward trend

CPI inflation surprised on the downside, with a reading of 0.4 per cent (YoY) in April, compared with 0.7 per cent in March (Chart 7). This was partly due to the base effects associated with the disbursement of service and conservancy charges (S&CC) rebates. Besides that, cost of accommodation fell by 6.7 per cent, which was offset by a 7 per cent rise in private transport costs owing to the faster pace of increase in car and petrol prices. Importantly, core inflation has spiked up to 1.7 per cent (YoY) in April, up from 1.2 per cent in the previous two months. Cost pressure is indeed building up and this could accelerate when the water price hike (15 per cent) kicks in in July. Although the weightage of water prices in the overall CPI

“Hope is now pinned on companies’ capex spending to increase and for consumer demand in the US to be sustained. These will definitely lend some support to the manufacturing sector in the coming months. There are also signs showing that the strong performance in the manufacturing sector is spilling over to the externally-oriented services sector. ” – DBS Group Research


Economic Review


CHART 7 : Inflation rising % YoY 2.0 1.5 Core inflation 1.0 0.5 0.0 DBSf 2017f : 1.2% 2018f : 1.8% Latest : Apr 2017

-0.5 CPI inflation

-1.0 -1.5

Jan 2016

Jul 2016

Jan 2017

Jul 2017

CHART 7 : Retrenchments have risen while job vacancies have fallen ‘000 pax 70

5.0 4.5


4.0 3.5


Retrenchments Job vacancies Latest : 4Q 2016 / 1Q 2017


3.0 50 2.5 45



1.5 Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017

basket is not significant, the second-order impact of the price hike, particularly the pricing behaviour from retailers, could be a risk factor. Though policy measures to soften the net impact on consumers and businesses have been introduced, the impact on prices will be direct. Inflation is likely to register 1.2 per cent this year, before rising further to 1.8 per cent in 2018. MAS to remain on hold

Despite the upward trend in inflation, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is in no hurry to return to a SGD NEER appreciation stance.

Apart from the fact that the upcoming bout of inflationary pressure will be largely policy-driven, the main concern is that the growth turnaround has been restricted to just a few externallydriven clusters. More importantly, the labour market has been very weak. Retrenchments have remained persistently high while job vacancies have been falling (Chart 8). Plainly, there are structural challenges weighing down on the domestic sectors and the doldrums are unlikely to dissipate in the near-term.

An accommodative stance is likely to persist. The MAS will continue to maintain a zero rate appreciation of the SGD NEER in the near term. There are enough reasons for the authority to maintain status quo on monetary policy given the uneven pace of the recovery at present.

This article is extracted from DBS Group Research 3Q17 Quarterly Report dated June 8 2017 and reproduced with permission




促进国际交流 探索合作机会 Enhancing International Ties Exploring Collaboration Opportunities 新加坡-老挝商业论坛暨老挝总 理接待午宴 Business Forum with Lao PDR Prime Minister HE Dr Thongloun Sisoulith

5月2日,本会联同国际企业发展局联办商业论坛,与访新的老挝总理通伦·西苏里阁下(前排左三)交流,探讨老挝的最 新投资机会。论坛主宾为卫生部长颜金勇(中)。 A business forum was jointly organised by the Chamber and IE Singapore on May 2 during the visit of Lao PDR Prime Minister HE Dr Thongloun Sisoulith (third from left), to update Singapore business on the latest investment opportunities in Laos. Minister for Health Gan Kim Yong (middle) was invited as the Guest-of-Honour of this event.

与马来西 亚中华总 商会青商 办交流会 团举 N e t wor k in g Se ssio n w ACCCIM ith YEC

5月4日,马来西亚中华总商会青商团在团长拿督吴逸平(左三)率领下到访,本会青年商务委员会举办午餐交流会接待。 The Young Entrepreneurs Committee (YEC) of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, led by YEC Chairman Datuk Ng Yih Pyng (third from left), visited SCCCI on May 4. Youth Business Affairs Committee hosted a networking luncheon for the YEC delegates.




韩国京畿道 知事 莅

访 Visit from G Gy eo n ggi ov e r n or o f Prov in ce

4月24日, 韩国京畿道南景弼知事(右三)一行9人到访本会,探讨如何通过总商会加强新韩两国商家,尤其是中小企 业的合作。 A 9-member delegation from Gyeonggi Province, South Korea paid a visit to the Chamber on April 24, looking for ways to promote collaboration between the business communities of South Korea and Singapore, particularly amongst SMEs. The delegation was led by Province Governor Nam Kyung-pil (third from right).

到访及晚 香港中华总商会青年委员会 餐交流 h You ng Net wor kin g Din ner wit Chi nese of e tte Executive s Commi erce, Comm of er mb Cha l Gen era Ho ng Kon g

5月29日,香港中华总商会青年委员会到访,与新加坡中华总商会新成立的青年商务委员会交流联谊。 Young Executives Committee of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong visited the SCCCI on May 29 to network with the newly established Youth Business Affairs Committee of SCCCI.

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